Gützlaff, Karl Friedrich August, 1803-1851

Titles by this author
Visit to the Chinese coast

Gutzlaff was born in Pyritz, Pomerania. From 1826 until his death in Canton, he served as a missionary in Java, Singapore, Siam, and China. He wrote many theological, historical, legal, and critical works, and he wrote fluently in Dutch, Latin, Siamese, Cochin-Chinese, and English. An account of his life was published in the London Gentleman's Magazine in December, 1851. His most well-known works in English are: Chinese History (1834), China Opened (1838), A Journal of Three Voyages along the Coast of China, 1831 - 1833 (1839), and The Life of Taon Kwang, late Emperor of China (1852).

Gutzlaff's A Journal of Three Voyages along the Coast of China received wide critical claim. For example, London Eclectic Review contained the following assessment of Gutzlaff, "The work of a man who has done more to break down the barrier which prevents the entrance of Christian missionaries into China than any other human being." Scottish Pilot included the following review: "Mr. Gutzlaff's voyages are replete with surpassing interest. He is a wonderful man, a heroic Christian, and a zealous philanthropist."

Allibone, S. Austin. A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors. Philadelphia: Childs & Peterson, 1854. 751.

Written by Stephen Rachman