Another G! killed in Vietnam \ ninetéen-seareoid Flat Roch area ryicem was hilled August 23 of wounds sulfered during a compat Open .tiiatonin.Vietnams- - Arms Specialis: Richard Hamilton, son of Mr, and iM James E, Hamilton of 14555 Telegraph, was engaged by a hostile force while attached to his unit, A Battery, 4th Batallion, 60th Artillery, 2nd Field Force, He was killed by gunfire during the clash, The Hamilton youth, who attended Flat Rock High School, entered the Army in September, 1966, and completed basic training at Ft. Knox, Ky. He took ad- vanced training at Ft, Campbell, Ky., and served a tour of duty in Germany before volunteering for duty in Vietnam. He was born June 5, 1949, in Rock- ford, Ala., to James and Myrtle Ham- ilton, Services for Specialist Hamilton are pending at the Bobcean Funeral! Home in Flat Rock. Surviving are his parents; a brother, Specialist Billy R. Hamilton, who is stationed in Germany; three sisters, Mrs. Bobby (Carolyn) Price of Monroe, Mrs. Leonard (Betty) Miekos of Carle- ton and Mrs. Charles (Katie) Magyar of Flat Rock; his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Riley Hamilton of Rockford, Ala., and Mrs, Ada Boswell of Sylacauga, Ala,, and three nephews and a niece.