= - * MRS. MAY s. HENDERSHOT Mrs. May Statira Hendershot, 78, of 29445 VanRiper, St., Flat Roek, died in Wyandotte Hospital April id, The daughter of Sidney and Mary Morse, she was born at Pemberville / Ohio, Dec. 22, 1876. She Was mar- The body was taken to the Bob- cean funeral home from the Stey ens and Bush funeral home at Milan. On Monday morning the body was taken to the Lincoln Park church to lie in state from noon un- til time of Services at 2 o’cloek. The Rey. R. V. Cleveland officiat- ed and pburiaj was in Michigan Memoria] Park Cemetery ‘survived by a daughter. Mire Luv- erne Searfoss of Milan; three sons Shirley and Arlon of Lincoln Park Sidney Morse of Oak Harbor, O:; ‘and six grandchildren. es