Source: The Mining Journal, Marquette, MI Friday, February, 15, 1889 At The Shops The visitor to the South Shore machine ships finds a different state of things now from that existing two months ago. Then there were hardly enough men at work to guard the machinery, and the big shops looked deserted. Now there is a rush of work and in the blacksmith shop alone as many are employed as were on duty in the machine shops all told two months ago. All the engines are being overhauled and placed in readiness for the ope, of the ore season, and as soon as other work can be gotten out of the way the car ships will begin work on the ore equipment so that on or as soon as possible ore cars shall all be ready for service. Thirty-six or thirty-seven engines are now in use on the road, double the number in use at this season last year. Mr. Connolly has determined upon a change in the numbering of the locomotives and they will hereafter be “nuuwoered by classes. Some have all ready been chanced. The six driver 12 x 4's will be numbered 200 upwards end the six driver Boooks' 18 x 2k'e@ from 300 up, ete. The Cleveland Iron Co.'s locomotive "Cleveland" is in the shops undergoing thorough repairs. CI Co. \BSSRA Ry. "= Locomotives " . Ore Cars