| Aibers Dinka, 76, Buried In Waltz This Afternoon Funeral services for Albert Dallman sr., of Carleton Wes* Rd. will be held this afternoon Thursday, at 2 o'clock in St John’s Ey. Lutheran Church ir Waltz. Rev. Otto F. Stahlke will officiate. Burial will be ir Woodmere Cemetery in. Waltz Mr. Dallman died at his home Sunday at 8:30 p.m. man was born June 4, 1874 in Ecorse Township. He was the ''son of William and Henrietta Dallman ‘and moved to Waltz with his family in 1880. Mr. Dallman’s first marriage was‘ to the former Minnie Jaegar who passed away some years ago. In 1910 he married | the former Anna Schultz who sur-| vives. : Besides the- widow," “three ¥sons survive; Herbert and Er- ,bardt ‘gt. home. and: ‘Albert of ‘Waltz; six daughters, ° Mrs. Clara’ Nieman of Waltz; Mrs. |Dorothy: Herrmann of West Rd., New Boston, Mrs. Louise ‘Rodey of Monroe, Mrs. Anna, ‘Neuman of: Detroit, 4 ) Hilde= | grade McLaughlin t a ame and sNLis § , "Marjorie “un at: home?*" Fifteen ° grandebilaren Iso survive. - P Dallinan ‘ ‘had - oo a “mpmber’of St!' John’s - ‘Church | Gn Waltz for the past 10 years. « af ae n rer Henry Albert Ludwig Dall- : .