(J Pi MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY/JOHN A. HANNAH "Ido the very best I know how, the very best I can, and I mean to keep on doing so until the end. If the end brings me out all right, what is said against me won’t amount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing I was right wouldn’t make any difference.’’ —A. Lincoln The full scope of John A. Hannah lost in a mere as an individual, recording of his achievements as President of MSU, can perhaps be found through the ideas of his as­ sociates. John Hannah is a bright and warm person who never beats around the bush. He believes in coming to the point quickly and wants to know what is on your mind right away. The efficient interaction between him and others is completed with the quick and accurate decisions he can reach. He has the ability to conduct meet­ ings of every kind in such a way that people feel invited to be heard. However, they are more than mere group discussion meetings that get nothing done, but rather there is a prevalent air of efficiency that moves the group to decisions. —C. L. Winder, Dean College of Social Science in one word If I had to describe President Han­ nah it would be “courage.” Many people know what to do, but not all of them have the vision and courage to do through and things it. He sees doesn’t scare easily. He generally tries to avoid trouble, but when the time comes that a problem has to be faced he does not hesitate to proceed. John Hannah will wade right into a job. His courage is exemplified by his vast purchases of land, his lack of fear of digging holes, or to face legislators on de­ cisions. He has a wonderful ability to talk to different audiences. He has re­ ceived standing ovations at meet­ ings of college presidents and does equally well with an audience of farmers. This is reflective of his great range of adaptability to the occasion at hand. -Thomas K. Cowden, Dean College of Agriculture in ten minutes than many people I would take hours to do. I John Hannah can do more work I -Ruth Jameyson, Administrative I Assistant to the President I ■ John Hannah is a most energetic B| I person who works harder than I everyone. He is consistently I I rising early and retiring late. His I I early to rise tendencies are re- I I fleeted in his universally un- I I popular breakfast meetings on I I Monday mornings with staff I I members. -James Denison I University Relations | President Hannah is a man of his time with great vision, foresight, boldness, and imagination. I think there is a great gulf to be bridged by his leaving and I don’t think you could have had a better president in the time he served. —Jack Breslin Secretary of the University The New Administration Building has been on the construction agenda for about 10 years. However, new needs came up such as the chemistry building and library additions, which pushed them ahead of the Ad building in Hannah’s eyes. It seems a shame that now that it is completed President Hannah can only spend a few weeks in it. -Jack Breslin Secretary of the University — -v.v-v - ■KHk' '1 1 -i >’ ."i r m Very few people have had the opportunity that John Hannah has; starting with so little and building so much. Students can never know the price he has paid to make what we have here today. In the days of building he gave freely of himself to give speeches to alumni and high schools, and he was a superior who was sometimes very hard to keep up with because he was such a tremendous worker, and mental full strength. of physical In working with him for 22 years I have seen no change in his demand for excellence, and our athletic department reflects this. Everyone in the country can see this too, because they read how we’ve done by the scores in the newspapers. —Biggie Munn Athletic Director The next president will have to consolidate the university and build more consideration in the curricu­ lum for relevance to the entire community that MSU serves. If the next President is as capable of doing this as Hannah has been in building this University to great­ ness, MSU has the potential for being one of the unique institutions of higher learning in this country. —Ronald B. Lee Assistant Provost Director, Economic Opportunity Program MSU as we know it today did not just happen; John Hannah made it. One must respect John Hannah as being a man who changes with the times. He is an unselfish pragmatist who works for the good of the university, with the theory that what is good is what works good. —Jerry West ATL professor There are only 11 buildings on campus now that were here when John Hannah was Secretary of the University; the rest were built during his regimes, either as secretary or president. The alumni have been known to say repeatedly and affec­ tionately, “The cement never sets as long as Hannah is President. ” —Biggie Munn Athletic Director Characteristic of him is his tre­ mendous amount of confidence I in himself and the institution as I well as the people he worked I with. There was never a question I in his mind that his programs I would work, and most of the I chances that he took panned | out. —James H. Denison Director, University Relations One of the most outstanding things about my husband is his tremendous foresight and ability to look far ahead. I have often heard him say, “We are where we are, not where we wish we were, ” and this is so typical of him because there is little gloat­ ing or crying over the past for him, but rather a forward look that reflects the idea that when one task is done we should open vistas for new tasks. -Mrs. John A. Hannah President Hannah’s leaving stirs mixed reactions. We are proud that his career, unmatched, is being capped by an appointment to one of the most important international responsibilities of this country. The loss to the University is deeply felt. One of the greatest qualities he possessed as an administrator and as a leader was to remain ahead of his time. In the process, he brought a quality of constant renewal and excellence to this University. —Milton E. Muelder Dean, Advanced Graduate Studies Acting Dean, International Programs In my infrequent visits to Cowles House, I have always been wel­ comed at the door by John Hannah himself. When one talks with him in his office, a relaxed atmosphere prevails, and although the president is a very busy man he will never make you feel rushed. He makes you feel as if he has all the time in the world. It is astonishing to listen to what he knows about every facet of MSU, from details to generalities. In speaking with him, I’ve noticed that he will never duck questions and if by chance he does not know an answer he is not afraid to admit it. —James D. Rust Ombudsman John Hannah has played a great role, not only in the university, but also in the state and country. He has given great impetus in higher education movements. If this board of trustees can do as good a job in selecting a president as the State Board of Agriculture did in 1941, we will have done a very good job. |E-Don Stevens, Chairman MSU Board of Trustees 1957 Honors College estab­ lished 1902 John A. Hannah born Grand Rapids, Mich. (Oct. 9) 1958 Completion of College the of Education building, Student Services building, and the W o m e n’s Intramural building 1919-21 Attended Grand Rapids Junior College 1921-22 Attended University of Michigan 1959 Oakland University, an affiliate of MSU, began opera­ tions 1923 Received a B.S. in agri­ culture at Michigan Agricul­ tural College 1960 Opening of Owen Resi­ dence Halls for graduate stu­ dents 1961 Residence hall instruc­ tion initiated on campus in classrooms, laboratories, and offices in Case Halls; Institute of Biology and Medicine established 1962 College of Science and Arts became three colleges: Arts and Letters, Natural Science, and Social Science 1963 Educational Develop­ ment Program established 1964 Name changed to Michi­ gan State University; MSU accepted for membership in Association of American Uni­ versities 1965 Justin Morrill College established 1966 College of Human Medi­ cine began instruction 1967 Adoption of the “Aca­ demic Freedom Report for Students”; Lyman Briggs and James Madison residential col­ leges admitted their first stu­ dents 1968 National Science Foun­ dation awarded MSU $4.3 million to create a center of excellence in science on the campus; Efforts to provide educational opportunities for disadvantaged minority groups were spotlighted 1935 Appointed Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture 1938 Married Shaw Sarah May 1941 Became dent of Michigan State twelfth presi­ 1953 Appointed Assistant Secretary of Defense for Man­ power and Personnel by Presi­ dent Eisenhower 1954 Awarded U.S. Medal of Freedom 1957 Appointed Chairman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 1968 Cited President Johnson for work as head of U.S. Civil Rights Commission by 1969 Named by President Nixon to post of administrator of the Agency for Interna­ tional Development (AID) Presented by the staff of the 1969 WOLVERINE as a service to the its University, its alumni and friends on the occasion of the retirement of John A. Hannah. ..............Eleanor Farrell Direction Photography . . . .|fl. Richard Best Lance Lagoni Copy . I...............Mary Genovese Chronology..........Bronwyn Harris . . .Phil Stoffan Layout and design 1941 John A. Hannah became of twelfth the Michigan State president 1945 University post-war building program launched 1947 Dr. Hannah the Spartan Roundtable instituted 1948 Michigan State admitted to Western Conference (Big Ten) 1949 Establishment of Con­ tinuing Education Service 1951 Alumni Memorial Chapel built Kellogg Center for Continuing Education opened; MSC adopted the Uni­ versity of Ryukus in Okinawa, beginning first overseas tech­ nical assistance project 1952 Department of Educa­ tion became a separate school 1953 Ground broken for new $4 million library 1954 Opening of WKAR-TV, the third educational TV sta­ tion in the nation 1955 Founder’s Day (Feb. 12) marked opening of MSC’s centennial year; July 1 — Dr. Hannah led a move to change name of institution to Michi­ gan State University of Agri­ culture and Applied Science; College of Communication Arts established (first college of its kind) 1956 Establishment of School of Labor and Industrial Rela­ tions; Dean of International Programs named to direct Michigan State’s expanding foreign assistance program MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY/l969 WOLVERINE EDUCATION LIFE ATHLETICS THE UNIVERSITY academics services organizations RESIDENCES off campus on campus GRADUATES 2 36 86 166 168 200 232 270 288 350 370 jBjgjlB EDUCATION incidents hung on a promise, a collection of experiences haphazardly designed to mold the individual. We are precious things, watching but afraid lest someone see what it is we are and perhaps tell us so. We seek the shape of things and describe what it is we aren't. 5 At first, we knew each other only as parts of a whole. We were objects to be leafleted, performed for, taught to— rarely talked to. Membership in our cosm means we have to move and be "doing". Be it alone or together, we feel we must be doing something to quiet ourselves. We watch and wonder what does this matter to whom and why should it matter to us. We have to answer ourselves. I B I ¡ ¡ The face of the future that we must shape spectres us as we seek to mold ourselves to time's specifications. And suddenly it doesn't matter so much, our answer. Competition has become a way of life. We run a good race but it's better to win, we've heard. Slowly we learn. We want to be first because it hurts less. We shape ourself by our response to the questions of your time. We look for some answer that provides a direction away, away from the past and into our future. Our actions are our questions as we make now. Now demands our attention, a formless thing unshaped by expectations, made of events outside ourselves, and asks to be dealt with. The path to our future is littered with presents. We must identify the present in the past and make it ours. The control we gain over facts leaves us free to deal with other forms of the future. We watch our own coming of age and know ourselves in all our forms and fancies. Whether we dream or merely plan, we learn to watch us. As our lives and our worlds hang in balance we seek to shift and change the centers on which we hang the meanings of our time. It doesn't always work, though, this examination and talking and acting. We find that we, passive group, cannot succeed without meeting ourselves. We eventually become real through our actions as we extend to people a portion of what we are for them to touch. s t I We are ourselves alone in a splendor we have made, searching through time for an answer to our questions. We are ourselves, still precious, but not entirely our own. The future looms with dark and pageantry and we are ours in a sudden rush of sudden knowledge of our own place in a society which we must form for better or worse, richer or poorer, and for our own. i varying into a myriad of forms and faces, shaped without regard for games or grades but meant to be uniquely itself, formed by the individual to match himself; I sought a beginning I sought a beginning in the world that pulsed around me. I searched for a familiar face that might recognize me and know immediately where I belonged. I sought a sturdy hand that would offer me a sealed envelope in which my direction lived. I found no face or hand, but instead a Me who was to face the responsibility of becoming. ABU That summer I thought the whole world lived in Wonders Hall; and I searched for a key that would unlock the great secret of the university and make me a student, a philosopher, a doctor, a scientist, an engineer— or at any rate—an educated person. I wondered at the beauty of the playful water that was stirring long before my 8 o'clock, and watched the patterns that headlights make as they weave their metal bodies through the timeless night. I shuffled IBM cards and took my chances in the lottery of registration. I strolled with my frustrations to Grand River where I could always walk in unannounced and find an old friend enjoying the how of people over a cup of coffee by the window. Where I could usually go to forget the library, or take another look at my campus from the other side. The shuffle of passing feet drones on Carve your name in a table, joke with friends about your classes, feed that infernal jukebox, and brush a handful of sandwich crumbs onto the floor. The shuffle of passing feet drones on leading to the friendly corner bookstore, the lounges, library, alumni office, and bowling alleys. And the string of traffic in the Union never stops. 47 A residence hall is people You can always find a cardgame in the grill or a nice quiet corner in the lounge. For a residence hall is people who think, act, and react; love, hate, fear, live, learn and share. It’s part of being twenty So the dishes pile up until someone has time, and every corner gets cluttered with the debris of living from day to day. Each room still has four walls, but it's part of being twenty-one, and trying to be the adult that the magic age deems we should be. They're off with the pounding of old tennis shoes The starting gun fires! They're off with the pounding of old tennis shoes revived after a winter's hibernation. Hear the slice of the air over bare legs, and the spinning of wheels on thawing pavements. The frantic salute to spring has begun. Teamwork is found here Teamwork is found here in the form of wood, paper and paint. Upon the Red Cedar a tradition has been built, which is expressed in the patch-work reflections of bright colors from rippling waters. This is the spirit that brings people together In sharing a common goal we can learn about ourselves and one another. This is the spirit that brings people together while striving to construct the best float, or win a football game. Competition makes us stronger individuals Competition makes us stronger individuals because we are forced to rely upon no one but ourselves. And the really important reward is not the winning itself but the feeling of making it, and knowing you could all along, that warms you up inside. HH Miss M S U 1969 It is through her femininity that a woman learns to express herself. For what is a woman's beauty worth if it is merely frivilous? Of what value is her mind if it is shallow? A woman must learn to understand, evaluate and utilize her talents to avoid being misjudged. Above, Sandy Gillespie performs during the talent judging. Right, Carol Ann Lockwood, Sylvia Ann Kirkton, Walleen Arndt, Margie VibbertmSandy Underberg, and Sandy Gillespie compete during the evening gown competition. Left. Cindy Dysarz performs during the talent competition. Below. The twelve Miss M S U Finalists: top row: Barbara Stuhler, Sandy Underberg, Sylvia Ann Kirkton, Laurel Jane White, Sandy Gil­ lespie, Patricia Finn, bottom row: Margie Vibbert, Pam Follen, Cindy Dysarz, Carol Ann Lockwood, Diane Willets, and Wat teen Arndt. The there is the hush. “And now we are proud to present. Applause and anticipation, as six thousand listen with one soul. The soul-fui sound of Lou Rawls They come by two's or more, looking for something; for an experience to share; for something more inspiring than books, Neil Diamond "feels" his sound. above: Neil Diamond, below: Bob Seeger. inspired. bottom: B.N.Cosby. They were here and Life is a real production The curtain rises; We live a part, the life of another individual, for a while. An actor or actress is many people all at once, then one again offstage. Life is a real production, a full time play. But we play for keeps, not merely applause. mm So much work, practice, determination make it all seem worthwhile. And knowing we have done our best we allow the curtain to fall. The American City Speakers, Sidney Harris, Saul Alinsky, Peter Blake, Richard Ruben­ stein, and Floyd McKissick. 72 The American City We have come to confront current issues on many levels. Through dialogue and exchange we find conflict contemplation and understanding of the American City. There are more than two sides to any issue. For forty thousand students, there are forty thousand ideas and solutions. In seeking the individual we must face significant confrontation, presentation and discussion. Controversial topics must be aired to stimulate individual thought. We are searching for a perspective in sexuality— a topic which really shouldn't have to be offered for four credits on a lecture Above, Dr. Tom Driver speaks, below, the plan­ ning committee for the colloquy meets. O I py f 2 J if to- My it- Above, right. Dr. Weston LaBarre, Below, left, Calvin Hern ton, speak on sexuality. We have come to evaluate, honestly, the attitudes which we have. For we know that soon we will be the teachers. 79 Moving in groups we circle identity searching for the beginning of an individual. In life we compliment each other while seeking a self. Life is such a vital force, a dynamic, living, changing state, an individual development that rewards us by producing a human being. i / k Ê Ê Ê jB B M . God asks no man whether he will accept life. That is not the choice. You must take it. The only choice is how. Henry Ward Beecher 85 i». IbjQtjmñjfi' / /'■ . ■ ' » '-ig¿- ? \ ;-¿- :■■ l 111*1 L ▼ ^|¡|r *rÊÈjJ9PI& ATHLETICS speed and strength and scores and records and heroes and goats and spectators and officials and baskets and still rings and takedowns and touchdowns and sprints and endurance and rules and limelight and derision and faith. Athletics at Michigan State University are alive. Rug­ ged, as life itself, athletics can be broad-shouldered and barrel-chested. Or gracefully beautiful........... Athletics are a part of this campus; the swagger of a football hero on Friday afternoon. And the library- quiet of the locker room on Saturday morning. ■ • Athletic competition can be fierce, and may leave its blemish on bloody jersey's or in brown bruises. A more lasting mark will be left in the permanent record of friendships made and memories gained from competition on the athletic field. There are those who say that the existence of a football stadium that will seat over twice the under­ graduate population is superfluous, a needless ex­ pense that should have been allocated with more beneficial results elsewhere. What we need are educa­ tors, not spectators. But those who participate know the need to run, to jump, to win. Athletic success is a proud heritage at Michigan State; an institution, not to be lost or changed, but to be preserved and cherished. 92 "We’ve figured out every possible way of losing football gamesby beating ourselves." Duffy Daugherty (above) MSU Senior A/ Brenner carries the ball into the end zone in a scene repeated often during his three-year Varsity career. A season of frustration: with less than two minutes to go in the game, Indiana's Eric Sto/berg snares a pass on the MSU 1 yard line. Indiana scored on the next play. Defending is Ken Heft, Spartan senior defensive back. FOOTBALL 1968 During the 1967 football season, Spartan stadium had been a good place for tear-jerking nostalgia. Old friends would meet there every Saturday for a couple of drinks and sooner or later the conversation would always roll around to the inevitable; the great Spartan teams of 1965 and 1966. Now the most successful players on those teams are bashing their brains out on Sunday afternoons, playing professional football. Still, the fans who jammed into the stadium would banter back and forth about old plays and inject a comment or two into the current goings-on: "Clinton would have given him a good one just to make sure he was dead". "Bubba would have nailed him good". That kind of talk was held to a minimum this year. Michigan State had a team we could cheer for. And, too often, a team we could cry for. Sophomore surprise Tom Love carries on a pitch-out against Baylor. Love was one of the bright spots of the '68 season and figures prominently in Spartan plans for 1969. f tP 96 Pre-season gab in East Lansing painted a less-than- rosy picture for the upcoming season. A .500 record was held in some quarters as an impossibility. The major reason for this was the inexperience that typified the young squad. Who ever heard of "Scoot­ er" Longmire, Ron Curl, Bill Triplett or Tommy Love? The interesting part of the season turned out, indeed, to be not who had won, as how well we played; and how close we had come. But close, as they say, counts only in horseshoes, or maybe hand grenades. In any case MSU, at the seasons end, had the dubious honor of being the finest 5-5 team in the nation. The record could just as easily have been 7-3. The reason for the difference; fumbles and pass interceptions. In the first 9 games of a 10 game season MSU gave the ball to the opposition 36 times through miscues. In a number of these instances, recovered fumbles or intercepted passes led directly to scores by the Spartan's opponents. Highsmith finds a hole in the middle of the Indiana defense Wedyemeyer moves in to pull his man down Waters breaks loose after a key interception A coach like Duffy Daugherty doesn't like to lose. When it's all over he'll talk about the offense doing this or the defense doing that, and maybe crack a joke. But he doesn't like to lose at all, and he especially doesn't like to lose when he knows he could have won. Duffy wanted to surprise us all this year. He certainly surprised Ara Parseghian. Notre Dame had established itself as one of the powerhouses of the country when they rolled into East Lansing. They had stampeded over five oppon­ ents for an average of 529 yards and 40 points per game. There is no harder fought game in the nation than the annual bloodbath that pits the Spartans against the boys from South Bend, unless it's the Spartans versus the boys from Ann Arbor. The thing that sets the Notre Dame game apart is the fact that MSU has never forgotten the "poll bowl" of 1966. Two very interested parties view the Spartan onslaught Sophomore Quarterback Bill Triplett experiments with the center of the Illinois line. Triplett replaced Senior Bill Feraco, injured in the Baylor game. Earl Anderson finds a hole in the Michigan line. . . . but it quickly closes as the Wolverines hand MSU its first defeat of the season, 28 to 14 Still, the oddsmakers placed MSU a poor second for the game, confident of another rout a la Seymour- Hanratty. Things didn't work out that way, though; the "dynamic duo" did put on an impressive show, but it was mostly between the two goal lines as a spirited Spartan defense held the Irish to 17 points and extended their losing streak to nine games at MSU. The game began with a surprise; a successful onsides kick delivered by Gary Boyce to a hefty Notre Dame lineman on the opening kickoff. It continued that way throughout the game. In both halves, the Spartan defense made two dramatic goal-line stands, stopping the nation's number one offensive power and piling up 21 points for the victory. Tommy Love follows Dave VanElst around left end on a pitchout against Michigan Junior defensive end Ken Little com­ bines with Sophomore tackle Ron Curl to put pressure on the Syracuse quarterback. Spartan fans who watched the methodical destruction of Notre Dame's offense were hoping that the game would begin another string of victories. That didn't happen. MSU lost the next three games on the schedule — Ohio State, Indiana and Purdue, largely because of tactical miscues — fumbles and interceptions. All that is history now. The 1968 Notre Dame game will never be played again; there will never be a contest quite like it. The 1968 Indiana game will never be played again — let's hope we never see a demonstration of "Hoosier Hysteria'' as we witnessed it last fall. Graduating seniors can look back on two years of the best college football ever played here with pride. Remember those all-night vigils for tickets? But those who'll be around for the '69 season are the fortunate ones. They'll see a team next year that has matured; toughened. A team composed largely of talented, quick-moving juniors. It's a team that will move fast with Ron Curl at tackle and Tom Love at tailback. It's a team that will be tough — with Don Law and Ken Little teaming up on defense. Tacti­ cally, the team will be led by Bill Triplett, who earned his spurs last year, or Scooter Longmire, who only needs a chance. Anyone returning to MSU in the fall should tuck away some cash* It'll come in handy for that wintertime California vacation. Senior All-American tackle Charles Bally puts the skids to Michigan quarterback Dennis Brown as Brown experiments with the Spartan middle line. 102 ytli ■ i BhUbE* i 1968 SPARTAN VARSITY FOOTBALL; front row: Mike Mahady, Regis Cavender, Bill Feraco, Ken Heft, Frank Waters, Head Coach Duffy Daugherty, Capt. Allen Brenner, Don Baird, Eddy McLoud, Dick Berlinski, Wade Payne, Neal Peterson, second row: Clifton Hardy, Dave VanElst, John Lindquist, Bob Super, Roger Ruminski, Mike Young, Nick Jordan, Charlie Wedemeyer, Charles Bailey, Jack Zindel, Rick Benedict, Bruce Kulesza, Helmut Goral. third row: Ken Hines, Ken Little, LaMarr Thomas, Kermit Smith, Frank Traylor, Don Highsmith, Ron Saul, Rich Saul, Lawrence Smith, Don Law, Frank Foreman, Tom Kutschinski, Gordon Bowdell, Chris Ripmaster. fourth row: Ron Curl, Gordon Longmire, Gary Parmentier, Joe Willing, Ron Slank, Mike Tobin, Gary Boyce, Craig Wycinsky, Calvin Fox, Mike Hogan, Tom Barnum, Vic Mittelberg, Richard Shultz, Joe Valerine, Doug Krause, fifth row: Gary Nowak, Wilt Martin, Robert Black, Bill Triplett, Tom O'Hearn, Vincent Cesarz, Bill Dawson, Art Berry, Harold Phillips, Frank Butler, Earl Anderson, Tom Beard, John Chikos, Ralph Wieleba, Jay Breslin, Steve Kough. sixth row: Marty Daly, equipment; Ken Earley, equipment manager; Cal Stoll, George Perles, Dave Smith, Vince Carillot, Al Dorow, assistant coaches; Dave Thomas, Errol Roy, Tom Love, Ron Joseph; Ed Rutherford, Gordon Serr, Don Coleman, Henry Bullough, assistant coaches; Gayle Robinson, head trainer; Clyde Stretch, Clinton Thompson, assistant trainers, top row: Robert Beery, manager; Steven Clupper, head manager; Gerald Sternberg, manager. The men who put the "patterns" into the motions; Dr. Harry Begian looks on while William C. Moffit, Marching Band Director makes a point with his bullhorn 104 SPARTAN MARCHING BAND "Ladies and Gentlemen—The Michigan State Universi­ ty Marching Band!" With a clash of cymbals and the thunder of drums the MSU bandsmen kick-step onto the field. The ap­ plause, which begins at the South end of Spartan Stadium, increases to an ovation as it waves across the bleachers. "There he is—Drum Major Bruce Bean, and there they are—the magnificent Spartan Marching Band!" As the band turns and heads down the field to the MSU fight song, a lump forms in the throat of every Senior, and there is added gleam in the eye of every freshman. The show everyone looks forward to on game day begins in August—and practice continues until the blowing snow obscures the marching figures as they step over the frosty grass on Landon field. The band will practice each routine fifty or more times; five days a week for almost four months. And somehow the ovation that greets them as they emerge from the tunnel makes it all worthwhile. Below a scene to be remembered: perfect sym­ metry as the band kick-steps into Spartan Stadium. 105 BASKETBALL Basketball: sprinting, stopping, starting, weaving Basketball: Stepter" "Number thirty-one, for Michigan State, Harrison Basketball: "watch the points keep growwwwwwwing...." Are Spartan team's bound to win? Will we win this game? "fight, fight, RAH team FIGHT...." "Each team in the conference has an almost equal chance to carry off the marbles this year. Home courts will be a decided advantage.... But Purdue ran away with the conference championship. And MSU beat UM in Ann Arbor, but lost in East Lansing....Weird. Senior guard Harrison Stepter brings the ball down court. "Erratic" is the way to describe MSU's play this season. When we were good, we were so very good, but when we were bad,... The season began well, consecutive victories over Southwestern Illinois, Western Michigan and Toledo. But then everything became unhinged, and the Spartan's dropped six consecutive games. At that point, things looked bleak indeed. But a comeback was initiated largely through the efforts of senior center Lee Lafayette, who averaged 22 points per game against Notre Dame, Illinois and Iowa; when Lee was through, MSU was tied for third place in the conference and eyeing the number two spot. But losses to Wisconsin and Purdue ended all hopes for a champion­ ship bid, and the cagers closed out the season with a 12-11 record. On paper it looks like another mediocre season; which, in a way, it was. Sometimes, the Spartan's played like a 12-11 team. But there were other times, Ohio State, Iowa, Purdue—when the contrast was amazing. As when Lee Lafayette held Rudy Tomjano- vich, Michigan's ace junior center, to just five points. Or when Tom Lick blocked five shots in four minutes. Or the defensive work of Harrison Stepter and Tim Bograkos against Illinois. Senior forward Bernie Copeland guns a shot from the outside. Reviewing his team's efforts near the end of the season, John Benington praised the record of Lafayette, Stepter, Lick, Copeland and Holmes. All five are graduating. “We'll miss each of them, I'm afraid, sorely," Benington said. "But most particularly Lee— his general attitude this year was one of determined pride, and his scoring shows that." Lafayette is the third-highest scorer in Spartan history; going into the Minnesota game he had compiled 1,159 points. Looking towards next season, Benington says' simply: "a rebuilding year- in the classic sense. Our immediate problem will be lack of height, but that's only a starter. Frankly, we need a center to replace Lee." Benington's problem will be alleviated a little by the eligibility next year of Ron Gutowski and Ralph Simpson, both of whom stand a good chance to land starting varsity berths. But replacing men like Lafayette, Copeland and Stepter may prove to be impossible in just one year; a good bet is that the 1969^1970 basketball season will be notable for some outstanding individual performances, but lacking in overall team strength. BASKETBALL: front row: S. Sizemore; E. Humphrey; S. Kirkpatrick; P. Dean; R. Benjamin; H. Stepter; T. Bograkos; L. Ward; Ted Densley, Mgr.; Don Spalding, Mgr. back row: Assist. Coach Bob Nordmann; Head Coach John Benington; R. Binge; B. Copeland; L. Lafayette; T. Lick; J. Gibbons; B. Gale; J. Holms; Gayle Robinson, Trainer; Gus Ganakas, Assist. Coach. team Soccer forward Nick Archer reverses his position to beat his Ohio opponent to the ball. SOCCER Michigan State's soccer team once again wound up on the top of the NCAA heap sharing the number 1 spot with another team, the University of Maryland. For the second year in a row, Gene Kenney's booters found themselves a victim of that remarkable Michigan State phenomenon, the championship tie. Despite this disappointment, MSU's soccer team has established a reputation and record it can be proud of. Tony Keyes, the team captain, led off the list of records with a 28 goal season, being named to the All-American first team with his Jamacian teammate Trevor Harris. But two standout players don't make a championship team without a consistent effort from the rest of its members, and some exceptional performances in the clutch. Tony Keyes would argue with the definition of soccer as a "non-contact" sport. Here he lunges for position. 112 Hustling to position. Archer arrives a second too late. The season began with expectations of rebuilding a questionable defense and correcting injuries to key offensive men like Ernie Tuchsherer, and Alex Skota- rek. The "doubtful” defense by the end of the season had only allowed 6 goals, and shut out 12 teams while the offense totaled a record 75 goals. Soccer success at Michigan State is synonymous with the success of the 12 year career of coach Gene Kenney who has a record of 113 wins, 10 losses and 12 ties. The chances of continuing their impressive performance are enhanced by the return of Harris, Tuchsherer and Alex Skotarek on offense who will be backed up by nearly the same defensive team with an added advantage of experience. SOCCER: kneeling: J. Baum, T. Keyes, E. Skotarek, B. Deming, L. Lucas, standing: T. Kreft, T. Sanders, J. Zensen, E. Tuchsherer, T. Harris, F. Morant, G. Kenney, head coach; J. Houska, K. Boles K. Hammon, A. Skotarek, N. Archer, D. Trace. 115 CROSS COUNTRY During his first year as cross country head coach Jim Gibbard was careful not to make any sweeping predictions of his young, but dedicated, team. "I think we'll do better than last year, but our lack of depth will probably keep us from being a top contender", is the only prediction he would make as the season began. That seemed like a fairly reasonable prediction considering that out of the seven men on the team, only Roger Merchant (cap­ tain) and Ken Leonowicz had seen Big Ten competition. Throughout the season, Gibbard continued with his cautious adjective—juggling about successive opponents; and throughout the sea­ son his young team knocked each and every one off. At the end of the season, having placed first in the conference, posting MSU's first undefeated season in eleven years and placing ninth in the nation, (NCAA meet) Gibbard only smiled. Determined perseverance is the main reason for the improvement. The entire team exuded it, but Kim Hartman and Ken Leonowicz stand out as shining examples. Both took turns breaking records at Forest Akers; they finished the season running together, trying for first place and a new course and varsity record in the final meet with Miami. (Above) Sophomore Kim Hartman kicks at the finish, out­ distancing teammate Ken Leonowicz as he breasts the tape. (RIGHT) The race is over; and the agony begins. Dan Simeck falls limp, waiting for the strength to stand. 116 CROSS COUNTRY: front row: K. Leonowicz; C. Starkey; J. Mock; R. Merchant; D.Simeck; D. Aslin; K. Hartman, back row: J. Gibbard, coach; D. Kopriva, mgr. Forest Akers is a lonely place for long-distance runners. INDOOR TRACK Not so long ago, the indoor track season was regarded as a sort of interim goof-off period, with competition decidedly low-key and coaches more worried about injuries than actual performances. Today lightning- fast track surfaces and technical innovations like the fiberglass pole have changed all that. In most events, indoor track is every bit as competitive as outdoor, with records often set and smashed in the same afternoon. Michigan State ended the indoor season with a 1-2 dual meet record and a respectable fourth- place conference finish. Prospects for the '69 outdoor season look bright following the impressive perform­ ances of juniors and underclassmen indoors. The most dramatic individual effort of the indoor season was by Senior Bill Wehrwein, whose time of 1:08.6 for 600 yards smashed the American indoor record. Wehrwein also was anchor man on the Spar­ tan mile relay team, and his come-from-behind spurt for the quarter-mile leg often hovered at the 46- second mark. MSU's mile relay team, comprised of Jim Bastiann, Roger Merchant, Pat Wilson and Wehr­ wein topped the conference with a time of 3.13.4 at the Big Ten meet. Sprint events have been a question mark for Track Coach Fran Dittrich, but the picture has changed markedly since the enrollment of freshman Herb Washington. Although unable to compete in varsity events because of conference rules, Washington ran a series of exhibition sprints indoors, and tied the Big Ten record for the 60 yard dash at 6.1 The over-all prognostication for track is a favorable one; sophomores Kim Hartman and Dan Simeck lend strength in the distance events and the outdoor season should be marked by closely-fought battles on all levels. GYMNASTICS In lacking tangible competitive team effort, a gym­ nastics meet becomes a conglomeration of individual performances, each with its own spectator following. In this respect a gymnastics meet can resemble a miniature version of a three-ring circus. Team com­ is there, however, and with it strategy; petition competition in the form of an individual's effort to outscore his opponent, and strategy in the form of quiet roster-juggling by coaches. And in this respect gymnastics can take on the air of a chess game. This season's 7-3 record turned out to be a proud team achievement after key injuries to gymnast's Cliff Deihl and Joe Fedorchik cast a shadow of gloom in mid-season. Gymnast's Toby Towsen, Dennis Smith and Norm Haynie distinguished themselves in their respective events, and in the process filled the gaps caused by injuries. Towson, praised by Coach Szypula as “Michigan State's greatest all-around performer” was especially effective in his specialty, floor exercise. Next year's outlook: dubious. With eight letterman graduating, Szypula hard-pressed for a repeat of last season's fine performance. GYMNASTICS: Head Coach George Szypula; B. Luegge; B. Goldenburg; D. Kinsey; M. Anthony; D. Johnson; P. Sorg; T. Towson, co-captain; D. Smith, co-captain; R. Campbell; C. Kinsey; E. Witcke; J. Kirchoff; N. Jolin; N. Haynie; J. Fedorchik; R. Murahata; M. Uram; Asst. Coach Dave Thor. WRESTLING Wrestling enthusiasts will tell you it's muscle, guts and finesse that make the sport great MSU used a combustible mixture of all three ingredients to win its fourth consecutive Big Ten Championship, a conference record. Coach Grady Peninger looked for a tough battle in the Big Ten tournament: "It could go down to the final matches, or one team could get hot and run away with it", he said. The Spartans ran and ran and ran. MSU ripped the tourney wide open, capturing a record-setting six individual crowns to pile up the highest team total ever, 93 points. Heavyweight Jeff Smith won unaminous outstanding wrestler honors by pinning every man he faced to grab his second straight title. Going into the NCAA's Smith had compiled an unbelievable 46-2 record during his two-year career. Other Spartan Big Ten kings were Gary Bissell (123), Keith Lowrance (137), John Abajace (152), Tom Muir (160) and Jack Zindel (177). All five will defend their crowns in 1970. After mid-season losses to powerhouses Oklahoma and Oklahoma State, MSU bounced back to chew up five league foes to post a 9-2 dual meet record. The highlight of the schedule was 20-9 shredding of the Maize and Blue. Early in the season the Spartans took the Midlands Tournament trophy with Smith, Abajace and John Schneider as individual champs. Before the trophies started to gather, Peninger had termed 1969 as a rebuilding year after three great teams. Peninger and assistant coach Doug Blubaugh have been rebuilding, all right, a power dynasty. In seven years as coach, Peninger has accumulated an enviable record of 56-20-3. MSU has been without a losing season for the past 11 years. 122 WRESTLING: bottom row: G. Bissei I; R. Byrum; M. Garnier; J. Mikles; M. Ellis; K. Lowrance; D. Arndt; M. Long; G. Hoddy; G. Johnson, top row: G. Peninger, Coach; M. Alsup; J. Abajace; T. Moxim; D. Campbell; J. Zindel; D. Doderer; J. Hall; V. Mittelberg; J. Smith; J. Schneider; P. Karslake; N. Disney; J. Bisseil; C. Hartzell; T. Muir; R. Quellet; D. Luchenbill, manager. Head Coach Charles Schmitter offers eleventh-hour advice. FENCING Fencing at Michigan State is a sport almost reserved for those who enjoy athletics as an art form. Executed properly, a fencing match resembles a ballet, complete with the rules of composition and motion. is an individual effort, physically and psychologically Fencing pitting opponents against one another. It is an obsession for its participants, a ritual hundreds of years old civilized by blunted blades and,steel-mesh masks. , As a varsity sport, fencing draws a small but incredibly percep­ tive group of fans, whose knowledge of the sport rivals that of the fencers. MSU finished the dual meet season with the same overall record as last year—6 wins, 8 losses. Glenn Williams, a junior who had never fenced before his fresh­ man year here, posted his finest record with 36 victories at foil, with only 5 defeats. Fine performances were also given by cap­ tain Don Satchel I (foil) and Bobby Tyler (epee). foilman Glenn Williams lunges for an Spartan opponent. Williams has developed into one of the most capable bladesman in MSU fencing history. HOCKEY Coached by Amo Bessone, and led again by senior center Ken Anstey, the Spartan hockey effort for 1968-69 followed last year's roller-coaster precedent; the kewpiedoll of sixth place. Ending up with an 11-15-1 regular season record, the skaters dropped their first (and therefore only) post-season playoff game to powerful Western Collegiate Hockey Association champions Michigan Tech. For the second consecutive year Anstey led the team in scoring with over 30 points. Junior Bill Watt was second in total points. Senior Nelson DeBenedet was third. One of the team's bright spots was goaltending, handled by juniors Bob Johnson and Rick Duffet. Duffet's 2.4 goals-against average led the WCHA, and he figures prominently in Bessone's rebound plans. Highlights of the skaters season were an upset victory over Denver and a two-game sweep over the Maize and Blue. The Denver game marked the second time that team had been defeated on its home ice in three years. The victories over UM at mid-season were sweet revenge for the Spartans, who had previously dropped two to the Wolverines. The performance of the freshman squad (3-0) is an encouraging note for harried Amo Bessone. Two of the most outstanding performers of the season, Ken Anstey and defenseman Bob DeMarco, will be graduating, and the loss could seriously impair '69-70 rebuilding. New blood a la the freshman squad will be welcome relief. HOCKEY: front row: R. Johnson; W. Enrico; co-captain K. Anstey; co-captain R. DeMarco; Charles Phillips; Nelson DeBenedet; J. Juntikka; R. Duffett. middle row: Coach Amo Bessone; R. Houtteman; M. DeMarco; D. Finegan; G. DeMarco; R. Springer; D. O'Connor; G. Charest; T. Campbell; R. Pattuito; Trainer Clyde Stretch, top row: Manager J. Hancock; W. Watt; A. Swanson; J. Lansky; R.Sokoll; N. Gaffney; P. Russo; T. Campbell; Manager M. O'Conner; Freshman Coach Alex Terpay. SWIMMING Swimming — is a race against other athletes, against time, against yourself. Swimming — is endless sprints, 72-lap workouts and aching lungs. Swimming — is one of those sports where you've got to be excellent to be considered good. And to be excellent, you've got to be a phenomenon. For the fourth season in a row, MSU finished third in the Big Ten, behind (who else) Indiana and Michigan. And the Spartans posted a dual meet record of 12-2, losing to (who else) Indiana and Michigan. Still, 12-2 is 12-2; not a bad showing in the Big Ten — where else would a 12-2 record net you third place? Excellent performances by veteran talent, plus a few welcome surprises from newcomers sparked the swimmer's efforts. Senior Don Rauch continued his expected leadership in the sprints, and as anchor man on the 400 freestyle relay nailed the conference championship with his surging four laps in 46.2. Sophomore Van Rockefeller proved to be an invaluable addition as he moved up into varsity ranks. Competing in the butterfly, Rocke­ feller smashed the varsity record for the 200 with a time of 1:55.94. Junior Bruce Richards scored an upset victory in the 400 individual medly and posted his best time for the distance: 4:16.09, in the conference meet at Wisconsin. Although the MSU diving attack mysteriously faded during the conference meet, diving was a real strength during most of the season. Led by senior D|ane Green and junior Jim Henderson, the Spartan divers performed outstandingly well, most notably against Ohio State, when the divers' triumph; gave the Spartans a team victory. Next year, again, three words may well sum up Big Ten swimming— Ohio State and Indiana. Both had fantastic freshman teams, and both teams— along with Michigan, are perennial powerhouses, not just in the conference, but nationally. is adopting a In view of this, MSU coach Charles McCaffree wait-and-see attitude. "There is just no way to evaluate the effect of freshman eligibility yet," says McCaffree, "we'll just have to wait for the season to begin and go from there." Swim Coach Charles McCaffree keeps an eye on the score sheet as well as his stopwatch as the swimmers care first who won or lost the race (above)." MmSm i m m SWIMMING: front row: Charles McCaffree, Jr., Head Coach; G. Brown; Don Rauch; co-captain, C. Geggie; S. Yamamoto; D. Green; co-captain, middle row: John Narcy; diving coach; M. Paris; J. Henderson; M. Holdridge; R. Burke; T. Cramer; D. Follett; W. Scott; Richard Fetters, Asst. Coach, top row: G. Alward; R. Jones; M. Boyle; M. Kalmbach; G. Shelly; R. Crittenden; B. Richards; G. Gonzalez; D. Coward. BASEBALL May 25, 1968; a dusty, dirty day for the Spartans. A double loss to Minnesota smashes all the dreams for a Big Ten baseball title. And the Spartans, keyed for a victory celebration, tumble from the glory of a first place finish to the anonymity of second. Minnesota, with a day's rest, methodically picks away at the Spartan defense. Second place. What can be said of a team that batted .300 and finished second? A team that hit 31 home runs to the opposition's 13, whacked out three times as many triples and scored over twice as many times as anybody they played. But finished second. First Baseman Tom Binkowski holds a UM player dose 133 Me! Behney finishes his delivery Coach Danny Litwhiler said it all as he slowly walked off the Minnesota playing field: "that's the finest all-around team I've ever coached". It's difficult to disagree with him. Players like Harry "Spud" Kendrick, (56 hits, .392 batting average) Steve Garvey (nine home runs in 43 games) and Mel Behney (struck out 107, earned run average: a fantastic 1.78) amazed Spartan baseball fans throughout the baseball season. For '69 the team should shape up stronger on the defensive side, a bit weaker offensively. A fine springboard is provided by the pitching staff, led this year by senior Mickey Knight. Pitching, combined with the effectiveness of a ball-hawking infield, are the basis for MSU's rebound aspirations. VARSITY BASEBALL TEAM: bottom row: R. Jordan; V. Pilar; J. Lewis; D. Lazar; C. Viane L. Hooper; M. Olson; second row: T. Ellis; R. Miller; S. Garvey; T. Binkowski; H. Kendrick; T Hummel; R. Harlow; J. Gavel; third row: D. Williams; J. Plotts; M. Behney; D. Bielski; M Knight; Z. Easton; R. Vary; N. Jetton; W. Campbell; fourth row: Coach Litwhiler; T. Randall S. Kirkpatrick; S. Ryman; B. Linne; J. Burde, Mgr.; F. Pellerin, Asst. Coach. 135 TRACK "Runners to your marks.....................set........." The gun sounds, breaking a library-silence, and the months of rigorous practice, vegetable laden diets and hamstring muscle rubs are culminated as Spartan cindermen leap, push, or run to gain team points. "Running" track involves considerably more than lacing on a pair of spikes or "buttering" an ailing leg with "red-hot" Analgesic balm. Track is more than a sport. It is an individual challenge the runner must psychologically prepare himself for each time he competes. And if he wins, the vomit that trickles down his cheek may be the only indication of victory. MSU posted one of the poorest records of recent years last season, finishing seventh in the conference and showing a frustrating 1-2 dual meet record. Roger Merchant grabbed a first place in the Big Ten meet, winning the 1000 yard run. Senior Roland Carter set a new Big Ten and MSU record in the pole vault with a leap of 16 feet, 3 inches. Spartan hurdler Charles Pollard kicks to beat a Wisconsin runner to the finish line VARSITY TRACK TEAM: bottom row: R. Pauli; R. Merchant; A. Link; D. Rosenberg; R Dunn; R. Carter; B. Crawford; P. Wilson; D. Newby; middle row: D. Kapriva; R. Elsesser; R Stevens; B. Wehrwein; D. Stanley; B. Grimm; C. Pollard; K. Grantham; H. Begonowitz;' K Little; M. Murphy; J. Auffrey; top row: C. Thompson, trainer; Coach Dittrich; K. Fruit; K Leonowicz; J. Banford; J. Bastian; T. Sterling; Asst. Coach J. Gibbard; S. Derby. 136 TENNIS He's got you, 40-30. You feel the heat as the sun blisters the back of your neck, and the asphalt is so warm your sneakers stick as you race around the court. "Service"! The ball tears in, but your return is past him, in the corner and the point belongs to you. Now, be calm. Set your feet, your mind for his next shot. This is Tennis. It takes agility, speed and guts, and at MSU you'll find all three elements hammered into a team. Gray, Good, Bufy, Vollwieter, Ichesco, Raines and Mitchell. All new men this year: a rebuilding season in the classic sense of the word. Coach Drobac lost four "of the best I've ever had" last year in Mickey Szilagyi, Rich Monan, Chuck Brainard and Bob Pritula. The Spartans finished second in the conference, largely because of the efforts of these men. Monan, '68 captain, captured the Big Ten's number two singles championship while teammate Steve Schafer picked off the honors in the number five singles division. This years prospects look anything but rosy with a squad built around so much youth. The Big Ten has perhaps the nations' most powerful tennis squads this year. BP I « (Above and Right) Chuck Brainard displays near-perfect backhand form 138 Spartan Big Ten Champion Rich Monan sets for a volley VARSITY TENNIS: S. Drobac, coach; G. Myers; Mickey Szilagyi; Steve Schafer; Richard Monan; John Good; Orham Enustun; Chuck Brainard. GOLF The 1968 Spartan golf team moved up a slot last year on the conference scale, placing second in the Big Ten. Nationally, the team was ranked ninth. An excellent nucleus of young players returns to Forest Akers this spring. Captain Larry Murphy leads the way by virtue of his fine fall tournament performance. The team is further strengthened by the return of Lynn Janson, 1968 Michigan Amateur champion and sparkplug of the team. Other veterans for the Spartans are Lee Edmundson, Dennis Hankey, Steve Leighan and Tom Steenken. Coach Bruce Fossum is optimistic when he talks about the season, and with good reason. If the MSU linksmen can stay loose this year they stand a good chance to carry off the marbles in the conference. The explosion shot: perhaps the most difficult of a golf shot to execute properly. 140 Larry Murphy takes a divot as he blasts the ball toward the pin VARSITY SPORTS 1968-1969 FOOTBALL BASKETBALL SOCCER CROSS COUNTRY INDOOR TRACK GYMNASTICS WRESTLING FENCING 5-5 HOCKEY 11-12 11-1-3 SWIMMING BASEBALL TRACK TENNIS GOLF 7-0 1-2 7-3 9-2 6-8 CLUB SPORTS Baseball, football, hockey and golf are likely to exist forever, and their popularity will increase as long as man himself exists. However, there are those who wish to participate in a sport but do not find any of these popular sports adequate. Due to this endless search for new ways of recreation, club sports has been born on the Michigan State campus. There are twenty-one club sports here at Michigan State. They run the gamut between sky-diving and rugby. The participants in these sports are not the ordinary sports enthusiasts. They are searching for that extra something, that extra thrill, that extra excite­ ment, that extra satisfaction which cannot be found within what may be regarded as the popular campus sports. (Below) Members of the Sailing Club are shown here courageously battling the churning waters of shark-infested Lake Lansing. Would you believe polluted waters? In a complex multi-versity, such as Michigan State, there is a need for a variety of different club sports, to satisfy the extraordinary sports enthusiasts. Club sports provide outlets for students with similar interests to relieve the pent up hostilities and frustrations caused by an average school day. Even though square dancing may not be considered by the majority of students as one of the more exciting club sports, the MSU Promenaders gear their functions to those that do. The Promenaders have a tendency to dance off their final examination blues. The Promenaders belong to what may be referred to as the Club sports which require “minimum" body contact. Other club sports in this group are the Sky Diving Club, the Sailing Club, and the Cycling Club. For the active members of the Karate Club, board breaking becomes affectionately referred to as honerable Excedrin headache number 784. 147 Members of the La Crosse dub use their sticks (or is it cudgel sticks?) to fend off the opposi­ tion. Jean Claude Jablonski, an MSU Ski Club member, demonstrates near-perfect symmetry as he attempts the difficult jump turn. 148 At the other extreme of the “minimum" body contact club sports are the "maximum" body contact club sports. The Rugby Club, La Crosse Club, Judo Club and Karate Club fall into this category of club sports. Members of these clubs enjoy action. They enjoy the smash in the mouth, the broken legs and the crushed bones. For these sports enthusiasts pain is synonomous with participation, and agony is a measure of ecstasy. Whether you favor "minimum' or "maximum body contact sports, there is a club sport at Michigan State to give the individual that extra something which cannot be found in the so-called "popular sports." H H Men’s Intramurals: Everyone Wins When classwork is finished, or temporarily set aside for another time, (and the latter seems to occur more often than the former) students at MSU often find a need to escape from the pressing competition of the books. For men, a form of extra-curricular activity is needed to relieve these feelings brought on by academic doldrums. Men need another form of competition; the competition of physical exercise and the feelings of satisfaction that can go with it. The satisfaction that comes from smacking a paddle- ball; from running hard until it aches, or from a long hot shower when it's all over: all of these are enjoyed every day by hundreds of men in the Intramural building. Jhte* One of the highlights of the Intramural calendar is the annual Turkey Trot, an endurance race that takes place each fall term. The participants run a race through an obstacle course as they vie for the coveted first prize: a large live turkey. This year 167 males gasped, wheezed and trotted in this unusual event. Fall quarter also features Intramural football. In 1968, 4,305 students on 287 teams in four leagues participated in Intramural touch football. No other IM sport has so many participants actively competing for first place than this pigskin pastime. Nighttime action on the IM fields: 4,305 men participated in intramural football last year. it HI !! iff 153 M m These turkey trotters seem to be discovering new positions for the Umbo as they vie for the big bird. Phillip Okere, of Nigeria, watches IM basket­ ball with interest. W r ■ jjjijjl 1 «ft Hi ..‘“IlilSS 1 The store room in the Men's Intramurals building is probably one of the busiest University-sponsored services on Campus, in one month's time the store room issues more than 7,000 transit lockers; on the average, over 4,000 paddle balls are issued and over 3,000 basketballs per month. If you'll excuse the pun, male students really keep those store room attendents on the ball. The Men's Intramural facilities are open to students and faculty eighty-eight hours each week. The build­ ing is used continuously for Physical Education, Intramurals, Club Sports and Varsity participants. According to Harris F. Beeman, Director of Intra­ murals, each year the building's hours are extended, "and we are still unable to handle everyone who wishes to use our facilities". 1 pjjp■ 'r-C> ' fip mm, ■ u ■■ ft- w MM 1118 mm ■■i i SR M HitIM In winter, all sports move indoors, and the IM building's facilities are put to maximum use. The physically fit student can find everything at his finger tips within the Intramural Building. There are 12 handball courts, three gymnasiums, a steam room, a weight lifting room, indoor and outdoor pools, a fitness room, and a room for wrestling. In addition, there is space available for badminton, paddle ball, volleyball, basketball, archery, and baseball practice. If there is a sport you want to participate in, there are facilities for you in the Men's IM building. (Above) Wintertime action in the Men's iM. Paddleball courts are in constant use on wintry evenings. * Spring Sports Close Out Intramural Competition For 1969 In the spring, softball becomes the number one activity on the Intramural sports agenda, followed closely by track and tennis. These three sports are played extraordinarily hard, for they offer the last chance for the team to gain points toward the coveted all-sports trophy. The all-sports trophy, is awarded to the fraternity, the residence hall, and the independent team which has accumulated the most points in Intramural competition. The trophy symbolizes the team's ef­ forts throughout the academic year. It is the physical recognition of the team's accomplishments in foot­ ball, bowling, paddleball, badminton, handball, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, softball, tennis, golf, and track. It is no wonder that the all-sports trophy becomes the most sought after, and most highly regarded team award. 159 What men work at to win, women play at to have fun. That statement approximately sums up the difference between the programs of the men's and women's intramural programs. Where the men are focused on the areas in which they may compete, the women tend to center their activities around the facilities available in one building located opposite "Convent Corner". They seem to have a little less concern about who wins and who loses and are slightly critical of the competitor and slightly in favor of the "goodloser'l That's the Women's IM program — "Sports for all", without a winner. 160 The activities of Women's Intramurals center, logically, in the Intramural building. For seven days and seven nights Women's coeds from all parts of campus make full use of the facilities, trying to forget the intellectual barbecue of the books. For many people, the Women's IM building is a campus land­ mark but little else. For those who take advantage of the pro­ gram, however, it immediately becomes much more. It can mean the surging heat of the steam bath or the numbing comfort of the cold shower afterwards. It can mean a relaxing swim or a frantic workout. It's all there; but competition more rewarding program of fun and friendship. is de-emphasized in favor of a 162 The nature of athletics calls for some form of competition — It seems that as soon as athletic skill develops beyond the novice stage you're a self-proclaimed “expert", ready to take on any­ body. Intramurals Women's is no exception, and to this end "com­ batants" are cordoned off into three leagues of sorority, inde­ pendent and residence hall, and let go. The results are sometimes physically taxing, but never emotion­ ally. Gleeful enjoyment and a spirit of fun pervades at the Women's Intramural building; everybody wins. (Left) When the final score is 15-14, those foul shots count! (Below) Typical nigh time action on one of four basketball courts. m § ¥ f F r % P - THE UNIVERSITY an all-powerful machine, impartial, thoughtless and unseeing, the stereotype has facets touching the substance of life itself, providing for and/or guiding life styles, conduct and the future of all its people. ■y. ' : ' . ; ■ T &$S0iH0fr- «li»iíli¿w»i^íi» '.fffc&sj féÊiÊÊÊÊ?} ■”•'■ "'/ M ^BêÊpÊÎiI Hl k*ÈÊ$Ê: %yww»»iy '. >¿ .‘•/vV'ssí • 'Wègz ..... «ô^ .í»^e'AS^V*# A#,w#' ^ l*^ cI ^v>f *%¡S V v* # v ^fpi V *vÄ> : tfc\fc^^wN f l i i BiS l I i ►A ■*?V vvxv ^ yPvw ♦ *TV« ACADEMICS Changing your major is a wonderful thing; for three glorious years or more you can say "Today I'll be a cowboy, tomorrow I'll be a doctor" and really mean it. I'm not arguing against the concept of a liberal education. I just don't see how alMthose vestigal wings on fruit flies are going to help me be a better poet. Exam week is the only time when most Michigan State students can tell the difference between the university's academics and its services. Actually I don't think Michigan State really believes that a working knowledge of gross national product and Russian history is going to make you a better person. It is just that after mastering them you realize that nothing is impossible. 169 All the freshmen were at one end of the dorm and there was always a paper due in ATL. I never learned so much from a course but I always thought we should have signed our papers "Incorporated." It is an awesome and terrible thing when you can prove Thomas Paine was a Deist and opposed rule by the people but you still cannot spell "language" without a dictionary. My girlfriend is the only freshman in the history of MSU to dissect a frog without touching it once with her hand. We sent our Nat. Sci. professor a valentine. "You are the Monadnock in the Peneplain of Natural Science." That's what you call applying your learning. “The ml cannot col I went to Europe the summer after third term humanities and spent more time in the National Gallery than I did on Carnaby Street. There are two kinds of people in this world, those who cried at the end of "Phaedra" and those who didn't even finish it. You can sell the books, burn the notes, and cele­ brate but there is always something left — The Monet print on the notice board or the hardbound edition of "Candide" or liked "Faust" too. the boy who Social Science is like psychiatry—it knows so much and does so little. the social All sciences are supposed to make you aware of the world around you— but it's November 5 and your are at the Coral Gables that night. The conversation centers on the elections but haven't all the political science courses made you a cynic about the electoral process? Fall term of your Junior year and suddenly all your grades start “counting." Upper College and suddenly that canary-eating grin and the blissful title of "no-pref" have to go. Is it pigeon-holing or finally finding yourself when experience in your field and the expres­ sion of your talent, teaching or sketching, be­ come the focus of your life. Being in upper college is like starting all over again. All the doors are open to you: the Place­ ment Bureau, (with greater frequency), the ad­ visor (now that like you're actually looks going to make it, he has no qualms about let­ ting you do the twelve credits of independent study), and the 400's appear more and more on your section reservation card, and it comes to you that it is almost over. it m There is a legend in Morrill Hall about the freshman who managed to do a bit of rewiring and got the music department on his language lab instead of German verbs. Foreign languages have done their work — I've decided to become a professional Spaniard. Without picking up a pencil or making a gesture my hands could tell you the story of the term's work—clay under my fingernails and that calloused bump covered with charcoal from the life drawing class. Senior year and I don't know whether to identify with Leonardo Da Vinci or Pigpen. Until I had 207, I thought that my eighth grade teacher had told me everything I'd ever need to know about Hamlet. 177 You'd never stayed up all night until you had a paper due at 9:00 Monday after Homecoming. It's a good idea to remember that feeling when you start teaching on your own. Student teaching is what it's all about. If you want to teach subjects, take high school but if you want to teach people, choose a junior high school. When you are a Political Science major, it is your library! But during exams the rest of them invade, milling around and scraping chairs just like it was their library too. For weeks the professors have been talking about the elections, be it a Poly. Sci. class, Social Science class, or even Psych. 151. Listening to them helps clarify issues and puts the elections in perspective, until you sit up until 4:00 AM on November 6 — then you wonder. . . Speech is a wonderful class — I have gotten rid of my stutter and now have clammy hands and a general mistrust for my fellow man when seen across a podium at 8:00 A.M. Final exams are beginning to get to me. I haven't talked to myself so much since I took Group Discussion. Radio and Television is a wonderful course. It's so great to write home about the problems and successes of "doing a show for MSU." After Journalism 200 you give up the idea of taking over MSU and decide to take over The State News instead. I couldn't even sell Girl Scout cookies and sud­ denly my junior year in college finds me analyzing the problems of marketing 500 frozen chickens. Typing, stenography, shorthand; it's good to have classes that make your hands work as well as your The difference between a shorthand typist and an executive secretary is Dr. Allan Mandelstamm. It's great taking classes from professionals as well as professors!These men have been out in it. The hardest lesson to learn in the College of Home Economics is that pink and red do not always clash. Oregano makes everything smell so professional. everything—even hotdogs. I put it on My first clothing construction project had three sleeves—one coming out of the spine. She said it was a very easy mistake to make but I'm beginning to have doubts about being MSU's answer to Christian Dior. Even as you begin to be on familiar terms with femurs and tibias, it strikes you that there is so much to be, not just learned, but mastered and for one fleeting moment you want to chuck the idea of being a general practitioner and just become a fin­ ger nail specialist. 188 When I finally finish I am going to insist that even my parents call me doctor. Test tubes, coils, beakers, microscopes, books and charts ... I thought I'd never see an actual person. Then the first person I had to give a physical to turned out to be the girl who sat in front of me in every class since third grade. 189 I came here to be a horse doctor and I've been here two years with­ out working on anything bigger than a molecule. He's looking up at you and doesn't know you nearly failed physics and that he is your first case. He is in pain and the tile walls and anti­ septic have always meant skill and care. You feel your hands doing the right thing and soon the hands, the mind, the terms of classes and theory are working together to analyze, to minister, and to bring comfort and relief. The first thing you learn in Engineering is how, with a rubber band, to transform your sliderule into a crossbow for paper wads. Finally you get to survey the campus and the fun is trying to convince the guys in Holmes Hall that you are going to put a super highway through the middle of Lyman Briggs College. You wonder about your major when, at a Shaw mixer, you say that you are a civil engineer and she grins and says, ''I should hope so." 192 KEEP DOOR CLOSED The College of Natural Science has class. Your roommate gets out his books after dinner and you bring out a cage of gerbils and a twelve foot boa constrictor. — i Wmm I was doing quite well in Zoology until the professor substituted a navy bean for a pancreas on the final exam. Mammoths, mastadons, elephants, you watch them change over millions of years and you want to live forever just to see how things are finally going to turn out. 194 Sal «*s SI' JLh ______ ■ . - ___ m I um a Refrig erutor 195 iw ; All your life on a dairy farm and there isn't much they can tell you about judging animals. But your freshman year you are faced with four Quarter Horses and Arabians and are expected to defend number one's conformation over that of number two. The only real difference you can see is the length of their tails and the color of their eyes. They should have a 100 course in shoveling. You cannot help but feel closer to a man who shows you how to raise a calf than one who shows you how to diagram a sentence. M THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES . . . One spun the thread, one measured it out, and another cut it in two. To decide their fate and the course their lives would take, the ancient Greeks had three figures and Michigan State University has seven. We amaze them with our impatience, we want our ideas heard yesterday and something done about them right now-fast! So they try to tell us that they may be our ideas and that those ideas are the product of the most liberal and comprehensive education yet. But those ideas may also be mistakes and the mis­ takes may be crucial. Leadership is not a matter of inches as are football games. Academic people are expected to be right by a mile. • M i l ' 198 i: ì...m \ ». SERVICES You'll always remember finally grasping Gestallt Theory or understanding Condorcet. But Berkey Hall in late May and the Plantarium Christmas Show are things you can come back to. They dropped the language requirement and in its place, put two computor courses and I can see the day when sophomores will be taking economics in pill form . . . But there will always be seniors filling out the little yellow and pink forms in the Placement Bureau and juniors wondering what the inside of the Alumni Chapel looks like. The services provided by Michigan State University— rather like the freshman who says he's going to the laundry room and ends up exchanging linen for the whole floor. Services are the things MSU does for you that don't appear on a transcript. 201 After bussing tables anything I wouldn't touch with my hand. in Snyder Hall there isn't The 8x10 photograph of Bill's eye illegally taped to the ceiling above the bunk, the dried magic markers left in the bottom drawer, the tiny holes where you pinned the Union Jack to the Venetian blinds, and every vestige of your presence is scoured and repair­ ed. The next occupant must be allowed to make his mark on his environment without your influence. When they give you the all-inclusive costs of attend­ ing MSU they never include the cherry sprites, bagels, bit's, and grilled cheese sandwiches so important to any Spartan worthy of the name. Once a term you face registration. You find out they've raised the tuition and pray your check doesn't bounce as you descend into the pit with your incomplete schedule. The heat is unbearable, the noise is deafening. You burst into tears when you realize you've just added Poultry Science 200 instead of Political Science 200. This year I'll smile for my I.D. picture. And just as I open my mouth to explain that I see my eyes, they snap the picture. Some of my warmest friendships have been made while filling out those million IBM cards. There is something about all you P—Z's in one room at 8:05 struggling for academic survival that binds you together. RRK: Simply going through Registration should excuse you from HPR for the rest of the term. ■ 1 205 They found me a bus pass and deposited me on a bus bound for the Union because you just don't spend four years at MSU without taking a bus at least once. Walking you can do alone but buses are built for crowds and couples. By police ethics they mean whether you should give a ticket to your roommate on his way over to pick up your football ticket for Saturday's game. Everytime I look out of my fifth floor window, I see they've picked up another. Maybe I know him—hope it was for speeding and not for carrying drugs. There are three Viet Nam veterans in the front row. There is the man in the back of the room old enough to be your father. And there you are behind the podium, a fresh and dewey 22, explaining For Whom the Bell Tolls. I like grad assistants. They aren't as sure of themselves as the full professors so they observe office hours, return your papers before the end of term, and let you out on time. Actually I'm not sure about graduate assistants. It's unnerv­ ing to have your teacher from one class sitting next to you in another. I just got here yesterday and behind. I'm already The good breakfast, the clean shirt, and 200 pencils scratching the wisdom of the ages in a 5c bluebook. By the end of the day it's all out of your hands. From now on someone else will weigh factors, philosophy and personality to arrive at an answer she hopes will be correct. Time to sell the books and burn those 3x5's and vow to change your major or wish you could take that course agam^fi Mono - the black plague of the college student. Take a nap after dinner or yawn during a lecture and the entire suite is packing you off to Olin for a blood test and vitamins. Standing at the end of the line at the Olin reception desk I cannot believe that so many people can be sick at 8:00 in the morning. My health record at Olin must read like a novel. How can you tell the sophomore who just made Varsity that he is out for the season or the last term senior that she must drop out with mono a week before finals? Olin doctors are a breed apart. They have to be. I like the idea of a 50c X-ray. Natural Science with Mr. Gillis was the best thing about freshman year. He had us see "The Christmas Star" at the Planetarium even though we weren't studying astronomy until the next term. 214 Somewhere in the vast innards of the power plant is a tiny valve responsible for the sixty degree temperatures in my room when I go to sleep and the twenty-three degree ones when I wake up in the morning. I settle back into the comfortable chair of the Planetarium and look up at what is soon to become the star-filled sky. Galileo, Copernicus, the North Star. The music is beautiful the night dark and warm. John and I hold hands as down the row, classmates drop off to sleep. Until I saw the program at the Planetarium, I thought that Orion's Belt was a megaphone. I wonder if there is any hard feeling among the men who spray the 15,000 trees on State's campus and those that have to rake up the leaves in fall. At times I feel the hugeness of the university and its way of life closes down on me and I wonder who I am and where I am going. Here creation of the past and present ages communi­ cate knowledge and emotion outside the lecture or written text. I feel myself extend beyond myself, beyond MSU, beyond a student and for the moment I believe that I too will make it. You don't have to go far from the dorm to experience some of the finer things in life. MSU's answer to the New York Waldorf-Astoria- fine food, luxurious rooms with baths and color television—is found at Kellogg Center, staffed by the students of Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Management. Coronation Ball has to be at Kellogg. You can't have ROTC cadets and girls in long gowns swishing about the McDonel grill—no matter how many new planters they put in. Kellogg is a different world. Someday before graduation I'm going to spend the night in Kellogg and ring for a sandwich at midnight instead of going down to the machines for a candy bar and leave my bed for someone else to make in the morning. I believe in a liberal education. For an anthropology class we had to interview a foreign student so five of us walked over to the International Center to look for likely subjects. Foreign dress and many languages made us feel alone and out of place but we asked two Japanese students to help us and spent the next hour firing questions, drinking vast amounts of coffee, and feeling that somehow our lives had been restricted and shallow and short. You can always tell the students who spent the summer in Europe. They all go to the crossroad cafeteria and look at the clocks and wonder what Nigel is doing if it is 9:45 in London. I'm glad they have students working in the bookstore. It's nice to tell your roommate to go find you an HPR workbook and know that she can't tell you to go fly a kite. Only church doors and museum entrances are always open. Then there is the Bug Room where former inmates of the Detroit Zoo are being eaten down to the bone by bugs. They say it is under control but after someone tells you about it, you look awfully close at any flies in the neighborhood. Most museums are alike but the MSU museum has a girl mummy and some of the only weasels born in captivity. You can't really afford to Tyrannosaurus Rex skull. ignore a place that has its own If one more person tells me I look like a JMC, I'm selling my beads and bells. During exam week, that's when they flock to the Union to talk and plan study schedules. Everyone carries a book and drinks coffee instead of coke. Coke is far too frivolous for exam week. Amid the shower of handouts, supporting every side of every issue, I make out the number of the meeting room, then decide it is too late and get a coke and a bag of cheese whizzies. With three terms ahead of me, I decided to get a job to cover T.G.'s and pizzas. At the placement bureau I applied and was interview­ ed. I went home and waited and waited. I decided I really didn't need the money and joined the Student Education Corps. My first job interview—and I wore my leather coat and heels. Two hours of roommates had put my hair into a truly vogue mass and it was all worth it because I got the job—teaching outdoor survival in a Girl Scout camp. The summer job you didn't take, the volun­ teer request you never answered, senior year and it is over. Michigan State was what you made it. It's the professional atmosphere with the time to do the job right. Even the little girl in the white coat who cleans your horse's stall and probably weighs less than her pitchfork will be Rebecca Cook, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine next June. What can you say to an eight year old who brought you his guppy all the way from north Lansing on the back of his bicycle because he thinks it has a dry mouth? The U. of M. may have its heart transplants but we give pre-natal care to expectant weasels. Veterinarians don't take a Hippocratic Oath but no one asks the tearful coed with the Wilson Hall telephone number where she keeps her two spotted hamsters. While walking back from a 3:00 class, absent­ ly kicking leaves and thinking of the mid I had just taken, I looked up and saw a tree resplendent with golden leaves. I was in front of the chapel and people were entering by ones and twos. I lingered in the doorway as a few rays of sun filtered through the stained glass into the darkness. I knelt in the quiet. I'm the only one in the world who knows there is a sundial in back of the chapel. Nobody had better ever cut down that big tree in front of the chapel. That's mine. ORGANIZATIONS Most students at Michigan State live here twenty-four hours a day, and, despite the exhortations of instruc­ tors, do not spend all, or even a great deal, of this time studying. The sheer size of MSU's population provides enough activities to satisfy each individual's interests. In fact, there is enough going on somewhere on campus to pre-empt attendance of any classes or opening of any textbooks — providing one manages to avoid flunking out. MSU's many organizations are a channel for developing a skill, establishing an identity, or maybe just postponing those calculus problems another hour. Whatever the purpose, these activities are an essential component of the educa­ tional process. 233 Government on both hall and university levels provides a source of involvement and change. Diversity Characterizes Activities at MSU For each existing major at MSU there's a group, meeting somewhere in the labyrinth of Giltner Hall or just forming in Olin's waiting room. A student in communications can work for one of the dorm radio stations; a theater major can try out for the Performing Arts Company; an econ student can join the Karate Club. Your choice of organization need never be justified as everyone else there shares a similar interest. You may be in agriculture and your roommate is an English major, but if you both play the guitar you can at least see each other at the "Joint” on weekends. And if you think you don't have a skill, how about the Monopoly Club? Mike Johnson, the original Brody Artist, displays his talent at the Union Board Thieve's Market. Self-Identity Is the Goal of Participation No matter what anybody says, you just cannot find yourself in a multiversity the size of Michigan State — at least, not as a student. The most you can do is memorize your student number. From there you have to develop and enrich your unique personality, to set yourself apart somehow. Identity results from perfecting a skill, from mastering a sport, from discovering that you are a scientist instead of just a science major. It comes from finding others who share your ideals or fears or frustrations. And finally, it comes with the confi­ dence to be able just once to forget your student number without feeling lost. Block S adds to the excitement at Spartan Stadium. Frying bananas at the Biafra Club dinner. 'The Alpha Phi Omega Blood Drive? This Is supposed to be pre-registration! The SDS Rally — emphasizing the problems of the multi­ versity. 237 Student models at the International Club fashion show and ball. ■ * ■■ ¡■¡Bl mm Phil Stof fan, editor-in-chief. The ’69 Wolverine: Frustrations 111 Jack Burns, production assistant to the advisor. 9 If it's really true that all geniuses are just a little bit insane, the staff of the 1969 Wolverine possessed more than its share of genius. The frustrations of creating a yearbook are many — freezing at a sales booth outside registration, learning that you have sixty pages due this deadline instead of thirty, trying to match 3,300 Senior pictures with the right names. If the pictures are great the copy is never just right. The state of the budget is a perpetual catastrophe, and if you only flunk one mid-term because of the book you consider yourself very fortunate. WM##, '■ 240 11 . and Satisfactions. Of course, there's another angle. Finding the perfect picture to open your section, finally contacting all those elusive Greeks, selling a copy of the book to your roommate — these are the moments that make you forget the stale coffee grounds and the wrinkled carbon paper and the term paper due last week. Somewhere among the frustrations and the person­ ality conflicts, the missed deadlines and the ruined GPA's, a bunch of students put more than a little bit of themselves into the '69 Wolverine. And somehow all the effort seems worthwhile. Mr. William Mcllrath, advisor. Dick Best, photo editor. Jon VanderZouwen, financial assistant to the advisor. 241 Jeanne Theodore and Elaine Burdo, academics and services editors. Eleanor Farrell, organizations editor. below: Tim Petty, senior editor. right: Thayer Tischler, life editor. 1Si* -— J 242 Photographer Brill. Ivins has an earnest discussion with Editor Delivering the State News is a lonely, oft-forgotten job. The primary raison d'etre of the State News is to unite the campus. Each of the five departments— editorial, photographic, advertising, circulation, and business—works its own way to provide informa­ tion, while editor-in-chief Ed Brill coordinates the activities of the various departments. Temporarily impeding progress last fall was a controversy over autonomy of the press. The State News printed an article reporting an obscenity issue at the Univer­ sity of Wisconsin. Louis Berman, advisor to the State News, reacted by withholding the editors' pay. The Student-Faculty Judiciary upheld the paper's position and ruled that withholding salaries was a violation of the Academic Freedom Report. 244 What could all these people be thinking about so in­ tently? State News Fishes for Excellence But Discovers Controversy. pMRMimm». You mean Collage just won the Pulitzer prize? What parity raid? / thought you were covering the cricket match! 245 STATE NEWS EDITORIAL: bottom row: P. Anstett; J. Pankhurst; E. Brill, editor-in-chief; J. Granelli; T. Brown, second row: M. Miller; D. Rayman; D. Fitch; R. Morales; M. George; P. Zimbler. third row: J. Allen; G. Loria; G. Bullard; R. Walsh; R. Bernard. STATE NEWS ADVERTISING: bottom row: C. Banks; L. Pot­ ter; R. Roughley; C. Budrow, M. Michel; W. Castainier; S. Jenks. second row: V. Alberts; D. Glenn; M. Leazenby; M. Wender; S. Hanson; P. O'Brien, third row: J. Byrd, R. Morison, K. Lynam; J. Heinz, S. Harris; J. Zwarensteyn; R. Bullard. STATE NEWS PHOTOGRAPHIC: bottom row: J. Richardson; B. Ivins; L. Hagedorn; B. Johnson, advisor, second row: M. Nichols; K. Scribner; J. Isca; M. Sirna; L. Lagoni. third row: H. Caswell; N. Payea; B. Porteous; M. Beasley. State News Focuses on Creativity and Community Service. The State News serves in other ways also. Creative people demand an outlet for their material and Collage, a bi-weekly literary magazine, is that out­ let. It is "the written evidence of the creative pro­ cess going on within the minds of MSU students and faculty,... a forum of ideas and feelings." Community service is an important facet of the State News, with executive editor Trinka Cline teaching journalism classes and helping to set up a much needed community paper on the west side of Lansing. UNION BOARD: bottom row: D. Hindes, P. Sikes, B. Jones, V. P.; J. Phillips, Pres.; F. Churchley, Treas.; C. Cross; Mrs. Berger, Advisor, second row: T. Fox; P. McGuire; C. Burcar; Z. Sarkisian; C. DiMattia; K. Burket; L. Patterson; M. Paris, third row: M. Rizzardi; D. Sayles; S. Smith; C. Gray; A. Bennett; S. Facktor; A. Konde; K. Finch, fourth row: D. Franzetta; D. Baginski; T. Venti; M. Fatt; C. Book; A. Holt; B. Barger; S. Plichta. fifth row: K. Weaver; D. Wheeler; C. Borsberry; K. Ebi; M. Wasung; J. Nielsen; P. Dopp; M. Lauhoff, sixth row: R. Bagby; B. May; B. Carver; S. McManners; P. Benedick; L. Stierle; M. Monroe; G. Klinsky; R. Klee. The crowning of Sandy Gillespie highlights the Miss MSU pageant. Union Board member and advisor Maureen Berger discuss plans with Provost Neville over coffee. 248 UNION BOARD A holiday spirit pervades campus as sounds of the Mad Hatter's Midway drift across MSU. A spring term event, the carnival typifies the activities sponsored by Union Board.; Catering to all areas of college life, services include the information bureau, away-game trips during football season, and bridge lessons. Affording a place for animated huck­ stering, the Thieves' Market displays a collage of student art work. Other affairs on the Board's crowded agenda include the Activities Carnival, All-Campus Talent Show, and Miss MSU pageant. A major endeavor this year was the publication of a magazine geared to be a forum for student opinion, and a stage for collegian contributions. Future plans include ex­ pansion of the magazine to four issues per year. Union Board's kaleidoscope of activities provides a wide range of services and recreational opportunities for the University community. ■ The Thieves' Market art show attracts student talent. Block "S" — part of the excitement as MSU beats Notre Dame. 249 As the major governing group for the women resi­ dents on campus, the Women's Inter-residence Coun­ cil serves as the agent between the halls and the University. Composed of the women's residence hall presidents, members of WIC share a common goal of progressive government for the University coeds. Its functions include the initiation of studies and formu­ lation of policies appurtenant to women residents. Of major concern this year was the attempt to gain acceptance of the selective hours policy for freshman coeds. The struggle terminated with the institution of a compromise proposal abolishing hours for all women students except fall term freshmen. WIC: bottom row: J. Tubaugh, advisor; C. Burke, treas.; E. Lindner, v. p.; S. Landers, pres.; K. Tripp, v. p.; R. Yahr, sec.; H. Widick, advisor, second row: D. Myers; C. Drewek; S. Benson; B. McKnight; D. O'Donnohue; M. Marshall, third row: G. Smith; J. Littleton; B. Pikka; P. Gross; K. Parks; S. Kernick. fourth row: J. Jenkins; L. Potter; L. Fink; K. Moon; L. Johnson. 250 MHA: bottom row: W. Barr, advisor; C. Manners; B. Hawkins, pres.; T. Templin, sec.; R. Loerke; D. Diesing, treas.; G. Fritz, advisor, second row: G. Gregory; G. Elliott; T. Ball; E. Manko; J. Harvin; J. Engler; T. Brock, third row: J. Hoffman; E. Peterson; R. Marx; R. Slutzky; G. Spencer; J. Cotton; D. Mellor. MHA Maintaining a communication link between the resi­ dence halls and administration as well as providing legislative channels is a prime task of the Men's Halls Association. The group this year moved to enact legislation liberalizing visitation policies in residences, the initial proposal met with many obstacles, and was referred to committee for re-examination. After long debates, a revised proposal, which provides that the individual residence halls set visitation regulations, was accepted. In addition to the responsibilities of guidance and government, MHA coordinated many academic and social functions associated with dorm life, by sponsoring mixers, movies, and a blood drive in conjunction with WIC. 251 EXCALIBUR Traditionally a symbol, of excellence, Excalibur is a fitting epithet for this group of campus leaders. With interests in sundry areas of university life, members converge at regular dinner-meetings to discuss current projects and events. Animated conversation in such a relaxed atmosphere also provides an arena for free discussion of contemporary issues. Besides this pri­ mary function, Excalibur also meets occasionally with representatives of the University community. Informal dialogue with administrators at unstructured sessions helps bring about a homo-geneity of aims and puts them in perspective. Each spring, the thirteen members of this senior men's honorary select thirteen pledges whose charge it is to perpetuate Excalibur's ideals of service. SENIOR COUNCIL Instead of trying to unify a class of thousands, this year's Senior Council concentrated on seeking out the senior and serving his individual needs. Forums, pro­ jects and events centered around those areas which specifically relate to him, such as employment, poli­ tics, and the ever-present draft. The council also organized those traditional events which are impor­ tant parts of the senior year: receptions at President Hannah's, Senior Swing-Out and commencement ac­ tivities. Outstanding students are selected by the council to be honored as seniors of the week or members of the “Sixty-Nine Club," an honorary which includes only those seniors who have made important contributions to MSU. SENIOR CLASS COUNCIL: rear on stairs: E. Petrini; S. Christman; J. Hutson, middle row on stairs: M. Waltrakis; M. Sapp; P. Anstett. front row: A. Michaels; D. Banghart; R. McCormick, pres.; J. Shutty, sec.; D. Pritchard; J. Licht; S. Wilber; C. Gunsolus; J. Lau; L. Herman; P. Raynor, v. p. in the windows: L. Berger; L. Burstein. 253 AWS: bottom row: C. Yanmtem K. Cunningham; C. Larson, sec ond row: S. Stoll; G. Wilson; S Spellman; S. Kuryla. AWS Associated Women Students is the activities pro­ gramming organization for all Michigan State coeds. Its fourteen member General Council is open to all women students through open petitioning. Fall term AWS conducts the Who's Who and What's What program to inform women students of activities and organizations open to them, while during the school year they send career information to Juniors and Seniors. Spring term events include Women's Week and Lantern Night, co-sponsored by Mortar Board, held to honor fifty outstanding Senior women. Ac­ tivities this year included a drug symposium fall term, with speakers such as a lawyer, a member of the campus police force, and Dr. Garskof, former assis­ tant professor of psychology. AWS also originated the selective hours proposal and was part of the steering committee for the winter term Sexuality Symposium. ■ll 254 GREEN SPLASH Almost fifty years old at Michigan State, Green Splash is a group formed for the enjoyment and study of synchronized swimming. An honorary organiza­ tion, Green Splash chooses its pledges through try­ outs each fall. This year the swimmers had a crowded activities schedule. The Annual Synchronized Water show, open to the public, is a major event where various forms of water ballet are demonstrated. Local high schools receive invitations to the winter term clinic, at which Green Splash members teach syn­ chronized swimming and show movies of expert swimmers in this fieldlThe Intercollegiate Competi­ tion, an annual event held in March this year at Central Michigan University, draws similar clubs from universities all over the midwest. This meet has competition in solo, duet, trio, and group swimming. GREEN SPLASH: bottom row: P. Verwohlt; M. Frazier; S. Strachan, pres.; P. Sinclair; D. Hultquist; K. Detert; L. Pearson; F. Fisherman; K. Rabbers. second row: S. Strack, treas.; C. Workman; K. Johnston; E. Harrison; A. Weathersbee; N. Levine; L. Gilbert, sec.; J. Platt; R. Baidas, v. p. third row: T. Tarbell, adv.; L. Meyers; R. Arnold; C. Bacon; J. Curry; J. Weeks; A. Harding; J. Zang; L. Kendrick; L. Weyandt;S. Hamilton. 255 JEAN PIAGET SOCIETY: P. Beer, v.p.; D. Neumeister, pres.; P. Robb, v.p.; J. Ricky, sec.; J, Ricky,sec. Carson C. Hamilton, faculty advisor. JEAN PIAGET SOCIETY Education is the building material of a strong tomorrow. In keeping with this spirit, the Jean Piaget Society emphasizes keeping apace of current trends and developments in the world of academics. Mem­ bership is open to students and faculty, but the society's members form a small nucleus. The Society itself recently became an associate member of the World Confederation of Organizations of the Teach­ ing Profession. A major priority was encouraging undergraduates to write and publish educational research. The organization has urged students to request more independent study. Numerous specific recommendations to student advisory committees were made. Efforts to formulate such recommen­ dations and individual's independent research in a more professional tone were also made. As progress catapults technology into tomorrow, the Jean Piaget Society strives to keep education in the forefront of advancement. 256 JUDO CLUB Grace and simplicity of style characterize Japanese life and the sport of judo is no exception. "The gentle way" is what the Japanese call it. Midst the hard falls and seemingly lethal holds there is evident the easy grace of movement and skill of precise timing that makes this refined form of jujitsu so popular within the university. The Judo Club sponsors an annual invitational meet for the midwestern area in which its own six man team competes and has previously won honors. Long hours of diligent practice are required to attain the honored sable-colored belt that denotes expert skill in this ancient sport. Tradition and etiquette accent this art of self-defense with an Oriental flavor. JUDO CLUB: L. Weir, J. Kim, advisor; T. Howard, v.p.; W. Bishop, pres.; L. Bancroft, treas.; G. Gaffner, F. Comstock, second row: M. Wisniewski, M. Barnes, R. Wojtysiak, S. Politowski, B. Zuppann, D. Schoenrock, J. Tompkins, third row: B. Nelson, C. Patton, M. Young, S. Lardie, C. Koob, T. Gard, S. Parker, fourth row: P. Ganz, K. Gould, F. Carey, Jr., H. Gould, J. Van DerMeulen, N. Yoshida. 257 PANHELLENIC COUNCIL: bottom row: J. Lau; M. Camp; S. Solmo, v.p.; J. Campbell, pres.; S. Gerber; J. Moore, sec.; R. Johnson, treas.; second row: B. Seebold; R. Knopfler; S. Ruekberg; K. Cruice; C. Lupia; M. Gilson; M. Bice; A. Konde; third row: K. Cunningham, M. Rainey; J. Miller; S. Dunn; D. Sayles; D. LePlae; S. Vogelsberg; C. Horn; fourth row: J. Dauer; P. Vanek; C. Clark; P. Major; S. Thompson; C. Shockley; D. Benoy; C. Kline; fifth row: A. Johns; C. Stapleton; M. Roth; A. Israel; P. Butler; L. White; J. Marsh; C. Hayward; sixth row: J. Jackson; J. Sewell; J. Niska; J. Henry; G. Lark; K. Alderton; D. Umphrey;C. DeYoung. PAN-HEL Uniting and coordinating all twenty-two sororities is the primary aim of Pan-Hel. This governing body, composed of two members from each sorority, regulates such aspects of Greek life as rush and the key systems initiated this past summer. Now, in some houses, each girl has her own key. If the university approves, the sororities will have freshmen rush next fall. Pan-Hel is also involved in running a community center for SCOPE. Student Community Organization through Panhellenic Effort is the philanthropic proj­ ect through which Pan-Hel contributes to the com­ munity. As one of MSU's major governing bodies, IFC governs social regulations for fraternities and seeks to promote brotherhood among them. It also serves the university's fraternities by coordinating and promot­ ing rush-week activities. A new rush policy instituted this year permitted first term freshmen to rush, thereby changing the major fraternity rush from winter to fall term. This spring, along with Pan­ hellenic Council, IFC had the honor of hosting delegates from the Big Ten Universities at the annual Panhellenic-lnterfraternity Council Conference. INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL: bottom row: L. Burstein, v.p.; P. Myers, pres.; S. Cristman, v.p.; se­ cond row: R. Giering, sec.; P. Ray- ner; A. Rose, v.p.; J. Gulish, treas. 258 ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA: bottom row: K. Miller; T. Balias; K. Kolasa; K. Schneider, v.p.; K. Chenoweth, pres.; M. Eisenmann, treas.; J. Mol- lenkopf; A. Tewes; A. Sheerer; sec­ ond row: M. Preston; S. Bryan; J. Hori; P. Rubenstein; A. Geng; C. George; S. Seymour; S. Bryan; K. Farison; third row: S. Hoefler; C. Linnell; E. Malone; A. Gowell; M. Turner; K. Orndorff; C. Corriere; J. Currey; M. Kutsche; fourth row: J. Kelly; J. Recknagel; J. Wojnar; C. Matteson; D. Bogan; M. Schaefer; B. Beamer; P. Wesserling; A. Gendron; fifth row: S. Whitelock; N. Glaser; J. Petrie; C. Simone; S. Spencer; C. Skimin; P. Brunck; N. Wowkanech; L. White; sixth row: L. Snedecor; K. Armstrong; C. Lankfer; P. Wille; J. Stewart|4J. Pregitzer; R. Viles; B. Schroeder; E. Matzelwich. ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA BETA BETA BETA Scholarship is the key to leadership in today's highly technical society. Alpha Lambda Delta has endeavor­ ed to encourage this quality among freshmen women. By sponsoring scholastic and cultural events in the dorms, this women's honorary attempted to create an atmosphere conducive to intellectual stimulation and growth. Tutoring foreign students provided oppor­ tunities for establishing meaningful friendships as well as providing mutual learning experiences. Other ser­ vices the group offered to the campus community included assisting at J-Day and holding an annual party for orphaned children. Beta Beta Beta opens its membership to those students of life sciences who have done superior work in their major field. Bi-weekly meetings accent such diverse areas of interest as wildlife, microbiology, and zoology. Being a biological sciences honorary, the club focuses its activities on guest speakers and programs which explore topics of current interest in the sciences. At the annual banquet, which is pri­ marily an initiation ceremony, students who have had into the a provisional membership are admitted honorary. BETA BETA BETA: bottom row: K. Malknecht; G. Dawson, v.p.; S. Black- hall, pres.; M. Morgan, sec.; J. Fox; Dr. J. Braddock, adv.; second row: D. Bates; R. Sohn; E. Lohrman; K. Hoben; M. Fink; J. Ortman; T. Kreh; third row: T. Nale- pa; G. Schave; D. Harrell; S. O'Hopp; J. Cornell; L. Haff. 259 BLUE KEYS bottom row: L. Burstein; J. Phillips, sec.; M. Wiltrakis, v.p.; L. Berger, pres.; G. Dawson; H. Dzodin; second row: J. Zeig; L. Werner; R. McCormick; D. Oliver; D. Banghart; P. Myers; third row: M. Anderson; P. Ellsworth; R. Williams; D. Laycock; E. Brill; T. Dziak; row: T. Samet; S. Derby; S. Cristman; J. Will; J. Lundquist; R. Bai­ ley. fourth BLUE KfcY CIRCLE HONORARY For the first time Blue Key has made it possible for MSU students to be recognized in "Whos' Who Among Students in American Universities and Col­ leges", a list of top honor students. A committee of students and faculty members nominated thirty-seven students on the basis of scholastic, athletic and leadership qualities. These will be sent to the pub­ lisher for approval. Blue Key is also trying to institute a program for faculty-student lunches enabling any student to take an instructor to lunch free in a resident hall. Blue Key members are chosen from petitions and nominations each Spring to honor service to MSU and the community. is to recognize The purpose of Circle Honorary leadership among women living in residence halls. A relatively new institution, founded here in 1959, Circle Honorary presently has 80 members. Member­ ship is limited to one percent of the number of women in residence halls. Women are chosen from nominations received from head resident advisors and hall presidents. Annual activities include the Head Advisors' Tea during winter term and tapping and initiation Spring term. This spring Circle Honorary plans to establish a chapter at Western Michigan University, just as the MSU chapter was established by the members at the University of Michigan. CIRCLE HONORARY: bottom row: M. Marshall; G. Nelson, sec.; S. Orr, v.p.; D. Matthews, pres.; L. Viswat, treas.; E. Farrell; second row: L. Brenner; B. Brown; M. DeLuca; K. Tripp; P. Scholz; J. Kalman; V. Bankard; third row: K. Hudson; S. Bishop; C. Walters; T. Fiorani; M. Hansen; V. Purvis; fourth row: E. Lindner; C. Rose; R. Yahr; J. Faist; V. Antonson; S. Landers. 260 DELTA PHI EPSILON: bottom row: B. Shah; L. Bowerman; M. Anderson, treas.; D. Cross, pres.; B. Bartlett, sec.; K. Hoffman, sec.; second row: A. Falk; L. Kohler; M. Lopez; G. Steinke; S. Mehra; S. Knox; third row: P. Marzec; R. Harnisch; J. Gramatins; D. Drake; B. Wilson; R. Myers; fourth row: J. Noline; R. Dunn; L. Moore; D. Ziskie; D. Carey; N. Gill. DELTA PHI EPSILON DELTA PSI KAPPA Delta Phi Epsilon is a professional fraternity for men interested in the field of international relations, including foreign trade and foreign service. Weekly meetings are held with speakers discussing matters such as international trade, Canadian-American re­ lations, student unrest, poverty in the slums and the war in Vietnam. Winter term, Delta Phi Epsilon sponsored a Canadian-American Conference where students met to discuss common issues and problems. Last year Senator Muskie from Maine was the keynote speaker. Delta Psi Kappa, the national physical education honorary, promotes fellowship among those girls who have maintained a high scholastic record in this field. Meetings center around the physical education pro­ fessions and each year the club holds a retreat on initiate new members and to Lake Michigan to formulate future plans. As a service to the physical education department, this honorary maintains a record and book library and also sponsors a fall tea open to all physical education majors and faculty. DELTA PSI KAPPA: bottom row: J. Bauer; N. Furler, v.p.; K. Edington, pres.; J. Nelson, treas.; L. Gilbert, sec.; second row: R. King; J. Mac- Naughton; J. Johnson; M. Hall; L. Wilson. 261 KAPPA DELTA PI: bottom row: l\l. Gill; R. Emery, treas.; J. Melville, v.p.; C. Borsberry, pres.; N. Erickson; G. Myers, adv.; second row: B. Zeisloft; S. Bunge; M. Hall; C. Gray; R. Kuttner; C. Suszkiewcz; N. Furler; J. Palmer. KAPPA DELTA PI MORTAR BOARD The Epsilon Delta chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, national teachers' honorary, is a well-established organization at MSU. The approximately eighty members, juniors and seniors in the College of Education, are in the upper fifth of their class. To maintain high profes­ sional and intellectual standards, Kappa Delta Pi sponsors programs featuring speakers from educa­ tional fields. This year Dr. Kelly of the Honors College spoke of graduate school opportunities for education majors. The Placement Bureau also present­ ed a program on their services in relation to educa­ tion. Mortar Board, a national senior women's honorary, recognizes those women who have exhibited out­ standing performance in scholarship, leadership and service to the university. With the funds received from the sale of their annual Mortar Board Calendar, the members provide scholarship donations for de­ serving MSU students, thereby promoting scholastic excellence and leadership. In linking its quest of intellectual interest to that of the university, the honorary this year donated to MSU's sexuality symposium. MORTAR BOARD: bottom row: L. Spence, sec.; M. Hall, v.p.; D. Hill, pres.; C. Rose, treas.; V. Hutcheson, adv.; second row: M. Maas; K. Barton; S. Benson; C. Conrad; S. Elder; third row: V. Scholtz; K. Edington; K. Sed- lacek; J. Marsh; P. Verwohlt. 262 OMICRON DELTA KAPPA: bottom row: B. Sandefur, adv.; M. Grost; H. Dzodin, v.p.; R. Wil­ liams, pres.; P. Ells­ worth; R. Murahata; L. Hekhuis, adv.; second T. Towson; S. Febba; L. Burstein; D. Oli­ ver; D. Gilbert; R. Hula; third row: R. Bailey; S. Derby; D. Laycock; E. Brill; S. Henderson; T. Samet; A. Stickney. row: OMICRON DELTA KAPPA PI KAPPA GAMMA The MSU chapter of Omicron Delta Kappa, national leadership honorary, was established here in 1961. Junior and senior men with a 3.0 GPA are eligible for membership, and conspicuous attainment in the areas of scholarship, arts, publications, athletics or student activities is also required. Omicron Delta Kappa members do not engage in activities or special projects; rather, the organization serves in a consult-! ing capacity. Meetings consist of a dialogue on current affairs and important issues. Dr. John Hannah and several local political figures were guests this year. One of the purposes of Pi Kappa Gamma is to give recognition to outstanding students in the packaging department. Juniors and above who have attained a 2.8 grade average in both packaging and all-university courses are eligible for membership. The society formed a definite program this year which included evaluation of packaging courses to give the faculty an idea of what students want in a course. The members also worked with the Packaging Society to publish an informative brochure to promote the field of pack­ aging to students interested in the department. PI KAPPA GAMMA: bottom row: R. Parenti; J. Thomas, v.p.; L. Berger, pres.; A. Crawford, sec.-treas.; P. Reddy; second row: R. Sjolander; T. Smith; G. Rankin; M. Busen; J. Borg; R. Jordan; third row: W. Willett; J. Lamie; B. McDonald; T. McKay; D. Beddow. 263 SIGMA LAMBDA CHI: bottom row: W. Lloyd, adv.; D. Bergstrom, pres.; W. Good, sec.-treas.; A. Sliker; second row: R. Alex; P. Holder; P. Chow; M. Mezzo; H. Thomas. SIGMA LAMBDA CHI TAU BETA PI Sigma Lambda Chi at MSU, the original chapter of an honorary society for students of wood technology and building construction, now includes eleven mem­ ber chapters across the country. Operating the largest independent loan fund on campus, the group pro­ motes its field by making loans to students in the housing and wood technology programs. Recognition is also given by the society to an outstanding student in the department at Sigma Lambda Chi's annual awards banquet, held every spring since 1949. Tau Beta Pi is the only honorary that represents all branches of engineering. Membership requirements stress the well-rounded person with outside activities in addition to a primary interest in engineering. Initiates must also be in the top percentage of their class. Fulfilling a primary aim of fostering fellowship and academic stimulation, the society's most recent project involved efforts to coordinate the many engineering honoraries in order to create a program to extend aid to freshmen engineering students. TAU BETA PI: bottom row: J. Weiss, sec.; M. Edwards, sec.; W. Patterson, pres.; J. Backus, v.p.; E. Bode, treas.; Dr. R. Barr, adv.; second row: C. Pesterfield, adv.; C. Hall, adv.; R. Gauthier; R. Vargo; I. Ebert, adv.; third row: G. Kienzle; D. DeMott; E. O'Brien; D. Toth; B. Hansche; C. Beimers. 264 TOWER GUARD: bottom row: A. Geng; K. Anderson, v.p.; D. Papp, v.p.; J. Wojnar, pres.; M. Barnes, treas.; P. Brunck, sec.; L. New; second row: C. Corriere; K. Kolasa; M. Moore; M. Virch; D. Lees; B. VandeMheen; L. Farrell; third row: C. Mitchim; S. Hoefler; T. Sullivan; K. Chenoweth; C. Hibbott; J. Kelly; J. Hamil| ton; fourth row: N. Bartels; D. Orr; K. Schneil der; C. Simone; L. Stramake; N. Glaser; P. Bailey; fifth row: S. Burns; P. Gorski; C. Mathews; K. Kuechenmeister; K. Ulmer; J. Anderson; J. Butterfield. TOWER GUARD AG COUNCIL Spring breezes mingle with soft voices and a shaft of sunlight falls about a solemn assemblage. In this quiet setting Tower Guard observes its May Morning Sing, where new members are being tapped. Devoted to promoting conscientious leadership, members donate their time to such services as reading to the blind, assisting at registration and ushering at commence­ ment. In recognition of their achievements and high standards, this sophomore womens' honorary is the only campus society authorized to use Beaumont Tower as its meeting place. The Agriculture and Natural Resources Council has the difficult job of coordinating the activities of all the clubs affiliated with the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, such as the Block and Bridle Club, the Packaging Society, and the Parks and Recreation Club. Small Animals Day, held spring term, delighted some eight thousand Lansing area tots. Ag Council requested that University farms put out their baby animals and several fraternities trans­ ported carloads of underprivileged children, many of whom had never seen a baby wallaby, or even something as mundane as a calf or a foal. AG COUNCIL: bottom row: L. Manderscheid, adv.; D. Hinderer,; v.p.; D. Hess, pres.; T. Atherton; L. Twardzik, adv.; second row: B. Winkel; D. King; R. Porteous; S. Higgins; E. Richards; J. Van- Namen; third row: B. Milligan; B. Mautz; P. Williams; P. Gordon; P. Overholt; D. Elzinga; S. Cristman. 265 ALL CAMPUS RADIO: bottom row: J. Beacher, WKME; W. Long, WMSN; J. DeGroot, Gen. Mgr.; M. Conlin, WMSN; D. Altmeyer, WBRS; second row: J. Taylor; K. Kucinski, WMCD; R. Pomeroy, WEAK; C. Shelburne, WMCD; J. Kellogg, WKME; D. Blyth, WMSN. ALL-CAMPUS RADIO AICHE The purpose of the All-Campus Radio Board, a member of the Inter-Collegiate Broadcasting System, is to provide MSU students with the experience of operating their own station. Students with an interest in broadcasting apply for positions on the network staff, and after working at the various stations on campus, many have been placed on stations across the nation. Through news broadcasts and announcements of special campus events, All-Campus Radio strives to create a personalized radio station with the student audience as their primary concern. The American Institute of Chemical Engineers, a student branch of the professional society, introduces its members to the practical side of the life of a chemical engineer. Every year the group tours several plants and combines one of them with a ski trip winter term. This year Stroh's Brewery in Detroit and DuPont near Muskegon were on the itinerary. The group also hears speakers from several chemical companies such as Standard Oil Company and Dow Chemical Corporation. In November the members manned chemical laboratory equipment for the En­ gineering Exposition, an annual open house for all engineers. AICHE: bottom row: R. Brace, sec.; R. Seiss, sec.; R. Wells, pres.; H. Knoop, v.p.; W. Porteous, treas.; M. Hawley, adv.; second row: R. McNally; M. Berry; J. Wilkens; E. Saunders; F. Sama- dany; third row: W. White; P. Johnson; L. Snedecor; G. Griffin; J. Trumbley; J. Branson; fourth row: D. Strausberg; D. Krawczyk; T. Lance; J. House; P. Schubert. 266 ASMT: bottom row: S. Sharum; D. Dickinson; S. Benson, v.p.; L. Bertal, pres.; E. Young, treas.; L. Phillips; Dr. E. Smith, adv.; second row: C. Par­ ker; J. Fairbanks; J. Falk­ enstein; A. Blanchard; A. Ravi; M. L. Terry; Thomas; third row: J. Faist; P. Yunker; S. Swin- tak; J. Leitz; N. Essen- mâcher M. Baker; A. row: C. Cook; Bares; K. Debelak; M. Salo; S. Higgins; E. Kost- ner; R. Nowitzke; G. Preston. fourth ASMT BLOCK & BRIDLE Assisting the Veterinary College in staging their annual Veta-Visit is one of the functions of the MSU student chapter of the American Society of Medical Technologists. Each spring the members and veteri­ nary students demonstrate various techniques to high school students from all over Michigan. Some of these procedures are giving blood tests, injecting serum into protesting cattle, and running the Auto-analyser, an important time-saver for medical technologists, who are the mainstays of hospital laboratories. The chap­ ter also familiarizes the students with the concerns of the professional society which is now lobbying for a bill to require a license for all medical technologists. With a membership open to all MSU students, the Block and Bridle Club promotes knowledge of live­ stock and interest in judging and showing animals. Many animal husbandry, vet medicine and agriculture majors find the club a valuable experience for working with and judging animals. Little Internation­ al, the club's winter activity, gives Block and Bridle members and MSU students an opportunity to display talent in showing a horse, beef animal, sheep or hog. This spring, the club held its 21st Annual Horse Show. The proceeds from this event support the travels throughout the United States. inter-collegiate judging team, which BLOCK AND BRIDLE: bottom row: H. Ritch­ ie, adv.; C. Noffke; J. Maus, sec.; J. Garner, pres.; G. Gawel, v.p.; C. Hawkins, treas.; K. Hoben; P. Higbee; second row: J. Allison; K. Kruger; L. Behringer; S. Bogart; C. Middleton; G. Hovarter; M. Zeeb; M. Fox; J. Shattuck; third row: J. Renfrew; M. Roach; P. Galles; N. Lampe; J. Sweeney; J. Raines; D. Gustafson; J. Stapleton; L. Luscher; C. Koenigshof; fourth row: R. Bolich; K. Krug; M. Hough; B. Robin­ son; J. Walkup; J. Lawrence; H. Volk; R. Robb; L. Payne; fifth row: K. Otto; D. Jackson; R. Rohrer; K. Mumy; M. Mumy; V. Brown; D. Engers; J. Temple; sixth row: G. Richmond; R. Haver; L. Dunn; S. Swiontkowski; M. Cockerill; M. Lipka; A. Perlstein; W. Angeli; R. Magraw. 267 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZA­ TION: bottom row: B. Sutherland; B. Backman, sec.; D. Duesenberg, v.p.; B. Wiegand, pres.; K. Schuette, treas.; D. Chenault; Dr. D. Henley, adv.; second row: C. Bloomer; M. Eger; R. Mackie; K. Relyea; M. Woo­ ster; J. Brown; M. Muzzarelli; N. Harrington; third row: A. Rasmussen; C. Mitchell; C. Hardies; D. Robinson; S. Snover; S. Domowitz; C. Pratt; fourth row: D. Robinson; G. Gam- rath; J. Strickler; D. Wood; M. Wal: ter; D. Deline; W. Kimball; D. Over- ton; fifth row: J. Zahn; C. Beauvais; G. Madden; R. Scott; P. Scott; C. Schmidt; W. Shiel; sixth row: J. Chenault; R. Warncke; L. Black; K. Pratt; S. Teich; K. Walz; R. Smith. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FILIPINO CLUB As Christian Science Organization members strive to incorporate precepts of their faith into their everyday lives, they experience true friendship and fraternity. Services and meetings provide opportunities for students to discuss application of their beliefs and to strengthen Christian fellowship. To promote under­ standing of Christian Science on campus, the society has made their publications available to all students. This year, the organization sponsored lectures and seminars to provide meaningful associations. The Filipino Club provides moral support for new students from the Philippines by helping them adjust to university life. To promote knowledge of the culture of their native land, members are available for lectures and civic groups. Participation in the Inter­ national Festival, where members sponsored a booth representing the Philippines, climaxed the club's activities. They also participated in the International Festival Talent Contest, an event which has netted them a trophy all twelve years of the club's existence. FILIPINO CLUB: bottom row: L. Sisón, treas.; R. DelRosario, v.p.; E. Sisón, pres.; M. Espejo, sec.; M. Viray; second row: E. Marquez; D. DelRosario; C. Yaptenco; O. Tongco; J. Sisón; third row: Dr. W. Johnson, adv.; P. Belo; A. Hidalgo; P. Waite; R. Rivera; fourth row: A. Palafox; R. Lucas, adv.; R. Waite. 268 HPER CLUB: bottom row: J. Noskey, treas.; J. Bauer, v.p.; C. Whitmore, pres.; N. Hood; M. Hall; second row: A. Payne; S. Herlick; Miss M. Smith, adv.; K. Edington; S. Kirk. HPER CLUB Dedicated to promoting professional interest in the field of physical culture and health, the HPER Club organized a collage of programs throughout the year. This being the year of the Olympics, the organization arranged for participants in various events to speak on the importance of physical and mental well-being. Essentially a service organization, the society main­ tained a cheerleading clinic for prospective candidates and sponsored a dance demonstration by students from a Detroit inner-city school. PACKAGING SOCIETY In its role as the student chapter of the Society of Packaging and Handling Engineers, MSU's Packaging Society acts as a service organization to the packaging student. Field trips and guest speakers at meetings enable members to become better acquainted with their future careers. At its annual banquet, the society honors members who have made outstanding contributions to the industry. This year the society donated funds to Lansing's St. Vincent de Paul Society to buy Christmas presents for underprivileged children. PACKAGING SOCI­ ETY: bottom row: S. Higgins, sec.; B. Waibel; R. Glinisty, pres.; T. Kusza, v.p.; J. Borg, treas.; G. Rankin; sec­ ond row: M. Busen; P. Reddy; E. Ivey; T. Mro- zek; J. Streeter; third row: T. Smith; K. Fow­ ler; M. Dettman; T. Wolownik; J. Crawford; fourth D. Stockdale; row: W. Panek; J. Thomas; C. Jalovec; K. Irving; J. Miller; T. Throop. 269 RESIDENCES tomb and womb all collapsed into one. a room, a home, a castle for one's self. RESIDENCES When a student arrives at college for the first time, he receives the status of freshman and is placed in a sparsely furnished room of some MSU residence hall. Gradually, though, the room begins to take shape, as personal items and a little ingenuity turn it into a place to call home. Strange people become valuable friends and the dorm life pushes him into campus involvement and a collage of activities. Of the many activities and organizations available, the freshman can always find his special interest, either in or outside the dorm. At first, he may feel alone and afraid, but as the weeks progress he becomes ac­ quainted with the college, academically and socially. MSU and college life then become a real home. 5348000002535353534853234848235353535353235323484823485323235348000903 273 Residences Provide Learning Experience Once the student has passed the critical stage in his college career known as “freshman frenzy", he becomes more suave and self-assured upon reaching his sophomore year. New habits and friends are formed and, perhaps, the advantages of a sorority will be considered by the girls or the freedom connected with off-campus living will attract the guys. So they move out of the residence hall and into Greek homes, co-ops, apartments or married housing. No matter where he lives, however, the student receives an education—maybe not the kind of knowledge gained in the classroom but the experience of getting along with various types of people and of facing up to the many challenges which MSU residences offer to each Individual student. Friendships are formed quickly in an apartment atmosphere on Sunday after­ noon; friendships which lead to dinner dates Getting up in the morning for breakfast and cleaning the apart­ ment are the student's respon­ sibilities while living off campus. Let's see, does a roast take two or three hours to cook . . . Are real potatoes cheaper than the boxed variety . . . Don't forget to pay the electric bill this month . . . Garbage really piles up around here . . . Who's turn is it to vacuum the carpet. . . Where did all these beer cans come from . . . Oh, no, the lights just went out! Weren't you supposed to pay that bill? Learning from mistakes is a big part of off-campus in an apartment, a house or just a rented room. Where else could one get a complete education in home management? The carefree days of the dorm are gone. Now there are other responsibilities which force a student to budget his time and money carefully. Hungry roommates will verify the fact that it isn't that easy to forget about making din­ ner just because there is a test the next day. living, no matter if one lives OFF-CAMPUS LIVING; PERFECT FOR INDEPENDENTS Enjoying "Laugh-In" during a study break; playing cards around the kitchen table on a dull "do nothing" night; celebrating the Notre Dame victory with an impromptu party; raiding the refrigerator for a midnight snack; serv­ ing Sunday dinner to that special man in your life; study­ ing with your feet propped up on the coffee table; being alone in your bedroom for a few moments of welcomed relaxation are all a part of the "Sweet Life"-off-campus living. ■HH ¡g II I surroundings and a Cosy cheery atmosphere usually in Greek residences. prevail living. Greek A rich comfortable atmosphere to come home to, a close feeling of shared experiences and good times with a houseful of other girls or guys, and a sharing of the organization's ideals are all a part of Greek life offers a student the opportunity to establish an identity beyond that of being “just a number." It provides the warm­ ness of a home where each individual is in some manner responsible for its functioning. Close, last­ ing friendships are established, perhaps more as a result of the variety of people living there, than personal similarities among its individual members. In one house alone, there may be merit scholars, beauty finalists, government leaders and top ath­ letes. Or there are those from the big cities and the small rural towns. It may be said that it is this diversity in personalities that enhances the learning experiences of Greek life at MSU. IÜ CLOSE FRIENDSHIPS MARK GREEK COMMUNITY GREEKS STRIVE TO EMPHASIZE INDIVIDUALITY "Best sorority at Michigan State!" "The oldest professional business fraternity!" "The number One sorority!" "MSU's First Fraternity!" "The brotherhood of the non-secret fraternity!" Such boasts are common among Greeks for although all share a general identity, rivalries exist as each house strives to emphasize its own assets and attri­ butes. Whether it be fraternity or sorority sports for homecoming and competition, Water Carnival, or individual Greek events, the goal is the same — to obtain glory for the individual house. This eager participation in Greek activities also extends into sincere involvement in campus organi­ zations and community projects. float-building Michigan State's first "Bunny" makes her debut at Sigma Chi's Derby Day. 282 The effort expended by these Greeks is surpassed only by their enthusiasm for their house which makes it all worthwhile. ALWAYS A PLACE TO CALL HOME IN GREEK LIVING The Daytona 500 revisited? is recognizing who's snoring by his Brotherhood snore. Sisterhood is 30 girls sharing 2 phones on Home­ coming weekend. Brotherhood is finding the new Playboy with the center foldout still there. Sisterhood is working all night on a float. Brotherhood is not worrying about the soup you spilled on the tie you borrowed. Sisterhood secret. Brotherhood is showing up for a football game against a team that outweights you by 30 pounds a man. Sisterhood is pulling off a successful pledge raid. Brotherhood is going out to paint the fraternity letters on the U-M Diag. Sisterhood and Brotherhood exemplify Greek living at MSU. secrets and keeping the sharing is 284 "JPI8PI M Brotherhood is the sharing of good times together whether it be sere­ sorority or nading sister cheating at your card game. favorite your sponsoring Besides their own functions like the Junior 500, fraternities and sororities work actively in university-sponsored events like Homecoming. Pledging, Greek Week, Junior 500, Derby Day; all of these activities are a part of going Greek. ALPHA CHI OMEGA ALPHA CHI OMEGA: bottom row: J. Purdy, Treas.; B. Banfield, Rec. Sec.; T. Hershiser, V.P.; Mrs. McKeithan, Housemother; P. McClellan, Press} N. Carlson, A. Konde, D. Airey. second row: J. Hori, M. Jewett, S. Solmo, D. Lewis, J. Koehn, M. Lewis, C. Fox, N. Erickson, C. Castelli, third row: J. Land, S. Steinhardt, C. Greenamyre, J. Watts, P. Snook, K. Bartak, D. Bogan, B. Barnett, fourth row: L. Gilbert, J. Dieckman, L. Thomas, J. Sawicki, N. Cripe, K. Funk, L. Wilson, K. Sand- ford. fifth row: C. Nelson, C. Wood, A. Dyer, J. Templin, J. Koven, C. Bunnell, J. Keeler, D. Wolfenbarger. sixth row: B. Hollar, S. Thimlar, J. Green, B. Schroeder, G. Zoros, A. Schoonmaker. The women of Alpha Chi Omega passed a milestone this year, as their years of work with a boy stricken with cerebral palsy were rewarded when he was at last able to graduate from high school. He was honored at a special dinner party for what was for him a difficult achievement, and inducted into “Knights of the Red Carnation", a group of honorary sorority members comprised mainly of Dads. Alpha Chi Omega also played a part in MSU's annual Jazz Festival, as they held a Jazz Band Dinner for the members in return for entertainment by the band. 288 ALPHA DELTA PI The fraternities and sororities residing on Harrison Road were welcomed back by the Alpha Delta Pi's this fall, as the girls delivered breakfast donuts to each house. The ADPi's showed their affection toward faculty members as well, hosting a dinner for favorite professors and their spouses. Besides being good hostesses, the ADPi's are serious workers, boasting more officers in student government than any other sorority. The women are especially proud of the fact that the only MSU coed on the Lansing Human Relations Board hails from Alpha Delta Pi. ALPHA DELTA PI: bottom row: S. Lee, Rec. Sec.; V. Balcer, Cor. Sec.; C. Maier, Pres.; H. Moore, Housemother; D. Panza, V.P.; C. Nielsen, Treas.; C. Larson, second row: C. Valmassei, K. Koboldt, N. Goyette, C. Yannitelli, R. Weiss, S. Oullette, S. Stoll, M. Kriselewicz. third row: K. Peckham, K. Swenson, T. Kissec, E. Shong, E. Doup, V. Stover, C. Geer, fourth row: L. Frede­ rick, A. Nuttila, R. Nietert, L. Smith, L. Drozd, M. Harvey, D. Wicklund, N. Hoffman, fifth row: M. McMillan, J. Atchison, P. Seroke, K. Cunningham, R. Brown, S. Granger, J. Gauronskas. sixth row: B. Hasbrouck, M. Geurink, J. Byron, C. Morrisey, D. Grewe, K. Forbord, G. Jolly. 289 HMI ALPHA EPSILON PHI ALPHA EPSILON PHI: bottom row: E. Siegel, Sec.; J. Lasky, D. Rittenberg, Pres.; Mrs. Spertner, Housemother; F. Fisherman, V.P.; S. Krause, Treas. second row: S. Ruekberg, C. Lucow, A. Blyveis, P. Zimbler, R. Knopfler, L. Margolin, third row: S. Fried, S. Sadd, L. Liefer, S. Osher, E. Ryan, M. Fisher, fourth row: G. Ginsburg, K. Sirlin, L. Tycher, L. Levine, D. Jeremias, S. Raphael. MSU students have a chance to display and perhaps sell the results of their artistic endeavors at the annual spring Art Show, Alpha Epsilon Phi's contribution to Greek Week. Judges from the Art Department are treated to dinner at the house, and all work is later displayed on Grand River with ribbons identifying the winners. Another unique facet of the AEPhi's is their Big Sister—Little Sister program. The names of each of the AEPhi's and their little sisters are placed in a box, and the new pledge class draws names. The last girl's name left wins a weekend in New York with her big or little sister. 290 ALPHA GAMMA DELTA The road runner won again as Alpha Gamma Delta's float took first place in the homecoming competition. The enthusiasm that the AGD's display for homecoming was also seen at Water Carnival, Greek week, Derby Day and in their service projects. Every year the Alpha Gams sponsor a Halloween Party for cerebral palsied children in Lansing, and during spring term they sponsored an altruistic car wash as part of their philanthropy. Last Christmas their busboys were given a party in their honor. As the senior women served the meal, the busboys were the target for water balloons. Tradition, also a part of Alpha Gamma Delta, is shown at the May Morning Breakfast where the sisters honor the graduating seniors. ALPHA GAMMA DELTA: bottom row: P. Pruden, J. Mikulich, Rec. Sec.; L. Younts, V.P.; M. Watkowski, Pres.; C. Lowe, Housemother; V. Scholtz, B. Lemon, Cor. Sec.; P. Sikes, Treas. second row: S. Marshall J. Deremo, S. Adams, M. McCall, J. Wachtel, E. Holmes, P. Kitzul, K. Castle, R. Horst, third row: K. Brier, K. Rummel, L. Cabral, B. Buday, J. Martin, C. Broyles, M. Strauss, C. Hack, fourth row: P. Dunham, K. Luft, P. Thornton, C. Adams, P. Stafford, K. Figgs, S. Margeson, K. Dietrich, R. Fluckey. fifth row: B. Burda, S. Ankli, K. Fox, S. Schroeder, S. Burgess, D. Krimsky, S. Stair, L. Fischbaber. sixth row: S. Johnson, C. Goodwin, S. Withers, J. Bauer, G. Lark, M. Underwood, J. Sifter, J. Jespersen, B. Bell. ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA Established on campus in 1954, the Delta Zeta chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha is relatively new to the Greek community of Michigan State. The girls emphasize the scholastic and cultural aspects of college life. In each pledge class, scholastic achievement is rewarded by a diamond for the top pledge's pin. The AKA's annual Biafran in conjunction with their graduate chapter to Benefit welcome Biafran students on campus. The students provided the entertainment with some native African dances and a fashion show, all to raise money for the Biafran Fund. Purely social is their annual Pink Lady winter formal, when a sweetheart and court are chosen. Outstanding members of AKA are Ella Fitzgerald, and Mrs. Martin Luther King. is held ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA: bottom row C. Shock- ley, T. Tucker, Sec.; H. Nettles, V.P.; J. Hunter, Pres.; R. Wofford, Treas.; S. Jackson, second row: M. Goodhoe, D. Humphrey, L. McWherter, J. Earl, T. Prince, L. Tate, P. Robinson, third row: F. Thompson, J. Griffith, B. Braddock, D. Sewell, S. Madison, Y. Jenkins, fourth row: M. Burns, T. Scott, J. Henry, R. Stewart, S. Moore, S. Dickey. 292 ALPHA OMICRON PI: bottom row: J. Matiison, Treas.; C. Rollo, Rec. Sec.; R. Haga, C. Brasher, Pres.|| L. Beacco, V.P.; S. Elder, Cor. Sec.; J. Hagman. second row: A. Beaubien, S. Moore, J. Ashley, F. Einhorn, P. Jose, K. Dedow, O. Chonich. third row: L. Konicki, M. Larsen, J. Comer, L. Long, L. James, S. Belniak, L. Light- foot, S. Wolford. ALPHA OMICRON PI Proud of their status as one of the smallest sororities on campus, Alpha Omicron Pi encourages individuality in each member in order to avoid the stereotyped personality. However, as a group, the girls work closely with Sparrow Hospital for the National Arthritis Foundation, annually sponsoring a Halloween party for the children there, and complementing their services with a magazine drive to benefit the Arthritis Fund. Highlight of the year is the Rose Ball held at the Jack Tar Hotel, when roses are presented to the outgoing president and all the new pledges. New this year is a hootenanny type rush party, held after formal rush winter term, to acquaint all interested freshmen with Greek life. Presently, AOP's are in the process of planning for a new house to be built on Grand River next fall term. 293 ALPHA PHI ALPHA PHI: bottom row: B. Sonneborn, J. Prince, C. McDermott, J. Betwee, V.P.; Mrs. C. Kidder, Housemother; B. Rudnik, Pres.; L. Offrin- ga, J. Lowe, Treas.; J. Perkins, Sec.; C. Prescott, second row: M. Stewart, E. Eckert, C. Burcar, C. Calhoun, E. Matsumaya, D. Kimberley, S. Corkrey, K. Metz, D. McFarland, third row: S. Markovich, C. Kratschmer, C. Grant, B. Karstens, P. Kelly, M. Gostlin, J. Purdy, S. Quinn, J. Pettapiece, C. Emmett, fourth row: M. Rainey, D. Schaltz, C. Morse, M. Scrase, D. Love, C. Bollinger, C. Parker, G. Katzer, M. Wake, M. Jay. fifth row: J. Chase, C. Chamberlin, C. Congdon, P. Mastenbrook, C. Horn, K. Stenstrom, B. Borgeson, D. Malchie, M. Ailing, M. White, sixth row: M. Schwartz, M. Salo, P. Pryor, A. Dutcher, S. Carlson, K. Moorehead, A. Cenedella, M. Van Dam, K. Munn, D. Lilly. A Halloween trick-or-treat party for heart patients was the Alpha Phi pledge class project this fall, as the girls entertained several Lansing-area children at local hospitals. Emphasizing philanthropy, the Alpha Phi's also donate time twice a week to work for project SCOPE, teaching or entertaining underprivileged children. One need not be poverty-stricken, though, to merit Alpha Phi's attention; this year, the women gave giant valentines to each of MSU's fraternities on Valentine's Day. The Alpha Phi's also opened their doors to the public this year as they held their first open house with Kappa Kappa Gamma. 294 ALPHA XI DELTA The year 1968 had special meaning for the women of Alpha XI Delta because it marked the 75th National Diamond Jubilee, the 75th anniversary of the sorority. The event was celebrated at the National Convention in Sun Valley, Idaho. During the year special parties included a Christmas party with each girl acting as a Christmas spirit, the pledge picnic where the pledges fixed the dinner, and the inter-sorority breakfast with the Alpha Gamma Delta sisters. A banquet was held in the spring to honor the seniors, to give an award to the outstanding Alpha Xi, and to present a scholarship ring to the junior with the highest grades. During Greek Week, the sisters had a picnic for underprivileged children, and were in the finals for Greek Sing. ALPHA XI DELTA: bottom row: P. Vanek, P. Otto, Cor. Sec.; G. Owen, Pres.; Mrs. D. Jones, Housemother; B. Rice, V.P.; S. Hogg, Treas.; R. Puhek, Rec. Sec. second row: J. Strother, C. Ashe, N. Mulrenan, M. Kersting, J. Frank, F. Leighton, J. Puhl, S. Elicker. third row: K. Richardson, K. Owen, D. Sayles, P. McGuire, W. Atkinson, K. Fagan, J. Luttrell. I. Goodell, L. Thompson, E. Harmon, J. Funk, M. Stevens, B. Groat, D. Cummings, S. Johns, fifth row: J. Vandertill, R. Johnson, P. Zuidema, B. Hammond, C. Moonen, E. Maclaren, S. Zuidema. sixth row: E. Genshaw, P. Cummins, C. Lewis, G. Stewart, E. Lindner, S. Spillane, M. Nowakowski, L. Bemsel. fourth row: 295 I CHI OMEGA CHI OMEGA: bottom row: M. Brunner, D. Meinhard, Treas.; L. Daniel, Pres.; Mrs. Gilligan, Housemother; A. Allen, V.P.; J. Stewart, Sec.; L. Patterson, second row: C. Dysarz, M. Gilson, S. Wilber, L. Crumb, P. Schofding, B. Brandle, C. Langschwager, S. Bennett, third row: M. Korney, K. Ward, L. Sauble, C. Kaunisto^B. Miner, M. Rizzardi, P. Krolik. fourth row: B. Stewart, M. Murtagh, M. Lyndon, S. Humphrey, K. Taylor, A. Compeau, L. Morris, J. Fraser, fifth row: M. Doner, B. Rawsthorne, S. Scherer, S. Simons, G. McKee, L. Harradine, V. Bash, C. DeYoung, sixth row: M. Waisnoras, B. Juchartz, N. Gately, M. Dicks, P. Dichenshied, N. Parkin, L. Wernet, L. Gordon. The women of Chi Omega boast the largest national membership of any national sorority. They moved into their new house on Burcham Drive winter term, but due to the building strike and weather problems, the house wasn't completely finished. Since the landscape didn't permit use of the front door, a tunnel entrance created great interest. Two service projects were supporting an orphan from South America through the Child Care Program by writing letters and sending a check each month, and holding a Halloween party for underprivileged Lansing children with the Delta Upsilons. The Chi Omega's sponsored the philanthropic project, Christmas Kindness by collecting cans of food and taking them where they could be distributed to needy people. They placed second in sorority scholarship last year and won first place in the Sigma Chi Derby Day. 296 DELTA DELTA DELTA The women of Tri-Delta sorority place particular emphasis on participation in service to the community through SCOPE, aid to underprivileged children in the Lansing area. The philanthropic project is the awarding of scholarships to two outstanding girls, including non-Greeks. At the Founder's Day dinner on Thanksgiving the alumni were invited and chapter roll was called. On the annual Parent's Weekend, parents were treated to a football game and dinner. To highlight Halloween, the Tri-Delta sisters sang Peanut's Pumpkin Carols and gave pumpkins carved with Greek letters to various fraternities. The Pansy Breakfast was held in the spring to honor the graduating seniors. DELTA DELTA DELTA: bottom row: S. Desim- pel, P. Innis, S. Facktor, Sec.; L. Montgomery, Pres.; N. Thompson, Housemother; W. Wong, V.P.; B. McConnell, Treas.; C. Book, C. Novak, second row: P. Core, M. Hurd, K. Haas, L. DeClercq, A. Tewes, A. Porter, I. Stenback, M. Schmalzar. third row: J. Michalski, S. Vogelsberg, P. Ostrom, P. Troyke, K. Melkus, S. Darnell, C. Killebrew, J. Hunter, fourth row: G. VanDrop, J. Laitinen, D. Ziegler, D. Tyler, S. Schmidt. D. Dratschmidt, C. Peterson, K. Helm, fifth row: T. Gostow, D. Nylen, B. Nickel, C. Clark, E. Moore, M. Salmon, D. Bartholomew, J. Bloetscher. sixth row: S. Eggers, V. Billing, C. Jaros, M. Melcher, J. Jahns, P. Howard, P. Bonn, C. Sayler. 297 ■¡iil ■■■■■■I DELTA GAMMA DELTA GAMMA: bottom row: S. Kanaby, Treas.; T. Sink, Rec. Sec.; J. Cronin, V.P.; L. Mohney, Pres.; V. Stedman, Housemother;;M. Blodgett, B. Huschke, Cor. Sec.; J. MacWilliams, S. Thompson, second row: M. Henne, L. Ford, M. Brammer, C. Lupia, B. Jaeger, V. Alberts, M. Holt, D. Fitch, S. Swartz, J. Pickard, third row: S. Willson, B. Malzahn, D. Smith, M. Walter, S. Alderman, A. Trenkle, J. Sallee, D. Couch, fourth row: L. Rayl, J. Kita, M. Trame, J. Engelsma, J. Lommel, M. Green, B. Cooper, J. Ryan, M. Tom, M. Volden. fifth row: J. Irish, J. Stout, M. Fairley, C. Toburen, P. Gamble, J. Kalman, K. Joseph, M. Jakubiec, L. Maedel. sixth row: N. Sayers, L. Wendt, L. Lewis, K. O'Hara, D. Wagoner, J. Nielsen, B. Neff, B. Riley, P. Wille, M. Eisner. The philanthropic project of the Delta Gamma women, aid to the blind, forms the basis for their service work. Each girl reads to blind students on campus for one hour a week throughout the year. The sorority sponsors a Christmas party for the children of the local school for the blind and has furnished equipment for the reading room for the blind in the MSU library. Fall is highlighted by the Powder Puff football game and friendly rivalry with the wbmen of Gamma Phi Beta. The DG's have won this event for the past five years. The float for Water Carnival, built with the men of Phi Delta Theta fraternity, won first place for the second year. The DG's also won first place in Winter Weekend, when the pledges of the sororities compete in winter sports and group games. 298 row: J. Siegler, C. DELTA ZETA: bottom Fleming, Sec.; L. Fellows, Mrs. Eckert, House­ mother; N. Pfennig, Pres.; P. Munro, B. Gross, J. Crowley, Treas. second row: S. Kahler, K. Van- Lynn, C. Fogg, P. Mosher, M. Doner, M. Smith, J. Jaclowski. third row: A. Frederickson, R. Alexan­ der, P. Miller, S. Holmes, S. Graubner, J. Stough, P. Templeton, fourth row: C. Oberg, P. Miller, K. Kaczynski, B. Taggett, J. Melville, M. Coon, J. Pool, row: C. Begnoche, M. Berlin, S. Chapman, C. Motz, A. Voydanoff, J. Niska, D. Collins. fifth DELTA ZETA Much of the activity of the women of Delta Zeta centered around their national philanthropic project, speech and hearing. They organized a campus-wide drive to collect toys from dormitories and fraternities to be used in the new speech and hearing clinic on campus. Breaking tradition, instead of having a Homecoming float, money was contributed to buy a completely furnished doll house for the speech clinic. Dad's Day was held in the fall and Mother's Weekend in the spring when all the mothers were treated to dinner at Shakey's and slept in the dormers. Highlights of the year were the Triad Dance held in the Lansing Civic Center and sponsored by the pledge classes of Delta Zeta and two fraternities, and the Sweetheart Dinner on Valentines Day when every girl invited her sweetheart. 299 GAMMA PHI BETA GAMMA PHI BETA: bottom row: C. Hayward, J. Dyer, M. Walsh, Mrs. Parish, Housemother» M. Camp, Pres.; N. Casale, V.P.; S. Hope, S. Sheldon, Treas. second row: L. Satterla, S. West, K. Machalleck, J. Platt, M. Miller, S. Page, D. Yokom, R. Coonley. third row: J. Woodison, F. Kolata, K. Chenoweth, L. Dietrich, L. Giss, E. Hicks, D. Baxter, C. Mulholland. fourth row: B. Krauseneck, M. Stockton, M. Scott, C. Howlett, M. Jancar, D. Benoy, S. Strack, M. Doering, fifth row: B. Ross, M. Bridges, L. Smith, K. Ehle, S. Musico, K. Hagen, C. Kinsella, I. Veryser. The chief "fun-raising" event of the school year for the Gamma Phi Betas, Powder Puff football, provides a chance for the sisters to take time off from their studies to become football heroes. Several fraternity men, however, have their chance to poke fun at the girls by staging a "Queen" contest during half time, doing their best to look sexy. While not overly stressed, scholarship is important to the Gamma Phi Beta girls, as demonstrated by the great number of sisters in Alpha Lambda Delta honorary. The Gamma Phi's showed off their creative talents this year by coming up with a second-place float for Homecoming. 300 KAPPA ALPHA THETA Founded at DePaw University in 1870, Kappa Alpha Theta is the first Greek letter fraternity for women. The oldest is also the most active, co-sponsoring an all-campus welcome week mixer with the ATO's, a Christmas party for foreign children living in E. Lansing area with Phi Kappa Thetas and an annual Christmas tree trimming party with the Psi U's. Beauty titles seem to be natural for the sisters since both Kathy Hwass, Miss MSU, and Nancy Landis, 1968 Homecoming Queen, are Thetas. Home is where the heart is and fall term the house honored fathers in a weekend of football and partying at the Gables. Parents weekend is also special, as the girls take time out to honor their parents with a special dinner and challenge their fathers to a baseball game as the mothers cheer. KAPPA ALPHA THETA: bottom row: K. Jonik, P. Mick, B. Back, Rec. Sec.; M. Byle, Près.; Mrs. Loffi, Housemother, L. Kaltenbach, V.P.; M. Hall, Corr. Sec.; C. Dianne, Treas.; K. Vargo. second row: R. Rice, M. Barth, C. Bohm, M. Doyle, K. McDougall, M. Cook, P. Hughes, C. Van Derwill, J. Schneider, P. Brown, third row: A. Basler, B. Darling,B G. Goodman, J. Rand, J. Lau, L. Demetry, E. Johnson, H. Schwartz, J. Underberg. fourth row: M. McHughs, C. Wilson, N. Landis, P. Ziemniak, K. Hwass, J. Muelhauser, J. Wisdom, C. Ruhl, L. McKillop. fifth row: P. Sargent, C. Loughlin, J. Marsh, J. Cole, P. Mullen, M. Cantrill, M. Dart, R. Balthazar, S. Bachman, sixth row: J. Sewell, M. Lucas, B. Meier, S. Schram, D. O'Hara, L. Swoger, K. Johnson, S. Parker, M. Barton. 301 KAPPA DELTA KAPPA DELTA: bottom row: J. Burnes, Treas.; M. Roach, V.P.; M. Sapp, R. Davidson, Pres.; C. Kline, J. Walcott, second row: L. Potts, P. French, A. Wiggins, L. Grossen, E. Burdo, E. Stiriz. third row: P. Bundshuh, J. Mortland, C. Meyer, L. Roberge, M. Kitti, M. Knaffle. fourth row: L. Young, J. Skop, M. West, J. Arrigo, B. Mulligan, J. Dauer, fifth row: A. Barrie, K. Cormier, S. Bunge, J. McCallum, V. Ferrero, L. Schulz. A Kappa Delta pledge need only look at this year's activities to sense the group's enthusiasm. The girls sang their way to second place in Greek Sing, and cheered their way to a Spirit trophy on Sigma Chi Derby Day. The Kappa Deltas have tentative plans to build an addition to their house which, when completed, would include a date library as well as more rooms. In the midst of all this activity, the Kappa Deltas found time to aid the Lansing community by reading to blind children at the Michigan School for the blind. 302 KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA The Kappa cry of "Fire Up" aptly describes the eagerness of the girls to play an active part in MSU. Kappa Kappa Gamma boasted almost 100% participation as student aides in the Careers Carnival, and a number of sisters acted as group discussion leaders in the Human Sexuality program this year. Homecoming '68 offered MSU students a chance to let go and "Yell Like Hell" in a new contest sponsored by the Kappas. The sisters also took their turn to participate in a contest, ranking second in Greek Sing for their performance with Delta Chi. KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA: bottom row: M. Roth, C. Cole, Rec. Sec.; L. Braswell, K. Wilson, Pres.; A. Miller, Housemother; D. Woodsum, V.P.; S. Royce, Treas.; T. McDonald, B. Ellk, Cor. Sec. second row: N. King, S. McCleary, J. Miller, L. Bjoraker, B. Horan, C. Smith, A. Moore, S. Maute, C. Becker, third row: A. Piccioni, K. Sahlir, C. Talvitie, C. Tenover, J. Anthony, S. Holyoke, M. Reynolds, P. Behrens, K. Powell, B. Bazler. fourth row: S. Tourre, S. Hüter, L. White, N. Kindle, J. Hambrick, S. App, J. Campbell, M. Jones, S. Sweitzer, M. Michel, row: W. Glanz, L. Herman, C. Forward, S. Miles, K. Keating, P. Allen, D. Root, B. Howe, S. Gillespie, sixth row: C. Ziegler, M. Miller, C. Carlile, J. Kintner, B. Polny, C. Lopker, P. Kolar, C. Oben, N. Raisanen. fifth 303 PHI MU PHI MU: bottom row: M. Goss, Treas.; M. Pond, Rec. Sec.; P. Verwohlt, V. P.; F. Van Hee, Pres.; Mrs. Lewis, Housemother; M. Cronan, Corr. Sec.; J. Knapp, K. Smith, J. Miller, second row: L. Wenot, S. Vojinov, E. Moscicki, V. Mizdrak, P. Hedges, L. Chapin, M. Pulgini, S. Kirk, third row: D. Johnson, P. Creagan, S. Shea, A. Peters, M. Altobello, M. Burkert, S. Genix, V. Stevens, fourth row: S. Krupansky, F. Wilson, S. Goudreau, P. Bingham, K. Barton, D. Van Maele, B. McMichael, S. Clark, fifth row: K. Peeiffer, C. Schneider, D. Kuczek, B. Finlay, J. Senac, K. Schleicher, G. Allston, M. Martin, C. Jacoby, sixth row: J. Barrett, G. Decker, N. Schlesinger, C. Filiatrault, D. Turner, D. Umphrey, K. Kubicki, L. Scarborough. The women of Phi Mu, who take pride in being original, planned an unusual Christmas party for several underprivileged girls this year. The Phi Mu's treated the girls to lunch at Capitol City Airport and arranged for Santa Claus to "fly in" for a special visit. The women have also begun a unique "dessert" program as an incentive to boost grades; a 2.5 or better merits a banana split, less than a 2.5 earns only a dish of jello. Phi Mu's "Pride Day" involved painting, refinishing, and weeding around the house and landscaping to show their pride in their sorority house. The women continued to support their national philanthropic project, the USS Hope. 304 PI BETA PHI The local chapter of Pi Beta Phi, the first national sorority, joins the national fraternity in supporting the Pi Beta Phi Settlement School in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. An annual event is the Monmouth Duo, a dance held with the women of Kappa Kappa Gamma to celebrate the founding of their national sororities at Monmouth College. The Pi Phi's join with the men of Delta Tau Delta, each Christmas, to promote Christmas spirit at the songfest and University Christmas Tree Lighting. During the past year, the Pi Phi sisters placed first in both the Junior 500 and Greek Sing. PI BETA PHI: T. Balias, S. Hill, Treas.; J. Scholz, V.P.; P. Smith, Pres.; L. Mapes, Housemother; M. White, Rec. Sec.; C. Cnockaert, Cor. Sec.; J. Williams, second row: A. Brogger, B. Otaskey, K. Guth, L. Akers, D. Zantop, C. Reinert, T. Tabb, B. Seebold, S. Antinoja. third row: C. Farison, D. Christenson, S. Dixon, K. Bartholomew, P. Duggan, K. Farison, M. Strieter, H. Gustafson, C. Dery. fourth row: A. Peterson, L. Johnson, L. Berry, B. Kress, D. Will its, K. Demmer, G. Betlendorf, K. Doyle, G. Yerkey. fifth row: K. Frank, D. MacDonald, M. Brown, P. Anger, J. Steininger, S. Luck, S. Benedict, E. Derrick, P. Dyer, K. Alderton. sixth row: N. Locker, C. Wright, N. Klunick, L. Baird, N. Glaser, W. Arndt, S. Soltman, S. Scott, C. Clements. SIGMA KAPPA SIGMA KAPPA: bottom row: C. Gray, P. Anstett, Rec. Sec.; M. Maas, V.P.; H. McCarl, Housemother, N. Gillespie, Pres.; M. Carmody, C. Borsberry, Treas.; M. Modarasz. second row: C. Gasiorowski, A. Wilson* S. Johnson, R. Johnson, J. Fay, D. Seay, A. Bonneville, third row: C. Westrick, B. Freeman, A. Bennett, S. Sullivan, D. Fox, M. Law, G. Muehlhauser, M. Peet. fourth row: D. LePlae, D. Trolley, D. Kleinsmith, M. George, C. Sornson, P. Platz, D. Mihalchik. fifth row: P. Durish, D. Benoy, C. Bailey, S. Kirkton, R. Norz, D. Butzier, K. Morris, C. Graybiel. sixth row: S. Kirkpatrick, S. Van Düsen, D. Malewich, B. Wiess, A. Johns, S. Armstrong, N. Neill, D. Weinheimer. The women of Sigma Kappa were the runner-up for the Most Cooperative chapter in the nation in 1968. Traditional chapter events included the turn-about dinner for the bus boys, pledge slumber party, Big-Little Sister dinner, and the Junior-Senior picnic to honor the graduating seniors. Desserts with fraternities, exchange dinners with other sororities, and the Buddy Breakfast offered opportunities to meet other students. A scholarship dinner was held each term to recognize academic achievement. Faculty members were frequent dinner guests, also taking part in fireside discussions after dinner. The Sigma Kappa sisters did gerontology work at the Ingham County Rehabilitation Center. Parents were honored with a Father's football weekend and a Mother's Day Luncheon. 306 ZETA TAU ALPHA Zeta Tau Alpha has rightfully earned a place as one of the leading sororities at MSU this past year, ranking first in Greek Sing, first in the Sigma Alpha Mu Tricycle Race, and fifth in Sigma Chi Derby Day. The girls had to "lose", though, to win the Red Cross Blood Drive, with more- girls donating blood than from any other sorority. The Zetas wera.very active within the Greek system, participating in the Little Sisters programs of several fraternities, and honoring parents at a Dad's Day fall term and a Mother's Day in the spring. The women continued to stress service to others as they filled food and clothing baskets for needy families at Christmas. ZETA TAU ALPHA: bottom row: J. Johnson, G. Wiser, V.P.; M. Husar, Pres.; Mrs. Paradis, House­ mother; B. Radcliffe, Treas.; S. Spencer, Sec.; M. Platz. second row: S. Bailey, C. Gridley, D. Lazin, C. Smith, L. Taylor, N. Swope, J. Niemi, M. Bice, third row: D. Keller, C. Messmer, B. Finni, J. Verhines, C. Lessard, J. Lafave, K. Monath, N. Miller, fourth row: C. Johnson, J. Clark, P. Brogan, S. Schaldenbrand, N. Nelles, L. Pickering, K. Kotyuk, J. Bobit. fifth row: K. Murray, K. Weaver, S. Cavanaugh, G. Crain, J. Moore, J. Wood, K. Murphy, L. Head. r ; 307 ALPHA EPSILON PI riiÜS ALPHA EPSILON PI: bottom row: R. Hartman, Exchequer; J. Cohen, Scribe; R. Lichtman, Lt. Master; R. Schwartz, Master; J. Schultz, A. Sarko, D. Lebovitz. second row: A. Rosenthal, J. Ratner, B. Simonson, E. Needle, M. Shore, M. Daitch, D. Block, third row: G. Rozanoff, E. Rosenberg, R. Brooks, P. Loby, G. Atkins, D. Kaplan, A. Bern­ stein. fourth row: M. Ehrlich, E. Udren, J. Rosen­ berg, R. Feld, E. Erman, M. Kippelman, B. Wagman, B. Grossfeld. fifth row: S. Taylor, P. Freeman, R. Ossipove, H. Shumacher, D. Rudick, H. Zeid, H. Caplan. larger community. The brothers of Alpha Epsilon Pi look on the fraternity as a place of living, learning, and service. Stressing this idea, AEPi participates in such campus activities as Water Carnival and Junior 500, but is also In Lansing, the AEPi's concerned with the support a Halloween candy-raising drive for children. The brothers also sponsor a child in India. At-home events are plentiful, with the Spring Formal highlighting the fraternity's social year. AEPi consis­ tently ranks among the top fraternities scholastically and athletically, standing seventh in fraternity grade point average and eleventh in interfraternity sports. 308 ALPHA KAPPA PSI As the largest professional business fraternity in the nation, Alpha Kappa Psi attempts to combine an even blend of business and pleasure in its activities. The AKPsi's hosted a number of guest speakers this year, as well as field trips to Chicago and New York. Scholastics are also stressed, with an annual scholarship presented to the brother with the highest grade point average. The AKPsi's emphasize their desire for a "whole man" image, with both professional and social qualities. The brothers are active in Home­ coming, Water Carnival, and IFC. Their entry for Homecoming Queen '68 was selected to the queen's court. Finally, the fraternity culminates each school year with a formal dinner-dance in the spring. ALPHA KAPPA PSI: bottom row: J. June, Treas; M. Gelder, Sec.; L. Boughner, Pres.; J. Oster, V.P.; R. Joynt, B. Lee. second row: W. Kamerer, R. Augustine, A. O'Grady, W. Tinker, K. Young, J. Hoekwater, T. Viol, third row: R. Brounstein, M. Whaling, A. Hall, R. Alejandro, A. Hermsen, A. Korpi. fourth row: A. Berrmann, R. Frederick, D. Hall, D. Monahan, D. Wright, G. Brown, fifth row: R. Priebe, J. Jacobson, R. Pechur, R. Olpenkamp, P. Humfleet, J. Murton. 309 ALPHA TAU OMEGA ALPHA TAU OMEGA: R. Williams, B. Tyler, Sec.; C. Swanson, V.P.; M. Atkinson, Housemother; J. Martin, Pres.; P. Johnston, Treas.; J. Dempster, G. row: K. VanderHoff, D. Derderian. second Heathcote, R. McNamara, M. Marvin, S. Natzmer, R. Johnson, T. Finelli, R. Wilcox, G. Kindt, third row: B. Quick, J. Hall, T. Tobe, S. Derderian, C. Charlton, D. Speasmaker, S. Kaufman, J. Moceri. fourth row: R. Wickline, J. Speelman, S. Johnston, J. Minahan, J. Post, T. Hahn, J. Funch, K. Jauke. fifth row: M. Turi, J. Karolak, D. Hamel, C. Richards, J. Hayden, R. Balorica, M. Clancey, C. Fricke. sixth row: J. Johnson, J. Leemgraven, M. Hozdridge, B. Scott, R. Shockley, J. Bequette, G. Demmink, R. Bondar. A local merchant victimized by fire this year found what real friendship meant as the men of Alpha Tau Omega pitched in and did the necessary cleanup work, while their grateful friend wrote a letter to ATO national. The men continued to prove valuable friends both on campus and off, making showings in most Greek and university events. They were a finalist last year in the Junior 500, and also traditionally have been strong contenders for the Fraternity All- Sports trophy. The men of Alpha Tau Omega have always put forth a great amount of effort for the Muscular Distrophy and Easter Seal fund-raising campaigns. Last year they were nationally recognized with two merit citations for their work on these campaigns. 310 es BETA THETA PI Imagine a fraternity house sliding slowly into the Red Cedar River, soon to become a Water Carnival Float; the "status gained by brother Dave Hayward upon being chosen the second ugliest Greek at MSU; outdoor activities during the Greek Winter Weekend; and you will begin to form an idea of the social life and brotherhood of Beta Theta Pi. As a social fraternity, the Betas' largest project this year was Greek Winter Weekend, co-sponsored with Delta Sigma Phi. This year, Beta Theta Pi and Delta Chi joined in petitioning for a traffic light near their houses on Grand River. The Betas, however, are concerned with more than social activities. The fraternity also commands respect for maintaining a high scholastic standard. BETA THETA PI: J. Collins, D. Eade, Rec. Sec.; D. Droski, J. Czarnik, Pres.; K. Wilson, V.P.; A. Osterwald, Cor. Sec.; G. Ernst, Treas. second row: S. Kelly, P. Schmitt, S. Wheeler, R. Austin, D. Seaman, C. Haynes, S. Schaible. third row: T. Price, J. Haertel, B. Johnson, D. Williams, V. Ferris, R. Acosta, G. Finkbeiner. fourth row: B. Matasick, S. Wood, D. Kilbourne, D. Sarten, C. Lindsley, R. Harms, fifth row: W. Gross, R. Osterhout, T. West, J. Nutt, S. Miller, S. Brecht, E. Maurice, sixth row: B. Scott, S. Hayward, S. Williamson, A. Kanarek, L. Roberts, D. Hakala, J. Lamb, J. McMillin. 311 DELTA CHI DELTA CHI: bottom row: J. Harrington, Treas.; K. Sharp, Corr. Sec.; D. Hults, V.P.; Mrs. Mackle, Housemother, D. Seed, Pres.; R. Beahan, Rec. Sec.; D. Grünst, P. Osborne, second row: J. Butz, F. Kleinberg, L. Jager, M. Rochott, B. King, P. Van Houwelingen, R. Kent, D. Wyckoff, G. Turnbull, T. Winberry. third row: G. Hoff, T. Mulchahey, A. Balfe, G. Christenson, T. O'Malley, D. Williams, T. Bennett, A. Gorilla, G. Ockey, A. Baiser, fourth row: J. Santini, M. Schupan, R. Oakley, D. Stoker, W. Campbell, D. Edwards, B. Scott, P. Davis, B. Weinrich, S. Huber, row: M. Haut, R. fifth Vanderlaan, M. Suthers, B. Kay, C. McKinnie, R. Walter, L. Skar, S. Stevens, J. Cole, W. Wolfe, sixth row: D. Studeman, J. Gregory, T. Lentz, J. Reinders, K. Bruder, R. Gay, J. Johnson, R. Sirvaitis, A. Williams, D. Carlson, J. Gregory. Both traditional and innovative ideas are welcome at Delta Chi, whose desire it is to combine both in shaping a diversified fraternity. A flair for the unusual inspired the Delta Chi's to hold their second annual House Cribbage Tournament, complete with managers, judges and prizes. The men also formed an honorary “Crash Club" to remind members to drive safely, but their range of interests runs to the more serious as well. A favorite pastime of Delta Chi is an evening of informal debates over elections or campus events. Another more traditional activity is the annual spring formal at the Lansing Country Club. 312 DELTA SIGMA PHI Co-sponsorship of MSU's Greek Winter Weekend with Beta Theta Pi is typical of the active part the Delt Sigs play in a variety of campus activities. The men kicked off the year by sponsoring an all­ university mixer, and later made showings in Homecoming and Water Carnival. The Delt Sig brotherhood is represented in such areas as varsity sports, intramural sports, and student government. The brothers lost their annual Tug-of-War with Phi Kappa Tau, but emerged instead as the official Pinball champions. Aided by their “Little Sisters of the Nile" chapter, formed only last year, the Delt Sigs reach beyond MSU to offer their services to Lansing-area orphanages. DELTA SIGMA PHI: bottom row: G. Spencer, C. Wilson, C. Clark, C. Cihak, V.P.; R. Geiken, Housemother, J. Beras, Pres.; T. Kozlowski, Sec.; G. Holmes, Treas.; H. Dzodin, G. Ittigson. second row: R. Perilloux, R. Walker, D. Heisler, D. Epker, D. Allion, J. Ariotti, J. Bell, L. Feun, T. Fleming, J. Knoll, P. Duthie, R. Dull, third row: C. Dale, J. Richmond, B. Smith, A. Radzinski, H. Sturm, R. Parsons, D. Thompson, G. Smith, R. Roth, J. Benke, M. Davidson, C. Thomas, J. Barclay, fourth row: J. Czarnecki, D. Jones, D. MacLean, J. Reinhardt, G. Haley, G. Gill, W. Hergst, T. Wick, R. Bergers, L. Stringer, M. Miller, D. Witham, J. Gustafson, fifth row: R. Gabriel, R. Kotz, J. Austermiller, F. Cody, D. Schermer, D. Kamman, J. Felton, W. Kozar, T. Craig, J. Fogarasi, C. Walitalo. sixth row: H. Brants, J. Hagen, R. Guyot, D. Caulkett, J. Jones, B. Bailey, R. Callander, W. McCauley, W. Mallindine, D. Heerdt, J. Brubaker. 313 DELTA TAU DELTA DELTA TAU DELTA: bottom row: J. White, G. Sato, Corr. Sec.; B. Edwards, V.P.; C. Roeser, Pres.; L. Hornbeck, Housemother; J. Abell, Treas.; D. Cook, P. Myers, second row: H. Plante, G. Sayers, G. Shaw, L. Jackson, J. Moffat, B. Grabert, D. Callahan, D. Dietrich, third row: C. Miller, T. Offenhauser, J. Prince, O. Edwards, W. Rustem, J; Rupley, P. Bolline, R. Nicklas. fourth row: F. Dilley, D. Jolly, T. Reichelderfer, D. Snyder, W. Herhilan, J. Bissell, L. Edmundson, G. Stauffer, fifth row: J. Murphy, R. Robinson, D. Leiser, D. Phelan, S. Breunling, J. Ernst, R. Panter, R. Jones, sixth row: B. Smith, R. Shelley, G. Hardke, R. Elzinga, J. Pingel, G. Hardke, W. Blakeslee, R. Groseth. The oldest fraternity on campus, Delta Tau Delta was established in 1872. The Delts placed second in the Junior 500 last year. For the past three years, they have placed either second or third in the IM sports competition, but they can't quite achieve first place. The men of Delta Tau Delta traditionally host the Queens Dinner, which is held in honor of thè Homecoming Court. They have consistently ranked among the top ten in the fraternity grade competition. Also they have been chosen as one of the top ten chapters in the country, and have received the High Shields Award which represents the well- rounded fraternity. 314 DELTA UPSILON Delta Upsilon's familiar victory bell, rung at Spartan home football games, suffered a temporary setback this fall as the bell broke down at a pre-season Spartan Spirit rally. After being towed across campus for "doctoring", however, the bell faithfully made its appearance at all of the home games. The brothers of DU, exhibiting an enthusiasm for being different, also sponsored the "Ugliest Greek" contest this year. The proceeds helped to defray the expense of Greek Week, and supported local charity. The men stress athletics and were active in all intramural sports. DU ranked in the top five fraternities, and placed first in Greek Week '68. DELTA UPSILON: bottom row: R. Kobayashi, S. Beck, P. McNally, Sec.; D. Bergstrom, Pres.; D. Wochholz, Housemother; D. Franzetta, V.P.; S. Plichta, Treas.; W. Beaver, A. Kobayashi. second row: D. Baginski, E. Deisler, R. O'Reilly, B. Barger, L. Schmida, R. Howell, R. Barkley, J. Irons, J. Riopelle. third row: D. Roberts, N. Cepela, P. Work, J. Bean, M. Rumora, N. Christoff, R. Stellingworth, J. Mallon, M. Hinz. fourth row: J. Gatlin, S. Knox, R. Moore, M. Finnegan, R. Davies, B. London, J. Welch, A. Langereis, M. Loures. fifth row: M. Kurchak, J. Krolik, J. Pulcini, D. Johnson, V. Alley, P. Chatfield, J. Golomb, M. Mocella, S. Mace, sixth row: B. Bennett, G. Hammock, P. Kline, R. Havens, M. Kelterborn, G. Hill, L. Avery, C. Luttinen, D. Rawson. m m n m m 315 FARMHOUSE FARMHOUSE: bottom row: W. Volz, Sec.; V. Hartenburg, V.P.; R. Milligan, L. Clark, House­ mother; T. Miller, Pres.; G. Haas, K. Bauman, second row: M. McGilliard, G. Dawson, M. Drexler, R. Sohn, B. Vagasky, D. Veliauette. third row: M. Negron, G. Laskowsky, J. Jackman, R. Caputo, P. Gordon, P. Downs, P. Spike, fourth row: J. Monroe, G. Newton, D. Tutak, D. Smith, M. Borton, T. Atherton, fifth row: D. VanDyke, R. Wiedmayer, J. Faust, S. Cristman, W. Knoblauch, D. Whitten, M. Tennant, sixth row: K. Ober, R. Heiden, J. Geweke, G. Schave, R. Gregory, M. Willett, D. Chew. Farmhouse fraternity is finally succeeding in dispelling the image of "agricultural eggheads" often attached to it by unknowing students. The men of Farmhouse are striving, for a "well-rounded image" and have shown their versatility by their achievements this year. The brothers are usually top contenders in Homecoming displays, and placed second in Homecoming '68. The popular activity of serena­ ding provided good singing practice, as Farmhouse placed first among fraternities in Greek Sing. The fraternity again ranked first in grade point average, but the men attribute this to "a serious attitude about education", not to an emphasis on good grades. 316 LAMBDA CHI ALPHA 1969 marks the 22nd annual running of the Junior 500, the largest single fraternity-sponsored event in the world, and the brain-child of Lambda Chi Alpha. Also the founders of MSU's Greek Week, the Lambda Chi's demonstrated all-around ability in almost every facet of campus life. With its membership comprising a whole spectrum of majors, Lambda Chi's grades have always been in the top 15, and they also tied for first in IM sports. Though carpenters they're not, the men spent many an energetic day remodeling their basement, reflecting Lambda Chi's pride in itself. LAMBDA CHI ALPHA: bottom row: W. Allen, S. Winston, R. Blackmer, Sec.; R. Dirks, Pres.; M. Putnam, Housemother; R. Tremblay, V.P.; J. Brownstein, Treas.; M. Throb, R. VonGruben, K. O'Dea. second row: B. Hatcher, E. Scott, B. Beaubien, J. Rice^R. Goedert, G. LaCroix, W. Scott, B. Ragla, M. Oberschulte. third row: J. Cornillie, W. Brosennie, R. Rennel, J. Harris, R. Weber, W. Fiebig, J. Lapelle, D. Elliott, R. Crowe, L. VanWagnen. fourth row: J. Gettel, D. Rathke, J. Ondrus, M. Kalmbach, B. Francisco, M. Boyle, J. Wieland, K. Wathen, W.C. Waite, W. Roberts, fifth row: D. Fykse, J. Birackett, V. Harbachow, D. Feranec, G. Wallin, R. Anderson, G. Slover, J. Jeszke, D. Bothamley, G. Krouse. sixth row: W. Nienhuis, T. Newton, T. Austin, T. VanderWeele, S. Anderson, P. Lydy, D. Miller, S. Thompson, S. Wardrop. 317 PHI DELTA THETA: bottom row: R. Cook, F. Churchley, Sec.; D. Osborn, Pres.; I. Willnou, Housemother; J. Phillips, V.P.; T. Schildhammer, Treas.; R. May, R. Kramer, second row: G. Stevens, P. Busch, C. VanSteenhouse, C. Smith, R. Roland, M. Terry, P. Berg, third row: H. Tripp, M. Rodgers, C. Ridenour, R. Blanding, T. Harney, T. Atkin, P. Beebe, J. Hulme. fourth row: J. Markie, D. Vanker, D. Farra, M. Cox, S. Thorburn, C. Christian, D. Wattles, K. Bell, fifth row: D. Drake, J. Kehrl, B. Darling, B. VanderMass, T. Cain, J. Newton, T. Hertzler, R. Davis, sixth row: T. Coyle, L. Taft, G. Johnson, R. Woulfe, S. MacKenzie, J. Browning, H. Richmond, D. Cook, C. Ripmaster. Phi Delta Theta's answer to the Junior 500, their annual Frisbee Tournament, is in its third year and still going strong. The brothers, who have been playing Frisbee for as long as they can remember, conceived of the idea as a way to become more well-known and to inspire rivalry among the fraternities. This year, the Phi Delts used their flair for originality and emerged as the 1968 Water Carnival Champs. Their float depicted the "true" story of Charles Lindbergh's flight to Paris and the fly that kept him awake during the trip. The brothers were also prominent in athletics, capturing third place honors in university football. 318 PHI GAMMA DELTA Remodeling and moving into the former Chi Omega sorority house presented some amusing problems for the men of Phi Gamma Delta, as they attempted to explain the feminine atmosphere to rushees. When the remodeling is completed, the new house will hold 40 members, as compared to 23 in the old house. The men feel that the change will give them a much closer fraternity. Several other new ideas were launched in 1969, and, for the first time, the Fijis were able to put out a calendar for their fraternity with the aid of local merchants. The brothers are also instrumental in organizing the All-Greek Talent Show at MSU. PHI GAMMA DELTA: bottom row: W. Christian­ son, M. Wagoner, Cor. Sec.; R. Justin, Pres.; M. McLeod, Housemother; W. Polhamus, Treas.; K. Faber, Rec. Sec.; T. Vance, second row: F. Gilman, A. Arbulu, F. Chamberlain, R. Lorentzen, D. Tolbert, J. Echerman, P. Reardon, third row: D. Pettigrew, R. Anderson, C. Cousino, D. Reardon, R. Barry, B. Langhorst, M. Boyd, fourth row: J. Sprague, G. Jackson, J. Simmons, R. Britton, D. Vass, G. Komlenic, C. Bell, fifth row: P. Larson, S. Dovse, G. Lonik, S. Gibbings, C. Frasier, H. Keasling, T. Hamer, sixth row: M. Barratt, R. Strachan, J. Michelsen, D. Lynch, R. Sikorski, M. Brezette, L. Lonik. PHI KAPPA PSI "The Rock", a two-ton decorated stone, stands in front of and distinguishes the Phi Psi house. The landmark has come to represent the loyalty of the 36 brothers to their fraternity, whose emphasis on academics resulted in the contribution of four Phi Beta Kappas last year. The Phi Psi pledge class also placed first in scholarship among all fraternities. The brothers are active in nearly all Greek events, and have recently instituted a Little Sister organization to honor the girls most dear to Phi Kappa Psi—the "Sisters of the Golden Shield". PHI KAPPA PSI: bottom row: W. Misner, G. Grossi, V.P.; S. Langford, Sec.; M. Millikin, Pres.; V. Lantis, Housemother; J. Fockner, Treas.; J. VanHorn, B. Tuttle, second row: G. Goodell, G. McClain, G. Kilpatrick, J. Lawler, R. Francini, W. Paff, J. Wight, J. Filter, third row: R. Gay, D. Miller, R. Rinna, S. Schrader, M. Wells, C. Smith, L. Konkus, M. Emerson, fourth row: D. Wenzel, D. Borton, M. Ryan, S. Jacquot, W. Mathers, R. Wendt, P. Looney, L. Burnagiel, D. Mertz. 320 PHI KAPPA TAU With an exciting array of majors, interests, personalities, attitudes, and abilities; Phi Kappa Taus have come together from all over the United States. The men live in the lively, yellow brick house over on Hagadorn Road; its apartment-style design is unique among frater­ nities here, and provides comfortable, more private accommodations. Though basically a social fraternity, with at least one party held every weekend, and spontaneous ones popping up every now and then, Phi Kappa Tau brotherhood extends far beyond the social life with members participating in almost every campus activity there is to participate in. Their own addition to these events is the exciting tug-o-war held over the Red Cedar River each October. Being on the ball academically, too, Phi Taus boast several brothers in the Honors College program. Anyway you look at it, living life is their "bag". PHI KAPPA TAU: bottom row: R. Shaw, G. Doxtater, Sec.; M. Mezzo, V.P.; J. Zimmerman, Housemother; J. Goodwin, Pres.; P. Mumford, J. Preussner, J. Comstock, Treas. second row: R. Makela, R. Morden, J. Miller, A. Luzod, R. Morris, R. Tallerday, D. Earl, third row: R. Martel, D. Locatis, G. Griffin, R. Maloney, M. Kwiatkowski, J. Garcia, T. Melpoloer, C. Small, fourth row: S. Behringer, T. Alexander, J. Katosh, A. Gagstetter, J. Stewart, E. Hays, E. Krzciuk, E. Stadnika. sixth row: G. Locatis, C. Mason, M. Mills, W. Clark, A. Lower, J. Houghton, B. Kolomyjec, D. Young. 321 üiP SIGMA ALPHA MU SIGMA ALPHA MU: bottom row: J. Bowker, M. Gordon, Rec.; J. Shuckart, V. Prior; A. Granat, Prior; M. Steindler, Exchequer; J. Gottlieb, D. Smith, second row: H. Droski, A. Dimitrijevic, L. Orenstein, S. Jacobson, R. Freedlander, M. Gold­ stein, M. Keys, S. Robinson, third row: B. Katz, P. Spector, A. Ölender, R. Brenner, R. Bruck, M. Kravitz, H. Muskovitz. fourth row: S. Dupuis, H. Manchel, S. Koss, S. Pious, S. Backos, F. Belinsky, A. Tuchklaper. fifth row: M. Pitt, C. Petrey, B. Sucher, R. Cohen, L. Levey, B. Broudy, J. Gun­ ther, L. Lutz, sixth row: S. Fineberg, T. Samet, G. Gotts, H. Terebelo, B. Brown, S. Halpern, N. Mayer, G. Cassel, K. Buitkus. For the entire campus and especially for the Greek system, Greek Week is always a major activity of the year. The Sorority Tricycle Race sponsored by the Sammies is always a high-point of this week. To compliment their social life and social programs, the Sammies instituted a Little Sister program, last year. Now, one of the highlights of the year has become their annual pizza party designed to acquaint the sisters with the brothers and new pledges. The Sammies are also active participants in IM Sports and have consis­ tently placed among the top ten. Scholastically they are at the top; placing first in the fraternity grade competition. 322 SIGMA NU Well known for the balance existing among athletics, scholastics, and social life, Sigma Nu has been successful in achieving excellence in each area. Their recent athletic accomplishments include champion­ ships in golf, ping-pong, and football. Active in Greek Week, Homecoming, and Water Carnival, the brothers also sponsor Kiddie Day for the underpriviledged children of the area. Members of Sigma Nu are active in IFC, varsity sports, Varsity Club, and Phi Beta Kappa and Green Helmet Honoraries. The unifying bonds of brother­ hood have maintained the Sigma Nu's while awaiting completion of their “Nu" house. SIGMA NU: bottom row: D. Boatright, B. Frank­ lin, M. Painchaud, V. P.; L. Wigley, Housemothers; S. Oneill, Pres.; J. Michael, Treas.; I. Dedow, R. Trentacoste. second row: T. Bowman, D. Reader, C. Kolbe, R. Howard, J. Cockels, D. Webster, T. King, B. McQueen, J. Bastian, third row: E. Ven­ able, K. Burns, R. Volaric, C. Tuori, W. Johnson, P. Gracey, E. Wendover, L. Koziol. fourth row: T. Mills, J. Kennedy, J. Cardinal, G. Anderson, W. Champion, G. Durocher, R. Elssasser. fifth row: D. Rupprecht, G. Davidson, T. Stephens, F. Amato, F. Roberts, R. Houk, C. Dombecky. 323 SIGMA PHI EPSILON Although the Sig Eps took special precautions to guard "Sparty" after his theft by U of M last year, the campus mascot took another leave of absence last fall to "visit" the Sigma Phi Epsilon house at Western. He was safely recovered, however, and made his appearance at the remaining home games after Sig Ep posted a 24-hour guard. The men joined the Union Board this year in initiating "Mad Hatter's Midway", a carnival sideshow for the benefit of the Union Board Children's Fund. The Sig Eps also continued such service activities as the newly-organized "Kiddie Day" for inner-city youngsters. SIGMA PHI EPSILON: bottom row: T. Fox, R. Kalm, D. deLange, V.P.; T. Dziak, Pres.; J. Lyn- drup. Housefather; W. Langs, Sec.; R. Houtman. second row: T. Mitter, J. Hauff, R. Liblong, R. Cantrell, W. Sundstrom, J. Bunce, T. Mann, B. Loerke. third row: L. Bratton, K. Lynam, D. Albrecht, L. Karonko, C. Pritchett, M. Crowley, J. McDowell, fourth row: J. VanRoekel, D. Walker, D. Mendham, B. Gillespie, G. Smith, R. Warren, M. Nielsen. 324 THETA CHI The energy of the Theta Chi's, demonstrated throughout the community this year, was exemplified by their Voters' Drive. This service involved providing transportation for people who are unable to reach the election polls, and also offering babysitting services. Advertising on television and in the newspaper helped to inform voters that Theta Chi was ready to assist. Theta Chi's concern for the Lansing community includes helping underprivileged children by entertaining them with games and lunch. Aside from community work, the men enjoy relaxing with such activities as their annual spring Water Balloon Fight with Alpha Tau Omega. THETACH||bottom row: T. Livermore, L. Miller, N. Bardach, V.P.; R. Sussex, Housemother; M. Simon, Pres.; B. Walker, Sec.; M. Branic, Treas.; R. Zboyan. second row: R. Nimphic, D. Eary, S. Leibhan, M. Gamier, K. Sargent, J. Listerman, D. Greenough, J. Roy, B. Johnston, third row: C. Goodwin, T. Stover, S. Mason, R. Gettig, J. Kaczmarek, J. Collins, W. Davison, T. Cramer, fourth row: D. Desautels, T. Anderman, J. Zindel, J. Burmeister, E. Penney, T. Dravecky, T. Van Dis. fifth row: R. Baken, R. Bauer, J. Mills, J. Stopa, M. Dancha, D. Butts, F. Buckhalter, T. Ogden, sixth row: J. Wolfe, R. Moses, R. Balbach, R. Burke, R. Snyder, J. Gadowski, R. Baer, K. Heidel. 325 THETA DELTA CHI THETA DELTA CHI: bottom row: J. Sweeney, J. Wisner, Sec.; S. Baumhardt, Treas.; T. Bischoff, Pres.; R. Preis, Housemother; M. Poggi, R. Smith, F. Timpner, M. Eldredge. second row: T. Ranney, H. Koploy, R. Childress, R. Glinisty, D. Marvin, J. Messer, J. Speer, J. Marquoit, M. Thomas, third row: R. Pocze, W. Herrmann, J. Russell, T. Klug, M. Mannina, E. Fouch, J. Lasky, R. Palmer, R. Keijonen, J. Johnson, fourth row: R. Coscia, M. Morrow, H. O'Connor, D. Lupinski, J. Wilhelmsin, R. Witkowski, S. Zrimec, W. Wyman, B. Brown, J. Stickney. fifth row: R. Orlikowski, M. Prittinen, T. Locke, C. Werner, C. Welti, G. McGregor, J. Whiting, R. O'Green, R. Kirkpatrick, sixth row: J. Anderson, J. Winston, R. Symonds, D. Marks, G. Boyce, F. Mulhauser, W. Horwath, M. Gade, T. Miller, A. Kochanski. Members of the Blue Key and Green Helmet Honoraries from Theta Delta Chi this year will represent the fraternity in the Big Ten Panhellenic Conference, to be held here at MSU this spring. The fraternity has also sponsored, last year, "Miss MSU for 1968", which last spring elected Miss Kathy Hwass to be "Miss MSU". Social activities for the Theta Delts include Greek Sing, Homecoming display, and Water Carnival, and during Greek Week last year they joined with Kappa Alpha Theta for "Kiddies' Day". "Sisters of the Shield" is their Little Sister program, while a parents'club, Founders' Day for alumni, and a regular speaker program set off community activities. 326 TRIANGLE "Fraternity men are those men, who in a cooperative spirit, endeavor to develop and advance the precepts of their group by persistent effort and constant work." At MSU, one of every one thousand students belong to Triangle Fraternity. Though the number is not great, those few selected persons share in a community of men dedicated to brotherhood. Each brother realizes that fraternal life is giving and helping each other to gain the goal of self-determination. Teamwork, as exemplified by the chapter's grade point average and trophies in university competitions, is the password to success at Triangle. TRIANGLE: bottom row: R. Foster, W. Anderson, J. O'Non, V.P.; A. Brown, Housemother; S. Fet- tinger. Pres.; A. Benson, Sec.; D. James, Treas.; R. Williams, second row: D. Dickinson, J. Sherwood, R. Erickson, L. Moore, B. Davison, M. Brick, T. Moffitt. third row: R. Van Ittersum, B. VerWest, D. Engel, F. Robbins, B. Gehman, G. Byerly, M. Largo, L. Schlott. fourth row: D. Borzenski, J. Crawford, T. Fanson, A. Bell, C. Hudson, V. Rybecki, J. Kindinger, C. Rothhaar. fifth row: J. Manchester, J. Carel, J. Davis, B. Makosey, D. Bergbreiter, C. Meyer, R. Liebaert, J. Wondville. ZETA BETA TAU This year, the ZBT's joined Sigma Alpha Epsilon in initiating MSU's first charity football game. Each of Michigan State's 60 sororities and fraternities contri­ buted to the $1,000 game, and the proceeds were donated to St. Jude's Leukemia Fund. Although the ZBT's were defeated, they bounced back into compel tition by ranking second in fraternity football and third in grade point average. The men followed the pattern of their winter term Florida party in begin­ ning a similar New York party. The names of two brothers are drawn for all expense paid weekends in Florida or New York with their dates. The ZBT's also imported several hundred pounds of sand for a beach party in their house. 328 Treas.; ZETA BETA TAU: bot­ tom row: J. Stecker, A. Kaufman, S.R. Beiser, V.P.; A. Baker, Housemother; J. Frank, Pres.; S. Marks, Sec.; J. Abramson, second row: D. Hollander, D. Levine, M. Engelman, L. Burstein, M. Kantor, S. Bright, R. Ro­ berts, M. Whitefield. third row: R. Siegel, W. MyerS son, I. Helfman, H. Dubin, J. Levine, H. Goodstein, P. Renner, row: M. fourth Lezell, G. Goodman, A. Goldman, S. Mauerberger, R. Alpert, R. Bernstein, S. Friedman, M. Goldstein, fifth row: M. Sporn, R. Selik, D. Deutsch, G. Loria, G. Klinsky, R. Crane, A. Rapoport. sixth row: M. Greenberg, D. May, C. Mostov, S. Feld­ man, B. Rowling, S. Ben­ B. nett, A. Bremen. Harvith, PHI GAMMA NU: first row: P. Yackle, G. Bar- low, Sec.; J. Jensen, V.P.; S. Mantoan, Pres.; S. Blumenthal, K. Gil- lett, Treas.; G. Kiel- baso. Faculty Advisor, second row: S. Weller, K. Stopa, N. Burkhead, J. Shaft, P. Sandretto, C. Marsik, S. Evans, S. Campbell. PHI GAMMA NU DELTA SIGMA THETA As a growing business sorority, Phi Gamma Nu is earning a respected place among Greeks. The sisters toasted their brother fraternity of Delta Sigma Phi this fall at a joint professional meeting for future businessmen and women. Taking time out from their jobs as hostesses for College of Business activities, the Phi Gamma Nu's began their social calendar with a theatre party in the fall, and held a senior banquet in the spring. A concern for the underprivileged moti­ vated the girls to sponsor an orphan in Korea, and to join Delta Sigma Phi in entertaining Lansing-area children at a Christmas party. Public service comes first in the life of a Delta Sigma Theta, and the sisters are proud of their projects this past year. These included reading to blind students, entertaining at the Delta Home for Girls in Detroit, and tutoring disadvantaged children in Lansing. The girls also participated in Jabberwock, a variety show sponsored by the Lansing Alumni Chapter, to raise funds for scholarships to be given to promising young women. The women sponsor the annual all-University Ice Breaker the first weekend of the fall term. The biggest event of the year is the Sweetheart's Ball, at which a "sweetheart" is chosen from each of the four Negro fraternities at MSU. DELTA SIGMA THETA: first row: B. Lake, L. McKeever, G. Hawkins, V.P.; K. Hart, Pres.; D. Trotter, Sec.; A. Hutchins, Treas.; S. Dunn, second row: L. Hughley, S. Wilson, J. Williams, P. Felton, I. Samuels, F. Edwards, C. Smoot, J. Cannon, third row: R. Scott, C. Youngblood, M. Hud­ son, E. Hatchett, A. Campbell, J. Green, A. Quick. 329 SIGMA DELTA TAU: bottom row: Mrs. G. Kessler, Advisor; B. Woodward; B. Stein, Sec.; A. Israel, V.P.; K. Engel, Pres.; C. Levine; T. Raphael, Treas.; Mrs. H. Gittlen, Advisor; second row: J. Tischler; S. Braver; S. Weil; M. Leavitt; M. Lipshaw; E. Bacow; S. Gerber; third row: R. Miller; L. Green­ field; H. Bakalar; R. Sugar; J. Perlman; N. Mendelsohn; R. Klein; M. Seidman; fourth row: L. Bass; L. Sherman; J. Starr; D. Loeb; E. Richter; S. Bass; J. Klein; fifth row: P. Rogers; J. Dunn; T. Wolfe; S. Weiss; Jo. Klein; J. Berger; K. Sukonick. SIGMA DELTA TAU ALPHA GAMMA RHO The women of Sigma Delta Tau stress their views on importance of parents by honoring them at the Parents' Weekend each spring. Fathers received spe­ cial treatment in the fall as their daughters gave a luncheon and treated them to the last home football game of the season. The sisters' tradition of service runs community-wide. Their major philanthropic project is offering their tutoring services every week at the Boys' Training School in Lansing. The SDT's in Eidiphusicon drama also claim representation honorary, and in Alpha Lambda Delta, composed of freshman women with a 3.5 grade point average or betters Being the oldest fraternal organization on campus, Alpha Gamma Rho holds a tradition of dedication its members. The men strive to promote among acquaintances in their profession and a broader outlook on the field of agriculture. AGR works social, mental and moral development toward through fellowship within the fraternity.Their Guest- to-Dinner program promotes student acquaintances with men in their profession as they host speakers from such fields ps education, government, commerce and agriculture. Placing high scholastically, among the top ten fraternities, does not draw from AGR's social life. ALPHA GAMMA RHO: bottom row: T. Graumlich; C. Moore, Treas.; R. Rao, Pres.; M. Burns, Housemother; J. Tesch, V.P.; J. Matuszak; P. Higbee; second row: E. Mc- Caslin; B. Winkel; R. Sage; R. Hodge; L. Rose; H. Falker; R. Cheadle; third row: G. Prince; H. Wright; P. Toohey; D. Furniss; D. Routson; R. Ladd; D. Nye; fourth row: F. K. Jones; D. Reid; P. Smith; W. Luques; R. Olson; J. Maloney; R. Kraus; fifth row: M. Sweet; R. Winkel; T. Gawel; J. Pickier; R. Massey; R. Wendzel; C. Bethke. piiSK li ÊÊÊmmmmm 330 DELTA SIGMA PI: bottom row: J. Miller; P. Schulte, Sec.; B. Beagle; A. Erickson, Pres.; T. Schwark, V.P.; C. Armbruster, Treas.; R. Berkey; second row: D. Chazick; R. Henning; R. McCord; M. Reed; P. Randolph; B. Taylor; T. Lieven; third row: P. Dawson; T. Little; D. Smith; B. Bigler; D. Evenson; R. Westfall; J. Owens; fourth row: J. Lange; J. Allen; G. Brown; B. Wysocki; D. Hedrick; C. Smith; T. Turcotte. DELTA SIGMA PI KAPPA SIGMA Delta Sigma Pi's annual tours to major companies resulted in an unexpected note of amusement this year as the brothers left one member behind at J.L. Hudson's in Detroit. This and similar visits to corporations are all a part of Delta Sigma Pi's dedication to making the business major's degree more complete through a program of tours, speakers and social activities. In athletics, the fraternity placed second in intramural track. This year's term party was a tribute to long-past high school days, as once again the brothers got out their white socks. Scholastically, Delta Sigma Pi ranks among the top five fraternities in grade point average, and has consistently exceeded the scholarship average for the College of Business as a whole. Kappa Sigma is a social fraternity with that "little extra" which makes it a real brotherhood. This year, the Kappa Sigs boasted a strong showing in intra­ mural sports, bouncing their way to the basketball block championships for 1968. Expanding their activity agenda, the brothers reinstated the tradition of the Beer Baseball contest with their brother chapter at the University of Michigan for the stakes of a trophy and a keg. Kappa Sigma also began a service project for the North Side Community Center, providing rides to department and grocery stores for those who are unable to do so for themselves. The highlight of the year was their annual Jackson Day Dinner and meeting with alumni. KAPPA SIGMA: bottom row: G. Leazewby, Sec.; M. Goodheart, Tres.; T. Johnston, Pres.; L. Hyde, House­ mother; P. Houghton, V.P.; M. Kostrzewa; B. Gooden; second row: S. Young; P. Matson; D. Evans; D. Prain; J. Adams; M. Furcolow; J. Hanchak; third row: R. Bowen; D. Wilson; C. Fosdick; J. VanDalen; D. Lamb; T. Alfieri; K. Taylor; D. Weddington. 331 PHI KAPPA SIGMA: bottom row: J. Riedl; B. Brown, V.P.; T. Drexler, Pres.; J. Be- neicke; second row: P. Casterton; D. Fitch; V. Crouch; J. Baldwin, Sec.; T. Little; K. Fowler; third row: S. Virgo; C. Londo; D. Stockdale; D. Sak; J. Krieger. PHI KAPPA SIGMA PHI SIGMA DELTA A recolonization of the fraternity with only eleven actives remaining in the house, and an accelerated rush with the goal of combating inactivity have set this year apart for the Skulls. Traditionally small with only 50 members, rush this year was designed to increase the quality of membership as well as the number of members, and complemented a $25,000 remodeling of the house. This year the MSU group was represented at the Phi Kappa Sigma National Leadership Conference held fin Dallas, Texas. The Leadership Conference, a yearly event, includes the awarding of a Phi Kappa Sigma diploma to each graduating senior. Activity, a key word for the Phi Sigs, is evident by their participation in numerous projects. In the past two years they have received three trophies for their displays in Homecoming and Water Carnival. The men of Phi Sigma Delta collected over two thousand dollars for the Muscular Dystrophy Drive last year. In November, they hosted the Regional Convention for fourteen mid-western Phi Sigma Delta chapters. This diversity of activities has not detained the Phi Sigs academically, as they have placed second in the fraternity grade competition. PHI SIGMA DELTA: bottom row: S. Isen- berg, Treas.; S. Green, Sec.; R. Schwartz, V.P.; R. Roman, Pres.; M. Tobes; D. Braso; H. Weinhaus; second row: G. Finkbeiner; D. Tregloans; M. Phillips; M. Buchner; D. Duthie; R. Mearse; R. Schiller; L. Geno; third row: R. Rubin; D. Lawrence; R. Sonenklar; T. Plachta; D. Cruzan; T. Bull; R. Fox; fourth row: K. Richardson; S. Sayers; P. Grant; M. Litchman; D. Caplan; D. Trachy; B. Sweevs; M. Tadrzynski. 332 Pi KAPPA PHI: bottom row: R. Howard; E. Crunk, Sec.; M. An­ drews, Pres.; Mrs. Krause, House­ mother; B. Pry Ion, Treas.; J. Herr­ mann; G. McPherson; second row: K. Kueffner; D. Youngberg; D. West; R. Zerfas; T. Lonergan; S. Ross; M. Hiser; G. Kurasz; third row: D. Carnahan; G. Hardy; C. Myers; M. Schowalter; D. Viecelli; L. Evert; R. Hrtanek; J. Knaup. PI KAPPA PHI PSI UPSILON A weather balloon floating over Spartan Stadium during the Baylor game complemented more tradi­ tional activities for the Pi Kaps; among them, Junior 500, Greek Week, an annual "Kiddie Day" picnic, and yearly participation in Water Carnival. Last year, one pledge raid featured a cannon and aerial bomb shooting cherrybombshells (which the pledges later recovered only by serenading.) Programs for this year also included a muscular dystrophy march led by the pledge officers late in the fall term. The Rose Ball, a formal dance featuring a champagne dinner and the presentation of the annual Rose Queen is the year's largest social event. Tradition is a key word which characterizes Psi Upsilon and provides an atmosphere of security for the brothers, as part of the second oldest surviving national fraternity. The Psi U's are most active in such familiar university functions as Homecoming and Greek Week. For the past few years, Psi U has always placed first or second in the float competi­ tions. The brothers also emphasize the important part they play in Greek Feast. Scholastic achievement, as well as social, with six brothers in the Honors College, supports the Psi U Tradition of a versatile man. PSI UPSILON: bottom row: R. Schott; J. Donley, Sec.; D. Wilson, Pres.; M. Warhurst, Housemother; S. Marsden, V.P.; R. Wells, Treas.; T. Janoski; second row: J. Barnes; W. Moshers; D. Grimaldi; A. Piccione; A. Correli; J. Elliott; third row: L. Hedeman; L. Franklin; C. Taunt; D. Dawson; R. MacEachrân; J. Denton; L. Eubank; fourth row: S. Spector; W. Veld; W. Demmer; S. Dangerfield; S. Mayhall; M. Faller; G. Gerds. 333 SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON: bottom row: G. Alward; M. Harder; J. Winkworth, Sec.; P. Rayner, Pres.; S. EmLong, Housefather; J. Ziemba, V.P.; T. McKennie; R. Mathisen; T. Minninger; second row: J. pulish; J. Hein- inger; G. Blanchard; J. Burck; M. Paris; C. Moseley; K. Economy; R. Hofmann; third row: W. McMillan; J. Chikos; G. Martin; R. Niver; J. McAuliffe; W. Secrest; T. Durkin; J. Riley; J. Smith; fourth row: R. Rosen­ berg; M. Pastula; M. Thomas; B. Kline; H. Carney; D. Shaw; C. Morgenroth; J. Scherer; fifth row: G. Gonzalez; D. Doderer; J. Mehall; C. Gibson; B. Harlton; S. Kough; G. Morrison; T. Chase; sixth row: M. Marks; S. Brady; D. Flounten; M. Calderone; J. Heath; S. Howard; D. Fredericks; R. Cleland. SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON The men of Sigma Alpha Epsilon attempt to promote campus leadership, along with their participation in MSU intramural sports. Activities include an annual Christmas party for orphans, which is presented in cooperation with East Lansing merchants. Sigma Alpha Epsilon takes much pride in the "Little Sisters of Minerva", which is a girls service organization chosen through a process of pledging. The "Little Sisters" are the working core for the fraternity projects, such as redecorating the house and planning fraternity socials. SIGMA CHI Last year, for the first time in MSU history the All Sports Trophy was retired. The honor was awarded to the Sigma Chi's who were all sports champs for the third consecutive year. In addition to this the Sigma Chi's were all university champs in football and basketball. Derby Day with its slap stick comedy proved to be another success, while the Sigma Chi's coached the sororities in the comical contests. After being branded with Greek letters the women compet­ ed in Musical Tubs, Butterfingers, Tire Race and Dec-a-Greek. SIGMA CHI: bottom row: K. Johnson; R. Giering; J. Seward, V.P.; H. Hunt, House­ mother; T. Huebner, Pres.; R. Wriggel- sworth, Tres.; H. Wriggelsworth; G. Peters; D. Hultgren; second row: M. Nagelkirk; D. Wight; L. Fox; J. Oyer; M. Pohol; M. Kuhna; D. Dale; G. Bash; third row: R. Berube; J. Riley; T. Horuath; L. Perry; D. Hummel; E. Brasch; C. Beeler; fourth row: J. Oreilly; P. Carlos; H. Linder; D. Spaulding; J. Cooper; L. Haggart; D. Schlachter; P. Wenstrom. 334 row: THETA XI: bottom row: J. Zdan- owicz; J. Arden; B. Brogren, V.P.; L. Kibiloski, Pres.; J. Aubel, Treas.; S. Garvey, Sec.; P. Shanks; second J. Oldford; R. Schwanki; R. Agents; D. Dwaine; J. Schneider; J. Diepenbruck; C. Tarkoe; M. Foltz; third row: R. Schofield; G. Doig; J. Gale; B. Craig; J. Frame; L. Kelly; R. Pisasalle; fourth row: J. LeFurgy; J. Clifford; G. Lazar; M. Trame; R. Manchester; J. Belligan; P. Phil­ lips; D. Peters. GAMMA DELTA IOTA Going Greek is the goal of most of the upstanding dormitory residents. After becoming a Greek one obtains status, security, and social life. When much of Winshire House of Wilson Hall went Greek last year these men saw no reason why they could not join the exodus. They liked everyone, wanted better food, more freedom and more responsibility. They did not rush, were not pledged and did not become actives. They still wanted the extras of Greek life so they moved into their own house, the GDI's. THETA XI Theta Xi, a newcomer to the Greek community, is well represented on such campus organizations as IFC, Union Board, ASMSU, and the Executive Committee of Careers '68. Born three years ago as a small social club, Theta Xi has grown to be a colony of a national organization with seventy-six chapters, and is presently working hard to achieve fraternity and chapter status. The brothers are active in many community service projects. Foremost of these is the Michigan Action Corps, a political and social organi­ zation which works through the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Foundation. Activities differ from other fraternities, with skateboarding reigning as the favor­ ite sport, while a ride now and then in the ambulance owned by one Theta Xi also provides excitement. GAMMA DELTA IOTA: bottom row: D. Torrey; C. Massoglia; B. Bohannon; second row: A. Chernow;N. Sperling; D. Bates. 335 ASHERHOUSE The streets of East Lansing shone with the lights and decorations of Christmas this year, thanks to the men and women of Asher House. In their efforts to spread Christmas spirit throughout the Lansing area, the members of Asher also held a Christmas party for underprivileged children. From its origin 22 years ago with eight men, Asher has expanded to a large religious co-op that has placed first in an unusual number of campus activities. The Asher men and women took top honors in the Canoe race, Homecoming, and Junior 500 this year. The Christian Science background of Asher members prompted them to support an orphan girl in India, and to sponsor picnics and programs for Christian Science preference students at MSU. ASHER WOMEN: bottom row: C. Schmidt, Cor. Sec.; M. Wooster, Rec. Sec.; L. Tobey, House­ mother; C. Pratt, Pres.; N. Jones, V.PaM. Muzza- relli, Treas.; M. Walter, second row: B. Golze, D. Petty, K. Relyea, K. Groener, B. Maurer, L. Akin, M. Perry, third row: S. Domowitz, C. Swinburn- son, C. Bishop, R. Mackie, C. Bloomer, N. Hopper, B. Hargrave, fourth row: M. Bissell, R. Gresshans, B. Windus, A. Rasmussen, S. Olson, M. Smith, D. Chenault. fifth row: J. Zahn, L. Duesenberg, L. Kelley, M. Kirst, P. Scott, C. Beauvais, D. Duesen­ berg. 336 ASHER MEN: bottom row: G. Gamrath, K. Pratt, Cor. Sec.; G. Madden, V.P.; B. Hotaling, Pres.; A. Walz, Treas.; A. Hanson, second row: D. Deline, J. Kentro, A. Alexander, D. Verheul, D. Overton, J. Strickler. third row: R. Scott, D. Robinson, F. Bachman, K. Schuette, T. Tomlinson, W. Kimball, fourth row: L. Gerould, M. Balgenorth, D. Sell, G. Wotring, S. Teich, S. Campbell, fifth row: S. Brown, B. Wiegand, J. Chenault, R. Warncke, R. Smith, A. Russell. EVANS SCHOLARS Evans Scholars showed the true spirit of brotherhood this year as they played Santa Claus to the advisor of their living unit. The men presented him and his family with a trip to Pittsburgh for Christmas in a surprise tribute. Evans Scholars, a scholarship living living with a unit for men, combines fraternal scholastic atmosphere. The organization offers a potential four-year scholarship to its members, and the Ames Award is presented annually to the most outstanding scholar. On the social side, Evans Scho­ lars are active in Homecoming, Water Carnival, Junior 500, and intramural sports. 338 F. third SCHOLARS: EVANS bottom row: K. Fitz­ patrick, W. Kristall, H. Mit-S telstaedt, J. Kulig, V.P.; M. Tank, Pres.; R. Tracy, Treas.; Locke, D. Machuga. second row: N. Name, A. Sage, E. Polus, S. Olejnik, J. Bethuy, J. Matheson, P. Chabie, F. Turek. row: D. Downer, J. Wallace, R. Hiipakka, A. Shole, T. Dean, N. Name, H. Sachs, fourth row: T. Long, M. J. Tujay, M. O'Connor, M. Gillis, G. Rogg, T. Zambetis. fifth row: R. Schinler, R. Dugas, G. Reetz, A. Schutte, D. Shires, J. Dino, M. Stair, sixth row: D. Miller, M. Miller, K. Collins, D. Scher- rer, P. Kenrick, B. Mullally, M. Towers, T. Fabaz. Elon, HEDRICK HOUSE: bottom row: P. Spradling, A. Paris, W. Houska, Sec.; B. Ledford, Pres.; K. Satiroglu, Treas.; F. Rinkus, M. Oktan. second row: G. Bhaskararao, J. Nel­ son, T. Gilson, J. McDonald, J. Lakanen, L. Zimmerman, F. Siskowski. third row: J. Jacob, S. Claypool, P. Bozzo, S. At- tenberger, J. Snider, J. Bruns- don, D. Grotewohl. HEDRICK HOUSE BETHEL MANOR The goal of Hedrick House, the first co-op living unit on campus, is to provide a democratic living facility for university men. The men of Hedrick have been recipients of the Independent All-Sports trophy for competition in IM sports, and this year they had a perfect season in IM football; they lost every game. At the first football game, one member broke his collar bone; at the first basketball game, one member broke his leg; and at the time of this writing, the entire house was anxiously awaiting the first baseball game. Although their luck has run short in athletics, the men keep busy maintaining one of the highest G.P.A.'s on campus. Their social calendar has also been full, highlighted by their winter term party. sends The alumni of Bethel Manor now have a way to keep in contact with house activities thanks to the newly- them formed alumni association, which monthly newsletters. Bethel Manor, an interdenomi­ national living unit for Christian men, also serves as a center for Spartan Christian Fellowship. Its religious library is open to all MSU students, and each Bethel member traditionally contributes a book to the library upon his leaving. The men are not only proud of their library, but of the whole house, as they demonstrated by remodeling an entire floor this year. BETHEL MANOR: bottom row: M. Willard, Sec.; R. Sell, J. Konyha, House­ Pres.; mother; R. Krueger, V.P. second row: J. Smith, D. Van Valkenburg, R. Matheny, D. Thompson, K. Akins, third row: L. Kioll, W. Rogers, A. Woelzlein, D. Guikema, Dale Schuitema. 339 CO-OPS COMBINE VARIOUS LIVING APPROACHES Relaxation is being able to put your feet up on the coffee table. Bridging the gap between the off-campus units and the on-campus residence halls are the co-ops. More eco­ nomical than an apartment, co-operative living allows everyone to contribute a certain amount of time each week for the general upkeep of the house. Learning to cook for 30, group budgeting and division of chores are only a few responsibilities that must be taken on. A new approach to co-op living is Ulrey House, the first MSU co-op for women. Unlike the men, these girls have a grad adviser who counsels them. The house is run in a democratic fashion with weekly meetings such as in the residence hall. Although functioning sepa­ rately from the university, all co-ops participate actively in events such as Homecoming and Water Carnival. 340 Sharing a companionship with guys of similar interests also necessitates cooking for this same gang. Students who are residence hall shopping can pick from the tradi­ tional interior of Gilchrist's Pub to the modern exteriors of the newer coed complexes. 342 HALL ATMOSPHERES VARY TO STUDENT TASTES New York . . . Picasso . . . instant coffee . . . Frank Lloyd Wright. Are these part of your bag? Then the residence hall most suited for you is newly constructed Holden or twelve-story Hubbard. Perhaps your mood is more on the line of quiet music, soft lights, velvet and New England. Then Williams with its elaborate entrance or Landon's plush lounge would be the most appropriate for you. MSU provides a variety of dorms in various architectural styles and atmospheres to satisfy all individual tastes. With Brody at one end of the university compass and Fee at the opposite pole, the residence halls attract students with a variety of interests. A house is not a home. . . until a student finds his own individual in the society of the resi­ place dence hall. Freshmen soon realize the complexities of just one dorm and that it is just a tiny fraction of the gigantic university. Waiting in line for meals, waiting in line for linen, waiting in line for tickets, waiting, waiting . . . It's easy to be alone amidst thousands of people and yet easy to meet many of those people with just a flash of a smile. People soon get caught up in the whirl of dorm life — 8 o'clocks, bull sessions, meal complaints, endless telephone conversations, study breaks, committee meetings and social activities. Soon trips home no longer are a cause for excitement because the excitement is in coming back to "home." i BOREDOM NONEXISTENT IN RESIDENCE HALLS Bored, you say . . . nothing to do? Just get out of your bunkbed and look around, for the dorm provides the access to a whole range of activities to suit anyone's tastes. Want to attain glory for your individual residence hall? Homecoming and Water Carnival time provide a chance to achieve this aim. Want to know people better? Exchange dinners or floor functions furnish good opportunities to meet that interesting-looking guy on third floor Bryan or the kooky girl down the hall. Want to get involved in worthwhile projects? Hall parties for underprivileged children or complex-sponsored lectures are only a few ways. A flair for the artistic? Working on publicity signs and bulletin board displays, designing floats, or painting backdrops are sufficient to fulfill this need. When living in the residence hall, the question is never what can I do, but when will I ever find the time to do everything. Special activities relieve the busy atmosphere of dorm life and allow residents to make new friends while enjoying themselves. RESIDENCE HALLS CREATE LASTING FRIENDSHIPS Who would ever have guessed on that first day of one's freshman year that these strange people sharing one's room for the coming school year would become one's closest friends? Or that foreign student around the bend in the hall; how could anyone ever call him weird after getting to know him? Want to know if Ft. Lauderdale is really that swinging? Tanned Carol next door will give the real low-down. Who can the girls of Williams Hall get to help them with their Homecoming float? Bailey Hall has the guys and the willingness to make it a winning display and will also provide some fun times together. Surpris­ ingly enough, those ATL and Nat Sci profs aren't as for­ bidding to talk to when they are in the dorm grill. All of into deep and these friendships, some of which grow wonderful relationships, happen daily in MSU residence halls. Hall activities provide many oppor­ tunities to meet people of all ages and sizes. 349 MARY MAYO AND EAST SHAW FORM HALL UNITY The academic year of 1968-69 brought about the unity of Mary Mayo and East Shaw dormitory. Together, they sponsored field trips for their adopted third grade class from Cedar Street School. Visits to the zoo and the police department were enjoyed by all involved. The men of Shaw supplied the man­ power in a rough tug of war while the women of Mayo supplied an effective cheering section. Victory was the happy result. The Mayo-Shaw alliance suc­ cessfully presented to their residents two term parties, fall and spring terms. The year itself brought about a major strengthening in interresidence hall unity and cooperation. MARY MAYO: bottom row: J. Reed; C. DiMattia; W. Shepard; B. McKnight; K. Kuechenmeister; P. Arnold; J. Peters, second row: S. Wilson; C. Westfall; A. DeSantis; L. Perkins; H. MacPherson; M. Tomasek. third row: J. Hasso; N. Lum; J. Napier; M. Paris; F. Elenbaum; B. Scofield; H. Sherman, fourth row: B. Zeisloft; C. Janiga; L. Veldhuis; K. Nowicki; V. Fiorentino; M. Straub; L. Prager. fifth row: L. Stierle; L. Herrick; P. Kurkowski; A. Steed; J. Popiolek; B. Kosttork; C. Zurek. A newly carpeted hall was the excuse for an East Shaw “sleep-in.” 350 EAST SHAW: bottom row: G. Baker; D. Yancy; J. Engler, Pres.; T. Woolley, V. Pres.; M. Moore, Treas.; R. Porter, second row: D. Bramble; R. Smith; Rex Smith; D. Gillis; M. Baker; C. Gibson, third row: D. Lanadon; M. Kane; A. Levitan; G. Brown; T. Renolds; B. Parsons. MASON HALL Mason Hall, one of the older dormitories on the MSU campus, celebrated its thirtieth anniversary this year. Since its founding on October 30, 1938, the dorm has undergone many transitions. Up until 1952 Mason, along with Abbot, housed the men of Michigan State. During the Second World War the dormitory was “home" to many men from our Armed Services. In recent years Mason has kept up with the times with additions, such as a color television set for the Lower Lounge and remodeling of the grill. Keeping in line with MSU's platform for a more personal touch, activities at Mason have now been geared for the individual. More things are done on the house level to encourage participation. Events such as floor hay rides, hot dog roasts, and swim parties done in conjunction with brother floors in Abbot, draw active involvement. MASON: bottom row: N. Slattery, M. Duffy, J. Jenkins, K. Schneider, B. Benson, second row: C. Davies, D. Veneklasen, I. VanDeesburgh, D. Filipovitch, I. Pollok. ABBOT HALL "Involvement" described the activities and opinions of the men of Abbot Hall. With much of the concern focused on the apathy on the college campus, Abbot provided needed channels for active participation. For the first time in its history, a class dealing with the physiological, social, and legal aspects of Sexu­ ality was taught in the dormitory. Throughout the year groups such as the Students For A Democratic Society were invited to discuss and explain their purposes and views. In December, Abbot held a referendum on the present US—Vietnamese War, and students were given six alternatives from which to choose. Leaders in the hall felt that to understand the involvement problem they must start at the begin­ ning. Therefore they focused much attention on incoming freshmen. At the start of the year a Freshmen Dinner was held and guest speakers Dr. Linz and Mrs. Mary Sue Larson spoke on sex and dating in college. A carnival was held where both new and old students could get acquainted, and the councils of Abbot and Mason held a bus tour of the campus for all new students at MSU. 353 GILCHRIST: bottom row: J. Vink; S. Smith; C. Levandoski, V. Pres.; M. Marshall, Pres.; A. Olson, Sec.; R. Spezia, Treas.; J. Herford. second row: P. Esmond; C. Schubert; P. Burdell; M. San Clemente; N. Swope; K. Haws; C. Westfall; L. Petler. third row: T. Aeschliman; P. Godoshian; J. Catterfeld; A. Ealey; S. Orr; D. Orr; J. Faist. fourth row: D. Valasek; J. Kosequat; K. Van Sickle; M. Maranto; M. Flora; D. Butcher; N. Morrell. 354 GILCHRIST HALL in So numerous were Gilchrist's extra­ curricular activities this year, that leader­ the West Circle dormitory ship described their hall as the "hub of spirit" on the MSU campus. According to the "Gilchrist Gab", dorm's newspaper, the included highspots of 1968-69 crowning of "Miss Maude Gilchrist," and the freshmen skit night. A "Diet Count" with competition among the floors for total weight loss was also held. At the end of the year Gilchrist women choose a "Senior of the Year" and tapped many girls for the Gilchrist Honorary. HUBBARD HALL Hubbard Hall, in tune with the 1968 Presidential Election, sponsored speakers for each candidate in order to provide insights and explanations of the issues involved. This was followed by a mock election in which the students were able to express their preferences by vote. Hubbard provided its residents with "International Dinners." Featured at each din­ ner were the foods and beverages associated with the theme country. Early in fall, the All Hall Council planned and presented a Student-Faculty Forum to promote ideal student faculty relationships. HUBBARD: bottom row: F. Vanderwal, Treas.; D. Pletzke, V. Pres.; K. Mannet; B. Fitzgerald, Pres.; C. Drewek, V. Pres.; D. Buckley; P. Singer, second row: J. Joseph; L. Robinson; C. Miller; W. Robins; P. Dakin, Sec.; N. Ellis; R. Jozel. third row: U. Schmidt; M. Sutton; J. Farley; C. Greenhalgh; M. Burdick; D. Leutz; N. Gaffney, fourth row: T. Stormes; J. Fotre; W. Mayes; A. Roth; D. Greer; N. Bartels; D. Williams, fifth row: J. Hoagland; G. Wooster; M. Speck, Sec.; K. Frantz; D. Schweighoefer. 355 PHILLIPS HALL Phillips Dormitory strove to promote the cultural in mind, Phillips aspects on campus. With this sponsored a great many art shows featuring local and other artists. These exhibits were free of charge to all interested persons. Phillips also sponsored a bus trip to Stratford, Ontario. The girls and guests were spectators at the annual Shakespearean Festival. In an effort to improve the study facilities for its residents, Phillips has initiated a program of study open houses. Scholastic honors are not uncommon in Phillips, which has one of the highest GPA on campus. Special dinners are awarded to those high achieving students. J. Jenkins, v. pres.; J. Schoff, pres.; J. Prokupchuk, trees.; M. Szaroletta, sec.: executive council of Phillips Hall. Although mixers were always popular recreation for residents, Phillips sponsored many other activities as the residents strove for a variety of social and cultural experiences. RATHER: bottom row: R. King; K. Casier; S. Gillette, V. Pres.; L. Potter, Pres.; J. Stewart, Sec.; E. Farrell, Treas.; K. Hopper, second row: L. Shiflea; P. Hoeksema; R. McGill; A. Blaty; M. Maggetti; P. Stefani. third row: S. Dillingham; E. Lindner; B. Langam; R. Gangnath; P. DeCarlo; C. Vocht; L. Yeagley. RATHER HALL Rather's hall government this year emphasized infor­ mality. There was little "red tape" involved in the planning of Rather's hootenannies, coffee houses, and Christmas decorations. The spontaneity of the activ­ ities of this progressive dorm required only the desire of the residents to initiate its programs. Projects such as the adoption of a child by the Rather women showed the civic interest of the dormitory. Provision to keep the Rather coeds informed of the projects and possibilities in their residence hall was made through the dorm news media, the "Rather Reflec­ tions." 357 WEST WILSON HALL The emphasis in the hall government of West Wilson was house participation. The individual floors become involved through adoption of individual faculty fel­ lows with whom they shared ideas and problems. Guest speakers such as Mrs. George Romney, Don Olson, and Dr. Beatrice Moore added to the intel­ lectual contacts provided for the West Wilson coeds. W-O-W, The dorm's bi-weekly news publication, helped to unify the separate floors. By working together this hall created a dorm exercise room to keep its women in the best of shape. Majors Night at West Wilson had a successful turnout. WEST WILSON: seated: M. Kurt; C. Tew, sec.; J. Rabbers, pres.; C. Hennessy, v. p.; N. VanOss. standing: L. Truant; K. Youngs; M. Nobles; L. Ellis; J. Engleharst; S. Bock; K. Kowaleski; H. Krohn; D. Monigold; L. Allen. YAKELEY: bottom row: B.Finn; V. Winter, treas.; M. Chapa, v. pres.; G. Smith, pres.; S. Eymer;S. Long; K. Nowicki. second row: E. Tucker; J. Kinsman; Y. Watkins; C. Yen; B. Smith; S. Berry; C. George, third row: S. Williams; P. Blough; E. Moehr; P. Taylor; P. Scholz; P. Deal; J. Sternkopf. fourth row: M. Wahmhoff; D. Tobias; E. Williams; T. Robinson; D. Fogarty; S. Woodrich; A. Wahmhoff. Yakeley's Santa Claus looks like he really enjoys his job. YAKELEY HALL Early each year councils meet, and plans are formed for the up-coming year. At this time, leaders in the West Circle dormitory made sure that the 1968-1969 calendar provided an interesting list of happenings for the members of Yakeley Hall. The most looked- forward-to of these events was the visit of MSU's president, Dr. John Hannah. Reviving an old tradition of inviting the university president to an informal evening of dinner and small talk, Yakeley decided to quell rumors that Dr. Hannah was really a spirit that is seen only at convocations and graduations. Much to the happiness of the Board of Trustees and four hundred Yakeley women our admired president ar­ rived as the evening began. 359 bottom AKERS: row: Mrs. Westfall, head adv.; J. Jowski, treas.; S. Kernick, v. pres.; A. Welper, pres.; C. Catlett, v. pres.; G. Brooks, sec.; Mr. Ummer, head adv. second row: D. Nagucki; G. Gosseaux; M. Gerych; S. Cohen; E. Laundre; C. Kornowski; L. Fos­ ter. third row: G. Honer; T. Pattinson; D. S. Schillaci; Cholewa; J. Sheets; L. Chaves; M. Hall, fourth R. L'Huillier; B. Part­ ían; M. Monroe; P. R. Mc­ Hogan; Daniels; J. Ricco; J. Cooper. row: AKERS HALL BUTTERFIELD HALL Emphasizing diversity and reorganization, Akers Hall began its fourth year as a living-learning dormitory. After a year of trial and error, the co-ed dormitory government started by extending grill hours past the usualclosing time of eleven-thirty. Greeting men and women first floor residents this fall were wall to wall carpets in the halls, study lounges, and pressing rooms. Carpeting was an experiment in giving a new atmosphere to dormitory life. Future actions as to the extent of this operation were studied and eval­ uated in accordance with student opinion. Butterfield Hall began the year with a new constitu­ tion which made hall government more effective and meaningful to each individual. Upperclassmen wel­ comed the freshmen with feelings of friendship and opportunities for involvement which, this year, pro­ duced the first place Homecoming float in the on- campus division. The inter-dorm activities included the favorite banana split parties, pizza parties and chicken dinners. Butterfield women have also adopted a foreign war orphan, who is supported by a portion of each resident's hall dues. BUTTERFIELD: bottom row: R. Thomas; C. Het- sler, v. pres.; L. Johnson, pres.; P. Hamilton, treas.; M. Ketchum, sec. second row: K. Lawrence; M. Ep- ker; J. Casbon;K. Sheehan; C. Mitchim; B. Hart, third row: K. Johnston; M. Reeber; J. Holmes; M. Eisenmann; P. Lowry. 360 CAMPBELL HALL WEST SHAW HALL Following the tradition of ivy covered halls, Campbell lends a casual atmosphere for study, relaxation and fellowship. The smallness of the predominately upper classman dorm seems to encourage a sense of unity which is prevalent in all the girls. Fall term exhibited a unified flower-making brigade which produced overy twenty thousand paper flowers. Also on Hallo­ ween night, the girls of Campbell were busy finding the ugliest witch on campus. Winter term brought snowball fights, toboggan parties and hot chocolate. The girls will remember these but longest remem­ bered will be the friendships they made. With the trend toward change on college campuses today and with a general changeln atmosphere as a major goal, West Shaw undertook a program of government reform. The debate here was not one concerned with the generation gap but rather the growing break between the dormitory resident and his hall governing board, due, in part, to the com­ plexity of the system. Committees were consolidated and new rules concerning election procedure were instituted. Under the new arrangement better living conditions were studied, and, as a result, new lighting, as well as newly decorated study halls became a permanent part of this mid-campus dormitory.1 361 NORTH CASE: bottom row: K. Krause, Adv.; P. Lawyer, Sec.; K. Parks, Pres.; J. Corwin, V. Pres.; C. Rodgers; D. DePuydt; second row: L. Way; M. Reid; M. Cohen; S. Lenhard; S. Harger; third row: N. Collins; D. McFadden; S. Spencer; K. Miller; S. Carne; B. Limmex. NORTH CASE HALL EMMONS HALL The women of North Case Hall aimed to unify residents in the University College and James Madison College. New management and the students worked closely together to create this desired goal. A co-ed conference was established to help bring the students in North and South Case closer together. Guest speakers at the weekly coffee hours, which were open to all residents and faculty members provided a setting for lively discussions for residents of both colleges. Emmons Hall began the year by capturing first place in the,co-ed dormitory division of the Homecoming floats. The men of Emmons continued to exhibit this distinctiveness at Christmas time when they com­ bined with Landon Hall to provide a dinner for the Lansing area orphan children. Later in the year the Emmons men provided the Brody Complex with some Left Bank theatrical productions. At the end of spring term the scholars of the dormitory were honored at a special banquet. EMMONS: bottom row: R. Beebe; F. Zak, V. Pres.; R. Marx, Pres.; R. Sedlacek; R. Schwandt; second row: F. Veltri; A. Hall; R. Zygadlo; P. Brueckner; M. Daveloose; J. Joyce. 362 HOLMES: bottom row: N. Beer- bower; J. Liggett; G. Elliott, V. Pres.; T. VerBurg, Pres.; J. Fox, V. Pres.; W. Kaniewski, Treas.; J. Schick, Sec.; second row: M. Ferianc; K. Griffiths; B. Hyman; S. Derocher; J. Kotenko; J. Gosse; third row: J. Massaro; G. Wandel; S. Geckle; R. Lanterman; R. Robb; E. Crookes; T. Nagucki; fourth row: K. Town; T. Dean; A. Huss; J. Ennest; D. Pamerleav; K. Wellman; R. Curtis. HOLMES HALL LANDON HALL The combined governing body of Holmes Halls in cooperation with the dormitory's residents placed the greater part of its emphasis this year in furthering student rights at M.S.U. Holmes, offered its students an active involvement in the democratic and intellec­ tual workings of the multiversity. "Dialog 68," for example, a campus-wide activity, was sponsored and housed in Holmes Hall. The keynote address by Judith Crist began seven nights of probing into some of the deepest problems of our society today. Service is a constant interest for residence halls, but Landon concentrated on new acquisitions to the decor of the hall. As one of the older dormitories on campus Landon began its twenty-first year by wel­ coming its newest resident, a stereo phonograph. The stereo, located in the newly re-named Blue Lounge, provided a break from daily stresses for Landon co-eds. But responsibilities were not forgotten as the women of Landon became involved in a charity project for a local Home for the Aged. LANDON: bottom row: D. Ruppert; C. Miller; M. Stone; S. Kirkland, V. Pres.; K. Moon, Pres.; J. Bauer, Treas.; H. Sellick; D. Williams, Sec.; second row: M. DeLuca; M. Devet; M. Pastuszka; R. Reed; S. Strauss; A. Fyffe; S. VanHoesen; third row: V. Purvis; H. Mattson; J. Essenmacher; C. Matteson; K. Slaghuis; J. Palmer; S. Schaffer; K. Hill; fourth row: C. Wendt; C. Powers; N. Grand; A. Debne; C. St. John; M. Damson; K. Kelley; fifth row: M. Faget; V. An- tonson; J. Weatherspoon; D. Hall; D. Casey; P. Webster; S. Jarvis; M. Mur­ phy; sixth row: B. MiMer; J. Jackman; C. Mathews; B. Kapp; F. Petrimouly; M. Luttinen; M. Bezrutch. 363 E. McDONEL: bottom row: G. Witherspoon; D. Murdock; J. Littleton; N. Nowak; Treadwell, J. second row: C. Alexander; K. Chambers; C. Hamlin; B. Harvey; M. Wasung. third row: D. Savickas; B. Smith; J. Meinecke; A. Clemens; P. Bailey. EAST McDONEL VAN HOOSEN The Scottish clans of East McDonel Hall accom­ plished goals both in the line of tradition and of innovation. The coffee houses attracted both perfor­ mers and audiences in huge numbers to McDonel's transformed cafeteria. The tradition of the fall term party in the sparkling 1968-9 version, "Charisma" highlighted the Christmas holidays for McDonel residents. Under new activities this year, East McDonel Hall developed both a "Trivia Tourna­ ment," and a guitar workshop to aid all novices. Differing from the usual definition of on-campus housing, Van Hoosen Hall provided a feeling of independent living within the setting of campus life. Each apartment, consisting of a living area and kitchen, with four to six women, brought residents in close contact with the experiences and problems of living and working together. An easy going atmos­ phere, with added responsibilities, and more freedom are the basic reasons co-eds chose Van Hoosen over dormitory life. VAN HOOSEN: bottom row: D. Martin, H. Collins; S. Benson; Mrs. J. Lloyd; J. Zanarini; M. Maclsaac; L. Lamont. second row: L. Cotter; K. Hoben; S. Schwerin; B. Buffa; L. Kipley; M. Chu; V. Loo. third row: L. Ross; J. Wisniewski; D. Morone; D. Coleman; C. Romine; S. Smalley; C. Walter, fourth row: M. Patterson; N. Gajewski; C. Michaelson; M. Lovings; J. Olstrom; S. Fidelman; J. Dawson, fifth row:J. Bjork; L. Talbergs; M. Schrauben; C. Bach; A. Schmidt; L. Dufford; M. Suit. 364 WILLIAMS.: bottom row: M. Olson; B. Paulsen; D. Myers; K. Johnson; G. Dahl; Mrs. K. Dev­ ereux. second row: S. PowersIlL. Schlaud; C. Noonan; L. Satterla; M. Carpenter, row: C. Goetz; M. Scott; P. Wilkins; J. Gebhart; P. Krohn; C. Cooper, row: M. Keith; C. fourth Kaswora; A. Bass; S. Pribble; G. Gust; P. Bartels. third WILLIAMS SOUTH WONDERS Williams Hall, one of the older dorms on campus, began the year with their annual Halloween Party. It was held in the cafeteria which was decorated in the traditional orange and black scheme. Because all-hall parties are such an essential element in Williams living, the girls have used their ingenuity to make each party different. The Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Social provided the girls not only with a delicious bill of fare but also with opportunities to meet each other and form new friendships. Another Williams original was Mama Sara's Sweet Shop which found the girls working together and increasing unity among the residents. Breaking tradition this year, South Wonders pre­ sented a new concept in spirit. During the annual homecoming weekend returning alumni found a whole dormitory decorated and dedicated to M.S.U.'s athletic teams and former students. As in previous year, South Wonders continued its program of Mother-Daughter and Sister weekends. To increase affectiveness of these projects it was decided not to limit these weekends to one particular date for the whole dormitory; but instead to give each house the choice of picking their own dates. /BONDERS: bottom row: N. Noonan; K. Van Sickel; L. Bench; L. Fink; G. Taggart; J. Johnson; C. Frayer. second row: P. Murdock; L. Lounds; J. Raber; J. McNeil; S. Hanson; B. Lyons, third row: J. Boigon; J. Nicholson; R. McIntyre; A. Moros; J. Funk; G. Van Natta; N. Sisson. 365 Whether your spouse is there relaxing at your side or the apartment is all to yourself, there is always a certain atmosphere of belonging somewhere; of having someone to come home to and make the day seem more complete. When a student starts college as a freshman, he or she has plans of graduating, perhaps going to grad school and working for a few years. All the while, they resolve to “play the field" before settling down with just one person for the rest of their lives. But there comes a time when "he" is intro­ in class. duced to her or "she" walks past him Suddenly, big plans for the future are given second perogatives as their soul mate becomes the domi­ nant focus of their lives. Marriage follows and despite all the difficulties en­ countered, there are the good times too. Having neighbors with similar problems make one's own in either Spartan problems seem smaller. Living Village, University Village or Cherry Lane Apart­ ments is also less expensive than the residence hall. The beautiful Michigan State campus can make a love and to spend the in perfect setting to fall beginning years of married life. Love is doing someone else's laundry. MARRIED HOUSING, THAT WONDERFUL CHANGE OF ADDRESS Things are looking up There is something you forgot. She said to stop at the store, but what did she say to get? Home. Home is where the bills are; rent, groceries, clothes—all this plus tuition. Home to the wife and kids. Would you come help with dinner? Finals are tomorrow. Hamburgers tonight so you can get right to work. After dinner, the kids in bed, a pot of coffee and the long night of studying is ahead. If you can only hang on until graduation, maybe then, it will all be worth it. Married Students Build for Future Happiness While Creating a Present gEstp&i ‘Zümm The culmination, the product of a process begun in ignorance, continued in faith and finished in some blind rush toward a glimpsed future. Good fortune be yours, if fortune be enough to aid you in your search. Aardema, Paula, Elementary Ed. Abbott, Annabelle, Physical Ed. Abel, Dian, Special Ed. Abell, Jack, Mathematics Abell, Joseph, English Adams, Cherisse, German Adams, Mark, Finance Adams, Nancy, Elementary Ed. Adamski, June, Dietetics Adamson, Barbara, Physical Ed. Adkin, Suzanne, Education Adkins, Robert, Social Work Agents, Robert, Social Science Agli, Robert, Industrial Design Agni, Ethel, American History Aguirre, Robert, Police Adm. Ahlrich, Thomas, Electrical Engr. Aikin, Bruce, Psychology Alkin, Julianne, Elementary Ed. Ainsworth, Sharon, Special Ed. Airey, Dawn, Social Work Albee, Gilbert, Chemistry Albery, Stephen, Social Science Alberts, Thomas, Psychology Alciatore, Gaston, Electrical Engr. Alejandro, Richard, Hotel Management Alfred, Joseph, French Alkazemi, Faisal, Economics Alhaji, Idrisu, Veterinary Med. Allen, Bruce, Business Allen, Sharon, Mathematics Alles, Leslia, Education Allgaier, Heidi, Psychology Allison, Jean, Elementary Ed. Allston, Gail, Special Ed. Allston, Mary, Education Almy, Alan, Landscape Arch. Alpiner, Robert, Accounting Anchors, Dennis, Hotel Management Andersen, John, Accounting Anderson, Barbara, Mathematics Anderson, Diane, Elementary Ed. Anderson, Graydon, Chemical Engr. Anderson, John W., Political Science Anderson, Linda, Floriculture Anderson, Lorraine, Chemistry Anderson, Mary, Education Anderson, Mary B., Social Science Anderson, Max, Geology Anderson, Michael B., Russian Studies Anderson, Patrick, Hotel Management Anderson, Raymond, Natural Science Andras, Christine, Education Andras, James, Economics Andre, Russell W., Advertising Andringa, Marvin, Business Adm. Angell, William R., Animal Husbandry Anstett, Patricia, Journalism Anthony, Carol, English Anthony, Kathy, English Antila, Larry R., Industriai Design Antonucci, Diomira, Sociology App, Sarah, Clothing & Textiles Archambault, Philip, Hotel Management Arden, John, Business Adm. Arens, Ray, Accounting Arenson, Hugh, Economics Armbruster, Dale, Education Armitage, John F., Engineering Armstrong, George W., Urban Planning Armstrong, Pamela, History Arndt, Martha, Veterinary Med. Arnold, Patricia, Social Work Atchison, William, Sociology Atherton, Thomas F., Dairy Atkin, Diana, Social Work Atkin, Larry, Education Atkins, Carolyn, English Atkinson, Michael, Electrical Engr. Atkinson, Willa, Education Atovsky, Rochelle, Art Attenberger, Stanley, Physics Aube, Donald, Landscape Arch. Aubrey, James, Political Science Auch, Susan, Education Auerbach, Judy, Special Ed. Auerback, Marian, Art Avery, Lawrence, Communications Avery, Linda, Education Avery, Patricia, German Babock, Betty, Education Babiarz, Elaine, Clothing & Textiles Back, Bette, Mathematics Backus, Jack, Engineering Bacon, Beverly, Education Bacon, Richard, Crop Science Bader, Ellyn, Psychology Baffo, Sebastiano, French Baggott, Karen, Education Bailey, Bonnie, Elementary Ed. Bailey, John A., Business Ad. Bailey, Ronald, Liberal Arts Bailey, Virginia, History Bainbridge, Charles, Geology Bair, Benjamin G., Hotel Management Bakalar, Harriet, Social Science Baken, Rick, Zoology Baker, Beverly, Elementary Ed. Baker, John, Accounting Baker, Lyman, Education Baker, Mary Kay, Medical Tech. Baker, Terry, Civil Engr. Baker, Timothy, Police Adm. Balcer, Victoria, Speech Balderson, Jean, English Balgenorth, Richard V., Accounting Ball, Karin, Psychology Balombin, Michael, Geology Banfield, Rebecca, Social Work Banghart, Donald, Business Banghart, Laura, Education Barack, Laura, Education Baranski, Marianne, French Barbar, Catherine, Social Work Bares, Charles J., Medical Tech. Barker, William, Mathematics Barli, Rita, Landscape Arch. Barlow, Gayle, Executive Secretary Adm. Barnard, Roberta, Education Barnes, Edwin N., Liberal Arts Barnes, Jill, Elementary Ed. Barnett, David, Economics Barnett, Gail, Elementary Ed. Barnett, Marilyn, Sociology Barnum, Barbara, Education Baron, Judith, Elementary Ed. Barr, Norma, Social Science Barrett, Jane A., Speech & Hearing Barrett, Margaret, Retailing Barris, Margaret, Physical Ed. Barry, Mark, Advertising Bartels, Joella K., Physical Ed. Barth, Mary Margaret, Dietetics Barthold, Susan J., Social Science Bartholomew, Donna, English Bartlett, Benjamin, Animal Husbandry Bartlett, Jeffrey, Accounting Bartolameolli, Patricia, Mathematics Barton, Lynne, Elementary Ed. Barton, Marilyn, Elementary Ed. Bartus, Patricia, Elementary Ed. Bash, Karen V., English Bash, Mark J., Veterinary Med. Bass, Lesley, Elementary Ed. Bass, Sandy, Education Batdorff, Linda, Home Economics Bateman, Jill, Nursing Bauer, Jan, Physical Ed. Bauer, Maureen, Elementary Ed. Baum, Joseph, Advertising Baum, Sandra, Psychology Bauman, Connie, Psychology Bauman, Margo, Social Science Bayle, Alana, Justin Morrill College Beacco, Leora, Speech and Hearing Sciences Beach, Beverly M., Retailing Beadle, Allen, Mathematics Beagle, Brian, General Business Adm. Beam, David, Psychology Bean, Brett, Business Adm. Beard, Mary, Elementary Ed. Beardslee, Susan, Home Economics Beattie, Cynthia J., Psychology Beaubien, Anne, Social Science Beauchamp, Robert, Labor Relations Beaumont, Larry, Mechanical Engineering Beauparlant, John, Journalism Bebb, Edwardine, Social Work Beck, Cynthia, Retailing Becker, Allen John, Accounting Becker, Kathy, Elementary Ed. Beckwith, William N., Advertising Beddow, David, Packaging Beddow, Gail, Political Science Beebe, Ellen, Humanities Beeler, Janet, History Beers, Barbara, Police Adm. Behar, Glenda, Secretarial Behlow, Toni, Elementary Ed. Behn, Gordon, Business Ed. Behrmann, Edgar, Mechanical Engineering Beimers, Charles, Civil Engineering Beiser, Stan, Packaging Belknap, Karolyn K., Home Economics Bell, Alan, Fisheries Bell, William, Vet. Medicine Beller, Robert, Political Science Bellhorn, Paul, Civil Engr. Belloli, Sally, Physical Ed. ^Benchich, John, Accounting Bender, Monte, Social Science Benedict, Patricia C., Home Economics Benedict, Susan, Home Economics Benjamin, Doug, Elementary Ed. Bennett, John, General Business Bennett, Joyce, English Bennett, K^iren A., Humanities Bennett, K^theryne, Art Ed. Benninger, Larry, Chemistry Benson, Bruce L., Police Adm. Benson, Sue Ellen, Medical Tech. Bentley, Elizabeth, Social Science Benton, Scott A., Business Adm. Beresh, Clifford, Television and Radio Berg, Patricia, Psychology Berger, Lawrence, Packaging 375 Bergers, James, Advertising Berglund, Pamela, Advertising Bergstrom, Damiel, Agriculture Berkey, Robert, General Business Berlin, Marilyn, English Benndt, Elaine, Elementary Ed. Berry, Martin, Chemical Engineering Berry, Sandra, Social Science Bershback, Nancy, Elementary Ed. Bertal, Linda, Medical Technology Bettendorf, Virginia, English Betwee, Juli, Social Psychology Bhodivihaga, Jongkon, Education Biebers, Deborah, Social Work Bierer, Douglas, Biochemistry Bierlein, Judy, Social Science Bila, Gayle, Social Studies Biller, Larry, Elementary Ed. Billingsley, Nancy, Home Economics Billman, James, Biochemistry Biondo, Beverly, Special Ed. Biro, Sandra, English Bish, Dianne, English Bishop, Susan, German Bitel, Charlotte, Education Bjork, Jean E., Home Economics Black, John L., Hotel Management Blackhall, Stewart, Biology Blackledge, Betty S., English Blaha, Ruth, English Blair, Gary, Food Science Blair, Maureen, Special Ed. Blake, Linda, Special Ed. Blakely, Katherine, Social Work Blakely, Michael, Personnel Adm. Blanchard, Ann, Medical Technology Bland, Karen, Education Blanding, Robert, Business Blaze, Carol, Home Economics Block, Barbara, Art Practice Block, David, Psychology Block, Ruth, Art Ed. Blough, David, Finance Blount, Kristine, Elementary Ed. Blum, Bruce, Business Adm. Blumenthal, Susan, Accounting Blunk, Janet, Home Economics Blyth, Dennis, Management Bobit, Jamie, Education Boerger, Karen, Zoology Boezaart, Arnold, Divisional Soc. Bogart, Bonnie, Social Science Bogaski, Linda, Medical Tech. Bohling, Bonnie, Agriculture 376 Bohlk, James, Electrical Engr. Bohnhoff, William, Landscape Arch. Bohrer, Janet, Elementary Ed. Bokuniewicz, Len, Advertising Bollinger, Cheryll, Art Ed. Bollinger, Linda, English Bolyen, Lois, Biological Science Bommarito, Gregory, Marketing Bont, Barbara, Social Science Bont, William, Advertising Bonta, Claudia, Social Work Bonus, Joseph, Hotel Management Boon, Linda, French Boone, Margaret E., Social Science Booth, Constance, Elementary Ed. Bopp, Lindsay, Elementary Ed. Borchert, James, Electrical Engr. Borkenhagen, John, Civil Engr. Born, James, Education Borovich, Kenneth, Biological Science Borsberry, Charlene, Home Economics Bos, Bob, Agriculture Engr. Bosserdet, Rodney, Education Bottorff, Susan, Spanish Bouchard, Michael, Marketing Boufford, Patrick, Social Science Boughner, Lee R., Marketing Bounker, laleen. Art Ed. Bourque, Judy, Speech Therapy Bouts, Robert, Social Science Bouws, John, Hotel Management Bowden, Patricia, Elementary Ed. Bowles, Dennis, Forestry Boyd, Kenneth, Political Science Boyer, Sue, Elementary Ed. Bracken, Larry, Marketing Braden, John C., Hotel Management Bradshaw, Oree, Nursing Braid, Rea, Elementary Ed. Brake, Dan, Psychology Brancheau, Roger, Electrical Engr. Brandenburg, Bruce, Chemical Engr. Brandle, Bonnie L., Social Science Brant, Karen, Latin Brasher, Christina, Television and Radio Braswell, Mary, Political Science Bratton, Ann, Special Ed. Bratzel, John, History Brazda, Paul, Accounting Bremer, Mary, Social Work Breimayer, Barbara, English Brendle, Adrian, Social Work Brennan, Robert, Hotel Management Brenner, Louise, Social Science Brenner, Marcia, Zoology Brewer, Judi, Social Work Brieske, Dennis, General Business Adm. Briganti, Robert, Psychology Brigham, Constance, Education Bright, RandalMEIectrical Engr. Brill, Edward, Justin Morrill College Bristow, Jannette, Elementary Ed. Britner, Betty, Social Work Brogger, Alexandra, Education Brook, Candice, Elementary Ed. Brooks, Greg, Dairy Brooks, Richard, Hotel Management Brose, Dale, Agricultural Ed. Brotz, William C., Electrical Engr. Brower, David, Accounting Brown, Barbara L., Education Brown, Carol, Elementary Ed. Brown, Charlotte, English Brown, Christina, Theater Ed. Brown, Gregory, Finance Brown, Janet, English Brown, Karen M., Elementary Ed. Brown, Malcolm, Economics Brown, Martha J., Home Economics Brown, Mary, Home Economics Brown, Michael, Justin Morrill College Brown, Patricia, Medical Tech. Brown, Richard C., Fisheries and Wildlife Brown, Richard C., Television and Radio Brown, Rita, Physical Science Brown, Robert, Electrical Engr. Brown, Sheryl L., Education Brown, Stephen A., Forestry Brown, Terry, Electrical Engr. Bruha, Susan, Hearing and Speech Sciences Brun, Jordan V., Math Brunt, John, Business Adm. Brushaber, Bonita, English Ed. Buchwach, Frances, Math Ed. Buck, James, Vet. Medicine Budd, Richard, Social Science Budny, Susan, Art Budrow, Carol, Advertising Buell, Rick, Social Science Buettner, Christina, Elementary Ed. Buffmyer, Laraine, Elementary Ed. Bullard, Bernard, Marketing Bullerman, James, Civil Engr. Bunge, Sandra, Deaf Ed. Bunker, Kristen, History Bunnell, Carol, Social Work Burba, Dorothy, Elementary Ed. Burdo, Elaine, Social Science Burge, Jean, Dietetics Burke, Carey, Social Science Burke, Suellen, Art Practice Burnagiel, Lawrence, Advertising Burnes, Julie, Social Work Burns, Candace, Nursing Burns, Dana, Physical Ed. Burns, Robert S., Physical Science Burns, Sue, Biological Science Burns, Terence, Business Burstein, Leigh, Mathematics Buschman, Richard, Business Busen, Michael, Packaging Buth, Linda, Elementary Ed. Butler, David, Electrical Engr. Butler, John, Industrial Psych. Butler, Linda, Social Science Butryn, Robert, Sociology Butts, Frank, Vet. Medicine Butz, John F., Hotel Management Buxton, Sharon, Social Work Byas, Dennis, Personnel Management Byelich, Richard, Packaging Cabral, Linda A., Journalism Calhoun, Sheila, Special Ed. Callahan, Carol, Psychology Callan, M. Kathleen, Journalism Camp, Mary Lee, Audiology and Speech Sci. Campbell, Bruce, Justin Morrill Campbell, Judy, Management Campbell, Kathleen, Elementary Ed. Campbell, Patricia, Retailing Campbell, Sheila, Business Campo, Ernest, Divisional Soc. Campopiano, James, Forestry Cannon, Jessica, Justin Morrill Carbaugh, William, Mechanical Engr. Carden, Sherry, Speech Carey, Catherine, Home Economics Cargo, Clare, Horticulture Carlile, Celia, Special Ed. Carlson, Nancy, English Ed. Carlson, Philip, Mechanical Engr. Carlson, Rita, History Ed. Carlson, Sharon, Theatre Ed. Carlson, Sharon, Elementary Ed. Carmichael, Herbert, History Carpenter, Craig, Justin Morrill Carpenter, David, Marketing Carpenter, Pamela, Social Science Carpenter, Suzanne, Elementary Ed Carr, Bonnie, Elementary Ed. Carter, James, Microbiology Carter, Morgan, Industrial Mgt. 379 Cartier, Kenneth, Business Carver, David, Landscape Arch. Casey, Kathleen, Television and Radio Casper, Dale, History Cassel, Eugene, Social Science Cassidy, Douglas, Labor and Industrial Rel. Castle, Charles, Mechanical Engr. Cauffield, Catherine, Latin Cavanaugh, Sue Ellen, Home Economics Cebula, Lusty L., Biology Cekola, Rose, Biological Science Cenedella, Arlene, Biochemistry Cera, Angela, Mathematics Chabie, Patrick, Social Science Chamberlin, Karon, Music Chancellor, Connie, Elementary Ed. Chandler, Denise, Elementary Ed. Chant, Peter, Economics Chapin, Beverly, Elementary Ed. Chapman, C. Susan, Education Charles, Jean, English Chartrand, Mark A., Television and Radio Chase, Davis, Mechanical Engr. Chatfield, Robert, Justin Morrill Chauvin, William, Industrial Mgt. Chehansky, Julie, Psychology Chekiri, Hamza, Electrical Engr. Chenault, Dyann, Communication Chenier, Francis, Geology Cherre, Christine, Elementary Ed. Cherry, Thomas, Sociology Childress, Richard, Pre-Dental Chitti, Marie, History Chorney, Mylbra, Elementary Ed. Chrismer, Dianne, Retailing Christensen, John E., Psychology Christensen, Donna, Speech Christian, E. Allen, Physical Ed. Christianson, Wayne, Political Science Christner, Edward, Accounting Christner, Karen, Elementary Ed. Christner, Richard, Accounting Christoff, Noel, Landscape Arch. Chubb, Wayne, Education Churbuck, Barbara, Mathematics Cinader, Cheryl, Interior Design Clancey, Lana, Elementary Ed. Clancey, Michael A., Marketing Clancey, Peter, Marketing Clark, Camille, Home Economics Ed. Clark, Jeannette, Psychology Clark, Mary Ann, Elementary Ed. Clark, Mollie, Elementary Ed. Clarke, Ronald, Business 380 Clark, Stephen, Accounting Claus, Richard, Psychology Clayton, Marjorie, Social Work Cleland, Robert, Humanities Clinch, Andrea, Zoology Clingerman, Dale, Civil Engineering Clodfelter, Michael, Accounting Clucas, Patricia, Fine Arts Clupper, Steven, Hotel Management Cnockaert, Claudia, Dietetics Coffman, Steven D., Physical Ed. Cohen, Linda, Spanish Colclough, Margaret, Foods Cole, Constance, Justin Morrill College, Soc. Cole, John, Social Science Cole, Linda, Music Ed. Cole, Vern, Business Coleman, Cheryl, Retailing Collar, Douglas, Soc. Science-Eng. Collins, Charles, Economics Collins, Helen, Elementary Ed. Collins, Pamela, Elementary Ed. Collins, Sherry, French Collins, Terry, Nursing Combs, Gwendolyn, Social Science Comer, Michael, American Studies Comstock, James, Business Comstock, Rick, Resource Development Connelly, Michael J., Hotel Management Conner, Lowell, Chemical Engineering Connon, Marilyn, Special Ed. Connor, Judith, Elementary Ed. Conrad, Charlotte, Agr. Communications Conyers, Louise, Nursing Cook, Cynthia, Elementary Ed. Cook, Diane, Elementary Ed. Cook, Gregory, Social Science Cook, Patricia, Special Ed. Cook, Paula, Elementary Ed. Cook, Rebecca, Vet. Medicine Cooper, Ralph, Social Science Cooper, Terence H., Agriculture Cope, Dale, Social Science Copeland, Robert, Ind. Arts Ed. Coran, Barbara, Home Economics Cordier, Douglas, Social Science Cornell, James S., Biochemistry Corpron, Donald, Agriculture Corwin, Thomas, History Coryell, James, Metal Engineering Cosier, Richard, Packaging Cosman, Linda, Education Costa, Philip E., Social Science Cotter, Lynda, Communication Arts Coulter, Marshall G., Social Science Courtney, Susan, Home Economics Ed. Couturier, Deborah, Elementary Ed. Covert, Richard, History Covington, Rhodina, Justin Morrill College Cowan, John, Political Science Cox, Bethann, History Craig, Judy, Social Science Cranshaw, Judith, Retailing Craun, David, Economics Crawford, Alan, Packaging Management Crawford, Joseph, Packaging Crawford, Karen, Hotel Management Crichton, Linda, English Cripe, Nancy, Mathematics Cristman, Scott, Agricultural Ec. Cromberg, Margueritte, Zoology Cronin, Judy, English Cross, Carol, Dietetics Cross, Christina, Social Science Crouch, GD, Psychology Crowell, Anita, Social Science Crowley, Joan, Psychology Cullen, Charles, Social Science Culp, Connie, English Ed. Cummings, Donna, Journalism Cummings, JoAnn, Communication Arts Cummings, William J., Spanish Cummins, James, Social Science Cunningham, Gail, Social Work Cusacle, Kathleen, Spanish Cuskie, Sharon, Physical Ed. Cutler, William, Jr., Social Science Czachor, Peter, Psychology Czadzeck, Gerald, Engineering Czarnecki, John, Social Science Dahlberg, Eric S., Bio. Sci.-Ed. Dahlie, Sonja, French Dailey, Frank, Biochemistry Daniels, Donald, Philosophy Daniels, Michael, Industrial Mgr. Dann, Alice, Elementary Ed. Darooge, Bill, Finance Dascola, James E., General Bus. Dauer, Judith, English Daughdrille, Patricia, Business Ed. D'Aurio, Joy, Mathematics-Ed. Davenport, Charles, Social Science Davenport, Roselle, Communication Arts David, Debra, Social Science Davids, Marilyn, Geography Davids, Monore, Geography Davidson, Linda, Hotel Management Davidson, Linda, Dietetics 382 Davidson, Thomas W., Personnel Adm. Davis, Jeff, Social Psychology Davis, Johnny, Marketing Davis, MaryAnn, English Ed. Davis, Pamela, Psychology Davis, Robert, Social Science Davison, Pamela, Art Davy, George, Marketing Dawe, Elizabeth, Vet. Medicine Dean, Barbara, Art DeBacker, Frances, Home Economics, Ed. Debelak, Kim, Medical Tech. DeBroux, Elaine, Social Science Decker, Patricia, Elementary Ed. Deem, Sarah, Economics Degler, William, Psychology DeGroot, John D., Business Dekorte, Jim, Police Adm. Del Barba, Susan, Elementary Ed. DeLind, Douglas, Advertising DeLorenzo, Judith, Communications DeMarco, Robert, Mathematics DeMonaco, Diane M., Food Science Demongey, Gary, Business Adm. DeMott, Dale, Electrical Engr. Dennison, Kathleen, Math Ed. Dependahl, Deborah, History Derby, Stephen G., Computer Science Derrick, Susan, Spanish DeRose, Patricia, Business Ed. Dershow, Lawrence, Marketing DeSantis, Angela E., Elementary Ed. Desimpel, Suzanne, Art DeTar, Diane, Biology Dettman, Maurice, Packaging Deuel, Arlene, Spanish Deutsch, Marilyn, Mathematics DeVinney, David, Advertising Devlin, Mary Jo, Psychology DeVooght, Mary K., Social Work Dewey, Allan, Political Science DeWitt, Randall, Economics DeWitte, Conrad, Economics DeZeeuw, Myra, Social Science Dianich, Jane, Botany Dibert, Pamela, Psychology Dickens, Alvin, Hotel Management Dickens, Linda, Hearing and Speech Sci. Dicks, MaryLou, Retailing Diehl, Linda, Marketing Dierkes, Mary, English Ed. Diesing, David, Social Science Dietrich, Kathryne, Interior Design Dilley, Melvin, Metallurgy 383 Dion, Mary K., History Dirks, Robert, Hotel Management Dirnbauer, John M., Social Science Disantis, John E., Television and Radio Dixon, Barbara, Education Dixon, Robert, Communications Dock, Myra, Social Science Dodge, David, General Business Dodge, James W., Soil Science Doner, Mary, English Donner, Marsha, French Dorf, Cheryl, Elementary Ed. Dorman, Kathleen, Art Dorn, Roberta, Nursing Doro, Richard, Social Science Doss, Howard, Agricultural Mech. Douglas, Patricia, Business Ed. Douglass, James, Chemistry Douglass, Shellie, French Dove, Veda, Social Work Dover, Diana, Retailing Downs, Philip Psychology Doyle, Kathleen, English Dragonetti, Vincent, General Business Drake, Lauren, Elementary Ed. Drazkowski, Bernadine, English Ed. Drum, Robert E., Fisheries Dubetz, Christine, English Dudak, Carol, Retailing Duesenberg, Dale, Hotel Management Dugdale, Ann, Special Ed. Dummeldinger, Ronald A., Advertising Dunbar, Jeanne, Justin Morrill College Duncan, Ronald, Art Dunckel, Ramona, History Dunham, John, Psychology Dunn, Ann, Physical Ed. Dunn, James, Finance Dunn, James, Transportation Adm. Dunn, James K., Electrical Engr. Dunn, Lawrence R., Animal Husbandry Duquette, Bernadette, Retailing Durflinger, Barbara, Education Dutcher, Teresa, History Ed. Duthie, Peter, Economics DuVall, Curtis R., Animal Husbandry Dye, Judith, Social Science Dyer, Alice, Physical Science Dyer, Robert, Engineering Science Dyrda, Christopher, Electrical Engr. Dyszel, Judith A., Accounting Dzodin, Harvey, Political Science Eade, G. Newton, III, Economics Ed. Earl, Joyce, Social Work Eberling, Vicki, Advertising Eber, Christine, Social Science Ebert, Celia, Education Eckmann, William, Agriculture Edel, Barbara, Business Ed. Edgerton, Carolyn, HRI Edwards, Francine, Elementary Ed. Edwards, John R., Political Science Edwards, Kim, Advertising Edwards, Michael, Electrical Engr. Edwards, Roger, Biology Egan, Margaret, Home Economics Ehle, Kathleen, Home Economics Ehrenberg, Gail, History Einhardt, Kathlyn, Latin Elder, Susan, Journalism Eldridge, Cheryl, Social Science Eldridge, Sandra, Elementary Ed. Elenbaas, Gary, Forestry Elenbaum, Freda, Geography Ellington, DeAnna, Textiles Elliott, Sally, English Elliott, Susan, Social Science-Ed. Ellis, Judith, Nursing Ellison, Janice, Social Work Ellison, T. Thomas, Advertising Ellk, Barbara L., English Ellman, Haven, Elementary Ed. Ellsworth, Larry P., Economics Elmassian, Kenneth, Psychology Elsen, Dennis, Urban Planning Ely, Sharon, Nursing Emerick, Linda, Sociology Emmerling, Ann Marie, Elementary Ed. Engers, Douglas, Vet. Medicine England, Shirley, Elementary Ed. English, Ray, Advertising English, Robert, Economics Epstein, Nancy, Communication Arts Erickson, Alan, Marketing Erickson, Barbara, Elementary Ed. Erickson, Mark, Marketing Erickson, Mary K., Retailing Erickson, Nancy L., Elementary Ed. Erickson, Susan, Elementary Ed. Erskine, John W., Electrical Engr. Ervin, Geraldine L., Elementary Ed. Eshenroder, Owen, Journalism Essenmacher, Nancy, Medical Tech. Eston, Leonard, Pre-law Evans, Halbert K., Pre-law Ewald, William R., Psychology Faber, Kirkwood, Zoology Fabus, Thomas, Mechanical Engr. 385 Facktor, Susan, Junior High Ed. Fagan, Mary E., Retailing Faget, Margaret, History Fahner, Gerald, Physical Science Fairbanks, Janet L., Medical Tech. Faist, Jane, Medical Tech. Fales, Beatrice, Chemistry Falk, Allan, Justin Morrill College Falke, Amelia A., English Falkenstein, Janis, Medical Tech. Falls, Janet, Home Economics Ed. Farnsworth, Richard, Engr. Farrell, Sharon, Art Fathollahzadeh, Mahmoud, Accounting Faust, Edward, Management Fauth, Gregory, Biochemistry Favret, Bernard, Social Science Febba, Samuel F., Chemistry Fegal, Norman, Landscape Architecture Fehir, John, Forestry Feinberg, Susan, Hearing and Speech Sei Feinthel, Carol, Elementary Ed. Feldmen, Dennis, English Feller, Kim, Physics Felton, Paulette, Math Ed. Fenster, Sanford, Packaging Fenstermaker, Paula, Speech Ed. Fenstermaker, Errol, Geography Fera, Kenneth, Psychology Feraco, William, Advertising Ferguson, Craig, Finance Ferris, Linda, Nursing Ferris, Vincent, Jr., Business Adm. Feuerstein, Patricia, Ed. Field, Barbara, Mathematics Fields, Joe, Forestry Fifer, Kathryn, French Filion, Sandra, Speech Filip, Michael, Computer Science Finch, Carol, Psychology Findras, Christine, Elementary Ed. Finelli, Thomas M., Metallurgical Engr. Fink, Nancy, Advertising Finkel, Howard, Pre-Law Finley, Fred N., Geology Finnegan, Mary, Elementary Ed. Fiorani, Christine R., Ed. Firestone, Janis, Ed. Fischer, John, Packaging Fischer, Kurt, Industrial Management Fischhaber, Linda Elementary Ed. Fishbaugh, Joyce, Speech Ed. Fisher, David J., Building Construction Fisher, Julie, Elementary Ed. Fisher, Margaret, Elementary Education Fisher, Paula, Landscape Archt. Fisherman, Freddie S., Social Work Fitchett, Evelyn, Humanities Fix, Robert F., Economics Fleischmann, James P., Urban Planning Fleming, Carol, Speech and Hearing Fleming, Lance, Eng. Sci. Fleming, Susan, Speech and Hearing Flentje, Karla, Nursing Fletcher, Barbara, Soc. Sci. Fleury, Brenda, Soc. Sci. Flore, Elaine, Eng. Ed. Flynn, Kathleen, Eng. Flynn, Terrence, Pol. Sci. Fogarasi, John, Arts and Letters Foley, Robert, Chem. Ford, Gwendolyn, El. Ed. Forrest, Karen, Bus. Ed. Forte, Loretta, Anthr. Forster, Abbie, Speech Theater Foster, Alice, Theater Foster, Barbara, Home Ec. Foster, Sally, Interior Design Foster, Sarah, Elem. Ed. Foster, Susan, Soc. Sci. Ed. Fountain, Cheryl, Interior Design Fouracre, Janet, Interior Design Fouracre, Joann, Elementary Ed. Fous, Susan, Advertising Fouts, Jaynet, Elementary Ed. Fowler, James, Wildlife Biology Fowler, Willard, Ag. Mechanization Fox, Diann, Social Work Fox, Janice, Math Fox, Monica Education Fox, Roger, Bus. Education Fox, Sue, Humanities Frame, Peter, Soc. Science Frank, Judith, Physical Ed. Frank, Thomas W., Vocational Agric. Franzen, James, Accounting Fraser, Leslie, Art Fraser, Susan, Retailing Fraczier, John, Veterinary Med. Freedman, Judy, Nursing Freehling, Karen, Home Ec. Ed. Freel, Toni, Spanish Freeman, Paul, Accounting French, Dale, Mechanical Eng. French, Lynda, Arts and Letters Freund, Elizabeth, Chinese Frey, Edward, Social Work Fricke, Charles, Civil Eng. Fried, Sharon, Social Science Friedberg, Susan, Elementary Ed. Friedman, Gary R., Geography Frink, David, Marketing Frishman, Sharon, Education Frisosky, Martin, Sociology Froehlich, John, Mechanical Engr. Fruin, Lucile V., Education Fruit, Kenneth, Mathematics Fry, Leonard, Business Mgt. Fuchs, Daniel, Political Science Fuchs, Frances, Justin Morrill College Fuchs, Sharon, Nursing Fuehring, Douglas, Accounting Fuller, Denis, Communications Arts Fuller, Gene E., Physics Fuller, Kirby, Business Fundaro, Mario, Political Science Furchner, Carol S., Psychology Furler, Nancy J., Physical Ed. Furru, Ricky, Agriculture Furste, Susan, Dietetics Gabel, Carol, Elementary Ed. Gabis, Mary, Retailing Gabriel, Roy, Mathematics Gahagan, Charles L., English Gaiser, Robert, Divisional Soc. Galanos, Constance M., Elementary Ed. Galbraith, Larry R., Mathematics Ed. Galbraith, Ralph, Ind. Arts—Ed. Gale, Florence, Home Economics—Ed. Galia, Diane, Humanities Gallant, Nancy, Mathematics Gallaway, Mary, Elementary Ed. Galligar, Vincent, Mathematics Galloway, Diana, Business Ed. Galloway, Ilona, Business — Ed. Galloway, Lawrence, Nursing Garcia, Jack, Communication Arts Gardiner, Dianne, Health Ed. Gardner, Harold, Industrial Mgt. Gardner, Sharon, Special Ed. Gardner, William, Personnel Mgt. Garland, Gloria, Psychology Garmen, Carol, Social Work Garner, W. Jon, Agricultural Com. Garzia, Sandra, Elementary Ed. Gates, Stephen, Physics Gauronskas, Janet, Elementary Ed. Gavan, Robert, Communication Arts Gay, Willa, English Gaylord, Nancy, Elementary Ed. Gazella, Gary R., Social Science Gehman, Bob, Chemical Engineering Gehrs, Thomas, Education Geiger, David, Packaging Gels, Ann, Elementary Ed. Geltz, Christian, Packaging Gerber, Susan, Social Science Gerhardt, Michael, Marketing Gerlt, John, Biochemistry Getts, Teckla, Child Development Ghazal, George, Social Science Gibson, Alan, Hotel Management Gibson, Carl, Social Science Gilbert, Andrea, Special Ed. Gilbert, James, Physiology Gilbert, Joanne, Social Science—Ed. Gildarski, Les R„ Landscape Archt. Gill, William, Zoology Gillespie, Nancy, Elementary Ed. Gillmore, David, Television and Radio Gilman, John, Pre-law Gilman, Sue Ann, Social Work Gilson, Martha, French Gilstrap, Phyllis, English Ging, Constance, Foods Girard, Denyce, Education Gitcho, Hal, Business Adm. Giza, Ronald, Accounting Glance, Donald, Economics Glasgow, Joan, Education Glassberl, Arnold, Hotel Management Glatz, Christine P., Art Glatz, James, Economics Glazier, Edwin, Classical Studies Gleason, Erland, Speech and Hearing Science Gleason, James I., Jr., Elementary Ed. Gleason, Jo, Home Economics Glennie, Brian, Packaging Glick, Denni, Speech and Hearing Science Glick, Glenda, Elementary Ed. Goddard, Michael W., Electrical Engr. Goeltzenleuchter, Gloria, Escecutive Sec. Gohde, Kathy, Special Ed. Goldstein, Arnold, Hotel Management Goldstein/Stephen, French Gonzalez, Julio, Spanish Good, Jane, Math Ed. Goodell, Irene, Retailing Gooden, Bruce J., Business Goodheart, Michael, Economics Goodloe, Modish, Biological Science Goodman, Beth, Home Economics Goodman, Georgeanna, Home Economics Ed. Goodman, James, Social Work Goodrich, Karen, Psychology Goodwin, James, Marketing 389 Gordon, Mark, Accounting Goriesky, Gail, Art Goss, Martha, Social Work Goss, Mary, Latin-Ed. Gould, Nancy, Special Ed. Gould, William, Psychology Grady, Laura, Nursing Graeff, Sue, English Grafe, Linda, Elementary Ed. Graff, Bonnie, Elementary Ed. Graham, Sandra, Psychology Grandader, Paul, Communications Granger, Sharon, Justin Morrill College Grant, Carolyn, Education Grant, Peter, Advertising Gray, Carol E., Home Econ. Gray, Donald, Agriculture Gray, Sharon, English Greanya, Harold, Bio. Sci. Green, Lauren, Math-Ed. Green, Norma, Journalism Greenberg, Harold, Political Sci. Greenberg, Martin, Psychology Greene, Robert G., Geography Grenzke, Richard, Mechanical Eng. Gridley, Mark, Psychology Griffin, Caroffl Education Griffin, Gary, Chemical Eng. Griffin, Judy, Advertising Griffith, Joyce Ann, Child Dev. Griscom, Marion, Social Science Grogan, Elaine, Art Ed. Groh, Dennis G., Chemical Eng. Grosh, James, Business Adm. Gross, Barbara, Bus. Dis. Ed. Gross, Barbara L., Social Science Gross, Karen, Econ-Ed. Grossa, Randee, Soc. Sci. Ed. Grossman, Stephen, Marketing Grossman, Suzanne, Retailing Grover, Sandra, Elementary Ed Gruber, David, Psychology Gruse, Catherine, Math-Ed. Guezen, Norene, Dietetics Guild, Linda, Home Ec. Ed. Guile, Jeanne, Elementary Ed. Guilford, William, Agric. Mech. Guimond, Mark, Social Science Gunn, Loisann, Anthropology Gunsolus, Cynthia, Retailing Gunther, Susan, Elementary Ed. Gustafson, Gail, Education Gustafson, Hedy, Art Ed. Gustke, Larry D., Psychology Gutchess, Gordon, Industrial Design Gutkowski, Shirley, Speech Gwisdalla, Thomas, Elementary Ed. Gyurkovitz, Ann, Medical Tech. Haapaniemi, John, Zoology Habenicht, Robert, Marketing Hack, Connie, Mathematics Hack, Roger, Wildlife Haeberle, Marcia, Elementary Ed. Haff, Lawrence, Biochemistry Hafner, Gloria, Art Haga, Rilla, French Hagen, Katherine, Humanities Hager, Beverly, Elementary Ed. Hagman, Jean, Art History Hagtorn, Rondy, Zoology Hahn, Barbara, Elementary Ed. Hahn, Deborah K., Elementary Ed. Haines, Arthur, Hotel Management Halbritter, Ted L., Social Science Hale, Pamela D., Recreation Haley, Helen, History Hall, Antony, Hotel Management Hall, David, Business Adm. Hall, Michelle, Physical Ed. Halladay, Kim, Social Science Hallberg, Joan, English Hallett, Linda J., Ed. Hallock, Terry, Chemistry Halsted, Lee, Biology Halvary, Judith, Education Hamaker, Karen, Journalism Hambrick, Judith, History Hamel, Douglas, Marketing Hamel, Susan, Retailing Hamilton, Gwen, Elementary Ed. Hamilton, Susan, Social Work Hammar, Dennis, Social Science Hammer, Carole, Ed. Hammer, Lynn, Art Hammermeister, Judy, Speech Hammill, Robert D., Industrial Adm. Hamp, LaDon, Marketing Hamp, LaVon, Marketing Hampton, William, Mechanical Engr. Hanchak, John, Business Adm. Hanchett, Cynthia, Retailing Hand, Cynthia, Education Hand, Sharon, English Ed. Hand, William, Packaging Handelsman, Rochelle, Education Hankey, Dennis, Secondary Ed. Hankus, Thomas, Advertising Hannock, Leslie A., Political Science Hansen, Jerry, Hotel Management Hansen, Susan, Literature Hanson, Judy, Social Work Hanson, Karen, Humanities Harabadian, Paula, Social Work Harbachow, Victor, Divisional Soc. Hardt, Carol, Social Science Harkness, James, Political Science Harlow, Yvonne, English Harper, Anna, Business Ed. Harradine, Linda Mathematics Ed. Harrell, Donald, Zoology Harrington, Constance, Social Work Harrington, James, Mathematics Harrington, Larry, Political Science Harris, Edward, Social Science Harris, Noel, Retailing Harrison, Jacqueline, Zoology Harrison, Kathy, Executive Secretarial Adm. Harrison, Sharon, History Hart, Karen, Audiology and Speech Science Hartsock, Lorraine, Classical Studies Harvie, Louise, Interior Design Harwick, Marjorie, Elementary Ed. Hasbrouck, Barbara, Physical Ed. Haskin, Hans F., History Haskins, Donna, Elementary Ed. Haslick, Roger, Pre-Law Hass, Gregory, Pre-Law Hathaway, Patricia, Nursing Hauff, K. Charles, Marketing Hauf, Robert, Hotel Management Haughton, Karen, Music Haughton, Robert, Jr., Accounting Hauncher, James, Political Science Hause, Michael, Economics Havens, Susan T., Nursing Havlik, Jam's, Elementary Ed. Hawkins, Carol, Nursing Hawkins, M. Melissa, Elementary Ed. Hawkins, Robert, Justin Morrill Hawley, Barbara, Elementary Ed. Haws, Kay, Home Economics Haydu, Joseph, Sociology Hayes, Geoffrey, Philosophy Hayes, Shiela Ann, History Ed. Hayner, Michael, Mechanical Engr. Haynie, Norm, Civil Engr. Hays, Edward, Packaging Hayward, H. Garrett, Hotel Management Hazen, Ron, Zoology Headen, John W., Jr., Television and Radio Headley, Lillian, Interior Design Headings, Mary, Business Ed. Healy, Betsy, Elementary Ed. Heath, Joyce, Elementary Ed. Heen, Frances, Special Ed. Heichel, Gary, Packaging Heidrich, Lynne, Elementary Ed. Heine, Michael, Advertising Helber, Mary, Special Ed. Helbig, Elizabeth, Home Economics Helmer, Ben E., English Helvey, Donna, Interior Design Helwig, Arleen, Home Economics Henderson, Betty, Retailing Henderson, Linda, Elementary Ed. Henderson, Stanley, Political Science Henderson, Susan, Theatre Hendricks, Julie, Speech Correction Hendrix, Harry, Business Adm. Henige, Nancy J., Political Science Henning, Roger, Business Henrickson, Beverly, Elementary Ed. Henry, Sally, Elementary Ed. Hensleigh, Linda, Interior Design Hensley, Gloria, Accounting Herbert, Linda, Dietetics Hergenroether, Marcia K., Special Ed. Hergenroether, Peter, Industrial Mgt. Herman, Linda, Child Development Hermann, Janet, English Ed. Hermanson, C. Ronald, Justin Morrill Hermsen, Al, Accounting Herpich, Mary, Elementary Ed. Herremans, Thomas, Agriculture Ed. Herrmann, Roberta, Math Herrold, Neva, Home Economics Herrick, Ann, Dietetics Hershiser, Terrie, Elementary Ed. Hess, Frederick, Horticulture Hess, Mary, Social Science Hesselbâcher, Robert, Math Hetherington, Diana, Elementary Ed. Heydlauff, Gloria, Health Ed. Hibbard, Paul, Finance Hicks, Graydon, Television and Radio Hicks, Sherry, Elementary Ed. Hidalgo, Mary Lou, Nursing Higgins, Susan, Medical Tech.' Highstreet, Andy, Industrial Arts Hill, Anne L., Elementary Ed. Hill, Donna, Math Hill, George, Packaging Hill, James, Economics Hill, Jeanette, Elementary Ed. Hill, Joan, Special Ed. Hill, Richard, Hotel Management 393 Hill, Sandra, History Hiller, Julie, Elementary Ed. Hillman, Janet, Nursing Hilton, Lynne, Audiology Hilts, Gloria, English Ed. Himburg, Marijo, Social Work Hime, Howard, Mechanical Engr. Hindes, David, Social Science Hines, Burton, Business Hines, Margaret, Social Science Hines, Stanford, Social Science Hinkley, Frederick, Animal Husbandry Hochhalter, Clayton, Applied Music Hochsteler, Phyllis, Audiology Hockenberger, Joyce, Elementary Ed. Hoddy, George, Electrical Engr. Hodge, Richard, Park Management Hodge, Suzanne, Social Science Hodges, Kathleen, Education Hoekwater, James, Accounting Hofacker, Sandy, Spanish Hoffman, Bernadine, Special Ed. Hoffman, Julius, Economics Hoffman, Max, Justin Morrill College Hoffman, Pamela, Speech Hofman, Nora, Medical Tech. Hohmeyer, Louise, Music Ed. Hoisington, David, Zoology Holcomb, Pamela, History Holihan, Patricia, Social Science Holland, Leigh, Elementary Ed. Hollander, Judy, Education Hollenbeck, David, Marketing Holmes, Cheryl, Social Work Holmes, Karen, Elementary Ed. Holmes, Nancy, Home Economics Holmes, Susan, Elementary Ed. Holtschlag, Robert, Accounting Holtz, Victor, Mechanical Engr. Homan, Mary, Medical Tech. Honer, George, Chemistry Hood, Nancy, Physical Ed. Hooker, Joanne, Home Economics Hooper, Thomas, Advertising Hoover, Carol, Math Ed. Hoover, Jeanne, Advertising Hopkins, Stephen, German Hopper, James E., English Hornak, Laurel, Home Economics Hornung, Janice, Home Economics Horosco, Pam, Spanish Horowitz, Evalyn, Biochemistry Horton, Richard, Biochemistry Hoskins, Barry Accounting 394 Hoskins, Wilburn, Math. Hosner, Penny, English Houghton, Leslie, Art Practice Houska, William, Anthropology Houston, Roberta, Social Science Ed. Houtman, Richard D., Economics Howard, Geraldine, Elementary Ed. Howarth, Mary, Arts and Letters Howell, Richard, Zoology Hoy, Mary, Home Economics Hoyt, Margaret, English Hoyt, Richard Conservation Ed. Hoyt, Samuel, Mathematics Ed. Hren, Shirley, Nursing Hubbell, Bruce, Hotel Mgt. Huber, Sandy, Elementary Ed. Hudenko, Victor, Social Science Hudson, Catherine, Elementary Ed. Hudson, Kaye, Elementary Ed. Huebner, Mary, Justin Morrill Huff, Jacquelyn, Animal Husbandry Hufman, Nora, Psychology Hugger, Raymond L., Psychology Hughes, Carol, Advertising Hughes, Larry, Marketing Hughes, Pamela, Social Science Huguenard, Joseph R., Zoology Huhtala, Jon, Mathematics Huhtala, Judith, Speech and Hearing Science Hula, Richard, Political Science Huisjen, Marilyn, Nursing Hukill, Alan, Microbiology Hukill, Julia, Elementary Education Hull, Phillip, Mathematics Hulme, David, Hotel Mgt. Hulme, James, Business Administration Hultquist, Donna, English Humiston, Diane, Nursing Humphrey, Susanne, Elementary Ed. Hunemorder, Ann, Elementary Ed. Hungerford, Thomas, History Hunt, Carol, Math Hunt, Constance, Elementary Ed. Hunt, John, Chemical Eng. Hunt, Pamela, Home Economics Hunter, Janet, Social Work Hupp, Suzann, Social Science Hurd, William C., Business Hurley, Judith, Business and Distributing Ed. Hurst, Zandra, English Husar, Marquita, Special Ed. Husted, Donald, Police Adm. Huston, James B., Elementary Ed. Huston, James, Elementary Ed. Huston, Roberta, Special Ed. Huston, Roland, Zoology Hutchings, Kathleen, Medical Tech. Hutchinson, Grace, Social Work Hutson, John, Justin Morrill College Hutton, Larrie, Psychology Hwass, Kathy L., French Hyatt, Janet, Business Ed. Hyde, Richard, Dairy Prod. Hyslop, Jimmy, English Ide, Kenneth, Education Idzik, Judith, Retailing Indursky, Ethel, Social Work Ingle, Patricia, English Iravani, Hooshang, Agrie. Mech. Irons, James, Agriculture Irons, Peter, Religion Irvine, James, Vet. Med. Ivey, Ellis, Packaging Jackson, David, Animal Husbandry Jackson, Richard, Management Jacob, James D., Business Jacobs, Thomas, Business Ad. Jacobson, John L., Hotel Management Jacobson, Vicki L., Interior Design Jacoby, Carol, Theatre Jaeger, Barbara, French Jaffe, Marcia, Elementary Ed. Jagielky, Gaye, Art Ed. Jahns, Judith, Advertising Jajich, James, Advertising Jakovljeric, Gordana S., Jakubiec, Marilou, Medical Tech. James, David, Mathematics James, Linda M., English Ed. James, Sally L., Social Science Jamieson, Bennett, Accounting Jamieson, Perry, English Jankie, Barbara, El.-Special Ed. Jannereth, Martin, Forestry Janowak, Gregory, Mathematics Jantz, Richard, Communications Jarpe, Diane, Elementary Ed. Jarvis, Germaine, Home Ec. Jaskierny, Douglas, Business Adm. Jason, Daniel, Social Science Jason, Dennis, Social Science Jedele, Carol, Child Dev. Jedele, Joan, Div. Soc. Sci. Jeffree, Janet, Elementary Ed. Jeffrey,Pamela, Journalism Jenio, Sam, Mechanical Eng. Jenkins, Catherine, Bio. Sci.-Inter.Ed. 396 Jenkins, Roger A., Chemistry Jennison, Margaret, Elementary Ed. Jennison, Patricia M., Textiles Jensen, David, Civil Engr. Jensen, Jan, Executive Sec. Adm. Jespersen, Janet M., Interior Design Jewett, James, Education Johns, Michael, Social Science Johns, Richard, Mechanical Engr. Johns, Suzanne, Social Science Johnson, Galen, Psychology Johnson, Gregg, Business Adm. Johnson, Harvey, Accounting Johnson, Jacquelyn, Social Science Johnson, James, Social Science Johnson, John L., History Johnson, Katherine L., Retailing Johnson, Kathleen, French Johnson, Laura, Social Work Johnson, Linda Lee, Social Science Johnson, Marson, Police Adm. Johnson, Paulette, Elementary Ed. Johnson, Randi, Interior Design Johnson, Ruth, Social Science Johnson, Sandra, French Johnson, Sylvia, Elementary Ed. Johnson, William, Physical Ed. Johnson, William, Mechanical Engr. Johnston, David, Finance Johnston, Marcia, Elementary Ed. Johnston, Mary Z., Elementary Ed. Johnston, Phil, Wood Technology Johnston, Terence, Political Science John, Norman, Zoology Jolley, Joan, Hotel Management Jolly, Gaela, Art Jones, Barbara, Journalism Jones, Gary, Vet. Medicine Jones, Linda, Special Ed. Jones, Michael F., English Jones, Roderick, Social Science-Ed. Jones, William, Marketing Jositas, Nancy, Education Jump, Judith, Medical Tech. June, John, Marketing Jury, Richard, Police Adm. Justin, Patricia, Special Ed. Justus, Donna, Elementary Ed. Jutte, Arthur, Accounting Kackstetter, Gary, Landscape Archt. Kaczmarek, Marcia, English Kahler, Susan, Child Development Kainz, Bonnie, Elementary Ed. Kaiser, Dale, Education Kaley, Patricia J., Nursing Kalman, Julie, Home Economics Kamar, Nickie, Social Science Kipp, Laurie, Education Kipley, Linda, Elementary Ed. Kamar, Victoria, Social Science Kanchar, Laura, Special Ed. Kansier, William, Social Science Kanuritz, Katherine, Home Economics Kapilian, Susan, Spanish — Ed. Kapp, Barbara, Business Ed. Karl, Janice, English Kasenow, Gary, Psychology Katosh, John P., Political Science Katz, Bruce, General Bus. Kaufman, Barbara, Social Work Kaunisto, Carol, Social Science Kawula, Gary, Food Science Kay, Karen, Elementary Ed. Keeney, Judith Rae, Social Science Kehlstrom, Herbert E., Geology Keijonsen, Robert, Economics Keller, Kathleen, Social Science Keller, Suellen, Elementary Ed. Kelley, Gary S., Mathematics—Ed. Kelly, Brian, Economics Kelly, Terry, Education Kelly, Thomas, Social Science Kemp, Marilyn, Recreation Adm. Kempf, Richard, Zoology Kendall, David, Industrial Adm. Kendall, William, Business Kennedy, Robert, Marketing Kenneson, Harry, Advertising Kerckhove, Jean, Economics Kershaw, Rick, Psychology Kersting, Michiele Sue, Special Ed. Keyes, Tony K., Psychology Keyser, James A., Packaging Kibiloski, D. Larry, Pre-law Kienzle, Gary, Civil Engr. Kieppe, Judy, Elementary Ed. Kiley, L. Wayne, Political Science Killian, Michael, Packaging Kilmer, Margery, Social Studies — Ed. Kindle, Nancy, Political Science Kindt, Gregory, Television—Radio King, David, Police Adm. King, Dennis, Agricultural Econ. King, Edward, Foreign Language King, Nancy, Nursing King, Pamela, English Kingdon, Kathleen, Theatre Kinnamon, Dale, Geography 398 Kinsey, Carolyn, Business Kippola, Georgann, Education Kippola, Sharon S., Education Kiriu, Gail, Poli. Sei. Kirk, Karen, Retailing Kirkland, Robert, Vet. Med. Kiswiney, Nancy, Humanities Kitchel, Daniel, Math Kitti, Maryellen, Soc. Sei. Kladzyk, Helene, English Klafter, Cary, Poli. Sei. Klainer, Daniel, Psy. Kleeves, John, Mechanical Engr. Klegon, Douglas, Sociology Kleiner, Sharon, Elementary Ed. Kleman, Rodney, Business Adm. Kliger, Bonnie, Retailing Kline, Candy, Retailing Klingenmaier, Barbara, Social Work Klink, Gregory, English Klunick, Nancy, HRI-Hotel Management Knapp, Gayle, Dietetics Knatz, Thomas, Social Work Kniaziuk, Anna, Economics Knight, David, Engr. Sci. Knight, Emma Lou, Elem. Ed. Knisel, Rosemary, Home Economics Kniskern, Henry, Psychology Knoop, Henry E., Chemical Engr. Knutsen, Jay, Marketing Koan, Noreene, Social Science Kobayashi, Kenneth, Food Marketing Koch, Carol, Social Science Kochenderfer, Donald, Biology Koeller, Dennis, Business Adm. Koenigbauer, Susan, Elementary Ed. Koerker, Susan K., English Kohn, Lorinda, Theatre Kohut, Barbara Child Development Koivuniemi, Carl, French Kolata, Florence J., Political Sci. Kolb, Charles, Sociology Kolb, Leith A., Social Science Kolberg, Beverly, Elementary Ed. Kolomyjec, William, Art Konow, Carol, Special Ed. Konrad, Karl-Ludwig J., German Koppel, Joseph, HR I—Hotel Management Korney, M. Anne, Elementary Ed. Korona, James, Business Korpela, John, English Korpi, Alan, Business Adm. Korzuck, Donna, Social Work Koschmann, James, Biology 399 Kosequat, Judith L., Music Education Koss, Steven, Social Science Kostal, Douglas, Physical Science Kostner, Eileen, Medical Tech. Koth, Rosemary, Special Ed. Kovacich, Veda, History Ed. Kovzes, Richard, Physics Kozij, Stanley, Accounting Kozlowski, Thomas, Packaging Krammin, Charles, Agriculture Ed. Kranich, Barbara, Elementary Ed. Kranz, Janet, Communications Krawczyk, David, Chemical Engr. Krempa, Diane, Journalism Kreiger, Nanette, Education Krimsky, Dorean, Special Ed. Kroetsch, DeAnn, Education Kropf, Gary, Engineering Krot, Gregory, Police Adm. Krotzer, Suzanne, Elementary Ed. Kroupa, Kenneth, Animal Husbandry Krueger, Robert, HR I — Hotel Management Krupecki, Joan, Elementary Ed. Krutka, Mary Ellen Special Ed. Kubicki, Donald, Zoology Kuchik, Brian, Biochemistry Kudich, Ronald, Civil Engr. Kulback, Edwin, Industrial Design Kulow, Carl, Microbiology Kurosky, Constance, TV & Radio Kurtis, Patricia, Social Science Kuryla, Sally, History Ed. Kuschinski, Tom, Electrical Engr. Kusza, Thomas, Packaging Kuttner, Robin, Education Kwapich, Carole, Communications Kwarsick, Larry, Physical Geography Laaksonen, Harry, Geology Laaksonen, Diane, Math Labell, Judith, Education Lafkas, George, Math Lago, Ruth, Elementary Ed. Lagoni, Lance, Accounting Laitinen, Joan C., English Lake, Beverlie, Justin Morrill Lake, Katherine, Art Lambert, David, Wildlife Mgt. Lambert, Peter, Marketing Lamere, William, Communication Lammers, Ross, Marketing Lamont, Linda, Education Lamphier, Vicki, Art Ed. Làndau, James Allan, Math Landers, Susan, Divisional Soc. Landing, John, Psychology Landry, Carole, Chemistry Landsman, James, Marketing Langlois, Irene, Social Science Langlois, Peter, Political Science Lanning, James, Physical Science Lanzing, Michael, Political Science Lardie, Susan, Math Larkin, Jane, Art Ed. Larsen, Karen, Elementary Ed. Larsen, Margaret, Elementary Ed. Larson, Ellen, Applied Music Larson, Kathleen, Music Therapy Larson, Sharon, Clothing & Textiles Lashbrook, Lloyd, Spanish Laskowsky, Gary, Math Lasser, Howard, Biological Science Lathrop, Elaine, Home Economics Lau, Jane, Chemistry Lauer, Carol, Math Lauhoff, Mary, Elementary Ed. Lavasseur, Linda, Social Science Laverty, Russell, Urban Planning Lawler, Jack, Electrical Engr. Lawrence, Douglas, Landscape Arch. Lawrence, Larry, Business Adm. Laycock, John, Accounting Lazin, Durelle, Special Ed. Lebel, Richard, Park & Recreation Lebo, Gayle, Spanish Lebovitz, David, Packaging LecKrone, Ruth, Social Work Lecours, Leon J., Television & Radio Ledford, Bill, Business Ed. Ledyard, Roberta, Social Science Lee, Coleen M., Art Practice Lee, Craig, Physics Lee, Rosalyn, Retailing Lehman, Carrol, Elementary Ed. Lehman, Maureen, English Lehnert, Linda Lou, Social Science Lehsten, Barry Jay, Advertising Lehsten, Holly, Elementary Ed. Leibold, Cheryl, Humanities Leifer, Maureen, Social Work Leighton, Frances, Justin Morrill Leitz, Judith, Medical Tech. Leweway, Robert, Psychology Lennon, Mark, Forestry Leonard, Diana, Elementary Ed. Lery, Sheila, Special Ed. Lester, William K., Jr., Social Science Leszczynski, Catherine, Social Science Leszczynski, Richard, Landscape Arch. 401 Letkemann, Karen, Elementary Ed. Levin, Leslee, Elementary Ed. Lewin, Morris, Business Adm. Lewis, Elizabeth, Special Ed. Lewis, Jack, Business Adm. Lewis, Jerry, Geology Lezell, Mark, History Licht, Sandra, Special Ed. Lichterman, Michael, HRI Lichty, Leanne, Elementary Ed. Lillevik, Nancy, Music Ed. Lilly, Douglas, Police Adm. Lindemann, Merry, Physical Ed. Linfor, Diane, Special Ed. Lippincott, Peter, Vet. Medicine Liszak, Alan, Social Science Litos, Gloria, History Little, Sally, Business Adm. Little, Thomas, Business Littlefield, Donald, Social Science Littleton, Carol, Retailing Litwin, Sharon, Art Ed. Livesay, Donald, Electrical Engr. Livesay, Rita, Education Lo, Joan, Interior Design Lobker, Starlene, Agriculture Locke, Robert, Business Lockhart, Donna, Social Work Loder, Keith, Computer Science Loeffler, Marcia, Home Economics Lohrman, Elisabeth, Physiology Londo, Charles, French Loney, Glenn, Economics Long, Candale, Physical Ed. Long, Vicki, Music Longhi, Dan, Police Adm. Lonning, Stephen, Business Adm. Loomis, Robert, Electrical Engr. Loose, Kathleen, Vet. Medicine Lopez, Michael, Political Science Lore, James, Political Science Lorencz, Mary, English Lorenz, Lolores, Special Ed. Loria, Olivia, Speech Therapy Losch, Andrew, Electrical Engr. Losey, Richard, Chemistry Lougheed, Gail, History Love, Diane, Elementary Ed. Lovings, Marcine, Mathematics Lowe, Jean Ann, Elementary Ed. Lozier, John, Business Adm. Luce, Rosalyn, History Lucow, Celia, Elementary Ed. Ludwicki, Lawrence, Economics Luedtke, Carol, Nursing LundBorg, Peter, Land Archt. Lunde, Linda, Special Ed. Lundquist, Benjamin, Zoology Lundy, Janet, Home Economics Luthe||Doris, Elementary Ed. Lux, Janet, Social Work Luzius, Donna, Anthropology Lynas, Linda, Spanish Lyndon, Mary Jane, Spanish Lynn, Gaye, Social Science Lyons, Daniel, Zoology Maas, Marjorie, Social Science MacConnell, David, Conservation MacCralilen Bruce, Social Science MacDermaid, Gail, Elementary Ed MacDonald, Liana, English Maclsaac, Myra, Social Work Mack, Marjorie, History Mackenzie, Louise, Mathematics MacKercher, Robert, Communications Mackie, Curt, Psychology MacLaren, Eileen, Elementary Ed. Maclaren, Leslie, Journalism Macon, Susan, Mathematics MacPherson, James, Business Adm. MacWilliams, Janet, Social Science Madden, Gene, Computer Science Madill, Ellen, Art Madison, Shirley, Nursing Magid, Susan, Art History Magistro, Mary Ann, French Mahan, Mary, Biology Mahlberg, Patricia, Home Economics Maier, Carol, French Maier, Mary, Nursing Majchrzak, Terry, Packaging Malay, MaryAnne, Social Work Malena, Sally, Home Economics Malinowski, Joette, Business Malishenko, Timothy, Business Mgmt. Mallen, Donna, Education Mallory, Cheryl, Elementary Ed. Malone, Sandra, Social Science Malpass, Frederick, Business Adm. Manchester, Robert, Zoology Maneikis, Donald, Business Maneikis, Mary, Business Mang, Michael, Forestry Mann, Cynthia, Retailing Manners, John, Business Manoogian, John, Art Manske, Carol, Elementary Ed. Mantel, James, Business Adm. Mantel, Joyce, Business Adm. Mantey, Diana, Elementary Ed. Mantoan, Sandra, Hotel Management Marble, Patricia, Art Marekwardt, Edward, Economics Marcy, David L., Agriculture Ed. Marett, Richard C., Industrial Mgt. Marion, Robert, History Marks, Judith, Home Economics Marsden, Stephen, Social Science Marsh, James, Police Adm. Marsh, Janet, Social Science Marshall, Thom, Social Science Marston, Gerald, Landscape Archt. Martin, Diane E., Elementary Ed. Martin, John, Marketing Martin, Marlene, Math Martin, Robert, Business Martin, Robert R., Police Adm. Martinson, Shirley Social Science Marvin, Jeralyn A., Elementary Ed. Marvin, Michael, Marketing Marx, Caroline, Advertising Maslanka, William, Television and Radio Mason, Carolyn, Art Mason, Thomas E., Marketing Masson, Margaret, Retailing Materka, Suzanne, Social Work Matheny, Ronald, Psychology Mathewson, Gibson, Business Mathisen, Richard E., Mechanical Engr. Matthews, Barbara, Biological Science Matthews, Scott, Psychology Mattison, Janice, Math Maul, Susan, Elementary Ed. Mahder, Theresa, Justin Morrill College Maute, Sandra, Social Work Maxwell, David, Mechanical Engr. Mayes, William, Communication Mazurek, James, Advertising McAllister, William, Mechanical Engr. McAnulty, Maureen, Social Work McArthur, James, Jr., Packaging McArthur, Patricia, Special Ed. McAuliffe, James, Finance McCain, Donald, Economics McCall, Patricia, Home Economics Ed. McCann, Merris, English McCarthy, Michael, Psychology McCarty, Thomas, Hotel Management McCaughna, Kathleen, Psychology McCauley, Patrick, Social Science McCauley, William, Mathematics McClarnon, Melanie, Justin Morrill College 404 McClasky, Joan, Education McClaskey, William H., Political Sci. McCleary, Ken, Hotel Management McClellan, Kenneth, Electrical Engr. McClendon, Soboghana, Physical Sci. Ed. McClellan, Patricia, French McClure, Carole, Elementary Ed. McCollum, Ronald, Sociology McConkey, Linda, Elementary Ed. McConnell, Barbara, Business McCormick, Robert, Political Sci. McCowen, Robert D., Social Sci. McCoy, Adam D., English McCready, Kathryn, English Ed. McCuiston, John, Accounting McCulloch, Dean, Mechanical Engr. McDaniel, Gary J., Advertising McDanold, James, Biochemistry McDermott, Catherine, History McDonald, Bill, Packaging McDonald, Mary A., Medical Tech. McDonald, Theresa, Social Science McDonald, Vicki, Communications McDowell, Susan, Elementary Ed. McDuffie, Heidi, German Mclntire, Lynne, Elementary Ed. McIntosh, Shirley, Business Ed. McIntyre, Constance, Social Sci. McGannon, James D., Mechanical Engr. McGarr, Mary, Elementary Ed. McGaw, Nancy, English McGhee, John, Electrical Engr. McGinnis, Mary, Retailing McGrath, Thomas F., Social Science McJilton, Shirley, Spanish McKay, Ruth, Elementary Ed. McKee, Georgia, Art McKellar, Anne, Elementary Ed. McKennie, Thomas, Social Science McKenzie, Kathryn, Elementary Ed. McKinnon, Michael, History McLaughlin, Claudia, Elementary Ed. McLaughlin, David, Mechanical Engr. McLaughlin, William, Social Science McMall, Diane, Special Ed. McMillan, William, Zoology McMullen, Dennis, Business Adm. McMullen, Marilyn, French McPhail, Kathy, Psychology McPherson, Sandra K., Journalism McQueen, Cynthia, Hearing and Speech Sci. McRae, Donna, Social Work McRae, Richard, General Marketing McWherter, Lois, Sociology 405 Mead, Chris, Journalism Means, Mary C., Humanities Meardon, John A., Chemical Engr. Meek, Linda, Social Work Meckstroth, Sharon, Social Science Meinhart, Thomas, Business Adm. Melcher, Marlene, Elementary Ed. Meisner, Cynthia, Social Science Melkus, Karen S., Home Economics Melton, Cathie, Education Melville, Janet, Elementary Ed. Mendeljian, Charles, Business Adm. Menges, Cardyn, Medical Tech. Mercer, William, Urban Planning Merchant, Anne, Dietetics Merchant, Mary, Social Work Meredith, Patricia A., Speech and Hearing Merrill, Linda P., English Ed. Merritt, Tom, Agriculture Business Mertz, Faith, Psychology Mertz, Ronald, Industrial Mgt. Messer, Robert, Agriculture Business Metzler, Eric, Park and Rec. Resources Metzler, Patricia Ann, Nursing Meuwissen, Jeffrey A., Forestry Meyer, Christine, Elementary Ed Meyer, Linda, Arts and Letters Meyer, Linda, Home Economics Meyer, Sandra, Elementary Ed. Meyers, Judith, Retailing Miccoli, Ronald M., Justin Morrill Michaels, Ann, Economics Middleton, Sue, English Ed. Mieduch, Mary, Audiology and Speech Mikel, Douglas, Marketing Miles, Sharon, Elementary Ed. Milke, Kathleen, Elementary Ed. Miller, Barbara, Social Science Miller, Bonnie, Journalism Miller, Carol Ann, Home Economics Miller, Craig, Social Science Miller, Dale, Business Adm. Miller, David, Police Adm. Miller, Douglas, Philosophy Miller, Elaine, Animal Husbandry Miller, Janet, Floriculture Miller, John F., Jr., Packaging Miller, Kenneth, Hotel Mgt. Miller, Kathleen, Rhetoric and Pub. Address Miller, Kaye, Math-Science Ed. Miller, Louise, Physical Ed. Miller, Margaret, Speech Miller, Marilyn S., Elementary Ed. Miller, Norma, Elementary Ed. 406 Millerick, Barbara, Elementary Ed. Milligan, Robert A., Dairy Mills, David, Justin Morrill College Mills, Mary, Elementary Ed. Mills, Nancy, Child Dev. Milne, Sally, Psychology Milnes, John, Psychology Mintz, Ellen, Mathematics Mish, Cynthia, Social Science Misiti, John, Mathematics Misunas, Barbara, Physical Ed. Misunas, Peter V., Marketing Mitchell, Bonnie, Soc. Sei. Div. Mitchell, Bruce, Urban Plan.-Land. Arch. Mitchell, Carol, Interior Design Mitchell, Daniel, History Mitroka, Theresa, Business Ed. Mittelstaedt, Henry J., Political Science Moakes, Linda, Speech Moehr, Elinor, English Moffitt, Thomas, Electrical Eng. Mohney, Dennis, Packaging Mohney, Linda, Social Science Molenda, Mark, Accounting Moline, James, Engineering Monroe, Thomas, Social Science Monson, Ann Marie, Speech Montmorency, Marilyn, Elementary Ed. Moon, Karen, Journalism Moon, Sally, Spanish Moonen, Carolyn, Elementary Ed. Moor, Kathy, Journalism Moore, George A., Business Moore, Gerald, Hotel Management Moore, Judy, Home Ec. Ed. Moore, Linda, English Moore, Richard, Landscape Arch. Moore, Ronald, Special Ed. Moore, Sandra, English Moore, Sars, Child Dev. Moore, Susan, Biological Science Moorer, Thomas G., Physics Moorer, Donnell, Communication Arts Moran, Valerie, Home Ec. Ed. Moretsky, Sanford, Zoology Morgan, Joseph, Business Adm. Morgan, Michael, Hotel Management Morgan, William, Personnel Mgt. Morehart, Claudia, Social Science Morison, Russell, Advertising Morone, Donna, French Morill, Jon, Chemistry Morris, Laurie, Soc. Sci. Ed. Morris, Randall, Mechanical Engr. Morrison, Richard, Physics Morse, Linda, Home Economics Morse, Mark, Economics Morton, Hannah, Art Practice Moscicki, Eve, Psychology Moseley, Charles, Psychology Moses, Marilyn, Elementary Ed. Mosher, Phyllis, Special Ed. Moul, Dale, Social Science Moultrie, Ben, Math Muehlhauser, Gayle, Art Practice Mulbarger, Randall, Horticultural Mkt. Mullen, Carol A., Education Mulrenan, Nancy Ann, Nursing Mumford, Peter, Social Science Mumy, Ken A., Agriculture Munch, Martha, Social Work Munro, Patricia, Social Work Munro, Phyllis, Spanish Ed. Murphey, Richard, Business Murphy, John C., Vet. Medicine Murphy, Tamsin, Anthropology Murray, Michael J., Advertising Muzyczka, Phillip, Art Myers, Charles R., Horticulture Mkt. Myers, David, History Myers, Pierce, Business MaBozny, Victoria, Journalism Nagaj, Susan, Social Science Nagao, Suzanne, Special Education Nagel, Betty, Religion Nagucki, Antoinette, Education Nakayama, Kimikd, Anthropology Nalepa, Thomas, Fisheries Nametz, Michael, Chemistry Nank, Constance, French Napier, JoAnn, Speech Mason, Anne, Elementary Ed. Mastas, Robert, Marketing Nauarre, Mary, Home Economics Navetta, Christopher, Business Neary, Daniel G., Forestry Neese, Paula, HRI-Hotel Management Negron, Miguell F., Jr., Math Nelson, Carol, Special Education Nelson, Christine, Art Nelson, Glee, Social Science Nelson, James R., Business Nelson, Kristine Lea, English Nelson, Signe Renee, Social Science Nepjuk, Lawrence, History Nettles, Helen, History Netzloff, Terry, Social Science Newell, Jane, Education 408 Newton, Glen, Mathematics Nichel, James, Engineering Nichols, Rett, Chemistry Nichols, Sandra, Biology Nicholson, Gary, History Niedzielski, Frances,Social Science Nielsen, Cheryl, Mathematics Nielsen, Janet, Deitetics Neilsen, Patricia, Child Dev. Nieman, Sharon, Nursing Nieme, Janice, Home Economics Niemi, Kenneth, Zoology Niles, Dennis, Fisheries and Wildlife Nirider, Gail, History Nissley, Linda, Elementary Ed. Nivison, Mary Ellen, Psychology Noble, Nancy, Zoology Nodruff, Judy Noffze, Robert, Management Noftz, Ethlyn, Elementary Ed. Nora, John, Personnel Mgr. Norcutt, Gary, Electrical Engr. Norcutt, Larry, Electrical Engr. Nord, Donna, Retailing Northey, Lynn, Special Ed. Norton, Charlotte, English Norton, David, Vet. Medicine Nowitzke, Ruth, Medical Tech Nuttila, Andrea, Division Soc. Nye, James, Social Science Nugren, LaVern, Social Science O'Brien, Ann, Vocal Ed. O'Conner, Harold, Social Science O'Conner, Kathryn, Retailing O'Dell, Barbara, Accounting O'Dell, Kathleen, English O'Donnell, John M., Hotel Management O'Donnell, Lynda, Social Science Offenbecker, Linda, Microbiology Ogle, Sheryl, Education O'Gorman, Robert, Fishery Bio-Mgt. O'Grady, Alan, Transportation O'Hara, Kathleen, Social Work O'Hon, James, E., Geology Ojanpa, Linda, Exec. Secretarial Adm. O'Leary, Timothy, Pre-Law Olejnik, Anthony, Psychology Oliver, Dale, Economics Olson, Carol, Communication Arts Olson, Christy, Biology Olson, David, Civil Engr. Olson, John, Electrical Engr. Olson, Karen, Nursing Olwin, Susan, Social Work Olynyk, Philip, Computer Sci. O'Meara, Dennis, Landscape Arch. O'Neil, Peggy, Nursing O'Neill, Mary, Special Ed. Oppenheim, Cal, Child Devel. O'Reilly, Richard, Social Science Orlov, Paul, English Orr, Nancy, History Orr, Susan, Art Ed. Ort, Carol, Botany Orton, Richard, TV & Radio Ostien, Beverly, Nursing Ostrander, Delores, Chemistry Otaskey, Beverly, Special Ed. Ott, Rodney, Physical Ed. Otto, Elaine, Zoology Overbeek, Dale, Social Science Owen, Kathleen, Art Practice Owne, Kathy, Justin Morrill Owen, Virginia, Education Oyo, Walter, Soil Science Padgett, Greg, HRI-Hotel Mgt. Paeth, Linda, Art Practice Page, Gregory, Landscape Arch. Page, Janice L., Social Science Page, Michael, Packaging Pahssen, Christine E., Elementary Ed. Paige, Mary Lou, Math Painter, Constance, Retailing Painter, Gloria, Accounting Pak, Behzad, Geology Palma, Michael, Biochemistry Palmer, Janice, Elementary Ed. Palmer, Nick, Biochemistry Panza, Denise, Education Pape, Dieter, Business Parafin, Shirley, Psychology Park, James D., Wildlife Park, Mary, Spanish Parker, Bonnie, Communications Parker, Cynthia, Medical Tech. Parker, Steven, Business Adm. Parker, William, Accounting Parkhurst, Ben, Fisheries & Wildlife Parkin, Nancy, Social Science Parks, Sandra, Elementary Ed. Parliament, Ann, English Parr, Lizabeth, French Pasant, Thomas, Business Paskiewiez, Mary Ann, Art Practice Pataniczek, Dennis, History Patterson, Aimee, Journalism Patterson, G. Wesley, Computer Science Patterson, George, Electrical Engr. Patterson, Mary M., Education Paul, John, Forestry Paul, Martha, French Paul, Susan, Education Paulson, Lynn, Elementary Ed. Pavlinak, Albert, Forestry Pavlischek, Barbara, Education Pawloski, Gerard, Mechanical Engr. Payette, Judith, Business Payne, Anna, Physical Ed. Payne, Marsha, French Pechur, Robert E., Advertising Peck, Glenn, Mechanical Engr. Peckham, Kay, Elementary Ed. Peckham, Stephanie, Social Science Peebles, Nancy, Nursing Peet, Mary, Special Ed. Pekeski, Ralph, Poultry Science Pelfrey, Michael, English Pence, John, Marketing Penn, Jeffrey, French Penz, Dave, Mechanical Engr. Pepper, Lee E., Poultry Science Perkins, Judy, Elementary Ed. Perlman, Janice, Social Work Peterman, Paula, Special Ed. Peterson, Dorn, Physics Peterson, Gary, Accounting Petrini, Edward, History Petris, Joyce, Retailing Pettelle, Rae, Journalism Petterson, Joseph, Business Adm. Pettigrew, Daniel, Hotel Management Petty, Louise, Physical Ed. Petty, Timothy, Hotel Management Pfennig, Nora, Political Science Phelps, Judy, English Ed. Phillips, Charles, Social Science Phillips, Hilanius H., Industrial Des. Phillips, Linda, Math Phillips, Linda M., Med. Tech. Phillips, Patricia, Justin Morrill Phillips, Patti, Education Phillips, William, Chemical Eng. Pickard, Janet, Elementary Ed. Pickett, Lauren, History Picklo, Paul, Business Adm. Pieper, Holly, Education Pierce, Evelyn, Education Pierce, Janis, History Pierce, Suzanne, Elementary Ed. Piette, Edward, Television & Radio Pike, Douglas G., Math Pike, Glen, Social Science Pink, Sally, Child Development Piper, John, Agriculture Piper, Judith, Elementary Education Plansek, Robert, Advertising Plath, Michael, Journalism Plato, Kathleen, Elementary Ed. Platt, Marilyn, Home Economics Platt, Nancy, Elementary Ed. Platz, Mary Ann, English Plenar, Marilyn, French Pless, Alda, Math Plotkin, Lauren, Elementary Ed. Plourde, Margaret, Social Science Plumb, Stephen, Business Plumtree, Ann, Retailing Pocock, Claudia, Education Pocuis, Leo D., English Pocze, Roger, Social Science Polinsky, Michael, Math. Pollack, Linda, Education Pollitt, Mary, Education Polmanteer, Fred C., General Business Ponchaud, Nancy, Social Work Pond, Mary K., Home Economics Poore, John, Business Popenhagen, Janet, Spanish Poplawski, Margaret, Physical Ed. Poreda, Marguerite, Microbiology Poreda, Stephen, Math. Porteous, Ruth, Food Science Porter, Linda, Music Post, Alan, Social Science Potter, Douglas, Accounting Potter, Gilbert, TV and Radio Potter, Jill R., English Ed. Potts, Linda, Elementary Ed. Povirk, Rudoph R., Packaging Powell, Kristin, TV and Radio Powers, Jeffery, Political Science Powers, Penny, English Pozega, Marlys, Elementary Ed. Pratt, Cecile M., History Pratt, Janis, Elementary Ed. Pratt, Pamella, Social Work Pratt, Robert, Music Ed. Prazuch, Geraldine, Justin Morrill Prelesnik, John, Social Science Prelesnik, Judith, Elementary Ed. Prescott, Carol, Clothing and Textiles Preston, Patricia K., Biological Science Price, B., Social Work Prieskorn, Linda, Elementary Ed. Priest, Cynthia, Marketing Priest, Robert, Hotel Mgmt. Prince, Gary, Psychology Prince, Jacqueline, Elementary Ed. Prince, Neil, Retailing Prugh, James, Hotel Management Przewoznik, Arleen, Social Science Puechler, Barbara, Home Economics Ed. Puhek, Rosalind, Education Puhl, Janet, Social Science Pulcini, Joseph, English-Pre-law Purcell, Leslie, English Purdy, Serrilynne, Finance Purdy, Pamela, Social Work Purves, Lynda, Social Science Puttock, Robert E., Industrial Mgt. Quick, Charles, Business Quick, Paul F., Advertising Quinn, Debbie, Speech Therapy Raade, Ronald, Business Ed. Racine, Robert, Hotel Management Radcliffe, Beverly, General Business Rahaley, Nancy, Elementary Ed. Randall, Clifford, Biological Science Randall, David, Accounting Randall, Geoffrey, Electrical Engr. Randall, Louise, Mathematics Randolph, Fred E., Special Ed. Rankens, Larry, Social Science Rankin, Gary, Packaging Rao, Raman K.V., Chemical Engr. Rao, Robert, Animal Husbandry Raphael, Sharon, Home Economics Rapoport, Allen, Social Science Rapp, Michael, Agriculture Rasey, Jill, Elementary Ed. Rasmussen, Karen, Elementary Ed. Rathjen, Gregory, Political Science Rathke, David E., Mechanical Engr. Rau, Thomas, Justin Morrill College Rausch, James, Zoology Ravey, Charles W., Social Science Raymond, John, English Razmyoush, Shahram, Mechanical Engr. Reardon, Paul, Advertising Reed, Jesse W., Jr., Social Science-Ed. Reed, Susan, Humanities Reefer, Joyce, Social Science Reeves, Jeanine, Psychology Reichmann, Donna, Biological Sciences Reid, Dean, Forestry Reilly, Clifford, Marketing Reiley, Michael, Advertising Reiman, Robert F., Business Reinhardt, Cynthia, Interior Design Reins, Lani, Social Work Reisig, Karen, English Relyea, Judith, Political Science Relyea, Kay, Elementary Ed. Rempala, Paul, Urban Planning Rengert, Lawrence, Art Renshaw, Claude D., Social Science Renwick, Marilyn, Education Rewbotham, Sharon, French Reynolds, Donald, Advertising Rhinehart, Richard, Personal Mgmt. Rhodes, Donice, Education Rhodes, John, Social Science Rhodes, Sandra, Education Ricco, John, Accounting Riccobono, Maria, Political Science Rice, Barbara, English Richards, Sarah, Home Economics Ed. Richards, Saranne, Retailing Richardson, James F., Math. Richmond, Carol, Interior Design Richmond, Patricia, Medical Tech. Ricketts, Karen, Elementary Education Ricky, Jo , Education Ries, David E., Mechanical Engr. Ries, Diane, Social Work Ries, Thomas, Civil Engr. Rieves, Cynthia, English Riggio, Gayle, Home Economics Riha, Robert, Industrial Arts Riipi, Elsa, French Riley, Jack, General Business Ring, Betty, Biological Science Ring, David, Electrical Engr. Ringer, Joan, Home Economics Ringley, Linda, Art Education Ringwald, Arthur, Building Const. Rinkus, Frank C., Finance Rinna, Randall, Personal Mgmt. Risi, Pedro, Chemical Engr. Risner, Elaine, Home Economics Ed. Ritsema, Jack D., Religion Roat, David, Communications Roberts, Ronald J„, Advertising Robinson, David, Economics Robinson, Gilbert, Zoology Robinson, John, Biochemistry Robinson, Patricia, Art Practice Rockafellow, Bonnie, Education Rodenbarger, Robert, Marketing Roepke, Robert, Business Rogers, Barbara, Education Rogers, Judi, Social Science Rohde, Richard, Business Roller, Brent, Agriculture Business Rollin, Grant, Finance Rollo, Carol, Business Ed. Rollyson, Carl, English Roman, James P., Metallurgical Engr. Roman, Karen, French Romig, Barbara, History Romine, Carolyn, Education Rompf, Theresa, Business Adm. Root, Ronald, Business Rorick, Marharet, Office Adm. Rose, Carol, Psychology Rose, Larry, Mechanical Engr. Rose, Lawrence, Hotel Management Rose, Lynn, History Rose, Vickie, Mathematics Roseberry, Nancy, Elementary Ed. Roseman, Amy Lynn, Education Rasenau, Pat, Retailing Rosenberg, W. Dean, Economics Rosenblum, Steven, Hotel Management Rosene, Dale, General Science Rosenfeld, Sharon D., Elementary Ed. Rosiello, Judith, Elementary Ed. Roskiewicz, Jan, Special Ed. Ross, John, Mathematics Ross, Linda, English Ross, Lynn, Recreation-Ed. Rosson, Robert, English Rosthal, Richard, Mathematics Rothlein, Fred, Psychology Routson, Jeffrey, Civil Engr. Rowan, Marcia, Social Work Rowbottom, Bruce, Accounting Rowe, Elizabeth, Child Dev.-Ed. Rowe, Margaret, Journalism Rowell, John, Political Science Roy, Arthur, Agriculture Roy, Connie J., Retailing Roy, Marlene, Education Rublein, Brian, Communication Arts Rubovits, Jean, Psychology Ruby, Timothy, Mathematics Ruch, Joseph, Mechanical Engr. Rudnicki, Linda, Retailing Rudnik, Barbara Ann, Elementary Ed. Rudy, Richard J., Physics Rupperole, Margaret, Mathematics Rumph, John, Office Adm. 1 Rupp, Marjorie, English Ed. Rupprecht, Gary, Industrial Adm. Russell, Alan, Computer Science Russell, Mary, Elementary Ed. Russell, Wayne, Hotel Management Rutledge, Marsha, Vet. Medicine Ryan, Elaine, Justin Morrill College Ryan, Jeri, Art Ryan, Martha Ellen, Nursing Rymal, Janis, Elementary Ed. Sackett, David, Education Sadoff, Edward, Personnel Adm. Safru, Stephen, English Sage, Janis M., Social Science Sager, Ronald E., Physics Saif, Jallel, Police Adm. St. James, Edgar E., Jr., Geology St. James, Richard, Engineering St. John, Robert, Mathematics Salach, Beverly, Elementary Ed. Sallee, JeanAnn, Communications Salo, Martha, Medical Tech. Salvucci, Kathleen, Humanities Salzenstein, Barbara, Education Salzmann, David, Hotel Management Samadany, Faramarz, Chemistry Sampson, Clinton, Hotel Management Sampson, Marjorie, Social Science Ed. Sanchez, Fred I., Management Sanford, Carol A., Vet. Medicine Sanford, Gary, Advertising Sanford, Patricia, Special Ed. Santerre, Janette, Mathematics Saper, Brian, Electrical Eng. Sapp, Molly, Physical Ed. Sarko, Alan, Social Science Sarnes, Carol, Elementary Ed. Sarten, David, General Business Sass, George L., Landscape Arch. Satterfield, Mary K., Retailing Sattler, Beth, English Sattler, Craig, Div. Soc. Sci. Sauer, William, Advertising Sawicki, Mark J., French Sawiciki, Margaret, Child Dev. Sayler, Barbara, Home Ec. Ed. Scarpelli, Frank, Foods Schaefer, Jean, Home Ec. Ed. Schafer, Roger, Social Science Scheppele, Eileen, Mathematics Ed. Scherer, Stacy, History Scherm, Thomas, Forestry Schewe, Dorothy M., Textiles-Retailing Schierbaum, Judy, Mathematics Schilling, Gerald, Electrical Engineering Schimmel, Mary Ann, Social Science Schlachter, Dale, Marketing Schlappi, Robert, Television and Radio Schlichter, Doris, Biochemistry Schmelzer, Mary Kay, Elementary Ed. Schmida, Larry, Packaging Schmidt, Ann, Elementary Ed. Schmidt, Dwight C., Packaging Schmidt, Gloria, Communications Schmidt, Peter, Economics Schmidt, Rebecca S., Social Science Schmuck, Douglas, Biology Schneider, Barbara, English Schneider, James, Physical Ed. Schneider, Jane, Art Schneider, Robert, Marketing Schober, Janet, Home Economics Ed. Schoch, Nancy, Home Economics Scholl, Linda M., Elementary Ed. Scholz, Paula Lee, Social Work Scholtz, Virginia, Spanish Schrauben, Mary, Home Economics Schreiber, Kathryn, Sociology Schroeder, Ronald, Mechanical Engr. Schuch, John, Business Adm. Schuck, Linda, Nursing Schuck, William, Music Ed. Schueller, Anne, Physical Education Schulenburg, Mary, Journalism Schultz, Germaine, Secondary Ed. Schulz, Mary, Social Work Schultz, Mary C., Elementary Ed. Schulte, Peter, General Business Schumacher, Diana, English Schuring, Karen, Nursing Schurman, Susan, Justin Morrill Schurr, Laurann, Retailing Schutt, Richard, Labor and Ind. Relations Schwalm, Linda, Elementary Education Schwandt, Penny, Elementary Ed. Schwark, Thomas, Marketing Schwartz, Steven, Justin Morrill Schwenke, Joanne, Elementary Ed. Scipione, Diane, Elementary Ed. Scofield, Joyce, Education Scott, Bruce, Social Science Scott, Mary M., Foods Scott, Robert H., Business Scott, Ruth, Art Scott, Toni Jo, Psychology Scully, David, Social Science Ed. Seales, Keith W., Jr., Social Science Searfoss, David, Music Ed. Sears, Laura, Elementary Ed. Sebring, Carolyn, Elementary Ed. Sedall, Linda, Art Seder, Phyllis, Speech Sedlacek, Kathryn, TV-Radio Seif, Richard, Electrical Engr. 417 Seirmarco, Lynn, Music Seiss, Randolph, Chemical Engr. Semans, Thomas, Dairy Senob, Ruth, Education Separa, Nancy, Psychology Separa, Thomas, Industrial Design Seppaney, Dennis, Mathematics Settecerri, Thomas, Physics Seward, James, Hotel Management Sewell, Lindsay S., Elementary Ed. Shaeffer, Susan, Elementary Ed. Shanks, Laura, Physical Ed. Shannon, Thomas M., Industrial Design Shapiro, Mickey, Speech Shappee, Barbara, H istory Sharum, Sandra, Medical Tech. Shaw, David L., Chemistry Shaw, David M., Astrophysics Shelburne, Charles, Microbiology Shelby, Barry, German Sheldon, Suzanne K., Justin Morrill College Shemiot, Michele, Advertising Shepard, Sandra S., Theatre Shepard, William, General Business Sheppard, Bobbie, Home Economics Ed. Sheppard, Donald I., Landscape Hort. Sheridan, John, Social Science Sherman, Bonnie, Textiles Sherman, Dianne, Interior Design Sherman, Gerald, Education Sherman, Jim, Television and Radio Sherwood, Fred, Advertising Shibuya, Susan, Elementary Ed. Shiel, Walter, Electrical Engr. Shinn, Martha Y., Interior Design Shipe, Diane, History-Ed. Shong, Ellen Marie, Social Work Shook, LaVina, Divisional Soc. Showalter, Janis L., Speech Shratter, Phyllis, Entomology Shreve, Theron, Social Science Shriver, Patrice, History Shuman, Nancy, Interior Design Shuraleff, Chris, Education Shurley, Katherine, Elementary Ed. Shutty, Jo-Jo, Television and Radio Sickels, Charles, Political Science Sidder, Glenn A., General Business Siegel, Ellen, Elementary Ed. Siegler, Jean, Finance Sikora, Andrea, Elementary Ed. Sikora, Joseph, Zoology Silberman, Clara, Zoology Silk, Barbara, Mathematics Silver, Mark, Social Science Siman, Steven, Pre-Law Simon, Dennis, Communications Simon, Juliet, Elementary Ed. Simon, Karen Eve, Communication Arts Simpson, David, Hotel Management Simpson, Edward, Psychology Simpson, Richard, Economics Simpson,Vicky, Child Development Sims, Luther, Jr., Social Science Sims, Michael D., Electrical Eng. Singer, Phillip, Mathematics Sinnickson, Robert, Economics Sioma, Diane, Elementary Ed. Sipkovsky, Robert E., Justin Morrill College Sipperley, Gary, Social Science Sirna, Michael L., Geology Skinner, Betty Jean, Communication Arts Skop, Judy Lynn, Liberal Arts Skorupa, Edward, Psychology Slating, Richard, Vet. Medicine Slattery, Nancy, English Slavin, Barbara, Dietetics Small, Roger, Geography Smith, Aleta, Home Ec. Smith, Anne, Education Smith, Brian G., Electrical Eng. Smith, Carlyn, French Smith, Carol L., Nursing Smith, Daniel, Economics Smith, David H., Advertising Smith, David, Horticulture Smith, Esther, Social Work Smith, Gayle, Special Ed. Smith, Jeanette, Chemistry Smith, Jeffrey L., Psychology Smith, Karen, Theatre Smith, Katherine Dierick, Dietetics Smith, Larry, Animal Husbandry Smith, Michael, Social Science Smith, Pamela A., Social Work Smith, Patricia, Elementary Ed. Smith, Patricia, Communications Smith, Paula, English Smith, Richard, Vet. Medicine Smith, Richard C., Business Adm. Smith, Richard, Landscape Arch. Smith, Richard L., Agriculture Smith, Robert G., Hotel Management Smith, S. Curtis, Justin Morrill Smith, Stephen Paul, English Smith, Susan, History Smith, Valerie, Elementary Ed. Smith, Verna, Zoology Smits, Lester, Social Science Snell, Judith, Elementary Education Snider, William, Mechanical Engr. Snively, Carolyn, Education Snodgrass, Leslie, Art Education Snowdon, Karen, Special Ed. Snowfleet, Kay L., Psychology Snyder, Jeffrey, Social Science Snyder, Linda, Elementary Ed. Solarz, Susan, Special Ed. Solish, Gail, Social Science Solmo,Sue, Elementary Education Soltman, Sharon, Secondary Ed. Sommers, Patricia, English Sonneborn, Barbara, English Sopys, Laima, Biology Sosnowski, Amelia, Special Ed. Soule, Robert, English Southern, Susan, Home Economics, Ed. Sova, Michele, Education Spain, Sylvia, Social Science Sparkman, Sally, Dietetics Spaulding, Allan, Business Adm. Spaulding, Elizabeth, English Ed. Speasmaker, Daniel, Hotel Mgmt. Specht, Judith, Nursing Speck, Douglas, Justin Morrill Speck, Ruth, Psychology Speier, Donald E., Business Adm. Spencer, Carolyn, Math. Spencer, Robert, Social Science Spencer, Sandra, Elementary Ed. Spenski, Ronald, Forestry Sperling, Norman, History Spice, Patricia, History Spillner, Alan, Math. Spina, Costan, History Spindler III, Vestus, Theater Spletzer, Beverly, Communications Sponsler, Michael, Business Sponner, Kay, Elementary Ed. Sporn, Neil, Social Science Spradling, Peter, Zoology Springsteen, Nancy, Elementary Ed. Stach, Donna, Education Stack, Ronald, Community Recreation Stack, Rosemarie, Elementary Education Stadden, Toby, Humanities Stadnyk, Janis, Literature Stafford, Barbara, Elementary Ed. Stafford, Beverly, Nursing Stanger, John, Animal Husbandry Stankiewkz, Mary, Medical Tech. Stanley, Kitty, History 420 Stanley, Penny L., History Stanley, Thomas, Forestry Stansell, Gilbert F., Jr., History Stapleton, Carolyn, Education Stapleton, Diane, Elementary Ed. Stark, Diane, Social Science Starr, Monica E., Mathematics Startt, John S., Biological Science Stealy, Thomas, Accounting Steele, Gannett, Management Steggall, Jerae, Electrical Engr. Stein, Barry M., Political Science Stein, Janice, Art Ed. Steinhardt, Shirley, Home Economics Steinhoff, Frances, English Steininger, Jill, Home Economics Steinman, Karen, Home Economics Stemmermann, Richard, Art Ed. Stephenson, Nancy, English Sterling, Joel T., Education Stern, Harriet, Education Sterner, Tom, Physical Ed. Sterens, Evart, Zoology Stevens, Geoffrey, Mechanical Engr. Stewart, James, Physical Ed. Stewart, Sandra, Social Work Stewart, Susan, Social Science Stewman, Kenneth, Hotel Management Stibbe, Richard E., Packaging Stibitz, Gerald, Civil Engr. Stickney, Alan, Mathematics Stickney, James, Economics Stieber, Arnold, Industrial Mgmt. Stillwagon, Patricia, Divisional Soc. Stiriz, Elaine, Graphic Design Stockton, Margaret, Home Economics Ed. Stoffan, Philip, English Stolarczyk, Jane, English Stoll, Susan, Humanities Stone, Cathy, Police Adm. Stone, Kathleen, Retailing Stoor, Sally, Mathematics Stopa, Katherine, Business Ed. Storm, Kenneth A., Education Stough, Diane, Journalism Stover, Carolyn, Elementary Ed. Strachan, Shari, Speech Therapy Strand, Cynthia, Elementary Ed. Straub, Cynthia, Elementary Ed. Strauch, Christine, Home Ec. Ed. Strausberg, Daniel, Chemical Eng. Strayer, Anne, Elementary Ed. Streidl, Rebecca, Elementary Ed. Stringer, Larry, Business Adm. Stringfield, Barry, Pre-Medicine Strom, Barbara, Spanish Strong, Anne, Elementary Ed. Strong, James, Sociology Stuart, Diane, Retailing Stubig, Diana, Education Stuckey, Judi, Sociology Stueber, Richard, T.V. and Radio Stump, Daniel, Economics Stump, Donald, Advertising Stupak, Frank, Social Science Sturgeon, Carl, Industrial Arts Stuteville, Amy, Elementary Ed. Stutsman, James, Mathematics Sukonick, Karen, Elementary Ed. Summerer, Bruce, Agricultural Engr. Sunior, Mary Jo, Police Adm. Sunstrom, Lisa, Retailing Surath, Ann, Speech Correction Susakiewicz, Carol, Elementary Ed. Sutfin, Cheryl, Social Science Sutliff, Karen, Social Science Suttles, Charles, Industrial Mgmt. Svendsen, Sally, Elementary Ed. Swanson, Kenneth, Social Work Swartz, Janice, Justin Morrill Sweeney, Bernadette, Business Sweeney, Franklin, Police Adm. Sweeney, Kathleen, Elementary Ed. Sweet, Barbara, Education Sweet, Sally, Clothing and Textiles Sweetwine, Benjamin, History Swiderski, Kathleen, Vet. Medicine Swift, Karen, Business Ed. Swintak, Sandra, Medical Tech. Sybinsky, Carol, Geology Szczesny, David, Zoology Taft, Mary, Education Talbergs, Liga, Biochemistry Talley, Carole, Biology Talvitie, Cheryl, Engineering Tamburini, Lynn, Music Ed. Tangman, Darrell, Mathematics Tanigana, Wayne, Social Science Tannar, Thomas, Physical Ed. Tapley, Kathleen, Nursing Tarkoe, Mary, Social Work Tate, Linda, Home Economics Tate, Lynnette, Biology Taylor, James, Electrical Engr. Taylor, Laura, Elementary Ed. Taylor, Marilyn, Physiology Taylor, Mary Ann, Education Taylor, Molly, Vet. Medicine 422 Taylor, Nancy, Social Science Taylor, Patricia, Political Science Taylor, Robert G., Food Science Taylor, Stewart, Music Ed. Telfer, Kathleen, Elementary Ed. Temple, James, Animal Husbandry Temple, John, T.V. and Radio Temple, Marilyn, Engineering Templeton, Patricia, Social Science Tener, Ralph, Philosophy Terlaak, Bernadine, Interior Design Terlecki, James, Psychology Tesch, Janice, Interior Design Tester, Carole, Home Economics Thaler, Suzanne, English Thaler, Warren, Electrical Engr. Thelen, Evelyn, Home Economics Thelen, William, Mechanical Engr. Thimlar, Susan, Special Education Thomas, James, Packaging Thomas, Lynn, Vet. Medicine Thompson, Alan, Social Science Thompson, Judith, Social Work Thomsen, Peter, Vet. Medicine Thompson, Willard, Economics Thomson, Martha, Elementary Ed. Thornton, Audrey, English Thornton, Katherine, Retailing Thornton, Patricia, Education Thrasher, Anne, Humanities Throop, Thomas, Packaging Thurman, Randolph, Pre-Law Tibbits, Larry, Civil Engr. Tiedeman, Paul, Engineering Tillman, Paula, Justin Morrill Timmons, Michael, Landscape Archt. Tinkler, Stephanie, English Tipping, Donald, Justin Morrill Tischler, Thayer, Humanities Tobin, Lynne, Nursing Todish,Tim, Personnel Adm. Tomka, Marene, Dietetics Tomkins, Linda, English Topper, James, Mechanical Engr. Topping, Edward, Social Work Torok, Susan, Advertising Toskey, Bonnie, Education Toth, David, Mechanical Engr. Towle, Howard, Biology Townsend, Thomas, Accounting Towson, Toby, Psychology Tracy, Barbara, Recreation Trageser, Mary, Chemistry Trail, Williams, History 423 Trainor, Janet, Physical Ed, Trask, Diane, Humanities Travrig, Carol, Advertising Treadwell, Jeanne, English Tredinnick, Linda, English Treece, Diana, Education Treece, Linda, Mathematics Tremba, Joseph, Business Tremba, Linda, Interior Design Trenkle, Ann, Social Work Trevethan, Jean, Math-Science Trimble, Gary, Psychology Tripp, Katherine, Hotel Management Trott, John, Education Trotter, Donna, Psychology Troub, Suzanne, Economics Troyer, Ronald, Electrical Eng. Tryc, David, Ag. Packaging Tubbs, Julia, Social Work Tubich, Cathy, Elementary Ed. Tubich, Terry, Speech Therapy Tucker, Candace, Packaging Tucker, Joyce, English Turner, Diane, Child Dev. Turrigiano, Sandra, Elementary Ed. Tykocki, Douglas, Social Science Tyler, Patricia, Social Work Ucci, Judith, Art Ed. Uhe, Marie, Vet. Medicine Uldin, Kay, Elementary Ed. Ulrickson, Mary, Psychology Ulrickson, Michael, Physics Umphrey, Janis A., Elementary Ed. Underwood, Margaret, German Underwood, Robert, Wildlife Mgt. Unger, Glenn, Social Science Upegraff, Janet, Elementary Ed. Urbain, John, Fisheries-Wildlife Valentino, Carl, Physical Ed. VanAntwerp, Christopher, Art VanBronkhorst, Douglas, Electrical Eng. VanBruggen, Ruth, Home Ec. VanBuren, Lynda, English VanDalen, John, Fisheries-Wildlife VanDam, Marian, Elementary Ed. VanDam, Richard D., Education VandenBosch, Susan, French VanderArk, Diane Kaye, Elementary Ed. Vanderbush, Susan, Elementary Ed. VanderHoff, Kenneth J., Marketing VanderMale, Michael, Social Science VanderVeen, Katrina, Retailing VanderVere, Nancy, Home Ec. VanDis, Thomas, Accounting VanDox, Carly, Elementary Ed. VanDussen, Linda, English VanDyke, James, Pre-Law VanEgmond, Mary L., Nursing Vanek, Pamela, Astrophysics VanHee, Florine, Special Ed. VanHeest, William J., Zoology Vanker, Susanne, Nursing VanLandschoot, JoAnn, Elementary Ed. VanLydegraf, Leigh, Journalism VanLynn, Katherine, History VanNolkinburg, Joan, Elementary Ed. VanSickle, Karen, English VanValkenburg, Daniel, Soil Science VanVelsor, Sandra, Elementary Ed. VanWye, Joann, Journalism VanZandt, Clair, Geography Vargas, Oscar E., Civil Eng. Vargo, Karen, Elementary Ed. Vary .Barbara L ., Physical Ed. Vaughn, Bruce M., Elementary Ed. Veltman, Gregory M., Education Veltman, Mary, Elementary Ed. Verwohlt, Patricia, Physical Ed. Veryser, Irene, Elementary Ed. Vickers, Janice, Soc. Sci. Ed. Victor, Dean, Zoology Victor, Linda, Retailing Vince, Robert, Music Virag, Jerome, Social Science Virag, Steve, Jr., Social Science Vitale, Shirley Ann, Elementary Ed. Vogt, Julie, Social Science Voige, William H., Biochemistry Vokits, Ronald S., Electrical Eng. Volk, Marilee, Elementary Ed. Vonderhaar, Mary Jane, Elementary Ed. VorBroker, Robert, Social Science Votta, Kristine, History Waak, Richard, Management Wachtel, Jo-Anne, French Ed. Wagewheim, Elliot, Psychology Wagner, Frances, English Waisnoras, Maryellen, Sociology Waite, William, Pre-Law Wall, Katherine, Elementary Ed. Wallace, James, Accounting Wallin, Gary, Business Wallo, Johna, Nursing Walls, Helen, Home Ec. Walls, Larry, Social Science Walsh, LeeAnne, Nursing Walsh, Marilyn, Interior Design Walstrom, Fred, Civil Eng. 425 fHh mm to*. ìli■ —— Walter, Linda L., Math-Ed. Walter, Margaret J., Physical Ed. Walter, William, Packaging Walters, Jerry, Resource Dev. Walters, John T., Management Walters, Robert, Accounting Walther, Philip, Chemistry Walz, Kenneth, Accounting Wandell, Gary L., Fisheries Warbach, John, Landscape Arch. Warbach, Laura H., Sociology Ward, Donald, General Science Ward, Nancy, Education Ward, Patricia, Home Ec. Ed. Ward, Shaila, Math-Ed. Warfield, Mary S., Elementary Ed. Warnden, Jean, Journalism Warner, Ronald, Physical Ed. Warnke, Donald, Packaging Warren, Allen, Social Science Warren, Julie, Nursing Warrington, David, Elementary Ed. Wasem, Jeanette, Home Ec. Ed. Waskul, Donna, Reading Wasmer, William, Mechanical Eng. Waterman, Patricia, Education Waterson, Georgia, Education Wathen, Kenneth, Mechanical Eng. Watkowski, Mary Jo, Accounting Watson, Betty J., Counseling Watts, Jane, Retailing Wayne, Linda, Elementary Ed. Weathersby, Anne, Anthropology Webb, Jack, Mechanical Eng. Webber, Theresa, Communications Weber, Scott A., Math-Ed. Weeden, Gayle, Social Work Weeks, Craig, Social Science Weglarz, Marlene, Elementary Ed. Weichman, Phillip, Advertising Weingarden, Leslie, Social Science Weinstein, Jeffrey D., Social Science Weinstein, Larry, Communications Weir, Mary, Social Work Weisberg, Fredric, Marketing Weishaar, Pamela, Political Science Weiss, Barbara, English Weiss, Julian, Chemical Eng. Weller, Suzanne E., Accounting Wells, Bobby, Social Science Wells, Geraldine, Social Work Welpott, Joyce, Retailing Wenckus, John, Psychology Wendt, Thomas, Business 426 Wender, Marsha, Zoology Wendt, Hunter, Social Sei. Wenk, William, Landscape Arch. Werber, David, Economics Werner, Lawrence, Journalism Werth, Kathleen, Elementary Ed. Wessells, Fred, Humanities West, Sharon, Social Work Westmoreland, Sandra, Elementary Ed. Whalen, Ann, Social Sci. Wheaton, Nancy, Psychology Wheeler, Stephen, Mechanical Engr. Whenal, Barry, Classical Studies White, Brian, Physical Ed. White, Charles, Industrial Arts White, David, Business White, James, Political Sci. White, Linda, French White, MaryAnn, Physical Ed. White, Penny, Interior Design White, Ronald, Sociology Whitelead, Bruce, Zoology Whitehead, Oliver, Math Whiten, Darryl, Physics Whitloch, Dennis, Industrial Arts Whitsitt, Brenda, Elementary Ed. Whittaker, Sue, Police Adm. Whyte, Bobbie, Art Ed. Wickert, Melissa, Marketing Wicklund, Donna, Math Wiederhold, Kenneth, Personnel Adm. Wiehe, William, Engineering Wiegand, Bruce, Advertising Wiejacska, John, Packaging Wier, Maryanne, Art Ed. Wiggins, Nancy, Education Wilber, Sandy, English Wilburn, Linda, Elementary Ed. Wiley, Catherine, Music Lit. Wiliford, Paul, Electrical Engr. Wilkens, John, Chemical Engr. Will, James, Accounting Willbur, Jerald, Psychology Williams, David, Advertising Williams, Dianne, Communications Williams, Edith, Education Williams, Georgia, Nursing Williams, Janice, Justin Morrill Williams, John, Philosophy Williams, Linda, Math Williams, Michael, Political Sci. Williams, Michael, History Williams, Paul, Mechanical Engr. Williams, Robert, Engineering 427 Williams, Roger, Communications Williamson, Sandra, Medical Tech. Willis, Kathleen, Speech & Hearing Wilson, Katherine, French Wilson, Kay, Elementary Ed. Wilson, Sandra, Sociology Wiltrakis, Mark, Psychology Winchell, George, Russian Windiate, Janet, English Windsor, Carl, TV & Radio Winegarden, David, Packaging Wineman, Anne, Social Work Winkel, Delton, TV & Radio Winkel, Rodney, Horticulture Winn, Frank, Psychology Winnick, Dinah, Secretarial Adm. Winnick, Robert, Accounting Winter, Jon, Social Sci. Winterburn, Carol, Nursing Wirt, Michael, Psychology Wiser, Gretchen, Physical Ed. Wisniewsk, Robert, Math Wiswall, Nancy, Vet. Medicine Witmer, Cheryl, Dietetics Witt, Mary, Business Ed. Wittenbach, Lucada, Elementary Ed. Wittkopp, Jane, Speech & Hearing Wittman, John, Systems Service Wojtowicz, Alfred, Math Wolanin, William, Social Sci. Wolcott, Henry, Accounting Wolf, Wendy, Medical Tech. Wolf, William, Hotel Adm. Wolfe, Mary, English Wolfe, Robert, Vet. Medicine Wolford, Sally, Home Economics Wolverton, Constance, Social Work Wong, Winifred, Interior Design Wood, Anne, Business Wood, Stephen, Landscape Arch. Wood, Terrie, Elementary Ed. Woodford, Ann, Psychology Woodhams, Katherine, Art Practice Woodley, Mary, French Woodman, Linda, Elementary Ed. Woodroe, Suzanne, Elementary Ed. Woods, Marsha, Math Woodsum, David, Business Adm. Woodworth, ZoeAnn, Social Work Worden, Thomas, Social Science Wright, Douglas, Marketing Wright, Patricia, Special Ed. Wuckert, Ernst, Music Ed. Wuori, Jean, Elementary Ed. 428 Wyckoff, Stephen, Advertising Wykes, Marilyn, Elementary Ed. Xenakis, James, Political Science Yager, Leslie, History Yahr, Ruth, Elementary Ed. Yansura, Sharon, Math Yelding, John, Social Science Yen, Catherine, Dietetics Yoak, David, Social Science Yocherer, Gregory, History Yoder, Kenneth, Agriculture Yoder, Peggy, Psychology Yonkosky, Reena, Animal Husbandry York, Karen, Education Young, Eugenia, Medical Tech. Young, Michael, Landscape Arch. Young, Susan, Elementary Ed. Yunker, Paul, Medical Tech. Zalewski, Daniel, Agriculture Zalla, Kenneth, Communications Zamplas, Cynthia, Education Zann, Candace, Education Zarnoch, Walter, Forestry Zatolokin, David, Industrial Rel. Zebley, Margaret, Home Economics Zehnder, John, Social Science Zeig, Jeffrey, Zoology Zeisloft, Barbara, Speech Therapy Zellar, Ronald, Social Science Zeman, Christine, Chemistry Ziemniak, Pam, Business Ed. Ziewacz, Carol, English Ziga, John, Business Zimbler, Phyllis, Journalism Zindler, Diane, Social Science Zitek, Jeri-Ann, Geography Zollman, Barbara, English Zorn, Rita, Elementary Ed. Zoros, Georgeanna, Elementary Ed. Zuidema, Suzanne, Social Science Zurek, Richard, Math Zwarensteyn, Lodewyk, Geography GRADUATE DIRECTORY-1969 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AARDEMA, PAULA Muskegon ED MSU Concert Band; Spartan Christian Fellow­ ship College Life; Ski Club ANDERSEN, JOHN Muskegon ANDERSON, BARBARA Honors College BUS ATKIN, DIANA East Lansing gp ENGR 35 ED ANDERSON, DIANE East Lansing Ski Club; Republican Club ANDERSON, GRAYDON Rochester, New York American Institute of Chem. Engrs. ANDERSON, JOHN W. Caseville Theta Delta Chi ANDERSON, LORRAINE St. Johns Honors College ANDERSON, MARY ANDERSON, MARY B. Grand Rapids SS ANDERSON, MAX Scottville |\js Soc. of Exploration Geophysicist; Intramurals , Mon ANDERSON, MICHAEL B. Boz. JMC Delta Phi Epsilon; Blue Key; Omicron Delta Kappa; Phi Kappa Phi; Scabbard and Blade; Honors College; Pres., Forensics Union; Exec. Comm., Honors College; RA ANDERSON, PATRICK East Lansing ANDERSON, RAYMOND Sawyer Phi Eta Sigma ANDRAS, JAMES East Lansing Delta Tau Delta BUS ns BUS ANDRE, RUSSELL W. Grand Rapids CA State News; Tech. Adv. Spartan Engr.; Adv. Club ANDRINGA, MARVIN Byron Center I ntramurals BUS ANGEL, WILLIAM R. Lansing AGR V. Pres. Block & Bridle Club; Livestock Judge; Meat Judge ANSTETT, PATRICIA Detroit CA Sigma Kappa Sec.; State News Assoc. Campus Ed.; Sr. Coumi; Greek Week Pub. Sec.; Water Carn. Programs ANTHONY, CAROL Glen Ellyn, Illinois®' Pi Beta Phi ANTHONY, KATHY Grand Rapids APP, SARAH Evanston, jjl/inois Kappa Kappa Gamma ARCHAMBAULT, PHILIP Lewiston, Maine I ntramurals A&L A&L HE BUS ARDEN, JOHN Holly BUS Tau Betta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Grad. RA Theta ARENS, RAY Lansing ARENSON, HUGH Greenwich, Connecticut State News; Tennis; Intramural ARMBRUSTER, DALE Sebevvaing ARMITAGE, JOHN F. Dearborn Rugby; Karate; Wght. Lifting ARMSTRONG, GEORGE W. Detroit Parachute Club ARMSTRONG, PAMELA Southfield Sigma Delta Tau ARNDT, MARTHA Port Austin JAVMA ACC EC AGR ENGR SS A&L VM ABBOTT, ANNABELLE Grand Rapids ABEL, DIANE ABELL, JACK Chagrin Falls, Ohic Baltimore A&L ADAMS, CHERISSE A&L Birmingham Alpha Gamma Delta Greek Week; Co-Chrm. of Community Projects ADAMS, MARK Shepherd College Republicans BUS ADAMSON, BARBARA Lansing ADKIN, SUZANNE AGENTS, ROBERT Detroit Theta Xi AGUIRRE, ROBERT Mishawaka, Ind. Fresh. Swimming AHLRICH, THOMAS Parchment Amateur Radio Club AIKEN, BRUCE East Lansing AIKEN, JULIANNE AINSWORTH, SHARON Detroit Kappa Kappa Gamma AIREY, DAWN Ann Arbor Alpha Chi Omega ALBEE, GILBERT Midland I ntramurals ALBERTS, THOMAS Ravenna Packaging Society ALCIATORE, GASTON Grand Rapids Veterans Assn.; Ski Club ALEJANDRO, RICHARD Grand Rapids Alpha Kappa Psi; Intramurals ALFRED, JOSEPH Fredericksburg, Va. ALKAZEMI, FAISAL Kuwait, Kuwait Organ, of Arab Students ALHAJI, IDRISU Zaria, Nigeria Phi Eta Sigma ALLEN, BRUCE Franklin Sigma Alpha Mu; Marketing Cl. ALLEN, SHARON Detroit Kappa Delta ALLSTON, MARY Birmingham ALMY, ALAN Charlotte Student Soc. of Landscape Arch.; Society of Landscape Arch.; ROTC ALPINER, ROBERT Detroit B'nai B'rith Hillel Found.; Intramurals ANCHORS, DENNIS ATKINSON, WILLA CMïinnati, Ohio HE Alpha Xi Delta; ASMSU; Water Carn.; Careers BALCER, VICTORIA Detroit COMM ARTS Speech Assoc, of Amer.; Dorm Govt.; Block S, Corres. Sj||| Alpha Delta Pi; Judo Club ATKINS, CAROLYN Clarkston MSU Chorus; MSU Glee Club ATKINSON, MICHAEL L. Ridgecrest, California Phi Eta Sigma; IEEE A&L ENGR ATOVSKY, ROCHELLE Chicago, Illinois A&L ATTENBERGER, STANLEY Ithaca Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Sigma Tau; Karate Club; Phys. Club Pres. NS AUBE, DONALD Alpena SCASLA; Block "S” AUBREY, JAMES Detroit Phi Sigma Kappa AUCH, SUSAN Grosse Pointe AUERBACH, JUDY Shaker Heights, Ohio SEA AUERBACK, MARIAN East Lansing AVERY, LAWRENCE Okemos Delta Upsilon AVERY, LINDA Birmingham AVERY, PATRICIA Rochester Delta Phi Alpha; German Club SS SS ED ED A&L CA ED A&L bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb BABCOCK, BETTY White Cloud Kappa Delta Pi BABIARZ, ELAINE Detroit Home Ec. Club BACK, BETTE Des Plaines, Illinois Kappa Alpha Theta; Greek Week BACKUS, JACK Grand Ledge BACON, BEVERLY Farmington BACON, RICHARD Mulliken Bowling Team BADER, ELLYN Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Sigma Delta Tau; Sailing Team BAFFO, SEBASTIANO Warren Intramurals BAGGOTT, KAREN Livonia Tntramurals; Water Carn. BAILEY, BONNIE Romeo Pres. Campbell Ha^^| ED HE NS ENGR NS AGR A&L A&L ED ED BAILEY, JOHN A. Streator, iffiiois BUS Phi Delta Theta; Capt. Vars. Basketball; Vars. Golf BAILEY, RONALD Claxton, Georgia JMC Blue Key N.H.F.; Rxcalibur Sr. Men's Hon.; Honoea College; All-U-Student Jud.; Stud-Fac Jud.; BSA; Intramurals; Alpha Phi Alpha BAILEY, VIRGINIA Dearborn Heights H|Sj& BAINBRIDGE, CHARLES Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Sigma Gamma Epsilon; SEG BAKALAR, HARRIET Oak Park Sigma Delta Tau BAKEN, RICK Loisville, Kentucky Theta Chi; ASMSU; Water Carn. BAKER, BEVERLY Grand Rapids SEA BAKER, MARY KAY Moline, Illinois MED TECH Honors College; Amer. Society of Med. Tech.; R. A. BAKER, TERRY East Lansing A.S.C.E. BAKER, TIMOTHY East Lansing Spartan Rifle & Pistol Club, Pres. ENGR SS BALDERSON, JEAN Bethesda, Maryland Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College BALGENORTH, RICHARD V. Birmingham WMSN Radio; Asher House BALL, KARIN Barton City A&L BUS SS BALOMBIN, MICHAEL Parma, Ohio NS Sigma Gamma Epsilon;; Intramural Athletics BONFIELD, REBECCA Ann Arbor Alpha Chi Omega BANGHART, DONALD Ann Arbor BUS Delta Upsilon; Blue Key; Senior Class Council Cabinet, Vice-Pres.; Ch. Pop-Entertainment; Spartan Aide BANGHART, LAURA Ann Arbor ED Publicity Ch. for ASMSU; Pop-Entertainment BARTH, MARY MARGARET Sacramento, California HE Kappa Alpha Theta; Foods & Nutrition Ad­ visory Board; HE Advisory Board; HE Council (Committee Ch.); AWS BARTHOLD, SUSAN J. Kalamazoo Varsity Swimming Team BARTHOLOMEU, DONNA Lathrup Village Delta Delta Delta SS a&L BARTLETT, BENJAMIN Montagne AGR Farmhouse; Alpha Zeta; Phi Eta Sigma; Block & Bridle, Pres.; Meats Judging Team BARTLETT, JEFFREY Lansing BARTOLAMEOLLI, PATRICIA Muskegon BARTON, LYNNE Ludington BARTON, MARILYN Durand Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College Bus NS ED ED a&L VM BARTUS, PATRICIA Birmingham SS BASH, KAREN V. Birmingham Chi Omega BASH, MARK J. Westfield, Mass. Phi Kappa Theta BARANSKI, MARIANNE Detroit Spanish Club, Sec.-Treas. A&L BATDORFF, LINDA Traverse City HE BARBER, CATHERINE Detroit SS Social Action Committee; Repre. of St. John's; Swimming BARES, CHARLES J. East Lansing ASMT; Gymnastics VET MED BARKER, WILLIAM Bridgeville, Pa. NS Phi Eta Sigma, Vice-Pres.; Campus U.N., Treas. & Pres.; MSU Rep. Club; Resolutions Ch.; Honors College Student Board; Elsworth House, Treas.; Inter-Cooperative Council;Stu- dent Duplicate Club, Pres. BARLI, RITA Southgate SS MSU Sailing Club; MSU Ski Club; New Majority for Rockefeller; Inde. Majority, Sec. BARLOW, GAYLE Hastings Phi Gamma Nu BUS BARNARD, ROBERTA Capac ED Tower Guard, Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Kappa Phi; Dorm Ch. of Scholastic Commit- BATEMAN, JILL Trenton ns Circle Honorary; Yakeley Hall Pres.; Women's Inter-Residence Council, Vice-Pres. BAUER, JAN Detorit ED Alpha Gamma Delta; Delta Psi Kappa; Health, P E., & Recreation Club; Orchesis; MSU GiMs Volleyball & Basketball Teams; Girls Intra­ murals BAUER, MAUREEN Jen iso n ED BAUM, JOSEPH Bridgeton, Missouri* , COMM Varsity Club; Varsity Soccer; House Treas. Case Hall BAUM, SANDRA Escanaba SS Honors College; Alpha Lambda Delta; House Pres. McDonel Hall BAUMAN, CONNIE Clawson Undergrad. Psych. Club SS BARNES, EDWIN N. Granif Rapids JMC BAYLE, ALANA East Lansing ^ffiheta ChijSjjreas.; Inter-Fraternity Council BARNES, JILL Grand Rapids BARNETT, DAVID Royal Oak BARNETT, GAIL Livonia Little Sisters of Delta Sigma Phi BARNETT, MARILYN Hinckley, Ohio Alpha Lambda Delta BARON, JUDITH Royal Oak Delta Omicron BARR, NORMA Cheboygan BARRETT, JANE A. Rochester Phi Mu ED BUS ED SS ED SS COMM BEACCO, LEORA Warren Alpha Omicron Pi; Sigma Alpha Eta COMM BEADLE, ALLEN Mt. Morris Pi Mu Epsilon; Omicron Delta Kappa BEAGLE, BRIAN Grand Ledge Delta Sigma Pi, Pres. NS BUS BEAM, DAVID SS Lansing Marching Band; MSU Chorus; Univ. Christian Movement BEAN, BRETT Glenview, Illinois R.A. BEARD, MARY BUS BARRETT, MARGARET East Lansing HE Retailing Club; Amer. Home Economics Assoc. BEARDSLEE, SUSAN Flint HE Teaching Club BARRIS, MARGARET Detroit Greek Feast; Water Carnival ED BEATTIE, CYNTHIA J. SS Des Moines, Iowa Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Honors College; R.A. ATCHISON, WILLIAM Cheboygan Theta Chi; Water Polo ATHERTON, THOMAS F. Gaines Alpha Zeta; Dairy Club; Agr. Council BARRY, MARK Detroit Advertising Club; Intramural Sports COMM BUS BAKER, LYMAN Ada ED MSU Marching Band; Ag. Ed. Club; SEC; Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship BARTELS, JOELLA K. Muskegon Hts. Intramural Basketball; Intramural Volleyball; Hall Govt., Pres. ED BEAUBIEN, ANNE Birmingham SS Alpha Omicron Pi; AWS; Canterbury Club; ;-||rreas.; Residence Hall Discipline Committee, Sec. BEAUCHAMP, ROBERT Garden City 430 BEAUMONT, LARRY Farmington ENGR MSU Spartan Marching Band; MSU Spartan Brass BEAUPARLANT, JOHN Mt. Clemens State News BEBB, EDWARDINE Gaylord Phi Alpha BECK, CYNTHIA Oak Park Retailing Club BECKER, ALLEN JOHN Warre BECKER, KATHY Honolulu, Hawaii BECKWITH, WILLIAM N. Midland MSU Ad Club BEDDOW, DAVID Lapeer Pi Gappa Gamma COMM SS HE BUS ED COMM AGR BEDDOW, GAIL Greenbrook, New Jersey SS Theta Sigma Phi; ASMSU Assembly; AWS; Phillips Hall Council; Van Hoosen Hall Coun­ cil; Academic Coordinating Committee; Free Univ.; Gamma Sigma Sigma; Poli. Sei. Ad­ visory Committee; AMLEC; Students for McCarthy; Hillel BEEBE,ELLEN Freeport, New York SS Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Kappa Phi; Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Tower Guard; MSU Chorus & Activity Band BEELER, JANET Port Huron BEERS, BARBARA Evart Judo Club BEHAR, GLENDA Martinsburg, W. Va. R.A. BEHLOW, TONI Roseville Social Ch. Gilchrist Dorm BEHN, GORDON Port Sanilac Varsity Baseball A&L SS BUS ED ED BEHRMANN, EDGAR Silver Creek, New York ENGR BEIMERS, CHARLES Grand Rapids ENGR Gamma Beta Pi; Chi Epsilon; Phi Lambda Tau; Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; ASCE Program Ch. BEISER, STAN Chicago, Illinois AGR Zeta Beta Tau; Pi Kappa Gamma Fraternity- Historian & Vice-Pres. BELKNAP, KAROLYN K. Traverse City HE W. Landon Hall Honorary; Block S, Assistant director & Sec.; Campus Radio Board, Sec.; I nter-Varsity; W. Landon Hall Council BELL, ALAN Riverview Phi Kappa Theta; Social Ch. of Abbot Ha^M Scabbard & Blade AGR BELL, WILLIAM East Jordan VM BELLER, ROBERT Northville SS Pershing Rifles; Scabbard & Blade; Hockey; Football; Softball; Wilson Wipeout Operations Committee BELLHORN, PAUL Richmond ASCE; IM Sports BELLOLI, SALLY East Lansing Delta Psi Kappa BENCHICH, JOHN Grand Rapids R.A. BENDER, MONTE Middleville BENEDICT, PATRICIA C. Birmingham HE Freshman Club BENEDICT, SUSAN Dearborn Pi Beta Phi BENJAMIN, DOUG Corunna SEA BENNETT, JOHN Drayton Plains BENNETT, JOYCE Charlotte ENGR ED BUS SS HE HE ED BUS A&L BENNETT, KAREN A. Fraser The Paper; Interne Club; MSU Science Fiction Society SS BENNETT, KATHERYNE Farmington BENNINGER, LARRY Orchard Lake Green Helmet; Honors College Essays ED NS BENSON, BRUCE L. o SS St. Joseph Alpha Phi Sigma; MSU Karate Club; Spartan Pistol Club BENSON, SUE ELLEN Berrien Center VM Alpha Lambda Delta; Tower Guard; Mortar Board; IM Sports; Med. Tech. Class Pres.; Assoc. Students of Med. Tech, Pres.; House Sports Ch.; House Treas.; Hall Pres. BENTLEY, ELIZABETH Lapeer BENTON, SCOTT ALAN Lincoln BERESH, CLIFFORD Southfield Phi Sigma Delta BERG, PATRICIA Andalusia, Illinois SS BUS COMM SS BERGER, LAWRENCE Wayne, Pa. AGR Blue Key; Alpha Zeta; Pi Kappa Gamma, Pres.; Lacrosse Senior Class Council; Pkg. Society BERGERS, JAMES Grand Rapids Delta Sigma Phi; State News Staff BERGLUND, PAMELA Birmingham BERGSTROM, DANIEL Detroit Delta Upsilon; Sigma Lambda Chi - BERKEY,ROBERT Excelsior, Minn. Delta Sigma Pi; Airforce ROTC BERLIN, MARILYN Bessemer Delta Zeta BERNDT, ELAINE Dearborn Alpha Omicron Pi; Pan-Hel COMM COMM SS BUS ED ED BERRY, MARTIN Muskegon Amer. Institute of Chem. Engrs. ENGR BERRY, SANDRA Battle Creek SS IM Sports; Dorm Repre. at Yakeley Students for McCarthy; House Pres. & Standards Board Repre. BERSHBACK, NANCY Grosse Pte. Farms ED BERTAL, LINDA S. Marion VM MSU Amer. Society of Med. Tech., Pres., & Sec.-Treas.; Board of Professional Ethics; Pr3 BERTAL, LINDA S. Marion VM Amer. Society of Med.Eech.; Pres. & Sec.- Treas.; Board of Professional Ethics; Pres, of Med. Tech. Class BETTENDORF, VIRGINIA Cleveland, Ohio Alpha Lambda Delta A&L BETWEE, JULI Wyandotte Alpha Phi, Vice-Pres.; Little Sisters Minerva; Dorm Vice-Pres. BHODIVIHAGA, JONGKON Bangkok, Thailand BIEBERS, DEBORAH Acton, Mass. BIERER, DOUGLAS Erie, Pa. BIERLEIN, JUDY Munger Dorm Govt.-House Pres. & Judicial Board German and Russian Dept.; Homecoming & Water Carnival Tickets Committee BITEL, CHARLOTTE Brown City ED Gamma Sigma Sigma; Dorm officer; Student Education Corps; International Festival BJORK, JEAN E. Traverse City Honors College; Omicron Nu Honorary BLACK, JOHN L. Champaign, III. Les Gourmets BLACKHALL, STEWART Grafton, Ohio Beta Beta Beta BLACKLEDGE, BETTY S. Marion HE BUS AGR A&L BLAHA, RUTH Cleveland, Ohio A&L Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Spanish* Club; McDonel Hall Scholastic Committee BLAIR, GARY Wyoming AGR Alpha Zeta; Food Science Club; Agricultural Council; Financial Chairman, 1968 Winds of Change; West Shaw Government BLAIR, MAUREEN Grosse Pointe Park Honors College BLAKE, LINDA Roseville Council for Exceptional Children BLAKELY, KATHERINE East Lansing BLAKELY, MICHAEL East Lansing Student Education Corps BLANCHARD, ANN Dearborn BLAND, KAREN Henderson, Ky. Gamma Phi Beta; ROTC Corps Sponsor BLANDING, ROBERT East Lansing Phi Delta Theta; Baseball ED ED SS BUS VM ED BUS BLAZE, CAROL Detroit HE Social Chairman, Crescent Girls of Lambda Chi Alpha BLOCK, BARBARA Detroit A&L BLOCK, DAVID Wilmette, III. SS Alpha Epsilon Pi; I.M. Gymnastics & Volley­ ball & Swimming; Junior 500; Chairman, Fraternity Project and Formal; Fraternity Historian BLOCK, RUTH A&L Wilmette, ill: Sister of the Shield, Theta Delta Chi; V.P. of Dorm floor; Teacher, Ingham County Juvenile Detention Home BLOUGH, DAVID Freeport BUS Phi Eta Sigma; Pres., Casopolis House, Case Hall BLOUNT, KRISTINE Okemos Delta Zeta; Activities Band BLUM, BRUCE Flint Alpha Epsilon Pi BLUMENTHAL, SUSAN Oak Park Phi Gamma Nu BLUNK, JANET Plymouth: ED BUS BUS HE BOHNHOFF, WILLIAM SS Freeland Phi Gamma Delta; Amer. Society of Land­ scape Archt. BOHRER, JANET Detroit Intramural Baseball; House Publicity Ch. ED BOKUNIEWICZ, LEN Dearborn Campus Observer; MSU Advertising Club; MSU Weightlifting Club COMM BOLLINGER, CHERYLL Worthington, Ohio Alpha Phi BOLLINGER, LINDA L. Grass Lake Honors College BOLYEN, LOIS Richland BOMMARITO, GREGORY Harper Wds. MTA Club BONT, BARBARA Wyoming ED A&L NS BUS SS BONT, WILLIAM Grand Rapids COMM State News; Advertising Club; Marketing Club BONTA, CLAUDIA Battle Creek BONUS, JOSEPH Detroit Pershing Rifles; Rifle Team BOON, LINDA Plymouth BOONE, MARGARET E. Jackson BOOTH, CONSTANCE Flushing BOPP, LINDSAY Farmington Dorm Sports Tearn SS BUS A&L SS ED ED BORCHERT, JAMES Milwaukee, Wisconsin ENGR Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Lambda Tau; Eta Kappa Nu, Pres.; Vice-Pres. of IEEE; IM Football & Baseball; Karate; Case Hall Pres.:; R.A. BORKENHAGEN, JOHN Stroudsburg, Pa. BORN, JAMES Lansing ENGR ED BOROVICH, KENNETH Southfield NS IM High Jump & Football; Vice-Pres. Emmons Hall BORSBERRY, CHARLENE Genoa, Illinois HE Sigma Kappa, Treas.; Omicron Nu; Kappa Delta Pi, Pres.; Editor of Home Ec. News; Home Ec. Council; Home Ec. Ed. Club; MSU Union Board; College of Ed. Advisory Comm. Greek Week BOS, BOB Zeeland AGR Spartan Christian Fellowship; Amer. Society of Agr. Engr. BOSSERDET, RODNEY Owosso E D BOTTORFF, SUSAN Tecumseh A&L Sigma Delta Pi; Student Advisory Comm, for Romance Languages BOUCHARD, MICHAEL Muskegon BUS BOUFFORD, PATRICK Detroit SS IM Football; Swimming; Sigma Nu, Pres. & Treas.; IFC Committees BLYTH, DENNIS Dearborn BUS Delta Sigma Pho; Tau Kappa Alpha; lota Beta Sigma; Mu Sigma Upsilon; Michigan State Network Board; Director, Network Music & Promotions; Program Director WMSN; Forensics teacher; Novice Debate BOUGHNER, LEE R. Lombard Illinois Alpha Kappa Psi, Pres.; Intramurals BOUNKER, IALEEN Mt. Clemens . Intramural Sports; Dorm Offices ENGR BOBIT, JAMIE Midland Zeta Tau Alpha BOERGER, KAREN Marysville, Ohio Beta Beta Beta BOEZAART, ARNOLD Wyoming BOGART, BONNIE Richland BOGASKI, LINDA Grand Rapids BILA, GAYLE Chesaning MSU Vets. Assoc. BILLER, LARRY Flint Tau Beta Pi; Orchestra BILLINGSLEY, NANCY East Lansing BILLMAN, JAMES Middletown, Ohio BIONDO, BEVERLY Southfield BIRO, SANDRA Bloomfield Hills Alpha Omicron Pi BISH, DIANNE Garden City Sec., SAC; College of Education BISHOP, SUSAN Midland A&L Delta Phi Alpha; Circle Honorary; V.P. West Mayo Hall; Chairman. West Circle Complex to Board; Student Advisory Committee BOHLING, BONNIE Oak lawn, .AGR Alpha Gamma Delta; Tower Guard; Women's Journalism Honorary; Block & Bridle BOHLK, JAMES East Lansing Insti. of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, ENGR 431 ED NS SS ED VM BOURQUE, JUDY Lansing BOUTS, ROBERT DeWitt Theta Delta Chi BOUWS, JOHN Holland BOWDEN, PATRICIA Birmingham Delta Delta Delta BOWLES, DENNIS Flint Armstrong Hall Safety Ch. BOYD, KENNETH Brighton BOYER, SUE East Lansing BRACKEN, LARRY St. Clair Shores BUS A&L COMM SS BUS ED AGR SS ^ BUS SS of ED SS NS SS ED HE NS ED ED A&L BRADEN, JOHN CHARLES Fort Wayne, Indiana Les Gourmets BRADSHAW, OREE Jackson BRAID, REA Prudenville BRAKE, DAN Hesperia BUS NS ED SS BRANCHEAU, ROGER Capac ENGR Phi Sigma Kappa; Phi Lambda Tau; Vice-Pres. & Pres. Tau Beta Pi BRANDENBURG, BRUCE A. Mt. Clemens Chi Epsilon ENGR BRANDLE, BONNIE L. Birmingham SS Chi Omega; Panhellenic Council; Greek Week; Social Ch. of Wilson Hall BRANT, KAREN Mt. Clemens • BRASHER, CHRISTINA Detroit Alpha Omicron Pi A&L COMM BRASWELL, MARY Ferndale SS Kappa Kappa Gamma, Vice-Pres.; Honors College BRATTON, ANN Union City, Tenn. ED Alpha Lambda Delta; Tower Guard; R.A.; Wonders Hall Scholarship Ch. BRATZEL, JOHN Huntington Woods A&L State News Spartacuss Staff; Pres. — Student History Advisory Council; Vice-Pres. History Club; Feral House Football & Baseball Team; Homecoming & Water Carnival BRAZDA, PAUL Grand Haven Beta Alpha Psi; Beta Gamma Sigma; Phil Kappa Phi; Phi Eta Sigma; Honors College; IM BUS BREIMAYER, BARBARA Belding Kappa Delta Pi A&L BREMER, MARCIA Shalimar, Fla. NS Alpha Lambda Delta; Woman's Swimming Team BREMER, MARY Munger SS BRENDLE, ADRIAN Hamburg, New York-5 Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Alpha; German Club; Ski Club SS BRENNAN, ROBERT Capac BREWER, JUDI Detroit Water Carnival Communications Comm. BRIESKI, DENNIS Saginaw BRIGANTI, ROBERT Lansing BRIGHAM, CONSTANCE Grand Rapids Guatemala Project BRIGHT, RANDALL Traverse City Phi Lambda Tau BUS SS BUS SS ED ENGR BRILL, EDWARD Merrick, New Yorllljp JMC Omicron Delta Kappa; Blue Key Phi Kappa Phi; Sigma Delta Chi; State News — Editor-in- chief, Editorial Editor; Hillel Foundation BRISTOW, JANNETTE Jackson BRITNER, BETTY Birmingham BROGGER, ALEXANDRA Saginaw BROOK, CANDICE Detroit BROOKS, GREG Lansing Intramurals E D SS ED ED AGR BROOKS, RICHARD University Hts., Ohio BUS Alpha Epsilon Pi; Les Gourmets; Home­ coming '68 BROSS, DALE Petersburg BROTZ, WILLIAM C. East Lansing IEEE BROWER, DAVID Okemos BROWN, BARBARA L. Newberry BROWN, CAROL Detroit AGR EE BUS ED ED BROWN, CHARLOTTE Lansing BROWN, CHRISTINA East Lansing Orchesis; PAC Productions A&L CA Kappa Delta; Service Ed., Wolverine; SCOPE; Little Sister of the Shield BURGE, JEAN East Lansing Dorm Historian HE BROWN, GREGORY St. Joseph BUS Delta Sigma Phi; Swimming Team; Men's Glee Club BURKE, CAREY Grand Rapids SS Treasurer of Women's Inter-residence Council; Spartan Aide CAMPBELL, SHEILA South Bend, Indiana Phi Gamma Nu CAMPO, ERNEST p9h- pe«|a. Honors College; Resident Asst. BUS BsSl CAMPOPIANO, JAMES Providence, R.l. Intramurals; Karate Club; Forestry Club AGR BURKE, SUELLEN Alma ASMSU General Assembly BURNAGIEL, LAWRENCE Detroit Phi Kappa Ps^^f BURNES, JULIE Ann Arbor Social Work Club a&L CA SW BURNS, CANDACE Livonia NS Sec.-Treas., AWS Rep., Homecoming Chair­ man; Water Carnival Chairman, McDonel Hall CANNON, JESSICA Lexington, Ky. Delta Sigma Theta CARBAUGH, WILLIAM Portland Rugby Club CARDEN, SHERRY Ferndale ASMSU; Dorm Rep. CAREY, CATHERINE St. Charles, I IJjKli. BROWN, JANET Detroit BROWN, KAREN Allen Park AWS; W. Wilson Heif Council BROWN, MALCOLM Birmingham BROWN, MARTHA Grosse Pointe Pi Beta Phi BROWN, MARY St. Johns Intramurals; Sailing Club; HMCD Club BROWN, MICHAEL East Lansing Phi Eta Sigma; Alpha Phi Alpha BROWN, PATRICIA Ionia Sailing Club; AWS A&L ED BUS HE HE JMC VM BURNS, DANA East Lansing BURNS, ROBERT S. East Lansing BURNS, SUE Millington ED NS NS BUS CARGO, CLARE Bangor AG R Honors. College; Sec. Pomoler Club; Intra­ murals; Chairman, Dorm Precinct; Scholastics CARLILE, CELIA Winnetka, III. Kappa Kappa Gamma ED CARLSON, NANCY Muskegon A&L Alpha Chi Omega; Sorority Warden; V.P. Spartan Spirit CARLSON, PHILLIP Schenectady, N.Y. CARLSON, RITA Jackson ENG E D CARLSON, SHARON Western Springs, I Pres. Tower Guard; 1st Runner-up Miss MSU C A I CHABIE, PATRICK Detroit Evans Scholars; Water Carnival Exec. Board SS CHAMBERLIN, KARON Battle Creek Delta Omicron; Girls Gle< Christian Fellowship ✓ A&L î Club; Spartan CHANCELLOR, CONNIE Allen Park JMC CHANDLER, DENISE F raser ENG CA HE CHANT, PETER Amherstburg, Ontario CHAPIN, BEVERLY Columbiaville CHAPMAN, C. SUSAN Grand Rapids Delta Zeta CHARLES, JEAN Flint CHARTRAND, MARK A. Lansing Vice-Pres. OCC; Activity Band ED ED BUS ED ED a&L COMM CHASE, DAVIS Grand Rapids ENGR Society of Automotive Engrs.; Michigan State Spartan Engr. CHATFIELD, ROBERT Fountain MSU Premedical Society; MSU French Club; Snyder Hall, Precinct Athletic Chairman JMC CHAUVIN, WILLIAM Detroit Management Club; MSU Chorus BUS CHEHANSKY, JULIE Ionia Tower Guard; Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi SS BROWN, RICHARD Tecumseh Fisheries and Wildlife Club; Karate Club AGR BURNS, TERENCE Rockville, Md. Intramurals; Dorm Social Chairman BROWN, RICHARD C. Bay City MSU Broadcasters; Campus Radio BROWN, RITA Bellwood, III. Alpha Delta Pi; Natural Sci. Council BROWN, ROBERT Muskegon IEEE BROWN, SHERYL L. Haslett CA NS ENGR ED BROWN, STEPHEN A. Chillicothe, Ohio AGR Intramurals; Forestry Club; Co-operative Housing BROWN, TERRY East Lansing BRUHA, SUSAN LaGrange Park, III. Circle Honorary; Water Carnival BRUN, JORDAN V. Detroit Theta Delta Chi^^J BRUNT, JOHN Temperance BRUSHABER, BONITA Mt. Morris Activity Band ENGR CA ns BUS A&L BUCHWACH, FRANCES Pittsburgh, Pa. Alpha Epsilon Phi; SCOPE; Water Carnival NS BUCK, JAMES Belleville Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Zeta BUDD, RICHARD Baden, Pa. Intramurals; WKME Disc Jockey BUDNY, SUSAN Birmingham Alpha Xi Delta VM SS a&L BUDROW, CAROL CA Jericho, N.Y. Alpha Lambda Delta; Alpha Delta Sigma; Advertising Club; Ski Club; Adv. Mgr.-State News BUELL, RICHARD East Lansing BUETTNER, CHRISTINA Petoskey RA BUFFMYER, LARAINE Walled Lake BULLARD, BERNARD Walled Lake Pres. — A-3 Emmons Ha^^^| SS E D ED BUS BULLERMAN, JAMES Des Plaines, III. Chi Epsilon; Intramurals; ASCE ENGR BUNGE, SANDRA St. Clair Shores Kappa Delta; Kappa Delta Pi BUNKER, KRISTEN Birmingham BUNNELL, CAROL Romulus Alpha Chi Omega; SCOPE; Greek Week BURBA, DOROTHY Saginaw Sec. — Yakely Hall BURDO, ELAINE Claire ED A&L SS ED SS BURSTEIN, LEIGH Meridian, Miss. NS Excalibur Hon.; Omicron Delta Kappa; Blue Key; Pi Mu Epsilon; Honors College; ASMSU Course Evaluation Chairman; V.P. Interfrat. Rush Coun.; Senior Council BUSCHMAN, RICHARD Colo. Spgs., Colo. intramurals BUS BUSEN, MICHAEL Lincoln Park Pi Kappa Gamma; Karate Club; Intramurals AGR BUTH, LINDA Belmont ED BUTLER, DAVID East Lansing ENGR Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; IEEE Student Chairman BUTLER, JOHN Flint BUTLER. LINDA Escanaba Ski Club BUTRYN, ROBERT Bark River Vets. Assoc.; Catholic Student Organ.; Ski Club SS SS SS BUTTS, FRANK Grand Blanc AUMA Student Chapter BUTZ, JOHN DePere, Wis. Delta Chi BUXTON, SHARON Charlotte Spartan Christian Fellowship BY AS, DENNIS East Lansing BYELICH, RICHARD Lansing Prés. Cantilever Club VM HRI SS BUS AGR ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc CABRAL, LINDA A. Bloomfield Hills Field Hocket; Alpha Gamma Delta CALHOUN, SHEILA Cilo 4-H Sec.; Wesley Foundation CALLAHAN, CAROL Little Falls, N.J. Ulrey House; Psych. Club CALLAN, M. KATHLEEN Manistee CA ED SS CA CAMP, MARYLEE CA Midland Pres. Gamma Phi Beta; Women's Swim Team; Women's Glee Club CAMPBELL, BRUCE St. Johns Glee Club; AMLEC JMC CAMPBELL, JUDY Scottsdale, Arizona BUS V.P. Panhellenic Council; Pres. Panhellenic Council; Spartan Round Table; Homecoming Court; Homecoming Exec. Committee; Kappa Kappa Gamma CAMPBELL, KATHLENE Lincoln Park CAMPBELL, PATRICIA Detroit Green Splash ED BUS CARLSON, SHARON Grand Rapids CHERKIRI, HAMZA Guillemin, Algiers ED ENGR CARMICHAEL, HERBERT Hudson, Wis. CA Pi Kappa Delta; Honorary Speech; Young Republicans; Phi Kappa Sigma CHENAULT, DYANN Jackson COMM Delta Omicron; Christian Science Organi- CARPENTER, CRAIG Franklin Sigma Phi Epsilon; Union Board CARPENTER, DAVID Birmingham Marketing Club; Intramurals CARPENTER, PAMELA Birmingham CARPENTER, SUZANNE East Lansing AWS CARR, BONNIE Sand Lake CARTER, JAMES Columbus, Ohio CARTER, MORGAN Lansing Student Off-Campus Club CARTIER, KENNETH Garden City JMC BUS SS ED ED VM BUS BUS CARVER, DAVID East Lansing Pershing Rifles; American Society scape Arch. SS of land- CASEY, KATHLEEN Litchfield, Connecticut Theta Sigma Phi; Intramurals; Saili MSU Broadcasters COMM ng Club; CASPER, DALE Mt. Clemens A&L Tau Sigma; Traffic Comm.; Student Advisory Comm, to Hist. Dept.; Pres. W. Shaw CASSEL, EUGENE Oak Park Sigma Alpha Mu CASSINY, DOUGLAS Detroit I.M. Swimming CASTLE, CHARLES Lansing A.S.M.E. CAUFFIELD, CATHERINE W. Richfield, Ohio SS SS ENGR A&L CAVANAUGH, SUE ELLEN St. Louis Zeta Tau Alpha; R.A.; Hubbard Hal^^J HE CEBULA, LUSTY L. Detroit NS ROTC Rifle Team; MSU Rifle Team; MSU Karate Club; Semper Fidelis Society CEKOLA, ROSE Kalamazoo CENEDELLA, ARLENE Pittsburgh, Pa. Alpha PhfflAWS Residence and Complex Boards NS NS CHENIER, FRANCIS Gladstone Society of Geophysical Exploration CHERRE, CHRISTINE N. Walled Lake CHERRY, THOMAS Okemos I ntramural Sports CHILDRESS, RICHARD Kettering, Ohio Theta Delta Chi CHITTI, MARIE Marine City CHORNEY, MYLBRA Trenton NS ED SS NS A&L ED CHRISMER, DIANNE Lanbertville HE Kappa Alpha Theta; Alpha Lambda Delta; Tower Guard; Honors College; Omicron Nu; Retailing Club President CHRISTENSON, DONNA Flint COMM Pi Beta Phi; Water Carnival; Greek Week; AWS CHRISTIAN, E. ALLEN Flint ED CHRISTIANSON, WAYNE Naperville, Illinois Phi Gamma Delta; Rear Commodore Sailing Club SS CHRISTNER, EDWARD East Lansing Mngr. Holmes Hall Snack Shop CHRISTNER, KAREN East Lansing CHRISTNER, RICHARD Birmingham MSU Band; Water Carnival BUS ED BUS CHRISTOFF, NOAL Lowell SS Delta Upsilon; Winged Spartans; Amer. Soci­ ety of Landscape. Arch.; SCASLA CHUBB, WAYNE Howell CHURBUCK, BARBARA Wayne College Republicans CINADER, CHERYL Clarkston American Interior Designers CLANCEY, LANA Battle Creek ED NS HE ED CLANCEY, MICHAEL A. Sun Prairie, Wisconsin Alpha Tau Omega; Junior 500 BUS Inter-Fraternity Sports; CLARK, CAMILLE Bronson HE Delta Delta Delta; ROTC Corps Sponsor; Pan Hellenic Representative; Home Ec. Club; Pre- Vet Club CLARK, JEANNETTE Yoder, Indiana CLARK, MARY ANN Flint. Alpha Lambda Delta CLARK, MOLLIE Cadillac CLARKE, RONALD Mt. Clemens Glee Club; Dorm Officer CLARK, STEPHEN Milan CLAUS, RICHARD Plainwell. Gamma Delta CLAYTON, MARJORIE Battle Creek CLELAND, ROBERT Port Huron Sigma Alpha Epsilon CLINCH, ANDREA Muskegon Phi Theta Kappa; Honor Society SS ED ED BUS BUS SS A&L NS CLINGERMAN, DALE Elkart, Indiana American Society of Civil Engineering ENGR CLODFELTER, MICHAEL Blushing CLUCAS, PATRICIA Detroit CLUPPER, STEVEN Dowagiac Head Football Coach; Les Gourmets Club BUS ED BUS CNOCKAERT, CLAUDIA Harper Woods HE Pi Beta Phi; Water Carnival Chairman; Union Board COFFMAN, STEVEN D. Westland Crew Club; R.A. East Akers E D COHEN, LINDA Philadelphia, Pa. Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Honors College A&L COLCLOUGH, MARGARET Sandusky HE COLE, CONSTANCE Ypsilanti JMC Student Supervisor of Receptionists; BSA; founder of Block S COLE, JOHN Flint COLE, LINDA Flint Delta Omicron COLE, VERN Royal Oak House Pres. Akers Hall},; ,; SS a&L BUS COLLAR, DOUGLAS Tiffin, Ohio Sigma Ch^ Intramural Baseball; Pershing Rifles SS COLLINS, CHARLES Evanston, Illinois Green Helmet; Omicron Delta Epsilon; Phi Kappa Phi; Economics Club BUS COLLINS, HELEN Detroit COLLINS, PAMELA Grand Rapids Student Education Corps ED ED COLLINS, SHERRY Flushing German Club; French Club; Activities Band a&L COLLINS, TERRY Flushing COMBS, GWENDOLYN Homer COMER, MICHAEL P. Syracuse, New York COMSTOCK, JAMES Livonia COMSTOCK, RICK Warren CONNELLY, MICHAEL Lansing CONNER, LOWELL Lansing CONNON, MARILYN Hillman NS SS A&L BUS AG BUS ENGR ED ED CHRISTENSEN, JOHN E. Midland MHA Judiciary; Half Gov't SS COLEMAN, CHERYL Allegan Hall Gov't; Retailing Club; R.A. Holmes Hall HE CERA, ANGELA Mt. Clemens NS CLANCEY, PETER Battle Creek BUS CONNOR, JUDITH Roseville 432 A&L NS AGR A&L NS CA JMC SS SS BUS BUS SS NS SS BUS CA BUS BUS ED SS HE ENGR a&L BUS DOVE, VEDA Detroit DOVER, DIANA Hancock Ski Club; Retailing Club DOWNS, PHILIP Sparta Farmhouse DOYLE,KATHLEEN Birmingham Pi Beta Phi, Manager DRAGONETTI, VINCENT Jackson DRAKE, LAUREN Benton Harbor DRAZKOWSKI, BERNADINE Ironwood DRUM, ROBERT E. Battle Creek DUBETZ, CHRISTINE Howell SS HE SS A&L BUS ED A&L AGR A&L DUDAK, CAROL Benton Harbor Retailing Club; Amer. Home Econ. Assoc. HE DUESENBERG, DALE St. Joseph Asher Women; Christian Sci. Organization, Vice-Pres. BUS DUGDOLE, ANN Evanston, Illinois ED Green Splash; AWS; Outing Club; Judiciary DUMMELDINGER, RONALD A. Munger COMM Theta Xi; MSU Ad Club; Publicity Comm, for Water Carnival DUNBAR, JEANNE Naperville, Illinois DUNCAN, RONALD Okemos DUNCKEL, RAMONA Lansing Kappa Delta Pi JMC A&L A&L DUNHAM, JOHN Drayton Plains R.A.; Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship SS DUNN, ANN East Lansing ED Alpha Xi Delta; Delta Psi Kappa, Pres.; HPER Club; Green Splash DUNN, JAMES Lafngsburg Econ. Club DUNN, JAMES Jack sop BUS BUS DUNN, JAMES K. Flint Insti. of Electronic & Electrical Engrs. ENGR DUNN, LAWRENCE R. Coldwater AGR Block & Bridle Club; Meats Judging Team; ^Livestock Judging Team DUQUETTE, BERNADETTE Detroit Wolverine Yearbook Staff; Retailing Club DURFLINGER, BARBARA St. Joseph DUTCHER,TERESA Leslie DUTHIE, PETER Cintio, Ohio Delta Sigma Phij|s||S DUVALL, CURTIS R. McBain MSU Meats Judging Team DYE, JUDITH Washington, D.C. DYER, ALICE Royal Oak Alpha Chi Omega; Sigma Gamma Epsilon HE ED a&L BUS AGR SS NS CONRAD, CHARLOTTE Westfield, New Jersey AG Alpha Lambda Delta; Tower Guard; Phi Kappa Phi; Mortar Board; Editor of Honors College; Bulletin; R.A. CRICHTON, LINDA Detroit CRIPE, NANCY Elkhart, Indiana Alpha Chi Omega; Alpha Lambda Delta A&L ns DAVENPORT, ROSELLE East Lansing COMM Delta Sigma Theta; Student Advisory Com­ mittee for Dept, of Aud. & Speech Sci.; Jr. PanHel CONYERS, LOUISE Marion, Ohio COOK, CYNTHIA Dearborn COOK, DIANE Detroit COOK, GREGORY Spring Lake COOK, PATRICIA Grand Rapids Council for Exceptional Children COOK, PAULA Flint COOK, REBECCA Owosso Block and Bridle Club; AVMA NS ED ED SS ED ED VM CRISTMAN, SCOTT I lion. New York aGR Farmhouse, Pres.; Blue Key; Alpha Zeta, Treas.; Vice-Pres. of Interfraternity Council; Director of Independent Purchasing Assoc.; Treas. of Agr. Council; Livestock Team; Dairy Team; Agr. Econ. Club; Senior Council; IM Sports Dairy Club CROMBERG, MARQUERITTE Detroit ns CRONIN, JUDY A&L Niles Delta Gamma; STEP; Greek Week; Water Carnival CROSS, CAROL Berkeley Hts., N.J. HE Circle Honorary; Union Board of Directors; Campbell Hall Pres.; SAC; HE Advisory Board DAVID, DEBRA Plava Del Rey, Calif. DAVIDS, MARILYN Okemos DAVIDS, MONROE Okemos DAVIDSON, LINDA Detroit Kappa Delta DAVIDSON, LINDA Pontiac Omicron Nu, Pres. SS SS SS BUS HE CROSS, CHRISTINA East Lansing SS DAVIS, JEFF Soutfi|feld Sigma Alpha Mu DESIMPEL, SUZANNE Birmingham Delta Delta Delta; Pan Hellenic DETAR, DIANE Dearborn DETTMAN, MAURICE Lansing MSU Packaging Society DEUEL, ARLENE Lansing Sigma Delta Pi; Honors College DEUTSCH, MARILYN University Heights, Ohio DEVINNEY, DAVIN Okemos DEVLIN, MARY Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania DAVIDSON, THOMAS W. East Lansing BUS Delta Sigma Pi; Honors College; Pres. Manage­ ment Club; Intramurals DEVOOGHT, MARY Marquette Honors College; Social Work Club DAVIS, JOHNNY Lansing Pi Sigma Epsilon DAVIS, MARYANN Lansing Sec. S.O.C. DAVIS, PAMELA Southfield DAVIS, ROBERT Blue Island, Illinois DAVISON, PAMELA Pontiac DAVY,GEORGE Farmington DAWE, ELIZABETH Capac DEAN,BARBARA St. Johns DEBACKER,FRANCES Armada DEBELAK, KIM Evanston, Illinois DEBROUX, ELAINE Hastings Kappa Delta Pi DECKER, PATRICIA Flint DEEM, SARAH Pontiac DEGLER, WILLIAM East Lansing MSU Singing Statesmen SS BUS A&L SS SS A&L BUS VM A&L HE VM SS ED BUS SS DEWEY, ALLAN Glencoe, Illinois Tau Delta Phi; ASMSU DEWITT, RANDALL Grand Rapids DEWITTE, CONRAD Grosse Pointe Shores DEZEEUW, MYRA Fayetteville, New York DIANICH, JANE Albion DIBERT, PAMELA Warner Robins, Georgia DICKENS, ALVIN East Lansing DICKENS, LINDA East Lansing DICKS, MARY Beaumont, Texas Chi Omega; Union Board DIEHL, LINDA Davison DIERKES, MARY Orchard Lake DIESING, DAVID Scottville Treas. MHA DIETRICH, KATHRYNE East Lansing Alpha Gamma Delta DILLEY, MELVIN Lansing DION, MARY KAY Muskegon COOPER, RALPH E. Cuyahoga FamjgOhio SS Pres.—East Holmes Hall; Exec. Assistant of MHA; Director, Lyman Briggs College Library COOPER, TERENCE H. East Lansing Vice-Pres., Spartan Crops & Soils Club COPE, DALE Detroit COPELAND, ROBERT Montgomery Vice-Pres. Armstrong Hall; Brody Board CORAM, BARBARA Pontiac CORDIER, DOUGLAS A. Grosse Pointe Farms Sigma Alpha Mu AG SS E D HE SS CORNELL, JAMES S. Timonium, Maryland Beta Beta Beta; Natural Science Council; PAC Production NS CORPRON, DONALD Rochester Intramural Sports CORWIN, THOMAS Jackson AG A&L CORYELL, JAMES Saginaw ENGR Theta Delta Chi; American Society of Metal; Intramural Sports COSIER, RICHARD Lansing Beta Theta Pi; Water Carnival COSMAN, LINDA Rochester, New York COSTA, PHILIP E. Greenville AG ED SS COTTER, LYNDA Archbold, Ohio COMM Sigma Alpha Eta; Student-Faculty Advisory Comm, in Audiology Dept. COULTER, MARSHALL G. St. Clair Shores Outing Club COURTNEY, SUSAN Kalamazoo Home Econ. Club COUTURIER, DEBORAH Leland COVERT, RICHARD Lansing Intern'I Club COVINGTON, RHODINA Chicago Hts., III. Delta Sigma Theta SS ED ED A&L JMC COWAN, JOHN East Lansing SS Delta Phi Epsilon; Fencing; Intern'l Rel. Club; MSU Marching Band; Bets Club; Russian East European Study Program COX, BETHANN Detroit A&L Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College; History Club, Treas.; History Advisory Comm. CRAIG, JUDY Battle Creek CRANSHAW, JUDITH Sheoborn, Mass CRAUN, DAVID Eaton Rapids SS HE BUS CRAWFORD, ALAN Waukegan, Illinois AGR Alpha Zeta; Pi Kappa Gamma; Packaging Society CRAWFORD, JOSEPH Detroit Packaging Society; Student Supervisor Wilson AGR CRAWFORD, KAREN Rensselaer, New York BUS Little Sisters of Delta Upsilon; Les Gourmets Club CROUCH, G. DEAN Corbin, Kentucky SS Natl. Junior College Honor Fraternity; Phi Theta Kappa; IM Sports; Young Repubiicans Vice-Pres. CROWELL, ANITA Bay City SS CROWLEY, JOAN Bountipul, Utah SS Delta Zeta; Psi Chi; Alpha Lambda Delta; Tower Guard; Honors College; AWS Board CULLEN, CHARLES Oxford IM Basketball; House Vice-Pres. CULP, CONNIE Lansing CUMMINGS, DONNA Bay City CUMMINGS, JOANN Saginaw CUMMINGS, WILLIAM J. Kingsford Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Sigma; State News CUMMINS, JAMES Birmingham CUNNINGHAM, GAIL Detroit CUSADE, KATHLEEN Oak Lawn, Illinois Sigma Delta Pi; R.A. CUSKIE, SHARON Birmingham HPER Club; Varsity & IM Sports CUTLER, WILLIAM JR. Grand Rapids CZACHOR, PETER Portsmouth, N.H. SS A&L COMM COMM A&L SS SS A&L ED SS SS CZARNECKI, JOHN Warren Delta Sigma Phi, Sec. dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd DAHLBERG, ERICS. East Lansing Weight-Lifting Club DAHLIE, SONJA Vancouver, Canada ED A&L DAILEY, FRANK Kalamazoo NS Phi Beta Phi; Hall Govt.; MSU State Singers; IM Softball; Church Choirs DANIELS, DONALD Traverse City DANIELS, MICHAEL Grosse Pte. Farms DANN, ALICE Lansing DAROOGE, BILL Grand Rapids Lambda Chi Alpha DASCOLA, JAMES E. Greenville SS BUS ED BUS BUS DAUER, JUDITH Hinsdale, Illinois A&L Kappa Delta; Homecoming Court; Little Sister of Maltese Cross DAUGHDRILLE, PATRICIA Farmington D'AURIO, JOY Troy, New York Ski Club; House Sports Ch. DAVENPORT, CHARLES East Lansing Kappa Alpha Psi ED NS SS DEGROOT, JOHN Farmington BUS Spartan Round Table; Delta Upsilon; All Campus Radio Board; ASMSU CZADZECK, GERALD Wyandotte ENGR Insti. of Electrical & Electronic Engr.; Dorm Govt. DEKORTE, JIM Grand Rapids DELBARBA, SUSAN St. Clair Shores SS DELIND, DOUGLAS Okemos DELORENZO, JUDITH Okemos SS ED BUS CA DIRKS, ROBERT Bloomington, Illinois Lambda Chi Alpha, Pres. & Vice-Pres. DIRNBAUER, JOHN M. Birmingham Alpha Tau Omega; Spartan Sports Car Club DISANTIS, JOHN E. ManliJis, New York COMM Phi Eta Sigma; Ch. of Student Advisory for Dept, of TV & Radio; Treas. Comm, North Wonders Hall, ' SS DIXON, BARBARA Warren DIXON, ROBERT East Lansing DOCK, MYRA Grand Rapids DODGE, DAVID Saginaw IM Sports; Dorm Govt. ED COMM SS BUS DODGE, JAMES W. Jackson AGR Spartan Crops & Soils Club; Pres.; Repre. to Agr. Council; MSU Soil Judging Team DEMARCO, ROBERT Sudbury, Ontario NS Phi Eta Sigma; Honors College; Varsity Hock­ ey DEMONACO, DIANE Roseville Food Science Club DEMONGEY, GARY St. Charles DEMOTT, DALE Ashley Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu DENNISON, KATHLEEN Allen Park HE BUS ENGR. NS DEPENDAHL, DEBORAH Berkeley, Missouri A&L Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Honors College; UCCF & UCM; History Club DERBY,STEPHEN Tecumseh ENGR Tau Beta Pi; Omicron Delta Kappa; Phi Kappa Phi; Honors College; Blue Key; Track Team; Varsity Club DERRICK, SUSAN Birmingham DEROSE, PATRICIA Lansing Phi Beta Lambda; MBA DERSHOW, LAWRENCE Southfield Intramurals DESANTIS, ANGELA Windsor, Ontario 433 A&L BUS BUS ED DONER, MARY Franklin Chi Omega DONNER, MARSHA Detroit DORF, CHERYL Detroit DORMAN, KATHLEEN Hastings DORN, ROBERTA Detroit DORO, RICHARD Livonia DOSS, HOWARD Bay City DOUGLAS, PATRICIA DeWitt DOUGLASS, JAMES Detroit DOUGLASS, SHELLIE Birmingham A&L A&L ED A&L NS SS AGR BUS NS A&L DYER,ROBERT Warren Assoc, Band; Block S ENGR for Computer Machinery; Activity DYRDA, CHRISTOPHER East Lansing DYSZEL, JUDITH ANN Detroit IM Softball ENGR BUS DZODIN, HARVEY Oak Park, Mi. SS Delta Sigma Phi; Phi Eta Sigma; Blue Key; Omicron Delta Kappa; Phi Kappa Phi; Ex- calibur; ASMSU; Pres, of Young Democrats; Honors College eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee EADE, G. NEWTON, III Dearborn Beta Theta Pi, Corres. Sec. EARL, JOYCE Pullman Alpha Kappa Alpha BUS SS EBELING, VICKI Allen Park EBER, CHRISTINE Mt. Pleasant Alpha Lambda Delta EBERT, CELIA St. Johns ' ECKMANN, WILLIAM Highland Park, Illinois EDEL, BARBARA Manistee Phi Gamma Nu; Pi Omega Pi EDGERTON,CAROLYN Sigma Pi Eta EDWARDS, FRANCINE Flint Delta Sigma Theta BUS SS ED AG BUS BUS ED EDWARDS, JOHN R. Ferndale SS Delta Tau Delta; Fraternity Runner Up— Tennis; I.M. Basketball; I.M. Tern iis; Vice- Pres. Delta Tau Delta; Chairman Gr eat Issues Program—ASMSU EDWARDS, KIM Caro Tau Beta Pi—Sec.; Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma; IEEE COMM : Phi Eta EDWARDY, ROGER Detroit Student Education Corps EGAN, MARGARET EHLE, KATHLEEN Evansville, Wisconsin EHRENBERG, GAIL Oak Park EINHARDT, KATHLYN Southfield ELDER, SUSAN Greenville ELDRIDGE, CHERYL Lake City AG HE A&L A&L COMM SS ELDRIDGE, SANDRA Rochester, New York Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Kappa Phi. Education Corp ED ; Student ELENBAAS, GARY McBain ELENBAUM, FREDA Port Huron ELLINGTON, DEANNA Charleston, S. Carolina ELLIOTT, SALLY East Lansing ELLIOTT, SUSAN Drayton Plains ELLIS, JUDITH Detroit ELLISON, JANICE North Olmsted, Ohio AG SS HE A&L SS NS SS ELLISON, T. THOMAS Royal Oak Mich. State News Adv.; Advertising Club BUS ELLK, BARBARA L. Depew, New York Greek Sing; AWS; Kappa Kappa Gamma; Corres. Sec.—Kappa Kappa Gamma A&L ELLMAN,HAVEN Detroit ED MICI; Case Hall Floor Representative; Spartan Spirit Club BUS ELLSWORTH, LARRY PAUL Ypsilanti Honors College; Phi Eta Sigma, Pres.; Omicron Delta Epsilon; Blue Key; Honors College Student Board, Chairman Academics Comm.; Dorm Government; Economics Club; History Club; Pre-Law Club; College Re­ publicans; Provost Lectures Comm.; Intra­ mural Sports ELMASSIAN, KENNETH Wellesley, Massachusetts SS Honors College; Intramural Softball & Foot­ ball & Basketball; Dorm Government; Honors College Student Board ELSEN, DENNIS Elkhart, Indiana Student Society of Urban Planner murals; Resident Advisor; St. John Parish Councilman SS s; Intra- Student ELY, SHARON EMERICK, LINDA Allen Park EMMERLING, ANN MARIE NS SS ED BUS BUS ENGLISH, RAY East Lansing Advertising Club; Intramural Sports ENGLISH, ROBERT Alma Economics Club EPSTEIN, NANCY , p-' ' Detroit Rather Hall Elections Y" t** COMM ERICKSON, ALAN Morley BUS Delta Sigma Pi; Blue Key; Head Manager— M.S.U. Bands; Delta Sigma Pi, House Man­ ager, President; Spartan Brass Band; Marching Band; Concert Band; Wind Ensemble ERICKSON, BARBARA East Lansing ERICKSON, MARK Alpena Intramural Sports ERICKSON, MARY K. Kalamazoo Retailing Club ED BUS BUS ERICKSON, NANCY L. East Lansing ED Alpha Chi Omega; Kappa Delta Pi—Historian; Student Education Corp ERICKSON, SUSAN Iron Mountain Alpha Lambda Delta ED ERSKINE, JOHN W. ENG Holt MSU Veterans Assoc.; MSU Ski Club; Assoc. Off Campus Students; Institute of Electrical Engineers; Mgr. Board ERVIN, GERALDINE L. Alexandria, Virginia ESHENRODER, OWEN Wyandotte State News; Intramurals ED COMM ESSENMACHER, NANCY Harbor Beach American Society of Medical Technologists VM ESTON, LEONARD Ecorse Omega Psi Phi; Intramural Basketball EVANS, HALBERT K. East Lansing Theta Chi; Water Carnival Gen. Chairman EWALD, WILLIAM R. Cadillac Pershing Rifles; Scabbard & Blade SS SS SS ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff FABER, KIRKWOOD Lansing NS Phi Gamma Delta; Union Board; Greek Week; Exec. Council; ASMSU; Dorm Council; Mr. MSU Court FABUS, THOMAS Ashley ENG Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi; Society of Automotive Engineers FACKTOR, SUSAN Kalamazoo ED Delta Delta Delta; Little Sisters of Minerva— SAE; Union Board; Recording Sec. of Delta Delta Delta FAGAN, MARY ELLEN HE East Lansing Kappa Kappa Gamma; Freshman Forum; Water Carnival Comm.; Greek Week Comm. FAGET, MARGARET Grand Rapids FAHNER,GERALD Pierson Delta Upsilon FAIRBANKS, JANET LEIGH Taylor VM American Society for Medical Technologists FAIST, JANE Chelsea Gilchrist Hall, Pres., Resident Assistant FALES, BEATRICE Lansing VM NS FALK, ALLAN Siox City, Iowa JMC Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi; Honors Col­ lege; Pres. Russian Club; Honors College Student Board FALKE, AMELIA ANNE Birmingham A&L Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Judo Club; Block 'S'; Undergrad. English Club; Gilchrist House Council; Scholarship Chairman; HC FALKENSTEIN, JANIS Midland American Society of Medical Technologists VM FALLS, JANET Carsonville Education Council; Home Ec. Ed. Club HE ENG A&L ENGERS, DOUGLAS Horton Wolverine; American Veterinarian Medi< soc.; Pre-Vet Club; Block & Bridle Club VM I As- FARNSWORTH, RICHARD Litchfield IEEE; Dorm Officer ENGLAND, SHIRLEY Union Lake FARRELL, SHARON Greenville Ski Club En FEGEL, NORMAN Louisville, Kentucky SS FISCHHABER, LINDA Bay City Alpha Gamma Delta FATHOLLAHZADEH, MAHMOUD Tehran, Iran FAUST, EDWARD Dearborn FAUTH, GREGORY Aurorattnois MSU Marching Band; Spartan Brass FAVRET, BERNARD Patterson, Louisiana Winged Spartans—MSU Flying Club BUS BUS NS SS FEBBA, SAMUEL F. Johnstown, Pa. NS Omicron Delta Kappa; Enzian; Phi Eta Sigma; Pres. West McDonel Hall; Exec. Assist. Men's Hall Assoc.; Resident Assistant,East Holmes FEHIR, JOHN East Detroit AG Intramural Track, Hockey, Handball; Vice- Pres. Forestry Club; Distributi*an Mgr. Fo- rester Magazine FEINBERG, SUSAN COMM Southfield Sigma Alpha Eta; AWS Rep.; Chairman^; Student Advisory Council Aud. & Speech Sciences; Student Adv. Council Comm. Arts; Pres, of House; Freshman Forum; Exec. Board East Complex Carnival FEINTHEL, CAROL Birmingham FELDMEN, DENNIS Southfield FELLER, KIM Onsted Sigma Tau; Honors College FELTON, PAULETTE Detroit Delta Sigma Theta ED A&L NS ED FENSTER, SANFORD Southfield AG Tau Delta Phi; Intramural Sports; Ski Club; Pres. Tau Delta Phi; Student Defenders Assoc.; Packaging Society FENSTERMAKER, PAULA East Lansing FENSTERMAKER, ERROL East Lansing ED NS FERA, KENNETH Orchard Lake SS Phi Sigma Kappa; Res. Ass. Bryan Hall; irntramural Sports—Football, Basketball, Base­ ball, Hockey, Bowling, Golf FERACO, WILLIAM Irwin, Pa. COMM Excalibur; Who's Who^® American Univ.; Football; Varsity Club; Fellowship of Chris­ tian Athletes FERGUSON, CRAIG Grand Blanc FERRIS, LINDA Cadillac Delta Gamma; Alpha Lambda Delta BUS NS FERRIS, VINCENT JR. Farmington BUS Beta Theta Pi; Marketing Club; House Mgr. Beta Theta Pi; Co-Chairman Greek Winter Weekend FEUERSTEIN, PATRICIA Belding FIELDS, JOE East Lansing AG Society of American Foresters; MSU Forestry Club FIFER, KATHRYN Dearborn A&L FILION, SANDRA Elkton Alpha Lambda Delta; Forensic Union; Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha COMM FILIP, MICHAEL Flint Phi Lambda Tau; Intramurals FINCH, CAROL Richmond Union Band FINDRAS, CHRISTINE East Lansing ENG SS ED FINELLI, THOMAS M. Saginaw ENG Alpha Tau Omega; Intramural Football, Soft- ball FINK, NANCY Grosse Pointe Advertising Club BUS FINKEL, HOWARD Southfield Tau Delta Phi; Election Chairman ASMSU SS FINLEY, FRED N. Royal Oak NS Tau Delta Phi; Sigma Gamma Epsilon; Phi Eta Sigma 434 FINNEGAN, MARY Pontiac Standards Board ED FIORANI, CHRISTINE R. Oak Park Circle Honorary; West Wilson Honorary; House Pres. W. Wilson Hall; Soc. Chairman W. Wilson Hall; Res. Assistant W. Wilson ED FIRESTONE, JANIS Plymouth FISCHER, JOHN Lansing Brody News; Sailing Club FISCHAER, KURT Saline ED AG BUS ED ED FISHBAUGH, JOYCE Elkhart Resident Assistant FISHER, DAVID J. Lansing AG Bailey Hall Pin Club; Brody Newspaper Editor; Intramural Football, Softball, Volley­ ball; Dorm Floor Governor; Cantilever Club; Agric. Council Rep. FISHER, JULIE Oxford ED FISHER, MARGARET ED Glencoe, Illinois Alpha Epsilon Phi; Panhellenic Council; Union Board FISHER, PAULA East Lansing SS Tower Guard; Honors College; Student Chap­ ter Amer. Soc. of Landscape Arch.—Sec.; . Akers Hall Publicity Chairman FISHERMAN, FREDDIE SUE Houston, Texas SS Alpha Epsilon Phi; Green Splash—Sec.; Alpha Epsilon PrS-Vice-Pres. FITCHETT, EVELYN Detroit FIX, ROBERT F. Newport Economics Club; Intramural Softball A&L BUS FLEISCHMANN, JAMES P. Ridgewood, New Jersey SS Phi Gamma Delta; Intramurals Water Carnival FLEMING, C^ROL Cellegan COMM Delta Zeta; Water Carnival; Student Advisory Comm.; Aud. & Speech Sciences FLEMING, LANCE Grosse Pte. Park ENGR Sailing ;G^ub; Parachute Club; Soc. of Aut. Eng.; Intramural Sports FLEMING, SUSAN St. Clair Shores Sigma Alpha Eta FLENTJE, KARLA Saginaw Michigan State Nurses Association FLETCHER, BARBARA Muskegon FLEURY,BRENDA Lathrup, Virginia FLORE, ELAINE Wateruliet Assist. Resident FLYNN,KATHLEEN Agawan, Massachusetts FLYNN,TERRENCE Southgate Resident Assistant; ROTC Army FOGARASI, JOHN Tyler, Texas COMM NS SS SS ED A&L SS A&L FOLEY, ROBERT JR. Grand Rapids American Institute of Chemical Engineers ENGR FORD, GWENDOLYN Detroit ED FORREST, KAREN Three Rivers BUS Alpha Delta Pi; Pi Omega Pi; Phi Gamma Nu; Phi Beta Lambda FORTE,LORETTA Oceanside, New York SS FORSTER, ABBIE Birmingham COMM Kappa Delta; Senior Class Council; National Student Assoc. Delegate; ASMSU— NSA Trav­ el Director; Ski Club; Soc. Chairman.— Kappa Delta; Exec. Council— Greek Week; Legal Coordinator & House Rep.-Scope FOSTER, ALICE Flint Gamma Sigma Sigma; PAC FOSTER, BARBARA Romflus Spartanettes FOSTER, SALLY M. Wyandotte COMM HE HE FOSTER, SARAH Washington, D. C. ed Phi Mu; Kappa Delta Pi; Student Advisory Comm. FOSTER, SUSAN Benton Harbor FOUNTAIN, CHERYL Conada, Puerto Rico American Institute of Interior Design FOURACRE, JANET Birmingham FOURACRE, JOANN Birmingham ss HE he eq FOUS, SUSAN Flint Advertising Club-Sec.; Akers Hall Gen. Coun- BUS FOUTS, JAYNET FOWLER, JAMES A. JR. Birmingham FOWLER, WILLARD C. Jonesville Ag. Mech. Club ed NS AG FOX, DIANN Hollywood, Florida SS Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Alpha; Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College; Assoc, of Soc. Workers FOX, JANICE Mt. Olive, N. Carolina Beta Beta Beta; Pres. West Holmes Hall; Womens Inter- Res. Council; Senior Council; Pre-Med. Soc.; Black Student Alliance NS FOX, MONICA |||hicago, Illinois Sigma Delta Tau; Greek Week Comm. Chair,; Pres, of Sorority, Pres. Council; Panhellenic Scholarship Chairman; Pres. Sigma Delta Tau; Little Sisters of Minerva ED FOX. ROGER L. Detroit, Delta Upsilon FOX, SUE Gladwin FRAME, PETER Grosse Pte. Extramural Football, Baseball FRANK, JUDITH Rockville, Conneticut Alpha Xi Delta FRANK, THOMAS W. Albion, FRANZEN, JAMES Jackson FRASER, LESLIE Ferndale FRASER, SUSAN Birmingham FRAZIER, JOHN Detroit BUS A & L SS ED AG BUS A&L HE VM FREEDMAN, JUDY Brooklyn, New York NS Pres. McKay House McDonel Hall; Soc.Chair.- Wilson Hall; Nursing Student Advisory Comm. FREEHLING, KAREN Buchanan FREEL, JOHN Atlanta Dorm Government HE A&L FREEMAN, PAUL Miami, Florida BUS Alpha Epsilon Pi; Phi Eta Sigma; Honors College FRENCH, DALE Hillsdale FRENCH, LYNDA Battle Creek ENGR A&L FREUND, ELIZABETH Chicago, Illinois A&L Honors College; Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Judo Club; Scots Highlanders FREY, EDWARD Dearborn SS Student Ed. Corp; Assoc, of Soc. Workers; Forestry Club; MSU Cycling Club—Pres. Dorm Government; League of American Wheelmen; GRA-Y Leader FRICKE, CHARLES Owosso Alpha Tau Omega ENGR FRIED, SHARON Southfield Alpha Epsilon Phi; Pan Hel Council FRIEDBERG, SUSAN Chicago, Illinois FRIEDMAN, GARY R. Grand Ledge Phi Kappa Phi; Tau Sigma; Phi Eta Sigma FRINK, DAVID Warren FRISHMAN, SHARON Oak Park SS ED SS BUS ED A&L NS FIELD, BARBARA Pontiac Cultural Chairman; Campus Crusade Christ SS NS for FRISOSKY, MARTIN Lansing Sociology Club SS GARDNER, HAROLD Detroit Phi Beta Sigma BUS GILMAN, SUE ANN Grand Rapids FROEHLICH, JOHN Eau Claire Society of Automotive Engr.; Tau Beta Pi; Pi Tau Sigma ENGR GARDNER, SHARON Detroit Delta Gamma; Jr. Pan Hel; S. C. O. P. E. Steering Comm. ED EIP GARDNER, WILLIAM Vicksburg Athletic Ch. — Case Hall; IM Sports £US GILSON, MARTHA Ann Arbor Chi Omega GING, CONSTANCE Ann Arbor Alpha Omicron Pi; Ski Club GIRARD, DENYCE Birmingham Homecoming Court; Career Carnival FRUIT, KENNETH Merton, Wisconsin Track FRY,LEONARD Toledo, Ohio MSU Marching Band; Dorm Activities Ch. NS BUS FUCHS, FRANCES Long Beach, New York FUCHS, SHARON Grosse Pte. Chi Omega, Pres.; MSU Nurses Assoc. JMC NS FUEHRING, DOUGLAS Hart BUS Judo Club; MSU Flying Club; Natl. Re­ publican Club; Spartan Aide FULLER, DENIS Battle Creek COMM FULLER, GENE E. NS New Boston Farmhouse; Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Sigma; Phi Beta Kappa; Honors College; MSU Concert Band; MSU Marching Band FULLER, KIRBY Traverse City IARIO BUS SS FURCHNER, CAROL S. Los Alamos, New Mexico SS Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Honors College; Psychology Club FURLER, NANCY J. Glen Rock, N. J. ED Delta Psi Kappa; Kappa Delta Pi; HPER Club FURSTE, SUSAN Cole, Ohio HE Gamma Delta lota; Omicron Nu Home Econ. Council Pres.; Dorm Sec.; AWS; FN Club 9999999999999999999909999999999999999999999 GABEL, CAROL Harper Woods GABIS, MARY Berkley GABRIEL, ROY Chicago, Illinois R. A.; Varsity Football Mngr. ED HE NS GAHAGAN, CHARLES L. Warren A & L Vice-Pres. Emmons Hall; MSU Marching Band GAISER, ROBERT East Lansing GALBRAITH, LARRY R. Clarkston Sigma Phi Epsilon GALBRAITH, RALPH Gaylord GALE, FLORENCE Detroit Pres. Home Econ. Teaching Club; Spinste Spin, Pub. Comm.; Standards Repre SS f E f GALIA, DIANE Detroit Hall Officer — Butterfield A & GALLANT, NANCY I Methuen, Mass. Campus Alliance for Kennedy; Campus Co munity Commission; Dorm Govt. GALLOWAY, DIANA Trenton Pi Omega Pi; Delta Delta Chapter GALLOWAY, ILONA Lincoln Park Sec., Pi Omega Pi NS GARCIA, JACK Farmington Phi Kappa Tau; Greek Week Exec. Board; Fraternity Social Ch. COMM GARDINER, DIANNE Grand Rapids ED Volleyball; Tennis; W. Upper Peninsula Health Project SS GARNER, W. JON Vassar AGR Block & Bridle Club, Pres.; C^of B & B Horse Show Comm^^.-'- GATES, STEPHEN Fort Wayne, Indiana State News NS GLASGOW, JOAN Eaton Rapids Omicron Nu; SEC GAURONSKAS, JANET Royal Oak ED Alpha Delta Pi; AWS Assembly Repre.; SI=C GLASSBERG, ARNOLD Lincolnwood, III. Les Gourmet GLATZ, CHRISTINE P. East Lansing GLATZ, JAMES East Lansing HE BUS A & L BUS GLAZIER, EDWIN University City, Mo. Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi A & L GLEASON, ERLAND East Lansing GLEASON, JAMES I., JR. East Lansing COMM ED GLENNIE, BRIAN Int'l. Falls, Minn. Hockey; MSU Packaging Society AGR GLICK, DENNI East Lansing Alpha Lambda Delta; Kappa Delta Pi COMM GLICK, GLENDA East Lansing GODDARD, MICHAEL W. Adrian Sigma Phi Epsilon ED ENGR GOLDSTEIN, STEPHEN McKeesport, Pa. JMC JMC French Club; JMC Forum; Grade Eval­ uation Comm. A & L NS HE BUS BUS GONZALEZ, JULIO East Lansing GOOD, JANE Breckenridge Hall Govt. GOODELL, IRENE East Lansing Alpha Xi Delta GOODEN, BRUCE J. Kenilworth, III. Kappa Sigma, Pres. & Treas. GOODHEART, MICHAEL Okemos Kappa Sigma; Off Campus Council GOODMAN, BETH Davison Alpha Omicron Pi GOODMAN, GEORGEANNA Drayton Plains Omicron Nu. SEC GOODRICH, KAREN Grand Ledge Phi Theta Kappa; Karate Club SS GOODWIN, JAMES Louisville, Ky. Phi Kappa Tau, Pres.; General Ch. Greek Block BUS GORDON, MARK Detroit GORIESKY, GAIL BUS A & L GAVAN, ROBERT Allegan MSU Veterans Club GAY, WILLA Lansing Gamma Sigma Sigma; SEC GAYLORD, NANCY Farmington COMM A & L ED SS GAZELLA. GARY R. Grand Rapids Phi Eta Sigma; Bailey Hall Pin Club; R. A. GEHMAN, BOB Omer ENGR Triangle Fraternity; Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Lambda Tau; Arnold Air Society; Baptist Student Union; Campus Crusade for Christ; Amer. Insti. of Chem. Engrs. GEHRS, THOMAS East Lansing GEIGER, DAVID Farmington Packaging Society GELS, ANN Lansing Beta Sigma Phi ED AGR ED GELTZ, CHRISTIAN Grosse Pte. AGR Packaging Society; Sailing Club; Ski Club; IM Ping-pong Team GERBER, SUSAN Washington, D. C. SS GERHARDT, MICHAEL BUS Birmingham Varsity Baseball; External Programs Ch. of Marketing Club GERLT, JOHN Genoa, Illinois Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Sigma NS GETTS, TECKLA HE Dearborn Zeta Tau Alpha, Second Vice-Pres.; Water Carnival Comm. GIBSON, ALAN East Lansing Les Gourmets GIBSON, CARL Middleville Farmhouse; Air-Force ROTC GILBERT, ANDREA Allard Sailing Club GILBERT, JAMES Battle Creek GILDARSKI, LES R. Traverse City SCASLA GILL, WILLIAM Midland Spartan Brass SS NS GILLESPIE, NANCY Sturgis ED Sigma Kappa; Delta Omicron Intern’l Music Fraternity; Exec. Sec. Water Carnival; Greek Sing; Sisters of the Shield; MSU Concert Band; Sec. for Comptroller; ASMSU; Pres­ ident's Council GILLMORE, DAVID Flint COMM MSU Scotts Highlanders Drum & Bugle Corps; WEAK Radio Disc Jockey GILMAN, JOHN Kalamazoo IM Football, Softball; House Athletic Ch. JMC GOSS, MARY Ft. Harrison, Indie Phi Mu 435 GOULD, WILLIAM Houghton Lake Hts. GRAEFF, SUE Lansing GROSSMAN, STEPHEN BUS Chicago, Illinois Big Ten Resident Hall's Association, Exec. Treas.; M. S. U. Marketing Club, Ass't Vice Pres, and Schools Coordinator; Bailey Hall, Bus. Manager-: i GROSSMAN, SUZANNE Midland M. S. U. Ski Club; Retailing Club HE GROVER, SANDRA Grand Rapids ED Zeta Tau Alpha; Little Sisters of the Maltese GRAFF, BONNIE Flint Kappa Kappa Gamma; Careers; Greek Sing E GRUBER, DAVID Reese R. A. SS SS GRUSE, CATHERINE NS Fremont, Ohio Sailing Club; Dorm Gov't. Scholastic Com- GRANADER, PAUL D. Birmingham COMM Enzian Honorary; McDonel Cultural Com­ mittee (I. M. P. A. C. T); Producer of "McDorm” GUEZEN, NORENE Warren Foods and Nutrition Club GRANGER, SHARON Lansing Alpha Delta Pi GRANT, CAROLYN Saginaw Alpha Phi JMC ED GRANT, PETER Huntington Woods Wolverine, Sports Editor; Intramurals; MSU Advertising Club COMM GRAY, CAROL E. Pontiac HE Sigma Kappa; Omicron Nu; Kappa Delta Pi; Union Board; Child Development Club GRAY,DONALD Owosso M. S. U. Promenaders GRAY, SHARON Sparta GREANYA, HAROLD Standish R. A. GREEN, LAUREN Detroit Phi Delta Kappa GREEN, NORMA Dearborn Theta Sigma Phi; State News GREENBERG, HAROLD East Lansing GREENBERG, MARTIN Pittsburgh, Pa. Zeta Beta Tau; Intramurals AGR A & L NS ED COMM SS SS GREENE, ROBERT G. New Canaan, Conn. SS National Geography Honorary;^Isntramurals; Dorm Student Jud. GRENZKE, RICHARD Grosse Pointe M. S. U. Lacrosse Team GRIDLEY, MARK Royal Oak M. S. U. Jazz Ensemble GRIFFIN, CAROL Farmington ENGR SS ED GRIFFIN, GARY Wyandotte NS Phi Kappa Tau, V. Pres.; M. S. U. Marching Band GRIFFIN, JUDY Ecorse Alpha Kappa Alpha GRIFFITH, JOYCE A. Detroit Child Development Club GRISOOM, MARION Birmingham GROGAN, ELAINE Gregory COMM HE SS A & L GROH, DENNIS G. Melvindale American Intramurals; Akers Hall Judicial Board ENGR Institute of Chemical Engineers; GROSH, JAMES Intramurals; Akers h GROSS, BARBARA Harper Woods ED Delta Zeta; MSU Bowling Team; Union Board; Water Carnival;.Greek Week GROSS, BARBARA Pittsburgh, Pa. SS Sigma Delta Tau; Sociology Club; Freshman Home Economics Club; Human Sexuality Symposium Group; Water Carnival Publicity Committee; Greek Feast Committee GROSS, KAREN Fraser Yakeley Swimming Team GROSSA, RANDEE Royal Oak GUILE, JEANNE GUILFORD, WILLIAM St. Charles Agricultural Mechanization Club GUNN, LOISANN Saginaw AGR SS GUNSOLUS, CYNTHIA Berkley HE Delta Gamma; Union Board, Sec.; Class Coun­ cil; Home Economics Advisory Board; Re­ tailing Club GUNTHER, SUSAN Bay City ED GUSTAFSON, GAIL Detroit ED Union Board; Election Chairman; Dorm Trea­ surer; Miss MSU Pageant, Co-Chairman GUSTAFSON, HEDY Detroit ED Pi Beta Phi; Chairman of Displays Committee for Homecoming of 1968; Little Sisters of GUSTKE, LARRY D. Mount Clemens Intramurals GUTCHESS, GORDON Nashville Industrial Design Club GWISDALLA, THOMAS SS A & L hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh NS HABENICHT, ROBERT Battle Creek BUS House Volley Ball; A. C. M.; MSU Ski Club; MSU Marketing Club; House Judicial Chair- HACK, CONNIE Bedford, Ohio NS Alpha Gamma Delta; Pi Mu Epsilon; Phi Kappa Phi; Delta Phi Alpha; Tau Sigma; Spartan Brass Band; Block S HACK, ROGER Lansing Fisheries and Wildlife Club, V. Pres. HAEBERLE, MARCIA Fairview Park, Ohio House Pres. AGR ED HAFF, LAWRENCE Glen Rock, New Jersey NS Beta Beta Beta; Honors College; MSU Soaring Club A & L HAGA, RILLA Mason Alpha Omicron Pi; HPER Club; Ski Club; Freshmen Pre-Orientation Conim. Ch. A HAGEN, KATHERINE .'Traverse City Young Republicans HAGER,BEVERLY Grosse Pointe Woods Alpha Delta Pi HAGMAN, JEAN Grosse Pointe Park Alpha Omicron Pi; House Pres. HAGTORN, RONDY Williamston Wolverine SS ED A & L NS HAHN, BARBARA Bay City HAHN, DEBORAH K. Saginaw HAINES, ARTHUR '^Lincoln HALBRITTER, TED L. Niles ED ED BUS SS HALE, PAMELA D. Drayton Plains Fee Hall Welcome Week; MSU Sailing Club ED HALEY, HELEN Emmett HALL, ANTHONY St. Clair Shores Alpha Kappa Psi; Varsity Fencing HALL, DAVID Howell A & L BUS BUS HALL, MICHELLE Angola, Indiana ED Kappa Alpha Theta; Delta Psi Kappa; Mortar Board; Kappa Delta Pi HALLADAY, KIM Battle Creek HALLBERG, JOAN Iron River SS A & L HALLETT, LINDA J. Birmingham ED Little Sister of The Nile; Intramurals; Greek Winter Weekend; Student Education Corps; CCC; Water Carnival HANSEN, JERRY Honor Les Gourmets HANSEN, SUSAN Hashville HANSON, JUDY Grand Haven HANSON, KAREN Royal Oak Tau Sigma HARABADIAN, PAULA Dearborn HARBACHOW, VICTOR Saginaw Lambda Chi Alpha HARDT, CAROL Elonbuist, Illinois BUS A & L SS A & ik SS SS SS HAWKINS, CAROL Clawson HAWKINS, MELISSA Hudson HAWKINS, ROBERT Rochester, Minnesota Phi Eta Sigma; Honors College HAWLEY, BARBARA Paw Paw HAWS, KAY Carleton Home Economics Club HAYDU, JOSEPH NS ED SS ED HE SS HAYES, GEOFFREY Traverse City Phi Eta Sigma; Michigan State Singers; RA A & L HARKNESS, JAMES Greenwood, Mississippi Phi Eta Sigma; Honors College; Gre« SS in Helmet HENSLEIGH, LINDA Orchard Lake HE Block S; Sparticus; College Life; Little Sister of Farm-House Fraternity HENSLEY, GLORIA East Lansing HERBERT, LINDA Muskegon HERGENROETHER, MARCIA East Lansing HERGENROETHER, PETER East Lansing BUS HE ED BUS HERMAN, LINDA E. Cleveland Heights, Ohio HE Kappa Kappa Gamma; Senior Class Council; '69 Club; Justice, Traffic Appeals Court; Union Board; AWS; Greek Wk.; Greek Sing; Spartan Women's League HAYES, SHEILA Detroit V. Pres. Delta Sigma Theta HAYNER, MICHAEL Lithchfield HAYNIE, NORM Canogo Park, Cal. Chi Epsilon HAYS, EDWARD Grand Blanc Phi Kappa Tau A & L ENGR ENGR AG HERMANN, JANET Farmington Green Splash HERMANSON, C. RONALD Altadena, Calif. Treas., Snyder Hall HERMSEN,AL Okemos Alpha Kappa Psi HERPICH, MARY Birmingham ED JMC BUS ED HARLOW,YVONNE St. Johns HARPER, ANNA Albion Delta Sigma Theta HARRADINE, LINDA Detroit Chi Omega HARRELL, DONALD Lanton Beta Beta Beta Holmes Hall, 4th Floor Social Chairman HALLOCK,TERRY Edmore HALSTED,LEE ■Farmington HALVARY, JUDITH Livonia HAMAKER, KAREN Lansing WMSN, WMSB, State News ENGR HARRINGTON, CONSTANCE Lansing Intramurals NS ED HARRINGTON, JAMES Rochester, New York Delta Chi; Phi Mu Epsilon; Intramura HARRINGTON, LARRY Garden City Resident Assistant; Dean's Committe COMM HARRIS, EDWARD East Lansing Alpha Tau Omega HARRIS, NOEL East Lansing HARRISON, JACQUELINE Wyoming Honors College HARRISON, KATHY Battle Creek Sec. Kappa Eta Sigma Honors Organization BUS HARRISON, SHARON Morton Grove, Illinois A & L Tau Sigma; Young Democrats; International Club; Honors College HAMBRICK, JUDITH Tampa, Florida Kappa Kappa Gamma; Water Carnival; Greek Week A & L HAMEL, DOUGLAS Center Line Alpha Tau Omega HAMEL, SUSAN St. Clair Shores Alpha Omicron Pi; Retailing Club HAMILTON, GWEN Ortonville HAMILTON, SUSAN Kalamazoo Green Splash; Womens Swimming Tearn HAMMAR, DENNIS Tustfg^.- HAMMER, CAROLE Saginaw BUS HE ED SS SS ED HAMMER, LYNN Albion A & L OrchesisClub;Tumbling Club; Interior Design Club HAMMERMEISTER, JUDY Engadine HAMMILL, ROBERT D. Onsted HAMP, LADON East Lansing HAMP, LAVON Lake Odessa HAMPTON, WILLIAM Dearborn Arnold Air Society HANCHAK, JOHN Fraser HANCHETT, CYNTHIA Farmington COMM BUS ENGR BUS ENGR BUS HE HAND, CYNTHIA River Rouge ED E. McDonel Hall—Pres.; Block S;-Home Econ­ omics Club; A. I. D. HAND, SHARON Okemos Wolverine; S. C. F. HAND, WILLIAM Alpena Intramural Sports HANDELSMAN, ROCHELLE Southfield International Club; Ski Club HANKEY, DENNIS St. Johns Varsity Golf Team ED AGR ED SS HANKUS, THOMAS Detroit Advertising Club; St. John's Student Parish, Folk-song Leader COMM HART, KAREN Detroit Delta Sigma Theta HARTSOCK, LORRAINE Dayton, Ohio Chi Omega HARVIE, LOUISE Ann Arbor HARWICK, MARJORIE Lambertville HASBROUCK,BARBARA Saginaw Alpha Delta Pi; HPR Club HASKIN, HANS F. Saginaw HASKINS, DONNA Eau Claire HASLICK, ROGER Lansing Intramurals HASS, GREGORY Lakeside Sigma Chi HATHAWAY, PATRICIA Owosso HAUFF, CHARLES Port Huron Marketing Club HAUF, ROBERT Lancaster, Pennsylvania Sigma Pi Eta; Les Gourmets HAUGHTON, KAREN Okemos Sigma Kappa HAUGHTON, ROBERT Okemos HAUNCHER, JAMES Dearborn Alpha Phi Sigma HAUSE, MICHAEL Carleton Intramurals HAVENS, SUSAN Grand Rapids A & L BUS NS NS SS NS SS SS HE NS ED A & L HE ED ED A & L ED SS SS NS BUS BUS A & L BUS SS BUS NS ED HERREMANS, THOMAS Ravenna AGR Alpha Gamma Rho; Block and Bridle; Agr. Education Club HERRMANN, ROBERTA Pontiac Student Education Corp HERROLD, NEVA Grand Rapids Alpha Omicron Pi NS HE HERRICK, ANN Davison HE Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Kappa Phi; Omicron Nu; AWS Rep. HERSHISER, TERRIE ED St. Clair Shores Student Education Assoc.; Greek Wk. Exec. Board; Alpha Chi Omega HESS, FREDERICK East Lansing AGR Alpha Zeta; Pomeler Club; Agr. and Nat. Resources Council, Pres. HESS, MARY Sebewaing SS HESSELBACHER, ROBERT Harleysville, Pa. NS Pi Mu Epsilon; Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Sigma; Honors College HEYDLAUFF, GLORIA Chelsea AWS Board Chrm.; Block S; S. Wonders Choir; Dorm Sports Comm. ED HIBBARD, PAUL Glenview, III. BUS Treas., Armstrong Hall; Treas., Chess Club; Treas., Alpha Kappa Psi HICKS, GRAYDON Grand Blanc CA Arnold Air Soc., Air Force ROTC; Highlights HICKS, SHERRY East Lansing HIDALGO, MARY LOU Saginaw HIGGINS, SUSAN East Lansing HIGHSTREET, ANDY East Lansing HILL, ANNE L. East Lansing Student Education Corp ED NS VM ED ED HILL, DONNA Simpsonville, Md. NS Alpha Lambda Delta; Tower Guard; Pi Mu Epsilon; Phi Kappa Phi; Tau Sigma; Kappa Delta Pi; Mortar Board; RA HILL, GEORGE Wilmington, Del. Delta Upsilon HILL, JAMES A. JR. Atlanta, Ga. Enzian; Intramurals; Pres., Akers Hall HILL, JEANETTE Lansing Alpha Omicron Pi HILL, JOAN Bessemer HILL, RICHARD Okemos AGR BUS ED E D BUS HAYWARD, GARRETT Poughkeepsie, New York BUS Sigma Pi Eta; Phi Eta Sigma; Les Gourmets; Marketing Club; Weightlifting Club; R.. A. HAZEN, RON Saginaw Tri Beta; Biological Science Honorary NS HEADEN, JOHN Detroit Alpha Phi Alpha; Varsity Club HEADLEY, LILLIAN Lansing A. 1. D.; Student Gov't; French Club HEADINGS, MARY HEALY, BETSY Harbor Beach HEATH, JOYCE Detroit HEEN,FRANCES Pearl City, Hawaii CA HE BUS ED ED ED HEICHEL, GARY Pontiac AGR Packaging Society; MSU Marching Band; Spar- tan Brass; Activities Band HEIDRICH, LYNNE HEINE, MICHAEL Kalamazoo Phi Eta Sigma; Advertising Club HELBER, MARY Flint Zeta Tau Alpha, Treas. HELBIG, ELIZABETH Wyandotte ED CA ED HE HELMER, BEN E. A & L Escanaba MSU Symphony Orchestra; Student Sup., MSU Dorm, and Food Services HELVEY, DONNA Clarston HE HELWIG, ARLEEN New Boston HE Retailing Club; Gamma Delta; Fr. Home Ec. Club HENDERSON,BETTY Detroit HE Retailing Club; AWS; Brody Performing Arts Co.; Brody Homecoming Chrm. HENDERSON, LINDA Flint ED HENDERSON, STANLEY Minier, III. SS Omicron Delta Kappa; Phi Kappa Phi;Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Sigma; Green Helmet;Enzian; Honors College; Spartan Aide; Pres., Hubbard Hall; RA HENDERSON, SUSAN Orchard Lake Alpha Psi Omega HENDRICKS, JULIE Shaker Heights, Ohio Social Chrm., Campbell Hal^^J HENDRIX, HARRY Temperance HENIGE, NANCY JEAN Flint Internat. Relations Club CA CA BUS SS HENNING, ROGER Clayton Delta Sigma Pi; Dorm Govt., McDonel Hall BUS HENRICKSON, BEVERLY East Lansing HENRY, SALLY Wyandotte Student Education Corp 436 HANNOCK, LESLIE A. East Lansing SS HAVLIK, JANIS Dearborn ED ED HILL, SANDRA Port Huron A & L Pi Beta Phi; Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College; Tower Guard; Greek Week; Water Carnival Judges Chrm. HILLER, JULIE Birmingham HILLMAN, JANET Falls Church, Va. HILTON, LYNNE Lake Odessa ED NS CA HILTS, GLORIA Detroit A & L Folklore Soc.; Wesley Found.; German Club; Folk Dancing HIMBURH, MARIJO St. Clair Shores Circle Honorary; Assoc, of Soc Intramurals; V. Pres., Mary Mayo SS ial Workers; Hall HIME, HOWARD Madison Hts. Phi Eta Sigma ENGR HINDES, DAVID J. Muskegon SS Union Board Director; Activities Carnival; Miss MSU Pageant; All Campus Talent Show; Spartan Spirit HINES, BURTON East Lansing Dorm. Govt.; Tennis HINES, MARGARET East Lansing Alpha Lambda Delta; Dorm. Govt. HINES, STANFORD Savannah, Ga. Omega Psi Rhi.,1 HINKLEY, FREDERICK Medfield, Mass. HOCHHALTER, CLAYTON New Leipzig, N. Dakota Pi Kappa Lambda HOCHSTETLER, PHYLLIS Bath HOCKENBERGER, JOYCE Detroit HODDY, GEORGE Varsity Wrestling Team HODGE, RICHARD Grand Rapids Alpha Gamma Rho HODGE, SUZANNE Lansing HODGES, KATHLEEN Dearborn Heights HOEKWATER, JAMES Allendale Alpha Kappa Psi HOFACKER, SANDY Grand Rapids HOFFMAN, JULIUS J. HOFFMAN, MAX Haslett Theta Chi; The Oracle HOFFMAN, PAMELA Southfield WMSN, All Campus Radio HOFMAN, NORA Yonkers, N. Y. HOHMEYER, LOUISE Birmingham Sigma Alpha lota; MSU Orchestra HOISINGTON, DAVID Owosso BUS SS SS AGR A & L CA ED ENGR AGR SS ED BUS A & L ED BUS JMC CA VM ED NS HOLCOMB, PAMELA Alamogordo, N. Mexico Beta Beta Beta; Holmes Hall Student Govt. HOLIHAN, PATRICIA Allen Park SS A &ll^; HOLLAND, LEIGH Dearborn HOLLANDER, JUDY Belleville HOLLENBECK, DAVID East Lansing HOLMES, CHERYL Waukegan, llll||ai& HOLMES, KAREN Detroit Alpha Kappa Alpha HOLMES, NANCY East Lansing HOLMES, SUSAN Birmingham Delta Zeta HOLTSCHLAG, ROBERT Phi Eta Sigma; Beta Alpha Psi ED ED BUS SS ED HE ED BUS HOLTZ, VICTOR Monroe Exec. Council, E. Shaw Hall; Soc. motive Engrs. ENGR Of Auto- HETHERINGTON, DIANA Benton Harbor ED HOFFMAN, BERNADINE Chicago, III. HOMAN, MARY Grand Rapids VM Alpha Lambda Delta; V. Pres. Van Hoosen Hall; American Soc. of Med. Technologists HUGHES, CAROL East Lansing Gamma Phi Beta CA HUTTON, LARRIE New Martinsville, West Va. SS Psychology Club; Judo Club; Scholastic Chair. Case Hall HUGHES, LARRY R. Cass City BUS Tau Kappa Epsilon; Sailing Club; Skiing Club HUGHES, PAMELA Wheaton, HL Kappa Alpha Theta SS HUGUENARD, JOSEPH R. Kalamazoo NS Pre Med Club; Phi Eta Sigma; Honors College HWASS, KATHY L. Short Hills, New Jersey A&L Kappa Alpha Theta; Pres. Sisters of the Shield; Miss MSU 1968-69; Zeta Beta Tau Sweetheart 1966; Homecoming Exec. Board HYATT, JANET Eaton Rapids Orchesis; Student Ed. Corps HYDE, RICHARD Mo r ley BUS NS JAMIESON, BENNETT Richland Beta Alpha Psi BUS JAMIESON, PERRY Farmington A&L Hfindergrad. English Club; Chess Club; Young Democrats JANKIE, BARBARA Birmingham JANNERETH, MARTIN Wyoming JANOWAK, GREGORY Flint Tau Delta Phi; Water Carnival ED NS NS HULA, RICHARD Bel mar, New Jersey Alta Phi Alta; Dorm Pres. IDE, KENNETH East Lansing JANTZ, RICHARD East Lansing Theta Xi; Pres.; MSU Debate Squad COMM CA HUISJEN, MARILYN HUKILL, ALAN Holt Vets. Club IDZIK, JUDITH ■Crown Point, Indiana Retailing Club; Hall Student Government JARPE, DIANE Niles Kappa Delta Pi HONER, GEORGE Allen Park Phi Sigma Kappa; Dorm. Activities Chrm. NS HOOD, NANCY ED Detroit Women's Basketball Team; HPER; Dorm Jud­ icial Board HOOKER, JOANNE East Lansing HOOPER, THOMAS North Muskegon Theta Chi; Advertising Club HOOVER, CAROL Rockville, Md. Pi Mu Epsilon; Honors College HE CA NS HOOVER, JEANNE East Lansing HOPKINS, STEPHEN East Lansing HOPPER, JAMES E. N. Muskegon HORNUNG, JANICE East Lansing A & L HOROWITZ, EVALYN NS Bergenfield, N. J. Beta Beta Beta; Honors College; The Papei Radio Club . ^ HORTON, RICHARD Curwensville, Pa. Honors College N HULTQUIST, DONNA Lansing Green Splash NS HULME, DAVID Haslett BUS Phi Delta' Theta; Greek Week Committee Ch'airman; Water Carnival Committee HULME, JAMES Grosse Pt. Phi Delta Theta; Chairman Careers 68 HUMISTON, DIANE Midland Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College HUMPHREY, SUSANNE Concord Little Sisters of the Nile HUNEMORDER, ANN Midland Gamma Phi Beta HUNGERFORD, THOMAS Cheboygon Water Polo HUNT, CAROL Upper Saddle River, N.J. Alpha Lambda Delta; AWS Representative NS HOUSKA, WILLIAM Elsie Pres. Hedrick House HOUSTON, ROBERTA Dryden Pi Gamma Mu HOUTMAN, RICHARD D. Grand Rapids HOWARD, GERALDINE Rochester Honors College; Sigma Kappa HOWELL, RICHARD Westland Varsity Baseball; Student Government HOYT, RICHARD Dowagiac HREN, SHIRLEY Dearborn MSU Student Nurses Assoc. HUBBELL, BRUCE East Lansing HI V.P. Les Gourmet; Public Relations Cha man; HRI Dinner Dance HUBER, SANDY Naperville, III. Kappa Kappa Gamma HUDSON, CATHERINE Lansing E ED HUDSON, KAYE Pontiac ED Womens Inter Residence Hall Council; Castle Honorary; Dorm Pres.; ASMSU Director of Organizations HUEBNER, MARY Stevensville Alpha Phi HUFF, JACQUELYN Charlotte Campus 4-H HUFMAN, NOAA HUGGER, RAYMOND L. Lansing JMC AGR HUNT, CONSTANCE Sparta SEC; Engineer's Wives; Spartan Wives HUNT, JOHN Clarksville Dorm RA; Arnold Air Society HUNT, PAMELA Oak Park, III. Dorm RA; AID HUNTER, JANET M. Ann Arbor Alpha Kappa Alpha HUPP, SUZANN Union Lake Alpha Omicron Pi HURD, WILLIAM C. Gaylord HURLEY, JUDITH Lansing Pi Omega Pi; Panhellenic Council Rep. |s HURST, ZANDRA Way land HUSAR, MARQUITA Morton Grove, III. Zeta Tau Alpha HUSTED, DONALD Muskegon Intramurals HUSTON, JAMES B. Lansing University Chorus HUSTON, JAMES B. Lansing University Chorus HUSTON, ROBERTA LYNN Livonia Alpha Lambda Delta; Kappa Delta Pi HUSTON, ROLAND Rye, New Hampshire HUTCHINGS, KATHLEEN Petoskey BUS A&L NS ED ED SS ED ENG HE SS SS BUS BUS A&L ED SS ED ED ED NS VM SS ED Bl ‘ i f- INGLE, PATRICIA Grand Rapids Women's Glee Club; State Singers IRAVANI, HOOSHANG East Lansing Vice-Pres. Persian Club A&L AG IRONS, JAMES Detroit AG Treasurer of Delta Upsilon; Member Delta Upsilon JASKIERNY, DOUGLAS Plymouth Water Polo JASON, DANIEL Dearborn lnternational|Gyub; Intramural Sports JASON, DENNIS East Lansing JEDELE, CAROL Gregory IRONS, PETER Berkley Escanaba REL VM JEDELE, JOAN Bay City i Butterfield Hall Gen. Counc^Sports Cha man; Youth Bureau IVEY, ELLIS Saginaw AG Ski Club; Amateur Radio Club; Packaging Society JEFFREE, JANET Detroit Assoc. Women Students E jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj JACKSON, DAVID Muskegon Hockey; Ski Club; Block & Bridle Club AG JACKSON, RICHARD F. Painesville, Ohio BUS Akers Hall Bldg. Supervisor; Intramural Foot­ ball, Basketball, Track, Volleyball, Swimming, Handball; Athletic Chair. Akers Hall; Exec. Board & General Council Akers Hall; Pre-Med Society JACOB, JAMES D. St. Clair Shores BUS Pres. Hedrick House; Premier Student Hous­ ing—Pres.; Choice '68; Marketing Club; Inter- Co-operative Council Rep. JACOBS, THOMAS Mansfield, Ohio BUS JACOBSON, JOHN L. Oakville, Ontario, Canada Alpha Kappa Psi; MBA—HRI Assoc. Brochure. Mgt.; Tennis Intramural Champion 1968; Fra­ ternity Football, Owen Hall Athletic Assoc. BUS JACOBSON, VICKI L. Sault Ste. Marie Assoc, of Interior Design HE JACOBY, CAROL St. Johns COMM Phi Mu; Exec. Board Homecoming; Panhel­ lenic Council JAEGER, BARBARA North Muskegon Delta Gamma A&L JAFFE, MARCIA Detroit Water Carnival; Wilson Hall Gen. Council; MICI ED JAGIELKY, GAYE ED JAHNS, JUDITH Birmingham BUS Delta Delta Delta; Wolverine; Senior Class Council Homecoming Exec. Board; Greek Week Publicity; Panhellenic Corres. Sec.; Sec. McDonel Hall; Advertising Club JAJICH, JAMES Farmington MSU Rowing Team; Dorm Government; ROTC COMM JAKOVLJEVIC, GORDANA S. River Rouge Pan Orthodox Student Assoc.; Student Ed. Corps; Hubbard Hall Legislature ED JAKUBIEC, MARILOU Arlington Heights, Illinois Greek Week JAMES, DAVID Los Gatos, California Triangle VM NS JENKINS, CATHERINE Royal Oak NS Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Honors College JENKINS, ROGER A. Lansing Phi Eta Sigma; Residence Hall Government NS HE JENSEN, DAVID St. Joseph ENG Phi Eta Sigma; Chi Epsilon; Honors College; Young Republicans JENSEN, JAN Southgate Phi Gamma Nu BUS JESPERSEN, JANET M. St. Joseph Alpha Gamma Delta; Sisters of the Shield of Theta Delta Chi HE JEWETT, JAMES Grand Blanc I.M. Football, Basketball & Softball JOHNS, MICHAEL Hinsdale, . Delta Upsilon JOHNS, RICHARD Southfield Evans Scholars; I.M. Sports ED SS ENG JOHNS, SUZANNE Escanaba Alpha Xi Delta; Freshman Forum; Dorm Government; Student Education Corps SS JOHNSON, GALEN Claire Phi Sigma Kappa JOHNSON, GREGG Grand Rapids Phi Delta Theta; Golf JOHNSON, HARVEY Houston, Texas Air Force ROTC JOHNSON, JACQUELYN Dearborn Zeta Tau Alpha JOHNSON, JAMES Dearborn State Singers JOHNSON, JOHN Adrian Alpha Tau Omega JOHNSON, KATHERINE L. Mississauga, Ontario North Case Council; Retailing Club SS BUS BUS SS SS A&L HE HUTSON, JOHN Muskegon JMC Treasurer; Pres. Pre-Law Club; Law School Placement Service Rep. MSU JAMES, LINDA M. Blissfield Alpha Omicron Pi; Vice-Pres.—Jr. Pan- Hellenic Council; Undergrad. English Club ED 437 JOHNSON, KATHLEEN JMC Brooklyn Alpha Chi Omega; Alpha Lambda Delta; Greek Week; Student Education Corps; Water Carnival; Block S; Spartan Women's League; Scholarship Chairman, Alpha Chi Omega; Union Board JOHNSON, LAURA SS Southfield Judo Club; Association of Social Workers; Hall Rep.; St. John's-Student Parish JOHNSON, MARSON East Lansing Alpha Phi Sigma; Veterans Association SS JOHNSON, PAULETTE ll’udington ED Sec., Spartan Christian Fellowship; Sec., Northeast Complex Coordinating Comm.; Student Education Corps; Trinity Collegiate Fellowship JOHNSON, RANDI Birmingham HE Sigma Kappa; Ski Club; Panhellenic Treasurer; Sec., Big Ten Conference; Sexuality Collo­ quium Group Leader JOHNSON, RUTH Anaheim, Cal. Alpha Xi Delta; Oracle SS JOHNSON, SANDRA Detroit Alpha Gamma Delta; SCOPE; Pan Hel philan­ thropic project A&L JOHNSON, SYLVIA Rolla, Mo. Ski Club; Flying Spart JOHNSON, WILLIAM East Lansing JOHNSTON, DAVID East Lansing Beta Theta Pi JOHNSTON, MARCIA East Lansing JOHNSTON, PHIL East Lansing Alpha Tau Omega JOHNSTON,TERENCE Detroit Kappa Sigma, Pres. ENG BUS ED ED AGR SS JOLIN, NORMAN St.Clair NS Beta Beta Beta; Varsity Club; Varsity Gym­ nastics JOLLEY, JOAN Jackson Les Gormets BUS JOLLY, GAELA Mt. Clemens A&L Alpha Delta Pi; Little Sisters of Minerva; Butterfield Pin Club JONES, BARBARA Warren State News; University Chorus A&L JONES, GARY Bangor, Wis. VM Alpha Gamma Pho; Phi Eta Sigma) Alpha Zeta JONES, LINDA ED Lansing Alpha Omicron Pi; Phi Kappa Phi; Sec., South Wonders JONES, RODERICK St. Clair Shores Freshman Hockey SS JONES, WILLIAM Westland BUS Sigma Phi Epsilon; M.S.U. Varsity Cheer­ leader; V.P., Union Board; Co-chairman, Miss M.S.U. Pageant; Chaplain, Sigma Phi Epsilon JOSITAS, NANCY Bloomfield Hills Sigma Alpha Eta; Elections, floor office ED JUMP, JUDITH JUNE, JOHN Birmingham Alpha Kappa Psi, Treas. JURY, RICHARD East Lansing Hockey; I.M. Sports JUSTIN, PATRICIA Okemos Gamma Phi Beta JUSTUS, DONNA Westland A.W.S. Rep.; House Council JENIO, SAM Detroit Resident Assistant ENGR JOHNSTON, MARY Z. Ypsilanti Tower Guard; Honors College KENDALL, DAVID BUS Bloomfield Hills Ski Club; Flying Club; Judicial Rep., Dorm KLADZYK,HELENE Livonia Campus Observer; Spartan Aide; A&L Dorm Treas. KONRAD, KARL-LUDWIG J. Wald^ckerstr, Germany Delta Phi Alpha; Honors College; ' A&L Tau Sigma KULBACK, EDWIN Southfield, Industrial Design Society of America A&L KLAFTER,CARY Hyde Park, Chicago, III. SS Phi Sigma Delta; Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Honors College; Spartan Aide KOPPEL,JOSEPH Detroit Pi Kappa Delta; Hospitality Weeki man; Les Gourmets; Vet's Club BUS and Chair- KULOW, CARL Owosso Honors College; Gamma Delta; Intramurals NS KENDALL, WILLIAM Birmingham I.M. Sports KENNEDY, ROBERT Mariette BUS BUS KLAINER, DANIEL Akron, Ohio A&L KENNESON, HARRY Golden, Colorado COMM KLEEVES, JOHN Lansing JUTTE, ARTHUR Center Line Beta Alpha Psi; I.M. Football Dorm Social Chairman BUS & Softball; kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk KACKSTETTER, GARY Adrian I.M. Sports; Commander Scots Hi ENG ghlanders KACZMAREK, MARCIA Bay City Phi Theta Kappa KAHLER, SUSAN Hastings Delta Zeta KAINZ, BONNIE Grand Rapids KAISER, DALE Alpena HE ED ED KALEY, PATRICIA J. Baroda Michigan State Student Nurses' Association ns KALMAN, JULIE Grosse Pointe Shores HE Delta Gamma; Circle Honorary; Spartan Roundtable; Women's Inter-Residence Council; Homecoming; Water Carnival; Pres., West Landon Hall; Sec., ASMSU Mass Media Committee; Pan-Hel Judiciary KAMAR, NICKIE Lansing Bowling; Tennis KAMAR, VICTORIA Lansing St. John's Student Parish SS SS KANCHAR, LAURA Bay City Student Council for Exceptional Children', ED KANSIER, WILLIAM Waterford KANURITZ, KATHERINE Association of 1 nterior Designer KAPIL IAN, SUSAN Plainview, N.Y. WBRS; Sec., Dorm floor KAPP, BARBARA Flushing KARL, JANICE Saginaw KASENOW, GARY Detroit Beta Theta Pi, V.P. SS HE A&L BUS A&L SS KATOSH, JOHN P. Westland Phi Kappa Tau; Government; Resident Assistant I.M. Sports; SS East Akers KATZ, BRUCE BUS Huntington Woods Sigma Alpha Mu, Social Chairman; Yearbook; Fraternity Baseball; ASMSU Pop Entertain- KAUFMAN, BARBARA Birmingham Association of Social Workers KAUNISTO, CAROL Farmington Chi Omega KAWULA, GARY Taylor KAY, KAREN Lincoln Park KEENEY, JUDITH RAE Wyoming KEHLSTROM, HERBERT St. Joseph Sigma Phi Epsilon SS SS HE ED SS NS KEIJONEN, ROBERT Detroit BUS Theta Delta Chi; Greek Week; Union Board; IFC Academic Affairs; Campus Alliance for Kennedy SS ED ED KELLER, KATHLEEN KELLER,SUELLEN Niles KELLEY, GARY S. Chillicothe, Ohio M.S.U. Glee Club KELLY, BRIAN Muskegon KELLY.. TERRY Owosso KELLY, THOMAS Dearborn Sigma Nu; Cross Country KEMP, MARILYN Port Huron Women's Volleyball; Dorm floor officer KEMPF, RICHARD Grand Rapids Beta Beta Beta KERCKHOVE, JEAN E. Moline, III. BUS Honors College; Phi Kappa Phi, Omicron Delta Epsilon; ATL Student Advisory Comm. KERSHAW, RICK Barrington^l. KERSTING, MICHIELE S. Grand Rapids Alpha Xi Delta; Council C'hildre^H for E> ED cceptional KEYES, TONY K. Kgn Jam, West Indies Soccer, All American, M.V.P., Captain SS KEYSER, JAMES A. Newtown, Penn. AGR Enzian Honorary; Freshman Swimming; I.M. Swimming & Track; Activities Chairman; V.P., Dorm; MHA Rep.; S.W.C.A. Co-director; R.A. KIBILOSKI. D. LARRY SS Bronson Theta Xi, Pres.; International Fratering Hono­ rary; Freshman Baseball; Ski Club; Scholastic Chairman KIENZLE, GARY Grand Rapids ENG Tau Beta Pi; Chi Epsilon; Phi Kappa Phi; American Society of Civil Engineers; Honors College; I.M. Football, Basketball, Softball, & Volleyball KIEPPE, JUDY Birmingham Parachute Club KILEY, L. WAYNE Adrian ED SS KILLIAN, MICHAEL Dearborn AGR Zeta Beta Tau; Pi Kappa Gamma; Ski Club; Karate Club KILMER, MARGERY Battle Creek ED KINDLE, NANCY SS Pittsburgh, Pa. Kappa Kappa Gamma; Tower Guard; Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Kappa Phi; Tau Sigma KINDT, GREGORY Rocky River, Ohio Alpha Tau Omega KING, DAVID Flint Alpha Phi Sigma COMM SS KING, DENNIS Charlotte AGR Agr. Econ. Club; Agr. Council Student Advi- KING, EDWARD Detroit Omega Psi Phi A&L KING, NANCY Mt. Clemens NS Kappa Kappa Gamma; Alpha Lambda Delta; Michigan Student Nurse Association KING, PAMELA Saginaw Circle Honorary; Pres., Mason Hall; Inter-Residence Council A&L ; Women's KINGDON, KATHLEEN East Lansing RolejffiljP.A.C. & Director KINNAMON, DALE Wayne I.M. Football & Bowling KINSEY, CAROLYN Hudson Pi Omega Pi KIPPOLA, GEORGANN Plymouth KIPPOLA, SHARON Plymouth KIRIU, GAIL Honolulu, Hawaii Resident Asst. COMM SS ED ED ED SS HE NS A&L NS SS BUS KIRK, KAREN Manchester ED SS ED NS KIRKLAND, ROBERT Tecumseh Alpha Gamma Rho; Phi Eta Sigma KISWINEY, NANCY Grosse Pte. KITCHEL, DANIEL Grand Haven Phi Eta Sigma KITTI, MARYELLEN Kalkaska Kappa Delta KLEGON,DOUGLAS Wilmette, III. KLEINER, SHARON Flint SS KLEMAN,RODNEY Intramurals; Ski Club KLIGER, BONNIE Coloma Resident Asst.; Retailing Club KLINE, CANDY Sault Ste. Marie Kappa Delta; Associated Women Students; Union Board; Panhellenic Council; HE SS ENG SS ED BUS HE KORNEY,M. ANNE Detroit Chi Omega—Secretary; Homecomi Carnival; Jr. Panhell ED ng; Water KORONA, JAMES Standish KORPELA, JOHN Munising KORPI, ALAN Bessemer Alpha Kappa Psi BUS A&L BUS KORZUCK, DONNA L. Ann Arbor SS Student Education Corps; Associated Women Students; Resident Assistant; Students for White Community Action KOSCHMANN, JAMES Appleton, Wisconsin AGR Alpha Zeta; Beta Beta Beta; Fisheries & Wildlife Club KLINGENMAIER, BARBARA Grand Rapids KLINK, GREGORY White Pigeon SS A&L KOSEQUAT, JUDITH L. Wheeling, W. Va. Resident Assistant; Wind Ensemble Band; University Chorus A&L ì; Concert KLUNICK, NANCY Houston, Texas HRI Pi Beta Phi; Dorm Govt.; AWS Rep.; Les Gourmet Club KNAPP, GAYLE Troy KNATZ, THOMAS East Lansing Veterans Assoc. HE SS KNIAZIUK, ANNA Detroit Phi Gamma Nu; Econ. Club; Spartan Spirit BUS KOSS, STEVEN Southfield Sigma Alpha Mu KOSTAL, DOUGLAS KOSTNER, EILEEN Grand Haven ASMTA KOTH, ROSEMARY Muskegon KOVACICH, VEDA Dearborn Hts. SS MED ED NS KNIGHT, DAVID Wyoming, N.Y. Amateur Radio Club KNIGHT, EMMA LOU Lansing KNISEL, ROSEMARY Jasper KNISKERN, HENRY Alameda, Calif. ENG ED HE SS KNOOP, HENRY E. Portland CORE Sec.; American Institute of Engineers Chemical KNUTSEN, JAY Gladstone Intramurals KOAN,NOREENE Fenton BUS SS KOBAYASHI, KENNETH Capac Pi Sigma Epsilon; Food Science Cli murals BUS jb; Intra- KOCH, CAROL Rochester Dorm Athletic Chairman KOCHENDERFER, DONALD Davisburg KOELLER, DENNIS Detroit KOENIGBAUER, SUSAN St. Clair Shores Yearbook Staff KOERKER, SUSAN K. Midland Alpha Lambda Delta KOHN, LORINDA Flint KOHUT, BARBARA Deerfield SS NS BUS ED A&L CA HE KOIVUNIEMI, CARL St. Ignace Phi Kappa Sigma; Marching Band; Band; Wind Ensemble; Ski Club JMC Concert KOLATA, FLORENCE J. Olean, N.Y. SS AWS, SEC; State News; Resident Asst.; Gamma Phi Beta; Greek Week KOLB, CHARLES Lansing KOLB, KIETH A. Angula, Ind. KOLBERG, BEVERLY Galien KOLOMYJEC, WILLIAM Detroit Phi Kappa Tau KONOW, CAROL Trenton 438 SS SS ED ENG ED KOVZES, RICHARD Fairfax, Va. Phi Eta Sigma; Union Board; Hono Board NS rs College KOZIJ, STANLEY JAMES Hamburg IM Sports KOZLOWSKI, THOMAS Grand Rapids Delta Sigma; MSU Packaging Society KRAMMIN, CHARLES Hastings Agriculture Education Club KRANICH, BARBARA Grosse Pointe Woods KRANZ, JANET Williamston BUS AGR AGR ED COMM KRAWCZYK, DAVID Lansing American Honors College ENG institute of Chemical Engineers; KREMPA, DIANE Wyandotte Wolverine; State News KRIEGER, NANETTE KRIMSKY, DOREAN Willowick, Ohio Alpha Gamma Delta KROETSCH, DEANN COMM ART ED ED KROPF, GARY Lowell ENG East Shaw Leaders Club; Wrestling; American Society Metals KROT, GREGORY Warren Judo Club KROTZER, SUZANNE Mt. Clemens KROUPA, KENNETH Traverse City KRUEGER, ROBERT Warren, Ohio Bethel Manor; Block S KRUPECKI, JOAN Harper Woods KRUTKA, MARY ELLEN Flint • SEC;CEC KUBICKI, DONALD Detroit KUCHIK, BRIAN East Lansing Beta Beta Beta SS ED AGR BUS ED ED NS NS KUCLICH, RONALD Scottviile Chi Epsilon; American Society of Ci ENG ivil Engi- KUROSKY,CONSTANCE Dearborn Heights Angel Flight; SEC KURTIS, PATRICIA Detroit KURYLA, SALLY Detroit Associated Women Students; Wolverine KUSCHINSKI, TOM Southfield KUSZA, THOMAS East Lansing Packaging Society HE SS ED ENG AGR KUTTNER, ROBIN Evanston, III. ED Kappa Delta Pi Honorary; Resident Assistant KWAPICH, CAROLE Hamtramck KWARSICK, LARRY Westland COMM SS lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllillkllllllll LAAKSONEN, HARRY Lansing LAAKSONEN, DIANE Lansing Wesley Foundation LABELL, JUDITH Southfield LAFKAS, GEORGE Muskegon NS NS ED NS LAGO, RUTH Grand Rapids ED Alpha Lambda Delta Honorary; Honors Col­ lege LAGONI, LANCE Niles LAITINEN, JOAN C. Hancock Delta Delta Delta LAKE, BEVERLIE Detroit Delta Sigma Theta; Resident Advisor LAKE, KATHERINE Ada LAMBERT, DAVID Muskegon Fisheries and Wildlife; Intramurals BUS A&L JMC ED ENG LAMBERT, PETER Toronto, Ontario BUS Athletic Manager of Dorm & House; IM Sports LAMERE, WILLIAM Lansing COMM LAMMERS, ROSS Wauwatosa, Wisconsin BUS Varsity Baseball; House Judicial Ch.; House Pres.; R.A. LAMONT, LINDA Bear Lake LAMPHIER, VICKI Detroit LANDALL, JAMES ALLAN Louisville, Ky. Arnold Air Society; RAN F ED A&L NS LANDERS, SUSAN Stockbridge SS Circle Honorary; WIC, Pres.; House Pres.; Hall Pres. LANDINO, JOHN Grosse Pointe Tri Beta N.H. SS LANDRY, CAROLE Birmingham NS Honors College; Alpha Lambda; Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa PhnHj LANDSMAN, JAMES Southfield LANGLOIS, IRENE East Lansing RA; MSU Concert Band LANGLOIS, PETER East Lansing LANNING, JAMES Warren LANZING, MICHAEL St. Petersburg, Florida State News; IRC; Dorm Govt. BUS SS SS NS SS LARDIE, SUSAN Detroit NS Angel Flight; Ski Club; Judo Club; Sky Diving Club LARKIN, JANE E. Lansing A&L LEITZ, JUDITH Sault Ste. Marie LENEWAY, ROBERT Port Huron Station Mngr. WFEE LENNON, MARK Gladwin Forestry Club LEONARD, DIANA Otsego Block & Bridle VM SS AGR ED LEVY, SHEILA East Lansing ED Circle Honorary; Kappa Delta Pi; Hillel; RA; ASMSU LESTER JR., WILLIAM K. Severna Park, Maryland Zeta Beta Tau; LaCrosse Club LESZCZYNSKI, CATHERINE Wyandotte WMCD Disc Jockey LESZCZYNSKI, RICHARD Wyandotte Honors College SS SS SS LETKEMANN, KAREN Detroit ED Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Little Sisters of Min­ erva; Water Carnival; Homecoming LEVIN,LESLEE Kankakee ED S.E.C.; Operation Headstart; Special Events Chairman in dorm; College Bowl LEWIN, MORRIS Oak Park Tau Delta Phi LEWIS, ELIZABETH M. Oak Park, i'llinois LEWIS, JACK Adrian Baseball BUS ED BUS LOCKE, ROBERT JR. East Lansing LOCKHART, DONNA Detroit Castle Honorary; Hall Government BUS SS LODER, KEITH M. Flint ENGR Tau Beta Pi; Case Hall Scholastic Committee LOEFFLER, MARCIA Northville LOHRMAN, ELISABETH Grand Rapids Beta Beta Beta LONDO,CHARLES Escanaba Phi Kappa Sigma; Phi Eta Sigma HE NS JMC LONEY,GLENN Columbus, Georgia BUS Delta Chi; Phi Eta Sigma Honorary; Varsity Track Team, Manager; All University Student Judiciary, Chief Justice LONG, CANDACE Holly HPER Club; Girls' Varsity Basketball ED LONG, VICKIE East Lansing COMM State Singers; P.A.C. Road Company; Faust Dancers LONGHI, DAN Garden City LONNING, STEPHEN K. Battle Creek BUS BUS LOOMIS, ROBERT J. JR. Fairfax, Virginia ENGR Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engin­ eers; MSU Radio Club LYNAS, LINDA Plymouth Angel Flight LYNDON, MARY J. Ann Arbor Chi Omega, Treasurer LYNN, GAYE Clarkston LYONS, DANIEL Erie, Pennsylvania Honors College; Tri Beta A&L ED SS NS MAAS, MARJORIE Bloomfield Hills SS Sigma Kappa, Vice-Pres.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Kappa Phi; Tower Guard, V.-Pres.; Mortar Board; ASMSU Student Opinion Re­ search; Humanities Advisory Committee; Stu­ dent Faculty Com. on Academic Reports & Responsibility of Students MACCONNELL, DAVID N. Luchine Fisheries & Wildlife Club; Folk Dance AGR MACCRACKEN,BRUCE Southfield MACDERMAID, GAL Harrisville SS ED MACDONALD, LIANA N. Muskegon A&L Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Tower Guard; E. McDonel Hall, Pres.; Wolverine MACISAAC, MYRA Carleton MACK, MARJORIE Allen Park MACKENZIE, LOUISE Clare SS SS ED LOOSE, KATHLEEN Waukesha, Wisconsin VM MACKERCHER, ROBERT Parchment COMM LARSEN, KAREN Benton Harbor LARSEN, MARGARET Lansing Alpha Omicron Pi LARSON, ELLEN Saginaw LARSON,KATHLEEN Rothsay, Minnesota LARSON, SHARON LYNN Port Huron Omicron Nu LASHBROOK, LLOYD Detroit LASKOWSKY, GARY E. Dearborn Farmhouse; Intramurals; Dorm Radio LASSER, HOWARD Farmington Alpha Epsilon Pi LATHROP, ELAINE Stockbridge Omicron Nu ED ED A&L A&L HE A&L NS NS HE LAU, JANE Evansville, Indiana NS Kappa Alpha Theta; Sr. Class Coun.; Pan- hellenic Coun.; Water Carn.; Homecoming LAUER, CAROL East Lansing LAUHOFF, MARY Greenbush Union Board LaVASSEUR, LINDA Ann Arbor Debate; Forensics LAUERTY,RUSSEL East Lansing Arnold Air Soc.; SSUP LAWLER, JACK Livonia LAWRENCE, DOUGLAS Royal Oak LAWRENCE, LARRY London, Ohio LAYCOCK, JOHN Gladwin Treas. Abbot Hall Men's Club LAZIN, DURELLE Orchard Lake Zeta Tau Alpha LEBEL, RICHARD Jackson LEBO, GAYLE Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Spanish Club; Intramurals NS ED SS SS BUS ACC ED AGR A&L LEBOVITZ, DAVID AGR Lincolnwood|||linois Pi Kappa Gamma Pack. Hon.; ASMSU; Winged Spartans; MSU Pack. Soc. LECKRONE, RUTH Copemish Activity Band LECOURS, LEON J. Detroit Hockey LEDFORD, BILL Chelsea LEDYARD, ROBERTA Lansing LEE, COLEEN M. Farmington State News; Ski Club LEE, CRAIG East Lansing Glee Club LEE, ROSALYN Northville Treas. Retail Club; Ski Club LEHMAN, CARROL Charlotte Safety Comm. LEHMAN, MAUREEN Detroit EIP LEHNERT, LINDA LOU Remus LEHSTEN, BARRY JAY Ann Arbor Betasfiheta Pi Soc. Frat. LEHSTEN, HOLLY Ann Arbor LEIBOLD, CHERYL Detroit Stud. Adv. Comm. Interdept. Majors LEIFER, MAUREEN Skokie, Illinois Pi Alpha; ASMSU; SW Club LEIGHTON, FRANCES Haslett Alpha Xi Delta Treas. SW CA BUS SS ART NS HE ED A&L SS ADV ED A&L SS JMC ENGR LEWIS, JERRY Battle Creek NS American Association of Petroleum Geologist; Intramurals; Activity Chairman; Social Chair- LEZELL, MARK Detroit SS Zeta Beta Tau, Sec.; State News reviewer; Summer Theatre Festival LICHT, SANDRA Elkton Campus Community Commission LICHTERMAN, MICHAEL Farmington Theta Delta Chi LICHTY, LEANNE Sturgis LILLEVIK, NANCY East Lansing Sigma Alpha lota; State Singers LILLY, DOUGLAS St. Louis R.A. LINDEMANN, MERRY Copper Cliff, Ont., Canada ED BUS ED ED SS ED LINFOR, DIANE Dearborn ED Alpha Omicron Pi; Dorm Government; In­ tramural Sports; Panhellenic Council LIPPINCOTT, PETER Flint Sigma Chi LISZAK, ALAN Dearborn LITOS, GLORIA P. GrossePointe LITTLE, SALLY Owosso LITTLE, THOMAS New Hampshire Delta Sigma Pi; Bailey Hall Club LITTLEFIELD, DON B. Lansing VM SS ED E D BUS SS LITTLETON, CAROL S. Birmingham HE House Social Chairman; Dorm Social Chair­ man; House Pres.; Retailing Club LITWIN, SHARON Walled Lake Dorm Publicity Chairman; Block S A&L LIVESAY, DONALD Flint Phi Eta Sigma; Eta Kappa Nu; MSU Club ENGR LIVESAY, RITA Sand creek Writer for Wolverine LO, JOAN Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong Omicron Nu Judo ED HE LOPEZ, MICHAEL New Haven, Ct. SS Delta Phi Epsilon; Phi Kappa Phi; Enzian Honorary; Chairman, E. Wilson Hall Scho­ lastics and Cultural Committee, Director; Free University of MSU, Founder and Director; Political Science Student Advisory Committee LORE, JAMES I. IV Chicago, Illinois LORENCZ, MARY Gagetown LORENZ, DOLORES Ludington SS A&L ED LORIA, OLIVIA Grosse Pte. Wds. ED Tower Guard, Pres.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Sigma Alpha Eta LOSCH, ANDREW W. Caro LOSEY, RICHARD R. Leslie LOUGHEED, GAIL Jackson LOVE, DIANE Birmingham Alpha Phi; Alpha Lambda Delta COMM ED SS ED LOVINGS, MARCINE Milford ED Rather Hall Pin^Glub; Rather Hall, Treasurer LOWE, JEAN A. Bryan, Ohio Alpha Phi, Treasurer LOZIER, JOHN G. Cassopolis LUCE, ROSALYN Reading LUCOW, CELIA Orchard Lake Alpha Epsilon P^Scope LUDWICKI, LAWRENCE East Lansing LUEDTKE, CAROL Pigeon Campus Community Commission ED BUS SS JMC BUS NS LUNDBORG, PETER G. Berkley SS Member of Student Chapter of Amer. Society of Landscape Architecture LUNDE, LINDA Ludington LUNDQUIST, BENJAMIN Midland LUNDY, JANET So. Haven LUTHER, DORIS B. East Lansing LUX, JANET A. Detroit ED NS HE ED SS LOBKER, STARLENE Coral AGR Beta Beta Beta; W. Wilson Hall Service Honor­ ary; Phillips Hall Treasurer LUZIUS, DONNA Annandale, Virginia Alpha Lambda Delta; College Republicans JMC 439 MALLEN, DONNA Farmington Yearbook Staff MALLORY, CHERYL M. Flint Green Splash MALONE, SANDRA Pontiac MALPASS, FREDERICK East Jordan MANCHESTER, ROBERT Redwood City, Calif. Theta Xi ED ED SS BUS NS MANEIKIS, DONALD Vicksburg ED Pi Omega Pi; Pres, and Sec. of E. Holmes Hall Athletic Committee MANEIKIS, MARY K. East Lansing BUS MANG, MICHAEL Westlake, Ohio AGR Xi Sigma Pi; Alpha Zeta; Forestry Club; Rifle Club MANN, CYNTHIA Bloomfield Hills HE MANNERS, JOHN Cleveland, Ohio BUS Enzian Honorary; Bailey Hall Pin Club; Scho­ lastics Chairman, Bailey Hall; Bailey Hall Pres.; Exec. Sec. Big Ten Residence Halls Assoc.; Exec. Assistant Men's Halls Assoc.; Member Les Gourmet Club; Publicity Chan- man of Brody Complex MANOOGIAN, JOHN II Plymouth Industrial Design Club, Pres. A&L MANSKE, CAROL M. Kalamazoo ED Bridge Club; SEA, Student Education Asso­ ciation; Student Education Corps MANTEL, JAMES Temperance Marketing Club MANTEL, JOYCE Temperance . MANTEY, DIANA Fairgrove BUS BUS ED MANTOAN, SANDRA Kankakee, Illinois BUS Phi Gamma Nu-Scribe, Vice Pres., Pres.; Les Gourmets—Dinner Dance Exec. Sec.; Judi­ ciary Board—Butterfield Hall MARBLE, PATRICIA Dexter MARCKWARDT, EDWARD Oak Park A&L BUS AG BUS A&L HE SS SS SS SS MARION, ROBERT Brown City MARKS, JUDITH Scottville Gamma Sigma Sigma MARSDEN, STEPHEN Battle Creek Psi Upsilon MARSH, JAMES East Lansing MARSH, JANET Glenellyn, Illinois Angel Flight NS HE MARSHALL, THOM Saginaw MSU Veteran's Association MARSTON, GERALD Cleveland, Ohio SS Phi Kappa Sigma; Mich. Assoc, of Landscape Arch.; 1967-68 Junior of the Year MARTIN, DIANE E. Huntington Woods ED Gamma Delta; Dorm Government; Student MACWILLIAMS, JANET Park Forest, Illinois Delta Gamma; AWS Representative SS MARCY, DAVID L. Riverdale MADDEN, GENE Altoona, Pennsylvania Asher Men; Christian Science Organization ENGR MARETT, RICHARD C. Birmingham Tau Delta Phi; Brody Board MACKIE, CURT Warren Tau Delta Phi MACLAREN, EILEEN East Lansing Alpha Xi Delta MACLAREN, LESLIE Andover, Mass. SS ED COMM MACON, SUSAN Atlantis, Fla. NS Wilson Service Honorary; AWS Assembly; AWS Judiciary; R.A. MACPHERSON, JAMES Marlette BUS House-Scholastic-Cultural Chairman; East Wil­ son Hall Scholastics-Cultural Com. MADILL, ELLEN East Lansing Phi Theta Kappa; Mu Tau Chap. MADISON, SHIRLEY Lexington, Kentucky Alpha Kappa Alpha MAG ID, SUSAN Ann Arbor MSU Ski Club; MSU Karate Club ED NS A&L MAGISTRO, MARY A. Lansing A&L Alpha Omicron Pi; Sorority Social Chairman; Treasurer of Dorm MAHAN, MARY Saginaw MAHLBERG, PATRICIA Lake Forest, Illinois E. Mayo, Social Chairman MAIER, CAROL Richmond, Virginia A&L Alpha Delta Pi; Green Splash; Delta Phi Alpha MAIER, MARY Lansing NS Alpha Lambda Delta; MSU Student Nurses MAJCHRZAK, TERRY Allen Park Alpha Tau Omega; Packaging Society AGR MARTIN, JOHN Barringtoni'iMlinois Alpha Tau Omega; Pres.; Union Board; IFC BUS MALAY, MARY A. Wyandotte MALENA, SALLY Albion, Pennsylvania Retailing Club MALINOWSKI, JOETTE L. Iron River SS HE ED MALISHENKO, TIMOTHY BUS Fairborn, Ohio Association of Industrial Production Stu­ dents, Pres.; American Production & Inven­ tory Control Society; Mershon Usher Corp.— Pres.; Arnold Air Society; Air Force Asso.; MSU Cycling Club; Columbus Cycling Club; Block O; Intramurals; Ohio State Cycling Championship MARTIN, MARLENE Pittsburg, Pa. NS Sigma Delta Tau; Treasurer; Hall Vice-Pres. & Treasurer MARTIN, ROBERT St. Joseph IjMjtheran Collegians MARTIN, ROBERT R. Okemos MARTINSON, SHIRLEY Wakefield Campus Community Commission: • MARVIN, JERALYN A. Huntington Woods Block 'S'; Dorm Government BUS SS SS ED MARVIN, MICHAEL Battle Creek Alpha Tau Omega MARX, CAROLINE Birmingham Ski Club; Advertising Club MASLANKA, WILLIAM Westchester, Illinois MSU Broadcasters MASON, CAROLYN E. Sandusky, Ohio MASON, THOMAS E. Arlington Heights, Illinois Gamma Delta; Montie House—Steward MASSON, MARGARET Jackson Retailing Club MATERKA, SUZANNE East Lansing MATHENY, RONALD Birmingham MATHEWSON, GIBSON Johnston, Rhode Island Phi Delta Theta MATHISEN, RICHARD E. Glenview, Illinois Sigma Alpha Epsilon MATTHEWS, BARBARA Grand Ledge Alpha Lambda Delta MATTHEWS, SCOTT Port Huron BUS COMM COMM A&L BUS |-|E SS SS BUS ENGR NS SS MATTISON, JANICE Northville Alpha Omicron Pi; Alpha Treasurer—Alpha Omicron Pi NS Lambda Delta; MAUL, SUSAN Grand Blanc Gamma Delta MAHDER, THERESA Rochester MSU Russian Chorus -ED JMC MAUTE, SANDRA SS Park Ridge, Illinois Kappa Kappa Gamma; Alpha Lambda Delta; Cresent Girls MAXWELL, DAVID Bronson Triangle ENGR MAYES, WILLIAM COMM . . Port AustKHp Hubbard Hall Steering Comm.; MSU Young Democrats-Vice Chair.-'66, Chairman-'67 MAZUREK, JAMES St. Clair Shores McAllister, william Dearborn Pi Tau Sigma; Treasurer & Liahona McANOLTY, MAURINE Royal Oak McArthur, james jr. St. Clair Shores Packaging Society COMM ENGR SS AG McArthur, Patricia East Lansing ED Resident Assistant; Council for Exceptional Children McAULIFFE, JAMES Birmingham Sigma Alpha Epsilon McCAIN, DONALD Detroit McCALL, PATRICIA East Lansing , McCann, merris Wyoming Spanish Club; Undergrad. English Club McCarthy, michael Jackson Varsity Wrestling BUS BUS he A&L ss McCarty, thomas Dearborn Heights BUS Intramural Tennis Team; Championship of Brody Dorm Complex McCAUGHNA, KATHLEEN Livonia SS McCauley, Patrick SS Wyandotte Phi Eta Sigma; Mens Halls Assoc.; Intra­ murals; Honors College; Chief Judicial Officer Abbot Hall McCauley, william Pittsfield, Massachusetts NS Delta Sigma Phi; Intramural Sports; Water Carnival; Homecoming Co-chair.; Ski Club; Vice-Pres. and Pres.; Sgt.-at-Arms-Delta Sigma Phi McCLARNON, MELANIE Knightstown, Indiana Alpha Chi Omega McCLASKY, JOAN Livonia JMC ED McCLEARY, KEN East Lansing Les Gourmet; Ski Club McClellan, kenneth ENGR Pontiac Sailing Club—Vice Commadore & Instructor McClendon, soboghana Mt. Clemens ED McClellan, Patricia Evergreen Park, Illinois A&L Alpha Chi Omega; Circle Honorary; Resident; Treasurer AWS; ASMSU Special Projects; East Fee Soc. Chairman; Chairman Hubbard & East Complex Judiciary Board; Greek Week McCLURE, CAROLE Flint McCOLLUM, RONALD Monroe ED SS McCONKEY, LINDA ED Cass City Gamma Phi Beta; Standards Office—Gamma Phi Beta McConnell, Barbara Chagrin Falls, Ohio BUS Delta Delta Delta; Greek Feast; Judging Water Carnival; Les Gormets; Union Board McCORMICK, ROBERT Highland Park SS Delta Chi; Phi Eta Sigma; Blue Key; Ex- calibur; Swimming Team; Pres. Senior Class; Vice-Pres. ASMSU; Alt. Delegate NSA; Final­ ist Mr. MSU; Registrars Advisory Comm.; Outstanding Active—Delta Chi McCOWEN, ROBERT DALE Okemos Intramural Sports McCOY, ADAM D. Las Vegas, Nevada A&L P.lflEta Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Beta Kappa; Honors College Board; Scholastic Chair. East Akers Hall; Student Advisory Comm, to English Dept. McCREADY, KATHRYN Lansing ED Kappa Alpha Theta; Homecoming; Water Car­ nival McCUISTON, JOHN Birmingham BUS Treasurer—Marketing Club; Receptionist- East Holden HaljflHj McCULLOCH, DEAN Flint McDaniel, Gary j. St. Clair Shores MSU Sport Parachute Club McDANOLD, JAMES Dearborn Heights McDermott, Catherine Grand Rapids McDonald, bill Clawson Pi Kappa Gamma McDonald, mary ann Dearborn McDonald,theresa Midland Kappa Kappa Gamma McDonald, vicki BUS NS A&L AG VM SS COMM MILLER, LOUISE Williamston MILLER, MARGARET East Detroit Delta Zeta ED COMM MILLER, MARILYN S. Flint ED Chi Omega; ASMSU Tutoring Service; ROTC Corps Sponsor; Rather Hall Social Chairman; Water Carnival; Greek Week MILLER, NORMA Dearborn MILLERICK, BARBARA Saginaw ED ED MILLIGAN, ROBERT A. Cass City AGR Farmhouse Frat.; Alpha Zeta; Phi Eta Sigma; Green Helmet; Dairy Club; Agr. Coun. MILLS, DAVID Albans, West Virginia Green Helmet MILLS, MARY Flint CCC MILLS, NANCY Holly Child Dev. Club MILNE, SALLY Wilmette, Illinois SEC MILNES, JOHN Kewanee, Illinois Spartan Aide JMC ED HE SS PSY MINTZ, ELLEN Highland Park, |^H|t Pi Mu Epsilon; Alpha Lambda Delta; Merit Scholar NS MISITI, JOHN Franklin Square, New York Phi Kappa Theta; Beta Beta Beta MISUNAS, BARBARA East Lansing MISUNAS, PETER V. East Lansing Intramurals MITCHELL, BONNIE Tecumseh SS Alpha Lambda Delta; Tower Guard; Mortar Board; German Hon. Frat.; Circle Hon.; RA MITCHELL, BRUCE Lansing SS MITCHELL, CAROL Waterville, Ohio .^¿HE Green Splash; Christian Sei. Org.; Intramurals SS NS ED BUS A&L ED SS CA A&L ENGR AGR McCLASKEY, WILLIAM H. SS Chicago, Illinois Alpha P ifp AI pha—Pres.; Intramural Basket­ ball, Track McGRATH, THOMAS F. Manhasset, New York Lambda Chi Alpha; Swimming; Water Polo; Intramurals; Frat. Soc. Chairman; Water Car­ nival Comm.; Homecoming Committee BUS McJILTON, SHIRLEY St. Louis A&L McKAY,RUTH ED Detroit Gamma Sigma Sigma-First and Second Vice- Pres.; Student Education Corps McKEE, GEORGIA Detroit Alpha Chi Omega A&L MERRILL, LINDA P. Lansing MERCER, WILLIAM Eomora Social Chairman, Wilson Hall MERCHANT, ANNE Walloon Lake Dorm Officer; Election Chairman MERCHANT, MARY Union City MEREDITH, PATRICIA A. Glen Allen, Va. Sigma Alpha Eta MERRITT, TOM Bay City Agr. Club; Dairy Club MERTZ, FAITH Ferndale MERTZ, RONALD Grosse Pointe I.M. Ice Hockey MESSER, ROBERT Ontario, Canada SS HE SS COMM ED AGR SS BUS AGR METZLER, ERIC East Lansing Alpha Gamma Rho; Park and Resources Club AGR Recreation METZLER, PATRICIA A. East Lansing NS Alpha Omicron Pi; Spartan Spirit; Honors Committee, School of Nursing; Student Ad­ visory Committee McKELLAR, ANNE ED Coral Gables, Florida Gamma Phi Beta; Pan-Hellenic Representative McKENNIE, THOMAS Royal Oak Sigma Alpha Epsilon McKenzie, kathryn Dearborn McKinnon, michael East Lansing MSU Veteran's Club McLaughlin, claudia Royal Oak Alpha Xi Delta; Spartan Aide SS ED A&L ED McLaughlin, david ENGR Rockville, Maryland Alpha Sigma Phi; Phi Eta Sigma; Rear Com­ modore—MSU Sailing Club McLaughlin, william Fenton SS Resident Assistant; Students for White Com­ munity Action MEUWISSEN, JEFFREY A. Mt. Clemens AGR Michigan State Foresters; Photo Chief, Mich­ igan State Forester BUS McMALL, DIANE Saginaw ED MEYER, CHRISTINE Birmingham Kappa Delta; Little Sisters Theta Delta Chi ED MISH, CYNTHIA Bay City McMillan, william Midland NS Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Beta Beta Beta; Intra­ murals— Football|p Swimming, Basketball, Track, Badminton McMullen, dennis j H H p G lad wi r L ? . . B US MEYER, LINDA Rockford MEYER. LINDA L. Detroit MEYER, SANDRA Warren McMullen, Marilyn Gaylord A&L MEYERS, JUDITH Gregory Home Ec. Club; Retailing Club McPHAIL, KATHY Birmingham SS Judo Club; Resident Assistant West Holmes Hall MICCOLI, M. RONALD New Hartford, New York A&L HE ED HE JMC ENGR McPherson, sandra k. Coldwater MICHAELS, ANN Detroit Director of Publications; Chairman ■Issues; Secretary of ASMSU; Senioi BUS of Great r Council; Course Evaluations Committee McQUEEN, CYNTHIA Grosse Pte. McRAE, DONNA Inkster McRAE, RICHARD East Lansing Phi Eta Sigma McWHERTER, LOIS Detroit Alpha Kappa Alpha MEAD, CHRIS Perry MIDDLETOWN, SUE Battle Creek MIEDUCH, MARY Detroit Sigma Alpha Eta MIKEL, DOUGLAS Bridgman MILES, SHARON ED COMM BUS ED MITCHELL, DANIEL Grand Blanc Marching Band; Glee Club MITROKA, THERESA East Lansing MITTELSTACK, HENRY J. Royal Oak Evans Scholar; Delta Phi Epsilon MEANS, MARY C. Jenkintown, Pennsylvania A&L Circle Honorary; Chairman, Dialogue '68; Chairman, Holmes Hall Scholastic -Cultural] Committee; ASMSU Representative ture-Concert Committee; RA McDowell, susan Flint Pi Beta Ph^Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sisters of Minerva ED -Little MEARDON, JOHN A. Del Norte, Colorado McDuffie, heidi East Lansing Delta Phi Alpha MECK, LINDA Rochester Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Alpha A&L MclNTIRE, LYNNE Ann Arbor MICCI Program; Student Education Corp ED MECKSTROTH, SHARON Cincinnati, Ohio MEINHART, THOMAS MclNTOSH, SHIRLEY East Lansing Pi Omega Pi McIntyre, Constance Lincoln Alpha Lambda Delta McGANNON, JAMES D. Lambertville McGARR, MARY Alpha Chi Omega McGAW, NANCY Royal Oak Tau Sigma; Honors College Student Resident Assistant BUS SS ENGR ED A&L McGhee, john Saginaw Institute of Electrical and Electron» gineers ENGR cs En- MELCHER, MARLENE Saginaw Delta Delta Delta MEISNER, CYNTHIA Detroit MELKUS, KAREN S. Allen Park Delta Delta Delta MELTON, CATHIE Midland Michigan State Singers MELVILLE, JANET ED Mamaronick, New York Delta Zeta; Alpha Lambda Delta; Kappa Delta Pi, Vice-President; Sisters of the Golden Shield of Phi Kappa Psi MENDELJIAN, CHARLES Detroit IM Sports; Abbot Hall Governrnment McGinnis, mary Roscommon Retailing Club HE MENGES, CAROLYN Grand Blanç 440 MILKE, KATHLEEN St. Clair Shores ED Alpha Lambda Delta; Scholarship Committee MILLER, BARBARA Detroit MILLER, BONNIE Howell.- ''' ' State News Staff MILLER, CAROL ANN Birmingham Gilchrist Standards Board MILLER, CRAIG Grand Rapids MILLER, DALE East Lansing MILLER, DAVID Trenton Alpha Phi Sigma MILLER, DOUGLAS East Lansing Evans Scholars; I.M. Hockey; Baseball MILLER, ELAINE Mt. Desert, Me. MILLER, JANET Flint Sec. Floriculture Forum MILLER, JOHN F. Marshall Packaging Society MILLER, KENNETH A. Holt Sigma Nu; Sigma Pi Eta; Les Gourmet ED COMM HE SS BUS SS SS AGR AGR AGR BUS BUS VM MILLER, KATHLEEN East Lansing Rather Hall Pin Club; Resident Assistant COMM MILLER,KAYE Battle Creek ED MOAKES, LINDA Saginaw , MOEHR, ELINOR Fraser Young Dem. MOFFITT, THOMAS Jackson Triangle Frat. MOHNEY, DENNIS Kalamazoo MOHNEY, LINDA Haslett SS Delta Gamma; Alpha Lambda Delta; Tower Guard; Honors College; Greek Sing MOLENDA, MARK East Lansing MOLINE, JAMES Big Rapids Locker Inspector MONROE, THOMAS Pittsford Farmhouse Frat. MONSON, ANN MARIE Iron River MONTMORENCY, MARILYN Grosse Pointe Woods BUS CPS SS CA ED MOON, KAREN Holton CA State News; WIC; Spartan Round Table; Landon Hall Pres. MOON, SALLY Ferndale MOONEN, CAROLYN Birmingham Alpha Xi Delta MOOR, KATHY North Canton Alpha Lambda Delta; Theta Sigma Phi A&L ED CA COMM COMM SS BUS SS COMM ENG SOC SS BUS ED SS HE ED MOORE, GEORGE A. East Lansing Vet's Club MOORE, GERALD Butler, Pennsylvania Varsity Club; Gymnastics BUS BUS MOORE, JUDY Portage E D Zeta Tau Alpha; Panhellenic Coun. Sec.; Union Board MOORE, LINDA Milwaukee, Wisconsin Asher Women; Sailing Club MOORE, RICHARD Ottawa, Ontario Asia Pres. MOORE, RICHARD St. Clair Shores Judo Club MOORE, SANDRA St. Joseph MOORE, SARA Whittaker Alpha Kappa Alpha; Child Dev. Club A&L SS ED A&L HE MOORE, SUSAN Cinnaminson, New Jersey NS Kappa Sigma; Fencing; Pistol Club; Physics Club MOORER, DONNELL Detroit CA Kappa Alpha Psi; V. Pres. MSU Broadcasters MORAN, VALERIE Grosse Pointe Alpha Gamma Delta MORGAN, JOSEPH East Lansing MORGAN, WILLIAM Sandusky Stud. Sup. McDonel Hall MORISON, RUSSELL East Lansing State News; Wolverine MORRILL, JON G. East Lansing Tau Sigma; Honors College; Phi Kappa Phi MORRIS, LAURIE Kalamazoo Pi Gamma Mu; Chi Omega; Union Boe Water Carn. MORRISON, RICHARD Pickford Dorm Government MORSE, MARK Elkhart, Indiana Delta Phi Epsilon; MSU Marching Band MORTON, HANNAH Southfield MOSCICKI, EVE Mt. Clemens Phi Mu MOSELEY, CHARLES Birmingha^HB Sigma Alpha Epsilon MOSHER, PHYLLIS Grand Rapids Delta Zeta; Soc. Chain I Delta Zeta MOUL, DALE Reading, Pa. SS Phi Eta Sigma; Alpha Phi Sigma; Scabbard & Blade MOUITRIE, BEN Detroit NS MUEHLHAUSER, GAYLE Topton, Pa. Sigma Kappa BUS SS SS ED BUS VM SS BUS MUMY, KEN A. East Lansing Wolverine; Block & Bridle Club MUNCH, MARTHA Lansing MUNRO, PATRICIA Niles Phi Mu MUNRO, PHYLLIS Williamsburg Delta Zeta MURPHEY, RICHARD East Lansing MURPHY, JOHN CAMPBELL Alpena MURPHY, TAMSIN Saginaw MURRAY, MICHAEL J. Harper Woods Phi Eta Sigma; Honors College MUZYCZKA, PHILIP Detroit Alphabet 26 MYERS, CHARLES R. Livonia Pi Kappa Phi MYERS, DAVID Lansing MYERS, PIERCE NABOZNY, VICTORIA Jackson State News; Sailing Club NAGAJ, SUSAN NAGAO, SUZANNE Battle Creek Student Ed. Corps NAGEL, BETTY Sagnaw Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma NAVETTA, CHRISTOPHER Detroit Intramural Basketball; Football NEARY, DANIEL G. Eau Claire, Wisconsin Forestry Club NEESE, PAULA Poplar, Wisconsin Les Gourmet; Phi Beta Lambda AC BUi NEGRON, MIGUEL F. JR. Puerto Nuevo, Puerto Rico NS Farmhouse; Scabbard & Blade; Pershing Rifle: NELSON, CAROL Lathrup Village Alpha Chi Omega NELSON, CHRISTINE East Lansing MSU Band; Orchesis NELSON, JAMES R. Adrian Intramurals; Mclnnes » Pres. NELSON, KRISTINE LEA Holly Zeta Tau Alpha; College Republicans Club; Homecoming; Water Carnival; Greek Week A&L NELSON, SIGNE RENEE Dansville SS Honors College; Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma NS NALEPA, THOMAS Detroit NS Beta Beta Beta; Intramural Football, Baseball, Basketball; Freshman Baseball; MSU Soil Judging Team NAMETZ, MICHAEL St. Louis Spartan Aide NS MULRENAN, NANCY ANN Warren Alpha Xi Delta MUMFORD, PETER Batavia, New York Phi Kappa Tau; Ski Club NASTAS, ROBERT Livonia Marketing Club NAVARRE, MARY Wyandotte NEPJUK, LAWRENCE Detroit Intramurals; Treasurer of Dorm O'GORMAN, ROBERT Detroit Tau Delta PhiMS| NS OYO, WALTER Sapele, Nigeria African Students Assoc.; Nigeri Assoc.; Soccer NS :an Students pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp NETTLES, HELEN Wayne A&L Alpha Kappa Delta; Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College; Pan-Hellenic Rep. O'CONNOR, HAROLD Brookfield, Illinois Theta Delta Chi NETZLOFF, TERRY Berville Sigma Phi Epsilon NEWELL, JANE Ann Arbor Honors College O'CONNOR, KATHRYN Grosselle Delta Delta Delta; Union Board O'DELL, BARBARA Dearborn SS ED SS HE BUS NEWTON, GLEN East Lansing Farm House; Phi Eta Sigma; Green Helmet; Phi Kappa Pm| Pi Mu Epsilon; Tau Sigma; Honors College; Intramurals NS NICKEL, JAMES Grand Rapids NICHOLS, RETT Bloomfield Hills Alpha Tau Omega NICHOLS, SANDRA Mint NICHOLSON, GARY Grand Rapids Pre-Law Club, V.-Pres. NIEDZIELSKI, FRANCES Bay City Fee Hall Pres. NIELSEN, CHERYL Columbus, Ohio ENGR NS NS SS SS NS NIELSEN, JANET Farmington HE Delta Gamma; Union Board; Sailing Club; Foods & Nutrition Club, Advisory Council NIELSEN, PATRICIA Detroit NIEMAN, SHARON Flint NIEMI, JANICE Muskegon Zeta Tau Alpha; A.I.D. NIEMI, KENNETH Detroit Beta Theta Pi, Officer NILES, DENNIS Wayne NI RI DER, GAIL Northville Activities Band HE NS HE NS AGR SS NISSLEY, LINDA Grosse Pointe Alpha Gamma Delta; Alpha Lambda Delta ED NIVISON, MARY E. Centreville SS NOBLE, NANCY London, England NS Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Beta Beta Beta NODRUFF, JUDY Dowagiac NOFFZE, ROBERT Detroit Intramurals; Student Government NOFTZ, ETHLYN Harper Wds. NORA, JOHN Norway ED BUS ED BUS NORCUTT, GARY Clare MSU Varsity Fencing Team ENGR NORCUTT, LARRY Clare ENGR Eta Kappa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; Varsity Fencing Team NORD, DONNA Bay City Retailing Club HE NORTHEY,LYNN Lansing Alpha Omicron Pi; Sister of Phi Kappa Psi ED NORTON,CHARLOTTE Flint Ski Club; Summer Theatre; Sailing Club A&L NORTON, DAVID Charlevoix VM American Veterinary Med. Asso. Student Chapter; Pre-Vet Club; Intramurals; Class Member At Large—Vet. Medicine NOWITZKE, RUTH Wyandotte W. Wilson Service Honorary NUTTILA, ANDREA Richmond, New York Alpha Delta Pi; A.W.S. Rep. NYE, JAMES Battle Creek Honor Society NYGREN, LAVERN East Lansing HM SS SS SS O'DELL, KATHLEEN Jackson House Council, Co-Chairman; House Presi­ dent; R.A. A&L O'DONNELL, JOHN Dearborn BUS O'DONNELL, LYNDA Grand Rapids SS Kappa Kappa Gamma; Careers '67 & '68, Exec. Sec.; ASMSU Personnel Development Cabinet OFFENBECKER, LINDA Rhodes NS OGLE, SHERYL ED Waynesboro, Virginia Alpha Lambda Delta; Activities Band; Spar- tanettes O'GRADY, ALAN Fenton BUS Alpha Kappa Psi; Chairman Financial Com­ mittee of Alpha Kappa Psi; Intramurals O'HARA, KATHLEEN Dayton, Ohio O'HON, JAMES E. Suttons Bay Triangle; Intramurals; Student Judiciary OJANPA, LINDA Detroit O'LEARY, TIMOTHY Lathrup SS NS BUS SS OLEJNIK, ANTHONY Detroit SS Evans Scholars; Intramurals; Undergraduate Psychology Club OLIVER, DALE Alex., Virginia BUS Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Blue Key National Men's Honorary, Sec.; Excalibur, Pres.; Omi- cron Delta Kappa; Omicron Delta Epsilon; Enzian Honorary; Honors; Spartan Round­ table; Contributor-Collage; Fencing; Fresh­ man Council; All-University Student Judi­ ciary, Chief Justice; AFROTC, Commander; Graduate Advisor; R.A.; American Economic Association OLSON, CAROL Grand Rapids Sigma Alpha Eta OLSON, CHRISTY East Lansing OLSON, DAVID Grand Haven Chi Epsilon; Phi Lambda Tau OLSON, JOHN Grand Blanc WMCD Radio; IEEE OLSON, KAREN Midland OLWIN, SUSAN Sparta OLYNYK, PHILIP Cleveland, Ohio Pi Tau Sigma O'MEARA, DENNIS Mt. Clemens Emmons Hall, R.A.; Dorm Government; Floor Pres.; Dorm Student Conduct man; Intramurals SS Chair­ O'NEIL, PEGGY Niles Honors College; Alpha Lambda Delta O'NEILL, MARY Ann Arbor OPPENHEIM, CAL Detroit Phi Sigma Kappa O'REILLY, RICHARD Rey, New York Delta Upsilon NS ED HE SS ORLOV, PAUL Skokie, Illinois A&L Honors College; Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Dorm Government ORR,NANCY Fowlerville Students Off Campus ORR, SUSAN Sandusky Circle Honorary; Gilchrist Honorary NS ENGR ENGR NS SS ENGR SS A&L NS COMM oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo O'BRIEN, ANN Wyandotte ED Alpha Gamma Delta; Dorm Government; Wa­ ter Carnival; Homecoming ORT, CAROL Doylestown, Pa. Beta Beta Beta; Honors College ORTON, RICHARD Birmingham 441 OSTIEN, BEVERLY Perry OSTRANDER, DELORES Afton Alpha Lambda Delta OTASKEY,BEVERLY Detroit OTT, RODNEY Wayne Varsity Club; Wrestling OTTO, ELAINE Muskegon OVERBEEK, DALE East Lansing Intramurals OWEN, KATHLEEN Milan OWEN, KATHY Wayzata, Maine Alpha Xi Delta OWEN, VIRGINIA Milwaulkee, Wisconsin Alpha Xi Delta, Pres.; MSU Chon. NS NS ED ED NS ED A&L JMC ED PADGETT, GREG Chamblee, Ga. PAETH, LINDA Jeddo PAGE, GREGORY Birmingham American Society of Landscape Archil PAGE, JANICE L. PAGE, MICHAEL Wyandotte PAHSSEN, CHRISTINE E. Saginaw PAIGE, MARY L. Kawkawlin Alpha Lambda Delta; Pi Mu Epsilon PAINTER, CONSTANCE Cabot, Pennsylvania Retailing Club, Programs' Chairman PAINTER, GLORIA H. PAK, BEHZAD Baghshah, Iran, Tehran SS A&L SS ED AGR ED NS HE BUS NS NS ED NS ED BUS PARAFIN, SHIRLEY S. Dearborn Angel Flight; MSU Womans Gl< Club SS se Club; Ski PARK, JAMES D. Grand Blanc Alpha Zeta; Beta Beta Beta; Wildlife Club NS Fisheries & PARK, MARY Lansing Student Education Corps A&L PARKER, BONNIE Evans, New York Sigma Alpha Eta; Akers Hall CouiTCil COMM PARKER, CYNTHIA Grand Rapids Alpha Phi HM PARKER, STEVEN Howard City Beta Gamma Sigma; Phi Eta Sigma; College; Marketing Club BUS Honors PARKER, WILLIAM Flossmoor, Illinois PARKHURST, BEN Grand Rapids PARKIN, NANCY Lake Orion Chi Omega PARKS, SANDRA C. Grand Rapids MSU Chorus PARLIAMENT, ANN West Branch PARR, LIZABETH Detroit PASANT, THOMAS East Lansing BUS AGR SS ED A&L JMC BUS COMM PALMA, MICHAEL Grand Rapids PALMER, JANICE Dearborn Kappa Delta Pi PALMER, NICK Detroit PANZA, DENISE Birmingham PAPE, DIETER Flint PHILLIPS, CHARLES Berkley SS POCZE, ROGER Grand Rapids Theta Delta Chi; Sailing Club PASKIEWICZ, MARY A. Saginaw Kappa Delta A&L PATANICZEK, DENNIS East Lansing SS Hubbard Hall Chief Justice Judicial Board; Student Education Corps; Spartan Spirit PATTERSON,AIMEE COMM Manchester, Ct. Pi Beta Phi; Pi Delta Phi; Theta Sigma Phi; Kappa Tau Alpha; State News; Campus Ob­ server PATTERSON, G. WESLEY Los Cruces, N. Mex. ENGR Tau Beta Pi, Pres.; MSU Student Chapter— ACM, Pres. PATTERSON, G. Okemos PATTERSON, MARY M. Flint Sigma Kappa ENGR ED PAUL, JOHN Kettering, Ohio AGR Intramurals; President Wisdom House — Wil­ son Hall; Shaw Hall, V. Pres.; MSU Forestry Club; Society of American Foresters; Midwest Foresters Conclave PAUL, MARTHA Warren A&L Student Ed. Corps; AMLEC; Social Com­ mittee; Homecoming Committee PAUL, S. East Lansing PAULSON, LYNN Laurium PAVLINAK, ALBERT Highland Park Forestry Club PAVLISCHEK, BARBARA Onoway PAWLOSKI, GERARD Grand Rapids Phi Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Tau PAYETTE, JUDITH Orchard Lake ED ED AGR ED ENGR BUS PETRINI, EDWARD Dearborn A&L Delta Chi; Phi Eta Sigma; Honors College; Senior Class Council; Wilson Hall Judiciary, Chairman; Commencement Committee PETRIS, JOYCE Farmington PETTELLE, RAE Dearborn PETTERSON, JOSEPH Ludington R.A.; Dorm Officer; Intramurals PETTIGREW, DANIEL Pottstown, Pennsylvania Phi Gamma Delta; Sigma Pi Eta PETTY, LOUISE Williamston Wolverine; House Council4,^?* HE COMM BUS BUS ED PETTY, TIMOTHY M. Wayne BUS Wolverine Senior Editor; HRI Dinner Dance; MSU Marching Band; MSU Spartan Brass; Les Gourmets Club PFENNIG, NORA Saginaw SS Delta Zeta, Pres.; Alpha Lambda Delta; Tower Guard; Tau Sigma; Water Carnival PHELPS, JUDY Marine City ED American Baptist Student Foundation, Treas. PHILLIPS, HILANIUS Detroit Phi Beta Sigma; International Club; Crescent Club A&L PHILLIPS, LINDA Detroit PHILLIPS, LINDA M. Walled Lake Scholastic Chairman of House NS HM PHILLIPS, PATRICIA Birmingham JMC Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College; JMC Planning Committee PAYNE, ANN A. Eaton Rapids HPR — Physical Ed. Chairman; Intramurals ED PHILLIPS, PATTI Conway ED PAYNE, MARSHA A. Webster, N.Y. E. Landon Hall, Sec. A&L PHILLIPS, WILLIAM FarmingtonraL, Sigma Nu; State News; Tennis; Marketing Club ENGR PECHUR, ROBERT E. Detroit COMM Alpha Kappa Psi; Intramurals; Publicity Chair­ man — Alpha Kappa Psi PICKARD, JANET ED Lansing Delta Gamma; Tower Guard; Alpha Lambda Delta; Kappa Delta Pi; Honors College; Home­ coming Court PECK, GLENN Flint Intramurals ENGR PICKETT, LAUREN Kalamazoo PECKHAM,KAY Fenton ED Alpha Delta Pi, Pres.; Intramurals; Women's Glee Club PECKHAM, STEPHANIE Birmingham PEEBLES, NANCY Ellsworth MSSNA Delegate SS NS PEET, MARY Grand Rapids ED Sigma Kappa, Social Chairman; Kappa Delta Pi; Jr. Pan-Hellenic; Water Carnival PEKESKI, RALPH Cooksville, Ont., Canada AGR PELFREY, MICHAEL A&L Abilene, Texas Graduate English Club; Steering Committee of Independent Majority PICKLO, PAUL Elkton PIEPER, HOLLY Birmingham Chi Omega PIERCE, EVELYN Lansing PIERCE, JANIS Romeo PIERCE, SUZANNE Okemos ED Miss South Campus Weekend; W. Wilson Hall Social Com. PIETTE, EDWARD Detroit COMM PIKE, DOUGLAS G. Delta, Ohio Intramurals; Dorm Government PENCE, JOHN Oconomowoc, Wis. Sigma Phi Epsilon PENN, JEFFREY Elk Grove, Illinois BUS A&L PIKE, GLEN Greenville, R.l. PINK, SALLY Dearborn PENZ, DAVE Tuscaloosa, Alabama ENGR Phi Eta Sigma; Pi Tau Sigma; Alpha Phi Omega; Sailing Club; Inter-Cooperative Coun- PEPPER, LEE E. East Lansing NS Farm House, Athletic Chairman; Intramurals PIPER, JOHN Warren State News Reporter; Intramurals PIPER, JUDITH Ottawa Lake PLANSEK, ROBERT Detroit Alpha Delta Sigma; MSU Advertising Club COMM PERKINS, JUDY GrossePte. Alpha Phi, Corresponding Sec. ED PLATH, MICHAEL Detroit Air Force ROTC COMM A&L BUS ED ED A&L NS SS HE AGR ED ED SS ED JMC SS ED SS ED HE BUS SS HE SS SS A&L JMC PLATZ, MARY A. Grosse Pointe Zeta Tau Alpha PLENAR, MARILYN Lansing A&L A&L PLESS, ALDA Millington Intramurals; Elsworth Student Co-operative NS PRATT, JANIS Cedar Springs R.A. * PRATT, PAMELLA Hopkins Phi Alpha PRATT, ROBERT GrossePte. Armstrong Senate Band PLOTKIN, LAUREN Detroit ED PRAZUCH,GERALDINE Detroit PLOURDE, MARGARET Norway SS Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi PLUMB, STEPHEN Spring Lake PLUMTREE, ANN Bloomfield Hills POCOCK, CLAUDIA Mt. Clemens BUS HE ED POCUIS, D.L. St. Johns Phi Eta Sigma; Tennis; Honors College Stuk dent Board, Chairman; Provost Lecture Com.; MSU Student Ed. Project; Dorm Government, V.-Pres.; Faculty Honors Com.; Eng. Advisory Com.; Student Academic Council; Education Advisory Committee; Undergraduate Instruc- A&L PRELESNIK, JOHN East Lansing PRELESNIK, JUDITH East Lansing PRESCOTT, CAROL Detroit HE Alpha Phi; Pan Hellenic Council; Sorority Rush Chairman PRESTON, PATRICIA K. Jackson Honors College PRICE, B. East Lansing NS ED PRIESKORN, LINDA Ann Arbor ED Alpha Gamma Delta; Pan-Hellenic Judiciary RANDALL, GEOFFREY Wurtsmith AFB Theta Chi; Phi Lambda Tau; R.A. ENGR RANDALL, LOUISE East Lansing RANDOLPH, FRED E. Grand Rapids Judo Club; MSU Glee Club NS ED RANKENS, LARRY Romeo IM Softball, Bowling; House Activities Ch. SS RANKIN, GARY Lansing Pi Kappa Gamma, Pkg. Society RAO, RAMAN K.V. Newdel6i,3lndia RAO, ROBERT Medfield, Mass. Alpha Gamma Rho; Pres. Pre-Vet Club RAPHAEL, SHARON Farmington Alpha Epsilon Phi AGR ENGR AGR HE RAPOPORT, ALLEN Pittsburgh, Pa. Zeta Beta Tau; State News; Soc. Sci. Honor­ ary; IM Football, Basketball, Baseball RAPP, MICHAEL Saline PRIEST, CYNTHIA Romeo Zeta Tau Alpha BUS RASEY, JILL Holt Blick S; Hall Float Comm. PRIEST, ROBERT East Lansing BUS Les Gourmets; Soaring Club, Pres.; Hospital­ ity Newsletter RASMUSSEN, KAREN Three Rivers RATHJEN, GREGORY Sawyer AFB R.A. AGR ED ED SS POLINSKY, MICHAEL Dearborn Hts. Ski Club POLLACK, LINDA Detroit POLLITT, MARY Grand Ledge POLMANTEER, FRED C. Benton Harbor PONCHAUD,NANCY Grand Rapids Phi Alpha Honorary SS NS ED ED BUS SS POND, MARY K. Jackson Phi Mu, Sec.; Greek Sing; A.W.S., V. Pres. HE POORE, JOHN Wauwatosa, Wisconsin POPENHAGEN, JANET Battle Creek POPLAWSKI, MARGARET Athens MSU Cheerleader; HPER Club POREDA, MARGUERITE East Lansing POREDA, STEPHEN East Lansing BUS A&L ED NS NS PORTEOUS, RUTH Reed City HE Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College; Camp­ bell Hall, Treas.; Food Science Club, Treas., Pres. PORTER, LINDA Onondaga Alpha Mu, Treas.; Block & Bridle POST, ALAN East Lansing Delta Sigma Phi A&L SS POTTER, DOUGLAS BUS Grand Rapids National Business Honorary; National Ac­ counting Honorary POTTER, JILL Harrisville A&L Circle Honorary; Dorm Officer; University Christian Movement POTTS, LINDA Petoskey Kappa Delta POVIRK, RUDOLPH R. Bedford, Ohio ED AGR POWELL, KRISTIN Okemos COMM Kappa Kappa Gamma; Union Board; Cheer­ leader; Miss Bailey; Miss Butterfield; Top Ten, Miss MSU PRINCE, GARY Utica Alpha Gamma Rho; Judo PRINCE, JACQUELINE East Lansing Alpha Phi PRINCE, NEIL East Lansing Retailing Club, Sec. PRUGH, JAMES East Lansing Les Gourmet PRZEWOZNIK, ARLEEN Melvindale PUECHLER, BARBARA Dearborn Dorm Sec.; Spartan Spirit PUHEK, ROSALIND Livonia Alpha Xi Delta, Sec.; Careers Exec. Board PUHL, JANET Detroit Alpha Xi Delta PULCINI, JOSEPH Warren Delta U psi Ion PURCELL, LESLIE Olmsted Falls, Ohio Chorus PURDY, JERRILYNNE Niles BUS Alpha Chi Omega, Treas.; Phi Gamma Nu, Pledge Class Pres.; Dorm Social Ch.; Union Board; Winds of Change PURDY, PAMELA Miami, Florida Gymnastics PURVES, LYNDA Elsie PUTTOCK, ROBERT E. Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Athletic Ch. of N. Wonders SS SS BUS QUICK, CHARLES Owosso BUS QUICK, PAUL F. Grand Rapids COMM MSU Ad Club; Kappa Kappa Kappa; State News QUINN, DEBBIE Des Plaines, III. COMM rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr RAADE, RONALD Trenton Theta Delta Chi RACINE, ROBERT Mt. Clemens BUS BUS RADCLIFFE, BEVERLY Dearborn BUS Zeta Tau Alpha, Treas.; Greek Week Comm.; Water Carnival Comm. RAHALEY,NANCY Detroit RANDALL, CLIFFORD Detroit IM Sports; Pres, of S. Case RANDALL, DAVID East Lansing ED NS BUS RATHKE, DAVID E. Lock port, N.Y. ENGR Lambda Chi Alpha; Honors College; Phi Eta Sigma RAU, THOMAS Laslett RAUSCH, JAMES Clarkston JMC NS RAVEY, CHARLES W. Ironwood SS E. Wilson Gen. Council; IM Sports; House Pres. RAYMOND, JOHN Rogers City Delta Chi RAZMYOUSH, SHAHRAM Tehran, Iran R.A. A&L ENGR REARDON, PAUL Troy COMM Phi Gamma Delta; WBRS & WMSN Disc Jockey REED, JESSE W., JR. Detroit Omega Psi Phi REED, SUSAN Northville Scotts Highlanders; Spartan Brass REEFER, JOYCE Detroit Hall Sports Ch.; R.A. SS A&L SS REEVES, JEANINE Grand Rapids SS Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Psi Chi; Women's Glee Club; United Students REICHMANN, DONNA Detroit NS REID, DEAN Owosso AGR Alpha Gamma Rho, Chapter Sec..Forestry Club; Spartan Guard; IM Sports & Frat. Sports REILLY, CLIFFORD Los Angeles, Calif. Mkting. Club REILEY, MICHAEL Bellaire Flying Club; Advertising Club BUS BUS REIMAN, ROBERT F. Ypsilanti BUS Asher Student Foundation for Men; Beta Gamma Sigma; Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; MSU Promenaders REINHARDT, CYNTHIA Coloma REINS, LANI Cincinnati, Ohio Sigma Delta Tau REISIG, KAREN Monroe RELYEA, JUDITH Flushing HE SS A&L SS RELYEA, KAY Battle Creek ED Asher House; Christian Sci. Organization; E.I.P. POTTER, GILBERT Harnsville COMM qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq PERLMAN, JANICE Chicago, Illinois SS Sigma Delta Tau; Phi Alpha; Undergraduate Social Work Club; SCOPE; Student Education PETERMAN, PAULA St. Clair Shores PETERSON, DORN Grandin, No. Dakota Phi Beta Kappa; Physics Club, V.-Pres. PETERSON, GARY East Lansing Theta Xi ED NS BUS PLATO, KATHLEEN Lincoln Park W. Wilson, Judicial Officer from floor ED POWERS, JEFFERY Ferndale Alpha Sigma Phi PLATT, MARILYN Lansing HE Alpha Lambda Delta; Omicron Nu; Freshman Home Ec. Club, Pres.; Sailing Club; Home Economics Council; Student Advisory Com­ mittee to the Dean; Honors College POWERS, PENNY Rep. of Singapore Holmes Hall, Floor Social Chairman POZEGA, MARLYS Lansing SS A&L ED PLATT, NANCY Lansing ED Student Education Association; Student Ed­ ucation Corps PRATT, M.C. Birmingham SS Asher Women; Honors College; Christian Sci­ ence Organization 442 ED ED ED NS A&L ED A&L NS SS ENGR SS BUS HE COMM NS AGR HE ED COMM ENGR HE ED NS NS BUS ED BUS REMPALA, PAUL Allen Park RENGERT, LAWRENCE East Lansing RENSHAW, CLAUDE D. Mason RENWICK, MARILYN Lansing State Singers REWBOTHAM, SHARON Grand Blanc REYNOLDS, DONALD Dearborn Delta Upsilon RHINEHART, RICHARD A. Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. F&AM RHODES, DONICE Roseville RHODES, JOHN Jamestown, N.Y. Alpha Tau Omega; I.F.C. SS A&L SS ED A&L COMM BUS ED SS RITSEMA. JACK D. Holland Eta Sigma Phi ROAT, DAVID Lansing ROBERTS, RONALD J. Detroit Zeta Beta Tau, Treas. ROBINSON, DAVID Spencer port, N.Y. Fisheries & Wildlife Club, Pres. ROBINSON. GILBERT Detroit Bryan Hall Scholastic Ch. A&L COMM COMM BUS NS ROBINSON, JOHN Pierre, S.D. NS Phi Eta Sigma; Green Helmet; Tau Sigma; IM Sports; Honors College; R.A. ROBINSON, PATRICIA Benton Harbor Alpha Kappa Alpha ROCKAFELLOW. BONNIE East Lansing A&L ED RHODES, SANDRA Kalamazoo ED Honors College; Christian Science Organiza- RODENBARGER, ROBERT Niles BUS Alpha Phi Omega; Nat. Service Frat.; MSU Mkting Club; Membership Mng. RICCO, JOHN Muskegon Mkting. Club BUS ROEPKE, ROBERT Wilmette, III. Lambda Chi Alpha; Baseball ROGERS, BARBARA Manistique ROGERS, JUDI East Lansing Off Campus Council ROHDE, RICHARD Saginaw BUS ED SS BUS RICCOBONO, MARIA Wappingers Falls, N.Y. SS Dept, of Pol. Sci. Undergrad. Advisory RICE, BARBARA Grosse lie Alpha Xi Delta RICHARDS, SARAH Port Huron Gilchrist Hall Treas. RICHARDS, SARANNE Dearborn RICHARDSON, JAMES F. Wilmington, Del. IM Dorm Athletics RICHMOND, CAROL Grand Blanc RICHMOND, PATRICIA Pigeon Phi Kappa PhiaH A&L HE HE NS HE VM ROLLER, BRENT Unionville IM Football & Softball; House Athletic Ch. AGR ROLLIN, GRANT Lansing ROY, ARTHUR Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario BUS ROLLO, CAROL Southgate Alpha Omicron Pi, Sec.; Phi Beta Lambda BUS ROLLYSON, CARL Warren A&L Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Sigma; Honors College; Honors College Essays; MSU Press ROY, CONNIE Goodells ROY, MARLENE East Lansing RUBLEIN, BRIAN East Lansing ROSENFELD, SHARON D. Grand Rapids Hillel; Scholastic Comm, of Holmes H all ROSIELLO, JUDITH Franklin Alpha Xi Delta ROSKIEWICZ, JAN Grand Rapids ROSS, JOHN Ann Arbor Bowling Team ROSS, LINDA Southfield ROSS, LYNN Brighton ROSSON, ROBERT East Lansing ROSTHAL, RICHARD Silver Spring, Md. Pi Mu Epsilon, Treas.; Tau Sigma ROTHLEIN, FRED Portage Hillel Foundation, Pres. ROUTSON, JEFFREY Lansing Karate Club; Homecoming ROWAN, MARCIA Davison Castle Honorary; ASWMSU ROWBOTTOM, BRUCE Bloomfield Hills ROWE, ELIZABETH Swartz Creek Dorm Govt. ROWE, MARGARET Flushing ROWELL, JOHN Miami, Fla. RICKETTS, KAREN ED Midland Alpha Omicron Pi, Pledge Trainer; Scholar­ ship Ch. of E. Landon RICKY, JO Gladwin SEA Member; SEC; Little International ED ROMAN, JAMES P. < Lansing Phi Kappa Theta; Amer. Society for Metals ENGR RUBOVITS, JEAN Alpha Epsilon Phi; Honors College; Aide ; Spartan ROMAN, KAREN Iron River A&L Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Student Advisory Comm, for Hum. RUBY, TIMOTHY Marine City Abbot-Mason Y earbook Staff; Comm. Ch. NS Advisory RIES, DAVID E. Detroit RIES, DIANE Tecumseh Social Work Club RIES, THOMAS Flint Sec. of Amer. Society of Civil Engrs. RIEVES, CYNTHIA Pontiac RIGGIO, GAYLE Wayne Home Ec. Honorary RIHA, ROBERT Vernon RIIPI, ELSA Atlantic Mine RILEY, JACK Sturgis RING, BETTY Kankakee, Illinois ENGR SS ENGR A&L HE ED JMC BUS NS RING, DAVID ENGR Baltimore, Maryland Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Honors College; R.A. RINGER, JOAN East Lansing RINGEY, LINDA Detroit MSU Ski Club HE A&L RINGWALD, ARTHUR Dearborn Sigma Nu; MSU Judo Club; Cantilever Club SS RINKUS, FRANK C. Brooklyn BUS Hedrick House Co-op; Mkting Club; Indepen­ dent Purchasing Assn.; Inter Co-op. Council, T reas. RINNA, RANDALL Allen Park Phi Kappa Psi; Class Vice-Pres.; Mngt. Club BUS RISI, PEDRO Washington, D.C. IM Sports RISNER, ELAINE Stockbridge ENGR HE ROMIG, BARBARA Houghton ROMINE, CAROLYN Grosse Pte. Park Delta Psi Kappa A&L ED RUCH, JOSEPH Olive RUDNICKI, LINDA Fowlerville ROMPF, THERESA Lansing BUS Ski Club; Sailing Club; Students Off Campus ROOT, RONALD Cuyahoga, Ohio RORICK, MARGARET Morenci BUS BUS ROSE, CAROL Hastings SS Alpha Lambda Delta; Tower Guard; Honors College; Circle Honorary; Mortar Board; Hall Pres.; WIC; Brody Complex Council; Radio Board; R.A. RUDNIK, BARBARA ANN Lincolnwood, III. Alpha Phi, Pres.; AWS RUDY, RICHARD J. Warren IM Sports; Physics Club RUGGEROLE, MARGARET Detroit Alpha Lambda Delta; Pi Mu Epsilon RUMPH, JOHN East Lansing Loose Ends — Rock Group RUPP, MARJORIE May bee ENGR RUPPRECHT, GARY Frankenmuth ROSE, LARRY Monroe ROSE, LAWRENCE East Lansing Les Gourmet; IM Sports ROSE, LYNN Michigan Center ROSE, VICKIE Grand Blanc ROSEBERRY,NANCY Saginaw BUS A&L NS ED ROSEMAN, AMY LYNN Shaker Hts., Ohio ED Sigma Delta Tau; Alpha Lambda Delta; Kappa Delta Pi; Water Carnival Pub. Comm. ROSENAU, PAT Lansing Young Republicans; Retailing Club ROSENBERG, W. DEAN Muskegon Track; Cross-Country; Varsity Club HE BUS ROSENBLUM, STEVEN University City, Mo. BUS Alpha Kappa Psi; Les Gourmets; Ski Club; IM Sports; Fraternity Chaplain, Steward RUSSELL, ALAN Wolcott, Conn. ENGR Asher Men; Christian Sci. Organization; Assoc, for Computing Machinery; Junior 500; Intramurals; MSU Marching & Activity Band RUSSELL, MARY Lansing Hall Pres. Wonders RUSSELL, WAYNE Manistee, Mi. Les Gourmet; Sailing Club RUTLEDGE, MARSHA Flint ED BUS VM RYAN, ELAINE Westwood, Mass. Alpha Epsilon Phi; Assoc. Women Scope, Treas.; Water & Winter Greek Week, Ch. of Art Exhibit JMC Students; Carnivals; RYAN, JERI Cass City Delta Gamma RYAN, MARTHA ELLEN Kalamazoo A&L NS ED ROSENE, DALE Menominee Hall Govt. NS RYMAL, JANIS Adrian W. Wilson Hall Council 443 ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss SACKETT, DAVID Plymouth Sigma Phi Epsilon; IM Sport; Union Board ED SADOFF, EDWARD Detroit SAFRU, STEPHEN Chicago, lll.: Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Sigma SAGE, JANIS M. Otsego BUS A&L SS SAGER, RONALD E. Sand Creek NS Tau Sigma; Honors College; Independent Pur­ chasing Assoc., Board of Directors & Assoc. Director SAIF, JALLEL Saudi Arabia, Quatif SS ST. JAMES, EDGAR E., JR. Rochester, N.Y. NS Sigma Gamma Epsilon; Judo Club; Wrestling ST. JAMES, RICHARD J. Rochester, N.Y. Pi Tau Sigma; ASME; Wrestling Team ENGR ST. JOHN, ROBERT Escanaba Hockey SALACH,BEVERLY Livonia NS ED SALLEE, JEAN ANN Phoenix, Arizona COMM Delta Gamma; Theta Sigma Phi; Advisory Board of State News & Wolverine; Intra­ murals; Pop. Entertainment ASMSU; Water Carnival; Greek Week; Spartan Spirit; Union Board; AWS SA-LO, MARTHA VM Wixom Alpha Phi; Honors College; A.S.M.T.; Ski Club; Steering Comm. Winter Colloquy SALVUCCI, KATHLEEN Havertown, Pa. Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Kappa Phi SALZENSTEIN, BARBARA Southfield SALZMANN, DAVID Milwaukee, Wis. Les Gourmets; Les Gourmets Dinner Dance SAMADANY, FARAMARZ East Lansing A&L ED BUS NS SAMPSON, CLINTON Lansing BUS Delta Chi; Greek Week; Water Carnival; Union Board SAWICKI, MARK J. E corse SAWICKI, MARGARET Cass City SAYLER, BARBARA Williamsburg A&L HE HE SCARPELCI, FRANK Sarnia, Ontario, Canada Internat'l Rel. Club, Ch.; Debate Clt Public Speaking — Forensic Tour.; Foreign Lang. Club A&L ib, Ch.; Ch. of SCHAEFER, JEAN St. Johns Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College SCHAFER, ROGER East Lansing SCHEPPELE, EILEEN Plymouth HE SS NS SCHERER, STALY Benton Hafbor Chi Omega; Cheerleader; ASMSU A&L Library SCHERM, THOMAS Cincinnati, Ohio MSU Forester; Dorm Govt. IM Sports; Forestry AGR Club; SCHEWE, DOROTHY M. North Branch SCHIERBAUM, JUDY Altamont, N.Y. SEC SCHILLING, GERALD Flint IEEE; IM Sports SCHIMMEL, MARY ANN Center Line AWS; Dorm Judiciary; R.A. SCHIACHTER,DALE Detroit Sigma Chi; Mkting Club SCHLAPPI, ROBERT Grand Ledge SCHLICHTER, DORIS East Lansing SCHMELZAR, MARY KAY Durand Delta Delta Delta SCHMIDA, LARRY Detroit Delta Upsilon SCHMIDT, ANN Grosse Pointe Rather Hall Pin Club SAMPSON, MARJORIE Birmingham SS SCHMIDT, DWIGHT C. Lansing MSU Pkging Society, Sec. SANCHEZ, FRED Ann Arbor BUS Ski Club; MSU Mkting Club; Hall Social Ch-; ASMSU Pop. Entertainment; ASMSU Home­ coming Dance SCHMIDT, GLORIA Joliet, III. SCHMIDT, PETER Port Washington, Wis. Green Helmet; Dorm Govt.; 1M Sports SANFORD, CAROL A. Kalamazoo Alpha Lambda Delta; Tower Guard SANFORD,GARY Grosse Pte. Farms Theta Delta Chi SANFORD, PATRICIA Traverse City VM COMM SCHMIDT, REBECCA SUE Kawkawlin SCHMUCK, DOUGLAS Battle Creek ED SCHNEIDER, BARBARA Southfield SANTERRE, JANETTE Woodland, Maine Pi Mu Epsilon; SEC; House Scholastic Ch. SAPER, BRIAN ENGR Louisville, Kentucky Phi Lambda Tau; Welch Foundation; Tau Beta Pi; IEEE; Mensa; WKME NS SAPP, MOLLY St. Johns ED Kappa Delta; Butterfield Pin Club; Cheer­ leader; Senior Council; HPER Club SARKO, ALAN Southfield SS Alpha Epsilon Pi, Pledge Master & Member at Large; IM Sports SARNES, CAROL Marco Island, Fla. SARTEN, DAVID Livonia Beta Theta Pi ED BUS SASS, GEORGE L. Bloomfield Hills SS Delta Upsilon; Amer. Society of Landscape Archt., Treas. SATTERFIELD, MARY K. Detroit SATTLER,BETH East Lansing SATTLER,CRAIG East Lansing Phi Sigma Kappa HE A&L SS SAUER, WILLIAM Grosse Pte. Woods COMM Dorm Social Comm; MSU Advertising Club; WKME Disc Jockey SCHNEIDER, JAMES Harrison SCHNEIDER, JANE Fraser Kappa Alpha Theta; Alpha Lambda Delta A&L SCHNEIDER, ROBERT Fraser SCHOBER, JANET Detroit Alpha Lambda Delta; Omi< College :ron Nu; SCHOCH, NANCY Chesaning SCHOLL, LINDA M. Brooklyn SCHOLZ, PAULA LEE Linden Circle Honorary; R.A.; ASWMSU; SWCA Dorm BUS HE Honors HE ED SS SCHOLTZ, VIRGINIA Grand Haven A&L Alpha Gamma Delta; Alpha Lambda Delta; Mortar Board; Honors College SCHRAUBEN, MARY Orleans SCHREIBER, KATHRYN Detroit Sociology Club SCHROEDER, RONALD Highland Park, III. ASME, Student Ch. SCHUCH, JOHN St. Clair Shores HE SS ENGR BUS COMM NS ENGR SS BUS COMM NS ED AGR ED AGR COMM BUS SS NS A&L ED SKINNER, BETTY JEAN Fenton COMM MSU Players; MSU Promenaders; MSUThea- SKOP, JUDY LYNN Boyne FalJ||-v Kappa Delta, Membership Ch.; Greek Week Exec. Board; Pan-Hel A&L SLATING, RICHARD Pontiac Sigma Alpha Mu; Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc. VM SLATTERY, NANCY A&L Northville Union Board; Forum; ASMSU; Drama; Dorm Govt., Newspaper, & Radio SEC; Freshman SLAVIN, BARBARA Howell Amer. Home Econ. Assoc. HE SS SMITH, BRIAN G. N. Kingstown, R.j. Phi Lambda Tau SMITH, CARLYN Charlotte Archery Intramurals; Block S; SEC SMITH, CAROL L. Detroit Zeta Tau Alpha SMITH, DANIEL Southgate Delta Sigma Pi, Vice-Pres. A&L A&L NS BUS SMITH, DAVID H. Battle Creek COMM State News Reporter; MSU Advertising Club SMITH, DAVID L. East Lansing Alpha Zeta, Chancellor; R.A. SMITH, ESTHER Saginaw AGR SS SMITH, GAYLE Farmington ED Circle Honorary; AWS Rep.; Butterfield Vice- Pres.; Brody Complex Council SIPPERLEY, GARY Auburn Hgts. Dorm Govt.; R.A. SIRNA, MICHAEL L. East Lansing . SS NS SMITH, STEPHEN PAUL Vicksburg A&L SMITH, SUSAN Wyckoff, New Jersey A&L Delta Phi Alpha; MSU German Club; College Republications SCHUCK, LINDA NS Taylor Alpha Chi Omega; Mich. State Nurses Assoc. SEIRMARCO, LYNN Flushing State Singers A&L SHONG, ELLEN MARIE Lansing SS Alpha Delta Pi; MSU Forensic Squad; SCOPE; Greek Week; Water Carnival, Programs.Sec. SCHUCK, WILLIAM East Lansing Honors College SCHUELLER, ANNE Grand Rapids SCHULENBURG, MARY Appleton, Wis. Pi Beta Phi COMM SCHULTZ, GERMAINE Dearborn Alpha Omicron Pi; Angel Flight SCHULZ, MARY Saginaw ED ED ED SS SCHULTZ. MARY C. Saginaw ED Gamma Sigma Sigma; Ski Club; MSU Chorus; SEC SEISS, RANDOLPH Pontiac ENGR Amer. Institute of Chem. Engr., Corres. Sec. SEMANS, THOMAS Ovid Farmhouse; MSU Dairy Club SENOB, RUTH Farmington AGR ED SEPARA, NANCY eH Lansing SS Alpha Phi; Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma SEPARA, THOMAS East Lansing Sigma Chi; Fencing; Frosh-Soph Council^ Young Dem. ENGR SCHULTE, PETER Mt. Clemens Delta Sigma Pi; Weightlifting SCHUMACHER, DIANA Ingomar, Pa. Spanish Club BUS A&L NS SETTECERRI, THOMAS Detroit Dorm Social Ch.; Judicial Board SEWARD, JAMES Goshen, Ind. Sigma Chi, Vice-Pres; SEWELL, LINDSAY Birmingham Alpha Gamma Delta SHOCK, LAVINA Shelbyville AWS SS SHOWALTER, JANIS L. East Lansing Phi Mu; Block S; MSU Players; Greek Week COMM SHRATTER, PHYLLIS ' East Lansing Canoe Race; Hall Sports Comm. NS SS SHRIVER, PATRICE Davison Alpha Lambda Delta; Alumna of Toweg Guard; Phi Kappa Phi; Student Coalition for Humphrey-Muskie JMC SHUMAN, NANCY Detroit Home Econ. Club; Int. Design Club SHURALEFF, CHRIS Detroit Ski Club; Spartan Aide; Dorm Social Ch. HE ED SHURLY,KATHERINE Grosse lie ED Union Board; Greek Week; Mr. MSU Contest SMALL, ROGER Lansing SCHURMAN, SUSAN JMC Mancelona Phillips Hall Pres.; WIC; Student Faculty Judiciary, Ch.; Delegate to Big Ten Residence Hall Conference SHANKS, LAURA Livonia IM Sports; HPER Club; Women's Glee Club E SHUTTY, JO-JO COMM Oak Park Senior Class Sec.; Homecoming Exec. Sec.; Water Carnival; Public Rel. Sec.; Homecoming Queen Court; Sisters of the Shield; Jr. 500 Queen Court SMITH, ANNE Midland ED Educ. Honorary; MICI; Hall Cultural Comm. SNYDER, JEFFREY Detroit SS Discount Service Director—ASMSU; Exe< Board Chrm. and Subchairman—Water Cai SCHUTT, RICHARD Detroit IM Sports; Consumer Purchasing Panel SHAPIRO, MICKEY Southfield Sigma Alpha Mu SICKELS, CHARLES Pontiac IM Supervisor of Sports SIDDER, GLENN A. Farmington Alpha Epsilon Pi SS BUS ED SCHWANDT, PENNY Howard City SCHWARK, THOMAS Richmond Delta Sigma Pi, Corres. Sec. & Vice-Pres. ED BUS SCHARTZ, STEVEN Benton Harbor Delta Phi Epsilon; Club; IM Sports; Jr. 500; Assistant Director MSU - JMC; R.A. JMC Internat'l Club; French SCHWENKE, JOANNE Royal Oak House Pres. SCOFIELD, JOYCE Allen Park Zeta Tau Alpha ED ED SHARUM, SANDRA Wayne Amer. Society of Med. Technologists SHAW, DAVID L. Fort Smith, Ark. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Beta Beta Beta VM NS SHAW, DAVID M. Detroit NS Physics Club; Astronomy Club; Spartan Spirit SHELBURNE, CHARLES Grand Blanc NS WMCD Music Director & Program Director; IM Sports SIEGLER, JEAN Oak Park, III. BUS Delta Zeta, Historian; Water Carnival, Ch. for Delta Zeta; Union Board SIKORA, ANDREA Dearborn Dorm Sports Comm. SIKORA, JOSEPH Trenton Intercollegiate Rowing ED NS SILBERMAN, CLARA Syosset, N.Y. NS Hall Newspaper; Homecoming Pub. Ch.; Ac­ tivity Officer; Stage Design for South Campus Weekend SHELBY, BARRY Brookfield, III. Delta Phi Alpha A&L SILK, BARBARA Detroit’ Dorm Volleyball; Hall Social Ch. SCOTT, BRUCE Grosse Pte. Beta Theta Pi; Co-Ch. of Greek Winter Week- SS SHELDON, SUZANNE K. Three Oaks Gamma Phi Beta, Treas.; Order of the Owl JMC SILVER, MARK Oak Park Judicial Board SCOTT, MARY M. Charlotte Amer. Home Econ. Assoc.; R.A. HE SCOTT, ROBERT H. Angola, Indiana BUS Delta Chi; IM Sports; House Pres.; Young Democrats SCOTT, RUTH Detroit Delta Sigma Theta A&L SCOTT, TONI JO Roosevelt, N.Y. SS Alpha Kappa Alpha; Pan-Hel; Girls' Glee Club SCULLY, DAVID Walled Lake SS Hall Pres.; Spartan Roundtable; Men's Hous­ ing Assoc. SEALES, KEITH W., JR. Lansing SS SEARFOSS, DAVID St. Joseph A&L Phi Mu Alpha; Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Sigma; Honors College; IM Sports; MSU Bands: Wind Ensemble, Brass Choir, Spartan Brass Choir, Chamber Orchestra, MSU Orchestra SHEPARD, SANDRA S. Battle Creek Tower Guard; Alpha Lambda Delta SHEPARD, WILLIAM Detroit Phi Delta Theta SHEPPARD, DONALD L. ■fiemperance Pi Alpha Xi; Honors College SHERIDAN, JOHN Dearborn Sigma Alpha Epsilon SHERMAN,GERALD Lansing Baseball SHERMAN, JIM Fremont MSU Marching Band; Dorm Govt. A&L BUS AG R SS ED SHERWOOD, FRED Naperville, III. Phi Eta Sigma; State News Editorial Staff COMM ED SEDALL, LINDA Wilmette, III. A&L Sigma Delta Tau; Feature Editor of Oracle; Art Ch. of Greek Week SEDER, PHYLLIS Farmington COMM SEDLACEK, KATHRYN Plainfield, III. Tower Guard; Mortar Board; Phi Kappa Phi COMM SHIEL, WALTER Punta Gorda, Fla. Asher Men; Christian Sci. Organization ENGR SHINN, MARTHA Y. Okemos HE AID; Phi Kappa Phi; Omicron Nu, Editor in Chief NS SS SMITH, JEANETTE East Lansing SMITH, JEFFREY L. Caro Kappa Kappa Kappa NS SS SIMAN, STEVEN Southfield SS Radio Board; Undergrad. Learning Assis- tant-JMC SMITH, KAREN Garden City Phi Mu;' Little Sisters of the Shield COMM SIMON, DENNIS SIMON, KAREN EVE Detroit ■ Alpha Epsilon Phi COMM SIMPSON, DAVID Westlake Village, Calif. BUS Les Gourmets, Vice-Pres. & Member-at-Large; HRIM Dinner Dance, Decorations Ch. & Programs Ch. SS SIMPSON, RICHARD Worthington, Ohio BUS Phi Eta Sigma; Honors College; Hall Vice Pres.; R.A. SIMS, MICHAEL D. Garden City ENGR Scabbard & Blade Society; Spartan Guard Drill Team SINGER, PHILLIP Grosse Pte. Woods Pi Mu Epsilon; Phi Eta Sigma; Hall Cultural- Scholastic Ch. NS SINNICKSON, ROBERT Edison, N.J. Phi Eta Sigma SIOMA, DIANE Drayton Plains BUS ED JMC SMITH, KATHERINE DIERICKX Detroit Omicron Nu-Sec. SMITH, LARRY Farmington HE NS SS SMITH, PATRICIA Alexandria, Virginia ED AFROTC Corp Sponsor; Resident Assistant; Student Ed. Corp. SMITH, PATRICIA Lansing COMM SMITH, PAULA JEAN Fairview Park, Ohio A&L Pi Beta Phi; Union Board; Popular Enter­ tainment; Pan-Hellenic SMITH, RICHARD VM SMITH, RICHARD C. Grand Blanc BUS Intramurals; Student Government-Akers Hall; Chair. Akers College Bowl SMITH, RICHARD Clarendon Hills, Illinois SS Intramural Sports; Vice-Pres. Mclnness House SMITH, RICHARD L. Plymouth Fisheries & Wildlife Club SMITH, ROBERT G. Southfield Sigma Pi Eta AG BUS COMM SIMS, LUTHER, JR. Lansing SS SEIF, RICHARD Grand Rapids IEEE; House Athletic Ch. ENGR SHIPE, DIANE Schaumburg; Alpha Lambda Delta A&L SIPKOVSKY, ROBERT E. St. Johns JMC Pres,; Spanish Club 444 SMITH, S. CURTIS Detroit JMC Intramurals; MSU Broadcasters; JMC Student Coordinator; Delta Phi Epsilon; Phi Eta Sigma SPENCER, SANDRA Birmingham Zeta Tau Alpha; SCOPE—Treas. SMITH, VALERIE Hastings SMITH, VERNA Glen Rock, New Jersey Alpha Omicron Pi SMITS, LESTER Grand Rapids SNELL, JUDITH Gaylord Phi Theta Kappa ED NS ED A&L SNODGRASS, LESLIE Flint A&L Alpha Delta pjÏAIpha Lambda Delta; T; Sigma; Honors College SNOWFLEET, KAY L. Grand Rapids SNYDER, LINDA SOLISH, GAIL SOLMO, SUE Frankliffi? ' ED Alpha Chi Omega; Alpha Lambda Delta; Kappa Delta Pi; Honors College; V.-Pres.-Jr. Panhellenic; First V.-Pres. Panhellenic Coun- SOLTMAN, SHARON Southfield Pi Beta Phi; Tau Sigma; Greek Week Exec. Board SOMMERS, PATRICIA Baroda SONNEBORN, BARBARA Boca Raton, Fla. Alpha Phi; Greek Week; Dorm Govt. SOPYS, LAIMA East Lansing A&L A&L NS SOUTHERN, SUSAN Lower Burrell, Pa. Alpha Dejta Pi SOVA, MICHELE Flint Student Education Assoc. SPARKMAN, SALLY Doyle, Tenn. SPAULDING, ALLAN Grosse Pointe Intramurals SPAULDING, ELIZABETH Saginaw SPEASMAKER, DANIEL Charlottesville, Va. Alpha Tau Omega SPECHT, JUDITH Huntingdon Valley, Pa. Alpha Lambda Delta JMC SPECK, RUTH Washington, D.C. SS Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Kappa Phi; Tau Sigma; Honors College; Women's Gymnastic Team; RA SPEIER, DONALD E. N. Muskegon Intramurals SPENCER, CAROLYN Leesburg, Va. Phi Mu Epsilon; Alpha Lambda Delta BUS NS SPENSKI, RONALD Coopersville Xi Sigma Pi; Forestry Club AGR STEIN, BARRY M. Southfield SS A&L STEIN, JANICE Detroit AWS; Dorm Publicity STEINHARDT, SHIRLEY DeWitt HE Alpha Chi Omega^||lome Ec. Ed.Hjeachers Club STEINHOFF, FRANCES Melvin STEININGER, JILL Rockford Pi Beta Phi; Gymnastics STEWMAN, KAREN Britton STEMMERMANN, RICHARD Dearborn STEPHENSON, NANCY Grosse Pte. Alpha Delta Pi STERLING, JOEL T. Jonesville MSU Varsity Track STERN, HARRIET Wilmette, Illinois STERNER, THOMAS Dryden Resident Assistant STERENS, EVART East Lansing Beta Beta Beta A&L HE A&L A&L ED ED ED NS STORM, KENNETH A. Ann Arbor ED Montie House, Ed. Chairman; Singing States­ men®# Alumni Chorale SVENDSEN, SALLY Greenville ED Delta Gamma; ROTC Corps Sponsor; Pan- Hellenic STOUGH, DIANE Haslett Kappa Tau Alpha; Theta Sigma Phi; State News Staff Writer COMM SWANSON, KENNETH D. I ronwood SWARTZ, JANE Utica STOVER,CAROLYN Williamston ED SWEENEY,BERNADETTE , Ann Arbor SS JMC BUS TAYLOR, STEWART Bay City Alpha Epsilon Pi; MSU Band, Orchestra A&L TEFLER, KATHLEEN Charlotte Spartans Womens League ED TEMPLE, JAMES Elsie- AG Block & Bridle Club; MSU Meat Judging STRACHAN, SHARI Grosse Pte. COMM Green Splash Sychronized; Swimming Hon­ orary—Pres.; Hall Council; AWS SWEENEY, FRANKLIN J. Lansing SS Alpha Phi Sigma; Ag. Ed. Club; Intramural Softball, Football TEMPLE, JOHN Crystal Falls TEMPLE, MARILYN Birmingham COMM ED STRAND, CYNTHIA Southfield ED SWEENEY, KATHLEEN Linden ED ED TEMPLETON, PATRICIA Birmingham SS Delta Zeta; Sorority Bowling Team, Basket­ ball Team; Blopperball Team; ¡¡floor Pres.; Homecoming Comm.; Greek Week; Water Carnival^^H STRAUB, CYNTHIA Wayne ED House Officer—Phillips Hall; Union Board; Assist. Sec. Student Ed. Corps; House Soc. Chairman—Mason Hall; Assist. Sec. ASMSU STRAUCH, CHRISTINE Durand HE Tower Guard; Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Kappa Phi; Omicron Nu STRAUSBERG, DANIEL Saginaw ENGR Phi Lambda TaU;3lntramural Football, Base­ ball STRAYER,ANNE Niles Gilchrist House Council STREIDL, REBECCA Plainwell ED ED SWIFT, KAREN Davisburg Student Ed. Corp STEVENS, GEOFFREY Southfield ENGR Intramural Football; Paddleball, Gymnastics; Softball, Golf; Ski Club STRINGER, LARRY Rochester BUS Delta Sigma Phi; Pledgemaster—Delta Sigma Phi STEWART, JAMES Lakeview Freshman Track; Varsity Track STEWART, SANDRA Bay City STEWART, SUSAN Harper Woods STEWMAN, KENNETH East Lansing ED SS ED STRINGFIELD, BARRY Toledo, Ohio Beta Beta Beta NS STROM, BARBARA Midland A&L Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Honors College; Judicial Board—Hubbard Hall STRONG, ANNE East Lansing Alpha Xi Delta ED STIBBE, RICHARD E. East Lansing AG Intramural Softball; Homecoming; Packaging Society STRONG, JAMES Orchard Lake SS Psi Upsilon; State News; Campus Observer; Adv. Mgr.—Campus Observer STIBITZ, GERALD Frankfort ASCE ENGR STEWART, DIANE Livonia STUBIG, DIANA White Pigeon STUCKEY, JUDI Saginaw HE ED SS VM BUS VM SWEET, BARBARA Plymouth Resident Assistant SWEET, SALLY Lansing HE Alpha Lambda Delta; Omicron Nu; Dorm Government; AWS SWEETWINE, BENJAMIN Detroit A&L Hillel Foundation; Spanish Club; Sec.-Treas. Winschester House, Wilson Hall SWIDERSKI, KATHLEEN Troy Block & Bridle Club; Pre-Vet Club SWINTAK, SANDRA Roseville ASMT; Board of Professional Ethics SYBINSKY, CAROL Mt. Pleasant, Pa. SS Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Honors College; S.A.C. of Col. of Soc. Sci.; Chairman Student Comm, of Geog. Dept. SZCZESNY, DAVID Jackson • Intramurals; Athletic Comm. NS tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt TAFT, MARY L. East Lansing Pres. Wilson Hall; Spartan Wives TALBERGS, LIGA Grand Rapids TALLEY, CAROLE Rochester Dorm Activities TALVITIE, CHERYL Dearborn Kappa Kappa Gamma ED NS NS ENGR TENER, RALPH Jamestown, New York TERLAAK, BERNADINE Garrettsville, Ohio A.I.D. TERLECKI, JAMES Mt. Clemens TESCH, JANICE Farmington A.I.D. A&L HE SS HE TESTER, CAROLE Stand ish HE MSU Promenaders; Home Ec. Teaching Club THALER, SUZANNE Lowell A&L MSU Creative Arts Scholarship; Residence Hall Government; University Christian Move- THALER, WARREN Lansing ENGR Institute of Electrical & Electronics En­ gineers, Inc. THELEN,EVELYN Fowler Home Ec. Ed. Club THELEN, WILLIAM Sunfield Rugby Club HE ENGR THIMLAR, SUSAN Grand Blanc ED Alpha Chi Omega; Kappa Delta Pi; Student Council for Exceptional Children; Honors College; AWS—Pan-Hellenic Complex Board; Scope Project THOMAS, JAMES Arlington Heights, iljljnois AG Pi Kappa Gamma—Vice-Pres.; Packaging So­ ciety; Intramural Sports THOMPSON, ALAN Birmingham Assoc, for Computing Machinery THOMPSON, JUDITH Alpena THOMPSON, WILLARD Westfield, New Jersey Phi Eta Sigma THOMSEN, PETER Boonton, New Jersey THOMSON, MARTHA East Lansing Alpha Omicron Pi; Women's Tennis Team THORNTON,AUDREY Detroit THORNTON, KATHERINE Farmington Home Ec. Club THORNTON, PATRICIA Grosse Isle Alpha Gamma Delta; Scope; AWS VM SS SS BUS VM ED ED HE ED STICKNEY, ALAN Columbus, Ohio NS Phi Eta Sigma; Green Helmet; Pi Mu Epsilon; Enzian; Omicron Delta Kappa; Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Dialogue '67, '68; All Univ. Ad Hoc Committee STICKNEY, JAMES Decatur STIEBER, ARNOLD Drayton Plains Karate Club; Ski Club STILLWAGON, PATRICIA Romuius BUS BUS SS STIRIZ, ELAINE Ardmore, Pa. A&L Kappa Delta; Little Sisters of Minerva; Water Carnival; ASMSU—Advertising STOCKTON, MARGARET Dearborn^ HE Soc. Chari. Gamma Pfi’i^SBeta; Oracle—Bus. Ed.; Little Sisters of the Seven Stars; Retailing Club STOFFAN, JEANETTE East La^ng STEP NS STOFFAN, PHILIP M. A&L East Lansing Black Watch; Wolverine—Editor; Intramurals; STEP STOLARCZYK, JANE Detroit A&L STOLL, SUSAN Griffiss AFB, New York A&L Alpha Delta Pi; Alpha Lambda Delta; Tower Guard; Phi Kappa Phi; Tau Sigma STONE, CATHY Huntington Woods SS Alpha Phi Sigma; Assem. AWS; Sec. Alpha Phi; ASMSU, Student Ed. Corp; Student Advisory Comm. PLA STONE, KATHLEEN HE Redlands Union Board; Retailing Club; Student Ad­ visory Board to Dept, of Clothing; Water Carnival—Dorm Chairman TAMBURINI, LYNN Grosse Pte. Park ED Spartan Spirit; State Singers; Girls Glee Club; University Chorus THOMAS, LYNN Bay City Alpha Chi Omega; ASMT STUEBER, RICHARD Bay Village, Ohio MSU Rugby Club; MSU Broadcasters COMM STUMP, DANIEL Lansing BUS TANGMAN,DARRELL Elgin, Illinois Phi Eta Sigma; Pi Mu Epsilon STUMP, DONALD East Lansing State News; Sailing Club; Rowing Club COMM TANIGANA, WAYNE Honolulu, Hawaii NS SS STUPAK, FRANK Gladstone STURGEON, CARL Orchard Lake STUTEVILLE, AMY White Lake Student Ed. Corp; MYF STUTSMAN, JAMES Lansing Assoc, for Computing Machinery SS ED ED NS SUKONICK, KAREN Fairfax, Virginia ED Sigma Delta Tau; University Choir; Student Ed. Corp; UMC Choir SUMMERER, BRUCE A. Brand Blanc Pres.—Student Branch of ASAE SUNIOR, MARY JO Hastings AG SS SUNSTROM, LISA HE Menominee Delta Zeta; Retailing Club; Union Board; Water Carnival SURATH, ANN Bay City COMM SUSZKWVICZ, CAROL Detroit ED Alpha Lambda Delta; Kappa Delta Pi; Student Ed. Corp TANNAR, THOMAS Okemos ED Phi Eta Sigma; Kappa Delta Pi; Student Faculty Advisory Committee TAPLEY, KATHLEEN I. Lowell Sailing Club; Student Nurses Association TARKOE, MARY Brunswick, New Jersey Alpha Lambda Delta; Psi Alpha TATE, LINDA Dearborn NS SS HE TATE, LYNNETTE Hart Chief Judiciary JMC Justice—All University Student TAYLOR, JAMES M. Westland Phi Eta Sigma; IEEE; Rugby TAYLOR, LAURA Detroit TAYLOR, MARILYN L. Pittsburg, Pa. TAYLOR, MARYANN Warren TAYLOR, MOLLY Olympia, Washington VM E. Fee Hall Government & Scholastic Chair.; Pre-Vet Club; Jr. AVMA SUTFIN, CHERYL Alma SUTLIFF, KAREN Mileado TAYLOR, NANCY Dearborn Heights Phi Alpha; Social Work Club TAYLOR, PATRICIA Port Huron SS SS ENGR THRASHER, ANNE Portland Alpha Lambda Delta A&L ED NS ED THROOP, THOMAS J. Lansing AG Phi Kappa Theta; Packaging Society; Scot Highlanders Drum & Bugle Corp THURMAN, RANDOLPH ALAN Okemos SS Wonders Hall Activities Chair. & Dorm Council; Dorm Advisory Comm.; College of SS TIBBITS, LARRY E. East Lansing Intramurals; Dorm Floor Vice-Pres. TIEDEMAN, PAUL St. Gaines HKN ENGR ENGR SS SS BUS FootbaliflMcNinn STOOR, SALLY Crystal Falls Ski Club ENGR STOPA, KATHERINE Belleville Phi Gamma Nu; Phi Beta Lambda NS BUS SUTTLES, CHARLES SS East Lansing MSU Marching Band—Drum Capt.; Spartan Brass TAYLOR, ROBERT G. HE Detroit Intramurals; MSU Dairy Judging Team; Food Service Club TILLMAN, PAULA JMC Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Alpha 1_ambda Delta; Phi Beta Kappa; Honors College Student Board; Phillips Hall Council 445 SPERLING, NORMAN East Lansing A&L Pres.-Enzian; State News; Wilson Hall Hap­ Interpress-Chief; MHA; penings—Editor; Choice '68—Assoc. Coordinator; Block S; Student Education Project SPICE, PATRICIA Muskegon A&L Circle Honorary; Pres.—W. Landon; WIC— Treas.; Spartan Roundtable; Delegate to Big Ten Residence Hall Conf. SPILINER, ALAN St. Louis Phi Eta Sigma; ROTC; Rifle Team SPINA, COSTAN Bloomfield Hills NS A&L SPINDLER, VESTUS III Detroit CA Bowling Team; Speech-Theatre Student Ad­ visory Board; Dorm Govt.; Play Direction SPLETZER, BEVERLY Newaygo SPONSLER, MICHAEL Lansing SPOONER, KAY Morenci CA BUS ED SPORN, NEIL Southfield SS ASMSU—Organization Director; Zeta Beta Tau SPRADLING, PETER Kalamazoo NS Hedrick House Co-op; Sec.—Inter-Co-op Council; Outing Club SPRINGSTEEN, NANCY Cassopolis STACH, DONNA Drayton Plains Student Education Corp STACK, RONALD St. Clair Shores Spartan Spirit; Intramurals; HPR Club STACH, ROSEMARIE Detroit STADDEN,TOBY East Lansing STADNYK, JANIS Lansing STAFFORD, BARBARA Oak Park STAFFORD, BEVERLY Watervliet Student Nurses Assoc. ED ED ED ED A&L A&L ED NS STANGER, JOHN Dundee AGR Block and Bridle Club; Meat Judging Team; Livestock Judging T&am STANKIEWICZ, MARY Detroit STANLEY, KITTY East Lansing VM A&L STANLEY, PENNY L. A&L Sebastopol, California Alpha Lambda Delta; Phi Kappa Phi; Tau Sigma; Archaeological Institute of America STANLEY, THOMAS Euclid, Ohio AG Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Xi Sigma Pi; West Shaw Judicial Board STANSELL, GILBERT F. JR. Twin Lake A&L STAPLETON, CAROLYN San Antonio, Texas ED Alpha Delta Pi; Block 'S'; Vice-Pres. AWS; Pan-Hellenic Council; Spartan Roundtable; NSA Delegate; Registrar's Advisory Comm.; Student-Faculty Soc. Affairs Comm.; Spartan Aide STAPLETON, DIANE Detroit Alpha Xi Delta STARK, DIANE Mio Young Democrats; Mich. Action Corps ED SS Independent Majority; STARR, MONICA E. Parma, Ohio NS Alpha Delta Pi; Jr. Pan-Hellenic Rep.; Soc. Chair. Alpha Delta Pi STARTT, JOHN S. Baltimore, Maryland NS Intramural Football, Basketball;^ Vice-Pres. Emmons Hall BUS STEALY, THOMAS Marshal|H9K STEELE, GARRETT St. Clair Shores Sailing Club; House Pres. Intramural STEGGALL, JERAE Owosso Judo Club TOWSON,TOBY Blue Mound,Wjinois Excalibur; Omicron Delta Kappa; Honors College; Varsity Club—Sec.; Gymnastics SS ULRICKSON, MICHAEL Freeport, Maine NS Abbot Hall Scholastic Comm.; American Baptist Student Fellowship VAN VELSOR, SANDRA Laingsburg Yakeley House WALLO, JOHNA TIMMONS, MICHAEL L. TROUB, SUZANNE Carson City Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College BUS VANDER VEEN, KATRINA Dover, Delaware Retailing Club ENGR VANDER VERE, NANCY Spring Lake VAN DIS, THOMAS Kalamazoo Theta Chi; Phi Eta Sigma VAN DUSSEN, LINDA Grand Rapids TROYER, RONALD LSjaBe IEEE Member TRYC, DAVID Grand Rapids TUBBS, JULIA East Lansing Sailing Club; Social Science Research TUBICH, CATHY Grand Rapids TUBICH, TERRY Grand Rapids Sigma Alpha Eta TUCKER,CANDACE Lansing Activity Band TURNER, DIANE Ypsilanti Phi Mu; Ski Club AG SS ED ED AG HE TURRIGIANU, SANDRA Dearborn Heights ED Student Education Corps; Mott Institute; Hall TYLER, PATRICIA Flushing Social Work Club; Ski Club UCCI, JUDITH UHE, MARIE Sand Lake Associated Students of Med. Tech. ULDIN, KAY South Bend, Indiana Vice-Pres. of Floor ULRICKSON, MARY Ishpeming SS TISCHLER, THAYER Bloomfield Hills Wolverine TOBIN, LYNNE Bay City TODISH, TIM Grand Rapids Alpha Phi Omega HE TOMPKINS, LINDA Traverse City A&L Gamma Phi Beta; Oracle; SCOPE; Water Carnival TOPPER, JAMES Haslett ENGR Society of Automotive Engineers; Intrarfiijral Basketball TOPPING, EDWARD Lockbourne AFB, Ohio Alpha Phi Alpha; Pershing Rifles; Football SS TOROK, SUSAN Killingsworth, Connecticut Alpha Lambda Delta COMM TOSKEY, BONNIE St. Charles ED Circle Honorary; Intramurals; Dorm Office; Resident Assistant TOTH, DAVID Hemlock ENGR Tau Beta Pi; Intramurals; Dorm Government TOWLE, HOWARD Birmingham JMC Plfa Sigma Kappa; Phi Eta Sigma; Honors College; Treas. Phi Sigma Kappa TOWNSEND, THOMAS Lansing Beta Alpha Psi BUS TRACY,BARBARA Chagrin Falls, Ohio AWS; Wilson Hall Council TRAGESER, MARY Riveria Beach, Maryland Sailing Club ED NS TRAIL, WILLIAM West Bel mar. New Jersey A&L Resident Hall Staff Football; Resident Assistant TRAINOR, JANET BUS URBAIN, JOHN East Lansing Fish & Wildlife Club AG THREADWELL, JEANNE York, Maine Block & Bridle Club; Undergraduate English Club; Judicial Board E. McDonel A&L TREDINNICK, LINDA Greenburg, Pa. Dorm Government; WMCD—McDonel Hall Radio; State News A&L TREECE, DIANA Michigan Center TREECE, LINDA Michigan Center vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv VALENTINO, CARL East Lansing ED VAN ANTWERP, CHRISTOPHER Sunfield Wesley Movement; Peace Coordinating Comm. Foundation; Univ. A&L Christian VAN BRONKHORST, DOUGLAS HE TRENKLE, ANN Kalamazoo _ SS Delta Gamma; Phi Alpha; Alpha Lambda Delta TREVETHAN, JEAN Drayton Plain MSU Ski Team; MSU Ski Club TRIMBLE, GARY Lansing ED SS TRIPP, KATHERINE BUS Okemos Circle Honorary; Hubbard Hall Secretary & Vice-Pres.; WIC Rep; WIC Vice-Pres. VAN DALEN, JOHN Midland Kappa Sigma VAN DAM, MARIAN East Lansing Alpha Xi Delta; Pan Hel (JR) VAN DAM, RICHARD D. East Lansing VANDEN BOSCH, SUSAN YANDER ARK, DIANE K. East Lansing VANDERBUSH, SUSAN TROTT, JOHN East Lansing TROTTER, DONNA Detroit Delta Sigma Theta ED SS VANDER HOFF, KENNETH J. Portland Alpha Tau Omega VANDER MALE, MICHAEL Grand Rapids BUS SS HE HE BUS A&L VOIGE, WILLIAM H. Perry, Ohio NS Beta Beta Beta; Nat. Sci. Council; Young Democrats WARD, NANCY Birmingham Girls Field Hockey Team; Student Educatic Corps VOKITS, RONALD S. Muskegon Dorm Govt. ENGR WARD, SHAILA East Lansing VONDERHAAR, MARY JANE Lincoln Park Dorm Govt. VOTTA, KRISTINE Detroit A&L Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa WARNKE, DONALD Dgroit r I Varsity Football; Packaging Society AGR WARNER, RONALD Norway wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww WARREN,ALLEN Williamston MSU Marching Band WAAK, RICHARD Escanaba Ice Hockey WACHTEL, JO ANNE Hillsdale Alpha Gamma Delta BUS A&L WARREN, JULIE Ovid Michigan State Student Nurses' Association WARRINGTON, DAVID East Lansing WASEM, JEANETTE eq ED WASKUL, DONNA Grayfield WAISNORAS, MARYELLEN Chicago, III. SS Chi Omega, Rush Ch. & Public Rel. Ch.; Pan-Hel, SCOPE Ch.; Director of Organiza­ tions ASMSU Cabinet; IM Volleyball Team; Greek Week Productions Comm.; Water Carni­ val Judges Comm. WAITE, WILLIAM Hollywood, Calif. SS Lambda Chi Alpha; Homecoming Co-Ch.; Fan Fashion Show; Jr. 500 WALLACE, JAMES Royal Oak Evans Scholars WALLIN, GARY Grand Rapids WASMER, WILLIAM Detroit Society of Automotive Engir WATERSON, GEORGIA WATHEN,KENNETH Birmingham Phi Eta Sigma; Honors College ENGR WATKOWSKI, MARY J. Wyandotte BUS Alpha Gamma Delta; Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College; Tower Guard; Beta Alpha Psi; Phi Kappa Phi; Beta Gamma Sigma ■ ED WATTS, JANE Coloma HE Alpha Chi Omega; Union Board; Ski Club; Retailing Club; Membership Club WALLS, LARRY Detroit Kappa Alpha Psi SS WAYNE, LINDA Detroit ED Case Hall, Floor Social Chairman; Water Carnival WALSH, LEE ANNE East Lansing NS Student Advisory Board to Director of School of Nursing; Comm, on Student Health & Welfare School of Nursing WALSH, MARILYN Royal Oak Gamma Phi Beta; Alpha Lambda Delta HE WALSTROM, FRED Harbor Springs Delta Tau Delta ENGR WALTER, LINDA L. Rochester NS Simga Kappa; Alpha Lambda Delta; Pi Mu Epsilon; Phi Kappa Phi; Tau Sigma WEATHERSBY, ANNE Brighton NS .Women's Swim Team; Green Splash Synchro­ nized Swimming Honorary; Butterfield Hall, Sports Chairman WEBB, JACK Flint ENGR Student Member of the Society of Auto­ motive Engineers, Inc. WEBBER, THERESA Saginaw COMM Sigma Alpha Eta, Treas.; E. McDonel Hall, Sec., Treas. WALTER, MARGARET J. Grand Rapids Delta Gamma WALTER, WILLIAM Bancroft Intramurals WALTERS, JERRY Grand Ledge WALTERS, JOHN T. East Lansing Delta Chi; Varsity Baseball WALTERS, ROBERT Detroit BUS Intramurals; Assistant Chairman Home­ coming; Fee Hall Government WALTHER, PHILIP Van Wert, Ohio NS Phi Sigma Kappa; Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi, Treas.; MSU German Club; Natural Science Council WALZ, KENNETH Jackson Asher Men BUS WANDELL, GARY L. Madison Hts. AGR MSU Weightlifting Club, Treas.; Weightlifting WARBACH, JOHN Haslett SS Sailing Club; Student Chapter Society of Landscape Arch. WEBER, SCOTT A. Woodville, Ohio ED WEEDEN, GAYLE Grand Rapids AGR AGR BUS WEEKS, CRAIG Detroit State News Reporter WEICHMAN, PHILLIP Mecosta Theta Delta Chi WEINGARDEN, LESLIE Southfield Ski Club WEINSTEIN, JEFFREY D. Southfield Sigma Alpha Mu NS SS SS CA SS SS WEINSTEIN, LARRY QA Chicago, Illinois Alpha Epsilon Pi; State News Intern.; Intra­ murals; Inter-fraternity Coun.; Dorm Govt. WEIR, MARY Bloomfield Hills Field Hockey WEISBERG, FREDRIC Oak Park Sigma Alpha Mu; Dorm Govt. WEISHAAR, PAMELA Chicago Heights, Illinois A SW BUS A&L WEISS, JULIAN Skokie, Illinois ENGR Sec. Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Eta Sigma VAN DYKE, JAMES Dearborn Heights SS Honors College; Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Karate Club; Pre-Law Club VAN EGMOND, MARY L. Royal Oak NS VANEK, PAMELA Bedford, Ohio NS Alpha Xi Delta; Alpha Lambda Delta; Honors College; Pan-hellenic Council VAN HEE, FLORINE Detroit Phi Mu—President VAN HEEST, WILLIAM J. Wyoming VAN LANDSCHOOT, JOANN Dearborn House Pres. Mason Hall VAN LYDEGRAF, LEIGH Alexandria, Virginia VAN LYNN, KATHERINE Grosse lie Delta Zeta; Ski Club ED NS ED A&L A&L VAN SICKLE, KAREN Birmingham G-Honorary; House Council; Hall Activities A&L COMM SS ENGR VANZANDT, CLAIR Jackson R.A. VARGAS, OSCAR E. Bucaramanga, Colombia Amer. Society of Civil Engrs. VARGO, KAREN Detroit ED Alpha Gamma Delta, Social Ch.; ROTC Corps Sponsor VARY, BARBARA L. Okemos ED Alpha Gamma Delta; Delta Psi Kappa; Field Hockey VAUGHN, BRUCE M. Pontiac Dorm. Govt.; Ch. of Majors Night ED ED VERWOHLT, PATRICIA Mt. Prospect, III. ED Phi Mu, Vice-Pres.; Mortar Board; Delta Psi Kappa, Vice-Pres.; Green Splash VERYSER, IRENE Grosse Pte. Shores Gamma Phi Beta; Union Board; SCOPE VICKERS, JANICE Wayne Green Splash VICTOR, DEAN Southfield Zeta Beta Tau VICTOR, LINDA Southfield Retailing Club VINCE, ROBERT Leslie Marching Band ED SS NS HE A&L VIRAG, JEROME Muskegon Hts. SS MSU Karate Club; Winged Spartans Flying Club VIRAG, STEVE, JR. East Lansing SS Omicron Delta Epsilon; MSU Winged Spartans WARD, DONALD Grand Ledge 446 UMPHREY, JANIS A. Farmington State Singers ED VANWYE, JOHN Detroit Phi Delta Pi UNDERWOOD, MARGARET Birmingham A&L Alpha Gamma Delta; Tau Sigma; Honors College; Delta Phi Alpha UNDERWOOD, ROBERT Detroit Fish & Wildlife Club UNGER, GLENN East Lansing AG SS UPDEGRAFF, JANET Grosse Pointe Asher House; Christian Science Organization ED WELLER, SUZANNE Carson City Phi Gamma Nu; Sailing Club WELLS, BOBBY Decatur, Alabama Phi Eta Sigma WELLS, GERALDINE East Lansing BUS SS sw WICKLUND, DONNA Seattle, Washington Alpha Delta Pi NS WIEDERHOLD, KENNETH Grand Rapids BUS Pershing Rifles; Block "S”; Guard Drill Team WINDIATE, JANET Orchard Lake WINDSOR, CARL D. COMM Peoria, Ilk'' Mu Sigma Upsilon; Inter-Collegiate Broad­ casting Society; Veterans Club; WMSN; MSU Broadcasters A&L WIEHE, WILLIAM Tork, Pennsylvania A&L WIIVEGARDEN, DAVID Harbor Springs WELPOTT, JOYCE Farmington HE AID; Retailers Club; Water Carn.; Internatio^ nal Club WIEGAND, BRUCE R. Livonia CA Asher House; Ad. Club; Union Board; Photog. Extraordinaire St. Adv. Comm. WENCKUS, JOHN SS WENDT, THOMAS Detroit Pre-Law Club; Wrestling; Intramurals; ''S'' BUS Block WENDER, MARSHA Jericho, New York Block and Bridle WENDT, HUNTER Mt. Clemens; Sigma Alpha Epsilon WENK, WILLIAM Chelsea SCASLA WERBER, DAVID Oak Park Alpha Epsilon Pi NS SS SS BUS WERNER,LAWRENCE Bay City Pres. Sigma Delta Chi;. Blue Key; Exc< Mng. Ed. State News; Ed. Campus Obser CA ïlibur; WERTH, KATHLEEN Grosse Pointe WESSELLS, FRED P. Lansing Phi Theta Pi WEST, SHARON Bloomfield Hills Drom Gov't. WESTMORELAND, SANDRA Bay City Dorm Gov't. WHALEN, ANN Grand Rapids WHEATON,NANCY Midland ED A&L SW ED SS SS WHEELER,STEPHEN Jackson ENGR Pres. Beta Theta Pi; Pres. Adv. Board; Intra Frat. Coun. WHENAL, BARRY North Hampton, New Hamp. Honors College; Phi Eta Sigma; A&L dep't. St. Ad. Comm. A&L WHITE, BRIAN K. Bay City Dorm. Gov't.;,Jntramurals; Water Carn. WHITE, CHARLES Lansing Ind. Arts Club; Dramatics WHITE, DAVID East Lansing WHITE, JAMES Roslindale, Massachusetts RA WHITE, LINDA Flatrock WHITE, MARY ANN Grand Rapids Pi Beta Phi; ROTC Spon. WHITE, PENNY Owosso AID WHITE, RONALD R. Battle Creek Vice Chr. Coll. Rep. ED SS BUS SS ED ED HE SS WIEJACZKA, JOHN Detroit AGR Charleton House Pres.; Karate Club; Sup. Case Cof. House WIER, MARYANNE Eau Claire WIGGINS, NANCY Trenton WILBER, SANDY Crystal Lake, Illinois Chi Omega; Sr. Coun.; SEC WILBURN, LINDA Detroit ED ED A&L ED WILEY, CATHERINE Douglaston, New York A&L Alpha Lambda Delta; Gilchrist Hori'v,■■¡Chorus; Dorm Gov't. WILIFORD, PAUL A. Detroit Treas. IEEE; Pistol Club ENGR WILKENS, JOHN B. Bronson Phi Kappa Sigma; Intramurals; AICHE ENG R WILL, JAMES Detroit Tau Delta Phi; Phi Eta Sigma; ASMSU BUS Blue Key; WILLBUR, JERALD Battle Creek Phi Etta Sigma; Honors College; CCC; SEC; ASMSU WILLIAMS, DAVID D. LaGrange, Illinois Beta Theta Pi; Adv. Club WILLIAMS, DIANNE Kappa Kappa Gamma WILLIAMS, EDITH Milford WILLIAMS, GEORGIA Wyandotte Zeta Tau Alpha WILLIAMS, JANICE Imlay City WILLIAMS, JOHN Grosse Pointe WILLIAMS, LINDA Grand Blanc WILLIAMS, MICHAEL Sturgis Phi Eta Sigma; Honors College WILLIAMS, MICHAEL Detroit Boxing Club SS CA CA ED NS JMC A&L ED SS SS WILLIAMS, PAUL Imlay City Pres. Agr. Mech. Club; Agr. Cou Dorm Gov't. AGR n. Res. Club; WILLIAMS, ROBERT Midland A&L WILLIAMS, ROGER East Lansing COMM Blackwatch; Phi Eta Sigma; Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha; Enzian, Pres.; Blue Key; Omicron Delta Kappa, Pres.; Excalibur; Phi Kappa Phi; Campus Observer; IM Paddle- ball; Hall Pres.; Pres, of MHA; Pres. Prayer Breakfast; Undergrad. Teaching Assistantship WHITELEAD, V. BRUCE Knoxville, Tennessee Phi Eta Sigma; Coll. Rep.; Music Dir. NS WBRS WILLIAMSON, SANDRA Michigan Center WHITEHEAD, OLIVER Highland Springs, Virginia NS WILLIS, KATHLEEN Southfield VM COMM WHITEN, DARRYL Birmingham, Alabama Tau Sigma; Honors College; Physics Club; Phi Eta Sigma; NSF; NASA; Science Prog. NS WILSON, KATHERINE Ferndale A&L Alpha Chi Omega; Ski Club; Hall Publicity Ch.; Publicity Comm, for Great Issues WHITLOCK, DENNIS St. Johns Woodbridge House WHITSITT, BRENDA Benton Harbor Chorus WHITTAKER, SUE Roscommon Ski Club; Winged Spartans WHYTE, BOBBIE Utica Dorm Gov't. ED ED SS A&L WILSON, KAY Bloomfield Hills ED Kappa Kappa Gamma; Kappa Delta Pi; Home­ coming Exec. Board; SCOPE WILSON, SANDRA Saginaw Delta Sigma Theta SS WILTRAKIS, MARK St. Charles, IB K ' SS Delta Chi, Pres. & Corres. Sec.; Blue Key, Vice-Pres.; ASMSU; Senior Class Council; Interfraternity CouncOgHH WICKERT, MELISSA LYNN East Lansing BUS Dorm Gov't.; Ski Club; Block "S”; Marketing Club WINCHELL, GEORGE Osseo Russian Club; Spartan Guard WOODROE, SUZANNE M. Westland . Beta Sigma Phi; SEC WOODS, MARSHA Detroit WOODSUM, DAVID East Lansing WOODWORTH, ZOE ANN Eaton Rapids WORDEN, THOMAS Pittsburgh, Pa. ED NS BUS SS SS WRIGHT, DOUGLAS Bergenfield, N.J. BUS Alpha Kappa Psi; Beta Gamma Sigma; Mkting Club WRIGHT, PATRICIA Birch Run WUCKERT, ERNST Saginaw WUORI, JEAN LOUISE Madison Hgts., Mi. Gamma Delta WYCKOFF, STEPHEN Stanton Hall Athletic Ch.' WYKES, MARILYN J. Gaines, Mi. XENAKIS, JAMES Grosse Pte. Park ED A&L ED COMM ED SS yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ZEHNDER, JOHN Bay City Les Gourmets; Young Democrats SS ZEIG, JEFFREY Huksville, N.Y. NS Zeta Beta Tau; Honors Freshman; Blue Key; Excalibur; Natural Student Assoc. Delegate; Faculty Academic Council; House Pres.; Water Carnival Co-Ch.; Director Freshman Orientation ASMSU,■ Water Carnival Rules & Reg. Ch.; Vice-Pres. Student Services ASMSU; Senior MAL ASMSU Student Board; Member of Registrars Comm, on Registration ZEISLOFT, BARBARA Flint COMM Kappa Delta Pi; Sigma Alpha Eta; SEC; Tutor for Eng. Lang. Center; Ski Club ZELLAR, RONALD Hillsdale SS Brody Complex Council, Ch.; ASMSU Legal Aids Comm.; R.A. ZEMAN, CHRISTINE F. Caparra Hgts., Puerto Rico Intern'l Club; Amer. Chem. Society ZIEMNIAK, PAM Detroit ZIEWACZ, CAROL Soult Ste. Marie Dorm Social Comm. ZIGA, JOHN Ann Arbor NS BUS A&L BUS ZIMBLER, PHYLLIS Eigin, III. Alpha Epsilon Phi; State News; Ski Club COMM YAGER, LESLIE Lansing A&L ZINDLER, DIANE MARIE Jamestown, N.Y. House Pres.; Lutheran Student Assoc. ZITEK, JERI-ANN Niles ZOLLMAN,BARBARA Detroit ZORN, RITA Warren ZOROS, GEORGEANNA Genoa, III. Alpha Chi Omega; SEC ZUIDEMA, SUZANNE Royal Oak Alpha Xi Delta SS SS A&L ED ED SS ZUREK, RICHARD Buhl, Idaho NS Honors College; Pi Mu Epsilon Hall Chief Justice ZWARENSTEYN, LODEWYK Grand Rapids Phi Kappa Sigma; Gamma Theta Upsilon SS YAHR, RUTH ED Pittsburgh, Pa. Circle Honorary; Dorm Vice-Pres.; WIC Policy Comm.; Dorm Judiciary Ch.; Complex Stan-- dards Board; Hillel Foundation YANSURA, SHARON Detroit YELDING, JOHN South Haven Dorm Govt.; IM Athletics; SEC YEN, CATHERINE Singapore FN Club; Intern'I Club YOAK, DAVID Bay City Arnold Air Society; R.A. NS SS HE SS YOCHERER, GREGORY Evergreen Park, III. A&L Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Eta Sigma; Tau Sigma; IM Sports; History Club, Pres.; College Bowl YODER, KENNETH Fairview AGR IM Sports; AGR Ed Club; Agr. & Nat. Resources Council YODER, PEGGY Sturgis SS Alpha Lambda Delta; Tau Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; Psych. Club YONKOSKY, REENA A. Ironwood YORK,KAREN Southfield AGR ED YOUNG, EUGENIA Detroit VM Amer. Society of Med. Tech., Sec.-Treas.; Pres, of Senior Class of Med. Tech. YOUNG, MICHAEL Grayling Yearbook Photographer YOUNG, SUSAN Coloma Comm, for W. Landon Term Party YUNKER, PAUL Lansing SS ED VM ZZ7.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ WINEMAN, ANNE Royal Oak MUS Womens Glee Club WINKEL, DELTON Harbor Beach AGR SS COMM WINKEL, RODNEY Hartford ................................................AGR Alpha Gamma Rho; Phi Eta Sigma; Green Helmet; Alpha Zeta; Phi Kappa Phi; Pomoler Club, Pres. WINN, FRANK Dearborn AAMP; IM Sports WINNICK, DINAH Dearborn WINNICK, ROBERT Oak Park WINTER, JON Okemos WINTERBURN, CAROL Kalamazoo Delta Zeta WISER, GRETCHEN St. Anne, III. Zeta Tau Alpha; HPER Club WIENIEWSK, ROBERT Detroit IM BasketbaluSSg WISWALL, NANCY Reading, Mass. Pre-Veterinary Club; AVMA WITMER, CHERYL Larwill, Indiana Circle Honorary WITT, MARY L. St. Johns SS BUS BUS SS NS ED ns HE BUS WITTENBACH, LUCADA East Lansing ED Phi Delta Kappa; Baptist Student Fellowship WITTKAPP, JANE Sheridan WITTMAN, JOHN Trenton Hall Vice-Pres. WOJTOWICZ, ALFRED Bay City WOLANIN, WILLIAM Warren WOLCOTT, HENRY Lansing WOLF, WENDY Detroit WOLF, WILLIAM L. Cincinnati, Ohio WOLFE, MARY Lansing Orchesis; Theater COMM ENGR NS SS BUS VM BUS A&L WOLFE, ROBERT H. Newton, Mass. VM Phi Sigma Delta; Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Zeta; IM WOLFORD, SALLY Port Huron WOLVERTON,CONSTANCE Ionia Judo Club; College Repub. HE SS WONG, WINIFRED Detroit HE Delta Delta Delta; Treas.; Greek Week; Dorm Govt.; AID WOOD, ANNE Bloomfield Hills BUS ZALEWSKI, DANIEL Clawson WOOD, STEPHEN A. Bloomfield Hills SS Beta Theta Pi, Sec.; Water Carnival Lighting & Sound Ch.; Greek Week Comm.; Union Board Comm.; ASCLA Class Repre. ZALLA, KENNETH Oak Park ZAMPLAS, CYNTHIA Westland AGR COMM ED WOOD, TERRIE Middleville WOODFORD, ANN Grafton, Wise. ED SS WOODHAMS, KATHERINE Owosso Homecoming & Spartan Spirit; State News A&L ZANN,CANDACE Detroit Circle Honorary, Treas.; Womens Glee Club ED ZARNOCH, WALTER ALLEN Tecumseh Forestry Club; Dorm Judiciary Judge AGR ZATOLDKIN, DAVID Muskegon Delta Tau Delta ZEBLEY, MARGARET Dearborn Campus Crusade for Christ A&L ED SS HE WOODLEY, MARY Omaha, Nebr. Intern'l Club; Sailing Club A&L WOODMAN, LINDA PawPaw 447 GENERAL INDEX ORGANIZATIONS .................................360 .....................................312 .....................................362 .................................361 ..............................296 ......................116 ........................................353 Abbott ............................................360 Akers Alpha Chi Omega ..................288 Alpha Delta Pi..........................289 Alpha Epsilon Phi..................290 Alpha Gamma Delta .... 291 Alpha Epsilon Pi......................308 .... 330 Alpha Gamma Rho Alpha Kappa Alpha .... 292 Alpha Kappa Psi......................309 Alpha Omicron P i..................293 Alpha Phi.....................................294 Alpha Tau Oemga..................310 Alpha Xi Delta..........................295 Asher ............................................337 AWS................................................254 Band............................................104 Baseball.....................................134 Basketball.................................106 Beta Theta Pi.............................311 Bethel Manor..........................339 Butterfield Campbell Chi Omega Crosscountry Delta Chi Delta Delta Delta ...............297 Delta Gamma..........................298 Gamma Delta Iota...............331 Delta Sigma Phi ...................313 Delta Sigma P i......................331 Delta Sigma Theta...............329 ...................314 Delta Tau Delta Delta Upsilon.............................315 Delta Zeta ............................. 299 East McConel.............................364 East Shaw.................................351 Emmons Evans Scholars......................338 Excalibur.................................253 Farrhhouse..............................316 Fencing.....................................124 Football..................................... 98 Gamma Phi Beta......................300 Gilchrist.....................................354 Golf............................................140 Green Splash..........................255 Gymnastics..............................120 Hendrick House ...................339 Hockey.....................................126 .....................................363 Holmes Hubbard .................................355 Indoor Track..........................118 IFC ............................................258 Jean Piaget..............................255 Judo Club.................................257 Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Delta Kappa Kappa Gamma Kappa Sigma..........................332 Lambda Chi Alpha...............317 Landon.....................................363 Mary Mayo.................................350 Mason.........................................352 M H A .........................................250 North Case..............................362 Outdoor Track......................136 Panhellenic Council ...................318 Phi Delta Theta Phi Gamma Delta ...............319 Phi Gamma Nu......................329 Phi Kappa Psi.............................320 Phi Kappa Sigma...................333 Phi Kappa Theta...................321 .....................................356 Phillips .....................................304 Phi Mu ...................333 Phi Sigma Delta ..............................305 Pi Beta Phi Pi Kappa Phi ..........................332 Psi Upsilon..............................334 Rather.........................................357 Senior Council..........................252 Sigma Alpha Epsilon . . . 334 Sigma Alpha Mu......................322 Sigma Chi.....................................335 Sigma Delta Tau......................330 Sigma Kappa.............................306 Sigma Nu.....................................323 Sigma Phi Epsilon..................324 Soccer . . . ..................................112 South Wonders........................265 State News................................244 Swimming ..................................130 Tennis...........................................138 Theta Chi...................................325 ...................326 Theta Delta Chi Theta Xi .................................335 Triangle.......................................327 Union Board............................248 ..........................364 Van Hoosen ..............................361 West Shaw West Wilson...............................358 ..........................302 .... 258 .... 301 . . . 303 Williams........................................365 Wolverine.....................................240 ................................................251 WIC .....................................122 Wrestling Yakeley........................................359 ..........................328 Zeta Beta Tau ......................307 ZetaTau Alpha aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . .. .. 372 .... 354 . . . .298,246 ......................372 .............................372 .............................372 ..................324 ..................372 ..........................332 ..........................291 . ..........................372 ....................288,372 ..........................305 336 .............................339 ..........................372 . . . .258,305 . .309,372 ..........................264 .... 337 .... 364 . . . 299 Aardema, Paula ......................372 Abbott, Annabelle..................372 Abel, Diane.................................372 Abell, Jack .......................314,372 Abell, Joseph.............................372 Abramson, Joseph..................328 .............................311 Acosta, Raul Adams, Cherisse . . . .291,372 Adams, Gary...................417 Adams, James Adams, Linda Adams, Mark Adams, Nancy...............372 Adamski, June...............372 Adamson, Barbara Adkins, Robert...............372 Aeschliman, Teresa Agents, Robert..........335,372 Agli, Robert Agni, Ethel......................372 Aguirre, Robert Ahlrich, Thomas...........372 Aikin, Bruce Aikin, Julianne...............372 Ainsworth, Sharon.......372 Airey, Dawn Akers, Lyndal Akin, Linda.................. Akins, Keith Albee, Gilbert Alberts, Thomas...........372 Alberts, Valerie Albery, Stephen...........372 Albrecht, Donald Alciatore, Gaston Alderman, Susan...........298 Alderton, Karen Alejandro, Richard Alex, Richard Alexander, Andrew Alexander, Cyndee Alexander, Rosemarie Alexander, Thomas .... 321 Alfieri, Terry.............................332 Alfred, Joseph ..........................372 Alhaji, Idrisu.............................372 Alkazemi, Faisal......................372 ..............................296 Allen, Abby Allen, Bruce .............................372 Allen, Jack.................................333 Allen, J. Yale..............................244 Allen, Patricia ..........................303 Allen, Sharon.............................372 Allen, William ..........................317 Alles, Leslie.................................372 Alley, Howard..........................315 ..........................372 Allgaier, Heidi ..........................294 Ailing, Martha Allion, Dennis ..........................313 Allison, Jean................* . . 372. Allison, June.............................267 Allston, Gail .304,372 .. Allston, Mary.............................372 Almy, Alan.................................372 Alpert, Robert..........................328 Alpiner, Robert ......................372 Altman, Marlene......................404 Altmeyer, David......................266 ......................304 Altobello, Mary ......................334 Alward, George Amato, Frank ..........................323 Anchors, Dennis......................372 Anderman, Terrence .... 325 ......................372 Andersen, John Andersen, Kathryn .... 265 Anderson, Barbara..................372 Anderson, Bernerd..................327 Anderson, Diane......................372 ......................323 Anderson, Gary Anderson, Graydon .... 372 ......................265 Anderson, Jody Anderson, John . . . .326,372 Anderson, Linda......................372 .... 372 Anderson, Lorraine Anderson, Mary M.....................372 Anderson, Mary B......................372 Anderson, Max..........................372 Anderson, Michael..................260 261,372 . . . 372 ... 317 ... 319 Anderson, Raymond Anderson, Richard D. Anderson, Richard J. .. . ............... 372-~ Anderson Stephen...............317 Andras, Christine Andras, James Andre, Russell Andrews, Michael Andringa, Marvin 373 Angell, William...............267,373 Anger, Patricia......................305 Ankli, Sherrill ......................291 Anstett, Particia...................306 ......................372 ......................373 ...............332 . .. .. 373,244 . . . ...............373 ..................373 ..................373 ...................319 ...................335,373 Anthony, Carol Anthony, Jane..........................303 Anthony, Kathy......................373 Antila, Larry.............................373 Antinoja, Sheryl......................305 .... 260 Antonson, Virginia .... 373 Antonucci, Diomira App, Sarah ......................303,373 Arbulu, Agustin Arden, John Arens, Reynold Arenson, Hugh..........................373 Ariotti, John.............................313 Armbruster, Curtis..................333 Armbruster, Dale Armitage, John..........................373 .... 373 Armstrong, George . . . 259 Armstrong, Kathleen Armstrong, Pamela .... 373 Armstrong, Sandra..................306 Arndt, Martha ..........................373 Arndt, Walleen..........................305 ......................373 Arnold, Patricia . Arnold, Peggy 350 . . . ..........................302 Arrigo, Judith ..........................295 Ashe, Carolyn ..........................293 Ashley, Judith ..........................117 Aslin, Richard Atchison, Janet ......................289 ..................373 Atchison, William Atherton, Thomas..................265 316,373 Atkin, Diana.............................373 Atkin, Larry .............................373 Atkin, Thomas..........................318 Atkins, George..........................308 Atkinson, Michael..................373 Atkinson, Willa................295,373 Atovsky, Rochelle..................373 . . .339,373 Attenberger, S.E. Aube, Donald ..........................373 Aubel, John .............................335 Aubrey, James..........................373 .............................373 Auch, Susan 373 .. Auerbach, Judith . ......................136 Auffrey, Joseph .... 309 Augustine, Richard . Austermiller, John 313 . ......................311 Austin, Richard ......................317 Austin, Thomas Averback, Marian ...............373 Avery, Lawrence . . . .315,373 Avery, Linda.............................373 Avery, Patricia..........................373 . . . . . bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb . . . . . Bartak, Karen ..........................288 Babcock, Betty..........................373 Babiarz, Elaine..........................373 ..........................364 Bach, Carolyn Bachman, Fred 337 . . Bachman, Susan......................301 Back, Bette.......................301,373 Backman, Barbara..................268 Backos, Sanford......................322 Backus, Jack.............................373 Bacon, Beverly..........................373 Bacon, Richard..........................373 Bacow, Elaine ..........................330 Bader, Ellyn .............................373 Baer, Roger.................................325 Baffo, Sebastiano ..................373 Baggott, Karen..........................373 Baginski, Dennis......................315 Bailey, Bonnie..........................373 Bailey, Christina......................306 Bailey, John ....................141,373 Bailey, Margaret......................265 Bailey, Pauline..........................364 Bailey, Ronald . . 260,263,373 Bailey, Susan...................... . 307 Bailey, Virginia..........................373 Bailey, William..........................313 Bainbridge, C.W..........................373 Baird, Leslie .............................305 Bair, Benjamin..........................373 Bakalar, Harriet . . . .330,373 Baken, Rick ....................325,373 Baker, Beverly..........................373 Baker, Guy.................................351 Baker, John.................................374 Baker, Lyman ..........................374 .............................351 Baker, Mark .. Baker, Mary .267,374 .............................374 Baker, Terry ......................374 Baker, Timothy .... 325 Balbach, Raymond .. . 448 ...............374 ..........................251 ................267,374 ................329,374 .... 374 ..................374 . . . .289,374 ...................374 . . .288,374 . . .260,374 ......................374 ..................260 .............................264 ......................374 Balcer, Victoria Balderson, Jean Baldrica, Robert......................310 Baldwin, James..........................333 Balfe, Arthur....................312 . . . 337 Balgenorth, Matthew .... 374 Balgenorth, Richard ................259,305 Balias, Matina Ball, Karin .................................374 Ball, Thomas.............................250 Ballew, Boni Balombin, Michael........374 Balser, William................312 Balthazar, Renee...................301 Bancroft, Lee....................257 Banfield, Rebecca Banghart, Donald Banghart, Lavra Bankard, Victoria Banks, Clare Barack, Laura Baranski, Marianne Barber, Catherine Barclay, John..........................313 Bardach, Neil..........................325 Bares, Charles Barger, William......................315 Barker, William..........................374 Barkley, Ronald...........315 Barli, Rita..........................374 Barlow, G^ayle Barnard, Roberta ..........................374 Barnes, Edwin ..........................334 Barnes, James Barnes, Jill .................................374 Barnes, Madaline......................265 Barnes, Michael ......................257 Barnett, Beth..........................288 Barnett, David..........................374 Barnett, Gail .............................374 Barnett, Marilyn......................374 Barnum, Barbara......................374 Baron, Judith.............................374 Barr, Norma Barr, William.............................250 Barratt, Michael Barrett, Jane....................304,374 Barrett, Margaret......................374 .............................302 Barrie, Anne Barris, Margaret ......................374 Barry, Mark.................................374 Barry, Raymond......................319 Bartels, Joella Bartels, Nancy................265,355 Barth, Mary.......................301,374 ......................374 Barthold, Susan Bartholomew, Donna .297,374 Bartholomew, K.J......................305 Bartlett, Benjamin..................374 Bartlett, Bruce..........................261 Bartlett, Jeffrey ......................374 Barton, Lynne...................... 374 Barton, Marilyn ......................374 Barton, Mary.............................301 Barton, Nancy................262,304 Bartus, Patricia..........................374 Bash, Karen.......................296,374 Bash, Mark .................................374 Basler, Adrienne......................301 Bass, Sandra .............................374 Bass, Susan.................................330 Bass, Lesley........................330,374 Bastian, James................136,323 Batdorff, Linda ......................374 Bates, Daniel....................259,331 Bauer, Janice.......................... ..........................374 ......................374 ...................319 261,269,291,374 ......................374 Bauer, Maureen ..........................325 Bauer, Ronald Baum, Sandra ..........................374 Bauman, Connie......................374 Bauman, Karl.............................316 ......................375 Bauman, Margo .................115,374 Baum, Joseph Baumhardt, Steven .... 326 Baxter, Diane.............................300 Bayle, Alana .............................375 Bazler, Barbara..........................303 Bertal, Linda....................267,376 Beacco, Leora ................293,375 Beach, Beverly..........................375 Beacher, Jonathan..................266 Beadle, Allen.............................375 Beagle, Brian....................333,375 ......................312 Beahan, Robert .............................375 Beam, David Beamer, Bonnie ......................259 Bean, Brett.................................375 Beard, Mary .............................375 Beardslee, Susan......................375 Beasley, Michael......................247 Beattie, Cynthia......................375 Beaubien, Anne . . . .293,375 Beaubien, F.C...............................317 Beaumont, E. Larry .... 375 Beauparlant, John..................375 Beauvais, Corinne . . .268,336 Beaver, William..........................315 Bebb, Edwardine......................375 ...............375 Beck, Stanley.............................315 Beck, Cynthia ..........................375 Beckel, Kathleen......................375 Becker, Allen.............................375 Becker, Candace......................303 Beckwith, William..................375 Beddow, David................263,375 Beddow, Gail.............................375 Beebe, Ellen .............................375 Beebe, Paul.................................318 Beeber, Marylou......................360 Beeler, Conrad..........................335 Beeler, Janet.............................375 .............................256 Beer, Phyllis Beers, Barbara ..........................375 Begnoche, Catherine .... 299 Behar, Glenda ......................375 Behlow, Toni..........................375 ......................375 Behn, Gordon Behney, Mel ..............................135 Behrens, Patricia......................303 Behringer, Samuel...............321 ...............375 Behrmann, Edgar Beimers, Charles . . . .264,375 Beiser, Stanley...............328,375 .... 322 Belinsky, Frederick Belknap, Karolyn Bell, William .............................375 Bell, Alan.....................................375 Bell, Arthur.................................327 .............................291 Bell, Brooks Bell, Charles .............................319 Bell, James.................................313 Bell, Kenneth.............................318 ......................375 Beller, Robert Bellhorn, Paul ......................375 Belligan, Jerome...................335 Belloli, Sally ..........................375 Belniak, Susan......................293 Belo, Panfilo..........................268 Bemister, M.L...........................267 Bemsel, Linda ......................295 Benchich, John......................375 Bender, Monte..........................375 Benedict, C. Patricia .... 375 Benedict, Susan . . . .305,375 Beneicke, John..........................333 Benjamin, Douglas..................375 Benke, Jon.................................313 Bennett, Anna..........................306 Bennett, John ..........................375 Bennett, Joyce..........................375 Bennett, Karen..........................375 Bennett, Katheryne .... 375 Bennett, Robert......................315 ......................296 Bennett, Sandra Bennett, Steven ......................328 Bennett, Thomas......................312 Benninger, Larry......................375 Benoy, Deanne..........................306 Benoy, Dianne................258,300 ..........................327 Benson, Bertil ..........................352 Benson, Betsy ..........................375 Benson, Bruce Benson, Steve ..........................141 Benson, Sue .......................... 251,262,267,364,375 Benton, Scott .........................375 Bequette, James......................310 Beras, John.................................313 ......................375 Beresh, Clifford Berg, Patricia.............................375 Berg, Peter .................................318 Bergbreiter, David..................327 .............................330 Berger, Joan ............... Berger, Lawrence 260.263.375 Bergers, James................313,376 Berglund, Pamela ..................376 Bergstrom, Daniel............... 264.315.376 Berkey, Robert................333,376 Berlin, Marilyn................299,376 Bernard, Richard......................244 Berndt, Elaine ..........................376 Bernstein, Alan..........................308 Bernstein, Robert ..................328 Berry, Louise.............................305 Berry, Martin...................266,376 Berry, Sandra....................359,376 Bershback, Nancy..................376 Berube, Robert.........................335 Bethke, Charles ......................330 Bethuy, Joseph..........................338 .... 305 Bettendorf, Virginia Betwee, Julimarie . . .294,376 Bhodivihaga, Jongkon . . . 376 Bice, Mary ........................258,307 Biebers, Deborah......................376 Bielski, Daniel ..........................135 Bierer, Douglas..........................376 ..........................376 Bierlein, Judy . Bigler, Bruce 333 . . .................................376 Bila, Gayle . . >> . . • 376 Biller, Lawrence Billing, Victoria ......................297 Billingsley, Nancy..................376 Billman, James..........................376 Bingham, Pamela......................304 . . . . . .... 135 Binkowski, Thomas ......................376 Biondo, Beverly ..............................376 Biro, Sandra ..................326 Bischoff, Thomas .............................376 Bish, Dianne ......................336 Bishop, Carolyn ................260,376 Bishop, Susan ......................257 Bishop, William .............................314 Bissell, John .............................336 Bissell, Mary Bitel, Charlotte..........................376 Bjoraker, Linda ......................303 Bjork, Jean.......................364,376 Black, John.................................376 Black, Leonard..........................268 . . .259,376 Blackhall, Stewart ..................376 Blackledge, Betty ..................317 Blackmer, Robert Blaha, Ruth.................................376 .................................376 Blair, Gary Blake, Linda .............................376 Blakely, Katherine..................376 Blakeslee, William ..................314 Blanchard, Ann . . . .267,376 Blanchard, Gerald..................334 Bland, Karen.............................376 Blanding, Robert . . . .318,376 Blattner, B.M................................394 Blaty, Ann .................................357 Blaze, Carol.................................376 Block, Barbara..........................376 Block, David....................308,376 .............................376 Block, Ruth Blodgett, Eleanor ..................298 Bloetscher, Jane......................297 . . . .268,336 Bloomer, Cheryl Blough, David ..........................376 Blough, Phyllis..........................359 ......................376 Blount, Kristine Blum, Bruce .............................376 . . .329,376 Blumenthal, Susan Blyth, Dennis.............................376 Blyveis, Arlene..........................290 Boatright, Donald..................323 ....................307,376 Bobit, Jamie Bode, Edward ..........................264 Boerger, Karen.................376 Boezaart, Arnold.............376 Bogan, Deanne................259,288 Bogart, Bonnie..........................376 Bogart, Sue.................................267 Bogaski, Linda.................376 Bohannon, Michael Bohling, Bonnie Bohlk, James.....................377 Bohm, Cathryn..................301 Bohnhoff, William..........377 Bokuniewicz, L.A..............377 Boles, Kevin ..............................115 Bolich, Robert..........................267 Bolline, Peter.............................314 Bollinger, Cheryll . .294,377 ......................377 Bollinger, Linda .............................377 Bolyen, Lois Bommarito, Gregory . . . 377 Bondar, Nicholas..............310 Bone, Donald.............................394 Bonn, Margaret..........................297 Bonneville, Annette .... 306 Bont, William......................377 Bonta, Claudia..................377 ..........................377 Bont, Barbara Bonus, Joseph ..........................377 Book, Cassandra......................297 Boon, Linda .............................377 Boone, Margaret..............377 Booth, Constance ..................377 Bopp, Lindsay..........................377 ......................377 Corchert, James Borg, James...............263,269 ..................294 Borgeson, Bonnie .... 377 Borkenhagen, John Born, James .............................377 Borovich, Kenneth..................377 Borsberry, Charlene .... 331 ......................376 .... . 262,306,377 ..........................320 Borton, David Borton, Michael ......................316 Borzenski, David......................327 Bos, Robert.................................377 Bosserdet, Rodney..................377 Bothamley, Dennis .... 317 Bottorff, Susan..........................377 Bouchard, Michael..................377 Boufford, Patrick ..................377 Boughner, Lee................309,377 Bounker, laleen .................. 377 Bourque, Judy..........................377 Bouts, Robert ..........................377 Bouws, John.............................377 Bowden, Patricia......................377 Bowen, Robert..........................332 ..................261 Bowerman, Larry Bowker, John ..........................322 Bowles, Dennis..........................377 Bowman, Thomas..................323 Boyd, Mel.....................................319 Boyer, Sue.................................377 . ......................317 Boyle, Michael .... 292 . . . .296,377 ...................377 ..................377 377 ......................339 ..........................266 Bozzo, Phillip Brace, Robert Bracken, Larry......................377 Brackett, John......................317 Braddock, Beatrice Braden, John.................377 Bradford, James......................324 Bradley, Carolyn......................373 Bradshaw, Oree Brady, Spencer..........................334 Braid, Rea .................................377 Brake, Dan.................................377 Bramble, Doug..............351 Brammer, Marilyn......298 Brancheau, Roger Brandenburg, Bruce .... Brandle, Bonnie Branic, Michael..............325 Branson, Jon.................266 Brant, Karen.................377 Brants, Harry.............................313 .............................335 Brasch, Ellis Brasher, Christina . . .293,377 Braswell, Mary...............303,377 Bratton, Ann.............................377 Bratton, Lee .............................324 Bratzel, John.............................377 Braver, Sharon..........................330 Brazda, Paul .............................377 Brazo, Dan.................................333 ......................311 Brecht, Stephen 377 Breimayer, Barbara .... ................317,328 Bremen, Barry Bremer, Mary.............................377 Brendle, Adrian ......................377 Brennan, Robert...........377 Brenner, Louise Brenner, Marcia Brenner, Robert...........322 Breunling, Steven Brewer, Judith..........................378 Brezette, Michael ..................319 Brick, Michael ..........................327 Bridges, Mary.............................300 Brier, Karen .............................291 Brieske, Dennis..........................378 Briganti, Robert......................378 .... 378 Brigham, Constance Bright, Randall..........................378 Bright, Steven Brill, Edward.......................... . . ......................378 ..............., . 328 ...............314 . .260,377 244,260,263,378 . . . ..................378 ..................260 .............................351 Bristow, Jannette ..................378 Britner, Betty ..........................378 Britton, Robert ......................319 ......................250 Brock, Terrence Broeman, Maureen..................429 Brogan, Margaret......................307 Brogger, Alexandra . .305,378 Brogren, Bradley......................335 Brook, Candice..........................378 Brooks, Gloria..........................360 Brooks, Harold..........................378 Brooks, Richard . . . .308,378 Brose, Dale.................................378 Brosenne, William ..................317 Brooudy, Bruce -......................322 Brounstein, R.D..........................309 Brower, David..........................378 Brown, Addison......................337 ......................378 Brown, Barbara Brown, Bernard 322 . . . Brown, Bruce...................326 Brown, Carol..................378 Brown, Charlotte Brown, Christina...........378 Brown, Elizabeth Brown, Gary Brown, Gerald...............309 Brown, Gregory Brown, Harry...................333 Brown, Jack Brown, Janet..............268,378 Brown, Karen Brown, Malcolm............378 Brown, Martha...........305,378 Brown, Michael Brown, Patricia S..............301 Brown, Patricia L.............378 B(rown, Richard Brown, Richard Brown, Rita Brown, Robert Brown, Sheryl Brown, Stephen Brown, Terry...................378 Brown, Thomas ..............-. 244 Brown, Valiere..........................267 Browning, James......................318 Broyles, Cynthia......................291 Brubaker, John..........................313 Bruck, Rick.................................322 Bruder, Keith.............................312 Bruha, Susan.............................378 Brffnck, Patricia . . . .259,265 Brun, Jordan.............................378 Brunner, Martha......................296 Brunsdon, Jeffrey .................,339 Brunt, John.................................378 ......................378 ......................378 ....................289,378 ........ 378 ..........................378 ......................378 .............................317 ..........................378 ......................378 . . . .333,378 Brushaber, Bonita...............378 ..........................259 Bryan, Sally Bryan, Susan.............................259 Buchner, Marcus......................333 .... 378 Buchwach, Frances Buck, James .............................378 Buckhalter, F.G...........................325 Buckley,; Don.............................355 Buday, Barbara..........................291 Budd, Richard..........................378 Budny, Susan.............................378 Budrow, Carol................246,378 ..........................378 Buell, Edward Buettner, Chr,hstina .... 378 Buffa, Berdean..........................364 Buffmyer, Laraine..................378 Buitkus, Kastytis......................322 .........................333 Bull, Kenneth Bullard, Bernard......................378 ......................244 Bullard, George ......................246 Bullard, Robert ..................378 Bullerman, James Bunce, John .............................324 Bundshuh, Patricia..................302 Bunge, Sandra . . . 262,302,378 Bunker, Kristen,.......................378 ................288,378 Bunnell, Carol Burba, Dorothy ......................378 Burcar, Colleen..........................294 Burck, Edward..........................334 Burda, Beverly..........................291 ..............................135 Burde, John ......................354 Burdell, Patricia Burdick, Marty..........................355 Burdo, Elaine....................302,378 Burge, Jean.................................379 Burgess, Suzanne......................291 ..................251,379 Burke, Carey ......................325 Burke, Robert Burke, Suellen ......................379 Burkert, Margaret..................304 Burkhead, Nancy ..................329 Burmeister, John......................325 Burnagiel, Lawrence . .320,379 Burnes, Julie....................302,379 Burns, Candace..........................379 Burns, Dana ...................... . 379 Burns, Jo.....................................389 Burns, Kendall..........................323 Burns, Marilyn..........................292 Burns, Robert ..........................379 .................................379 Burns, Sue Burns, Susan .............................265 Burns, Terence.........................379 Burstein Leigh...................... 258,260,263,328,379 Busch, Paul.................................318 Buschman, Richard .... 379 . . 263,269,379 Busen, Michael Butcher, Deborah ..................354 Buth, Linda.................................379 Butler, David.............................379 .............................379 Butler, John Butler, Linda.............................379 Butler, Patricia..........................258 Butryn, Robert..........................379 Butterfield, Jeanne .... 265 .............................325 Butts, David .............................379 Butts, Frank Butz, John .312,379 . . Butzier, Deborah......................306 Byas, Dennis.............................379 Byelich, Richard......................379 Byerly, Gary .............................327 Byington, John..........................376 Byle, Merilee.............................301 Byrd, Joseph T-..........................246 ......................289 Byron, Jennifer . . . . cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Cabral, Linda ..'... .291,379 Cain, Timothy..........................318 Calderone, Michael .... 334 Calhoun, Sheila ......................379 Callahan, Douglas..................314 .............................379 Callan, Mary ..................313 Callander, Robert Camp, Marylee . . 258,300,379 Campbell, Audrey..................329 Campbell, Bruce......................379 . 258,303,379 Campbell, Judy .... 379 Campbell, Kathleen Campbell, Patricia..................379 ......................337 Campbell, Scott . . . .329,379 Campbell, Sheila Campbell, William . . .135,312 Campo, Ernest..........................379 Campopiano, James .... 379 Cannon, Jessica Cantrell, Randolph .... 324 .........................301 Cantrill, Mary ..........................308 Caplan, Harry Caplan, Richard ......................333 Caputo, Richard......................316 Carbaugh, William..................379 Carden, Sherry..........................379 Cardianl, Jay.............................323 Carel, John.................................327 . .329,379 . . 449 . . . .... 306 ..................246 Carey, Catherine......................379 Carey, David..............................261 .......................\ 257 Carey, Felix .............................379 Cargo, Clare ....................303,379 Carlile, Celia Carlos, Paul f ..........................335 . Carlson Daniel,..........................312 Carlson, Nancy................288,379 Carlson, Phillip..........................379 Carlson, Rita.............................379 Carlson, Sharon L.....................294 Carlson, Sharon E.....................379 Carlson, Sharon L.....................379 Carmichael, H.C...............379 Carmody, Maureen Carnahan, Donald.......332 Carney, Hugh..................334 Carpenter, Craig......................379 Carpenter, David......................379 Carpenter, Pamela..................379 .... 379 Carpenter, Suzanne Carr, Bonnie .............................379 Carter, James.............................379 Carter, Morgan..........................379 Cartier, Kenneth......................380 Carver, David.............................380 Casale, Nancy.............................300 ...................... 360 Casbon, Joyce Casey, Kathleen ......................380 Casler, Kathleen......................357 Casper, Dale .............................380 Cassel, Eugene..........322,380 Cassidy, Douglas............380 Castanier, William Castejli, Cheryl...............288 Casterton, Phillip ..................333 Castle, Charles..................... 380 Castle, Kimberly......................291 . Caswell, Hal 247 . ..........................360 Catlett, Chuck Catterfello, Judy ......................354 Cauffield, C.A....................380 Caulkett, David Cavanaugh, S.E.............307,380 Cebula, Lusty Cekola, Rose...................380 Cenedella, Arlene Cepela, Norman Cera, Angela Chabie, Patrick...........338,380 Chamberlain, F.L.......................319 Chamberlin, C.A.........................294 .... 380 Chamberlin, Karon ..................364 Chambers, Kathy Champion, William .... 323 Chancellor, C.F............................380 Chandler, Denise......................380 Chant, Peter .............................380 Chapa, Margaret......................359 ......................380 Chapin, Beverly ..........................304 Chapin, Cecily Chapman, C. Susan . .299,380 Charles, Jean.............................380 Charlton, C.K...............................310 Chartrand, Mark......................380 Chase, Davis .............................380 Chase, Emery.............................334 Chase, Judith.............................294 Chatfield, George ..................315 Chalfield, Robert.......................380 Chauvin, William......................380 Chaves, Linda ..........................360 Chazick, David..........................333 Cheadle, Russell ......................330 Chehansky, Julie......................380 Chekiri, Hamza..........................380 Chenault, Dyann . 268,336,380 Chenault, John................268,337 Chenier, Francis......................380 Chenoweth, Kathy............... . . .294,380 ......................315 .............................380 ..........................380 ......................313 . . . 259,265,300 Chernow, Andrew..................331 Cherre, Christine......................380 Cherry, Thomas ......................380 Chew, Dennis.............................316 Chikos, John.............................334 . . .326,380 Childress, Richard Chitti, Marie .............................380 Cholewa, Sharon......................360 Chonich, Olga ..........................293 Chorney, Mylbra......................380 .................................264 Chow, Poo . . .301,380 Chrismer, Dianne Christensen, John ..................380 Christensen, S.A..........................427 . .305,380 Christenson, Donna . . . 312 Christenson, Gregory Christian, Charles ..................318 Christian, E. Allen..................380 Christianson, Wayne . .319,380 Christner, Edward..................380 Christner, Karen......................380 Christner, Richard..................380 Christoff, Noel................315,380 Chu, May.....................................364 Churbuck, Barbara..................380 Churchley, Fred......................318 ..........................313 Cihak, Charles ......................380 Cinader, Cheryl . . 323 ..........................381 . . . . ...............267 ...................313 ..........................380 Clancey, Lana . . . .310,380 Clancey, Michael ..........................380 Clancey, Peter ................297,380 Clark, Camille Clark, Don .................................313 Clark, Jeannette......................380 Clark, Mollie.............................380 Clark, Sara .................................304 Clark, Stephen..........................381 ..........................321 Clark, William Clarke, Ronald..........................380 Claus, Richard..........................381 Claypool, Stephen...............339 ...............381 Clayton, Marjorie Cleland, Robert . . . .334,381 Clemans, Anne......................364 ..................305 Clements, Carol Clifford, John ......................335 Clinch, Andrea..........................381 Clingerman, Dale...................381 Clodfelter, Michael .... 381 Clucas, Patricia..........................381 ......................381 Clupper, Steven Cnockaert, Claudia . .305,381 Costa, Philip Cockels, James . Cockerill, Michael Cody, Frederick Coffman, Steven......................381 Cohen, Jerold ..........................308 Cohen; Linda.............................381 Cohen, Ronald..........................322 ..........................360 Cohen, Sheryl Colclough, M.A........................381 Cole, Vernon.............................381 Cole, Zandra..........................395 Cole, Constance ......................381 Cole, Cynthia......................... 303 Cole, Jean.....................................301 Cole, Jeffrey..........................312 Cole, John .................................381 Cole, Linda.................................381 Coleman, Cheryl......................381 Coleman, Diane ......................364 Coletta, Barbara......................383 Collar, Douglas...............381 Collins, Charles...............381 Collins, Dianne...............299 Collins, Helen Collins, James Collins, John...................311 Collins, Pamela...............381 Collins, Robert...............338 Collins, Sherry...............381 Collins, Terry...................381 Combs, Gwendolyn Comer, Judith Comer, Michael Compeau, Ashley Comstock, Frederick . . .321,381 Comstock, James Comstock, Rick ......................381 Congdon, Candace..................294 .............................266 Conlin, Marc Connelly, Michael ..................381 Conner, Lowell................381 Connon, Marilyn............381 Connor, Judith................381 Conrad, Charlotte .... 381 ..........................293 ......................381 ..................296 . . . 257 ................364,381 ..........................325 . . .262,381 ......................381 Conyers, Louise Cook, PatrJSia ..........................381 Cook, Paula.................................381 Cook, Rebecca..........................381 Cook, Robert.............................318 Cook, Audrey ..........................267 Cook, Cynthia..........................381 .............................318 Cook, David .............................381 Cook, Diane Cook, Douglas..........................314 Cook, Gregory..........................381 Coon, Martha.............................299 Coonley, Rochelle..................300 Cooper, Barbara............298 Cooper, John...............335,360 ..........................381 Cooper,.,Ralph Cooper, Terence......................381 Cope, Dale.....................................381 ..................381 Copeland, Robert Coram, Barbara ......................381 Cordier, Douglas......................381 Core, Margaret..........................297 Corkrey, Sheila......................294 Cormier, Kathleen..................302 Cornell, James................259,381 Cornillie, James ......................317 Corpron, Donald......................381 Correll, Thomas ......................334 Corriere, Carol................259,265 Corwin, Thomas......................381 Coscia, Richard.........................326 Cosier, Richard..........................381 Cosman, Linda...................... 381 ..........................250 Cotton, James ................364,381 Cotter, Lynda Couch, Donna ..........................298 Coulter, Marshall......................382 Coulter, William,.....................338 Courtney, Susan......................382 Ehle, Kathleen................300,385 ......................385 Ehrenberg, Gail Ehrlich, Michael......................308 Einhardt, Kathlyn..................385 Einhorn, Fredda......................293 . . .259,360 Eisenmann, Mary . . . 262,293,385 Elder, Susan Eldredge, Michael ..................326 Eldridge, Cheryl......................385 Eldridge, Sandra......................385 Elenbaas, Gary ..........................385 Elenbaum, Freda . . . .350,385 Elicker, Sharon..........................295 Ellington, Deanna..................385 Elliott, Donald..........................317 ..............................250 Elliott, Glen ..............................334 Elliott, John Elliott, Sally .............................385 Elliott, Susan.............................385 Ellis, Judith.................................385 Ellis, Nangy.................................355 Ellis, Thomas..............................135 Ellison, Janice ..........................385 Ellison, Theodore..................385 El Ik, Barbara....................303,385 Ellman, Haven..........................385 . . . .260,385 Ellsworth, Larry ......................263 Ellsworth, Peter Elmassian, Kenneth .... 385 Elsasser, Richard......................323 Elsen, Dennis.............................385 Eisner, Mary .............................298 Ely, Sharon.................................385 Elzinga, Daniel..........................265 Elzinga, Robert ......................314 Emerick, Linda..........................385 Emerson, Mark..........................320 Emery, Ronald..........................262 Emmerling, Ann......................385 Emmett, Carol..........................294 Engel, Daniel.............................327 Engel, Karen.............................330 Engelman, Mark......................328 Engelsma, Julie..........................298 Engers, Douglas . . . .267,385 England, Shirley......................385 Engler, John ....................250,351 English, Raymond..................385 ......................385 English, Robert Enustun, Orhan ......................139 Epker, Dale.................................313 Epker, Mary-Anne..................360 Epstein, Nancy..........................385 Erickson, Alan................333,385 Erickson, Barbara ..................385 Erickson, Mark..........................385 Erickson, Mary..........................385 . 262,288,385 Erickson, Nancy ......................327 Erickson, Roger Erickson, Susan ......................385 Erman, Earle..............................308 Ernst, Gary.................................311 Ernst, John.................................314 Erskine, John.............................385 Ervin, Geraldine......................385 Eshenroder, Owen..................385 Esmond, Patricia......................354 Espejo, Milagros......................268 Essenmacher, Nancy . .267,385 Eston, Leonard..........................385 Eubank, Lawrence..................334 Evans, Dennis ..........................332 Evans, Halbert..........................385 Evans, Shirley ..........................329 Evenson, David.........................333 Evert, John.................................332 Ewald, William.........................385 Eymer, Shirley.........................359 fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff Fabaz, Anthony......................338 Faber, Kirkwood . . . .319,385 Fabus, Thomas..........................385 Facktor, Susan................297,386 ......................295 Fagan, Kathryn .............................386 Fagan, Mary Faget, Margaret ......................386 Fahner, Gerald..........................386 Fairbanks, Janet . . . .267,386 Fairley, Martha..........................298 Faist, Jane . 260,267,354,386 Fales, Beatrice..........................386 Falk, Allan........................261,386 ..........................386 Falke, Amelia . . .267,386 Falkenstein, Janis ......................330 Falker, Howard Faller, Mark .............................334 Falls, Janet.................................386 .............................327 Fanson, Ted Farison, Carol ..........................305 Farison, Kay....................259,305 .............................355 Farley, John . . . 386 Farnsworth, Richard Farra, Daniel 318 Farrell, Eleanor . . . .260,357 Farrell, Linda.............................265 Farrell, Sharon..........................386 Fatolahzadeh, M.........................386 Faust, Edward..........................386 Faust, John.................................316 Fauth, Gregory..........................386 . Favret, Bernard ......................386 Fay, Jane.....................................306 Febba, Samuel................263,386 Fegel, Norman..........................386 Fehir, John.................................386 Feinberg, Susan ......................386 Feinthel, Carol..........................386 Feld, Randall.............................308 Feldman, Dennis......................386 Feldman, Stanley ..................328 Feller, Kim.................................386 Fellows, Leslie..........................299 . . . .329,386 Felton, Paulette Felton, James ..........................313 Fenster, Sanford......................386 Fenstermaker, Errol .... 386 Fenstermaker, P.H.....................386 ......................386 Feraco, William Fera, Kenneth ..........................386 Feranec, Dennis......................317 ......................386 Ferguson, Craig Ferrero, Valeria ......................302 Ferris, Linda.............................386 Ferris, Vincent................311,386 Fettinger, Steven......................327 .... 386 Feuerstein, Patricia Wolverine Photographer Lance Lagoni Cousino, Charles......................319 . . . . 382 Couturier, Deborah ......................382 Covert, Richard Covington, Rhodina .... 382 Cowan, John..........................382 Cox, Bethann..........................382 Cox, Michael..........................318 Coyle, Timothy ......................318 Craig, Judy.................................382 Craig, Thomas..........................313 ..........................335 Craig, William Crain, Gail .................................307 Cramer, Thomas...................325 ......................328 Crane, Robert Cranshaw, Judith ...............382 Craun, David..........................382 Crawford, Alan...............263,382 Crawford, Jack......................327 Crawford, Joseph Crawford, Karen...................382 Creagan, Patricia...................304 Crichton, Linda ..................382 Cripe, Nancy...................288,382 Cristman, Scott . . .269,382 ................... 258,260,265,316,382 ...............299,382 Cromberg, M.A.........................382 Cronan, Marguerite .... 304 Cronin, Judith................298,382. Cross, Carol..............................382 ...................382 Cross, Christina ..........................261 Cross, Donald Crouch, Vernon ......................333 Crowe, Robert..........................317 Crowell, Anita......................382 Crowley, Joan Crowley, Michael ...............324 Cru ice, Kathleen...................258 Crumb, Linda ..........................296 Crunk, Eddie.............................332 Cruzan, Duane..........................333 Culp, Connie.............................382 ... 295 Cummings, Donna S. Cummings, Donna M. . . . 382 ..................382 Cummings, Joann Cummings, William .... 382 Cummins, James......................382 Cummins, Peggy......................295 ..................382 Cunningham, Gail . . Cunningham, Kathleen 254,258,289 ..........................259 Currey, Judith Cusack, Kathleen ..................382 Cuskie, Sharon..........................382 Cutler, William..........................382 Czachor, Peter..........................382 Czadzeck, Gerald,....................382 ......................313 Czarnecki, John ......................311 Czarnik, Joseph dddddddddddddddddddddddddd Dahlberg, Eric ..........................382 Dahlie, Sonja..............................382 Dailey, Frank.............................382 ......................308 Daitch, Michael Dakin, Pris .................................355 Dale, Charles.............................313 Dale, David.................................335 Dancha, Charles ......................325 Daniel, Lindi..............................296 ......................382 Daniels, Donald Daniels, Michael......................382 Dann, Alice.................................382 Darling, Alfred..........................318 Darling, Barbara......................301 Darnell, Susan ..........................297 Darooge, William......................382 D?rt, Melissa.............................301 Dascola, James..........................382 Dauer, Judith . . . 258,302,382 Daughdrille, P.A..........................382 Daurio, Joy.................................382 .... 382 Davenport, Charles Davenport, Roselle .... 382 David, Debra..............................382 ......................382 Davids, Marilyn ......................382 Davids, Monroe Davidson, George ..................323 Davidson, Linda L......................382 Davidson, Linda J......................382 Davidson, Michael..................313 Davidson, Roberta..................302 Davidson, Thomas..................383 Davies, Cindy..............................352 Davies, Ronald..........................315 Davis, Jeffrey..............................383 Davis, Johnny ..........................383 Davis, Jon .....................................327 Davis, Maryann..........................383 Davis, Pamela..............................383 Davis, Philip .............................312 Davis, Richard..........................318 Davis, Robert.............................383 Davison, Bruce..........................327 Davison, Pamela......................383 Davison, Walter ......................325 Davy, George.............................383 Dawe, Elizabeth......................383 Dawson, Donald......................334 . . 259,260,316 Dawson, Gary ......................333 ......................364 Dawson, Judy Dawson, Phillip Deal, Pamela..........................359 Dean, Thomas..........................338 Dean, John.................................338 Debacker, Frances..................383 Debelak, Kim....................267,383 Debroux, Elaine......................383 Decarlo, Patricia......................357 .............................304 Decker, Gail Decker, Patricia ......................383 Declercq, Lynne......................297 Dedow, Irvin.............................323 Dedow, Katherine..................293 Deem, Sarah .............................383 Degler, William..........................383 Degroot, John ................266,383 ......................315 Deisler, Edward Dekorte, James..........................383 Delange, Dirk.............................324 ......................383 Delbarba, Susan ......................383 Delind, Douglas Deline, Douglas . . . .268,337 Delorenzo, Judith..................383 .... 268 Delrosario, Dafrosa Delrosario, Ricardo .... 268 Deluca, Margaret......................260 Demarco, Robert ..................383 Demetry, Linda . . . .%. . 301 Demmer, Karin.................. . 305 ..................334 Demmer, William .... 310 Demmink, Gregory ..................383 Demonaco, Diane Demongey, Gary......................383 Demott, Dale....................264,383 ..........................335 Denis, Dwaine Dennison, Kathleen .... 383 Denton, John.............................334 Dependahl, Deborah .... 383 Derby, Stephen ................... 136,260,263,383 Derderian, Gregory .... 310 Derderian, Sarkis......................310 Deremo, Jana..............................291 ......................383 Derose, Patricia Derrick, Ellen ..........................305 Derrick, Susan..........................383 .... 383 Dershow, Lawrence ..........................305 Dery, Carolyn Desantis, Angela . . . .350,383 Desautels, Donald..................325 Desimpel, Suzanne . . .297,383 Dettman, Maurice . . .269,383 Duel, Arlene .............................383 Deutsch, Dennis......................328 Deutsch, Marilyn......................383 Devinney, David......................383 Devlin, Mary.............................383 Devooght, Mary ......................383 Dewey, Allan.............................383 Dewitt, Randall ......................383 Dewitte, Conrad......................383 Deyoung, Constance . .258,296 Dezeeuw, Myra..........................383 Dibert, Pamela..........................383 Dickens, Alvin..........................383 Dickens, Linda..........................383 Dickenshied, Carol..................296 Dickey, Sharon..........................292 . . .267,327 Dickinson, Dennis Dicks, Mary .... 296,383,403 Dieckman, Janine..................288 .............................383 Diehl, Linda Diepenbruck, James .... 335 ..........................383 Dierkes, Mary Diesing, David ................250,383 Dietrich, Dann..........................314 Dietrich, Kathryne . . .291,383 Dietrich, Lisa.............................300 Dilley, Frederick......................314 Dilley, Melvin ..........................383 Dillingham, Sara......................357 Dimattia, Chris..........................350 Dimitrijevic, A.............................322 Dingerson, Julie ......................267 Dion, Mary.................................384 Dirks, Robert....................317,384 Dirnbauer, John......................384 Disantis, John ..........................384 Dixon, Barbara..........................384 . Dixon, Robert 384 . . . ......................305 Dixop, Suzanne .........................380 Dobson, Mary Dock, Myra.................................384 Doderer, Dennis......................334 Dodge, David.............................384 Dodge, James.............................384 ..........................300 Doering, Mary .................................335 Doig, Gary Domowitz, Susan . . .268,336 ....................296,384 Doner, Mary Doner, Mary ..............................299 Donley, John.............................334 ......................384 Donner, Marsha Dorf, Cheryl .............................384 Dorman, Kathleen..................384 Dorn, Roberta..........................384 ..........................384 Doro, Richard ..........................384 Doss, Howard . . . . . . .305,384 ..........................319 ......................338 ................316,384 Douglas, Patricia......................384 Douglass, James......................384 Douglass, Shellie......................384 Doup, Elizabeth..........289 Douse, Steven Dove, Veda.....................384 Dover, Diana..................384 Downer, Dennis Downs, Philip Doxtater, Gary..............321 Doyle, Kathleen Doyle, Molly..................301 Dragonetti, V.R..........................384 Drake, Dennis ..........................318 Drake, Douglas..........................261 Drake, Judith.............................424 Drake, Lauren ..........................384 Dratschmidt, Dorothy . . . 297 Dravecky, Thomas.......325 Drewek, Cookie Drazkowski, B..................384 Drexler, Michael......................316 Drexler, Timothy ..................333 Driver, Paula.............................411 ..........................311 Droski, Daniel Droski, Henry ..........................322 Drozd, Linda..............................289 ..........................384 Drum, Robert Dubetz, Christine ...............384 Dubin, Howard..........................328 Dudak, Carol.............................384 Duesenberg, Dale . . .251,355 . ............... 268,336,384 336 Duesenberg, Lynne .... Dufford, Leanne...........364 Duffy, Marie.............................352 Dugas, Richard..........................338 Dugdale, Ann..................384 Duggan, Pamela Dull, Richard..................313 . . . 384 Dummeldinger, R.A. Dunbar, Jeanne ......................384 Duncan, Ronald......................384 Dunckel, Ramona..................384 Dunham, John..........................384 ...................291 Dunham, Patricia ......................305 . . . . 384 . . .267,384 Dunn, Raymond......................261 ................258,329 Dunn, Sharon Dunn, Ann.................................384 Dunn, James F.............................384 Dunn, James K............................384 Dunn, James R............................384 Dunn, Judy.................................330 Dunn, Lawrence Dupuis, Steven...............322 Duquette, Bernadette Durflinger, B.C.................384 Durish, Paula................. . . 306 Durkin, Timothy......................334 Durlak, Jerome..........................414 Durocher, Gerald ...............323 Dutcher, Ann.............................294 ......................384 Dutcher, Teresa Duthie, Dale .............................333 Duthie, Peter....................313,384 Duvall, Curtis.............................384 Dye, Judith......................384 Dyer, Patty.................................305 Dyer, Robert.............................384 Dyer, Alice........................288,384 .................................300 Dyer, Julia .... 384 Dyrda, Christopher Dysarz, Cynthia ......................296 ..........................384 Dyszel, Judith . . . .260,324 Dziak, Theodore Dzodin, Harvey ................... 260,263,313,384 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee< cade, David.................................311 Eade, G. Newton.................. 384 Ealey, Anna .............................354 Earl, David.................................321 Earl, Joyce........................292,384 Eary, David.................................325 Easton, Zana..............................135 Ebeling, Vicki ..........................385 Eber, Christine..........................385 Ebert, Celia.................................385 Eckerman, James ..................319 Eckert, Eileen ..........................294 Eckmann, William..................385 Economy, Kenneth .... 334 Edel, Barbara.............................385 Edgerton, Carolyn..................385 Edington, Kathleen .... 261,262,269 Edmundson, Lee . . . .141,314 Edwards, Donald......................312 Edwards, Jerry..........................314 Edwards, John................314,385 ..........................385 Edwards, Kim .264,385 Edwards, Michael . Edwards, Roger . 385 . . Edwards, Bertha . . . .329,385 Egan, Margaret..........................385 ..............................268 Eger, Martha . . . .» .... 297 Eggers, Susan . . . . 450 Feun, Lindson..........................313 Fidelman, Susan......................364 Fiebig, William..........................317 Fields, Joe .................................386 Figg, Karen.................................291 Filiatrault, Camille..................304 Filion, Sandra .........................386 Filip, Michael.............................386 Filipovitch, Diane..................352 Filter, John.................................320 Finch, Carol .............................386 Finch, John.................................310 Fineberg, Stuart......................322 . . . .310,386 Finelli, Thomas Fink, Nancy .............................386 Finkbeiner, Gary......................311 .... 333 Finkbeiner, George Fink, Linda.................................251 Fink, Mary.................................259 Finkel, Howard ......................386 Finlay, Elizabeth......................304 Finley, Fred .............................386 Finn, Betty.................................359 .................. 297 Finn, Lawrence ......................386 Finnegan, Mary Finnegan, Michael..................315 ......................307 Finni, Elizabeth . . .260,386 Fiorani, Christine .... 350 Fiorentino, Virginia Firestone, Jan is ......................386 Fischer, John.............................386 Fischer, Kurt.............................386 . . .291,386 Fischhaber, Linda Fishbaugh, Joyce ..................386 Fisher, David.............................386 .............................386 Fisher, Julie Fisher, Margaret . . . .290,387 Fisher, Paula.............................387 Fisherman, Freddie . .290,387 Fitch, Dale.................................333 Fitch, Deborah................244,298 Fitchett, Evelyn......................387 Fitzgerald, Bruce......................355 Fitzpatrick, Kevin..................338 Fix, Robert.................................387 Fleischmann, James .... 387 Fleming, Carol................299,387 Fleming, Lance..........................387 Fleming, Susan..........................387 Fleming, Timothy..................313 Flentje, Karla.............................387 Fletcher, Barbara ..................387 Fleury, Brenda..........................387 Flood, Willis .............................338 Flora, Margaret..........................354 Flore, Elaine........................ 387 Flouton, David..........................334 Fluckey, Rhea..........................291 Fluhart, Janice...................... 425 Flynn, Kathleen......................387 Flynn, Terrence ......................387 Fogarasi, John................313,387 Fogarty, Diane..........................359 Fogg, Cheryl.............................299 ..........................387 Foley, Robert ..........................335 Foltz, Michael ......................289 Forbord, Karen Ford, Gwendolyn ..................387 Ford, Leslie.................................298 Forkner, James..........................320 Forrest, Karen..........................387 Forster, Abbie..........................387 Forte, Loretta ..........................387 Fosburg, Michael......................427 Foster, Alice.............................387 Foster, Barbara..........................387 Foster, Laurel ..........................360 Foster, Robert..........................327 Foster, Sally .............................387 Foster, Sarah.............................387 Foster, Susan.............................387 Fotre, Julian.............................355 Fouch, Edward..........................326 Fountain, Cheryl......................387 Fouracre, Janet ......................387 Fouracre, Joann......................387 Fous, Susan.................................387 Fouts, Jaynet.............................387 ..........................387 Fowler, James Fowler, Kenneth . . . .269,333 Fowler, Willard..........................387 Fox, Carol .................................288 Fox, Diann.................................387 Fox, Janice........................259,387 Fox, Kathryn..............................291 .................................335 Fox, Leo .................................267 Fox, Mary .330,387 Fox, Monica . . . . . Fox, Richard.............................333 Fox, Roger.................................387 Fox, Sue 387 .................. Fox, Thomas.............................324 Frame, James.............................335 Frame, Peter.............................387 Francini, Richard ..................320 Francisco, Henry......................317 Frank, John .............................328 Frank, Judith....................295,387 ..................305 Frank, Kathleene .... 323 ..................355 ......................302 ................308,387 ..........................387 Frank, Thomas................387 Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, Larry................334 Franktz, Kenneth Franzen, James................387 Franzetta, Paul................315 Fraser, Joanne..........................296 Fraser, Leslie.............................387 Fraser, Randall..........................317 Fraser, Susan.............................387 Frasier, Charles . ......................319 Frazier, John.............................387 Frederick, Richard..................309 Frederick, Leslie......................289 Fredericks, Todd............334 Frederickson, A.M...........299 Freedlander, Robert .... 322 Freedman, Judy......................387 Freehling, Karen......................387 Freel, Toni.......................387 Freeman, Bonnie............306 Freeman, Paul Freench, Dale French, Lynda................387 French, Patricia Freund, Elizabeth........387 Frey, Edward...................387 Fricke, Charles...........310,387 Fried, Sharon...............290,388 Friedberg, Susan......................388 Friedman, Gary ......................388 Friedman, Stanley..................328 .............................388 Frink, David Frishman, Sharon........388 Frisosky, Martin............388 Fritz, George...................250 Froehlich, John ......................388 Fruin, Lucile.............................388 Fruit, Kenneth.................136,388 Fry, Leonard...................388 Fuchs, Daniel.............................388 Fuchs, Frances..........................388 ..........................388 Fuchs, Sharon Fuehring, Douglas ...... 388 Fuller, Denis.............................388 Fuller, Gene .............................388 Fuller, Kirby.......................... 388 ......................388 Fundaro, Mario Funk, Joanna...................295 Funk , Katherine............288 Furchner, Carol ......................388 Furcolow, Michael..................322 Furler, Nancy . . 261,262,388 Furniss, Daniel...............330 Furru, Ricky.............................388 Furste, Susan.............................388 Fykse, L. Dean..........................317 99999999999999999999999999999999 . . . . ......................388 ..................325 ..........................257 .................................335 .............................388 Gabel, Carol .............................388 Gabis, Mary.................................388 Gabriel, Raymond........313 Gabriel, Roy...................388 Gade, Mark.......................326 Gadowski, Gerald Gaffner, Gary Gaffney, Norm...............355 Gagstetter, Allen......................321 Gahagan, Charles......................388 Gaiser, Robert...............388 . 364 Gajewski, Nancy . Galanos, Constance .... 388 Galbraith, Larry......................388 Galbraith, Ralph......................388 Gale, Florence...............388 Gale, John Galia, Diane Gallant, Nancy...............388 Gallaway, Mary Galles, Peggy...................267 Galligar, Vincent......................388 Galloway, Ilona ......................388 Galloway, L.A..............................388 Gamble, Patricia............298 Gamrath, Gary..........268,337 .... 357 Gangnath, Roberta ..............................257 Ganz, Philip . . . .321,388 Garcia, Joaquin Gard, Paul .................................257 Gardiner, Dianne......................388 Gardner, Harold......................388 Gardner, Sharon......................388 Gardner, William......................388 Garland, Gloria J . . . . . . 388 . Garmen, Carol 388 . Garner, Waldo ................267,388 Gamier, Michael......................325 Garvey, Stephen......................335 Garvey, Steven..........................135 Garzia, Sandra...............388 Gasiorowski, Colleen Gately, Nancy Gates, Stephen...............388 Gatlin, Jack......................315 Gauronskas, Janet Gauthier, Robert...........264 Gavan, Robert...............388 Gavel, Joseph...................135 . . . 306 ..........................296 . . .289,388 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gawel, Gary . . Gawelli, James . . . Gawel, Terry . . . Gay, Richard Gay, Robert . . . Gaw, Willa............... Gaylord, Nancy Gazella, Gary Geer, Caroline Gehman, John Gehrs, Thomas Geiger, David Gelder, Michael Gels, Ann............... Geltz, Christian Gembrowski, Sue Gendron, Annette Geng, Anna . . . . Genix, Suzanne . . . Geno, Larry Genshaw, Elaine . George, Carol . . . George, Maryanne Gerber, Susan Gerds, Gary . . . . Gerhardt, Michael Gerlt, John Gerould, Lynn Gerych, Marilyn Gettel, James . . . Gettig, Roger . . . . . . . . . ...............267 ...............244 ...............330 ...............320 ...............312 ...............388 ...............388 ...............388 ...............289 . . .327,388 ...............389 ...............389 ...............309 ...............389 ...............389 ...............364 ...............259 . . .259,265 ...............304 ...............333 ...............295 . . .259,359 . . .244,306 . .258,330,389 ...............334 ...............389 ...............389 ...............337 ...............360 ...............317 ...............325 451 . . . . . . Getts, Teckla Geurink, Mary Geweke, John Ghazal, George Gibbings, David Gibson, Carl . . Gibson, Craig . . Gibson, Clifford Giering, Richard Gilbert, Andrea Gilbert, David Gilbert, James . Gilbert, Joanne . Gilbert, Lynne . Gildarski, Les . . Gill, Narindar . . Gill, William . . Gill, George . . . Gillespie, Edwin Gillespie, Nancy Gillespie, Sandra Gillett, Kathleen . . Gillette, Sue Gillis, Dan . . . Gillis, Gordon Gillmore, David Gilman, John . . Gillman, Frederic . . Gilman, Sue . Gilson, Martha Gilson, Thomas ...............389 ...............289 ...............316 ...............389 ...............319 ...............389 ...............334 ...............351 . . .258,335 ...............389 ...............263 ...............389 ...............389 . . .261,288 ................389 . . .261,262 ...............389 ...............313 ...............324 . . .306,389 ...............303 ...............329 ...............357 ...............351 ...............338 ...............389 ...............389 ...............319 ...............389 258,296,389 ...............339 photo by lagoni . . . . . .... .... ...............389 ...............389 ...............290 ...............289 ...............300 ...............389 ...............389 ...............389 ...............303 Gilstrap, Phyllis Ging, Constance Ginsburg, Gayle Girard, Denyce . . Giss, Linda Gitcho, Hal Giza, Ronald . . . Glance, Donald . . . . Glanz, Wendy . .259,265,305 Glaser, Nancy Glasgow, Joan . . Glassberg, Arnold Glatz, Christine Glatz, James Glazier, Edwin Gleason, Erland Gleason, James . . . . . Glenn, David Glennie, Brian . . Glick, Denise . . . Glick, Glenda . . . Glinisty, Rodney . Goddard, Michael Godoshian, Patricia Goedert, Richard Goeltzenleuchter, G. Gohde, Kathleen Goldstein, Arnold Goldstein, Martin Goldstein, Melvin Goldstein, Stephen ...............389 ...............389 ...............389 ...............389 ...............389 ...............389 ...............389 ...............246 ...............389 ...............389 ...............389 . . .269,326 ...............389 ...............389 ...............389 ...............328 . .. 322 .... 389 ...............317 .... 354 ... 389 .. . ..................334 . . . .321,389 Golomb, James...............315 Golze, Barbara...............336 Gonzalez, George Gonzalez, Julio...............389 Good, Walter..................264 Good, Jane......................389 Good, John......................139 Goodell, George......................320 ................295,389 Goodell, Irene Gooden, Bruce................332,389 Goodheart, Michael . .332,389 Goodloe, Modish . . . .292,389 389 Goodman, Bethany .... Goodman, Gary ......................328 Goodman, Georgeanna . . 389 Goodman, Virginia .... 301 Goodrich, Karen...........389 Goodstein, Harold.......328 Goodwin, Charles.......325 Goodwin, Cheryl...........291 Goodwin, James Gordon, Linda..........................296 Gordon, Mark ..........................390 Gordon, Mayer..........................322 Gordon, Philip................265,316 Goriesky, Gail ..........................390 Gorski, Patricia..............265 Goss, Mary.................304,390 Goss, Martha..................390 ......................360 Gosseaux, Gene Gostlin, Marsha ......................294 Gostow, Terry..........................297 Gottlieb, James ......................322 Gotts, Guy......................322 Goudreau, Susan...........304 Gould, Herbert..........................257 ......................257 Gould, Kenneth .............................413 Gould, Mary ..........................390 Gould, Nancy . ......................390 Gould, William Gowell, Anne..................259 Goyette, Nancy Grabert, Brian Gracey, Peter..................323 Grady, Laura..................390 Graeff, Susan..................390 Graf, Bonnie..................390 Grafe, Linda Graham, Sandra Gramatins, Janis...........261 Granader, Paul..............390 Granat, Arnold..............322 Granger, Sharon Grant, Carolyn................294,390 .............................390 Grant, Peter Grant, Phillip.............................333 Grantham, Keith...........136 Graubner, Sue Graumlich, Thomas .... Gray, Sharon..................390 Graybiel, Christine......306 Gray, Barbara Gray, Carol Gray, Donald..................390 Greanya, Harold..........390 Green, Jacquelyne..................329 Green, Judith . .'......................288 Green, Lauren ..........................390 Green, Marilyn..........................298 ..........................390 Green, Norma Green, Steven ..........................333 Greenamyre, C.M............288 Greenberg, Harold......390 Greenberg, Martin Greene, Robert..............390 ..........................337 .... 262,306,390 .............................390 ......................390 ......................289 ..........................314 ..........................299 330 . . . .289,390 . . .328,390 . . . . . . ..................336 ..................330 . 390 . ..........................251 ..........................311 Greenfield, Linda Greenhalgh, Cindy........355 Greenough, David........325 Greer, Debbie ..........................355 Gregory, George......................250 Gregory, James..........................312 Gregory, John ..........................312 Gregory, Robert......................316 ..................390 Grenzke, Richard Gridley, Cynthia............307 Gridley, Mark ..........................390 Griffin, Carol.............................390 Griffin, Gary....................266,390 Griffin, Judy....................292,390 Griffith, Joyce................390 Grimaldi, Dennis............334 Grimm, Robert................136 Griscom, Marion............390 Groat, Barbara................295 Groener, Kathryn Grogan, Elaine................390 Groh, Dennis.............................390 Groseth, Rolf.............................314 Grosh, James.............................390 Gross, Barbara J................299 Gross, Barbara L...............390 Gross, Barbara J................390 Gross, Karen Gross, Paulete Gross, William Grossa, Randee................390 Grossen, Laura...............302 Grossfeld, Robert Grosshans, Ruth............336 ..........................320 Grossi, Gerald .... 390 Grossman, Stephen Grossman, Suzanne .... 390 Grost, Michael..........................263 ..........................390 Grover, Sandy ..........................390 Gruber, David Grünst, David ..........................312 Gruse, Catherine............390 Gustafson, Deborah Gustafson, Hedy Gustafson, Jon...............313 Guezen, Norene............390 ......................339 Guikema, David Guild, Linda .............................390 Guile, Jeanne.............................390 ..................390 Guilford, William ......................390 Guimond, Mark Gulish, John ....................258,334 Gunn, Loisann..........................390 Gunsolus, Cynthia........390 Gunther, John...............322 Gunther, Susan...............390 Gustke, Larry Gutchess, Gordon........391 Guth, Kathryn...............305 Gutkowski, Shirley Guyot, Robert...............313 Gwisdalla, Thomas........391 Gyurkovitz, Ann............391 ..........................390 . . . .305,390 ..................308 .... 267 .... 391 hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Haapaniemi, John........391 Haas, Gary .................................316 Haas, Kathleen..........................297 Habenicht, Robert........391 Hack, Roger .............................391 Hack, Connie....................291,391 Haeberle, Marcia Haertel, John...................311 Haff, Lawrence..........259,391 . . . .258,391 Hafner, Gloria ..........................: ........................293,: Haga, Rilla Hagadorn, Larry......................! .............................: Hagen, John Hagen, Katherine . . .300,: Hager, Beverly..........................: ..........................: Haggart, Larry Hagman, Jean ................293,: Hahn, Thomas..........................: Hahn, Barbara ..........................: Hahn, Deborah..........................: Haines, Arthur..........................: .............................: Hakala, Don Halbritter, Theodore : Hale, Pamela.............................: Haley, Gregory..........................: Haley, Helen.............................: Hall, Antony....................309,: Hall, David.......................309,: .............................: Hall, Joseph Hall, Mary .................................: Hall, Michelle.......................... . . . . . . 261,262,269,301,: Hallett, Linda ..........................: Hallock, Terry..........................I Halpern, Scott..........................: Halsted, Lee .............................: Halvary, Judity..........................: Hamaker, Karen......................: Hambrick, Judith . . .303,1 Hamel, Douglas . . . .310,1 Hamel, Susan.............................I Hamer, Thomas ......................: Hamilton, Gwen......................: Hamilton, Jennifer............... Hamilton, Phyllis ............... Hamilton, Susan......................: Hamlin, Cathy..........................: Hammar, Dennis......................I Hammer, Carol..........................: Hammer, Lynn..........................; : Hammermeister, Judy Hammock, Glenn ..................: Hammond, Barbara Hamp, Lavon.......................... Hampton, William...............: Hanchak, John.............332,: Hanchett, Cynthia............... Hand, William ..........................: Hand, Cynthia..........................I Handelsman, Rochelle . . . : Hankey, Dennis...................: Hankus, Thomas...................I Hansche, Bruce.......................: Hansen, Jerry...........................: Hansen, Marie Hansen, Susan Hanson, Arthur Hanson, Judy.......................... Hanson, Karen...................... Hanson, Sue .......................... Harabadian, Paula............... Harbachow, Michael Harder, Melvin.......................I Hardke, Gary.......................... Hardke, Gregory . Hardt, Carol Hardy, Greggory...................: Hargrave, Bonnie...................: Harkness, James...................: Harlow, Yvonne...................; Harlton, Bruce.......................I Harman, Ellen Harms, Ralph...........................: Harney, Thomas...................: ...................... ..........................; ......................: . .............................I ...................... . . . . : . . . . : Wolverine Photographer Michael Beasley ¡■Í ■ !* ■■ Wk HI 452 . . Harvey, Mary . . . . . Harvith, Alan Harwick, Marjorie Hasbrouck, Barbara . . . . Haskin, Hans Harnisch, Ronald ..................261 Harper, Anna....................329,392 Harradine, Linda . . . .296,392 Harrell, Donald................259,392 Harrington, C.M..........................392 . . .312,392 Harrington, James Harrington, Larry ..................392 Harrington, Nancy..................268 Harris, Edward..........................392 Harris, John .............................317 Harris, Noel.................................392 Harris, Susan..............................246 Harris, Trevor ..........................115 Harrison, J.K................................392 Harrison, Kathy ......................392 Harrison, Sharon......................392 Hart, Barbara.............................360 Hart, Karen.......................329,392 Hartenburg, Vern 316 117 308 392 364 289 392 250 328 392 ,392 392 392 392 392 350 317 329 392 392 324 392 392 392 392 312 315 392 267 392 250 392 267 329 392 392 392 ,392 310 392 392 392 392 Hayner, Micheál 311 Haynes, Charles Haynie, Norman 392 ,392 Hays, Edward ,300 Hayward, Christine 392 Hayward, H. Garrett , 311 Hayward, Smith Head, Lynn.................................307 Hawkins, Catherine Hawkins, Gloria Hawkins, Mary Hause, Michael Haut, Mark . . Havens, Randall Havlik, Janis Hawkins, Brian Hathaway, Patricia Hauff, Kenneth . . , . . , . . , Haydu, Joseph . . . . . .... . . Headen, John.............................392 Headings, Mary..........................392 Headley, Lillian ......................392 .............................393 Healy, Betsy Heath, John .............................334 Heath, Joyce.............................393 Heathcute, Damei..................310 Hedeman, Larry......................334 ..........................304 Hedges, Peggy Hedrick, Donald......................333 ..........................393 Heen, Frances Heerdt, David ..........................313 Heichel, Gary.............................393 Heidel, Kerry.............................325 Heiden, Ralph .........................316 Heidrich, Lynne......................393 Heine, Michael..........................393 Heininger, Jay..........................334 Heinz, Jeanne ..........................246 Heisler, Robert..........................313 Helber, Mary.............................393 Helbig, Elizabeth......................393 ..........................328 Helfman, Ivan Helm, Kathleen ......................297 .............................393 Helmer, Ben Helvey, Donna..........................393 Helwig, Arleen..........................393 ..................393 Henderson, Betty ..................393 Henderson, Linda Henderson, Stanley . .263,393 Henderson, Steven..................393 ......................393 Hendricks, Julie Hendrix, Harry..........................393 Henige, Nancy..........................393 . . . .333,393 Henning, Roger .... 393 Henrickson, Beverly .... Henry, Janet .258,292 Henry, Sally .............................393 Hensleigh, Linda......................393 Hensley, Gloria................393,410 Herbst, William..........................313 . . . . 393 .... 393 ..................309 ..................314 ......................393 . . . .309,393 ..........................393 .... 393 Herford, Jean..................354 Hergenroether, Peter Hergenroether, M.K.......393 Herhilan, William Herlick, Sally..................269 Herman, Linda..........303,393 Hermann, Janet Hermanson, Carl...........393 Hermsen, Albert Herpich, Mary Herremans, Thomas Herrick, Ann..................393 Herrick, Lisa..................350 Herrmann, Alfred Herrmann, John..........332 Herrmann, Roberta Herrmann, William.......326 .........................393 Herrold, Neva .288,393 Hershiser, Terrie . . . . . . 318 Hertzler, Tim............... .265,393 Hess, Frederick .... . . . 393 Hess, Mary ................... . . . 393 Hesselbacher, Robert . . . 393 Heydlauff, Gloria . . . . . 393 Hibbard, Paul............... . . . 265 Hibbott, Cheryl . . . . . . 300 Hicks, Eileen............... . . . 393 Hicks, Graydon . . . . . . 393 Hicks, Sherry............... . . . 268 . . . . Hidalgo, Alma . . . 393 . . . . Hidalgo, Mary .267,330 . . . . Higbee, Philip . . . 265 . . Higgins, Susan K. . . . 267 . . Higgins, Susan A. . . . 269 . . Higgins, Susan K. . . . 393 . . Higgins, Susan A. . . . 393 . . . Highstreet, A.J. . . . 338 Hiipakka, Richard . . . . . 393 Hill, Richard............... .305,394 Hill, Sandra................... . . . 393 Hill, Anne...................... .262,393 Hill, Donna................... .315,393 Hill, George.................. . . . 393 Hill, James .................. . . . 393 Hill, Jeanette............... . . . 393 Hill, Joan...................... . . . 394 Hiller, Julie................... . . . 394 . . . . Hillman, Janet . . . 394 . . . . Hilton, Lynne . . . 394 ............... Hilts, Gloria . . . 394 . . . Himburg, Marijo . . . 394 . . . . Hime, Howard . . . 265 . . Hinderer, Donald . . . 394 . . . . Hindes, David . . . . Hines, Burton . . . 394 .. . 394 . . . Hines, Margaret . . . 394 Hines, Stanford . . . Hinkley, Frederick . . . . . 394 . . . 315 Hinz, Michael............... . . . 332 Hiser, Michel............... . . . Hoagland, James . . . 355 . 259,267,364 Hoben, Kathleen . . . 394 . Hochhalter, Clayton . . . 394 Hochstetler, P.K. . . . Hockenberger, Joyce . . . 394 . . . 394 Hoddy, George . . . . .330,394 Hodge, Richard . . . Hodge, Suzanne......................394 ..................394 Hodges, Kathleen . . . .259,265 Hoefler, Sharon ......................357 Hoeksema, Pam . . .309,394 Hoekwater, James ..................394 Hofacker, Sandra Hoff, Gregory ..........................312 Hoffman* Jack..........................250 Hoffman, Julius......................394 Hoffman, Kenneth..................261 Hoffman, Max..........................394 ..................289 Hoffman, Natalie ..................394 Hoffman, Pamela Hofman, Nora ................394,395 Hofmann, Charles..................334 Hogan, Patrick..........................360 Hogg, Sally.................................295 Hohmeyer, Louise..................394 Hoisington, David..................394 Holcomb, Pamela ..................394 Holder, Phillip..........................264 Holdridge, Mark......................310 Holihan, Patricia......................394 Holland, Leigh..........................394 Hollander, David......................328 ..................394 Hollander, Judith Hollar, Beverly ..........................288 Holmes, Cheryl..........................394 Holmes, Evelyn ......................291 Holmes, Gerald..........................313 Holmes, J^net ..........................360 Holmes, Ncincy..........................394 Holmes, Susan................299,394 Holmes, Suzanne......................372 Holt, Mary .................................298 Holtschlag, Robert..................394 Holtz, Victor.............................394 Holyoke, Susan ......................303 Homan, Mary.............................394 Honer, George................304,360 Hood, Nancy....................269,394 ......................394 Hooker, Joanne ...................303 ..........................300 ...............394 Hooper, Larry ..........................135 Hooper, Thomas......................394 Hoover, Carol ..........................394 Hoover, Jeanne..........................394 Hope, Susan Hopkins, Stephen Hopper, James..........................394 Hopper, Kathy..........................357 Hopper, Nataly..........................336 Horan, Rebecca Horl, Joyce.................259,288 Hornak, Laurel..............394 Horn, Claudia ...............258,294 Hornung, Janice......................394 Horosco, Pamela......................394 Horst, Ruth......................291 Horton, Richard...........394 ...............335 Horvath, Thomas Horwath, William ..................326 Hoskins, Barry..........................394 Hoskins, Wilburn......................395 Hosner, Penny...............395 Hotaling, Brock Hough, Margaret...........267 Houghton, John......................321 Houghton, Leslie......................395 Houghton, Peter......................332 .........................323 Houk, Russell House, John .............................266 Houska, John...................115 Houska, William ......................337 . . . .339,395 . . .. ..................300 Houston, Roberta.......395 Houtman, Richard.......395 . Houtman, Robert 324 Hovarter, Grace ......................267 Howard, Geraldine..................395 Howard, Peggy..........................297 Howard, Raymond .... 332 Howard, Richard......................323 ..................334 Howard, Stephen Howard, Thomas......................257 Howarth, Mary...............395 Howe, Elizabeth...........303 Howell, Richard A..........315 Howell, Richard K..........395 Howlett, Cynthia Howse, Sandra...............410 .................................395 Hoy, Mary Hoyt, Richard ..........................395 Hoyt, Samuel.............................395 Hoyt, Margaret..........................395 Hren, Shirley.............................395 Hrtanek, Robert...........332 Hsia, Min Gee ..........................299 Huhtala, Jon.............................395 Hubbell, Bruce..........................395 ................303,395 Huber, Sandra Huber, Stephen ......................312 Hudenko, Victor...........395 Hudson, Cathie..........................395 Hudson, Charles......................327 ..................329 Hudson, Margaret ................260,395 Hudson, Kaye Huebner, Mary...............395 ..................335 Huebner, William Huff, Jacquelyn ......................395 Hugger, Raymond..................395 .........................395 Hughes, Carol ..........................395 Hughes, Larry . . . .301,395 Hughes, Pamela Hughley, Linda...............329 .... 395 Huguenard, Joseph Huhtala, Judith ......................395 Huisjen, Marilyn......................395 .............................395 Hukill, Alan .............................395 Hukill, Julia Hula, Richard ................263,395 Hull, Phillip.......................395 Hulme, David.............................395 ................318,395 Hulme, James ......................335 Hultgren, David Hultquist, Donna ..................395 Hults, Richard...............312 Humfleet, Philip............309 Humiston, Diane............395 Hummel, David Hummel, Thomas........135 Humphrey, Denise........292 Humphrey, Susan Humphrey, Susanne Hunemorder, Ann........395 Hungerford, Thomas . . . 395 Hunt, Pamela.............................395 Hunt, Carol.................................395 Hunt, Constance......................395 Hunt, John.......................381,395 Hunter, Jane....................297 .292,395 Hunter, Mary ..........................395 Hupp, Suzann Hurd, William ..........................395 Hurd, Mary.................................297 ..........................395 Hurley, Judith Husar, Marquita . . . .307,395 ..................298 Huschke, Barbara Husted, Donald ......................395 Huston, Roberta......................396 Huston, Roland ......................396 Huston, James.........................395 ..................329 Hutchins, Andrea ..................296 .... 395 ......................335 .. .. . Hutchinson, Grace..................396 Hutson, John.............................396 Hutton, Larrie..........................396 Hwass, Kathy....................301,396 Hyatt, Janet .............................396 Hyde, Richard..........................396 Hyslop, Jimmy..........................396 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiji Ide, Kenneth.............................396 .............................396 Idzik, Judith Indursky, Ethel ......................396 Ingle, Patricia.............................396 Innis, Margaret..........................297 Iravani, Hooshang..................396 .....................................298 Irish, Jill Irons, James ....................315,396 Irons, Peter.................................396 Irving, James.............................396 Irving, Kevyn.............................269 Isca, Joseph.................................247 Isenberg, Steven......................333 .......................258,330 Israel, Ann . .313 Ittigson, Gary.................... Ivey, Ellis.....................................269 Ivins, Bob.....................................247 Jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjijjjjjj ...............299 ...................396 ..........................396 .... .298,396 ...................269 Jackman, John.........................316 Jackson, David................267,396 Jackson, George......................319 Jackson, James..........................266 Jackson, Janice..........................258 Jackson, Laurence ............... 314 Jackson, Richard......................396 Jackson, Sandra ......................292 Jacob, James....................339,396 ......................396 Jacobs, Thomas Jacobson, John................309,396 Jacobson, Stanley..................322 Jacobson, Vicki Jacoby, Carol....................304,396 Jacquot, Stephen ..................320 Jaeger, Barbara................298,396 Jaffe, Marcia.............................396 Jager, Larry.................................312 Jagielky, Gaye..........................396 Jaglowski, Judith Johns, Judi........................297,396 Jajich, James.............................396 Jakovljevic, Gordana . . . 396 Jakubiec, Mary Jalovec, Charles James, David....................327,396 James, Linda....................293,396 James, Sally Jamieson, Bennett..................396 Jamieson, Perry ......................396 Janear, Mary.............................300 Janiga, Constance..................350 ......................310 Janke, Kenneth Jankie, Barbara..........................396 Jannereth, Martin ..................396 Janoski, Thomas......................334 Janowak, Gregory..................396 Janson, Lynn..............................141 Jantz, Richard..........................396 Jaros, Mary.................................297 .............................396 Jarpe, Diane Jarvis, Germaine . . . .396,417 Jaskierny, Douglas..................396 Jaskierny, Janet......................376 Jason, Daniel.............................396 Jason, Dennis.............................396 Jay, Mary.....................................294 .............................396 Jedele, Carol Jedele, Joan .............................396 Jeffree, Janet.............................396 Jeffrey, Pamela..........................396 Jenio, Sam .................................396 Jenkins, Catherine..................396 Jenkins, Joanne ......................352 Jenkins, Julie....................251,356 Jenkins, Roger..........................397 Jenkins, Yvonne......................292 Jenks, Sharon ..........................246 Jennison, Margaret..................397 Jensen, David.............................397 Jensen, Janice.....................329,397 Jeremias, Donna......................290 . . . .291,397 Jespersen, Janet Jeszke, James.............................317 Jewett, James .........................397 Jewett, Mary.............................288 Johns, Adrienne . . . .258,306 Johns, Michael..........................397 Johns, Richard..........................397 Johns, Suzanne................295,397 ......................247 Johnson, Bervin ......................311 Johnson, Blaine Johnson, Cynthia ..................307 Johnson, David..........................315 Johnson, Deborah..................304 Johnson, Elizabeth .... 301 Johnson, Galen..........................397 Johnson, Gregg................318,397 Johnson, Harvey......................397 ..........................398 ......................398 ..................309 Kamar, Victoria Kamerer, William Kamman, Dennis............313 Kanaby, Susan..........................298 Kanarek, Allen..........................311 Kanchar, Laura.........................398 Kane, Michael ..........................351 Kansier, William......................398 Kantor, Mitchell......................328 .... 398 Kanuritz, Katherine Kapilian, Susan...............398 Kaplan, Dale...................308 Kapp, Barbara Karenko, Larry...............324 Karl, Janice.......................398 ..........................310 Karolak, John .... 294 Karstens, Elizabeth Kasenow, Gary..................... 398 Katosh, John..............321,398 Katz, Bruce..................322,398 Katzer, Gail.......................294 Kaufman, Alan..........................328 Kaufman, Barbara..................398 Kaufman, Scott ...................310 Kaunisto, Carol . . . .296,398 Kawula, Gary...................398 Kay, Karen.......................398 Keasling, Hugh................319 Keating, Kathleen........303 Keeler, Judith Keeney, Judith................398 Kehlstrom, Herbert Kehrl, John.......................318 . . .326,398 Keijonen, Robert ..................418 Kelleher, Lindsay Keller, Debbie ..........................307 Keller, Kathleen......................398 Keller, Suellen..........................398 Kelley, Gary .............................398 Kelley, Laura...................336 Kellogg, Robert ......................266 Kelly, Brian.................................398 ..........................288 .... 398 photo by beasley . .307,397 JoJinson, Jacquelyn ...................397 Johnson, James Johnson, John L.........................310 Johnson, John E.........................312 Johnson, John A.........................326 Johnson, John L.........................397 ...................261 Johnson, Judith Johnson, Katherine .... 397 Johnson, Kathleen..................397 Johnson, Keith..........................335 Johnson, Kristen......................301 Johnson, Laura..........................397 Johnson, Linda M......................305 Johnson, Linda L.......................397 Johnson, Lynn................251,360 Johnson, Marson......................397 Johnson, Patrick......................266 ...................397 Johnson, Paulette . 258,306,397 Johnson, Randi Johnson, Richard ..................310 Johnson, Ruth................295,397 Johnson, Sandra . . . .291,397 Johnson, Shirley......................306 Johnson, Sylvia ...................397 Johnson, William E.................323 Johnson, William W.................397 Johnson, William A.................397 Johnston, Brian ......................325 Johnston, David......................397 Johnston, James . . . .310,397 Johnston, Kay..........................360 Johnston, Marcia......................397 Johnston, Mary ......................397 Johnston, Stephen..................310 . . .332,397 Johnston, Terence Jolin, Norman ..........................397 Jolley, Joan.................................397 Jolley, Linda.............................424 Jolly, David.................................314 Jolly, Gaela........................289,397 Jones, Barbara..........................397 .............................313 Jones, David Jones, Frederick......................330 Jones, James.............................313 Jones, Linda .............................397 Jones, Marilyn..........................303 Jones, Michael ..........................397 Jones, Nina.................................336 ..........................314 Jones, Robert Jones, Roderick ......................397 Jones, William ..........................397 ......................301 Jonik, Kathleen Jordan, Richard C......................263 Jordan, Richard D......................135 Jose, Phyllis ..............................293 Joseph, Judy.............................355 Joseph, Kathleen......................298 ..........................397 Jositas, Nancy ..........................360 Jowski, James ..........................309 Joynt, Robert .............................355 Jozel, Roger Juchartz, Beverly ..................296 Jump, Judith.............................397 June, John .......................309,397 Jury, Richard.............................397 Justin, Patricia..........................397 ..........................319 Justin, Robert Justus, Donna ..........................397 Jutte, Arthur.............................397 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ..................397 Kackstetter, Gary .... 397 Kaczmarek, Marcia .... 325 Kaczmaret, Jeffrey Kaczynski, Kay ......................299 Kahler, Susan....................299,397 Kainz, Bonnie ..........................397 Kaley, Patricia..........................398 Kalm, Richard..........................324 Kalman, Julie....................260,298 .... 317 Kalmbach, Michael Kaltenbach, Linda..................301 ..........................398 Kamar, Nickie 453 .... 311 ...............398 .................................322 ..........................398 ..................398 . . .295,398 ......................360 . . . .115,398 Kelly, Janet........................259,265 Kelly, Lawrence......................335 Kelly, Patricia ..........................294 Kelly, Steven..............................311 Kelly, Thomas..........................398 .... 315 Kelterborn, Robert . . t..................398 Kemp, Marilyn Kempf, Richard ......................398 Kendall, David..........................398 Kendall, William......................398 Kendrick, Harry.............135 Kennedy, James.............323 Kennedy, Robert Kennison, Harry......................398 Kenrick, Patrick......................338 Kent, Russell.............................312 Kentro, James..........................337 Kerckhove, Jean......................398 Kernick, Sally,.............251,360 Kershaw, Richard Kersting, Michiele Ketchum, Mary Keyes, Kenneth Keys, Marc Keyser, James Kibiloski, D. Larry . . .335,398 Kieppe, Judith................398 Kilbourne, Douglas Kiley, Leon.......................398 ..................297 Killebrew, Cheryl Killian, Michael ......................398 Kilmer, Margery......................398 ......................320 Kilpatrick, Glen Kimball, William . . . .268,337 Kimberley, Donna........294 ......................327 Kindinger, John Kindle, Nancy ................303,398 Kindt, Gregory................310,398 King, Nancy ....................303,398 King, Pamela.............................398 King, Ruth.................................261 ..........................323 King, Thomas King, Benny ..............................312 King, David.................................398 King, Dennis....................265,398 King, Edward..............................398 King, Roberta ..........................357 Kingdon, Kathleen........398 Kinnamon, Dale......................398 Kinsella, Carmel......................300 Kinsey, Carolyn ......................399 Kinsman, Jane...............359 Kintner, Joy .............................303 Kipley, Linda....................398,364 ..............................398 Kipp, Laurie Kippelman, Marc...........308 Kippola, Georgann........399 Kippola, Sharon...........399 .................................399 Kiriu, Gail Kirk, Suzanne ..........................269 Kirk, Karen.................................399 Kirkland, Robert...........399 Kirkpatrick, Ronald Kirkpatrick, Steven Kirkpatrick, Susan........306 Kirkton, Sylvia...............306 Kirst, Mary......................336 Kissee, Tonnie...............289 Kiswiney, Nancy...........399 Kita, Mary Kitchel, Daniel...............399 Kitti, Mary.................302,399 .... 326 .... 135 .................................298 Kitzul, Pamela......................291 Kladzyk, Helene......................399 KI after, Cary.............................399 Klainer, Daniel..........................399 Kleeves, John.............................399 Kelgon, Douglas......................399 Klein, E. Joyce..........................330 Klein, Judith.............................330 Klein, Rosemary.................. 330 Kleinberg, Fredric..................312 ......................399 Kleiner, Sharon Kleinsmith, Dianne .... 306 Kleman, Rodney......................399 ..........................399 Kliger, Bonnie . . 258,302,399 Kline, Candace Kline, Philip .............................315 Kline, Robert.............................334 Klingenmaier, B.A......................399 Klink, Gregory..........................399 ..........................328 Klinsky, Gary ..........................326 Klug, Thomas . . . .305,399 Klunick, Nancy Knaffle, Mary ..........................302 Knapp, Gayle.............................399 .............................304 Knapp, Jane Knatz, Thomas..........................399 Knaup, Juod.............................332 ......................399 Kniaziuk, Anna Knight, David ..........................399 Knight, M........................................135 Knight, Emma..........................399 ..................399 Knisel, Rosemary Kniskern, Henry......................399 Knoblauch, Wayne..................316 ..........................313 Knoll, Jeffrey Knoop, Henry ................266,399 . Knopfler, Rena................258,290 Knox, Samuel ................261,315 Knutsen, Jay.............................399 ..................360 Kornowski, Carol Kostal, Douglas ......................400 Koan, Noreene..........................399 Kobayashi, Albert..................315 Kobayashi, Kenneth .... 399 Kobayashi, Robert..................315 Koboldt, Karlene ..................289 Kochanski, Alan......................326 Kochenderfer, Donald . . . 399 Kochoff, Michael ..................312 Koeller, Dennis..........................399 Koenigbauer, Susan .... 399 Koenigshof, Carol..................267 Koerker, Susan..........................399 Kohler, Larry.............................261 Kohn, Lorinda..........................399 Kohut, Barbara..........................399 Koivuniemi, Carl......................399 . . . .259,265 Kolasa, Kathryn Kolata, Florence . . . .300,399 Kolb, Charles.............................399 Kolb, Keith.................................399 Kolbe, Christopher .... 323 Kolberg, Beverly......................399 . Kolomyjec, William . .321,399 Komlenic, George..................319 Konde, Ann ....................258,288 Konicki, Linda..........................293 ......................320 Konkus, Lonny ..........................399 Konow, Carol .... 399 Konrad, Karlludwig Koob, Christopher..................257 Koploy, Harry..........................326 300 . .313,400 . .266,400 ...................334 .............................400 Koppel, Joseph..........................399 Kopriva, Donald......................117 Korney, M. Anne ..................399 Korney, Mary ..........................296 Korona, James..........................399 Korpela, John ..........................399 Korpi, Alan.......................309,399 Korzuck, Donna......................399 Koschmann, James .... 399 Kosequat, Judith . . . .354,400 Koss, Steven ....................322,400 Kostner, Eileen................267,40C Kostrzewa, Michael .... 332 Kosttork, Barbara........350 Koth, Rosemary......................400 Kotyuk, Kathleen..................307 ..............................313 Kotz, Robert Kough, Stephen Kouzes, Richard...........400 ......................400 Kovacich, Veda Koven, Judith ..........................288 Kozar, William..........................313 Kozij, Stanley ..........................400 Koziol, Louis.............................323 Kozlowski, Thomas Kramer, Richard...........318 Krammin, Charles........400 Kranich, Barbara...........400 Kranz, Janet Krause, Sue......................290 Krauseneck, Barbara .... Kravitz, Martin...............322 Krawczyk, David . . Kreft, Thomas...............115 Krempa, Diane...............400 ..........................305 Kress, Barbara Kretschmer, Cynthia . . . 294 Krieger, John.............................333 Krieger, Nanette......................400 Krimsky, Dorean . . Kriselewicz, Michele .... Kristall, Wayne...............338 Kroetsch, Deann...........400 Krolik, John Krolik, Patricia...............296 Kroll, Lynn......................339 Kropf, Gary Krot, Gregory Krotzer, Suzanne Kroupa, Kenneth Krouse, Garry Krueger, Robert Krug, Karen Kruger, Kathleen...........267 Krupansky, Sharon .... Krupecki, Joan..............400 Krutka, Mary..................400 Krzciuk, Edward...........321 Kubicki, Donald...........400 Kubicki, Kathleen.......304 Kuchik, Brian Kucinski, Kenneth.......266 Kuczek, Diane..........................304 Kudich, Ronald ......................400 Kuechenmeister, K. Kueffner, Kenneth.......332 ......................335 Kuhna, Michael ......................400 Kulback, Edwin Kulig, Jerome ..........................338 Kulow, Carl.................................400 Kurasz, Gregory......................332 ..................315 Kurchak, Michael .............................400 ..........................400 ..................400 ..................400 ..........................317 . . . .339,400 ..............................267 .............................315 ..........................400 . .265,350 . .291,400 304 289 Kurkowski, Phyllis..................350 .... 400 Kurosky, Constance Kurtis, Patricia..........................400 Kuryla, Sally....................254,400 Kuschinski, Thomas .... 400 Kusza, Thomas................269,400 Kutsche, Mary..........................259 Kuttner, Robin................262,400 Kwapich, Carol..........................400 ......................400 Kwarsick, Larry . . . 321 Kwiatkowski, Michael 11IIIIIII III IIIIIIllllllIIII llllllllIII III Hill IIIII ..................400 Laaksonen, Diane ..................400 Laaksonen, Harry ..........................400 Labell, Judith Lacroix, Eugene......................317 Ladd, Robert . ..........................330 Lafave, Marilynne..................307 Lafkas, George..........................400 Lago, Ruth.................................400 ................247,400 Lagoni, Lance ................297,400 Laitinen, Joan ..................339 Lakanen, Stanley Lake, Beverlie ................329,400 Lake, Katherine......................400 Lamas, Nancy ..........................402 Lamb, Douglas..........................332 Lamb, John.................................311 Lambert, David ......................400 Lambert, Peter..........................400 Lamere, William......................400 Lamie, John .............................263 Lammers, Ross..........................400 Lamont, Linda................364,400 Lampe, Norene..........................267 Lamphier, Vicki......................400 Lance, Terry..............................266 Landau, James..........................400 .............................288 Land, Judith Landers, Susan . . 251,260,400 Landino, John..........................401 Landis, Nancy ..........................301 Landry, Carole..........................401 Landsman, James ..................401 Langan, Barbara......................357 ......................351 Langdon, David Lange, James.............................333 Langereis, Arthur ..................315 Langford, Stephen..................320 Langhorst, William..................319 Langlois, Irene.........................401 Langs, William..........................324 Langschwager, C.A....................296 Lankfer, Carol ..........................259 Lanning, James..........................401 Lanzing, Michael......................401 Lapelle, John.............................317 Lardie, Susan....................257,401 Largo, Michael..........................327 Lark, Georganne . . . .258,291 .............................401 Larkin, Jane ..........................401 Larsen, Karen Larsen, Margaret . . . .293,401 Larson, Carol..............................254 Larson, Ellen.............................401 Larson, Peter.............................319 Larson, Sharon..........................401 Larson, Kathleen......................401 Lashbrook, Lloyd..................401 . . .316,401 Laskowsky, Gary photo by bru baker .............................326 Lasky, John Lasky, Judith...................290 Lasser, Howard...............401 Lathrop, Elaine Lau, Rebecca Lauer, Carol Lauhoff, Mary..........401,420 Laundre, Elizabeth Lavasseur, Linda............401 Laverty, Russell Law, Monica...................306 ......................401 . . . 258,301,401 .............................401 ......................401 .... 360 Lawler, Jack .............................401 Lawler, John.............................320 Lawrence, Douglas..................401 ......................267 Lawrence, Julie Lawrence, Kathie ..................360 Lawrence, Larry......................401 Lawrence, Richard..................333 Laycock, Harold . . . .260,263 Laycock, John...............401 Lazar, Dennis..............................135 .................................335 Lazar, Gary Lazin, Durelle ................307,401 Leach, Diana.............................388 ......................332 Leazenby, Gary Leazenby, Marcia ..................246 Lebel, Richard...............401 .............................401 Lebo, Gayle . . . .308,401 Lebovitz, David ......................401 Leckrone, Ruth .........................401 Lecours, Leon ................339,401 Ledford, Billy Ledyard, Roberta ..................401 Lee, Coleen.................................401 Lee, Craig . .................................401 Lee, Rosalyn.............................401 .................................289 Lee, Sarah .............................309 Lee, William Leemgraven, Jack ..................310 ..........................265 Lees, Deborah Lefurgy, James..........................335 Lehman, Carrol ......................401 Lehman, Maureen..................401 Lehnert, Linda.........................401 Lehsten, Barry..........................401 Lehsten, Holly..........................401 ..................325 Leibhan, Stephen ......................401 Leibold, Cheryl ......................401 Leifer, Maureen Leighton, Frances . . .295,401 Leiser, David......................314 Leitz, Judith..............267,401 Lemon, Betsy Leneway, Robert Lennon, Mark Lentz, Timothy Leonard, Diana...................401 Leonowicz, Kenneth .117,136 Leplae, Denise..........258,306 Lessard, Catherine...........307 Lester, William..........................401 Leszczynski, C.............................401 . . . 401 Leszczynski, Richard Letkemann, Karen...........402 Leutz, Dave..........................355 Levandoski, Cindy...........354 Levey, Larry.............................322 Levin, Leslee.............................402 Levine, Carol......................330 Levine, David.............................328 Levine, Jeff.................................328 Levine, Linda..............................290 ..........................351 Levitan, Arlan 401 Levy, Sheila Lewin, Morris ..........................402 Lewis, Catherine......................295 ..........................291 ..................401 ..........................401 ......................312 Lewis, Elizabeth......................402 Lewis, Jack........................135,402 Lewis, Linda.............................298 Lewis, Sheet ah..........................288 Lezell, Mark ....................328,402 L'Huillier, Robert...........360 Liblong, Richard..............324 Licht, Sandra......................402 Lichterman, Michael .... 402 Lichtman, Robert..................308 Lichty, Lee.................................402 Liebaert, Richard ..................327 Liefer, Linda.............................290 Lightfoot, Linda......................293 Lilly, Deborah..........................294 Lilly, Douglas ..........................402 Lindemann, Merry..................402 Linder, Howard ......................335 Lindner, Ellen 251,260,295,357 Lindquist, John ......................260 Lindsley, Charles......................311 Linfor, Diane.............................402 Linne, William..........................135 Linnell, Cynthia......................259 Lipka, Michael..........................267 Lippincott, Peter......................402 Lipshaw, Marsha......................330 ..................325 Listerman, James Liszak, Alan .............................402 Litchman, Michael..................333 Litos, Gloria .............................402 Little, Kenneth..........................136 Little, Sally.................................402 Little, Thomas................333,402 ......................333 Little, Timothy Littlefield, Donald..................402 Littleton, Carol ......................402 Littleton, Judy................251,364 Litwin, Sharon..........................402 Livermore, Terry......................325 Livesay, Donald ......................402 Livesay, Rita.............................402 Lloyd, Juanita..........................364 Lo, Joan .....................................402 Lobker, Starlene......................402 Loby, Phillip.............................308 Locatis, Daniel..........................321 Locatis, Gordon......................321 Locke, Frederick ......................338 Locke, Robert..........................402 Locke, Terence..........................326 Locker, Nancy..........................305 Lockhart, Donna......................402 .............................402 Loder, Keith .............................330 Loeb, Diane Loeffler, Marcia ......................402 Loerke, Robert................250,324 . .259,402 Lohrman, Elisabeth Lommel, Barbara ..................298 Londo, Charles................333,402 London, Bruce..........................315 Lonergan, Thomas..................332 Loney, Glenn.............................402 .................................359 Long, Sara Long, Thomas ..........................338 Long, Vicki.................................402 Long, William ..........................266 Long, Candace..........................402 Long, Linda .............................293 Longhi, Danny.........................402 Lonik, Gary .............................319 Lonik, Larry......................... 319 ..................402 Lonning, Stephen Loo, Virginia.............................364 Loomis, Robert ......................402 Looney, Phillip..........................320 Loose, Kathleen......................402 Lopez, Michael................261,402 Lopker, Catherine..................303 Lore, James.................................402 Lorencz, Mary..........................402 Lorentzen, Robert..................319 Lorenz, Dolores......................402 ....................244,328 Loria, Gregg Loria, Olivia .............................402 Losch, Andrew..........................402 Losey, Richard..........................402 Lougheed, Gail..........................402 .... 301 Loughlin, Charlotte Lou res, Michael ......................315 Love, Diane........................294,402 Lovings, Marcine . . . .364,402 Lowe, Jean...................... 294,402 Lower, Arthur.........................321 .............................360 Lowry, Pam .............................402 Lozier, John Lucas, Leslie..............................115 .............................301 Lucas, Marie Luce, Rosalyn ..........................402 Luck, Martha.............................305 Lucow, Celiz....................290,402 Ludwicki, Lawrence .... 402 Luedtke, Carol..........................403 ..........................291 Luft, Kathryn Lum, Nancy .............................350 Lundborg, Peter......................403 Lunde, Linda.............................403 Lundquist, B.J.............................403 Lundy, Janet.............................403 Lupia, Christie................258,298 Lupinski, Dennis......................326 Luques, Walter..........................330 Luscher, Laurel ......................267 Luther, Doris.............................403 Luttinen, Calvin......................315 Luttrell, Jean.............................295 ..........................322 Lutz, Leonard Lux, Janet .................................403 Luzius, Donna..........................403 ......................321 Luzod, Andrew .................................317 Lydy, Paul Lynam, Kenneth . . . .246,324 Lynas, Linda.............................403 Lynch, David.............................319 Lyndon, Mary ................296,403 Lyndrup, Jerrold......................324 Lynn, Gaye.................................403 ..........................403 Ly.ons, Daniel mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Maas, Marjorie . . 262,306,403 MacConnell, David..................403 .... 403 MacCracken, Bruce MacDermaid, Gail..................403 MacDonald, Deborah . . . 305 MacDonald, Liana..................403 Mace, Scott.................................315 Maceachran, Roland .... 334 Machalleck, Kathy..................300 Machuga, Dennis......................338 Mac Isaac, Myra................364,403 Mack, Marjorie..........................403 Mackenzie, Louise............... 403. Mackenzie, Walter..................318 .... 403 Mackercher, Robert ..........................403 Mackie, Curtis Mackie, Roxanne . . .268,336 . . . .295,403 Maclaren, Eileen Maclaren, Leslie ......................403 Mac Lean, Douglas..................313 MacNaughton, Jill..................261 Macon, Susan.............................403 MacPherson, Holly..................350 .... 403 MacPherson, James MacWilliams, Janet . .298,403 Madarasz, Marjorie..................306 Madden, Gene................268,337 Madill, Ellen .............................403 . . . .292,403 Madison, Shirley Maedel, Lynn..............................298 Maggetti, Mary..........................357 Magid, Susan.............................403 Magistro, Mary..........................403 Magraw, Robert......................267 Mahan, Mary......................... 403 Mahder, Theresa......................404 Mahlberg, Patricia..................403 Maier, Carol ....................289,403 Maier, Mary.................................403 Majchrzak, T.L............................403 Major, Patricia..........................258 ......................321 Makela, Ronald ..................327 Makosey, William .............................403 Malay, Mary Malchie, Dana ..........................294 Malena, Sally.............................403 Malewich, Deborah .... 306 Malinowski, Joette..................403 . . . 403 Malishenko, Timothy Malknecht, Kay ......................259 Mallen, Donna..........................403 .... 313 Mallindine, William ......................403 Mallory, Cheryl Mallon, James ..........................315 Malone, Elizabeth..................259 Malone, Sandra..........................403 Maloney, Joseph......................330 Maloney, Richard ..................321 Malpass, Frederick..................403 ..................298 Malzahn, Barbara ..................322 Manchel, Howard ..................327 Manchester, Jeryl . .335,403 Manchester, Robert Maneikis, Donald ..................403 Maneikis, Mary..........................403 Mang, Michael ..........................403 ......................250 Manko, Edward Mann, Thomas..........................324 Mann, Cynthis..........................403 Manners, Chris..........................250 Manners, John..........................403 Mannett, Kendra......................355 Mannina, Michael ..................326 Manoogian, John......................403 ..........................403 Manske, Carol ..........................403 Mantel, James Mantel, Joyce ..........................404 Mantey, Diana..........................404 Mantoan, Sandra . . . .329,404 Maranto, Mary..........................354 Marble, Patricia ......................404 . . . 404 Marckwardt, Edward Marcy, David.............................404 Marett, Richard ......................404 Margeson, Susan......................291 Margolin, Leda..........................290 Marion, Robert..........................404 Markle, John.............................318 .... 294 Markovich, Suzanne Marks, Daniel.............................326 Marks, Judith ..............................404 Marks, Michael..........................334 Marks, Sherwin..........................328 Marquez, Editha......................268 Marquoit, James......................326 Marsden, Stephen . . .334,404 Marsh, James.............................404 .............................404 Marsh, Janet . . 258,262,301 Marsh, Jeannie Marshall, Mary . . 251,260,354 Marshall, Susan..........................291 Marshall, Thom ......................404 Marsik, Carla.............................329 ......................404 Marston, Gerald Martel, Richard ......................321 Martin, Dawn.............................364 Martin, Diane.............................404 Martin, Joellen..........................291 Martin, John....................310,404 Martin, Melinda ......................304 Martin, Robert J.........................404 Martin, Robert R........................404 Martinson, Shirley..................404 Marvin, David ..........................326 Marvin, Jeralyn..........................404 Marvin, Michael . . . .310,404 Marx, Caroline..........................404 ..........................250 Marx, Richard Marzec, Paul .............................261 Maslanka, William..................404 Mason, Carolyn ......................404 Mason, Peter.............................321 ......................325 Mason, Stephen Mason, Thomas ......................404 Massey, Robert..........................330 Massoglia, Charles..................331 Masson, Margaret ..................404 Mastenbrook, P.A......................294 ......................311 Matasick, Bruce ..................404 Materka, Suzanne Matheny, Ronald . . .339,404 Mathers, Wi’liam......................320 Matheson, Jeffrey..................338 Mathews, Celia..........................265 Mathewson, Gibson .... 404 . . .334,404 Mathisen, Richard .............................332 Matson, Paul .... 294 Matsuyama, Evelyn Matteson, Chari ......................259 Matthews, Barbara..................404 Matthews, Diane......................260 Matthews, Scott......................404 . . . .293,404 Mattison, Janice Matuszak, John ......................330 Matzelevich, E.A.........................259 Mauerberger, Stuart .... 328 Maul, Susan.................................404 Maurer, Elizabeth ..................336 Maurice, Eugene......................311 .................................267 Maus, Jane Maute, Sandra ................303,404 Mautz, Robert..........................265 Maxwell, David..........................404 .............................328 May, Dennis .............................318 May, Robert Mayer, Norman ......................322 Mayes, William................355,404 ......................334 Mayhall, Steven Mazurek, James ......................404 McAbee, Michael......................374 McAllister, William..................404 McAnulty, Maureen .... 404 McArthur, James......................404 McArthur, Patricia..................404 McAuliffe, James . . .334,404 McCall, Margery......................291 ......................404 McCall, Patricia ......................302 McCallum, Jane McCann, Merris ......................404 McCarthy, Michael..................404 McCarty, Thomas..................404 McCaslin, Edward..................330 McCaughna, K.A.........................404 McCauley, Patrick..................404 . . .313,404 McCauley, William ......................320 McClain, Gerald .... 404 McClarnon, Melanie McClaskey, William .... 405 McClasky, Joan ......................405 McCleary, Ken..........................405 McCleary, Sarah......................303 McClellan, Kenneth .... 405 McClellan, Patricia . . .288,405 McClendon, Soboghana 405,426 McClure, Carole......................405 McCollum, Ronald..................405 ..................405 McConkey, Linda McConnell, Barbara . .297,405 McCord, Richard ......................333 McCormick, Robert . .260,405 McCowen, Robert..................405 ..........................405 McCoy, Adam McCready, Kathryn .... 405 McCuiston, John......................405 McCulloch, Dean......................405 McDaniel, Gary ......................405 McDaniels, Richard .... 360 McDermott, Catherine 294,405 McDonald, Billy . . . .263,405 McDonald, John......................339 .405,415 McDonald, Mary Ann McDonald, Theresa . .303,405 McDonald, Vickie..................405 McDougall, Kay ......................301 McDowell, John......................324 McDowell, Susan......................405 McDuffie, Heidemarie . . . 405 McFarland, Dorothy .... 294 McGannon, James..................405 McGarr, Mary .........................405 McGaw, Nancy..........................405 McGee, Robbie..........................357 ..........................405 McGhee, John .... 316 McGilliard, Michael McGinnis, Mary ......................405 McGregor, William..................326 McGuire, Patricia ..................295 McHugh, Mary..........................301 Mclntire, Lynne......................405 ..................405 McIntosh, Shirely . . . 405 McIntyre, Constance McJilton, Shirley......................405 McKay, Ruth.............................405 McKay, Thomas......................263 McKee, Georgia . . . .296,405 McKeever, Linda......................329 ......................405 McKellar, Anne . .334,405 McKennie, Thomas .... 405 McKenzie, Kathryn 455 McKillop, Linda......................301 McKinnie, C.A.............................312 McKinnon, Michael .... 405 McKnight, Barbara . . .251,350 McLaughlin, Claudia .... 405 McLaughlin, David..................405 McLaughlin, William .... 405 ..........................405 McMall, Diane McMichael, Betty ..................304 McMillan, Marcia......................289 McMillan, William . . .334,405 McMillin, John..........................311 McMullen, Dennis..................405 McMullen, Marilyn..................405 ..................315 McNally, Edward McNally, Robert......................266 McNamara, Richard .... 310 McPhail, Kathleen..................405 McPherson, Gregory .... 332 McPherson, Sandy..................405 McQueen, Charles..................323 McQueen, Cynthia..................405 McRae, Donna..........................405 ......................405 McRae, Richard McWherter, Lois . . . .292,405 Mead, Chris.................................406 Means, Mary .............................406 Meardon, John..........................406 Mearse, Robert..........................333 .............................406 Meek, Linda Meckstroth, Sharon .... 406 Mehall, James . ......................334 Meier, Barbara..........................301 Meinecke, Jean..........................364 Meinhard, Denise ..................296 Meinhart, Thomas..................406 Melcher, Marlene . . . .297,406 ................297,406 Melkus, Karen Mellor, David..............................250 Melpolder, Thomas .... 321 Melton, Cathie..........................406 . . 262,299,406 Melville, Janet Mendeljian, Charles .... 406 Mendelsohn, Nona..................330 Mendham, Donald..................324 Menges, Carolyn......................406 Merchant, Anne......................406 ......................406 Merchant, Mary . . . .117,136 Merchant, Roger Meredith, Patricia ..................406 Merritt, Thomas......................406 Mertz, Donald.............................320 .............................406 Mertz, Faith Mertz, Ronald ..........................406 Messer, Jay.................................326 Messer, Robert..........................406 Messmer, Candace..................307 Metz, Kathleen..........................294 Metzler, Eric .............................406 Metzler, Patricia......................406 .... 406 Meuwissen, Jeffrey . . . .302,406 Meyer, Christine Meyer, Curtiss ..........................327 Meyer, Linda.............................406 Meyer, Linda.............................406 Meyer, Sandra ..........................406 Meyers, Judith..........................406 Mezzo, Michael..................264,321 Miccoli, Michael........................406 ..........................406 Michaels, Ann Michaelson, Carol ..................364 Michalski, Joanne..................297 Michel, Maureen . . . .246,303 Michelsen, James......................319 Mick, Millicent..........................301 .... 267 Middleton, Carolyn Middleton, Sue..........................406 Mieduch, Mary..........................406 Mih'alchik, Deborah .... 306 Mikel, Douglas..........................406 Mikulich, Jane..........................291 Miles, Sharon.............................406 Miles, Susan .............................303 ......................406 Milke, Kathleen Miller, Barbara..........................406 Miller, Bonnie ..........................406 .............................406 Miller, Carol Miller, Constance ..................355 Miller, Craig L..............................314 Miller, Craig A..............................406 Miller, Dale.................................406 Miller, David H............................317 Miller, David L.............................406 Miller, Dennis ..........................320 Miller, Douglas................338,406 Miller, Elaine.............................406 Miller, H. Louise......................406 Miller, Jacqueline . . .258,304 .................................333 Miller, Jan .............................406 Miller, Janet Miller, Jeffrey ..........................321 Miller, John........................269,406 Miller, Judith.............................303 Miller, Kathleen ......................406 Miller, Kathy.............................259 .............................406 Miller, Kaye Miller, Kenneth ......................406 Miller, Lon.................................325 Miller, Margaret . . . .299,406 Miller, Marilyn..........................40&- ..........................303 Miller, Marsha Miller, Martha ..........................300 Miller, Michael..........................313 Miller, Michael..........................338 Miller, Mitchell..........................244 Miller, Nancy.............................307 ..........................406 Miller, Norma Miller, Pamela ..........................299 Miller, Richard..........................135 Miller, Ruth .............................330 Miller, Steven.............................311 .............................316 Miller, Terry ..........................297 . . . .305,410 Osterhout, Ralph ...............311 Osterwald, Arthur...............311 Ostein, Beverly................410 Ostrander, Delores.........410 Ostrom, Paula Otaskey, Beverly Ott, Rodney .............................410 Otto, Patricia.............................295 .............................410 Otto, Elaine ..........................267 Otto, Kenneth Otto, Leone .............................407 Ouellette, Susan............289 Ovaitt, Kerry....................294 Overbeek, Dale..........................410 Overholt, Peter..........................265 Overton, Kenneth Owen, Virginia...........295,410 Owen, Kathleen Owen, Kathy Owens, Joseph................333 Oyer, Joseph....................335 Oyo, Walter.......................410 ......................410 . . . 295,410,423 . . .268,337 pppppppppppppppppppppppppp .... 323 .............................410 Padgett, Gregory............410 .............................410 Paeth, Linda Paff, William .............................320 Page, Michael.............................410 Page, Susan.................................300 Page, Gregory ..........................410 Page, Janice.................................410 Pahssen, Christine........410 Paige, Mary.......................410 Painchaud, Michael Painter, Constance........410 Pak, Behzad Palafox, Anastacio.........268 Palma, Michael..........................410 Palmer, Janice................262,410 .............................410 Palmer, Nick Palmer, Richard ......................326 Panek, Walter.............................269 Pankhurst, Jerry............244 Panter, Richard ......................314 Panza, Dennise................289,410 Pape, Dieter .............................410 Papp, Diana.................................265 Parafin, Shirley..........................410 Parenti, Robert..........................263 Paris, Anthony..........................339 Paris, Martha.............................350 Paris, Michael......................... 334 Park, Mary .................................410 Park, James.................................410 Parker, Bonnie..........................410 . 267,294,410 Parker, Cynthia .............................303 Parker, Jane Parker, Steven ..........................410 Parker, Susan.............................301 ..........................410 Parker, William .... 410 Parkhurst, Benjamin ................296,410 Parkin, Nancy Parks, Konnie ..........................251 Parliament, Ann............410 Parr, Lizabeth Parsons, Bill Parsons, Robert Partlan, Brian...................360 Pasant, Thomas Pash, Gregory Paskiewicz, Mary............410 Pastula, Melvin...............334 Pataniczek, Dennis........410 Patterson, Aimee............410 Patterson, Garvin ..........................410 .............................351 ......................313 ......................410 ..........................335 ..................264 .... 411 .............................247 ................289,411 .... 411 .................................411 .............................411 ..........................136 ..........................411 ......................411 Patterson, George ..................410 Patterson, Linda......................296 Patterson, Marilyn..................364 Patterson, Mary ......................411 Pattinson, Thomas..................360 Patton, Charles...............257 Paul, John Paul, Martha Pauli, Richard Paulson, Lynn Pavlinak, Albert Pawloski, Gerard............411 Payea, Norm Payette, Judith...............411 Payne, Anna ....................269,411 Payne, Elizabeth......................267 ..........................411 Payne, Marsha Pechur, Robert...........309,411 Peck, Glenn.......................411 Peckham, Kay Peckham, Stephanie Peebles, Nancy...............411 Peet, Mary .......................306,411 Pekeski, Ralph..........................411 ......................411 Pelfrey, Michael Pence, John.......................411 Penney, Edward...........325 Pentkowski, Jeffrey Penz, David.......................411 pepper, Lee.......................411 Perilloux, Richard........313 Perkins, Judy....................294,411 ......................350 Perkins, Leanne Perlman, Janice . . . .330,411 Perlstein, Arthur............267 Perry, Lee..........................335 Perry, Marilyn ..........................336 Peters, Aileen.............................304 Peters, Donald..........................335 Peters, Glenn.............................335 Peters, Joanne..........................350 Peterson, Ann ..........................305 Peterson, Dorn...............411 Peterson, Eric ..........................250 Peterson, Gary..........................411 Petrey, Robert..........................322 Petrie, Elizabeth......................259 ......................411 Petrini, Edward Petris, Joyce .............................411 Pettapiece, Jan...............294 .............................411 Pettelle, Rae Petterson, Joseph ..................411 Pettigrew, Daniel . . . .319,411 Petty, Deborah..........................336 Petty, Timothy..........................411 Petzler, Lois .............................354 Pfeiffer, Kathryn......................304 Pfennig, Nora....................299,411 ..........................314 Phelan, Daniel .............................411 Phelps, Judy Phillips, Charles ......................411 Phillips, Hilanius......................411 Phillips, John....................260,318 ................267,411 Phillips, Linda Phillips, Linda ..........................411 Phillips, Michael......................333 Phillips, Patricia ......................411 Phillips, Patti.............................411 ..........................335 Phillips, Philip Phillips, William ......................411 Piccione, Anthony..................334 ......................303 Piccioni, Arlene Pickard, Janet ................298,411 Pickering, Linda............307 Pickett, Lauren................411 Pickier, Jerry...................330 Wolverine Photographer Bob Ivins . .338,407 .............................407 ..................407 . 265,316,407 ..........................296 334 .............................407 ..........................407 Miller, Thomas...............326 Millerick, Barbara Milligan, Robert Millikin, Michael...........320 Mills, David.................................407 Mills, Jeffrey.............................325 Mills, Mary .................................407 Mills, Michael.............................321 .............................407 Mills, Nancy ..........................323 Mills, Thomas Milne, Sally......................407 Milnes, John Minahan, John...............310 Miner, Beverly Minninger, Thomas .... Mintz, Ellen Mish, Cynthia Misiti, John......................407 Misner, William...............320 Misunas, Barbara......................407 ..........................407 Misunas, Peter Misze, Kathleen ......................267 Mitchell, Bonnie......................407 Mitchell, Bruce..........................407 Mitchell, Carol................268,407 ......................407 Mitchell, Daniel Mitchim, Charlotte . .265,360 Mitroka, Theresa......................407 Mittelstaedt, Henry Mitter, Terry..................324 Mizdrak, Victoria ..................304 Moakes, Linda..........................407 Mocella, Michael......................315 Moceri, Joseph..........................310 Mock,John......................117 Moehr, Elinor ................359,407 Moffat, Gerald..........................314 Moffitt, Thomas......................327 Mohney, Dennis......................407 Mohney, Linda..........................298 Molenda, Mark..........................407 ..........................407 Moline, James Mollenkopf, Jannis .... 259 Monahan, Denis...........309 Monroe, James..........................316 Monroe, Michael......................360 Monroe, Thomas......................407 Monson, Ann.............................407 .... 297 Montgomery, Leigh Montmorency, Marilyn . . 407 Moon, Sally.................................407 Moon, Karen....................251,407 Moonen, Carolyn . . .295,407 Moor, Kathy.............................407 Moore, Ann.................................303 Moore, Carl.................................330 Moore, Emily.............................297 Moore, George..........................407 ..........................407 Moore, Gerald Moore, Judy . . . 258,307,407 Moore, Larry.............................327 Moore, Lawrence ..................261 Moore, Linda.............................407 Moore, Mary .............................265 Moore, Michael..........................351 Moore, Richard ......................407 Moore, Robert..........................315 Moore, Ronald..........................407 Moore, Sallea.............................293 Moore, Sandra..........................407 Moore, Sara........................292,407 Moore, Susan.............................407 Moore, Thomas ......................407 Moorer, Donnell...........407 Moose, Karen..................294 Morales, Rosa Moran, Valerie...............407 ...................115 Morant, Franklyn Morath, Irene.............................307 ......................321 Morden, Robert ..........................244 Moretsky, Sanford........407 ......................407 Morgan, Joseph Morgan, Mary ..........................259 Morgan, Michael......................407 Morgan, William......................407 Morgenroth, Bob......................334 Morhart, Claudia......................407 . . . .246,407 Morison, Russell Morone, Donna . . . .364,407 Morrell, Niki...................354 Morrill, Jon......................407 Morris, Kathleen......................306 ................296,407 Morris, Laurie Morris, Randall..........................407 Morris, Ronnie..........................321 Morrisey, Carolyn..................289 Morrison, Gary..........................334 Morrison, Richard..................408 Morrow, Michael...........326 Morse, Claire.............................294 Morse, Linda.............................408 Morse, Mark .............................408 Mortland, Janice......................302 Morton, Hannah......................408 Moscicki, Eve....................304,408 . . . .334,408 Moseley, Charles Moses, Marilyn..........................408 Moses, Richard..........................325 Mosher, Phyllis................299,408 . .306,408 ......................328 386 408 ..................312 .................................408 408 Mostov, Charles Motz, Carla......................299 Moul, Dale Moultrie, Benjamin .... Mrozek, Thomas...........269 Murtagh, Maureen.......296 Muehlhauser, Gayle Muehlhauser, Jane.......301 Mulbarger, Barbara .... Mulbarger, Randall .... Mulchahey, Terry Mulholland, C.J................300 Mullally, Robert...........338 Mullen, Carol.............................408 ......................301 Mullen, Patricia Mulligan, Brigid ......................302 Mulrenan, Nancy . . . .295,408 Mumford, Peter . . . .321,408 Mumy, Ken........................267,408 Munch, Martha..........................408 Munn, Kathleen ......................294 Munro, Patricia..........................408 Munro, Phyllis................299,408 Murahata, Richard.......263 Murdock, Deana...........364 Murphey, Richard.......408 ..........................314 Murphy, Jerry Murphy, John ..........................408 Murphy, Kathleen..................307 Murphy, Michael.......................136 Murphy, Tamsin......................408 Murray, Karen..........................307 ......................408 Murray, Michael Murton, James..........................309 Musico, Susan ..........................300 Muskovitz. Harold.......322 Muzyczka, Philip...........408 Muzzarelli, Mary Myers, Charles................332,408 Myers, David.............................408 Myers, Donna ..........................251 Myers, Garry..............................139 Myers, J. Pierce . . . .268,336 .................. 258,260,314,408 Myers, Richard...............261 Myerson, Will iam ..................328 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn . .. . . . .259,408 .............................408 .............................306 .............................408 ......................408 .............................408 .... 408 ......................360 .... 408 Nabozny, Victoria.......408 Nagaj, Susan Nagao, Suzanne Nagel, Betty Nagucki, Antoinette Nagucki, Donna Nakayama, Kimiko Nalepa, Thomas Nametz, Michael..........408 Nank, Constance..........408 Napier, Joann ................350,408 Nason, Anne.............................408 Nastas, Robert..........................408 ......................310 Natzmer, Floyd ..........................408 Navarre, Mary Navetta, Christopher . . . 408 Neary, Daniel..................408 Needle, Ernest..............308 Neese, Paula Neff, Barbara..................298 Negron, Miguel.........316,408 Neill, Nancy Nelles, Nancy..................307 Nelson, Brian.............................257 Nelson, Carol....................288,408 Nelson, Christine......................408 Nelson, Signe.............................408 Nelson, Geraldine 260 .. .............................408 Nelson, Glee ..........................408 Nelson, James Nelson, Jane .............................261 Nelson, Jon.................................339 ......................408 Nelson, Kristine Nemecek, Raymond .... 338 Nepjuk, Lawrence..................408 Nettles, Helen ................292,408 Netzloff, Terry..............408 Neumann, Meredith Neumeister, David.......256 ..........................265 New, Lorraine ..........................136 Newby, David Newell, Jane .............................408 Newton, Ray.............................317 ................316,409 Newton, Glen ......................318 Newton, Joseph Nichols, Clarence ..................409 Nichols, Martin..........................247 ......................409 Nichols, Sandra Nicholson, Gary ......................409 Nickel, Elizabeth......................297 Nickel, James.............................409 ......................314 Nicklas, Robert Niedzielski, Frances .... 409 Nielsen, Cheryl................289,409 ................298,409 Nielsen, Janet ......................409 Nielsen, Patricia Nieman, Sharon ......................409 Niemi, Janice....................307,409 ......................409 Niemi, Kenneth ..................317 Nienhuis, William .... 288 ................409,421 ..................325 .............................409 ................258,299 ..........................409 Nietert, Rebecca...........289 Niles, Dennis................ 409' Nimphie, Richard Nirider, Gail Niska, Joanne Nissley, Linda Niver, Raymond...........334 Nivison, Mary Noble, Nancy..................409 .........................409 Nodruff, Judy Noffke, Charles ......................267 Noffze, Robert.........................409 Noftz, Ethlyn .........................409 Noling, John..................261 Nora, John......................409 Norcutt, Gary Norcutt, Larry..............409 Northey, Lynn..............409 Norton, Charlotte..................409 Norton, David .........................409 Norz, Renate..................306 Noskey, Janet Novak, Catherine Nowak, Nancy..............364 Nowakowski, Maria .... Nowicki, Kayleen Nowitzke, Ruth Nutt, Jerry......................311 Nuttila, Andrea Nye, Dale.........................330 Nye, James.....................409 Nygren, Lavern..........................409 ......................297 Nylen, Deborah ..........................269 ..................297 . . .350,359 . . . .267,409 .........................409 . . . .289,409 295 oooooooooooooooooooooooooo .............................312 Oakley, Richard.................. 312 Oben, Cynthia..........................303 Ober, Karl .................................316 O'Brien, Edward..........264 O'Brien, Patricia..........246 Ockey, Gary . . .326,409 O'Connor, Harold ......................338 O'Connor, John O'Connor, Kathryn .... 409 Odea, Patrick.............................317 ..........................409 Odell, Barbara ......................409 Odell, Kathleen O'Donnell, John...........409 O'Donnell, Lynda.......409 . . . 251 O'Donnohue, Donna Offenbecker, Linda .... 409 Offenhauser, Timothy . . . 314 Offringa, Mary..........................294 ......................325 Ogden, Thomas Ogle, Sheryl .............................409 O'Gorman, Robert.......409 O'Grady, Alan................309,409 O'Green, John..........................326 ..........................301 O'Hara, Dacia ..................298 O'Hara, Kathleen O'Hara, Kathleen ..................409 ..........................259 Ohopp, Susan ..........................409 Ojanpa, Linda .............................339 Oktav, Mete Oldenkamp, Ronald .... 309 Oldford, Jerry ..........................335 O'Leary, Timothy..................409 Olejnik, Anthony ..................409 Olejnik, Stephen......................338 Olender, Allen...............322 Oliver, Dale .... 260,263,409 ..........................354 Olson, Adrian .............................409 Olson, Carol Olson, Christy ...................... 409^ Olson, David.............................409 Olson, John.................................409 Olson, Karen.............................409 Olson, Michael..........................135 Olson, Richard..........................330 Olson, Sally.................................336 Olstrom, Janet..............364 Olwin, Susan..................409 Olynyk, Philip..............410 O'Malley, Thomas..................312 O'Meara, Dennis......................410 Ondrus, James 317 O'Neil, Peggy.............................410 O'Neill, Mary.............................410 O'Neill, Stephen......................323 Onon, James.............327,409 Oppenheim, Calvin .... O'Reilly, James O'Reilly, Richard Orenstein, Lon..............322 Orlikowski, Robert .... Orlov, Paul......................410 Orndorff, Karen...........259 Orr, Deborah....................265,354 Orr, Nancy.................................410 Orr, Susan .... 260,354,410 Ort, Carol.....................................410 Ortman, John ..........................259 Orton, Richard..............410 Osborn, Douglas...........318 Osborne, Peter..............312 Osher, Susan..................290 Ossipove, Ronald Oster, John......................309 410 ......................335 . . .315,410 ..................308 326 . . . . . . 456 Picklo, Paul...................... Pieper, Hollis................... ............... Pierce, Evelyn Pierce, Janis ................... Pierce, Suzanne .... Piette, Edward............... Pike, Douglas................... Pike, Gary ...................... Pikka, Barbara............... .................. Pilar, Victor Pink, Sally ...................... Pintar, Michael............... Piper, John...................... Piper, Judith................... Pisasale, Roy................... ................... Pitt, Michael . . . . Plachta, Thomas Plansek, Robert . . . . Plante, Henry................... Plath, Michael ............... Plato, Kathleen............... Platt, Joan ...................... Platt, Marilyn................... ..411 ..411 . . 411 . . 411 . . 411 . . 411 ..411 ..411 . . 251 . . 135 . . 412 . . 397 . . 412 . . 412 . . 335 . . 322 . . 333 . . 412 . . 314 . . 412 . . 412 . . 300 . . 412 Platt, Nancy ................... Platz, Maryann............... ............... Platz, Paulette . . 412 307.412 . . 306 Plenar, Marilyn............... ...................... Pless, Alda ............... Pletzke, David . . . . Plichta, Stephen Plotkin, Lauren . . . . Plotts, James................... Plourde, Margaret . . . Pious, Stephen............... . . . . Plumb, Stephen Plumtreee, Ann . . . . Pocius, D. Leo............... Pocock, Claudia . . . . Pocze, Roger................... ............... Poggi, Michael Pohnl, Mark .................. . . . Polhamus, William . . . Polinsky, Michael . . . Politowski, Steven ............... Pollack, Linda . . . . Pollard, Charles Pollitt, Mary .................. Pollok, Irene................... Polmanteer, F.C............... Polny, Beverly............... Polus, Edmund............... . . . Pomeroy, Richard Ponchaud, Nancy . . . Pond, Mary...................... ................... Pool, Janyce Poore, John...................... Popenhagen, Janet . . . Popiolek, Jyl.................. . . Poplawsk i, Margaret . . 412 . . 412 . . 355 . . 315 . . 412 . . 135 . . 412 . . 322 . . 412 . . 412 . . 412 . . 412 326.412 . . 326 . . 335 . . 319 . . 412 . . 257 . . 412 . . 136 . . 412 . . 352 . . 412 . . 303 . . 338 . . 266 . . 412 304.412 . . 299 . . 412 . . 412 . . 350 . . 412 photo by ivins Poreda, M.M..................................412 ......................412 Poreda, Stephen Porteous, Ruth................265,412 Porteous, William . . .247,266 Porter, Anne.............................297 Porter, Linda.............................412 Porter, Robert......................351 Post, Alan....................................412 Potter, Douglas..........................412 Potter, Gilbert..........................412 Potter, Jill .................................412 Potter, Lavonne......................246 ................251,357 Potter, Louise Potts, Linda ....................302,412 Povirk, Rudolph......................412 Powell, Kristin................303,412 Powers, Jeffery..........................412 Powers, Penny..........................412 Pozega, Marlys..........................412 Prager, Linda.............................350 .............................332 Pram, David Pratt, Cecile . . . 268,336,412 Pratt, Janis.................................412 Pratt, Kenneth................268,337 ..........................412 Pratt, Pamella Pratt, Robert.............................412 Prazuch, Geraldine..................412 Pregitzer, Janet..........................259 Prelesnik, John.........................412 Prelesnik, Judith......................412 Prescott, Carol................294,412 Preston, George ...................267 ..........................259 Preston, Mary Preston, Patricia......................412 ......................321 Preussner, John ..........................412 Price, Barbara Price, Thomas ..........................311 Priebe, Ronald..........................309 Prieskorn, Linda......................412 Priest, Cynthia..........................412 ..........................412 Priest, Robert ....................330,413 Prince, Gary Prince, Jacqueline . . .294,413 Prince, Jeffrey..........................314 Prince, Nell.................................413 Prince, Theda.............................292 ..........................324 Pritchett, Carl ..................326 Prittinen, Michael Prokupchuk,Joann .... 356 Pruden, Patti.............................291 Prugh, James.............................413 Prylon, Brian.............................332 Pryor, Jeannette......................294 .... 413 Przewoznik, Arleen ..................413 Puechler, Barbara Puhek, Rosalind . ..295,413 Puhl, Janet........................295,413 Pulcini, Joseph................315,413 ......................304 Pulgini, Marilyn ..........................413 Purcell, Leslie .............................294 Purdy, Janis . . .288,413 Purdy, Jerrilynne .........................413 Purdy, Pamela Purves, Lynda .........................413 Purvis, Vickilee..........................260 Puttock, Robert......................413 qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq Quick, Alida .............................329 Quick, Charles..........................413 Quick, J. Bruce..........................310 Quick, Paul.................................413 .............................398 Quick, Terry Quinn, Deborah ......................413 Quinn, Sheila........................ 294 rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Raade, Ronald..........................413 Racine, Robert..........................413 . . .307,413 Radcliffe, Beverly ......................313 Radzinski, Isaac ..........................317 Ragla, William ......................413 Rahaley, Nancy Rainey, Marjorie .258,294 . . . Raisanen, Nancy......................303 Randall, Clifford......................413 Randall, David..........................413 Randall, Geoffrey..................413 ......................413 Randall, Louise Randall, Thomas......................135 Rand, Jeanne.............................301 ......................413 Randolph, Fred Randolph, John ......................333 Rankens, Larry..........................413 Rankin, Gary . . . 263,269,413 Ranney, Thomas......................326 .............................339 Rao, Gondy ....................330,413 Rao, Robert Raphael, Sharon . . . .290,413 Raphael, Taffy..........................330 . . . .328,413 Rapoport, Allen Rapp, Michael ..........................413 Rasey, Jill.....................................413 Rasher, Arthur..........................332 . . . .268,336 Rasmussen, Ann Rasmussen, Karen..................413 ..................413 Rathjen, Gregory ................317,413 Rathke, David Ratner, James ..........................308 Rau, Thomas.............................413 Rausch, James..........................413 Ravey, Charles..........................413 Ravi, Alice .................................267 Rawson, Douglas......................315 Rawsthorne, Beth..................296 ..........................298 Rayl, Lucinda 457 ..................305 .... 413 ..........................244 Rayman, Dale ......................413 Raymond, John Rayner, Peter....................258,334 Razmyoush, Shahram . . . 413 Reader, Richard......................323 ......................319 Reardon, David ................319,413 Reardon, Paul Recknagel, Joann ..................259 Reddy, Patrick................263,269 Reed, Janet.................................350 ..........................333 Reed, Michael Reed, Susan .............................413 Reed, Charles.............................333 Reed, Jesse.................................413 Reefer, Joyce.............................413 Reetz, Gary.................................338 Reichelderfer, T.H.....................314 .... 413 Reichmann, Donna Reid, Dean.......................330,413 Reiley, Michael..........................413 Reilly, Clifford..........................413 Reiman, Robert ......................413 Reinders, James............312 Reinert, Christine Reinhardt, Cynthia Reinhardt, John............313 Reins, Lani.................................413 Reisig, Karen.............................414 ......................414 Relyea, Judith . . . 268,336,414 Relyea, Kay Rempala, Paul ..........................414 Renfrew, Janirie...................267 Rengert, Lawrence..................414 Rennell, Richard......................317 Renner, Phillip..........................328 Renshaw, Claude......................414 ..................414 Renwick, Marilyn Rewbotham, Sharon .... 414 ......................303 Reynolds, Mary .... 351 Reynolds, Timothy Rhinehart, Richard .... 414 Rhodes, Donice ......................414 Rhodes, John.............................414 Rhodes, Sandra ......................414 Ricco, John..................360,414 Riccobono, Maria ..................414 Rice, Rita.....................................301 Rice, Barbara....................295,414 Rice, Jon.....................................317 Richards, Craig..........................310 Richards, Sarah ......................414 Richards, Saranne..................414 Richardson, James . . .247,414 Richardson, Karen........295 . . . 333 Richardson, Kenneth Richmond, Carol......................414 Richmond, Gary...................267 Richmond, Howard .... 318 Richmond, Joseph..................313 Richmond, Patricia .... 414 Richter, Ellen ..........................330 Ricketts, Karen................414 Ricky, Jene..................................256 Ricky, Jo.....................256,414 Ridenour, Charles........318 Riedl, John......................333 Ries, Thomas...................414 Ries, David........................414 Ries, Diane........................414 Rieves, Cynthia Riggio, Gayle...................414 Riipi, Elsa.....................................414 Riley, Betty .............................298 Riley, Jack.................................414 Riley, James E.............................334 Riley, James G.............................335 Ring, Betty.................................414 Ring, David.................................414 .............................414 Ringer, Joan ..........................414 Ringey, Linda Ringwald, Arthur ..................414 Rinkus, Frank ................339,414 Rinna, Randall..........320,414 Riopelle, James Ripmaster, Chris...........318 Risi, Pedro Risner, Elaine Ritsema, Jack Rittenberg, Dale Rivera, Renato...............268 Rizzardi, Maria...............296 Roach, Martha...............302 Roach, Mary Roat, David......................414 Robb, Patsy,...............................256 Robb, Richard...............267 Robbins, Frederick .... 327 Roberge, Lynn..........................302 Roberts, Douglas......................315 Roberts, Franklin ..................323 Roberts, Louis..........................311 Roberts, Ronald . . . .328,414 Robins, Wendy..............355 Robinson, Barbara..................267 ..................414 Robinson, David Robinson, Dorothy .... 268 Robinson, Douglas . . .268,337 Robinson, Earl..........................322 Robinson, Gilbert..................414 .................................414 .........................414 ..........................414 . 290 .............................267 ......................315 ......................414 . Robinson, John ......................414 Robinson, Linda......................355 . . .292,414 Robinson, Patricia Robinson, Robert..................314 Robinson, Tanya......................359 . . . 414 Rockafellow, Bonnie Rodenbarger, Robert . . . 414 Rodgers, Michael......................318 ......................414 Roepke, Robert ......................314 Roeser, Carlton ......................414 Rogers, Barbara Rogers, Patricia ......................330 Rogers, Warren..........................339 ......................414 Rohde, Richard Roland, Robert ......................318 Rolando, Nancy......................312 Roller, Brent.............................414 Rollin, Grant.............................415 ....................293,415 Rollo, Carol Rollyson, Carl ..........................415 Roman, James..........................415 Roman, Karen..........................415 Roman, Robert ......................333 Romine, Carolyn . . . .364,415 ......................415 Rompf, Theresa Root, Ronald.............................415 Root, Diane .............................303 Rorick, Margaret......................415 Rose, Vickie .............................415 Roseberry, Nancy..................415 .................................258 Rose, Alan Rose, Carol .... 260,262,415 Rose, Larry A...............................415 Rose, Larry E...............................330 Rose, Lawrence ......................415 Rose, Lynn.................................415 Roseman, Amy..........................415 Rosenau, Patricia ..................415 Rosenberg, Edwin..................308 Rosenberg, Jack......................308 Rosenberg, Robert..................334 .... 415 Rosenberg, W. Dean Rosenblum, Steven .... 415 Rosene, Dale.............................415 Rosenfeld, Sharon..................415 ..................308 Rosenthal, Anton Rosiello, Judith ......................415 Roskiewicz, Janice..................415 Ross, Scott.................................332 Ross, Barbara.............................300 Ross, John .................................415 Ross, Linda.................................415 Ross, Lynn........................364,415 Rosson, Robert ......................415 Rosthal, Richard......................415 Roth, Allan.................................355 ........................258,303 Roth, Mary Roth, Richard ..........................313 Rothhaar, Charles..................327 Rothlein, Fred..........................415 Roughley, Robert..................246 Routson, David ......................330 Routson, Jeffrey......................415 Rowan, Marsha..........................415 Rowbottom, Bruce .... 415 Rowe, Elizabeth......................415 Rowe, Margaret ......................415 Rowell, John.............................415 Rowling, Robert ......................328 Roy, Arthur .............................415 .............................415 Roy, Connie Roy, James.................................325 Roy, Marlene.............................415 Royce, Susan.............................303 ..................308 Rozanoff, Gerald Rubenstein, Phyllis .... 259 Rubin, Ross .............................333 Rublein, Brian..........................415 Rubovits, Jean..........................415 Ruby, Timothy ......................415 Ruch, Joseph.............................415 Rudick, Donald ......................308 Rudnicki, Linda......................415 Rudy, Richard.........................415 Ruekberg, Sylvia . . . .258,290 .... 415 Ruggerole, Margaret Ruhl, Cynthia ..........................301 Rummel, Margaret..................291 Rumora, Matthew..................315 Rumph, John.............................415 Rupley, Jerry.............................314 Rupp, Marjorie..........................415 Rupprecht, Dale......................323 Rupprecht, Gary '...................415 Russell, Alan....................337,415 Russell, James .........................326 Russell, Mary.............................378 Russell, Mary.............................415 Russell, Wayne . ......................415 'Rustem, William......................314 ..................415 Rutledge, Marsha Ryan, Michael ..........................320 Ryan, Elaine....................290,416 Ryan, Jeri...........................298,416 Ryan, Martha.............................416 Rybicki, Vincent......................327 Rybock, Joanne......................399 Rymal, Janis.............................416 Rymal, Steven..........................135 Seirmarco, Lynn......................418 . . . .266,418 Seiss, Randolph Selik, Richard ..........................328 Sell, Roger .................................339 Sell, Daniel.................................337 Semans, Thomas......................418 Senac, Jill.....................................304 .............................418 Senob, Ruth ..........................418 Separa, Nancy ......................418 Separa, Thomas Seppanen, Dennis ..................418 Seroke, Paula..............................289 Settecerri, Thomas..................418 Seward, James................335,418 ..........................292 Sewell, Denise Sewell, Jean ....................258,301 Seymour, Sheryl......................259 Shaeffer, Susan..........................418 Shaft, Jean.................................329 ......................261 ¡Shah, Balkumar Shanks, Laura ..........................418 Shanks, Wayne..........................335 Shannon, Thomas..................418 Shapiro, Mickey......................418 ..................418 Shappee, Barbara .............................312 Sharp, Kerry . . . .267,418 Sharum, Sandra Shattuck, Janey ......................267 BShaw, Robert..........................321^ Shaw, David L....................334,418 Shaw, David M.............................418 Shaw, Gary.................................314 .................................304 Shea, Sally Sheehan, Kathleen..................360 Sheerer, Ann.............................259 Sheets, Jo Ellen ......................360 Shelburne, Charles . . .266,418 Shelby, Barry.............................418 . . .300,418 Sheldon, Suzanne ..................314 Shelley, B. Roger Shemiot, Michele ..................418 Shepard, Sandra......................418 Shepard, Wendy......................350 Shepard, William......................418 Sheppard, Bobbie ..................418 Sheppard, Donald..................418 Sheridan, John.........................418 Sherman, Bonnie......................418 Sherman, Dianne......................418 Sherman, Gerald......................418 Sherman, Harriett..................350 Sherman, James......................418 Sherman, Lynn..........................330 ......................418 Simmons, Fred .... 327 Sherwood, J. Frank Shibuya, Susan..........................418 Shiel, Walter ....................268,418 Shiflea, Lynn.............................357 ..........................418 Shinn, Martha Shipe, Diane .............................418 Shires, Donald..........................338 Shockley, Cheryl . . . .258,292 Shockley, Richard.......310 ....................289,418 Shong, Ellen Shook, Lavina ..........................418 Shore, Michael..........................308 Showalter, Janis...........418 Shratter, Phyllis...........418 Shreve, Theron..........................418 Shriver, Patrice..........................418 Shuchart, John..........................322 .... 308 Shumacher, Harold ......................418 Shuman, Nancy Shuraleff, Christine .... 418 Shurly, Katherine..................418 .................................418 Shu tty, Jo Sickels, Charles..........................418 Sidder, Glenn.............................418 Siegel, Elaine.............................290 Siegel, Ellen .............................418 Siegel, Randall..........................328 Siegler, Jean .............................418 Sifter, Jean.......................291 Sikes, Paula.......................291 Sikora, Andrea..........................418 Sikora, Joseph................405,418 Sikorski, Richard ..................319 Silberman, Clara...........418 Silk, Barbara...................418 Silver, Mark.................................419 Siman, Steven .........................419 Simeck, Daniel..........................117 Simmons, John ......................319 Simon, Dennis-..........................419 Simon, Juliet.............................419 Simon, Karen.............................419 Simon, Mark .............................325 Simone, Cathy...........259,265 Simons, Sally...................296 Simonson, Beryl............308 Simpson, David Simpson, Edward Simpson, Richard Simpson, Vicky Sims, Michael...................419 Sims, Luther...................419 Singer, Phillip Sink, Teresa Sinnickson, Robert Sioma, Diane...................419 Sipkovsky, Robert........419 Sipperley, Gary Sirlin, Kay Sirna, Michael Sirvaitis, Robert............312 Siskowski, Francis........339 Sison, Eduardo............... 268 Sison, Erlinda. . . .....................268 ......................419 .................................290 ................247,419 ......................419 ..................419 ..................419 ......................419 ................355,419 .............................298 .... 419 Wolverine photographer Richard Waddell ...............294 Schaefer, Jean ..........................416 Schaefer, Mary..........................259 Schafer, Roger..........................416 Schaible, Steven......................311 Schaldenbrand, Susan . . . 307 Schalitz, Deborah Schaub, Linda ..........................393 Schave, Gerald................259,316 Scheetz, Janet ..........................377 Scheppele, Eileen ...............416 Scherer, Jacob......................334 Scherer, Stacy ................296,416 Scherm, Thomas......................416 Schermer, David......................313 ......................338 Scherrer, Daniel Schewe, Dorothy ..................416 Schierbaum, Judy..................416 Schildhammer, Thomas . . 318 Schillaci, David......................360 Schiller, Richard......................333 Schilling, Gerald......................416 Schimmel, Mary......................416 Schinler, Raymond .... 338 Schlachter, Dale . . . .335,416 Schlappi, Robert......................416 Schleicher, Kathleen .... 304 Schlesinger, Nancee .... 304 Schlighter, Doris......................416 ..........................327 Schlott, Larry Schmelzer, Mary . . . .297,416 Schmida, Larry................315,417 Schmidt, Ann ................364,417 Schmidt, Claire..........................268 Schmidt, Deight......................417 Schmidt, Peter..........................417 Schmidt, Rebecca..................417 Schmidt, Susan..........................297 ......................355 Schmidt, Ulrich Schmitt, Phillip ......................311 Schmuck, Douglas..................417 Schneider, Barbara..................417 Schneider, Carolyn .... 304 Schneider, James......................417 . . . .301,417 Schneider, Jane ......................335 Schneider, John Schneider, Katherine .265,352 Schneider, Robert..................417 Schober, Janet..........................417 Schoch, Nancy..........................417 .... 257 Schoenrock, Dennis ...................296 Schofding, Penny Schoff, Jan.................................356 Scholl, Linda.............................417 Scholtz, Virginia................... 262,291,417 . . . 260,359,417 Scholz, Paula Scholz, Velma ..........................305 Schoonmaker, Anne .... 288 Schott, Robert..........................334 Schowalter, Michael . . . 332 Schrader, Stephen..................320 Schram, Susan ..........................301 . . . .364,417 Schrauben, Mary .... 417 Schreiber, Kathryn Schroeder, Beth . . . .259,288 Schroeder, Ronald..................417 Schroeder, Susan......................291 Schubert, Chris..........................354 Schubert, Paul..........................266 Schuch, John.............................417 ..........................417 Schuck, Linda ......................417 Schuck, William ......................417 Schueller, Anne Schuette, Kim ................268,337 Schuitema, Dale......................339 Schulenburg, Mary..................417 Schulte, Peter ................333,417 Schultz, Jack.............................308 .........................417 Schultz, Mary .............................302 Schulz, Lois Schulz, Mary.............................417 Schumacher, Diane .... 417 Schupan, Marc..........................312 Schuring, Karen ......................417 Schurman, Susan......................417 Schurr, Laurann......................417 Schutt, Richard ......................417 ..........................338 Schutte, Allen ......................417 Schwalm, Linda Schwandt, Penny ..................417 Schwanki, Robert..................335 Schwark, Thomas . . .333,417 Schwartz, Helen......................301 Schwartz, Megan......................294 Schwartz, Roger......................333 Schwartz, Ronald ..................308 Schwartz, Steven......................417 Schweighoefer, David . . . 355 Schwenke, Joanne..................417 ..........................364 Schwerin, Sue Scipione, Diane ......................417 Scofield, Barbara......................350 Scofield, Joyce..........................417 ....................311,417 Scott, Bruce Scott, Ernest ..........................317 Scott, Martha.............................300 Scott, Mary.................................417 ................268,336 Scott, Patricia Scott, Robert....................312,417 ..........................268 Scott, Ronald Scott, Ruth.......................329,417 Scott, Susan ..........................305 Scott, Toni.................................292 Scott, William R........................310 Scott, William J.........................317 Scrase, Marie.............................294 Scribner, Karl ..........................247 Scully, David.............................417 Seabold, Gloria..........................417 Seales, Keith .............................417 Seaman, David..........................311 Searfoss, David..........................417 Sears, Laura ..........................417 Seay, Diane.................................306 Sebring, Carolyn......................417 ......................334 Secrest, William Seder, Phyllis.............................417 Sedlacek, Kathryn Seebold, Bonnie . . .262,417 . . . .258,305 Seed, David.................................312 Segall, Linda.............................417 Seidman, Margaret..................330 Seif, Richard.............................417 458 ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ......................416 .............................333 ..........................297 . . . 267,294,416 ......................338 .................................416 ..........................416 .............................329 .........................416 .... 354 ..........................115 Sachs, Ann.................................409 Sachs, Henry.............................338 Sackett, David...............416 Sadd, Susan......................290 Sadoff, Edward Safru, Stephen...............416 Sage, Richard..................330 Sage, Alexander Sage, Janis Sager, Ronald Sahlin, Karen..................303 Saif, Jallel..........................416 Sak, Donald Salach, Beverly...............416 Sallee, Jean.................298,416 Salmon, Mary Salo, Martha Salvucci, Kathleen.......416 Salzenstein, Barbara......416 Salzmann, David...........416 Samadany, Faramarz .266,416 Samet, Thomas . . 260,263,322 Sampson, Clinton ..................416 Sampson, Marjorie........416 Samuels, Iris Sanchez, Fred Sanclemente, Mary Sanders, Terry Sandford, Kay...............288 Sandretto, Pamela........329 ..........................416 Sanford, Carol Sanford, Gary ..........................416 Sanford, Patricia......................416 Santerre, Janette......................416 Santini, James...............312 Saper, Brian Sapp, Molly..................302,416 Sargent, Pamela ......................301 Sargent, Vernon......................325 Sarko, Alan.......................308,416 Sarnes, Carol.............................416 Sarten, David....................311,416 Sass, George .............................416 Satiroglu, Kamil............339 Sato, Glenn.......................314 Satterfield, Mary............416 Satterla, Linda...............300 Sattler, Beth .............................416 Sattler, Craig.............................416 Sauble, Linda.............................296 Sauer, William ..........................416 Saunders, Elmer............266 Savickas, Diane................364 Sawicki, Judith..........................288 ..................416 Sawicki, Margaret Sawicki, Mark ..........................416 Sawyer, Stephen......................334 .............................314 Sayers, Gary Sayers, Nancy ..........................298 Sayers, Scott.............................333 Syaler, Barbara..........................416 Sayler, Catherine......................297 ................258,295 Sayles, Denise Scarborough, Lynn .... 304 Scarpelli, Francis............416 .............................416 Sjolander, Richard................ 268 Skar, Lawrence.........................312 Skimin, Carol.............................259 Skinner, Betty .........................419 Skop, Judy.......................302,419 Skorupa, Edward ..................419 Skotarek, Alexander .... 115 Skotarek, Edward...................115 ......................419 Slating, Richard Slattery, Nancy . .352,419 . . Slavin, Barbara..........................419 Slover, Gary .............................317 Slutzky, Rod.............................250 Small, Charles ..........................321 Small, Roger.............................419 .............................419 Smith, Aleta .............................419 Smith, Anne Smith, Barbara................359,364 Smith, Brian .............................419 Smith, Byron.............................313 ......................318 Smith, Carleton .........................419 Smith, Carlyn Smith, Carol ....................307,419 Smith, Charles..........................333 Smith, Clifford..........................320 Smith, Daniel.............................419 Smith, David B............................322 Smith, David H............................419 Smith, David L............................419 Smith, Diana.............................298 Smith, Donald..........................316 Smith, Esther.............................419 Smith, Gayle . . . 251,359,419 Smith, Geoff.............................313 Smith, Gregory..........................324 Smith, J. Michael ..................323 Smith, James.............................334 .......................419 Smith, Jeffrey Smith, John .............................339 Smith, Karen....................304,419 Smith, Katharine......................419 Smith, Larry .............................419 Smith, Leslie.............................289 Smith, Linda.............................300 Smith, Marilyn..........................336 Smith, Mary . ..........................299 Smith, Michael..........................419 Smith, Pamela ..........................419 Smith, Patricia J..........................419 Smith, Patricia A........................419 ....................305,419 Smith, Paula Smith, Peter .............................330 Smith, Ray........................268,337 Smith, Rex.................................351 Smith, Richard G.......................419 Smith, Richard R. 419 Smith, Richard L........................419 Smith, Richard C........................419 ..........................326 Smith, Robert Smith, Sherrill ..........................354 Smith, Stephen P........................419 Smith, Stephen C.......................419 Smith, Susan.............................419 Smith, Ted.......................263,269 Smith, Valerie ..........................419 Smith, Verna.............................419 Smith, Vernon..........................289 Smith, William..........................314 Smits, Lester.............................420 Smoot, Corliss..........................329 . . .259,266 Snedecor, Marilyn .............................420 Snell, Judith Snider, Gerald ..........................339 Snider, William..........................420 Snively, Carolyn......................420 Snodgrass, Leslie......................420 Snook, Pamela..........................288 Snover, Stephen......................268 Snowdon, Karen......................420 Snowfleet, Kay.........................420 Snyder, David ..........................314 Snyder, Jeffrey.........................420 Snyder, Linda ..........................420 Snyder, Robert..........................325 .......................259,316 Sohn, Rex Solarz, Susan.............................420 Solish, Gail.................................420 .... 258,288,420 Solmo, Sue Soltman, Sharon . . . .305,420 Sommers, Patricia..................420 Sonenklar, Richard .... 333 Sonneborn, Barbara . .294,420 Sopys, Laima.............................420 Sornson, Cherie ......................306 Sosnowski, Amelia..................420 Soule, Robert .........................420 Southern, Susan......................420 Southwell, K.J.............................307 Sova, Michele.............................420 Spain, Sylvia.............................420 Sparkman, Sally......................420 Spaulding, Allan......................420 Spaulding, David......................335 Spaulding, Elizabeth .... 420 Speasmaker, Daniel . .310,420 Specht, Judith..........................420 Speck, Douglas.........................420 ..........................355 Speck, Melissa .... 420 Speck, Ruth .. , . . . Spector, Paul.............................322 ......................334 Spector, Sidney Speelman, John ......................310 Speer, James...................326 Speier, Donald...............420 Spellman, Sally...............254 ..........................291 . . . .339,420 ..........................319 .... 420 Spence, Linda ..........................262 Spencer, Carolyn......................420 Spencer, Glenn..........................313 Spencer, Gregory ..................250 Spencer, Robert......................420 . . . .307,420 Spencer, Sandra ......................259 Spencer, Sheryl . . .331,420 Sperling, Norman ..................354 Spezia, Rosemary .........................420 Spice, Patricia .............................316 Spike, Philip Spillane, Susan................295 Spillner, Alan...................420 Spina, Costan...................420 Spindler, Vestus......................420 Spletzer, Beverly......................420 Sponsler, Michael ..................420 Spooner, Kay.............................420 Sporn, Neil..................328,420 Spradling, Peter Sprague, John Springsteen, Nancy St. James, Edgar............416 St. James, Richard........416 St. John, Robert............416 ..................420 Stach, Rosemarie Stack, Ronald ..........................420 Stadden, Toby..........................420 Stadnida, Edward ..................321 Stadnyk, Janis..........................420 Stafford, Barbara ..................420 Stafford, Patricia......................291 Stair, Michael...................338 Stair, Suzanne Stanger, John...................420 Stank iewicz, Mary........420 Stanley, Dale..............................136 Stanley, Kitty .........................420 Stanley, Penny.........................421 Stanley, Thomas......................421 Stapleton, Carolyn . . .258,421 Stapleton, Diane............421 Stapleton, John ......................267 Starkey, Charles......................117 Starr, Janis.................................330 Starr, Monica.............................421 Startt, John.......................421 Stealy, Thomas..........................421 ......................328 Stecker, Jeffrey Steed, Ann......................350 Steele, Garrett...............421 Steenken, Thomas........141 Stefani, Pamela...............357 Steggall, Jerae ..........................421 Stein, Barry.................................421 Stein, Betsey.............................330 .............................421 Stein, Janice Steindler, Michael........322 Steinhardt, Shirley . . .288,421 Steinhoff, Frances........421 Steininger, Jill Steinke, Gary...................261 Steinman, Karen............421 Stellingworth, R.A....................315 Stemmermann, R.W. . . . 421 Stenback, Ingrid......................297 .... 294 Stenstrom, Kathryn .... 323 Stephens, Timothy Stephenson, Nancy .... 421 Sterling, Joel...................421 Stern, Harriet...................421 Sterner, Thomas..................421 Sternkopf, Janet......................359 ..........................421 Stevens, Evart . . .318,421 Stevens, Geoffrey Stevens, Margaret ..................295 Stevens, Stanley......................312 Stevens, Virginia......................304 Stewart, Barbara......................296 Stewart, Gayle..........................295 Stewart, James..........................421 Stewart, Janet ..........................296 Stewart, Janice..........................259 Stewart, Jean.............................357 Stewart, Jeffrey ......................321 Stewart* Martha......................294 Stewart, Renee..........................292 Stewart, Sandra ......................421 Stewart, Susan..........................421 ......................421 Stibbe, Richard Stibitz, Gerald 421 Stickney, Alan................ 263,421 Stickney, James..........................421 Stickney, Jeffrey 326 Stieber, Arnold..........................421 Stierle, Lynda ..........................350 Stillwagon, P.J.............................421 Stiriz, Elaine....................302,421 . .269,333 Stockdale, Douglas Stockton, Margaret . .300,421 St off an, Jeanette......................419 Stoffan, Philip.........................421 Stoker, David.............................312 ................305,421 . . . .268,337 ..........................305 Stolarczyk, Jane...........421 .... 254,289,421 Stoll, Susan Stone, Cathy.............................421 Stone, Kathleen ......................421 Stoor, Sally.................................421 Stopa, James.............................325 Stopa, Katherine . . . .329,421 ......................421 Storm, Kenneth ..................355 Stormes, Thomas ..........................421 Stough, Diane ......................299 Stough, Juliann Stout, Janet .............................298 Stover, Burton..........................325 ......................421 Stover, Carolyn Stover, Virginia ......................289 Strachan, R. Craig..................319 Strachan, Shari...............421 Strack, Sarah..................300 Stramake, Linda...........265 ......................421 Strand, Cynthia Straub, Cynthia ......................421 Straub, Marti.............................350 Strausberg, Daniel . . .266,421 Strauss, Mary.............................291 ..........................421 Strayer, Anne Streeter, John ..........................269 Streidl, Rebecca...........421 Strickler, James Stricter, Mary Stringer, Larry..........313,421 Stringfield, Barry ..................422 Strom, Barbara..........................422 Strong, Anne.............................422 Strong, James ..........................422 Strother, Mary...............295 Stuart, Diane.............................422 Stubig, Diana.............................422 Stuckey, Judith ......................422 Studeman, David...........312 Stueber, Richard...........422 Stump, Daniel ..........................422 Stump, Donald..........................422 ..........................422 Stupak, Frank Sturgeon, Carl ..........................422 Sturm, Howard...............313 Stuteville, Amilyn..................422 Stutsman, James......................422 Sucher, Bruce ..........................322 Sugar, Ruth......................330 Sukonick, Karen Sullivan, Sharon...........306 Sullivan, Teresa Suit, Myrna......................364 Summerer, Bruce Sundstrom, William Sunior, Maryjo...............422 Sunstrom, Lisa...............422 Surath, Ann Suszkiewicz, Carol Sutfin, Cheryl Suthers, Michael...........312 Sutliff, Karen.............................422 Suttles, Charles..........................422 Sutton, Martha..........................355 Svendsen, Sally..........................422 Swanson, Carl ..........................310 Swanson, Kenneth..................422 Swartz, Janice ..........................422 Swartz, Suzanne......................298 . . . 422 Sweeney, Bernadette Sweeney, Franklin..................422 Sweeney, Janice......................267 Sweeney, John..........................326 Sweeney, Kathleen .... 422 Sweers, Bruce ..........................333 Sweet, Barbara...............422 Sweet, Michael...............330 Sweet, Sally........................422 Sweetwine, B.A................422 Sweitzer, Sally..........................303 ......................289 Swenson, Karen .............................422 Swift, Karen Swinburnson, Cathy .... 336 . . . .267,422 Swintak, Sandra . . . 267 Swiontkowski, Steve Swoger, Leslie ..........................301 Swope, Noreen..........307,354 Sybinsky, Carol ......................422 Symonds, Ron..........................326 Szaroletta, Mary...........356 Szczesny, David Szilagyi, Mickey...........139 .............................422 . . .262,422 ..........................422 ..................422 .... 324 ......................422 ......................265 . . . .330,422 ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ................364,422 ..........................305 ..................333 .................................422 .....................................318 Tabb, Tamara Tadrzynski, Mark Taft, Mary Taft, Lee Taggett, Barbara...........299 Talbergs, Liga Tallerday, Ray..........321,396 Talley, Carole Talvitie, Cheryl..........303,422 Tamburini, Lynn...........422 Tanigawa, Wayne Tank, Marvin...................338 Tannar, Thomas...........422 Tapley, Kathleen...........422 ..........................422 ..................422 459 Tarkoe, Clinton ......................335 Tarkoe, Mary.............................422 Tate, Lanett .............................292 Tate, Linda.................................422 Tate, Lyn nette..........................422 Taunt, Charles..........................334 Taylor, James E...........................266 Taylor, James M..........................422 Taylor, Kathleen......................296 Taylor, Laura.............................422 ......................422 Taylor, Marilyn Taylor, Maryanne ..................422 Taylor, Molly.............................422 Taylor, Morton..........................332 ..........................423 Taylor, Nancy Taylor, Patricia..........................423 Taylor, Paula.............................359 Taylor, Robert..........................423 ..........................307 Taylor, Sheila Taylor, Stewart . . . .308,423 Taylor, William..........................333 Teich, Steven....................268,337 Telfer, Kathleen......................423 Temple, James..........................267 Temple, Jill.................................250 Temple, John.............................423 Temple, Marilyn......................423 Templeton, Patricia . .299,423 ..........................288 Templin, Jill 423 . . Tener, Ralph Tennant, Mark..........................316 Tenover, Cobi 303 . Terebelo, Howard..................322 Terlaak, Bernadine..................423 Terlecki, James..........................423 Terry, Mark.................................318 Terry, Mary.................................267 Tesch, James.............................330 . . . . . . . . . . . . Tesch, Janice..............................423 Tester, Carole ..........................423 Tewes, Amelia................259,297 Thaler, Suzanne ......................423 Thaler, Warren..........................423 Thelen, Evelyn..........................423 ......................423 Thelen, William Thiess, Albert ..........................141 Thimlar, Susan..........................288 Thomas, Calvert......................313 Thomas, Harley ......................264 Thomas, Harry..........................338 Thomas, James . . 263,269,423 Thomas, Lynn . . 267,288,423 Thomas, Michael L....................326 Thomas, Michael E....................334 Thomas, Roberta ..................360 Thompson, Daniel..................313 Thompson, Douglas .... 339 Thompson, Freida..................292 Thompson, John......................423 Thompson, Judith..................423 Thompson, Ladon..................295 ..................317 . .258,298 .... 423 ......................423 ...............423 Thompson, Scott Thompson, Sharon Thompson, Willard Thomsen, Peter Thomson, Martha Thorburn, Scott.................318 Thornton, Audrey..............423 Thornton, Katherine Thornton, Patricia Thrasher, Anne..........................423 . . . .269,423 Throop, Thomas .... 423 Thurman, Randolph Tibbits, Larry ..........................423 Tiedeman, Paul..........................423 Tierney, Patricia......................397 Tillman, Paula ..........................423 Timmons, Michael..................423 Timpner, Fred..........................326 . . .291,423 . . 423 . Tinker, William..........................309 Tinkler, Stephanie..................423 Tipping, Donald......................423 Tischler, Jean.............................330 Tischler, Thayer......................423 Tobe, Thomas ..........................310 Tobes, Michael..........................333 Tobias, Denise..........................359 Tobin, Lynne.............................423 Toburen, Christine..................298 Todish, Timothy......................423 Tolbert, David..........................319 Tom, Mary.................................298 ......................350 Tomasek, Marie ......................423 Tomka, Marene Tomlinson, Trent ..................337 Tompkins, Joseph..................257 Tompkins, Linda......................423 Tongco, Ofel ia..........................268 Toohey, Patrick ......................330 Topp, Betty .............................426 Topper, James..........................423 Topping, Edward ..................423 Torok, Susan.............................423 ..........................331 Torrey, David Toskey, Bonnie ......................423 Toth, David........................264,423 Tourre, Stephanie..................303 Towers, Mark.............................338 Towle, Howard..........................423 Townsend, Thomas .... 423 Towson, Toby................263,423 Trace, David ..............................115 Trachy, Richard......................333 Tracy, Barbara..........................423 Tracy, Ronald .........................338 Trageser, Mary..........................423 Trail, William.............................423 Trainor, Janet ..........................424 Trame, Mary .............................298 Trame, Michael..........................335 Trask, Diane..............................424 ..........................424 Traurig, Carol . . Treadwell, Jeanne Treece, Diana .... Treece, Linda............... . . Tregloan, Donald . . . Tremba, Joseph Tremba, Linda . . . . Tremblay, Roger . . . Trenkle, Ann............... Trentacoste, Richard . . . Trevethan, Jean . . . . Trimble, Gary Triplett, William . . . Tripp, Harold............... Tripp, Katherine . . . Trolley, Deborah . . . Trott, John.................. Trotter, Donna . . . . Troub, Suzanne . . . Troyer, Ronald . . . . . . . Troyke, Pamela Trumbley, Jerome . . Trye, David.................. Tubaugh, Joy............... ............... Tubbs, Julia .... Tubich, Cathy .... Tubich, Terry Tuchklaper, Aaron . . Tuchscherer, Ernst . . . . . Tucker, Candace . . . . Tucker, Elaine Tucker, Joyce .... Tucker, Thomasina Tuori, Charles . . Turcotte, Thomas Turek, Fred................... .... .364,424 . . . 424 . . . 424 . . . 333 . . . 424 . . . 424 . .317 . 298,424 . . . 323 . . . 424 . . . 424 . . . 338 . . . 318 .251,424 . . . 306 . . . 424 .329,424 . 424 . . . . . 424 . . . 297 . . . 266 . . . 424 . . . 251 . . . 424 . . . 424 .. . 424 . . . 322 ... 115 . . . 424 . . . 359 .394,424 . . . 292 . . . 323 . . . 333 . . . 338 Turi, Michael..........................310 ......................312 Turnbull, Ralph ................304,424 Turner, Diane Turner, Mary..............................259 Turrigiano, Sandra..................424 Tutak, DavHpV..........................316 Tuttle, Bruce.............................320 ..........................290 Tycher, Linda Tykocki, Douglas ..................424 Tyler, Bobby.............................310 Tyler, Donna..................,L$m297 ..........................424 Tyler, Patricia uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Udren, EeMW&-..........................308 .......................267,424 Uhe, Marie .................................424 Uldin, Kay Ulmer, Karen..............................265 Ulrickson, Maty ......................424 Ulrickson, Michael..................424 Ummer, James..........................360 Umphrey, Denien . . .258,304 Umphrey, Janis ......................424 Underberg, Jeanne..................301 .291,424 Underwood, Margaret Underwood, Robert .... 424 Unger, Glenn.............................424 Updegraff, Janet.............. . 424 424 . Urbain, John . . . . . . . vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvw i Vagasky, William......................316 Valasek, Darlene......................354 . . . . . 424 ...............424 Valentino, Carl!,« . Valmassei, C.E..........................289 Van Dis, Thomas . . . .325,424 Vanantwerp, C.P.....................424 Vanbronkhorst, D..............424 Vanbruggen, Ruth..........424 Vanburen, Lynda Vance, Thomas.................319 Vandalen, John . . . .332,424 Vandam, Marian......................424 Vandam, Martha......................294 ..................424 Vandam, Richard .... 265 Vandemheen, Beth Vanderark, Diane ...............424 .... 424 Vanderbush, Susan Vanderhoff, Kenneth .310,424 Vanderlaan, Roger..................312 . . . 424 Vandermale, Michael . . . 318 Vandermass, William Vandermeulen, Jerry . . . 257 VandertiMJoy..................295 Vanderveen, Katrina .... 424 Vandervere, Nancy .... 424 Vanderwal, Frank...............355 Vanderwill, Cathy...............301 Vanderweele, T. A...................317 Vandoesburgh, Ingrid Vandorp, Gwen Vandox, Carly..................425 Vandusen, Susan......................306 Vandussen, Linda Vandyke, David Vandyke, James...............425 Vanegmond, Mary...............425 Vanek, Pamela ...............425 ..................316 . . 258,295,425 ...................297 . . . 352 photo by best Vanhee, Florine . . . .304,425 Vanheest, William..................425 Vanhorn, John..........................320 Vanhouwelingen, P.A. . . . 312 .... 327 Vanittersum, Randy Vanker, David ..........................318 Vanker, Susanne......................425 Vanlandschoot, Jo..................425 .... 425 Vanlydegraf, Leigh . .299,425 Vanlynn, Katherine Vanmaele, Diane......................304 Vannamen, Jack......................265 ......................324 Vanroekel, Joel . . . .354,425 Vansickle, Karen . . . 318 Vansteenhouse, Chris Vanvalkenburg, D.L. ... 425 Vanvelsor, Sandra..................425 Vanvolkinburg, J.E...................425 Vanwagnen, Lynn..................317 Vanwye, Joann..........................425 Vanzandt, Clair ......................425 Vargas, Oscar.............................425 Vargo, Karen.............................425 Vargo, Kathleen......................301 Vargo, Richard..........................264 ..........................135 Vary, Richard ..........................425 Vary, Barbara Vass, Dennis .............................319 Vaughn, Bruce..........................425 .............................334 Veld, Walter Veldhuis, Libby ......................350 Veliquette, Dean......................316 Veltman, Gregory..................425 Veltman, Mary..........................425 Ven, Catherine..........................359 Venable, Edward......................323 Veneklasen, Diane..................352 Verheul, Douglas......................337 Verhines, Jenda ......................307 Verwest, Bruce..........................327 Verwohlt, Patricia............... 262,304,425 ................300,425 Veryser, Irene Viane, Charles ..........................135 Victor, Dean.............................425 Victor, Linda.............................425 Viecelli, Donald ......................332 Viles, Rosalie.............................259 Vince, Robert ..........................425 Vink, Janet.................................354 Viol, Thomas.............................309 Virag, Jerome .........................425 Vi rag, Steve.................................425 ..........................268 Viray, Melvyn ......................265 Virch, Margaret .............................333 Virgo, Scott ..........................269 Viswat, Linda Vitale, Shirley .........................425 Vocht, Claire.............................357 . . . .258,297 Vogelsberg, Sue 425 Vogt, Julie Voige, William ..........................425 Vojinov, Sharon......................304 Vokits, Ronald.........................425 Volaric, Ronald .................. 323 Volden, Mary.............................298 Volk, Hilma Volk, Marilee.............................425 Volz, Wayne Vonderhaar, Mary..................425 .... 317 Vongruben, Robert Vorbroker, Robert..................425 Votta, Kristine..........................425 ..................299 Voydanoff, Anne ..........................316 ..........................267 ...................... wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ..........................425 Waak, Richard Wachtel, Joanne . . . .291,425 Wagenheim, Elliot..................425 Wagman, William......................308 Wagner, Frances......................425 Wagoner, Dianna......................298 Wagoner, Michael ..................319 Wahmhoff, Alice......................359 .... 359 Wahmhoff, Mildred Wsibel, Robert..........................269 .296,425 Waisnoras, Maryellen Waite, William ................317,425 Wake, Mary.................................294 Walcott, Julie.............................302 Walitalo, Charles......................313 Walker, Brian.............................325 ..........................324 Walker, David Walker, Randolph ..................313 Walkup, Jennifer......................267 Wallace, James................338,425 Wall, Katherine..........................425 Wallin, Gary ....................317,425 Wallo, Johna.............................425 .............................425 Walls, Helen Walls, Larry.................................425 Walsh, Lee .................................425 Walsh, Marilyn................300,425 Walsh, Ray.................................244 Walstrom, F.W.............................425 Walter, Claudia..........................364 Walter, Linda.............................426 .... 298,426 Walter, Margaret 460 Walter, Martha................268,336 Walter, Randy ..........................312 Walter, William.........................426 Walters, Carol ..........................260 Walters, Jerry.............................426 Walters, John.............................426 Walters, Robert ......................426 Walther, Philip..........................426 . . 268,337,426 Walz, Kenneth ..........................426 Wandell, Gary Warbach, John..........................426 Warbach, Laura ......................426 Ward, Nancy.............................426 ..........................426 Ward, Patricia Ward, Shaila .............................426 Ward, Donald.............................426 Ward, Katherine......................296 Warden, Jean.............................426 Wardrop, Stephen..................317 Warfield, Mary..........................426 Warncke, Ronald . . . .268,337 ......................426 Warner, Ronald Warnke, Donald ......................426 Warren, Allen.............................426 ......................324 Warren, Ronald Warrington, David..................426 Wasem, Jeanette......................426 Waskul, Donna..........................426 Wasmer, Will iam......................426 Wasung, Maryellen..................364 Waterman, Patricia..................426 Waterson, Georgia..................426 . . .317,426 Wathen, Kenneth ..................359 Watking, Yolanda . . .291,426 Watkowski, Mary Wattles, David ..........................318 Watts, Jane........................288,426 Wayne, Linda.............................426 Weathersby, Anne..................426 Weaver, Kathy..........................307 Webb, Jack.................................426 Webber, Theresa......................426 Weber, Richard..........................317 Weber, Scott.............................426 Webster, Royal..........................323 Weddington, Dennis .... 332 Weeden, Gayle..........................426 .............................426 Weeks, Craig Weglarz, Marlene......................426 Wehrwein, William...................136 Weichman, Phillip..................426 Weil, Susan.................................330 Weingarden, Leslie..................426 Weinhaus, Harold ..................333 Weinheimer, Diane..................306 Weinrich, Brian..........................312 Weinstein, Jeffrey..................426 Weinstein, Lawrence .... 426 Weir, Mary .................................426 Weir, Linda.................................257 Weisberg, Fredric ..................426 Weishaar, Pamela......................426 ..........................306 Weiss, Barbara ..........................426 Weiss, Barbara Weiss, Julian ....................264,426 Weiss, Rhoda.............................289 .............................330 Weiss, Susan .............................315 Welch, John . . . .329,426 Weller, Suzanne ......................426 Wells, Geraldine 320 . . . . Wells, Michael Wells, Richard ................266,334 Wells, Robert.....................426 Welper, Andy.....................360 Welpott, Joyce.................426 Welti, Carl Wenckus, John.................426 Wender, Marsha 323 Wendover, W. Edward . . . Wendt, Hunter..........................427 Wendt, Linda..............................298 Wendt, Lynn..............................304 Wendt, Robert..........................320 Wendt, Thomas ......................426 Wendzel, Robert..............330 ..........................427 Wenk, William Wenstrom, Paul ......................335 Wenzel, Douglass......................320 ..........................427 Werber, David ......................326 Werner, Charles .................................326 . . . .246,427 . . . . . .260,427 Werner, Lawrence Wernet, Mary......................296 Werth, Kathleen..............427 Wessells, Frederick...........427 Wesserling, Paula..............259 West, Sara....................................300 West, Thomas .........................311 West, David.................................332 ..........................302 West, Marjorie Westfall, Carol ..........................354 Westfall, Chloe..........................350 Westfall, Richard......................333 Westfall, Sandra ......................360 Westmoreland, S. K.............427 Westrick, Carole . . . . Wetherbee, William .... Whalen, Ann......................427 Whaling, Michael............ 309i Wheaton, Nancy..............427 . 306 410 ..................311 Wheeler, Stephen ..........................427 Whenal, Barry .............................312 White, Allen White, Brian .............................427 White, David.............................427 White, James D............................314 White, James P.............................427 White, Laurel . . . 258,259,303 White, Linda.............................427 White, Mary A....................305,427 White, Mary C..............................294 White, Penny.............................427 .........................427 White, Ronald White, William ..........................266 Whitefield, Marc..............328 Whitehead, Oliver Whitelock, Susan..............259 Whiten, Darryl..................427 ..................427 Whiting, Gerald Whitlock, Dennis..............427 ......................326 .... 269 Whitmore, Candace Whittaker, Sue..................427 Whitten, David..................316 Whyte, Bobbie..................427 Wick, Thomas Wickert, Melissa Wickline, Ronald..............310 Wicklund, Donna Wiederhold, Kenneth ..........................313 ......................427 . . .289,427 . . . 427 Wiegand, Bruce. . . 268,337,427 Wiehe, William...........................427 ......................427 Wiejaczka, John .......................317 Wieland, John Wier, Maryanne ......................427 Wiggins, Annelle......................302 Wiggins, Nancy..........................427 Wight, Douglas..........................335 Wight, James.............................320 Wilber, Sandra................296,427 Wilburn, Linda..........................427 Wilcox, Russell..........................310 Wiley, Catherine......................427 Wilhelmsen, John ..................326 Wilick, Helen..............................251 Wiliford, Paul.............................427 ................266,427 Wilkens, John ..........................339 Willard, Myles Will, James........................260,4,27 Wille, Paulette ................259,2)98 Willett, Mark.............................316 Willett, William..........................263 .... 312 Williams, Arlington Williams, David S........................135 Williams, David D.......................311 Williams, David B.......................312 Williams, David D.......................427 Williams, Dianne . . . .355,427 Williams, Edith................359,427 ..................427 Williams, Georgia Williams, Janice ......................427 Williams, John..........................427 ......................329 Williams, Judith Williams, Julie ..........................305 Williams, Linda..........................427 ..................427 Williams, Michael ..................427 Williams, Michael Williams, Paul ................265,427 Williams, Robert B.....................310 . .327,427 Williams, Robert E. . 260,263,428 Williams, Roger ......................359 Williams, Sylvia .... 311 Williamson, Robert .... 428 Williamson, Sandra Willis, Kathleen ......................428 Wi11 its, Diane.............................305 Willson, Sue ..............................298 Wilson, Angel ine......................306 Wilson, Bernard ......................261 Wilson, Charles..........................313 Wilson, Constance..................301 Wilson, Georgia ......................254 Wilson, Dugald..........................334 ......................304 Wilson, Frances Wilson, Katherine ..................428 Wilson, Kay.......................303,428 Wilson, Kenneth......................311 Wilson, Leslie....................261,288 Wilson, Patrick..........................136 Wilson, Sandra................329,428 Wilson, Sue.................................350 Wiltrakis, Mark................260,428 ..................312 Winberry, George Winchell, George......................428 Windiate, Janet..........................428 Windsor, Carl.............................428 Windus, Barbara......................336 Winegarden, David..................428 Wineman, Anne ......................428 Winkel, Barry....................265,330 Winkel, Delton..........................428 Winkel, Rodney . . . .330,428 Winkworth, James..................334 Winn, Frank .............................428 Winnick, Robert......................428 428 Winnicki, Dinah . . . . . . Winston, James..........................326 ......................317 Winston, Stuart Winter, Jon.................................428 Winter, Vicky ..........................359 Wirt, Michael.............................428 ..........................301 Wisdom, Joan Wiser, Gretchen . . . .307,428 Wisner, Gerald..........................326 .... 364 Wisniewski, Joanne . . . 257 Wisniewski, Matthew Wisniewski, Robert .... 428 Wiswall, Nancy..........................428 Witham, Dennis ......................313 Withers, Susan..........................291 .... 364 Witherspoon, Chris Witkowski, Ronald .... 326 Witmer, Cheryl..........................428 .... 428 Wittenbach, Lucada Wittkopp, Jane..................428 Wittman, John..................428 Woelzlein, Allen..............339 Wofford, Roslyn..............292 Wojnar, Janice.........259,265 Wojtowicz, Alfred..........428 Wojtysiak, Robert...........257 Wolanin, William..............428 Wolf, Wendy......................428 ..........................325 Wolfe, Joseph ..............................428 Wolfe, Mary Wolfe, Robert ..........................428 Wolfe, Tina.................................330 ..........................312 Wolfe, William . . 288 . Wolfenbarger, Donna Wolford, Sally ................293,428 Wolownik, Terry...............269 Wolverton, Constance . . 428 Wong, Winifred................297,428 Wood, Stephen................311,428 .............................428 Wood, Terry ..............................428 Wood, Anne ..............................288 Wood, Carla Wood, Deborah ......................268 Wood, Judith.............................307 ......................428 Woodford, Ann Woodhams, Katherine . . . 428 Woodison, Jane ......................300 Woodley, Mary...................428 Woodman, Linda......................428 Woodrich, Sheryl ..................359 Woodroe, Suzanne..................428 Woods, Marsha...................428 Woodsum, David......................428 Woodsum, Diane......................303 . .... 330 Woodward, Barbara Woodworth, Zoe...................428 Woolley, Terry..........................351 Wooster, Mary................268,336 Wooster, Geoffrey..................355 Worden, Thomas......................428 Work, Paul .................................315 Wotring, Glenn............337 Woulfe, Richard........318 .... 259 Wowkanech, Nancy .... 335 Wriggelsworth, R.A. ..........................305 Wright, Cheryl ......................309 Wright, Douglas Wright, Joan .............................382 Wright, Patricia..........................428 Wright, Hugh.............................330 ......................428 Wright, Douglas Wuckert, Ernst 428 . . . Wuori, Jean....................428 Wyckoff, Claesen ..................312 Wyckoff, Stephen..................429 Wykes, Marilyn............429 Wyman, William.........326 Wysocki, Robert.........333 . . . . xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xenak is, James............429 yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy .... 268 ..........................429 .... 251,260,429 Vackle, Phyllis............329 Yager, Leslie................429 Yahr, Ruth Yancy, David................351 Yannitelli, C.A...........254,289 Yansura, Sharon.........429 Yaptenco, Carminia Yeagley, Lois................357 Yelding, John Yen, Catherine.............429 Yerkey, Gayle Yoak, David Yocherer, Gregory.....429 Yoder, Kenneth ......................429 Yoder, Peggy..............................429 Yokom, Diane.............300 ..................429 Yonkosky, Reena .............................429 York, Karen Yoshida, Naohiro ...................257 Young, David.............................321 Young, Eugenia . . . .267,429 Young, Kenneth......................309 Young, Linda.............................302 ..........................305 .............................429 ......................332 Young, Michael S.............257 Young, Michael A...........429 Young, Stephen Young, Susan..................429 Youngberg, Dwight .... Youngblood, Carol .... Younts, Linda Yunker, Paul.............267,429 332 329 ..........................291 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ..................429 ..........................364 ..........................305 ......................429 338 ....................260,429 . . . .262,350 ..........................429 Zahn, Jacqueline . . . .268,336 Zalewski, Daniel...........429 Zalla, Kenneth...............429 Zambetis, Thomas.......338 Zamplas, Cynthia Zanarin, Judy Zann, Candace...............429 Zantop, Diane Zarnoch, Walter Zaskowski, Ronald .... Zatolokin, David..........429 Zboyan, Roy..................325 Zdanowicz, John..........335 Zebley, Margaret..........429 Zeeb, Martha..................267 Zehnder, John..............429 Zeid, Harry.....................308 Zeig, Jeffrey Zeisloft, Barbara Zellar, Ronald Zeman, Christine...........429 Zensen, John..................115 Zerfas, Richard..............332 Ziegler, Carol..................303 Ziegler, Dawn Ziemba, James..............334 Ziemniak, Pamela Ziga, John Zimbler, Phyllis Zimmerman, Larry .... Zindel, Jack Zindler, Diane Ziskie, David...................261 Zitek, Jeri..........................429 Zollman, Barbara Zoros, Georgeanna Zsigo, Christine Zuidema, Patricia Zuidema, Suzanne Zuppann, William Zurek, Cynth ia...............350 Zurek, Richard...............429 Zwarensteyn, John .... ...............429 . . .288,429 ......................421 ...............295 . . .295,429 ...............257 339 ..............................325 ..........................429 . . .301,429 .................................429 ..........................297 . 244,290,429 246 Wolverine Photographer Editor Dick Best photo by blueberry 461 WOLVERINE NINETEEN HUNDRED SIXTY-NINE Philip M. Stoffan......................................................................................editor-in-chief ..........................................................................................photo editor Richard C. Best Mary Beard....................................................................................................copy editor Tim Petty..................................................................................................................seniors Mark Bathurst, Sharon Brokaw, Barb Kapp, Rondy Murray, Kathy Osterwyk, Louise Petty Eleanor Farrell......................................................................................, . organizations Sue Bailo, Kathleen Dart, Lynn Dinning, Sue Koenigbauer, Sharon Mc- Manner, Jan Riemer, Mary Westphal Jeanne Theodore, Elaine Burdo ...........................................academics and services Ross Baker, Barbara Chattin, Betsy McKnight .................................................................... Sally Kuryla residences introduction Renee MacDonald............................................................................................on-campus off-campus Mary Genovese........................... Joyce Harding, Bunny Harris, Lorna LaVerne, Mary Magnuson, Debi Porter, Joanne Zacharias Pete Grant .................................................................................................................sports Patty Boyce, Mike Foltz, Howard Gabe, Judi Jahns, Chris Westerkamp Thayer Tischler, Rita Livesay . . I .............................................................................life Cathy Hendricks Maryellen Mumy........................................ William F. Mcllrath ................R.........................................................................advisor sales Jon J. Vander Zouwen, financial assistant Jack E. Burns, production assistant Editorial assistants: Kathy Loughney, Barbara McCurdy, Julie Sheldon, Jeanette Stoffan BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHY BY: BEASLEY: 46; 47; 50; 56; 57; 60; 61; 72; 90; 97; 100; 101; 112; 116; 132; 150; 153; 154; 155; 172; 173; 176; 177; 224; 225; 231; 245; 251; 273; 274; 276; 278; 279; 283; 300; 313; 345; 347; 349; 342; 453 BEST: 1; 4; 5; 6; 22; 24; 25; 42; 43; 91; 96; 99; 103; 149; 168; 187; 214; 215; 229; 230; 231; 235; 238; 240; 241; 242; 243; 256; 280; 281; 284; 285; 286; 288; 293; 296; 297; 298; 302; 303; 304; 308; 310; 312; 318; 319; 321; 322; 324; 326; 327; 338; 358; 361; 366; 455; 456; 457; 458; 460 BLYTH: 82; 151; 348 BRUBAKER: 10; 11; 16; 21; 22; 26; 27; 46; 50; 51; 94; 98; 100; 156; 162; 163; 164; 165; 171; 172; 241; 256; 257; 276; 282; 289; 290; 292; 293; 299; 306; 307; 311; 315; 320; 322; 325; 328; 336; 337; 340; 341; 366; 367; 454; 461 CASEWELL: 72; 78; 79 GLENN: 233 HAAPENEIMI: 22; 27; 58; 59; 88; 197; 255; 275; 282 HAGEDORN: 89; 114; 159; 239; 294 HILL: 343; 277; 279 HUGHES: 287 IVINS: 73; 74; 75; 76; 102; 113; 134; 139; 147; 150; 155; 156; 157; , 159; 191; 197; 239; 352; 457 LAGONI: 6; 7; 8; 12; 13; 15; 16; 24; 27; 29; 30; 31; 38; 39; 40; 41; 42; 43; 44; 45; 48; 54; 55; 56; 61; 63; 64; 65; 66; 67; 68; 69; 70; 71; 73; 75; 76; 77; 81; 83; 89; 90; 91; 92; 95; 97; 102; 101; 112; 113; 114; 104; 116; 117; 124; 125; 140; 141; 144; 145; 146; 148; 152; 153; 159; 171; 175; 177; 180; 181; 185; 194; 195; 200; 202; 203; 204; 205; 207; 209; 210; 211; 214; 216; 217; 222; 223; 225; 230; 232; 233; 234; 236; 241; 243; 237; 244; 245; 255; 272; 273; 274; 288; 289; 290; 291; 294; 296; 297; 298; 299; 300; 301; 302; 303; 304; 305; 306; 307; 308; 309; 310; 311; 312; 313;314; 315; 317; 318; 319; 320; 325; 328; 336; 338; 345; 347; 349; 352; 353; 355; 359; 361; 366; 450; 459 LUM: 138 MARHANKA: 132; 136; 137; 138 MOORE: 78; 79 MORISON: 30; 217; 226; 244 MUNN: 70; 77 MURPHY: 233 NICHOLS: 10; 14; 15; 28; 41; 83; 170; 206; 210; 211; 266; 227 POKORN Y: 42; 62; 65; 98; 99; 174; 175; 179; 180; 182; 207; 236 POTTER: 133; 135 REDMAN: 348 RICHARDSON: 208; 235; 291; 344; 357; 450 ROBERTS: 148 SHARROW: 219; 218 SI R NA: 82; 197; 237; 301; 305; 314; 316; 317; 326; 327; 356 SPROW: 342; 343 STEFFEY:33 TYNER: 14; 33; 35; 43; 48; 49; 80; 165; 184; 185; 188; 189; 190; 191; 192; 206; 212; 213; 242; 323 VANDERPOOL: 17; 52; 53; 95; 98; 101; 275; 284; 286; 287; 366; 367 WADDELL: 9; 44; 57; 74; 81; 146; 154; 178; 175; 182; 183; 186; 187; 208; 220; 221; 228; 234 YOUNG: 22; 179; 192; 193 COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY BY: BEST: 4; 20; 21; 24; 29; 35; 12; LAGON1: 5; 25; 28; 32; 34; 35; 92; 9; 8; 13; 17; IVINS: 88; 89 462 Thank you for your attention. You've been a good audience and a better subject. If we have offended anyone, we are apologetic. If we have pleased you, we are pleased. If you agree with our protrayal of your (and our) university, we are grateful. If you do none of these things, thank you for your patience. It's been a long and sometimes trying year. It hasn't always been a good year but we've learned — from all of you and sometimes in spite of some of you. 464 pages is a lot of book and they were finally finished only through the efforts of a lot of good people. Many of those who are leaving will be sorely missed: Jack Burns, who made sure that the book came out; Maryellen, who sold the damn things; Dick, who made sure that most of the pictures got taken; Mary Beard, who read most of the copy; J.J., who counted the money; and Sally, Thayer, Elaine and Jeanne, who did excellent jobs on difficult sections; Pete Grant, who knows that his efforts to bring quality and excitement to the Wolverine are not unappreciated; and the countless other people who typed and who wrote copy and who took pictures and who got discouraged and left and who worked late and without whom this whole project would have been a lot harder and a lot less fun. Thank you all. Thanks also to the people who remain — Eleanor, Bru, Mary, Renee and all the rest. I have no doubt that “your" Wolverine will far surpass this attempt. And finally, thank you Mr. Mcllrath, for your help, your support and your knowledge, all of which you were constantly willing to give. A final word of appreciation to the professional people listed below and a word of caution to you, the reader. Keep this book carefully, for in not too many years to come, you may need it to remind yourself what the schoolyear 1968-69 looked like. Peace and thank you. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Delmar Printing Co. S.K. Smith Co. Delma Studios Grafek Arts Inc State News Photo Dept. Michigan State University editor-in-chief 1969 Wolverine Ed Hackleman Ralph Van Dyke Wayne Wolfe Jack Bundy Sam Fields and Co. Bill Hersey Bervin Johnson people specifications: The 1969 Wolverine is printed on 80 lb. Warren's Lustro Dull by the Delmar Printing Co. of Charlotte, North Carolina. The body type is Universe Bold, Medium or Italic. The headlines are set in Lydian. The end sheets are blind embossed on 65 lb. Sky Blue Hammermill cover stock. The cover is green Grandee with a sand finish with blue applied color by the S. K. Smith Co. of Chicago, Illinois. The divider pages were designed by Dick Best, the cover by Phi! Stoffan. 463 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY ^1969 WOLVERIN PHIL STOFFAN editor-in-chief RICHARD BEST photo editor MARY BEARD copy editor fl WILLIAM F. McILRATH advisor! JON VANDERZOUWEN f || * Æ B I l | financial assistant to the advisor fl f] JACK BURNS production assistant to the advisor i . '• • sMM ‘SÉ. SfipSSSfe ;v‘ B B ÿ iM y•'• . v'MI'■ I