HH rece ee sg AO foe ene ‘[echildren, five gf whom, surviy s ‘| Besides. the widow he leaves five} “lal. nieces and nephews. — 4 ‘Thursday ‘afternoon, Rev. G. NEW BOSTON MAN Is KILLED BY TRAIN AT FRENCH LANDING, B. F. Davis, a contractor and builder of New Boston, Michigan was killed at 7:40 p. m. Monday when the automobile he was driving was struck by the St. Louis flyer of the Wabash ‘Rail- way at French Landing crossing, | two and one-half miles “east Gt Belleville. He was 68 years oid. Tine crossing is marked with two flash signals and two eel bells: *- : Benjamin. Franklin Davis was | born Aug. 10, 1866 “in Isabella | County, the son. of Daniel anc liza Davis. On January 31, 1887 | he ‘was, united in marriage to Chloe Johnson of New Boston. | To.-this- union. were born. seven daughters as follows: Mts. Adel- la Stoflet, Flat Rock, Mrs. Ada Russell, Detroit, Mrs. Elva Mack- te, Flat Rock, Mrs. Marjorie Nowland and Mrs.” Lena Ar strong of Detroit: He also lea four grand-daughters, three 5 ters, Mrs. Lucy Keyes of Detr Mrs. Avice Juhenville of Boyt City, and Mrs. Hannah Bryant of Traverse City, besides sever- Funeral services were hela’! from the residence at 2 o'clock , Garner. officiating, assisted by Rev. Wim: Richards. Burial was in the Mallet Cemetry, The son3- ‘in-laws anid’ nephews # pall bearers, ae Mr. Davis had lived the most 0 his life in New Boston. Mr Davis, the widow. has. been poor ‘health for many month .the sudden’ death Was a’ (eT Shock tp. her and her daughters :