Dorothy Haener Andent union activist was one of NOW’ original founders lit tnew onl Ike Gloria {ime Romain resident Dero acner never bragged about the | eo she bnew ding 2 ‘of activism. gee oe Ms. ache, fe ofthe founders ste National Orzanaatn or one, ded Satay J ‘She was 63, ne ‘One of Mes, Haeners many ieee, treltet Bare Hac Patt sla that while he et ried, she avled al her nieces and nephews 7 political activities. Pea “Me were laps ced ated pon io npg aad wre a he pols oa Steton daa” ahe sal ax polities was bore Bee 181, in Detroit and stow upon 8 farm in Ne Boston, orld Wa she went to won a Fr ar Cae Wow plant which bull bombgps She Became aie union otanising and ater was sod oin the staforthe United Auto Workers by union President “| Walter Reuter ‘uring that ine, she served on Gn lta ‘he Half of te President's Comm-\ brother, Roman; 26 nieces and at St, Stephen Cathlls Church fesion on Women in the 19808, ous great_and New Boston. She was buried at “Asa founder of NOW, Ms. Haener greatsreatniec Michigan Memorial Park in Huron focused on pay-eaulty ines and AMES was Tobbled for the passage of the Enval Rights Amendment "After eetiring from the UAW in 1998, she was ippolnted by then Goy, James Blanchard to the Michigan Cit Rights Commission, She verved for eight years, tee as shaitwoman, in 106, Ma, Haenor was appoint fed to the White House Task Force fn Aging. She concentrated on the Fights of older workers and ‘addressed several congressional ‘ommttees on the topic ‘inesses eurtaled some of her activities, but not completely, her the Ce Women, the Veteren Feminists of ‘America and. the National ‘Assoclaton for the Advancement ‘of Colored People. Her activities were noted in sev eral prominent publietions, not bly "The Grentest Generation,” by ‘Tom Brokaw and "Rocking. the Z Boat: Union Women’s Voices” by 4 Brigid O'Farrell and Joyee Korbi ‘While many knew her, Haenes Patti said her aunt was modest ‘about her accomplishments ¥ “read to drag these things out of hen she sald. "My couse: met Helen siliiken (wife of former \ Michigan Gov, William AUlltken) \ find As Milken told er it eas 0 hhonot to meet one of Dorathy’s flece i really added To to our lives" Ms. Haener 1s survived by @