Death of A. M. Arzeno and Wife. To the Editor of ‘The Detroit Free Press: Fiat Rook, Nov. 19,—The sad news of the ‘death of A. M. Arenzo and his wife was tele- graphed’ to their friends at this place on the 19th inst. 5 Mr. Arzeno, with his wife and youngest daughter, returned to Memphis, Tenn., on the 6th inst., baying come North to avoid the yel- low fever, of which disease himself and wife dicd. His business. was general stave agent for the firm of Romaine & Rait, of New York, headquarters at Memphis; his home and resi- ‘dence, Flat Rock, Mich., where he had’ many warm friends, being a man of le and stern integrity. His age was 70 years. The sudden news of his death has thrown a gloom over the neighborhood where he has so long resided. During his stay North he was azealous worker in collecting funds for the yellow fever sulfer- ers for the very city to which he and his wife returned to die. ' i H.. W. L.