~*~ ; a ZEA S = : : 2 y neg % ma Sz SA (LEN BE AGEN, z <£ SZ iy Vip ¢ ). Ry aa cae ure GP mea Wg NE ya NS Gen Ee EAR eo PA EVO VARY 7 we ES OD OS AGE. Wl an? \ By oe . as 60-7 SERED at Aa Es 7 SES CHE CE 1 ON rx EK) 6 | Sy RN 9) RY i Oe GRAN ERAN NES TOE BOR SKC KG /a SEG SG CN Ona: (Ce OA Rw SO RISY spe as ANP SOO NR TaN hina vn yy ey une =I }} a 0 6 PUBLISHED WEEKLY (GME Sooo: TRADESMAN COMPANY, PUBLISHERSR a) Jie LH DOMES SS SSE OR SS FE LS DISSES OIG Sr yD: Eighteenth Year GRAND RAPIDS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1901. Number 927 RNB eo we S The Best Is the Cheapest There’s room for argument here, but there’s none when the CHEAPEST IS ALSO THE BEST. rubbers on the market and the cHEapEst. f - BEACON FALLS are the zest first quality f f Made in all styles. Write for catalogue. f THE BEACON FALLS RUBBER SHOE CO. ( f BEACON FALLS, CONN. % NSS US SO SU. wR ea. aR! By WY UU mere If so, and you are endeavoring to get along without -using our improved Coupon Book System, you are mak- ing a most serious mistake. We were the originators of the Coupon Book plan and are the largest manufac- turers of these books in the country, having special machinery for every branch of the business. Samples free. Correspondence solicited. TRADESMAN COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. Grocers Will Please Commit to Memory ROASTED x2: PACKED BY ABE ile ee Paene | PRINCIPAL COFFEE ROASTERS US). Cee The most reliable Coffees—those best developed—the most excellent Coffees—are roasted and packed by Dwinell-Wright Co., Boston—with Western offices in Chicago. This firm, one of the oldest in the United States, does not confine one’s selection to a few brands—as do many of its contemporaries—but offers a choice from Over Forty Different Coffees—from which the grocer can pick those best adapted to his peculiar needs; quite an advantage, isn’t it? Dwinell-Wright Co., it must be remem- bered, has done more to promote the sale of good coffees than any other firm in the world, and its business reputation and the completeness of its modern facilities far exceed those of its competitors. Certainly a plausible reason why it can serve the trade at competitive figures and with dependable coffees. Your next duty obviously will be to buy Dwinell-Wright Co.’s Coffees. AABAAAAARARARRARAR The following houses are exclusive agents for Dwinell-Wright Co.’s Boston Roasted in the State of Michigan: OLNEY & JUDSON GRO. CO., Grand Rapids, [lich. SYTIONS BROS. & CO., Saginaw, [lich. C. ELLIOTT & CO., Detroit, [lich. JACKSON GROCER CO., Jackson, [lich. B. DESENBERG & CO., Kalamazoo, [lich. MEISEL & GOESCHEL, Bay City, [lich. /TARAAAR ARR AARRARARARARARARRARARAARAAA AA RA AAA AAR RAA ARR A RRA : : : : i, Patillag nse THE BEST. MADE BY THE NEW SCOTTEN TOBACCO C0. Gadepondant A k f it. AGAINST THE TRUST. See Quotations in Price Current. WHEAT GRITS Contain the Heart of the Wheat With the addition of sugar and milk (or cream) or sugar and butter, they are an ideal and complete food. No better Cereal Food can be produced and the price is less than that asked for other and less desirable cereals. Easily cooked, delicious to eat, easy to digest, easy to buy ($2.00 per case of 24 2-lb. packages). Walsh-DeRoo Milling Co., Holland, Mich. Nearly every dealer who has corresponded with us has bought from us and every dealer who nas bought is satisfied and so are his customers. EGG BAKING POWDER Home Office, 80 West street, New York. Western Office, 523 Williamson. Br'dg, Cleveland. Branch Offices Detrolt Fort Wayne Columbus SARI CP AAEM EN NON work and better for plastering. than can be made with any other lime. PLAIN TALK We warrant Bay Shore Standard Lime to be not only equal to, but better : We warrant Bay Shore Standard Lime to be free from stone or other waste. Soliman Ee We warrant Bay Shore Standard Lime to slack out as white as the whitest. s | Cincinnati than any other lime on the market. Better for stone work, better for brick We warrant Bay Shore Standard Lime to make more mortar (per barrel) ee We warrant Bay Shore Standard Lime not to “pop” in the wall if properly xTan Pp used. (Let it stand a few days after slacking.) This will be the dealer’s authority to settle any “kick” (and charge to us) where Bay Shore Standard Lime does not fulfill all claims made by us. BAY SHORE LIME COMPANY, Bay Shore, Mich., June 1, tgo!. HOMER SLY, Secretary. NAVARA MARA MARR RAMA AAA MARANA AAA = s —7) At -_— = cay G 0 ll ia 4 Volume XVIII. GRAND RAPIDS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1901. Number 927 ee Wholesale Ready Made Clothing Nearly all kinds, for all seasons, for Men, Boys and Children. Meet WILLIAM CONNOR Rapids, July 8 to 15, and you will see a large line of samples to select from. Customers’ expenses allowed. Or if you prefer, write him, care Sweet’s Hotel, and he will callon you. He pays prompt 3 who will be at Sweet’s Hotel, Grand attention to mail orders. aan eSA ETE A. BOMERS, ..