MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY, CONTENTS An Introduction to Life u . . page 4 Life in the Student Community . . .. page 24 Academic Life . . * page 96 Athletic Life . . . page 150 Organization Life . . . page 198 Residential Life ... page 255 Graduation Activities . . page 360 1963 Lowell D. Kinney, Editor Michele M. Powers, Copy Editor Gerald E. Holmes, Photo Editor Minna Reidel, Office Manager MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY TO LIFE An educational institution is a traditional pattern established through the years into a way of life This University is an impression. Whether it’s the $150 million at-cost value of the land, build­ ings, and equipment, a single member of the 1,634 faculty members, or the carillon tower donated by John W. Beaumont (’82), a single visit here leaves an impression. A four-year focal point may well be on the 900,000 volume library, one of the 11 colleges, the largest teacher train­ ing program in the nation, the unique Honors College program, or upon one or several of the dynamic administrators headed by President John A. Hannah. The University possesses a bewildering assort­ ment of resources and activities, all calculated to attend a modern society. Impressions of these resources and activities lead to reflections and expectations of the University. The University is expected to be a responsible institution; respon­ sible to the public; responsible to the student. A distinguished faculty, the library, the laboratories, the classrooms, and the research instruments, all provide an atmosphere in which learning may flourish. Learning, however, is the responsibility of the student. Whatever else the University may do, it cannot be successful without the student and his responsibility: self-responsibility. A student should come to the University able to rise above grades for their sake alone. The University can offer a student the opportunity of exploring the puzzles of the world or of exam­ ining his own life. A student should depart from this University prepared for the discipline of hard work, the exercise of freedoms and responsi­ bilities in his own life and in his contributions to his family, the community, the profession and the institution of his society to which he is com­ mitted. If such outcomes are missing, the student has failed himself, the University, and all those to whom he might have given his talents more fully throughout the unfolding of his adult life. A first impression: beauty in symbolic form. 4 Within MSU’s “Garden of knowledge,” a garden of natural beauty. In preparation for a student population of 48,000, residence halls, classrooms, and research facilities rise and the old makes way for the new. Most students begin and end their collegiate stay on the summer campus. In the beginning there was confusion; for students and for helpful parents. Mobility on a campus of 880 acres is sometimes hampered by weather. On foot or by bus, snow can be a deterent, disliked and unwanted, In contrast, the balmy days of spring hamper mobility in a pleasant, relaxed manner. Transportation is often the keynote to punctuality, whether by foot, bus, or bicycle. !>> : '' Spartan Stadium and 76,000 lung-busting fans. ■BBHB ' aSMmmmm The not-so-Red Cedar promotes caution for student canoeists but many manage a dip in the tepid waters. A first introduction to collegiate atmosphere: summer counseling clinics, new faces, places, and things. Green Helmet members aid students through that first big frustration: registration. mm warn ■■Mi Both the open waters of near-by Lake Lansing and the bricked-in confines of the IM outdoor pool draw “study breakers.” Summer lingered into December without a student complaint, but when the male monopoly on the Brody group was broken, the voice of dissent was heard. Even with an enrollment of 27,473 students, the individual is the basic element; each face in the crowd is integral to the whole. From the crowded fun of the Luau to the relative solitude offered by a quiet hour on the steps of Berkey Hall, the student affects and is affected by others on his campus. MSU offers out-of-doors activities for both the spectator and the participant, ranging from the beauty of a summer concert to the confusion of Frosh-Soph Daze. Spring on campus invites the private challenge offered by the Red Cedar Golf Course and the cooperative effort required for a float in Water Carnival. The MSU planetarium, still under construction, will be significant to the College of Natural Science and to the University as a whole. Michigan State is still a pioneer in its continuous planning of construction for expansion and progress. í m □ NE The University Community Offers the Student the Opportunity to Learn Through Experience individuals having a variety of interests, back­ grounds, and points of view is broadening and maturing. Such an experience develops toler­ ance, independence, and respect for those unlike oneself. The student is challenged to consider, determine, and evaluate his own beliefs and values. As the student departs from Michigan State University, he leaves behind him a pattern of footsteps representing his successes, his disap­ pointments, his pleasures, and his hardships. The pattern of each student is unique and significant and remains forever a part of the University. As those before him left part of themselves for his growth and development, so too, he leaves of himself for those to follow. Like footprints, his experiences here leave upon his memory an in­ delible impression which he carries with him through life. Cardinal Newman defined the university as . . the great ordinary means to a great but ordinary end; it aims at raising the intellectual tone of society, at cultivating the public mind, at purifying the national taste, at supplying true principles to popular enthusiasm and fixed aims to popular aspiration, at giving enlargement and sobriety to the ideas of the age, at facilitating the exercise of political power, and refining the inter­ course of private life.” In modern society where change is so evident, these functions of the uni­ versity are emphasized. In order to so serve society, Michigan State possesses a bewildering array of resources and activities. Within the University and student community, three interrelated ideas confront every individual: freedom, responsibility, and excellence. The University offers each student a new foundation of experience on which to build the principles which will mold his character and his life. The ultimate responsibility for success rests with the individual. Education and experience come not alone from the classroom, the laboratory and the book. Liv­ ing for four years in the student community with The campus night scene includes the brightly-lit library. 25 Indicative of student-faculty relations, Professor Hans Wolff and a student discuss course work at Kewpie’s. A challenging maze of checkpoints, lines, and LEARNING UNDER THE GUIDANCE GF INTERESTED FACULTY Faculty instruction doesnt end in the classroom. The relationship between student and instructor reaches be­ yond the realm of the classroom. This communication shifts from the group level of the lecture hall to the individual exchange of ideas through recitation sessions and private appointments. Through this personal contact, a common ground is created on which to air specific misunderstandings. Student and faculty join forces in areas besides academics in creating the University community. They serve together on library and student publication regulatory committees, not to mention the controversial Speakers Committee. Fall term stu­ dent-faculty talent was combined to present the Junior Council’s first annual “Faculty Fling” talent show. Berkey’s summer steps provide a restful sun stop for students awaiting classes and buses. Foreign students receive counseling and guidance from advisor Donald Gemmel. I mm Many students take advantage of the books kept on reserve in the library for assigned readings. Communication barriers are often not the least of the foreign student’s problems. As the intellectual focal point of the University, the library serves faculty and students alike in the quest for knowledge. Its 900,000 volumes, 9,000 cur­ rent periodicals, and 2,133 seat facilities remain well-used throughout each term, but become un­ comfortably crowded as midterms and finals draw near. SERVING TO FURTHER RESEARCH AND THE INTELLECTUAL PROCESS The library provides a restful place to study and employment for many students. 31 Instructor and student interest is essential for a proper learning situation to take place. Inherent in any university is the personal role played by instructor and student, in class and out. The ratio is always 1:1 if there is an interested instructor and an interested student, a prerequisite to learning. Utilization of class time, after­ class time, and between class time is an important segment of life at a university whether it is in discussion, recreation or personal enterprise. m Informality and coffee cups sometimes aid the learning process in small-group sessions. The economy of gaining an education is often seen in the two-way transactions at the Union Book Store. EDUCATION IS A PERSONAL VENTURE Though there has been a stress on independent study by the individual student, much of this independence requires the personal attention of a major professor. The personal problems of an individual, academic or other­ wise, continue to find understanding through the faculty and administration personnel. A professor’s availability after class is often the opportunity to approach assignment problems or delve into advance studies. Student problems in many areas, from loans for books to low grades, are brought before Dr. Eldon Nonnamaker. In most academic areas, the intricacies of a new language must be learned. Experiments and the experience of quali­ fied people leads to acquired knowledge. The end of a faculty day is often long after the campus has been deserted of academic activity. Informal faculty conferences bring together many of the divergent ends of Academia. STUDENT PARTICIPATION HELPS MAKE A GREAT UNIVERSITY All-university events ranged from the annual Homecoming and Water Carnival pageants to the once-tried-but-not-forgotten Luau. Preparation for most of the activities requires long hours of hard work, ingenuity, and a strong desire for participation on the part of the student body. The success or failure depends on strong student leadership and an interested and enthusiastic following. In most instances these have been present and have enhanced the possibility for most of the annual events to continue, prosper, and add to a student tradition. Umbrellas at the Homecoming game have been as traditional as the roses given ’62 Queen Patty Johnson. m CREATIVITY, OF SORTS, IS STRESSED A week of Luau’s Mini Muus, long and short, turned campus heads and compelled 9,000 paying gourmets to attend the multi-sectioned event held in the various levels of Jenison Field House. Later in the Spring, a more sophisticated Water Carnival captured campus interests. “Pseudo”, theme for the Red Cedar extravaganza, was aptly portrayed by the numerous entries competing for division gold cups, symbolic of initiative, imagination and hard work. Typical of the “Pseudo” theme, the Delta Zeta-Delta Sigma Phi entry in the Red Cedar pageant won second place. Part of the annual Water Carnival is the Excalibur tapping ritual, official anouncement of new members. Finishing touches and weeks of labor by Water Carnival entrants. A SPIRIT OF GIVING PERVADES THE ANNUAL BLGGD DRIVE As applicants await the opportunity to donate to the annua] blood drive, another is prepared by the efficient hands of a Red Cross nurse checking pulse and blood pressure. The one annual event not connected with the frivolity and entertainment aspect of the all-University events, and probably the most important student sponsored event, is the annual Blood Drive. Students have the opportunity to participate in something worthwhile and still compete: Jackson prison, less populated than this institution, affords the annual pint-by-pint competition. A pint at a time, donators work toward membership in the gallon club, symbolic of sacrifice for the sake of others. The officials’ table is a beehive of activity as late entries, driver and pusher changes, and preliminary times are requested. Carts endeavor to gain an early lead to jockey for the best course position in an effort to reach the relay point first. Annually a big event, the Greek Feast, held in the Sigma Nu yard, provided excellent food and entertainment. EVENTS FDRM AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE UNIVERSITY ATMOSPHERE Many annual events are group-oriented, such as the Greek Feast and the SOC term party, but most are inter-university in scope and participation drawing from the manpower resources of the Greeks, residence halls, and GDIs. Even the organization-sponsored activities draw enthusiastic participation from other areas. The Junior 500, Greek in origin and sponsorship (Lambda Chi Alpha), is perhaps the greatest example of this: Sororities vie for the fastest non-Greek runners to propel their entries. It has become the annual highlight of Greek week. 43 The Campus United Nations provides a sounding board and learning experience for an important area, foreign affairs. ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS PROSPER OR FAIL THROUGH THE PARTICIPATION OF STUDENTS Many campus organizations annually face the problem of stu­ dent participation and enthusiasm. Some, such as the Campus UN, do not offer an immediate entertainment reward and, with much of their activity of a research and educational nature, do not draw the attention they perhaps deserve. 44 Crowded out by an overflow attendance, innovating youngsters found a better view of the Jr. 500. The Activities Carnival, annual show place for campus organizations, drew a chilled crowd to Spartan Stadium. Sail afurl, this entry was at home in the 1962 Water Carnival spectacular, “Pseudo.” 45 fir liBwwp— «.* % jisì ■HHH £ 1 P 'fi'- HR >. - m 2 : ; $ÌST\ W Wt I f" * la- v |; mi , ■ ■■• - 11 C> lip% %. hBÌBF; iMi^i"'. J 1 u - - : >■. **-*4r.-fer i'Aw^iiW B * 4 £9Ì JrX ir j ■■ ^ Kenton’s percussion section, vivid with sounds and action, is a big crowd pleaser. The Maestro relaxes. Stan Kenton. A strong brass section of one Clinic group prepares to sound off for Kenton and the crowd. i a ■ n m ss»?- * X ■BShk »H I MMk mi 46 9SS;i- ."a ■.■/..£-■■1 ■H An increasingly popular summer event, the Stan Kenton Jazz Clinic, draws numerous student musicians and spectators alike. Found­ ed as an academic relationship to the music school, the event now draws people from the far corners of southern Michigan for pure listening pleasure. GREETS NEW FACES, THINGS, AND PLACES A UNIVERSITY ANNUALLY Entering freshmen are greeted with miles of spacious campus, a confusing array of buildings—and tests. Counselors work closely with new students, preparing graphic course and study outlines. STRONGLY APPLAUDED: MSU’S LECTURE CONCERT SERIES Each year the Lecture-Concert Series presents more than 50 programs including art and foreign films, travel films, and some of the world’s foremost organizations and figures of the concert hall, stage, and lecture platform. Under the direction of Dr. Wilson B. Paul, the wide variety of cultural programs are provided at a modest cost. Turn-away crowds are not unusual and pre-season sell-outs are commonplace. The Series has taken the lights and life of Broadway and the Met to the stage of the University Auditorium in a presentation of diversified, entertaining, and educational programs for the University community. Audiences for the 1962-63 series were privi­ leged with such presentations as Sound of Music, violinist David Oistrakh, Foo Hsing Theater, the New York City Opera Company, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, soprano Lentyne Price, and the Iglesias Spanish Ballet. Roberta Peters, exciting star of the Metropolitan Opera Company, appeared in the spring L-C Series. The Kabuki play provided enter­ in an oriental vein. tainment Ray McKinley aids an assistant in arranging a program score. Violist Oistrakh obligingly signed autographs after his performance. £2 itiii iH! ■■■ The Sunday performance of the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra was “sold out”. After the formal travelogue presentation, guest speakers such as Curtis Nagle often provided interested members of the audience with an informal discussion. | M E H Seniors take the Career Carnival opportunity to investigate the opportunities in their fields. ¡1111 The Pistol Club is one of many campus organizations which furnish information through an annual display at the Activities Carnival under Spartan Stadium. THE CARNIVALS: CAREERS AND ACTIVITIES DISPLAYED The two fall term activities of importance to all stu­ dents are the Career and Activities Carnivals. The Career Carnival, of primary interest to seniors, brings major cor­ porations and leading employers from all over the nation to the campus. Booth displays feature working scale models and representatives are on hand to inform stu­ dents of job opportunities in the fields represented. In December, Spartan Stadium becomes the show- place for more than 70 campus organizations who par­ ticipate in the annual Activities Carnival. The organiza­ tion representatives locate booths along the “midway” under the stadium bleachers for display and advertise­ ment. Upperclassmen are available to acquaint freshmen with the wide variety of activities open to them. Working scale models are an interesting and important part of the annual Career Carnival. Representatives from major corporations all over the country provide answers to employment questions. Chicken wire and tissue paper are transformed into colorful displays during Homecoming Week. HOMECOMING: AN EXCITING WEEK HONORING ALUMNI A hectic week of preparation leads up to the Saturday of Homecoming honoring returning alumni. Living units on and off campus prepare elaborate displays in competition with each other. Paper flowers and paper mâché caricatures, wilted by the annual homecoming drizzle, greet the grads and poke fun at the visiting football team. The displays are judged and the winners are an­ nounced at the football game. The Homecoming Queen is crowned during the half-time and is presented her bouquet of roses. She is officially crowned at the all-University dance which concludes the festivities. The stadium turf is turned over to the alumni after the game for renewing old acquaintances. Groups of alums gather around signs posting graduation classes for over half a century. Frosh-Soph class presidents annually try to out-sit each other in a make-shift tree boudoir. FROSH-SOPH DAZE: INTER-CLASS COMPETITION From the tug-of-war and president’s tree-sitting to the frantic search for a garter in a haystack, Frosh-Soph Daze is filled with frivolity and fun. The annual competition is always close and, in the case of the tree-sitting, the two class leaders some­ times descend together after a long and sometimes cold and uncomfortable night in their nest. Other festivities include an egg-throwing contest (with un­ boiled eggs), a sack race, and unorganized hilarity for competitors and by-standers. The events are the final activity of the Frosh-Soph Council and are staged to integrate the new students into campus life and activities. The boys really get enthusiastic over the lost garter in the haystack. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES INCLUDE J-HDP AND “WHIRL” Much of the student social activity centers around two major dances, the J-Hop and the Veteran’s Club Winterland Whirl. Both semi-formal, they drew large crowds with the name bands of Dave Brubeck at the J-Hop and Duke Ellington at the Whirl. The J-Hop split the evening with two bands, Hal Munro played for the dancing and Brubeck entertained at a 50-minute inter­ mission. Highlight of the Vet’s dance was the queen selection. Each couple was greeted upon entry with an array of pictures of the candidates for the title and allowed to vote. The winner was announced at intermission. Other dances of social significance during the school year were the Harvest Ball and the Spinsters’ Spin, a semi-formal affair when the coeds do the inviting, foot the bill, and make their date’s corsage. Dave Brubeck entertains a shoulder-to-shoulder crowd at the intermission of the 1962-63 J-Hop. A cost-plus crowd dances to Munro music at the “Land of Oz” J-Hop. A center of interest and crowd participation at the Vet’s Winter land Whirl is the selection and crowning of the Queen. Winterland Whirl features big-name bands and a nightclub atmosphere for the members of the Vets’ Club and their dates. A dramatic portrayal by the University Theater, “American Dream” was one of many successes. UMMER ' IRCLE DEMONSTRATION HALL ADMISSION USO fr *1.75 BY HiQ\\m À.. -A.... » i A. A wtmt DECISE Individual effort and hard work combine for success for Summer Circle theater. “Queen and Rebels”, “Brigadoon” rated high. Through the University Theater the campus community is offered important, but not well-known enough, plays to be commercially profitable. Experimental or unusual plays like “American Dream” are also in the UT realm. The year’s unique feature was “Kanjincho,” a Kabuki play translated and produced by James Brandon, associ­ ate professor of speech. Brandon studied with the Jap­ anese theater and produced the play as authentically as possible outside Japan. The revenge of the court jester, Rigoleto, for the carryings on of the Duke of Mantua was the theme of the New York City Opera production. For her role as Meg Brockie, Earlene Bates won the best supporting actress award at the Theta Alpha Phi banquet. A farce comedy on the newspaper world, “American Dream,” opened the Summer Circle season. Striped umbrellas marked UT booths about campus at which coupon booklets were sold for all productions. Sell-out crowds at University Theater productions and the improved stage facilities around campus have prompted an extension of UT work. Beginning in the fall UT plays will tour the coed complexes to allow a greater number of students to see the productions. An increase in Arena productions from three to nine per year will enlarge the opportunity for acting and direction. Another first is the formation of the Performing Arts Company which will tour various colleges and univer­ sities with the French play, Rhinoceros, and Medea, Euripides’ classic tragedy. ENTERTAINING THE ENTIRE CAMPUS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES AND FACILITIES TO SOLVE PROBLEMS Michigan State University provides extensive personnel services to assist stu­ dents in making their educational experience more profitable and satisfying. While the principal function of the University is to provide a suitable intellectual environment for students through classrooms, laboratories, and stimulating teach­ ers, it is recognized that the total development of the individual — personal, social, and physical as well as intellectual — is of equal importance. The Student Services Building is an all-purpose structure for University student services and organizations. William Finni, director of Admissions and Scholar­ ships, is responsible for the admissions policy and scholarship presentations. The information required by an application form involves long hours for prospective students and staff members. Starr Keesler, past director of Alumni Relations, administered all work with the 80,000 alumni of Michigan State. SERVICES FDR MSU STUDENTS, PAST AND PRESENT The Alumni Relations office serves as the liaison agency between the Uni­ versity and its alumni. Its purpose is to foster a feeling of loyalty and interest, to stimulate, organize and direct alumni activities, and to unite them with their University. The Counseling Center aids students in making the best possible adjustment to the University. It provides a complete testing service, maintains a file of occu­ pational information and offers educational, vocational and personal counseling to Michigan State and prospective students. 68 Dr. Pierson of the Counseling Center aids students in several areas with personal advice. Several tests designed to evaluate various capacities and talents are administered by the trained staff members of the Counseling Center. Kellogg Center serves as the focal point of service to the adults of Michigan, the nation and the world in the continuation of learning. EDUCATION AND INFORMATION FOR STATE, NATION AND WORLD The continuing education program is a projection of University resources to those not enrolled as students. This program may take the form of courses for credit, conferences, entertainment and cultural offerings, or special educational service projects. Public relations is an important business of the University. Utilizing various media, the department of Information Services issues material of educational and public service character to the people of the nation. Planning and organization are the first steps taken in the preparation of publications issued by Information Services. FACILITIES FDR STUDENTS: HOUSING AND □ LIN HEALTH CENTER As an integral part of the Michigan State program of higher education, student housing is designed to give thè student the greatest possible experience in group livings 'self-discipliné, ■■-and the development of good taste and social manners. In order that students may share fully in the experience of life in an active academic community, the University has developed one of the finest and largest residence programs in the nation. Complete medical, surgical and psychiatric service for students and their families and staff members are pro­ vided by Olin Health Center. The Center offers free hospital services to patients. Student housing rests in the capable hands of Director Jack Seibold. The Married Housing office is notified when a married student is admitted and sends them a housing application. IllSliltil »It ¡Ilia iS pSSMfe Spite» a;, f s ■■■■■ ft i " p 1 g i,; 11 sis 1111 v*i', 15* K<^<> • '; C^&L jSV* x ■&....' ..: _________________3 Baals i alii The result of making an appointment may lead to a stay in Olin. The responsibility for Olin Health Center rests upon Director James S. Feurig. I -V Ml m in THE WELFARE DF STUDENTS □N CAMPUS AND IN THE FUTURE In order to better serve the students, the Placement Bureau keeps an up-to-date list of available jobs and arranges interviews. A library of job opportunities and possible employers is maintained. The welfare of everyone on campus is the responsibility of the department of Public Safety under director Richard Bernitt, right, and Lt. Allen H. Andrews. Job opportunities are solicited from prospective employers and are catalogued by the Placement Bureau. Assistance in gaining part-time work or full employ­ ment is given to MSU students, graduating seniors, and alumni through this service. Public safety is the concern of Director Richard Bernitt and his staff of 24 uniformed, full-time police officers. The Department of Public Safety handles traffic safety, automobile registration, ambulance dispatch, and the general safety of everyone on campus. Practical experience in production, performance, programming, and administration are offered by WMSB-TV. The extensive facilities of WKAR-AM and FM, full-time radio stations which are operated by MSU, provide practical experience in this area. The lobby directory is a basic inventory of the services offered to students at Michigan State. STUDENT SERVICES IN COMMUNICATION Student Services is a broad term which encompasses a wide range of bene­ fits developed over a period of time which exist for the sole purpose of serving the student body. The influence of these organizations may be felt daily with the State News, periodically with the Spartan Engineer or the Veterinarian, or annually with the Wolverine. AUSG and Union Board have a continuous effect upon the student’s daily life. 77 Paperwork and scheduling were two of the responsibilities of the photo editor Jerry Holmes. Minna Reidel and Mike Anikeeff were responsible for sales and business. THE 1963 WDLVERINE: A PRINTED RECORD OF LIFE AT MSU The editorial foundation was laid as early as last spring; a year has passed, marked by various campaigns and deadlines. From the initial sales drive during fall term registration to the final printer’s deadline, the months have followed one another with a rise and fall of tension- builders. Editor Lowell Kinney was ultimately respon­ sible for the book, with Sales Managers Minna Reidel and Mike Anikeeff promoting the sales and commercial facets. Ann Jarman types the seemingly endless Wolverine copy. Ill ■¡Mai Copy editor Michele Powers studies type specimens with Editor Lowell Kinney to complete a section, word by word. THE ELEMENTS ARE WORDS AND PICTURES IN THE WOLVERINE A composite view of college living—presented with words and photographs—is the goal of the Wolverine staff. Although a yearbook is carefully planned and discussed months in advance of publication, the pressure on staff members is constant; every page must accurately depict some aspect familiar to the student. Many jobs are in­ tegral to such a chronicle, for a 500-page book demands a variety of talents from many people. The result of their work is to be found here in the 1963 Wolverine. THE STATE NEWS: CURRENT EVENTS ON CAMPUS Editor Ben Burns confers with editorial consultant Louis Berman on State News policy. thousands beyond A part of the student’s daily ritual is read­ ing the State News. Published every class day by University students under the super­ vision of Louis Berman, faculty advisor, for the University community, its circulation the campus reaches limits. Although principally a training ground for the advertising and journalism schools, the News also employs students merely interested in the newspaper field. From the State News office, copy and lay­ outs are sent to Wilstaff for typing and then on to Greenville to be printed. The finished product arrives on campus at 5:30 a.m. ready for the circulation crews to deliver. Marleta Bailey, State News Office Manager, plays an integral role in all student work. Reporters and student editors spend a considerable amount of the week obtaining news pertinent to the student body. Photo editor Skip Mays and his staff illustrate the news Student life and activities are coordinated with the daily news by Wire editor Bruce Fabricant. Cancelled ads are clipped daily from the “kill sheet.” Copies of each day s paper are kept on file in the circulation room as handy reference material. Ads are laid out under the watchful eye of Advertising manager Fred Levine. * ms W!® Layouts, including the monthly Miss Engineer section, are carefully dummied in before being sent to press. SPARTAN ENGINEER: A BALANCE OF SCDURCES Roberta Huffmaster stuffs magazines to be to subscribers, critics, and advertisers. sent Under the direction of Editor Paul Adams, and with a change of printing processes, the quality of the Spartan Engineer magazine increased while ex­ penses decreased. The magazine reports technical in­ formation and news of local research projects written by engineering students. The Spartan Engineer is sold to stu­ dents and faculty members and is dis­ tributed to the national concerns which advertise in it. 85 Ed Foster uses a medical dictionary to verify the use of an unfamiliar term in rewriting a case study. MSU VETERINARIAN: A RECORD OF PROGRESS The MSU Veterinarian is the student organ of the College of Veterinary Medicine. The magazine staff, all veterin­ ary medicine majors, publish three issues during the year. Their presentation of veterinary news is designed to keep all those interested in this field informed of recent de­ velopments. Contents of this magazine, one of only two technical student publications on campus, is a balance between local and national events. RESPONSIBILITY: KEY TO STUDENT GOVERNMENT All-University Student Government has had a proud and colorful past. On March 28, 1908, the student body passed the following resolution: “For the future settle­ ment of all class matters and the maintenance of the college traditions and customs, a ‘Student Council’ shall be formed.” As the University has grown in the past 50 years, AUSG has developed into one of the three best student government structures in the nation, with the re­ sponsibility of coordinating campus organizations and serving as the voice of the students. Loans under $15 are made available to students without interest if they are repaid within three weeks. The personnel department, under Director Jim Corey, insures the smooth running of AUSG. iWP?®! M X wmmm mm k A mimeographing machine and trained operators are provided by AUSG as a service to student organizations CONCRETE SERVICES FOR THE STUDENT BODY AUSG President Bob Howard cleared out his office after being relieved. A student mimeographing operator checks stencils before running off the last order of the day. SHI m AUSG is designed by and for the students. Its services may affect a single individual or the entire student body. In any of its branches — Legislative, Executive, or Judicial — the opportunity to learn about people, to work closely with faculty members, and to develop one’s full potential is a rewarding experience. AUSG plays a major role in the process of educating the student in the democratic principle upon which the university and the nation are founded. I ■ i BsSKi ■ lliilill Wmm Congress speaker Jim Barnes assumed the vacated AUSG presidential post. jy ■L ■ ■I Student election officials and vote counters work long into the night tabulating the returns of the day’s race for Student Government positions. ■ I 89 STUDENT-UNION COORDINATION THROUGH UNION BOARD The purpose of Union Board is generally to assure optimum use of the facilities of the Union Building as to sponsor any worthwhile activity in the building appro­ priate to a university campus. As one of the largest organizations on campus, it offers many services to the student body, including dances, bridge instruction and tournaments, football movies, Last Chance lectures, European flights, films, art and music rooms, the Union Board Desk, building decorations, and the special programs presented during Union Board Week. Weekly all-University dances sponsored by Union Board provide an inexpensive evening for students. A bridge tournament and lessons rank high in the calendar of UB activities. New fashions for both men and women are modelled at the Style Show, a feature of Union Board Week. A coed art critic ponders a modern painting displayed at the Union Board art show. The art of silk screening can be a messy process but the colorful signs that result make it worthwhile. 91 The academic organization of the eleven colleges is a beginning for the Administration. President John A. Hannah, appointed by the Board of Trustees, must have a staff of competent persons to take charge of and care for the many offices and units essential to the operation of a great university. The objective of these dedicated individuals is to form a comprehensive and cohesive unit to carry out the philosophy of the University. This philosophy is reflected in the University’s aims and pur­ poses: to provide an education to fit the times for the young men and women who can qualify to enroll here; to disseminate and advance knowledge in the fields of learning in which programs of instruction and research are maintained; to extend the services of the University to the people of the state, nation, and world. DR. JOHN A. HANNAH, PRESIDENT MRS. JDHN A. HANNAH BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Jacweir Breslin; Phillip J. May; Don Stevens; Connor D. Smith; Pres. John A. Hannah; Jan B. Vanderploeg; C. Allen Harlan; Frank Merriman; Warren M. Huff. THE ADMINISTRATION PROVIDED DYNAMIC LEADERSHIP JACWEIR BRESLIN , SECRETARY In the past academic year, the Administration under­ took the promulgation of the Educational Development Program, the result of an intensive study of the future needs of the University. The Administration suffered a great loss in early 1963 with the sudden death of Dr. Clifford Erickson, provost, whose capable and dynamic leadership aided in the growth and progress of the Uni­ versity. Dr. Erickson had a deep concern with the future of the University and the Educational Development Program, the product of Dr. Hannah and former Provost Dr. Paul A. Miller. DR. GORDON A. SABINE, VICE PRESIDENT FOR SPECIAL PROJECTS JAMES H. DENISON, ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR OF UNIVERSITY RELATIONS 95 ipippM TWD Academic Life in a “Multiversity” Program Must Include All of Those Facets in and Outside of the Actual Classroom The inclusion of an organization as complex and diversified as Michigan State under the head­ ing of “university” is a misnomer. Within the complex of the eleven colleges are numerous de­ partments which, in many instances, assume the role of a college and to some extent the “uni­ versity” toward the student. Thus, in aiding students to attain proficiency in general educa­ tion and specialized fields, to discover their abil­ ities, interests, needs and goals, and to assume responsibilities for individual growth and de­ velopment, the components of the major institu­ tion become, in effect, a “multiversity.” Within the physical academic facilities pro­ vided, there are over 1,600 members of the in­ structional faculty, each having attained a degree of knowledge necessary to educate within his area of learning. These instructional faculty members serve as the major student-faculty per­ sonal contacts and become an important link in the communication system. The excellence of this facility is evidenced by the position of prominence attained by MSU throughout the world. The “Honors College” program, originated at MSU for superior stu- dents, has become a model for similar programs at other universities. The largest teacher-train­ ing program in the nation, offered by the College of Education, incorporates a unique off-campus student-teaching program which has developed as an effective job placement device. The lan­ guage-learning laboratory arrangement now en­ ables a student to do two years of language work in one year. The Federal Bureau of Investi­ gation has rated the School of Police Administra­ tion as the finest in the country. The Department of Political Science, the College of Agriculture, the College of Veterinary Medicine, and the College of Home Economics, are among others who enjoy similar ratings. Besides the rigorous program of undergraduate education, ten colleges are authorized to give advanced degrees covering 275 fields of study. Both master’s and doctor’s degrees are offered by more than 70 college departments. College and department libraries offer sanctums of specialized study. 97 y ç) .. _ President Hannah and students meet informally through the Mason Hall administration-faculty dinner guest policy. STUDENT-FACULTY NON-ACADEMIC RELATIONS LEND CREDENCE TO AN EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY The comforts of home and a new text book occupy an “off duty” evening of ATL instructor David Weeks. Though students and faculty must of necessity lead a private life, much of the non-academic activity involving each group is integrated with the other. Both groups strive for personal goals but also work toward furthering the goals of the Uni­ versity, through which the two groups are inter-related. Many formal relationships exist, such as joint committees and boards for student publications, the library, and all-university policy, but perhaps more important is the strong informal relationship between the students and the faculty and administration at Michigan State. Many faculty and administrative officials devote extra time and energy toward furthering the relationship be­ tween the student and the faculty member. Besides the facilities provided to aid students with their academic and personal problems, members of college and de­ partmental staffs offer their services for counseling and advising in areas where they might be of help to the student. This inter-relationship becomes part and parcel of the dynamic community of student, faculty and administration at MSU. The “Open Door Policy” of administrators such as Dean of Women Frances H. Delisle enhance student-faculty communication. Students visit the apartment of Donald Adams, men’s head advisor, in co-ed Case Hall. 99 STUDIES, ALONE OR IN GROUPS, BECOME AN IMPORTANT SEGMENT OF LIFE IN THE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY. From an all night cram session with a roommate to the quiet solitude of a morning in the library garden, studies come in various ways, shapes and times. Each hour spent at a lecture in Berkey or Bessey usually denotes two additional hours pouring over the books evenings or on weekends. Time and place are not as essential as the ability to concentrate: some find it worthwhile to read next to a blaring jukebox in the Union; others need the quiet facilities offered by the library. Faculty members, too, must spend much of their non-classroom time studying as Herbert Josephs, foreign language instructor, does. Students soon learn to integrate social and academic activities and the grills become the center of studiers and study breakers. Though the University-provided study facilities are ex­ tensive and include the main library, college and de­ partmental libraries, residence hall study rooms, and, at exam time, the residence hall dining rooms, many students still prefer the grills, river banks, and crowded stairwells for studying. By the time students become seniors and are graduated, most have formed study patterns which become an integral part of their academic and social living. For some this pattern is a leisurely, established pattern involving each day of the ten week term; for others it has remained a spastic pattern of cram sessions taking place before each quiz and major exam; for all, it has become a necessity for living and growing through four years of university life. The library stacks become a popular and sometimes congested area prior to final exams and deadlines on term papers. 101 Spring empties the library study facilities. MOST STUDENTS FIND STUDYING MDRE THAN A NECESSARY EVIL. Studying is a part of the learning process which might at first have a negative appeal for a student but, after several terms to organize and plan for studies and with the coming of spring, many become extremely conscious of the aesthetic values in­ volved. The soccer and lacrosse fields become havens for sun- worshippers with texts tucked between coke cups and transistor radios. The outdoor pool appears to have as many volumes as the library and the library as much elbow room as the outdoor pool in January. 102 The outdoor pool provides an atmosphere conducive to the beauty of learning. Students initiative toward group study on a co-ed basis heralds the coming of spring to the campus. COLLEGES ARE PROVING GROUNDS FOR MENTAL SKILLS Inherent in the “multiversity” atmosphere are the independent attributes of the eleven colleges constituting Michigan State. These colleges offer areas of learn­ ing from the very technical skills to highly theoretical applications in fields involving everything from the economics of weekly grocery-shopping to nuclear physics and thermodynamics. Part and parcel of each college area is an increased emphasis on research and the responsibility of the student toward his own education, a concept of President Hannah’s Seven Point Program. Dr. Paul A. Varg, dean of the newly-formed College of Arts and Letters, admires the sculpture of one of his students. The basic purpose of the University College is to provide for each student, regardless of his major field or vocational aspirations, a common core of rigorous courses in general education. General education in the University College embraces those fundamental areas of knowledge which should be the common possession of all educated men and women — wholly apart from the training provided by the specialized disciplines. This program provides student with a high degree of flexibility in selecting a field of specialization. Natural Science offers a basic knowledge of fundamentals. » Sli| I EDWIN A. CARLIN, DEAN 106 Freshmen first learn to use the library through their work in American Thought and Language. An appreciation of Western culture is gained through Humanities. Through its required courses, University College seeks to develop in the student an increased skill and sensi­ tivity in the areas of composition and reading, an en­ larged knowledge and appreciation of Western culture, both European and American, and a deeper understand­ ing of the broad principles and practical applications of the natural and social sciences. By paying attention to both the content of American thought and the manner of its expression, American Thought and Language endeavors to make the student aware of the role which language plays in a free society. Natural Science requires the student to employ the methods of science in dealing with facts and concepts, bringing him closer to the operations and the philosophy of science. Humanities is the study of man as a unique, creative being through his most distinguished and most enduring achievements. Analytical tools and concepts of Social Science are applied to problems in modern mass society. Readings in American literature are the basis for study in American civilization in American Thought and Language. Practical experience in the lab is basic to Natural Science. Established at Michigan State in 1957, the Honors College program strives “to provide a situation which makes certain that students of high ability are constantly challenged by the most advanced work for which each is ready.” The pro­ gram achieves its goal by affording superior students certain privileges which allow them a great deal of flexibility in both their curriculum and their extra-curricular activities. Honors College students plan their curriculum to suit their own particular needs. Students may waive requirements and prerequisites, register on the first day of registration, enroll in honors sections which aim at a more rigorous examination of the subject, and pursue independent study or research with faculty members. Students also are afforded graduate student library privileges and the use of a lounge for in­ formal discussion and relaxation. Research in the student’s field of interest is an opportunity afforded to members. STANLEY J. DIRECTOR IDZERDA, 109 The Provost Lectures series is a branch of the Honors College available to all students. The Honors College was created to encourage the development and achievement of all undergraduate stu­ dents of superior academic ability. All normal require­ ments for graduation, other than the total number of credits, may be waived. Working closely with his faculty advisor, the student is allowed to plan a program which will conform to his special talents. The program under­ taken by the Honors College student may include inde­ pendent study with faculty guidance, the waiving of prerequisites for advanced or graduate courses, the granting of credit in some courses by special examina­ tion, and the privilege of enrolling in special honors seminars designed for students of superior ability. Established in 1855, the College of Agriculture is the oldest division of Michigan State University and the oldest agricul­ tural college of its kind in the nation. This College offers many opportunities for young people to prepare themselves for a future in the broad fields of agriculture and conserva­ tion. The programs of the College are designed to give the student an education in line with the changes which have taken place in these fields. Scientific training is emphasized because modern agriculture and conservation have been brought to their present high level of development through the application of scientific knowledge and principles. A large quantity of printed information is sent to Michigan farmers through the active extension program. THDMAS K. CDWDEN, DEAN 111 The educational programs of the College of Agriculture have been developed to encompass the total education of its students. It aims to give the student an opportunity to develop to his maximum capacity as an individual. Through work in the classroom and practical experimentation, it gives a fundamental under­ standing of the basic physical, biological and social sciences which are applied to agriculture and conservation. Broad educational experience is guaranteed in the courses offered by the University College and by those within the College itself. The student is provided with the technical knowledge required for spe­ cialization in some phase of agriculture or conservation. The scientific approach to farming, in both the classroom and in field work, is now utilized nationally. During the century of its existence, this pioneer has gained recognition and eminence. Practical experimentation in the laboratory or on a field trip is a medium through which the knowledge is gained that serves as the basis for scientific agriculture and conservation. The dairy judging team works with their coach, Dr. J. M. Jenson. With the breakdown of colleges in July, the name of the Col­ lege of Business and Public Service was changed to the College of Business. The departments included in the present college are Accounting and Financial Administration, Business Services, Marketing and Transportation Administration, Personnel and Production Administration and Hotel, Restaurant and Institu­ tional Management. Business students receive a fundamental grounding in the principles, laws, and theories that lie at the heart of each of these subject areas and then proceed with appli­ cation in specific programs of study. Accuracy and efficiency are key to accounting majors. Entertainment with a French flavor diverted Les Gourmet diners A $1,500,000 Grant from the Eppley Foundation made possible the construction of Eppley Center. Commercial development is an important phase of Urban Planning recently a part of the College of Business and Public Service. One of the newest and smallest at State, the College of Communication Arts offers an array of possible majors to the student. The College encompasses the departments of jour­ nalism, advertising, television, radio and film, speech and the general communication arts. Each department of the College, headed by Dean Fred S. Siebert, provides a broad background in the social sciences, literature and science. Its purpose is to provide educational for and in communications. Journalism majors can often be found loading a camera for press photography, interviewing for a reporting class, or rushing to meet a deadline for one of the campus publica­ tions. Advertising majors are also familiar with deadlines, pressure and worry. The College has several service courses which are offered to non-Communication Arts majors. These courses of interest to other colleges include Introduction to Advertising, Speech 101 and Communications 100. Students are shown the proper way to dry prints. FRED S. SIEBERT, DEAN The skill of developing negatives and prints along with the art of good com­ position is taught in press photography. The largest division of Communication Arts is the department of speech. It includes study in speech correction, theater, rhetoric and public address, and pathology and audiology. Cinema I was taught for the first time winter term by the radio-television department. The 34 students enrolled in the course studied concepts of various film producers, actual pro­ duction phases in making a film, research, language, talk and usage of the tools of motion picture producers. Cinema II in­ cluded production, working with people before the camera and putting them on film. Students receive practical experience through work in the University speech clinic. The WKAR music library offers a wide selection for student radio broadcasts. Harold Jolliffe, instructor of journalism, aids students in the techniques of editing copy and writing the accompanying headlines, Students enrolled in the College of Education are the pros­ pective teachers and educators of tomorrow. From this group evolves the men and women who will influence the lives of our future adults. Upon meeting the requirements of the elementary education program, the student receives a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Michigan Elementary Provisional Teachers Certificate. Those in secondary education receive two degrees; one from the College of Education and the other from the college of the student’s academic major. Experience is believed to be one of the keys to good teaching. Therefore, field trips, special lectures, and seminars are held for the students benefit. Educational experiences are unlimited to students of keen interest and initiative. An out-of-classroom instructor monitors a class on educational television via telephone. Special Education students gain practical experience working with blind children. Closed circuit television enables the instructor to reach a greater number of students. m mm ~r ■ fm smJËÈM Ik Pn Jgf yjp|jjjjjj I ' Personal counseling minimizes the apparent size of the College and enables students to choose their courses under capable guidance. mm is "■Jj Ü %0Tmm Manual arts instruction is available in the curriculum. Between class breaks are often spent in the lounge. yrm 'ms??. All candidates for a teaching certificate are required to spend a term student teaching at one of the resident teaching centers. These centers, directed by University staff members who reside in the community of the par­ ticular school system, provide priceless experience for the prospective teacher. STEP, Student-Teachers Experimental Program, is a five year program for elementary teachers, offered through the cooperation of MSU and Michigan junior colleges and school systems. Under this program the student receives a salary for two of the five years spent in training. At the end of this period, the student re­ ceives a teaching certificate and degree. This is but another program to encourage able students to find a career in one of the largest and most essential facets of our society—education. 122 The College of Engineering attempts to develop the abil­ ities of the student along lines which will allow him to progress with the advancing field of engineering and to lead a useful professional and civilian life. The engineering programs are planned to provide the engineering student with a firm knowl­ edge and understanding of the fundamental engineering sciences, as well as the engineering methods to be used in applying them for the benefit of mankind. Practical service through scientific knowledge is the ultimate goal. A slide rule is a fundamental instrument for the problems confronting an Engineering student. JOHN D. RYDER, DEAN Engineering deals with the science and the art of employing nature s forces and materials, energy and men for the ultimate benefit of mankind. Engineering education has passed from a time concerned with the teaching of techniques to an era based on the study of the applied sciences; the result is a quality engineer who is also a well-rounded citizen. A decision for specialization may lead to agricultural engineering which applies engineering principles to agriculture, to chemical engineering which is concerned with the utilization of energy through molecular changes, to the broad industrial field which is encompassed by civil engineering, to electrical engineering and its study of power control, or to mechanical engineering and the conversion of energy. The principles of mathematics and their practical applications serve as the foundation of modem engineering methods. Long hours of study and calculations are the mark of the engineering student. Working with an electrical test unit offers practical experience to the engineering student. 'ÈÉMÆ . ■ - -fî ^ a> The College of Home Economics at Michigan State University is recognized as a national leader for the educational program it offers. Home Economics is a broad subject which focuses on the home, the family, and the individual; its subject matter in­ cludes foods, nutrition, child development, family relations, home management, family economics, clothing, textiles, applied art, housing and home furnishings, household equipment, and institution administration. It uses and applies the basic prin­ ciples of the natural sciences, social sciences, arts and human­ ities for comprehensive education. ■4T? ■I £Sp7 *■1 Igiigii ■ I « Ili* X 1 V m » K: Sip. \ . i ft —■ sBMHH ■ 11 THELMA PORTER, DEAN Accuracy to the minutest gram is essential to the research carried on in the well-equipped Home Ec kitchens. ¡Sil |B i I Wh ........■ m ml 126 w MÊ. ■ mm * Ä . H IBB Hipa I I lilf I ■mi Experimental testing of foods is carried on in the latest equipment by Home Economics students. Actual preparational methods are learned along with the nutritional aspects of cooking. The development of creative design and craft techniques are part of the teaching program. Home economists reflect the total education which they have received. Career home economists serve indi­ viduals and families in homes and communities — through schools and colleges, business organizations and services, community and government organizations, newspapers, magazines, radio and television. They work as teachers, researchers, writers, dieticians, extension workers, in­ terior designers, fashion merchandisers, food service managers, and home service advisers or consultants. These women find that the education which they have received in the science and art of home living has prepared them equally well for a career or for work within the organization of the home. Mrs. Stephania Winkler explains how the physical and chemical fiber properties affect the wear and care of garments. Pat Dorn’s feature show over WKAR, campus radio station, is an extension of the Home Economics program. The College of Veterinary Medicine administers pro­ fessional programs in veterinary medicine and in med­ ical technology as well as graduate programs in anat­ omy, microbiology, physiology, pathology, surgery and medicine. The professional program in Veterinary Medicine, one of only 18 in the United States, requires a minimum of six years — at least two years of pre-veterinary training, followed by four years of professional veterinary med­ icine study. Enrollment is limited to 64 per class and a faculty committee selects those to be admitted from pre- veterinary programs at Michigan State and elsewhere. An increase in the enrollment quota likely will be ap­ proved within the next few years when modern, more spacious facilities now on the drawing board become available. Microscopic identification and analysis of animal tissues is important for future diagnosis. In the Giltner Hall clinic, vet med students prepare a cow for an intravenous injection. Medical technology students are trained a four-year program leading to a bachelor of science degree. Gradu­ ates are qualified for employment in the pathology lab­ oratories of human hospitals or in research laboratories of medical schools, pharmaceutical companies, and other medical research institutions. All degree programs require a broad base of biological science and contain a high percentage of laboratory in­ struction. Fifth- and sixth-year veterinary students are assigned to duties in the large and small animal clinics and a farm veterinary service on call to farms within a 25-mile radius of campus. Small animals are used for veterinary study. Dr. Larry Walker supervises as students scale a dog’s teeth in the small animal clinic. The microscope is essential in a pathological study of bacterial organisms. Students work with a radiograph and their original subject in a small animal study. While emphasizing the humanistic disciplines, the College of Arts and Letters cooperates with other colleges of the University to provide a sound, broadly-based liberal education for all students. Established July 1, 1962, as one of the three colleges formed from the College of Science and Arts, the College consists of the departments of Art, English, Foreign Languages, History, Music, Philosophy and Religion. The College recorded an en­ rollment of 2,526 and employs a full-time staff of 167. Other agencies sponsored by the College of Arts and Letters are a Humanities Research Center and an adult liberal arts program. Self-expression and creativity are bywords of art. PAUL A. VARG, DEAN 132 To provide a living, useful command of foreign languages, the department stresses understanding and speaking. A well-equipped language laboratory aids in the development of these skills. The MSU bands are open to anyone interested in music. Teaching English as a foreign language is the function of the English Language Center now in its second year. Hours of practice under Director Leonard Falcone bring the perfection which ranks MSU’s Concert Band third in the nation. The newly-decorated Poetry Room provides a quiet, restful atmosphere. On July 1, 1962, three new colleges were formed from the departments and programs previously directed by the College of Science and Arts. Of th,ose 32 departments, schools, and pro­ grams, the following 15 now comprise the College of Natural Science: Biochemistry, General Science, Biological Sciences, Botany and Plant Pathology, Entomology, Microbiology and Public Health, Physiology and Pharmacology, Zoology, Phys­ ical Sciences, Chemistry, Geology, Physics and Astronomy, Mathematics, Statistics and Nursing. In terms of budget, faculty, and departments, the College of Science and Arts was three to four times the size of the other colleges. The reorganization provides a more flexible program and allows more efficient handling of the problems of depart­ mental representation and financial apportionment. The prin­ cipal reason, however, for the reduction of the five divisions to the three colleges stems from the service the College of Science and Arts provided in augmenting the programs of the other colleges and the resultant simplification of coordinating pro­ grams after the action. Hours are spent chasing and netting before specimans can be classified and mounted. RICHARD U. BYERRUM, DEAN Development of new varieties through mutation and the lengthening of the life of stored products through radiation are two uses of the Beta ray spectometer. 136 The increased facilities of the Engineering Building enlarge the scope of graduate research. ■I £ ■■I ■■ Experiments with high voltage equipment are carried on in Kedzie. vy l00mm m M Accurate laboratory computations foreshadow the later career of the Engineering student. ism i i i im HU m m As the division of colleges applies to the Col­ lege of Natural Science, the departments now have a representative dean, Dr. Richard U. Byerrum, the apportionment of their funds has been facilitated, and the number of colleges with which they are obligated to coordinate their courses has been reduced to three, the Col­ leges of Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, and Education. The College has continued all of the academic programs of the Divisions of the Biological Sci­ ences and the Mathematical and Physical Sci­ ences. It permits students with an interest in the natural sciences to earn the liberal Bachelor’s Degree with either a departmental major or a broad interdisciplinary one. 137 The role embraced by the College of Social Science is as broad as any in the University curriculum. Human behavior and man’s social institutions are the shared concern of the departments of Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology, Political Science and Geography; instruction in Economics is joint with the College of Business Administration. Included also in this new college are the Schools of Labor and Industrial Relations, Police Admin­ istration, Social Work, Urban Planning and Landscape Archi­ tecture; the African Language and Area Center and the Bureau of Social and Political Research. Because a knowledge of human behavior and expectancies is important to every field, the College provides preparation in the social sciences to students in a variety of specialties. In the fall, a total of 15,000 enrollments were recorded for courses in the College, an illustration of the scope and importance of the College to the University. Close observation is a necessary part of learning. PH * ¡Hit SN6&fll Frequent quizzes test the ability of students to recognize and locate geographical points. The requirements of economics for many curriculums create the need for large lecture halls to accommodate the many students. Experiments with artistic and functional layout is a unique part of the Urban Planning curriculum. Long hours at a drawing board become routine to Landscape Architecture majors. Graduate and undergraduate programs are offered in both departments and schools; and at the college level through a selection of courses from several departments. Special programs, as in the preparation of secondary school teachers with the College of Education, are carried on in cooperation with other colleges. A faculty com­ mittee has been appointed to study curriculum revision and emphasis for the University. 140 The broad purposes and the variety of intellectual opportun­ ities of the entire graduate program are difficult to encompass and to appraise for they cover a multitude of diverse fields. Michigan State University endeavors to respond to the spirit and demands of the times. In response to its manifold obliga­ tions to graduate study, State has established eight colleges authorized to give advanced degrees. More than 275 areas and fields of study are offered by 66 departments in these colleges in which both master’s and doctor’s degrees may be earned. Study is as concentrated behind a microscope as behind a book for many graduate students. MILTON E. MUELDER, DEAN The strength of any graduate program is de­ termined to a large extent by the quality and scope of the research activities underlying it. In addition to the host of visiting professors and the rapidly-growing library collection, graduate students are offered the use of specialized equip­ ment and facilities within their departments. Indicative of the availability of these research materials and facilities, the University’s W. K. Kellogg Gull Lake Biological Station presents an unusual opportunity for class work and field research in descriptive biology. Another research instrument accessible for graduate study is Mistic, MSU’s high speed computer. Utmost accuracy and care is required in the tests involved in graduate research projects. Graduate research work often requires the use of delicate, precision equipment. The grill is the scene of constant activity whether it’s studying, socializing or a concentrating game of chess. The modem facilities of Owen Graduate Center, opened in the fall of 1960, provide graduate students with comfortable living in a mature atmosphere conducive to advanced study and exchange of ideas. But this exchange surpasses ideas merely of an academic nature, for the Center contains 109 foreign resi­ dents, representing 32 foreign countries. The addition this fall of undergraduate women over 21 in­ creased the percentage of women residents to 56. The women now occupy five of the seven floors in their wing. Two seven-story wings, composed of 422 single rooms are joined together by a single-story structure containing a main lounge, lobby, administrative offices and dining areas. Cleaning, linen, telephone and elevator services are also provided. After a long hike from class, this coed stops to smooth out her hair before a grill stop. The conversation and way of living at Owen is a unique blend of American and old country customs and language. Dress varies from shirtwaist dresses to saris. llililllip ■■■■Ml if,:; vY|#';:-:i ^iSmm I The Reserve Officers Training Corps program at State offers both Army and Air Force training. Each cadet receives class­ room instruction in the theory and practice of military arts. An accompanying lab is designed to develop the command and leadership abilities of students through practical experience as Commander in student formations of Army Brigade of Cadets and Air Force Cadet wings. ROTC instructors are regular and non-commissioned officers in their respective branches of the service. Field trips to military installations are open to cadet participation throughout the term. Other activities offered at the basic level are Pershing Rifle, Spartan Rifle and Pistol Club and the Drum and Bugle Corps. Advanced honoraries include Army Scabbard and Blade and Air Force Arnold Air Society. Both branches offer flight training pro­ grams for senior cadets who wish to obtain a private pilot’s license. An ROTC cadet reports with a crisp salute under the scrutinizing eye of the officer in charge. An Army ROTC battalion passes the reviewing stand during Commissioning Day ceremonies. Air Force cadets are fitted for uniforms at the detachment supply headquarters. An honorary group commander at a formal cadet inspection. Army ROTC cadets dress right in preparation for inspection. Army cadet sergeants eye the workings of a machine gun as part of their training as future officers. Colonel Skells, professor of military science, presents an honorary commander her cape and corsage. Upon fulfillment of two years of basic training, the cadet may choose to continue in Advanced ROTC. Following completion of the program and graduation he is commissioned as a Second Lieutenant reserve standing. Outstanding graduates, however, are offered commission in the regular Air Force or Army. Cadets receive pay for the two years spent in the Advanced program and are required to attend Summer Camp for six weeks between their junior and senior years. The Coronation Ball and spring blood drives are the main event sponsored jointly. The Army holds an annual “Muster at Custer” involving field training for third year cadets. 149 ■ 1 ;i?ï::âÂS 1IÍ»Í|1ÍÍÍÍÍ HBSI >'■• • ■_______ « ■■Il HHHH| I i ■ :|pä! -‘.Mì:.Ì» - _____________________________I ___ ül ___ ■ bwü I'/ , ;•, J I g « B g ■ I - S ■ fflSMmM ■ ' i i * ■ ; i B É11 ¡ffe&í ■ _________ * ■ . ______ —jp » m Ê Ê Ë Sm Ê Sm I ’*r * >... i ■ ■p ,a ’ Í|í|íi®ÍÍi mm ■ £ ¡¡¡¡ii » ■ IS SsS Ää ■■ < Ml feSE > - ,«,< Ili feölF IBM Hü ■■■i ;Ä:'-•'•;•-•••• _nn lisi mSm ■ _ _ — ■ 4gfc< ..■'i. . ■i 1— ■P ■111 1 ...'... ■1 I L_ I _ sas ■Hi IBlW& m ■>':■'■' rt; ■;. i I — i ^>.'à ■■■■ ■I ■■ WÊÊ i >iî-*?t:;:.=:>>:?$ Cïi •:i:if:;.:: : nu . ■ ¡■BIB mm ■ fgl Jliff ?» ■MHBMSgi mm *Â5ï3*ffi'f:s: Í#í S3EÍ JS®'- feiffÄIÄ: ÄfÜÄS WMBM iilll ■I % J1T ü |jj ! im m !§i Üi 11 jj wmmm SÄ — # áf HHH ■ - 1 V » . gp SilmaiS^^Ä m mmMm ■ MB Pr >*/ ; * ; MHHBHl ¿ ^ *s 1 ^§¡ Ti * ÊÊÊ fl ■■■■I ■MHI asw¿K 1 # IMP wmm il »Bl 1 1 11 m rnm-t mm _ r» ?W^S|| m ; ibbmmpIì flHKj f *v JB1 ' ' Äs ^$ i% '"***> 'N< THREE Athletics, intramural and varsity, lend to the physical growth of each individual at the University facilities for both the athlete and the thousands of sports fans on campus and in the surrounding area. Examples are Spartan Stadium, which seats 76,000 for football, Old College Field with a base­ ball seating capacity of 4,000, and the 18 hole Forest Akers Golf Course, which is the scene of many tournaments and also provides the area required by MSU’s fine cross country teams. Jenison Field House, accommodating the basketball and indoor track teams, holds 12,500 spectators for basketball and 4,000 for track. State’s popular hockey teams utilize the Ice Arena, seating 3,000. For those who are not varsity athletes, State provides an extensive Intramural program. The $3.5 million Men’s Intra­ mural Building, where the various IM teams compete, is also open to all stu­ dents and faculty members. In an institution of higher learning such as Michigan State, there are facets which are necessary to the physical and mental well-being of the student body, but which fall outside the bounds of aca­ demic life. Probably the most important of these is athletics and physical activity. These activities provide an outlet for the tensions which are common to most University students. They also present the best method for obtaining and main­ taining good physical conditioning, which is essential to good general health in future years. No other Big 10 university provides comparable facilities to the ones found at MSU. For over 400 young men engaged year­ ly in varsity athletics, State provides an intercollegiate athletic program equal to the best in the nation. Any MSU student of sufficient ability may gain a place on the varsity of one of the 14 intercollegiate sports: baseball, basketball, cross coun­ try, fencing, football, golf, gymnastics, hockey, indoor track, outdoor track, soc­ cer, swimming, tennis, and wrestling. For each intercollegiate sport, excel­ lent coaching is furnished along with fine Spartan football dominates student interests fall term. 151 State cheerleader Judy Erkman is hoisted aloft after a Spartan touchdown. Spartan Captain George Saimes closes in on Purdue speedster Tom Bloom in a tough defensive battle. With a steady hand and determination, a Snartan nfttman returns a sarva. Michigan State’s IM program is closely correlated with the physical education curriculum, which attempts to provide training in sports and an understanding of health problems as well as exercise for the student within his school day. Every University College student is required to complete three credits of physical education with as many as six credits counting toward graduation. The first term basic course gives the student instruction in the principles of training and good health. It also provides him with orientation to various sports in which he may enroll in later terms. Minnesota’s Coach Versich (57) missed a field goal attempt before a rushing Spartan defense. In addition to these sports there are many facilities provided around campus for recreational activities. The Red Cedar River is usually filled with canoes in warmer weather and covered with ice skaters during winter term. Most residence halls also make equipment available for football, basketball, billiards, and table tennis, while the Union provides facilities for billiards and bowling. Swimming pools, open the year round in the Men’s and Women’s Intramural buildings, pro­ vide relaxing breaks from studies. Golfing on the University’s 18-hole course and tennis on over 30 tennis courts, also draw large participation during spring term. Overall, the physical program at MSU is so wide and varied that one can almost say if an activity falls within the realm of sports and a person wants to learn it, play it, or just watch it, he can at Michigan State. Varsity athletics swing into high gear during fall term and the student is greeted by inter­ collegiate contests in cross country, soccer, and football. A record crowd overflowed onto the field to view Michigan State’s victory over the Wolverines of Michigan. Michigans Band Director leads Band in the National Anthem. State s To some5 the wins over Michigan and Notre Dame denoted a successful season Early last fall the nation’s sportswriters reviewed their manpower charts and FOOTBALL made their yearly trip out onto the limb with their predictions. Spartan hopes flourished as the writers ranked MSU second in the Big Ten before they even stepped onto a gridiron. Head Coach Duffy Daugherty, usually optimistic, protested that his team was “overrated.” The visiting Skywriters, a group a newsmen who survey the prospects of each Big 10 school, were impressed with State’s massive forward wall, possibly the biggest in college football and in the Spartan’s history. Sherm Lewis is upended on a PAT attempt against Michigan but still manages to score. George Saimes draws the defenders outside. The prognosticators soon tumbled from their limbs as MSU was ambushed by an unrated tribe of Stanford Indians in their first game. Impres­ sive wins over North Carolina, Michigan, Notre Dame, and Indiana soon compensated for the opening day defeat. The Spartans were riding high when their title and Rose Bowl hopes were unceremoniously undermined by the Minnesota Golden Gophers and subsequently buried by Purdue in what seemed to be a replay of last year’s action. To finish their season the Spartans played spoilers in destroying the title hopes of North­ western, then allowed lowly Illinois to drop them to a 5-4 overall record and a tie for fifth place in Big 10 conference play. Spartan Coach Duffy Daugherty gives last minute instructions during the rainy Minnesota tilt. MSU tailback Ron Rubick (33) gets good blocking from Steve Mellinger (73) as he scores one of his three touchdowns against North Carolina. Sherm Lewis cracks the middle of Michigan’s line in State’s 28-0 rout of the Wolverines. End Matt Snorton (84) blocks outside as Saimes makes a long gain on a fullback draw play against Michigan. ■■■I Speedy Sherm Lewis almost gets away but is nailed by three Notre Dame defenders. Fullback Roger Lopes (45) bulls his way through mud, rain, and Irishmen against Notre Dame at South Bend. The highly-rated Spartans rolled into Stanford as two touchdown favorites. Unfortunately, the Indians hadn’t read State’s clippings and handed MSU a 16-13 defeat, their first to a Pacific Coast team since 1949. MSU Captain George Saimes scored the only two TD’s for the Spartans but a first-half field goal by Stanford proved decisive. State hosted North Carolina in their first home en­ counter before a Band Day crowd of over 61,000. Tail­ back Bon Rubick set a new MSU individual rushing record with 207 yards and three TD’s. Sherman Lewis added two tallies of his own as the duo led the Big Green to a 38-6 triumph over the Tarheels. A record Spartan Stadium crowd of 77,501 assembled a week later to watch the fifty-fifth playing of the tra­ ditional MSU vs. Michigan game. In the first half State led 13-0 on TD aerials to Sherm Lewis and Lonnie Sanders. Lewis added two more touchdowns in the second half to give State a 28-0 shutout. Ernie Clark (85) delays two Notre Dame players but Dewey Lincoln is still caught from behind after a short gain. wingback Dewey Lincoln (2.6) stiff-arms a Michigan playe during the traditional battle at Spartan Stadium. Playing in the rain at Notre Dame, State gained their first road win of the year at the expense of the Fighting Irish. Saimes and Lewis scored touchdowns in the first five minutes to give the Spartans a lead they never lost. Saimes added two more TD’s and contributed 153 yards to the Spartan total of 411 yards rushing. The Michigan State defense played another fine game holding the Irish to 31 yards rushing as the Spartans notched their third win in a row, 31-7. MSU was rated tenth in the nation as they travelled to Bloomington to meet the Hoosiers of Indiana. The Spartans scored two touchdowns before four minutes had passed and went on to trounce their hapless hosts, 26-8. All-American candidate George Saimes scored three touchdowns for the second game in a row. State con­ tinued its rushing onslaught adding 239 yards to their already large total. The Spartans fumbled eight times against IU but sufficiently dominated the game. Sherm Lewis leaped high to snare a Boilermaker’s pass. Rubick adds to his record breaking rushing total against the Tarheels. A bruised band of Spartans returned home as the lead­ ing rushing team in the nation to face Minnesota. A steady rain dampened Homecoming festivities and 64,783 partisan fans. The nation’s leading defense of Minnesota led by Bobby Bell and Carl Eller combined with three costly State fumbles to give the Golden Gophers a 28-7 decision over the Spartans and a sad trip home for the rain-soaked State fans. Purdue’s “spoilermakers” invaded the Spartan lair be­ fore a national television audience and a near-capacity crowd the following weekend. Lewis gave State a 9-7 third period lead on a 54-yard touchdown run but a final period field goal and touchdown by Purdue gave them a 17-9 advantage while MSU’s fumbles prevented any fur­ ther Spartan scoring. For the second year in a row Purdue ended all hopes for a Spartan trip to Pasadena. Dewey Lincoln is swarmed by a host of defenders in the 17-9 loss to the Boilermakers. The dejected Spartans then faced the Wildcats of Northwestern who were still engaged in their “run for the roses.” MSU quickly made California seem a million miles away. After a first period Wildcat score, Lewis, Saimes, Earl Lattimer, and Bill Benson all contributed touchdowns while Jim Bobbitt added a field goal to smash Northwestern’s title hopes 31-7. The Spartan defense held Wildcat sophomore sensation Tom Myers to only 17 yards passing. Sophomore quarterback Roger Hailey ran the State offense most of the afternoon. The Spartans traveled to Champaign to battle the Illini in their final game of the season. In the second quarter a State fumble set up a 31 yard Illinois touchdown pass and extra point. Lewis scored later in the same stanza for the Spartans but the two-point conversion attempt failed. The game ended as a startling 7-6 upset. Scatback Sherman Lewis swept wide around end against Notre Dame. State battled to a 31-7 victory over the Irish and the elements at South Bend. # Wi a Ski Bruif* ■I » — ^ : - ¡■■¡I WM m w mmai mm < :y m ■ «1 Mm Jim Bobbitt’s field goal attempt was short during Homecoming setback. mmm mm lilt's ^4 3gf mi mi ¡■MilIB Jiv* s.... ■1 ■m WÈm ■pi m3,mm 3§Wm 161 Seventeen varsity gridders will be lost through gradua­ tion including starters George Azar, Dave Behrman, Bobbitt, Ed Budde, Ernie Clark, Saimes, Sanders, and Pete Smith. Attempting to fill the gaps next year will be standouts Benson, Charley Brown, Hailey, Lewis, Dewey Lincoln, Steve Mellinger, Chuck Migyanka, Rubick, Matt Snorton, and Dan Underwood. Fumbles hurt the Spartans as they averaged 3.0 per game to a .7 for their opponents while bettering the op­ position in almost every other category. Fullback George Saimes and center Dave Behrman were named to the All-American teams, and nine of the Spartans were picked in pro-football player drafts. Saimes led in rushing yardage with 661 yards and in average yards per carry with 6.2, while tailback Sherm Lewis led in scoring with 58 points. State’s passers had a 39 per cent completion with Smith and Hailey leading the passers and Sanders as the top receiver. Purdue’s Golden Girl led the Boilermaker Band, a huge 280-man contingent. The Boilermaker cheering section was jubilant after a second touchdown that assured a Purdue victory. A linesman takes a “refueling” break. Row one: J. Bobbitt, L. Sanders, B. Palmateer, J. Abrecht, B. Zorn, G. Saimes, D. Behr- man, E. Clark, T. Guthard, G. Azar, P. Smith. Row two: D. Underwood, M. Snorton, E. Youngs, R. Ross, T. Jordan, E. Budde, J. Kanicki, R. Watkins, H. Paterra, D. Herman, R. Rubick. Row three: R. Bentley, C. Brown, S. Lewis, D. Lincoln, C. Migyanka, H. Johnson, E. Lothamer, E. Lattimer, S. Mellinger, J. Begeny. Row four: J. Walsh, G. Rush, L. Bobich, D. Flynn. Row five: G. Serr, J. McVay, D. Boisture, V. Carillot, H. Bullough, D. Daugherty, Head Coach; C. Stoll, M. Harris, manager; G. Robinson, trainer; B. Smith, K. Early, equipment manager. The Golden Gopher majorette performs before the Home­ coming crowd of students and alumni. 1962 FOOTBALL 6 MSU 13_________________________Stanford 16 MSU 38________________________North Carolina MSU 28________________________Michigan 0 MSU 31--------------------------------------Notre Dame 7 MSU 26_________________________Indiana 8 MSU 7--------------------------------------Minnesota 28 MSU 9_g|,_________________Purdue 17 MSU 31--------------------------------------Northwestern 7 MSU 6_________.............__________Illinois 7 Won 5, Lost 4 BASEBALL After compiling a record of six wins and four losses on their pre-season training trip, Michigan State’s baseball team completed its regular season with a 11-9 mark, finishing in a tie with Indiana for fifth place in the Big 10. The Spartans were 6-8 in conference play. State placed leftfielder Joe Porrevecchio on the first All-Big 10 squad, and in­ fielder Dennis Ketcham and outfielder Jeff Abrecht on the third unit. The MSU baseball team relaxes in the dugout during an extra- inning stint with arch-rival Michigan. Porrevecchio led the conference in home runs with five while hitting a total of seven during the year. He finished fourth in the conference batting race with a .396 mark. Abrecht, in the thick of the fight for the hitting crown all year long, was third with a .406 average. Ketcham hit a fine .280. First baseman Jerry Sutton, only a sophomore, led the Spartan hitters with a .397 overall mark and belted six home runs. Captain Jerry Lumianski hit .308. The Big Green finished third in the conference batting race aver­ aging .263 as a team while only placing seventh in club fielding with a .943 percentage. Gary Ronberg, topped State hurlers with a 3.51 earned run average and finished with a 4-1 record. Jack Nutter, 4-2 on the season, compiled a 3.83 ERA and Wes Klewicki had a 5-2 record. His ERA was 4.54. A Purdue player slides into third base safely in State’s 11-5 opening-day victory over the Boilermakers. The throw is late as a State player steals on the “M” player. An MSU man beats the relay to first to spoil a Boilermaker double-play attempt. A Wolverine player thwarts a State pick-off attempt at third. The Spartans show Purdue how it’s done as they exe­ cute a fast double-play against the visitors. The Spartans got off on the right foot in Big 10 action by whipping Purdue 11-5, but dropped a doubleheader to eventual conference champ Illinois the next day, 11-3 and 5-4. The Spartans split with the Hawkeyes of Iowa the next weekend, losing 13-10 and winning 7-5. After dropping a 16-13 marathon to the University of Michigan, State lost the next three before getting back into the win column. MSU finished the season by winning four of its last five, sweeping doubleheaders from Indiana and Northwestern on successive Saturdays. In non-conference play, MSU lost only their final game after decisively win­ ning their first five starts. Highlighting the season was a 7-3 victory over the Uni­ versity of Detroit which snapped the Titans’ win streak at 14 games. 166 1962 BASEBALL MSU11______________________Purdue 5 MSU3_____________________Illinois 11 MSU4_________ ___________Illinois 5 MSU23_________ ___________Alma 5 MSU14______________________Alma 2 MSU10___________-----------------Iowa 13 MSU7_________ ___________Iowa 5 MSU13___________-----------------Michigan 16 MSU0___________-----------------Michigan 4 MSU 1_________ -----------------Michigan 14 MSU7__________-----------------Detroit 3 MSU3___________-----------------Ohio State 6 MSU4______________________Indiana 3 MSU7___________-----------------Indiana 4 MSU16___________-----------------Central Michigan 4 MSU4___________-----------------Notre Dame 0 MSU20___________-----------------Northwestern 3 MSU12________ -----------------Northwestern 4 MSU0___________-----------------Wisconsin 4 MSU11________ 5th ___ -----------------Detroit 16 ___________Big Ten Won 11, Lost 9 A sliding University of Michigan player is called out at third trying to stretch a double into a triple. Row one: J. Bach, J. Elias, J. Lumianski, W. Klewicki, D. Ketcham. Row two: J. Nutter, J. Abrecht, S. Calderone, G. Azar, M. Chiljean, D. Proebstle, P. Smith. Row three: J. Kobs, Head Coach; H. Gingrich, manager; D. Costello, J. Aquino, J. Sutton, W. Deal, J. Porrevecchio, K. VanQualen, manager; F. Pellerin, ass’t. coach. H #//* O ‘imi g» [y&?% mm*-* wm mm §**■*i .¿'[ A V.. V ^Gj ■jwmrrni j j\cHÍG4 I^StNTE'^ \CH IG4 STATr ' Michigan State hoopsters battle Michigan guard Bob Cantrell (30) for the rebound. The Spartans held a one-point advantage with only seconds remaining, but lost 72-71. BASKETBALL 168 The 1962-63 Michigan State basketball team ran into rough sledding from the beginning of the schedule and finished with a 4-16 overall record. The Spartans, by consistently dropping the close ones in the Big 10, wound up with a 3-11 mark in the Western Conference — and finished ninth. With a break or two here and there, MSU might have fared a little better. State suffered three one-point losses at Jenison Fieldliouse, losing to Iowa 60-59, Mich­ igan 72-71 and to Purdue 94-93. Wisconsin also beat State 92-89 in overtime. State’s Fred Thomann arches a high hook shot over a Kansas State defender in the home The Spartans quickly pass the ball down the floor in a last- second attempt to catch Iowa, leading by one point. Forward Pete Gent scores with a driving layup against Kansas in State’s first victory. Characteristic of Spartan basketball was the fast break and the driving layup. Sophomore forward Marcus Sanders (31) drives for a basket. The Spartans beat the Badgers 75-68. After the heartbreaking defeat to Michigan, State failed to win another game. The nine-game loss streak is the longest in the history of the school since it entered the Big Ten. Junior Pete Gent, who was selected to the third All- Big 10 team, topped State in total points with 152. Ted Williams and Marcus Sanders finished with point per game averages of 18 and 14.7, respectively. Williams and Captain Jack Lamers both completed their Spartan basketball careers this year. Michigan State players apply the press to Hawkeyes: Joe Reddington. Iowa won the cliffhanger, 60-59. The Spartan cagers established a “first” of their own this year, however. State became the initial Big 10 team to visit Hawaii over the Christmas holidays. The Spartans began working West shortly after fall term ended and met Kansas, Wichita, Utah and Utah State before spanning the blue waters of the Pacific for a week-long stay in the Islands. There MSU played three games with service teams, winning two and losing one. These games did not count in the final record. Returning for their home opener, State lost to the Hoosiers of Indiana, 96-84. State went on to upset highly-regarded Wisconsin the next time out, and sand­ wiched wins over Northwestern and Minnesota around the one-point loss to Iowa. Forward Bill Schwarz cans another charity point. Row one: T. Douglas; M. Sanders; P. Gent; T. Williams; B. Berry; J. Lamers; B. Schwarz. Row two: G. Robinson, trainer; G. Hamilton, manager; J. Shick; M. Vander Jagt; F. Thomann; R. Welch; D. Floberg; J. Goulding; F. Anderson, Head Coach. Coach Forddy Anderson experiments with a new “relaxation tactic” during time-out breaks. 1962-63 BASKETBALL MSU 56________________________Kansas State 66 MSU 85________________________Notre Dame 92 MSU 81________________________Kansas 62 MSU 69________________________Wichita 80 MSU 79________________________Utah 88 MSU 87________________________Utah State 102 MSU 84________________________Indiana 96 MSU 75________________________Wisconsin 68 MSU 80________________________Northwestern 68 MSU 59________________________Iowa 60 MSU 61________________________Minnesota 59 MSU 71________________________Michigan 72 MSU 81________________________Purdue 103 MSU 86________________________Illinois 91 MSU 70________________________Minnesota 75 MSU 77________________________Ohio State 87 MSU 94________________________Indiana 113 MSU 89________________________Wisconsin 92 MSU 93________________________Purdue 94 MSU 83________________________Northwestern 100 Won 4, Lost 16 Big Ten: Won 3, Lost 11 Ninth Place 1962 CROSS COUNTRY MSU 51________________________Ohio State 71 ________________________Ohio University 19 MSU 34________________________Wisconsin 21 MSU 30________________________Penn State 25 MSU 23________________________Notre Dame 34 1st____________________________Big Ten 30 2nd____________________________IC4A Meet 53 5th____________________________NCAA Meet 147 Won 1, Lost 3 Spartan harriers are lost in the pack at the start of the NCAA Meet but still finished a respectable fifth. CROSS COUNTRY The unpredictable Spartan Cross Country squad first compiled a mediocre 1-3 dual meet record, and with a complete reversal placed first in the Big 10, second in the IC4A, and fifth in the Nationals. State won its tenth Big 10 title in twelve years paced by Jan Bowen, Michael Kaines, and co-captains Roger Humbarger and Donald Castle. MSU was the defending champion in the IC4A meet, but lost to a strong Villanova team by only four points. In the NCAA finals held here at East Lansing, the harriers finished a respectable fifth behind very stiff competition headed by San Jose State. Row one: R. Humbarger; R. Berby; B. Fulcher; O. Larson; J. Bowen; M. Kaines; D. Castle. Row two: J. Gibbard, assistant coach; M. Eriedrich; M. Gass; J. Amie; R. Horning; D. Gyde; D. Ford; T. McCue; F. Dittrich, Head Coach. MSU 10_- MSU 19_— MSU 15_— MSU 20_ MSU 15 MSU 8-_ MSU 17_ MSU 19.... MSU 14 MSU 13.... 1st______ 1962 FENCING Won 7, Lost 3 Illinois 17 ^Chicago 8 .Wisconsin 12 _Iowa 7 .Ohio State 12 _Air Force 19 .Notre Dame 10 -Indiana 8 .Wayne State 13 Detroit 14 _Big Ten Meet 33 MSU foilman Nels Marin scores a touch against a Notre Dame fencer (right). State stung the Irish 17-10. FENCING This season marked twenty-five years of coaching for fencing coach Charles Schmitter, and his team presented him a fine gift; MSU’s first Big-10 fencing championship since their 1951 entry into conference play. The deter­ mined Staters reached their goal with a great team effort and outstanding individual performances. Dick Schloe- mer gained the conference foil championship, while Lou Salamone and Phil Slayton were finishing one-two re­ spectively in the sabre division and gaining 16 of MSU’s 33 points. Defending champion Illinois and Wisconsin pressured the Spartans all afternoon and finished in a tie for second with 31 points. The Spartans posted a 7-3 regular season record, losing only to the Air Force, Illinois, and Detroit. Row one: L. Salamone, D. Schloemer. Row two: N. Marin, B. Brooks, J. Pelletier, P. Slayton. « áp% T. Early, D. Townsend, L. McDan­ iel, B. Badger, J. Broetzmann, Head Coach; J. Neumann, G. Panks, G. Barrett. i GOLF Spartan golfers finished the spring session with an overall record of 11-3, but only managed to finish seventh in the Big 10. A loss to Purdue and setbacks by Michigan and Northern Illinois marred a perfect season. A1 Badger finished 12th in the Big 10 Meet at Illinois, and Clint Townsend came in 14th. Coach John Brotzmann said of the league playoff meet, Putting left us dead in the Big 10. Take out three putts and State would have placed first/’ A Michigan State golfer watches dejectedly as his final putt rims the cup and spins away. n n i ifi§ifif 1962 GOLF Illinois Normal 7 Illinois 12% ----------------Hillsdale 6 ----------------Detroit 0 ----------------Aquinas 14 MSU29__________ MSU23%________________ MSU30_______ MSU18_______ MSU22 MSU21%__________----------------Notre Dame 14% MSU27%__..|g||á^----------------Southern Illinois 8% MSU17_____ MSU30_____ MSU22%__________----------------Northwestern 13% MSU12_____ ----------------Purdue 24 MSU21____ ----------------Ohio State 15 MSU11%__________----------------Michigan 24% MSU12%__________----------------Northern Illinois 22% 7th :u ----------------Tri-State 1 ----------------Wisconsin 24 ----------------Big Ten Won 11, Lost 3 175 ■ Mil m ISjljl N / ' ' 7* " “ V\' V i^hss slPil ■ ¡H ■m ■ ¡■I wMiMiMMÈ; Big 10 still-ring champion Dale Cooper turned in a sterling performance against the Wolverines. GYMNASTICS Michigan State’s gymnastics team under Coach George Szypula posted a 7-3 record despite hindrance from minor injuries along the way. The Spartans lost to Iowa, Michigan, and Southern Illinois but gained victories over five Big-10 opponents. Outstanding performances by team captain Jerry George on the side horse and Dale Cooper, who carded a perfect record on the still rings, led the team. MSU gymnast performs on the tricky parallel bars during the Michigan meet. The powerful Wolverines won 70-39. ■ in Gymnastics Captain Jerry George per­ forms on the side-horse. 176 1963 GYMNASTICS MSU 73%-------------------------------Ohio State 38)2 MSU 78---------------------------------Central Michigan 32 MSU 73)2-------------------------------Indiana 37% MSU 46______________________Iowa 66 MSU 57---------------------------------Wisconsin 55 MSU 79---------------------------------Illinois 21 MSU 39---------------------------------Michigan 70 MSU 63---------------------------------Minnesota 48 MSU 43---------------------------------Southern Illinois 69 MSU 66%-------------------------------Illinois-Chicago 45% 4th---------------------------------------Big 10 Meet 51 Won 7, Lost 3 A limber Michigan State gymnast shows form in the free ex­ ercise division at the IM Sports Arena. Row one: D. Price, G. Szypula, Head Coach; J. Gregg. Row two: T. Gates, B. Carmen, M. Nelson. Wffî&Mà HOCKEY Coach Amo Bessone’s pucksters highlighted their sea­ son with a four game sweep over the rival Michigan Wol­ verines but only finished sixth in the WCHA. State compiled an overall 11-12 mark for the entire season but they only won six and lost ten in Western Collegiate Hockey Association competition. All-American goalie John Chandik turned in another stand-out year making 699 saves in 92 games. High scorer with 29 points and 15 goals was team captain and center Dick Johnstone. Bob Doyle was not far behind with 27 points and 15 goals. Jim Jacobson was the work­ horse of the squad as he had twice as much time on the ice as any of his teammates. Art Thomas and the twin Lackey brothers were also mainstays of the club. Always-powerful Michigan Tech battled the Spartans in a week-end doubleheader. The Huskies won both tilts. The North Dakota pucksters skate in on All-American Spartan goal-tender, John Chandik. MSU 7 MSU 2 MSU 4 MSU 2 MSU 4 MSU 4. MSU 6_ MSU 2 MSU 7_ MSU 4. MSU 7_ MSU 5_ MSU 3_ MSU 2. MSU 2. MSU 5_ MSU 4_ MSU 4_ MSU L MSU 6_ MSU 2. MSU 1. MSU 6. 1962-63 HOCKEY ----------------------------St. Lawrence 3 ----------------------------Clarkson 1 ---------------------------St. Lawrence 5 ---------------------------Michigan 1 ---------------------------Michigan 3 ---------------------------North Dakota 11 ---------------------------North Dakota 5 ---------------------------Denver 6 ---------------------------Colorado College 8 ---------------------------Denver 6 ---------------------------Colorado^ College 8 ---------------------------Minnesota-Duluth 4 ---------------------------Minnesota-Duluth 4 ---------------------------Michigan Tech 6 __________________Michigan Tech 6 ---------------------------Minnesota-Duluth 4 ---------------------------Minnesota-Duluth 1 ---------------------------Minnesota 7 ---------------------------Minnesota 6 ---------------------------Michigan 2 ---------------------------Michigan 1 ---------------------------Minnesota 7 __________________Minnesota 3 Won 11, Lost 12 WCHA: Won 6, Lost 12 The State goalie braces as a U of M player shoots. The Spartans won all four of their games with the Wolverines. Row one: H. Woolf; C. Foumel; D. Daley; A. Thomas; D. Johnstone, captain; T. Lackey; R. Turcotte; P. Raldwin; J. Chandik. Row two: D. LaRue, trainer; M. Martin, co-man­ ager; J. Jacobson; M. Williams; T. Elliot; D. Roberts; N. Musat; B. Doyle; D. Lewin, co-manager; A. Bessone, Head Coach. Row three: J. Lawrence; G. Goble; R. Hargreaves; C. Lakey; M. Orme; J. Ford. SOCCER Michigan State hooters chalked up eight regular season wins on their way to the Eastern Division championship of the Mid-West Conference and added a 4-0 triumph over Howard University in the NCAA quarter-finals. Coach Willard Kenney’s squad had a perfect record mar­ red by St. Louis University, which has handed MSU all four of its soccer defeats in the last three years. The Billikens accounted for the Spartan’s only two losses of the season, the second coming in the NCAA semi-finals and forcing Michigan State to accept a third place finish. In a post-season announcement, Rubens Filizola and captain Dutch Kemeling again received national honors by being selected to the All-American first team. jWI ■HR JP É» ■■■I» GhNb »■¡■IB - -■■ m ■■■bip Rain, mist and overcast skies didn’t stop the Spartans as they chalked up one more goal enroute to another victory. A Stater “uses his head’ to intercept a pass. State blocked Calvin’s plans all afternoon and battled to a 4-1 decision. 180 1962 SOCCER 6------------------------------Akron 4 MSU 3-------------------------__------Purdue 1 MSU 10------------------------------Earlham 0 MSU 4___2p________|H___Calvin 1 MSU 2--------------------------JjSr-'Wheaton 0 MSU MSU 5----------—__t___________Ball State 0 MSU 4----------_____-----_rfl Ohio University 0 12------------------------------Indiana 0 MSU 1------------------------------St. Louis 2 MSU NCAA Playoffs MSU MSU 4------------------------------Howard University 0 0------------------------------St. Louis University 2 Won 8, Lost 1 The Michigan State Soccer Team booted Howard University 4-0 in the first game of the NCAA playoffs. Winning soccer games, which have almost become traditional at MSU, were due last year to good team balance along with several of college soccer’s top stars. Among those men sparking State to their fine season were team captain and three-time All-American Dutch Kemel- ing at center halfback, twice All-American Rubens Fili- zola at inside left, and leading scorer Jean Lohri at outside left. These three standouts, along with eight other seniors, will be lost to the team next year. Row one: T. Stachow; C. Domingues; D. Checkett; G. Rendon; B. Onopa; A. Dworken; J. Heron; R. Fillizola; M. Ventura; C. Dedich. Row two: G. Kaye, trainer; J. Papa- christou; S. Stelmashenko; J. Lohri; K. Gilson; R. Kemeling, captain; L. Eckhardt; J. Debergh; R. Clabbers; S. Donnelly; T. Seyfurth, manager; W. Kenney, Head Coach. SWIMMING Although State swimmers compiled a 9-4 season mark, they were dropped to fifth place in the Big 10 Meet held at Lafayette, Indiana. The only consolation for the Spartans was Jeff Mattson s first place crown in the 100- yard Backstroke division. Powerful Indiana again captured the Big 10 title and accounted for one of State’s losses. The Spartans finished third in the Big 10 Swim Relays which the Hoosiers also dominated. Coach Charles McCaffree lauded co-captains Jeff Mattson and Mike Wood along with Dick Gretzinger and Bill Wood, the other members of States famed 400- yard freestyle relay quartet. The Spartan tankmen’s fast starts enabled them to break many established records. One of the stronger events for Spartan swimmers was the backstroke competition. An MSU diver shows graceful form in the Northwestern meet. 1963 SWIMMING MSU 3rd______________________Big Ten Relays 59h MSU 73_______________________Iowa 32 MSU 44_______________________Indiana 61 MSU 65_______________________Purdue 40 MSU 74-----------------------------------Wisconsin 31 MSU 79^2______________________Bowling Green 2912 MSU 84_______________________Wayne State 20 MSU 52______________________Minnesota 53 MSU 73_______________________Iowa State 32 MSU 68_______________________Northwestern 36 MSU 69_______________________Bowling Green 36 MSU 42_______________________Ohio State 63 MSU 63_______________________Illinois 42 MSU 50_______________________Michigan 55 5th___________________________Big Ten Meet 84% Won 9, Lost 4 Big Ten Meet 84% Fifth Place A Spartan diver executes a tricky maneuver during competi­ tion with Indiana University at the Intramural Pool. Row one: C. McCaffree, Head Coach; V. Lowe, B. Wood, J. Mattson, P. Johnson, M. Wood, M. Corrigan, J. McCormick, R. Fetters, assistant coach. Row two: B. Rea, man­ ager; C. Strong, D. Collins, G. Grommes, B. Driver, D. Gretzinger, M. Atwood, B. Rossow, H. Watts. TRACK The Spartan trackmen finished with two victories and no defeats in regular season competition last spring, beat­ ing Penn State in a dual meet and Michigan and Ohio State in a tri-angular encounter. MSU took third place in the outdoor competition in the Big 10 with 34 2/5 points, while gaining a sixth place finish in the IC4A and a seventh in the CCC. In the Big 10 Meet, Gerry Young finished first in the two-mile competition. Sherman Lewis was high scorer for the Spartans with seconds in the 100 and 200 yard dashes and a fourth in the broad jump. Herman Johnson also copped a second place in the high hurdles for the thinclads. According to Coach Dittrich, the team had its main strength in the sprints but was characterized by weak­ nesses in the weight events. Had it not been for these weaknesses and several injuries to key personnel, a Big 10 Championship might have been forthcoming. Michigan State cindermen pick up valuable points as they finish neck and neck in the relay event. An MSU fieldman vaults high into the air in his bid to capture another Spartan first place. Row one: O. Balcers, B. Mann, T. Peckham, B. Green, Z. Ford, B. Cole, R. Watkins, R. Homing, D. Ford, T. McCue, R. Berby, T. Andris. Row two: D. Barker, trainer; B. Bond, manager; D. Castle, B. Ochs, B. Berry, D. Mutchler, W. Johnson, J. Dehenau, B. Fulcher, R. Humbarger, L. Stafford, J. Gibbard, ass’t. coach; F. Dittrich, Head Coach. A Spartan high jumper grimaces as he clears the bar. The thinclads were unbeaten in regular season play. 1962 SPRING TRACK MSU 73--------------------------------------Penn State 63 MSU 75^2------------------------------------Michigan 65/2 ---------------—------------------------------Ohio State 31 ly 3rd-------_-----------------------------------Big Ten 34 2/5 6th B____________:ff*B______IC4A 5 7th--------------------------------------------CCC 12 1/3 Won 2, Lost 0 1962 TENNIS MSU 1______________________Northwestern 8 MSU 9______________________Detroit 0 MSU 6----------------------------------Wisconsin 3 MSU 9______________________Minnesota 0 MSU 4______________________Iowa 5 MSU 9----------------------------------Notre Dame 0 MSU 8----------------------------------Indiana 1 MSU 8______________________Illinois 1 MSU 2______________________Michigan 7 MSU 8-----------------------------------Ohio State 1 MSU 8-----------------------------------Western Michigan 1 3rd_______________________¿I Big Ten 29 Won 8, Lost 3 wÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊm HHnHH^HnflHH m imm ■i mm r?»*' w m Tom Jamieson braces before a slam against the Hoosiers. State trounced Indiana 8-1. TENNIS Although the Varsity Tennis team recorded an 8-3 season mark last spring, they could claim only third place in the Big 10 behind Michigan and Northwestern. Captain Brian Eisner, playing number one singles for State, finished the regular season with eight wins and three losses. Tom Jamieson was the most consistent winner with 10 victories and only one loss. Although Coach Stan Drobac switched his doubles combinations during the season, Tom Jamieson and Bill Lau finished with a 5-1 tally, while Eisner and Jack Damson went 4-1. In the Big 10 Match, held at Minnesota, Jamieson was beaten in the finals for the third singles crown. Others who placed in the meet were Eisner, Ron Lickman, and Tom Wierman. Jack Damson and Brian Eisner formed a crack doubles combination for the Spartans. In ■» api ■h ■B 111■r ¡¡§1 «— Row one: O. Johnson; T. Mulder; M. Byington; B. Bunn; J. Ball; B. Baldori; J. Ganz; G. Smith. Row two: C. Holmes; D. James; A. Valcanoff; B. Archer; E. Youngs; W. Pelmear; H. Fry; H. McClure; G. Peninger, Head Coach. WRESTLING Spartan matmen treated their new head coach to a fine 6-1 Big Ten mark and a 7-3 overall season. At the Western Conference championships, however, State fin­ ished a lowly eighth. The only consolation was Hap Fry’s third place in the 157 pound division. Coach Grady Peninger said he was pleased with the team’s showing against Oklahoma, often called the NY Yankees of college wrestling. State kept pace with the Sooners until the final, deciding match and then lost a close decision and the meet,14-11. A Spartan wrestler maneuvers his opponent into an unusual position and gets a winning decision. MSU 58______ MSU -______ MSU -______ MSU 19______ MSU 19______ MSU 11______ MSU 10______ MSU 20______ MSU 14______ MSU 17______ MSU 14______ MSU 8______ MSU 15______ 8th__________ WRESTLING „„Northwestern 62 —Minnesota 42 —Purdue 39 —Purdue 8 —Ohio State 8 —Oklahoma 14 —Pittsburgh 16 —State College of Iowa 5 .—Illinois 11 —Indiana 8 —Iowa 11 —Michigan 19 —Minnesota 9 —Big Ten Meet 16 Won 7, Lost 3 Womens intercollegiate sports are on the upswing at MSU. From a start with only tennis nine years ago, the program has expanded to include swimming, field hockey, and gymnastics. Next year more variety could be offered with the pos­ sible addition of basketball. Teams in these women’s sports are open to any University coed and are not directly linked to the physical education program. Similar to men’s varsity ath­ letics, the women have regular practices and definite schedules of games. Women’s swim coach, Mrs. Ann Chadwick, checks relay times with girls on her squad. The swimmers finished with a 3-1 regular season mark and a runner-up spot in the championships. v. ■ mmm umiii Powerful serves helped account for the successful season en­ joyed by the Women’s Tennis squad. Carole Lum, stand-out performer of the Women’s Tennis team, helped draw bleacher-filling Saturday crowds to the South campus clay courts. Started in 1954, the women’s tennis team has pro­ gressed a great deal despite many obstacles. Their coach, Miss Lucile Dailey, declares, “The girls don’t play for glory, but because they thoroughly enjoy playing the game of tennis.” Winning six out of eight matches last spring, the women compiled another successful season. Their only two losses came at the hands of a highly-rated Hamtramck team. Anchoring the team was Carole Lum, Honolulu junior. Taty Belasis and Maureen Strait were also instrumental in many winning efforts. 1962 WOMEN S TENNIS MSU 9______________Kalamazoo 0 MSU 0______________Hamtramack 9 MSU 7______________Alma 0 MSU 9______________Eastern 0 MSU 7______________Aquinas 0 MSU 1______________Hamtramack 8 MSU 6______________Grand Rapids Junior College 1 MSU 7______________Calvin 0 Won 6, Lost 2 Swimmers and timers begin their work at the Women’s Inter­ collegiate Meet with the starting gun. Row one: C. Kluter, J. TenHoor, J. Reynolds, A. Barton, S. Yont, C. Kowalewski. Row two: P. Cross, L. Fomenko, V. Norvel, J. Miller, J. Peganno, P. Schmidt. Row three: L. Miller, D. Westheuser, S. Maass, D. Graening, M. Niemeyer, M. Jones, Mrs. Ann Chadwick, Head Coach. m. mm A fast start enables a State swimmer to gain an early lead in the 100 yard breaststroke event. Women swimmers stroked their way to a runner-up spot in the Womens Intercollegiate Championship and a 3-1 regular season record. The Women s Pool was the scene of the first Women s Inter­ collegiate Championship Meet which featured nine teams including Ohio State, Michigan, and Northern Illinois. Joan TenHoor, Chris Kluter, and Marcia Jones set a new relay record in the losing effort to Michigan at Ann Arbor, while Bowling Green, Miami of Ohio, and Western Ontario all dropped meets to the swimmers. Co-cap­ tains for the season were TenHoor and Kluter, who currently holds the National Collegiate Women’s crown in the backstroke. Their coach, Mrs. Ann Chadwick, pleased with the team’s success, looked forward to the performance of many fine prospects. Gymnastics, under Miss Donna Wiest, is in its first year with tentative meets scheduled for spring term. Good scoring punch was characteristic of the Women s Field Hockey team as they compiled a 4-2-2 season mark. On Homecoming morning the women shut out the Alumni 4-0. Other victories were over Valparaiso (5-0), Western Michigan (2-1), and Northwestern (5-1). Michigan and Eastern Michigan accounted for the ties, 2-2 and 1-1 re­ spectively; while losses came at the hands of Kalamazoo (3-2) and Central Michigan (3-0). Jackie Peek was high scorer for the team with ten goals followed by co-captain Margo Lush with six. These girls accounted for all but five regular season goals. With the loss of only two seniors and with new material from the JV team, Miss Dorothy McKnight, the hockey coach, said she anticipates a good season next year for the Spartan women. Typical of the action in a field hockey game, the Spartan team attempts to parlay good play into a goal. Women swimmers work yard butterfly. hard duringcompetitioninthe100 INTRAMURALS An aerial view of the 18-hole Forest Akers Golf Course, adjacent to Spartan Village, the home of golf and cross country champion­ ships as well as the student duffer. Michigan State boasts of one of the finest athletic programs in the country. This is because the facilities cater not only to the varsity athlete, but also to the average sports-minded student. This popular program centers around the multi­ purpose Men s Intramural Building, designed for both student and faculty needs. Financed by student fees and gate proceeds from home football games, the building is designed to open sports gateways whether on an individual or a competitive team level. 193 The IM Building, first conceived by Athletic Director Biggie Munn, now houses most of the intramural sports as well as physical education courses and limited varsity activities. The key to this building lies in its functional design. The Intramural sports arena, three gymnasium areas, a dirt arena, besides activity areas for fitness, wrestling, fencing, handball, paddleball, squash, weight­ lifting, and table tennis, provide facilities for a variety of sporting interests. Many of these areas are easily con­ verted into classrooms and lecture halls, illustrating an­ other utilitarian aspect of this well-designed building. A player leaps to score a point in Women’s IM volleyball. ■ lV ■ B A determined paddleball player scoops up a low shot in the final round of the Intramural championships. ¡ill ■ss ¡gill ■■■■■ A * ^ * r ■I ■i HHHHHHBHBHHHHBB .....................lllilM ... -/■■ _ * m ■ HHHBHHHHHHHHi ■H MMM w ~ I ■ill «■I li^S v' x' ' ;o --'A^•i';N;' IHISSR^a p II y ' >' ¡¡j Ay y1* 195 ¡¡■S ■i m ■ H !%1 IP W 1 ' *J IW. m g§ I■ Mi Pt >m (KBl fie ■¡pfi* *•* W~ ■ m m n I I IHfa— M B ■■■ § Mk MM! II \1 m H ■H ■Hi ■ ;. -1 tósi . J,*i *, ... *** — MmI BMB V a I H l $ Fast action of a residence hall championship field hockey game typifies the Women’s Intramural program. As demand for use of the IM Building becomes increasingly greater, a new and larger program must be determined by Director Harris F. Beeman and his staff. “Even with this big building, we are now turning people away,” Beeman said. “Friday evening is co-recreational night when men students, faculty, and staff may bring their dates, their wives and their children over 14 years old. With the popularity of such programs catching on, it is no wonder that the building re­ ceives so much use.” State’s IM program is a service to students, faculty and staff to be used for leisure or for self-improvement. With this in mind, the department is continually expanding the variety and intensity of its programs to meet the athletics for all philosophy with an uncomparable program. 196 An intramural performer participates on the rings in the gymnastics finals. An IM wrestler secures a hold on an opponent as the referee looks on. Women’s Intramural Building facilities include a gymnasium full of badminton courts. FOUR Activities at State are numerous and varied and offer students a chance to relax and let off steam. Union Board was exceptionally busy present­ ing activities for all students. Among their projects were weekly dances, bridge instruction, dance instruction, films of all football games played away from home, and of course, the an­ nual Union Board Week. A style show, jazz show and a musical satire on student life were the fea­ tures of the week. The Greeks were busy with rush and spent several weeks each term selecting new brothers and sisters to wear the chapter pin and share the responsibilities and advantages of Greek living. All of the living units built Homecoming dis­ plays, constructed floats for Water Carnival and sponsored term parties to relieve the tensions of classes and studies. There were also Christmas parties for under-privileged children and com­ munity service programs sponsored by each. All of the year’s activities involved much plan­ ning and work and occupied the leisure and sometimes study time of MSU’s 25,000 students. This year, as usual, was filled with activities for students. Hundreds and thousands of hours were spent working on Water Carnival, Activities Car­ nival, Homecoming, J-Hop and countless other student projects. Many more hours went into enjoying the Lecture-Concert presentations, For­ eign Film Series, and various sports events. The University Theater presented “Angel Street,” “J.B.,” and “Kanjincho,” as well as many more productions in their Studio 49 and Summer Circle dramas. The students had an opportunity to sample the political humor of the British in a debate on Castro’s Cuba between the Oxford University and Michigan State debate teams. The match drew the largest crowd in the history of MSU teams. The intramural program continued its growth with more students than ever using the extensive facilities of the Men’s and Women’s IM buildings. The programs included organized touch football, wrestling, swimming, hand-ball, softball, and basketball for the men, and field-hockey, volley­ ball, swimming, tennis and softball for the women. Each sport was divided into teams from the living units and independents and included trophies and medals for each league winner. Students were not as free with their blood as they were with their athletic abilities, however, as each attempt at a blood drive fell far below the quota and drives from previous years. A realistic imitation of Peter, Paul and Mary. a Tension mounts and desks become littered as final deadlines near The first stages of planning for Water Carnival include interviews with prospective committee members through rush. MSU students working on the publications, the State News, Wolverine, Spartan Engineer, and MSU Veteri­ narian, know very well what a dead-line means. They spent most of their time trying to meet them. Each had their problems trying to get pictures, copy and advertise­ ments organized and to the printers so each publication was available to other students on time. Deadlines were common to committees organizing and producing Water Carnival, J-Hop, Spinsters’ Spin, and almost every other student project, large or small. Fortunately, each deadline was met, some closer than others, but, nevertheless the year can be called successful. 200 The music of Kenny Davis filled the Union Ballroom where 100 couples danced beneath the “Harvest Moon.” HONDRARIES ALPHA DELTA THETA Current fashions in the uniform world are modeled by members of Alpha Delta Theta, medical technology honorary sorority, in their annual springtime style show. The women also present the medical aspects of the Peace Corps in a showcase display in Giltner Hall. Row One: C. Steiner; M. Anderson, treas.; L. Wilt; J. Calloway, pres.; M. Swensen, v. pres.; J. McKay; A. Barr, sec.; M. Voss. Row 2: P. Paquin; S. Matyas; N. King; M. Loomis; G. Stremel; M. Povirk; J. Farley. Row 3: S. Lueck; V. Vincent; E. Davis; J. McHuron; L. Bar- trem; B. Atkinson; L. Gray; E. Coryell. Row 4: A. Hood; A. Koski; E. Gardner; J. Trembath; C. Drullinger; M. Wolsey; K. Johnson; C. Smith. Roto 5: K. McIntosh; N. Lewandowski; S. McMonagle; D. Case; C. Schiffer; D. Schover; S. Smith; M. Kemper. Row 6: J. Jaumotte; K. Viskochil; J. Smith; V. Little; J. Smolen; J. Lee; S. Wray; C. Graves. iwm ÜÜ Row One: G. Campbell; S. Simpson, treas.; H. Graves; L. Langohr, v. pres.; B. Dixon, pres.; A. Houvener, sec.; J. Ketlar; L. Kloosterman. Row 2: E. Ellis; L. Missimer; J. Pippenger; C. Lenehan; M. Keown; G. Gleason; S. Meyer; P. Hejl. Row 3: J. Klein; G. Lipscomb; P. Baum; L. Bartrem; P. Bimesderfer; A. Poxson; C. Holbrook; B. Rhoads. Row 4: N. Schenk; S. Spacie; D. Greenough; A. Knoop; M. Smith; E. Barry; J. Rupprecht. Row 5: S. Moore; P. Fuzak; S. Greenleaf; C. Burk; C. Handy; M. Robertson; M. Leslie; M. Collings. Row 6: N. Ferrar; S. Green; S. Hollis; J. Grifka; S. Hatch; M. Luehrs; L. Bishop; S. Lippert. ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA BETA ALPHA PSI University and community services of Alpha Lambda Delta, freshmen womens honorary, include a student tutoring list and detection of architectural impediments to the handicapped. The coeds sponsor a “Smarty Party” to honor freshmen women with over a 3.3. Organized in 1954, the Alpha Omicron chapter of Beta Alpha Psi honors outstanding accounting students. Speakers from the accounting field are invited to meet­ ings and mixers help acquaint faculty and students. An alumni banquet is held each spring. Row One: J. Ehrmann; M. McCool; R. Meulebrouck, v. pres.; T. Durbin, pres.; L. Kemmis, sec.; S. King. Row 2: K. Leisenring; R. Johnston; P. Fisher; H. Schroeder; L. Rans. Row 3: J. Aitken; J. Heath; J. Sclierholz; D. Gibbs; C. Rogers; W. Laitinen. 202 Row One: C. McMillan, adv.; D. Toppin; J. Ehrmann, v. pres.; M. McCool, pres.; F. Windal, adv.; P. Bash. Row 2: H. Matsusaki; J. Demaree; M. Moore; R. Rompf; S. Mead; L. Kemmis; T. Durbin; A. Baldwin; M. Goudzwaard; M. Rosenthal; S. Swanson; C. Janowitzer. BETA GAMMA SIGMA BLUE KEY Beta Gamma Sigma, the “Phi Beta Kappa of the Busi­ ness World” recognizes scholarship in the business field. Membership in this honor society is by invitation only and includes faculty as well as students. An annual banquet this spring commemorated its 50th anniversary. An honorary with service goals, Blue Key selects junior and senior men exhibiting leadership in student affairs and maintaining above the all-university men’s average. The men select Miss MSU and encourage male National Merit Scholarship winners to attend MSU. Row One: D. Foster, sec.; K. Beachler, v. pres.; B. Doerner, pres.; G. Chesley, treas.; D. Baer; G. Holmes. Row 2: B. Johnson; K. Jesmore; W. Khadduri; B. Howard; D. Graff; B. Andringa; B. Burns. 203 Row One: P. Blakeslee, treas.; T. Thompson, sec.; O. Nutt, pres.; O. Andersland, adv.; B. Moody, v. pres.; R. Wichman. Row 2: W. Pecknold; A. Richardson; A. Vissens; V. Federighi. CHI EPSILON CIRCLE HONORARY A plan to award the outstanding freshman in civil engineering was begun this year by Chi Epsilon, civil engineering honorary. The chapter recognizes students exemplifying the traits of the successful engineer: scholar­ ship, character, practicality and sociability. Women excelling in leadership, citizenship and service in residence halls are recognized by Circle Honorary. In addition to reading to blind students, the organization co­ sponsors the Spinster’s Spin and presents an annual talent show. Coeds are tapped winter term. Row One: F. Doran; J. Gordon, treas.; B. Luce, v. pres.; E. Dombrowski, pres.; M. Anderson, sec.; A. Kaplan; R. Hamilton. Row 2: B. Boyer; E. Ochis; S. Vigneault; C. Lum; N. Jelinek; G. Jameson; K. Bangerter. Row 3: J. Hora; P. Larsson; V. Middleton; M. Smith; G. DeGeus; P. Drummond; S. Miller; J. Poxson. 204 Row One: P. Stewart, treas.; R. Fedorowicz, sec.; J. McDowell, pres.; B. Smith, v. pres.; E. Johnson; T. Steury. Row 2: R. Borgers; P. Fanson; K. Etchison; L. Brown; S. Onderwyzer; G. Couturier. ETA KAPPA NU GREEN HELMET Eta Kappa Nu, electrical engineering honorary, aids engineering students in departmental registration. Mem­ bers are chosen from the upper third of the senior and from the top fourth of the junior class. A yearly spring banquet also honors these exceptional students. Assisting at registration and in information booths are two service functions of Green Helmet, sophomore men s honorary. Members also tutor throughout the year. To qualify for membership a man must have a 3.5 all-college for the first two terms and receive a two-thirds vote. Row One: K. Poling; B. Herz; H. Levin, treas.; J. Wierda, pres.; D. Roberts, sec.; A. Glick, v. pres.; P. Holley. Row 2: F. Martin; D. Bullock; NSRobertson; J. Whitney; C. Baugh; R. Schaller; W. Kirkby. Row 3: S. McKinney; R. Humphrey; B. Marquand; J. Cornelius; P. Rheinstein; B. Ruesink; J. Armistead. Row 4: R. Sawdey; J. Ogren; J. Rawls; D. Florahause; B. Osterink; D. Austin; J. Faulkner. 205 Excalibur members act as escorts for the Homecoming queen and court and as guards for May Morning Sing. Chosen for character, leadership and service to the Uni­ versity, new members are knighted at Homecoming and Water Carnival. The 13-member honorary organization, existing only at MSU, recognizes an outstanding faculty member each year by a Distinguished Teachers Award. EXCALIBUR A special Excalibur room in the basement of Coral Gables is reserved for their Thursday meetings. Row One: K. Beachler, pres.; A. Schramm; G. Holmes; J. Chandler; A. Valcanolf; S. Keesler, adv. Row 2: B. Doerner; B. Andringa; W. Khadduri; F. Levine; B. Howard; T. Plough; B. Burns. 206 Row One: J. Phillips, pres.; K. Brownell; J. TenHoor, v. pres.; C. Warren; B. Fox, sec.; S. Luneke, treas.; K. Rieghard. Row 2: P. Kelly; S. Small; M. Snavely; J. Ewald; J. Cogger; C. Scott; M. Neimeyer. Row 3: Mrs. Grdjich, adv.; D. Westhauser; J. Miller; V. Smith; K. Bennett; M. Hayes; N. Dash; J. Wackerbarth. GREEN SPLASH Classes in synchronized swimming and senior life­ saving, demonstrations, and a spring clinic for high school students are projects of Green Splash, womens swimming honorary. In addition to participating in the Porpoise Water Show, the coeds compete in inter­ collegiate swimming meets. The team won first place in such competition with each of its members placing. An instructor advises and assists a Green Splash member in per­ fecting one of the basic stunts. Row One: G. Myers, adv.; N. Karmann, sec.; J. Pfefferle; S. Christiansen; C. Lukesich, v. pres.; D. Ling, pres. Row 2: L. Darling; S. Harpham; C. Munshaw; L. Danzik; L. Schwartz; J. Webb; L. Steadman. KAPPA DELTA PI MORTAR BOARD Kappa Delta Pi, education honorary, recognizes stu­ dents in the College of Education who distinguish them­ selves by making major contributions to education. Members act as hosts to Future Teacher clubs visiting the campus and present an “Outstanding Senior” award. Through calendar sales, Mortar Board, national senior women’s honorary, raises money to contribute to a scholarship fund for MSU students. Their project this year was sending personal letters to National Merit Scholarship finalists to interest them in attending MSU. Row One: D. Hanna; L. Hobbs, v. pres.; J. Koopman, pres.; M. Anderson, sec.; M. Vaughan, treas.; M. Hollen. Row 2: J. Webb; S. Aitken; L. Taylor; P. Dumas; J. Price; J. Frost; A. Clark. Row One: M. Martell; B. Loder; J. Davidson, pres.; M. Gaige, v. pres.; S. Aitken, sec.; M. Garlick. OMICRON NU PI TAU SIGMA The national offices of Omicron Nu, home economics honorary, are located on campus. Promoting scholarship, research and professionalism, the organization recognizes home economics students with a 3.2 or above. Members include a Peace Corps volunteer in Peru. Pi Tau Sigma, national honorary mechanical engineer­ ing fraternity, encourages interest in the school of me­ chanical engineering and fosters ideals of the profession. The MSU chapter attempts to create a balance between the technical and social interests of its members. Row One: S. Kapur; F. Balfour; W. Fetters; D. Renwick; W. Graczyk. Row 2: K. Blow; R. Dull; A. Silletti; E. Curtis; D. Barlow; C. Moore. Row 3: T. Faulkner; N. Keltner; T. Yonker; D. Beegle; J. Wisser. 209 Row One: L. Kolb; J. Hill; C. Baugh, pres.; D. Ogren, v. pres.; K. Michaels; L. Knapp. Row 2 B. Sigler; R. Schaller; W. Kietzman; J. Whitney; F. Martin; H. Levin. Row 3: M. McCarthy M. Kelly; W. Kirby; R. Warburton; M. Booth; R. Hegel. Row 4: L. Smircich; T. Klinger; M Gabridge; P. Rheinstein; D. Conklin; B. Osterink; R. Leonard. Row 5: B. Nikodemski; T Price; G. Okurume; R. Grazulis; R. Sawdey; J. Hudson. On call for a student needing academic help. PHI ETA SIGMA Issuing a tutoring list to living units is a service of Phi Eta Sigma, freshman mens honorary. To belong, a man needs a 3.5 all-college after fall, winter or spring term of his freshman year. The group also presents a $50 scholarship to the sophomore having the highest average after winter term. This fall, a picnic was held with Tower Guard, Green Helmet and Alpha Lambda Delta. Officers call to remind members of coming meetings. 210 Row One: T. Hewett; J. Dann; W. Williams, v. pres.; J. Hudek, pres.; B. Pagel, sec.; D. Gantz; J. DeVet. SPARTAN ENGINEERS SIGMA DELTA CHI National Merit Scholarship winners and high school valedictorians qualify for the Spartan Engineers, honor­ ary organization for freshmen engineers. The 35-mem- ber group acts as a nucleus in forming activities for freshmen engineering students. The student chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, professional society for journalists, helps with the annual high school journalism workshop and is instrumental in getting regional newsmen to speak on campus. This winter they attended a dinner of the Detroit professional chapter. Row One: A. Royce, treas.; E. McCray, adv.; V. Rauch, pres.; D. Krinsky, v. pres.; D. Middle- ton, sec. Row 2: B. Burns; D. Gosselin; B. Fabricant; S. Cole. 211 Row One: E. Musselwhite, v. Row 2: W. Essex; T. Haiberg; C. Jagoe; R. Bach. pres.; W. Lloyd, adv.; J. Bair, pres.; L. Rapplezea, sec.-treas. SIGMA LAMBDA CHI SIGMA PI ETA Sigma Lambda Chi honorary, associated with the Na­ tional Association of Home Builders, sponsors displays at various home shows in the Lansing area. They also annu­ ally stage a spring awards banquet and operate a loan fund to render student financial aid to departmental majors. Sigma Pi Eta, restaurant, hotel and institutional man­ agement honorary, publishes the “Spartan Innkeeper, the HRI alumni newsletter, and a senior brochure. The brochure includes a resume of graduating seniors to intro­ duce MSU’s HRI talent to industry leaders. Row One: E. Kieckhefer, treas.; H. Markevics, v. pres.; P. Bash, pres.; W. Mann. Row 2: D. Baer; Q. Wilda; J. Wise; R. Abruzzi. Not Present: J. Applegate; R. Diener; R. Fabian; G. Hamilton; M. Rabat; L. Kreamer; R. Pauline; G. Schumaker; A. Zelkoff. 212 Row One: W. Pecknold, sec.; B. Smith, pres.; K. Malich, v. pres.; W. Martin. Row 2: P. Stewart, treas.; M. Allen; C. Neubecker; J. McDowell; E. Johnson. TAU BETA PI THETA ALPHA PHI A brass bent, emblem of Tau Beta Pi, national engi­ neering honor society, was mounted on the Engineering building this fall. Also fall term the group sent its presi­ dent to the national convention in Long Beach, California and held a banquet following fall initiation. Each spring when the motion picture industry awards its Oscars, MSU actors and actresses are presented “Spartys” by Theta Alpha Phi, national theater honor­ ary. The group also arranges opening night coffee hours and receptions for visiting Lecture-Concert artists. Row One: K. Peck, pres.; E. Kelly; L. Meech; D. Krinsky, treas. Row 2: L. Stone; S. Watts; P. Pinkstaff; D. Nichols. 213 Row One: L. Kloosterman; M. Mueller, sec.; L. Langohr; S. Lippert, pres.; E. Ellis, v. pres.; B. Dixon, treas.; G. Campbell. Row 2: P. Baum; M. Peterson; I. Hejl; M. Keown; J. Ketlar; A. Houvener; S. Spacie; C. Holbrook. Row 3: P. Fuzak; E. Barry; J. Rupprecht; G. Lipscomb; A. Knoop; N. Schenk; C. Griep. Row 4: L. Bishop; J. Grifka; M. Robertson; C. Burk; S. Hatch; K. Graves; N. Ferrar. TOWER GUARD XI SIGMA PI Beaumont Tower is the scene of weekly Tower Guard meetings. Members of the sophomore women’s honor­ ary, chosen for leadership, character, scholarship and service, read to blind students, help at registration and tutor in freshmen courses. Coeds are tapped in May. The objectives of Xi Sigma Pi, forestry honor society, encourage and recognize superior scholastic standards and promote good relations among forestry workers. Each year the name of the sophomore with the highest grade point is engraved on a plaque. Row One: N. Mo; D. White, adv.; M. Beres; W. Ellsworth, for.; G. Rose, assoc, for.; R. Scranton; T. Stevens; P. Nordwall. Row 2: J. Wright; P. Robbins; K. Hudson; V. Rudolph; H. Kikukawa; L. Carten; J. Ruby; L. Widner. 214 GENERAL SGCIAL AND SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS Row One: J. Ehrmann, treas.; M. McCool, sec.; W. Jensen, v. pres.; P. Fisher, près.; F. Windal, adv.; R. Stoney, v. pres.; P. Hannah. Row 2: D. Day; J. Elliott; K. Leisenring; T. Van Der Tuuk; D. Wagner; D. Toppin; F. Manning; R. Johnston. ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE CLUB AGRICULTURE ECONOMICS CLUB Established for business majors, the Accounting and Finance Club holds an annual spring internship round­ table. This provides winter public accounting interns an opportunity to relate and discuss their experiences. Another spring event is the faculty-student picnic. Open to undergraduate students interested in agricul­ tural economics and related fields, the Agricultural Economics Club provides an opportunity to investigate and discuss problems in farm management and eco­ nomics. They work with Ag Council on the Ox-Roast. Row One: C. Micongwe; J. Taylor, treas.; J. Bremer, pres.; D. Behrenwald, v. pres.; R. Eder, sec. Row 2: C. Hoglund; J. Bartholomew; S. Scholtens; G. Ramsey; T. Dietz; C. Eicher. Row 3: J. Wissman; N. Bills; L. Parks; W. Parson; D. Bandt. 215 Row One: R. Riegel; J. Linsea; G. Clark; D. Houdek; S. Robinson, comm.; T. Miner; J. Baldwin; Capt. D. Hollway, adv. Row 2: E. Bloom; I. Lipsey; R. Wotring; D. Buynak; C. Behne; G. Johnson. Row 3: M. MacNaughton; J. Peterson; G. Erickson; D. Casturo; H. Linnemann; D. Hearn; D. Stephen; P. Richardson. Row 4: W. Lossmann; M. Nicholson; R. Osborn; J. Montana; R. Johnson; J. Barnes; J. Aldrich; S. Canavera. ARNOLD AIR SOCIETY ANGEL FLIGHT A record-breaking 2,225 pints of blood were collected last year in the Arnold Air Society sponsored blood drive. These cadets also take orphans to MSU football and basketball games. The main event on their social calendar is the Coronation Ball held during the fall. Chosen on the basis of poise, personality, interest and grade point, Angel Flight coeds play hostess at Air Force functions. Members of this sister organization of Arnold Air Society also modeled various WAF uniforms on tele­ vision and assisted at the campus blood drives. Row One: P. Scott; D. Browarski; J. Price; S. Bowen, Comm.; J. Somers; K. Krymis. Row 2: R. Williams; E. Coulton; J. Adams; P. Harris; J. Bresto; N. McClelland. Row 3: B. Booth; K. Gustafson; C. Mihay; C. Perry; P. Larsson; J. Marshall. 216 Row One: D. Mokma, treas.; A. Early, pres.; R. Meintz, v. pres.; H. Miller, sec. Row 2: M. Darling; J. Willson; H. Foth, adv.; G. Gascho. AGRONOMY CLUB BETA BETA BETA The Agronomy Club provides the opportunity for undergrads in the College of Agriculture to meet and discuss common problems in feeding the nation. The vocational group participates in the Harvest Ball, Ox Roast, Farmers’ Week, and a student-faculty barbeque. Tri-Beta, biological science honorary, aims at stimu­ lating scholarship, promoting the spread of scientific truth and furthering research. Full membership requires a junior or senior status or 20 credits of biology, but pro­ visional standing is offered to top biology students. Row One: P. Cherven; R. Tuck, v. pres.; J. Rraddock, adv.; B. Wallis, pres.; A. Yanders, adv.; P. Knapp, sec.; B. Rae. Row 2: B. Wilson; R. Schmitter; J. White; L. Hendges; B. Bitney; M. Bull; C. Hill; P. Drummond. Row 3: E. Grieger; H. Winkworth; R. Hanburger; C. Meade; A. Barr; D. Williams; L. Brody. Row 4: T. Easton; G. Eickwort; A. Schiebner; B. DeClark; E. Bradley; G. Sole; C. Zientek; A. Henn. 217 Row One: N. Orth, treas.; J. Harwood, sec.; E. Heller, v. pres.; L. Cotton, pres.; W. Magee, adv.; S. Hatter; L. Severance. Row 2: K. Lucas; J. Sanderson; J. Hale; M. Klinger; T. Watson; N. Prettyman; J. Cameron. Row 3: R. Rudish; R. Forbush; P. Spike; S. Pegg; S. Blakeslee; B. Rudish; T. Smith. Row 4: T. Dodge; J. Grvizenga; H. Bailey; J. Sietsema; G. Bell; B. Lasher; M. Malott. BLOCK AND BRIDLE An appreciation of livestock and an interest in the livestock industry is the only requirement for member­ ship in Block and Bridle. The club earned top honors in intercollegiate judging contests throughout the nation this year. Although the highlight of the year is the annual spring term horse show, fall and spring livestock judging contests fill the remainder of the year. Sharon Kuslick placed first at the spring show in the women’s horsemanship class and then out-rode other winners in the horse­ manship stake. 218 Row One: C. Baumann, treas.; N. Zimmerman, v. pres.; F. Bowers, pres.; D. Armstrong, adv.; M. Lindquist, sec.; D. Yeager. Row 2: R. Khan; N. Veliquette; P. Spike; A. Beal; G. Poest; D. Bauman. DAIRY CLUB ENGINEERING COUNCIL The Dairy Club is open to all students interested in dairy and food science. The annual highlight of the club is the “Bean Feed,” a dinner for students and faculty of the department of dairy and food science interested in the activities of the club. Acting as coordinator for the various engineering or­ ganizations, the Engineering Council sponsors the May Hop and the Engineering Exposition. The exposition consists of some industrial exhibits, but mainly empha­ sizes student work to appeal to the high school student. Row One: D. Zimmerman, treas.; V. Federighi, v. pres.; G. Cunningham, pres.; B. Moody; F. Wheaton; B. Smith. Row 2: J. Turner; D. Roush; B. Kennedy; D. Malich; T. Steury; F. Balfour. 219 Row One: M. Beres; T. Stevens; R. Cridler, sec.-treas.; A. Reese, pres.; W. Elsworth, v. pres.; K. Hudson, adv.; D. Hannigan; D. Martin. Row 2: N. Mo; L. Gildemeister; M. Cline; B. Rieger; J. Frederick; F. Antonetti; M. Renwick; R. Newton; G. Senkin. Row 3: M. Komiensky; D. Hawkins; J. Wright; N. Dasmauskis; W. Smith; M. Wachtman; P. Robbins; C. Chiaw-lian; W. Der-chuen. Row 4: L. Widner; R. Scranton; L. Harrington; L. Klingbeil; R. Hoffman; D. Greist; L. Curter; J. Rudolph; H. Kikukawa. Row 5: T. Waked; D. White; R. Melcher; D. Gross; R. Humphrey; D. MacCleery; J. Ruby; T. Myall; R. Chesnik. Row 6: J. Robinson; N. Speer; G. Rose; R. Bernhard; J. Fischer; C. Friberg; R. Barth; P. Nordwall; L. Corcoran. FORESTRY CLUB HPER CLUB The Forestry Club, made up of students interested in forestry, meets in the forestry cabin, built by the club in 1937. An annual Foresters Banquet is held with the University of Michigan forestry club. After the banquet, a contest is held to determine the biggest liar. Contemporary dance and gymnastic clinics, speakers and social nights highlight the HPER Club year. The club, open to health, physical education and recreation coeds, promotes interdepartmental relations while pro­ viding leadership opportunities. Row One: L. Centolella; J. Keefer; M. Robertson, sec.; M. Snavely, pres.; N. Dash, treas.; L. VanderVeen; A. Hicks; K. Herstein. Row 2: S. Divekey; P. Sponenburg; C. Gothelf; S. Cramer; S. Brabbs; J. Phillips; B. Johnson; M. Strait. Row 3: D. KuJulKa; T. Krupp; K. Collins; J. McMartin; P. Huerstel; K. Brown; J. Phillips; C. McNaughton. Row 4: M. Poplawski; P. Covert; J. Wackerbarth; D. Dicks; R. Wells; A. Walker; B. Jones; S. Adell. 220 Row One: C. Lenehan, sec.; J. Sparks; B. Hughes; A. Arend; R. Mentzer, adv. Row 2: M. Leslie; J. Davidson, v. pres.; M. Bird, pres.; G. Veld; K. Altmansberger. HOME ECONOMICS COUNCIL INDIAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION Presidents of the professional home economics clubs and committee chairmen, chosen by the outgoing coun­ cil, compose the Home Economics Council. The group played hostess for the fall workshop of the college clubs section of the Michigan Home Economics Association. Indian students make up the largest foreign group on campus next to the Canadians. The Indian Students Association puts on celebrations on Independence Day in August and on Republic Day, besides a Festival of Lights called Divali. Membership in the group is international. Row One: S. Bharadwaj; S. Bharadwaj; C. Michael; P. Lulla; L. Mather; A. Kamteker; S. Krishnan; S. Naimpally. Row 2: B. Mukherfee; V. Mathur, v. pres.; B. Reddy, pres.; R. Srivastava, treas.; A. Roy; B. Lulla, sec. Row 3: R. Michael; B. Shah; B. Sinha; M. Bharadwaj; S. Naimpally; X. Avula; N. Daruvalla. Row 4: A. Michael; P. Sharma; T. Chawan; V. Krishnan; M. Mastana; S. Mehra. Row 5: B. Sharma; A. Summanwar; C. Patel; A. Bhakta; O. Kunzru; S. Abubakar; V. Vasavaiah. Row 6: V. Choksey; V. Harwalkar; V. Gadhia; K. Murthy; H. Choudary; D. Rebello. 221 Row One: G. Jennings, adv.; R. Rumon; D. Canning, pres.; C. Grimmer, sec.; D. Schabile; H. Kuehl, adv. Row 2: J. Hovis; J. Goldberg; R. Coman; C. Keiser; J. Hendrix. Row 3: G. LaMere; K. Wolfe; F. Reck; W. Skiver; H. Dick; R. Kaza. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL CLUB The Industrial Education Association is open to in­ dustrial arts majors with high scholastic standing. The group was organized to promote industrial arts and sponsors a mixer in the forestry cabin, an open house to orient new members and a spring picnic. The Cosmopolitan Ball, international festival, dinner and talent show are presented by the International Club. Promoting friendship and understanding among inter­ national students, the organization sponsors dinners and cultural exchanges with various nationality groups. Row One: N. Daruvalla; R. Aghaie; J. Lund, sec.; T. Castro, pres.; N. Wold, adv.; H. ElSherif, treas.; G. Wuerfel, sec.; D. Simpson. Row 2: J. Morse; M. Conwell; A. Laupitz; C. Lenehan; M. Gomezrobelo; B. Shah; J. Kikuchi; P. Holtz. Row 3: G. Murr; W. Gertz; N. Webster; T. Fadayomil; K. Maxwell; L. Smithson; J. Viemeister; A. Imtiaz. Row 4: P. Braids; P. Quinlan; A. Vincent; P. Sharma; I. D’Souza; P. Eshleman; E. Thomas; P. Tamami. Row 5: R. Drum­ mond; R. Joynt; N. Piersma; C. Kissner; C. Perez; D. Cizak; P. Powers; G. Boughton; A. Amu. 222 Row One: R. Connell; N. Loren; J. Bartos, treas.; R. Langdon, v. pres.; B. Kennedy, pres.; N. VanSickle, sec.; G. Cunningham; P. Stewart. KNIGHTS OF ST. PATRICK MARKETING CLUB Honoring the patron saint of engineers, the Knights of St. Patrick is open to juniors and seniors in engineer­ ing with at least a 2.0 all-university average. The group selects the Engineering Queen each year and provides the entertainment during the May Hop intermission. This spring the Marketing Club sponsored the first annual Midwestern Invitational Marketing Conference. Representatives from 20 midwestern colleges met to dis­ cuss new approaches to current marketing problems. The club is a member of the American Marketing Association. Row One: D. Hoste, treas.; D. Goodson, sec.; B. Conder, v. pres.; T. Cook, pres.; W. Crissy, adv.; J. Matsusaki; J. Henry. Row 2: C. Cieslinski; A. Graffa; J. Meyland; A. Odutola; L. Waterman; W. Costello; K. Bielinski; L. Campbell. Row 3: A. Camden; B. Nettle; P. Thorne; G. King; C. Anderson; R. Rademacher; D. Smart. Row 4: R. Rolston; B. Mclver; J. Dase; J. Lazell; W. Landacre; J. Story; D. Taylor; R. Kieliszewski. 223 Row One: T. McPherson; R. Swerdeger; F. Philip; W. Hawley; D. Cook; T. Rutledge; T. Allard; L. Hardy; R. Watters; M. Heikkinen, accom.; D. Klinger; P. Bash; J. Wills, sec.; S. Davidson; G. Steinmetz. Row 2: R. Knight; R. Cachola; G. Landon; J. Fitzgerald; D. Wells; T. Grein; J. Mclntire; K. Bakeman; D. Butler; F. Morris. Row 3: N. Nugent; C. Branson; S. Woods; P. Salisbury; M. Nyverg; J. Sweeny; D. Dillon; H. Clark; H. Gary; B. Reit, vice pres.; C. Curtis. Row 4: W. Nibbelink; R. Sherwood; K. Pollack. Row 5: S. Peterson; J. Waskiewicz; R. Hiemstra; R. Ravell; F. Howe, treas.; Mr. L. Jones, dir. Officers give new piece a trial run. MEN’S GLEE CLUB The MSU Men’s Glee Club, commonly known as the “Singing Statesmen,” presents over 40 concerts during the school year. The club often joins with other “Big Ten” clubs in joint concerts. This year, clubs from North­ western and University of Michigan reciprocated in such concerts. A Thanksgiving television show on WJIM and a spring tour throughout Michigan complete the season. Glee club presents another sterling performance. Row One: S. Lundberg, v. pres.; D. Simmons; G. Davis, pres.; C. Kincheloe; Mrs. Samuel, adv.; A. Lesan. Row 2: C. Robinson; M. Smith; S. Word; M. Kiper; M. Allen; B. Bielefeld. ORCHESIS PACKAGING SOCIETY An interest in dance and knowledge of composition are the only qualifications for membership in Orchesis. The organization strives to promote dance and to enable its members to continue and to develop dance activities. Lecturers and performers are sponsored. Trips to the American Management Association show and to the Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Insti­ tute present Packaging Society members an opportunity to learn about this phase of the industry. They supple­ ment their trips and discussions with guest speakers. Row One: R. Fuller; H. White; P. Hill, v. pres.; T. Taylor, pres.; R. Maier, sec.; T. Ford, treas.; J. Goff, adv. Row 2: D. Malizia; W. Junke; R. Bracone; D. Howe; D||Becklm; R. Shatney; M. McGinnis; J. Mautz. Row 3: J. Hendee; J. Borsch; W. Clake; G. Brander; E. Emerick; J. Musgrove; J. Stimson; C. Klatt. Row 4: V. Nelson; D. Drummond; D. Hand; K. Geiger; D. Hopp; D. Frank; C. Schringer; T. Ondrus. Row 5: L. Riddle; J. Monkman; R.; Barnes; J. Morrish; R. Morphy; R. Pechinski; W. Wilson; W. VanderPIoeg. 225 Row One: D. VanSingel, sec.; P. Simon; S. VanSingel, pres.; W. Austin, v. pres.; D. Babbitt, treas. Row 2: W. Kalchik; N. Kreitner; P. Eggleston; W. Wadsworth; B. Dowd. Row 3: H. Otto; T. Hamilton; S. Scholtens; L. Dowd; C. Miles. Row 4: D. Nugent; H. Veldhoff; J. Mead; T. Schueneman; A. VanLonkhuyzen. Row 5: W. Gifford; S. Shafer; P. Friday; J. Breinling; J. Delellis. POMOLER CLUB PROMENADERS Distributing apples on Michigan Day is a unique feature of the Pomoler Club. This practice, together with the apple-vending machine in the Horticulture building, furthers the club’s aim of stimulating interest in and knowledge of the various phases of horticulture. Selected on the basis of learning ability, interest and personality, the Promenaders compete each term for po­ sitions on their square dancing demonstration team. This year, the “dem team” performed on request at a national square dancing convention in Miami Beach, Florida. Row One: K. Wimmer; M. Hoexter; K. Washburn, v. pres.; D. Hamann, pres.; M. Heikkinen, sec.; R. Hoxie, treas. Row 2: S. Orr; G. Woodman; B. Giddings; H. Davis; B. Neuman; M. Cook; J. Riley. Row 3: J. Swire; G. Hinkley; J. Smith; P. Guilday; V. Voelker; M. Power. Row 4: F. Nürnberger; J. Moore; D. Blanchard; J. Sampson; J. Rademacher; J. Kemppainen. Row 5: R. Johnson; B. Bamber; W. Pelmear; D. Carpenter; J. Zolczer; J. Wagner. 226 Row One: J. Reitenour; L. Saylor; S. Toles; P. Keskitalo, sec.; G. Robarge, v. pres.- T Tower SBgi Baskerville, treas.; F. Vipond; S. Sloat; R. Mierindorf; N. Steen; P. Milks. Row 2-’ Map Tabbert adv.; G. Thom; R. Harding; L. Gunnerfeldt; K. Weidbusch; R. Shaw; R. Jenson; C. Pacic; T. Jewett; D. Irelan; S. Werner; P. Hamois; N. Rosenstrauch; C. Mileskiewicz- D Denholm. RIFLE CLUE To promote rifle marksmanship, the Rifle Club offers instruction in riflery and firearm safety. Members con­ tend for NRA qualifications and club awards. A club- sponsored girls rifle team competes in campus matches and in an intercollegiate NRA sectional tournament. SCARRARD AND RLADE Scabbard and Blade, national military honor society, sponsors a blood drive, summer camp panel for juniors, and field trips to points of military interest. Two gold medal awards are presented at the spring awards parade to the outstanding freshmen and sophomore cadets. JR One: M. Alkire, treas.; T. McKane, sec.; S. Finkbeiner; C. Walker, pres.; W. Reed- E Mmor, v pres.; B. Andringa. Row 2: C. Hill; R. Giliberto; J. Laing; R. Tinker; N. Gond’; R. Kirsten. Row 3: D. Kim; R. Benton; P. Stevens; P. Vaupel; M. Ehrlich; W. Swanson. Row 4r D. Bennett; P. Hewett; J. Olmstead; R. Feitz; D. Schaefer; D. Apps. Row 5: C. Wood: D. Davidson; G. Keir; R. Stoney; R. Damman. 227 Row One: C. Mort, sec.; S. Bauman; S. Taylor, pres.; L. Deal, adv.; L. Brockway, v. Pres-V^* Geier; M. Coutchie, treas. Row 2: S. Shepherd; M. Wanczuk; M. Munton; R. Surath; D. Norton; M. Drysdale; G. Alderink; G. Gibson. SIGMA ALPHA ETA SPARTAN WIVES Members of Sigma Alpha Eta, speech and hearing honorary, work in the MSU speech and hearing clinic, which offers correctional therapy for Lansing area chil­ dren. The service year is culminated with a May breakfast honoring new key members and seniors. While hubby’s off at class, the Spartan Wives find things other than housework to keep them busy. The group provides classes from Swedish gym to bridge and millinery. Among their service projects, the wives spon­ sor the TB-mobile and campus cancer drive. Rn„, rw. (officers) D. Crowder; P. VanLiere; D. McRea, treas.; S. Cornell, sec.; S. Cardwell, 228 Row One: T. Jerhezk; B. Burge, v. pres.lp. Zillich, sec.; J. Perry, pres.; G. Hecko, sec.; J. Wilson; S. deBeauclair; S. Mongol. Row 2: L. Arens; M. Smith; M. Daleo; C. Coates; P. Bimesderfer; J. Adams; C. Jackson; L. Schaeffer. SPARTAN WOMEN’S LEAGUE 2x4 CLUB Koffee Kapers,” a coffee hour for transfer students during Welcome Week, and the Summer Employment Kickoff program are projects of the Spartan Womens League, MSU women’s service group. The organization also holds the May Morning Sing breakfast. Forestry majors are able to advance their interest and understanding of wood materials and products as a mem­ ber of the 2x4 Club. The group takes part in the National Retail Lumber Dealers convention, in the annual regional convention and in the Lansing Home Show. Row One: D. Horwitz, B. Grant. 229 Row One: J. Woodbury; W. Bergstrom, v. pres.; D. Boley, pres.; L. Cooper, sec.; L. McCanna, treas.; Rev. J. Didier, adv. Row 2: M. Mick; P. Davenport; M. Richmond; C. Sugden; L. Soules; D. Richmond. Row 3: E. Daniels; M. Ackerson; S. Kiligore; B. Tatum; L. Stewart; C. Hochhäuser; D. Sturtevant. Row 4: D. Dalrymple; G. Nolin; M. Rooks; J. Sturtavant; P. Hall; L. Rich. BAPTIST STUDENT FOUNDATION CANTERBURY Fellowship, religious education and service are made available by the Baptist Student Fellowship. The center holds weekday prayer and Bible study groups, recrea­ tion, debates and forums for the convenience of Baptist students. The chapter was established in 1960. Canterbury provides Episcopalian students an oppor­ tunity for Christian fellowship and attempts to stimulate a deeper concern for spiritual values. While working with the national organization in supporting mission projects they also work closely with the local NAACP. Row One: G. Boughton, treas.; C. Corner; P. Eggleston; S. Lundberg, pres.; J. McKay; E. Spalding, v. pres.; R. Gardner. Row 2: G. Eickwort; A. Kirton; R. Caldwell; M. Hazen; J. Boyer; A. Barr; W. Leonard; H. Albertson. 230 Row One: C. Hastings; S. Mangol; F. Windal, adv.; B. Decker, adv.; B. Nettle, pres.; A. Hall, sec.; C. Wood. Row 2: V. Schramm; B. Giddings; S. Hale; L. Marcus; B. Everett; G. Gleason; D. Stephenson; C. Hungerford. Row 3: B. Eaton; A. Mount; A. Bobinson; J. Wilson; B. Wolterding; M. Dickinson; J. Fay. Row 4: D. Finlay; P. Stevens; B. Knight; R. Ward; M. Conklin; N. Layton; T. Palmer; W. Proops. Row 5: L. Tievema; J. Eubank; S. Clemeson; T. Kempton; R. Matthews; F. Balfour; D. Humphrey; D. Castle. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION GAMMA DELTA The purpose of the CSO is to promote orderly growth in and practice of their beliefs and to correct within the University erroneous impressions concerning Christian Science. At weekly meetings members discuss their religious experiences and hear guest speakers. A new Lutheran chapel and student center, on the site of the present Martin Luther Chapel, will be the home of Gamma Delta, international association of Lutheran students. Gamma Delta, standing for Christian knowl­ edge and service conducts social and religious activities. Row One: P. Bergdolt, treas.; B. Carlile, sec.; J. Pietkiewicz, v. pres.; S. Schaeffer, pres.; T. Bundenthal, pastor; F. Krage; C. Seidenschnur. Row 2: M. Abel; B. Blough; M. Dolleck; P. Long; J. Thurow; B. Benschop; D. Simons; B. Stark. Row 3: C. Oehling; B. Pring; J. Jackson; R. Perren; E. Peterson; L. Oehling; B. Franz. Row 4: J. Neumann; A. Scheen; A. Jarve; G. Ziegler; L. Decker; G. Witte; D. Carpenter. Row 5: J. Nordgren; R. Lucas; J. Aho; A. Gelley; P. Rummel; K. Hess; R. Lucas; L. Corcoran. 231 Row One: H. Folmar, treas.; J. Christenson, sec.; N. Lombard, v. pres.; K. Arpin, pres.; Dr. C. Morrill, adv.; M. Mitchell; E. Wells; C. VandenHoek. Row 2: A. Arpin; J. Matheny; L. Liedholdt; P. Tricker; J. Palmer; R. Dietz; J. Crawford; J. Atekwaha; T. Morris. Row 3: G. Johnson; J. Leino; R. Reiter; L. Gates; N. Miller; C. Williams; S. Rennett; W. Gertz; L. Premo. Row 4: R. Fladseth; B. Pike; S. Robb; C. Slagter; R. Worrall; B. McDonald; H. Polk; R. Krieger; G. Bence. Row 5: D. Coolman; N. Hirshman; H. Michael; S. VerBurg; J. Kern; K Payne; K. Shanks; B. Feher; R. Maples. Roto 6: D. Gilbert; R. Worrall; K. Olson; J. Price; G. Klein; R. Drummond; D. Northey; N. Hart; J. Loeding. SPARTAN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP TRINITY COLLEGIATE FELLOWSHIP Striving to present college students with the claims of Christ, as revealed in the Scriptures, the Spartan Christian Fellowship serves as the local chapter of the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. Subscribing to IVCF goals, they support missions and hold bible study hours. Trinity College Fellowship attempts to encourage students to establish and develop a personal relationship with Christ and to provide an opportunity for those “of like faith” to participate in regular fellowship with one another. A spring retreat rounds up their active year. Row One: B. Pike, treas.; L. Premo, sec.; D. Morrill, v. pres.; H. Polk, pres.; J. Christenson; C. VandenHoek; E. Wells. Row 2: T. Morris; J. Matheny; J. Crawford; L. Leidholdt; J. Palmer; R. Dietz; P. Tricker; C. Slagter. Row 3: R. Krieger; J. Leino; H. Folmar; C. Williams; R. Worrall; B. McDonald; G. Bence. Row 4: H. Michael; J. Price; R. Jensen; J. Thompson; R. Payne; K. Shanks; J. Kern. Row 5: N. Hart; D. Gilbert; D. Dekoning; R. Drummond; R. Worrall; D. Northey; D. Coolman. 232 Row One: C. Fowler; M. Greene; M. Grile, sec.; K. Farnam, treas.; M. Marzolf, v. pres. Row 2: Fr. Kavanaugh, adv.; L. Wheeler; B. Nicholich; J. Cable, sec.; R. Ränder, pres.; E. Birkmeier. ST. JOHN S STUDENT PARISH “Operation Understanding” afforded both Catholics and non-Catholics an opportunity to tour St. John’s church this winter and to learn its symbolism. All heads of campus religious groups were invited. Weekly dances, a ski trip, forums, a retreat and Sunday suppers provided a varied schedule. The Catholic Family Movement and Graduate Club completed the well-rounded program. Sunday mornings and Holy Days find the 956-seat Church and aisles filled to capacity; and at later Masses, another is said in an adjoining lounge. 233 Row One: M. Vietzke, treas; B. Thaler, pres.; G. Jordan, dir.; E. Dunn; E. Fethke, v. pres.; M. Wolsey. Row 2: L. Millerd; C. Johnson; G. Murphy; P. Zillich; C. Webb; K. Fethke; M. Scott; K. Baughman. Row 3: K. Davenport; C. Armstrong; V. Tonlson; K. Beckett; G. Fox; L. Zischke; O. Larson. Row 4: W. Divelbiss; G. Watson; D. Thaler; C. Sensen; D. Maker; D. Manning; J. Warren. WESLEY FOUNDATION CHEERLEADERS Methodist students find opportunities for religious ex­ pression and growth through the Wesley Foundation. Activities include a Sunday supper and forum, weekly communions and choir. Financial aid to a foreign student and community projects supplement religious activities. The cheerleaders can be seen and heard at most school athletic events, shouting encouragement to team members and cultivating enthusiasm among spectators. They are often invited to help promote charity drives, to visit other schools and to host visitors and alumni. Row One: N. LaLonde; P. Sweetland; J. Erkman; E. Stone; S. Zachariason; J. Van Conant. Row 2: J. Ehle; B. Warner; K. Loan; B. Harris; W. Dugger; J. Gross. 234 Row One: L. W. Dean; J. H. Denison; J. A. Fuzak; L. D. Kinney; F. B. Senger, chrm.; L. J. Berman; B. Bums; W. F. Mclllrath, sec. BOARD OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Top authority in student publications lies within the Board of Student Publications. The board selects the editors and business managers for the newspaper, year­ book and special interest magazines, in addition to deciding publication policies. Members include major publication editors, director of publications, an AUSG representative and various faculty and administration officials. Board meetings are held at least once a term. Wolverine staffers sort senior picture proofs, matching them with names, colleges, and majors. Row One: B. Fabricant; S. Derrickson; B. Burns, ed.; L. Berman, adv.; M. Bailey, sec.; J. Wallington; P. Schnitt. Row 2: J. Kirschenbaum; E. Bloom; A. David; D. Belcher; L. Hyman; J. Korona; R. Schwartz. Row 3: R. Yogman; G. Hinkley; D. Vajda; B. Fox; S. Jacoby; S. Miller; J. VanGieson. Row 4: D. Middleton; J. Yost; E. Filson; T. Fitzgerald; L. Miller; C. Perin; B. Doerner. STATE NEWS EDITORIAL STATE NEWS ADVERTISING Picked by Associated Collegiate Press to receive one of five top American Newspaper Publishers Association rat­ ings, the State News has added two editorial pages weekly and local cartoonists. Another addition is a state UPI wire to keep reporters up to date on Michigan news. Advertising, the mainstay of most news publications derives success from a continually progressive sales department. Within the past year State News Adver­ tising has cultivated a more intensified training program, doubled its sales staff and increased its classified staff. Row One: A. Langer; B. Shassberger; FjSenger, ass’t mgr.; F. Levine, mgr.; D. Hanna; J. Evans. Row 2: L. Flamm; D. Vollmer; L. Fabris; M. Fox; C. Gish; L. Nejylski. Row 3: S. Pauli; R. Beyer; M. Rosen; A. McClellan; K. Hoffman; D. Upright; J. Sietsema. 236 Row One: J. Coplan; A. Beckmeyer; M. Powers; T. Maxon. Row 2: G. Holmes; L. Kinney; G. Erickson. WOLVERINE EDITORIAL From the first stages of theme and continuity until the final page proofs are returned to the printer, the Wol­ verine editorial staff’s work keeps mounting. The year proves to be one built around deadlines, the majority of which are missed. From under a pile of curling photos and masses of copy, final decisions are made and the presses start rolling. All that is left is the waiting—and the planning of next year’s book. Before any writing can be sent to the printer, copy and caption blocks must be measured and character-count determined. ■ Row One: M. Bradel; D. Stewart; S. Bemath; G. Holmes; M. Reidel; B. Kienbaum; A. Wright. Row 2: M. Hannon; N. Jarratt; P. Harris; D. Tashjian; N. Halper; L. Grenadier; J. Harvey. Row 3: V. Voelker; K. Lind; J. Rice; J. Boughton; S. McKenna; S. Corgan; D. Klayer. Row 4: R. Williams; S. Yount; C. Kneller; M. Higby; J. Lutkus; W. Sands; S. Smith. Row 5: J. Row­ land; W. Fry; R. Hoffmann; A. Moore; M. Smith; F. Rotondo; A. Camden; B. Clements. WOLVERINE BUSINESS SPARTAN ENGINEER The chaotic job of sales manager changed hands three times this year. Nevertheless, sales reached 3,000 in the late stages of the campaign. Wilbur, the 1963 sales sym­ bol, and walking A-boards reading “Yea, Wolverines,” at the U of M game were means used to promote sales. Acting as a voice for the College of Engineering, the Spartan Engineer publishes articles of general scientific interest in its quarterly editions. Although employing a thirty-member staff they accept technical or feature articles submitted by non-staffers. Row One: J. Callahan; R. Huffmaster; Dr. D. McGrady; P. Adams; S. Smith; J. Devet. 238 Row One: L. Greene; L. Allen; M. Petersen, adv.; B. Barkwell, pres.; A. McMahon, v. pres.; L. Cappel, sec.-treas. Row 2: E. Fabus; B. Hansen; S. Spacie; S. Langeland; S. Branch; J. Wells; N. Schenk. Row 3: S. Kreis; J. Turner; D. Upham; C. Augustus; R. Popp; S. Haskell. Row 4: A. White; D. Browarski; J. Platz; E. Foster; K. Johnson; H. Goldberg; J. Gunderson. AWS JUDICIARY AWS ACTIVITIES The Associated Women Students Judiciary Board at­ tempts to maintain standards of conduct which are in har­ mony with the ideals of academic and social growth. Its decisions are printed in the green and white AWS hand­ book, distributed to all women students. Co-ordinating campus activities, AWS Activities Board undertakes a Big-Little Sister program, Who’s Who and What’s What and Activities Carnival. These fall term projects are designed to familiarize incoming freshmen with campus grounds, activities and folkways. Row One: D. Dibble; G. Veld, treas.; K. Gilson; G. Greene, pres.; A. Beckmeyer; S. Lacey; C. Smith, v. pres. Row 2: C. Hamlin; B. Hopkins; A. Ulland; J. Biro; B. Quering; C. Coates. Row 3: L. Pierson; B. Drysdale; N. Gokenback; R. Perren; C. Griep; D. Beukema; L. Moore. 239 Row One: J. Mertz, treas.; A. Marcille; J. Morton, v. pres.; C. VandenHoek; E. Stocker, sec.; J. Hauk; J. Barnes, pres. Row 2: J. Billings; E. Bradley; J. Blanchard; J. Bock; B. Volmar; L. Hobbs; J. Corey; D. Linder. AUSG EXECUTIVE AUSG JUDICIARY The executive branch of AUSG consists of 12-14 cabinet members, each of whom is responsible for programs in his respective agency, AUSG president, and three vice presi­ dents. The cabinet meets to bring out new ideas and to unify the workings of the various departments. Through AUSG Judiciary, students have a voice in uni­ versity judicial matters. Legislative and moral problems are discussed and acted upon by members. Punishment issued by the board varies from minor sentences to sus­ pension and expulsion. No fines may be given. Row One: C. Handy; K. Kralowetz; H. Elliott, ch. jus.; D. Lohrey; P. Reasoner; A. Frazier. 240 Row One: B. Frey; M. Berenson; A. Purdy; P. Quinlan, spr.; H. Johnson, sec.; B. Kerr; L. Price; P. Long. Row 2: G. Wright; R. Bershad; M. Martin; S. Kohl; R. Czarney; J. Bayak; R. Ruhf; M. Weber. Row 3: M. Swart; S. Smith; J. Guyer; B. Franz; M. Klugman; H. Wingo; W. Olin; J. Jucius. Row 4: E. Slade; P. Martin; P. Dedula; M. Raymond; P. Atkinson; U. Biezais; N. Barnett; W. Barnett. Row 5: R. Simmons; K. Philip; P. Rheinstein; K. Smith; R. Royer; G. Craul; J. Cherry; J. Wallace. Row 6: D. Hotchkin; B. Hackenbruch; R. Stanton; J. Nigrelli; P. Monette; R. Hanplon; M. Rossnagel. ALL-UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNMENT STUDENT TRAFFIC COURT OF APPEALS Structurally AUSG has been considered nearly ideal with its three divisions modeling the national govern­ ment and its membership representing all living units. The passing of relaxed restrictions on campus speakers was a major battle won for the student body. The Student Traffic Court, a branch of AUSG Judiciary, handles traffic violations of students wishing to appeal cases regarding campus driving, parking or failing to register a car. A ruling was passed requiring every stu­ dent to register his car with auto regulations. Row One: C. Curtis; B. Gish; J. Buchanan; S. Hurter, rec.; D. Wells, ch. jus.; L. Holliday; M. Linsenmann; D. Holden. 241 Row One: K. Jesmore; F. Marxer, sec.; B. Johnson, v. pres.; B. Andringa, pres.; J. Roberts, v. pres.; D. Graff, treas.; G. Hibbard, adv. Row 2: T. Aylward; M. Saltman; B. Warner; R. Brown; L. Widmayer; J. Utley. Row 3: A. Diehl; M. Spann; J. Sinowitz; W. Maroney; R. Olstein; A. Miller; G. Parker. Row 4: P. Nordwall; J. Rhen; L. Johnsos; T. Hirsh; P. Seidel; W. Daniel; H. Hagood; R. Oselka. Row 5: B. Hughes; P. Spinka; A. Dirkse; W. Grant; E. Updyke; E. Wagner; H. Elliott. Row 6: M. Smith; J. DeBoer; O. Balcers; D. Baker; W. Mc- Claskey; H. Pfannstiehl; J. Stifler; R. Curtis. INTER-FRATERNITY COUNCIL Freshmen, not allowed to visit fraternities during fall rush under the deferred system, were given an oppor­ tunity to see them at an open house in the Union spon­ sored by Inter-Fraternity Council. The houses set up displays of trophies, flags, scrapbooks and other fraternity symbols. Each house was limited as to the number of men present, insuring equal representation. IFC determines and enforces rush regulations. 242 Row One: C. Mihay; J. Reid; L. Arndt; N. Jelinek, pres.; E. Ellis, sec.; V. Liscio; S. Smith. Row 2: M. Mclnnis; D. Ahl; J. Stafford; C. Armstrong; S. Greenstein; L. Loomis; M. Hannon; K. Flagstad. WOMEN’S INTER-RESIDENCE COUNCIL PRESIDENTS’ COUNCIL Women s Inter-residence Council, consists of 20 elected representatives from women s halls, coordinate inter-hall activities and policies. This year WIC joined with Men s Hall Association to bring the Big Ten Residence Halls Association secretariat to MSU. Every other week women’s hall presidents meet infor­ mally to discuss issues pertinent to the halls. The Presi­ dent’s Council acts as a means of informing the women of various activities happening on campus. It also gives them a chance to discuss common problems. Row One: R. Harbison; B. Voiers, sec.; B. Boyer; N. Jelinek; J. Thurow; M. Weaver. Row 2: D. Ahl; D. Diamond; M. Beatty; B. Abrahamson; S. Sanford; M. Hoffman. Row 3: G. Veld; S. Greene; J. Sellek; J. Macklam; M. Smith; J. Grifka. 243 Row One: C. Krimian; L. Cloonan, sec.; J. Sandow, v. pres.; P. Dumas, pres.; C. Soverhill; L. Cartier, treas.; S. Munn. Row 2: R. Ross; W. Rauser; C. Adelson; P. Meyer; S. Kappel; S. Richardson. Row 3: N. Larson; M. Opas; J. Lowe; R. Ross; R. Helmrich; P. McMahan; M. Wolz. Row 4: K. Rielinski; M. Cribbs; K. Kralowetz; K. May; L. Trebilcock; J. White; N. Horton. Row 5: S. Wray; M. Neorr; L. Thunfors; F. Williams; B. Moore; G. Davis; J. Webb. PANHELLENIC COUNCIL JUNIOR PANHELLENIC COUNCIL The official sorority spokesman, PanHellenic Council is composed of rush chairmen and their assistants. To­ gether with IFC, PanHel sponsors Greek Week and the IFC-PanHel Ball. The council engages in the Okemos cancer drive and presents high scholarship awards. Made up of pledge representatives, Junior PanHellenic Council assisted Senior PanHel with rush publicity through rush panels in women’s halls to answer rushees’ questions about Greek living. Winter pledges were in­ vited to a get-together in the Union. Row One: R. Lichtman; J. Sosnowski, treas.; P. Mohill, v. pres.; L. Chapman, pres.; M. Walker, sec.; S. Kappel, adv.; G. Albrecht. Row 2: D. Busch; M. Anderson; N. Schenk; D. Tirabassi; B. Lowi; L. Johnson; K. Armstrong; D. Simmons. Row 3: M. Hanlon; M. Smith; M. VanAken; L. Larson; S. Holmes; M. Nowak; S. Smith; M. Allen. Roy 4: A. Brown; L. Spitzner; N. Moon; S. Armstrong; K. Walstrom; C. Lackner; S. Smith; S. Atwater. 244 Row One: G. Agas, v. pres.; M. Kelly, treas.; J. Parish, sec.; J. Chandler, pres.; D. Adams, adv.; J. McCormick; K. Madesczyk. Row 2: J. Abramajtys; D. Thaler; J. Ruhly; D. Perry D. Shattuck; D. Reid; J. Sonke. MEN’S HALL ASSOCIATION Optional coats and ties for dinner in men s residence halls is a regulation passed fall term by Mens Hall Association. Block “S” and scholarship, Homecoming and blood drive trophies are all MHA projects. They also provide rooms for Alumni Distinguished Scholarship applicants visiting for a weekend each winter and for Campus United Nations representatives. ■ A President Jim Chandler gathers notes for an MHA meeting. Row One: M. Zippin; P. McMahon; R. Reisberg; M. Allen; L. Larson. Row 2: D. Jackson; J. Tuman; A. Lipton; S. Cole; M. Gilmore; S. Ramett; B. Boettcher. WATER CARNIVAL The activities of Greek Week and Parents’ Weekend were culminated in Water Carnival, the annual senior class project in which all living units participate. The “Pseudo” theme produced floats varying from Cinderella and her fairy godmother to a southern mansion backed by a tarpaper shack. Trophies were awarded on the basis of theme, continuity, and appearance. The executive committee for the sell-out event is selected via petition and interview. 246 Row One: K. Clabuesch; M. Jackson; J. Westerkamp; B. Lowi; J. Macdonald; M. Rudman. Row 2: E. Minor; L. Coury; J. Markley; J. Gustafson; A. Warren; K. Walstrom; N. Cracknell. Row 3: M. Elliott; C. Warren; M. Carruthers; S. Lorimer; P. Morrow; M. Miller; B. Groos. Row 4: W. Gresco; J. Delligatti; W. Hallier; B. Fulcer; B. Cobb; A. Moore. Row 5: J. Porter; R. Glah; S. Green; S. Cole; J. Rumpsa; D. Kyburz. UNION BOARD UNION BOARD DIRECTORS Co-ordinating student activities within the Union, Union Board is divided into seven committees. A Euro­ pean summer flight, bridge instruction and tournaments, dance lessons, “Last Chance” lectures and UB Week are among the activities sponsored by the group. The responsibility of the Union Board of Directors is formulating UB policies and communicating with build­ ing management. It is made up of seven committee chairmen, three officers and two members-at-large. It represents a UB member’s greatest recognition. Row One: L. Clough; S. Sanders; A. Schramm, pres.; S. Kneeland, sec.; D. Stevens. Row 2: R. Sawdy; T. Burgon; P. Rowland; D. Baer; R. Newman. 247 Row One: J. Pricer, v. pres.; C. Simpson; P. McMahon; J. Duncan, treas.; K. Draper, sec.; B. Hughes; L. Fisher; R. Metzler, pres. Row 2: D. Cronkright; S. Cole; W. Barnett; R. Reisberg; G. Holmes; A. Diehl; J. Blowers; M. Terry. SENIOR CLASS COUNCIL Each spring the Senior Council for the coming year is elected on the basis of academic standing and activ­ ities. The group strives to better spirit and communica­ tion among seniors. Their activities include ’63 Club, Senior Swing-Out, Commencement, Water Carnival and selection of the Homecoming Queen in conjunction with Kappa Alpha Mu. They also select Seniors of the Week and of the Year. Council members double check the stencil of a newsletter to be sent out to seniors. 248 Row One: L. Chapman; S. Fry, sec.; J. Rumpsa, v. pres.; B. Osterink, pres.; H. Dykema, adv.; C. Baugh, treas.; H. Shuler. Row 2: M. Prentice; B. Benschop; B. Kelley; M. Sutton; M. Keown; N. Aylesworth; P. Allman; B. Burge. Row 3: J. McCook; S. Linsday; J. Wells; C. Cuthbertson; J. Smith; D. Megdell; F. Kerr. Row 4: L. Collier; P. Drake; F. Frei; C. Gruber; J. Purcell; K. Baum; D. Lowenthal. Row 5: J. McQuitty; J. Haase; J. Chidester; D. Dobbins; G. Fischer; J. Florey; T. Aylward. Row 6: B. Treaster; J. Lucas; L. Jirsa; R. Keithley; P. Jones; K. Flagstad; J. Armistead. FROSH-SOPH COUNCIL New projects and activities marked the Frosh-Soph year. One of the most far-reaching was the Spartan Am­ bassadors. These individuals talked at their respective high schools to tell prospective college students about State. The council presented two publications: “Frosh- Soph Focus” and “Frosh-Soph Story,” sponsored the Four Preps, and cut a long-play recording of songs heard frequently on campus, “Echoes of MSU.” Row One: R. Krueger; K. Nash; S. Correll; A. Warren; L. Paster; O. Mamchur; S. Zube. Row 2: J. Hutchins; M. Morris; J. Heymann; D. Kulkis; B. Henry; T. Brown; J. Maxwell; P. Cum­ mings. Row 3: G. Tobia; S. Small; S. Wunder; D. Luoma; S. Wilson; G. Moore; P. Griggs. Row 4: D. Thannhausen; K. Herman; J. Ogden; S. Haskell; C. Smith; K. Bronoel; C. Kurzen- berger. Row 5: P. Blanton; J. Dunwell; L. Miller; A. Foodym; S. Green; S. Sink; C. DeKleine. Row 6: R. Richter; R. Harris; J. Findlay; W. Williams; D. Vanderhoff; C. Koepke. 249 Row One: M. Powers; C. Moore; M. Gilmour; E. Fagin; J. Hamilton; K. Moran; H. Sherman. Row 2: M. Rautiola; P. Scott; D. Sovey; S. Buege; M. Linsemann; J. Sutcliffe; J. Meshberg. Row 3: E. Cavin; M. Walker; L. Coury; S. Sautner; S. Overman; P. Podlesak; S. Seibert. Row 4: R. Ross; B. VanMiddlesworth; M. Bull; J. Walker; S. Weltman; D. Williams; M. Schubert; D. Dahlke. Row 5: C. MacDonald; A. Brainard; B. Moore; B. Glover; H. Fry; L. Hansen; E. Stocker; M. Squires. Row 6: R. McBain; J. Marshall; G. Thompson; K. Lawrence; J. Jaumotte; T. Sura; D. Ford. J-COUNCIL Faculty and students joined forces to present “Faculty Fling,” a variety show sponsored fall term by J-Council. The Council also revised the class constitution, carolled at the Bogue Nursing Home, and sponsored J-Day, a winter outing for juniors at Mount Holly. J-COUNCIL EXECUTIVE BOARD Chairmen of J-Council committees and junior class officers compose the J-Council executive board. They formulate the ideas to be brought before the general council. These issues are then discussed and voted upon by the Council and carried out by committees. Row One: M. Dowding; P. Sweetland, sec.; J. Bannan, v. pres.; T. Burgon, pres.; M. Wheaton, treas.; L. Maynard. Row 2: B. Siudara; J. MacDonald; M. Qualman; D. Mitchell; S. Van Voorhis; J. Tuman. 250 Row One: S. Munn; M. Fox, sec.; J. Blanchard, chrm.; N. Lewis, chrm.; N. Levin; D. Upton. Row 2: J. Jucius; L. Dissinger; K. Plumtree; S. Holmes; L. Trebilcock. Row 3: J. Seidel; M. Clark; S. Warren; J. Culotta; F. Rolison. Terry Burgon makes a final check of J-Hop publicity. J-HOP “Oz” was reported more financially successful than any previous J-Hop by co-chairmen Jamie Blanchard and Nancy Lewis. A two-band theory was initiated, with the Dave Brubeck Quartet playing during intermission for jazz enthusiasts and Hal Munro’s orchestra supplying the dancing sounds. Free refreshments and favors handed out at the door were other firsts. The J-Council organizational chart includes J-Hop. 251 IH SSt?!! ¡¡§¡¡1 FIVE Residences are places to study, sleep, eat, socialize and are a student’s temporary home at school. Graduate students occupy single or double rooms in Owen Graduate Center, two modern seven- story units at the eastern edge of campus. Off-campus facilities include 31 fraternities, 19 sororities, seven co-ops and five religious units. These units are continually changing location to enlarge their facilities. Four Greek houses are to be completed within a year while two others are putting on additions. Many students prefer living in apartments, especially since the hous­ ing rules now allow students over 21 to live in unapproved housing. Male students under 21 may live in approved housing and women of the same age are allowed to live in approved units with supervision. Several apartment build­ ings are under construction in East Lansing to help with the expected increase in enrollment next fall. This increase is consistent with the expected enrollment of 35,000 by 1966. Finding room to house the 25,000-plus students registering for classes last fall might seem an insurmountable task. It wasn’t easy for the 11 percent increase in student enrollment put the available space at a premium. By converting Rather and Butterfield Halls, formerly men’s housing, to female living units; opening another residence hall for men and women; and putting three students in rooms meant for two, 11,500 students were packed into space built for 9,500. The new residence, Wilson Hall, houses 1,400 men and women and Wonders and McDonel, scheduled to open in the fall, will each house the same. These new halls will bring the total of on-campus undergraduate student units to five men’s residence halls, 13 women’s residences and four coed units. Experience in group housekeeping is avail­ able to women living in Van Hoosen. The build­ ing contains 32 apartments, each complete with a living-study room, kitchen-dining room, bed­ room, and bath. Each apartment accommodates up to six residents. Also included in the University-owned hous­ ing are three married student living complexes: University Village, Spartan Village and Cherry Lane Apartments. The three combined provide 2,056 furnished apartments for student families. Shaw Hall operates its own student radio station. 253 RESIDENCES The success of the Case complex and the Graduate Center has brought about a movement toward coed living units. With the opening of Wilson this past fall, the conversion of the Brody group into coed facilities, and the scheduled opening of McDonnel and Wonders Hall this fall, these coed units may soon dominate campus living. This movement is also consistent with the popularity of large residence halls on campus, for these facilities house 1,400 students. 254 Art exhibitions are part of the University’s program to widen the areas of student knowledge and appreciation. Row One: L. Robertson, treas.; L. Arndt, v. pres.; B. Voiers, pres.; C. Stauffer, res. adv.; D. Stephen, sec.; J. Reid. Row 2: K. Chappell; B. Rausch; K. Bundy; K. Steve; S. Stickle; C. Burgess; S. Loving. Row 3: J. Meyer; J. Fuller; L. Norman; F. Kolb; J. Turner; V. Vander- berg. Row 4: D. Kemppainen; D. Addy; J. Rakish; E. Foster; M. Potter; K. McIntosh; R. Ciemik. An accompanist is recruited for a songfest. ABBOT Following all home football games, the women of Abbot Hall held coffee hours. On weekends not filled with campus activities, Abbot put on dances and movies in conjunction with Mason Hall. Sportswise, they placed first in IM swimming for women’s halls. Christmastime found the women busily trimming trees and decorating. In addition they maintained a 2.37 average. Gathering in another’s room is part of dorm living. 256 Row One: S. Sakoda, treas.; H. Behner, sec.; C. Mosier, v. pres.; S. Greene, pres.; J. Magruder M. Warber. Row 2: K. Kindig; L. Amell; T. Hughes; J. Hughes; L. Shannon^V. Liscio; J Hughes. Row 3: P. Dedula; E. Jansson; B. Hansen; B. Impara; S. Kukulka; M. Maxwell; N Tyler. Row 4: L. Brody; M. Vornholt; A. Rothfuss; W. Dorrian; D. Abbott; L. Gates. Signing out becomes a nightly ritual BUTTERFIELD Recently converted into a women’s dorm, Butterfield participates in many campus activities, especially IM sports. Together with their brother dorm Bailey, they held a Christmas party for underprivileged children. No late minutes are given for noise. Instead, an honor system leaves it entirely up to the individual, a unique experiment in MSU residence hall living. Phoning, phono and psychology reflect coed moods. 257 Row One: K. Kjellquist; D. Martin; J. Ketlar; M. Mclnnis, v. pres.; G. Veld, pres.; Mrs. Fenstemacher, hsmr.; K. Garian, treas.; B. Quering; P. Larsson; J. Osgerby. Row 2: J. Winfied; K. Bush; S. Maycock; K. Nash; J. Hakam; K. Buchanan; L. Aitken; S. Correli; S. Hutchings; M. LaCasse; T. Putz. Row 3: D. Lembke; J. Dickens; M. Skrocki; L. Snow; J. Princing; B. Stiem; L. Oulton; D. Campbell; M. Nasberg; C. Franke. Row 4: J. Rosso; L. Bloom; S. Parker; D. DePue; P. Lynch; M. Goodrich; D. Mahalak; S. Parker; S. Ziegler; J. Maxwell; J. Thiel. Row 5: S. Carlson; M. Allen; M. Dawson; M. Strachan; L. Cox; S. Follett; R. Cronin; M. Adams; P. Palmer; E. Towers. Row 6: T. Maxon; L. Miller; B. Clark; S. Kutchins; M. Manica; E. Kern; C. Perry; K. Veit; A. Stafford; E. Foreman; S. Mardos. NORTH CAMPBELL Contrary to North Campbell’s problem of placing 2nd or 3rd in competitive activities, the 1962 Homecoming Queen was a North Campbell resident. In scholarship they tied for 3rd among small women’s halls and honored girls having over a 3.0 with a dinner. Social events in­ clude a senior dinner at which underclassmen serve the seniors. Gifts are presented to graduates. Music and voices break the silence of quiet hours. Row One: E. Lauri; E. Dombrowski; R. Kirkland, treas.; M. Beatty, pres.; B. Burge, sec.; G. Ruth, v. pres.; M. Putnam; E. Furo. Row 2: B. Henry; L, Hyman; J. Augst; N. Jarratt; S. Janda; A. Loupitz; J. Storie; C. Ritzier; M. Burrell. Row 3: S. Hunt; S. Divekey; M. Hume; M. Steinbaugh; S. Dorman; N. Dutton; M. Anderson; M. Bailey; S. Moser; C. CudworthI Row 4: M. Vohsen; N. Couzens; M. Gaige; C. Jones; M. Orvis; D. Radgin; S. Thurow; B. Dixon; M. Johnson. Row 5: B. McCutcheon; B. Bielefeld; J. Poyle; J. Brannen; E. Erny; S. Yake; M. Kress; J. Gordon; K. Maxwell; S. DeVries. The kitchenette is handy for midnight snacks. SOUTH CAMPBELL The women of South Campbell used their hall dues this year to purchase a set of encyclopedias for their library. In addition to participating in University ac­ tivities, the coeds provide a needy Lansing area family with food and toys at Christmas. To close their social year, they hold an annual spring term party. Three of the four major Circle Honoraiy officers are residents. Specifying destination and time of return is a must. Row One: G. Jameson; J. Ashley, treas.; A. Mills, sec.; B. Abrahamson, pres.; A. Beckmeyer| S. Simpson; M. Merz. Row 2: G. Ritter; K. Cambum; P. Sponenburg; J. Buchanan; S. Anthony; P. Dible; J. Hait; C. Vine. Row 3: J. Calladine; L. Shoenut; J. Skinner; K. Stotts; J. Purcell; S. Swenk; L. Scarpace. Row 4: M. Voelker; S. Hover; N. Schueler; K. Bangerter; C. Moore; S. Russell; D. Ruppe; J. Poxson. Seeking a quiet place of study. EAST LANDON Spring term finds more than goldfish in Landon s pool. Busboys, residents and pedestrians often find themselves the victims of “pooling.” Another hobby of East Landon coeds is golf, for which they copped first place in IM competition. At Christmastime, they donate a food basket, clothes and gifts to a needy family. A term party and a senior banquet complete the year. Records and animals: status symbols of a coed’s room. 260 Row One: L. Heiberg; S. Brabbs; J. Reece, sec.; R. Reece, v. pres.; S. Sanford, pres.; V. Mosher, treas.; D. Orvis; S. Brown. Row 2: M. Withey; D. Ruesink; B. Crampton; L. Kowalski; B. Bishop; D. Schoenbeck; E. Rankin; P. Carson; K. Truesdell; N. Carter. Row 3: K. Durham; D. Rankin; B. Atkinson; E. Barry; B. Laure; M. Anderson; G. Alquist; R. Carr; M. Abel; L. Bertl. Row 4: P. Mahaney; A. Calvird; S. Chie; K. Rice; S. Atkinson; C. Sandford; H. Mattrias; L. Arndt; N. Wingate. Row 5: C. Kowalewsk; S. Thompson; V. Robb; S. Mann; M. LeCureux; C. Weiler; S. Patterson; J. Kreuchauf; B. Humiston; S. Slater. WEST LANDON Well-represented in campus activities, West Landon’s “melodious” coeds placed first in the 1963 Inter-R Sing and second in 1962. Their IM activities include volley­ ball, swimming, softball, and bowling, in which they placed second in the all-University race. Traditionally West Landon women sponsor a needy family at Christ­ mas, presenting them with clothing, food and gifts. Row One: P. Reed; S. Stevens; J. Lyon; L. Swenson; J. Knauer; M. Drysdale; M. Robinson; A. Blaylock. Row 2: M. McCarty; J. Woodbury; L. Ferriman; E. Baxter; C. Augustus; B. Joines; D. Hanigan; M. Harrison; S. Buchanan. Row 3: M. Whitfield; C. Hamlin; X. Costas; M. Weitzke; P. McKee; M. Lincoln; J. Neininger; C. Bancroft. Row 4: G. Beck; L. Lonning; M. Rooks; B. Brokoff; S. Colbeck; L. Codfrey; L. Sengelaub; C. Smith. Row 5: J. Pyle; J. Ohlson; C. Daniels; C. Heaton; N. Wilcox; J. Sierant; J. Brundage. 261 Row One: R. Krueger; M. Hannon; J. Thompson; J. Stafford, v. pres.; M. Hoffman, pres.; J. Hitt; J. Platz; C. Bent, treas. Row 2: M. Machalleck; K. Hines; R. Adams; A. Jarman; S. Goodrum; B. Wallin; L. DeVol; M. Matthes; C. Denton. Row 3: M. Domzalski; F. Kerr; A. Hallock; G. Kaczmarski; J. Harvey; G. Alderink; S. Wilson; B. English. Row 4: D. Dal- rymple; P. Johnston; M. McMillan; L. McClelland; P. Harcourt; W. Hallenbeck; J. Brokop; M. Schwartzmann; C. Rosenthal. Row 5: A. Steffens; J. Taracks; K. Gregory; M. Reidel; G. Jucius; J. Wilder; S. Miller; M. Doebler. The girls try their hand at a man’s game. MASON “Go for the Gophers” won second place among women s halls Homecoming competition for Mason women. Besides treating blind children at Halloween, the women gave a Christmas party for over 100 children of hall em­ ployees. To honor outstanding residents a “Girl of the Week” is named. On a smaller scale, one ingenious pre­ cinct also picks the “Rabbit of the Week.” The jukebox keeps the grill a lively spot. 262 Planning a new wardrobe is a sure sign of spring, although the snow stays deep outside. Working together, roommates create a feeling of individuality through room decorations. 263 Row One: M. Heifer; A. Potter; J. Dunkle, sec.; M. Smith, pres.; S. Smith, v. pres.; S. Bartels, treas.; M. Branion; M. Robinson. Row 2: L. Douglass; L. Fabris; N. Carrick; N. Seitz; M. Voss; N. LaLonde; P. McCord; C. Gish; S. Zube. Row 3: N. Borland; S. Byers; M. Phillips; L. Becker; J. Christy; V. Chandanaphalin; B. Stephens; M. White. Row 4: Z. Crocker; K. Leighton; C. Sheehan; J. Eilola; J. Ligozio; P. Mann; H. Weimer; J. Isabell. Row 5: A. Ten- Brink; B. Drysdale; J. Addison; M. Bacon; P. Yates; K. Evans; S. Herdeil; B. Rough. Row 6: J. Branch; J. Wilson; D. Overholt; P. Bidwell; D. Caul; P. Hall; K. Rollin; R. Appelt. Card playing provides a break from studies. EAST MAYO The women of East Mayo have antiquated the ex­ change dinner custom and replaced it with exchange football “blocks.” For each home game the coeds reserved a block with a men s hall. Fall term also brought their Halloween party “Trick or Treat Twirl.” However, their interest in academics was demonstrated as they placed first scholastically last spring among small women s halls. Not a study break, just i educational TV Row One. M. Ciaramitaro; M. Thoney; J. Wilson; S. James; D. Jones; R. Martens; S. Staples; E. Ludwig. Row 2: M. Wieden; J. Crosby; L. Volkert; J. Johnson; L. Libstaff; J. Reeg; M. Whittaker; K. Yops. Row 3: B. Dunn; S. Seitz; J. Benson; M. Pettit; N. Heiss; J. Sefton; S. Wright; P. Lukonic. Row 4: M. Aitken; R. Johnson; N. Modderman; C. Grafe; S. Hender- shott; B. Eustice; B. Shriver; D. Davis. An officers’ meeting involves much planning. WEST MAYO Trophy-collecting plays a large part in West Mayo life. Recent additions include first place in the blood drive for women’s halls and in IM swimming. The coeds also placed third in Inter-Residence Hall Sing, Junior 500 women’s division and in the Floriculture Show. Scholar­ ship and sports banquets acknowledge exceptional work and accomplishments for the hall. Past events are enjoyed again through a scrapbook. 265 Row One: K. Fager; F. Johnson; L. Meyer, treas.; D. Diamond, pres.; C. Armstrong, v. pres.; C. Nelson, sec.; D. Groover; B. Chapman. Row 2: B. Rhoads; S. Martinson; S. Nelson; L. Greene; O. Hall; K. Cartwright; C. Conor. Row 3: J. Bauer; A. McMahon; C. Fistt; S. Van- Eyck; D. Mowers; R. Johnson; K. Manecke. Row 4: P. Cingota; C. Moore; C. Johnston; A. Kaplan; D. Thannhausen; K. Johnson; A. Brown. Dating is a pleasant form of relaxation. PHILLIPS Phillips’ trophy case houses a unique trophy for “Won­ derfulness.” Its history reveals another Phillips tradition, that of warmth and friendliness. This wonderfulness is seen in the food baskets prepared for needy families at Christmas. They also rank first in scholarship for large women’s halls for the third straight year and hold a dinner each term for 3 point residents. Complete comfort is the rule for study. 266 Row One: P. Hatie; K. Brams, sec; K. Flagstad, v. pres.; M. Weaver, pres.; J. Nason; S. Kreis; C. Smith. Row 2: B. Snyder; B. Boersma; R. Doman; C. Bassett; S. Martin; H. Pustula; C. Ohlers. Row 3: L. Maes; R. Shaeffer; S. Killgore; S. Rossman; C. Quilling; T. Krupp; B. Oien. Row 4: L. Stewart; L. Carolin; M. Graham; B. Fair; M. Stickles; K. Gregg; S. Elgland. Row 5: S. Burks; G. Startzman; K. Smith; S. Dotlich; E. Tichy; K. Peterson; M. Rizoff. Row 6: S. Boltwood; L. Hacala; V. Shimkus; S. Ries; M. Fatchett; B. Moots; G. Szafranic. A couple pause to make final arrangements for the evening. RATHER One of Rather’s prize-winning coeds walked off with 1st in class and 2nd in show at the annual flower show, while another won the IM contemporary dance cham­ pionship. The hall participates in “Presidential Broad­ casts,” a Brody radio presentation, their winter topic being a philosophical view of the hall government. The coeds took blind children on a Christmas outing. Everyone helps get ready for a last minute date. Row One: M. Hunt, sec.; B. O’Dell, v. pres.; N. Fitchett, pres.; F. Groth, treas.; C. Griffith. Row 2: V. Cech; J. Kring; M. Dolleck; M. Brown; B. Parmelee; R. Wilkins. Row 3: V. Green; N. Stewart; S. Maxon; K. Kuhnle; J. Robbins. Row 4: C. Hively; O. Derkacz; A. Johnson; P. DeKay; P. Fike; C. Eisler. Activities are announced on the hall bulletin board. SNYDER “Snyder Snippings” reports weekly the activities of the dorm and its residents, such as winning 3rd place for their Homecoming display among women’s dorms. Besides the news bulletin, the “Snyder Girl of the Week” recog­ nizes girls in the dorm for outstanding work in the dorm or on campus. A $50 scholarship is also presented each term to a resident chosen by the scholarship office. Coeds take a break to study latest fashions. Row One: F. Ascencio; J. Christenson; J. Perkins, treas.; L. Taylor, pres.; L. Loomis, v. pres.; J. Moore, sec.; J. Stubli; L. Lecours. Row 2: J. Medlyn; M. Coutchte; V. Elmer; E. Walker; H. Baskerville; J. Schneider; N. Jelinek; L. Hassenzahl; C. Rycyna. Row 3: C. Graves; P. Barrack; L. Graham; ft . Divine; C. Mort; T. Gebus; J. Sietsema; J. Chupa; B. McDonald. VAN HOOSEN GILCHRIST Consistently winner of the women’s hall scholarship award, this year Van Hoosen boasts of six beauty queens. Annually the coeds host a Chuck Wagon party after the first football game. Upperclass women with a 2.2 and above are eligible for this women’s co-op. Gilchrist seniors may look forward to an annual senior banquet in their honor and to an Outstanding Senior award. Hall relations are aided as the freshmen resi­ dents present “Freshmen Skit Nights” for upperclassmen. The annual term party adds the finale to the year. Row One: J. Harwood; M. Coole, treas.; M. Aughenbaugh, v. pres.; M. Blanchard, pres.; C. Gray, sec.; J. Biro; N. Briggs. Row 2: B. Agocs; P. Taylor; M. Prentice; B. Stickle; K. Valenta; L. Ford. Rotr 3; J. Smith; C. Larose; N. Robinson; B. Frick; S. Howard; S. Odell; J. Applequist. 269 Row One: M. Jeffree; H. Richardson; B. Banta, v. pres.; J. Thurow, pres.; L. Duca, treas.; J. Raphael; B. Stein. Row 2: F. Frei; S. French; J. Weiskotten; K. Kukla; E. Beck; K. Good; M. Drew; M. Pirtle; D. Kulkis. Row 3: C. Brodie; J. Funk; H. Scheinpflug; M. Herrington; S. Dobbs; E. Fabus; K. Wolfe; J. Heymann. Row 4: S. Codey; D. McWilliams; R. Perren; B. Schmitt; K. Kihm; K. Beckett; M. Martin. Row 5: K. Johnson; C. Knaup; G. Gibson; D. Shelton; A. Gowdy; H. Forgrave; R. DeBoskey. Row 6: E. Nohava; J. Ellis; L. Lago; A. Barton; J. Hora; J. Novak; G. Davison. Follow the “easy” directions and washday is a cinch. NORTH WILLIAMS The Christmas holidays cause much activity in North Williams. Festivities include prizes for unique door decorations and a traditional tree trimming party. The coeds also supply games, carols, refreshments and gifts from Santa for underprivileged children. Graduating senior and residents ranking high scholastically are recognized at banquets given in their honor. Hen-sessions often turn into knitting-bees. 270 Row One: M. Taylor; G. Williams; A. White; J. Porter, sec.; B. Harbison, pres.; C. Stebner, v. pres.; K. Kelly; P. Worthen; A. Ruebensaal. Row 2: K. Gilliland; J. Hubbard; J. Hale; C. Seidenschnur; L. Polen; V. Kmiec; A. Maccardini; F. Meeks. Row 3: S. Konczol; J. Satter- white; C. Pedit; M. Albert; C. Lund; L. McKanders; G. Murphy; S. Tyler; N. Schultze. Row 4: C. Perrett; L. Yacobush; J. Boughton; L. Adams; E. Clark; N. Kaat; P. King; B. Henderson. Row 5: P. Merrick; M. Mercadal; W. Paulis; K. Kleiner; S. Corgan; K. Barnes; J. Opitz; J. Jucius; P. VanderWall. Row 6: G. Davis; B. Campbell; N. Burg; M. Payne; K. Kelly; B. Smits; S. Gunger; S. Laramie. Last official act before leaving for the weekend. SOUTH WILLIAMS South Williams compensates for being one of the smallest women’s halls by entering campus events en­ thusiastically. Homecoming, Water Carnival, Jr. 500, Inter-R Sing, Campus Chest and IM Sports encourage individual talents, an aim of the hall. The women held a Christmas party for Lansing area orphans and closed out the year with a spring party and senior banquet. The lounge provides a comfortable place to entertain. Row One: B. Troppi, treas.; M. Schubert, sec.; C. Mihay, v. pres.; B. Boyer, pres.; D. Browarski; D. Beukema; J. McHuron. Row 2: V. Middleton; S. Ely; S. Geisel; D. Jacobs; F. Doran; J. Kelly; M. Miller; C. Drake. Row 3: C. Bertoni; M. Copp; J. Stansfield; C. Reddeman; D. Hayes; D. Park; J. Somers; B. Denhoff. Row 4: K. Blondel; P. Close; S. Fry; M. Marsden; M. Disbro; M. Snyder; S. Scherbarth; V. Burke; B. Byron. Row 5: K. Klagstad; S. Farrin; H. Lustig; K. Nelson; S. Smith; R. Robinson; J. Hicks; M. Otterbacher; S. Case. A friend lends assistance as date time nears. EAST YAKELEY The women of East Yakeley held their annual spring term party jointly with West Yakeley and Armstrong halls. Water fountains, gay colors, columns, and gardinias carried out the Roman theme in the Brody ballroom. East Yakeley is divided into a three house system. These units hold individual events as well as joining in hall activities and in sports competition among themselves. The floor serves as a table for a concentration game. Row One: K. Walstrom; J. Jenkinson; G. Gleason, sec.; E. Ellis, v. pres.; J. Macklam, pres. K. Wolak, treas.; S. Spacie; L. Soules. Row 2: C. Ballato; S. Reitze; F. Tompkins; J. Julien O. Mamchur; K. Herstein; J. Gould. Row 3: C. Hampton; P. Griggs; J. Weimer; E. Olive; R Chaffin; J. Karrico; L. Olson; A. Thielhelm. Row 4: N. Bruder; S. Colman; N. Miller; S Mendham; A. McNamara; N. Webster; R. Weber. Row 5: A. Schiebner; J. Koch; N. Me Laughlin; H. Griffith; B. Johnson; M. Newcombe; M. Kutchey; A. Roberts. It s time for relaxation and dreamy music WEST YAKELEY The coeds of West Yakeley participate in Homecoming, Water Carnival, Junior 500 and in IM field hockey, swim­ ming and volleyball. In addition they take part in the campus blood drives and have organized a hall choir. At Christmas the women share their holiday spirit with the Lansing School for the Blind. The hall ranks 4th among small women’s halls with a 2.45 all-university average. Study break means snack and chat time. 27a COED RESIDENCE HALLS Row One: A. Tetzlaff, treas.; D. Skomp, sec.; J. Imata, v. pres.; J. Grifka, pres.; S. Kohl; A. Chakeres; C. Glaser. Row 2: P. Hiscox; B. Hopkins; G. Hodkowski; B. Benschop; P. Long; N. Dodge; C. Ward. Row 3: L. Schei; B. Allison; S. Stanley; J. Klein; N. Gokenbach; A. Rolph; S. Whitson. Row 4: M. Hentschel; P. Olds; A. Dillingham; J. Downs; K. Neff; C. McCartney; B. Davis. Top bunk for study; bottom one for relaxation. NORTH CASE Dates are no problem for North Case women. These lucky coeds run into males even when spending a quiet evening in the hall. Working closely with the men of South Case on campus activities like Water Carnival and Homecoming, they also hold steak dinners, athletic events and mixers with the adjoining hall. Having classes within the building creates relaxed student-faculty relations. Coed “grill time” is the rule in Case. Row One: G. Kaye; G. Rubick, sec.; M. Kelly, pres.; R. Martin, v. pres.; R. Monash; F. Smith, adv. Row 2: H. Wingo; H. Dubman; D. Lawrence; H. Levin; C. Kudsk; G. Pawlik. Row 3: R. Humphrey; R. Spike; R. Schaller; F. Martin; M. Booth; M. Goldfine. Row 4: C. Broeman; D. Campbell; J. Wallace; D. Livingston; J. Cortright; L. Barr. Record bugs search for “music to study by.” SOUTH CASE Though comparatively new, South Case has a con­ siderable array of trophies. Top honors in IM basket­ ball and in the spring blood drive for men s halls went to South Case along with 2nd place in IM bowling. While not coming off with a prize, the men reached the Junior 500 finals. Recently they added a 2nd place trophy which they won with North Case for their Homecoming display. New coed residences have many study rooms? 275 Row One: L. Erickson; L. Frye; S. Laurence, treas.; D. Ahl, v. pres.; K. Heffner, sec.; C. Lum J. McMartin. Row 2: U. Biezais; G. Brocklehurst; G. Griffith; C. McCarten; J. Mildenberg A. Hautala; M. Martin; K. Smith. Row 3: K. Anderson; P. Harold; J. Trice; C. Ihlenfeldt; L Crawford; S. Barningham; P. Monette. Wilson coeds pass time to the strum of a guitar WEST WILSON In their first year on campus, the coeds of West Wilson broke the campus greeting card tradition by sending their money to UNICEF. Each house sponsored a party for orphans. The women also collected their share of tro­ phies, placing first in Inter-R Sing and gaining the status of “champs” in ping-pong and bowling. Their educational program includes “College Bowl” debates. Coed lounges facilitate casual, informal dates. Row One: F. Haase; M. Weber; M. Ferrari; J. Abramajtys, pres.; J. Appleton; D. Bybee; N. Goyd; M. Berenson. Row 2: D. Cox; T. Patterson; B. Kline; G. Root; B. Jorgensen; O. Kraft; R. Ligett; M. Bermingham. Ability to concentrate in the room is a rarity EAST WILSON Provost lunches and a student-operated library add to life in East Wilson. At the “Book Bop,” the men were able to collect 750 paperbacks, bringing the number up to 2,000. Other efforts were rewarded as they placed 2nd in IM football. The men also polished a few apples by inviting the faculty of the Case-Wilson complex to a Valentine dance at which their queen was crowned. Study break activity centers around the grill. MEN’S RESIDENCES Row One: L. Houck; M. Stark, sec.; J. Sonke, pres.; E. Barnes, treas.; R. Clark. Row 2: D. Galewski; J. Harnois; D. Pool; G. Wolf; D. Kuehnemund. It may not have hospital comers, but it’s made. BAILEY The “Bailey Men” award is given to the man exhibiting outstanding leadership during the year at a banquet honoring hall leaders in the spring. Two $50 scholarships, given to men with high academic averages, offer excellent incentive, for Bailey men placed first in scholarship in the Brody group last spring. A Christmas party for underprivileged children is held by the men. ¡II Checking the mailbox becomes a daily routine. !M Row One: L. Lippert; E. Schneider; H. Feldman, sec.; B. Volmar, pres.; P. Rheinstein; G. Craul. Row 2: G. Roberts; J. Hand; J. Cowan; M. Serling; M. Adamski; H. Maday; J. Fox. Row 3: J. Meyland; R. Martz; T. Gibson, S. Barstow; S. Bergsma; A. Zeff, sec.-treas. Row 4: F. Laura; M. Miles; C. King; S. Alldredge; A. Faithipour; B. Kidler. Row 5: N. Veliquette; R. Damman; E. Arikpo; F. Gertz; J. Weaver; J. Finkbeiner. Row 6: L. Koch; J. Olson; J. Duff; C. Wisniewski; A. Knaack; J. Hudson; W. Hollingsworth. Studying between classes leaves evening free. BRYAN School spirit is traditional in Bryan Hall where the men participate in Block S, pep rallies, and even formed their own block at the Purdue game last fall. The residents include the chairmen of both Spartan Spirit and of Block S. The men award four $25 book scholarships each year to hall residents and hold a Christmas party for orphans. The easy way to spend that time between classes. Row One: J. Gross, sec.; J. Becker; J. Ruhly, pres.; M. Rouse, v. pres.; M. Cohen; E. Cummins, adv. Row 2: J. McVety; M. Smith; S. Viviano; S. Strait; S. Cox; W. Westover; J. Florey; Row 3: J. VanderWoude; B. Flaherty; H. McGhan; L. Hutchison; B. Kerr; K. Smith. Row 4: R. Chase; R. Brodie; C. Barthold; J. Baird; B. Hackenbruclt; S. Phillips. Not even men escape the rigor of household tasks. EMMONS Political feelings usually run high in Emmons Hall as two hall political factions counter each other with pub­ lications on campus and hall politics. The men forgot political differences long enough to win the all-university badminton championship and to hold a Christmas party for underprivileged children. Emmons consistently ranks in the top four men’s halls scholastically. Distractions don’t bother this hard-working student. 280 Row One: B. Mar quand; J. Rein; D. Dodge, treas.; R. Herr, v. pres.; F. Rome, pres.; K. Poling, sec.; J. Frederick; R. Guynn. Row 2: B. Rae; B. Swallerder; J. Lobe; K. Astrove; W. Miller; T. Grace; S. Purvis; B. Weaver; R. Renneisen. Row 3: T. Kent; H. Marvel; W. Smith; J. Gasman; E. Wallis; D. D’antuono; J. Fox; C. Brandon; D. Samanen. Row 4: W. Lozier; W. Williams; D. Buikema; T. Plesco; D. DeLong; A. Erber; C. Rusert; G. Pattullo; D. Atkins. Row 5: D. Smeage; C. Bagne; M. Gruss; M. Stapish; J. Rynbrandt; S. Hayskar; I. Khadduri; J. Smith; D. Fitzgerald. EAST SHAW ARMSTRONG Lectures, movies, dances and a library are all provided for the residents of East Shaw Hall, last year’s IM sports champs. Placing second in both Homecoming displays and scholastics, the men have organized a unique student government, using a 68-member mass general council. Turkey champs, the men of Armstrong walked off with two fowls in the annual Turkey Trot. They collected $100 from residents, giving $50 Thanksgiving baskets to two needy Lansing area families. Fall term also brought third place in men’s residence hall Homecoming displays. Row One: D. Forbush; T. Swego; J. Stokes; J. McCormick; Q. Wilda; G. Jacob; K. Irmischer. Row 2: P. Powers; R. Stasa; M. Scholl; J. Madison; E. Mueller; G. Wright. Row 3: R. Dehncke; E. Brooks; D. Stuby; S. Elish; A. Sackett; R. Sutton; C. Koenn. 281 Row One: R. Grazulis; R. Milne, treas.; R. Fritz, v. pres.; K. Madejezyk, pres.; R. Crew, sec.; L. Reeves. Row 2: M. Loupe; H. Reed; V. Clark; D. Hoover; K. Williams. Row 3: S. Emerson; B. Keegstra; C. Thoms; D. Abrahamse; L. Smircich. Collaboration is one way to beat a tough course. WEST SHAW Homecoming weekend for the past four years has brought West Shaw top honors for their display. In the serious vein, Sunday night means classical music. The program over Shaw radio includes a description of the composer’s life and style. To promote participation in the Lecture-Concert series, West Shaw procures tickets in blocks. Scholastically, they placed first among men. Billiards enthusiast takes careful aim. 282 Campus apartments are home for over 2,050 married students and their families. MARRIED HOUSING From a meager beginning—trailers and war surplus “shacks” in 1945-46,—married housing has developed into a three-village, 2,056 apartment complex. With the enrollment of veterans rising after the war, the number of married students necessitated the creating of special housing. Michigan State became the pioneer in married housing, beginning with a 50-trailer park in Lansing. These trailers were next moved to campus on a 400-trailer area, while still other families were living in temporary barracks. Ten years ago University Village was begun and since then Spartan Village and Cherry Lane Apartments have been constructed. This puts State far into the lead in married housing. 283 Work and play mix very well in the three married- housing villages. Of the 6,000-plus residents of Spartan Village, University Village, and Cherry Lane, there are nearly 2,000 children. Father or mother can study in peace and quiet while their children play in the large playgrounds equipped with swings, slides and jungle gyms. When the time comes for the parents to relax or play, the playgrounds are the setting for badminton, softball or football. Study hours drag long into the night after the family is asleep and the house is again quiet. Young Spartan Village residents enjoy supporting the winter flock of ducks. I /v—\ ■mm■ S»1m— ■ f§ gif 11■I — §m mBw wmmmML WÊÊÈÊÊÊÈÊÊ ■51.1 ¿32 IS jP! ■■I ' V »#! #tt^Üi^Rllllii!8S W M M ttffll Igpssiaaisî^ïiiïiitM — ■WMBk— -■■'■: - .^ «101 laWSfHHKEaHHHi mm2 —p I S3 Hill ■I The bi-level buildings are built in U-shaped units to provide some privacy and parking space for one car to each apartment. n. Mi Each village is different, but is basically built around the same idea of providing the maximum amount of living space, with the maximum amount of parking area in a minimum amount of space. The apartments are all completely furnished and the relatively low rent provides the occupants with telephone, gas or electric stove, heat, and maintenance service. Students with children may rent two-bedroom apart­ ments and all residents may take advantage of the laun­ dries in the villages as well as the convenience of the new shopping center located close to all on Harrison Road. Time for play is important to student-parents and children. IIHP Bp, fcrVU • I. s ^«wi ■■ ranHi HI m j§| É R&* MÜ ■ Ip i mm p: | ■ Vv, I 88§?i BiM ■ mm > ' I £ '%à0t Small helpers volunteer assistance with the ever-present dish detail. Junior DJ adjusts records under the watch­ ful eye of his parents. Laundry duties give Spartan wives a chance to catch up on the latest news. Babysitting and car washing are frequent Saturday afternoon chores. Filling the 2,240 apartments has never been a problem and there is always a need for many more. Students want­ ing to live in married housing must make their application much in advance and can move in only when someone moves out. A new building was constructed on Harrison Road to house the office of the married housing department, the largest of its kind in the country. No plans are being made at the present time for en­ largement of the married housing. Though the demand for space is great, it is being handled adequately with the existing facilities. No great increase in the number of married students desiring apartments in the University- operated communities is expected in the near future. 287 □□-□PS AND RELIGIOUS LIVING UNITS Howland House Co-op had its own answer to the controversial signs which appeared around campus. RESPDNS B L TY AND FELLOWSHIP, PART OF CQ-DP AND RELIGIOUS UNITS 288 Row One: N. Kreitner, sec.-treas.; R. Blazejewski, v. pres.; J. Copeland, pres.; D. Duncan; M. Longuski; P. Akers. Row 2: J. Roush; R. McIntosh; S. Kantz; T. Zadow; L. Bang; J. Stouffer; F. Uteg. Row 3: K. Krogulecki; D. Kesselring; J. Peet; W. Copeland; Perlee; J. Galazir. BOWER HOUSE ELSWORTH HOUSE The men of Bower House work together to lighten the financial burden of college education. This year Bower had 100% participation in the fall and winter blood drives and placed first in co-op basketball competition. A 2.2 average and sophomore standing are required. The men of Elsworth House have maintained the high­ est all-university men’s average and with it, possession of the co-op scholarship trophy. A 2.2 is required to rush the second week of each term. It affords less expensive quarters and maturity through independent living. Row One: D. Baer, treas.; R. Bartholomew, sec.; W. Ellsworth, v. pres.; J. Spangler, pres.; G. Motts, adv.; T. Greer, adv.; P. Eggleston. Row 2: F. Barnes; R. Ehlinger; J. Ehrmann; L. Brown; C. Dobias; C. Beatty; L. VanDaele. Row 3: W. Murphy; P. Quinlan; D. Sumner; E. Horton; G. Schumacher; V. Eggleston; J. Deamud. Row 4: A. Early; P. Bash; G. Johnson; G. Stein; T. Johnson; R. Haines; W. Wright. Row 5: M. Straumanis; K. Thieroff; P. Suess; R. Maxam; B. Thaler; J. Strickler; E. Kreslins; J. Burns. 289 EVANS SCHOLARS The Evans Scholar “Golf Ball” is held annually in Chicago in conjunction with an inter-chapter basketball tournament. The ex-caddies, who contribute a sizeable number to the golf team, have copped the IM All-Sports trophy the past two years but collapsing carts have kept them from completing the Junior 500. These men are awarded scholarships by the Western Golf Association. Row One: D. Melotti; W. Buell; M. Autin. Row 2: R. Owens; D. Benson; K. Fox, treas.; J. Edsall, pres.; G. Haugen; D. Olsen, adv. Row 3: R. Singh; D. Hearn; D. Murphy; D. Foth; J. Ferris; E. Jahn; J. Rodman; P. Pinkos; G. Dundas; M. Alvarez; S. Smith. MOTTS HOUSE BETHEL MANOR Economical group living and an opportunity for aca­ demic growth led men to organize Motts Co-op during World War II. Motts’ social calendar includes a fall term party and spring picnic. A “Man of the Year” award honors a member on the basis of leadership and service. “Jacob called the name of the place where God spoke with him Bethel” (Genesis 35:15). From this, Bethel Manor, interdenominational religious co-op, derived its name. The manor provides an atmosphere suitable for the development of Christian character and leadership. Row One: G. Klein, treas.; D. Brown, hsmr.; D. Chezik, pres.; S. Brown, hsmr.; K. Arpin, v. pres. Row 2: D. Lockwood, sec.; H. Michael; P. Eshleman; W. Gertz; S. VerBurg; R. Maples. Row 3: J. Loeding; D. Kocher; K. Olson; B. Feher; J. Brewster; D. Gilbert. 291 Row One: L. Tiegema; J. Eubank; K. Wolfe; B. Hill; P. Price; B. Wexler. Row 2: J. Bricker; D. Cope; L. Rose; K. Loan; J. Messacar; C. Monteith; T. Kempton; D. Finlay. Row 3: B. Lawrence; B. Weaver; J. Kimball; R. Weaver; T. Palmer; D. Overton; D. Castle; B. Proops. Row 4: M. Kinter; C. Wood, v. pres.; Mrs. F. Weinberg, hsmr.; D. Swan, pres.; R. Knight, treas.; R. Matthews, sec. ASHER MEN Christian Science men at State are given an opportunity to live with others of their faith at the Asher Student Foundation for Men. The men remain active in such campus activities as Intramural. sports, Water Carnival, and Homecoming. At Christmas they give a traditional party for underprivileged Lansing area children and sponsor a conknunity service project. The bitter with the sweet of off-campus living. 292 Row One: A. Hall; D. Stephenson, v. pres.; F. Gnill, hsmr.; B. Giddings, pres.; F. Tanner, hsmr.; V. Schramm; N. Layton, treas. Row 2: M. Hull; K. Smith; B. Everett; M. Peck; L. Marcus; B. Bachman; D. Brightman. Row 3: L. Stevenson; C. Agnew; S. Hale; J. Wilson; S. Mangoh; N. Larson; A. Robinson. Row 4: C. Hungerford; S. Millspaugh; T. Verheml; J. Branam; B. Hull; P. Wolfe; R. Bricker. Row 5: J. Osborn; C. McNaughton; S. Clemeson; C. Hastings; M. Conklin; B. Eaton; R. Ward. ASHER WOMEN Asher Student Foundation for Women provides and maintains a home for 35 Christian Science coeds. New girls learn house rules and traditions through a pros­ pective program. During this term of pledgeship, they help in the Home Management nursery. In addition to religious activities, the women participate in Homecom­ ing, Spartan Women’s League, and the Spinsters’ Spin. Roasting marshmallows over an open fire is a comfort of home enjoyed by Asher women. 293 □FF-CAMPUS LIVING Freedom from curfews, quiet hours and institutional food led many students from residence halls and sorority and fraternity houses to off-campus rooms, apartments, and houses. Although they evade a good many housing regulations, the primary ban on liquor, gambling, and unchaperoned parties is unescapable. With the relaxation of university unapproved-housing regulations, more students are able to find housing in Lansing, East Lansing, and the surrounding area. But the percentage of men taking advantage of the change is 13 to the women’s four percent. Even the limited amount of women’s approved housing remained partially vacant. Students off-campus often gain practical experience in home management, while easing the financial burden of collegiate living in a non-collegiate atmosphere. Cooperation is the secret of combining housework and study. Even a non-cook becomes proficient within a term. After dinner hours are free for stereos and relaxation without the worry of quiet hours. Allowing sufficient commuting time takes careful calculation. Typing a paper requires collaboration and refreshments. Off-campus students banded together in 1954, forming Students Off-Campus, an organization to promote their political, social, and service interests. SOC assumes large responsibilities during Welcome Week, ushers during convocations, and sponsors a high school cooperation program each spring in the Lansing area to assist pupils coming to MSU. In social activities SOC sponsored nu­ merous hayrides, football blocks, parties, and parties. A semi-formal dance “Misty” was held at Walnut Hills. Football tactics with a feminine touch make the annual Powder Puff clash a humorous as well as exciting event. GREEK LIVING An endless round of rush parties, chapter meetings, desserts and study tables—Greek life encompasses twelve percent of the student population. The start of each term is marked by the all-important bid for members. This fall sororities were visited by 1700 coeds during informal teas, while fraternities set up displays in the Union to acquaint incoming freshmen with Greek living. But the Greeks forgot the rivalry of rush to present “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” the annual all-Greek dance. Sorority and fraternity members turn out en masse to add the final touches to their Water Carny float. Minor adjustments are quickly learned and frequently used by the many campus sports car owners. The inconveniences of pledgeship are repaid in full when the pledges turn their revenge and ingenuity against the actives in the traditional raid. After-class snacks from the open kitchen help make Greek living a pleasant relief from dormitory life. 298 The Lambda Chi Alpha’s Junior 500, originated in 1948, drew entries from all living units and attracted 12,000 spectators around the three-quarter mile circle. Through Greek Week, the individual houses work to maintain the units of the Greek system. The week is a time of pulling together in service and in fun to improve, not only inter-system relations, but those with the com­ munity, faculty, and student body. Group spirit began mounting with the sports car kickoff parade and reached a climax the following weekend at Greek Feast on the Sigma Nu lawn. The theme of the unity of Olympiad was carried out in the combining of Sorority Sing and IFC Sing, previously held on consecutive Sundays, into Greek Sing. Following the Sing, 4,000 jazz enthusiasts congregated on the Beta lawn to hear local groups in the traditional “Session by the Cedar.” And as always, the Lambda Chi’s Junior 500, pushcart race, lent excitement to the event-filled week. The houses located on the outskirts of approved housing make owning a car almost a necessity. But the conven­ iences are balanced by the time spent on upkeep. 299 Parents and interested spectators turned out to see Delta Gamma and Gamma Phi Beta tie the annual Powder Puff game. ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA Service is the main goal of the women of Alpha Kappa Alpha. This year they worked with underprivileged Lan­ In addition, the coeds participate in the sing girls. American Council on Human Rights, the NAACP, and the National Health Program whose emphasis is finding a cure for Sickle Cell Anemia. AKA placed first in the Junior 500 and was awarded first in blood donorship. Row One: M. Pearson; S. Staples; D. Bryant; G. Pryor; C. Hill; M. Layton; G. Davis. Row 2: M. Maxwell; T. Bray; V. Vincent; E. Laster; C. Williams; M. Womack. Row One: A. LaNoble, treas.; J. Piksa; S. Leslie, v. pres.; S. Bassett, pres.; Mrs. F. Lewis, hsmr.; M. Kuperus; L. Cooke; L. Thunfors; N. Bjorn. Row 2: K. Boyajian; P. Anderson; E. Anderson; S. Cramer; P. Woods; S. Harrison; G. Albrecht; M. Miller; J. Adams; S. Derriçkson. Row 3: A. Arend; K. Jensen; K. Dalvini; P. Roberts; B. Pollock; C. Otto; A. Ganzhorn; B. VanDam; C. Cobb. Row 4: S. Olin; B. Herrmann; N. Mead; S. Connors; J. Macdonald; J. Bresto; M. Raymond; C. Bowen; M. Robertson; C. Bryant. Row 5: J. Schalow; B. Moore; K. Bartie; J. Lytle; M. Ream; B. Burroughs; S. Hoemke; J. Opitz; S. Holcomb. Row 6: N. Frame; S. Lippert; M. Herbert; W. Ormsby; C. Christian; M. Strait; S. Lewis; P. Real; N. Carlson. ALPHA CHI OMEGA A flowered crest won Alpha Chi Omega first place in the 1962 Flower Show. Soon the crest will hang in a new house at the head of MAC Avenue. A Chi O members set aside their national “Hera Day” each spring for service. They carry out the national philanthropic project locally by sponsoring a party for teenagers afflicted with Cere­ bral Palsy. Pledges make toys for the younger victims. A talented member shows off her skill. 301 Row One: S. Coon; A. Hicks, treas.; M. Alto, v. pres.; S. Cowell, pres.; B. Waite, hsmr.; S. Mestrezat; J. Stuber. Row 2: K. Armstrong; M. McGillivray; N. Howard; J. Bradley; S. Johnston; M. McCarthy; C. Sauerhill; L. Leavenworth. Row 3: C. Draves; J. Szidik; S. Gates; J. Brooks; I. Behrens; S. Smith; K. Collins. Row 4: E. Allik; E. Coulton; M. McConnell; P. Dacey; N. Larson; C. Cinka; J. Bock; C. Lackner. Row 5: A. Moore; A. Fontaine; N. Spodeck; M. Gribas; S. Parnell; D. Stergion; M. Harris. Weekend ski trips dominate wintertime interests. ALPHA DELTA PI Although Alpha Delta Pi is one of the most recently organized sororities on campus, it is making its mark in campus activities. Besides group participation in all­ university events, ADPi has one member on the AUSG cabinet, one on the 1962 Engineering Queen court, and two members were honored on Lantern Night. The coeds have adopted a foster child from Hong Kong. Row One: B. Lowi; M. Zippin, v. pres.; C. Adelson, pres.; M. Fertel, treas.; P. Meyer, sec.; M. Spiegel, treas. Row 2: R. Lichtman; R. Surath; B. Fields; S. Silvestri; K. Colby; R. Lewis; J. Rapaport. Good food and conversation fill the study gap. ALPHA EPSILON PHI The Alpha Epsilon Phi’s took third place in the 1962 Water Carnival and twisted into first place in “Hillel’s a-Twistin’.” The AEPhi’s contribute to the Hebrew Uni­ versity of Israel for scientific literature and to their na­ tional foundation. The sorority’s other service projects include “Dolls for Democracy,” social service fellowships and academic loan funds. 303 Row One: K. Lawrence; M. McCool, treas.; J. Poliak; G. Greene, pres.; E. Schell, hsmr.; S. Conley, v. pres.; N. Wesch; M. Bird. Row 2: J. Taube; S. Jones; C. Casey; J. Prince; S. Kiel; S. Kistler; R. Diamond; B. Clark. Row 3: S. Shepard; N. Brundage; P. Brown; M. Primo; J. Jacobson; P. Polzin; J. Ormsby; K. Wendland. Row 4: K. Kupiec; C. Cook; B. Barnes; B. Cartwright; L. Mathivet; S. Hart; N. Seavitt; C. Nicholson. Row 5: K. Beauregard; P. Mc­ Mahan; M. VanAken; A. Anderson; B. Conner; J. Struthers; K. Bartling; C. Beyers. Row 6: D. Green; C. Augustus; J. Woodworth; M. Smith; S. Curtiss; J. Temple; J. Sloops; L. Steadman. The memory book marks important happenings. ALPHA GAMMA DELTA A Halloween party for girls with cerebral palsy is the philanthropic project of the women of Alpha Gamma Delta. Organized in 1924, by Mrs. Hannah’s mother, Mrs. Robert Shaw, the Alpha Gam’s award a charm bracelet each term to the member having the highest scholarship. In addition the coeds participate in Home­ coming, Water Carnival, Greek Week, and Sorority Sing. Row One: N. Castor; J. Cappo; B. Scudder, v. pres.; M. Knox, hsmr.; K. Smith, pres.; S. Robin­ son; J. Homaday, treas. Row 2: A. Wood; M. Miller; K. Brockineton; A. Ulland; M. Keown; D. Tirabassi; B. Kittle; J. Lowe. Row 3: L. Neumann; P. Beraud; B. Verrai; J. White; B. Bitney; M. Bull; J. Clark. Row 4: S. Kruse; C. Gilbert; J. Biessel; S. Smith; R. Runser; C. Wie- denhoefer; S. Latendresse. Row 5: L. Pierson; E. Draft; J. Sparkia; J. Jaumotte; J. Dero; M. Kemp; J. Thurow. It’s difficult to decide which pin it will be. ALPHA OMICRON PI Pan Hellenic awarded its scholarship improvement trophy to Alpha Omicron Pi winter term of 1962, as the women jumped from 13th to 4th place among sororities scholastically. In the winning vein, the A O Pi’s float placed first in Water Carnival competition. Greek Week, IM bowling and an annual touch football game with Pi Kappa Phi fraternity round out the coeds’ activities. Row One: L. Fisher, treas.; M. Wilkins, sec.; E. Minor, v. pres.; M. Hagen, pres.; B. Lostutter, hsmr.; C. Snider; J. Phillips. Row 2: S. Schaefer; B. Shannon; C. Gish; A. Smith; J. Kelber; A. Greenawalt; B. Barkwell; A. Mathieson. Row 3: N. Louis; S. Lueck; M. Cole; J. Hutchins; M. Prentice; D. Vollmer. Row 4: R. Popp; L. Linder; S. Henderson; J. Markley; S. Linsday; N. Lilly; B. Baldwin; J. McKinley. Row 5: S. Harris; C. Hutchins; M. Wolz; M. Martell; J. Jucius; L. Firth; S. Cook. Music makes up an integral part of sorority life. ALPHA PHI Scholarship and service are bywords of Alpha Phi. This sorority awards sisters for improved scholarship and for high grades. Contributions for cardiac aid and parties for under-privileged children constitute their service func­ tions. In campus activities, Alpha Phi participates in Water Carnival and Greek Sing, besides taking top honors in sorority homecoming displays. 306 Row One: S. Hilliard; M. Squires, treas.; S. Richardson; Mrs. D. Jones, hsmr.; D. Nowka, v. pres.; G. Kostbade; L. Clough. Row 2: S. Acker; J. Howe; B. Boshart; K. Klumpp; S. Stein- baugh; J. Westerkamp; N. DeWald; S. Brantlinger; S. Pippel. Row 3: K. Walstrom; J. Luns­ ford; K. Sayre; E. Conner; C. Miller; P. Heath; K. Meier; J. Burleson. Row 4: L. Gray; J. Anderson; M. Todd; K. Kizer; J. Cable; C. Babb; K. Ellward; H. Reimann. Row 5: L. Hagen; N. Zwarensteyn; T. Hart; P. Sloan; C. Graves; C. Hill; B. Steyer; P. Romanic. Row 6: M. Gates; B. Groos; C. Creamer; L. Frisch; K. Bruber; S. Wray; B. Argo; J. Smith; J. Janner. The Kingston Trio may be in for competition. ALPHA XI DELTA Objects, such as the bear bone awarded weekly for the biggest blunder and the silver cake knife used by all Alpha Xi brides, help make up Alpha Xi Delta life. Group cooperation is recognized in their possession of the Greek Week award for outstanding sorority participation and first place in sorority homecoming displays for the past two years. Car washes help support a Lebanese child. Row One: M. Rebeschini; B. Ross; P. Scanlon, treas.; K. Draper, v. pres.; M. Rudd, hsmr.; P. Drewek, pres.; S. Smith, sec.; C. Spewock; K. Lent. Row 2: P. O’Shea; K. Paulson; K. Badder; C. Krimian; A. Christy; S. McIntosh; H. Tepikian; P. Tice; J. Kring; K. Tellor. Row 3: J. Adduci; L. Kanuritz; N. Weckler; M. Bartók; S. Evans; K. Plumtree; J. White; J. O’Donnell; M. Walker. Row 4: F. Coddington; S. Scott; L. Coury; C. Schiffer; A. Nichols; D. Perinoff; B. Schmidt; P. McMahon; P. Soulliere. Row 5: A. Ackley; K. Gregory; J. Brown; S. Follett; K. Baubis; J. Woodburne; L. Cary; G. Moore; J. Kluessner. Row 6: J. Reed; L. Spitzner; P. Watland; A. KinKema; J. Peterson; D. Lampi; M. Barzler; M. Klomparens; J. Mack; M. Wagenvoord. Members pose for caricatures by a traveling artist. CHI OMEGA Each Easter the women of Chi Omega entertain Lansing area orphans with comic movies and an egg hunt. For finding an egg, the children are given a basket. The Chi O’s also present a $25 social science award to a deserving student in the sociology department. They placed in Sorority Sing and Water Carnival and were runners-up in Women’s IM volleyball. 308 Row One: K. Counts; M. Hannah; E. Cavin; M. Lamphere; Mrs. Jones, hsmr.; B. McCleary, pres.; S. Aitken, sec.; B. Bishop, v. pres.; S. Kraatz, treas. Row 2: K. Reid; P. Skells; S. Ellis; A. Wells; B. Hildebrandt; M. Cleary; M. Cusack; P. Wade. Row 3: M. Hoffman; J. Vanden- belt; P. Burns; S. Sauter; C. Hundt; C. Lamphere; J. Smith; S. Cotter; C. Scorsone. Row 4: B. Glover; W. Reed; M. Pringnitz; H. Toothill; B. Volk; S. Fitzgerald; R. Rozsa; J. Henry. Row 5: M. Collins; C. Palmer; L. Scholl; S. Wisby; N. Wilson; C. Bender; S. Coffman; A. Prout. Picking up dates signals the start of the weekend. DELTA DELTA DELTA Noted for their skill in volleyball, the women of Delta Delta Delta won the IM trophy for this sport, as well as the IM All-Sports trophy. By holding an auction the Tri-Delts are able to raise the money for two scholar­ ships which they annually present to MSU students. The presentations are made on the basis of academic average, financial need and campus activities. 309 Row One: D. Johnson, treas.; M. Carruthers; C. Sande; C. Survilla, pres.; Mrs. Parsons, hsmr.; K. Clabuesch, sec.; K. Famam, treas.; A. Hill; A. Kluessner. Row 2: M. Dureil; J. Nachtman; T. Gilmour; M. Peters; M. Fox; C. Kincheloe; A. Houvenor; C. Coombs; L. Trebilcock. Row 3: S. Fry; B. Wolterding; K. Ryan; A. Paine; M. Swensen; J. Leiphart; D. Hanna; S. Mauter; L. Fiebing. Row 4: J. Hoffmeyer; L. DeMeester; N. Cracknell; S. Loving; S. Adamson; N. Schenk; J. Evans; P. Drake; A. Greifendorf. Row 5: M. Fisher; L. Chapman; M. Payeur; S. Adams; G. Lewis; G. Gunsolus; S. Swenk; D. Dekker; J. Lund. Row 6: S. Smith; S. Green; L. Schneider; B. Barich; S. Thurman; L. Kirk; L. Hobbs; E. Sabine; R. Crimm. Being well-dressed takes planning. DELTA GAMMA MSU Delta Gamma’s were named the second most out­ standing chapter in the nation at their national conven­ tion at Mackinac Island. The honor was based on scholarship activities and co-operation. The well-known landmark, found in their front lawn, is the anchor of an 1800 ship. Hannah, the rag doll mascot, has also been known to actively participate in all house functions. 310 Row One: L. McElhoe; M. Bradley, sec.; B. Pontz; J. Easterman, pres.; Mrs. C. Blashill, hsmr.; I. Gurney, v. pres.; M. Cribbs, v. pres.; C. Edgar, treas.; S. VanRiper. Row 2: M. Brown; S. Janda; J. Holdsworth; M. Baird; L. Kelly; S. Tyndale; S. Armstrong; M. Powers; S. Scalzo; D. George. Row 3: S. Ensfield; P. Morvay; B. Stahl; B. Ambroson; B. Haas; B. Fields; L. Robert­ son; E. Waltz; S. Dusseau; M. Vivadelli. Row 4: S. Greenleaf; C. Johnson; C. Weekly; P. Hibberd; J. Augst; M. Findlay; M. Mogg; P. Lewandowski; J. McAleer; M. Duma. Row 5: A. Huber; B. Miller; L. Sekera; S. Hobart; M. Sperry; S. Smith; M. Rives; S. Hall; P. Peet; J. Baker; D. Goodson. Row 6: J. Pedersen; R. Roring; S. Atwater; A. Brainard; P. MacLeod; M. Erickson; K. Altmansberger; J. Fournier; C. Whitney; J. Haughey; P. Stapleton. DELTA ZETA Excitement came in triplicate at the Delta Zeta house spring term. On the night of their formal spring term party, the DZ’s had two trophies to boast of: second place in the Junior 500 and third place in Water Carnival, both won that day. Their annual Triad dance, held with the Fiji’s and the Phi Psi’s, netted a successful $20 for the Campus Chest and a good time for all. A “rose and candle” celebrates a sister’s pinning. 311 Row One: M. Brown, treas.; V. Shick; S. Erbacher, v. pres.; B. Scheid, pres.; Mrs. N. Quinn, hsmr.; B. Mills; V. Smith; L. Cartier. Row 2: C. Heffler; C. Friedman; M. Miller; M. Jackson; S. Post; P. Aylesworth, sec.; S. Luginbill; J. Gustafson; A. David. Row 3: B. Alexander; C. Smiley; M. Rudman; G. O’Connor; L. Worline; P. Blaney; A. Lawford; A. Brewster. Row 4: P. Morrow; S. Kennedy; M. Sutherland; N. Bourdon; A. Converse; R. Sinclair; J. Addison; K. Kralowetz; S. Lorimer. Row 5: J. Barth; J. Blackwell; M. Steiner; S. Sanders; S. Miller; M. Anderson; C. Simpson; D. Taylor. Saturday brings much traffic to the laundry room. GAMMA PHI BETA Although this year’s game ended in a tie, Gamma Phi Beta remains undefeated for the fifth straight year in the annual Powder Puff football game with Delta Gamma. The game is held in conjunction with Dad’s Day when the coeds treat their dads to lunch, the game and a little “Gabling.” As a gift from their alums, the interior of their 10-year old house is being redecorated. 312 Row One: C. Harmon; J. VanConant; K. Cool, v. pres.; E. Bradley, pres.; Mrs. Loffi, hsmr.; B. Dye, treas.; S. Zachariason, sec.; S. Schneider; S. White. Roto 2: P. Mitchell; L. Nash; B. Blankenburg; P. Mohill; S. Meyer; M. Lucas; M. Coleman; B. Roberts. Row 3: D. Sovey; G. Kuze; G. Krepps; P. Sweetland; L. Maynard; C. Coates; A. Marcille; B. Kenady; W. Meuser. Row 4: A. Murray; S. Mitchell; C. Griep; S. Miller; A. Shaw; L. Hoxie; A. Evans; M. Simonds; B. Bielefeld. Row 5: J. Lucas; L. Bishop; L. Brody; B. Lockhart; B. Donnelly; N. Buck; C. Burk; M. Allen; C. Smith. Row 6: D. Mitchell; A. Beuche; C. Schumacher; S. Hecht; L. Schaffer; L. Shereton; C. Clansen; D. Williams; J. Erkman. Bridge reigns supreme of Theta pastimes. KAPPA ALPHA THETA Spring term academic efforts were rewarded as Kappa Alpha Theta received the sorority scholarship trophy. At Christmastime they carolled at the Bogue Nursing Home for a 92 year old sorority sister, who has been a Theta for over 70 years. The energetic coeds bicycled seven miles to Lake Lansing for a fall term retreat. The group also numbers the 1962 Miss MSU among their ranks. 313 now une: A. Cook; S. Scofield, sec.; V. Arden, treas.; M. Fleming, hsmr.; K. Reighard, pres.; .James, v. pres.; B. Jones; G. Love. Row 2: A. Poulin; B. Biebesheimer; J. Smith; L. Bailey; J. Pmney; J. Whittenberg; S. Degener; A. Anderson; C. Eller. Row 3: S. Doman; M. Fink- K Andren; K. Malmstrom; B. Longwood; S. Dauts; S. Hyde; M. Rautiola. Row 4: S. Sattler- A.’ Parke; C. Doxtator; P. Bromley; J. Kent; I. Sante; N. Harrington; C. Wallen; V. Smith. Row 5- K. Brown; J. Coolican; L. Dissinger; J. Balden; J. Remondini; J. Grams; N. Nelson; G. Smith. 5 Nowacki; A> Best’ B- Brown; J. Jankoviak; K. Dayne; A. D mST 1"5 J' It’s hard to beat a trump like this. KAPPA DELTA Sorority Sing second and third place among sorority homecoming displays highlighted the Kappa Delta year. But the year also included some near-tragedies. Their cart collapsed in the final heat of the Junior 500 for the third straight year and the KDs were visited by the fire department as their chimney burned. The chapter works with the School for the Blind reading to young girls. 314 Row One: G. Payor; M. Qualman; B. Coe; D. Tower, v. pres.; R. Kuhn, pres.; M. Wheaton, treas.; M. Vaughan, sec.; S. Georgi. Row 2: P. McCarthy; S. Deem; R. Helmrich; L. Dahlman; A. Gallaudet; K. Larlee; N. Gallagher; K. House. Row 3: S. Dail; B. Humphrey; D. Perrin; P. Wiggins; M. Gillemgerten; M. Hunsberger; B. Kelley; P. Fobear; C. Congdon. Row 4: J. Deem; C. Cuthbertson; J. Barber; S. Gerstenberger; M. Anderson; M. Magee; J. Page; S. Overman. Row 5: L. Jirsa; P. Schmidt; K. May; J. Thompson; B. Chapman; P. Johnson; P. Podlesak; J. Werner. Row 6: J. Tenttoor; L. Dolfin; G. Verhey; S. Warren; N. Moore; K. Keating; J. Erickson; K. Botsford. KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA “Old Shoe-boots and Leggins” brought first place to Kappa Kappa Gamma in Greek Sing. For fun they turned to the Monmouth Duo with Pi Beta Phi, Sadie Hawkins Day and Secret Pals’ Day. Then, there was that certain Friday when roommates dressed as each other for dinner. The Busboy Turnabout honored the boys, who sat at the head of the table, as the girls served and cleaned up. Accompaniment adds to newly-learned fraternity songs. 315 Row One: B. Fox; V. Voelker, sec.; A. Hughes, v. pres.; Mrs. Crawford, hsmr.; J. Jacobson, pres.; J. Goodwin, treas.; C. Bower; M. Dowding. Row 2: S. Monrad; C. Geier; S. Kappel; J. Hazewinkel; E. Browne; P. Barnes; B. Barbara; K. Farnham; G. Fangboner. Row 3: A. Carlmanpj|E. Clark; C. Drake; J. Smith; P. Shehan; D. Ferguson; J. Mitchell; P. Overton. Row 4: K. Gustafson; M. Neorr; M. Manica; J. Sosnouski; L. Johnson; M. Mielke; J. Totman; J. Oik. Row 5: P. Graves; B. Baker; L. Winemiller; H. Cull; S. Luneke; N. Johnson; B. Booth- B. McCabe. Musical talent is a valuable asset for rush. PHI MU The women of Phi Mu this year adopted a 14-year old Indian girl to whom they send money for schooling and college. The chapter also received honorable mention at their national convention for reports to the “Aglaia,” the national sorority news magazine. While taking part in many group activities, they present a “most active” award to a member for her extracurricular participation. 316 Row One: J. Duncan; B. Hughes; P. Roland, treas.; J. Veenhuis, pres.; Mrs. B. Georde, hsmr.; L. Holiday, v. pres.; S. Fries, sec.; J. Hultman. Row 2: S. Sumner; J. Donoghue; S. Munn; A. Urso; J. Printz; K. Zahnow; R. Ross; B. Gish; S. Warner. Row 3: R. Ramsey; S. Shields; J. Jewett; C. Tomczyk; P. Ramsey; J. Kowalik; L. Stoakes; S. Little. Row 4: M. Smith; J. Buchanan; D. Grigg; S. Siebert; L. Layton; P. Baum; T. Christides; C. Holbrook. Row 5: S. Sampson; N. Meyer; S. Allardyce; N. Stewart; S. Govatos; S. Speer; L. Larson; L. Langohr. Row 6: C. Hubacker; C. Warren; S. Lambert; C. Carlson; J. Schölten; K. VanSciever; S. Furry; N. Doerner. Social engagements require much preparation. PI BETA PHI Pi Beta Phi stages an annual tree-lighting ceremony with Delta Tau Delta at the Abbott Road entrance. The Pi Phi’s, who also participate in the Harrison Road Break­ fast, still find time to keep up with their studies. Spring term they placed 7th scholastically among sororities. In addition to group honors, the chapter boasts of two Out­ standing Senior Women and two Tower Guards. Row One: W. Gregory, treas; B. Bohn, sec.; P. Reasoner, v. pres.; L. Richeson, hsmr.; S. Lucas, pres.; J. Webb; B. Barclay. Row 2: V. Starr; M. Linsenmann; B. O’Connor; K. Schichting; B. Rhoads; S. Buege; E. Sullivan. Row 3: D. Upton; J. Meshberg; L. Tallefson; J. Richter; J. Sutcliffe; M. Goodman; W. Rauser. Row 4: L. Ray; J. Davis; S. Holmes; J. Boughton; P. Fuzak; S. Hurter; K. Kominek. Row 5: D. Buesch; S. Siebers; J. Ayres;5 C. Tempone; S. Corgan; C. Smith; C. Cassidy; J. Huellmantel. Row 6: S. Hollis; L. Chelsea; M. Clark; D. Dobek; D. McDonald; P. Hughes; S. Kaltenbach; B. Fox. SIGMA KAPPA Variety is the key to Sigma Kappa activities. The women give aid to the Ingham County gerentology center to the Maine Seacoast Mission, as well as sup­ porting campus blood drives and campus chest. The coeds’ parents are individually honored as their daugh­ ters treat their dads to a football game and evening dinner party and present a luncheon for their mothers. Past events are just a flick of a page away. Row One: M. Opas, sec.; J. Reader; K. Bielinski; N. Karmann, pres.; Mrs. J. Zink, hsmr; D. Jansen, v. pres.; A. Helming, treas.; L. Klein. Row 2: B. Pring; B. Foote; J. Mikolusky; B. Le J. Paganelli; E. Olsen; D. Curren; M. Carlson. Row 3: P. Klaasesz; S. Vaughn; P. Sisko; Horvath; L. Splan; J. Farrow; M. Nowak; C. Lukesich. Row 4: A. Brown; M. Bolger; Kinney; M. Cote; T. Badenoch; A. Tibbits; S. Pulling; L. Cirrito. ¿ C Q f e Informal songfests keep them ready for serenades. ZETA TAU ALPHA Service to the community is an integral part of sorority life. The women of Zeta Tau Alpha gave a Christmas party for handicapped children and invited 25 children from the St. Vincent Home to a Valentine party which they sponsored with Sigma Alpha Mu. The party was complete with magician and games. Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation scholarships are given to State students. 319 Row One: E. Wagner; M. Zuckerman, sec.; M. Zuckerman; J. Sinowitz, pres.; J. Rice, hsmr.; P. Jacobs, v. pres.; R. Glick, treas.; R. Siegel. Row 2: S. Schwartz; A. Teig; A. Levitz; M. Gordon; L. Wizel; R. Rogoff; J. Wolfson; W. Jacobs; J. Yankowitz. Row 3: J. Firestone; L. Novick; R. Moss; M. Gerson; R. May; B. Schwartz; A. Robbins; W. Stark; B. Riggs. Row 4: C. Diamond; K. Banks; S. Kirschenbaum; A. Shapiro; J. Baxter; D. Kaller; A. Shifman; H. Riker; M. Levine. Row 5: J. Ellis; S. Zimmerman; J. Hemstat; A. Victor; B. Young; A. Goldman; H. Futoran; R. Lenett; D. Hitzig; S. Florsheim. Making early classesoften requires assistance. : if ' | : I y ALPHA EPSILON PI “Car-wrecking” is a quick way to lose end-of-term frustration. The Alpha Epsilon Pi’s buy an old heap for their annual shindig at which members and dates proceed to smash it to bits. The AEPi’s won the humorous cata- gory in the Junior 500 for their Yogi Bear and Fred Flint- stone floats the past two years. The 1963 pledge class contributed to Campus Chest rather than pulling a raid. 320 Row One: L. Treadwell; W. Bamber, treas.; J. Rhen, pres.; J. Knowlton, hsmr.; S. Swihart, v. pres.; D. Nielsen, sec.; T. Mead. Row 2: N. VanSickle; B. Grant; A. Parr T. McPherson; W. Austin; B. Dowd. Row 3: D. Starke; B. Ford; T. Kiander; R. McMillen; C. Snyder; D. Holzhei; J. Wolfe. Row 4: R. Hawkins; G. Meyer; C. Van Denburg; P. Jewell; D. Behrenwald; D. Diehl; T. Wakeman. Row 5: L. VanSteenhouse; J. Zimmerman; J. Breinling; E. Brooks; W. Smith; D. Carter; W. Gifford. Regular performances are all part of a mascot’s life. ALPHA GAMMA RHO The oldest fraternity on campus, Alpha Gamma Rho, is also State’s only professional agricultural fraternity. The majority of pledges must be in agriculture. Spring term the AGR’s ranked third scholastically and have been below eighth only once since 1922. Most non-studv time is spent hunting in which the men showed their skill, hanging three bucks from a second story balcony. 321 Row One: J. Hartnell; J. Norcutt; O. Gregg, sec.; G. Parker, pres.; H. LaMotte, hsmr.; K. Tucker, v. pres.; C. Hawley, treas.; F. Ash. Row 2: C. Holtslander; J. Morgan; M. Jordan; K. Mitchell; M. Dante; R. Ricketts; D. Shearer; T. Abramczyk. Row 3: M. Nyberg; R. Reit; K. Hodgson; D. Meninger; M. Mehas; R. Osterhout; R. Vandermolen; H. White. The Alpha Sig’s pause to study future house plans. ALPHA SIGMA PHI Combining interest in leadership and scholarship the men of Alpha Sigma Phi were active in campus activities. Members held positions on Water Carnival, Home­ coming, and Greek Week committees. The greatest sup­ porter of Alpha Sig affairs is their oldest active, Tar, a husky Labrador Retriever. The annual Black and White Formal highlights the social year. Row One: B. Wagner, treas.; P. Hewett, sec.; M. Cicclelli, v. pres.; W. Grant, pres.; Mrs. F. Snell, hsmr.; G. Ekey; D. Panks; P. McEvilly. Row 2: J. Nitz; T. Worfel; M. Spann; C. Baber; R. Ludwig; D. James; J. Hoffa; K. Gilson; J. Carroll. Row 3: T. Falls; W. DeWeerd; R. Stehower; R. Christopher; D. Baker; S. Muller; R. Wilson; J. Swift. Row 4: D. Neff; D. Balogh; J. Bolen; J. Schluentz; C. Schriner; T. Lipman; J. Rowe; J. Keegstra. Row 5: T. Vyn; M. Winker; J. Johnston; D. Cardone; L. Schreur; A. Hiller; R. MacGeorge; J. Calabrese. The ATO’s relax before proof of their sports prowness. ALPHA TAU OMEGA “Be athletically active but remain scholastically minded” is the motto of the men of Alpha Tau Omega. Supporting this is their 10 consecutive track champion­ ships and 3rd place in the Junior 500 and All Sports com­ petition, while maintaining above the all-fraternity scho­ lastic average. The ATO’s have donated a Help Week trophy to encourage the service aspect of Hell Week. Row One: R. Aldinger; T. Haupt, treas.; P. Buowaecorsi; R. Champ, pres.; M. Hope, v. pres.; J. Fitzgerald, sec.; E. Peterson. Row 2: M. McCarthy; D. Imig; J. Melstrom; J. Wyman; B. Hubal; L. Krawczak; D. Peterson. Row 3: R. Gelesko; J. Sixt; C. Steller; G. Davis; D. Mowers; P. Pfeiffer; W. Turner. Row 4: D. Gailivan; M. Lobeil; D. Johnson; R. Edwards; R. Morrison; P. Bylsma. The brothers check the latest stereo releases. BETA THETA PI Not even a fraternity house can stand up in the wake of campus expansion. With the proposed building of the Bogue bridge, the Beta Theta Pi’s sold their land and are planning to buy more along the river and begin building. With another Cedar location the men can continue their “Session on the Cedar,” which has become one of the largest attended events in Greek Week. 324 Row One: V. Turner; F. Fetters, treas.; J. Gutowski, v. pres.; G. Steelman, hsmr.; G. Rummel, pres.; J. Lacchia, sec.; H. Collier. Row 2: J. Omtvedt; J. Padover; T. Carey; T. Seyfarth; R. Haller; J. Bannan; J. Weirauch; W. Hallier. Row 3: J. Trantham; C. Perhamus; D. Frank; R. Musolf; L. Pedersen; J. Barnard; J. Lundquist. Row 4: R. Hodder; W. Dittmore; C. Kiene; R. Jackson; G. Chesley; H. Sweitzer; L. Bowen. Row 5: D. Mannix; P. Owen; C. Sower; C. Hoonhout; D. Payne; D. Tabone; D. Stanley. Row 6: J. McFall; D. Knoll; J. Haviland; W. Black; W. Veen; J. Barnes; J. Rumpsa. The Delta Chi’s had to build a new case for Sing trophies. DELTA CHI For the second year in a row, the Delta Chi’s placed second in IFC Sing. They are adding a wing to their house which is to be completed by fall. Although it will not increase the housing capacity, it will add to the living space. Another addition to the Delta Chi household is Lance, a boxer mascot. At Easter the men and the Chi Omega’s took Lansing orphans to Potter Park. 325 Row One: R. Rossi; R. Clark; E. Wrona; T. Bond, v. pres.; J. Pantilla, pres.; D. Lohrey, treas.; M. Fellabaum; M. Corrie. Row 2: L. Luke; T. Strobl; B. Balinski; R. Landeck; A. Sebastian; A. Vine; T. Cathey; R. Abbott; J. Uloth. Row 3: R. Sanders; J. Yatchman; B. Wiltfang; D. Warner; J. Flake; T. Ensign; R. Winters; L. Schell; J. Kramarz. Row 4: R. Kennedy; T. McKay; B. Lofback; T. Reed; M. Hirko; S. Granger; J. Temple. Row 5: J. Halstead; J. Noorman; J. Eggert; D. Williams; P. Rosenberger; E. Smith; R. McLellan; H. Chappell; C. Soechtig. Repainting hallways takes care of Saturday energies. DELTA SIGMA PHI Second place in Water Carnival for their Cinderella float with Delta Zeta set off the Delta Sigma Phi winning streak. In the Homecoming competition the Delt Sig’s placed third and took second in IFC Bowling. The an­ nual spring Carnation Ball provides a formal ending to the year. But this summer the house will remain busy with the remodeling of the kitchen. Row One: R. Ford; R. Tinker, treas.; C. Schneider, v. pres.; P. Nordwall, pres.; Mrs. L. Hornbeck, hsmr.; R. Sharkey; R. Armstrong, sec.; F. Marxer. Row 2: T. Heath; D. Peslar; R. Mandigo; C. Strong; J. Gross; R. Myers; B. Estfan; R. Riemenschneider; P. Wade. Row 3: D. Coulson; G. Knight; M. Miller; A. Valcanoff; J. Ruhl; J. Grech; R. Esperti; N. Awad; J. Blanchard; T. Cliff. Row 4: R. Ryder; J. FoJIett; A. Harris; S. Bolich; T. Burgon; B. Treaster; T. Piernick; F. Senger; G. Rosemas. Row 5: D. Ross; P. Lang; F. Hoag; C. Howard; J. Barnard; D. Riley; L. Kossack; B. Osterink; G. Convis. Row 6: H. Dunne; T. Brand; B. Siudara; D. Taylor; G. Culver; J. Dase; B. Andringa; D. Thompson; J. Patterson. Advice is seldom lacking around the house. DELTA TAU DELTA For the past four terms, the men of Delta Tau Delta have held second place in scholarship among fraternities while remaining active in campus affairs. Delt members include the 1962 Mr. MSU and the presidents of IFC, Union Board, and the sophomore and junior class. They have donated an Outstanding Sorority trophy to be judged and awarded by Associated Women Students. Row One: F. Coon; K. Kemp; J. Oldenburg; D. Collette, pres.; D. Wochhols, hsmr.; A. Miller, v. pres.; P. Tennis, sec.; D. Carpenter, treas.; P. Bray. Row 2: J. Thurow; J. Drake- F? Schroeder; D. Schlitt; D. Rolland; R. Pfau; B. Herz; R. Scott; R. Hetrick; G. Shannon. Row 3l G. Gross; R. McBain; V. Lipp; R. Roussey; C. Baugh; K. Maraj; J. Jemison; R. Eastman; G. Hames. Row 4: D. Miller; R. Serpa; F. Tasker; J. Held; R. Scranton; C. MacDonald; L. Geiger; C. O’Brien; M. Overhiser. Row 5: R. Alldredge; K. Bergman; R. Dubiel; K. Grazier; R. Nauert; L. Anderson; N. Sewing; R. Clark; W. Cavell. Row 6: S. Potter; M. Knowles; R. OverKamp; E. Koch; C. Adkin; T. Manuel; T. Worthington; J. Riddell; J. Morrish; F. Wyatt. A basement remodeling is a job for amateurs. DELTA UPSILON Football fans soon become acquainted with the Delta Upsilon bell as the DU men ring out mounting MSU scores. Resting on the front lawn of their house during the off-seasons, the bell is well-guarded from University of Michigan raiding parties. With the arrival of spring, the brothers paddle to class via the Red Cedar accom­ panied by their new St. Bernard puppy, Duchess III. 328 Row One: S. Hatter; B. Ruesink, treas.; D. Baker, pres.; Mrs. L. Clark, hsmr.; J. Wissman, v. pres • D. Ross, sec.; J. Bartholomew. Row 2: G. Matheny; R. Eldridge; H. Coger; L. Severance; J. Morse; T. Edington; M. Feldman. Row 3: E. Heller; R. Fox; H. Bailey; J. Swanson; L. Hammons; J. Dorman; W. Schreiner. Row 4: S. McKinney; C. Smoke; D. Hill; W. Thar; D. Hannigan; J. Gibson; D. Howell. Row 5: D. Prieur; F. Engelhardt; H. Hughes; J. Rosevelt; F. Schmidt; L. Tabaka; W. Keish. An academic and educational pastime, probability studies. FARMHOUSE The golden engraved Red Cross plaque for 100 per cent participation in the fall blood drive was awarded to Farmhouse fraternity. Nationally the chapter also ranked high in honors by receiving 2nd place for chapter achievement and 3rd for the President’s trophy at their 22nd Biennial Conclave. The men reversed the position in presenting their Sister Pin to Del, their house cook. 329 flou; One.- G. Summerhays; E. Noonan; R. Fogg, pres.; I. Willnow, hsmr.; J. Crumbaker; ^ B°„D0nnei; R 0DeGrand- Row 2: D- Calkins; P. Price; T. Davis; S. Anderson; R. Dick; F. Billings. Row 3: D. Jose; J. Piceu; J. Tonne; J. Watts; F. Jackson; R. Gugelmeyer; R. Taft. Do-it-yourselfers take care of minor repairs. KAPPA SIGMA Competion is hot and heavy as the Kappa Sigma’s battle their University of Michigan brothers in an annual softball contest. The last meeting saw MSU the victors 12-6. The two groups meet again after school is out for a canoe trip each June. The Kappa Sig’s were first in their football and basketball block and the ac­ tives were 2nd scholastically for fraternities spring term. Row One: T. Teetaert; T. Siplon, treas; M. Boyd; K. Jesmore, pres.; W. Piercy, v. pres.; F. Hanert; J. Mansfield. Row 2: D. Buchanan; R. Warburton; K. McNeill; R. Cheeseman; W. Smith; P. Shawver; T. Fisher; C. Ragains. Row 3: J. Dunwell; L. Dusseau; D. Holden; J. Campbell; R. Lawton; R. Raught; T. Yonker. Row 4: B. Hughes; J. Keller; S. Scandirito; A. Dirkse; D. Mansberger; D. Gretzinger; C. Heath; C. Moore. Row 5: R. Schaberg; B. Mackay; G. Jellis; T. Delaney; M. Burnett; J. Culotta; G. Andrews; B. Mack. Row 6: J. Harrington; J. Sutton; K. McMillin; R. Clark; J. Walton; D. Numelin; D. Bruce; R. Peterson. Just a short one before hitting the books. LAMBDA CHI ALPHA Noted mainly for their annual Junior 500, Lambda Chi Alpha is also gaining a reputation in football. For the past two years they have won the IM championship, as well as copping many of the other sports trophies. Indi­ vidually, the group has members in Green Helmet, Blue Key and IFC Executive Council. One of the oldest fra­ ternities on campus, Lambda Chi has faculty speakers. Row One: P. Rand; C. Stoll; P. Schweitzer; R. Tillstrom; L. Thomas. Row 2: M. Terry; F. Thompson; L. Norwood, treas.; R. Carr, v. pres.; Mrs. H. Frasier, hsmr.; D. Cronkright, pres.; T. Williams, sec.; G. Redinbo; R. Schutz. Row 3: T. Gistinger; D. Field; B. Johnson; B. Fraser; J. Köllig; G. Hartman; J. Berutti; C. VerMerris; B. Stroven; B. Chandler; G. Porter; B. Herrick. Row 4: J. Daniels; C. Weiss; B. Boettcher; B. Blakeney; J. Crockett; J. Aho; J. Run- quist; J. Story; B. Bee; M. Kuli; M. Corrigan; C. Sharrow; J. Teggelaar. A short hand of cards before cracking the books. PHI DELTA THETA Neighborhood relations are bolstered each spring as the Phi Delta Thetas hold a lawn party for the residents of their block. The men also annually clean up the Williamston YMCA camp. Together with three fra­ ternities and four sororities, the Phi Delts put on an annual Sadie Hawkins Day where the Daisy Mae-clad coeds are given an opportunity to “catch” her man. Row One: J. Waters; G. Mader; L. Kitson, sec.; W. Doerner, pres.; Mrs. Varderborgh, hsmr.; C. Schmidt; H. Ackerman, treas.; D. Porrell; J. Steen. Row 2: D. Sockol; R. Lalk; R. Lorent- zen; R. Clark; R. Greene; G. Valade; P. Vollweiler; L. Widmayer; R. Reishlme; J. Tuman. Row 3: J. Clement; J. Spaunburg; J. Rails; D. Harrison; J. Choi; R. Neiden; W. Wallace; J. Stokes- T. Webb. Row 4: V. Kramer; W. Cook; J. Dewey; S. Dychtwald; A. Burkett; C. Brett; R. Mellish; J. Popovich; D. Young. Row 5: R. Pemberton; W. Garner; D. Pavlik; R. Bennett; K. Shaw; R. Lorenz; D. Derfner; M. Sumera; M. Molnar. Row 6: E. Wiegand; M. Haack; W. Mathes; J. Giesel; T. Moonen; L. Kahler; F. Rolison; D. Wright; W. Spang. Any time of day the kitchen is well-traveled. ■HHHHHflHl PHI GAMMA DELTA The Phi Gamma Delta house welcomed fellow Fiji’s from the University of Washington last spring as the Brothers Four visited campus for a concert. The local Fiji’s also claimed three distinctive awards this past year. They placed 2nd in IFC Sing, won the Outstanding Greek Award for participation in Greek Week and captured the Intramural softball block championship. » 333 J- ChandIer; R- CarriSan5 W- Green, v. pres.; V. Lantis, hsmr.; P. Seidel, pres.; M. McNulty, treas.; R. Westin. Row 2: G. Larkins; G. Mason; J. Berg; M. Foy; D. Moore- C. Zeigler; E. Foss. Row 3: G. Bedsworth; P. DelMonico; H. Semczak; J. Slaughter- T* Schwarze; C. Bayless; D. Booth. Row 4: W. Gilmore; T. Pekera; J. Edwards; E. Casaroll- J. Blowers; R. Lhyle; R. Miller. Row 5: R. Zuehlke; W. Zabriskie; T. Debrine; R. Serine- R. Pank; T. Sipila; F. Lucas. The vultures gather, ready for a study snack. PHI KAPPA PSI Founder’s Day for Phi Kappa Psi is celebrated with a banquet in Detroit for all Michigan chapters. After din­ ner a songfest is held, the winners being presented a special pitcher. Cartoons, gifts, and ice cream and cake galore make up the underprivileged children’s Christmas party each year. A $100 “appreciation” is given each year to the member having done the most for the fraternity. 334 Row One: D. Denawetz, v. pres.; R. Dietrich; D. Ash; E. Kaulmann, hsmr.; W. Krohn, pres.; D. Roberts; P. Kelly, sec. Row 2: M. Haidle; C. Eyler; T. McCue; A. Pudd; J. Roberts; A. Smith; D. Orwig; D. Scheiber. Row 3: J. Hendee; G. Baber; J. Boswinkle; T. Mcllrath; L. Trevethan; D. DeBats; L. Roth. Row 4: J. Weersing; T. Bennett; L. Schultz; A. Vincent; R. Giordaro; T. Wierman; B. Mann. Row 5: P. Spinka; J. Calderwood; R. Joynt; D. Malizia; M. Bildner; P. VanWart; H. Pfannstiehl. Row 6: D. Petruska; E. Hubert; M. Farley; T. Rice; R. Tanner; W. Rusch; M. George House activities accommodate varied interests. PHI KAPPA SIGMA Phi Kappa Sigma encourages academic achievement by rewarding its 4-pointers with a term’s room and board. In the spring of ’62 the pledges ranked second while the actives came in fourth scholastically among fraternities. The smoking habit has its rewards too. The 44,450 packs collected by the men won them a television in the Amer­ ican Tobacco Company cigarette package competition. 335 Row One: D. Shine, sec.; R. Oselka, treas.; J. Galvin, v. pres.; Mrs. Zimmerman, hsmr.; R. Oselka, pres.; J. Becker; T. Mayer. Row 2: R. Engleman; R. Keller; R. Kinzler; F. Koory; R. Gingras; J. Hoopfer; A. Daniels; M. Bacon. Row 3: T. Sak; R. Livesay; J. LaBenne; J. Murphy; G. Diesing; V. Logan; J. Conover. Row 4: J. Aley; G. Coughlin; W. Whitaker; T. Watts; J. Hotchkiss; R. Schuhen; F. Woolman. An informal jam session deafens a canine listener. PHI KAPPA TAP A trophy for the highest donation among fraternities in the spring blood drive was presented to the men of Phi Kappa Tau. Besides group honors the Phi Tau’s can claim the 440 individual winner in IM track. The men also participate in IM football, softball, basketball, tennis, volleyball, swimming and golf in addition to other campus activities and an underprivileged children’s party. Row One: R. Gibbs; G. Baron, sec.; T. Odelli, v. pres.; P. Hillstrom, pres.; B. Mann, treas.; B. Rice; B. Henne. Row 2: C. Flahive; D. Westphal; R. Tracey; D. Bush; G. Spry; K. Ide; A. Armstutz; D. Emmons. Roto 3: T. Hegerberg; S. Burroughs; M. Sheedlo; J. Leach; J. Marshall; W. Guenther; D. Smeltekop; J. Boulton. Collaboration and activity centers around the piano. PHI MU ALPHA For outstanding service, Phi Mu Alpha, men’s profes­ sional honorary, received the “Outstanding Chapter in the Province” award. The men can also boast of famous names in the music world. They initiated Stan Kenton into the local chapter and heard Dave Brubeck speak winter term. Spring term the group holds the American Composers Concert and a jazz concert. 337 Row One: G. Lance, treas.; R. Warren, sec.; G. Couturier, v. pres.; V. Mackle, hsmr.; A. Diehl, pres.; J. Vilhauer; G. Terry. Row 2: N. Provenzano; E. Lazarus; D. Burns; R. Koehler; J. Sparbel; J. Turberville. Row 3: D. Ellis; W. Moore; P. Enright; G. Achterhof; H. Linne- mann; J. Girard; D. Detwiler. Row 4: R. Briggs; P. Stepanishen; R. Troxel; O. Balcers; R. Hotton; T. Boven; G. Smith. Row 5: J. Ashby; J. Howell; J. Carroll; T. Myall; P. Julien; R. Barnes; J. Heywood. Getting a date for Saturday becomes a joint concern. PHI SIGMA KAPPA Heading the list of spring term activities were Water Carnival and the Hawaiian Luau. The men of Phi Sigma Kappa took an active part in both. They hosted the visit­ ing senator from Hawaii, Oren Long, and together with the women of Williams Hall, created a false front man­ sion with an adjoining shack in the rear which took second prize in the procession of “Pseudo” floats. 338 Row One: J. Doyle; P. Stierna; D. Joy; C. Neubecker, treas.; T. Aylward, pres.; R. Fedorowicz, sec.; J. Silbar; J. Ziozios; L. Cobb. Row 2: T. Sherwood; R. Pendell; F. Gaunt; R. Fisher; R. Rudolph; S. Harry; Mrs. Knight, hsmr.; R. Robinson; D. MacDonald; T. Rrown; J. Neu­ becker; D. Berch. Row 3: R. Hood; R. Sutton; L. Jamison; C. Reckstrom; S. Hall; B. Stein- feldt; D. Wahr; R. Hazelton; R. Curtis; B. Watkins; J. Bussell; B. O’dell. A friendly canine joins the brothers in song. PI KAPPA PHI A menagerie of mascots inhabits the Pi Kappa Phi house. The collection includes one kinkajou, two birds, five baby racoons, 500 tropical fish and Hangover, the dog. Also interested in human species, the men crown their Pi Kappa Phi queen at the annual “Rose Ball.” For their float, “Retrogressive Progression,” they received first place in the 1962 Water Carnival. 339 Row One: R. Hart, treas.; D. Linder, sec.; D. Danziger, pres.; M. Warhurst, hsmr.; J. Utley; D. Trent, v. pres.; C. Glass. Row 2: M. Allingham; A. Stevens; R. Strabel; J. Duncan; R. Kirsten; D. Smith; W. Barger; D. Gray. Row 3: S. Supernaw; H. Lenick; S. Staples; J. Vandersalm; B. Billings; M. McHalpine; R. Sass. Row 4: J. Cook; F. Sellgren; J. Schroeder; R. Metcalf; J. Came; J. Peters; D. Walsh. Row 5: G. Kupsoff; J. Mehaffy; C. Fierz; R. McGrath; R. Walter; W. Wood; M. Gondek. Row 6: J. Simpson; R. Klintworth; J. Porter; J. Woodruff; R. Barrett; R. Purdy; R. Smart. One brother, one banjo are sure to draw a crowd. PSI UPSILON For years the men of Psi Upsilon have advocated sim­ plicity in Homecoming displays. This fall they joined in the festivities with two signs propped against the trees in their front lawn proclaiming: “Contend Emulously.” The Psi U’s* however, have produced a number of campus leaders including the ’61 AUSG president. To improve scholastics they enforce study table and quiet hours. 340 Row One: S. Hickman; R. Baldori; R. Grow, treas.; B. Johnson, pres.; J. Bulkley, sec.; A. Lang; T. Huff. Row 2: J. Cook; J. Boucher; J. Connors; D. Becklin; A. Anthony; T. Con­ nolly; L. Johnsos; G. Banning. Row 3: J. Pricer; J. Winter; G. Harris; J. Leahy; J. Madonna; M. Comerford; D. Zagaroli. Row 4: M. Denton; W. Riepe; R. Brodie; P. Palmer; N. Foley; F. Sutton; E. Woolery. Row 5: G. Rigterink; M. MacDonald; L. Stowell; D. Whan; D. Anderson; B. Driver; D. Wagner. Row 6: F. Buccieri; M. Owens; R. Metzler; C. Stoel; K. Nagler; M. Gregory; F. Maxwell. SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON LITTLE SISTERS OF MINERVA The Sigma Alpha Epsilon trophy case had a complete revamping as the men made room for their spring term rewards. These included 1st place in IM golf and swim­ ming, runner-up in tennis, and 2nd place in the Junior 500 and the all-university golf tournament. Women pinned, engaged or married to SAE members become honorary members of the Little Sisters of Minerva. The 30 regular members are chosen through an informal rush for the national service group which is closely connected with the mothers’ group, the Minervas. Row One: S. Johnston, treas.; B. Dreyfuss, sec.; J. Kelber, v. pres.; C. Crupi, pres.; A. Warren; S. Sanders. Row 2: J. Hinkley; D. Wright; B. Shannon; R. Ross; S. Schaefer; G. Kinsel; K. Dalvini. Row 3: K. Smith; B. Tuescher; S. Grenieuricki; E. Winn; N. Johnson; S. Schoenith. Row 4: B. Robertson; C. Krutz; S. Connors; S. Govatos; B. Thorpe; S. Fries. 341 Row One: S. Berkman; D. Romanelli, sec.; R. Fabian, v. pres.; B. Lewis, hsmr.; M. Saltman, pres.; G. Clark, treas; J. Grand; S. Mandell. Row 2: B. Breakstone; D. Molitz; A. Gould- A Often; N. Blyueis; S. Left; A. Kelmaue; R. Karp. Row 3: W. Hirsh; S. Lurie; R. Warren- A Lorenz; A. Schreiber; M. Bressler; C. Miller; D. Paige. Row 4: D. Krinsky; J. Wise; T. Alper; B. Kushner; S. Bachenheimer; J. Gutenberger; J. Altman; G. Slutzky. Row 5: M. Bergman- E. Zumdorfer; H. Foote; L. Krantz; D. Abrams; L. Brickman; R. Green; A. Divock- b’. Satenspiel. TV’s educational aspects are seriously considered. SIGMA ALPHA MU The Sammy’s vacated their familiar spot across from Berkey to move into a house on East Grand River near Hagadorn. The men of Sigma Alpha Mu were awarded a golden engraved Red Cross plaque for 100 per cent participation in the fall blood drive. To raise funds for the Heart Association they held Sammy Scrub spring term. Faculty speakers are frequently invited for dinner. Row One: W. Maroney; J. Mertz; C. Handy, treas.; H. Elliott, pres.; M. Webster, hsmr.; R. Wells, v. pres.; J. Leaver, sec.; M. McCormick. Row 2: W. Beers; J. Hill; J. Colina; D. Shiker; M. Elliott; W. Sabo; B. Lennon; T. Osier. Row 3: R. Keller; R. Lewis; R. Beguelin; S. Sink; R. Gilmore; L. Schmidt; DiBucci. Row 4: J. Foodsman; K. Wright; M. Elliott; G. Oade; B. Fuller; T. Rowe; E. Furbisher; C. Rosenwald. Row 5: M. Petrie; L Birzgalis; H. Hoffman; D. Warner; D. Weber; G. Schafer; B. Davis; J. DeUigatti. Row 6: S. Budrus; J. Ellward; R. Glah; D. Mechlin; T. Shank; W. Burton; D. Bergman; G. Lautenshlager. A bit of quiet after the humdrum of classes. SIGMA CHI The oldest house in East Lansing fell in the wake of progress winter term. The house which has been the home of Sigma Chi will be replaced by a 50-resident structure which the men hope will be finished by fall. To encourage scholastic improvement the men are paired up in a buddy system with the highest and lowest grade points coupled. The highest team wins a $25 reward. 343 Row One: J. Visingardi; R. Olstein, treas.; J. Moran, v. pres.; Mrs. Orr, hsmr.; J. Stifler, pres.- M. Zemmin, sec.; M. Harris. Row 2: T. Rainey; M. Martino; W. Ellingboe; J. Tropea- N Watts; R. Zemmin. Row 3: P. Byrne; B. Dougherty; R. Innes; M. Cain; R. Kratt; D. Castunn J. Hines. Row 4: G. Ronberg; J. Colizzi; J. Hauch; D. Horvath; H. Winkworth; E. Radek; D. Poole. Row 5: D. Roble; R. Stewart; J. Doorman; D. LeGrande; E. McGladez; D. Rappuhn; M. Crow. Row 6: D. Divjak; B. Schwarz; D. Willauer; D. Sietz; R. Haan- W Ritchie; D. Roberts; E. Jewett. Cooperation is the key to their booming collection. SIGMA NU To retire the IM All-Sports trophy, a fraternity must win it three years consecutively. During the past seven years the men of Sigma Nu have retired two such trophies. Together with the ATO’s they hold the annual Blackfoot-Whitefoot Ball and present their own White Rose Formal in the spring. The Snakes are also active in Water Carnival, Greek Week and IM sports. 344 Row One: D. Dobbins; J. Cherry; D. Massoll, pres.; M. DenHerder, hsmr.; N. Milord, sec.; R. Hoffman, v. pres.; R. Bracone. Row 2: S. Frisbie; J. Stein; R. Farkas; R. Hubert; A. Schramm; J. Parcheta; R. Clough; W. DeVries. Row 3: J. Smokevitch; D. MacLean; R. Pacy; F. Clough; C. Caulum; J. Shea; J. DeBoer. Row 4: J. Garrison; S. Cole; F. Griffith; K. Rigterink; M. Helixon; J. Ogren; R. Democh. SIGMA PHI EPSILON There’s one Sig Ep who hasn’t missed a Spartan foot­ ball game in five years. Sparty, the 30-pound Spartan head, parades about the field each week accompanied by five brothers wearing red blazers. The men of Sigma Phi Epsilon are active in campus affairs. Their positions in­ clude Union Board president and Phi Eta Sigma treasurer. House discussions are not far from the ear of Sparty. 345 Row One: J. Jacobowitz; R. Smith; B. Kauer, treas.; G. Sullivan, sec.; D. Byerly, pres.; Mrs. J. Penty, hsmr.; G. Linderman, v. pres.; T. Laske; L. Bassett; J. Chivas; B. Mumaw. Row 2: S. Davis; D. Dickson; R. Morgan; A. Borkenhagen; D. MacDonell; G. Brown; D. Kiebler; S. Holt; C. Grams; K. Lady; B. Warner; J. Larzelere. Row 3: C. Morris; J. Ossenmacher; R. Moll; T. Yeagley; R. Anderson; T. Gates; J. Heald; J. Olmstead; D. Stevens; D. Kirsten; B. Hecht. Row 4: T. Young; J. Neel; T. Hicks; B. Hood; W. Corey; T. Smith; J. Smith; R. Jackson; J. Klunzinger; M. Whittlesey; W. Thompson; J. Shoemaker. Row 5: R. Grossmann; S. Hawkins; J. Corey; J. Armistead; M. Perino; B. Spute; R. Hill; W. Goetz; F. Peters; D. Sender; J. Russ. Row 6: H. Segur; J. Tysse; R. Oye; L. Arend; J. Lawson; F. Russ; P. Benedict; T. Derr; D. Strickland; B. Jones; K. Bohnhoff. Playful antics don’t affect this dead-eye’s aim. THETA CHI The year began a-fresh for the men of Theta Chi with new furniture, housemother and pool table. Sportwise the Theta Chi’s can boast of the IM backstroke champ and All-American gymnast besides a number of Honors Col­ lege members. For the sixth time in the past eight years, the men placed first in IFC Sing and took another first with their rotating roulette wheel for Homecoming. 346 Row One G. Ebinger; E. Updyke, pres.; S. Rudy, hsmr.; T. Rudy; R. Moore; G. Pattullo, treas. Row 2: J. Chant; T. Hantke; G. Smith; S. Yeamans, sec.; D. Heimer; C. Allen; H. Sachse. Row 3: M. Cooper; G. Boughton; B. Haines; A. Hartman; R. Ho; T. Borkowski; J. Nugent. Last minute tidying up before the rushees arrive. OAK’S CLUB OF THETA DELTA CHI It’s a woman’s world on Sorority Row but the Oaks Club of Theta Delta Chi holds the enviable position as the only fraternity on the sorority-laden avenue. At Halloween the men were visited by the Great Pumpkin and served cider to all those congregating on their front lawn. Presently the Theta Delt’s are awaiting national and campus approval to receive their official charter. Row One: D. Stokes; M. Satchell; D. Farmer, treas.; M. Smith, pres.; E. Greilick, hsmr.; R. Langdon, v. pres.; R. Eissinger, sec.; J. Guyer. Row 2: T. Gowell; L. Lortie; D. Simons; T. Stephens; G. Wermuth; W. Kirkby; B. Kennedy; K. Hess; R. Balslev. Row 3: J. Feather; T. McLaughlin; A. Zalis; R. Connell; D. Roush; D. Shidle; J. Barnes; T. Hener. A brotherly trim saves barbershop trips. TRIANGLE Within the past year the men of Triangle have doubled their membership, revised rush, pledge and scholarship programs, and have received honorable mention in Water Carnival for their satire on Beaumont Tower. In addition they have sold their present house and plan to move to a different one by the fall. Each winter the pinmate, fiancee or wife of a member is crowned at the Sweetheart Ball. Row One: A. Klein, treas.; S. Ketive, sec.; E. Ruby, v. pres.; D. Graff, pres.; Mrs. H. Ross, hsmr.; J. Lerman; B. Fabricant. Row 2: K. Hoffman; R. Rader; G. Spiegel; J. Fineman; J. Serlin; D. Bigelman; R. Reisberg; S. Bernstein; D. Jackson. Row 3: B. Cohen; G. Zamler; C. Weiss; M. Levin; R. Blum; R. Grumet; B. Simon; B. Seyburn; M. Goldstein. Row 4: N. Levin; J. Kramer; S. Barnett; R. Hartman; M. Levine; J. Lichtstein; M. Pasternak; R. Som­ mers; J. Lerner. Row 5: I. Povill; A. Cooper; D. Kaplan; L. Koltonow; D. Drazin; R. Needle- man; P. Blue; G. Lishnoff; S. Melhado. Row 6: I. Naiman; R. Maddin; T. Brenner; M. Caston; P. Lederer; A. Dworkis; S. Haberman; F. Ruby; B. Koffman. The Zebes take five with guitars in hand. ZETA BETA TAU National honorable mention for the most improved scholarship and chapter was an honor won this year by the men of Zeta Beta Tau. Retiring the all-university ping-pong trophy, the men were also active in Water Carnival, Homecoming, J-Hop, intramurals and the blood drives. Through the foster parents plan the Zebes sponsor a ten year old, Greek war orphan. 349 Row One: N. Usen, treas.; D. Cuttner, sec.; D. Mendelow, v. pres.; M. Mikelberg, pres.; A. Gluck; L. Steinberg; J. Zussman. Row 2: R. Minow; H. Horwitt; G. Share; D. Hahn; S. Weinstein; M. Berger; H. Levitz. Row 3: D. Lahn; A. Gladner; B. Behrmann; L. Meyers; T. Robinson; A. Jay. Row 4: H. Ungerleider; T. Kent; R. Livingston; R. Phillips; R. Cagle; J. Fogelson. Row 5: M. Schwartz; D. Lipton; G. Sole; M. Stein; M. Siegel; H. Krohn. PHI SIGMA DELTA Organized informally in September of 1960, the colony of Phi Sigma Delta has remained active in University activities. The men have participated in Homecoming, Junior 500, IM sports and blood drives. They also took part in the United Nations conference on campus. Student talent is often exploited to provide entertainment at numer­ ous sorority and fraternity functions. PROFESSIONAL FRATERNITIES AND SOCIETIES Row One: R. Orazetti; J. Sundermeyer; J. Fyke; T. Moore, v. pres.; C. Randall, pres.; J. Austin, treas.; J. Covert; P. Purdon, sec.; E. Roberts. Row 2: D. Twining; W. Crough; G. Dancy; D. Neumann; G. Pawlik; R. Williams; W. Winkler; C. Stallcup; R. Coullard; D. Johnson. Row 3: D. Smith; J. Hodges; L. Morris; L. Enyart; A. Johnson; D. Clark; W. Bonner; M. Mendyk; D. Neuenschwander. Row 4: W. Cleveland; D. Westrate; N. Chamelin; T. Reil; S. Williams; D. Schaefer; J. Stodola; A. Gelley; N. Chappie. Row 5: E. Harris; R. Nauert; J. Stemler; R. Revord; J. Crandall; J. Fitz-Gerald; K. Mooney; L. Waits; J. Jensen. Row 6: R. Cygan; D. Freriks; R. Angleton; P. Morey; L. Gunnerfeldt; G. Enlund; M. Moran; H. Barden; T. Oakey; H. Swenk. ALPHA PHI SIGMA AFS-ASM Striving to increase public interest in professional law enforcement and awareness of the need for specially- trained officers, Alpha Phi Sigma, police administration and public safety honorary, visits high schools to en­ courage participation in the college curriculum. The furthering of metallurgy is the principal aim of the American Foundrymen’s Society and the American Society for Metals. The group tours various foundries and automotive plants in addition to setting up displays at the Engineering Exposition and at Activities Carnival. Row One: D. McGrady, adv.; C. Kudlik, pres. AFS; W. Ptashnik, pres. ASM; J. Hense, sec.- treas.; H. Womochel, adv. Row 2: R. Vandermolen; R. Hanewald; J. Worden; R. Huffmaster; L. Blayden; F. Balfour. 351 Row One: E. Kidder, adv.; F. Wheaton; J. Zimmerman, treas.; D. Holzhei, pres.; P. Bergdolt, v. pres.; H. Hughes, sec.; J. Roseveit; D. Wiant, adv. Row 2: J. Foess; M. Hoppe; B. Warner; N. VanSickle; M. DeRomana; T. Surbrook; D. Farmer; G. Wilson. Row 3: K. Keller; F. Salas; J. Galazin; W. Ostergren; J. Rayner; D. Orban; F. Engelhardt; W. Schnell. ASAE ASCE The American Society of Agricultural Engineers pro­ vides contact with fellow agricultural engineers and pro­ motes campus interest in the field. Besides participating in Career Carnival, the Engineering Exposition and Farmers’ Week, they invite field representatives to speak. Stimulating interest in and professional contact with the civil engineering field is the aim of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Participation in the Engi­ neering Exposition is the main activity of the group, which placed 3rd in the go-cart races last spring. Row One: L. Upton; G. Nickodemus; J. Karston; A. Vissers, treas.; J. Bartos, pres.; V. Federighi, v. pres.; J. Adams, sec.; W. Breedlove. Row 2: J. Alden; O. Nutt; P. Blakeslee; J. Dexter; W. Pecknold; B. Moody; D. Bennett. Row 3: D. Postema; L. Grant; D. Austin; T. Abramczyk; J. Vander Schaaf; R. Denhof; C. Markert; E. Fiskars. 352 Row One: R. Spike, treas.; W. Freitag; R. Shoup, v. pres.; T. Sawa, pres.; P. Horn, sec.; R. Rogoff; L. Sherwood; E. Killam. Row 2: M. Doherty; A. Kraus; C. Luepnitz; P. Johnson; A. Lucas; E. Foster; G. Malamcy; W. Weirich. Row 3: L. Allaben; R. Hillert; H. Pennington; D. Gremel; E. Rauer; W. Johansen; G. Fish. Row 4: A. Wilder; D. DeYoung; E. Fitch; V. Aultman; L. Jackson; M. Wierich; J. Pierce; F. Lindquist; P. Holt. Row 5: M. Eberhardt; D. Prieur; J. Lund; D. Ruelke; R. Kociba; A. Hurvitz; E. Liebler; R. Rundtzon; K. Hodgson. Row 6: R. Dye; R. Voeks; D. Pinkston; R. Spink; D. Rohe; D. Mankin; R. Ryan; T. Kakuk; W. Keish. AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Furthering interest in veterinary medicine is the aim of the American Veterinary Medical Association. In con­ junction with the AVMA women’s auxiliary, they spon­ sored a spring pet clinic for Lansing area children for which they received an award from the Humane Society. They also cooperate with the Ledrle Laboratory of New Jersey in an experimental rabies immunization project. Learning to read X-Rays is part of AVMA training. 353 Row One: N. Bright; F. Bouvy, treas; D. Murphy; D. Stewart, v. pres.; T. Heath, pres.; R. Hull, sec.; J. Fitzgerald; D. Emerich. Row 2: G. Papachristou; V. Patullo; D. Christie; V. Heckrodt; T. Christie; G. Curry; T. Thomas; O. Hornbach; T. Johnson; K. Yin; E. Kazenko. Row 3: A. Gama; P. Tamami; F. Habel; H. Shapiro; D. Simpson; D. Lyons; B. Mclver; G. Peterson; E. Gingold; J. Moffett; C. Dundas. DELTA PHI EPSILON DELTA PSI KAPPA Delta Phi Epsilon sponsors a speakers program on topics of international trade and politics. This national professional fraternity for international trade and diplo­ macy participates in the campus International Day fes­ tival and in the annual intercollegiate model Campus UN. The pledges of Delta Psi Kappa, professional physical education honorary, founded the departmental profes­ sional library fall term. The honorary also presents a scholarship annually for research on the graduate level and holds a breakfast for new students and their parents. Row One: J. Read; M. Snavely; K. Abel; L. VanderVeen, pres.; B. Gibbard, sec.; S. Luneke, treas.; S. Odell; C. Crandall. Row 2: J. TenHoor; T. Balasis; J. Belknap; K. Collins; H. Markley; J. Mackerbarth; M. Robertson; B. Lockhart. 354 Row One: J. McDowell, treas.; R. Fedorowicz, sec.; P. Stewart; I. Baccus, coun.; E. Johnson; M. Reason. Row 2: J. Collins; J. Norcutt; B. Smith; J. Wingate; S. Ouderwyzer; T. Steury. Row 3: W. Hahn; E. Chittenden; P. Fanson; C. Neumann; K. Malich; R. Robinson. Row 4: A. Hazel; R. Borgers; L. Voelkle; R. Johnson; R. Poll. IEEE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOME BUILDERS Furthering the knowledge of the theory and practice of all aspects of electrical engineering and allied fields together with the professional development of the stu­ dent is the aim of the student branch of the Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers. The student chapter of NAHB is open to all students majoring in residential building and related fields. The members sponsor a booth at the national Convention, held in Chicago each December. Here they have the opportunity to speak with potential employers. Row One: E. Musselwhite, treas.; R. Fargher, sec.; R. Johnston, v. pres.; M. Inman, pres.; C. Strieby, adv.; P. Weiss; K. Segal. Row 2: R. Boyle; J. Parish; T. Haiberg; S. Rosen; L, Cobb; W. Essex; D. Johnson. Row 3: G. Mills; D. Reid; J. Harby; R. Fisher; D. Mackin; R. Zabonick. 355 Row One: B. Wladyka; C. Curchoe; R. Slonski, sec.; K. Wright, pres.; J. Wylie; T. Suego, treas.; E. Barnet, adv. Row 2: G. Long; R. Riemenschneider; D. Lohrey; F. Petriano; D. Schepps; G. Achterhof. Row 3: G. Palo; D. Appel; E. McGraw; C. Perez; J. Tanck; G. Johnson; L. Kunitser. Row 4: H. Byrd; L. Weiss; L. Thomas; D. Jones; T. Foley; T. Mul- holland; D. Buisson. Row 5: B. Nelson; G. Boyum; S. VanTil; L. Roth; R. Patterson; R. Neslund; D. Wardell. PI SIGMA EPSILON Pi Sigma Epsilon, professional business fraternity, links academic work in food distribution with the busi­ ness and social aspects of the industry. The Lurie Brothers Award is presented to a student for outstanding service and achievement. The Borden Scholarship Award in food distribution goes to the student having the highest average preceding his senior year. Keeping meetings interesting concerns advisors. 356 Passage of a new rule not requiring men to wear ties for dinner improved dorm mealtime. The Lambda Chi mascot enjoys a winter romp. Heavy snow this winter gave bicycles a rest. 357 SIX Graduation marks an end and a beginning for those who have successfully completed an important phase in their quest for knowledge Hitting the books, interviewing with potential employers, and attending various class functions were the primary interests of the graduating class of 1963. The importance of having a good academic record in the last year kept seniors conscious of their studies. This was the year at which most future employers took a close look when con­ sidering MSU students for jobs with their firms, whether engineers, professional businessmen or teachers. Most students took advantage of the free serv­ ices of the Placement Bureau to find employment. The Bureau brought in a record-number of firm representatives from all over the United States to interview students individually about working for them after graduation at top beginning salaries. The Senior Council sponsored a reception with President and Mrs. Hannah for each term’s grad­ uates, and set up a development fund for a class gift to the University. They also sponsored the Homecoming Queen court, Water Carnival, and Senior Swingout. Graduation is of greatest interest to most seniors. Before they can take part in any com­ mencement exercises, there are a number of things to be done. Caps, gowns, and diplomas must be ordered, graduation announcements sent to friends and relatives, class rings ordered by many, and not a few make arrangements for wed­ dings in the Alumni Chapel. The speech by President John A. Hannah has become a commencement tradition at MSU. Formal graduation exercises followed fall and winter term examinations, with students march­ ing into the Auditorium and taking seats beside the other graduates in their colleges before re­ ceiving their degrees. They listened attentively as Samuel M. Brownell, superintendent of schools in Detroit, spoke in December, and Father Lau­ rence V. Britt, president of the University of Detroit, in March; each giving the students a verbal sample of what was ahead and what would be expected of them as college graduates. June will be the month most seniors leave State. They will gather in the Stadium, weather permitting, to be addressed by Frederick E. Kap- pel, chairman of the board of American Tele­ phone and Telegraph, before moving to new locations throughout the world. As the end product of three, four or seven years of condensed academic activity, each in­ dividual graduate leaves the University with a feeling of accomplishment and responsibility— toward himself, the University and society. ■ ■ ■ ■ 359 Familiar settings took on another perspective as seniors viewed them for the final time as students and the class of ’63 assembled for a single time in its 4-year career. GRADUATES Whether considered the end or only the beginning, this year was a big one for the senior class. Some graduated in December, some in March and some will finish in August, but the largest share will take their place in the June Commencement Exercises. After 12 full terms of hard study, mixed with times of pleasure, the seniors will spread out over the world in a variety of jobs or will return to work toward another degree. 360 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE FOUNDED: DEAN: Thomas K. Cowden Students are informed of the changes taking place in the field and provided with the technical knowledge required for specialization while receiving a sample of the broad educational benefits offered by the University. College of Agriculture Albee, Alec A., Forestry Allen, Charles L., Marine Biology Allen, Jerome E., Forestry Alvarez, Miguel A., Packaging Arnold, Jeff P., Animal Husbandry Bair, James G., Wood Technology Bair, William C., Fisheries and Wildlife Baker, Duane R., Agricultural Economics Bamber, William J., Dairy Production Banning, George W., Farm Crops Bartholomew, John A., Agriculture Economics 363 « College ofAgriculture Baumann, Carl L., Dairy Production Beal, Allen C., General Agriculture Behrenwald, Donald A., Agriculture Economics Bernhard, Ronald G., Forestry Blackman, Robbin R., Fisheries Biology Bracone, Richard J., Packaging Bradberry, James H., Forest Products Bremer, James E., Agriculture Economics Brooks, H. Edward, Forestry Burns, James A., Forestry Bush, Daniel E., Dairy Production Carvey, David G., Resource Development Christensen, Max J., Animal Husbandry Cline, Max E., Forestry Cobb, Lee S., Residential Building Cobb, Wendell L., Business Agriculture Corrin, Frank J., Agriculture Education Darling, Bary M., Farm Crops De Henau, Gerald V., Residential Building Derr, Thomas C., Dairy Deuel, Robert F., Packaging Dietz, Theodore H., Agriculture Education Donahue, Richard T., Dairy Production Dorr, Joseph E., Ornamental Horticulture Dumas, Lawrence B., Biochemistry Dural, Robert J., Fishery Biology Early, Alan C., Agriculture Science Eggleston, Patrick M., Pomology Eisenbeiser, John W., Animal Husbandry Ellsworth, Wendell E., Forestry Essex, William R., Residential Building Feher, Bela A., Agriculture Economics Fladseth, Floyd C., Forestry Fletcher, James H., Forestry Foster, John R., Wildlife Management Foth, Donald W., Forestry Friday, Philip Jj^Pomology Fuller, Ronald C., Packaging Technology Garlock, Don L., Dairy Production Gascho, Gary J., Soil Science Geiger, Lawrence J., Packaging Geurink, Gerald A., Agriculture Mechanics Godfrey, Roger W., Agriculture Mechanics Goodman, Louis P., MS; Food Science Gortzig, Carl F., MS; Horticulture Grant, Bruce G., Animal Husbandry Grossman, Gordon V., Animal Husbandry Gunter, Edwin W., Agriculture Economics Halberg, Thomas H., Residential Building Hamelink, Jerry L., Fisheries Hamilton, Gerald L., Agriculture Education Hamilton, Terry D., Ornamental Horticulture Hans, Frederick V., Residential Building Henry, Charles R., Packaging 364 College of Agriculture Heth, Gilbert R., Packaging Hill, Phillip B., Packaging Holleque, O. Eugene, Packaging Horwitz, David S., Lumber and Bldg. Mtls. Merch. Inman, Martin L., Residential Building Jagoe, Carlos B., Lumber and Bldg. Mtls. Merch. Jelinek, John E. Jr., Agriculture Education Johnson, Alfred J., Forestry Johnson, Wilbur C., Wildlife Management Jones, Lloyd B., Food Science Katz, Michael A., Poultry Science Kornoelje, Thomas A., Wildlife Management Kreitner, Neal A., Pomology Kuenzli, Walter A., Park Management Kulenkamp, Alwin W., Poultry Science Laidly, Paul R., Forestry Lincoln, Russell S., Fisheries and Wildlife Lohmolder, Darrell G., Residential Building Manning, William J., General Agriculture Marshall, Harold P., Residential Building Martin, Larry E., Animal Husbandry McCoy, John S., Lumber Merchandising McRoy, C. Peter, Fisheries and Wildlife Mead, Jon A., Pomology Mead, Thomas J., Ornamental Horticulture Mead, Zane M., Forestry Meister, Ellis E., Forest Products Meyer, Gerald C., Animal Husbandry Milke, Carl N., Forestry Miller, Henry R., Soil Science Mitchel, Thomas O., Mobile Homes Mokma, Arnold L., Agricultural Education Moline, Michael M., Food Science Morgan, Richard A., Packaging Mueller, Mark J., Agriculture Education Munger, Ed R., Agriculture Education Murray, Michael R., Wood Technology Musgrove, John W., Water Resource Development Nawrocki, Norbert J., Forestry Newton, Roger K., Forestry Nordwall, Paul R., Forestry Olsen, John S., Packaging Owen, Leland J., Forestry Parson, Wilmer E., Agriculture Economics Perry, Thomas C., Food Science Pinney, Gould S., MA; Coop. Extensive Education Polityka, Charles S., Fisheries and Wildlife Pouch, Thomas S., Animal Husbandry Reid, David B., Residential Building Reynolds, John R., Horticulture Rhen, John P., Residential Building Richards, Paul A., Forest Products Riddle, Lloyd W., Forest Products Rosen, Stanley R., Forest Products Rothan, George J., Forest Products Salma, Mustafa M., Soil Science Scheer, Arthur L. Jr., Animal Husbandry Schroeder, Frederick N., General Agriculture Senkin, Gerald N., Forestry Serpa, Albert R., Forestry Shafer, Stephen G., Pomology Shatney, Robert H., Packaging Shereda, Paul J., Forestry Simon, Paul W., Agricultural Science Smith, Raymond S., Soil Science Smith, Worley H., Forestry Snyder, Charles L., General Agriculture Spangler, Jerry L., Park Management Spike, Peter W., Agricultural Science Starr, Keith M., General Agriculture Stempek, Joseph J., Forest Products Stimson, James P., Forest Products Stuart, Richard G., Animal Husbandry Stutz, Charles A. Jr., Fisheries and Wildlife Sutherland, Clive A., General Agriculture Sutherland, Valentine S., Poultry Science Swartz, George A., Residential Building Taylor, Jerry L., Animal Husbandry Taylor, Terry L., Packaging Terry, Gordon E., Forestry Thomas, James R., General Agriculture Thompson, Larry E., General Agriculture Tjepkema, Paul A., Agricultural Business Trumble, James N., Agricultural Business Unrath, Claude R., Horticulture Urbancik, Jarrad F., Agricultural Business Vandenburg, Charles K., General Agriculture Van Sickle, Norman J., Agricultural Engineering Van Singel, Stanley D., General Agriculture Vasold, Arthur A., General Agriculture Vietzkie, Mark O., Park Management Wagner, Edwin I., Forestry Wagner, James J., Forestry Walcutt, James D., Soil Science Walton, John R., Packaging Ward, Gary H., Packaging Washburn, Richard L., Forest Products Weise, Thomas F., Fisheries and Wildlife White, Harry A. Jr., Forest Products Widner, Lawrence P., Forestry Wilmath, Robert C., Forest Products Wimmer, Kenneth O., General Agriculture Wirtanen, Lawrence J., Fisheries and Wildlife Wissman, James E., Agricultural Science Witte, Gerald O., Packaging Zabonick, Richard L., Forest Products Zaremba, Walter, Residential Building Zimmerman, Jon C., Dairy Production COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS FOUNDED: DEAN: Paul A. Varg The departments—ranging from art to philosophy—allow the individual to cultivate an understanding of the diverse elements fundamental to effective participation on all levels in our contemporary way of life. mm Adams, Mary Anne, Art Education Allen, Cynthia J., History Education Allmon, Maureen E., English Amstutz, A. Keith, Music Education Anderson, Doris I., Art Education Anderson, Karen J., Humanities Divisional Arpin, Kenneth W., English Ayala, Adolph J., English Aylward, Theodore D., English Balden, Janet L., English Ball, Carol A., Art Education Banister, Shirley A., German Eduaction Barkey, Nancy E., History Barkwell, Betsy B., History Barnes, Antoinette T., Music Therapy Baron, Norbert J., History Barrett, Dorothy R., German Becker, Albert A., Humanities Best, Karen A., English Beuche, Antoinette, Art Black, Pamela S., History Blake, D. Steven, History Bloomer, Mary V., Art Blough, Beverly J., History Education Boley, David M., History Bower, Jerry L., American History Bradley, Marguerite A., History Brady, Gary J., Art Education Braid, Margaret A., English Bretzke, Barbara R., History Education Brink, Marcia K., English Brizard, Christopher A., Humanities 368 College of Arts and Letters Brooks, John R., History Brown, Robert D., Music Education Brownell, Cathy E., English Education Bruggeman, Linda L., History Burke, Amy K., Russian Bybee, Donald M., Humanities Campbell, Arlene G., History Education Carlson, Clarence B., Music Carter, Barbara L., Art Education Cassidy, Carol C., English Cassidy, Sarah J., Art Education Catto, Sallie A., History Chadwick, Judith L., History Christensen, Susan C., English Cilley, Donald H., H istory Clare, Kenneth C., Philosophy Clark, Areola E., Public School Music Clemeson, Susan L., English Clement, John J., History Clucas, Nancy J., Humanities Cobb, Robert L., Public School Music Cool, Katherine A., Humanities Divisional Crawford, Kathleen L., Spanish Cullen, John C., Spanish Cunningham, James F., History Cutter, Patricia F., History D’Agostino, Elizabeth A., History Daily, Michael J., History Education Darling, Lorelei A., Music Education Davis, Diane M., Humanities Davis, Susan, History Dempsey, T. Patrick, Public School Music DeVroome, Anne L., Music Education Diehl, Arne J., Industrial Design Dolhopol, Deanna, Spanish Douw, Sharon G., Interior Design Drake, Carolyn L., Fine Arts Drum, James K., Industrial Design Duff, Diane G., English Education Erbacher, Susanna L., Art Practice Erickson, Lee V., English Erickson, Mary Jo, Spanish Evans, Lynn P., Humanities Ewer, James M., Art Education Ferrari, Charles J., Industrial Design Fields, Noel J., Fine Arts Fish, Christine N., Art Education Ford, Lurinda A., Music Fouch, Charlotte L., Art Education Fox, Bonnie L., History Fox, Elizabeth G., Humanities Divisional Fox, Richard H., Humanities FoXworthy, Lynn M., Public School Music Franklin, Connie N., Music Therapy 369 Frederick, Gloria J., English Fries, Susan M., Spanish Education Gatrost, Sheila D., English Georgie, Anita D., French Glazer, Betty S., Music Therapy Graham, Linda M., History Education Grech, John J., History Green, Donna M., Art Education Green, Edwina D., Art Education Greene, Susan A., History Greer, William D., History Hagen, Martha J., History Hall, Gloria J., Choral Music Education Hansen, Frank E., Industrial Design Hardy, Barbara M., Art Education Harpham, Susan A., English Heikkinen, Madeline M., Applied Piano Pedagogy Herdell, Shirley A., Art Heron, Gerald W., History Hicok, William T., Industrial Design Hilliard, Shirley A., History Hillstrom, Philip E., Public School Music Hirst, Agnes J., English Hirst, Helen A., English Hogle, Ann L., Art Education Hollander, Selma D., Art Hollister, James L., History Education Hood, Robert L., History Hopkins, Patsy L., English Hora, Judith A., German Language and Literature Howard, Janet E., English Howard, Martha H., Comparative Literature Howe, Judith M., History Hubbell, Keith W., Pre-Theology Hughes, Anne E., French Hughes, M. Gail, Music Hutchins, Carol A., Art Education Hutson, Judith A., Music Education Jacobs, William M., History James, B. Sherryl, Applied Piano Pedagogy James, Siri E., English Jeffers, Alice M., Art Education Johnson, Gilbert M., French Jungerheld, Sandra A., Art Kaltenbach, Ruth A., English Kaminski, Louise E., English Kar, Ronald N., English Kegle, Patricia A., Humanities Kemp, Mary L., Fine Arts Kempdon, Theodore L., History Education Kent, Judith W., Language and Arts Kiel, Susan Jo, Art King, Jerome P., History Kishienia, Lubov M., Russian College of Arts and Letters Kistler, Susan D., Humanities Klumpp, Karen M., History Education Kluessner, Jan, Humanities Knutson, Carolyn A., Humanities Koopman, Jeanne E., Russian Kraft, Eleanor A., Art Education Kreslins, Evald, Industrial Design Kuhn, Rae A., History Kutas, Richard M., History Kuxhaus, Margaret R., English Kuyper, Carolyn A., Art Lady, Karl W., History LaFrey, Lois A., History LaLiberte, Marilu, English Lambert, Sandra J., Divisional Humanities Lamberts, Patricia A., Art Education Larnard, Charles A. Ill, History Larsson, Penelope, Art Practice Leach, Joel T., Music Education LeBlanc, Ronald R., French LeCureux, Margie J., French Leonard, Wade E., History Levine, Samuel J., Music Education Lickly, Betty L., Secondary Education Lincoln, Clark, Industrial Design Lincoln, Janice N., Fine Arts Linderman, Gilbert O., Industrial Design Lockwood, David R., History Education Loberhofer, Sheila M., Philosophy Louis, Maree, History Education Lundberg, Susan M., Divisional Humanities Makinen, Robert S., Russian Mangol, Sandra A., Divisional Humanities Margolis, Jeffrey S., Philosophy and Political Science Marris, Webb R., Art Education McAra, Judit J., History Education McCleary, Barbara J., Commercial Art McClure, H. David, Divisional Humanities McCrumb, Joan J., History McDonald, Janette K., Art McFarren, Bruce B., Spanish McKane, Terry J., History McKenzie, Sandra R., Public School Music McKim, Wayne L., History McMahon, April A., French McMahon, S. Patricia, Art McMillen, Amy, Music Medlyn, Jean F., Latin Melotti, Dante Jr., History Merrill, Caroline J., Divisional Humanities Michael, Anand Kumar, MA; Art Milhen, John E., Art Miller, Karen K., Art Müler, Mary Claire, Art Education 371 Miller, Naomi R., German Milner, Ronald G., Industrial Design Montague, Nancy C., Russian Education Moore, Jerry R., MME; Music Education Moorman, Priscilla M., History Morrissey, Thomas K., English Morse, Richard A., Industrial Design Moss, Jon A., Industrial Design Mouat, Marjorie A., Music Moulas, Evangeline C., History Mueiler, Joyce A., History Education Nelson, Margo J., Art Education Niedermeier, Nancy J., History Noack, Mary J., Art Education Nord, Linda L., English Olree, William M., History Ongemach, Ann E., Art Education Oppenhuizen, Cheryl L., Music Therapy Owsinek, Janice L., French Palko, Anne E., English Literature Palmer, Linda J., Music Education Pappchristou, Gerald C., French Pardo, Constance E., History Parham, Marylou K., Divisional Humanities Pechersky, Gary L., History Penner, Darryl L., English Perkett, Sara J., French Peters, T. Frank, Divisional Social Science Peterson, Gerald W., Industrial Design Peterson, Gloria J., Language and Literature Philp, Ken R., History Pierce, Marilyn A., Secondary Education Polk, Harold K., Divisional Humanities Powell, Margaret A., History Poxson, Judith M., Art Education Presser, Bernard M., Math Quilling, Carolyn J., Foreign Language Ranous, Karl E., Pre-Law Rausch, Barbara A., Secondary Art Education Reeds, Thomas W., English Education Rehfuss, Helen J., Spanish Reinhard, Kenneth E., Industrial Design Rice, Philip A., History Roberts, George M., English Education Robinson, Sandra F., Art Robson, John M., Foreign Languages Rogers, E. Allen, Divisional Social Science Root, Judith A., History Roulo, Dolores A., English Rowland, Pamela G., History Rudish, Richard J., Art Education Rummel, Eugene R., Arts and Letters Russo, Mary J., English Sanborn, Charles G., English ■P m*. ili College of Arts and Letters Scanlon, Patricia J., English Education Scharaga, Ira R., Social Science Schattenberg, Frances L., Arts and Letters Schmidt, Barbara J., English Schnitt, Paul A., History Scott, Mary A., English Shafer, Valerie C., English Education Shereton, Linda J., Fine Arts Simmons, Bobby G., History Skiles, Sheila J., Industrial Design Smith, Claudia J., History Smith, Gary W., History Smoot, Charlene E., French Smykowski, Donna M., History Spewock, Carole A., Art Splan, Lynda L., History Stapleton, Phyllis P., Art Education Stark, Bette J., Elementary Education Steinbaugh, Susan E., French Stephen, Donald W., History Stierna, Paul A., Art Stokmanis, Vija D., German Stout, Ann L., Instrumental Music Sturdivant, Bernice, English Sugden, Karen J., History Survilla, Carolyn F., French Sutherland, Mary E., Spanish-French Taylor, Lana K., Art Education Taylor, Mary L., Music Taylor, Ronald L., History Education Thomas, Edgar Jr., French Thompson, David E., History Valcanoff, Alex, History Van Conant, Janet J., English VanDeMark, Johanna H., Humanities VonChawes, Karon E., History Walker, William H., Philosophy Warren, Katherine M., Art Webb, Judith L., History Weber, Donna J., Secondary Education West, George A., MME; Music Education Westover, George D., History Williams, Charlene J., Music Willits, Sharon L., English Winfield, David L., History Wood, Clark L., English Wright, Anne E., Interior Design Wyllie, Patricia A., Art Education Wynder, Anne R., Foreign Language Young, Donald W., Industrial Design Yuille, Robert G., English Zachariason, Susan M., English Zamiara, Steven B., History Education Zippin, Miriam E., Fine Arts COLLEGE OF BUSINESS FOUNDED: 1944 DEAN: Alfred L. Seely e Through a high-caliber faculty and conceptual framework of the program aided by the instructional facilities of Eppley Center, State’s business school has risen to national stature in its respective field. College of Business Abruzzi, Robert M., Restaurant Management Achterhof, Gil R., Food Marketing Ade, David L., Accounting Adler, Richard G., Accounting Albertson, Howard R., Hotel Management Allardyce, Sharyn L., Secretarial Administration Anderson, Alex W., Business Administration Anderson, Craig E., Marketing Anderson, James M., Marketing Andrews, George A., Accounting Andringa, Robert C., Marketing Antczak, James D., Institution Management Applegate, H. Jon, Hotel, Restaurant Management Apps, Darryl E., Transportation Administration Austin, Wayne R., Marketing Baer, Donald E., Hotel Management Barry, Donald L., Accounting Bash, Paul L., Hotel Management Bassett, William R., Hotel Management Baum, Charles S., Accounting Bauman, Dennis E., Accounting Beauchamp, Ronald J., General Accounting Beuthien, Tom M., Finance Bishop, Karen K., Secretarial Administration Bliss, Stephen R., Business Administration Boilore, Allan E., Personnel Bolen, Jonathan R., Marketing Bowen, Lee A., General Business Boyland, Charles E., General Marketing Bray, James L., General Business Breen, Ronald A., Personnel Briggs, Ransom A., General Business Brownlee, David M., General Marketing Buchanan, Ronald J., Business Education Burdinie, Robert D., General Administration Burke, David M., General Business Burman, Lenore E., Business Education Bush, Sally A., Business Education 375 Byerly, Donald D., Food Distribution Cachola, Ray L., Hotel Management Caine, Esther O., Business Education Callinicos, James D., Finance Camden, Andrew L., General Business Cannis, John T., General Business Carden, Donald C., Restaurant Management Cardone, David F., General Business Administration Carnace, Ronald A., Purchasing Carpenter, Dean M., Accounting Carrick, Richard K., Accounting Carstens, Kay J., Social Work Carta, Julio E., General Business Chapman, Richard G., Marketing Research Cobb, Bruce W., Transportation Administration Collette, Dennis H., Hotel Management Collier, Henry W., Production Administration Conder, Bruce A., Marketing Connaughton, Michael D., Restaurant Management Cook, Thomas A., Marketing Copeland, Richard E., General Business Cornwell, Arthur W., Marketing Cosby, John M., Business Administration Cox, David F., Hotel Administration Cronkright, Douglas L., Economics Da, Tran H., General Business Dale, Allan D., Marketing Danford, Janice R., Distributive Education Daruvalla, Noshir J., Accounting DeMay, Steven P., Food Distribution Derr, Otwell J., Business Administration DeYoung, Douglas A., Banking Administration Diamond, Charles, Hotel, Restaurant Institutional Dixon, David A., Marketing Dougherty, Clem W., Finance Doxey, Robert D., Personnel and Production Mgt. Drulard, Frederick F., Accounting Drummond, Robert J., Hotel Administration Duncan, Keller J., Restaurant Management Eakin, David W., Personnel Administration Early, Thomas W., General Business Easterman, Judith G., Business Education Edwards, Harold L., Accounting Edwards, Robert C., Accounting Ehrmann, Jon G., Accounting Eppel, Leonard Z., Restaurant Management Eroen, Terry L., Marketing Everest, Richard J., Personnel Administration Ewert, Herbert F., Marketing Eymer, George T., Personnel Fabian, Robert L., Hotel Administration Farough, Thomas G., Accounting Farr, Kenneth S., Marketing Fase, Jacob P. Jr., Marketing College of Business Fenton, Larry E., Accounting and Financial Adm. Ferguson, John M., Business Administration Fetters, Frederick G., Accounting Finn, Frederick J., General Business Fischer, Konrad M., Transportation Administration Fisher, Lynne R., Banking Fisher, Peter E., Accounting Fisher, Thomas W., Production Administration Fleckenstein, David J., Transportation Franchi, Anthony J., Hotel Administration Franklin, John L., General Business Franz, Brian E., Accounting Fredrics, H. B., Accounting Frueh, Leroy W., General Business Fry, Larry L., Accounting Galens, Sheldon, Hotel Management Gallivan, David L., Marketing and Trans. Adm. Gates, Roy B., Marketing Geldhof, Pieter E., Marketing Gerber, Arnold W., General Business Gerhard, Frederick B., Marketing Gerstenfeld, Mark K., Marketing Gibbs, David FL, Accounting Gilbert, Alan R., Food Distribution Gillig, Daniel E., Accounting Gilmore, Richard E., Accounting Golding, Gwynn Lee V., Secretarial Administration Granda, Eduardo A., General Business Grant, William D., Business Administration Grau, David W., Economics Green, Clair W., General Business Green, Mary E., Accounting Gross, Gerald E., Accounting Grossman, Ronald A., Personnel Groth, Florence R., Business Education Guerro, Carmine, Accounting Gutowsky, Larry A., Financial Administration Hahn, Charles E., Finance Hain, Thomas, Accounting Haines, Gerald L., Marketing Hall, Asceneth M., Business Education Hall, James W., Hotel Management Hall, Stephen E., Economics Hamilton, Geoffrey F., Hotel Management Hannah, Paula J., Accounting Hansen, Henry C., Transportation Administration Harris, Newell E., Insurance Heck, Henry J., Economics Heilman, Joel C., General Marketing Held, James W., Retailing Hendrick, Robert C., Real Estate Hewett, Peter, General Marketing Hibner, Edward J., Accounting Hillshafer, William O. Jr., Hotel, Rest., and Inst. Mgt. 377 College of Business mm. © Hodgins, William M., Marketing Holcomb, Jeffrey S., Accounting Hosmer, Paul D., Political Science Hudson, John S., Business Education Huffman, John R., Purchasing Huffman, Jayne A., General Business Administration Irish, Kenneth R., Accounting Jackson, Barbara D., Marketing Jackson, Richard A., Personnel Jeffords, Robert F., General Business Jennings, Lawrence A., Accounting Jensen, Wayne H., Accounting Johnson, Gary D., Marketing Johnson, George A., Marketing Johnson, James A., Personnel Administration Johnson, Thomas L., Personnel and Production Adm. Johnston, James J. Jr., Hotel Management Johnston, Rodney A., Accounting Judkins, Larry F., Hotel, Rest., and Inst. Mgt. Kabat, Michael W., Hotel, Rest., and Inst. Mgt. Kandell, Joseph, Accounting Keeshin, Ira A., Hotel, Restaurant, and Inst. Mgt. Keller, William F., Marketing Kelley, John P., Hotel, Restaurant, and Inst. Mgt. Kelley, Phyllis K., Business Education Kieckhefer, Edward H., Hotel, Rest., and Inst. Mgt. Kieliszewski, Robert B., Transportation Kikuchi, Yukio, MA; Economics King, Gerald M., Marketing King, Sally R., Accounting Kirk, Barbara I., Political Science Kline, John F., Accounting Kopek, Henry S., Economics Kosuga, Yasumasa, MA; Personnel Administration Kubo, Toshio, Hotel Management Kuhn, Robert K., Business Administration Kushner, Brin L., Food Distribution Küster, James J., Food Distribution Lamb, Donald D., Urban Planning Lamb, Franklin E., Accounting Lamb, Robert A., Mass Marketing Management Lance, Gary K. Accounting Lapish, James C., Industrial Management Larmee, Jacqueline J., Accounting Larsen, Janet E., Secretarial Management Lasker, Jerry I., Urban Planning Lawlor, Martha A., Banking Leavitt, John T., General Business Lee, Frederick W., Hotel Management Lemberger, Betty J., General Business Lent, James E., Hotel Management Levely, Thomas F., Economics Leykum, Charles R., Police Administration Lintz, Robert L., Production Management College of Business Lipsky, Richard R., Hotel Management Lohmann, Mark L., Hotel, Restaurant, and Inst. Mgt. Lohrentz, John M., Urban Planning Lohrey, Dennis R., Mass Marketing Management Lumianski, Jeremy P., Hotel, Rest., and Inst. Mgt. Lyon, Larry L., Accounting Lyon, Phyllis A., Business Administration Magyar, Joseph A., Production Administration Mandigo, William D., Production Management Mann, William F., Hotel Management Manning, Franklin G., Accounting Marcell, Charlene R., Business Education Markevics, Harijs, Restaurant Management Markey, David W., Production Administration Martin, Fred A. Ill, Hotel, Rest., and Inst. Mgt. Martinson, Larry E., Accounting Mastro, Joe A., Political Science Matthews, Gary M., Marketing McClung, Milford H., MA; Marketing McCool, Mary Jane, Accounting McDevitt, J. Patrick, Insurance McEvilly, Patrick J., Business Administration Me Iver, Brian A., Marketing McLean, Drake A., Accounting Meador, Paul D., Marketing Meagher, Dennis J., Urban Planning Melnick, Barry R., Business Administration Mendelow, David A., Institutional Management Metzler, Richard V., Purchasing Meyer, Paul N., Financial Administration Meyland, John C., Marketing Michael, Harry J., General Business Administration Mikelberg, Martin, Personnel Administration Miller, Andrew R., Urban Planning Moll, Richard C., Retailing Administration Moody, James D., Hotel Administration Moore, Charles W., General Business Moore, Dave F., Industrial Security Moore, Phillip G., Marketing Moran, Martha L., General Business Morgan, James G., Marketing Mueller, Robert G., Production Administration Muller, Frank G., Personnel Myers, Dawna L., Social Work Needham, Jerry E., Business Administration Newell, William R., Accounting Newland, Denton B., General Business Newman, Ronald R., Industrial Administration Nguyen-Khoa, Thinh-Anh, Hospital Management Nielsen, Richard L., Production Administration Niles, John C., General Business Nitecki, Barbara L., Secretarial Administration Notarainni, Thomas P., Accounting O’Brien, William J., General Business Oliver, Anita A., Secretarial Administration Orr, John D., Transportation Osborne, Robert E., Marketing and Transportation Osier, Thomas M., General Business Pace, Robert C., Accounting Palmer, Peter J., Political Science Pantilla, John T., General Administration Parker, Sherman C., Accounting Patterson, Harold A., Restaurant Administration Paulino, Richard G., Hotel Administration Pawloski, Phillip J., Accounting Paxson, Garold L., Accounting Payne, Donald A., Marketing Pearce, R. William, Hotel Management Pearse, Stephen, General Business Pedersen, Larry L., Finance Peltier, Robert L., Accounting Perino, Michael E., Personnel Administration Perry, Carl F., General Business Administration Pierce, Roger M., Accounting Pietkiewicz, Janet C., Social Work Pinkerton, George F., Restaurant Management Polash, William J., Insurance Potter, Lawrence M., Marketing Poulsen, George H., Insurance Pricer, Jack K., Marketing Prochaska, Michael R., Landscape Architecture Raddatz, Sharon K., Social Work Ramthun, Bruce H., General Business Rawden, Joseph H., Restaurant Management Regan, Daniel F., Accounting Reisberg, Richard S., Economics Remington, William S., Hotel and Restaurant Mgt. Rice, James P., Accounting Rieman, Allen R., Hotel Management Riemenschneider, Eric, Mass Marketing Rigterink, George H., Business Administration Rishoi, Don C., Food Distribution Roberson, Bernard E., Purchasing Roberts, Marshall B., Production Administration Robertson, Daniel C., Restaurant Management Robinson, Nancy M., Secretarial Administration Rocco, William J., Hotel Management Rogers, Curtis D., Accounting Rome, Frank R., Marketing Administration Rosen, Arthur M., Hotel Administration Rossi, Ronald J., Law Enforcement Roth, Leonard J., Mass Marketing Rowland, Jon. G., General Business Rutkowski, Eugene R., General Business Sainsbury, Robert E., Business Administration Sakowski, Ronald N., Accounting Sandow, Joanne L., Accounting Sandy, Kenneth L., Personnel Administration 380 College of Business Schafer, H. Gilbert, General Business Schalow, Robert D., Marketing Schmidt, Elizabeth A., Social Work Schmidt, R. Lawrence, General Business Schramm, Alan W., Hotel Management Schramm, James D., Political Science Schroeder, Cynthia L., Social Work Schroeder, Harvey P., Accounting Schulien, Robert J., Police Administration Schwind, Carl J., Accounting Scully, David F., Food Marketing Management Semler, Donal D., Retail Administration Sewing, Norman E., Restaurant Management Shank, Timothy F., Marketing She, Yu Young, Hotel Management Sheehan, Alice A., Business Administration Sheffield, Giles M., Food Marketing Management Sheridan, Robert L., Police Administration Schumaker, George E., Hotel Management Silka, Frank W., Public Personnel Administration Siplon, Thomas H., Mass Marketing Skala, John K., Accounting Slade, Luman C., Industrial Security Slowinski, William F., Police Science Smart, Don D., General Business Smith, Burton E., Accounting Smith, S. Maxwell, Hotel, Restaurant, and Inst. Mgt. Smith, Terrance C., Accounting Soulliere, Margaret A., Business Administration Spicer, Kay J., Secretarial Administration Spute, H. William Jr., Hotel, Rest., and Inst. Mgt. Starkenburg, Mary E., Business Education Stassou, Peter E., Retailing Stavroitis, Emil M., Political Science Stifler, James J., General Business Stoney, Robert L., Accounting Storey, John T., Marketing Streelman, Larry B., Social Work Stutzman, Janice M., Business Education Suess, Peter J., Accounting Sullivan, Gerald R., Personnel Administration Swick, Lawrence J., Marketing Swihart, Stewart D. Jr., Production Administration Szmigiel, Robert F., General Business Administration Takacs, Jean H., Accounting Takashige, Teddy A., MA; Hotel, Rest., and Inst. Mgt. Tamami, Parviz, Business Administration Taracks, Wayne H., General Business Administration Taylor, David H., Marketing Temme, James W., Marketing Terpstra, Robert V., Police Administration Terry, Michael P., Economics Thiede, Gail L., Personnel Management Tillotson, Mary L., Business Services 381 Toeppner, Richard P., Production Administration Tonne, John M., Restaurant Management Topp, Robert E., General Business Totzke, Donald H., Retailing Totzke, Julie, Business Education Treadwell, Lawrence L., General Business Truscott, Theo, Accounting Tubbs, Alan E., Urban Planning Tumey, Thomas P., Accounting Utley, Jack D., Hotel Management Valenta, Jerome J., Public Personnel Administration Valmassei, Theodore P., Accounting VanDerTuuk, Terry, Accounting Van Liere, Earl J., Production Management Van Riper, Susan J., Social Work Van Zylen, Virginia D., Retail Marketing Voketz, Gary L., Urban Planning Volkamer, Richard L., Business Administration Voyt, Thomas M., Accounting Wagner, Duane A., Accounting Wagner, William B., Marketing Wagner, William G., Marketing Wardell, Marvin L., Production Administration Warren, Richard A., Finance Waterman, Lynne L., Marketing Waters, Richard E., Accounting Waxier, Celia J., Retailing Weber, Ruth A., Business Education Weight, Cherrie A., Secretarial Administration Weisbruch, John D., General Business Weiss, Louis M., Accounting Westphal, Donald O., Landscape Architecture Wheeler, Stanley G., General Business White, Robert J., General Business Whitmore, Janet L., Business Education Wilda, Quentin J., Restaurant Management Wilkinson, Richard A., Marketing Wilmarth, Christa R., Social Work Wilson, William H., Marketing Winter, John K., Marketing Winter, Robert M., Accounting Winton, John R., Retail Administration Wise, Joel, Hotel Management Wojtylo, Barbara A., Social Work Wolff, Antoinette M., Marketing Wolff, Richard E., Banking Wright, David R., Economics Wright, Kenneth J., Mass Marketing Management Wrona, Edward J., Insurance Yonker, Thomas D., Accounting Young, Barry H., Restaurant Management Zahnow, Karen, Business Services Zalc, Jerry, Finance Zeif, Leonard J., Hotel, Restaurant, and Inst. Mgt. COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION ARTS FOUNDED: 1955 DEAN: Fred S. Sieben One can be most effective as a citizen only when he can competently read, observe, listen and evaluate, and in turn transmit his thoughts attitudes and feelings to others; communication arts programs provide this liberal foundation. College of Communication Arts Barclay, Elizabeth M., Speech Education Beyer, Richard J., Advertising Bielefeld, Barbara C., Speech Education Browe, Luanne C., Speech Education 384 College of Communication Arts Brown, Roger H., TV-Radio Burns, Ben J., Journalism Burroughs, Barbara A., Journalism Caccamise, Dianne F., TV-Radio Carroll, James A., TV-Radio Cederholm, Elna A., TV-Radio Cole, Steven D., Journalism Cullip, Jeanette V., Speech Dahlman, Lois G., Speech Education Dalton, Charlotte A., Journalism Divelbiss, Warren L., TV-Radio Doerner, William R., Communications Donay, Theodore M., TV-Radio Draper, Karen K., TV-Radio Dumas, Patricia S., Speech Education Edwards, Linda J., TV-Radio Falk, Rebecca J., TV-Radio Fitzgerald, Jon M., Speech Floyd, Phillip E., Advertising Foss, Errol L., TV-Radio Foster, David R., MA; Communications Garlick, Richard D., TV-Radio Gebben, Stanley L., Speech Gosselin, Denis J., Journalism Granstrom, Lois E., Advertising Grenadier, Linda E., TV-Radio Hanlan, Maryann, Communications Hanna, Diane C., Advertising Hards, A. Thomas, TV-Radio Hasley, Daniel E., Communications Heller, Mark F., TV-Radio Helmrich, Ruthann, Advertising Herrick, Nancy T., Communications Holmes, Gerald E., TV-Radio Howard, Harry C., TV-Radio Hughes, J. Russell Jr., TV-Radio Hunter, Stephen, Advertising Hurd, James S., Advertising Johnson, Paul W., Advertising Kimball, David C., Advertising Kinney, Lowell D., Communications Kleis, Donald R., Communications Knight, K. Roland, TV-Radio Knowles, Mark A., TV-Radio Krinsky, Daniel R., TV-Radio Kunitser, Lee R., Communications Lalonde, Joanne A., TV-Radio Levine, Fred J., Advertising Mason, Gregory W., Communications Mason, Judith P., MA; Communications McCrea, Benjamin B., TV-Radio McElrath, Gale H., Journalism Mitchell, Allan W., Advertising Morton, Alexander, Advertising 385 Namey, Drucilla A., Speech Olmstead, James L., Journalism Padulo, Barbara A., Communications Papanek, Thomas F., Advertising Parker, Carol A., Communications Pelletier, John R., Advertising Perm, Carlton C., Journalism Porter, Judith A., Journalism Price, Judy M., Communications Ralston, James A., Communications Raskin, Amy K., Advertising Rauch, Victor W., Journalism Raught, Richard D., TV-Radio Reighard, Carol L., Speech Education Rittschof, Bonnie J., Advertising Robinson, Sally L., Journalism Romano, Grace P., Speech Education Rothenburg, Paul M., Advertising Rozsa, Ruth A., TV-Radio Rycyna, Carolyn L., TV-Radio Salt, Richard T., TV-Radio Saudek, Sandra K., Speech Schugar, Linda R., Speech Therapy Scotto, Michael J., Advertising Semler, Judith A., Speech Education Sermak, Bernard A., TV-Radio Sharpe, Charles T., Advertising Shattuck, David D., Advertising Sisko, Patricia L., Journalism Slayton, Phillip W., Advertising Smiley, Lucelia, Advertising Smith, Michael B., Advertising Smith, Sid A., Speech Sokeitous, Joy F., Journalism Somers, Eric, TV-Radio Stehney, Edward G., Advertising Stepleton, James I., Communications Stevens, Judith D., Speech Strand, John H., TV-Radio Stringer, John W., Advertising Thompson, Christopher T., Journalism Trzos, Carole A., Advertising Upright, David C., Advertising Veenhuis, Jill A., Speech Correction Wallington, James E., Journalism Warren, Richard L., TV-Radio Wellman, Janet S., Journalism Werkman, Ann S., Speech Education Wichman, Sara E., Journalism Wilkinson, Margaret L., Speech Education Winstrom, Kalynn, Speech Education Wondergem, Thomas M., Advertising Zemmin, Michael E., TV-Radio Zemmin, Richard W., Journalism COLLEGE OF EDUCATION FOUNDED: DEAN: John E. Ivey, Ji In the pursuit of a teaching certificate and degree, Education students find themselves dividing time between classes in their major field of interest and those in methods and practical teaching study. Abel, Karen A., Physical Education Adams, Joyce L., Elementary Education Alderink, Gail A., Speech Correction Aldrich, Linda J., Elementary Education Alexander, Patricia A., Junior High Education Altman, Janet L., Elementary Education Ambroson, Beth A., Biological Science Education Anderson, Christine L., Elementary Education Anderson, Gail A., Elementary Education Anderson, Pat J., Elementary Education Andino, Ana Rosa, Elementary Education Antior, Judith C., Physical Education Arthur, Judy A., Elementary Education Ascencio, Frances L., Elementary Education Bacon, Judith A., Elementary Education B adder, Karen L., Elementary Education Baird, Deloris A., Elementary Education Baldwin, Barbara S., Elementary Education Bangerter, Karen E., Elementary Education Barnard, Stephen M., Elementary Education Bartels, Sharon A., Elementary Education Bartlett, Mary J., Elementary Education Baumgras, Jane H., Elementary Education Beatty, Martha K., Elementary Education Beck, Fred A., Industrial Arts Education Becker, Ernest J., Physical Education Beckett, Charlene M., Elementary Education Behrens, Ilene R., Elementary Education Berlin, Sylvia, Elementary Education Biferno, Karen, Elementary Education Bishop, Richard T., MA; Social Foundations Blakeman, William J., Special Education Blazejewski, Richard J., Physical Education Bleiberg, Robyn S., Elementary Education Blomquist, Flarlan E., Distributive Education Bolter, Nancy A., Elementary Education Bourke, Mary A., Elementary Education Bowker, Marilyn M., Business Education Boyer, Judith N., Elementary Education Braden, Nancy R., Elementary Education Braff, Harriet L., Elementary Education College of Education Branion, Marilyn J., Elementary Education Bresto, Joan, Elementary Education Bricker, Rebecca L., Elementary Education Brown, Marilyn M., Speech Correction Brundage, Nancy C., Elementary Education Budde, Ed L., Physical Education Bufford, Carol J., Elementary Education Burbaum, Kay H., Physical Education Burch, Christine L., Physical Education Butler, Charlotte L., Social Studies Butterfield, Barbara M., Ed. of Visually Handicapped Button, Bonnie, Social Science Campau, Mary J., Elementary Education Canning, Donavon L., Industrial Arts Carlson, Nancy I., Elementary Education Carruthers, Mary M., Speech Correction Cartier, M. Lynne, Elementary Education Cash, Josette H., Elementary Education Cashman, Linda L., Elementary Education Cassidy, Cathleen A., Elementary Education Catherman, Ronald L., Chemistry Chapman, Barbara F., Elementary Education Cicchelli, Martin D., Speech Clark, Roberta E., Elementary Education Clark, Susan G., Elementary Education Cole, Martha E., Elementary Education Colemen, Mary P., Special Education Coman, Ronald J., Industrial Arts Connelly, Johana C., Elementary Education Corbett, Geraldine M., Elementary Education Corsini, Diana, Elementary Education Coulton, Elaine H., Elementary Education Coutchie, Mary P., Speech Correction Coyle, Janalee, Elementary Education Cramer, Wanda M., Elementary Education Crandall, Carma L., Physical Education Cross, Janet F., Elementary Education Cubitt, Doralyn R., Elementary Education Cull, Helen J., Elementary Education Cummings, Dorothy A., Elementary Education Curtis, Paul D., Physical Education Cusack, Mary, Elementary Education Daily, Janice L., Spanish Dalton, Patricia A., Special Education Dalvini, Kathryn L., Elementary Education Danzik, Lenore S., Elementary Education Davey, Mary E., Elementary Education Deem, Susan V., Elementary Education DeGeas, Geriann F., Elementary Education Diamond, Rhea, Elementary Education Divine, Marlon A., Elementary Education Doran, Frances E., Elementary Education Dorrian, Wyn A., Health, Phys. Ed. and Recreation Ducan, Judith A., Elementary Education 389 Dye, Betty M., Elementary Education Eardley, Barbara R., Elementary Education Ebbage, Sandra K., Elementary Education Ekey, Glen A., Health, Phys. Ed. and Recreation Ellis, Patricia V., Physical Education Elmer, Virginia J., Elementary Education Engelsman, Joyce L., Elementary Education Falicki, Judith A., Elementary Education Fellabaum, William M., Business Services Fethke, Karen R., Elementary Education Fields, Brenda J., Elementary Education Filson, Eric, Social Science Fitzgerald, Sue E., Junior High Education Fletcher, Catherine G., Elementary Education Flint, Michael T., Personnel Production Management Foe, Martha M., Elementary Education Forman, Marilyn I., Elementary Education Foss, Beverly B., Elementary Education Fournel, Claude A., Health, Phys. Ed. and Recreation Fournel, Susan E., Special Education Fournier, JoAnn M., Elementary Education Frame, Nancy J., Elementary Education Fredricks, Marlyce M., Elementary Education Frey, Norman L., Elementary Education Geier, Carol A., Speech Correction Gensler, Margot C., Elementary Education Georgi, Sharon L., Elementary Education Gerhardt, Paul A., Elementary Education Gertz, Frank G., Elementary Education Gibson, Gail A., Junior High Education Gill, David C., Health, Phys. Ed, and Recreation Glaser, Joan M., Elementary Education Glendenning, Gail A., Elementary Education Godfrey, Nancy L., Elementary Education Goldberg, Barbara A., Elementary Education Goldberg, Joel, Industrial Arts Goldberg, Paul L., Accounting Goldberg, Ruth J., Elementary Education Goodman, Melva J., Elementary Education Gotts, Gordon L., Physical Education Gray, Cynthia A., Music Gray, Diane M., Elementary Education Green, Nancy J., Elementary Education Grimmer, Carol C., Industrial Arts Grubaugh, Joyce A., Elementary Education Guernsey, Carl M., Education Guernsey, Karen H., Elementary Education Hall, Judy A., Elementary Education Hall, Shirley K., Elementary Education Hamilton, Elaine G., Elementary Education Hamilton, Rita F., Elementary Education Hanna, Marjorie E., Special Education Hannon, Marcia J., Elementary Education Harbison, Bonnie L., Elementary Education College of Education Harding, Budd E., Health, Physical Ed.., Recreation Harrison, Roger R., MA; Pastoral Counseling Hartman, Franklin L., Physical Education Hasse, Max A., Physical Education Hawes, Linda L., Elementary Education Hendee, Karen K., Elementary Education Hennink, Ann S., Special Education Henry, Janet M., Elementary Education Herrick, Patricia A., Elementary Education Hicks, Ann M., Physical Education Hicks, Martha L., Elementary Education Hill, Annabel, Elementary Education Hinman, Richard R., Industrial Arts Holliday, Linda L., Elementary Education Holzhei, Margo G., Chemistry Howard, Nancy L., Elementary Education Hower, Brucetta A., Elementary Education Howie, Cameron B., Elementary Education Howlett, Anne E., Elementary Education Hruska, Judith I., Speech Education Hunt, Judith R., Elementary Education Hutchins, Jerry R., Physical Education Hutchins, Nancy G., Elementary Education Hutson, Faye J., Elementary Education Hyman, Wendy A., Elementary Education Iannelli, Angie E., Business Irwin, Joan A., Special Education Jacobson, Jan E., Elementary Education James, Gayle M., Elementary Education Jameson, Geralyn R., Elementary Education Jansen, Deanna C., Elementary Education Jason, Barbara A., Elementary Education Johnson, Alden G., Physical Education Johnson, Judith A., Elementary Education Johnson, Martha A., Elementary Education Johnson, Robert K. Jr., Elementary Education Johnson, Wilmer L., Physical Education Johnstone, Walter D., Physical Education Kaal, Janet L., Elementary Education Kamlay, Thomas J., Elementary Education Kass, Charna A., Elementary Education Kelley, Daniel K., Elementary Education Kemp, Mary J., Elementary Education Kemppainen, John P., Recreation Kesler, Karen E., Elementary Education Kleinheksel, H. Jane, Elementary Education Klomparens, Luanne, Elementary Education Kluessner, Anne, Elementary Education Kolody, Sylvia M., Elementary Education Kopplin, Faith T., Elementary Education Kostbade, Gail M., Elementary Education Kover, Antoinette M., Elementary Education Lamphere, Margo B., Elementary Education Larkin, Lynn L., Elementary Education 391 JÉS Larlee, Judith K., Elementary Education Larson, Linda L., Elementary Education Laubach, Duane I., Industrial Arts Leaver, John E., Physical Education Lent, Karen S., Special Education Lewis, Loma G., Elementary Education Lindig, Kathryn K., Elementary Education Ling, Dorothy E., Elementary Education Lomason, Janet L., Home Economics Lorenz, Richard A., Science Louwenaar, Judith A., Chemistry Lukesich, Claudia, Elementary Education Luxmore, William J., Elementary Educaiton Lyon, Theodore A., Mathematics Madill, Barry T., Physical Education Mandell, Ethel R., Elementary Education Marshall, Troy D., Physical Education Martin, Desiree F., Elementary Education Martin, Mary M., Special Education McAsh, Edward A., MA; Guidance and Counseling McCann, Patsy J., English McCarthy, Margaret M., Elementary Education McCormick, Gwen I., Elementary Education McDonald, E. June, Physical Education McElhoe, Leanne, Elementary Education McKarns, Sharon L., Elementary Education McPherson, Patricia A., Elementary Education Mehling, Diane L., Elementary Education Meno, Marion L., Elementary Education Micale, Concetta A., Home Economics Miller, Carol A., Elementary Education Miller, Janet D., Elementary Education Milligau, Prudence K., Art Mills, Barbara G., Elementary Education Molaver, Irene D., Elementary Education Monrad, Sharon L., Elementary Education Moore, Carroll C., Physical Education Moore, Diane C., Elementary Education Morrison, Elizabeth D., Elementary Education Mort, Carole J., Speech Correction Mosher, Roberta J., Physical Education Mullaly, Sharon A., Elementary Education Munshaw, Cara L., Elementary Education Murphy, Carol L., Elementary Education Nachtman, Julie, Elementary Education Nixon, Donna M., Elementary Education Nowacki, Suzanne K., Elementary Education Nucian, Sandra R., Elementary Education Nylund, Jean E., English O’Connor, Georgia D., Elementary Education O’Day, Patricia E., Elementary Education Olsen, Karen M., Elementary Education Ormsby, Janet S., Elementary Education Osgood, Judith A., English College of Education Osterhouse, LaVerne M., Special Education Pajtas, Margaret A., Elementary Education Parent, Pauline E., Elementary Education Paris, Rosemary G., Elementary Education Parish, Janice A., Social Science Parker, Sandra J., Elementary Education Patterson, Sharon S., Elementary Education Patton, Linda E., Elementary Education Pavel, Judith M., Elementary Education Peek, Jacqueline M., Physical Education Percy, Catherine C., Business Education Perkins, James L., Physical Education Pfefferle, Joan E., Elementary Education Phillips, Jane M., Elementary Education Phillips, Judith A., Physical Education Piksa, Jeanette L., Elementary Education Pinney, Janet I., Elementary Education Poirier, Pam L., Elementary Education Poliak, Joanne F., Elementary Education Pryer, Susan K., Elementary Education Pryor, Gloria M., Speech and Hearing Therapy Rapaport, Judith R., Elementary Education Reader, Janette L., Social Science Rebeschini, Madeline C., Special Education Reynolds, Nancy A., Elementary Education Richter, Janice, Elementary Education Robbins, Janice M., Elementary Education Roberts, Bette F., Elementary Education Roberts, Guy R., Business Administration Roberts, Oscar S., Elementary Education Robinson, Margaret J., Elementary Education Robinson, Sandra L., Special Education Rolph, Ardace E., Elementary Education Romanic, Patricia, Elementary Education Rose, Sondra G., Elementary Education Ross, Barbara J., Elementary Education Ryan, Faye A., Elementary Education Sande, Carolee L., Elementary Education Sattler, Julie A., Music Scarpace, Laurie C., Elementary Education Schafer, Anita R., Elementary Education Scheid, Barbara J., Elementary Education Schuett, Clifford E., Speech Therapy Schwartz, Linda B., Elementary Education Schwartz, Ronald, History and Physical Education Scriven, Connie A., Elementary Education Shaw, Linda R., Elementary Education Sherwood, H. Ann, Elementary Education Shick, Victoria J., English Shipley, Larry H., Physical Education Simpson, Sharrell J., Elementary Education Sinclair, Marianne R., Elementary Education Skinner, Ann T., Elementary Education Slater, Sandy J., Elementary Education 393 College of Education Slayback, Paul C., Physical Education Smith, Ann H., Elementary Education Smith, Don E., Health, Physical Ed., and Recreation Smith, Elaine A., Elementary Education Smits, Barbara J., Elementary Education Snavely, Margaret A., Physical Education Snider, Connie, Elementary Education Sponenburg, Patricia A., Physical Education Stahl, Barbara K., Elementary Education Stahl, Linda L., Elementary Education Starks, Carol E., Elementary Education Stauffer, John J., Industrial Arts Steadman, Linda K., Spanish Stephenson, Deanne C., Elementary Education Stevens, Jane E., Elementary Education Stroven, Susan J., Elementary Education Stubbs, Janet M., Elementary Education Stubli, Janet V., Elementary Education Swartz, Simon A., Industrial Arts Tepikian, Hasmig S., Physical Education Thompson, Sally A., Elementary Education Toepel, E. Janet, Elementary Education Tolsma, Diane G., Elementary Education Tower, Diana H., Elementary Education Uros, Annette T., Elementary Education Ushman, Joyce M., English Vander Veen, Linda E., Physical Education Voiers, Bonnie S., Elementary Education Voss, Linda A., Elementary Education Wackerbarth, E. Jane, Physical Education Walker, Frances E., Elementary Education Wandrey, Thomas J., Elementary Education Wapner, Janice E., Elementary Education Watanabe, Reiko M., Special Education Waters, Clarice G., Special Education Weber, William F., Physical Education Weinstein, Elaine, Elementary Education Werner, Kay E., Elementary Education Wheeler, Regina G., Elementary Education Wheeler, William S., Agriculture Education Whitman, Mary J., Elementary Education Wight, Donald W., Physical Education Wilke, Susan E., Elementary Education Williams, Judith L., Elementary Education Williams, Susan, Elementary Education Wilson, Mary A., Elementary Education Wittman, Beverly A., Elementary Education Wojick, Richard R., Physical Education Wordell, Patricia J., Elementary Education Wytrychowski, Patricia J., Elementary Education Youngs, Edward W., Physical Education Zambisky, Marilyn J., Elementary Education Zive, Dorothy, Elementary Education Zorn, William L., Industrial Recreation 394 An engineer will require a thorough knowledge of science as his background, a rigorous coverage of mathematics as his language, and methods of analysis and synthesis in engineering applications as his tools. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING FOUNDED: DEAN: John D. Ryder 395 College of Engineering Abramczyk, Thomas A., Civil Engineering Abu-Gheida, Othman M., PhD.; Applied Mechanics Adams, John W., Civil Engineering Alizadeh, Hormoz, Agricultural Engineering Allen, E. Michael, Electrical Engineering Allis, Edward W., Mechanical Engineering Baker, James W., Mechanical Engineering Barker, Daniel E., Mechanical Engineering Bartos, John N., Civil Engineering Beaty, Edwin M., Electrical Engineering Bergdolt, Paul F., Agricultural Engineering Blakeslee, Paul A., Civil Engineering Blow, Kenneth H., Mechanical Engineering Breedlove, William R., Civil Engineering Brown, James L., Electrical Engineering Brown, Louis E., Electrical Engineering Buist, David I., Mechanical Engineering Burke, Carl E., Mechanical Engineering Butler, Paul W., Mechanical Engineering Castiglia, Ronald C., Mechanical Engineering Chen, Mu-Chuan, MA; Electrical Engineering Chittenden, Edward A., Electrical Engineering Christopher, Richard K., Mechanical Engineering Cook, Leon A., Civil Engineering Cooper, Robert L., Mechanical Engineering Corliss, Lloyd D., Electrical Engineering Cunningham, Gilbert A., Mechanical Engineering Curtis, Erward R., Mechanical Engineering Dahir, Abdallah G., PhD.; Applied Mechanics Denhof, Ronnell P., Civil Engineering Dennison, James C., Electrical Engineering DeRomana, Manuel O., Agricultural Engineering Dexter, John W,, Civil Engineering Dietrich, Ronald G., Electrical Engineering Dodge, Terrance A., Civil Engineering Downes, John D., Chemical Engineering Drake, James L., Civil Engineering Engelhardt, Floyd L., Agricultural Engineering Erler, Robert H., Electrical Engineering Evans, Charles R., Electrical Engineering Evans, Ronald A., Mechanical Engineering Fanson, Philip L., Electrical Engineering Fanson, Richard L., Mechanical Engineering Federighi, Vance D., Civil Engineering College of Engineering Fedorowicz, Ronald J., Electrical Engineering Fehsenfeld, John A., Electrical Engineering Fethke, Eugene A., Electrical Engineering Fetters, Wayne R., Mechanical Engineering Filizola, Rubens, Mechanical Engineering Fiskars, Erik S., Civil Engineering Fladseth, Francis R., Mechanical Engineering Forbes, Gary L., Electrical Engineering Fox, Raymond M., Chemical Engineering Galindo, Luis A,, Electrical Engineering Graczyk, William J., Mechanical Engineering Grant, Lloyd J., Civil Engineering Gronquist, Reuben J., Electrical Engineering Harrington, David E., Metallurgical Engineering Heller, Richard L., Mechanical Engineering Hense, James R., Metallurgical Engineering Hohwart, George J., Mechanical Engineering Holzhei, Don E., Agricultural Engineering Hubal, Bruce R., Civil Engineering Irani, Behram A., Mechanical Engineering Johnson, Edward L., Electrical Engineering Johnson, Richard A., Electrical Engineering Jones, Charles E., Electrical Engineering Karsten, John E., Civil Engineering Kiene, Charles J., Electrical Engineering Kirkby, Larry L., Chemical Engineering Kudlik, Charles J., Metallurgical Engineering Lavelle, John F., MS; Electrical Engineering Lingg, Ronald H., Electrical Engineering Ludwick, John S., Electrical Engineering Makinen, Michael D., Mechanical Engineering Malich, Kenneth W., Electrical Engineering Malila, James O., Civil Engineering Mann, Jerry M., Mechanical Engineering McDowell, Judson A., Electrical Engineering Mitchell, Dorian A., MS; Mechanical Engineering Moody, William C., Civil Engineering Moussavi-Nasle, Ali, Electrical Engineering Mulligan, John D., Electrical Engineering Mummert, Arnold D., Mechanical Engineering Neubecker, Charles B., Chemical Engineering Nutt, Orval, Civil Engineering Onderwyzer, Steve J., Electrical Engineering Ostergren, William F., Agricultural Engineering Pacholke, Gerald F., Electrical Engineering Patil, Pandurang R., Civil Engineering Patterson, James A., Civil Engineering Pecknold, Wayne M., Civil Engineering Pieckenbrock, Peter,' Chemical Engineering Pierce, Robert J., Mechanical Engineering Ploeg, Gordon H., Mechanical Engineering Postema, Douglas B., Civil Engineering Prelesnik, Kenneth A., Mechanical Engineering Presley, Randolph S., Mechanical Engineering 397 Provenzano, Nick J., Mechanical Engineering Ptashnik, William J., Metallurgical Engineering Rasmussen, Robert L., Mechanical Engineering Rattiner, David H., Electrical Engineering Rawls, Vernon C., Electrical Engineering Reason, Morris R., Electrical Engineering Reynolds, Ronald R., Electrical Engineering Richardson, Alan, Civil Engineering Robinson, Robert D., Electrical Engineering Rogalski, Anthony C. Ill, Mechanical Engineering Rowe, John R., Mechanical Engineering St. Jacques, Claude, Mechanical Engineering Salas, Freddy, Agricultural Engineering Schafer, Jerome A., Civil Engineering Schilling, Gary L., Electrical Engineering Seelhoff, Gerald N., Electrical Engineering Seidel, Philip A., Mechanical Engineering Sharma, Piyush C., PhD.; Civil Engineering Silletti, Arthur V., Mechanical Engineering Sinke, Robert A. Jr., Electrical Engineering Skutt, Robert H., Civil Engineering Soule, Robert D., Chemical Engineering Spresney, Gregory L., Mechanical Engineering Stepanishen, Peter R., Electrical Engineering Steury, Thomas M., Electrical Engineering Stevens, Alan R., Electrical Engineering Stewart, Michael D., Mechanical Engineering Stewart, Peter H., Electrical Engineering Stohl, Clark E., Electrical Engineering Stolk, Richard D., Chemical Engineering Stroven, Marlyn J., Mechanical Engineering Suden, Edward M., Electrical Engineering Sumera, Michael F., Electrical Engineering Sutton, Fred G., Chemical Engineering Theiroff, Keith L., Electrical Engineering Thompson, Douglas A., Chemical Engineering Thompson, Thomas C., Civil Engineering Tolsma, Henry, Mechanical Engineering Toth, Andrew P., Electrical Engineering Turner, Jack W. Jr., Mechanical Engineering Uloth, John M., Mechanical Engineering Upton, Larry L., Civil Engineering Vandermolen, Robert H., Metallurgical Engineering Vander Schaaf, John Jr., Civil Engineering Visser, James T., Mechanical Engineering Vissers, Alvin G., Civil Engineering Voelkle, Leo H., Electrical Engineering Walker, John H., MS; Mechanical Engineering Warner, William L., Agricultural Engineering Waterman, Willis R., Mechanical Engineering Wichman, Rodney R., Civil Engineering Wirth, Guy B., Chemical Engineering Yant, Robert E., Chemical Engineering Zimmerman, Jerry M., Agricultural Engineering COLLEGE OF HOME ECONOMICS FOUNDED: 1896 DEAN: Thelma E. Porter Home Economics is a broad field of study, focused on the home, the family, and the individual. It has the greatest potential ever for providing women with an education which will prepare them for satisfying lives. College of Home Economics Adams, Sally A., Secondary Education Adelson, Rachelle C., Retail Merchandising Aitken, Susan D., Child Development-Teaching College of Home Economics Altmansberger, Karen, Child Development-Teaching Anderson, Judith K., Child Development-Teaching André, Joyce A., Dietetics Aylesworth, Margaret A., Child Develop.-Teaching Babb, Carol L., Education Barnes, Rebecca J., Child Development-Teaching Bassett, A. Suzanne, Education Beissel, Judith A., Education Biebesheimer, Bernita L., Child Develop.-Teaching Bienstock, Iris S., Child Development Bohn, Barbara W., Education Bolger, Marel L., Education Bonine, Lora K., Education Brick, Christine M., Retail Merchandising Brokop, Julianne H., Interior Design Brooks, Judith A., Interior Design Brown, Patricia D., Interior Design Buehler, Diane L., Home Furnishings Burleson, Sharon M., Dietetics Buss, Pauline E., Education Carr, Rosemary, Interior Design Christie, Saundra L., Education Chupa, Judith E., Child Development-Teaching Clabuesch, Karen A., Home Economics Journalism Clarke, Catherine W., Retailing Coe, Brenda J., Interior Design Cowell, Sally A., Education Crisci, Barbara J., Retailing Davidson, Judith A., Dietetics DeVore, Geralyn J., Education Dombrowski, Elaine M., Retailing Dorr, Helen E., Retailing Edmunds, Beverly M., Retail Merchandising Engel, Karen E., Retailing Engelhardt, Sharon B., Interior Design Fabus, Elaine M., Child Development-Teaching Finn, Patricia A., Retailing Forbes, Jane D., Child Development-Teaching Foster, Ellen E., Institutional Administration Fried, Rochelle B., Dietetics Gaige, Mary J., Education Gallagher, Nancy M., Retailing Gerber, Nancy M., Food and Nutrition Gordon, Jean M., Interior Design Gowell, Mary K., Child Development-Teaching Gregorski, Carol A., Dietetics Gregory, Wallis K., Interior Design Gurney, Irene B., Child Development-Teaching Hack, Shirley L., Dietetics Harjer, Barbara J., Retail Merchandising Heimonen, Margo L., Dietetics Hetrick, JoAnn, Child Development Hewitt, Suzanne B., Dietetics Hoffman, Mary K., Dietetics 401 House, Karen A., Retailing Hughes, Betty J., Dietetics Jelinek, Nancy A., Education Johnston, Beverly M., Retailing Kelly, Lynn L., Education Klocko, Barbara L., Dietetics Kuhnlohe, Carol J., General LaNoble, Ann E., Education Lincoln, Mary H., Retailing Lowery, Priscilla D., Child Development-Teaching Luce, Bonnie J., Child Development-Teaching Macdonald, Janet C., Child Development Magee, Sharon A., Retailing Marsh, Sandra G., Interior Design Martell, Mary J., General McClelland, Nancy A., Child Development-Teaching McDonald, Barbara E., General McPherson, Elizabeth N., Textiles Meyer, Nancy A., Dietetics Miller, Wathena J., Education Moore, Janice C., Retailing Moore, L. Shirley, Education Mortimer, Claryn B., Retailing Nash, Bonnie J., Education Neorr, Marianne, Child Development-Teaching Opas, Maryann, Education Osner, Susan S., Child Development Palk, Cynthia A., Retail Merchandising Perry, Janet E., Dietetics Pippel, Sandra L., Child Development-Teaching Scharf, Susan, General Schempp, Betty A., Education Schneider, Susan K., Interior Design Schrader, Diane K., Child Development-Teaching Schroeder, Peggy A., Education Scudder, Bonnie C., Education Sigrist, Deanna M., Education Simms, Barbara J., Child Development-Teaching Skinner, Carla J., Retailing Smith, Carol L., Retailing Smith, Margaret J., Child Development-Teaching Sneesby, Janice I., Home Economics Extension Sparkia, Janet D., Retail Merchandising Spector, Nancy J., Retailing Spodeck, Nancy A., Nutrition Steinke, Barbara F., Interior Design Taylor, Ann W., Interior Design Temple, Ann M., General Vanderpool, Marie L., Nutrition Research Ward, Ruth A., Education Wells, Ann, Dietetics Wietzke, Mary L., Child Development-Teaching Willett, Carol L., Education Zbock, Audrey J., General With the College of Science and Arts division, the number of colleges with which Natural Science majors must coordinate has been reduced to those of Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, and Education. COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCE FOUNDED: 1962 DEAN: Richard U. Byerrum 403 Adams, Constance J., Nursing Allison, David P., Pre-Med Anderson, Marjorie E., Nursing Arden, Valerie A., Mathematics Arlow, Michael S., Chemistry Badra, Philip L., Chemistry Barbour, Michael G., Biological Sciences Barningham, Sara L., Biological Sciences-D¡visional Bartholomew, Robert C., Mathematics Bayles, John M., Mathematics Beattie, Marilyn K., Nursing Bedford, Judith L., Nursing Belding, William A., Pre-Med Belobraidich, Frank G., Geology BeMiller, Stephen G., Mathematics Berry, Paul W., Physical Science Betterly, Carol A., Mathematics-Secondary Education Bitney, Barbara J., Biological Science Boehm, Dennis R., Chemistry Bowen, Sandiland, Statistics Boyer, Carole L., Nursing Bradley, Ellen M., Zoology Brayton, Evelyn H., MAT; Mathematics Brinn, John H., Mathematics Cargill, I. Jean, Mathematics-Education Caston, Michael L., Zoology Challis, Ruth Ann, Biology Chateau, Jerry D., Mathematics Cherven, Patricia A., Biological Sciences Coad, Charles D., Mathematics Conant, Donald D., Mathematics Courtad, William J., Mathematics Cowlishaw, Robert J., Zoology Cox, Ronda L., Mathematics Daleo, Mary F., Mathematics-Education Damman, Ronald E., Mathematics Davis, Larry L., Mathematics Deamud, James R., Chemistry DeMott, Richard M., General Science Derr, Marcia M., Nursing Education Doxtator, Cynthia J., Mathematics College of Natural Science Doyle, Ada T., Nursing Drummond, Phillenore A., Biochemistry Durkee, Carol J., Nursing-Education Dvorak, Thomas E., Zoology Dzurella, Cecelia A., Chemistry Edgley, Carolea, Nursing Eiker, William L., Mathematics Eldridge, Raymond R., Mathematics-Education Elwer, Gale E., Mathematics Engelsman, Thomas R., Mathematics English, Justin G., Zoology Fadous, Raymond Y., Mathematics Farnham, Katherine A., Microbiology-Public Health Farnam, Katherine E., Mathematics Farnum, Norman T., Physical Science Fischer, Ernest G., Geology Forbes, Miriam J., Zoology Frisbie, Steven J., Mathematics Garza, Michael, Microbiology-Public Health Gauger, Carole A., Nursing Gebus, Theodora R., Chemistry-Education Gieseler, James W., Mathematics Gingrich, Jake J., Mathematics Goodwin, Jessica J., Zoology Goodwin, Richard E., Mathematics Green, William R., Zoology Griffin, Thomas J., Mathematics Gutowski, Gerald E., Chemistry Guynn, Robert W., Pre-Med Hack, Jeffrey I., Mathematics Halkola, Elizabeth M., Nursing Hamburger, Robert J., Zoology Hammond, Sharon K., Nursing Hansen, Barbara S., Mathematics-Education Hansen, Bonnie J., Mathematics-Education Haske, Gail E., Mathematics Hendges, Lois A., Mathematics-Physical Science Hendrickson, Karen L., Nursing Henn, Albert E., Zoology Herbst, Honor E., Physics-Mathematics Heuser, Robert F., Geology Hill, Constance H., Zoology Hill, Donald G., Geology Hillard, David L., Geology Hobert, John S., Mathematics-Education Hobbs, Linore W., Mathematics Hodges, James K., Chemistry Horowitz, Lawrence M., Physical Science Howell, Kenneth A., Botany Huffmaster, Roberta L., Mathematics-Physical Sci. Hunter, James R., Physics-Chemistry Huntington, Janice M., Nursing Inglis, Lome T., Geology Jefferson, Thomas G., Mathematics 405 Johnson, Don R., Chemistry Johnston, George T., Physics Jungwirth, Alessandra I., Botany Junke, W. Michael, Chemistry Kahler, Lee W., Physiology Keech, Susan M., Mathematics-Physical Science Keith, Warren E., Geophysics Kienke, Janice K., Nursing Kliem, Deraid R., Physics Knoblauch, Harold C., Geology Kroth, Martin A., Chemistry Krueger, Detlaf E., Mathematics-Physical Science Kuenzli, John A., Mathematics-Education Kugel, Elizabeth E., Microbiology-Public Health Lamb, Phillip R., Mathematics-Physical Science Lamphere, Lottie L., Nursing Landy, Patrick O., Physics Laske, Thomas J., Zoology Lin, Paul P., Physics Lindquist, Carl L., Zoology Lippson, Robert L., Zoology Loomer, Harry T., Geography Loomis, Margaret M., Mathematics Lott, Ronald D., Mathematics-Education Lum, Carole S., Biological Science-Divisional Luther, Kent T., Zoology Manning, Peter C., Physics Marion, Nancy J., Nursing Matthews, Robert W., Entomology Mauter, Susan J., Biological Science McClellan, Anita L., Mathematics-Secondary Ed. Mead, Kenneth W., Mathematics-Physical Science Meinhold, Dale L., Mathematics-Physical Science Middleton, Valerie A., Mathematics-Education Miller, Harriet F., Biological Science-Divisional Miller, Marguerite Y., Mathematics-Physical Science Minford, Marilyn A., Zoology Moon, Ferdinand W., Microbiology-Public Health Moorehead, Robert A., Zoology Morrison, Judith, Chemistry Moulton, Kern A., Mathematics Murray, James G., Mathematics Murray, Ronald R., Mathematics Ondrick, Charles W., Geology Palaszek, Bernadette M., Nursing Pearsall, Margo T., Nursing Pennock, Paul R., Mathematics Penrod, James C., Biological Science Plies, Uldris, Chemistry Reid, Joseph D., Mathematics Rheinstein, Peter H., Mathematics Riley, Joseph W., Biological Sciences-Divisional Rivas, Armando E., Biology Rose, Robert M., Zoology College of Natural Science Quesnel, Richard W., Mathematics Quigley, Constance J., Nursing Roth, James D., Mathematics-Education Roth, John N., Geology Schmiege, Lorenz M., Chemistry Schreiner, Walter N., Physics Sell, John E., Chemistry Sergeant, Ruth A., Nursing Shah, Balkumar P., Geology Simonds, Marjorie L., Mathematics-Education Slaughter, John W., Mathematics-Physical Science Smith, Judith A., Mathematics-Physical Science Smith, Wolcott W., Mathematics Sole, Gary M., Pre-Med Steffi, Robert J., Chemistry Steinman, Gary D., Chemistry Stinski, Mark F., Microbiology-Public Health Strickland, Douglas J., Physics Tarno, Larry J., Chemistry Tava, Roger C., Mathematics Texter, Brenton A., Biological Science Thompson, Rhodes E., Entomology Thompson, Thomas E., Physical Science Thornbury, Barbara M., Zoology Timmer, Laverne W., Botany Tjepkema, James P., Entomology Trent, David, Pre-Med Tuck, Robert G., Zoology Turcotte, Real J., Mathematics Usen, Norman, Chemistry Wagner, Roger O., Mathematics Waite, Walden L., Mathematics Wallace, Richard E., Mathematics Wallis, Barbara, Microbiology and Public Health Walsh, Gerald E., Zoology Warfield, Timothy J., Chemistry Warvari, Elarold E., Chemistry Weaver, Daniel J., Chemistry Webb, Charlotte A., Biology Webster, Bonnie M., Nursing Weinstein, Stanley E., MA; Statistics Weirauch, Ronald G., Mathematics-Education Whiting, William M,, Geology Williams, Daniel E., Zoology Wilson, Barbara A., Entomolgy Wilson, Michael E., Mathematics Wolfe, Susan A., Mathematics Wood, William L., Physical Sciences Wright, Angus D., Physics Yu, Henry C., Pre-Med Zaborowski, Joseph J., Chemistry Zientek, Carol A., Zoology-Education Zitter, Thomas A., Plant Pathology Zuehlke, David E., Mathematics 407 COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE FOUNDED: 1962 DEAN: Louis L. McQuitty Of the 3,000 students enrolled in the programs offered by the College of Social Science, the largest single category is the social science major previously considered a divisional major. m, 408 / i m College of Social Science Adelson, Jane S., Social Science Ahern, Owen C., Pre-Law Allshouse, David M., Urban Planning Anderson, Gordon G., Psychology Anderson, Larry S., Political Science Anderson, Sharon E., Education Andris, Thomas R., Social Science Arpino, Patsy F., Political Science Ashby, John A., Divisional Social Science Attaway, Bob J., Political Science Babcock, George R., Education Baldwin, James H., Psychology Balfour, A. Joan, Social Work Balgooyen, Frederic, Political Science, Pre-Law Barner, Patsy M., Social Work Barnett, William K., Sociology Bartlett, Cody B., Political Science Beal, Julie A., Divisional Social Science Bean, Stephen M., Psychology Beaudry, Margaret E., Social Work Bedson, Carolyn M., Social Work Bee, William W., Divisional Social Science Belaski, John K., Political Science, Pre-Law Bennett, Richard A., Divisional Social Science Benton, Robert B., Divisional Social Science Berenson, Marvin L., Div. Social Science, Pre-Law Berry, Daniel L., Economics Beuthian, Ann E., Sociology Bidwell, Priscilla R., Social Work 409 Billings, James E., Economics Blohm, Louise C., Psychology Bloom, James H., Police Administration Blouin, Judith R., Police Administration Blowers, John G., Social Science Bolich, Spencer J., Psychology Bond, Thomas H., Div. Social Science, Pre-Law Bouvy, Franklin J., Political Science Bradford, Melinda A., Social Science Brand, Thomas H., Divisional Social Science Brennan, Marion K., Social Work Britten, Robert A., Sociology Brockmyre, Philip C., Social Work Brooks, Janet M., Political Science Brown, Jenny L., Div. Social Science, Education Brown, Ronald B., Correctional Administration Bryant, Cheryl D., Social Work Buck, Richard E., Social Science Bucknell, Edward K., Divisional Social Science Buikema, Donald H., Political Science Bulkley, Frank, Economics Burns, Gary A., Political Science Button, James W., Police Administration Byrnes, Lawrence W., Divisional Social Science Carlson, Howard W., Sociology Carrigan, Robert W., Social Science Carson, Peggy L., Social Science Castov, Norene D., Social Work Chamelin, Neil C., Police Administration Chandler, James L., Divisional Social Science Channing, Linda A., Economics Chartrand, Douglas A., Economics Cherry, James E., Industrial Psychology Christensen, Ronald J., Psychology Christoff, Luben M., Political Science Cohen, Burton R., Psychology Collins, Albert F., Landscape Architecture Colman, Susan J., Divisional Social Science Comstock, Robert A., Divisional Social Science Conley, Susan A., Psychology Connors, James, Divisional Social Science Conway, Paul G., Social Science Cook, Archie F., Psychology Cook, Jacob E., Economics Cook, Margaret L., Sociology Cookingham, Frank G., Social Science Coolman, Duane R., Divisional Social Science Cox, David L., Psychology Crissey, Forrest E., Divisional Social Science Curtis, Barbara L., Social Work Cushing, Kerry B., Law Enforcement Cutter, Charles A., Divisional Social Science Dailey, Thomas L., Police Administration Dalenberg, Linda L., Sociology College of Social Science Damson, Jack E., Psychology Dancy, Jerry L., Industrial Security Darby, Joel A., Psychology Davidson, William R., Psychology Davis, Marlin E., Industrial Security Davis, William J., Personnel Management Decker, Robert J., Sociology Dekker, Deborah, General Social Science DeMeester, Ruth J., Social Science DeMilio, Michael S., Social Science DeSano, Peter J., Psychology Detwiler, Donald R., Urban Planning Dmoch, Thomas S., Landscape Architecture Dolleck, Maxine H., Social Work Domzalski, Cecilia E., Police Administration Drewek, Patty J., Social Work Duncan, John D., Divisional Social Science Durell, Mary E., Social Science Eastman, Ronald L., Economics Eckert, Joseph L., Landscape Architecture Edsall, John F., Landscape Architecture Eggert, James C., Pre-Law Elliott, Harvey J., Divisional Social Science Evans, Elwin D., Geography Ferber, Robert K., Police Administration Fields, Edward G., Sociology and Psychology Filion, Joffre W., Geography Fisher, Alice, Divisional Social Science Furry, Susan W., Social Science Futoran, Herbert S., Pre-Law Galleher, Marilyn J., Sociology Gallie, Thomas D., Pre-Law Gerlach, C. Fred, Landscape Architecture Gilson, Kenneh B., Economics Gluba, Blair M., Police Administration Goldman, Arnold J., General Social Science Goldstein, Aaron A., Social Work Goldstein, Stefany P., Political Science Graff,. Daniel, Pre-Law Grand, Joseph L., Pre-Law Granowitz, Joan E., Social Work Greene, Gwendolyn, Psychology Greifendorf, Arlyn J., General Social Science Gremel, Judith C., Education Hall, Douglas A., Sociology Haller, Richard W., Psychology Hammond, Neale P., Divisional Social Science Hammond, Steven L., Divisional Social Science Hanna, Kathleen, Political Science Hardt, Robert D., Div. Social Science, Education Harmon, Catherine A., Psychology Harris, Richard M., Divisional Social Science Hart, Terry A., Divisional Social Science Hatch, James E., Social Science 411 Hatch, Joan H., Divisional Social Science Haver, Lance A., Divisional Social Science Hawes, Gary L., Sociology Hayashi, Ronald S., Industrial Security Held, Robert, Psychology Helmer, James 1.., History Henderson, Barbara J., Social Science Hernstat, John S., Divisional Social Science Herrick, William M., Divisional Social Science Herron, Linda L., Div. Social Science, Education Hext, Thomas R., Divisional Social Science Hienton, Ethel M., Div. Social Science, Education Hilding, Bertil A., Industrial Psychology Hoeg, Bion L., Psychology Holden, David L., Divisional Social Science Hornbach, Oskar M., Divisional Social Science Horton, Nan F., Social Science Horwitt, Henry, Political Science Hoste, Douglas W., Pre-Law Housler, Leon D., Social Science Howard, Robert C., Social Science Hughes, John A., Divisional Social Science Hull, Robert J., Political Science Hunsberger, Sally I., Divisional Social Science Hymes, Brian S., Psychology Ide, Kenneth M., Social Science Innés, Robert B., Psychology Jackson, Richard C., Sociology and Anthropology Jackson, William M., Landscape Architecture Janner, Judy K., Sociology Jannsohn, Marion E., Sociology and Anthropology Jay, Arthur J., Pre-Law Jesmore, Kenneth L., Political Science Johnston, Albert M., Police Administration Johnson, Theodore L., Political Science Johnstone, George R., Divisional Social Science Jones, Sandra A., Social Work Joy, Dennis M., Psychology Junas, Joan, Sociology Karmann, Norlaine K., Divisional Social Science Kazenko, Edward J., Political Science Kelm, Margaret F., Social Work Kelsch, Buddy D., General Law Enforcement Kennedy, Edward J., Political Science Ketive, Samuel G., Divisional Social Science Kettler, Gordon W., Police Administration Khadduri, Walid J., Divisional Social Science Kiebler, Daryl H., Geography Kienbaum, Barbara E., Social Science Kim, Dong Bin, Economics Klan, Peter W., Landscape Architecture Knight, Richard W., Political Science Kolberg, Kurt A., Police Administration Kososzka, Janice C., Political Science College of Social Science Kramer, James E., Political Science Krandall, Florence A., Social Work Krebs, William, Social Science Krosche, Herta M., Social Science Kuch, Irene M., Social Science LaFave, Francis E., Divisional Social Science Lash, William M., Psychology Latterman, Mark A., Political Science Lederer, Peter P., Divisional Social Science Lehoczky, Steve E., Urban Planning Leik, Russel L., Police Administration-Corrections Lenett, Richard S., Divisional Social Science Levitz, Arthur K., Divisional Social Science Lewis, Marcia A., Divisional Social Science Lewis, Theodora, Div. Social Science, Education Liddle, William A., Social Work Lippitt, Allen J., Economics Liss, Roger J., Psychology Longwood, Lavonne L., Divisional Social Science Lucas, Sally E., Social Work Luoto, Diane J., Social Work Lynch, Jeremiah L., Pre-Law Mack, Bradley R., Economics Maes, Gerald, Landscape Architecture Magyar, Mary E., Divisional Social Science Markham, Frederick C., Landscape Architecture May, Stephen M., Divisional Social Science McCarthy, Patricia A., Social Psychology McCormick, Raymond S., Landscape Architecture McDaniel, Catherine E., Divisional Social Science McGillis, Timothy J., Pre-Law McMichael, Dennis D., Social Science Mehaffy, John R., Economics Menton, Gary M., Pre-Law Merrifield, Susan J., Divisional Social Science Miller, William H., Psychology Milord, Jan B., Divisional Social Science Minster, Richard W., Psychology Mitchell, Kenneth L., Landscape Architecture Moore, Terrance E., Police Administration Morris, Carol C., Social Science Moss, Eldon F. Jr., Social Science Moxley, Richard R., Economics Muller, Robert W., Landscape Architecture Murphy, Denn J., Sociology Neligan, Patrick T., Social Work Nigrelli, James D., Political Science Norberg, Tilda A., Divisional Social Science Norman, Gloria J., Divisional Social Science Northey, Karen G., Psychology Oakes, Lois D., Correctional Administration O’Brien, Bernard B., Divisional Social Science Ochis, Eileen, Psychology Olson, Linda B., Divisional Social Science 413 Orr, Joseph A., Pre-Law Oselka, Rollane! J., Divisional Social Science Oselka, Ronald P., Pre-Law Overhiser, Martin W., Urban Planning Perla, Marilyn A., Social Work Petersen, Martha E., Social Science Peterson, Ann L., Divisional Social Science Plough, Thomas R., Divisional Social Science Poulin, Alexandra F., Social Science Pulling, Sarah J., Divisional Social Science Rail, Barbara J., Political Science Ramsauer, Leroy H., Pre-Law Rasmusson, Thomas E., Pre-Law Revord, Raoul D., Police Administration Rini, Angie J., Geography Robertson, Linda L., Divisional Social Science Robinson, Stephen J., Social Science Robison, Harry A., Political Science Roman, Suzanne C., Divisional Social Science Rosko, Elaine C., Social Work Rothchild, Myrna T., Divisional Social Science Rowe, James A., Pre-Law Rundle, Merrie-Roxie, Divisional Social Science Ruskin, Robert, Psychology Rutherford, James H., Political Science Sabourin, Gary J., Pre-Law St. John, Kenneth M., Geography Salt, Janice A., Divisional Social Science Sanders, Lewis A., Pre-Law Saundri, Gene A., Pre-Law Schroeder, Roger L., Divisional Social Science Schubert, Gary P., Divisional Social Science Schwartz, Charles F., Divisional Social Science Schwartz, Lawrence, Pre-Law Searing, Donald, Political Science Selak, Frederic T., Psychology Sherff, Louise A., Divisional Social Science Shoemaker, Jerry K., Economics Siegel, Martin J., Social Science Siegel, Mickie J., Economics Simpson, Colette K., Political Science Slaughter, Linda J., Social Science Smith David B., Social Science Smith, Joseph W., Social Science Smith, Judith A., Sociology Smith, Karen L., Social Science Smith, Robert H., Social Science Smith, Valerie, Social Science Songer, Amos H., Economics Sonke, James A., Political Science Soper, Spencer O., Social Science Sosnoski, Donald R., Accounting Soule, Jack W., Social Science Sparbel, John W., Urban Planning College of Social Science Spencer, Jerilynn V., Police Administration Spencer, Terry J., Psychology Spevakow, Marcia E., Social Science Splawn, Barbara M., Social Science Spute, Judith A., Social Science Staudacher, Judith E., Social Science Stein, David L., Urban Planning Stein, Joseph H., Social Science Steinberg, Lawrence W., Social Science Stetson, Ann E., Psychology Stockwell, Arlin Z., Social Science Stoops, Janice R., Social Science Stounk, Richard L., Social Science Suber, Gordon, Social Science Sussex, Linda C., Social Science Svatora, Ronald E., Psychology Taft, Richard M. Jr., Sociology Taylor, Linda N., Psychology Teachout, Nancy M., Social Science Tiejema, Lawrence S., Social Science Tinker, Robert H., Social Science Tjepkema, Mark J., Psychology Tople, Norman J., Psychology Trindle, Richard L., Police Administration Tryloff, Gerald D., Social Science Turley, Robert O., Social Science Turner, Dwight E., Geography Updyke, Edward E., Economics Ushman, William R., Economics Vander Veen, Jane E., Police Adm. and Pub. Safety Vaughan, Marjorie J., Social Science Victor, Arthur H., Political Science Vitek, Janice K., Social Science Wagner, Ethan J., Social Science Walker, Judith E., Psychology Waltzer, Adrian A., Political Science Warden, Sandra A., Sociology Waters, John R., Social Science Watson, James R., Urban Planning Weeks, Marilyn C., Police Adm. and Public Safety Wells, Margo A., Social Science Wells, Richard D., Social Science Wexler, Robert J., Political Science White, Harry B., Social Science Wicks, Duane J., Urban Planning Winkler, William Jr., Police Adm. and Pub. Safety Winters, Harrison R., Social Science Wise, Roberta A., Psychology Wolford, Edmund A., Police Administration Wood, James N., Psychology Wuerfel, Gail P., Social Science Wyllie, Robert G., Social Science Wyman, Barbara A., Geography Zee, Martha J., Psychology 415 COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE FOUNDED: DEAN: Willis W. Armistead With the limited amount of laboratory equipment which constitutes a vast area of veterinary medical study, the number of students admitted to the College each fall is restricted to 64 hand-picked applicants. College of Veterinary Medicine Anderson, Alice J., Medical Technology Anderson, Marjorie E., Medical Technology Barr, Ann F., Medical Technology 417 College of Veterinary Medicine Beaubien, William L., Medical Technology Boatman, Marie A., Medical Technology Cherow, Les, DVM; Veterinary Medicine Chickering, Sherburne M., DVM; Vet. Medicine Christensen, James F., DVM; Veterinary Medicine Coolican, Joyce M., Medical Technology Corwin, Loren L. Jr., Medical Technology Davis, Evelyn C., Medical Technology Dies, Agnes C., Medical Technology Doherty, Michael J., DVM; Veterinary Medicine Evans, Lucinda K., Medical Technology Frank, Glenn M., Medical Technology Gauger, Charles F., DVM; Veterinary Medicine Giesel, James T., Medical Technology Hamann, Dennis R., DVM; Veterinary Medicine Hood, Ann K., Medical Technology Isoun, Turner T., Microbiology Jagoe, Gayle C., Medical Technology Kakuk, Thomas J., DVM; Veterinary Medicine Kay, William J., DVM; Veterinary Medicine Kemper, Martha J., Medical Technology King, Nancy A., Medical Technology Kraus, Alan L., DVM; Veterinary Medicine Licht, Emanuel, DVM; Veterinary Medicine Luepnitz, Carl R., DVM; Veterinary Medicine Mankin, David G., DVM; Veterinary Medicine McKay, Joan G., Medical Technology Miller, Joseph A., DVM; Veterinary Medicine Moss, Robert D., DVM; Veterinary Medicine Norman, Lois E., Medical Technology Osburn, James A., Medical Technology Pals, Arnold J., DM; Veterinary Medicine Pennington, Howard C., DVM; Veterinary Medicine Petravicius, Danute Y., Medical Technology Place, Michael A., DVM; Veterinary Medicine Powers, Joela M., Medical Technology Richmond, Donald L., Medical Technology Sawa, Thomas R., DVM; Veterinary Medicine Schmidt, Robert C., Medical Technology Schreiber, Jerald E., Medical Technology Scofield, Susanna, Medical Technology Secord, John E., Medical Technology Shoup, Robert G., DVM; Veterinary Medicine Sinha, Ram Das, MS; Anatomy Strong, Ronald J., DVM; Veterinary Medicine Treger, Michael D., Medical Technology Tufts, Sharon K., DVM; Veterinary Medicine Velders, Richard W., DVM; Veterinary Medicine Vincent, Veronica S., Medical Technology Weirich, Walter E., DVM; Veterinary Medicine Weisner, Wayne R., Medical Technology Whiteside, Jacqueline D., DVM; Veterinary Medicine Whitmyer, Donald K., Medical Technology Wilder, Arthur M., DVM; Veterinary Medicine 418 SENIOR INDEX ANDERSON, DORIS I. Chicago, III. SAECA A&L ANDERSON, GAIL A. East Lansing ED Clubs : Education, Student’s Off-Campus, German, History ALDRICH, LINDA J. Vermontville ED ALEXANDER, PATRICIA A. Detroit ANDERSON, GORDON G. Greenville SS Veterans Assn. ED ALIZADEH, HORMOZ Tehran, Iran ENGR Soccer; Clubs: Bahai, Rifle, Agr. Engr.; ASAE ALLARDYCE, SHARYN L. Grosse Pointe B&PS IIB; Young Republicans; J-Hop, Water Carnival ALLEN, CHARLES L. Farmington 0AX AGR ALLEN, CYNTHIA J. Belding A&L ALLEN, JEROME E. AGR Belleville Baptist Student Union, Pres.; Forestry Club ALLEN, E. MICHAEL East Lansing Sigma Phi Delta; Tau Beta Pi; Honors College ENGR ALLIS, EDWARD W. Howell Phi Lambda Tau; Pi Tau Sigma; Tau Beta Pi ENGR ANDERSON, JAMES M. Jackson Marketing Club B&PS ANDERSON, JUDITH K. Benton Harbor ASA; Clubs : Child Development, Fresh. Home Ec.; Block S HE ANDERSON, KAREN J. Grosse lie AZ; Tower Guard; Alpha Lamba Delta; Beta Beta Beta; WIC; Spartan Women’s League; Resident Asst. A&L ANDERSON, LARRY S. Grosse lie AT; IFC SS ANDERSON, MARJORIE E. Owosso VM Mortar Board; Tower Guard; Alpha Lambda Delta; Alpha Lambda Theta; Honors College; AWS; Wesley Foundation; Spartan Hosts; Spinster Spin ALLISON, DAVID P. Waterloo, N. Y. Beta Beta Beta; Pre Med. Club NS ANDERSON, MARJORIE E. Sparta Sno-caps NS A ABEL, KAREN A. Forest Park, III. AT; Delta Psi Kappa; Cheerleader, Capt.; Spartan Spirit ED ABRAMCZYK, THOMAS A. Detroit ENGR ASÍ; Porpoise; Swimming Team; Men’s Hall Assoc.; ASCE; CSO ABRUZZI, ROBERT M. Warren, Ohio B&PS Sigma Pi Eta; Phi Kappa Phi; Tau Sigma; Beta Gamma Sigma; Newman Club; Les Gourmets ABUGHEIDA, OTHMAN M. ENGR East Lansing Sigma Xi; Phi Kappa Phi; Swimming; Arab Club, Pres.; Campus UN; International Club ACHTERHOF, GIL R. Geneseo, III. TSK; Phi Sigma Epsilon; MSU Players B&PS ADAMS, CONSTANCE J. Jackson Aon NS ADAMS, JOHN W. Ypsilanti ASCE; Baptist Student Found. ENGR ADAMS, JOYCE L. Bloomfield Hills ED ADAMS, MARY ANNE Grand Rapids A&L ADAMS, SALLY A. Sault Ste. Marie Block S; Home Ec. Club; Home Ec. Council HE ADE, DAVID L. East Lansing B&PS Intramurals; Clubs: Veterans’ Accounting and Finance ADELSON, JANE S. Richmond Hill, N. Y. SS ADELSON, RACHELL C. Richmond Hill, N. Y. HE AET, Pres.; Clubs: Retailing, French; AWS; PanHellenic Council ALLMON, MAUREEN E. Jackson Young Democrats; Amer. Brother-Sister Program A&L ALLSHOUSE, DAVID M. East Lansing Veterans Assn. SS ALTMAN, JANET T. ED Madison Heights Spartan Christian Fellowship ALTMANSBERGER, KAREN Franklin AZ; Intramurals; Clubs: Child Development, Pres.; Ski; Block S HE ALVAREA, MIGUEL A. Los Teqnes, Venezuela AGR ADLER, RICHARD G. Niles Accounting Club B&PS AMBROSON, BETH A. AZ; Clubs: Student Educ. Assn.; Block and Bridle; Ski AHERN, OWEN C. Birmingham Phi Alpha Theta; Pi Gamma Mu SS AITKEN, SUSAN D. Leawood, Kan. HE AAA; Alpha Lambda Delta; Kappa Delta Pi; Omicron Nu; Mortar Board; Child Development Club; Home Ec. Council; Pershing Rifles, Corps Sponsor ALBEE, ALEC A. Loves Park, 111. AGR A&L AMSTUTA, A. KEITH Midland Phi Mu Alpha-Sinfonia; Kappa Delta Pi; MSU Marching and Concert Band; MSU Brass Choir; MSU Orchestra ANDERSON, ALEX W. Prospect Heights, III. Intramurals: football, baseball, basketball; Marketing Club; Luau B&PS ANDERSON, ALICE J. Ludington AXJI VM ANDERSON, PAT J. Birmingham AXQ; AWS; Greek Week; MSU Chorus ED ANDERSON, SHARON E. Saginaw SS Political Science Club ANDINO, ANA ROSA Tegucigalpa, Honduras ED Clubs; Spanish, International ANDRÉ, JOYCE A. Grand Rapids Home Ec. Club HE ANDREWS, GEORGE A. Ludington AXA B&PS ANDRINGA, ROBERT C. Way land B&PS ATA; Blue Key; Outstanding Junior Award; Excalibur; Scabbard and Blade; Intramurals: Football, Basketball; Soph. Class Pres.; Army ROTC, Brigade Commander; Frosh-Soph Council; Career Carnival, Chmn.; Mr. MSU; IFC, Pres.; Campus Crusade ANDRIS, THOMAS R. Grosse Pointe Shores SAE; Green Helmet; Pi Gamma Mu; Tau Sigma; Honors College; Varsity Track; Freshmen Football SS ANTCZAK, JAMES D. Cement City MSU Hospital Assn. B&PS ALBERTSON, HOWARD R. Abington, Pa. B&PS MSU Hotel Assn., Pres. ANDERSON, CHRISTINE L. Grand Rapids ED ANTIOR, JUDITH C. Flint ED ALDERINK, GAIL A. Holland MSU Chorus; Sigma Alpha Eta ED ANDERSON, CRAIG E. Seneca Falls, N. Y. «hrA; Intramurals; Marketing Club B&PS APPLEGATE, H. JON Rochester 2AE; Sigma Pi Eta; Delta Sigma Pi; Hotel Assoc. B&PS BAIR, JAMES G. East Lansing Alpha Zeta; Sigma Lambda Chi APPS, DARRYL E. Milford AKT; Scabbard & Blade; Professional Frat. Council; Young Republicans; Intramurals B&PS ARDEN, VALERIE A. Livonia KA NS ARLOW, MICHAEL S. Great Neck, N.Y. T2A; Sailing Club; Sailing Team NS ARNOLD, JEFF P. Ithaca AGR Delta Phi Epsilon; Brazilian Club ARPIN, KENNETH W. Detroit A&L Honors College; Intramurals; Spartan Christian Fellowship, Pres.; Bethel Manor, Pres.; Spartan Hosts ARPINO, PATSY F. Auburn, N.Y. ARTHUR, JUDY A. Traverse City SS ED ASCENCIO, FRANCES L. Flint ED Campus UN; Spanish Club; Newman Club ASHBY, JOHN A. Ft. Smith, Ark. SS TSK; Pi Gamma Nu; Student Traffic Court ATTAWAY, BOB J. Flint SS AUSTIN, WAYNE R. Detroit Marketing Club; Rifle Club B&PS AYALA, ADOLPH J. Saginaw SS AYLESWORTH, MARGARET A. Alexandria, Va. HE TTB; Block S; MSU Chorus; Water Carnival; Child Development Club AYLWARD, THEODORE D. Wayne A&L ITK, Pres.; Blue Key; Omicron Delta Kappa; MSU Marching Band; IFC B BABB, CAROL L. Grand Rapids AHA; Home Ec. Club BABCOCK, GEORGE R. White Cloud SS BACON, JUDITH A. East Lansing ZTA; Woman’s Glee Club; SEA; Block S; J-hop; Union Board; Water Carnival ED BADDER, KAREN L. Midland ED Xi2; Water Carnival; J-hop; Luau; Greek Week; IFC, Sec. BADRA, PHILIP L. Lansing Clubs: Pre-Med., Newman NS B&PS BAER, DONALD E. Glencoe, III. Green Helmet; Blue Key; Sigma Pi Eta; Outstanding Junior; Campus UN; Elsworth House; Frosh-Soph Council; AUSG; Union Board BAIR, WILLIAM C. Lansing Fisheries & Wildlife Club AGR BAIRD, DELORES A. Bellevue Wesley Found. ED BAKER, DUANE R. Bad Axe Farmhouse, Pres.; Agr. Econ. Club AGR BAKER, JAMES W. Grand Rapids SAE; ASME ENG BALDEN, JANET L. Huntington Woods A&L KA; Wolverine; Union Board BALDWIN, BARBARA S. Rochester ED AT; Wolverine; Intramurals: Basketball, Softball; J-Hop; Water Carnival; Activities Carnival; IFC-PanHel Ball BALDWIN, JAMES H. JR. New Baltimore, N.Y. Arnold Air Soc.; Football Mgr. SS BALFOUR, A. JOAN Port Huron National Social Work Honorary; Wesley Found. SS BALGOOYEN, FREDRIC F. Muskegon Ben BALL, CAROL A. East Lansing Honors College SS A&L BAMBER, WILLIAM J. Howell ATP; Alpha Zeta; Promenaders AGR BANGERTER, KAREN E. St. Clair Shores ED Circle Honorary; Young Republicans; Homecoming; Water Carnival BANISTER, SHIRLEY A. Rives Junction SEA A&L BANNING, GEORGE W. Columbus, Ohio SAE; Clubs: Sailing, Agr. Econ., Agronomy; Greek Week AGR BARCLAY, ELIZABETH M. CA Grand Rapids SK BARKER, DANIEL E. Belmont ASME; SAE ENGR BARKEY, NANCY E. Lansing Wolverine A&L BARK WELL, BETSY B. Grand Rapids AT; AWS Judic., Pres. A&L BARNARD, STEPHEN M. Grandville Delta Phi Epsilon ED BARNER, PATSY M. Traverse City Wesley Found. SS BARNES, ANTOINETTE T. Kinderhook, N.Y. A&L MSU Chorus HE BARBOUR, MICHAEL G. Lansing NS AGR BARNES REBECCA J. Cadillac ATA HE 419 BARNETT, WILLIAM K. SS Detroit Alpha Kappa Delta; Honors College; University Scholar; Sr. Council; Campus UN; Veterans Assn.; AUSG BARNINGHAM, SARA L. Pontiac NS AX12; Alpha Lambda Delta; Beta Beta Beta; Resident Asst. BARON, NORBERT J. Lackawanna, N.Y. A&L BARR, ANN F. Southfield VM Alpha Delta Theta; Beta Beta Beta; Canterbury Club BARRETT, DOROTHY R. West Chester, Pa. Women’s Glee Club; MSU Chorus; Lutheran Student Assn. A&L BARRY, DONALD L. Hastings B&PS AS#; Wolverine; Intramurals; Accounting Club; Water Carnival; Homecoming BARTELS, SHARON A. Detroit Spartan Women’s League ED BARTHOLOMEW, JOHN A. AGR Berkey, Ohio Farmhouse; Agr. Econ. Club BARTHOLOMEW, ROBERT C. Grand Rapids Phi Eta Sigma; Green Helmet; Phi Kappa Phi; Gamma Delta; Young Republicans NS BARTLETT, CODY B. Marcellus, N.Y. Honors College; J-Council SS BARTLETT, MARY JO East Lansing Young Republicans; Ski Club; WAA; SNEA ED BARTOS, JOHN N. Midland Tau Beta Pi; Knight’s of St. Patrick; ASCE, Pres. ENGR BASH, PAUL L. Findlay, Ohio B&PS Green Helmet; Sigma Pi Eta, Pres.; Beta Gamma Sigma; Men’s Glee Club BASSETT, A. SUZANNE Grand Rapids AXii, Pres.; Sorority Sing; Clubs: Home Ec., Home Educ., Fresh. Home Ec. HE BASSETT, WILLIAM R. Detroit Fresh. Hockey B&PS BAUM, CHARLES S. Grosse Pointe Farms B&PS BAUMAN, DENNIS E. Flint ASH; Accounting & Finance Club B&PS BAUMANN, CARL L. Highland, 111. Dairy Club AGR BAUMGRAS, JANE H. Lansing ED BAYHA, KEITH D. Bellevue Farmhouse; Alpha Zeta; Beta Beta Beta; Fisheries & Wildlife Club, Pres.; Fresh. Football AGR BAYLES, JOHN M. Franklin, N.J. NS 420 BEAL, ALLEN C. Three Rivers AGR Dairy Club; Wesley Found. BEAL, JULIE A. Three Rivers Wesley Foundation SS BEAN, STEPHEN M. SS Detroit Pre-Med. Club; Varsity Club; Badminton Club; Varsity Tennis Team; Intramural Hockey; Water Carnival BEATTIE, MARILYN K. Kalamazoo Circle Honorary; WIC; Sno-Caps NS BEATTIE, MARTHA K. Detroit NEA; MSU Ski Club; Sparton Hi-Wagon; Intramurals ED BEATY, EL WIN M. Pontiac IRE-AIEE: Clubs: Sailing, Chemistry, Judo; Intramural Football ENGR BEAUBIEN, WILLIAM L. VM East Lansing BEAUCHAMP, RONALD J. Kingsford B&PS Marketing Club; Management Club; Veterans Assn. BEAUDRY, MARGARET E. SS Southgate BECK, FRED A. Morenci Industrial Arts Club ED BECKER, ALBERT A. East Lansing A&L BECKER, EARNEST J. Lansing ED BECKETT, CHARLENE M. Cass City ED Promenaders; Newman Club; Catholic Student Organ. BEDFORD, JUDITH L. East Lansing ASA; Sno-Caps, Pres.; Acrobat Club; Christian Student Found. NS BEDSON, CAROLYN M. Royal Oak J-Hop; Water Carnival SS BEE, WILLIAM W. Detroit #A0 BEHRENS; ILENE R. Williamston aaii SS ED BEHRENWALD, DONALD A. Lakeview ATP; Agr. Econ. Club; Greek Week; IFC-PanHel Dance AGR BEISSEL, JUDITH A. Concord AOII; Home Ec. Club; Women’s Glee Club; St. John’s Choir; Catholic Student Organ. BELASKI, JOHN K. Wyandotte Phi Sigma Alpha; Frosh-Soph Council; Newman Club; AUSG HE SS BELDING, WILLIAM A. East Lansing NS ROTC Pistol Team; Varsity Pistol Team BEMILLER, STEPHEN G. Evansville, Ind. NS #K#; Phi Eta Sigma; Green Helmet; Pi Mu Epsilon; Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Basketball BENNET, RICHARD A. Davison #TA SS BENTON, ROBERT B. Grosse Point ATA; Scabbard and Blade; AUSG; Campus Chest SS BERENSON, MARVIN L. Hollis Hills, N.Y. Pi Gamma Mu; AUSG SS BERGDOLT, PAUL F. Vassar ENGR Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Lambda Tau; ASAE; Gamma Delta BISHOP, RICHARD T. East Lansing ED BITNEY, BARBARA J. Albion NS AOII; Beta Beta Beta; MSU Players Univ. Theater Productions BLACK, PAMELA S. Jamaica, N.Y. A&L BLACKMAN, ROBBIN R. East Lansing MSU Marching Band AGR BLAKE, D. STEVEN East Lansing Ski Club; ROTC Officers Club; Resident Asst. A&L BLAKEMAN, WILLIAM J. Muskegon Hts. ED SEA; MSU Band BERLIN, SYLVIA Buffalo, N.Y. SEA ED BLAKESLEE, PAUL A. East Lansing Chi Epsilon; ASCE ENGR BERNHARD, RONALD G. Schenectady, N.Y. AGR Forestry Club BERRY, DANIEL L. Standish Canterbury Club BERRY, PAUL W. Grayline Ski Club SS NS BEST, KAREN A. Kalamazoo Honors College; Humanist Club; Red Cedar Review A&L BETTERLY, CAROL A. Cheboygan NS BEUCHE, ANTOINETTE Saginaw A&L KA0; Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Wolverine; Water Carnival; Career Carnival; J-Hop BEUTHIEN, ANN E. Birmingham ASA SS BEUTHIEN, TOM M. Birmingham IIK#; Activities Carnival; IFC; Homecoming; Water Carnival B&PS BEYER, RICHARD J. East Lansing State News CA BID WELL, PRISCILLA R. Chicago Heights, III. Phi Alpha; MSU Mixed Chorus; Wesley Found. SS BIEBESHEIMER, BERNITA LEE Wayne KA; Water Carnival; Child Dev. Club HE BIELEFELD, BARBARA C. CA Kalamazoo KA0; International Club; Orchesis BIENSTOCK, IRIS S. Southfield Child Dev. Club B1FERNO, KAREN Grand Rapids Activities Carnival; SMEA; NEA HE ED BILLINGS, JAMES E. SS East Lansing Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Sigma; AUSG; Students Off Campus; Christian Student Found.; Intramurals BLAZEJEWSKI, RICHARD J. Saginaw Clubs: Porpoise, MSU Varsity; MSU Swimming Team; Bower House, Pres. ED BLEIBERG, ROBYN S. Jackson Heights, N.Y. Wolverine; Water Carnival; Homecoming ED BLISS, STEPHEN R. Midland B&PS BLOHM, LOUISE C. Bay side, N.Y. Delta Phi Epsilon; Clubs: Biology, Psychology; Hillel; PanHellenic Council SS BLOMQUIST, HARLAN E. Port Huron ED Business Ed Honorary BLOOM, JAMES H. Detroit Veterans Assn; Fresh. Football B&PS BLOMMER, MARY V. Grand Rapids A&L BLOUGH, BEVERLY J. Grand Rapids AOII; Gamma Delta A&L BLOUIN, JUDITH R. Lexington Alpha Phi Sigma SS BLOW, KENNETH H. Gloversville, N.Y. Intramurals: Softball, Basketball ENGR BLOWERS, JOHN G. Westbury, N.Y. #K#; MSU Players; Water Carnival; Union Board Week; Activities Carnival SS BOATMAN, MARIE A. Eaton Rapids VM BOEHM, DENNIS R. Grand Rapids NS BOHN, BARBARA W. Grosse Point HE 2K; Ski Club; Comm: Greek Week Community Project, J-Hop; Water Carnival BOILARE, ALLAN E. Alpena Intramurals: Basketball, Baseball B&PS BOLEY, DAVID M. Cadillac Men’s Glee Club; Baptist Student Fellowship A&L BOLGER, MAREL L. Sebewaing HE ZTA; SMEA; Clubs: Fresh. Home Ec., Home Ec. Teaching, Campus 4-H BOLICH, SPENCER J. Grand Rapids ATA; IFC; Union Board; Career Carnival; Intramurals SS BOLTER, NANCY A. Grand Rapids SEA; Luau ED BOND, THOMAS H. Chicago, III. AS#; Comms: IFC; Greek Week; Block and Bridle Club; Weightlifting Club; Intramurals: Football, Basketball, Softball SS BONINE, LORA K. Kalamazoo AWS Jud. Board; Ed. Council; Home Ec. Club; Water Carnival BOURKE, MARY A. Detroit T#B; Swimming Team ED ED BOUVY, FRANKLIN J. Dearborn Delta Phi Epsilon; Intramurals; Comms: Water Carnival, Luau; Young Democrats SS BOWEN, LEE A. Baldwin, N.Y. AX; Student Congress; Greek Week; AUSG B&PS BOWEN, SANDILAND G. Saline Angel Flight Commander; AFROTC Sponsor; Water Carnival; Blood Drive NS BOWER, JERRY L. Lansing Phi Alpha Theta; Phi Kappa Phi A&L BOWKER, MARILYN M. Three Oaks ED BOYER, CAROLE L. Manistee Kappa Phi; Wolverine; Young Republicans; Sno-Caps; Wesley Foundation NS BOYER, JUDITH N. Birmingham Canterbury Club ED BOYLAND CHARLES E. Grand Rapids Newman Club; Veterans Assn. B&PS BRACONE, RICHARD J. Castile, N.Y. *2#E; Packaging Society AGR BRADBERRY, JAMES H. Lansing AGR BRADEN, NANCY R. Flint ED BRADFORD, MELINDA A. Chicago, III. SS AUSG; AWS BRADLEY, ELLEN M. Williamsville, N.Y. NS KA0, Pres.; Beta Beta Beta; Helot, Student Ed.; AUSG; Student-Faculty Social Comm. BELOBRAIDICH, FRANK G. East Lansing BISHOP, KAREN K. East Lansing ASA, Pres. B&PS NS BOLEN, JONATHAN R. LaPorte, Ind. ATi2; MSU Marching Band; Clubs: Management, Marketing B&PS BRADLEY, MARGUERITE A. St. Clair Shores Young Democrats; History Club A&L BRADY, GARY J. Lansing A&L Students Off Campus; Pistol Club; Judo Club BRAFF, HARRIET L. Detroit ED BRAID, MARGARET A. Lake Orion A&L BROOKS, JUDITH A. Grosse Pointe A All; Amer. Inst, of Designers; Water Carnival; Greek Week HE BURCH, CHRISTINE L. Pittsburgh, Pa. Arnold Air Society Sponsor; Angel Flight; Judo Club; Winged Spartans; Spartan Hi-Wagon ED BROWE, LUANNE C. Calumet City, III. Theta Alpha Phi; MSU Players CA BURDINIE, ROBERT D. Grown B&PS BRAND, THOMAS H. Lansing ATA SS BROWN, JAMES L. East Lansing IEE; Veterans Assn. ENGR BRANION, MARILYN J. Farmington ED BRAY, JAMES L. Canton, Ohio B&PS BRAYTON, EVELYN H. Lansing Pi Mu Epsilon NS BREEDLOVE, WILLIAM R. Flint ENGR ASCE BREEN RONALD A. Grand Rapids Intramurals: Hockey, Softball B&PS BREMER, JAMES E. Spartan Village Alpha Zeta; Agr. Econ. Club, Pres. AGR BRENNAN, MARION K. Capac Phi Alpha SS BRESTO, JOAN Detroit AXil; Kappa Delta Pi; Angel Flight; Student Ed. Assn. ED BRETZKE, BARBARA R. Fenton A&L BRICK, CHRISTINE M. Medford, N. J. Ar; Retailing and Merchandising Club HE BRICKER, REBECCA L. Defiance, Ohio ED BRIGGS RANSOM A. St. Johns F2K B&PS BRINK, MARCIA K. Hamilton A; Frosh-Soph Council; IFC-PanHel Ball; American Brother Sister Program A&L BRINN, JOHN H. Bay City NS BRITTEN, ROBERTA A. Perry SS BRIZARD, CHRISTOPHER A. Detroit A&L BROCKMYRE, PHILIP C. East Lansing B&PS Intramural Football; Social Work Club; Newman Club BROKOP, JULIANNE H. Detroit HE Sailing Club; Home Ec. Club BROOKS, H. EDWARD Three Rivers ArA; Forestry Club; Intramurals AGR BROOKS, JANET M. East Lansing Pi Sigma Alpha SS BROOKS, JOHN R. Flint Wolverine; Young Republicans; History Club; Water Carnival; Homecoming; Block S A&L BROWN, JENNY L. Coloma SS Spartan Ambassadors; Wesley Found.; Campus UN BROWN, LOUIS E. V estaburg Eta Kappa Nu ENGR BROWN, MARILYN M. Vassar AZ; Sigma Alpha Eta ED BROWN, PATRICIA D. Kenmore, N. Y. ATA; American Inst, of Interior Design HE BROWN, ROBERT D. Lansing A&L BROWN, ROGER H. East Lansing BROWN, RONALD B. Cincinnati, Ohio AFA, Pres.; Football; NAACP, Pres. CA SS BROWNELL, CATHY E. Dearborn MSU Band; Green Splash A&L BROWNLEE, DAVID M. Lansing Marketing Club; Students Off-Campus B&PS BRUGGEMAN, LINDA L. A&L Clayton BRUNDAGE, NANCY C. Birmingham ED BRYANT, CHERYL D. Oak Park SS AXQ, Pres.; Soc. Work Club; Catholic Student Center BUCHANAN, RONALD J. Birmingham ED Pi Omega Pi; Phi Beta Lambda; MSU Marketing Club BUCK, RICHARD E. West Branch SS BUCKNELL, EDWARD K. SS Howell BUDDE, ED L. East Lansing Football ED BUEHLER, DIANE L. Lansing HE Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College; Students Off-Campus BUFFORD, CAROL J. Trenton Student Ed. Assn.; Young Republicans BUIKEMA, DONALD H. Grand Haven SS BUIST, DAVID I. Grand Rapids SAE; ASME ENGR BURBAUM, KAY H. Olean, N. Y. Delta Psi Kappa; Orchesis; Amer. Brother-Sister Program ED BULKLEY, FRANK III Long Beach, N. Y. SAE; Union Board; Luau; Water Carnival; J-Hop; IFC-PanHel Ball; Baseball; Football SS BURKE, AMY K. Howell Honors College BURKE, CARL E. Livonia SAE A&L ENGR BURKE, DAVID M. Farmington -FT; Arnold Air Society; Cadet Officers Club; Les Gourmets; Alpha Kappa Psi B&PS BURLESON, SHARON M. Clinton AWS; Sr. Council; Foods & Nutrition Club HE BURMAN, LENORE E. Detroit B&PS BURNS, BEN J. East Lansing CA Sigma Delta Chi; Blue Key; Excalibur; State News, Editor; AUSG; Fencing BURNS, GARY A. East Lansing ■FT; IFC; State News BURNS, JAMES A. Chicago, III. Forestry Club, Pres. SS AGR BURROUGHS, BARBARA A. Southfield AXi2; Theta Sigma Phi; State News; Spartan Women’s League CA BUSH, DANIEL E. Grand Ledge Phi Mu Alpha; MSU Marching Band; MSU Concert Band BUSH, SALLY A. St. Louis Phi Beta Lambda; Pi Omega Pi BUSS, PAULINE E. Manchester Campus 4-H; Home Ec. Educ. Club B&PS HE BUTLER, CHARLOTTE L. Holland ED Activities Carnival; Water Carnival; Homecoming BUTLER, PAUL W. Mt. Clemens Phi Eta Sigma; Green Helmet; State News; Spartan Engineer; Frosh-Soph Council; AUSG; ASME ENGR BUTTERFIELD, BARBARA M. BUTTON, BONNIE East Lansing BUTTON, JAMES W. Traverse City Alpha Phi Sigma ED SS BYBEE, DONALD M. Lapeer A&L Pi Gamma Mu; West Shaw, Pres.; MSU Players BYERLY, DONALD D. Minneapolis, Minn. B&PS 0X, Pres.; Pi Sigma Epsilon BYRNES, LAWRENCE W. St. Clair Shores SS Pi Gamma Mu; Intramurals ED ED Auburn ZTA; Special Education Club CACCAMISE, DIANNE F. Atlanta CA B&PS CACHOLA, ROY L. Halaula, Hawaii MSU Hotel Assn.; Les Gourmets; Men’s Glee Club; Water Carnival; University Theatre; Hawaiian Club; University Chorus CAINE, ESTHER O. Monrovia, Liberia African Student Assn.; Campus UN; Sociology Wives Assn. B&PS CALLINICOS, JAMES D. New York, N. Y. B&PS K2; Clubs: Accounting & Finance, Varsity; Varsity Football, Mgr. CAMDEN, ANDREW L. Detroit Wolverine; State News; Hillel; Marketing Club;:,' ; Water Carnival B&PS CAMPAU, MARY J. Holland ata ED CAMPBELL, ARLENE G. A&L Fowlerville CANNING, DONAVON L. ED St. Johns Industrial Ed. Assn., Pres. , CANNIS, JOHN T. Highland Park B&PS CARDEN, DONALD C. Detroit AX A; IFC B&PS CARDONE, DAVID F. Okemos ATfl B&PS CARLSON, CLARENCE B. Lansing A&L State Singers; MSU Chorus; University Theatre CARLSON, HOWARD W. Iron River SS Veterans Assn. CARLSON, NANCY I. Whiting, Ind. AXfi; Water Carnival|||g Elem. Ed. Club ED CARNACO, RONALD A. Detroit Intramurals B&PS CARPENTER, DEAN M. Petoskey AT; Track Team B&PS CARR, ROSEMARY Sand Lake Related Arts Club; Newman Club; Luau HE CARRICK, RICHARD K. Vestaburg B&PS Accounting and Finance Club; Veterans Assn. CARRIGAN, ROBERT W. SS Lansing FKF CARROLL, JAMES K. Dolgeville, N. Y. 4>2K; MSU Activity Band; Brass Band CA CARRUTHERS, MARY M. Bancroft ED AT; Intramurals: Swimming, Softball, Basketball; Union Board; J-Hop; Water Carnival; Activity Band; Greek Week; J-Council CARSON, PEGGY L. Detroit Kappa Delta Pi; Clubs: Russian, Young Democrats, Badminton, History SS CARSTENS, KAY J. Eaton Rapids CARTA, JULIO E. Flint International Club; Spanish Club, Pres. B&PS B&PS CARTER, BARBARA L. Dearborn KA A&L CARTIER, M. LYNNE Grand Rapids PanHellenic Council; Varsity Club Queen ED CARVEY, DAVID G. Midland AGR CASH, JOSETTE H. Southfield Water Carnival ED CASHMAN, LINDA L. Glenview, III. ED CASSIDY, CAROL C. Grand Rapids A&L Mortar Board; Tower Guard; Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Kappa Delta Pi; Outstanding Jr. Award; AUSG; Spartan Round Table; J-Hop; Union Board CASSIDY, CATHLEEN A. Detroit ED 2K; Water Carnival; Union Board; Greek Feast CASSIDY, SARAH J. Midland Union Board; Block S A&L CASTIGLIA, RONALD C. Harrison, N. Y. ENGR ASME; Intramurals: Football, Basketball CASTON, MICHAEL L. Riverdale, N. Y. ZBT; Intramurals; Pre-Vet Club; Union Board; J-Hop; Water Carnival NS CASTOR, NORENE D. Southgate A Oil; Social Workers Club SS CATHERMAN, RONALD L. ED Lansing CATTO, SALLIE A. Troy A&L CEDERHOLM, ELNA A. Hartford City, Ind. Alpha Epsilon Rho; Jr. 500-Queen CA CHADWICK, JUDITH L. Atlanta A&L History Club CHALLIS, RUTH ANN Dearborn Beta Beta Beta; Delta Psi Kappa; Intramurals; Concert Band; Activity Band NS CHAMELIN, NEIL C. Sarasota, Fla. Pershing Rifles; Alpha Phi Sigma SS SS CHANDLER, JAMES L. Ann Arbor 4>KF; Excalibur; Outstanding Junior Award; AUSG; Campus Chest; MHA; Spartan Round Table; Spartan Hosts; Spartan Ambassadors; Intramurals; Swimming; Emmons Hall, Pres. CHANNING, LINDA A. Iron Mountain SS 421 AGR CARGILL, I. JEAN Flint NS CHAPMAN, BARBARA F. East Lansing ED ASA CLARK, ROBERTA E. Medina, N. Y. Educ. Club; Block S ED ED CLARK, SUSAN G. Livonia KA CLARKE, CATHERINE W. Muskegon Heights HE Home Ec. Club; Retailing Club; Luau CLEMENT, JOHN J. Iron Mountain •hrA; Campus UN; IFC; Greek Week A&L CLEMESON, SUSAN L. East Lansing Christian Science Organ.; Spartan Women’s League; Water Carnival A&L CLINE, MAX E. Muskegon Heights Forestry Club AGR CLUCAS, NANCY J. Buffalo, N. Y. A&L French Club; Water Carnival COAD, CHARLES D. East Lansing AT; Green Helmet NS COBB, BRUCE W. Pontiac Union Board; Transportation Club COBB, LEE S. Elsie IIK; Young Republicans; National Assn, of Home Builders AGR COBB, ROBERT L. Lansing MSU Marching Band; State Singers; Basketball; Brass Band A&L COBB, WENDELL L. Jackson Poultry Science Club; Intramural Softball AGR COE, BRENDA J. Ionia HE KKr; Water Carnival; J-Hop; Activities Carnival; Miss MSU Court; Miss West Shaw; Home Ec. Club COHEN, BURTON R. Aliquippa, Pa. COLE, MARTHA E. Bloomfield Hills A; AUSG; Union Board COLE, STEVEN D. Grand Rapids SS ED CA Kappa Alpha Mu; Sigma Delta Chi; State News; Sr. Council; Union Board; Greek Week; Homecoming; Career Carnival; Water Carnival COLEMAN, MARY P. Pittsburgh, Pa. ED AAA, Pres.; Water Carnival; Jr. 500; Clubs: Angel Flight, Spartan Women’s League, Newman Club, Spartan Hi-Wagon; Intramurals; Spinster Spin; Miss Emmons Hall; Miss Rather Hall; Miss Engineer COLLETTE, DENNIS H. Waterbury, Conn. AT; Rowing Team; IFC; Activities Carnival; MSU Hotel Assn. B&PS COLLIER, HENRY W. Saginaw AX B&PS COLLINS, ALBERT F. East Lansing Track; Student Assn, of Landscape Architects SS CHAPMAN, RICHARD G. East Lansing B&PS 2X; Intramurals: Football, Basketball, Softball, Bowling CHARTRAND, DOUGLAS A. SS Rochester ex CHATEAU, JERRY D. Mt. Clemens Pi Mu Epsilon ex CHEN, MU-CHUAN Taipei, Taiwan, China ENGR Campus UN; Orchestra NS CHEROW, LES Detroit AVMA VM CHERRY, JAMES E. Saginaw 2E; Activities Carnival SS CHERVEN, PATRICIA A. NS Roscommon Beta Beta Beta CHICKERING, SHERBURNE M. East Lansing ATP; Alpha Zeta CHITTENDEN, EDWARD A. Richland AIEE; IRE VM ENGR CHRISTENSEN, JAMES F. Ionia VM Block and Bridle, Pres.; Livestock Judging Team; Jr. AVMA CHRISTENSEN, MAX J. Ionia Block and Bridle AGR CHRISTENSEN, RONALD J. Stanton SS CHRISTENSEN, SUSON C. Elk Rapids A&L Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College; Kappa Delta Pi CHRISTIE, SAUNDRA L. Eaton Rapids HE Home Ec. Club CHRISTOFF, LUBEN M. Dearborn Clubs: Young Democrats, Les Gourmets, Pistol SS CHRISTOPHER, RICHARD K. Detroit ATO; ASME; SAE ENGR CHUPA, JUDITH E. Dearborn Child Dev. Club; NEA HE CICCHELLI, MARTIN D. Oak Park ED A Til; Baseball; University Theater CILLEY, DONALD H. Gardner, Mass. Humanist Club; MSU Chorus; Campus UN A&L CLABUESCH, KAREN A. Pigeon HE AT; Alpha Lambda Delta; Union Board; AWS; State News; Blood Drive CLARE, KENNETH C. Grand Rapids B0II; Young Republicans; Ski Club; IFC A&L CLARK, ARCOLA E. Detroit AKA; Mortar Board; Delta Omicron; State Singers A&L 422 COLMAN, SUSAN J. Dearborn COMAN, RONALD J. Utica, N.Y. Industrial Arts Club SS ED COMSTOCK, ROBERT A. Manistee MSU Ski Team; Ski Club SS CON ANT, DONALD D. East Leloy Agr. Engr. Club; J-Hop NS CONDER, BRUCE A. Grosse Pointe Union Board; Clubs: Marketing, Ski, Finance; J-Hop; Water Carnival CONLEY, SUSAN J. Ft. Wayne, Ind. ATA; Psi Chi; Honors College; Jr. Council; PanHellenic Council B&PS SS CONNAUGHTON, MICHAEL D. Hamilton, Ohio Les Gourmets, Pres.; Luau B&PS CONNELLY, JOHANA C. Bay City Campus Correspondent ED CORNWELL, ARTHUR W. East Lansing B&PS Wolverine; Intramurals: Softball, Football; Marketing Assn. CORRIN FRANK J. Owosso Baseball; Agr. Educ. Club AGR ED CORSINI, DIANA Detroit ASA; Union Board; Water Carnival; Greek Week; Catholic Student Organ.; . SNEA CORWIN, LOREN L. JR. East Lansing VM COSLY, JOHN M. Miami, Fla. B&PS AXA; Clubs: Veterans Assn., Marketing, Accounting & Finance, Newman COULTON, ELAINE H. Royal Oak AAII; Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College; Angel Flight; El. Educ. Club; Young Republicans ED COURTAD, WILLIAM J. Traverse City NS B&PS CONNORS, JAMES New York, N.Y. SAE SS COUTCHIE, MARY P. Jackson Sigma Alpha Eta CONWAY, PAUL G. Dumont, N.J. SS Intramurals; Veterans Assn.; Students Off Campus COWELL, SALLY A. Sault Ste. Marie AAII, Pres.; Campus UN; Feast; AWS; Campus ED HE COOK, ARCHIE F. JR. Charlotte KT; Ski Club COOK, JACOB E. East Lansing Veterans Assn. COOK, LEON A. East Lansing ASCE SS SS ENGR COOK, MARGARET L. East Lansing A Oil; Veteran’s Wives Club SS B&PS COOK, THOMAS A. Detroit Pi Sigma Epsilon; State News; Fresh. Football; Fresh. Hockey; Varsity Football; Marketing Club, Pres.; Tri-State Marketing Conference, Chmn. COOKINGHAM, FRANK G. Midland SS Phi Eta Sigma; Kappa Delta Pi; Honors College; Resident Asst.; MSU Chorus; Men’s Glee Club; Russian Club COOL, KATHERINE A. Atlanta, Ga. A&L KA0; Intramurals; Women’s Glee Club; J-Council; AUSG COOLICAN, JOYCE M. Royal Oak KA VM COOLMAN, DUANE R. Fountain SS Spartan Christian Fellowship; Trinity Collegiate Fellowship COOPER, ROBERT L. East Lansing ENGR COPELAND, RICHARD E. B&PS Mt. Clemens COWLISHAW, ROBERT J. NS Grand Rapids COX, DAVID F. Toledo, Ohio TKE; Wrestling; MSU Hotel Assn. B&PS COX, DAVID L. Winnemucca, Nev. Phi Eta Sigma; Basketball; Track; Block S; Young Republicans; Jr. 500 SS COX, RONDA L. Williamsburg COYLE, JANALEE Bloomfield Hills Young Republicans NS ED CRAMER, WANDA M. East Lansing ED CRANDALL, CARMA L. Midland ED Sno-Caps; Gymnastics Team; Intramural CRAWFORD, KATHLEEN L. CRISCI, BARBARA J. Flushing, N.Y. Home Ec. Club; Retailing Club HE CRISSEY, FORREST E. Swartz Creek SS CRONKRIGHT, DOUGLAS L. B&PS, SS Detroit A0, Pres.; Sr. Council; IFC CROSS, JANET F. Dearborn Intramurals: Volleyball, Basketball, Softball ED CORBETT, GERALDINE M. Lansing ED Phi Kappa Phi CUBITT, DORALYN R. Sandusky NEA ED CORLISS, LLOYD D. Battle Creek IRE ENGR CULL, HELEN J. Battle Creek $M; SEA ED CULLEN, JOHN St. Clair Shores CSO; Spanish Club A&L CULLIP, JEANETTE V. Americus, Ga. CA CUMMINGS, DOROTHY A. Lansing ED Students Off Campus; Student ME A; SNEA CUNNINGHAM, GILBERT A. Lansing ASME; Engr. Council; Knights of St. Patrick ENGR CUNNINGHAM, JAMES F. Durand A&L Intramurals CURTIS, BARBARA L. East Lansing Phi Alpha SS CURTIS, EDWARD R. East Lansing ENGR Pi Tau Sigma; Pistol Team; ASME CURTIS, PAUL D. Edmore ED CUSACK, MARY ELLEN Swartz Creek AAA ED CUSHING, KERRY B. Towson, Md. Al>; Alpha Phi Sigma; Scabbard and Blade CUTTER, CHARLES A. Grand Rapids Alpha Phi Omega; Newman Club SS SS CUTTER, PATRICIA F. Grand Rapids History Club A&L D DA, TRAN H. Saigon, Viet-Nam International Club D’AGNOSTINO, ELIZABETH Hazel Park Phi Alpha Theta; Kappa Delta Pi; History Club; AWS B&PS A&L DAHIR, ABDALLAH G. East Lansing ENGR Sigma Xi; International Club; Campus UN; Arab Club; Intramurals DAHLMAN, LOIS G. Lathrup Village KKr; University Theatre; Women’s Glee Club CA DAILEY, THOMAS L. Lansing SS ED DAILY, MICHAEL J. Inkster A&L Veterans Assn.; Rowing Crew DALE, ALLAN D. East Lansing B&PS ASCHE; Young Democrats; Marketing Assn. DALENBERG, LINDA L. Kalamazoo Sigma Alpha Sigma SS DALEO, MARY F. Northville Spartan Women’s League; Block S NS DALTON, CHARLOTTE A. New Haven CA State News; Young Democrats; American Brother-Sister Program; Wesley Foundation; Canterbury Club Pontiac Spanish Club; French Club A&L DAILY, JANICE L. Detroit DALTON, PATRICIA A. Detroit ED DALVINI, KATHRYN L. Grand Rapids AXO; SEA ED DAMMAN, RONALD E. Fowlerville NS Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Sigma; Honors College; Scabbard and Blade; ROTC Officers Club; Block S; J-Council DAMSON, JACK E. SS Holland Psi Chi; Varsity Club; Tennis DANCY, JERRY L. Albion ATS; Industrial Security Club; Judo Club; Karate Club; Luau SS DANFORD, JANICE R. Lansing ED DANZIK, LENORE S. East Lansing Kappa Delta Pi ED DARBY, JOEL A. Highland 0X; Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Sigma; Honors College; Resident Asst. SS DARLING, BARY M. Owosso MSU Marching Band; MSU Activities Band; Agronomy Club; Intramurals AGR A&L DARLING, LORELEI, A. Ovid Alpha Lambda Delta; Kappa Delta Pi; Tower Guard; Honors College; Kappa Phi; Women’s Glee Club; Activities Band DARUVALLA, NOSHIR J. B&PS Bombay, India DAVEY, MARY ELLYN Alma AZ; Women’s Glee Club ED DAVIDSON, JUDITH A. Bellevue HE Tower Guard; Alpha Lambda Delta; Omicron Nu; Kappa Phi; Union Board; Home Ec. Council; Home Ec. Club; Wesley Found. DAVIDSON, WILLIAM R. Mt. Carmel, III. SS DAVIS, DIANE M. Battle Creek DAVIS, EVELYN C. Chicago, III. Alpha Delta Theta; Intramural Volleyball DAVIS, LARRY L. Saugatuck Honors College DAVIS, MARLIN E. Lansing A&L VM NS SS DAVIS, SUSAN Birmingham KA; Sorority Sing; Water Carnival; Homecoming A&L DAVIS, WILLIAM J. Oxford SX DEAMUD, JAMES R. Lontana, Fla. AIChE SS NS ED DEEM, SUSAN V. Muncie, Ind. KKT; Frosh-Soph Council; Spartan Women’s League; Campus Crusade; Homecoming Court; Engineering Queen’s Court; ROTC Corps Sponsor; Greek Week DE GEAS, GERIANN F. St. Charles Circle Honorary ED DE HENAU, GERALD V. AGR Warren Track DEKKER, DEBORAH East Lansing Ar; Alpha Lambda Delta; Tower Guard; Water Carnival SS DEMAY, STEVEN P. Jackson Pi Sigma Epsilon; Marketing Club B&PS DEMEESTER, RUTH J. Grand Rapids Honors College; Social Work Club SS DEMILIO, MICHAEL S. Muskegon SS DEMPSEY, T. PATRICK Sault Ste. Marie Intramurals; MSU Band; Newman Club A&L DEMOTT, RICHARD M. Ashley NS DENHOF, RONNELL P. Conklin ASCE ENGR DIAMOND, CHARLES Gates Mills, Ohio AEII; Hillel Found.; Intramurals: Football, Volleyball, Baseball; Clubs: Les Gourmets, Pistol, Rifle B&PS DIAMOND, RHEA Oak Ridge, Tenn. ATA; Intramurals; Clubs: Ski, SEA; Block S; Hillel Found. ED DIEHL, ARNE J. Davison T2K; Sr. Council; IFC; Block S; Industrial Designers Institute A&L DIES, AGNES C. Montreal, Quebec, Can. VM WIC; Homecoming DIETRICH, RONALD G. East Lansing TK2 ENGR DIETZ, THEODORE H. Williamston Agr. Educ. Club; SEA AGR DIVELBISS, WARREN L. Salina, Kan. CA State News; State Singers; MSU Players; Wesley Found. DIVINE, MARLON ANN Jackson Student NEA ED DIXON, DAVID A. Battle Creek B&PS DMOCH, THOMAS S. Flushing SS Student Assn, of Landscape Architects; Veterans Assn. DENNISON, JAMES C. East Lansing IRE ENGR DODGE, TERRANCE A. Lansing ASCE ENGR DE ROMANA, MANUEL O. ENGR Areguipa, Peru DERR, MARCIA M. East Lansing NS Clubs: Promenaders, Block & Bridle, Judo; Sno-Caps; Angel Flight DERR, OTWELL J. East Lansing Track; Intramurals; Clubs: Veterans Assoc., Marketing, Pre-Med. Soc., Students Off-Campus B&PS DERR, THOMAS C. East Lansing AGR 0X; Intramurals: Football, Basketball, Softball; MSU Marching Band; Dairy Club DESONO, PETER J. Centerline SS DETWILER, DONALD R. Red Lion, Pa. SS T2K; MSU Marching Band; MSU Concert Band; Student Society of Urban Planners DEUEL, ROBERT F. Endwell, N. Y. Packaging Society AGR DEVORE, GERALYN J. East Lansing HE A&L DEVROOME, ANNE L. Grand Rapids Tower Guard; Tau Sigma; Mortar Board; MSU Symphony Orchestra, Concert Mistress; State Singers DEXTER, JOHN W. Bellevue ASCE ENGR DOERNER, WILLIAM R. CA Webster Groves, Mo. TTA; Green Helmet; Phi Eta Sigma; Blue Key; Excalibur; State News; Wolverine; Outstanding Junior Award DOHERTY, MICHAEL J. VM Ann Arbor DOLHPOL, DEANNA Livonia A&L Student MEA; Spanish Club DOLLECK, MAXINE H. Blair, Nebr. Gamma Delta; Social Work Club SS HE DOMBROWSKI, ELAINE M. Wyandotte Circle Honorary, Pres.; S. Campbell, Pres.; Spartan Roundtable; President’s Council; Retailing Club; Catholic Student Organ.; Intramurals; Jr. 500; Water Carnival DOMZALSKI, CECILIA E. SS Detroit DONAHUE, RICHARD T. Cass City AGR Dairy Club; Winged Spartans DONAY, THEODORE M. East Lansing CA AST; Honors College; Intramurals DORAN, FRANCES E. Harper Woods Circle Honorary; Water Carnival; J-Hop ED DORR, HELEN E. Midland HE Presidents Council; Retailing Club; Spartan Roundtable DECKER, ROBERT J. Kalamazoo State News; Veterans Assn. SS DEYOUNG, DOUGLAS A. Grand Rapids B&PS Intramural Softball; Luau DORR, JOSEPH E. Wauwatosa, Wis. Horticulture Forum, Pres.; Block S; Water Carnival AGR DORRIAN, WYN A. Skokie, III. Green Splash ED DOUGHERTY, CLEMENS W. Royal Oak 2N; Accounting & Finance Club; Greek Week B&PS DOUW, SHARON G. Dearborn A&L DOWNES, JOHN D. East Lansing ENGR DOXEY, ROBERT D. LaGrange, 111. B&PS DOXTATOR, CYNTHIA J. Waterloo, N. Y. KA; Greek Feast NS DOYLE, ADA T. Flint AUSG; AWS; Sno-Caps; Blood Drive; Campus Chest; J-Hop; CSO; Water Carnival; Homecoming NS DRAKE, CAROLYN L. East Lansing TM A&L DRAKE, JAMES Reading AT; ASCE ENGR DRAPER, KAREN K. Millington XO; Wolverine; Sr. Class Sec.; Sr. Council; Frosh-Soph Council; Greek Week; Campus Chest CA DREWAK, PATTY J. Leonard Xil; Wolverine; Spartan Magazine; Frosh-Soph Council; Jr. Council; Greek Sing; Union Board; Water Carnival; J-Hop SS DRULARD, FREDERICK F. Traverse City B&PS 2X; Accounting andFinance Club DRUM, JAMES K. Augusta, Maine A&L DRUMMOND, PHILLENORE A. NS Brecksville, Ohio Tower Guard; Beta Beta Beta; Alpha Lambda Delta; Circle Honorary; Spartan Roundtable; President’s Council DRUMMOND, ROBERT J. Detroit B&PS Alpha Phi Omega; MSU Hotel Assn.; International Club; Baptist Student Fellowship; Forestry Club DUFF, DIANE G. Berkley A&L DUMAS, LAWRENCE B. Plainwell AGR Alpha Zeta; Honors College CA DUMAS, PATRICIA S. Midland AZ; Tower Guard, Pres.; Mortar Board; Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Kappa Phi; AUSG; Canterbury Club; Pan Hellenic Council, Pres. DUNCAN, JOHN D. Grand Rapids SS DUNCAN, JUDITH A. Detroit ED IIBT; State News; Sr. Class Treas.; AUSG; Sr. Council; Jr. Council DUNCAN, KELLER J. Troy, N. Y. TT; IFC; Les Gourmets B&PS DURAL, ROBERT J. Ironwood AGR Fisheries and Wildlife Club DURBIN, TIMOTHY E. B&PS Midland Alpha Kappa Psi; Phi Kappa Phi; Beta Gamma Sigma; Honors College; Green Helmet; Beta Alpha Psi; Accounting Club; Phi Eta Sigma DURELL, MARY E. Hamburg, N. Y. AT; Frosh-Soph Council DURKEE, CAROL J. Fremont AAA; Sno-Caps; Water Carnival SS NS DVORAK, THOMAS E. Grand Rapids NS ED DYE, BETTY M. Detroit KA0; Kappa Delta Pi; Wolverine; Intramural Swimming; Amer. Brother- Sister Program; AUSG; Water Carnival; Pan-Hel Ball; J-Hop DZURELLA, CECELIA A. Cleveland, Ohio NS Alpha Lambda Delta; International Club; Campus UN; Spartan Women’s League EAKIN, DAVID W. Allen Park Rowing Team, Capt. B&PS EARDLEY, BARBARA R. Grand Rapids ED Campus Chest; AUSG; Water Carnival EARLY, ALAN G. Kalamazoo Alpha Zeta; Campus 4-H; Agronomy Club AGR EARLY, THOMAS W. Detroit Golf Team; Intramurals B&PS EASTERMAN, JUDITH G. Grosse Pointe B&PS AZ, Pres.; Phi Gamma Nu, Pres.; Pi Omega Pi EASTMAN, RONALD L. Angola, N. Y. AT; Union Board SS EBBAGE, SANDRA Traverse City WIC; Ski Club ED ECKERT, JOSEPH L. East Lansing Beta Alpha Sigma; Student Assn, of Landscape Architects SS EDGLEY, CAROLEA Sandusky NS EDMUNDS, BEVERLY M. Midland HE AAA; Retailing Club EDSALL, JOHN F. Delmar, N. Y. Beta Alpha Sigma; Student Assn, of Landscape Architecture; Spartan Roundtable; Homecoming SS EDWARDS, HAROLD L. Seattle, Wash. Beta Alpha Psi B&PS EDWARDS, LINDA JEAN CA Saginaw EDWARDS, ROBERT C. St. Clair Shores B0II; Accounting Club B&PS 423 EGGERT, JAMES C. SS Medina, N. Y. A2, Pres.; IFC; President’s Council; Intramurals EGGLESTON, PATRICK M. Beulah AGR Clubs: Pomoler, Canterbury, Campus UN; Students Off-Campus EHRMANN, JON G. Grand Haven B&PS Phi Eta Sigma; Green Helmet; Tau Sigma; Beta Alpha Psi; Gamma Sigma; Beta Gamma Sigma; Accounting & Finance Club; Intramurals: Football, Bowling EIKER, WILLIAM L. Wyandotte A2T; Intramurals NS EISENBEISER, JOHN W. Chelsea AGR Block and Bridle Club; Livestock Judging Team EKEY, GLEN A. Farmington ATfi; Intramural Baseball ED ELDRIDGE, RAYMOND R. Bear Lake NS Farmhouse; Phi Eta Sigma; Green Helmet; Honors College; SEA; IRE; Intramurals; IFC ELLIOTT, HARVEY J. Centreville 2X; Sigma Pi Sigma; Phi Eta Sigma; Green Helmet; Union Board; IFC; AUSG SS ELLIS, PATRICIA V. Grand Rapids Women’s Fencing Team; Intramurals; Archery ED ELLSWORTH, WENDELL E. Beiding Phi Eta Sigma; Green Helmet; Xi Sigma Pi; Forestry Club AGR ELMER, VIRGINIA J. Albion Student NEA ED EL WER, GALE E. Delphos, Ohio Newman Club NS ENGEL, KAREN E. Lansing HE Clubs: Freshman Home Ec., Women’s Glee, Retailing ENGELHARDT, FLOYD L. Sebewaing ENGR Farmhouse; Knights of St. Patrick; Intramurals: Football, Softball, Basketball ENGELHARDT, SHARON B. East Lansing Sailing Club HE ENGELSMAN, JOYCE L. Grand Rapids T$B ED ENGELSMAN, THOMAS R. NS Grand Rapids Spartan Christian Fellowship; Amer. Brother-Sister Program ENGLISH, JUSTIN G. Lansing Honors College; Golf NS EPPEL, LEONARD Z. Skokie, III. Les Gourmets B&PS ERBACHEK, SUSANNA LYNN Lathrup Village T4>B; Union Board A&L 424 ERICKSON, LEE V. Chicago, III. Resident Asst. A&L FARR, KENNETH S. Spring Lake B&PS ERICKSON, MARY JO Midland AZ; Water Carnival A&L ERLER, ROBERT H. East Lunsing Swimming Team; IRE ENGR EROEN, TERRY L. Madison, Wis. Pi Sigma Epsilon; Intramurals; Marketing Assn. B&PS ESSEX, WILLIAM R. East Lansing SN; Sigma Lambda Chi; Men’s Hall Assn. AGR EVANS, CHARLES R. ENGR Washington, D. C. Tau Beta Pi, Omicron Delta Kappa; AIEE-IRE; ICC, Pres. EVANS, ELWIN D. Traverse City Gamma Theta Upsilon; Fisheries and Wildlife Club SS EVANS, LUCINDA K. Flint VM EVANS, LYNN P. East Lansing A&L EVANS, RONALD A. New Lothrop ASME ENGR EVEREST, RICHARD J. Muskegon Heights Intramurals : Football, Basketball, Softball; Hedrick House, Pres. B&PS EWER, JAMES M. East Lansing A&L EWERT, HERBERT F. Bloomfield Hills B&PS EYMER, GEORGE T. Kalkaska Students Off Campus B&PS FABIAN, ROBERT L. New Rochelle, N. Y. SAM; Sigma Pi Eta; MSU Hotel Assn. B&PS FABUS, ELAINE M. Elsie AWS HE FADOUS, RAYMOND Y. Chekka, Lebanon NS FALICKI, JUDITH A. Grand Rapids AXO; Girls’ Tennis Team ED FALK, REBECCA J. Port Huron Theta Sigma Phi FANSON, PHILIP L. Mason Eta Kappa Nu; Phi Eta Sigma CA ENGR FANSON, RICHARD L. Mason Tau Beta Phi; Intramurals; ASME; SAE ENGR FARNAM, KATHERINE E. Grosse Pointe NS AT; Intramurals: Softball; AUSG; Young Republicans; Newman Club FARNHAM, KATHERINE A. South Windsor, Conn. d>M; MSU Chorus; IFC-PanHel Ball NS FAENUM, NORMAN T. East Lansing NS FAROUGH, THOMAS G. Detroit B&PS Accounting and Finance Club FASE, JACOB P. JR. Grand Haven AS#, Marketing Club; Water Carnival B&PS FEDERIGHI, VANCE D. St. Joseph Chi Epsilon; ASCE, Engineering Council; Veterans Assn. ENGR FEDOROWICZ, RONALD J. Saginaw IIK, Eta Kappa Nu; Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Eta Sigma; IRE ENGR AGR FEHER, BELA A. East Lansing State News; Wolverine; AFROTC “Wingtips”; Spartan Christian Fellowship; Trinity Collegiate Fellowship, Pres.; Water Carnival; Pistol Club; Greek Week FEHSENFELD, JOHN A. Grand Rapids ENGR Sailing Club FELLABAUM, WILLIAM M. ED Vandalia, Ohio AS$, Phi Beta Lambda; Young Republicans; Accounting Club; MSU Band, Water Carnival; Greek Feast FENTON, LARRY E. Lansing B&PS FERBER, ROBERT K. Hales Corners, Wis. SX; Alpha Phi Sigma; Intramurals SS FERGUSON, JOHN M. Sault Ste. Marie Veterans Assn.; Young Republicans; Intramurals: Hockey, Jr. Varsity Track, Basketball B&PS FERRARI, CHARLES J. Cleveland, Ohio Student Industrial Design Institute; Wrestling A&L FETHKE, EUGENE A. East Lansing Wesley Found. ENGR FETHKE, KAREN R. East Lansing Wesley Found. ED FETTERS, FREDERICK G. Saginaw ENGR AX FETTERS, WAYNE R. East Lansing Pi Tau Sigma; ASME ENGR FIELDS, BRENDA J. Detroit AZ ED FIELDS, EDWARD G. Hackensack, N. J. SS Alpha Phi Sigma; NAACP; International Club; Football; Weight Lifting Club FIELDS, NOEL J. Lansing FILION, JOFFRE W. East Lansing Gamma Theta Upsilon; Scabbard and Blade A&L SS FILIZOLA, RUBENS Sao Paulo, Brazil Volleyball; Soccer; All-American Soccer, Volleyball; All-Midwest Soccer ENGR FILSON, ERIC M. Mt. Pleasant SS State News, Asst. City Ed., Night Ed., Photo Ed., News Ed.; Chaff; Rifle Club; Campus UN FINN, FREDERICK J. Bay City Intramurals B&PS FINN, PATRICIA A. Grosse Pointe Water Carnival; Retailing Club HE FISCHER, ERNEST G. Saginaw STE NS FISCHER, KONRAD M. East Lansing Marketing Club B&PS FISH, CHRISTINE N. Union Lake A&L FISHER, ALICE Mt. Clemens SS Students Off Campus; Young Conservatives; Young Republicans; American Brother-Sister Program; Clubs: Judo, Spanish, International, Campus UN FISHER, LYNNE R. Aurora, III. A; Phi Gamma Nu; Sr. Council; AWS Activities B&PS FISHER, PETER E. Niles B&PS Beta Alpha Psi; Accounting & Finance Club, Pres. FISHER, THOMAS W. Ludington AXA, Activities Carnival; Water Carnival; Greek Feast; IFC; Jr. 500 B&PS FISKARS, ERIK S. East Lansing ASCE ENGR FITZGERALD, JON M. Port Huron B0II, Delta Phi Epsilon; Sigma Delta Chi; State News; Big Ten Debate Conference; Greek Week CA FITZGERALD, SUE E. Flint AAA;Water Carnival; IFC-PanHel Ball; Greek Week; J-Hop; Homecoming ED FLADSETH, FLOYD C. Lansing AGR Forestry Club; Veterans Assn. FLADSETH, FRANCIS R. ENGR Lansing Spartan Christian Fellowship; Winged Spartans FLECKENSTEIN, DAVID J. Cincinnati, Ohio B&PS MSU Activity Band FLETCHER, CATHERINE G. Charlotte FLETCHER, JAMES East Lansing AT A; Intramurals ED AGR FLINT, MICHAEL T. Grand Rapids Intramurals B&PS FLOYD, PHILLIP E. Southfield FOE, MARTHA M. Harbor Beach SEA CA ED FORBES, GARY L. Marlette Tntramurals; Students Off Campus ENGR FORBES, JANE D. Grosee Pointe ASA; Child Dev. Club HE FORBES, MIRIAM J. East Lansing NS International Club; Honors College; Spartan Christian Fellowship; Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma FORD, LURINDA A. Midland A&L FORMAN, MARILYN I. Detroit ED FOSS, BEVERLY B. East Lansing Sailing Club ED FOSS, ERROL L. East Lansing ■I>KS; IFC; Bacchanalia; Spartacade; Water Carnival CA CA FOSTER, DAVID R. Kansas City, Mo. 4>A0, Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Blue Key; Green Helmet, Pres.; Frosh-Soph Council; J-Council; Block S; Water Carnival FOSTER, ELLEN E. Lancaster, Pa. AWS; MSU Chorus FOSTER, JOHN R. Kalamazoo Forestry Club FOTH, DONALD W. Juneau, Wis. Forestry Club HE AGR AGR FOUCH, CHARLOTTE L. Williamsburg A&L FOURNEL, CLAUDE A. Montreal, Quebec, Canada ED Hockey; MSU Varsity Club FOURNEL, SUSAN E. Plymouth Circle Honorary ED FOURNIER, JO ANN M. Sebewaing AZ; Block S; Catholic Student Organ. ED FOX, BONNIE L. Lansing SS State News; Lacrosse Team FOX, ELIZABETH G. Okemos SK; Delta Phi Alpha; State News; Green Splash; German Club; Water Carnival SS FOX, RAYMOND M. Cass City Farmhouse; Knights of Saint Patrick ENGR FOX, RICHARD H. Lansing Pershing Rifles; Young Democrats; SOC A&L FOXWORTHY, LYNN M. Manton MSU Chorus; MSU Activity Band A&L FRAME, NANCY J. Buchanan AXX; Block & Bridle Business Club; Education Club; Water Carnival ED FRANCHI, ANTHONY J. Lansing Vets. Assn. B&PS FRANK, GLENN M. Detroit Phi Delta Theta VM FRANKLIN, CONNIE N. Pontiac A&L FRANKLIN, JOHN L. Louisville, Kentucky AXA B&PS FRANZ, BRIAN E. Detroit Gamma Delta; AUSG; Accounting and Finance Club; Young Republicans; Luther House, Pres. B&PS FREDRICK, GLORIA J. Owosso A&L FREDRICKS, MARLYCE M. Muskegon SEA; Ski Club FREDRICS, H. B. Columbus, Ohio Beta Gamma Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi ED B&PS FREY, NORMAN L. Battle Creek J-Council; Luau; MSU Development Fund; Students Off Campus ED FRIDAY, PHILIP L. Hartford Farm House AGR FRIED, ROCHELLE B. Lakewood, California HE FRIES, SUSAN M. Battle Creek A&L IIB; Water Carnival; Greek Week, Varsity Club Queen FRISBIE, STEVEN J. Cadillac S4>E NS FRUEH, LEROY W. Teaneck, N.J. Weightlifting Club B&PS FRY, LARRY L. East Leroy B&PS Accounting and Finance Club FULLER, RONALD C. Muskegon Agriculture Council; Packaging Society AGR FURRY, SUSAN W. Webster Groves, Mo. IIB; Activities Carnival; Water Carnival SS FUTORAN, HERBERT S. Garden Grove, Calif. AEn SS GAIGE, MARY JANE Sylvania, Ohio Alpha Lambda Delta; Omicron Nu; Kappa Delta Pi; Home Ec. Club HE GALENS, SHELDON Detroit SAM; Intramurals; Killel Found. B&PS GALINDO, LUIS A. East Lansing Varsity Soccer Team ENGR GALLAGHER, NANCY K. Glenview, III. HE KKr GALLEHEN, MARILYN J. Dearborn SS Phi Alpha Theta; Phillips Hall, Pres.; AWS GALLIE, THOMAS D. Ludington Phi Sigma Chi; Men’s Glee Club; Water Carnival; Ski Club; Pre-Law Club SS GALLIVAN, DAVID L. Birmingham B9II; Union Board B&PS GARLICK, RICHARD D. Delmar, N.Y. Pi Sigma Epsilon; Students Off Campus; Conservative Club; Young Republicans CA GARLOCK, DON L. Grand Ledge AGR GARZA, MICHAEL Saginaw NS GASCHO, GARY J. Elkton Farmhouse; Alpha Zeta; Agronomy Club AGR GATES, ROY B. Lansing MSU Management Club; Marketing Club; Soccer Team; Students Off Campus B&PS GATROST, SHEILA D. Vine Grove, Ky. A&L GAUGER, CAROLE A. Sault Ste. Marie AAII; Block S; Sno-Caps; Water Carnival; Greek Week NS GAUGER, CHARLES F. East Lansing Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Eta Sigma; Pre-Vet Club; Student Chapter AVMA VM GEBBEN, STANLEY L. Zeeland CA GEBUS, THEODORA R. Flint NS Newman Club; Student Educ. Assn.; State News ED GEIER, CAROL ANN Lansing M; Sigma Alpha Eta; Students Off-Campus; Catholic Student Organ.; Young Democrats; International Festival GEIGER, LAWRENCE J. North Collins, N.Y. A'k; Baseball AGR GELDHOF, PIETER E. Benton Harbor SN; IFC|| Intramurals: Football, Softball B&PS ED GENSLER, MARGOT C. Ossining, N.Y. J-Council; Block S; Ski Club; Angel Flight; Intramurals: Softball, Volleyball, Swimming; Varsity Hockey; Speed Swim Teams; Green Splash; Water Carnival GEORGI, SHARON L. East Lansing KKr; Union Board; Wolverine; Frosh-Soph Council; Water Carnival; J-Hop ED GEORGIE, ANITA D. Lansing Alpha Lambda Delta A&L GERBER, ARNOLD W. East Lansing B&PS GERBER, NANCY M. South Bend, Ind. Sailing Club HE GERHARD, FREDERICK B. East Lansing B&PS GERHARDT, PAUL A. Bloomfield Hills ED GERLACH, C. F. East Lansing Vista Club, Pres.; Student Assn, of Landscape Architects SS GERSTENFELD, MARK K. B&PS Bay side, N.Y. Marketing Club, Block S GERTZ, FRANK G. West Paterson, N.J. ED GEURINK, GERALD A. Allendale Agr. Mechanics Club AGR GIBBS, DAVID H. Ludington <1>KT; Beta Alpha Psi; Beta Gamma Sigma; Accounting Club GIBSON, GAIL A. Livonia GIESEL, JAMES T. Maumee, Ohio i>TA; Greek Week B&PS ED VM GIESELER, JAMES Jackson W. NS GILBERT, ALAN R. Encino, Calif. Phi Sigma Epsilon B&PS GILL, DAVID C. Tyrone, Pa. Wrestling ED GILLIG, DANIEL E. Reese B&PS GILMORE, RICHARD E. JR. Lansing SX; Water Carnival; Accounting Club B&PS GILSON, KENNETH B. Chatham, N.J. ATO; Varsity Soccer; IFC; Clubs: Economics, Varsity SS GINGRICH, JAKE J. St. Clair Shores Veterans Assn. GLASER, JOAN M. Vernon Kappa Delta Pi; AUSG; Catholic Student Organ. NS ED GLAZER, BETTY S. Cleveland Women’s Glee Club; MSU Chorus A&L GLENDENNING, GAIL A. Alma ED AZ; Water Carnival; Luau GLUBA, BLAIR M. Pekin, III. Alpha Phi Sigma; Honors College GODFREY, NANCY L. Battle Creek Kappa Delta Pi; AUSG; Ski Club SS ED GODFREY, ROGER W. Jonesville Agr. Mechanics Club AGR GOLDBERG, BARBARA A. Detroit ED Student MEA-NEA GOLDBERG, JOEL East Detroit AEII; Industrial Arts Club ED GOLDBERG, PAUL L. Albany, N.Y. B&PS ZBT; Accounting & Finance Club; J-Hop; Campus Chest GOLDBERG, RUTH J. Brookline, Mass. ED Hillel Found.; Student NEA; Block S; Spanish Club GOLDING, GWYNN LEE V. Detroit TB; Greek Week; Union Board; Water Carnival B&PS GOLDMAN, ARNOLD J. SS N.Y. AEII; Intramurals: Football, Basketball, Softball, Swimming; Clubs: Sailing, Ski GOLDSTEIN, AARON A. Detroit Social Work Grad. Club SS GOLDSTEIN, STEFANY P. SS Lansing Tower Guard; Alpha Lambda Delta; Pi Sigma Alpha; Frosh-Soph Council; Campus UN; Water Carnival GOODMAN, LOUIS P. Clifton, N.J. Alpha Zeta; Hillel Found.; Institute of Food Technologists; Amer. Soc. for Microbiology AGR GOODMAN, MELVA J. Gladstone ED GOODWIN, JESSICA J. Flint 'i>M; Beta Beta Beta; Spartan Bell Ringers NS GOODWIN, RICHARD E. NS Montgomery GORDON, JEAN M. Harrisville Circle Honorary; Intramurals: Basketball, Volleyball, Softball; Clubs: Ski, Home Ec. HE GORTZIG, CARL F. Buffalo, N.Y. AGR Pi Alpha Xi; Phi Kappa Phi; Honorary Floriculture Fraternity GOSSELIN, DENIS J. Munising CA Delta Sigma Chi; State News; Veterans Assn. GOTTS, GORDON L. Evanston, III. Phi Epsilon Kappa; Football; HPR Club; Student ME A ED GOWELL, MARY K. East Lansing TAA HE GROBB, DANIEL Jamaica, N.Y. SS ZBT, Pres.; Blue Key; IFC GRACZYK, WILLIAM J. Bay City Pi Tau Sigma; ASME ENGR GRAHAM, LINDA M. Lake Linden History Club A&L GRAND, JOSEPH L. Huntington Woods SAM; Intramurals SS GRANDA, EDUARDO A. Quito, Ecuador Spanish Club, Pres. B&PS GRANOWITZ, JOAN E. Port Cheskr, N.Y. SS Phi Alpha; Social Work Club; Young Republicans GRANT, LLOYD J. Bergland ASCE ENGR GRANT, WILLIAM D. Bethesda, Md. ATO, Pres. B&PS GRANSTROM, LOIS E. Lansing State News; SOC CA GRANT, BRUCE G. Kensington, Conn. ATP; Block & Bridle GRAU, DAVID W. Dearborn Ben AGR B&PS GRAY, CYNTHIA A. Parma, Ohio Block S; Clubs: Women’s Glee; Men’s Glee, Accomp.; University Chorus ED GRAY, DIANE M. East Lansing ED GRECH, JOHN J. Detroit ATA A&L GREEN, CLAIR W. Litchfield B&PS GREEN, DONNA M. Abescon, N.J. ATA; Intramurals; Homecoming; Block S; Newman Club A&L GREEN, ED WIN A D. Kingston A&L GREEN, MARY E. Ovid Phi Gamma Nu B&PS GREEN, NANCY J. East Lansing Intramurals; Student NEA ED GREEN, WILLIAM R. Birmingham NS 'fK'k; Cross Country; Track; Varsity Club GREENE, GWENDOLYN Owosso ATA, Pres.; AWS SS GREENE, SUSAN A. Concord, N.H. AWS GREER, WILLIAM D. Auburn, N.Y. History Honorary; Intramurals: Football, Basketball, Softball; Newman Club A&L A&L GREGORSKI, CAROL A. Grand Rapids Catholic Student Organ.; Foods & Nutrition Club HE GREGORY, WALLIS K. Mt. Clemens SK, Greek Sing; Amer. Institute of Interior Design, Pres. HE GREIFENDORF, ARLYN J. Chicago, III. SS Ar; Tower Guard; Phi Gamma Mu; J-Hop; Water Carnival GREMEL, JUDITH C. Cass City Kappa Delta Pi; Pi Gamma Mu SS GRENADIER, LINDA E. Selfridge AFB Wolverine; Hillel CA GRIFFIN, THOMAS J. East Lansing NS Intramurals; Water Carnival GRIFFITHS, MARY L. Litchfield Phi Beta Lambda B&PS GRIMMER, CAROL C. Chicago, III. Industrial Arts Club ED GRONQUIST, REUBEN J. ENGR East Lansing GROSS, GERALD E. Detroit AT; Accounting & Finance Club B&PS GROSSMAN, GORDON V. Manchester AGR Block and Bridle; Livestock Judging Team GROSSMAN, RONALD A. Detroit B&PS 0X; IFC GROTH, FLORENCE I. Ludington Phi Gamma Nu; Pi Omega Pi; Block S B&PS GRUBAUGH, JOYCE A. Detroit ArA ED 425 GUERNSEY, CARL M. Lansing ED GUERRO, CARMINE Detroit B&PS Accounting & Finance Club; Intramurals GUNTER, EDWIN W. New Brunswick, Canada AGR Ag. Econ. Club GURNEY, IRENE B. Dearborn AZ; Catholic Student Organ; Special Educ. Club; Child Development Club HE GUTOWSKI, GERALD E. Jackson AX; IFC; AUSG; Greek Week; Water Carnival; Intramurals NS GUTOWSKY, LARRY A. East Lansing B&PS Accounting and Finance Club GUYNN, ROBERT W. Toledo, Ohio Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Honors College NS HACK, JEFFREY I. Lansing NS Campus UN; AUSG; Hillel; Students Off Campus; Intramurals HACK, SHIRLEY L. Milan HE Omicrom Nu; Honors College Foods and Nutrition Club; HAGEN, MARTHA J. Saginaw A&L A4>; Pres.; Presidents Council; Greek Week HAHN, CHARLES E. Blissfield B&PS A Til; Accounting & Finance Club HAIN, THOMAS Saginaw B&PS Accounting & Finance Club; Students Off Campus; Jr. 500; International Festival HAINES, GERALD L. Birmingham AT; Water Carnival; American Marketing Assn. B&PS HALBERG, THOMAS H. AGR Lewiston Sigma Lamda Chi; National Assn, of Home Builders HAIKOLA, ELIZABETH M. Lake Linden NS Sno-Caps; Water Carnvial HALL, ASCENETH M. Croswell B&PS Asher Women; Phi Gamma Nu; Phi Beta Lamda; Spartan Womens League; Christian Science Organ.; Young Republicans HALL, DOUGLAS A. East Lansing SS HALL, GLORIA J. Jackson Delta Omnicron; MSU Chorus; MSU Singers; State Singers; MSU Orchestra A&L HALL, JAMES W. East Lansing MSU Hotel Assn. HALL, JUDY A. Norway B&PS ED HALL, SHIRLEY K. Lansing ED AZ; AUSG; Water Carnival; Greek Week; Jr. PanHel; SEA 426 HALL, STEPHEN E. Birmingham IIXT; Young Republicans B&PS HALLER, RICHARD W. LaGrange, III. AX; Psi Chi SS HAMANN, DENNIS R. Milwaukee, W is. AVMA; Promenaders VM HAMBURGER, ROBERT J. Atlantic City, N.J. NS Affli; Beta Beta Beta HAMELINK, JERRY L. Grand Rapids AGR Fisheries and Wildlife Club HAMILTON, ELAINE G. Leslie St. Johns Student Parish ED HAMILTON, GEOFFREY F. Three Rivers B&PS Sigma Pi Eta; Varsity Club; MSU Hotel Assn.; Basketball, Mgr. HAMILTON, GERALD L. Leslie AGR Agr. Educ. Club; Intramurals HAMILTON, RITA F. Nashville Circle Honorary ED HAMILTON, TERRY D. East Lansing Horticulture Forum; Polmology Club; Asher Student Found; Christian Science Organ. AGR HAMMOND, NEALE P. Rochester, N. Y. A2$ SS HAMMOND, SHARON K. Dimondale NS HAMMOND, STEVEN L. Kalamazoo Golf SS CA CA HANLAN, MARYANN Gary, Ind. Xi!;Theta Sigma Phi HANNA, DANE C. Union City, N.J. AF; Mortar Board; Kappa Tau Alpha; Gamma Alpha Chi; PanHellenic Council; State News; Orchesis HANNA, KATHLEEN Milford Women’s Glee Club;^p Fresh. Home Ec. Club, Pres. SS HANNA, MARJORIE E. East Lansing AUSG; Young Republicans ED HANNAH, PAULA JEAN Detroit Union Board; Wolverine; Water Carnival; Block S; Young Republicans; Accounting & Finance Club B&PS HANNON, MARCIA J. Lansing Wolverine; Student Educ. Assn., WIC; Residence Asst. ED HANS, FREDERICK V. Flint AGR HANSEN, BARBARA S. Birmingham NS HANSEN, BONNIE J. East Lansing Phi Theta Kappa; University Chorus NS HANSEN, FRANK E. East Lansing A&L HANSEN, HENRY C. Dearborn Clubs: Marketing, Management, Newman B&PS HARBISON, BONNIE E. Snyder, N.Y. Circle Honorary; Water Carnival; J-Council; Presidents’ Council; Spartan Roundtable; Homecoming ED HARDING, BUDD E. Keego Harbor Intramurals: Football, Softball ED HARDS, A. T. Dearborn CA Promenaders; Water Carnival HARDT, ROBERT D. Jackson SS HARDY, BARBARA M. Denver, Colo. A&L Ar; Delta Phi Delta; Kappa Delta Pi; Sailing Club HARJER, BARBARA J. Muskegon Retailing Club HE HARMON, CATHERINE A. Cassopolis SS KA9; Honors College; Alpha Lambda Delta; Psi Chi; Tau Sigma HARPHAM, SUSAN A. Rochester Kappa Delta Pi; AWS A&L HARRINGTON, DAVID E. Lansing ENGR Christian Science Organ. HARRIS, NEWELL E. Cass City Students Off Campus; Intramurals: Basketball, Softball, Bowling; Judo Club B&PS HARRIS, RICHARD M. Manlette Football; Men’s Glee Club SS HARRISON, ROGER R. Sand Lake ED HART, TERRY A. Flint ASA; Union Board; PanHellenic Council; Catholic Student Organ. SS HARTMAN, FRANKLIN L. Lansing ED Cross Country, Mgr.; Track; Varsity Club HASKE, GAIL E. St. Johns Alpha Lambda Delta; MSU Chorus; Block S HASLEY, DANIEL E. Detroit ; Water Carnival; AUSG; Campus Chest HAUER, LANCE A. Detroit Residence Asst. HAWES, GARY L. Elsie TKE HAWES, LINDA L. Lansing 2K SS A&L SS SS ED HAYASHI, RONALD S. Honokohua, Maui, Hawaii SS Clubs: Hawaiian, Industrial Security HECK, HENRY J. Grosse Pointe B&PS HEIKKINEN, MADELINE M. Parma Heights, Ohio A&L Promenaders; Clubs: Women’s Glee, Men’s Glee, Accomp. HEILMAN, JOEL C. Saginaw AX; Intramurals: Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Badminton; Clubs: Rifle Club, Pistol Club B&PS HEIMONEN, MARGO L. Lansing AZ HE HELD, JAMES W. Mount Clemens AT HELD, ROBERT C. Rumson, N.J. Pershing Rifles; Young Republicans HELLER, MARK F. Rogers City Honors College B&PS SS CA HELLER, RICHARD L. Camden ENGR HELMER, JAMES L. Colon Campus UN; History Club A&L HELMRICH, RUTHANN Birmingham KKT; State News; AUSG; PanHel; IFC-PanHel Ball CA HENDEE, KAREN K. Lansing ED HENDERSON, BARBARA J. Saginaw HENDGES, LOIS A. Lansing Tower Guard|S^ Beta Beta Beta; Alpha Lambda Delta; Students Off Campus SS NS HENDRICK, ROBERT C. Muskegon Weightlifting B&PS HENN, ALBERT E. East Lansing NS Beta Beta Beta; Tau Sigma; Pre-Med Club; Veterans Assn.; AUSG HENNINK, ANN S. East Lansing IIB ED HENRICKSON, KAREN L. East Lansing NS Nursing Class; Students Off Campus; Sno-Caps HENRY, CHARLES R. Midland, Ontario AGR Triangle; Packaging Society; Engr. Council; Water Carnival; Intramural: Bowling HENRY, JANET M. Ferndale AAA HENSE, JAMES R. Flint AFS-ASM ED ENGR HERBERT, HONOR E. Port Chester, N.Y. Women’s Glee Club A&L HERDELL, SHIRLEY A. Argyle Wolverine; Clubs: Ski, Sailing; Block S A&L HERNSTAT, JOHN Detroit AEII; Theta Tau, Pres. HERON, GERALD W. East Lansing Varsity Soccer; Caribbean Club, Pres.; International Club SS NS HERRICK, NANCY T. Lansing CA Amer. Institute of Designers HERRICK, PATRICIA A. Kalamazoo ED HERRICK, WILLIAM M. Grand Rapids ■FAB SS HERRON, LINDA A. Lansing SS HETH, GILBERT R. Glastonbury, Conn. Packaging Society B&PS HETRICK, JOANN Dimondale Child Development Club HEUSER, ROBERT F. Bay City MSU Ski Club HE NS HEWETT, PETER East Lansing ATO; Scabbard & Blade; Marketing Club B&PS HEWITT, SUZANNE B. Washington, D.C. FA; Clubs: Women’s Glee, Food & Nutrition HE HEXT, THOMAS R. Bowling Green, Ky. 2X; Intramurals; J-Hop; Block S; Ski Club A&L HIBNER, EDWARD J. Wayne Intramurals; Accounting & Finance Club B&PS HICKS, ANN M. Middleville A An; HPER Board; Water Carnival; Intramurals; Fencing Team; Clubs: Sailing, Badminton ED HICKS, MARTHA L. East Lansing AXO; Wolverine; Concert Band ED HICOK, WILLIAM T. Troy, N.Y. Pershing Rifles A&L HIENTON, ETHEL M. Bedford, Ohio Pi Gamma Mu; Divisional Social; Science Honorary SS HILDING, BERTIL A. Chicago, III. Alpha Kappa Psi HILL, ANNABEL Denver, Colo. AT; AUSG; J-Hop; Greek Week; IFC Sing HILL, CONSTANCE H. Newark, N.J. AKA; Beta Beta Beta NAACP HILL, DONALD G. Mason Farmhouse; Sigma Gamma Epsilon HILL, PHILIP B. Bath Packaging Society SS ED NS NS AGR HILLARD, DAVID L. Shelby, Ohio NS B0n; Sigma Gamma Epsilon HILLSHAFER, WILLIAM O. JR. B&PS Findlay, Ohio AS«!»; MSU Hotel Assn., HRI Dinner Dance Comm.; Intramurals: Football, Softball; Water Carnival; Luau HILLIARD, SHIRLEY A. Lansing ASA; AUSG; Students Off Campus; MSU Chorus; International Club; Women’s Glee Club A&L HILLSTROM, PHILIP E. St. Paul, Minn. LMA; Intramurals; MSU Marching Band; MSU Orchestra; MSU Concert Band A&L HINMAN, RICHARD R. Clawson Clubs: Industrial Arts, Veterans Assn. ED HIRST, AGNES J. Grand Junction A&L Tower Guard; Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College HIRST, HELEN A. Grand Junction Tower Guard; Alpha Lambda Delta A&L HOBBS, LINORE W. Lath Village NS Ar; Mortar Board; Phi Kappa Phi; Pi Mu Epsilon; Tower Guard; Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; J-Council; AUSG; Spinster Spin; Outstanding Junior Award HOBERT, JOHN S. Lake Katrine, N.Y. Intramurals HODGES, JAMES K. Lansing NS NS HODGINS, WILLIAM M. Detroit B&PS HOEG, BION L. Paw Paw Phi Eta Sigma; Tennis; Volleyball Club HOFFMAN, MARY K. Hudson WIC; Clubs: Foods and Nutrition; Campus 4-H; President’s Council SS HE HOGLE, ANN L. Detroit AZ; Publications Board; Homecoming; Greek Week; WIC A&L HOHWART, GEORGE J. Farmington Intramurals: Football, Volleyball, Bowling ENGR HOLCOME, JEFFREY S. Quincy B&PS Accounting and Finance Club HOLDEN, DAVID L. Tecumseh SS AXA; Pi Gamma Mu; AUSG; Student Traffic Court HOLLANDER, SELMA D. East Lansing A&L HOLLEQUE, O. EUGENE Mason City, Iowa AGR Packaging Society HOLLIDAY, LINDA L. Hemlock, N.Y. ED IIB; AUSG; Student Traffic Court; Activities Carnival; Water Carnival; J-Council HOLLISTER, JAMES L. A&L East Lansing History Club; Evans Scholars CA HOLMES, GERALD E. Howell Blue Key; Excalibur; Kappa Alpha Mu, Pres.; State News; Wolverine, Editor, Assoc. Editor; Outstanding Junior Award; J-Council; Water Carnival HOLZHEI, DON E. East Lansing ArP; Phi Lambda Tau; ASAE, Pres. ENGR HOLZHEI, MARGO G. East Lansing ED HONWITT, HENRY Lenox, Mass. EA; J-Council; International Affairs Club SS HOOD, ANN K. Paw Paw Kappa Phi; Wesley Foundation HOOD, ROBERT L. Detroit 9X; Conservative Club; Young Republicans; Varsity Football, Mgr. VM A&L HOPKINS, PATSY L. Madison, Wise. AUSG; LaCrosse Team A&L HORA, JUDITH A. Riverside, III. Circle Honorary; Delta Phi Alpha; WIC; German Club A&L HORNBACH, OSKAR M. Aavgau, Switzerland Delta Phi Epsilon; Tau Sigma; Pi Sigma Alpha SS HOROWITZ, LAWRENCE M. Detroit NS HORTON, NAN D. Peoria, III. Ar; Frosh-Soph Council; PanHellenic Council; Career Carnival; Water Carnival SS HORWITZ, DAVID S. Waban, Mass. 2x4 Club AGR FIOSMER, PAUL D. Belmont, N.Y. Spartan Engineer; Fencing B&PS HOSTE, DOUGLAS W. Harper Woods Marketing Club HOUSE, KAREN A. Lafayette, Ind. KKP; Retailing Club HOUSLER, LEON D. Charlotte Forensics HOWARD, HARRY C. Kalamazoo Alpha Psi Omega; Campus Worm, Editor; Students Off Campus; Winged Spartans SS HE SS CA HOWARD, JANET E. Port Huron Junior 500 A&L HOWARD, MARTHA H. Davenport, Iowa A&L Mortar Board; Tower Guard; AUSG; Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Kappa Phi HOWARD, NANCY L. Dearborn AAII; Tower Guard; Alpha Lambda Delta; Comm: Water Carnival, J-Council; Young Republicans ED HOWARD, ROBERT L. Elmhurst, III. Excalibur; Blue Key; Green Helmet; Honors College; Phi Eta Sigma; Spartan Roundtable; Pi Sigma Alpha; AUSG, Pres. SS HOWE, JUDITH M. Chicago, III. ASA; Frosh-Soph Council A&L HUNTINGTON, JANICE M. NS Muskegon Hospital Assn. HOWELL, KENNETH A. Okemos NS HURD, JAMES S. Pontiac CA ED HOWER, BRUCETTA A. Gary, Ind. NAACP; National Educ. Assn.; Elementary Educ. Club; Comm: Water Carnival, International Festival HOWIE, CAMERON B. Detroit ED HOWLETT, ANNE E. Gregory SEA; Baptist Student Fellowship ED HRYSKA, JUDITH I. Pontiac ED HUBAL, BRUCE R. Oscoda BLII; ASCE ENGR HUBBELL, KEITH W. East Lansing A&L B&PS HUDSON, JOHN S. Plymouth Pi Omega Pi; Phi Beta Lambda; Weight Lifting Club; Brody Radio, Business Mgr.; Brody Board, chmn. HUFFMAN, JOHN R. East Lansing Intramurals: Football, Basketball, Softball B&PS HUFFMASTER, ROBERTA LYNN Wayne State News; Spartan Engineer, Manager NS HUGHES, ANNE E. Birmingham LM; Alpha Lambda Delta A&L HUGHES, BETTY J. Spring City, Pa. UBL; Foods and Nutrition Club, Pres.; Sr. Council; Block S; Water Carnival; Greek Week; J-Hop HE HUGHES, JOHN A. L. Mason Delta Theta Phi HUGHES, J. R. JR. East Lansing Campus UN, Young Republicans SS CA HUGHES, M. G. Harrisville Delta Omicron, Pres.; State Singers; University Chorus; Canterbury Club A&L HULL, BEVERLY S. Pontiac ED Swim Team; Student-Faculty Social Affairs Comm. HULL, ROBERT J. Lansing Delta Phi Epsilon SS HULTMAN, JAYNE A. Glenview, III. IIBL; IFC-PanHell Ball; Activities Carnival; Water Carnival B&PS HUNSBERGER, SALLY I. Ionia Young Republicans SS HUNT, JUDITH R. Saline Catholic Student Organ. HUNTER, JAMES R. Dowagiac HUNTER, STEPHEN Okemos Veterans Assn. ED NS CA HUTCHINS, CAROL A. Grosse Pointe AL; Union Board; Activities Carnival A&L HUTCHINS, JERRY R. Lawrence ED HUTCHINS, NANCY G. Rochester ED HUTSON, FAYE J. Northfield, III. ED KA, Pres.; Spartan Women’s League; Water Carnival; Greek Week; Women’s Glee Club HUTSON, JUDITH A. Lansing A&L Delta Omicron; State Singers HYMAN, WENDY A. Newton, Mass. Wolverine; Hillel; Water Carnival ED HYMES, BRIAN S. Grand Rapids SAM; Intramural Football; MSU Hospital Assn.; Water Carnival; AUSG SS IANNELLI, ANGIE E. Benton Harbor Phi Beta Lambda IDE, KENNETH M. East Lansing Phi Mu Alpha; Men’s Glee Club ED SS INGLIS, LORNE T. Stratford, Ontario, Canada NS Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Professional Fraternity for Earth Sciences? INMAN, MARTIN L. Ferndale Student National Assn, of Home Builders, Pres. AGR INNES, ROBERT B. Birmingham SN SS IRANI, BEHRAM A. Bombay, India Sigma Phi Delta; ASME ENGR IRISH, KENNETH R. Grand Rapids Accounting Club B&PS IRWIN, JOAN A. Detroit National Educ. Assn. ISOUN, TURNER T. Via Ahoada, Nigeria Honors College ED VM JACKSON, BARBARA D. Albany, N.Y. Phi Gamma Nu; Campus UN; Luau; Block S; Clubs : Marketing, Pistol; Campus UN Conference B&PS JACKSON, RICHARD A. East Lansing AX B&PS JACKSON, RICHARD C. Camden, N.J. KA'k; Track; Clubs: Pre-med., International SS JACKSON, WILLIAM M. East Lansing SS JACOBS, WILLIAM M. Los Angeles, Calif. A&L AEII; Intramurals: Football, Wrestling; Young Democrats; American Civil Liberties Union; IFC JACOBSON, JAN E. Lansing M, Pres.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College ED JAGOE, CARLOS B. Owensboro, Ky. Sigma Lambda Chi; 2x4 Club AGR JAGOE, GAYLE C. Owensboro, Ky. AZ; Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Kappa Phi; Honors College VM JAMES, B. SHERRYL Hillsdale A&L MSU Chorus; State Singers; International Club JAMES, GAYLE M. Garden City KA; Kappa Delta Pi; J-Council JAMES, SIRI E. Grass Lake Clubs: Literary Women’s Glee ED A&L JAMESON, GERALYN R. Grosse Pointe Woods Circle Honorary; AUSG; WIC; Women’s Glee Club ED JANNER, JUDY K. Dearborn ASA; Ski Club SS JANNSOHN, MARION E. East Lansing Swimming Team; International Club SS JANSEN, DEANNA C. Birmingham ZTA; SEA; Block S; Comm: Homecoming, Water Carnival, J-Hop ED JASON, BARBARA A. Williamston Student MEA ED JAY, ARTHUR J. St. Petersburg, Fla. L2A; Campus UN; AUSG; Pre-Vet Club SS JEFFERS, ALICE M. Muir AWS A&L JEFFERSON, THOMAS G. Maywood, III. NS ALA; Track; NAACP JEFFORDS, ROBERT F. Hagerstown, Md. Intramurals: Football, Softball, Bowling B&PS JELINEK, JOHN E. JR. Three Oaks Alpha Zeta; " Agricultural Educ. Club AGR JELINEK, NANCY A. Three Oaks HE Circle Honorary; WIC, Pres.; Clubs: Freshman Home Economics, Home Economics Teaching; Presidents’ Council; Spartan Spirit; Spartan Roundtable; Student-Faculty Comm, on Outside Speakers JENNINGS, LAWRENCE A. B&PS Lansing JENSEN, WAYNE H. Benton Harbor Accounting Club, Pres.; Veterans Assn. B&PS SS JESMORE, KENNETH L. Detroit AXA, Pres.; Blue Key; IFC; Jr. 500; AUSG; Frosh-Soph Council; Intramurals; Homecoming; Water Carnival; Activities Carnival 427 JOHNSON, ALDEN G. ED Worcester, Mass. Intramurals: Basketball, Golf, Football JOHNSON, ALFRED J. Bear Lake Clubs: MSU Men’s Glee, Forestry AGR JOHNSON, DON R. Whitehall NS JOHNSON, EDWARD L. Holt ENGR Honoraries: Eta Kappa Nu, Phi Eta Sigma, Tau Beta Pi JOHNSON, GARY D. Pontiac MSU Concert and Marching Band B&PS JOHNSON, GEORGE A. Milwaukee, Wis. Pi Sigma Epsilon; Newman Club B&PS JOHNSON, GILBERT M. Vandalia Arnold Air Society; AFROTC Drill Team; American Brother-Sister Program; Block S A&L JOHNSON, JAMES A. East Lansing B&PS JOHNSON, JUDITH A. Port Huron Councils: J-Hop, J-Council; Student NEA ED JOHNSON, MARTHA A. Alma AS; Track ED JOHNSTON, ALBERT M. Hot Springs, S.D. Alpha Phi Sigma; Young Democrats SS JOHNSTON, BEVERLY M. Midland HE WIC; Retailing Club; Homecoming; J-Hop JOHNSTON, GEORGE T. Cheyenne, Wy. Pi Mu Epsilon, American Institute of Physics; Dramatics NS JOHNSTON, JAMES J. JR. Collingswood, N.J. B&PS Hotel Assn.; Water Carnival JOHNSTON, RODNEY A. Chesaning B&PS Honors College; Accounting —& Finance Club JOHNSTONE, GEORGE R. SS Webberville 428 JOHNSTONE, WALTER D. Copper Cliff, Ontario, Canada ED Hockey Team JONES, CHARLES E. Huntsville, Ala. ENGR JONES, LLOYD B. Buffalo, N.Y. 0X; IFC; Block S; Homecoming JONES, SANDRA A. Syracuse, N.Y. JOY, DENNIS M. Stanton IIK; IFC AGR SS SS JUDKINS, LARRY F. Boyne City B&PS JUNAS, JOAN East Grand Rapids JUNGERHELD, SANDRA A. Bridgeport JUNGWIRTH, ALASSANDRA I. East Lansing SS A&L NS JUNKE, W. MICHAEL East Lansing SX; Honors College; Scabbard & Blade; AUSG; MSU Packaging Society NS KAAL, JANET L. Grosse Pointe ED KABAT, MICHAEL W. Ann Arbor AS«h; Sigma Pi Eta; Les Gourmets; MSU Hotel Assn. B&PS KAHLER, LEE W. Horseheads, N.Y. $TA NS KAKUK, THOMAS J. Stephenson VM AVMA; Intramurals; Clubs: Fisheries and Wildlife, Graduate, Newman; Track KALTENBACH, RUTH A. A&L Grosse Pointe 2K; Water Carnival; PanHel Council KAMINSKI, LOUISE E. Detroit A&L KAMLAY, THOMAS J. East Lansing Intramurals ED KANDELL, JOSEPH Englewood Cliffs, N.J. B&PS AEII; Accounting Club KAR, RONALD N. Port Huron Newman Club A&L KARMANN, NORLAINE K. Dearborn SS ZTA, Pres.; Alpha Lambda; Delta; Tau Sigma; Phi Kap­ pa Phi; Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Alpha Theta KARSTAN, JOHN E. Grand Rapids ASCE; MSU Men’s Glee Club KASS, CHARNA A. Detroit Student MEA-NEA ENGR ED KATZ, MICHAEL A. East Lansing AGR KEECH, SUSAN M. Richmond KEESHIN, IRA A. East Lansing NS B&PS KEGLE, PATRICIA A. Lansing Catholic Student Organ. A&L KEITH, WARREN E. Comins Sigma Gamma Epsilon NS KELLER, WILLIAM F. Dearborn B&PS KELLEY, DANIEL K. Elmira ED KELLEY, JOHN P. Birmingham Intramural swimming B&PS KELLEY, PHILLIS K. Elmira B&PS KELLY, LYNN L. Detroit HE AZ; Wolverine; Home Ec Club KELM, MARGARET F. East Grand Rapids Phi Alpha SS KELSCH, BUDDY D. Ypsilanti SS Alpha Phi Sigma; Veterans Assn. KEMP, MARY J. Detroit ED KEMP, MARY L. Dearborn AOII; Water Carnival; CSO A&L KEMPDON, THEODORE L. Traverse City A&L Christian Science Organ. KEMPER, MARTHA J. Saginaw Alpha Delta Theta VM KEMPPAINEN, JOHN P. Pelkie Promenaders ED KENNEDY, EDWARD J. Southfield SS KENT, JUDITH W. Pontiac A&L KA; German Club; American Brother-Sister Program KESLER, KAREN E. ED Birmingham nB; Education Club; Luau KETIVE, SAMUEL G. New York, N.Y. ZBT KETTLER, GORDON W. Flint Industrial Security Club SS KHADDURI, WALID J. Baghdad, Iraq SS Excalibur; Blue Key; Campus UN; Clubs: Arab, International KEIBLER, DARYL H. Lansing 0X; AUSG; Campus UN; Conservative Club; Young Republicans; Block S SS KIECKHEFER, EDWARD H. Rockford, III. Sigma Pi Eta; MSU Hotel Assn. B&PS KAY, WILLIAM J. North Attleboro, Mass. VM Jr. AVMA KIEL, SUSAN J. Grand Haven Alpha Lambda Delta A&L KAZENKO, EDWARD J. Silverwood Delta Phi Epsilon SS KIELISZEWSKI, ROBERT B. East Lansing B&PS KIENBAUM, BARBARA E. SS Southfield Wolverine; AWS; WIC; Homecoming; Block S KLUESSNER, ANNE South Bend, Ind. AT; J-Hop; Greek Week; Sorority Sing; Homecoming ED KIENE, CHARLES J. Yonkers, N.Y. AX; Union Board; IFC; J-Hop; Greek Week ENGR KIENKE, JANICE KAY Whitehall NS KIKUCHI, YUKIO Hokkaido, Japan B&PS KIM, DONG BIN Seoul, Korea SS KIMBALL, DAVID C. Pontiac State News; Fresh. Baseball; Varsity Baseball; Men’s Glee Club CA KING, GERALD M. Union Lake Marketing Club B&PS KING, JEROME P. East Lansing KING, NANCY A. Lansing Alpha Delta Theta; Ski Club A&L VM KING, SALLY R. Bedford, Ohio Beta Alpha Psi B&PS KINNEY, LOWELL D. East Lansing Wolverine, Editor 1963; Assoc. Editor 1962; State News, City Editor CA KIRK, BARBARA I. Midland AAA; Campus UN SS KIRKBY, LARRY L. East Lansing Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Eta Sigma; AIChE; Amer. Chemical Soc.; Cross Country, Indoor Track ENGR KISHEMIA, LUBOU M. Lansing Russian Club, Pres. A&L KISTLER, SUSAN D. Long Valley, N.J. Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Angel Flight; Water Carnival A&L KLAN, PETER W. Battle Creek Beta Alpha Sigma; Student Assoc, of Landscape Architects SS KLEINHEKSEL, H. JANE ED Dallas, Texas Homecoming KLEIS, DONALD R. Okemos Triangle CA KLIEM, DERALD R. River Rouge NS Amer. Institute of Physics KLINE, JOHN F. Amsterdam, N.Y. Intramurals; Young Republicans B&PS KLOCKO, BARBARA L. Grand Rapids Catholic Student Organ.; Young Democrats Club; Home Ec Club HE KLOMPARENS, LUANNE Holland ED Student Educ. Assoc.; AWS KLOMPP, KAREN M. Kalkaska ASA A&L KLUESSNER, JAN South Bend, Ind. X12; Greek Week; J-Hop; Christian Science Organ. A&L KNIGHT, K. ROLAND Portage, Indiana Christian Science Organ.; Activity Band CA KNIGHT, RICHARD W. North Lavallette, N.J. International Relations Club; Intramurals; Basketball, Baseball SS KNOBLAUCH, HAROLD C. NS McLean, Virginia KNOWLES, MARK A. Adrian AT CA KNUTSON, CAROLYN A. Detroit A&L KOKOSZKA, JANICE C. Chicago, III. International Club; Homecoming Court SS KOLBERG, KURT A. East Lansing KOLODY, SYLVIA M. Detroit Russian Club SS ED A&L KOOPMAN, JEANNE E. St. Clair Shores Honors College; Mortar Board, Pres.; Tower Guard; Phi Kappa Phi; Pi Gamma Mu; Tau Sigma; Union Board; Amer. Brother-Sister Program KOPEK, HENRY S. Lathrup Village B&PS KOPPLIN, FAITH T. Lansing ED KORNOELJE, THOMAS A. AGR Grand Rapids KOSTEBADE, GAIL M. Chicago, III. ASA; Homecoming; Water Carnival ED KOSUGA, YASUMASA Tokyo, Japan B&PS KOVER, ANTOINETTE M. Ottawa Lake Elem. Educ. Club KOWALSKI, JOHN Sault St. Marie ED NS KRAFT, ELEANOR Evergreen Park, III. AOII; Delta Phi Delta; State News; Greek Week; Water Carnival A&L KRAMER, JAMES E. Detroit ZBT; Baseball SS KRANDALL, FLORENCE A. Detroit SS Clubs: Sailing, Social Work; Water Carnival; Campus Chest KRAUS, ALAN L. Trenton, N.J. VM MSU Veterinarian, Ed.; Am. Veterinary Medical Assoc.; MSU Vet. Glee Club KREBS, WILLIAM Flushing, N.Y. Clubs: Bike, Pistol SS KREITNER, NEAL A. Coloma AGR KRESLINS, EVALD Grand Rapids Arnold Air Society; Winged Spartans A&L KRINSKY, DANIEL R. Newton, Mass. SAM; Sigma Delta Chi; Theta Alpha Phi; Intramurals; Water Carnival; Union Board; University Theater; ROTC Officers Club CA KROSHCE, HERTA M. Maplewood, N.J. MSU Chorus KROTH, MARTIN A. Grosse Pointe Intramurals: Football, Badminton; Humanist Society; Sailing Club SS NS KRUEGER, DETLEF E. Muskegon NS KUBO, TOSHIO Tokyo, Japan Japanese Club B&PS KUCH, IRENE M. Unionville SS Students Off Campus Assoc.; AWS; Sailing Club KUDLIK, CHARLES J. Belle Vernon, Pa. AFS, Pres.; ASM; Veterans Assn. ENGR LA FREY, LOIS A. A&L Wayne Tower Guard; Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Alpha Theta; Jr. Class Comm. LAIDLY, PAUL R. Detroit Forestry Club AGR LA LIBERTE, MARILU Iron Mountain MSU Players; Block S A&L LA LONDE, JOANNE A. Bay City CA MSU Players; Forensic Club; Angel Flight; Chaff LAMB, DONALD D. Jefferson, Ohio B&PS LAMB, FRANKLIN E. Saugatuck B&PS <1>KS; Accounting & Finance Club LAMB, PHILLIP R. Olivet Students Off Campus NS LAMB, ROBERT A. Portland, Ore. Ski Team, Track B&PS LAMBERT, SANDRA J. Linden IIBf>; PanHel; Union Board A&L KUENZLI, JOHN A. East Lansing NS LAMBERTS, PATRICIA A. A&L Grand Rapids KUENZLI, WALTER A. East Lansing K'k; Park Management Club, Pres. AGR KUGEL, ELIZABETH E. Mitchell, S. D. NS KUHN, RAE A. Detroit KKT; Councils: Frosh-Soph, PanHel A&L KUHN, ROBERT K. East Lansing Golf Team B&PS KUHNLOHE, CAROL J. Roscommon HE KULENKAMP, ALWIN W. Manchester AGR Phi Eta Sigma; Alpha Zeta; Poultry Science Club LAMPHERE, LOTTIE L. Lansing NS LAMPHERE, MARGO B. Ferndale AAA ED LANCE, GARY K. Wyandotte SK; Accounting Club B&PS I.ANDY, PATRICK O. Lansing Physics Club; Fencing LA NOBLE, ANN E. East Lansing AXÎ2 NS HE B&PS LAPISH, JAMES C. Grosse Pointe Management Club, Pres.; Young Republicans; Marketing Club; Intramurals : Bowling, Football KUNITSER, LEE R. East Lansing Pi Sigma Epsilon; Veteran’s Assn. CA LARKIN, LYNN L. St. Joseph MSU Orchestra KUSHNER, BRIN L. Lincoln, Nebraska SAM; Pi Sigma Epsilon; Spartan Hi-Wagon; Intramurals B&PS KUSTER, JAMES J. Des Moines, Iowa Pi Sigma Epsilon B&PS KUTAS, RICHARD M. East Lansing A&L KUXHAUS, MARGARET R. Ferndale A&L KUYPER, CAROLYN A. Grosse Pointe Woods A&L Spartan Women’s League; Conservative Club LADY, KARL W. Evanston, A&L III 0X; Cross Country; Track; Conservative Club, Pres.; AUSG LA FAVE, FRANCIS E. Gwosso SS ED ED LARLEE, JUDITH K. Mt. Clemens KKT; J-Hop; PanHel Ball LARMEE, JACQUELINE J. Ann Arbor B&PS AFA Club; Lutheran Student Assn. LARNARD, CHARLES A. A&L North Muskegon LARSEN, JANET E. Clio Kappa Phi B&PS LARSON, LINDA L. Lansing Students Off Campus; . . Student Teachers Assn. ED LARSSON, PENELOPE Wellesley Hills, Mass. A&L Circle Honorary; Luau; Spinster Spin; Sr. Council; Block S; Spartan Women’s League; Angel Flight LASH, WILLIAM M. East Lansing Veterans’ Assn. SS LASKE, THOMAS J. Detroit 0X; Intramurals; IFC; Student Faculty Social Comm. NS LASKER, JERRY I. New York, N. Y. Beta Alpha Sigma; Cadet Officers Club; Society of Student Urban Planners B&PS LATTERMAN, MARK A. Pittsburgh, Pa. Pi Sigma Alpha, Swimming Team; Judo Club, Pres. SS LAUBACH, DUANE I. Wyoming Clubs: Veterans, Industrial Arts ED LAVELLE, JOHN F. Syracuse, N.Y. Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Phi Kappa Phi; Pi Mu Epsilion; ENGR IRE LAWLOR, MARTHA A. Lansing ASA, Pres.; IFC-PanHel Ball; Water Carnival B&PS LEACH, JOEL T. New Eagle, Pa. $MA; MSU Band, Pres. A&L LEAVER, JOHN E. Point Edward, Ontario, Canada SX; Intramurals ED LEAVITT, JOHN T. East Lansing BPS LE BLANC. RONALD R. Leominster, Mass A&L Clubs: Newman, French LE CUREUX, MARGIE J. A&L Columbus, Ohio Clubs: French, Russian LEDERER, PETER P. Chicago, III ZBT; Porpoise Honorary; Swimming Team; Water Carnival SS LEE, FREDERICK W. East Lansing Hotel Assn. Bulletin, Ed Msu Hotel Assn. B&PS LEHOCZKY, STEVE E. Allen Park SS LEIK, RUSSEL L. Portland Alpha Phi Sigma SS LEMBERGER, BETTY J. Wever, Iowa B&PS LENETT, RICHARD S. Worcester, Mass. AEII; Theta Tau; Hillel Found.; Intramurals: Football, Basketball, Softball SS LENT, KAREN S. Plymouth Xfl; Union Board; Water Carnival; Greek Week; IFC - PanHel Ball ED LENT, JAMES E. Toronto, Ontario Students Off Campus; MSU Hotel Assn.; Water Carnival B PS LEONARD, WADE E. Jonesville Alpha Phi Omega; Clubs: Canterbury, History A&L LEVELY, THOMAS F. Drayton Plains Soph. Class V-Pres., IFC; Councils: Frosh-Soph, Jr. SS LEVINE, FRED J. Lansing Alpha Delta Sigma; Excalibur; Blue Key; State News Adv. Mgr.; Homecoming CA LEVINE, SAMUEL J. A&L Riverside, Conn. 4>MA; Michigan Education Assn.; Marching Band; Concert Band; Symphony Orchestra LEVITZ, ARTHUR K. Rego Park, N.Y. AEII; Theta Tau; Hillel Found.; Pres.; Intramural Handball Champion; Blood Drive SS LEWIS, LOMA G. Terrell, Tex. AT LEWIS, MARCIA A. East Lansing ED SS LEWIS, THEODORA Midland SS AXfh Union Board; Water Carnival; Greek Week; Activities Carnival; AUSG Comm. Work LEYKUM, CHARLES R. SS Middle Village, N. Y. LICHT, EMANUEL New York, N.Y. MSU Veterinarian; Honor Code Board, Chmn. VM LICKLY, BETTY L. Hudson ED LIDDLE, WILLIAM A. Hamiliton, N.Y. SS LIN, PAUL P. Louisville, Ky. Sigma Pi Sigma; Swimming LINCOLN, CLARK Grosse Pointe City LINCOLN, MARY H. Flint Retailing Club NS A&L HE LINCOLN, JANICE N. Grosse Pointe Xil; Dr. Faustus; Water Carnival; Homecoming A&L LINCOLN, RUSSEL S. AGR Greenville ATP; Fisheries & Wildlife Club; Ag. Council LINDERMAN, GILBERT O. Farmington A&L 0X; Industrial Designers’ Institute; State Singers; Men’s Glee Club; Brody Radio, Board of Directors, chmn. LINDIG, KATHRYN K. Philadelphia, Pa. MEA; Sailing Club ED LINDQUIST, CARL L. Chicago, III. Intramural; Baseball NS LING, DOROTHY E. Lansing ED Kappa Delta Pi, Pres.; Ed. Council, Pres. El. Ed. Club; Student NEA. LINGG, RONALD H. Battle Creek ENGR LINTZ, ROBERT L. Flint AT A; IFC B&PS LIPPITT, ALLEN J. Royal Oak Hillel Found.; Veterans Assn.; Intramurals; Spartacade; Career Carnival; Water Carnival SS LIPPSON, ROBERT L. Miami, Fla. NS LIPSKY, RICHARD R. Fall River, Mass. ’kT; Hotel Assn.; Football Mgr. B&PS LISS, ROGER J. SS East Lansing State News; Campus Chest; Homecoming; Water Carnival.; Hillel Found.; Intramurals; Career Carnival; Block S; Spartan Ambassadors; Clubs: Chess Cadet Officers, Phi Alpha, Colony LOBENHOFER, SHEILA M. Rome, N.Y. A&L Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College; Campus UN LOCKWOOD, DAVID R. Coldwater A&L ATA LOHMANN, MARK L. Menomonee Falls, Wise. B&PS AGR LOHMOLDER, DARRELL G. East Lansing SAE; Union Board; Water Carnival; National Assn, of Home Builders; Young Republicans; Intramurals: Football, Softball LOHRENTZ, JOHN M. Lagrange, III. 2E; Gamma Delta; Student Society of Urban Planners; Comms.: Water Carnival, IFC-PanHel Dance SS LOHREY, DENNIS R. Wausau, Wise. AE$; Phi Sigma Epsilon; Pershing Rifles; AUSG B&PS LOMASON, JANET L. East Lansing ED LONGWOOD, LAVONNE L. Newaygo KA; Spartan Hi-Wagon; Water Carnival SS LOOMER, HARRY T„ JR. NS Balsam Lake, Wise. LOOMIS, MARGARET M. Lansing NS Students Off Campus Catholic Student Organ.; Intramurals LORENZ, RICHARD A. Chicago, III. 4>rA ED LOTT, RONALD D. Lansing LOUIS, MAREE E. Bay City NS A&L LOUWENAAR, JUDITH A. ED Muskegon LOWERY, PRISCILLA D. Mendham, N.J. HE LUCAS, SALLY E. Mio SK, Pres.; AUSG; J-Council; PanHel; Harvest Ball Court; Water Carnival; Intramurals SS LUCE, BONNIE J. Bronson Circle HE LUDWICK, JOHN S. Union Springs, N.Y. ENGR Pi Mu Epsilon; Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi 429 LUEPNITZ, CARL R. Moran AVMA VM LUKESICH, CLAUDIA Dearborn ZTA; Kappa Delta Pi ED LUM, CAROLE S. Honolulu, Hawaii Circle, Honorary; Women’s Tennis Team; North Case, Pres.; President’s Council NS LUMIANSKI, JEREMY P. Mason B&PS Varsity Baseball LUNDBERG, SUSAN M. East Lansing Ar; Delta Phi Alpha; Orchesis; Clubs: Canterbury, Women’s Glee A&L LUOTO, DIANE J. Flint Phi Alpha LUTHER, KENT T. Vestal, N.Y. 24>E; IFC; MSU Management Club SS NS LUXMORE, WILLIAM J. Detroit ED LYNCH, J. L. Grosse Pointe 'PT; Water Carnival; Homecoming LYON, LARRY L. Mulliken Accounting Club LYON, PHYLLIS A. Milford Phi Gamma Nu; Phi Beta Lambda SS B&PS B&PS LYON, THEODORE A. Mason ED MACK, BRADLEY R, Birmingham AXA; Intramurals:- Ski Club; Water Carnival SS MAC DONALD, JANET C. HE Grosse Pointe ATA; Special Education Club MADILL, BARRY T. Indiana, Penn. Football MAES, GERALD Warren MAGEE, SHARON A. East Lansing Retailing Club MAGYAR, MARY E. East Lansing MAGYAR, JOSEPH A. ATI2 ED SS HE SS MAKINEN, MICHAEL D. ENGR Detroit ■FT; State News; ASME; Ski Club MAKINEN, ROBERT S. Lake Linden Phi Eta Sigma; Russian Club; Tau Sigma; Brazilian Club A&L MALICH, KENNETH W. Decatur Tau Beta Pi; Pi Mu Epsilon; I.R.E.; Intramurals ENGR MALILA, JAMES O. South Range ASCE ENGR MANDELL, ETHEL R. Oak Park Hillel ED 430 NS MC CANN, PATSY J. Buena Park, Calif. A&L MANDIGO, WILLIAM D. Plattsburgh N.Y. ATA; Ski Club; Water Carnival B&PS MANGOL, SANDRA A. Detroit Phi Beta Lambda; Christian Science Organ.; Asher Women; Spartan Women’s League A&L MANKIN, DAVID G. East Lansing K2; AVMA VM MANN, JERRY M. Benton Harbor ENGR MANN, WILLIAM F. Grosse Pointe KF; IFC; State News; Block S CA MASON, JUDITH P. Jackson NAACP; MSU Players; Humanist Club CA MASTRO, JOE A. Younkers, N.Y. B&PS International Relations Club; Intramural Softball MATTHEWS, GARY M. Williamston 24>E B&PS MATTHEWS, ROBERT W. Jackson NS Beta Beta Beta; Christian Science Organ.; MSU Marching Band MAUTER, SUSAN J. Toledo, O. AT; Beta Beta Beta; Greek Week MAY, STEPHEN M. Birmingham MCARA, JUDITH J. Davision NS SS SS *MC ASH, EDWARD A. Detroit ED MC CARTHY, MARGARET M. Livonia AAII; Block S; Greek Week; IFC-PanHel Ball; Sorority Sing; J-Hop ED MC CARTHY, PATRICIA A. Union Lake KKT SS MC CORMICK, RAYMOND S. East Lansing SS Student Assn, of Landscape Architecture MCCOY, JOHN S. Traverse City AGR MCCREA, BENJAMIN B. CA East Lansing MC CRUMB, JOAN J. East Lansing A&L MC DANIEL, CATHERINE E. Garden City MCDEVITT, J. P. Jackson MC DONALD, BARBARA E. SS B&PS HE T renton Alpha Lambda Delta; Home Economics Council; Spartan Hostess; Trinity Collegiate Fellowship; Spartan Christian Fellowship MCDONALD, J. Sudbury, Ontario, Canada ED Clubs: Canadian, HPER; Water Carnival; Homecoming; Campus UN; Intramurals: Volleyball, Basketball, Softball MC DONALD, JANETTE K. Midland A&L MCDOWELL, JUDSON A. Lansing ENGR Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; IRE—AIEE MCELHOE, LEANNE Detroit AZ ED MCELRATH, GALE H. Muskegon State News; Clubs: Ski, Sailing CA MC EVILLY, PATRICK J. Dearborn ATO; Les Gourmets; Newman Club, Intramurals B&PS MC CLEARY, BARBARA J. Ferndale A&L AAA Pres.; AUSG MCFARREN, BRUCE B. Muskegon Sigma Delta Pi A&L MCCLELLAN, ANITA L. Taylor Alpha Lambda Delta; Spartan Women’s League; State News; Activities Carnival; Spinster Spin NS MC CLELLAND, NANCY A. HE Empire Fresh. Home Economics Club; Angel Flight; United Campus Christian Fellowship MC CLUNG, MILFORD H. B&PS Lansing MCCLURE, H. D. East Lansing A&L B&PS MCCOOL, MARY J. Traverse City ATA; Beta Gamma Sigma; Beta Alpha Psi; Tau Sigma; Alpha Lambda Delta; MSU Chorus; Accounting & Finance Club; Honors College MCCORMICK, GWEN I. Dearborn Kappa Delta Pi; Circle Honorary; Snyder Hall, Pres.; WIC; Christian Organ. ED MCGILLIS, TIMOTHY J. SS Detroit MC 1VF.R; BRIAN A. Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada B&PS Delta Phi Epsilon; Phi Eta Sigma; Clubs: Marketing, Management, Students Off Campus MC KANE, TERRY J. A&L Lansing Scabbard & Blade; Student MEA MCKARNS, SHARON L. N orthville ED MCKAY, JOAN G. Flint Alpha Delta Theta VM MCKENZIE, SANDRA R. Breckenridge Delta Omicron; State Singers A&L MC KIM, WAYNE L. Lansing A&L MC LEAN, DRAKE A. Lansing Accounting & Finance Club B&PS MC MAHON, APRIL A. SS Buffalo, N. Y. AOII; Kappa Delta Pi; AWS Education Council; Women’s Glee Club MCMAHON, S. PATRICIA West Hartford A&L Xf2; Tower Guard; Alpha Lambda Delta; Wolverine; Jr. Class Treas., Councils: Jr., Sr.; Water Carnival; Greek Week; Spinster Spin MC MICHAEL, DENNIS D. SS Wyoming MCMILLEN, AMY Kalamazoo State Singers; Symphony Orchestra A&L MC PHERSON, ELIZABETH N. Lowell AZ; AUSG; Young Republicans HE MC PHERSON, PATRICIA A. Ellsworth ED MC ROY, C. P. Sterling, III AGR J-Council; Activities Carnival; Greek Week; Intramural Hockey MEAD, JOHN A. Frankfort Farmhouse Fraternity: MSU Marching & Concert Band; Clubs: German, Polomer AGR MEAD, KENETH W. Corunna NS MEAD, THOMAS J. Berrien Springs ATP AGR MEAD, ZANE M. Nashville AGR Phi Eta Sigma; Xi Sigma Pi; Forestry Club MEADOR, PAUL D. East Lansing Veterans Club B&PS MEAGHER, DENNIS J. Flint MSU Glee Club B&PS MECHLIN, DAVID R. Calumet 2X SS MEDLYN, JEAN F. Laurium French Club; Student Education Assn. A&L MEHAFFEY, JOHN R. Northwood, Iowa 'LL B&PS MEHLING, DIANE L. Grosse Pointe AX’fl; Water Carnival; Clubs: Elem. Education, Sailing ED MEINHOLD, DALE L. East Lansing NS MEISTER, ELLIS E. Kaleva Society of Wood Science & Technology; 2X4 Club AGR MELNICK, BARRY R. Royal Oak A24>; Intramurals B&PS MELOTTI, DANTE Jr. Allen Park A2; Motts House; Brody Radio A&L MENDELOW, DAVID A. Rockville Centre, N.Y. B&PS 4>2A; Sigma Pi Eta; Hospital Assn. MENO, MARION L. Port Huron MENTON GARY M. East Lansing 2AE; Water Carnival; Activities Carnival ED SS MERRIFIELD, SUSAN J. SS Huntington Woods Spanish Club; Catholic Student Organ. MERRILL, CAROLINE J. Mt. Pleasant A&L METZLER, RICHARD J. Trenton B&PS SAE; Phi Eta Sigma; Green Helmet; Omicron Delta Kappa, Pres. MEYER GERALD C. Richmond, Va. ATP; Block & Bridle, Livestock Judging Team AGR MEYER, NANCY A. Norman, Okla. IIBi»; Alpha Lambda Delta; HE MEYER, PAUL N. Williamsville, N.Y. B&PS MEYLAND, JOHN C. Munising Clubs : Management, Marketing B&PS MICALE, CONCETTA A. Huntington, N.Y. Clubs: Newman, Sailing ED »MICHAEL, ANAND MA Meerut, India K.* A&L MICHAEL, HARRYJ. Big Rapids B&PS MIDDLETON, VALERIE A. NS Pittsford Circle Honorary MIKELBERG, MARTIN North White Plains, N.Y. B&PS 4>2A MILHON, JOHN E. Niles MILKO, CARL N. Lakewood, Ohio Forestry Club A&L AGR MILLER, ANDREWR. Lancaster, Pa. ASA; Union Board; Greek Swiming Team; Union Board B&PS MILLER, CAROL A. Minneapolis, Minn. ED ASA; Union Board; Greeek Week; Welcome Week MILLER, HARRIET F. Brooklyn, N.Y. Hillel NS MILLER, HENRY R. Watervliet Gymnastics, Team Mgr. Hedrick House; Co-op; Agronomy Club AGR MILLER, JANET D. Detroit MILLER, JOSEPH A. Maple City ED VM MILLER, KAREN K. Midland A&L MILLER, MARGUERITE Y. NS Durand Spartan Women’s League; German Club MILLER, MARY C. St. Clair Shores AOII; Delta Phi Delta; AWS; Union Board Week A&L MILLER, NAOMI R. Benton Harbor Student Education Assn. A&L MILLER, WATHENA J. Plymouth HE MILLER, WILLIAM H. Mesick SS Tau Sigma; Psi Chi; Clubs: French, Sailing MILLIGAU, PRUDENCE K. ED Jackson MILLS, BARBARA G. Grosse Pointe r-KB MILNER, RONALD East Lansing Delta Phi Delta; Industrial Design Institution ED A&L MILORD, JAN B. Allen Park 24>E; Union Board; WILS Campus Highlights; Weightlifting Club; Luau SS MINFORD, MARLYN A. Lapeer NS AZ; Pre-Med Club; MSU Players; MSU Bell-ringers; Activities Band; Intramural Swimming MINSTER, RICHARD W. Scottsville, N.Y. SS MITCHELL, ALLAN W. Chicago, III. Alpha Delta Sigma; State News CA MITCHELL, DORIAN A. Lansing AICE ENGR MITCHELL, KENNETH L. Eaton Rapids SS Forestry Club; Student Assn, of Landscape Architects MITCHEL, THOMAS O. Saginaw AGR Mobile Home Club; MSU Marching Band MOKNA, ARNOLD L. HOLLAND Alpha Zeta; AGR Educ. Club AGR MOLAVER, IRENE D. Waterbury, Conn. Hillel ED MOLINE, MICHAEL M. Muskegon Pre-Vet Club; Student AVMA AGR MOLL, RICHARD C. Rochester, N.Y. 9X; Union Board B&PS MONRAD, SHARON Grosse Pointe 4>M; MSU Chorus; SEA ED MONTAGUE, NANCY C. Lansing Russian Club A&L MOODY, JAMES D. Grand Rapids B&PS MOODY, WILLIAM C. East Lansing Chi Epsilon; ASCE ENGR MOON, FERDINAND W. Ferndale NS Jr. AVMA MOORE, CARROLL C. Lansing Wesley Foundation ED MOORE, CHARLES W. St. James, N.Y. Students Off-Campus; Bar Bell Club; Intramural Sports B&PS MOORE, DAVE F. Lansing 4>K'k; Water Carnival; Luau BPS MOORE, DIANE C. Coleman North Campbell Hall, Pres. ED MOORE, JANICE C. Flint Promenaders MOORE, JERRY R. Maybee Concert Band MOORE, L. S. Coleman HE A&L HE MOORE, PHILLIP G. Owosso Veterans Assn. B&PS MOORE, TERRANCE E. East Lansing SS Alpha Phi Sigma MOOREHEAD, ROBERT A. NS Lakeside MOORMAN, PRISCILLA M. Grosse Pointe Farms A&L MORAN, MARTHA L. Romeo B&PS MORGAN, JAMES G. Sandusky A24>; AUSG; IFC; Jr. Class; V-Pres; Swimming; Career Carnival B&PS MORGAN, RICHARD A. AGR Wickliffe, O. MORRIS, CAROL C. East Lansing A SS MORRISON, ELIZABETH D. Melvindale University Chorus; Intramurals ED MORRISON, JUDITH Cleona, Pa. NS A All; Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College; MSU Chorus; Campus UN; Water Carnival MORRISSEY, THOMAS K. Jackson Heights, N. Y. A&L MORSE, RICHARD A. Lansing Industrial Designers’ Institute; Activity Band A&L MORT, CAROLE J. Elsie Sigma Alpha Eta; Spartan Christian Fellowship; Intramural Basketball; Cheerleading ED MORTIMER, CLARYN B. HE Oxford MORTON, ALEXANDER Haddonfield, N.J. State News; Intramurals: Football, Basketball, Baseball CA MOSHER, ROBERTA J. Cassopolis ED MOSS, ELDON F. Beulah Veterans Club SS MOSS, JON A. St. Johns Industrial Design Institute; Block S A&L MOULAS, EVANGELINE C. A&L Benton Harbor Clubs: History, Women’s Glee, Young Democrats; J-Council; AWS; Blood Drive; Water Carnival MOULTON, KERN A. Lansing Marching Band NS MOUSSAVI-NASLE, ALI East Lansing ENGR MOWAT, MARGORIE A. A&L Essexville Symphony Orchestra MOXLEY, RICHARD R. Birmingham SS 4>K2 MUELLER, JOYCE, A. East Lansing ASA; Block S A&L MUELLER, MARK J. Freeland Agr. Educ. Club AGR MUELLER, ROBERT G. East Lansing IIK; Debate Club B&PS MULLER, FRANK G. Northville French Club; Bowling, Baseball, Softball B&PS Intramurals: MULLER, ROBERT W. Westfield, N. J. 4?Kir; MSU Choir; Student Assn, of Landscape Architects SS MULLALY, SHARON A. Hudson ED MULLIGAN, JOHN D. La Grange, III. ENGR Phi Lambda Tau; Spartan Engineer MUMMERT, ARNOLD D. Brutus ENGR SAE; ASME MUNGER, ED R. Freeland Agr. Educ. Club AGR MUNSHAW, CARA L. Plymouth ED Kappa Delta Pi; J-Council; International Cooperation Coun. MURPHY, CAROL L. Lansing LaCross Team ED MURPHY, DENN J. Flint 2TT; State News; Clubs: Newman, Sailing, Young Democrats SS MURRAY, JAMES G. Lansing Forensic Union; Cross Country; Indoor Track; NS MURRAY, MICHAEL R. Grand Rapids AGR MURRAY, RONALD R. Lansing Kappa Alpha Mu; State News; Wolverine; Spartan Engineer NS MUSGROVE, JOHN W. Muskegon Packaging Society NS MYERS, DAWNA L. Grand Rapids B&PS MOSS, ROBERT D. Frederick, Md. Jr. AVMA; Basketball, Baseball VM NACHTMAN, JULIE Riverside, Illinois AT; Green Splash; Union Board ED NAMEY, DRUCILLA A. Lansing CA NASH, BONNIE J. Bay City HE NAWROCKI, NORBERT J. East Lansing Forestry Club; Football AGR NEEDHAM, JERRY E. Saginaw B&PS NELIGAN, PATRICK T. White Plains, N.Y. Freshman work club; Poultry Club track; Social NS NELSON, BRIAN W. Ironwood SS NELSON, MARGO J. West Branch Kappa Phi; Wolverine Staff; Ski Club A&L NEORR, MARIANNE Temperance M; PanHel HE NEUBECKER, CHARLES B. ENGR Weidman nK4>: Tau Beta Pi; AICE NEWELL, WILLIAM F. Tecumseh Men’s Council B&PS NEWLAND, DENTON B. B&PS Franklin Intramurals; Water Carnival; Management Club NEWMAN, RONALD R. Drayton Plains B&PS Union Board of Directors; AUSG; Intramurals NEWTON, ROGER K. East Lansing Forestry Club AGR NGUYEN-KHOA, THINH-ANH Saigon, Viet Nam B&PS NIEDERMEIR, NANCY J. A&L Newport NIELSEN, RICHARD L. Flint AIEE-IRE. B&PS NIGRELLI, JAMES D. Hales Corners, Wis. Alpha Phi Omega SS NILES, JOHN C. Jackson Intramurals B&PS NITECKI, BARBARA L. Warren Activity Band; Block S; Homecoming; Water Carnival; J-Council; St. John’s Student Parish B&PS NIXON, DONNA M. Tecumseh nB4> ED A&L NOACK, MARY JO Lansing Wolverine; Water Carnival; Students off Campus; Young Republicans; University Theater Productions NORBERG, TILDA A. Saginaw Tower Guard; Wesley Foundation; State Singers; Orchestra SS NORD, LINDA L. Garden City Luau; J-Hop A&L NORDWALL, PAUL R. Denver, Colo ATA, Pres.; Xi Sigma Pi; IFC; AUSG; Forestry Club; Tennis AGR 431 PALMER, LINDA J. Marlette A&L MSU Chorus; State Singers PAYNE, DONALD A. Benton Harbor AX B&PS PERLA, MARILYN A. Traverse City Phi Alpha; Wesley Found. SS NORMAN, GLORIA J. East Lansing AKA NORMAN, LOIS E. Plainwell Alpha Lambda Delta; WIC; AWS SS VM NORTHEY, KAREN G. Lansing Psi Chi SS NOTARAINNI, THOMAS P. Detroit B&PS A TO NOWACKI, SUZANNE K. South Haven ED KA; El. Educ. Club; J-Hop; Block S NUCIEN, SANDRA R. Detroit Block S; Ski Show ED NUTT, ORVAL Livonia Chi Epsilon; ASCE ENGR NYLUND, JEAN E. Norway OAKES, LOIS D. Sparta Veterans Assn. ED SS O’BRIEN, BERNARD B. Brooklyn, N.Y. International Relations Club; Newman Club; Intramurals; Russian Club SS OBRIAN, WILLIAM J. East Lansing B&PS OCHIS, EILEEN Tenafly, N. J. Psi Chi; Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Kappa Phi; Circle Honorary SS O’CONNOR, GEORGIA D. Grosse Pte. Farms ED Ski Club; Jr. Council; Catholic Student Organ. O’DAY, PATRICIA E. Eden, N. Y. Catholic Student Organ.; NEA; Green Splash ED OLIVER, ANITA A. East Lansing Phi Gamma Nu B&PS OLMSTEAD, JAMES L. East Lansing 0X; Scabbard & Blade; State News; Varsity Fencing OLREE, WILLIAM M. Comstock Park AS A&L OLSEN, JOHN S. Staten Is., N.Y. AST; Packaging Society; Intramurals AGR OLSEN, KAREN M. Grand Rapids ED OLSON, LINDA B. Kingsley ASW; Spartan Christian Fellowship; Trinity Collegiate Fellowship SS ONDERWYZER, STEVE J. East Lansing ENGR Pi Mu Epsilon; IRE ONDRICK, CHARLES W. Brooklyn, N. Y. NS ONGEMACH, ANN E. Fairview Park, Ohio Women’s Glee Club A&L OPAS, MARYANN Allegan HE ZTA; Clubs: Block & Bridle, International; Catholic Student Organ.; Intramurals: Basketball, Volleyball; Pan- Helenic Council 432 OSLER, THOMAS M. Pontiac 2X; Phi Beta Lambda B&PS PARISH, JANICE A. East Lansing Men’s Hall Assoc., Sec. ED OPPENHUIZEN, CHERYL L. Grand Rapids Delta Omicron; MSU Chorus A&L ORMSBY, JANET S. East Lansing ArA; J-Council; Water Carnival ED ORR, JOHN D. Portland, Maine Clubs; Transportation, Marketing B&PS ORR, JOSEPH A. Salt Lake City, Utah Resident Asst. SS OSBORNE, ROBERT E. Detroit Intramurals B&PS OSBURN, JAMES A. East Lansing Veteran’s Club VM OSELKA, ROLLAND J. Union Pier ■LKT; Tau Sigma OSELKA, RONALD P. Union Pier KT, Pres. SS SS OSGOOD, JUDITH A. Grosse Pte. Circle Honorary; Young Republicans; Abbot Hall, Pres.; WIC; AUSG ED OSNER, SUSAN S. Grand Haven HE OSTERGREN, WILLIAM F. Newburgh, N. Y. ENGR ASAE; Engr. Council OSTERHOUSE, LAVERNE M. Lansing Students Off Campus; Reformed Christian Fellowship ED OVERHISER, MARTIN W. Pullman SS Intramurals; Student Society of Urban Planners OWEN, LELAND J. Mio Forestry Club AGR OWSINEK, JANICE L. A&L Dundee MSU Activity Band; Students Off Campus; French Club PACE, ROBERT C. Clarks ton 2E; Accounting & Finance Club B&PS PACHOLKE, GERALD F. Mundelein, 111. ENGR Pi Mu Epsilon; AIE-IRE; Students Off Campus PADULO, BARBARA A. Chicago, III. State News CA PAJTAS, MARGARET A. Owosso Angel Flight; Water Carnival ED PALASZEK, BERNADETTE M. Grand Rapids NS PALK, CYNTHIA A. Detroit HE Clubs; Retailing, Ski; Water Carnival PALMER, PETER J. East Lansing 2AE PALS, ARNOLD J. Sibley, Iowa AVMA SS VM PANTILLA, JOHN T. Berrien Springs AS* B&PS PAPACHRISTOU, GERALD C. East Lansing Green Helmet; Delta Phi Epsilon; Honors College; Varsity Soccer; Campus UN A&L PAPANEK, THOMAS F. Chicago, III. State News CA PARDO, CONSTANCE E. Oakland, Calif. A&L History Club PARENT, PAULINE E. Royal Oak ED PARHAM, MARYLOU K. Atherton, Calif. A&L rB PARIS, ROSEMARY G. Detroit ED PARKER, CAROL A. CA Lansing Tower Guard; Alpha Lambda Delta; Theta Sigma Phi; Mortar Board; Wolverine; Lutheran Student Assn. PARKER, SANDRA J. ED Saginaw Spartan Magazine; German Club; Water Carnival PARKER, SHERMAN C. JR. Romeo B&PS Clubs: Sailing, Accounting & Finance PARSON, WILMER E. Webberville Agr. Econ. Club AGR PATIL, PANDURANG R. Bhusawal (Maharasho S.), ENGR India ASCE; International Club; Campus UN PATTERSON, HAROLD A. East Lansing B&PS Les Gourmets PATTERSON, JAMES A. Jeffersonville, Ind. ATA; Football; ASCE; Homecoming; Water Carnival ENGR PATTERSON, SHARON S. ED Detroit Christian Science Organ.; Homecoming PATTON, LINDA E. Birmingham 2K; Water Carnival; J-Council ED PAULINO, RICHARD G. Auburn, N. Y. B&PS Sigma Pi Eta; MSU Hotel Assn. PAVEL, JUDITH M. Detroit ED PALKO, ANNE E. East Lansing Jr. Council; AUSG; International Club; American Brother-Sister Program A&L PAWLOSKI, PHILIP J. Palms B&PS PAXSON, GAROLD L. JR. B&PS Muskegon PEARCE, R. WILLIAM II Saginaw AT B&PS PEARSALL, MARGO T. Mason AZ NS PEARSE, STEPHEN Clark Lake Wolverine; J-Hop B&PS A&L PECHERSKY, GARY L. University City, Mo. Intramurals: Basketball, Football; Hillel; Clubs: International, History, Young Democrats, Students Off Campus, Spanish; Jr. 500 PECKNOLD, WAYNE M. Vancouver B. C., Canada ENGR Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Beta Pi; Chi Epsilon; Hockey PEDERSEN, LARRY L. Parma AX; Intramural Sports: Football, Basketball, Bowling; Accounting & Finance Club B&PS PEEK, JACQUELINE M. Lansing ED HPER Club; WAA; Students Off Campus; Field Hockey, Mgr.; Lacrosse, Mgr.; Intramural Sports: Volleyball, Softball, Basketball, Badminton, Archery PELLETIER, JOHN R. Southfield AUSG; Resident Asst.; Varsity Fencing; Homecoming CA PELTIER, ROBERT L. Mt. Clemens Resident Asst. B&PS PENNER, DARRYL L. Lansing A&L PENNINGTON, HOWARD C. East Lansing Farmhouse; Alpha Zeta; Jr. AVMA; Block & Bridle VM PENNOCK, PAUL R. East Lansing Pi Mu Epsilon PENROD, JAMES C. St. Petersburg, Fla. Pre-Med Club; United Christian Fellowship; Gymnastics; Intramural Sports: Football, Softball NS NS PERCY, CATHERINE C. Detroit ED Circle Honorary, Pres.; WIC; Spartan Round Table; President’s Council; AUSG; Catholic Student Organ.; Water Carnival; Homecoming PERIN, CARLTON C. Batto, Md. State News CA B&PS PERINO, MICHAEL E. Iron Mountain ex PERKETT, SARA J. Traverse City Circle Honorary; AWS; Campus UN; French Club A&L ED PERKINS, JAMES L. Union City Spartan Roundtable; Men’s Hall Assn.; Football, Mgr.; Intramural Sports: Basketball, Football, Softball; West Shaw Hall, Pres. PERRY, CARL F. East Lansing B&PS PERRY, JANET E. Cass City Spartan Women’s League, Pres.; AWS; STUN; Home Ec. Club; Blood Drive HE PERRY, THOMAS C. Akron, N.Y. Dairy Club; Agr. Council AGR A&L PETERS, T. FRANK Utica 0X; Pi Gamma Mu; Tau Sigma; Student Organ. Council, Director; Lutheran Student Assn., Pres.; American Brother-Sister Program; AUSG PETERSEN, MARTHA E. Bloomfield Hills Wolverine; J-Hop SS PETERSON, ANN L. Jamestown, N.Y. SS Circle Honorary; Intramurals; Resident Asst. PETERSON, GERALD W. Flint A&L PETERSON, GLORIA J. Alexandria, Va. Water Carnival A&L PETRAVICIUS, DANUTE Y. East Lansing PFEFFERLE, JOAN E. Detroit Kappa Delta Pi; Angel Flight; Lutheran Student Assn.; Activities Carnival VM ED PHILP, KEN R. Lansing A&L Students Off Campus, Pres.; AUSG; Spartan Roundtable; History Club; Campus UN; SNEA PHILLIPS, JOANNE Grosse Pte. 2K; Jr. Council; Water Carnival ED PHILLIPS, JUDITH A. Saginaw Delta Psi Kappa; Green Splash; HPER Club; Gymnastics Team; Swim Team ED PHILLIPS, M. JANE Detroit A4>; NEA ED PIEKENBROCK, PETER Ponce, Puerto Rico ENGR Intramurals: Football, Basketball; AICHE PIERCE, MARILYN A. Detroit St. John’s Student Center; Resident Asst.; AUSG A&L PIERCE, ROBERT J. East Lansing A9; Swimming Team ENGR PIERCE, ROGER M. Birmingham rA; Alpha Phi Omega; Les Gourmets B&PS PINNEY, GOULD S. Fairgrove Epsilon, Sigma Phi AGR PINNEY, JANET I. Durand KA; Spartan Women’s League; Union Board PIPPEL, SANDRA L. Bloomfield Hills ASA; IFC-PanHel Ball PLACE, MICHAIL A. Detroit AVMA PLICS, ULDIS Grand Rapids ED HE VM NS PLOEG, GORDON H. Rockford ASME; SAE ENGR PLOUGH, THOMAS R. Traverse KE; Phi Gamma Mu; Resident Asst.; Career Carnival SS POIRIER, PAM L. Owosso KA; Homecoming; Sorority Sing; Water Carnival ED POLASH, WILLIAM J. St. Charles Baseball B&PS POLITYKA, CHARLES S. Lansing AGR POLK, HAROLD K. JR. Colorado Springs, Colo. A&L Phi Eta Sigma; MSU Marching Band; MSU Concert Band; Trinity Collegiate Fellowship, Pres.; Spartan Christian Fellowship POLLAK, JOANNE F. Birmingham ATA; Water Carnival; IFC-PanHel Ball ED PORTER, JUDITH A. Saginaw AZ; State News; Wolverine; Intramurals: Bowling, Baseball, Basketball; Campus Crusade; Block S CA POSTEMA, DOUGLAS B. Wyoming ZK; ASCE; State News; Basketball, Track; J-Hop; Luau ENGR POTTER, LAWRENCE M. Flint ii'T; Management Activities Carnival Club; IFC Council B&PS POUCH, THOMAS S. St. Johns Students Off Campus AGR POULIN, ALEXANDRA F. Detroit SS KA; Activities Carnival; J-Hop; Water Carnival POULSEN, GEORGE H. Westport, Conn. 2LE; Winged Spartans B&PS POWELL, MARGARET A. Ferndale A&L History Club; Wesley Found. POWERS, JOELA M. Saginaw Alpha Lambda Delta VM POXSON, JUDITH M. Grosse Pointe A&L Circle Honorary; Tau Sigma; East Landon, Pres.; Homecoming PRELESNIK, KENNETH A. Grand Haven ENGR Intramural Softball; ASME PRESLEY, RANDOLPH S. Grand Haven ENGR SAE PRESSER, BERNARD M. East Lansing NS PRICE, JUDY M. Flint Alpha Lambda Delta; Tower Guard; Theta Sigma Phi; Mortar Board; Angel Flight; Canterbury Club; Wesley Found.; MSU Chorus CA PRICER, JACK K. Birmingham 2AE; Union Board; IFC Council; Greek Week; Activities Carnival B&PS PROCHASKA, MICHAEL R. Detroit Stud. Assn. Landscape Architects, Pres. B&PS PROVENZANO, NICK J. Benton Harbor <1>2K ENGR PRYER, SUSAN K. Saginaw PRYOR, GLORIA M. Gary, Ind. AKA; PanHellenic Council ED ED PTASHNIK, WILLIAM J. Warren ASM, Pres.; AFS; AUSG; Porpoise; Swimming ENGR PULLING, SUSAN J. St. Johns ZTA; Young Republicans; Jr. PanHellenic Council SS QUESNEL, RICHARD W. East Lansing NS QUIGLEY, CONSTANCE J. Taylor NS A Oil; Sno-Caps; Block S; Water Carnival QUILLING, CAROLYN J. Grosse Pte. AAn A&L RADDATZ, SHARON K. Bay. City B&PS RALL, BARBARA J. SS East Lansing Honors College; Tau Sigma; Mortar Board; AUSG RALSTON, JAMES A. Allen Park CA RAMSAUER. LEROY H. SS Lindenhurst, N.Y. Pershing Rifles; Intramurals; MSU Chorus RAMTHUN, BRUCE H. Montague B&PS RANOUS, KARL E. Madison, Wis. A&L RAPAPORT, JUDITH R. Grand Rapids ED AE4>; Water Carnival; MEA; PanHel Council; Luau RATTINER, DAVID H. Brooklyn, N.Y. 2N; Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu ENGR CA RAUCH, VICTOR W. Flint Sigma Delta Chi, Pres.; State News; Spartan Magazine; Young Republicans; Spanish Club; Block S; Water Carnival; Wesley Foundation RAUGHT, RICHARD D. Detroit AXA; Ski Club; Young Republicans CA RAUSCH, BARBARA A. Flint St. Johns Catholic Student Assn. A&L RAWDEN, JOSEPH H. Brighton B&PS RAWLS, VERNON C. Lansing Tau Sigma; Tau Beta Pi; Winged Spartans ENGR ED READER, JANETTE L. Scottville ZTA; Block & Bridle; Gamma Delta; Campus 4H; Block S; American Brother Sister Program; International Club; Intramurals: Basketball, Volleyball; PanHellenic Council; Greek Feast REASON, MORRIS R. Okemos ENGR Spartan Engineer; AIEE-IRE; AUSG; Students Off Campus REBESCHINI, MADELINE C. Detroit Xil; Union Board; Greek Week; Water Carnival; Intramurals ED REEDS, THOMAS W. East Lansing A&L Block S; Activities Carnival; Fisheries & Wildlife Club REGAN, DANIEL F. Detroit Delta Sigma Pi B&PS REHFUSS, HELEN J. Lansing A&L REID, DAVID B. East Lansing AGR Nat. Assn, of Homebuilders REID, JOSEPH D. JR. East Lansing 11911; Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Sigma NS REIGHARD, CAROL L. East Lansing KA; Green Splash; MSU Players; J-Hop; Water Carnival CA REINHARD, KENNETH E. A&L Berne, Ind. REISBERG, RICHARD S. Long Beach L.I., N.Y. B&PS ZBT; IFC; Junior Council; Sr. Council; J-Hop, Gen. Chairman; Water Carnival; Gen. Chairman; Fresh. Wrestling RASKIN, AMY K. New York, N.Y. Gamma Alpha Chi CA REMINGTON, WILLIAM S. B&PS Glen Falls, N.Y. RASMUSSEN, ROBERT L. ENGR Conklin RASMUSSON, THOMAS E. Lansing SS Delta Sigma Rho, Pres.; Sr. Council; Students Off Campus, Pres.; Forensic Union; Campus UN; Young Republicans; AUSG REVORD, RAOUL D. Munising Alpha Phi Sigma SS REYNOLDS, JOHN R. Leamington, Ontario, Canada AGR Students Off Campus; Intramurals: Fencing, Hockey, Wrestling; Rifle Club; Pistol Club REYNOLDS, NANCY A. East Lansing Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi ED REYNOLDS, RONALD R. East Lansing Phi Eta Sigma; Pershing Rifles; IEEE ENGR RHEINSTEIN, PETER H. Baltimore, Md. Phi Eta Sigma; Green Helmet; Honors College; Frosh-Soph Council; AUSG; Hillel Found. NS RHEN, JOHN P. Pittsburgh, Pa. ATP; Nat. Assn, of Home Builders AGR RICE, JAMES P. Grand Rapids Wolverine; Water Carnival B&PS RICE, PHILLIP A. Pontiac Wesley Found. A&L RICHARDSON, ALAN Detroit Chi Epsilon; ASCE ENGR RICHMOND, DONALD L. Washington, Pa. VM Fresh. Football; Varsity Football RICHARDS, PAUL A. Brighton Sigma Theta Epsilon; Agr. Council; Mobile Home Students Club AGR RICHTER, JANICE Grosse Pte. 2K, Wolverine; J-Hop; Water Carnival; IFC-PanHel Ball; SEA ED RIDDLE, LLOYD W. Flint AGR RIEMAN, ALLEN R. Niles MSU Hotel Assn. B&PS RIEMENSCHNEIDER, ERIC Ococomowoc, Wise. AT A; Pi Sigma Epsilon; Intramurals B&PS RIGTERINK, GEORGE H. Gladwyne, Pa. SAB; Water Carnival; Sr. Council; Intramurals B&PS RILEY, JOSEPH W. Warren, Mass. A Til; Pre-Vet Club; Res. Asst.; Basketball RINI, ANGIE J. Detroit Gamma Theta Upsilon; Career Carnival NS SS RISHOI, DON C. St. Louis, Mo. B&PS RITTSCHOF, BONNIE J. East Lansing State News; AUSG CA RIVAS, ARMANDO E. Puerto Limon, Costa Rica NS ROBBINS, JANICE M. Lansing ED ROBERTS, BETTE F. Grosse Pte. KA9, Pres.; Intramurals: Volleyball, Baseball; Water Carnival; Homecoming; Sorority Sing ED ROBERTS, GEORGE M. Yale A&L ROBERTS, GUY R. East Lansing ED ROBERTS, MARSHALL Warren Veterans Assn.; Intramurals: Softball B&PS ROBERTS, OSCAR S. East Lansing ED ROBERTSON, DANIEL C. Park Ridge, 111. ■>kT; Les Gourmets; HRI Dinner Dance, Gen. Chrn. B&PS ROBERTSON, LINDA L. Roslyn Heights, N.Y. AZ; Wolverine; J-Hop SS ROBERSON, BERNARD E. Romeo AGR Intramurals: Football, Basketball ROBINSON, MARGARET J. Midland MSU Concert Band ED ROBINSON, NANCY M. Pontiac Phi Beta Lambda; AUSG; Spartan Ambassadors; Water Carnival; Homecoming B&PS ROBINSON, ROBERT D. Alma IRE ENGR ROBINSON, SALLY L. Mason AOII; State Singers CA ROBINSON, SANDRA F. Detroit A&L ROBINSON, SONDRA L. ED Lake Odessa 2K; AWS; Spartan Hi-Wagon ROBINSON, STEPHEN J. Saginaw Arnold Air Society, Commander SS ROBINSON, HARRY A. Gloversville, N.Y. SS ROBSON, JOHN M. Holly A&L Delta Phi Epsilon; AUSG; Veterans Assn.; Conservative Club; German Club, Pres. ROCCO, WILLIAM J. Ithaca, N.Y. Hotel Assn.; Newman Club B&PS ROGALSKI, ANTHONY C. Ill Grand Rapids ENGR Phi Eta Sigma; Pi Tau Sigma; Phi Lambda Tau; Tau Beta Pi; ASME; SAE ROGERS, E. ALLEN Drayton Plains Spartan Christian Fellowship, Pres. A&L ROGERS, CURTIS D. East Lansing B&PS Beta Alpha Psi; Accounting and Finance Club RALPH, ARDACE E. Grand Rapids Christian Science Organ. ED ROMAN, SUZANNE C. Dearborn SS ED CA ROMANIC, PATRICIA Southgate ASA ROMANO, GRACE P. Warren Theta Alpha Phi; MSU Players; Catholic Student Organ.; Water Carnival; Homecoming; Young Democrats; Spartacade; MSU Chorus 433 ROME, FRANK R. Pittsburgh, Pa. MHA; Intramurals; CSO; E. Shaw, Pres. B&PS ROOT, JUDITH A. Breckenridge History Club; MSU Chorus A&L ROSE, ROBERT, M. Detroit Beta Beta Beta ROSE, SONDRA G. Detroit Hillel Found.; Luau; Water Carnival NS ED ROSEN, ARTHUR M. Brooklyn, N.Y. B&PS ROSEN, STANLEY R. Whitestone, N.Y. AGR Nat. Assn, of Home Builders; Swimming Team ROSKO, ELAINE C. Chicago, 111. Promenaders; Social Work Club; AUSG; Gamma Delta B&PS ROSS, BARBARA J. Pontiac XQ; AUSG; PanHellenic Council; J-Hop; Water Carnival ED ROSSI, RONALD J. Fitchburg, Mass. Brody Radio Board, chmn. SS ROTH, JAMES D. Peck ROTH, JOHN N. Painesville, Ohio MHA; Intramurals NS NS ROTH, LEONARD J. East Chicago, Ind. Pi Sigma Epsilon; Hillel; Marketing Assn. B&PS ROTH AN, GEORGE J. Peoria, III. 2x4 Club; Baseball AGR ROTHCHILD, MYRNA T. University Heights, Ohio SS ROTHENBURG, PAUL M. Oak Park CA ZBT; Water Carnival; IFC; J-Hop ROULO, DOLORES A. Bay City A&L ROWE, JAMES A. East Lansing ATS; IFC; Pre-Law Club; Intramurals; Dramatics Club SS ROWE, JOHN R. Flint Phi Lambda Tau, Pres.; SAE ENGR ROWLAND, JON G. Oak Park Phi Eta Sigma; Wolverine B&PS ROWLAND, PAMELA L. Charlotte A&L IIB4>; Union Board; J-Hop; Water Carnival ROZSA, RUTH A. Calgary, Alberta, Canada CA AAA; Theta Sigma Phi; Pres.; Wolverine; Ski Club; Junior Council; Angel Flight RUDISH, RICHARD J. Chicago, III. Block and Bridle; Promenaders; Water Carnival; Homecoming A&L RUMMEL, EUGENE R. Frankenmuth AX A&L 434 RUNDLE, MERRIE-ROXIE Palatine, III. SS Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Kappa Phi; Kappa Delta Pi; Pi Gamma Mu; Phi Alpha Theta RUSKIN, ROBERT Detroit Intramurals; Activities Carnival; Water Carnival; AUSG; Union Board SS RUSSO, MARY J. East Lansing 2K; Alpha Lambda Delta, Pres.; Mortar Board; Honors College A&L RUTHERFORD, JAMES H. SS Scarsdale, N.Y. RUTKOWSKI, EUGENE R. B&PS Jackson RYAN, FAYE A. Garden City Block S; Homecoming ED RYCYNA, CAROLYN L. Lockport, N.Y. Intramural Basketball CA SABOURIN, GARY J. Pontiac Evans Scholars, Pres.; Intramurals; Jr. Council SS SAINSBURY, ROBERT E. Grosse Pte. Woods Alpha Kappa Psi; Weightlifting Club B&PS ST. JACQUES, CLAUDE Montreal, Quebec, Canada ENGR ST. JOHN, KENNETH M. SS Lansing SAKOWSKI, RONALD N. Grand Rapids B&PS Alpha Kappa Psi; Accounting & Finance Club; Young Democrats SALAS, FREDDY Lima, Peru ENGR SALMA, MUSTAFA M. Ramallah, Jordan AGR SALT, JANICE A. East Lansing SS AX.il; Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Tower Guard SALT, RICHARD T. East Lansing Cross Country; Students Off Campus CA SANBORN, CHARLES G. Hazel Park A&L Track ED SANDE, CAROLEE Syracuse, N.Y. Ar; Intramurals: Softball, Swimming, Volleyball; Skiing; AUSG; Campus Chest; Greek Feast; Union Board; Activities Carnival; Water Carnival SAUDEK, SANDRA A. Kalamazoo CA SANDERS, LEWIS A. Memphis, Tenn. SS SANDOW, JOANNE L. Saginaw A4>; PanHellenic Council; ROTC Corps Sponsor B&PS SANDY, KENNETH L. Muskegon B&PS SATTLER, JULIE A. Big Rapids A&L MSU Chorus; Women’s Glee Club; Campus Crusade; Campus Christian Fellowship; Blood Drive; Homecoming SAUNDRI, GENE A. Iron River Veterans Assn. SAWA, THOMAS R. Ewa, Oahu, Hawaii Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Zeta; AVMA SS VM SCANLON, PATRICIA J. Grand Blanc A&L XQ; Water Carnival; J-Hop SC ARP ACE, LAURIE C. Dearborn Young Republicans ED SCHAFER, ANITA R. Flint ED El. Educ. Club; Campus UN; International Festival; Sailing Club SCHAFER, H. GILBERT Detroit 2X B&PS SCHAFER, JEROME A. Fowler ENGR ASCE SCHALOW, ROBERT D. East Lansing Intramurals: Football, Softball; Clubs: Marketing, Management; Activities Band B&PS SCHARAGA, IRA R. Mt. Vernon, N.Y. ZBT; Baseball; Golf; J-Hop; Water Carnival A&L SCHARF, SUSAN Bethesda, Md. HE KA; Block S; Home Ec. Club; Home Ec. Council; Water Carnival; Homecoming SCHATTENBERG, FRANCES L. Lansing Honors College; Phi Alpha Theta; Pi Gamma Mu A&L SCHEER, ARTHUR L. JR. Corning, N.Y. AGR Pershing Rifles; Block & Bridle SCHEID, BARBARA J. Mt. Pleasant rB, Pres. ED HE SCHEMPP, BETTY A. Mayville Gamma Delta; Intramural Bowling; Campus 4-H; Water Carnival; WIC; AWS; Homecoming; Frosh-Soph Council; Home Ec. Club SCHILLING, GARY L. Hillsdale IRE; Sailing Club ENGR SCHLUENTZ, JOHN A. Mt. Clemens ATO B&PS SCHMIDT, BARBARA J. Dearborn XQ; Wolverine; AFROTC Corps Sponsor; J-Hop; Greek Week A&L SCHMIDT, ELIZABETH A. Denver, Colo. B&PS Luau SCHMIDT, R. LAWRENCE B&PS Detroit 2X SCHMIDT, ROBERT C. Trenton Catholic Student Organ.; AMVA VM SCHMIEGE, LOREN M. JR. Saginaw NS SCHNEIDER, SUSAN K. Washington, D.C. HE KA0; AUSG; Greek Week; IFC Sing SCHNITT, PAUL A. Longview, Tex. State News; Editorial Page Ed.; Intramurals: Football, Basketball, Softball; Young Democrats A&L SCHRADER, DIANE K. Northville KA0; Frosh-Soph Council; J-Council; ROTC Corps Sponsor HE B&PS SCHRAMM. ALAN W. Buffalo, N.Y. 24>E; Excalibur; Union Board, Pres.; Water Carnival; Activities Carnival; MSU Hotel Assn. SCHREIBER, JERALD F. East Lansing VM MSU Veterinarian; Crew SCHREINER, WALTER, N. York, Pa. NS Farmhouse; Sigma Pi Sigma; Pi Mu Epsilon; Amer. Physical Soc.; MSU Physics Club SCHROEDER, CYNTHIA L. B&PS Gaylord SCHROEDER, FREDERICK N. Lancaster, Pa. AT; Pi Alpha Xi; Intramural Football AGR SCHROEDER, HARVEY P. Bay City B&PS Young Republicans; Accounting & Finance Club; Veterans Assn. SCHROEDER, PEGGY A. Lewiston Ski Club; Home Ec. Teaching Club, Pres. HE SCHROEDER, ROGER L. Aurora, III. SS 0X; Phi Alpha Theta; Kappa Delta Pi; Alpha Phi Omega; Alpha Kappa Delta; Tarot; Clubs: History, Relations; Catholic Student Organ. SCHUBERT, GARY P. Royal Oak 0X SS SCHUETT, CLIFFORD E. Spring Lake ED Sigma Alpha Eta SCHUGAR, LINDA R. Pittsburgh, Pa. AE4>; Sigma Alpha Eta; University Theatre CA SCHULIEN, ROBERT J. Detroit KT; Alpha Phi Sigma; Pershing Rifles B&PS SCHRAMM, JAMES D. Hart State News; Baseball; Clubs: Pistol, Students Off Campus; Young Democrats B&PS SCHUMAKER, GEORGE E. B&PS Driskany, N.Y. AK'k, Pres.; Sigma Pi Eta; Alpha Kappa Psi; MSU Hotel Assn. SCHWARTZ, CHARLES F. Pontiac SS Football; Veterans Assn.; Young Democrats SCHWARTZ, LAWRENCE Bridgeport, Conn. SS Hillel Found.; Clubs: History, Young Democrats; Campus UN SCHWARTZ, LINDA B. Detroit Kappa Delta Pi; Frosh-Soph Council; Jr. Council; J-Hop;4>.. Water Carnival ED SCHWARTZ, RONALD Far Rockaway, N.Y. Swimming Team ED SCHWIND, CARL J. Detroit 24>E; Accounting & Finance Club; Pershing Rifles; Rifle Team B&PS SCOFIELD, SUSANNA LaGrange, III. KA VM SCOTT, MARYANN Brown City Wesley Found.; Womens Glee Club A&L SCOTTO, MICHAEL J. Brooklyn, N. Y. State News CA SCRIVEN, CONNIE A. Pontiac Clubs: Ski, Sailing ED SCUDDER, BONNIE C. Grand Blanc HE AOII; Intramurals; Spartan Ambassadors; Home Ec. Educ. Club; Block S; Water Carnival; Sorority Sing; Homecoming; Greek Week; Blood Drive SCULLY, DAVID F. Norwich, N.Y. •i>X; Pi Sigma Epsilon; Wrestling; Management Club; Veterans Assn.; Wesley Found. B&PS SEARING, DONALD Brooklyn, N.Y. Pi Sigma Alpha, Pres.; Gymnastics Team SS SECORD, JOHN E. Fostoria VM SEELHOFF, GERALD N. Owosso ENGR Spartan Engineer; AIEE-IRE SEIDEL, PHILIP A. Saginaw 4>K*; ASME ENGR SELAK, FREDERIC T. Clarendon Hills, III. MSU Band SELL, JOHN E. East Lansing SS NS SEMLER, DONAL D. East Lansing 4>X; IFC; Rifle Club B&PS SEMLER, JUDITH A. East Lansing KA CA SENKIN, GERALD N. Detroit Forestry Club AGR SERGEANT, RUTH ANN Battle Creek Circle Honorary; Sno-Caps NS SERMAK, BERNARD A. Lansing CA SERPA, ALBERT R. Grand Rapids AT AGR SEWING, NORMAN E. Clayton, Mo. AT; IFC B&PS SHAFER, STEPHEN G. Hartford Alpha Zeta AGR SILLETTI, ARTHUR V. New York, N.Y. Pi Tau Sigma ENGR SLAYTON, PHILLIP W. Battle Creek TT; Fencing CA SIMMONS, BOBBY G. Lansing History Club; Young Democrats; Baptist Student Union A&L SIMMS, BARBARA J. Grosse lie Water Carnival HE SIMON, PAUL W. East Lansing AGR Promoler Club; Agr. Council; St. John’s Student Center SIMONDS, MARJORIE L. East Lansing KA0; MSU Chorus NS SS SIMPSON, COLETTE K. East Lansing TTB; Pi Sigma Alpha; Frosh-Soph Council; Sr. Council; International Club; Campus UN; Campus Chest; AUSG; Greek Week; Water Carnival SIMPSON, SHARRELL J. Lansing Intramural Softball; Swimming; Water Carnival ED SINCLAIR, MARIANNE R. Ann Arbor ED AZ SINHA, RAM DAS Patna Bihar, India VM SINKE, ROBERT A. JR. Lansing ENGR SIPLON, THOMAS H. Grand Rapids AX A; Pi Sigma Epsilon; Scabbard & Blade B&PS CA SISKO, PATRICIA L. Ludington ZTA; Theta Sigma Phi; State News; Intramurals; Volleyball, Softball, Basketball, Swimming; Block & Bridle; Young Republicans; Block S; Water Carnival SKALA, JOHN K. Brookfield, 111. ATA B&PS SKILLS, SHEILA J. Constantine Luau; Big Ten Residence Conference A&L SKINNER, ANN T. St. Clair Shores ED SKINNER, CARLA J. Flint HE State News; AUSG; Clubs; Retailing, Sailing; Water Carnival SLOWINSKI, WILLIAM F. SS Jackson SMART, DON D. Flint Clubs: Marketing, Accounting & Finance B&PS SMILEY, LUCELIA Detroit TB SMITH, ANN H. Kalamazoo CA ED SMITH, BURTON E. Detroit Intramurals B&PS SMITH, CAROL L. Birmingham Clubs: Retailing, Fresh. Home Ec.; AWS; Block S HE SMITH, CLAUDIA J. Chicago, III. MSU Players; History Club A&L SMITH, DAVID B. East Lansing SS Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Gamma Mu; Wrestling SMITH, DON E. East Lansing Porpoise, Pres. SMITH, ELAINE A. East Lansing Sno-Caps; Students Off Campus ED ED SMITH, GARY W. Brighton 0AX A&L SMITH, JOSEPH W. Duquesne, Water Carnival; J-Hop Pa. SMITH, JUDITH A. Lansing Students Off Campus; MSU Symphony SS NS SMITH, JUDITH A. Portland, N.Y. KA; Greek Feast; J-Hop; Water Carnival SS SMITH, KAREN L. Baldwin SS AOII, Pres.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Pi Gamma Mu; Honors College; Young Republicans; Pan Hellenic Council; AWS; Sorority Presidents Council, Pres. SMITH, MARGARET J. HE Saginaw Circle Honorary; Home Ec. Club; Spartan Womens League; Spartan Round Table; President’s Council; East Mayo, Pres. SKUTT, ROBERT H. East Lansing ASCE ENGR SMITH, MICHAEL B. New Baltimore Triangle; State News CA SHAFER, VALERIE C. Ridgewood, N. J. Spartan Women’s League; Sailing Club A&L SHAH, BALKUMAR P. Bijapur, India NS SHANK, TIMOTHY F. Kalamazoo 2X; IFC B&PS SHARMA, PIYUSH C. Dist. Satna, M.P., India ENGR SHARPE, CHARLES T. Saginaw 2$E; Alpha Delta Sigma; State News; Young Republicans CA SHATNEY, ROBERT H. Muskegon MSU Packaging Society AGR SHATTUCK, DAVID D. Dearborn CA WBRS, Station Mgr.; Men’s Hall Assn. SHAW, LINDA R. Detroit ED SHE, YU Y. Kowloon, Hong Kong, China B&PS SHEEHAN, ALICE A. Saline Phi Beta Lambda; Women’s Glee Club B&PS SHEFFIELD, GILES M. East Lansing Pi Sigma Epsilon B&PS SHEREDA, PAUL J. Free Soil Clubs: Veterans, Forestry AGR SHERETON, LINDA J. A&L Grand Haven KA9; French Club; Green Splash; Career Carnival; Homecoming; J-Hop; Water Carnival SHERFF, LOUISE A. Flint Gamma Theta Upsilon Water Carnival; Homecoming SS SHERICLAN, ROBERT L. SS Detroit SHERWOOD, H. ANN Bloomfield Hills A SHICK, VICTORIA J. Okemos T'i’B; Greek Week SHIPLEY, LARRY H. Lansing Porpoise Club; Varsity Swimming ED ED ED SHOEMAKER, JERRY K. Haslett ex B&PS SHOUP, ROBERT G. Mahoning, Pa. ATP; AVMA; Block and Bridle VM SIEGEL, MARTIN J. New York, N. Y. AUSG; Hillel Found.; Football SIEGEL, MICKIE J. White Plains, N.Y. Wolverine; Hillel Found. SS SMITH, VALERIE SS Chicago, III. TTB; Wolverine; Intramurals; IFC-PanHel Ball; Greek Week; Blood Drive SMITH, WOOLLCOTT K. East Lansing NS SMITH, WORLEY H. Pontiac Pershing Rifles; MSU Foresters AGR SMITS, BARBARA J. Grand Rapids SEA; WIC ED SMOOT, CHARLENE E. Holly Kappa Delta Pi; Block S; French Club; German Club A&L SMYKOWSKI, DONNA M. Dearborn A&L Clubs: Ski, Newman, Sailing SNAVELY, MARGARET A. Warren ED Delta Psi Kappa; Green Splash; HPER Club; Intra­ murals; Intramural Swimming, Mgr. SNEESBY, JANICE I. Gurnee, III. Kappa Omicron Phi; Home Ec. Club; Lutheran Student Club HE SNIDER, CONNIE L. Saginaw A$ ED SNYDER, CHARLES L. Marshall ATPMAgr. Educ. Club; Intramurals; Football, Basketball, Softball AGR SOKEITOUS, JOY F. Philadelphia, Penn. Kappa Alpha Mu; Delta Alpha Delta; State News; Young Republicans CA SOLE, GARY M. Brooklyn, N. Y. 2A; Beta Beta Beta SOMERS, ERIC Lansing NS CA SONGER, AMOS H. Detroit Veterans Assn. B&PS SONKE, JAMES A. Warsaw, Ind. Bailey Hall, Pres. SOPER, SPENCER O. Winnetka, 2N; Intramurals; Water Carnival III. SS SS SOSNOSKI, DONALD R. Kinde Pershing Rifles; MSU Drill Team; Intramural Sports; Jr. 500 B&PS SOULE, JACK W. Royal Oak A2 SS SOULE, ROBERT D. Detour Village ENGR AICE; Amer. Chemical Soc.; Catholic Student Organ.; Students Off Campus SOULLIERE, MARGARET A. Mt. Clemens XE; Newman Club; Water Carnival; Block S; Luau B&PS SPANGLER, JERRY L. Defiance, Ohio Park Management Club; Men’s Glee Club AGR HE SPARKEA, JANET D. Corunna AOII; Wolverine; Retailing Club; Catholic Student Organ.; Amer. Brother-Sister Program ||lntramurals; Homecoming; Union Board; Blood Drive; Greek Week; Water Carnival SPECTOR, NANCY J. Newark, N.J. State News; Clubs: Acrobatic, Retailing; Block S; Water Carnival; J-Hop HE SPENCER, JERILYNN V. Vandalia SS Phi Kappa Phi; Tau Sigma; Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College; Alpha Phi Sigma SPENCER, TERRY J. Warren SS SPEVAKOW, MARCIA E. Detroit Hillel SS SPEWOCK, CAROLE A. Dearborn XE; ROTC Corps Sponsor; J-Hop A&L SPICER, KAY J. Linden Business Club; Students Off Campus B&PS SPIKE, PETER W. Manchester Farmhouse; Alpha Zeta; Clubs: Campus 4-H, Dairy, Block & Bridle; Agr. Council; IFC; Outstanding Jr. Award AGR SPLAN, LYNDA L. Owosso ZTAllSpartan Womens League A&L SPLAWN, BARBARA M. Birmingham SS SPODECK, NANCY A. Dearborn AAII; Honors College; Omicron Nu; AUSG HE SPONENBURG, PATRICIA A. Dearborn ED Clubs: Promenaders, Caller’s, HPER, WAA; Wolverine; Intramurals: Softball, Volleyball, Bowling; Resident Asst. SPRESNEY, GREGORY L. ENGR Flint SPUTE, H. WILLIAM JR. Hamburg, N.Y. B&PS 0X; Intramurals: Football, Basketball, Baseball; MSU Hotel Assn.; Homecoming; Career Carnival; Water Carnival; Greek Feast SPUTE, JUDITH A. Kenmore, N.Y. SS AT; Intramurals: Swimming, Basketball; ROTC Corps Sponsor; Homecoming; Water Carnival STAHL, BARBARA K. Wyandotte AZ; Intramurals: Tennis, Softball, Bowling, Volleyball ED STAHL, LINDA L. Wyandotte ED STAPLETON, PHYLLIS P. Royal Oak A&L AZ; Christian Student Found.; Angel Flight; IFC-PanHel Ball 435 SLADE, LUMAN C. Eaton Rapids Intramurals SS SS SLATER, SANDY J. Alto ED SLAUGHTER, JOHN W. Winnetka, III. •I’K'k; Swimming Team; Intramural Swimming NS SMITH, RAYMOND S. Luther United Campus Christian Fellowship, Pres. AGR SMITH, ROBERT H. Lansing Pre-Law Club; Students Off Campus SS SMITH, S. MAXWELL Tecumseh B&PS SMITH, SID A. Jackson CA SIGRIST, DEANNA M. South Bend, Ind. Home Ec. Teaching Club HE SLAUGHTER, LINDA J. Detroit AUSG SS SILKA, FRANK W. Detroit Hockey; Varsity Club B&PS SLAYBOCK, PAUL C. Long Beach, Calif. Weightlifting Team ED SMITH, TERRANCE C. East Lansing B&PS Alpha Kappa Psi; Basketball SPARBEL, JOHN W. Lansing 4>2K SS STARK, BETTE J. Springport Gamma Delta; Young Republicans STARKENBURG, MARY E. Grand Rapids B&PS Phi Gamma Nu; Phi Beta Lambda STARKS, CAROLE E. Berkeley Heights, N.J. ED STARR, KEITH M. Lapeer AGR STASSOU, PETER E. Long Island, N.Y. B&PS STAUDACHER, JUDITH E. Bay City TA; Young Republicans; Campus UN SS STAUFFER, JOHN J. Belding FD STAVRIOTIS, EMIL M. Brooklyn, N.Y. Veterans Assn.; Young Democrats B&PS STEADMAN, LINDA K. Harrisville ArA; Kappa Delta Pi; IFC-PanHel Ball; Water Carnival ED STEFFL, ROBERT J. Berwyn, III. Green Helmet; Intramural Basketball; Weightlifting Club NS STEHNEY, EDWARD G. Clairton, Pa. Veterans Assn.; Young Democrats CA STEIN, DAVID L. Brooklyn, N.Y. Veterans Assn. STEIN, JOSEPH H. Hamburg, N.Y. 2E; Intramurals SS SS STEINBAUGH, SUSAN E. Pontiac A&L ASA; Union Board STEINBERG, LAWRENCE W. Southfield SS •hSA; Hill el; Water Carnival; IFC Presidents’ Council STEINKE, BARBARA F. Chicago, III. HE Wolverine; Career Carnival; Water Carnival NS STEINMAN, GARY D. Flint Green Helmet; Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Sigma; Honors College; University Scholar; Intramural Swimming; Hillel; Campus UN; AUSG STELSON, ANN E. East Lansing Psi Chi; Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Christian Student Found.; Wesley Found. SS STEMPEK, JOSEPH J. Pinconning Mobile Home Assn.; Students Club AGR SPEPANISHEN, PETER R. West Haven, Conn. ENGR 2K STEPHEN, DONALD W. Grosse Pte. ITK; Arnold Air Soc.; AFROTC; Blood Drive, Chmn.; Track; Judo Club; Block S A&L 436 ED STEPHENSON, DEANNE C. Jackson Christian Science Organ. ED STEPLETON, JAMES I. Munde, Ind. CA Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi;. Green Helmet STEURY, THOMAS M. Hastings Phi Lambda Tau; Eta Kappa Nu; IRE-AIEE ENGR STEVENS, ALAN R. ENGR Baldwin, N.Y. MSU Veterans Assn.; IRE; Intramurals: Softball, Football STEVENS, JANE E. Muskegon r4>B; Wolverine; FTA; J-Council ED STEVENS, JUDITH D. Okemos Catholic Student Organ. CA STEWART, MICHAEL D. Lakeview ENGR STEWART, PETER H. Scottville ENGR Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Green Helmet; Knights of St. Patrick, Pres.; AIRE-IRE STEWMAN, VICKI L. Birmingham IIB; Campus Chest; Water Carnival; J-Hop ED STIERNA, PAUL A. Bloomfield Hills nK$ A&L STIFLER, JAMES J. Huntington Woods 2N B&PS STIMSON, JAMES P. East Lansing MSU Packaging Soc.; Natl. Packaging Assn. AGR STINSKI, MARK F. Menasha, Wis. Newman Club; Intramurals NS STOCKWELL, ARLIN Z. Lansing SS STOHL, CLARK E. East Lansing IRE ENGR STOKMANIS, VIJA D. Grand Rapids A&L STOLK, RICHARD D. Lansing ENGR AICHE; Students Off Campus STONEY, ROBERT L. Grand Ledge Scabbard and Blade; Wolverine; Accounting & Finance Club; Block S B&PS STOOPS, JANICE R. Lockport, N. Y. A TA; Tower Guard; PanHellenic Council; Woman’s Glee Club SS STORY, JOHN T. Birmingham Ae B&PS STOUNK, RICHARD L. Jackson SS STOUT, ANN L. Ionia A&L Delta Omicron; Activity Band STRAND, JOHN H. Hancock NAACP CA STREELMAN, LARRY B. Lansing Social Work Club B&PS STRICKLAND, DOUGLAS J. Lansing 9X; Phi Eta Sigma; Pi Mu Epsilon; Green Helmet; Honors College NS STRINGER, JOHN W. East Lansing A24>; State News CA STRONG, RONALD J. Detroit AVMA VM STROVEN, MARLYN J. Fremont 2A; SAE-ASME ENGR STROVEN, SUSAN J. Fremont Ar; Water Carnival; Block S ED STUART, RICHARD G. Howell Meat Judging Team, Livestock Judging Team AGR STUBBS, JANET M. St. Clair STUBLI, JANET V. Hudson SEA ED ED STURDIVANT, BERNICE Lansing A&L STUTZ, CHARLES A. Englishtown, N.J. AGR STUTZMAN, JANICE M. Charlevoix Pi Omega Pi B&PS SUBER, GORDON Owosso AUSG; Resident Asst.; Luau; Homecoming SS SUDEN, EDWARD M. East Lansing IRE-AIEE ENGR SUESS, PETER J. Plainwell B&PS Clubs: Newman, Accounting & Finance SUGDEN, KAREN J. Lathrup Village A&L SULLIVAN, GERALD R. New Boston 9X; Scabbard & Blade; Intramurals; Clubs: Pistol, Rifle, Catholic Student Organ. B&PS SUMERA, MICHAEL F. Blasdell, N.Y. 4TA; Phi Eta Sigma ENGR SURVILLA, CAROLYN F. A&L Kalamazoo Ar; Tau Sigma; J-Council; AUSG; American Brother- Sister Program; Clubs: Spanish, French SUSSEX, LINDA C. Detroit Pi Gamma Mu SS SUTHERLAND, CLIVE A. East Lansing AGR Agr. Educ. Club SUTHERLAND, MARY E. A&L Detroit T9B; AWS; Jr. PanHellenic Council; Water Carnival; Greek Week SUTHERLAND, VALENTINE S. East Lansing SUTTON, FRED G. Western Springs;- III. ENGR 2AE; AICE; Union Board; Water Carnival SVATORA, RONALD E. East Lansing Psi Chi; Veterans Assn. SS SWARTZ, GEORGE A. Athens AGR Nat. Assn, of Home Builders SWARTZ, SIMON A. East Lansing Industrial Arts Club ED SWICK, LAWRENCE J. East Lansing Wolverine; Intramurals: Football, Baseball; Water Carnival; Young Republicans; Spartan Spirit B&PS SWIHART, STEWART D. II Sturgis ATP; Intramurals; Clubs; Management, Greek B&PS SZMIGIEL, ROBERT F. Utica B&PS TAFT, RICHARD M. JR. Fredonia, N.Y. SS K2 TAKACS, JEAN H. Mendon Phi Gamma Nu; Phi Kappa Phi; Beta Alpha Psi; Block & Bridle B&PS TAKASHIGE, TEDDY A. Kyoto, Japan Japanese Club, Pres.; International Club B&PS TAMAMI, PARVIZ Tehran, Iran Delta Phi Epsilon; Campus UN; International Club B&PS TARACKS, WAYNE H. East Lansing Veterans Assn. B&PS TARNO, LARRY J. Flint TAVA, ROGER C. East Lansing NS NS TAYLOR, ANN W. Riverside, Ontario, Canada HE TAYLOR, DAVID H. East Lansing ATA; Phi Eta Sigma; Green Helmet; State News B&PS AGR TAYLOR, JERRY L. Millington Block & Bridle; Intramurals: Softball, Archery, Volleyball, Football, Bowling; MSU Livestock and Meats Judging Teams; Block S TAYLOR, LANA K. St. Ignace A&L Activity & Concert Bands; MSU Choir; Water Carnival; Homecoming TAYLOR, LINDA M. Detroit Alpha Lambda Delta; Tower Guard; Psi Chi; Mortar Board; AUSG; J-Council; Van Hoosen Hall, Pres.; Honors College SS AGR TAYLOR, MARY L. East Lansing A&L SUTTLER, JULIE A. Big Rapids A&L MSU Chorus; Women’s Glee Club; Campus Crusade; Campus Christian Fellowship; Blood Drive; Homecoming TAYLOR, RONALD L. Port Huron A&L TAYLOR, TERRY L. East Lansing Packaging Society, Pres. AGR TEACHOUT, NANCY M. SS Lansing Kappa Epsilon; Kappa Delta Pi; AWS; Orchesis; Honors College TEMME, JAMES W. New Bern, N.C. 9X B&PS TEMPLE, ANN M. Ovid A Oil; Home Ec. Club; Block S; Sorority Sing he TEPIKIAN, HASMIG Yonkers, N.Y. Xi2; HPER Club; Intramurals: Swimming, Golf, Tennis, Basketball ED TERPSTRA, ROBERT V. Marne Clubs: Weightlifting, Judo B&PS TERRY, GORDON E. Maumee, Ohio 2K; Intramurals; Block S; Forestry Club AGR TERRY, MICHAEL P. Union Lake A9; Greek Week; Water Carnival B&PS TEXTOR, BRENTON A. Barbeau AXA NS THIEDE, GAIL L. Ironwood B&PS THIEROFF, KEITH L. Defiance, Ohio ENGR Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Beta Pi; Honors College; AIEE-IRE THOMAS, EDGAR JR. Shreveport, La. A&L Campus UN; Clubs: French,. Spanish, International THOMAS, JAMES R. Hastings Scabbard & Blade; Campus 4-H; Dairy Club; Intramurals AGR THOMPSON, CHRISTOPHER T. Tiffin, Ohio State News; Students Off Campus; MSU Hotel Assn.; Track CA THOMPSON, DAVID E. East Lansing A&L THOMPSON, DOUGLAS A- Holly ENGR ATA; AICHE THOMPSON, LARRY E. Milan Horticulture Club; Intramurals AGR THOMPSON, RHODES E. Detroit NS THOMPSON, SALLY A. Mason Women’s Glee Club; Homecoming ED THOMPSON, THOMAS C. Scottville Chi Epsilon; ASCE; Intramurals: Football, Basketball, Bowling, Softball ENGR THOMPSON, THOMAS E. Muskegon Lutheran Student Assn.; SEA NS THORNBURY, BARBARA M. Lansing Beta Beta Beta NS TIEJEMA, LAWRENCE S. Comstock Park SS Christian Science Organ.; Campus UN; Luau; Intramurals TILLOTSON, MARY L. Elsie Pi Omega Pi; Kappa Phi; Phi Beta Lambda; Wesley Found. B&PS TIMMER, LAVERNE W. West Olive NS TINKER, ROBERT H. Birmingham AT A; Scabbard & Blade SS TJEPKEMA, JAMES P. Jackson NS TJEPKEMA, MARK J. Evart SS TJEPKEMA, PAUL A. Evart Poultry Science Club AGR TUBBS, ALAN E. Lansing Students Off Campus; Student Soc. of Urban Planners; Water Carnival SS TUCK, ROBERT G. JR. Point of Rocks, Md. Phi Eta Sigma; Beta Beta Beta; State News NS TUFTS, SHARON K. East Lansing AVMA; MSU Veterinarian VM TUMEY, THOMAS P. Jackson B&PS TURCOTTE, REAL J. Chomedey, Quebec, Canada NS Varsity Hockey; Varsity Club TOEPEL, JANET Grosse Pte. Woods Kappa Delta Pi ED TURLEY, ROBERT O. East Lansing SS Students Off Campus; AUSG TOEPPNER, RICHARD P. Bay City B&PS Veterans Assn. TURNER, DWIGHT E. Okemos Gamma Theta Upsilon SS TOLSMA, DIANE G. East Lansing ED International Club; American Brother-Sister Program TOLSMA, HENRY East Lansing Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Lambda Tau; ASAE ENGR TONNE, JOHN M. Hancock K2; Les Gourmets TOPLE, NORMAN J. Detroit Swimming Team; Gymnastics Team B&PS SS TOPP, ROBERT E. East Lansing B&PS TOTH, ANDREW P. Tonawanda, N.Y. Intramurals: Football, Softball, Swimming; IRE-AIEE ENGR TOTZKE, DONALD H. St. Joseph 2X; Football; Basketball B&PS TOTZKE, JULIE Plymouth Phi Beta Lambda B&PS TOWER, DIANA H. Evanston, III. KKT; Tower Guard; Union Board; Honors College; Education Club; Wolverine; Water Carnival; J-Hop ED TREADWELL, LAWRENCE L. Olivet ATP; Agr. Econ. Club B&PS TREGER, MICHAEL D. Benton Harbor AEn VM TRENT, DAVID Grosse Pte. Woods ’FT NS TRINDLE, RICHARD L. Fremont Alpha Phi Sigma SS TRUMBLE, JAMES N. St. Johns Poultry Science Club AGR TRUSCOTT, THEODORE Lansing Accounting & Finance Club B&PS TRYLOFF, GERALD D. Mt. Clemens SS TRZOS, CAROLE A. Birmingham State News; Water Carnival CA TURNER, JACK W. JR. Old Forge, N.Y. SAE ENGR ULOTH, JOHN M. Ortonville AS 4* ENGR UNRATH, CLAUDE R. Hartford Farmhouse AGR UPDYKE, EDWARD E. Grand Ledge SS 4>AX, Pres.; Economics Club UPRIGHT, DAVID C. Pittsburgh, Pa. State News CA UPTON, LARRY L. East Lansing ASCE ENGR URBANCIK, JARRARD East Lansing Agr. Mechanics Club AGR URSO, ANNETTE T. Grosse Pte. Farms nB; Greek Week; J-Hop; J-Council; Water Carnival; El. Educ. Club; IFC PanHel Ball; Homecoming ED USEN, NORMAN White Plains, N.Y. Colony Club of Phi Sigma Delta NS USHMAN, JOYCE M. East Lansing ED USHMAN, WILLIAM R. Utica AUSG SS UTLEY, JACK D. Hollywood, Fla. *T; IFC B&PS VALCANOFF, ALEX East Lansing ATA; Excalibur; Wrestling; Football A&L VALENTA, JEROME J. Detroit Accounting and Finance Club; Intramurals; Water Carnival; Union Board; Activities Carnival B&PS VALMASSEI, THEODORE P. Monroe Accounting Club B&PS VAN CON ANT, JANET J. Imlay City A&L KAO; Wolverine; Cheerleader; Swim Team; Greek Week; J-Hop VAN DE MARK, JOHANNA H. Lockport, N.Y. VANDENBURG, CHARLES K. Litchfield VANDERMOLEN, ROBERT H. St. Joseph AEII; Intramurals A&L AGR ENGR VANDERPOOL, MARIE L. Grosse Pointe HE Alpha Lambda Delta; Omicron Nu; Honors College; Home Ec. Club VANDER SCHAAF, JOHN JR. Holland ASCE ENGR VANDERTUUK, TERRY Lansing Clubs: Management, Accounting B&PS VANDER VEEN, JANE E. Grand Rapids SS Wesley Foundation; AWS VANDER VEEN, LINDA E. East Lansing ED Delta Psi Kappa, Pres.; HPER Club VAN LIERE, EARL J. East Lansing Rifle Club B&PS VAN RIPER, SUSAN J. Kalamazoo AZ; Social Work Honorary; Concert Band; Campus Crusade; Activity Band B&PS VAN SICKLE, NORMAN J. Hart AGR ATP; Knights of St. Patrick; Promenadors Club; ASAE; Intramurals VAN SINGEL, STANLEY D. Grant Pomology Club, Pres.; Agr. Council; Winged Spartans AGR VAN ZYLEN, VIRGINIA D. Spring Lake Activities Carnival; Young Republicans; Ski Club B&PS VASOLD, ARTHUR A. Freeland Clubs: Agr. Ed., Dairy; Councils: Agr., Educ. AGR SS VAUGHAN, MARJORIE J. Salem, Ohio KKT; Tower Guard;- Mortar Board; Pi Gamma Nu; J-Council; Frosh-Soph Council; Campus Chest; MSU Orchestra; Water Carnival; Career Carnival VEENHUIS, JILL A. St. Joseph IIB; Frosh-Soph Council; Union Board; Water Carnival; Campus Chest CA VELDERS, RICHARD W. East Lansing Clubs: Sailing, Ski; Marching Band; Activities Band; AVMA VM VICTOR, ARTHUR H. Forest Hills, N. Y. AEII; Phi Eta Sigma SS VIETZKE, MARK O. East Lansing Wesley Foundation; Park Management Club AGR VINCENT, VERONICA S. Detroit AKA; Alpha Delta Theta VM VISSER, JAMES T. Grand Rapids Intramurals; Pistol Club ENGR WALKER, JOHN H. East Lansing Pi Tau Sigma ENGR ENGR VISSERS, ALVIN G. Allendale Chi Epsilon; Phi Lambda Tau; ASCE; Spartan Christian Fellowship; Eng. Council; Bethel Manor; Intramurals VITEK, JANICE K. Muskegon Heights Activity Band; Luau Committee; Campus Chest; Young Democrats; Ski Club ED VOELKLE, LEO H. East Lansing IRE ENGR VOIERS, BONNIE S. Mt. Clemens Circle Honorary; Green Splash; Intramural Swimming; Abbot Hall, Pres. VOKETZ, GARY L. Lansing American Institute of Planners ED SS VOLKAMER, RICHARD L. Des Moines, Iowa B&PS 2E VON CHAWES, KARON E. Battle Creek A&L History Club; Humanist Society VOSS, LINDA A. Lansing SEA ED VOYT, THOMAS M. Muskegon Newman Club; Intramurals B&PS WACKERBARTH, E. JANE ED Granville, Mass. Delta Psi Kappa; Green Splash; State News; HPER Club; WAA; AWS; Intramurals: Swimming, Volleyball, Basketball, Softball, Tennis WAGNER, DUANE A. Laingsburg Accounting & Finance Club B&PS WAGNER, EDWIN I. T ustin AGR Forestry Club; Wesley Found. WAGNER, ETHAN J. Flushing, New York AEII, Pres.; IFC; Activities Carnival; Intramurals: Football, Basketball, Softball SS WAGNER, JAMES J. Miamisburg, Ohio AGR Forestry Club; Promenaders; Rifle Team WAGNER, ROGER O. Rochester ex WAGNER, WILLIAM B. Cedar Falls, Iowa B&PS NS WAGNER, WILLIAM G. Des Plaines, III. ATO B&PS WAITE, WALDON L. Ovid Honors College; SEA; Block S; Spartan Christian Fellowship NS WALCUTT, JAMES D. East Lansing AGR Agronomy Club; Soil Judging WALKER, FRANCES E. Ann Arbor SEA ED WALKER, JUDITH E. Coldwater Honors College; Alpha Lambda Delta; J-Council SS A&L WALKER, WILLIAM H. East Chicago, Ind. Kappa Alpha Psi, Pres.; Humanist Society; Clubs: International, History; Intramurals: Football, Basketball, Track WALLACE, RICHARD E. Arlington, Tex. NS WALLINGTON, JAMES F. East Lansing CA State News WALLIS, BARBARA B. Durand Tower Guard; Alpha Lambda Delta; Beta Beta Beta, Pres.; AUSG NS WALSH, GERALD E. NS Lansing Clubs: Pre-Med., Newman; Students Off Campus; Young Democrats WALTON, JOHN R. Battle Creek AGR AXA; Water Carnival; Jr. 500 WALTZER, ADRIAN A. Nanuet, N.Y. Marching Band; Concert Band; Brass Choir; Basketball Band SS WANDREY, THOMAS J. Niles SEA; Water Carnival ED WAPNER, JANICE E. Flint ED WARD, GARY H. Grand Ledge Packaging Society; Students Off Campus AGR WARD, RUTH A. Coral Home Economics Club HE WARDELL, MARVIN L. Detroit Shaw Radio, Chief Engr.; Young Republicans; Students Off Campus B&PS WARDEN, SANDRA A. East Lansing Honors College; Tau Sigma SS WARFIELD TIMOTHY J. East Lansing Spartan Pistol Club NS WARNER, WILLIAM L. Kalamazoo 9X; Varsity Baseball; Cheerleader; IFC ENGR WARREN, KATHERINE M. A&L Ann Arbor Young Republicans WARREN, RICHARD A. Manhasset, N.Y. SAM B&PS WARREN, RICHARD L. Framingham, Mass. MA; MSU Marching Band B&PS WESTOVER, GEORGE D. A&L Marie tte Spartan Wireless; Les Gourmets WEXLER, ROBERT J. Jackson Heights, N.Y. Christian Science Organ.; Spartan Roundtable; AUSG; Student Congress SS WHEELER, REGINA G. LaGrange, III. XE ED WHEELER, STANLEY G. Detroit Track; Cross-Country B&PS WHEELER, WILLIAM S. Manchester Agr. Educ. Club ED WICHMAN, RODNEY R. East Lansing ENGR Chi Epsilon; ASCE; Wesley Found.; Intramurals: Volleyball, Bowling WICHMAN, SARA E. East Lansing Theta Sigma; State News; Brazilian Club CA WICKS, DUANE J. East Lansing SS WIDNER, LAWRENCE P. Lockport, III. AGR Xi Sigma Pi; Forestry Club SS WIETZKE, MARY L. Owosso Clubs: Child Dev., Sailing HE WIGHT, DONALD W. Lansing ED WILDA, QUENTIN J. Shorewood, Wis. Sigma Pi Eta; Phi Theta Kappa; Phi Beta Lambda; Les Gourmets; Circle K B&PS WILDER, ARTHUR H. Flushing, N.Y. SAM; Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Zeta; MSU Veterinarian VM WILKE, SUSAN E. Deerfield, III. ZTA; Promenaders; Education Club; Young Republicans; Block S WILKINSON, MARGARET L. Lansing Students Off Campus ED CA WILKINSON, RICHARD A. B&PS East Lansing WILLETT, CAROL L. Owosso Campus 4-H; Young Democrats; Home Econ. Educ. Club; Block S HE WILLIAMS, CHARLENE J. Berkley A&L Delta Omicron; Christian Fellowship; MSU Chorus WILLIAMS, DANIEL E. Lansing NS Beta Beta Beta; Phi Kappa Phi; Honors College WILLIAMS, JUDITH L. Lansing ED WATERMAN, WILLIS R. Roscommon ENGR WATERS, CLARICE G. Lansing ED WATERS, JOHN R. Huntington Woods $rA SS WATERS, RICHARD E. Lansing B&PS WATSON, JAMES R. Jackson Veterans Assn. SS WAXLER, CELIA J. Roswell, N.M. Spartan Spirit; Water Carnival B&PS WEAVER, DANIEL J. Muskegon NS WEBB, CHARLOTTE A. Hale Alpha Lambda Delta; Wesley Foundation; Campus UN; International Club NS A&L WEBB, JUDITH L. Lexington, Ky. 2K; Alpha Lambda Delta; Tower Guard; Mortar Board; Kappa Delta Pi; Phi Alpha Theta; Junior Council; Women’s Glee Club; Block and Bridle; PanHel Council; Catholic Student Organization; J-Hop; Water Carnival WEBER, DONNA J. Detroit University Chorus; Young Republicans WEBER, RUTH A. Mason Pi Omega Pi; Phi Beta Lambda A&L B&PS WEBER, WILLIAM F. East Lansing ED WEBSTER, BONNIE M. Alexandria, Va. AZ; Sno-Caps; CSO NS WEEKS, MARILYN C. Detroit SS WEIGHT, CHERRIE A. Tehran, Iran Hawaiian Club; University Chorus B&PS WEINSTEIN, ELAINE Detroit ED WHITE, HARRY A., JR. Jackson A2; Packaging Society AGR WILLIAMS, SUSAN Delmar, N.Y. ED Student Guide; Homecoming WEINSTEIN, STANLEY E. New York, N.Y. NS AEII WHITE, HARRY B. Battle Creek Baseball; Veterans Assn. SS WEINSTEIN, STEWART M. Livingston Manor, N.Y. A&L Phi Sigma Delta ;|H Colony Club WEIRAUCH, RONALD G. NS Grand Blanc WEIRICH, WALTER E. Fremont VM AVMA; MSU Veterinarian, Business Mgr. WEISBRUCH, JOHN D. Benton Harbor Alpha Phi Omega; Winged Spartans, Pres.; Catholic Student Organ. B&PS WEISE, THOMAS F. Alpena AGR 438 WHITE, ROBERT J. Middletown, R.I. Alpha Phi Omega; Catholic Student Organ. Intramurals; Rowing Club B&PS WHITESIDE, JACQUELINE D. Okemos Jr. AVMA VM WHITING WILLIAM M. Albion NS WHITMAN, MARY J. East Lansing ED WHITMORE, JANET L. Lansing Pi Omega Pi; Phi Beta Lambda B&PS WILLITS, SHARON L. Holland ED WILMARTH, CHRISTA R. Aurora, III. B&PS AAA; Clubs: Women’s Glee; Social Work; Union Board Variety Show WILMATH, ROBERT C. Miami, Fla. Veterans Assn. AGR WILSON, BARBARA A. Barberton, Ohio Alpha Lambda Delta; Beta Beta Beta; Phi Kappa Phi NS WILSON, JUDITH L. Detroit Christian Science Organ.; Spartan Women’s League; Brother-Sister Prog.; Block S; Swim Team A&L WILSON, MARY A. St. Clair ED WILSON, MICHAEL E. Bellaire NS WILSON, WILLIAM H. Toronto, Ont., Canada B&PS Intramurals: Hockey, Football WIMMER, KENNETH O. Howell Promenaders AGR WINFIELD, DAVID L. Grand Rapids Young Democrats, Pres.; Campus UN; Students Off Campus; Lutheran Student Assn. A&L WINKLER, WILLIAM JR. Portland, Ore. B&PS Alpha Phi Sigma WINSTROM, KALYNN Holland Homecoming CA WINTER, JOHN K. Holland 2AE B&PS WINTER, ROBERT M. Roslyn Hts., N.Y. Accounting Club; Intramural Tennis B&PS WINTERS, HARRISON R. Lansing SS AUSG; Student Congress; Campus UN; Jr. Council; Spartan Round Table; Young Republicans; Students Off Campus; Jr. Class Pres. WINTON, JOHN R. Davison B&PS WIRTANEN, LAWRENCE J. Amasa WIRTH, GUY B. Three Oaks AICHE WISE, JOEL East Lansing 2AM; Sigma Pi Eta; MSU Hotel Assn.; Buyers Assn.; IFC AGR ENGR B&PS WISE, ROBERTA A. East Lansing Psi Chi; Honors College SS WISSMAN, JAMES E. Marine City Farmhouse: Alpha Zeta; Clubs: Block & Bridle; Ag. Econ. AGR WITTE, GERALD O. Romulus Gamma Delta; MSU Packaging Soc.; Intramurals AGR WITTMAN, BEVERLY A. Lansing ED WOJICK, RICHARD R. East Lansing Spartan Ambassador; Intramurals; Asst. Fresh. Football Coach ED WOJTYLO, BARBARA A. Hamtramck Social Work Club SS WOLFE, SUSAN A. Jonesville NS WOLFF, ANTOINETTE M. East Lansing B&PS Snyder Hall, Pres. WOLFF, RICHARD E. East Lansing MSU Marching Band B&PS WOLFORD, EDMUNDA. East Lansing SS WONDERGEM, THOMAS M. Richland CA WOOD, CARL L. Oshkosh, Wis. A&L Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Sigma; Scabbard & Blade; Green Helmet; Russian Club; Christian Science Organ. WOOD, JAMES N. Howell Wolverine; Spartacade; Univ. Chorus; Intramurals SS WOOD, WILLIAM L. Niles Porpoise; Swimming All-Amer. Selection NS WORDELL, PATRICIA J. ED Lansing WRIGHT, ANGUS D. Rochelle, III. NS Amer. Institute of Physics; Bailey Hall, Pres.; MHA WRIGHT, ANNE E. Mt. Clemens A&L Delta Phi Delta; Wolverine; Union Board; Interior Design Club WRIGHT, DAVID R. Grand Rapids Delta Sigma Pi B&PS WRIGHT, KENNETH J. Philadelphia, Pa. 2X; Pi Sigma Epsilon B&PS WRONA, EDWARD J. Dearborn A2<3? B&PS WUERFEL, GAIL P. Roscommon Pi Gamma Mu; Gamma Theta Upsilon; International Club; Campus UN SS WYLLIE, PATRICIA A. Twin Lake Orchesis A&L WYLLIE, ROBERT G. Schenectadv. N V. Psi Chi; Veterans Assn. SS WYMAN, BARBARA A. Lansing Clubs: International; Geography; Channing Murray Fellowship SS WYNDER, ANNE R. Dover, Del. A29; PanHel; Delta Sigma Theta, Pres.; Spanish Club A&L WYTRYCHOWSKI, PATRICIA J. East Lansing YANT, ROBERT E. Bay City AUSG; AICHE ED ENGR YONKER, THOMAS D. St. Joseph AXA B&PS YOUNG, BARRY H. Washington, D.C. AEII; Football; Young Democrats; Pre-Law Soc. B&PS YOUNG, DONALD W. Atlantic City, N.J. $TA A&L YOUNG, STEPHEN C. East Lansing Block S; Homecoming; Jr. 500; Lutheran Students Assn.; Intramurals: Football, Baseball, Basketball NS YOUNGS, EDWARD W. Plymouth 2N; Varsity Club; Football; Wrestling ED YU, HENRY C. Kowloon, Hong Kong NS Green Helmet; Pre-Med Club; Honors College YUILLE, ROBERT G. Flint A&L ZABONICK, RICHARD L. Coldwater AGR Veterans Assn.; Intramurals: Football, Basketball, Softball ZABOROWSKI, JOSEPH J. Wyandotte NS Campus UN; Students Off Campus; German Club; Chemistry Assn. ZACHARIASON, SUSAN M. A&L Muskegon KA9; Honorary ROTC Cadet Colonel; Cheerleader; Gymnastics Club; Spartan Spirit; Union Board; J-Council; J-Hop;^||; Greek Feast ZAHNOW, KAREN Rocky River, Ohio IIB; Water Carnival; Greek Feast; J-Hop B&PS ZALC, JERRY Detroit B&PS ZAMBISKY, MARILYN J. ED Dearborn ZAMIARA, STEVEN B. Grand Rapids A&L ZAREMBA, WALTER Parma Heights, Ohio AGR Sigma Lambda Chi; Winged Spartans; Butterfield Hall, President; MHA ZEMMIN, RICHARD W. Detroit SN; State News; Varsity Baseball; Fresh. Baseball CA ZBOCK, AUDREY J. Detroit Home Economics Club ZEE, MARTHA J. East Aurora, N.Y. Water Carnival HE SS ZEIF, LEONARD J. Forest Hills, N.Y. AEn B&PS ZIENTEK, CAROL A. Manistee Beta Beta Beta; Catholic Student Organization; Block S NS ZIMMERMAN, JERRY M. Breckenridge ENGR ATP; ASAE ZEMMIN, MICHAEL E. Detroit SN; Varsity Baseball; Fresh. Baseball CA ZIMMERMAN, JON C. Akron, N.Y. Intramurals: Football, Basketball, Baseball AGR ZIPPIN, MIRIAM E. A&L Flushing, N.Y. AEi>; Water Carnival; J-Hop; Greek Week; Homecoming; IFC; PanHel Ball ZITTER, THOMAS A. Saginaw NS ZIVE, DOROTHY Mount Vernon, N.Y. ZORN, WILLIAM L. Massillon, Ohio Intramural Football ED ED ZUEHLKE, DAVID E. Grosse Pointe SAE NS ORGANIZATION INDEX Abbot Hall..........................256 Accounting and Finance Club..................................215 Agricultural Economics Club.................................215 Agronomy Club..................217 Alpha Chi Omega............301 Alpha Delta Pi..................302 Alpha Delta Theta..........201 Alpha Epsilon Phi..........303 Alpha Epsilon Pi............320 Alpha Gamma Delta .... 304 Alpha Gamma Rho .... 321 Alpha Kappa Alpha .... 300 Alpha Lambda Delta .... 202 Alpha Omicron Pi..........305 Alpha Phi............................306 Alpha Phi Sigma..............351 Alpha Sigma Phi..............322 Alpha Tau Omega..........323 Alpha Xi Delta..................307 American Society of Agricultural Engineers . 352 American Society of Civil Engineers ........................352 American Society for Metals- American Foundrymen’s Society ........................351 American Veterinary Medical Association, Student Chapter of..................353 Angel Flight........................216 Arnold Air Society..........216 Armstrong Hall..................281 Asher Student Foundation for Men............................292 Asher Student Foundation for Women......................293 AUSG Congress................241 AUSG Executive................240 AUSG Judiciary................240 AWS Activities..................239 AWS Judiciary..................239 Bailey Hall.......................278 Baptist Student Fellowship ....................230 Beta Alpha Psi................202 Beta Beta Beta................217 Beta Gamma Sigma........203 Beta Theta Pi..................324 ..................291 Bethel Manor Block and Bridle Club ... 218 Blue Key............................203 Board of Student Publications ..................235 Bower House....................289 Bryan Hall ......................279 ..............257 Butterfield Hall Canterbury Club..............230 Cheerleaders ....................234 Chi Epsilon......................204 Chi Omega ......................308 Christian Science Organization ................231 Circle Honorary..............204 Dairy Club........................219 Delta Chi ..........................325 Delta Delta Delta............309 Delta Gamma ..................310 Delta Phi Epsilon..........354 Delta Psi Kappa..............354 Delta Sigma Phi..............326 Delta Tau Delta..............327 Delta Upsilon ..................328 Delta Zeta ........................311 East Landon Hall............260 East Mayo Hall..............264 Fast Shaw Hall..............281 East Yakeley....................272 East Wilson Hall............277 Elsworth House............289 Emmons Hall ................280 Engineering Council Eta Kappa Nu Evans Scholars Excalibur ..............205 ............290 ........................206 . . . 219 ......................329 Farmhouse Forestry Club ..................320 Frosh-Soph Council . . . 249 Gamma Delta ................231 Gamma Phi Beta ........312 Gilchrist Hall ..................269 Green Helmet ................205 ................207 Green Splash Health, Physical Education, Recreation Club ..............220 Home Economics ........................221 Council India Student Association ............221 Industrial Education Club ..............................222 Institute of Electrical Engineers ........................355 Interfraternity Council . . 242 International Club ..........222 J-Hop Executive Council 251 Jr. PanHellenic Council . 244 ..................250 Junior Council ... 313 Kappa Alpha Theta ..................314 Kappa Delta Kappa Delta Pi .............208 Kappa Kappa Gamma .. 315 Kappa Sigma .................330 Knight’s of Saint Patrick ..........................223 Lambda Chi Alpha........331 ................223 Marketing Club Mason Hall ............ 262,263 Men’s Hall Association. . 245 ............224 Men’s Glee Club .................208 Mortar Board Motts House ....................291 National Association of Home Builders North Campbell Hall North Case Hall North Williams Hall ............355 . . 258 ............274 . . . 270 Chi Oaks Club of Theta Delta ................................347 ....................209 ............................225 ..........225 .... 244 Omicron Nu Orchesis Packaging Society PanHellenic Council Phi Delta Theta..............332 Phi Eta Sigma ................210 Phi Gamma Delta............333 Phi Kappa Psi ................334 Phi Kappa Sigma ..............335 ................336 Phi Kappa Tau ..............................316 Phi Mu ................337 Phi Mu Alpha ..................266 Phillips Hall ............350 Phi Sigma Delta Phi Sigma Kappa ............338 ......................317 Pi Beta Phi ................339 Pi Kappa Phi Pi Sigma Epsilon ..........356 ..................209 Pi Tau Sigma ..................226 Polomer Club Presidents Council ..........243 ....................226 Promenaders ....................340 Psi Upsilon ......................267 Rather Hall ......................227 Rifle Club Scabbard and Blade . . . 227 ................248 Senior Council . . 341 Sigma Alpha Epsilon ..........228 Sigma Alpha Eta Sigma Alpha Mu ............342 ......................343 Sigma Chi Sigma Delta Chi ........ 211 Sigma Kappa ..................318 Sigma Lambda Chi ..........212 Sigma Nu ........................344 Sigma Phi Epsilon............345 ................212 Sigma Pi Eta Sisters of Minerva ..........341 ......................268 Snyder Hall .... 259 South Campell Hall South Case Hall ............275 South Williams Hall .... 271 Spartan Christian Fellowship ....................232 SPARTAN ENGINEER . .238 ..........211 Spartan Engineers Spartan Wive’s Club . . . 228 Spartan Women’s League ..........................229 ....................236 STATE NEWS Advertising STATE NEWS Editorial ........................236 St. John’s Student Parish ............................233 Student Traffic Appeals Court ..............................241 ..................213 ..........213 .....................346 ..................214 ..............................348 Tau Beta Pi Theta Alpha Phi Theta Chi Tower Guard Triangle Trinity Collegiate Fellowship ......................232 Two by Four Club..........229 Union Board ..................247 Union Board of Directors ......................247 Van Hoosen Hall............269 .............246 Water Carnival Wesley Foundation........234 ..........261 West Landon Hall ............265 West Mayo Hall ............282 West Shaw Hall West Wilson Hall ..........276 West Yakeley Hall..........273 WOLVERINE Business . 238 WOLVERINE Editorial ........................237 Inter-Residence Women’s Council ................ 243 Xi Sigma Pi ..................214 Zeta Beta Tau....................349 Zeta Tau Alpha ................319 INDEX Altmansberger, Karen .... 221, 311, 401 Alto, Marcia.......................302 Alvarez, Miguel A..............363 Ambroson, Beth........311, 388 Amell, Linda.......................257 Amstutz, A. Keith. .. .337, 368 Amu, Abdul .......................222 Andersland, Orlanda........204 Anderson, Alex .................375 Anderson, Alice........304, 417 Anderson, Arlene...............314 Anderson, Christine L. ...388 . .. .223, 375 Anderson, Craig Anderson, Doris ...............368 Anderson, Elizabeth ........301 Anderson, Gail A................388 Anderson, Gordon G.........408 Anderson, James M...........375 Anderson, Judy K... .307, 401 Anderson, Karen ... .276, 368 Anderson, Larry S. . .328, 408 Anderson, Marcia .............312 Anderson, Margaret .304, 259 Anderson, Marjorie.......... 201, Anderson, Marjorie E. .. .417 Anderson, Mary Lou.244, 315 Anderson, Pat J.........301, 388 Anderson, Ralph ...............346 Anderson, Richard ...........241 Anderson, Sharon .............408 Anderson, Steve.................330 Andino, Ana Rosa............388 Andre, Joyce A...................401 Andren, Kristin...................314 Andrews, George ... .331, 375 Andringa, Bob .................. 203, 206, 227, 242, 327, 375 Andris, Thomas R...............408 Anew, Maggie.....................244 Angleton, Raymond..........351 Antczak, James D..............375 Anthony, Allyn..................241 Anthony, Susan ................260 Antior, Judith.....................388 Antonetti, Francis............220 Aoki, Takasige..................381 Appel, David......................356 Appelt, Ruthanne..............264 Applegate, H. Jon............375 Applequist, Judy ..............269 Appleton, James................277 Apps, Darryl..............227, 375 Arden, Valerie..........314,404 Arend, Ann................221, 301 Arend, Lewis......................346 Arens, Liina......................229 Argo, Bette........................407 Arikpo, Ettah....................279 Arlow, Michael S................404 Armistead, Jack. .205, 249, 346 Armstrong, Barrie............327 Armstrong, Carole S.......... 234, 243, 266 Armstrong, Dennis ...........219 Armstrong, Kathy . .. 244, 302 Armstrong, Sandy .......311 Armstrong, Sharon ...........244 Arndt, Linda ... .243, 256, 261 Arnold, Jeff P......................363 Arpin, Kenneth W.............. 232, 291, 368 Arpin, Richard...................232 Arpino, Patsy F..................408 Arthur, Judy A.....................388 Ascencio, Frances .. .269, 388 Ash, Fred.............................322 Ash, Richard.......................335 Ashby, John......................338, 408 Ashley, Judy.......................260 Astrove, Ken.......................281 Atekwaha, Joe ...................232 Atkins, Daniel.....................281 Atkinson, Barbara .. .201, 261 Atkinson, Pat.....................241 Atkinson, Sue M..................261 Attaway, Bob J....................408 Atwater, Susan...........244, 311 Aughenbaugh, Mary........269 August, Judy......................259, 311 Augustus, Carol. .239, 261, 304 Aultman, Vernon B............253 Austin, Douglas.................205 Austin, James A..................351 Austin, Wayne R................375 Austin, William W.... 226, 321 Avula, Xavier ....................221 Awad, Nick.........................327 Ayala, Adolph J..................368 Aylesworth, Nancy.............249 Aylesworth, Peggy .. .312, 401 Aylward, Theodore D........ 368,339 Aylward, Tim.....................242 Aylward, Tom.....................249 Ayres, Julie.........................318 Babb, Carol................307, 401 Babbitt, David W................226 Babcock, George R............408 Baber, Carl .........................323 B Baber, Gaylord J................335 Baccus, Ira B........................355 Bach, Roger E............212,229 Bachenheimer, Steve........342 Bachman, Bonnie...............293 Bacon, Judith A..................388 Bacon, Mark.......................336 Bacon, Marlys ...................264 Badder, Karen...........308, 388 Badenoch, Tamera.............319 Badra, Philip L....................404 Baer, Donald...................... 208, 261, 404 203, 212, 247, 289, 375 Bagne, Curtis .....................281 Bailey, Harlow C........218, 329 .....................314 Bailey, Leslie Bailey, Margaret ...............259 Bailey, Marleta...................236 Bails, Jack...........................333 Bair, James........................212, 363 Bair, William C..................363 Baird, Deloris A..................388 Baird, Marji .......................311 Bakeman, Keith.................206 Baker, Barbara...................316 Baker, Don R......................323 Baker, Duane R..242, 329, 363 Baker, James W..................396 Baker, J-Jay .......................311 Balasis, Tatiana.................354 Balcers, Oyars D........242, 338 Balden, Janet L............314, 368 Baldori, Robert...................241 Baldwin, Arthur.................203 Baldwin, Barbara S.. .306, 388 Baldwin, James H. .. .216, 408 Balfour, A. Joan.................408 Balfour, Fred .................... 209, 219, 231, 351 Balgooyen, Fredric F..........408 Balinski, Bernie.................326 Ball, Carol A........................368 Ballato, Carmy...................273 Balogh, Doug.....................323 Balslev, Robert...................348 Bamber, William.226, 321, 363 Bancroft, Carol...................261 Bandt, David L....................215 Bang, Larry.........................289 Bangerter, Karen.204, 260, 388 Banister, Shirley A..............368 Banks, Kenneth...................320 Bannan, James . .247, 250, 325 Banning, George.................241 Banning, George W............363 Banta, Barbara...................270 Barber, Jill...........................315 Barbour, Michael G............404 Barclay, Elizabeth M..318, 384 Barden, Harold E................351 Barger, William T..............340 Barich, Beverly .................310 Barker, Daniel E................396 Barkey, Nancy E................368 Barkwell, Betsy. .239, 306, 368 Barlow, Dwight .............209-B Barnard, James .................325 ...................327 Barnard, John Barnard, Stephen M. .... 388 Barner, Patsy M..................408 Barnes, James A.........240, 325 Barnes, Antoinette T.........368 Barnes, Edward A. . .278, 289 ..........216, 348 Barnes, James ...................271 Barnes, Karon Barnes, Penny ...................316 Barnes, Rebecca J. ..304,401 Barnes, Robert...................225 Barnes, Robert C................338 Barnet, Edward M..............356 Barnett, Mike.....................331 Barnett, Nancy...................241 Barnett, Stuart..........246, 349 Barnett, William K............. 241, Barningham, Sara L.. .276, 404 Baron, Gary .......................337 Baron, Norbert...................368 Barr, Ann . .230, 201, 217, 417 Barr, Lewis .........................275 Barrack, Patricia...............269 Barrett, Dorothy R............368 Barrett, Robert L................340 Barry, Donald L..................375 Barry, Elizabeth .200, 261, 347 Barstow, Steve...................279 Bartels, Sharon A................388 Bartels, Sue.........................264 Barth, Janet.........................312 Barth, Richard...................220 Barthold, Charles...............280 Bartholomew, John.......... 215, 329, 363 Bartholomew, Robert C... 289, 404 Bartie, Kathleen.................301 Bartlett, Cody B..................408 Bartlett, Mary J..................388 Bartling, K............................304 Bartók, Marlene.................308 Barton, Ann W....................270 Bartos, John ... .223, 352, 396 Bartrem, Linda..........200, 201 Barzler, Mary L..................308 Basavaiah, V........................221 Bash, Paul.......................... 203, 206, 212, 289, 375 Baskerville, Harriet . .227, 269 Bassett, A. Suzanne.. .401, 301 Bassett, Connie...................267 Bassett, Larry.....................346 Bassett, William R..............375 Bauer, Barbara...................316 Bauer, Eckhard ................253 Bauer, Joan.........................266 Baugh, Charles.................. 205, 210, 249, 328 Baughman, Kathryn...........234 Baum, Charles S..................375 Baum, Katy.........................249 Baum, Prudy ... .200, 314, 317 Bauman, Dale E.................219 Bauman, Dennis E..............375 Bauman, Susan...................228 Baumann, Carl L........219, 364 Baumgras, Jane H..............388 Baven, Thomas M..............338 Baxter, Ellen.......................261 Baxter, Jay .........................320 Bayak, Jennie L....................241 Bayles, John M....................404 Bayless, Charles.................334 Beachler, Ken....................203, 206 Beal, Allen C......................219, 364 Beal, Julie A........................408 Bean, Stephen.....................408 Beattie, Marilyn K..............404 Beatty, Cameron J..............289 Beatty, Marjorie . .. .243, 259 Beatty, Martha K................388 Beaty, Edwin M..................396 Beaubien, William L..........418 Beauchamp, Ronald J........375 Beaudry, Margaret E..........408 Beauregard, Karen.............304 Beck, Elaine .......................270 Beck, Fred..........................222, 388 Beck, Gay ...........................261 Becker, Albert A................368 Becker, Earnest J................388 ...................336 Becker, James .....................280 Becker, John Becker, Lynne ...................264 Beckett, Charlene M..........388 Beckett, Karen...................234 Becklin, Dennis........225, 241 Beckmeyer, Alyce.............. 237, 239, 260 Beckstrom, Charles...........339 Bedford, Judith L................404 Bedson, Carolyn M............408 Bedsworth, Gary J..............334 Bee, William......................332, 408 Beegle, Dick.......................209 Beers, William ...................343 Beguelin, Robert C. Jr....343 Behme, Carl .......................216 Behner, Harriet .................257 Behrens, Ilene....................302, 388 Bahrenwald, Donald D.... 215, 321, 364 Behrmann, Bill...................350 Beishline, Robert...............333 248, 408 Beissel, Judith A........305,401 Belaski, John K..................408 Belcher, Denise...................236 Belding, William ...............404 Belknap, Janice...................354 Bell, Gary ...........................218 Bell, Tom ...........................351 Belobraidich, Frank G....404 BeMiller, Stephen G..........404 Bence, Gary ...............232,232 Bender, Caron.....................309 Benedict, Patrick...............346 Bennett, David...........227, 352 Bennett, Richard ....333,408 Bennett, Stephen ...............232 Bennett, Tom .....................335 Benschop, Beryl. .274, 231, 249 Benson, Jean M..................265 Bent, Carole...............262, 263 Benton, Robert............227, 408 Beraud, Patricia.................305 Berch, Richard...................339 Berenson, Marvin.............. 241, 277, 408 Beres, Mike.................214,220 Berg, James C.....................334 Bergdolt, Paul .. .231, 352, 396 Berger, Michael..................350 Bergman, Doug...................343 Bergman, Kenneth.............328 Bergman, Martin ...............342 Bergsma, Stan.....................279 Bergstrom, William..........230 Berkman, Saul ...................342 Berlin, Sylvia .....................388 Berman, Louis J.........235, 236 Bermingham, William ... .277 Bernath, Sharon.................238 Bernhard, Ronald .. .220, 364 Bernstein, Sam...................349 Berry, Daniel.......................408 Berry, Paul .........................404 Bershad, Ronnie.................241 Bertl, Lenora.......................261 Bertoni, Corinne.................272 Berutti, Jim.........................332 Best, Anita...........................314 Best, Karen A......................368 Betterly, Carol A................404 Beuche, Antoinette ..313,368 Beukema, Donna ... .239, 272 Beuthien, Ann E..................408 Beuthien, Tom M................375 Beyer, Mrs. Georgia..........317 Beyer, Richard.........236, 384 Beyers, Carol.......................304 Bhakta, Arvinbhai M........221 Bharadwaj, M......................221 Bharadwaj, Shakentala ...221 Bharadwaj, Shubhendu ...221 Bielefeld, Barbara.............225 Bidwell, Priscilla . .. .264, 408 Biebesheimer, Bernita .... 314, 401 Bielefeld, Barbara............ 259, 313, 384 Bielinski, Karen. .223, 224, 319 Bientstock, Iris S................401 Biezais, Ursula............241, 276 Biferno, Karen..................388 Bigelman, Donald.............349 Bildner, Michael................335 Billings, Bruce ..................340 Billings, Fred ....................330 Billings, James............240, 409 Bills, Nelson.....................215 Bimesderfer, Pat ....200,229 Bird, Marjorie ...........221, 304 Birkmeier, Edward ..........233 Biro, Judith.................239, 269 Birzgalis, Ivars.................343 Bishop, Barbara...............309 Bishop, Betty ....................261 Bishop, Karen K................375 Bishop, Lucille . .313, 200, 347 Bishop, Richard T............388 Bitney, Barbara. .217, 305, 404 Bjorn, Nancy.....................301 Black, Pamela...................368 Black, William.................325 Blackman, Robbin.............364 Blackwell, Judie.................312 Blake, D. Steven.................368 Blakeman, William J..........388 Blakeney, Robert.............332 Blakeslee, Paul A................ 204, 352, 396 Blakeslee, Susan...............218 Blanchard, Dean ..............226 Blanchard, Jamie.............. 240, 251, 327 A Abbott, Dee.........................257 Abbott, Robert A................326 Abel, Karen .... 306, 354, 388 Abel, Martha.............231,261 Abrahamse, Dale ... .205, 282 Abrahamson, Bonnie .243, 260 Abramajtys, Joseph . .245, 277 Abramczyk, Tom .... 322, 396 Abrams, Dave.....................342 Abruzzi, Robert M. . .212, 375 Abubaker, Shaikh .............221 Abu-Gheida, Othman M.. .396 Achterhof, Gil R. 338, 356, 375 Acker, Sally .......................307 Ackerman, Howard...........333 Ackerson, Mary L..............230 Ackley, Alice.......................308 Adams, Constance J............404 Adams, Donald...................245 Adams, Jane ... .216, 229, 301 Adams, John W.........352, 396 Adams, Joyce L....................388 Adams, Lucy.......................271 Adams, Maryanne .. .258, 368 Adams, Peter ....................238 Adams, Roberta........262-263 Adams, Sally A....................400 Adams, Susie.......................310 Adamski, Martyn..............279 Adamson, Sandee..............310 Addison, Jacqueline . .264, 312 Adduci, Judy.......................308 Addy, Donna J.....................256 Ade, David L........................375 Adelson, Chelle........224, 303 Adelson, Jane S....................408 Adelson, Rachelle C..........400 Adkin, Clare E......................328 Adler, Richard G................375 Agas, George......................245 Aghaie, Reza.......................222 Agnew, Carmen.................293 Agocs, Barbara...................269 Ahern, Owen C....................408 Ahl, Dottie...............243,276 Aho, Jon...................231, 332 Aitken, James J....................202 Aitken, Linda.....................258 Aitken, Marilyn.................265 Aitken, Susan.................... 208, 209, 309, 400 Akers, Philip.......................289 Albee, Alec A......................363 Albert, Margaret...............271 Albertson, Howard R. .230, 375 Albrecht, Gretchen . .244, 301 Alden, James S....................352 Alderink, Gail A................ 228, 262, 263, 388 Aldinger, Robert T............324 Aldrich, James...................216 Aldrich, Linda J..................388 Alexander, Barbara...........312 Alexander, Frazier.............239 Alexander, Patricia...........388 Aley, Jim.............................336 Alizadeh, Hormoz.............396 Alkire, Monte C..................227 Allaben, Lawrence W.........253 Allard, Thomas M..............206 Allardyce, Sharyn L.. .317, 375 Alldredge, Robert...............328 Alldredge, Stephen.............279 Allen, Charles............347, 363 Allen, Cynthia J..................368 Allen, E. Michael ...213,396 Allen, Jerome E..................363 Allen, Laura.......................239 Allen, Maggie.................... 225, 246, 258, 313 Allik, Ene ...........................302 Allingham, Michael...........340 Allis, Edward W..................396 Allison, Barbara ...............274 Allison, David P..................404 Allman, Paula.....................249 Allmon, Maureen E............368 Allshouse, David M............408 Alper, Ted...........................342 Alquist, Georgia.................261 Altman, Janet L..................388 Altman, Joel .......................342 440 Blanchard, Marge..............269 Blancy, Patti......................312 Blankenburg, Bonnie........313 Blanton, Peter ...................249 Blayden, Lee.......................351 Blaylock, Ann.....................261 Blazejewski, Richard .289, 388 Bleiberg, Robyn S..............388 Bliss, Stephen R..................375 Blohm, Louise.....................409 Blomquist, Harlan.............388 Bloom, Ed..........................216, 236 Bloom, James H..................409 Bloom, Loretta...................258 Bloomer, Mary V................368 Blough, Beverly........231, 368 Blouin, Judith.....................409 Blow, Kenneth...........209, 396 Blowers, John G..248, 334, 409 Blue, Pete ...........................349 Blum, Richard ..................349 Blyveis, Nate.......................342 Boatman, Marie.................418 Bobek, Diane.....................318 Bock, Julie........................240, 302 Boehm, Dennis...................404 Boersma, Beth.....................267 Boettcher, William ..246,332 Bogue, Toni .......................312 Bohn, Barbara...................401 Bohn, Bonnie.....................318 Bohnhoff, Karl...................346 Boilore, Allan.....................375 Bolen, Jonathan........323, 375 Boley, David............230, 368 Bolger, Marel..........319,401 Bolich, Spencer........327, 409 Bolter, Nancy.....................388 Boltwood, Sandra...............267 Bond, Thomas .........326, 409 Bonine, Lora......................401 Bonner, Walter..................351 Booth, Barbara ........316, 216 Booth, Douglas .................334 Booth, Mike.............210, 275 Borgers, Ronald........205,355 Borkenhagen, Alan...........346 Borkowski, Thomas...........347 Borland, Nancy...................264 Borsch, James G................225 Boshart, Bethany...............307 Boswinkle, John................335 Botsford, Kay.....................315 Boucher, Jeff.......................241 Boughton, George............ Branion, Marilyn___264, 389 Brannen, Judi..................259 Branson, Carl..................206 Brantlinger, Sue.................307 Bray, James L......................375 Bray, Paul R........................328 Bray, Antoinette.................300 Bray ton, Evelyn.................404 Breakstone, Bill.................342 Breedlove, William .. 352, 396 Breen, Ronald A.............375 Breinling, James.........226, 321 Bremer, James...........215, 364 Brennan, Marion K...........409 Brenner, Terry...................349 Bressler, Marc J..................342 Bresto, Joan_216, 301, 389 Brett, Christopher .............333 Bretzke, Barbara R............368 Brewster, Anne...................312 Brewster, John...................291 Brick, Christine...............401 Bricker, Rebecca ... .293, 389 Brickman, Lawrence........342 Briggs, Nancy.....................269 Briggs, Ransom...........338, 375 Bright, N..............................354 Brightman, Dee...................293 Brink, Marcia.....................368 Brinn, John H......................404 Britten, Roberta A.............409 Brizard, Christopher.........368 Brockington, Kathy...........305 Brocklehurst, Ginger.........276 Brockmyre, Philip C..........409 Brockway, Linda ,...........228 Brodie, Carole ...................270 Brodie, Richard.................241 Brodie, Robert...................280 Brody, Linda ...257,313,217 Broeman, Charles W.........275 Brokoff, Betty....................261 Brokop, Julianne ... .262, 401 Bromley, Peg......................314 Bronoel, Karen........249, 272 Brooks, Edsel.............281, 321 Brooks, Edward H..............364 Brooks, Janet M..................409 Brooks, John R....................369 Brooks, Judith...........302, 401 Browarski, Delphine........ 216, 239, 272 230, 222, 347 Boughton, Judy. .238, 271, 318 Boulton, John B..................337 Bourdon, Nanette...............312 Bourke, Mary............312, 388 Bouvy, Frank............354, 409 Bowen, Carol.....................301 Bowen, Lee................325, 375 Bowen, Sandiland ...216,404 Bower, Catherine...............316 Bower, Jerry L....................368 Bowers, Frederick.............219 Bowker, Marilyn M............388 Boyajian, Karen..................301 Boyd, Michael......................331 Boyer, Barb___204, 243, 272 Boyer, Carole L..................404 Boyer, Judith N..........230, 388 Boyland, Charles E.............375 Boyle, Richard....................355 Boyum, Gary C......................356 Brabbs, Susan.............220, 261 Bracone, Richard J............ 225, 345, 364 Bradberry, James H..............364 Braddock, James C..............217 Bradel, Mary L....................238 Braden, Nancy R..................388 Bradford, Melinda A............409 Bradley, Ellen.................... 217, 240, 313, 404 Bradley, Judi.......................302 Bradley, Marguerite...........368 Bradley, Mary.....................311 Brady, Gary J......................368 Braff, Harriet L....................388 Braid, Margaret A..............368 Braids, Priscilla .................222 Brainard, Ann ...........311,250 Brams, Karin.......................267 Branam, Jewell...................293 Branch, Johnnell ...............264 Branch, Suzanne.................239 Brand, Thomas..........327, 409 Brander, George T..............225 Brandon, Carl.....................281 Browe, Luanne C...............384 Brown, Allison ........244,319 Brown, Aria ......................266 Brown, Beverly ................314 Brown, David.....................291 Brown, George Z................346 Brown, James.....................396 Brown, Jenny.....................409 Brown, Judy.......................308 Brown, Karol L........... .220 Brown, Kathi .....................314 Brown, Lawrence .............229 Brown, Louis E.. 205, 289, 396 Brown, Marilyn .268, 311, 389 Brown, Melodie.........247,312 Brown, Patricia.........304,401 Brown, Ronald...................242 Brown, Ronald B................409 Brown, Ronald D................369 Brown, Roger H..................385 Brown, Sandy.....................261 Brown, Sharon...................291 Brown, Theresa........339, 249 Browne, Ellie .....................316 Brownell, Cathy............369 Brownlee, David ...............375 Bruce, Dougles A...........331 Bruder, Nancy ...................273 Bruggeman, Linda L.....369 Brundage, Joanne..........261 Brundage, Nancy____304, 389 Bryant, Cheryl..........301,409 Bryant, Donna...................300 Buccieri, Frank...................241 ...............331 Buchanan, Dave Buchanan, Jane .................260 Buchanan, Jean........241, 317 Buchanan, Karen...............258 Buchanan, Ronald J............375 Buchanan, Shirley.............261 Buck, Nancy.......................313 Buck, Richard E..................409 Bucknell, Edward K............409 Bucks, Sheila.......................267 Budde, Ed L........................389 Budrus, Stephen C..............343 Buege, Shirley............250, 318 Buehler, Diane L................401 Buelke, Donald L................253 Buesch, Diane.....................318 Bufford, Carol J.................389 Buhl, Jim...........................327 Buikema, Donald ... .281, 409 Buisson, Donald L..............356 Buist, David.........................396 Bulkley, Frank...................409 Bulkley, Jack.......................241 Bull, Marilyn .. .217, 250, 305 Bullock, David C................205 Bundtzen, Ray.....................253 Bundy, Karen.....................256 Buowaccorsi, Paul............324 Burvbaum, Kay H..............389 Burch, Christine.................389 Burdine, Robert D..............375 Burg, Nancy.......................271 Burge, Barb_229,249,259 Burgess, Carol ...................256 Burgon, Terry .. .247, 327, 250 Burk, Carolyn .. .200, 313, 347 Burke, Amy K......................369 Burke, Carl E......................396 Burke, David M..................375 Burke, Vivian.....................272 Burkett, Albert...................333 Burleson, Jann...................307 Burleson, Sharon...............401 Burman, Lenore E..............375 Burns, Ben.......................... 203, 206,211,235, 236, 385 Burns, Dave .......................338 Burns, Gary A.....................409 Burns, James A....................364 Burns, James W..................289 Burns, Patricia...............309 Burrell, Martha...............259 Burroughs, Barbara . .301, 385 Burroughs, Stan.............337 Burton, William.............343 Busch, Diane.......................244 Bush, Daniel..............337, 364 Bush, Cathy .......................258 Bush, Sally A......................375 Buss, Pauline E....................401 Bussell, John.......................339 Butler, Charlotte L............389 Butler, D..............................206 Butler, Paul W.................396 Butterfield, Barbara M___389 Button, Bonnie...................389 Button, James W................409 Buynak, Donald.................216 Bybee, Donald...........277, 369 Byerly, Donald...........346, 376 Byers, Susan.......................264 Bylsma, Peter G..................324 Byrd, Harris P......................356 Byrne, Patrick J................344 Byrnes, Lawrence W..........409 Byron, Barbara.................272 C Cable, Janet......................233, 307 Caccamise, Dianne F........385 Cachola, Rox ....................206 Cachola, Roy L...................376 Cagle, Roger.....................350 Cain, Michael S.................344 Caine, Esther 0.................376 Calabrese, Jim ...................323 Calderwood, John...........335 Caldwell, Richard.............230 Calkins, David..................330 Calladine, Janis ................260 Callahan, John..................238 Callinicos, James D...........376 Calloway, Jean..................201 Calvird, Anne....................261 Camburn, Kaye..................260 Camden, Andrew L............ 223, 238, 376 Cameron, Joan..................218 Campau, Mary..................389 Campbell, Arlene G..........369 Campbell, Barb .................271 Campbell, Bradford .........223 Campbell, Dick .................275 Campbell, Donna .............258 Campbell, Ginny ....202,314 Campbell, Jon ...................331 Canavera, Stephen.............216 Cannell, Richard ..............348 Canning, Donavon L.. 222, 389 Cannis, John T....................376 Cappel, Linda....................239 Cappo, Jolynne ................305 Carden, Donald C..............376 Cardone, David F___323, 376 Carey, Terry......................325 Cargill, I. Jean.....................404 Carlile, Betsy ....................231 Carlman, Ann....................316 Carlson, Clarence B............369 Carlson, Connie................317 Carlson, Howard W............409 Carlson, Nancy 1........301, 389 Carlson, Sue.......................258 Carlson, Marge...................319 Carnago, Ronald A............316 Carne, James.......................340 Carolin, Linda ...................267 Carpenter, David ... .226, 231 Carpenter, Dean M... 328, 376 Carr, Robert.......................332 Carr, Rosemary.........261,401 Carrick, Norma.................264 Carrick, Richard K...........376 Carrigan, Robert W... 334, 409 Caroll, James F..................323 Carroll, James K.......338, 385 Carruthers, Mary M.......... 247, 310, 389 Carson, Peggy............261, 409 Carstens, Kay J....................376 Carta, Julio E......................376 Carter, Barbara L.................369 Carter, Duane.....................321 Carter, Linton A................214 Carter, Nancy J..................261 Cartier, Lynne . .224, 312, 389 Cartwright, Bonnie.............304 Cartwright, Kay .................266 Carvey, David G................364 Cary, Linda.........................308 Casaroll, Eugene...............334 Case, Donna.......................201 Case, Sondra.......................272 Casey, Carol.......................304 Cash, Josette H....................389 Cashman, Linda L..............389 Cassidy, Carol C..................369 Cassidy, Cathy..........318,389 Cassidy, Sarah J..................369 Castiglia, Ronald C............396 Castle, Con.........................231 Caston, Michael........349, 404 Castor, Norene...........305, 409 Castro, Thomas R..............222 Casturo, Don.............216, 344 Catherman, Ronald L..........389 Cathey, Tyler.....................326 Catto, Sallie A...................369 Caul, Deanna....................264 Caulum, Chip....................345 Cavell, William R..............328 Cavin, Elaine......................250, 309 Cech, Vickie.......................268 Cederholm, Elna A..............385 Centelella, Lina.................220 Chadwick, Judith L............369 Chaffin, Roselyn.................273 Chakeres, Angel ...............274 Challis, Ruth Ann............404 Chamelin, Neil..........351,409 Champ, Raymond............324 Chan, Shiaw-lian...............220 Chandanaphalin, Varapom 264 Chandler, Burke ......... 332 Chandler, Jim.................... 206, 245, 334, 409 Channing, Linda A..........409 Chant, James .....................347 Chapman, Barbara ..315,389 Chapman, Betty.................266 Chapman, Linda .............. 244, 249, 310 Chapman, Richard G.........376 Chappell, Harold..............326 Chappell, Karen................256 Chappie, Norman...............351 Chartrand, Douglas A. .. 409 Chase, Ronald ...................280 Chateau, Jerry D.................404 Chawan, Tukaram............221 Cheeseman, Roger W.........331 Chelsea, Linda...................318 Chen, Mu-Chuan ...............396 Cherow, Les .......................418 Cherry, James E................. 241, 345, 409 Cherven, Patricia___217, 404 Chesley, George ___203, 325 Chesnik, Ron .....................220 Chezik, Don.......................291 Chickering, Sherburne M. .418 Chidester, John...................249 Chie, Sandy.........................261 Chittenden, Edward . .355, 396 Chivas, Jack.......................346 Choi, Jeffrey.......................333 Choksey, Vasant G............221 Choudary, Hanumara ... .221 Christensen, James F. .. .418 Christensen, MaxJ..............364 Christensen, Ronald J. ... 409 Christensen, Susan ..208,369 Christenson, Judy ............ 232, 232, 269 Christian, Carol................301 Christides, Thespo............317 Christie, David...................354 Christie, Saundra...............401 Christie, Terry ...................354 Christoff, Luben M..............409 Christopher, Richard K... 323, 396 Christy, Anne.....................308 Christy, Judith...................264 Chupa, Judith E.........269,401 Ciaramitaro, Mary G.........265 Cicclelli, Martin........323, 389 Ciernik, Roberta ...............256 Cieslinski, Carl...................223 Cilley, Donald H..................369 Cingota, Paula...................266 Cinka, Connie.....................302 Cirrito, Leonora.................319 Cizek, D. D..........................222 Clabuesch, Karen ............ 247, 310, 401 Clansen, Carol ...................313 Clare, Kenneth C................369 Clark, Areola............208,369 Clark, Barb.........................304 Clark, Betty .......................258 Clark, Don .........................351 Clark, Elizabeth ___271, 316 Clark, Gary ..............216, 342 Clark, Harvey.....................206 Clark, Jan ...........................305 Clark, Mrs. Lee.................329 Clark, Marilyn..........251,318 Clark, Richard.........278, 333 Clark, Robert A..................328 Clark, Robert W..................331 Clark, Roberta E................389 Clark, Roger .....................326 Clark, Susan G...................389 Clark, Victor .....................282 Clarke, Catherine W..........401 Clarke, W. Kent Jr..............225 Cleary, Margaret...............309 Clement, John ..........333, 369 Clements, Bill.....................238 Clemson, Susan .231,293,369 Cleveland, Walter...............351 Cliff, Terry ........................327 Cline, Max E...............220, 364 Cloonan, Lynne.................224 Close, Patricia...................272 Clough, Fred.......................345 Clough, Lucy..............247, 307 Clough, Roger D................345 Clucas, Nancy J..................369 Coad, Charles D...................404 Coates, Carol .. .229, 239, 313 Cobb, Bruce..............247, 376 Cobb, Cathy J......................301 Cobb, Lee..........339, 355,364 Cobb, Robert L....................369 Cobb, Wendell L................364 Coddington, Faith.............308 Codey, Sharon A..................270 Coe, Brenda ..............315,401 Coffman, Sally...................309 Coger, Harold ..................329 Cohen, Barry.......................349 Cohen, Burton R..................409 Cohen, Mitchell.................280 Colbeck, Stephanie ...........261 Colby, Karen.......................303 Cole, Marty ...............306,389 Cole, Steve.......................... 211, 246, 247, 248, 345, 385 Coleman, Mary..........313, 389 Colina, John..............247, 343 Colizzi, John V...................344 Collette, Dennis H. .. .328, 376 Collier, Henry............325, 376 Collier, Lynne.....................249 Collings, Margaret ...........200 Collins, Albert F................409 Collins, Jerry.......................355 Collins, Karen.....................302 Collins, Kathy............220, 354 Collins, Marilynn...............309 Colman, Susan..........273, 409 Coman, Ronald..........222, 389 Comerford, Mike...............241 Comstock, Robert A............409 441 Conant, Donald D..............404 Conder, Bruce............223, 376 Congdon, Carlo.............315 Conklin, Daniel L................210 Conklin, Marilee-----231,293 Conley, Susan...........304, 409 Connaughton, Michael D. .376 Connell, Richard...............223 Connelly, Johana C...........389 Conner, Barbara ..............304 Conner, Elizabeth...............307 Connolly, Terry...................241 Connors, James...........241, 409 Connors, Sharon.........301, 341 Conor, Camilla...................266 Conover, John ..................336 Converse, Ann...................312 Convis, Gary.......................327 Conway, Paul G..................409 Conwell, Midge...................222 Cook, Ann...........................314 Cook, Archie F...................409 .......................304 Cook, Carol Cook, D................................324 Cook, Jacob E....................409 Cook, Jeff ...........................340 Cook, Jim ...........................241 Cook, Leon A.....................396 Cookj Margaret L..............409 Cook, Marjorie...................226 Cook, Sue ...........................306 Cook, Tom........................223, 376 Cook, William ...................333 Cooke, Libby.......................301 Cookingham, Frank G. .. .409 Cool, Kathy ...............313,369 Coole, Muriel.....................269 Coolican, Joyce.........314,418 Coolman, Duane........232, 409 Coombs, Carol...................310 Coon, Frank M...................32» Coon, Sylvia.......................302 Cooper, Alan.......................349 Cooper, Lois.......................230 Cooper, Maurice.................347 Cooper, Robert L................396 Copeland, James ...............289 Copeland, Richard E..........376 Copeland, William.............289 Coplan, Jeorgi.....................237 Copp, Mary .......................272 Corbett, Geraldine M. ... 389 Corcoran, Lee ...........220, 231 Corey, Jim..........................240, 346 Corey, Wayne.....................346 Corgan, Sheila.................... 238,247,271,318 Corliss, Lloyd D..................396 Cornelius, James ........... -205 Corner, Carol .....................230 Cornwell, Arthur W............376 Correll, Sukie ...........249, 258 Corrie, Mike.......................326 Corrigan, Mike ...................332 Corrin, Frank J....................364 Cortright, Jon....................275 Corsini, Diana ..................389 Corwin, Loren L. Jr..........418 Coryell, Evelyn...................201 Cosby, John M....................376 Costas, Xenia.....................261 Costello, William...............223 Coté, Mary E........................319 Cotter, Sandra..................309 Cotton, Larry.......................218 Coughlin, Gary...................336 Coullard, Raymond A.........351 Coulson, Daniel.................327 Coulton, Elaine . .216,302, 389 Counts, Karen.....................309 Courtad, William J..............404 Coury, Louise ..247,250,308 Coutchie, Mary . .228, 269, 389 Couturier, Gordon W......... 205,338 Couzens, Nancy.................259 Covert, John.......................351 Covert, Patricia...................220 Cowan, John.......................279 Cowell, Sally .............302,401 Cowlishaw, Robert J.........404 Cox, David F.......................409 Cox, David L................277,376 Cox, Leah ...........................258 Cox, Ronda L......................404 Cox, Stuart .........................280 Coyle, Janalee.....................389 Cracknell, Nancy ... .247, 310 Cramer, Susan............220, 301 Cramer, Wanda M..............389 Crampton, Bonnie.............261 442 Crandall, Carma .... 354, 389 Crandall, Jack ...................351 Craul, Glenn..............241, 279 Crawford, Kathleen L. ... 369 Crawford, Lucy .................276 Crawford, Judy .................232 Crawford, Mrs.....................316 Creamer, Caren.................307 Crew, Richard ...................282 Cribbs, Mary L...........224, 311 Cridler, Reginald G...........220 Crimm, Rebecca.................310 Crisci, Barbara J................401 Crissey, Forrest E................409 Crissy, William...................223 Crocker, Zoe Ann.............264 Crockett J............................332 Cronin, Roberta.................258 Cronkright, Douglas........ 248, 332, 376 Crosby, Janet............265, 389 Cross, Jim...........................280 Crough, William ...............351 Crow, Michael L..................344 Crumbaker, James.............330 Crupi, Carrol ....................341 Cubitt, Doralyn R............. .389 Cudworth, Carol ...............259 Cull, Helen................316,389 Cullen, John C....................369 Cullip, Jeanette V................385 Culotta, Jim..............251, 331 Culver, Gary.......................327 Cummings, Dorothy A. .. .389 Cummings, Peggy..............249 Cummins, Emery..............280 Cunningham, Gilbert .... 219, 223, 369, 396 Curchoe, Carl A..................356 Curren, Diane ...................319 Curry, George.....................354 Curter, Linten A. ..............220 Curtis, Barbara L...............409 Curtis, Charles..........206, 241 Curtis, Ed..................209, 396 Curtis, Paul D......................389 Curtis, Ralph .............242,339 Curtiss, Sallie.....................304 Cusack, Mary E.........309, 389 Cushing, Kerry B...............409 Cuthbertson, Cynthia 249, 315 Cutter, Charles...................409 Cutter, Patricia F................369 Cuttner, David...................350 Cygan, Richard...................351 Czarney, Rosemary...........241 D Da, Tran H..........................376 Dacey, Pat...........................302 D’Agestine, Elizabeth A.. .369 Dahir, Abdallah G..............369 Dahlke, Kent D..................250 Dahlman, Lois G. .. .315, 385 Dail, Susie...........................315 Dailey, Thomas L................409 Daily, Janice L....................389 Daily, Michael J..................369 Dale, Allen D......................376 Dalenberg, Linda L...........409 Daleo, Mary F...........229, 404 Dalrymple, Diane K.......... 230, 262, 63 Dalton, Charlotte A...........385 Dalton, Patricia A..............389 Dalvini, Kathryn L............. 301, 341, 389 Damman, Ronald E........... 227, 279, 404 Damson, Jack E..................410 Dancy, Gerald L.........351, 410 Danford, Janice R..............376 Daniel, William B..............242 Daniels, Aaron...................336 Daniels, Connie L................261 Daniels, Evelyn .................230 Daniels, John R..................332 Dann, Jon...........................211 D’Antuono, Don ..............281 Danziger, Douglas H..........340 Dànzik, Lenore S. . .208, 389 Darby, Joel A......................410 Darling, Bary M........217, 364 Darling, Lorelei A. . .208, 369 Daruvalla, Noshir J.......... 221, 222, 376 Dase, John .................223,327 Dash, Nancy.......................220 Davenport, Kenneth .........234 Davenport, Patricia...........230 225, 271, 300 Davey, Mary E....................389 David, Ann ... .236, 247, 312 Davidson, Douglas M. ... 227 Davidson, Judith.............. 221, 209, 401 Davidson, Stephen.............206 Davidson, William R.........410 Davis, Barbara...................274 Davis, Bill...........................343 Davis, Diane M..................369 Davis, Dianne ...................265 Davis, Evelyn C..........201,401 Davis, Glenn R...................324 Davis, Gloria .................... 224, Davis, Hazle.......................226 Davis, Jill ...........................318 Davis, Larry L....................404 Davis, Marlin E..................410 Davis, Skip.................247, 346 Davis, Susan D...........314,369 Davis, Tom .......................330 Davis, William J..................410 Davison, Gail.....................270 Dawson, Marlene...............258 Day, Darrell.......................215 Dayne, Karen.....................314 Deal, Leo ...........................228 Deamud, James R. ..289,404 Dean, Arlene.......................314 Dean, Leland W..................235 DeBats, Don A....................335 DeBeauclair, Sue...............229 DeBoer, Jerry L.........242, 345 DeBoskey, Ruth.................270 Debrine, Thomas...............334 Decker, Leonard...............231 Decker, Robert J..................410 Declark, Barbara...............217 Dedula, Patricia ....241,257 Deem, Judith .............247, 315 Deem, Susan V............315, 389 DeGeus, Geriann F........... 389, 204 Degener, Sally ..................314 DeGrand, R. J...............330 DeHenau, Gerald ............364 Dehncke, Rae................281 DeKay, Patti..................268 Dekker, Deborah ... .310, 410 DeKleine, Carl..............249 DeKoning, Dave ...............232 Delaney, J. Tim............331 Delellis, Joe ......................226 Delligatti, Jim ...........247, 343 DelMonico, Patrick.....334 Delong, Keith................281 Demaree, John.............203 Demay, Steven P...........376 DeMeester, Lois.................310 DeMeester, Ruth J..............410 Demilio, Michael S............410 Democh, Roger .................345 Demott, Richard M............404 Dempsey, T. Patrick..........369 Denawetz, Dan...................335 DenHerder, Margurette ..345 Denhof, Ronnell P..............396 Denhoff, Betty ..................272 Denholm, D.........................227 Denison, James C. .. .235, 396 Denton, Carol..............262-63 Denton, Mike....................241 DePue, Doris ....................258 Derfner, Donald ..............333 Derkacz, Oksana..............268 Dero, Jamie........................305 De Romana, Manuel O.... 352, 396 Derr, Marcia M..................404 Derr, Otwell J......................376 Derr, Thomas C.....346, 364 Derrickson, Sally-236, 301 De Sano, Peter J................410 Detwiler, Donald R.. .338, 410 Deuel, Robert F..................364 DeVet, Joe ................211, 238 DeVol, Lynette............262-63 Devore, Geralyn J................401 DeVries, Sherry.................259 DeVries, Wayne ...............345 DeVroome, Anne L............369 DeWald, Nancy.................307 DeWeerd, William ...........323 Dewey, James.....................333 Dexter, John W.........352, 396 DeYoung, Donald W........253 DeYoung, Douglas A........376 Diamond, Charles .. .320, 376 Diamond, Dianne ...243,266 Diamond, Rhea........304,389 248, 338, 369 Dibble, Darolyn.................239 Dible, Peggy .......................260 Di Bucci, Joseph F............343 Dick, Robert.......................330 Dickens, Janet ...................258 Dickenson, Merri J..............231 Dicks, Debby .....................220 Dickson, Don.............247, 346 Didier, Rev. James W........230 Diehl, Arne J...................... 242, Diehl, David M..................321 Dies, Agnes C......................418 Diesing, Glenn...................336 Dietrich, Ronald G... 335, 396 Dietz, Ruth Ann.........232, 232 Dietz, Theodore.........215,364 Dillingham, Ann ...............274 Dillon, Daniel.....................206 Dirkse, Art................242,331 Disbro, Martha...................272 Dissinger, Linda.........251, 314 Dittmore, William.............325 Divekey, Sheila.........220, 259 Divelbiss, Warren L..234, 385 Divine, Marlon A........269, 389 Divjak, Ron .......................344 Divock, Arthur .................342 Dixon, Barb ... .202, 259, 314 Dixon, David A..................376 Dmoch, Thomas S..............410 Dobbins, Dave G........249, 345 Dobbs, Sherrie...................270 Dobias, Charles D..............289 Dodge, Dick.......................281 Dodge, Nancy ...................274 Dodge, Ted.........................218 Dodge, Terrance A..............396 Doebler, Maurine.........262-63 Doerner, Bill...................... 203, 236, 206, 333, 385 Doerner, Nancy.................317 Doherty, Michael J.. .253, 418 Dolfin, Lynne.....................315 Dolhopol, Deanna.............369 Dolleck, Maxine .231, 268, 410 Doman, Ruth.....................267 Doman, Sandra.................314 Dombrowski, Elaine........ 204, 259, 401 Domzalski, Cecilia E........410 Domzalski, Marilyn .. .262-63 Donahue, Richard T..........364 Donay, Theodore M..........385 Donnelly, Barb...................313 Donoghue, Judith...............317 Doran, Frances E.............. 204, 272, 389 Dorman, John A..................329 Dorman, Sue A....................259 Dorr, Helen E......................401 Dorr, Joseph E....................364 Dorrian, Wyn A..........257, 389 Dotlich, Sherry...................267 Dougherty, Clemens W.... 344, 376 Douglass, Laurie ...............264 Douw, Sharon G................369 Dowd, Bruce A..........226, 321 Dowding, Murlene .. .250, 316 Downes, John D..................396 Doxey, Robert D................376 Doxtator, Cindy........314, 404 Doyle, Ada T......................405 Doyle, Janet.......................259 Doyle, John.........................339 Drake, Carole.....................272 Drake, Carolyn L. ...316, 369 Drake, Jim .................328,396 Drake, Pat .................310,249 Draper, Karen K................ 248, 308, 385 Draves, Carolyn.................302 Drazin, Drew .....................349 Drew, Marlene...................270 Drewek, Patty J..........308, 410 Dreyfuss, Brigitte...............341 Driver, Bill .........................241 Drulard, Frederick F..........376 Drullinger, Carol...............201 Drum, James K....................369 Drummond, Dennis Drummond, Phillenore A.. .225 204, 217, 405 Drummond, Robert J. ... 222, 232, 232, 376 Drysdale, Barbara.............264 Drysdale, Mary L....228, 261 D’Souza, Ivor.....................222 Dubiel, Robert...................328 Dubman, Howard .............275 Duca, Linda ......................270 Duff, Diane G....................369 Duff, John...........................279 Dugger, Wayne...................234 Dull, Ronald.......................209 Duma, Marilyn...................311 Dumas, Lawrence B...........364 Dumas, Patricia S.............. 208, 224, 385 Duncan, Daniel .................289 Duncan, John D..................410 Duncan, Judie A................ 248, 317, 389 Duncan, Keller J. ...340,376 Dundas, Chris.....................354 Dunkle, Joyce.....................264 Dunn, Bobbie J....................265 Dunn, Ernest.......................234 Dunne, Hap.........................327 Dunwell, Jim ............249, 331 Dural, Robert J..................364 Durbin, Tim E............202, 203 Durell, Mary E..........310,410 Durham, Karen ................261 Durkee, Carol J...................405 Dusseau, Larry...................331 Dusseau, Sally ...................311 Dutton, Nan.......................259 Dvorak, Thomas E...........405 Dworkis, Andrew..............349 Dychtwald, Stuart.............333 Dye, Betty M..............313,390 Dye, Robert C...................253 Dykema, Henry .................249 Dzurella, Cecilia A............405 E Eakin, David W..................376 Eardley, Barbara R............390 Early, Alan........217, 364, 289 Early, Thomas W................376 Easterman, Judith............ 311, 357, 376 Eastman, Ronald L. . .328, 410 Easton, Thomas G.............217 Eaton, Barbara..........231, 293 Ebbage, Sandra K..............390 Eberhardt, Michael...........253 Ebinger, George.................347 Eckert, Joseph L................410 Eder, Robert......................215 Edgar, Carol.......................311 Edgley, Carolea.................405 Edington, Tarry.................329 Edmunds, Beverly ... 309, 401 Edsall, John F....................410 Edwards, Harold L...........376 Edwards, Jesse...................334 Edwards, Linda J...............385 Edwards, Robert C.. .324,376 Eggert, James............326, 410 Eggleston, Patrick............ 226, 230, 289, 364 Eggleston, Victor L............289 Ehle, Jim.............................234 Ehlinger, Robert Jr...........289 Ehrlich, Martin .................227 Ehrmann, Jon G.............. 289, 203, 202, 215, 376 Eicher, Carl .......................215 Eickwort, George ... .230, 217 Eiker, William L.................405 Eilola, Jane.........................264 Eisenbeiser, John W..........364 Eisler, Charlene.................268 Eissinger, Ramon...............348 Ekey, Glen A.............323, 390 Elgridge, Raymond .. 329, 405 Elgland, Sandi ...................267 Elish, Steve.........................281 Eller, Clyde.........................314 Ellingboe, William L..........344 Elliot, Harvey .................. 239, 242, 343, 410 Elliot, John D......................215 Elliot, Mike D...........247, 343 .......................338 Ellis, David ...................... Ellis, Elaine 202, Ellis, Jerry M......................320 Ellis, Joan...........................270 Ellis, Patricia V..................390 Ellsworth, Wendell .......... 214, 220, 289, 364 Ellward, John....................343 Ellward, Katy.....................307 Elmer, Virginia........269, 390 El-Sherif, Helmy ..............222 Elwer, Gale E......................405 Ely, Susan...........................272 243, 273, 314 Emerich, D...........................354 Emerick, Eileen............ 225 Emerson, Samuel........... .282 Emmons, Dennis ...............337 Engel, Karen E....................401 Engelhardt, Floyd............ 329, 352, 396 Engelhardt, Sharon B........401 Engelsman, Joyce L............390 Engelsman, Thomas R.... 405 Engleman, D. Ray..............336 English, Bonnie .................262 English, Justin G................405 Enlund, Geoffrey...............351 Enright, Paul F..................338 ...............311 Ensfield, Sharon Ensign, Tod.........................326 Enyart, Lynn.......................351 Eppel, Leonard .................376 Erbacher, Susanna L. 312, 369 Erber, Al.............................281 Erickson, Glenn ... .216, 237 Erickson, Jane ...................315 Erickson, Lee....................276, 369 Erickson, Mary Jo.. .311, 369 Erkman, Judy ...........234, 313 Erler, Robert H..................396 Erny, Elaine.......................259 Eroen, Terry L....................376 Eshleman, Paul........291, 222 Esperti, Robert...................327 Essex, William R................ 212, 355, 364 Estfan, Bernie.....................327 Etchison, Kenneth L..........205 Eubank, James H................231 Eustice, Beverly.................265 Evans, Arleta .....................313 Evans, Charles R................396 Evans, Elwin D...................410 Evans, Judy ...............236,310 Evans, Kay .........................264 Evans, Lucinda K..............418 Evans, Lynn P.....................369 Evans, Ronald A................396 Evans, Sheila .....................308 Everest, Richard J...............376 Everett, Barbara ... .231, 293 Ewer, James M..................369 Ewert, Herbert F................376 Eyler, Chris .......................335 Eymer, George T................376 F Fabian, Robert...........342, 376 Fabricant, Bruce.211, 236, 349 Fabris, Linda............236,264 Fabus, Elaine .. .239, 270, 401 Fadayomi, Timothy..........222 Fadous, Raymond Y..........405 Fager, Kay.........................266 Fagin, Ellen .......................250 Fair, Beth ...........................267 Falicki, Judith A................390 Falk, Rebecca J..................385 Faffs, Tom...........................323 Fangboner, Gail.................316 Fanson, Philip . .205, 355, 396 Fanson, Richard L..............396 Fargher, Robert H..............355 Farkas, Robert...................345 Farley, Joann.....................201 Farley, Michael .................335 Farmer, Dave.............348, 352 Farnam, Kathy E................ 233, 310, 405 Famham, Kathy A.. .316, 405 Famum, Norman T............405 Farough, Thomas G..........376 Farr, Kenneth S..................376 Farrin, Sally.......................272 Farrow, Jane.......................319 Fase, Jacob P.....................376 Fatchett, Mary........... .267 Fathipour, Amir.................279 Faulkner, John...................205 Faulkner, Thomas.............209 Fay, Janet...........................231 Feather, John.....................348 Federighi, Vance.............. 204, 219, 352, 396 Federowicz, Ronald J........ 205, 339, 355, 397 Feher, Bela........232, 291, 364 Fehsenfeld, John A............397 Feldman, Howard.............279 Feldman, Martin K............329 Fellabaum, William M___ 326, 390 Fenton, Larry E..................377 Ferber, Robert K..............410 Ferguson, John M..............377 Ferrar, Nancy ...........200,347 Ferrari, Charles J................369 Ferrari, Michael.................277 Ferriman, Leslie ..........261 Fertel, Mary.......................303 Fethke, Eugene........234, 397 Fethke, Karen G........234,390 Fetters, Frederick G..325, 377 Fetters, Wayne R. ...209, 397 Fiebing, Linda...................310 Field, David W..................332 Fields, Barbara ................303 Fields, Brenda J.........311,390 Fields, Edward G...............410 Fields, Noel J......................369 Fierz, Charles L..................340 Fike, Pat.............................268 Filion, Joffre W..................410 Filizola, Rubens.................397 Filson, Eric M...........236, 390 Findlay, John.....................249 Findlay, Margaret.............311 Fineman, Joseph ..............349 Fink, Mary Kay...................314 Finkbeiner, Joseph ..........279 Finkbeiner, Sandra ..........227 Finlay, Daniel .................231 Finn, Frederick J................377 Finn, Patricia A..................401 Firestone, Jerry ................320 Firth, Linda ......................306 Fischer, Ernest G.... 249, 405 Fischer, John.....................220 Fischer, Konrad ...............377 Fish, Christine...........266, 369 Fish, Gordon.......................253 Fisher, Alice.......................410 Fisher, Lynn...................... 248, 306, 357, 377 Fisher, Mary .....................310 Fisher, Peter E. .202, 215, 377 Fisher, Robert E.................339 Fisher, Robert R................355 Fisher, Thomas W. . .331, 377 Fiskars, Erik S....................397 Fitch, Edward M................253 Fitchett, Nancy...................268 Fitsgerald, Jon...................236 Fitzgerald, Dennis ...........281 Fitzgerald, John D............. 206, 351, 354 Fitzgerald, Jon .........324, 385 Fitzgerald, Sue E. ... 309, 390 Fladseth, Floyd C...............364 Fladseth, Francis R............397 Fladseth, Robert ...............232 Fladstad, Kris . .267, 243, 249 Flaherty, Biff .....................280 Flahive, Craig.....................337 Flake, Joseph.....................326 Flamm, Leni.......................236 Fleckenstein, David J........377 Fletcher, Catherine G........390 Fletcher, James H...............364 Flint, Michael T...................390 Florey, James.............249, 280 Florsheim, Steve ...............320 Floyd, Phillip E..................385 Fobear, Patti.......................315 Foe, Martha M....................390 Foess, John.........................352 Fogelson, Jeff.....................350 Fogg, Ralph A....................330 Foley, Ned .........................241 Foley, Thomas F................356 Follett, John Jr....................327 Follett, Susan.............258, 308 Folmar, Howard ...............232 Fontaine, Anne M..............302 Foodsman, J. C..................343 Foodym, Allan...................249 Foote, Bobbie.....................319 Foote, Howard...................342 Forbes, Gary L....................397 Forbes, Jane.......................401 Forbes, Miriam J................405 Forbush, David.................281 Forbush, Richard...............218 Ford, Ben ...........................321 .........................250 Ford, Dick ...........269, 369 Ford, Lurinda ...................327 Ford, Richard Ford, Thomas ...................225 Foreman, Eleanor.............258 Forgrave, Holly.................270 Forman, Marilyn...............390 Foss, Beverly B..................390 Foss, Errol L......................334, 385 Foster, David R..........203, 385 Foster, Edward G..............253 .. ,239, 256, 401 Foster, Ellen Foster, John R...................364 Foth, Donald W.................364 Foth, Henry ......................217 Fouch, Charlotte L............369 Fournel, Claude A.............390 Fournel, Susan E...............390 Fournier, Jo Ann M. . .31, 390 Fowler, Carol....................246 Fox, Barbara ....................316 Fox, Betsy.........................318 Fox, Bonnie .............236, 369 Fox, Elizabeth G................369 ..........................234 Fox, Gale ..........................279 Fox, John Fox, John .........................281 Fox, Mernie ... .236, 251, 310 Fox, Raymond M. .. .329, 397 Fox, Richard H..................369 Foxworthy, Lynn M.........369 Foy, Michael S....................334 Frame, Nancy ..........301,390 Franchi, Anthony J............377 Frank, Dick ..............225,325 Frank, Glenn M..................418 Franke, Carol....................258 Franklin, Connie N............369 Franklin, John L................377 Franz, Brian ... .231, 241,377 Fraser, Robert H................332 Frederick, James E.. .220, 281 Fredrick, Gloria J..............370 Fredricks, Marlyce M........390 Fredrics, H. Bruce............377 Frei, Frannie ............249, 270 Freitag, William ...............253 French, Susan....................270 Freriks, R. David..............351 Frey, Barbara ...................241 Frey, Norman L.................390 Friberg, Carl F..................220 Frick, Brenda....................269 Friday, Paul......................226 Friday, Philip L............... .364 Fried, Rochelle B................401 Friedman, Carol ....247,312 Fries, Susie........317,341,370 Frisbie, Steven J........345,405 Frisch, Linda .....................307 Fritz, Ronnie .............227, 282 Frost, Jo .............................208 Frueh, Leroy W..................377 Fry, Happy........................250 Fry, Larry L........................377 Fry, Sally .......................... 312, 247, 249, 272, 310 Fry, Wallace .....................238 Frye, Luanne.......................276 Fuller, Biff .................247,343 Fuller, Janet.......................256 Fuller, Ronald C........225,364 Funk, Jeanne.......................270 Furguson, Diane ...............316 Furo, Estelle.......................259 Furry, Susan W..........317,410 Futoran, Herbert S... 320, 410 Fuzak, Pam___200, 318, 347 Fyke, James .......................351 G Gabridge, Michael G..........210 Gadhia, Vinod...................221 Gaige, Mary Jane.............. 209, 259, 401 Galazin, John.............289, 352 Galens, Sheldon.................377 Galewski, David ...............278 Galindo, Luis A..................397 Gallagher, Nancy .. .315, 401 Gallaudet, Andy.................315 Galleher, Marilyn J............410 Gallie, Thomas D................410 Gallivan, David L. ... 324, 377 Galvin, Joseph...................336 Gama, Ahmed H................354 Gantz, Dave.......................211 Ganzhom, Andrea.......... .301 Gardner, Eamestine........201 Gardner, Robert ...............230 Garian, Karen ...................258 Garlick, Richard D............385 Garlick, Mary..........209 Garlock, Don L..................364 Garner, William ..._____333 Garrison, John...................345 Gary, Harold R........... .206 Garza, Michael...................405 Gascho, Gary............217,364 Gasman, John ...................281 .............232,257 Gates, Leona .....................307 Gates, Molly Gates, Roy B........................377 Gates, Susan .....................302 Gates, Todd .......................346 Gatrost, Sheila D................370 Gaubis, Karen ...................308 Gauger, Carole A................405 Gauger, Charles F..............418 Gaunt, Floyd E..................339 Gebben, Stanley L..............385 Gebus, Theodora ... .269, 405 Geier, Carol___228, 316, 390 Geiger, Keneth..................225 Geiger, Lawrence J.. .328, 364 Geisel, Shari......................272 Geldhof, Pieter E................377 Gelesko, F. Ronald............324 Gelley, Alexander .. .231, 351 Gensler, Margot C..............390 George, Donna S. .............311 Georgi, Sharon .........315, 390 Georgie, Anita D................370 Gerber, Arnold W..............377 Gerber, Nancy M................401 Gerhard, Frederick B........377 Gerhardt, Paul A................390 Gerlach, C. Fred................410 Gerson, Michael................320 Gerstenberger, Sue............315 Gerstenfeld, Mark K..........377 Gertz, Frank G..........279,390 Gertz, Wayne .. .222, 232, 291 Geurink, Gerald A..............364 Gibbard, Bonney..............354 Gibbs, David H..........202, 377 Gibbs, Ron ........................337 Gibson, Gail A....................390 Gibson, Gloria D. .. .228, 270 Gibson, James L..................329 Gibson, Terry....................279 Giddings, Beryl. .226, 231, 293 Giesel, James............333,418 Gieseler, James W..............405 Gifford, William ...............321 Gilbert, Alan .....................377 Gilbert, Carole...................305 Gilbert, Douglas ....232, 291 Gildemeister, Louis F........220 Giliberto, Richard J..........227 Gill, David C......................390 Gillengerten, Mary L.........315 Gillig, Daniel E..................377 Gilliland, Karen.................271 Gilmore, Richard Jr. .343, 377 Gilmore, Tanya .................310 Gilmore, William M..........334 Gilmour, Margaret . .246, 250 Gilson, Karen.....................239 Gilson, Kenneth........323, 410 Gingold, Eric .....................354 Gingras, Russell.................336 Gingrich, Jake J..................405 Giordano, Richard............335 Girard, Jerold P..................338 Gish, Barb..........................241, 317 Gish, Carol........236, 264, 306 Gistinger, Thomas J..........332 Gladner, Albert.................350 Glah, Ron..........................247, 343 Glaser, Carol .....................274 Glaser, Joan M....................390 Glass, Charles.....................340 Glazer, Betty S....................370 Gleason, Glenda.202, 231, 273 Glendenning, Gail A..........390 Glick, Art ...........................205 Glick, Richard...................320 Glover, Buff...............250,309 Gluba, Blair M....................410 Gluck, Arnold ...................350 Gnill, Florence...................293 Godfrey, Linda...................261 Godfrey, Nancy L..............390 Godfrey, Roger W..............364 Goetz, Wayne A..................346 Goff, James.........................225 Gokenbach, Nancy . .239, 274 Goldberg, Barbara A. ... 390 Goldberg, Helen ...............239 Goldberg, Joel..........222,390 Goldberg, Paul L................390 Goldberg, Ruth J................390 Goldfine, Mike...................275 Golding, Gwynn ....312,377 Goldman, Arnold J.. .320, 410 Goldstein, Aaron A............410 Goldstein, Michael ...........349 Goldstein, Stefany P..........410 Gomezrobelo, Myriam__222 Gondek, Mark T................340 Good, Kathy......................270 Goodman, Louis P.............364 Goodman, Mary-Kaye .. .318 Goodman, Melva J............390 Goodrich, Mary K..............258 Goodrum, Suzanne .. 262, 263 Goodson, Diane........223, 311 Goodwin, Jessica ... .316, 405 Goodwin, Richard E..........405 Gordon, Jean .. .204, 259,401 Gordon, Michael..............320 Gorman, Karen................357 Gortzig, Carl F....................364 Gosselin, Denis........211, 385 Gothelf, Carol ..................220 Gotts, Gordon L..................390 Goud, Nelson H.........227, 277 Goudzwaard, Maurice ... 203 Gould, Alan......................342 Gould, Janet......................273 Govatos, Sandi..........317,341 Gowdy, Alice....................270 Gowell, Mary K..................401 Gowell, Tom......................348 Grace, Thomas...................281 Graczyk, William J.. .209, 307 Grafe, Carol.......................265 Graff, Daniel...................... 242, 349, 410 204, Graffa, Arlene ...................223 Graham, Linda M... .269, 370 Graham, Mary..................267 Grams, Chuck...........247, 346 Grams, June...............314 Grand, Joseph.......342,410 Granda, Eduardo A...........377 Granger, Stan....................326 Granowitz, Joan E............410 Granstrom, Lois E..............385 Grant, Bill F........................229 Grant, Bruce 0..................321, 364 Grant, Lloyd J............... .397 Grant, William D............... .. .201, 269 ...................202 242, 323, 377 Grau, David W....................377 Graves, Carol.............307 Graves, Charlene Graves, Helen Graves, Katie.............347 ...................316 Graves, Peggy Gray, Cynthia ...........269, 390 Gray, David C....................340 Gray, Diane M....................390 Gray, Lois .................201, 307 Grazier, R. Keith...............328 Grazulis, Rimantas . .210, 282 Grech, John ...............327, 370 Greebel, Charles ...............247 Green, Clair W....................377 Green, Donna ...........304, 370 Green, Edwina D................370 Green, Mary E....................377 Green, Nancy J...................390 Green, Richard .................342 Green, Sally 200, 247, 249, 310 Green, Vicky .....................268 Green, William R. ..334,405 Greenawalt, Anne............306 Greene, Gwendolyn ........ 239, 304, 410 Greene, Lillian .........239, 266 Greene, Mary E..................233 ...............333 Greene, Richard Greene, Sue___243,257,370 Greenleaf, Sue...........200, 311 Greenough, Diane............200 Greenstein, Susan .............243 Greer, Thomas...................289 Greer, William D................370 Gregg, Katherine...............267 Gregg, Owen W...................322 Gregorski, Carol Ann....401 Gregory, Kale . .262, 263, 308 Gregory, Mark...................241 Gregory, Wallis K___318,401 Greifendorf, Arlyn ..310,410 Grein, Tom.........................206 Greist, David A..................220 Gremel, Dick.....................253 Gremel, Judith C................410 Grenadier, Linda___238, 385 Greniewicki, Sandra........341 Gresco, William.................247 Gretzinger, Dick ...............331 Gribas, Mary Lou............302 Grieger, Ed.........................217 Griep, Corky___239, 313, 347 Griffin, Thomas J................405 Griffith, Carol ...................268 Griffith, Frank ...................345 .....................276 Griffith, Geri 443 Griffith, Heidi ...................273 Griff ord, William...............226 Grifka, Judi 200, 243, 274, 347 Grigg, Diane.......................317 Griggs, Peggy.............249, 273 Grile, Mary.........................233 Grimmer, Carol........222, 390 Gronquist, Reuben J...........397 Groos, Bonnie ...........247, 307 Groover, Diane...................266 Gross, David .....................220 Gross, Gerald E..........328, 377 Gross, Jerry ...............234, 327 Grossman, Gordon V.........364 Grossmann, Ron ... .346, 377 Groth, Florence .268, 357, 377 Grow, Richard...................241 Grubaugh, Joyce A.............390 Gruber, Claudine...............249 Gruber, Kathy ..................307 Gruizenga, Jim...................218 Grumet, Ron........*...........349 Grass, Marc.......................281 Guenther, Wayne...............337 Guernsey, Carl M...............390 Guernsey, Karen H............390 Guerro, Carmine...............377 Gugelmeyer, Roger J..........330 Guilday, Patricia...............226 Gunderson, Julie...............239 Gunger, Sharyn .................271 Gunnerfeldt, Lennart 227,351 Gunsolus, Ginger...............310 Gunter, Edwin W.................364 Gurney, Irene....................311, 401 Gustafson, Jane.........247, 312 Gustafson, Kathy-----216, 316 Gutenberger, John.............342 Gutowski, Jerry........325,405 Gutowsky, Larry A............377 Guyer, John ...............241, 348 Guynn, Robert...........281, 405 H Haaek, Michael.................333 Haan, Richard E..................344 Haas, Beth...........................311 Haase, Frederick J..............277 Haase, Jim...........................249 Habel, F................................354 Haberman, Steven.............349 Hacala, Lynne...................267 Hack, Jeffrey I................. -405 Hack, Shirley L..................401 Hackenbruch, Bob .. .241, 280 Haedicke, Stephen.............247 Hagen, Lynne.....................307 Hagen, Martha J.........306, 370 Hagood, Henry...................242 Hahn, Charles E.................377 Hahn, Daniel.....................350 Hahn, Wayne.....................355 Haidle, Marc G..................335 Hain, Thomas.....................377 Haines, Bill.........................347 Haines, Gerald...........328,377 Haines, Roger W........... -289 Hait, Judith.........................260 Hakam, Judy .....................258 Halberg, Thomas H............ 212, 355, 364 Hale, Judy...................218,271 Hale, Sharyn .............231, 293 Halkola, Elizabeth M........405 Hall, Asceneth . .231, 293, 377 Hall, Douglas A..................410 Hall, Gloria J......................370 Hall, James W....................377 Hall, Judy A........................390 Hall, Oveta.........................266 Hall, Pat .............................264 Hall, Patricia .....................230 Hall, Shirley.....................390 Hall, Stephen .............339,377 . 262,63 Hallenbeck, Wanda Haller, Richard........325,410 Hallier, William........247, 325 Hallock, Ann ..............262,63 Halper, Norene .................238 Halstead, Jim.....................326 Hamann, Dennis ... .226, 418 Hamburger, Robert J........ 217, 405 Hamelink, Jerry L..............364 Hamilton, Elaine G...........390 Hamilton, Geoffrey F. ...377 Hamilton, Gerald L.........364 .................250 Hamilton, Judy .... .204, 390 Hamilton, Rita ,...226,364 Hamilton, Terry 444 Hamlin, Claudia ... .239, 261 Hamlon, Marcy .................244 Hammond, Neale P...........410 Hammond, Sharon K. ... 405 Hammond, Steven L..........410 Hammons, Larry W............329 Hampton, Carol.................273 Hand, Donald ..................225 Hand, John........................279 Handlon, Richard .............241 Handy, Chuck ..........239, 343 Handy, Clara ....................200 Hanert, Fred......................331 Hanewald, Richard..........351 Hanigan, Dottie................261 Hanlan, Maryann ............385 Hanna, Dianne ................ 208, 236, 310, 385 Hanna, Kathleen ...............410 Hanna, Marjorie E..............390 Hannah, Margery-jo........309 Hannah, Paula J. ...215,377 Hannigan, Don R.... 220, 329 Hannon, Marcia .............. 238, 243, 262, 63, 390 Hans, Frederick V............364 Hansen, Barbara B. .239, 257 Hansen, Barbaras..............405 Hansen, Bonnie J................405 Hansen, Frank E................370 Hansen, Henry C................377 Hansen, Lawrence.............250 Hantke, Thomas ...............347 Harbison, Bonnie 243, 271, 390 Harby, Jack .......................355 Harcourt, Patricia .... 262, 63 Harding, Budd E..............391 Harding, Robert E..............227 Hards, A. Thomas..........385 Hardt, Robert D................410 Hardy, Barbara M............370 Hardy, Landis G..............206 Harjer, Barbara J..............401 Harmon, Cathy................313 Harmon, Catherine A........410 Harnois, John..................278 Harnois, Pauline L............227 Harold, Polly..................276 Harpham, Susan-----208, 370 Harrington, David E.........397 ............331 Harrington, John Harrington, Leonard L. . .220 Harrington, Nancy ..........314 Harris, A. J...............247, 327 Harris, Bob .......................234 Harris, Everett A................351 Harris, George...................241 .................302 Harris, Margee Harris, Mike .....................344 Harris, Newell E................377 Harris, Phyllis ........216, 238 Harris, Richard M..............410 Harris, Robert ...................249 Harris, Sally.......................306 Harrison, Dennis...............333 .................261 Harrison, Mary Harrison, Roger ...............391 Harrison, Susan.................301 Harry, Steven R..................339 .............232,232 Hart, Nelson .....................340 Hart, Robert .......................304 Hart, Susan Hart, Terry.................307,410 Hartman, Art.....................347 Hartman, Franklin L. ...391 Hartman, Gerald R............332 Hartman, Ronald .............319 Hartnell, Jack M................322 .. .238, 262, 63 Harvey, Judie Harwalkar, Venkjesh U. . .221 Harwood, Jan....................218, 269 Haske, Gail E......................405 Haskell, Suzanne-----239, 249 Hasley, Daniel E................385 Hasse, Max A......................391 Hassenzahl, Linda.............269 Hastings, Camille .. .231, 293 Hatch, James E..................410 Hatch, Joan H....................411 Hatch, Sylvia .............200, 214 Hatie, Pamela.....................267 Hatter, Stanley...........218, 329 Hauch, Jon P......................344 Hauer, Lance A. ...............411 Haughey, Jean...................311 Hauk, Judy.........................240 Haupt, Tom .......................324 Hautala, Andrea ...............276 Haviland, Jack...................325 Hawes, Gary L....................411 Hawes, Linda L..................391 Hawkins, Donald ............220 Hawkins, Richard ............321 Hawkins, Stuart.................346 Hawley, Chuck...................322 Hawley, William ...............206 Hayashi, Ronald S..............411 Hayes, Diane .....................272 Hayskar, Steve...................281 Hazel, Arthur.....................355 Hazelton, Robert...............339 Hazewinkel, Judy...............316 Hazen, C. Melville.............230 Heald, Jerry .......................346 Hearn, Donald...................216 Heath, Chuck.....................331 Heath, Joel H......................202 Heath, Pam .......................307 Heath, Terry.......................327 Heath, Theodore ...............354 Heaton, Connie .................261 Hecht, Bob .........................346 Hecht, Shelley ...................313 Heck, Henry J....................377 Hecko, Georgine...............229 Heckrodt, Roger V............354 Heffler, Carole ..................312 Heffner, Karen...................276 Hegel, Robert E..................210 Hegerberg, Thad ...............337 Heikkinen, Madeline........ 226, 206, 370 Heilman, Joel C..................377 Heimer, David...................347 Heimonen, Margo L..........401 Heiss, Nancy E....................265 Hejl, Irene .................314,202 Heiberg, Luanne ..............261 Held, James W............328, 377 Held, Robert C....................411 Heifer, Marcelyn...............264 Helixon, Mike ...................345 Heller, Earl ..............218, 329 Heller, Mark F....................385 Heller, Richard L...............397 Heimer, James L................411 Helming, Adeline...............319 Helmrich, Ruthann.......... 224,315,385 Hendee, John R.........225, 335 Hendee, Karen K................391 Hendershott, Sue...............265 Henderson, Barbara. .271, 411 Henderson, Sue .................306 Hendges, Lois ...........217,405 Hendrick, Robert C............377 Henrickson, Karen L..........405 Hendrix, Jon V....................222 Henn, Albert.............217, 405 Henne, Bruce .....................377 Hennink, Ann S..................391 Henry, Bonnie ...........249,259 Henry, Charles R................364 Henry, Jane .......................223 Henry, Janet M............309, 391 Hense, James R..........351, 397 Hentschel, Marta...............274 Herbert, Mary ...................301 Herbst, Honor E................405 Herdell, Shirley........264, 370 Herman, Kathy...................249 Hernstat, John..........320,411 Heron, Gerald W.................370 Herr, Robert.......................281 Herrick, B.............................332 Herrick, Nancy T................385 Herrick, Patricia A............391 Herrick, William M...........411 Herrington, Marian...........270 Herrmann, Barbara...........301 Herron, Linda L..................411 Herstein, Kathy........220, 273 Herz, Bill............................205, 328 Hess, Keith J.....................231, 348 Heth, Gilbert R.................365 Hetrick, Jo Ann ..............401 Hetrick, Robert ................328 Heyer, Thomas..................348 Heuser, Robert F...............405 Hewett, Peter .. .227, 377, 323 Hewett, Tom.....................211 Hewitt, Suzanne B.............401 Hext, Thomas R.................411 Heymann, Jo .............249, 270 Heywood, Joseph.............338 Hibbard, George ...............242 Hibberd, Pamela ..............311 Hibner, Edward J.............377 Hickman, Stephen...........241 Hicks, Ann M... .220, 302, 391 Hicks, Annabel L..............391 Hicks, Joey.......................272 Hicks, Tom.........................346 Hicok, William T................370 Hiemstra, Roger.................206 Hienton, Ethel M................411 Higby, Mary......................238 Hildebrandt, Barb.............309 Hilding, Bertil A................411 Hill, Annabel .....................391 Hill, Anne...........................310 Hill, Carolyn .....................307 Hill, Christopher ...............227 Hill, Constance .217,300,405 Hill, Donald G............329, 405 Hill, John T.......................210, 343 Hill, Phillip B.....................225, 365 Hill, Robert P......................346 Hillard, David L................405 Hiller, Anthony .................323 Hillert, Richard A..............253 Hilliard, Shirley........307, 370 Hillshafer, William ...........377 Hillstrom, Phil..........337,370 Hines, John F......................344 Hines, Kathy .....................262 Hinkley, Gerry......226,236 Hinkley, Judy.....................341 Hinman, Dick ...........222, 391 Hirko, Mike.......................326 Hirsch, Tony ....................242 Hirsch, William A..............342 Hirshman, Nancy...............232 Hirst, Agnes J......................370 Hirst, Helen A....................370 Hiscox, Pat.........................274 Hitt, Julie ..........................-262 Hitzig, David L..................320 Hively, Carolyn .................268 Ho, Robert .........................347 Hoag, Frank.......................327 Hobart, Susan ...................311 Hobbs, Linore.................... 208, 240, 310, 405 Hobert, John S....................405 Hochhauser, Constance ..230 Hockaday, Donna.............247 Hodder, Robert G..............325 Hodges, James K................405 Hodges, Jeff .......................351 Hodgins, William M..........378 Hodgson, Koko...253,322 Hodkowski, Gwen.............274 Hoeg, Bion L......................411 Hoemke, Sue .....................301 Hoexter, Mary...................226 Hoff a, James.......................323 Hoffman, Howard ............343 ..236,319 Hoffman, Kenneth Hoffman, Marjorie ..........309 Hoffman, Mary K.............. 243, Hoffman, Robert 220, 238, 345 Hoffmeyer, Jan...................310 Hogle, Ann L........................370 Hoglund, C. R....................215 Hohwart, George J............397 Holbrook, Carolyn .......... 200, 317, 347 Holcomb, Jeffrey S............378 Holcomb, Sue ...................301 Holden, Dave.................... 241,241, 331,411 Holdsworth, Jo...................311 Hollander, Selma...............370 Hollen, Martha...................208 Holleque, O. Eugene........365 Holley, Paul W..................205 Holliday, Linda. .241, 317, 391 Hollingsworth, Willis ... .279 Hollis, Stephanie-----200, 318 Hollister, James L..............370 Hollway, Donald...............216 Holmes, Gerald ................ Holmes, Susan . .244, 251, 318 Holt, Penelope...................253 Holt, Scott...........................346 Holtslander, Craig H..........322 Holtz, Phyllis .....................222 Holzhei, Don .. .352, 321, 397 Holzhei, Margo G..............391 Hood, Ann ................201, 418 Hood, Bob .................346,370 Hood, Robin.......................339 Hoonhout, Case.................325 Hoopfer, Jack.....................336 Hoover, Douglas ...............282 Hope, Mike.........................324 Hopkins, Brenda ... .239, 274 Hopkins, Patsy L................370 Hopp, Dale.........................225 Hoppe, Mark .....................352 Hopps, Sharon ...................357 Hora, Judy........204,270,370 Horn, Peggy L....................253 Hornaday, Jane .................305 Hornbach, Oskar___354, 411 Hornback, Mrs. Louise...327 Horowitz, Lawrence M----405 Horton, Eldon A................289 .............224,411 Horton, Nan Horvath, Dennis G..........344 Horvath, Diana .................319 Horwitt, Henry..........350, 411 Horwitz, David S........229, 365 Hosmer, Paul D..................378 Hoste, Douglas W... .223,411 Hotchkin, Darrel..............241 Hotchkiss, Jack .................336 Hotton, Ralph A................338 Houck, Leslie.....................278 Houdek, Dennis.................216 House, Karen............315,402 Housler, Leon D................411 Houvener, Alison 202, 310, 314 Hover, Sue .........................260 Hovis, John C......................222 Howard, Charles ...............327 Howard, Harry C................385 Howard, Janet ...................370 Howard, Martha ...............370 Howard, Nancy........302,391 Howard, Robert C............. 203, 206, 411 Howard, Suzi.....................269 Howe, Douglas F................225 Howe, Frederick C............206 Howe, Judith ............307, 370 Howell, David L..................329 ...................338 Howell, James Howell, Kenneth ...............405 Hower, Brucetta ...............391 Howie, Cameron B............391 Howlett, Anne E..............391 Hoxie, Lorelei ...................313 Hoxie, Ralph A..................226 Hruska, Judith 1..................391 Hubacker, Chris ...............317 Hubal, Brace R.........324, 397 Hubbard, Joan...................271 Hubbell, Keith W................370 Huber, Ann.........................311 Hubert, Eugene .................335 Hubert, Richard.................345 Hudek, Jim.........................211 Hudson, John S.........279, 378 Hudson, Joseph.................210 Hudson, R. Keith... .214, 220 Huellmantel, Judy.............318 ...............220 Huerstel, Phyllis Huff, Tom...........................241 Huffman, John R................378 262,63, 401 Huffmaster, Roberta L. ... 238, 351, 405 Hughes, Anne E.........316, 370 Hughes, Betsie J................. 221, 248, 317, 402 Hughes, Brent G. .. .242, 331 Hughes, Harold........329, 352 ...........385 Hughes, J. Russell Hughes, Jean .....................257 Hughes, Joan .....................257 Hughes, John.....................411 Hughes, M. Gaff ...............370 Hughes, Patricia ...............318 Hughes, Tracie...................257 Hull, Beverly .....................293 Hull, Marcia.......................293 Hull, Robert J..............354,411 Huffman, Jayne A----317, 378 Hume, Mary J...................... • .259 Humiston, Barbara...........261 ...........315 Humphrey, Bonnie Humphrey, Dix .................231 Humphrey, Ron .205,220,275 Hungerford, Connie. .231,293 Hundt, Carole ...................309 Hunsberger, Mary.............315 Hunsberger, Sally .............411 Hunt, Judith .......................391 Hunt, Mary .......................268 Hunt, Sandy.......................259 Hunter, James R................405 Hunter, Stephen ...............385 Huntington, Janice M........405 Hurd, James S....................385 Hurter, Sally ...241,247,318 Hurvitz, Arthur 1................253 Hutchings, Shirley.............258 Hutchins, Carol A. .. 306, 370 Hutchins, Jerry R................391 Hutchins, Joanne ... .249, 306 Hutchins, Nancy G...........391 203, 206, 237, 238, 248, 385 Hutchison, Lewis...............280 Hutson, Faye J....................391 Hutson, Judith A................370 Hyde, Sue ...........................314 Hyman, Liz........................236, 259 Hyman, Wendy A..............391 Hymes, Brian S..................411 I Iannelli, Angie E................391 Ide, Kenneth M..........337, 411 Ihlenfeldt, Carolyn ...........276 Imata, Janyce.....................274 Imig, David R....................324 Impara, Bonnie .................257 Imtiaz, Ansari ...................222 Inglis, Lome T....................405 Inman, Martin L........355,365 Innés, Robert B..........344,411 Irani, Behram A..................397 Irelan, Dennis L..................227 Irish, Kenneth R................378 Irmischer, Kurt .................281 Irwin, Joan A......................391 Isabell, Judy .......................264 Isoun, Turner T..................418 J Jackson, Barbara D. .357,378 Jackson, David A. . .246, 349 Jackson, Frank W..............330 Jackson, Julie.....................231 Jackson, Larry...................253 Jackson, Mary...........247, 312 Jackson, Richard A. .325,378 Jackson, Richard C...........411 Jackson, Ronald J..............346 Jackson, William M..........411 Jacob, Gary .......................281 Jacobowitz, John J... 247, 346 .......................272 Jacobs, Dee Jacobs, Peter .....................320 Jacobs, William M...320, 370 Jacobson, Jan ...........316, 391 Jacobson, Judy...................304 Jacoby, Sue.........................236 Jagoe, Carlos B. 212, 229, 365 Jagoe, Gayle C....................418 James, B. Sherryl... .265, 370 James, Dave .......................323 James, Gayle M..........314, 391 James, Siri E........................370 Jameson, Geralyn ............ 204, 260, 391 Jamison, Lawrence D........339 Janda, Sunshine.........259, 311 Jankoviak, Judith...............314 Janner, Judy K............307, 411 Jannsohn, Marion E..........411 Janowitzer, Claudio..........203 Jansen, Deana C........319, 391 Jansson, Elaine...................257 Jarman, Ann ...............262,63 Jarratt, Nancy ...........238, 259 Jarve, Arthur .....................231 Jason, Barbara A................391 Jaumotte, Julie . .201, 250, 305 Jay, Arthur J.....................350, 411 Jeffers, Alice M..................370 Jefferson, Thomas G..........405 Jeffords, Robert F..............318 Jeffree, Marcy.....................270 Jelinek, John E..................365 Jelinek, Nancy A................ 204, 243, 243, 269, 402 Jellis, Gerald S....................331 Jemison, James R................328 Jenkinson, Julie.................273 Jennings, Gerald L..............222 Jennings, Lawrence A. ... 378 Jensen, Curtis E..................234 Jensen, Jay .........................351 Jensen, Karen ...................301 Jensen, Robert...........227, 232 Jensen, Wayne H. .. .215, 378 Jerhelk, Terry.............229, 293 Jesmore, Kenneth L.......... 203,242, 331,411 Jewell, Paul N....................321 Jewett, Eugene...................344 Jewett, Judy .......................317 Jewett, Thomas J................227 Jirsa, Lee............................249, 315 Johansen, William............253 Johnson, Alden G...............391 Johnson, Alfred J..............365 Johnson, Anne...................268 Johnson, Aubrey ...............351 Johnson, Barbara E. .220,273 .. .203, 241, 242 Johnson, Bill Johnson, Carol .........234,311 Johnson, David S................324 Johnson, Diane .................310 Johnson, Donald L............351 Johnson, Donald M...........355 Johnson, Donald R............406 Johnson, Edward L........... 213, 355, 397 205, Johnson, Frankie...............266 Johnson, Gary D................378 Johnson, Gary W................232 Johnson, George A. . 356, 378 Johnson, Gilbert M........... 216, 289, 370 Johnson, Helen .................241 Johnson, James A..............378 Johnson, Judith A..............391 Johnson, Judith M..............265 Johnson, Kathleen .......... 201, 239, 266 Johnson, Kirsten ........270 Johnson, Linda .........244,316 Johnson, Martha A.. .306, 391 Johnson, Mary L................259 Johnson, Nancy A..............341 Johnson, Nancy E..............316 Johnson, Patty ...................315 Johnson, Paul W................385 Johnson, Phyllis A..............253 Johnson, Rayelene.............266 Johnson, Richard A. .355,397 Johnson, Richard T...........226 Johnson, Robert K...216, 391 Johnson, Ruthanne ...........265 Johnson, Theodore ...........354 Johnson, Theodore L......... 289, 411 Johnson, Thomas L...........378 Johnson, Wilbur C..............365 Johnson, William F...........332 Johnson, Wilmer L............391 Johnsos, Luke ...........241,242 Johnston, Albert M...........411 Johnston, Beverly M.........402 Johnston, Carol .................266 Johnston, George T...........406 Johnston, James J., Jr........378 Johnston, Jim M..................323 Johnston, Parry ...........262,63 Johnston, Robert W..........355 Johnston, Rodney A.......... 202, 215, 378 Johnston, Sally...................302 Johnston, Sharon...............341 Johnstone, George R..........411 Johnstone, Walter D..........391 Joines, Bette.......................261 Jones, Barry .......................346 Jones, Bobbi..............220, 314 Jones, Carolyn M................259 Jones, Charles E..................397 Jones, Donna .....................265 Jones, Mrs. Dorothy..........307 Jones, Douglass J................356 Jones, Lloyd B....................365 Jones, Pam .........................249 Jones, Sandra A..................411 Jones, Susan .......................304 Jordan, George...................234 Jordan, Michael C..............322 Jorgensen, Bruce...............277 Jose, David M......................330 Joy, Dennis M............339,411 Joynt, Robert L..........222, 335 Jucius, Gerry ..............262, 63 Jucius, Jackie.................... 241,251,271, 306 Judkins, Larry F................378 Julien, Jackie .....................273 Julien, Paul F......................338 Junas, Joan.........................411 Jungerheld, Sandra A........370 Jungwirth, Alessandra I... 406 Junke, W. Michael.. .225, 406 K Kaal, Janet L....................391 Kaat, Nancy.......................271 Rabat, Michael W..............378 Kaczmarski, Geri ... 262, 63 Kahler, Lee W............333, 406 Kakuk, Thomas J....253, 418 Kalchik, Walt.....................226 Kallor, Dave.......................320 Kaltenbach, Ruth A..........370 Kalenbach, Susan...............318 Kaminski, Louise E............370 Kamlay, Thomas J..............391 Kamteker, Ashe.................221 Kandell, Joseph.................378 Kantz, Steve.......................289 Kanuritz, Linda.........308, 357 Kaplan, Arlene...........204, 266 Kaplan, David ...................349 Kappel, Sharon .224, 244, 316 Kapur, Surinder.................209 Kar, Ronald N....................370 Karas, Robert.....................247 Karmann, Norlaine K........ 208, 319, 411 Karp, Richard ...................342 Karrsco, Joyce...................273 Karsten, John E..........397, 352 Kasmauskis, Norman .... 220 Kass, Chama A..................391 Katz, Michael A................365 Kauer, Bob .........................346 Kaulmann, Ester ...............335 Kay, William J....................418 Kaye, George.....................275 Kaza, Robert.......................222 Kazenko, Edward ... .354, 411 Keating, Karen...................315 Keech, Susan M..................406 Keefer, Julie.......................220 Keegstra, Bruce.................282 Keegstra, James.................323 Keeshin, Ira A....................378 Keesler, Starr.....................206 Kegle, Patricia A................370 Keir, Gerald J......................227 Reiser, Charles...................222 Keish, William...........253, 329 Keith, Warren E................406 Keithley, Ron.....................249 Kelber, Joni...............306,341 Keller, Jim A......................331 Keller, Kent .......................352 Keller, Ronald P. .. .342, 343 Keller, Ronald S.................336 Keller, William F...............378 Kelley, Bonnie...........249, 315 Kelley, Daniel K.................391 Kelley, John P....................378 Kelley, Phyllis K................378 Kelly, Eileen.......................213 Kelly, J. Michael.............. 210, 245, 275 Kelly, Judy .........................272 Kelly, Kathleen A..............271 Kelly, Lynn L.....................311, 402 Kelly, Patrick N..........229, 335 Keim, Margaret F..............411 Kelman, Alan.....................342 Kelsch, Buddy D................411 Keltner, Ned.......................209 Kemmis, Lin......................202, 203 Kemp, Kenneth E..............328 Kemp, Mary J......................391 Kemp, Mary L............305, 370 Kemper, Martha J. . .201, 418 Kemppainen, Donna M...256 Kemppainen, John P. 226, 391 Kempton, Theodore L........ 370, 231 Kenady, Barbara...............313 Kennedy, Brian W............. 213, 223, 348 Kennedy, Edward J...........411 Kennedy, Richard .............326 Kennedy, Sharon...............312 .................314,370 Kent, Judy Kent, Thomas............281, 350 Keown, Marty ..202,249,314 Kern, Elaine .......................258 Kern, Joseph .....................232 Kerr, Bob ...................241,280 Kerr, Feme .........249,262,63 Keskitalo, Patricia............227 Kesler, Karen E..................391 Kesselring, Daniel F.........289 Ketive, Samuel..........349,411 Ketlar, Joyce A. .202, 258, 347 Kettler, Gordon W............411 Khadduri, Imad.................281 Kadduri, Walid .203,206,411 Khan, Raza.........................219 Kiander, Thomas A............321 Kibler, Bill .........................279 Kidder, Ernest H................352 Kiebler, Daryl H........346,411 Kieckhefer, Edward H.... 212, 378 Kiel, Susan.................304, 370 Kieliszewski, Robert .223, 378 Kienbaum, Barbara . .238, 411 Kiene, Charles J..........325, 397 Kienke, Janice...................406 Kietzman, William C..... .210 Kikuchi, Yukio..........222, 378 Kikukawa, Herbert H. 214, 220 Killam, Eugene...................253 Killgore, Sharon.........230, 267 Kim, Dennis.......................227 Kim, Dong B......................411 Kimball, David C................385 Kincheloe, Carol ... .225, 310 Kindig, Kristin...................257 King, Christopher .............279 King, Gerald M.........223,378 King, Jerome P....................370 King, Nancy......................201, 418 King, Patricia.....................271 King, Sally R.....................202, 378 Kinkema, Alison ...............308 .....................319 Kinney, Fran Kinney, Lowell D............... 235, 237, 385 Kinsel, Gail.........................341 Kinzler, Richard ...............336 Kiper, Marilyn...................225 Kirk, Barbara 1..................378 .......................310 Kirk, Linda Kirkby, Larry L..................397 Kirkby, Wayne.................. Kirkby, Wayne . .205, 210, 348 Kirkland, Ruth...................259 Kirschenbaum, Jerome ...236 Kirschenbaum, Stuart E... 320 Kirsten, David...................346 Kirsten, Richard B. . .227, 340 Kirton, Alan.......................230 Kishenia, Lubov M..............370 Kissner, Carlton T..............222 Kistler, Sue D............304,371 Kitson, Lee.........................333 Kittle, Barbara...................305 Kizer, Karen.......................307 Kjellquist, Karen...............258 Klaasesz, Patricia...............319 Klagstad, Karen ...............272 Klan, Peter W....................411 Klatt, Charles E..................225 Klayer, Donna...................238 Klein, Allen .......................349 Klein, George.............232,291 Klein, Janice .............202, 274 Klein, Lesley.......................319 Kleiner, Karen H................271 Kleinheksel, H. Jane ... .391 Kleis, Donald R..................385 Kliem, Deraid R................406 Kline, Barry .......................277 Kline, John F......................378 Klingbeil, Leslie R..............220 Klinger, David C................206 Klinger, Margie.................218 Klinger, Tom .....................210 Klintworth, Robert E........340 Klocko, Barbara L..............402 Klomparens, Luanne ... .391 Klomparens, Marcia........308 Kloosterman, Linda. .202, 314 Kluessner, Anne........310, 391 Kluessner, Jan ...........308, 371 Klugman, Marcia...............241 Klumpp, Karen.........307, 371 Klunzinger, James.............346 Kmiec, Virginia.................271 Knaack, Andy ...................279 Knapp, Larry D..................210 Knapp, Pat.........................217 Knauer, Jane.......................261 Knaup, Chris.......................270 Kneeland, Sue.....................247 Kneller, Carolyn ...............238 Knight, Gary .....................327 Knight, K. Roland . .231, 385 Knight, Richard R..............206 Knight, Richard W. .... .411 Knoblauch, Harold C........406 Knoll, Dave .......................325 Knoop, Ann M..........200, 347 Knowles, Mark .........328,338 Knowlton, Jeanette..........321 Knox, Marion.....................305 Knutson, Carolyn A..........371 Koch, Edward A................328 Koch, Jane .........................273 Koch, Larry .......................279 Kocher, Dave.....................291 Kociba, Richard.................253 Koehler, Robert.................338 Koenn, Charles .................281 Koepke, Craig ...................249 Koffman, Robert ...............349 Kohl, Sharon .............241,274 Kokoszka, Janice C...........411 Kolb, Francine...................256 Kolb, Lawrence P..............210 Kolberg, Kurt A..................411 Kollig, Jerome ...................332 Kolody, Sylvia M....;... .391 Koltonow, Leonard...........349 Komiensky, Michael.........220 Kominek, Karen .......... .318 Konczol, Sylvia...................271 Koopman, Jeanne... .208, 371 Koory, Franklin.................336 Kopek, Henry S..................378 Kopplin, Faith...................391 Kornoelje, Thomas A........365 Korona, Jackie...................236 Koski, Alice.......................201 Kossack, Larry...................327 Kostbade, Gail...........307,391 Kosuga, Yasumasa.............378 Rough, Bette.......................264 Kover, Antoinette .............391 Kowalewski, Carol ...........261 Kowalik, Janet...................317 Kowalski, Lenee.................261 Kraatz, Sharen...................309 Kraft, Eleanor..........305,371 Kraft, Oscar.......................277 Krage, Fred W....................231 Kralowetz, Karen.............. 224, 239, 312 Kramarz, Joseph ...............326 Kramer, James...........349,412 Kramer, Vance...................333 Krandall, Florence A........412 Krantz, Larry.....................342 Kratt, Ronald.....................344 Kraus, Alan L.............253, 418 Krawczak, Larry D............324 Krebs, William...................412 Kreis, Susan................239, 267 Kreitner, Neal . .226, 289, 365 Krepps, Gayle.....................313 Kreslins, Evald............289, 371 Kress, Marge.............. .259 Krevchauf, Judy.................261 Krieger, Richard ...............232 Krimian, Carol .........224, 308 Kring, Judy.................268, 308 Krinsky, Dan.................... 211,213,342,385 Krishnan, Saroja...............221 Krishnan, V. N....................221 Krogulecki, Kenneth P... .289 Krohn, Harvey...................350 Krohn, Walt.......................335 Krosche, Herta M..............412 Kroth, Martin A................406 Krueger, Detlef E..............406 Krueger, Roberta.............. 249, 262, 263 Krupp, Thelma .........220, 267 Kruse, Susan.......................305 Krutz, Carol .......................341 Krymis, Karen...................216 Kubo, Toshio.....................378 Kuch, Irene M......................412 Kudlik, Charles .........351,397 Kudsk, Christopher...........275 Kuehl, Henry .....................222 Kuehnemund, Richard .. .278 Kuenzli, John A..................406 Kuenzli, Walter A..............365 Kugel, Elizabeth E..............406 Kuhn, Rae Ann............315, 371 Kuhn, Robert K..................378 Kuhnle, Kitti.......................268 Kuhnlohe, Carol J...............402 Kukla, Kris.........................270 Kukulka, Dorothy .. .220, 257 Kulenkamp, Alwin W........365 Kulkis, Dale...............249, 270 Kull, Michael.....................332 Kunitser, Lee R...........356, 385 Kunzru, Omkar .................221 Kuperus, Marilyn .............301 Kupiec, Karen ...................304 Kupsoff, Gary E..................340 Kurzenberger, Carol.........249 Kushner, Brin..............342, 378 Küster, James J..................378 Kutas, Richard M..............371 Kutchey, Marilyn...............273 Kutchins, Susan.................258 Kukhaus, Margaret R. .. .371 Kuyper, Carolyn ...............371 Kuze, Gunta.......................313 Kyburz, Dean.....................247 L LaBenne, Joe .....................336 Lacasse, Marrily.................258 Lacchia, Joe.......................325 Lacey, Suzanne...................239 Lackner, Carol G. .. .244, 302 Lady, Karl W.............346, 371 Lafave, Francis E..............412 La Frey, Lois A..................371 Lago, Laura ......................270 Lahn, Dan...........................350 Laidly, Paul R....................365 Laing, John C......................227 Laitinen, William...............202 Laliberte, Marilu...............371 Lalk, Robert.......................333 La Londe, Joanne A..........385 LaLonde, Nancy ... .234, 264 Lamb, Donald D................378 Lamb, Franklin E...............378 Lamb, Phillip R..................406 Lamb, Robert A..................378 Lambert, Sandra J. . .317, 371 Lamberts, Patricia A..........371 LaMere, Gerald.................222 LaMotte, Helen, Hsmr. .. 322 Lamphere, Carol...............309 Lamphere, Lottie L............406 Lamphere, Margo B. .309, 391 Lampi, Diane.....................308 Lance, Gary K............338, 378 Landacre, William ...........223 Landeck, Richard E..........326 Landon, Gordon L..............206 Landy, Patrick 0................406 Lang, A1 .............................241 Lang, Paul .........................327 Langdon, Ralph.........223, 348 Langeland, Sandra.............239 Langer, Arthur...................236 Langohr, Lucy . .202, 314, 317 LaNoble, Ann E.........301, 402 Lantis, Viva E......................334 Lapish, James C..................378 Laramie, Sharon ...............271 Larkins, Gregory...............334 Larkin, Lynn L....................391 Larlee, Judith K..........315, 392 Larmee, Jacqueline J..........378 Larnard, Charles A............371 LaRose, Carolyn ...............269 Larsen, Janet E...................378 Larson, Laryl .. .244, 246, 317 Larson, Linda L..................392 Larson, Nancy ...................293 Larson, Nancy...........224, 302 Larson, Orlin C..................234 Larsson, Penny.................. 204, 216, 258, 371 Larzelere, John .................346 Lash, William M................412 Lasher, BUI.........................218 Laske, Tom........................346, 406 Lasker, Jerry 1......................378 Laster, Ellen.......................300 Latendresse, Sue ...............305 Latterman, Mark A............412 Laubach, Duane 1..............392 Laupitz, Anita.....................222 Laura, Frank .....................279 Laure, Barb .......................261 Laurence, Sandra...............276 Lauri, Elizabeth ...............259 Lautenshlager, G. G...........343 LaveUe, John F...................397 Lawford, Anne...................312 Lawlor, Martha A. . .307, 378 Lawrence, Donald.............275 Lawrence, Kay .........250, 304 Lawson, Jess.......................346 Lawton, Richard ...............331 Layton, Linda ...................317 Layton, Mary.....................300 Layton, Nancy..........231,293 Lazarus, Edward ...............338 Lazell, John .......................223 Leach, Joel T..............337,371 Leahy, Jim..........................241 Leavenworth, Linda...........302 Leaver, John E............343,392 Leavitt, John T....................378 LeBlanc, Ronald R..............371 Lecours, Loraine ...............269 LeCureux, Margie J............261 Lederer, Peter P..........349, 412 Lee, Fredrick W..................378 Lee, Judith .........................201 Leff, Steve ...........................342 LeGrande, Douglas R. ... 344 Lehoczky, Steve E..............412 Leidholdt, Lorrie ... .232, 232 Leighton, Kathleen ...........264 Leik, Russel L............. .412 Leino, Jo............................232, 232 Leiphart, Judy ...................310 446 Leisenring, Karl B. . .202, 215 Lemberger, Betty J............378 Lembke, Delores ..............258 Lenehan, Carole .............. 202, 221, 222 Lenett, Richard S. .. .320, 412 Lenick, Harry E..................340 Lennon, Bob.......................343 Lent, James E......................378 Lent, Karen S.....................308, 392 Leonard, Ralph B................210 Leonard, Wade E. .. .230, 371 Lerg, Bobbie.......................319 Lerman, Jerry ...................349 Lerner, Jay R......................349 Lesan, Amanda .................225 Leslie, Marcia.............200, 221 Leslie, Sherry.....................301 Levely, Thomas F................378 Levin, Harvey A................. 205, 210, 275 Levin, Marty.......................349 Levin, Norman...........251, 349 Levine, Fred J. . .206, 236, 385 Levine, Martin...................320 Levine, Michael .................349 Levine, Samuel...................371 Levitz, Arthur K..........412, 320 Levitz, Howard...................350 Lewandowski, Nancy........201 Lewandowski, Patricia ...311 Lewis, Belle .......................342 Lewis, Mrs. Fay.................301 Lewis, Genie.......................310 Lewis, Loma G...................392 Lewis, Marcia A..................412 Lewis, Mary Ann...............312 Lewis, Nancy .....................251 Lewis, Rhea .......................303 Lewis, Richard W...............343 ................301 Lewis, Suzanne Lewis, Theodora ...............412 Leykum, Charles R..............378 Lhyle, Rodney K.............. .334 Libstaff, Lila.......................265 Licht, Emanuel .................418 Lichtman, Roberta ... 244, 303 Lichtstein, Jerry ...............349 Lickly, Betty L......................371 Liddle, WUliam A................412 Liebler, Edward.................253 .................277 Liggett, Robert Ligozio, Joanne .................264 LUly, Nedra......................306 Lin, Paul .............................406 Lincoln, Clark ...................371 Lincoln, Janice N..............371 Lincoln, Mary H. .. .261, 402 Lincoln, RusseU S...............365 Lind, Kathleen...................238 Linder, Douglas........240, 340 Linder, Laurie ...................306 Linderman, GU...........346, 371 Lindig, Kathryn K..............392 Lindquist, Carl L................406 ...............253 Lindquist, Floyd Lindquist, Michael...........219 Ling, Dorothy ...........208, 392 Lingg, Ronald H..................397 Linnemann, Hugh .. .216, 338 Lindsay, Sue .............249, 306 Linsea, Jack.......................216 Linsenmann, Marilyn .... 241, 247, 250, 318 Lintz, Robert L....................378 LinvUle, Sara .....................312 Lipman, Tim.......................323 Lipp, Victor .......................328 Lippert, Lawrence.............279 Lippert, Susan . .200, 301, 314 Lippitt, Allen J....................412 Lippson, Robert L..............406 Lipscomb, Gretchen.......... 200, 347 Lipsey, I. J..........................216 Lipsky, Richard R..............379 Lipton, Arthur ...................246 Lipton, David.....................350 Liscio, Veronica ... .257, 243 Lishnoff, Gary ...................349 Liss, Roger J.......................412 Little, Sally.........................317 Little, Vickie.......................201 Livesay, Richard.................336 Livingston, David...............275 Livingston, Richard...........350 Lloyd, WUliam B................212 Loan, Ken...........................234 Lobe, Jon ...........................281 LobeU, Michael .................324 Lobenhofer, Sheila M.........371 Lockhart, Barbara .. .354, 313 Lockwood, David R...........371 Lockwood, Dean...............291 Loder, Barbara ................209 Loeding, John ...........232, 291 Lofback, Bruce ................326 Loffi, Grace.........................313 Logan, Von D......................336 Lohmann, Mark L..............379 Lohmolder, Darrell G. .. .365 Lohrentz, John M................379 Lohrey, Dennis R.............. 326, 356, 379 239, Lomason, Janet L..............392 Lombard, Nancy ..............232 Long, George W..................356 Long, Patricia ..231,241,274 Longuski, Marvin ............289 Longwood, Bonnie.............314 Longwood, Lavonne L. ... 412 Lonning, Linda...................261 Loomer, Harry T................406 Loomis, Linda............243, 269 Loomis, Margaret M..........406 Loomis, Martha.................201 Lorentzen, Richard ..........333 Lorenz, Alan J....................342 Lorenz, Richard ... .333, 392 Lorimer, Sue...............247, 312 Lortie, Lee ........................348 Lossmann, Wayne.............216 Lostutter, Bertha...............306 Lott, Ronald D....................406 Louis, Maree E...................371 Louis, Nancy ....................306 Louwenaar, Judith ..........392 Loupe, Michael ................282 Loupitz, Anita ..................259 Love, Geri...........................314 Loving, Susan ...........256, 310 Lowe, Jackie...................224, Lowenthal, Doris...............249 Lowery, PriscUla D...........402 Lowi, Bettie ... .247, 303, 244 Lozier, William ................281 Lucas, Ann M......................253 Lucas, Ferris E...................334 ...............249, 313 Lucas, Judy Lucas, Kenneth ...............218 Lucas, MarUyn.................313 Lucas, Raymond .............231 Lucas, Richard.................231 Lucas, Sally .............318,412 Luce, Bonnie...................204, Ludwick, John S..................397 Ludwig, Ellen.....................265 Ludwig, Rick .....................323 Lueck, Sharon ...........201,306 Luehrs, Marcia...................200 Luepnitz, Carl R..........253, 418 Luginbill, Susan.................312 Luke, Laurence M..............326 Lukesich, Claudia ............ 208, 319, 392 Lukonic, Phyllis K..............265 Lulla, Basantkumar P. .. .221 Lulla, Pushpa.....................221 Lum, Carole ... .204, 276, 406 Lumiansk, Jeremy P..........379 Lund, Connie .....................271 Lund, John E......................253 Lund, Judy A..................222, Lundberg, Susan M........... 225, 230, 371 Lundquist, Joe ...................325 .........316,354 Luneke, Sheryl Lunsford, Judith ...............307 Luoma, Dorothy ...............249 Luoto, Diane J....................412 Lurie, Sherwin L............... 342 Lustig, Helene ...................272 Luther, Kent T....................406 Lutkus, Judy.......................238 Luxmore, William J............392 Lynch, Jeremiah L..............412 Lynch, Pamela...................258 .....................261 Lyon, Jeanne Lyon, Larry L......................379 Lyon, Phyllis A...................379 Lyon, Theodore A..............392 Lyons, David .....................354 Lytle, Jane .........................301 M Maccardini, Andrea...........271 Maccleery, Doug...............220 MacDonald, Charles E. .. 250, 328 MacDonald, David ...........339 Macdonald, Janet C..........402 Mac Donald, Jill.............. 247, 250, 301 MacDonald, Mike.............241 MacDonell, Denny ...........346 MacGeorge, Richard ....323 Machalleck, Marianne ... 262, 263 Mack, Bradley..........331,412 Mack, Judy ......................308 Mackay, Robert................331 Mackin, Dave....................355 Macklam, Jean..........243, 273 Macklem, Virginia.............338 MacLean, Duncan M.........345 MacLeod, Phyllis...............311 MacNaughton, Michael . .216 Maday, Henry ...................279 Maddin, Richard ..............349 Madejczyk, Kenneth .245,282 Mader, G. Victor ............333 Madill, Barry T..................392 Madison, John A................281 Madonna, Johnnie ..........241 Maes, Gerald .....................412 Maes, Lee ...........................267 Magee, Maggie .................315 Magee, Sharon A................402 Magee, William T................218 Magruder, Jo .....................257 Magyar, Joseph A..............379 Magyar, Mary E.................412 Mahalak, Dianne...............258 Mahaney, Pat.....................261 Maier, Richard H..............225 Maker, David M..................234 Makinen, Michael D..........397 Makinen, Robert S..............371 Malamey, George .............253 Malich, Kenneth .............. 305 219, 355, 397 213, Malila, James 0..................397 Malizia, David ........225,335 Malmstrom, Kay ...............314 Malott, Mike.......................218 Mamchur, Orleen ... .249, 273 Mandell, Ethel...................392 Mandell, Steven.................342 Mandigo, William D......... 327, 379 Manecke, Karen ..............266 Mangol, Sandra ................ 402 229, 231, 293, 371 Manica, Marianna .. .258, 316 Mankin, David G. .. .253, 418 Mann, Jerry M..................397 Mann, Peggy.......................264 Mann, Sue...........................261 Mann, William A.................337 Mann, William F.............. 212, 335, 379 Manning, David G..............234 Manning, Franklin G......... 310 215, 379 Manning, Peter C...............406 Manning, William J..........365 Mannix, Denny...................325 Mansberger, Dale .............331 Mansfield, Jim ...................331 Manuel, Thomas ...............328 Maples, Robin ...........232, 291 Maraj, Kenneth W..............328 Marcell, Charlene R..........379 Marcille, Ann.............240, 313 Marcus, Linda..........231,293 Mardos, Sue .......................258 Margolis, Jeffrey S............371 Marion, Nancy J................406 Markevics, Harijs ... .212, 379 Markey, David W................379 Markham, Frederick C. . .412 Markley, Harriet ...............354 Markley, Jill......................247, 306 Maroney, William .. .242, 343 Marquand, Bruce ... .205, 281 Marris, Webb R..................371 Marsden, Marti .................272 Marsh, Sandra G................402 Marshall, Harold P..........365 Marshall, Jerry...................337 Marshall, Judith ....216,250 Marshall, Troy D................392 Martell, Mary . .209, 206, 402 Martens, Ruth ...................265 Martin, Daniel W...............220 Martin, Desiree F...............392 Martin, Diane ...................258 Martin, Frank . .205, 210, 275 Martin, Fred A...................379 Martin, Helen M................270 Martin, Larry E..................365 Martin, Mary J. .................241 Martin, Mary M.........276, 392 Martin, Richard.................275 Martin, Sharon...................267 Martin, William.................213 Martino, Michael...............344 Martinson, Larry E............379 Martinson, Susan...............266 Martz, Richard .................279 Marven, Hynson ..............281 Marxer, Frank..........242, 327 Marzolf, Mary..................233 Mason, Gregory W. .. 334, 385 Mason, Judith P..................385 Massoll, Duane E................345 Mastana, Mohinder...........221 Mastro, Joe A.....................379 Matheny, Glenn.................329 Matheny, June ........232, 232 Mathes, William ...............333 Mathieson, Ann.................306 Mathivet, Lynn...................304 Mathur, Leela.....................221 Mathur, Vishwa ...............221 Matsusaki, Hirofumi........ 203, Matthes, Marti .........262, 263 Matthews, Gary M.............379 Matthews, Robert W......... 231, 223 406 Matthias, Heidi .................261 Mattick, Diane.................314 Matyas, Sharon ................ 201, 310, 406 Mautz, Jerry L....................225 Maxam, Richard ...............289 Maxon, Susan.....................268 ......237,258 Maxon, Terry Maxwell, Frank ..............241 Maxwell, Julie..........249,258 Maxwell, Karen ....222,259 Maxwell, Mary...........257, 300 May, Kathryn ...........224, 315 May, Ric .............................320 May, Stephen M................412 Maycock, Sharon...............258 Mayer, Terry .....................336 Maynard, Lynn........250, 313 McAleer, JoAnne...............311 McAra, Judith J...............371 McAsh, Edward................392 McBain, Robert........250, 328 McCabe, Bonny................316 McCann, Patsy J...............392 McCanna, Lloyd ..............230 McCarten, Cathy..............276 McCarthy, Margie .. 302, 392 McCarthy, Michael J. 210, 324 McCarthy, Patricia ..315,412 McCartney, Celia..............274 McCarty, Marilyn............261 McClaskey, William H. . .242 McCleary, Barbara . .309, 371 McClellan, Anita ...236,406 McClelland, Linda ... 262, 263 McClelland, Nancy ..216,402 McClung, Milford H.........379 McClure, H. David..........371 McConnell, Mary M.........302 McCook, Jean.....................249 Me Cool, Mary Jane .... 202, 203, 215, 304, 379 McCord, Patricia...............264 McCormick, Gwen 1............392 McCormick, James ..245,281 McCormick, Mike.............343 McCormick, Raymond S. .412 McCoy, John S....................365 McCray, Elwin E................211 McCrea, Benjamin.............385 McCrumb, Mrs. Joan ... .371 ...............335 McCue, Thomas McCutcheon, Barbara ... .259 McDaniel, Catherine E. . .412 McDevitt, J. Patrick ....369 McDonald, Barbara ........ 232, 269, 402 213, 355, 397 McDonald, Diane .............318 McDonald, E. June .........392 McDonald, Janette K. ...371 McDowell, Judson A......... 205, McElhoe, Leanne ... .311, 392 McElrath, Gale H................385 McEvilly, Patrick J. . .323, 379 McFall, Jim .......................325 McFarren, Bruce B...........371 McGhan, Harlan ...............280 McGillis, Timothy J...........412 McGillivray, Mary Jo .... 302 McGinnis, Michael A. ... 225 McGlade, Ed.......................344 McGrady, Denton ...........351 McGrath, Robert V...........340 McGraw, Edward...............356 McHalpine, Michael F. . .340 McHuron, Joan........201, 272 Mcllrath, Terry L................335 Mcllwain, Barbara ...........314 Mclnnis, Mary..........243,258 Mclntire, John...................206 McIntosh, Kathleen...........201 McIntosh, Rex K................289 McIntosh, Shari ...............308 Mclver, Brian ..223,354,379 McKanders, Larrestine . .271 McKane, Terry J. .. .227, 371 McKarns, Sharon L...........392 McKay, Joan .. .201, 230, 418 McKay, Thomas ...............326 McKee, Pamela A..............261 McKenzie, Sandra R.........371 McKenna, Sharon............238 McKim, Wayne L................371 McKinley, Jane...................306 McKinney, Stewart E......... 205, 329 McLaughlin, Nancy..........273 McLaughlin, T. G............348 McLean, Drake A................379 McLellan, Richard............326 McMahan, Penny.............. 224, 304, 357 McMahon, April .............. 239, 266, 371 McMahon, Patricia.......... 246, 248, 308, 371 McMartin, Jeanie ... .220, 276 McMichael, Dennis D. . .412 McMillan, Claude.............203 McMillan, Miriam ... 262, 263 McMillen, Amy .................371 McMillen, Robert J...........321 McMillen, Kenneth E..........331 Me Monagle, Sheila.........210 McNamara, Anne .............273 McNaughton, Clare . .220, 293 McNeill, Kenneth ............331 McNulty, Michael E..........334 McPherson, Elizabeth N. .402 McPherson, Patricia A. . .392 McPherson, Thomas .206, 321 McQuitty, John .................249 McRoy, C. Peter...............365 Me Vety, Jerry...................280 McWilliams, Dianne.........270 Mead, Jon A................226, 365 Mead, Kenneth W..............406 Mead, Nancy .....................301 Mead, Stuart.......................203 Mead, Tom..................321, 365 Mead, Zane.........................365 Meade, Clyde K..................217 Meador, Paul D..................379 Meagher, Dennis J..............379 Mechlin, David...................343 ...........269, 371 Medlyn, Jean Meech, Lynn .....................213 Meeks, Frances .................271 Megdell, Dave.....................249 Mehaffy, John R...........340, 412 Mehas, Mike .....................322 Mehling, Diana L................392 Mehra, Suresh K..................221 Meier, Karen.......................307 Meinhold, Dale L................406 Meintz, Robert .................217 Meister, Ellis E...................365 Melcher, Robert ...............220 Melhado, Seth ...................349 Mellish, Ronald .................333 Melnick, Barry R................379 Melotti, Dante...........322, 371 Melstrom, John W..............324 Mendelow, David ... 350, 379 Mendham, Susan...............273 Mendyk, Marv...................351 Meninger, Dave.................322 Meno, Marion L..................392 Menton, Gary M..................412 Mercadal, Michele K..........271 Merrick, Priscilla...............271 Merrifield, Susan J..............412 Merrill, Caroline J..............371 Mertz, John ...............240, 343 Merz, Marlene ...................260 Meshber, Judy...........250, 318 Mestrezat, Sue ...................302 Metcalf, Anne ...................312 Metcalf, Ronald.................340 Metzler, Richard J. . .241, 248 Metzler, Richard V............379 Meulebrouck, Roland .... 202 ...................313 Meuser, Wina Meyer, Gerald C. ..321,365 Meyer, Jeanne ...................256 Meyer, Leon.......................350 Meyer, Linda .....................266 Meyer, Nancie ...................317 Meyer, Nancy A..................402 Meyer, Paul N....................379 Meyer, Peggy .............224, 303 Meyer, Sally..............202, 313 ..379,279 Meyland, John C. Micale, Concerta A...........392 Michael, Anand K. . .371, 221 Michael, Carol...................221 Michael, Harry .232,291,379 Michael, Raj .......................221 Michaels, Kenneth D.........210 Mick, Marilyn ...................230 Micongwe, Clem.................215 Middleton, Dick ___211,236 Middleton, Valerie............ 204, 272, 406 Mielke, Marsha .................316 Mierendorf, Clara R............227 Mihay, Carole . .216, 243, 272 Mikelberg, Martin .. 350, 379 Mikolusky, Jo A..................319 Mildenberg, Jeanine .........276 Miles, Chester.....................226 Miles, Mike........................279 Mileskiewicz, C...................227 Million, John E..................,371 Milko, Carl N......................365 Milks, Phillip .....................227 .242, 328, 379 Miller, Andrew Miller, Barbara .................311 Müler, Carl A......................342 Müler, Carol .......................302 MUler, Carol A...................392 Müler, Donald L................328 MUler, Harriet F................406 Müler, Henry R.........217, 365 Müler, Janet D...................392 MUler, Joseph A.................418 MUler, Karen K..................371 Miller, Linda ...236,249,258 MUler, Madelon.................301 MUler, Marguerite Y. ...406 MUler, Marilyn .................312 MUler, Marion...................272 Miller, Mary Claire...........305 MUler, Mary.......................371 ...................247 MUler, Melvin MUler, Mike .......................327 MUler, Nancy.....232,273 MiUer, Naomi R..................372 MUler, Robert K.................334 Miller, Sandy .....................313 MiUer, Sue .................236,312 MUler, Susan J..........204, 262 MiUer, Warren...................281 MUler, Wathena J..............402 MUler, Wüliam H..............412 MUlerd, Linda ...................234 MiUigan, Prudence K.........392 Müls, Ann...........................260 MiUs, Barbara A..................312 Müls, Barbara G..................392 Mills, Glen .........................355 MUlspaugh, Susan.............293 MUne, Robert.....................282 Milner, Ronald G................372 Müord, Jan B. . .247, 345, 412 Miner, Thomas .................216 Minford, Marilyn A............406 Minor, Bryan .....................227 Minor, EmUy .....................247 Minow, Robert ...................350 Minster, Richard W............412 Missimer, LucUe ...............200 Mitchel, Thomas 0..............365 Mitchell, Allan W...............385 Mitchell, Donna ...............313 MitcheU, Dorian A..............397 MitcheU, Joan ...................316 Mitchell, Kenneth A..........322 Mitchell, Kenneth L..........412 Mitchell, Marilyn .............232 MitcheU, Penny .................313 Mitchell, Susan .247,250,313 Mo, Nguyen D..........214, 220 Modderman, Norma........265 Moffett, John C....................354 Mogg, Myra .......................311 MohUl, Pat.................244,313 Mokma, Arnold L........... .365 Mokma, Delbert ...............217 Molaver, Irene D................392 Moline, Michael M..............365 Molitz, David.....................342 Moll, Richard C..........346, 379 Molnar, Michael................333 Monash, Richard..............275 Monette, Pamela ... .241, 276 Moninger, Dave.................322 Monkman, Jerald...............225 Monrad, Sharon L... .316, 392 Montague, Nancy C............372 Montana, Joseph ..............216 Moody, James D................379 Moody, WUliam C............. 219, 352, 397 214, Moon, Ferdinand W..........406 Moonen, Thomas...............333 Mooney, Karen...................351 Moore, Alice .. .238, 247, 302 Moore, Betty J. .224, 250, 301 Moore, Campbell A............209 Moore, Carol ....................250 ...................260 Moore, Carole Moore, Caroline ..............266 Moore, Carroll C................392 Moore, Charles W..............379 Moore, Craig M..................331 Moore, Dave F............334, 379 Moore, Diane C..................392 Moore, Gail ...............249, 308 Moore, Janice C.........226,402 Moore, Jerry R....................372 Moore, Joyce .....................269 Moore, L. Shirley.............402 ..................239 Moore, Lynne Moore, Mary ....................203 Moore, Nancy ...........244, 315 Moore, PhiUip G................379 Moore, Richard .................347 Moore, Susan.....................200 Moore, Terrance E. .351,412 Moore, WUliam .................338 Moorhead, Robert A..........406 Moorman, PriscUla M. ... 372 Moots, Beverly...................267 Moran, John T....................344 Moran, Kathryn ...............250 Moran, Martha L................379 Moran, Michael J................351 Morey, Peter.......................351 Morgan, James G. . .322, 379 Morgan, Richard A............365 Morgan, Ron .....................346 Morphy, Richard...............225 MorrUl, Dennis...................232 MorriU, Dr. C. C................232 Morris, Carol C............... .412 Morris, Cliff .......................346 Morris, Frank V..................206 .............351 Morris, Lawrence Morris, Molly ...................249 Morris, Tom.......................232 Morrish, Jack.............225, 238 Morison, Elizabeth D. .. .392 Morrison, Judith ...............406 Morrison, Robert G...........324 Morrissey, Thomas K..........372 Morrow, Pat......................247, 312 Morse, Jack ...............222, 329 Morse, Richard A................372 Mort, Carole J.. .228, 260, 392 Mortimer, Claryn B............402 Morton, Alexander ...........385 Morton, Jim .......................240 Morvay, Pat.......................311 Moser, Suzanne .................259 Moses, George J..................335 Mosher, Roberta J.............392 Mosher, Val .......................261 Mosier, CamUle.................257 Moss, Eldon .......................412 Moss, Jon A........................372 Moss, Richard ...................320 Moss, Robert D..................418 Motts, George.....................289 Moulas, Evangeline C. ... 372 Moulton, Kern A................406 Mount, Anne .....................231 Moussavi, Nasle Ali...........397 Mowat, Marjorie A............372 Mowers, David E................324 Mowers, Denise .................266 Moxley, Richard R..............412 Mueller, Eugene ...............281 MueUer, Joyce ...................372 Mueller, Marjorie .............314 MueUer, Mark J..................365 Mueller, Robert G..............379 Mukherjee, Benoy ........221 Mulholland, Thomas G. . .356 Mullaly, Sharon A..............392 MuUer, Frank G..................379 Muller, Robert W..............412 Muller, Stephen P................323 Mulligan, John D................397 Mumaw, Brian...................346 Mummert, Arnold D..........397 Munger, Ed R......................365 Munn, Sherri...................... 224, 247, 251, 317 Munshaw, Cara L. . .208, 392 Munton, Melanie...............228 Murphy, Carol L................392 Murphy, David R. ........354 Murphy, Dennis J..............412 Murphy, GaU............234,271 Murphy, Jack.....................336 Murphy, Wayne.................280 Murr, George.....................222 Murray, Anne ...................313 Murray, James G................406 Murray, Michael R............365 Murray, Ronald R..............406 Murthy, Krishma...............221 Musgrove, John W. . .225, 365 Musolf, Richard.................325 Musselwhite, Edward F... 212, 355 Myall, Thomas E. .. .220, 338 Myers, Dawna L..................379 Myers, George ..................208 ...................327 Myers, Robert N Nachtman, Julie........310, 392 Nagler, Ken ......................241 Naiman, Jack.....................349 NaimpaUy, Somashekhar .221 Naimpally, Sudha ............221 Namey, Drucilla A..............386 Nasberg, MarUyn..............258 Nash, Bonnie J....................402 Nash, Kathy...............249,258 Nash, Laura .......................313 Nason, Judy .......................267 Nauert, Roger C.........328, 351 Nawrocki, Norbert J.........365 Needham, Jerry E................379 Needleman, Ronald..........349 Neel, James................247, 346 Neff, Doug...........................323 Neff, Katherine...................274 Nehle, Bizent .....................223 Neininger, Janice...............261 Nejylski, Lin.......................236 Neldon, Robert...................333 Neligan, Patrick T..............412 Nelson, Bruce S..................356 ...................266 Nelson, Caryn ...................272 Nelson, Kathy Nelson, Loren ...................223 Nelson, Margo J..................372 Nelson, Martha .................314 .................266 Nelson, Sharon Nelson, Vern .....................225 Neorr, Marianne .............. 224, 316, 402 Neslund, Robert A..............356 Nettle, Brent.......................231 Neubecker, Charles B........ 213, 339, 397 Neubecker, James S...........339 Neuenschwander, Doug . .351 Neuman, Barbara...............226 Neumann, Charles H.........355 Neumann, Donald P.........351 Neumann, Jerry W..............231 Neumann, Lois...................305 Newcombe, Mary...............273 Newell, WiUiam F..............379 Newland, Denton B..........379 Newman, Ronald R.. .247, 379 Newton, Roger K. ... 220, 365 Nguyen-Khoa, Thinh-Anh 379 Nibbelink, Dwight W. ... 206 Nicolich, B............................233 Nichols, Ann .....................308 Nichols, Dick.....................213 Nicholson, Carole .............304 Nicholson, Michael...........216 Nickodemus, Glen.............352 Niedermeier, Nancy J..........372 Nielsen, Doug.....................321 Nielsen, Richard L..............379 Nigrelli, James D. .. .241, 412 Nikodemski, Bruno A. .. .210 NUes, John C......................379 Nitecki, Barbara L..............379 Nitz, James.........................323 Nixon, Donna M..................392 Noack, Mary J....................372 Nohava, Evelyn .................270 Nolin, GaU .........................230 Noonan, Edward T..............330 Noorman, James ..............326 Norberg, Tilda A................412 Norcutt, James F. .. .355, 322 Nord, Linda L......................372 Nordgren, Jim ..................231 NordwaU, Paul R............... 214, 220, 242, 327, 365 Norman, Gloria J................412 Norman, Lois E......256, 418 Northey, Darlene_232, 232 Northey, Karen G..............412 Norton, Donna...................228 Norwood, Lloyd.................323 Notarainni, Thomas P. ... 379 Novak, Jeanette.................270 Novick, Larry.....................320 Nowacki, Suzanne K......... 314, 392 Nowak, Marilynn ... .244, 319 Nowka, Dorothy ..............307 Nucien, Sandra R................392 ....................226 Nugent, Don Nugent, Jim ......................347 Nugent, Neü F....................206 Numelin, Dale C................331 Nürnberger, Fred V............226 Nutt, Orval........204, 352, 397 Nyberg, Martin W. .. 322, 206 Nylund, Joan E....................392 O Oade, Gerald.......................343 Oakes, Lois D......................412 Oakey, Thomas H..............351 O’Brien, Bernard B............412 O’Brien, Charles M............328 O’Brien, WUliam J..............379 Ochis, EUeen......................204, 412 O’Connor, Barbara...........318 O’Connor, Georgia D........ 312, 392 O’Day, Patricia E................392 O’Dell, Beverly R. ... 286, 339 Odell, Sally........220, 354, 269 Odelli, Terry.......................337 O’Donnell, Dennis.............330 O’Donnell, Judy.................308 Odutola, Adedapo.............223 Oehling, Carl G..................231 Oehling, Lavina.................231 Oek, Jane.............................316 Offen, Alan.........................342 Ogden, Judy .......................249 Ogren, David J....................210 Ogren, John D............205, 345 Ohlers, Carol .....................267 Ohlson, Judith ...................261 Oien, Barbara.....................267 Okurume, Godwin E..........210 Oldenburg, John C..............328 Olds, Patricia.....................274 Olin, Sally...........................301 Olin, Wayne ........................241 Olive, EUeen.......................273 Oliver, Anita A....................380 Olmstead, James L............. 227, 346, 386 Olree, WUliam M................372 Olsen, Edie .........................319 Olsen, John S.......................365 Olsen, Karen M..................392 Olson, Kenneth G. ..232,291 .....................279 Olson, James Olson, Linda B....................412 Olson, Lynn .......................273 Olstein, Robert...........242, 344 Omtvedt, J. Robert...........325 Onderwyzer, Steve J........... 205, 355, 397 Ondrick, Charles W............406 Ondrus, Tom.......................225 Ongemach, Ann E..............372 Opas, Maryann. .224, 319, 402 Opitz, Judy.......................271, 301 Oppenhuizen, Cheryl L.. .. 372 Orazetti, Richard...............351 Orban, Don.........................352 Ormsby, Janet S..........304, 392 Ormsby, Wendy.................301 Orr, Mrs. Joan...................344 Orr, John D..........................380 Orr, Joseph A......................413 Orr, Susan...........................226 Orth, NeU ...........................218 Orvis, Deonne ...................261 Orvis, Mary A......................259 Orwig, Dan.........................335 Osbum, Judy .....................293 Osborn, Richard ...............216 Osborne, Robert E..............380 447 Osburn, James A..................418 Oselka, Rolland J. .. .336, 413 Oselka, Ronald P............... 242, 336, 413 Osgerby, Joann................ .258 Osgood, Judith A................392 O’Shea, Patty.....................308 Osier, Thomas M. .. .343, 380 Osner, Susan S.....................402 Ossenmacher, John ...........346 Ostergren, William F........ 352,397 Osterhouse, Laverne M. .. 393 Osterink, Bruce J............... 210, 249, 327 205, Osterhout, Ron L................322 Otterbacher, Marsha.........272 Otto, Cheryl......................247, 301 Otto, Harold .....................226 Oulton, Linda.....................258 Overhiser, Martin .. .328, 413 Over holt, Dess ...................264 Overkamp, Richard T. .. .328 Overman, Sue....................250, 315 Overton, Pam.....................316 Owen, Leland J....................365 Owen, Philip R....................325 Owens, Mike.......................241 Owsinek, Janice L..............372 Oye, Ron A..........................346 P Pace, Robert C...........345, 380 Pacholke, Gerald F............397 Pacic, Carl J........................227 Padover, Jon.......................325 Padulo, Barbara A..............386 Paganelli, Jini.....................319 Page, Jan.............................315 Pagel, Rebecca...................211 Paige, Don L........................342 Paine, Ann...........................310 Pajtas, Margaret.................393 Palaszek, Bernadette........406 Palk, Cynthia A..................402 Palko, Anne E......................372 ...............309 Palmer, Carolyn Palmer, Janis .....................232 Palmer, Linda J..................372 Palmer, Pamela .................258 Palmer, Peter J...........241,380 ...............231 Palmer, Thomas Palo, Giles .........................356 Pals, Arnold.......................418 Pank, Ronald.....................334 Panks, David .....................323 Pantilla, John T.........326, 380 Papachristou, Gerald C... 354, 372 Papanek, Thomas F............386 Paquin, Phyllis...................201 Parcheta, Jerry...................345 Pardo, Constance E............372 Parent, Pauline E................393 Parham, Marylou K............372 Paris, Rosemary G..............393 Parish, James .....................355 Parish, Janice A..........245, 393 Park, Deanne.....................272 Parke, Angie.......................314 Parker, Carol A..................386 Parker, Gary D...........242, 322 Parker, Sandra J.................393 Parker, Sara .......................258 Parker, Sherman C..............380 Parker, Susan .....................258 Parks, Lloyd M............219, 215 Parmelee, Bonnie...............268 Parnell, Sandra L................302 Parr, Allen F........................321 Parson, Wilmer E. .. .215, 365 Paster, Lori.........................249 Pasternak, Michael ...........349 Patel, Chandrakant B..........221 Patil, Pandurang R..............397 Patterson, Harold A............380 Patterson, James A.. .327, 397 Patterson, Robert D...........356 Patterson, Sally .................261 Patterson, Sharon S............393 Patterson, Timothy ...........277 Patton, Linda E....................393 Pattullo, Garth...........281, 347 Patullo, Vincent S................354 Paulino, Richard G..............380 Paulis, Mary E....................271 Pauli, Stephen M................236 Paulson, Kay.......................308 Pavel, Judith M....................393 Pavlik, David .....................333 448 Pawlik, Gene ............275, 351 Pawloski, Philip J................380 Paxson, Garold L................380 Payeur, Mary L..................310 Payne, Donald A. . . .325, 380 Payne, Martha S..................271 Payne, Robert.....................232 Pearce, R. William...........380 Pearsall, Margo T................406 Pearse, Stephen .................380 Pearson, Mary A..................300 Pechersky, Gary L..............372 Pechinski, Robert...............225 Peck, Ken ..........................213 Peck, Mary E......................293 Pecknold, Wayne M............ 204, 213, 352, 397 Pedersen, Joan...................311 Pedersen, Larry L. ..325,380 Pedit, Carolynn...................271 Peek, Jacqueline M..............393 Peet, Joseph E......................289 Peet, Patty...........................311 Pegg, Sara...........................218 Pekera, William T..............334 Pelletier, John R..................386 Pelmear, Wayne.................226 Peltier, Robert ...................380 Pemberton, Robert J............333 Pendell, Richard C..............339 Penner, Darryl L..................372 Pennington, Howard C. .. 253, 418 Pennock, Paul R..................406 Penrod, James C..................406 Penty, Mrs. June...............346 Percy, Catherine C..............393 Perez, Carlos S...........222, 356 Perhamus, Charles.............325 Perin, Carlton C.........236, 386 Perino, Michael E. .. .346, 380 Perinoff, Dianne.................308 Perkett, Sara J......................372 Perkins, James L................393 Perkins, Jill E......................269 Perla, Marilyn A..................413 Perlee, James .....................289 Perren, Roberta. .231, 239, 270 Perrett, Cynthia A..............271 Perrin, Dianne ...................315 Perry, Carl F........................380 Perry, Carolyn...........216,258 Perry, Janet E..............229,402 Perry, Rackeline ..............247 Perry, Richard ...................245 Perry, Thomas C................365 Peslar, Drew.......................327 Peters, James .....................340 Peters, Marnie C................310 Peters, T. Frank .... 346, 372 Petersen, Mabel.................239 Petersen, Martha E............413 Peterson, Ann L..................413 Peterson, David A..............324 Peterson, Elaine ...............231 Peterson, Eric S..................324 Peterson, Gerald L... 354, 372 Peterson, Gloria J..............372 Peterson, Joan ...................308 Peterson, Joel.....................216 Peterson, Karen.................267 Peterson, Mimi .................314 Peterson, Richard J............331 Peterson, Stephen E............206 Petravicius, Danute Y. .. .418 Petriano, Frederick M. ... 356 Petrie, Mark.......................343 Petruska, David.................335 Pettit, Marilyn A................265 Pfannstiehl, Hank ... 242, 335 Pfau, Robert.......................328 Pfefferle, Joan E..........208, 393 Pfeiffer, Paul A....................324 Philip, Frank S....................206 Phillips, Jane K..........393,306 Phillips, Judith...........220, 393 Phillips, Margaret .............264 Phillips, Ronald.................350 Phillips, Steve.....................280 Philp, Ken R.......................241, 372 Piceu, John G......................330 Pickard, Judi.......................314 Piekenbrock, Peter.............397 Pierce, Jim .........................253 Pierce, Marilyn A................372 Pierce, Robert J. ...............397 Pierce, Roger M..................380 Piercy, William...................331 Piernick, Thomas...............327 Piersma, Norman...............222 Pierson, Lorraine ... .239, 305 Pietkiewicz, Janet C. .231, 380 Pike, Robert.......................232 Piksa, Jeanette L. ...301,393 Pinkerton, George F............380 Pinkstaff, Patzi...................213 Pinkston, Dennis B..............253 Pinney, Gould S..................365 Pinney, Janet 1............314, 393 Pippel, Sandra L..........307, 402 Pippenger, Jeanne.............202 Pirtle, Merrilee..................270 Place, Michael ..................418 Plahive, Craig....................337 Platz, Judy ........239, 262, 263 Plesco, Tom.........................281 Plies, Uldis.........................406 Ploeg, Gordon H................397 Plough, Thomas R. . .206, 413 Plumtree, Kay.............251, 308 Podlesak, Pat.............250, 315 Poest, Gordon D..................219 Poirier, Pam L......................393 Polash, William J...............380 Poling, Keith.....................205, 281 Polityka, Charles S..............365 Polk, Harold K............232, 372 Poll, Ronald.......................355 Pollack, Kenneth...............206 Poliak, Joanne F. .. .393, 304 Pollock, Barbara ...............301 Polzin, Patricia .................304 Pontz, Barbara...................311 Pool, Dewayne B...............278 Poole, David W..................344 Poorman, Jeffrey...............344 Poplawski, Mary J..............220 Popovich, John J................333 Popp, Raye........................239, 306 Porrell, David.....................333 Porter, George A................332 Porter, Janet.......................271 Porter, Jeffrey L.........247,340 Porter, Judith A..................386 Post, Susan .........................312 Postema, Douglas B...........397 Potter, Ann.........................264 Potter, Lawrence M...........380 Potter, MariseK..................256 Potter, Stan .......................328 Pouch, Thomas S..................365 Poulin, Alexandra F. .314, 431 Poulsen, George H..............380 Povill, Ira ...........................349 Povirk, Mary.......................201 Powell, Margaret A............372 Power, Mary.......................226 Powers, Joela M..................418 Powers, Michele 237, 250, 311 Powers, Patrick E. . .222, 281 Poxson, Anne.....................200 Poxson, Judith M................ 204, 260, 372 Prelesnik, Kenneth ...........397 Premo, Lynn.......................232 Prentice, Margo .249, 269, 306 Presley, Randolph S...........397 Presser, Bernard M............372 Prettyman, Nat...................218 Price, Jeff ...........................232 Price, Judy M. . .216, 386, 208 Price, Leslie .......................241 Price, Peter.................330,210 Pricer, Jack K. . .241, 248, 380 Prieur, David J............329, 253 Primo, Marva.....................304 Prince, Joan .......................304 Princing, Judith.................258 Pring, Barbara...........231, 319 Pringnitz, Margo...............309 Printz, Joni.........................317 Prochaska, Michael R........380 Proops, William.................231 Prout, Ann .........................309 Provenzano, Nick J.. .338, 398 Pryer, Susan K....................393 Pryor, Ginny.......................315 Pryor, Gloria M..........300, 393 Ptashnik, William J.. .351, 398 Pudd, Arley J........................335 Pulling, Sarah J..........319,413 Purcell, Julie......................249, 260 Purdon, Patricia.................351 Purdy, Anne.......................241 Purdy, Remington J...........340 Purvis, Scotty.....................281 Pustula, Helene...................267 Putnam, Mary.....................259 Putz, Trudy.........................258 Pyle, Ellen...........................261 Q Qualman, Mary........250, 315 Quering, Barbara ... .239, 258 Quesnel, Richard W...........407 Quigley, Constance J.........407 Quilling, Carolyn ... .267, 372 Quinlan, Patrick .222, 241, 289 Quinn, Norma.....................312 R Raddatz, Sharon K..............380 Radek, Edward A................344 Rademacher, Jo A..............226 Rademacher, Ronald........223 Rader, Ronald...................349 Radgin, Diane C..................259 Rae, Bruce..................217, 281 Ragains, Charles ...............331 Rainey, Thomas C..............344 Rakish, Joanne E................256 Rail, Barbara J....................413 Ralston, James A................386 Ramsauer, Leroy H............413 Ramsey, Gene ..................215 Ramsey, Pam ....................317 Ramsey, Rae.......................317 Ramthun, Bruce H..............380 Rand, Paul K........................332 Randall, Clark M................351 Ränder, Robert H................233 Rankin, Dorothy ...............261 Rankin, Elizabeth .............261 Ranous, Karl E....................372 Rans, D. Lynn...................202 Rapaport, Judy...........303, 393 Raphael, Jane.....................270 Rappleyea, Lowell .. .229, 212 Rappuhn, Dennis...............344 Raskin, Amy K....................386 Rasmussen, Robert L.........398 Rasmusson, Thomas E. .. .413 Rattiner, David H................398 Rauch, Victor.............211, 386 Raught, Richard.........331, 386 Rausch, Barbara ....256,372 Rauser, Wendy...........224, 318 Rautiola, Marlene ...314,250 Ravell, Robert J..................206 Rawden, Joseph H..............380 Rawls, John.........................205 Rawls, Vernon C................398 Ray, Linda...........................318 Raymond, Millicent . .241, 301 Rayner, Jim........................352 Read, Jolyn.........................354 Reader, Janette........319,393 Real, Pat .............................301 Ream, Marty .....................301 Reasoner, Pat.............239, 318 Reason, Morris R.........355, 398 Rebello, Dennis P..............221 Rebeschini, Mandy . .308, 393 Reddeman, Carol...............272 Reddy, Bandaru S..............221 Redinbo, Galen .................332 Reece, Jan...........................261 Reece, Ruth.........................261 Reed, Howard ...................282 .........................308 Reed, Joan Reed, Peggy .......................261 Reed, Ty .............................326 Reed, Wilma .............227, 309 Reeds, Thomas W................372 Reeg, Janet.........................265 Reese, Art...........................220 Reeves, Larry.....................282 Regan, Daniel F..................380 Rehfuss, Helen J..................372 Reid, David B.....................355, 365 Reid, Doc ...........................245 Reid, Janice ...............256, 243 Reid, Joseph D....................406 Reid, Kay ..........................:309 Reidel, Minna . .238, 262, 263 Reighard, Carol L. . .314, 386 Reilly, Joan.........................306 Reiman, Helen...................307 Rein, Jim.............................281 Reinhard, Kenneth E..........372 Reisberg, Richard ............ 246, 248, 349, 380 Reit, Barry .................206, 322 Reitenour, John D..............227 Reiter, Richard...................232 Reitze, Sandra ...................273 Remington, William S........380 Remondini, Joyce .............314 Renneisen, Rocky .............281 Renwick, Donald J..............209 Renwick, Michael .............220 Revord, Raoul D........351, 413 Reynolds, John R...............365 Reynolds, Nancy A............393 Reynolds, Ronald R............398 Rheinstein, Peter .............. 210, 205, 241, 279, 406 Rhen, John........242, 321, 365 Rhoads, Bonnie. .200, 226, 318 Rice, Bob ...........................337 Rice, James P.....................380, 238 .........................320 Rice, Julea Rice, Kay ...........................261 Rice, Philip A......................372 Rice, Thomas ....................335 Rich, Leslie.........................230 Richards, Paul A..................365 Richardson, Alan ... 204, 398 Richardson, Helen ..........270 Richardson, Paul...............216 Richardson, Sallyann 224, 307 Richeson, Lucile.................318 Richmond, Daryl...............230 Richmond, Donald L..........418 ..........230 Richmond, Marcia ...........318, 393 Richter, Janie Richter, Robert ................249 Ricketts, Robert A..............322 Riddell, Jeff.........................328 Riddle, Lloyd.............225, 365 Riegel, Richard...................216 Rieger, Bill .........................220 Rieman, Allen R..................380 Riemenschneider, Eric ... 380, 327, 356 Riepe, William...................241 Ries, Sharon.......................267 Riggs, Barry.......................320 Rigterink, George .. .241, 380 Rigterink, Keith........247,345 Riker, Howard...................320 Riley, Dan...........................327 Riley, Joseph W..................406 Riley, Judy .........................226 Rini, Angie J........................413 Rishoi, Don C......................380 Ritchie, William R..............344 Ritter, Gail.........................260 Rittschof, Bonnie J..............386 Ritzier, Connie...................259 Rivas, Armando E..............406 Rives, Marcia.....................311 Rizoff, Mary L.....................267 Robarge, Gideon...............227 Robb, Sharon.....................232 Robb, Vivian .....................261 Robbins, Albert .................320 Robbins, Jan ............268, 393 Robbins, Putnam W. 220, 214 Roberson, Bernard E..........380 .....................273 Roberts, Ann Roberts, Betti ...........313,393 Roberts, Doug ...................344 Roberts, Earle ...................351 Roberts, Richard ....335,205 Roberts, George ... .279, 372 Roberts, Guy R...................393 Roberts, Jerry ...........242,335 Roberts, Marshall B..........380 Roberts, Oscar S.................393 Roberts, Penni ...................301 Robertson, Beverly ...........341 Roberston, Daniel C..........380 Robertson, Linda ............ 256,311,413 Robertson, Marti.............. 200, 220, 301, 347, 354 Robertson, Norman .........205 Robinson, Anne ... .231, 293 Robinson, Clintonia .........225 ...................220 Robinson, Jim Robinson, Marie ...............264 Robinson, Margaret .261,393 Robinson, Nancy ... .269, 380 Robinson, Rebecca ...........272 Robinson, Raymond........339 Robinson, Robert D. . 355, 398 Robinson, Sally .........305, 386 Robinson, Sandra F..........372 Robinson, Sondra L..........393 Robinson, Stephen . .216, 413 Robinson, Théodore .........350 Robison, Harry A................413 Roble, Daniel .....................344 Robson, John M..................372 Rocco, William J..................380 Rogalski, Anthony.............398 Rogers, Curtis D..........202, 380 Rogers, E. Allen ...............372 Rogoff, Richard.........253, 320 Rohe, Duane .....................253 Rolison, Fred.............333,251 ...............328 Rolland, Dennis Rollin, Karen ....................264 Rolph, Ardace.........274, 393 Rolston, Ronald.................223 Roman, Suzanne C..............413 Romanelli, Dan...................342 Romanic, Patricia ... 307, 393 Romano, Grace P................386 Rome, Frank .............281,380 Rompf, Robert...................203 Ronberg, Gary M................344 Rooks, Melissa..........230, 261 Root, Gary Ä,.....................277 Root, Judith A......................372 Roring, Ruth .....................311 Rosa, Ruth Ann.................309 Rose, Gerald.............214, 220 Rose, Robert M..................406 Rose, Sondra G....................393 Rosemas, Gerry.................327 Rosen, Arthur ...................380 Rosen, Marcy.....................236 Rosen, Stanley R. ...355,365 Rosenberger, Philip........326 Rosenstrauch, Neil..........227 Rosenthal, Carolyn . .262, 263 Rosenthal, Marshall........203 Rosenwald, Calvin..........343 Roseveit, John T. ...329,352 Rosko, Elaine C..................413 Ross, Barbara ..224,308,393 Ross, Don...........................327 Ross, Mrs. Helen...............349 Ross, Renee ___224,317,341 Ross, Richard L........250, 329 Rossi, Richard ...................326 Rossi, Ronald J..................380 Rossman, Susan.................267 Rossnagel, Marvin.............241 Rosso, Julee .......................258 Roth, James D..................407 Roth, John N.......................407 Roth, Larry J......................335 Roth, Leonard J.........356, 380 Rothan, George J................366 Rothchild, Myrna T............413 Rothenburg, Paul M............386 Rothfuss, Arlene ...............257 Rotondo, Frank.................238 Roulo, Dolores A................372 Rouse, Mike.....................280 Roush, David A..........219, 348 Roush, W. Joel...................289 Roussey, Robert C.............328 Rowe, James......................323, 413 Rowe, John R......................398 Rowe, Thomas...................343 Rowland, Jon G. ...238,380 Rowland, Pam . .247, 317, 372 Roy, Anjishnu K..................221 Royce, AI ..........................211 Royer, Ronald ...................241 Rozsa, Ruth A......................386 Rubick, George .................275 Ruby, Edward.....................349 Ruby, Frederic...................349 Ruby, John.................214,220 Rudd, Martha.....................308 Rudish, Barbara...............218 Rudish, Richard J. .. .218, 372 Rudman, Marcia___247, 312 Rudolph, W. William___339 Rudolph, Victor J. ... 214, 220 Rudy, Thomas ...................347 Ruebensaal, Ann..............271 Ruesink, Bill .............205, 329 Ruesink, Dorothy..............261 Ruhf, Robin .......................241 Ruhly, Jim .................245,280 Rummel, Eugene R. . .372, 325 Rummel, Pauline .............231 Rumon, Robert J................222 Rumpsa, Jim ...247,249,325 Rundle, Merrie R...............413 Runquist, Jon E...................332 Runser, Rebecca E.............305 Ruppe, Dianne..................260 Rupprecht, Joan___200, 347 Rusch, William .................335 Rusert, Chris......................281 Ruskin, Robert .................413 Russ, Frank L.....................346 Russ, John Jr.......................346 Russell, Sue .......................260 Russo, Mary J.....................372 Ruth, Gretchen..................259 Rutherford, James H.........413 Rutkowski, Eugene R.........380 Rutledge, T..........................206 Ryan, Faye A.....................393 Ryan, Kathleen..................310 Ryan, Randy 0...................253 Rycyna, Carolyn L. . .269, 386 Ryder, Robert ..................327 Rynbrandt, Jay..................281 S Sabine, Ellen......................310 Sabo, William ..................343 Sabourin, Gary J.................413 Sachse, Hans......................347 Sackett, Alan ....................281 Sainsbury, Robert E...........380 Sak, Tim ............................336 Sakoda, Sally ....................257 Sakowski, Ronald N..........380 Salas, Freddy.............352, 398 Salisbury, Paul P.................206 Salma, Mustafa M.............366 Salt, Janice A.....................413 Salt, Richard T...................386 Saltman, Mike...........242, 342 Samanen, Dave..................281 Sampson, Jan....................226 Sampson, Sandy................317 Samuel, Mrs. Dolores ... .225 Sanborn, Charles G..........372 Sande, Carolee..........310,393 Sanders, Lewis A...............413 Sanders, Ronald E.............326 Sanders, Sandy...................341 Sanders, Sheila ........247,312 Sanderson, Jane.................218 Sandford, Carole...............261 Sandow, Joanne L.............. 224, 306, 380 Sands, Wendy ...................238 Sandy, Kenneth L..............380 Sanford, Sally ...........243, 261 Sante, Irene .......................314 Sass, Richard G..................340 Satchell, Michael..............348 Satenspiel, Bruce..............342 Satterwhite, Joan..............271 Sattler, Julie A....................393 Sattler, Sally.......................314 Saudek, Sandra A...............386 Saundri, Gene A..................413 Sautner, Sheila...................250 Sawa, Thomas R.......253, 418 Sawdey, Richard .............. 205, 210, 247 Saylor, Lois K.....................227 Sayre, Karen......................307 Scalzo, Sandy.....................311 Scandirito, Skip.................331 Scanlon, Patricia J. . .308, 373 Scarpace, Laurie C. . .260, 393 Schaberg, Robert...............331 Schaefer, Dennis___227,351 Schaefer, Sue ............306, 341 Schaeffer, Linda ....229,313 Schaeffer, Roberta............267 Schaeffer, Stephen............231 Schafer, Anita R.................393 Schafer, Gilbert H. ..343,381 Schafer, Jerome A..............398 Schaible, Don ...................222 Schaller, Ronald R............ 210, 205, 275 Schalow, Jeanne.................301 Schalow, Robert D............381 Scharaga, Ira .....................373 Scharf, Susan .....................402 Schattenberg, Frances L. . .373 Scheen, Alan.......................231 Scheer, Arthur L., Jr.........366 .....................274 Schei, Lorrie Scheiber, Dennis ...............335 Scheid, Barbara J. .. .312, 393 Scheinpflug, Hannelore ... 270 Schell, Elva .......................304 Schell, Larry.......................326 Schempp, Betty .................402 Schenk, Nancy.................. 200, 239, 244, 310, 347 Schepps, Dennis ...............356 Scherbarth, Susan...............272 Schiebner, Ann ........217, 273 Schierholz, John C..............202 Schiffer, Carole M. . .201, 308 Schilling, Gary L...............398 Schlichting, Katie .............318 Schlitt, Don .......................328 Schluentz, Jack...................323 Schmidt, Barbara J. .308,373 Schmidt, Charles ...............333 Schmidt, Elizabeth A.........381 Schmidt, Fred M................329 Schmidt, Phyllis Schmidt, R. Lawrence .... ...............315 343, 381 Schmidt, Robert C..............418 Schmiege, Lorenz M..........407 Schmitt, Barbara...............270 Schmitter, Ruth .................217 Schneider, Chuck W..........327 Schneider, Eugene.............279 Schneider, Lee ...................310 Schneider, Janet ...............269 Schneider, Susan K. .313,402 Schnell, William ...............352 Schnitt, Paul A...........236, 373 Schoenbeck, Deanna........261 Schoenith, Sharolyn..........341 .......................309 Scholl, Lois Scholl, Martin.....................281 Schölten, Judy ...................317 Scholtens, Simon A. .215,226 Schover, Dale A..................201 Schrader, Diane K..............402 Schramm, Alan W............. 206, Schramm, James D..............381 Schramm, Virginia M......... 247, 345, 381 231, 293 Schreiber, Anthony P.........342 Schreiber, Jerald F..............418 Schreiner, Walter N. . 329, 407 .....................323 Schreur, Lon Schriner, Charles___225, 323 Schroeder, Cynthia L. ...381 Schroeder, Frederick N. .. Schroeder, Harvey P......... 328, 366 202, 381 Schroeder, Jonathan........340 Schroeder, Peggy A..........402 Schroeder, Roger L............413 Schubert, Gary P..................413 Schubert, Maryanne . 250, 272 Schueler, Nancy.................260 Schueneman, Thomas J. . .226 Schuett, Clifford E..............393 Schugar, Linda R................386 Schulien, Robert J. . .336, 381 Schultz, Larry.....................335 Schultz, Nancy...................271 Schumacher, Carol ...........313 Schumacher, George E. .. 289, 381 Schütz, Robert D................332 Schwartz, Bob ...................320 Schwartz, Charles F...........413 Schwartz, Lawrence ......413 Schwartz, Linda B. .208, 393 Schwartz, Martha ... 262, 263 Schwartz, Michael.............350 Schwartz, Richard.............236 Schwartz, Ronald .............393 Schwartz, Stan...................320 Schwarz, Bill .....................344 Schwarze, Thomas.............334 Schweitzer, Paul R..............332 Schwind, Carl J...................381 Scofield, Susanna___314,418 Scorsone, Chris .................309 Scott, Mary A.........234, 373 Scott, Penny___216,247,250 Scott, Rolland ...................328 Scott, Susan .......................308 Scotto, Michael J................386 Scranton, Robert J............. 214, 220, 328 Serine, Russell ...................334 Scriven, Connie A................393 Scudder, Bonnie C. . .305, 402 Scully, David F....................381 Searing, Donald.................413 Seavitt, Nancy L..................304 Sebastian, Alex...................326 Secord, John E....................418 Seelhoff, Gerald N..............398 Sefton, Janice K..................265 Segal, Kenneth...................355 Segur, Harvey.....................346 Seibert, Susan .. .247, 250, 317 Seidel, Jim...........................251 Seidel, Philip A. .242, 334, 398 Seidenschnur, Christiane .. 231, 271 Seitz, Nancee .....................264 Seitz, Sharron.....................265 Sekera, Lorelei...................311 Selak, Frederic T................414 Sell, John E..........................407 Sellek, Judy A......................243 Sellgren, Frank...................340 Semczak, Henry.................334 Sender, Don..............346, 381 Sender, Judith A..................386 Sengelaub, Linda...............261 Senger, Frank B.................. 235, 236, 327 Senkin, Gerald N........220, 366 Sergeant, Ruth A................407 Serlin, Joel .........................349 Serling, Michael.................279 Sermak, Bernard A..............386 Serpa, Albert R..........328, 366 Severance, Leslie D.. .218, 329 Sewing, Norman E. . .328, 381 Seyburn, Bruce...................349 Seyfarth, Ted .....................325 Shafer, Stephen G. . .226, 366 Shafer, Valerie C................373 Shah, Balkumar P............... 221, 222, 407 Shank, Timothy F. .. .343, 381 Shanks, Keith............232, 232 Shannon, Bev............306, 341 Shannon, Gary M................328 Shannon, Linda .................257 Shapiro, Alan.....................320 Shapiro, Howard A...........354 Share, Gerald.....................350 Sharkey, Robert .................327 Sharma, Baldev .................221 Sharma, Piyush C............... 221, 222, 398 Sharpe, Charles T................386 Sharrow, Charles C...........332 Shassberger, Barbara J... .236 Shatney, Robert H. . .225, 366 Shattuck, David D. . .245, 386 Shaw, Kenneth...................333 Shaw, Richard M................227 ........................313 Shaw, Ann Shaw, Linda R....................393 Shawver, Paul W................331 She, Yu Young...................381 Shea, Jack...........................345 Shearer, Donald K..............322 Sheedlo, Monte...................337 Sheehan, Alice A................381 Sheehan, Charlene.............264 Sheffield, Giles M................381 Shehan, Pam.......................316 Shelton, Dona.....................270 Shepard, Sherry L................304 Shepherd, Suzanne.............228 Shereda, Paul J....................366 Shereton, Linda J. .. .313, 373 Sherff, Louise A..................413 Sheridan, Robert L..............381 Sherman, Helen.................250 Sherwood, Ann .........306,393 Sherwood, Lauralee ........253 Sherwood, Robert 0..........206 Sherwood, Terry E..............339 Shick, Victoria J. .. .312, 393 Shidle, David .....................348 Shields, Shine.....................317 Shifman, Allen...................320 Shiker, Donald...................343 Shimkus, Virginia .............267 Shine, Dennis.....................336 Shipley, Larry H..................393 Shoemaker, Jerry K........... 346, 413 Shoenut, Lynn.....................260 Shoup, Robert G. ...253,418 Shriver, Barb.......................265 Shuler, Holly.......................249 Siebers, Sharon...................318 Siegel, Martin J..........350,413 Siegel, Mickie J..................413 Siegel, Richard...................320 Sierant, Joan.......................261 Sietsema, Jane . .218, 236, 269 Sietz, Dick...........................344 Sigler, Bob...........................210 Sigrist, Deanna M..............402 Silbar, James F....................339 Silka, Frank W....................381 Silletti, Arthur V.........209, 398 Silvestri, Susan...................303 Simmons, Bobby G............373 Simmons, Doris........225, 244 Simmons, Ronald .............241 Simms, Barbara J................402 Simon, Bart .......................349 Simon, Paul W............226, 366 Simonds, Marjorie L......... 313, 407 Simons, Dan.......................348 Simons, Diane ...................231 Simpson,, Colette K........... 248, 312, 413 Simpson, D..........................222, 354 Simpson, James A..............340 Simpson, Sharrell J..........393 ................202 Simpson, Susan Simpson, Suzanne ............260 Sinclair, Marianne R........393 Sinclair, Renie ..................312 Sinha, Birendra ................221 Sinha, Ram Das...............418 Sink, Stephan C.........249,343 Sinke, Robert A., Jr..........398 Sinowitz, Jack ...........242,320 Sipila, Thomas...................334 Siplon, Thomas H. .. .331, 381 Sisko, Patricia L..........319, 386 Siudara, Bud...............250, 327 Sixt, John W........................324 Skala, John K.....................381 Skells, Penny.....................309 Skiles, Sheila J....................373 Skinner, Ann T....................393 Skinner, Carla J.................402 Skinner, Janet ..................260 Skiver, Neal W...................222 Skomp, Dianne..................274 Skrocki, Mary....................258 Skutt, Robert H.................398 Slade, Ed............................241 Slade, Luman C..................381 Slagter, Carol Ann ... 232, 232 Slater, Sandy J............261, 393 Slaughter, John W. . .334, 407 Slaughter, Linda J.............413 Slayback, Paul C.................394 Slayton, Phillip W.............386 Sloan, Phyllis....................307 Sloat, Sharon M.................227 Slonski, Robert..................356 Slowinski, William F.........381 Slutzky, Gerald..................342 Small, Susan......................249 Smart, Don A.....................223, 381 Smart, Robert A.................340 Smeage, Dennis E...............281 Smego, Thomas ................281 Smeltekop, Duane J...........337 Smiley, Celia......................312, 386 Smircich, Laurence J. 210, 282 Smith, Amn.................306, 394 Smith, Art..........................335 Smith, Barry L................... 205, 213, 219, 355 Smith, Burton E..................381 .....................306 Smith, Carde Smith, Carol.......................249 Smith, Carol A....................313 Smith, Carol L...........239,402 Smith, Carolyn...................201 Smith, Catherine ...............267 Smith, Cheryl.....................261 .............247, 318 Smith, Cinda Smith, Claudia J..................373 Smith, David B....................413 Smith, Don E.....................351, 394 Smith, Duane J....................340 Smith, Edward...................326 Smith, Elaine A..................394 Smith, Fred W., adv.........275 Smith, Gary .......................347 Smith, Gary W....................373 Smith, Gerald W................338 Smith, Grace .....................314 Smith, Janice .............226, 316 Smith, Jerry A.....................346 Smith, Jo A.........................249, 309 Smith, John.........................281 Smith, Joseph W................413 Smith, Judith .................201-B Smith, Judith A..................314 Smith, Judith A..................413 Smith, Judith A..................407 Smith, Julie A......................269 Smith, Julie.........................307 Smith, Karen A..................267 Smith, Karen L..........305,413 Smith, Karen M.............341-B Smith, Karen R..................293 Smith, Karen S...................276 Smith, Kimbal...........241, 280 Smith, Margaret J.............. 402, 264, 204, 243, 229 Smith, Marge .. .317, 244, 225 Smith, Marjorie .. .244-B, 225 Smith, Marilyn H................200 Smith, Marlene .................238 Smith, Mary C....................304 Smith, Maxwell S................381 Smith, Michael B............... 242, 280, 348, 386 Smith, Raymond S..............366 Smith, Richard M. Jr.........346 Smith, Robert H..................413 Smith, Sally S......................302 449 Smith, Sharon A................ 272, 244, 311 Smith, Sid A........................386 Smith, Sue .........238,241,243 Smith, Sue A........................264 Smith, Sue F........................308 Smith, Sue M......................310 Smith, Susan .....................201 Smith, Suzanne C. .. .244, 305 Smith, Terrance C..............381 Smith, Terry L....................346 Smith, Thomas...................218 Smith, Valerie ..312,413,314 Smith, William D................321 Smith, William E................281 Smith, William R................331 Smith, Woollcott W...........407 Smith, Worley H. ... 220, 366 Smithson, Linda.................222 Smits, Barbara J...........271, 394 Smoke, Clark T....................329 Smokevitch, John M............345 Smolen, Janet L..................201 Smoot, Charlene E............373 Smykowski, Donna M. ... 373 Snavely, Margaret A........... 220, 354, 394 Sneesby, Janice 1.................402 Snell, Mrs. R., hsmr...........323 Snider, Connie L. .. .306, 394 Snow, Linda A.....................258 Snyder, Beth.......................267 Snyder, Charles L. ..321,366 Snyder, Marolyn ...............272 Snyder, Sara.......................247 Sockol, Donald...................333 Soechtig, Clifford..............326 Sokeitous, Joy F.................386 Sole, Gary M. ..217,350,407 Somers, Eric .......................386 Somers, Janet.............216,272 Sommers, Ronald ............349 Sommerville, Susan..........247 Songer, Amos H.................413 Sonke, Jim A. .. .245, 278, 413 Soper, Spencer 0...............413 Sosnoski, Donald R...........413 Sosnowski, Jill............244, 316 Soule, Jack W....................413 Soule, Robert D..................398 Soules, Lenore............230, 273 Souliere, Margaret A. 381, 308 Soverhill, Cindy.........224, 302 Sovey, Diane ...247,250,313 Sower, Charles...................325 Spacie, Sarah E................... 200, 239, 347, 273 Spalding, Edgar.................230 Spang, William J................333 Spanger, Jerry L..........289, 366 Spann, Max.................242, 323 Sparbel, John W..........338, 413 Sparkia, Janet D..........305, 402 Sparks, Jean .......................221 Spaunburg, Joel.................333 Spector, Nancy J..................402 Speer, Noah .......................220 Speer, Sandy.......................317 Spencer, Jerilynn V............414 Spencer, Terry J..................414 Sperry, Mary.......................311 Spevakow, Marcia E.........414 Spewock, Carole A. . .308, 373 Spicer, Kay J........................381 Spiegel, Gilbert .................349 Spiegel, Marilyn.................303 Spike, Bill ...........................275 Spike, Peter W. .218, 219, 366 Spike, Richard...................253 Spink, R. R..........................253 Spinka, Paul J............335,242 Spitzner, Louanne ... 244, 308 Splan, Lynda L. .... .319, 373 Splawn, Barbara M.............414 Spodeck, Nancy A.... 302, 402 Sponenburg, Patricia A. .. 220, 260, 394 Spresney, Gregory L..........398 Spry, Gerald K....................337 Spute, H. William .. .346, 381 Spute, Judith.......................414 Squires, Chuck...................247 Squires, Mary L................. 307, 250, 247 Stafford, Ann .....................258 Stafford, Jerriane ... .243, 262 Stahl, Barbara K. .. .311, 394 Stahl, Linda L......................394 Stallcup, Cecil D................351 Stanley, Douglas W...........325 Stanley, Sherry...................274 450 Stansfleld, Jean...................272 Stanton, Ray.......................241 Stapish, Michael.................281 Staples, Stephen J................340 Staples, Sylvia ...........265, 300 Stapleton, Phyllis P. . .311, 373 Stark, Bette J...............231, 373 Stark, Michael ...................278 Stark, Walter ....................320 Starke, David.....................321 Starkenburg, Mary E......... 357, 381 Starks, Carol E....................394 Starr, Keith M.....................366 Starr, Vail...........................318 Startzman, Gail .................267 Stasa, Richard ...................281 Stassou, Peter E..................381 Staudacher, Judith E..........414 Stauffer, Cecilia R..............256 Stauffer, John J............289, 394 Stavriotis, Emil M..............381 Steadman, Linda K............. 208, 394, 304 Stebner, Carol.....................271 Steen, John.........................333 Steen, Nicholas...................227 Steffens, Arlene .................262 Steffi, Robert J. ...................407 Stehney, Edward G..............386 Stehower, Robert ......... .323 Stein, Beverly .......___270 Stein, David L. ...................414 Stein, Gary F. . .................289 Stein, Joseph H.........345,414 Stein, Mark.........................350 Steinbaugh, Mary...............259 Steinbaugh, Susan E.......... 307, 373 Steinberg, Lawrence .350,414 Steiner, Carol.....................201 Steiner, Marty.....................312 Steinfeldt, Bruce G..............339 Steinke, Barbara F..............402 Steinman, Gary D................407 Steinmetz, G........................206 Steller, Charles D................324 Stelson, Ann E. ...................414 Stemler, Jerry D..................351 Stempek, Joseph J................366 Stepanishen, Peter R. 338, 398 Stephen, Diane W. . .256, 357 Stephen, Donald W.. .216, 373 Stephens, Becky.................264 Stephens, Terry...................348 Stephenson, Deanne C. ... 231, 293, 394 Stepleton, James 1..............386 Steury, Thomas M.............. 219, 205, 355, 398 Steve, Karen.......................256 Stevens, Alan R..................398 Stevens, Archie H...............340 Stevens, Colleen.................261 .............247, 346 Stevens, Don Stevens, Jane .............312, 394 Stevens, Judith D................386 Stevens, Phillip .........231, 227 Stevens, T. D..............214,220 Stevenson, Leslie...............293 Stewart, David...................354 Stewart, Diane ...................238 Stewart, Lorraine .. .267, 230 Stewart, Michael D............398 Stewart, Nan .............268,317 Stewart, Peter H................. 205, 213, 223, 355, 398 Stewart, Robert .................344 Steyer, Barbara...................307 Stickels, Mary.....................267 Stickle, Barb.......................269 Stickle, Sharon...................256 Stiem, Barbara................. 258 Stierma, Paul A.........339,373 Stifler, James J.. .242, 344, 381 Stimson, James D. . .225, 366 Stinski, Mark F. ...............407 St. Jacques, Claude.............398 St. John, Kenneth M..........413 Stoakes, Linda...................317 Stocker, Ethel.............240, 250 Stockwell, Arlin Z................414 Stodola, James...................351 Stoel, Carl...........................241 Stohl, Clark E......................398 Stokes, David .....................348 Stokes, James .....................333 Stokes, John .......................281 Stokmanis, Vija D..............373 Stolk, Richard D..................398 Stoll, C..................................332 Stone, Eddie .......................234 Stone, Larry .......................213 Stoney, Robert L................. 215, 227, 381 Stoops, Janice R..........304, 414 Storie, Judy.........................259 Story, John T. . .223, 332, 381 Stotts, Kathie.....................260 Stounk, Richard L..............414 Stout, Ann L........................373 Stowell, Leigh.....................241 Strabel, Richard.................340 Strachan, Mary...................258 Strait, Maureen........220, 301 Strait, Stuart.......................280 Strand, John H....................386 Straumanis, Maris A..........298 Streelman, Larry B..............381 Stremel, Marjorie...............201 Strickland, Douglas J......... 346, 407 Strickler, Jarold.................298 Strieby, Charles W..............355 Stringer, John W..................386 Strivastava, Ramesh.........221 Strobl, Thomas...................326 Strong, Charles...................327 Strong, Ronald J................418 Stroven, Marlyn J................398 Stroven, Susan J..................394 Stroven, William ............. 332 Struthers, Jane...................304 Stuart, Richard G................366 Stubbs, Janet M. ..............394 Stuber, Joy ........................302 Stubli, Janet V............269, 394 Stuby, Dale.........................281 Sturdivant, Bernice ..........373 Sturtavant, Janice...............230 Sturtevant, Dave ..............230 Stutz, Charles A..................366 Stutzman, Janice M............381 Suber, Gordon...................414 Suden, Edward M................398 Suess, Peter J........... .298, 381 Sugden, Connie...................230 Sugden, Karen J..................373 Sullivan, Elizabeth.............318 Sullivan, Gerald R. . .346, 381 Sumera, Michael F. . .333, 398 Summanwar, Arvind.........221 Summerhays, Gerald.........330 Sumner, Ken.......................298 Sumner, Stephanie.............317 Sundermeyer, Janet...........351 Supernaw, Sam...................340 Sura, Tom...........................250 Surath, Rhoda ...................228 Surbrook, Truman.............352 Survilla, Carolyn ... .310, 373 Sussex, Linda C..................414 Sutcliffe, Jean.............250, 318 Sutherland, Clive A............366 Sutherland, Mary E. .312, 373 Sutherland, Valentine .... 366 Sutton, Fred ........241, 398 Sutton, Jerry G....................331 Sutton, Mary Jo.................249 Sutton, Robert ...........281, 339 Svatora, Ronald E..............414 Swallender, Bill .................281 Swanson, John R................329 Swanson, William F...........227 ...........203 Swanson, Stoakley Swart, Marilyn...................241 Swartz, George A...............366 Swartz, Simon A..................394 Sweeny, John .....................206 Sweetland, Peggy.............. 234, 250, 313 Swego, Thomas...................356 Sweitzer, Howard E............325 Swenk, Harold...................351 Swenk, Sue........................260, 310 Swensen, Mardie ... .310, 201 Swenson, Linda .................261 Swerdfeger, Roy.................206 Swick, Lawrence J..............381 Swift, Jack....................... .323 Swihart, Stewart D. . .321, 381 Swire, John.........................226 Sye, Betty ...........................313 Szafranic, Georgie.............267 Szidik, Jan...........................302 Szmigiel, Robert.................381 T Takacs, Jean H...................381 Takashige, Teddy A...........381 Tallefson, Linda.................318 Tamami, Parviz. .222, 354, 381 Tanck, James .....................356 Tanner, Florence...............293 Tanner, Russ .....................335 Taracks, Jan..............262,263 Taracks, Wayne H.............381 Tarno, Larry J....................407 Tashjian, Diana.................238 Tasker, Frederic C..............328 Tatum, Beola.....................230 Taube, Janice A..................304 Tava, Roger C....................407 Taylor, Ann W. .................402 Taylor, David H. 223, 327, 381 Taylor, Diane.....................312 Taylor, Jerry L...........215,366 Taylor, Lana K....................373 Taylor, Linda N................. 414, 208, 269 Taylor, Mary L....................373 Taylor, Marylee.................271 .................269 Taylor, Pamela Taylor, Ronald L................373 Taylor, Sally.......................228 Taylor, Terry L...................366 Teachout, Nancy M............414 Teetaert, Thomas...............331 Teggelaar, John.................332 Teig, Alan...........................320 Tellor, Kathy ...................308 Temme, James W................381 Temple, Aim M...................402 ...................326 Temple, John Temple, Judy ...................304 Tempone, Carol.................318 Tenbrink, Ardena...............264 Tenhoor, Joan ...........315, 354 Tennis, Pete........................328 Tepikian, Hasmig S... 308, 394 Terpstra, Robert V..............381 Terry, Gordon E. .. .366, 338 Terry, Michael P. 332, 381, 248 Tetzlaff, Antoinette..........274 Textor, Brenton A..............407 Thaler, Bob........................234, 289 Thaler, David G..........234, 245 Thannhausen, Dorothy ... 249, 266 Thar, William E..................329 Thiede, Gail L......................381 Thiel, Janet........................258 Thielhelm, Ann...................273 Thieroff, Keith L........398,289 Thom, George H..................227 Thomas, Edgar, Jr. . .222, 373 Thomas, James R................366 ...........332 Thomas, Lawrence Thomas, Lyle E..................356 Thomas, Thomas A............354 Thompson, Christopher T. 386 Thompson, David E...........373 Thompson, Douglas A. .. 327, 398 Thompson, Francis M. ... 332 Thompson, Gary ...............250 Thompson, James E..........232 Thompson, Jill...................315 Thompson, Judith .... 262, 63 Thompson, Larry E..........366 Thompson, Rhodes E. ...407 Thompson, Sally A............394 Thompson, Sandra ...........261 Thompson, Thomas C. ... 204, 398 Thompson, Thomas E. ... 407 Thompson, Woody ...........346 Thoms, Chris .....................282 Thoney, Mildred M............265 Thombury, Barbara M. . .407 Thorne, Paul.......................223 Thorpe, Barb .....................341 Thunfors, Linda........224, 301 Thurman, Sherry...............310 Thurow, Jeri ...231,243,270 Thurow, John.....................328 Thurow, Joyce ...................305 Thurow, Susan ...................259 Tibbits, Anne.....................319 Tice, Pam ...........................308 Tichy, Eveline ...................267 Tiejema, Lawrence S. 414, 231 Tillotson, Mary L................381 Tillstrom, Richard P.........332 Timmer, Laverne W...........407 Tinker, Robert H............... Tabaka, Leonard J..............329 Tabone, Donald J................325 Taft, Richard M..........330, 414 414, 227, 327 Tirabassi, Dolores ... 244, 305 Tjepkema, James P...........407 Tjepkema, Mark J..............414 Tjepkema, Paul A..............366 Tobia, Geraldine ...............249 Todd, Martha.....................307 Toepel, Janet E..................394 Toeppner, Richard P..........382 Toles, Shirley M..................227 Tolsma, Diane G..................394 Tolsma, Henry...................398 Tomczyk, Carolyn.............317 Tompkins, Fran.................273 Tonne, John M............330, 382 Too thill, Harriet.................309 Tople, Norman J.................415 Topp, Robert E....................382 Toppin, Douglas ___203,215 Toth, Andrew P..................398 Totman, June.....................316 Totzke, Donald H................382 Totzke, Julie.......................382 Toulson, Vivien A...............234 Tower, Diana H..........394, 315 Tower, Theodore ...............227 Towers, Eileen........... .258 Tracey, Robert...................337 Trantham, Jerry.................325 Treadwell, Lawrence L.... 321, 382 Treaster, Byron ........249, 327 Trebilcock, Leanne .......... 224, 251, 310 Treger, Micheal D..............418 Trembath, Joyce M.............201 Trent, David M...........340, 407 Trevethan, Larry E..............335 Trice, Judith.......................276 Tricker, Pam ............232,232 Trindle, Richard L..............414 Tropea, James R..................344 Troppi, Barbara.................272 Troxel, Ronald...................338 Truesdell, Kathy ..............261 Trumble, James N..............366 Truscott, Theodore ..........382 Tryloff, Gerald D................414 Trzos, Carole A..................386 Tubbs, Alan E......................382 Tuck, Robert G., Jr. 217, 407 Tucker, Keith R..................322 Tuescher, Beth ..................341 Tufts, Sharon K..................418 Tuman, James L................. 246, 247, 250, 333 Turney, Thomas P...............382 Turbeville, John.................338 Turcotte, Real J..................407 Turley, Robert 0................414 Turner, Dwight E................414 Turner, Jack W.........219, 398 Turner, Jerrie J.........239,256 Turner, Vern .....................325 Turner, William J..............324 Twining, David T................351 Tyler, Nancy.......................257 Tyler, Sheryl .....................271 Tyndale, Sandy...................311 Tysse, John.........................346 U Ulland, Ann.............239, 305 Uloth, John M...........326,398 Ungerleider, Harvey A. .. 350 Unrath, Claude R................366 Updyke, Edward E............. 242, 347, 414 Upham, Diane ...................239 Upright, David.........236, 386 Upton, Diane...........251, 318 Upton, Larry ............352, 398 Urbancik, Jarrard.............366 Urso, Annette...........317, 394 Usen, Norman.........350, 407 Ushman, Joyce M................394 Ushman, William R............414 Uteg, Fran...........................289 Utley, Jack........242, 340, 382 V Vajda, Diane.......................236 Valade, Gary.......................333 Valcanoff, Alex . 206, 327, 373 Valenta, Jerome J..............382 Valenta, Kathleen.............269 Valmassei, Theodore P.. ..382 Van Aken, Marti ... .244, 304 VanConant, Janet ............ 234, 313, 373 VanDaele, Louis G............289 VanDam, Barbara.............301 Van De Mark, Johanna H. 373 Vanden Belt, Jane.............309 VanDenburg, Charles 321, 366 Vanden Hoek, Carole 232, 240 Vanderberg, Vicki.............256 Vanderhoff, David.............249 VanDerJagt, Ruth.............357 Vandermolen, Robert .... 322, 351, 398 Vander Ploeg, Wendell G. 225 Vanderpool, Marie L..........402 Vandersalm, John G..........340 Vander Schaaf, John Jr...398 Van Der Tuuk, Terry___ 215, 382 VanderVeen, Jane E.........414 VanderVeen, Linda.......... 220, 354, 394 VanderWall, Penny J..........271 VanderWoude, Jack.........280 Van Eyck, Sue...................266 VanGieson, John...............236 Van Liere, Earl J................382 VanLonkhuyzen, Adrian . .226 VanMiddlesworth, B. J... .250 VanRiper, Susan ....311,382 Van Sciever, Kendra........317 Van Sickle, Norman.......... 223, 321, 352, 366 VanSingel, Stanley D........ 226, 366 VanSteenhouse, Larry ... .321 VanTil, Sam.......................356 VanVoorhis, Sue...............250 Van Wart, Peter W..............335 Van Zylen, Virginia D. . .382 Vasold, Arthur A................366 Vaughan, Margie 208, 315, 414 Vaughn, Sarah...................319 Vaupel, Paul.......................227 Veen, William.....................325 Veenhuis, Jill.............317, 386 Veit, Kathleen ...................258 Veld, Garnet...................... 239, 221, 243, 258 Velders, Richard W...........418 Veldhoff, Howard .............226 Veliquette, Norman . .279, 219 Verburg, Stanley ... .232, 291 Verhey, Gayle.....................315 VerMerris, Chuck............332 Verral, Barbara.................305 Victor, Arthur...........320, 414 Viemeister, Jill...................222 Vietzke, Mark ...........234, 366 Vigneault, Susan ...............204 Vilhauer, Jon.....................338 Vincent, Arnold........222, 335 Vincent, Veronica............ 201, 300, 418 Vine, Arthur.......................326 Vine, Carol.........................260 Vipond, Florence...............227 Visingardi, John C..............344 Viskochil, Karen...............201 Visser, James T....................398 Vissers, Alvin .. .204, 352, 398 Vitek, Janice K....................414 Vivadelli, Maureen ...........311 Viviano, Samuel.................280 Voeks, Roy A......................253 Voelker, Mary J..................260 Voelker, Virginia 238, 226, 316 Voelkle, Leo......................355, 398 Vohsen, Marsha.................259 Voiers, Bonnie . .243, 256, 394 Voketz, Gary L....................382 Volk, Barbara ...................309 Volkamer, Richard L.........382 Volkert, Lana.....................265 Vollmer, Diane...........236, 306 Vollweiler, Peter ...............333 Volmar, Bill......................240, 279 Von Chawes, Karon E. .. 373 Vornholt, Mary.................257 Voss, Linda A......................394 Voss, Maralyn...........201, 264 Voyt, Thomas M..................382 Vyn, Tom.............................323 W Wachtman, Marvin..........220 Wackerbarth, Jane............ 220, 354, 394 Wade, Pete .........................327 Wade, Phyllis .....................309 Wadsworth, William........226 Wagenvoord, Mary..........308 Wagner, Bill.......................323 Wagner, Dick ...................241 Wagner, Duane A. .. .215, 382 Wagner, Edwin 1................366 Wagner, Ethan J................ 242, 320, 414 Wagner, Jim.............226, 366 Wagner, Roger 0................407 Wagner, William B...........382 Wagner, William G...........382 Wahr, David.......................339 Waite, Waldon L................407 Waits, Lee...........................351 Waked, Thomas.................220 Wakeman, Terry A...........321 Walcutt, James D................366 ...................220 Walker, Alma Walker, Clyde E..................227 Walker, Elaine...................269 Walker, Frances E..............394 Walker, John H..................398 Walker, Judith E. .. .250, 414 Walker, Mary-Jane.......... 244, 250, 308 Walker, William H............373 Wallace, Jerry ...........241, 275 Wallace, Richard F...........407 Wallace, Sally ...................306 Wallace, William...............333 Wallen, Carol.....................314 Wallin, Beverly .................262 Wallington, Jim........236, 386 Wallis, Barbara B. . .217, 407 Wallis, Ed...........................281 Walsh, Dennis ...................340 Walsh, Gerald E..................407 Walstrom, Karin .............. 244, 247, 273, 307 Walter, Ronald L................340 Walton, John R............331, 366 Waltz, Evie.........................311 Waltzer, Adrian A..............414 Wanczuk, Marianne .... .228 Wandrey, Thomas J...........394 Wang, Der-chuen...............220 Wapner, Janice E................394 Warber, Mary ....................257 Warburton, Rex M. . .210, 331 Ward, Connie.....................274 Ward, Gary H......................366 Ward, Ruth Ann................ 231, 293, 402 Wardell, David B................356 Wardell, Marvin L..............382 Warden, Sandra.................414 Warfield, Timothy J...........407 Warhurst, Margaret..........340 Warner, BUI ...................... 234, 242, 346, 352, 398 Warner, Dave.....................326 Warner, Dick.....................343 Warner, Susie.....................317 Warren, Ann ...247,249,341 Warren, Cherry........247, 317 Warren, Jon .......................234 Warren, Katherine M. ...373 ...............338 Warren, Richard Warren, Richard A. .342,382 Warren, Richard L............386 Warren, Sandra........251,315 Warvari, Harold E..............407 Washburn, Kermit............226 Washburn, Richard L. ... 366 Waskiewicz, Jon.................206 Watanabe, Reiko M..........394 Waterman, Lynne ...232,382 Waterman, Willis R...........398 Waters, Clarice G..............394 Waters, John R..........333, 414 Waters, Richard E..............382 Watkins, Robert.................339 Watland, Pam.....................308 Watson, Garry L................234 Watson, James R................414 Watson, Thomas ...............218 Watters, Robert L..............206 Watts, Joseph W..................330 Watts, Neil S......................344 Watts, Sue...........................213 Watts, Terry.......................336 Waxier, Celia J....................382 Weaver, Bob.......................281 Weaver, Daniel J................407 Weaver, John.....................279 Weaver, Mary J..........243, 267 Webb, Charlotte.........234, 407 Webb, John .......................333 Webb, Judy 208, 224, 318, 373 Weber, Dave .....................343 Weber, Donna J..................373 Weber, Michael........241,277 Weber, Rosalind ...............273 Weber, Ruth A....................382 Weber, William F..............394 Webster, Bonnie M............407 Webster, Nancy.................222 Webster, Nancy E..............273 Weckler, Noje ...................308 Weekly, Charlotte.............311 Weeks, Marilyn C..............414 Weersing, Jon.....................335 Weidbusch, K......................227 Weight, Cherrie A..............382 Weiler, Carol.....................261 Weimar, Helen...................264 Weimer, Jane .....................273 Weinstein, Elaine...............394 Weinstein, Stanley E..........407 Weinstein, Stewart ...........350 Weirauch, Jack...................325 Weirauch, Ronald G..........407 Weirich, Mike.....................253 Weirich, Walter.................253 Weisbruch, John D.............382 Weise, Thomas F................366 Weiskotten, Julianne........270 Weisner, Wayne R..............418 Weiss, Charles J.................349 Weiss, Charles P................332 Weiss, Louis M...............382 Weiss, Lyle V......................356 Weiss, Phillip E, ........355 Wellman, Janet S. ...... .386 Wells, Ann ............. 402 Wells, Dick .'............... .241 Wells, Ellen 232 Wells, Joelena ..........249,239 Wells, Margo A............... .414 Wells, Richard D............... .......... 206, 343, 414 Wells, Roberta...................220 Weltman, Susan.................250 Wendland, Karen...............304 Werkman, Ann S................386 Wermuth, Gary...................348 Werner, Jan ..............*....315 Werner, Kay E....................394 Werner, Steven .................227 Wesch, Nancy .....................304 West, George A..................373 Westerkamp, Joan .. .247, 307 Westin, Richard B..............334 Westover, George D..........373 Westover, William.............280 Westphal, Donald .. .337, 382 Westrate, David.................351 Wexler, Robert J................414 Whan, Doug............... .241 Wheaton, Fred...........352, 219 Wheaton, Mary .........250, 315 Wheeler, L. J......................233 Wheeler, Regina G..............394 Wheeler, Stanley G............382 Wheeler, William S............394 Whitaker, Wayne .............336 White, Anne................239, 271 White, Donald P. ... 214, 220 White, Harry A. 225, 322, 366 White, Harry B....................414 ..217,224,305 White, Jeanne White, Jennifer .................308 White, Marcia J..................264 White, Robert J..................382 White, Sally .......................313 Whiteside, Jacqueline ... .418 Whitfield, Mary J................261 Whiting, William M............407 Whitman, Mary J................294 Whitmore, Janet L..............382 Whitmyer, Donald K..........418 Whitney, Carolyn...............311 Whitney, James R. . .205, 210 Whitson, Suellen...............274 Whittaker, Michele...........265 Whittenberg, Jeneen........314 Whittlesey, Mex.................346 Wiant, D. E..........................352 Wichman, Rodney ... 204, 398 Wichman, Sara E................386 Wicks, Duane J....................414 Widmayer, Lawrence 242, 333 Widner, Lawrence............ 220, 214, 366 Wieden, Mary L..................265 Wiedenhoefer, Carol........305 Wiegand, Eric.....................333 Wierda, James J..................205 Wierman, Tom..................335 Wietzke, Mary L. .. .261, 402 Wiggins, Patti.....................315 Wight, Donald W................394 Wilcox, Nancy...................261 Wilda, Quentin .212,281,382 Wilder, Arthur H................418 Wilder, Arthur W..............253 Wilder, Jan.........................262 Wilke, Susan E....................394 Wilkins, Mary.....................306 Wilkins, Ruth.....................268 Wilkinson, Margaret L. .. 386 Wilkinson, Richard A. ... 382 Willauer, David.................344 Willett, Carol L..................402 Williams, Charlene . .232, 373 Williams, Cynthia .............300 Williams, Dan ...........217, 407 Williams, David.................326 Williams, Debbie ...250,313 Williams, Frankie .............224 Williams, Gwen.................271 Williams, Judith L..............394 Williams, Kenneth ...........282 Williams, Richard.............251 Williams, Ronda J..............238 Williams, Ruthann ...........216 Williams, Susan.................394 ...........351 Williams, Suzanne .................332 Williams, Todd ............ Williams, Warren 211, 249, 281 Willits, Sharon L................373 Willnow, Irene...................330 Wills, John H......................206 Willson, Jerry.....................217 Wilmarth, Christa R.........382 Wilmath, Robert C..............366 Wilson, Barbara ... .217, 407 Wilson, George .............352 Wilson, Jean.......................264 Wilson, Judie................... 229, 231, 265, 293 Wilson, Mary A..................394 Wilson, Michael E...........407 Wilson, Nan.......................309 .............323 Wilson, Richard ...........249,262 Wilson, Susan .............382 Wilson, William Wilson, Willy R..................225 Wilt, Linda.........................201 Wilterding, Barbara........231 Wiltfang, Bill...................326 Wimmer, Kenneth .. .226, 366 Windal, Floyd ..231,203,215 Winemiller, Lynnee..........316 Winfield, David L................373 Winfield, Janet...................258 Wingate, John W................355 Wingate, Nan.....................261 Wingo, Herbert........241,275 Winker, Mac.............. .323 Winkler, William ...351,414 Wink worth, Howie . .217, 344 Winn, Elizabeth.................341 Winstrom, KaLynn..........386 Winter, Jim.........................241 Winter, John K. ...............382 Winter, Robert MK.........382 Winters, Harrison R..........414 Winters, Ray.......................326 Winton, John R...................382 Wirtanen, Lawrence J........366 Wirth, Guy B......................398 Wisby, Sue...........................309 Wise, Joel..........212, 342, 382 Wise, Roberta A..................414 Wisniewski, Conrad..........279 Wisser, Jim.........................209 Wissman, Jim .. .215, 329, 366 Withey, Mimi.....................261 Witte, Gerald.............231, 366 Wittman, Beverly A...........394 Wizel, Larry.......................320 Wladyka, Barbara.............356 Wojick, Richard R..............394 Wojtylo, Barbara A...........382 Wolak, Kathryn.................273 Wold, Naome.....................222 Wolf, Gerald.......................278 Wolfe, Jerry L....................321 Wolfe, Karen.....................270 Wolfe, Ken.........................222 Wolfe, Penny .....................293 Wolfe, Susan A..................407 Wolff, Antoinette M...........382 Wolff, Richard E................382 Wolford, Edmund............414 Wolfson, Jeff.......................320 Wolsey, Margaret .............234 Wolterding, Barbara........310 Wolz, Mary........................224, 306 Womack, Marian...............300 Womochel, Howard L........351 Wondergem, Thomas M... 386 Wood, Anita .....................305 Wood, Carl L. . .227, 231, 373 Wood, James N..................414 Wood, William A...............340 Wood, William L................407 Woodburne, Janet.............308 Woodbury, Judy ....230,261 Woodman, Grace...............226 Woodruff, Joel V................340 Woods, Pamela .................301 Woods, Samuel .................206 Woodworth, Jane...............304 Woolery, Ed.......................241 Woolman, Fred.................336 Word, Sandra.....................225 Wordell, Patricia J..............394 Worden, John.....................351 Worfel, Thomas.................323 Worline, Lynnie.................312 Worrall, Robert.................232 Worrall, Ruth.....................232 Worthen, Patricia .............271 Worthington, Thomas .... 328 Wotring, Ross ...................216 Wray, Sandy ... .201, 224, 307 Wright, Angus D................407 Wright, Anne............238, 373 Wright, Dave............333, 382 Wright, Diane ...........306,342 Wright, Gary .....................281 Wright, Gerald...................241 Wright, Jonathan ...214,220 Wright, Ken ___343, 356,382 Wright, Sue .265 Wright, William D..............289 Wrona, Edward........326, 382 Wuerfel, Gail............222, 414 ...............249 Wunder, Sandra Wyatt, Frederick...............328 Wylie, Jon...........................356 Wyllie, Patricia A..............373 Wyllie, Robert G................414 Wyman, Barbara A............414 Wyman, James R................324 Wynder, Anne R..................373 Wytrychowski, Patricia ..394 .............. Y Yacobush, Lynda M............271 Yake, Susanne...................259 Yanders, A. F......................217 Yankowitz, Jeff .................320 Yant, Robert E....................398 Yatchman, Joseph M..........326 Yates, Priscilla........... .264 Yeager, David ...................219 Yeagley, Ted.......................346 Yeomans, Stewart .............347 354 Yin, Khin .................. Yogman, Ron.....................236 Yonker, Tim___209, 331, 382 Yops, Karen.......................265 Yost, Jim . ........................236 Young, Barry H.........320, 382 Young, Donald W. . .333, 373 .......................346 Young, Tim Youngs, Edward W............394 Yount, Sharon J..................238 Yu, Henry C........................407 Yuille, Robert G..................373 Z Zabonick, Richard L..........366 Zabonick, Robert M...........355 Zaborowski, Joseph J. .. .407 Zabriskie, William.............334 Zachariason, Sue 234, 313, 373 Zadow, Terry .....................289 Zagaroli, Dave...................241 Zahnew, Karen .........317,382 Zalc, Jerry...........................382 Zalis, Albert.......................348 Zambisky, Marilyn J..........394 Zamiara, Steven B..............373 Zamler, Gene.....................349 Zaremba, Walter...............366 Zboch, Audrey J..................402 Zee, Martha Jean...............414 Zeff, Alan .............. 279 Zeif, Leonard J....................382 Zeigler, Charles F................334 Zeigler, Sherilyn.................258 Zemmin, Mike E.........344, 386 Zemmin, Richard W. . 344, 386 Ziegler, Glen.......................231 Zientek, Carol A.........407, 217 Zillich, Pam ...............229,234 Zimmerman, Don .............219 Zimmerman, Mrs. Janet . .336 451 Zimmerman, Jerry M. ... 3988, 352, 321 Zimmerman, Jon C............366 Zimmerman, Nathan C. . .219 Zimmerman, Stewart .... 320 Zink, Mrs. June..................319 Ziozios, James W...............339 Zippin, Mickey . .246, 303, 373 Zischke, Lester A................234 Zitter, Thomas A..................407 Zive, Dorothy.....................394 Zolczer, James J..................226 Zorn, William L..................394 Zube, Sharon............249, 264 Zuckerman, Marc...............320 Zuckerman, Martin...........320 Zuehlke, David E................407 Zuehlke, Richard...............334 Zumdorfer, Eddie.............342 Zussman, Jeffrey.................350 Zwarensteyn, Nieske........307 WOLVERINE OF 1963 STAFF LOWELL D. KINNEY, Editor MICHELE POWERS, Copy Editor GERALD HOLMES, Photography Editor MICHAEL ANIKEEFF, Sales Manager Editorial Staff Editorial Assistant: Terry Maxon Organizations Copy Editor: Alyce Beckmeyer Organizations Copy Staff: Bobbye Adams; Sandy Arm­ strong; Beryl Benschop; Elinor Cramer; Judy Davis; Sandy Dolbee; Carol Hundt; Ann Jarman; Steve Kraatz; Judy Mannes; John McCargar; Robin Peck; Judy Porter; Mary Ann Shackley; Jim Wood. Organizations Editor: Sharon Bernath Organizations Staff: Mary Lou Braidl; Maria Colucci; Evelyn Daniels; Donna Klayer; Carolyn Kneller; Linda Leavenworth. Sports Editor: Glenn Erickson Sports Staff: Jack Love; Jolyn Read; Gary Ronberg; Jim Tuman Senior-Index Editor: Jeorgi Coplan Index Staff: Betty Beauchamp; Sharon Bernath; Rolene Berg; Marilyn Duma; Peter Hanson; Judie Harvey; Linda Hostetler; Donna Klayer; Mary Jo McGillivray; Alice Moore; Pam Schober; Sue Smith; Nancy Stocker Business Staff Office Manager. Minna Reidel Assistant Office Manager: Mary Jo McGillivray Office Staff: Bobbye Adams; Julie Bock; Judy Bough- ton; Judy Davis; Peter Hanson; Judie Harvey; Donna Klayer; Alice Moore; Judy Porter; Pam Schober; Sue Smith; Shanna Wilson; Judy Yisowich Sales Staff: Leslie Bailey; Alyce Beckmeyer; Sue Bowles; Winnie Brown; Barb Byron, Andy Camden; Jim Chandler; Bill Clements; Ann Dillingham; Sandy Dolbee; Bev Eustice; Ken Fox; Wally Fry; Eric Gingold; Marcia Hannon; Peter Hanson; Janice Harwood; Mary Higby; Ann Hood; Nancy Jarratt; Pat Kreider; Jerry Lewis; Judy Lutkus; Sue Mardos; Gail McCallum; Cathy McCatler; Diane McDonald; Karen McEvilly; Sharon McKenna; Diane Miller; Jackie Nagle; Judy Platz; Nan Phinney; Jim Rice; Helen Richardson; Anne Roberts; Nancy Robinson; Frank Rotondo; Jon Rowland; Wendy Sands; Pam Schober; Sue Smith; Karen Steve; Norma Swanson; Diane Tashjian; Nancy Twomey; Virginia Voelker; Bill Volmar; Doug Waltman; Sharon Yount Ph o tography: PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF: (Credits follow names - page numbers are followed by page position — t: top; c: center; b: bottom; 1: left; r: right): BILL BENNETT: 115-tl, 115-b, 116-b, 374-1, 374-br. JOE BILITZKE: 90, 129-b, 130, 131-t, 131-r, 180-tr, 361-br, 403-1, 416-1, 416-br. LORIN BROWNING: 59-t. TOM CROCKETT: 2-3, 11-b, 30, 31, 33-b, 47-b, 48-t, 62, 63-t, 63-r, 65-t, 75, 76-tl, 102-1, 238-b, 252, 254, 255-tr, 283, 284-b, 285, 286-t, 287, 288-t. BELA FEHER: 7, 9-b, 13-t, 14-t, 36-bl, 37, 40-b, 40-tr, 43, 46, 47-t, 49, 50, 51-tr, 51-b, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56-tr, 65-b, 70, 74, 76-tr, 79-t, 105-r, 111-bl, 112-tl, 113, 132-b, 133, 134, 138-b, 139, 140, 141-b, 142, 180-br, 188, 195-b, 196, 197-tl, 358, 360-tl, 361-t, 362, 367, 383-1, 395-r, 408. DOUG GILBERT: 18-t, 18-br, 19-b, 29-t, 41-r, 51-tl, 64-t, 102-r, 147-t, 150, 152-t, 153-t, 156-t, 173-t, 175-b, 180-bl, 186-t. JERRY HOLMES: 4, 20, 61, 66, 72-b, 89-bl, 92, 93-b, 94, 95, 106-t, 109-t, 111-t, 114-t, 117-t, 118-t, 120-t, 123-t, 126-t, 129-t, 131-bl, 132-t, 135-t, 138-t, 141-t, 146-b, 152-b, 157, 158-t, 161-b, 190-b, 194-b, 195-t, 200-t, 206-t, 246-b, 294, 295, 296, 360-tr, 416-t. DAVE JAEHNIG: 88-br. GEORGE JUNNE: 33-t, 58-t, 59-b, 81-t, 356-b. LOWELL KINNEY: 6, 8-t, 9-t, 10-b, 12-tl, 12-br, 14-b, 15-t, 17-b, 21-c, 22-t, 23-b, 38, 39-br, 40-1, 42, 57-tr, 103, 452 151, 153-b, 154, 155, 156-b, 158-b, 159, 160, 161-t, 162, 163-b, 164, 166-tl, 166-cl, 189, 190-tl, 194-t, 207-t, 284-t, 286-b, 288-b. MARK KRASTOFF: 19-tl, 28-b, 34-b, 35-r, 36-br, 39-1, 39-tr, 45, 56-1, 68, 71-r, 76-b, 77, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88-t, 88-bl, 89-r, 91-tr, 91-bl, 114-br, 115-tr, 120-br, 121, 122, 143, 144, 145, 178-b, 198, 199, 245-b, 248-b, 251-b, 374-t, 388. HUBERT LUM: 16-b, 57-b. W. C. S. MAYS, III: 10-tl, 200-b, 298-bl. JIM MERRY: 101-t, 117-b, 118-br, 119,168,170-t, 171-t, 172-b, 383-t, 383-br. PATTI PROUT: 11-t, 23-t, 26-t, 27-t, 28-t, 29-b, 32, 34-t, 35-1, 36-t, 71-1, 72-t, 73, 78, 79-b, 80, 81-b, 98-b, 99-t, 100, 101-b, 116-t, 174-t, 191, 192-t, 207-b, 235-b, 237-b, 242-b, 250-b, 353-b. PAUL REMY: 18-bl, 58-b, 60, 67, 69, 91-tl, 91-br, 106-br, 107, 108, 123-b, 124, 125, 169, 170-b, 171-r, 171-b, 176, 177, 178-t, 179-t, 181-t, 181-t, 182, 183-t, 187-b, 192-b, 197-r, 201-t, 253-b, 255-tl, 255-b, 256-b, 257-b, 258-b, 259-b, 260-b, 261-b, 262-b, 263, 264-b, 265-b, 266-b, 267-b, 268-b, 270-b, 271-b, 272-b, 273-b, 274-b, 275-b, 276-b, 277-b, 278-b, 279-b, 280-b, 281-b, 282-b, 290-b, 292-b, 293-b, 297, 298-t, 298-br, 299, 300, 301-br, 302-bl, 303-br, 304-bl, 305-br, 306-bl, 307-br, 308-bl, 309-br, 310-bl, 311-br, 312-bl, 313-br, 314-bl, 315-br, 316-bl, 317-br, 318-bl, 319-br, 320-bl, 321-br, 324-bl, 325-br, 326-bl, 327-br, 328-bl, 329-br, 330-bl, 331-br, 332-bl, 333-bl, 334-bl, 335-br, 336-bl, 337-br, 338-bl, 339-br, 340-bl, 342-bl, 342-bl, 343-br, 344-bl, 345-br, 346-bl, 347-br, 348-bl, 349-br, 357, 395-t, 395-bl. JOHN WADE: 13-b, 26-b, 98-t, 109-bl, 110, 126-b, 127, 128, 135-b, 136, 137, 146-b, 147-b, 148, 149, 399, 403-t, 403-br. ART WIELAND: 16-t, 17-t, 44, 48-b, 63-b, 64-b. INFORMATION SERVICES: 5, 8-b, 10-tr, 12-tr, 15-b, 21-t, 21-b, 22-b, 24, 25, 93-t, 96, 97, 99-b, 104, 105-tl, 105-b, 112-b, 163-t, 165, 166-r, 167, 172-t, 173-b, 174-b, 175-t, 179-b, 180-b, 183-b, 184, 185, 186-b, 187-t, 193, 197-b, 233-b, 234-b, 235-t, 359, 361-bl. SENIOR PORTRAITS: Delma Studios, New York. GROUP PICTURES: Grafëk Arts, Inc., Lansing 453 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS For laborious efforts put forth in an endeavor to maintain the super­ lative quality of past WOLVERINES; for diligence in attempting to maintain deadline dates at the sacrifice of lecture sessions and grade points; and for meritorious performance in compiling photographs, paragraphs and name lists, the staff of the 1963 WOLVERINE deserves many plaudits. A special thanks is due those who saw fit to sacrifice extra-curricular activities and much of their social life for the dubious reward of spend­ ing nights and weekends in an effort to make this book what it is. Our appreciation is extended to Mr. Ed Hackleman and Mr. Ralph Van Dyke of the Jahn and Ollier Engraving Company of Chicago for technical assistance with production problems, to Mr. Jack Bundy of the S. K. Smith Company of Chicago for planning and supervising the production of the cover, and to Mr. Sam Fields of Delma Studios, New York, who provided the 1963 WOLVERINE with over 2200 senior portraits. Mr. William Mcllrath, Director of Student Publications, and Mr. John Vitovsky, representative of the Speaker-Hines and Thomas Print­ ing Company of Lansing, deserve a special thanks for invaluable advice and consultation throughout the year. The year 1963 could not have been recorded within these bindings, however, if it were not for contributions of time, effort and information by many students, faculty and staff members of Michigan State Univer­ sity not listed herein. Lowell D. Kinney