7 aP SSEULIUD LELAND |. A, BLUE | Leland A. Blue, of 9245 ‘| Church Road, Grosse Tle, died Monday night in University | Medical Center, Ann Arbor, where he had been three weeks, The son of Dennis and Allie Blue, he was born at Bettsville, Ohio, Sept. 7, 1895. “He married |: Ann Thorpe Aug. 19, 1931. They lived on Newberg Road prior to moving to Grosse Ue seven years ago, . sae Mr. Blue was employed as a Salesman for the, Ferry Morse Seed Co, He Served with the Navy during World War I, He was a life member of Hiram ‘ Lodge 110, F. '& A.M., a mem- ber of the’ Monroe Masonic Lodge, of Flat Rock Chapter 156, 'O.E.S., and of Mittlestat- Smith Post 337, American ‘Legion, of ‘Flat Rock, " Services will be held in the