The Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic Railway Company Claim No. 234 - (See Claim No. 258) By J. T. Everett, St. Ignace, Mi., for rent of NE@ of NWA of Section 9 T41 R4W, Allenwille, Mi., account section house stands partly on railroad land and partly on Mr. Everett's land. Clains $10.00 per year. January 4, 1892, recommended settlement of $10.00. Claim No. 258 - (See Claim No. 234) By Everett for rent. Advised Philbin to pay $10.00. Claim No. 259 - By Angus McDonald, Cornwall, Ont., for $26.70 loss of time and exoense caused by wrong form of through tick- et from Marquette to Cornwall being sold.