erning and self - propagating churches in that area. < Obituaries (Continued from Page 1) operation of the Rotary Club, Miss Bevier was a charter mem. ber of the Soroptimist Club of Flat Rock and its first treasur- er. She was given Honorary Status in the Club after she became ill The daughter of Edwin and Mary Bevier, she was born in Flat Rock May 8, 1892. She graduated from the Flat Rock High School in 1910 and after receiving a teaching certificate from Ypsilanti State Normal School she taught in Flat Rock and Rockwood. She later oper- ated a dry goods store with Mrs. Myrtle McBroom, and was clerk for the Flat Rock Police Depart- ment prior to being appointed postmaster in 1943. Miss Bevier was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church of Rockwood and of its Block Ro- sary and Altar Society before St, Roch’s Church was built here. She was a member of the Flat Rock Planning Commission for three years, and a member of the National Association of Postmasters for 13 years. Services will be held this morning in the Bobcean funeral at 9:30 and in St, Roch’s Cath- olic Chuch at 10. The Rev Fa- ther Gerald LeVasseur of St. Mary's Church of Rockwood will officiate and interment will be in Mt. Calvary Cemetery a Surviving are a sister, Mrs. J. S. Drouillard of Detroit and brothers Frank of Detroit and Charles of Flat Rock. MISS BEVIER Death Takes Miss Clara Bevier, Sun. Miss Clara Bevier died in her home at 26262 Erie St. Flat Rock, Sunday morning, follow- ing a long illness. Miss Bevier was honored al an open house in the high school in early May, 1956, in ap- preciation of her lifelong serv- ice to the community, following her resignation as Flat Rock postmaster April 25 that year. Friends came from far and near to extend good wishes. The party was given by the Soroptimist Club with the cv- See OBITUARY—Page 4 GuAROIAN 3-8-61