——— ea CHARLES C. _ LAUTENSCHLAGER Charles C. Lautenschlager, B7, of 12218 Armstrong Road, South Rockwood, ae in Sea- Hospital Saturday. we The aah of Francis and Ellen ; Lautenschlager, he was born at South Rockwood April 18, 1876. He had been tester for Michigan .Milk Producers As- sociation, was secretary of Riv- erside Cemetery at South Rock- wood for 43 years, and had been an agent for the Farmers Mutual Insurance Co. Mr, Lautenschlager was a life member of the Flat Rock: Grange. He had been trustee of the First Methodist Church of Flat Rock for many years odes Sa oe eee and in 1960 was made honorary trustee. He helped with con- struction of the former Method- | ist Church on Huron River Dr. Preceded in death by his wife, Jessie, Jan. 12, 1954, he is survived by a foster daugh- ter, Nadia Franchuk, at home; nieces, Mrs. Alan McClean of Flat Rock, Mrs, Vern Cornelius of Appleton, Wis. and Mrs. Harold Ballard of Allen Park; nephews, Forrest Crook of De- troit and Francis Crook of Wayne; and a_ sister-in-law, Mrs, Lillie Lautenschlager of Trenton. The body was in the Bobcean Funeral Home until noon Tues- ?}day when it was taken to the ;|First Methodist Church to lie in state until time of services. |The Rev. Frank Cowick of- .|ficiated and interment was in .| Riverside Cemetery, ¥ % a P< © fo he eee oe oe OO eo me