, i DEARBORN | FUNERALFIXED FOR THURSDAY | MRS. ZOLITA FORD. Funeral sérvices for Mrs. Lolita Grace Fard, 26 years old, who died at her home in Flat Rock suddenly Monday morning, is set for 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon in the residence of her parents, Dr. and |Mrs, Edward, Fisher, 128 West | Morley avenue, Dearborn. Rev. |Clyde M. Gearhart will officiate. | Burial will be in Ford cemetery on | Joy road, Mrs. Ford was the wife of Burn- ham Ford, son of William Ford, brother of Henry Ford. Her fath- er is a member of the state legis- ‘lature. She was a graduate of the | Dearborn high school in 1922, and of the Ypsilanti State college in 1924, For three years following her graduation, she taught in the Dearborn ptblic schools. Surviving her are her husband land a 2-year-old son, Edward ‘William Ford, her parents, a brother, Milton, of Wayne, and one sister, Annette, of Dearborn.