: UNDAYE® vo PUBLICatic,) IMRS, CHLOE DAVIS j PASSES AWAY AT | NEW BOSTON HOM i Chloe--FasresDavissdanohter ¢ 0) Franklin and Edna Ann Jobnse- was born in New Boston, June ae 11869 _and_ passed away March 28 | 1834 at her home in New Bos January 31, 1886 she was marr to Benjamin Franklin Davis, which union seven children wer: born, five of whom survive. The youngest child died in infancy an: Benjamin Franklin, Jr. preceede? her.in death April 9th, 1925. He: |: husband departed this life on January 9th. 1933. Her entire life} }was spent in New Boston and sne is the last survivor of her family. She was. a member... of th. Methodist Church and an active _|worker in the Ladies Aid Society until her failing health prevented ‘She leaves: to mourn: her los: five daughters, Mrs. Della Sto. flet and Mrs: Elva ‘Mackie-o' | Flat Rock, Mrs. Ada Russell, Mrs Marjory Nowland and Mrs. ‘Lens Armstrong of Detroit; Fo gand-daughters, Miss. Genev ve Russell, “Miss Jean— ‘Stoflet. anc little Norma Jane and pate ne Mackie. Funeral services were. ea A the home Sunday, April 1, 1934 a* 12 o'clock, Rev. Wm. Richards” and Rev. George Garner officiat - ing. Music was rendered by Mrs: Garner, The pall bearers were he. four sons-in-law, Grover Stoflet. David Russell, Norman Mackic and Harry Armstrong : also James | ‘Harold and Dan Davis. Burial wa: | in the Mallett . poemetenye ‘beside j her husband.» | sole e |