Ae ee RS ath reno RR AA nn DPPAN CS SH Cte BG (NS E bss Py BT) es SN Ere K 4 es Sew SS VIS . aN ir y ws i Pos Ae US, ue ¥ 3 R G Ap Ii A ss rh Sis Le Ne : > x ARN Ai, OMA 2 AS KA rr ha CS A? eK Ay Be Sy Seg NE AS Ne) Ce ee ar oR iS Vay Wh 4 ee LA PRO: pS GS “ Be ii an Dy ee: Zz

| Speed SOLD ONLY TO ONE DEALER IN EACH TOWN rticulars Voss Bros. Mig. Co. 1326 to 1332 West 3d St., Davenport, lowa il x [ (EAGLES? LYE OUR ~ |New Deal : ee 3 FOR THE = Retailer 3 = a Absolutely Free oi all Charges One Handsome Giant Nail Puller aot I AGL E BRA Nos P OWDI RED I YE. HOW OBTAINED e 7 v t a 1 aL. as i 0 I Freig t I o Ret wil LAN WU Li rye Eagle Lye Works, Milwaukee, Wisconsin somammnaa ee oe ! Sunliabt : B e A shining success. good for both bread and pastry. Walsh-DeRoo Milling Zo. Bolland, Michigan CREE: Cos eS. Re ei a Fruit Fruit Flavor Flavor This Is the Popular Flake Food With the masses. Delicious, palatable, nourishing and eco- nomical. Liberal discounts to the trade. Order through your jobber. Write for free sample and particulars. Globe Food Company, Limited 318 Houseman Block, Grand Rapids, Mich. n Grocer Company, Worden Grocer Co., Musselman Grocer Co., Grand Rapids Simple A quick and easy method of keeping your accounts. Es- = < Fo oo _— —) =~ "T) (D pecially handy for keeping ac- count of goods let out on ap- proval, and fcr petty accounts with which one does not like to encumber the regular ledger. By using this file or ledger for charging accounts, it will save one-half the time and cost of keeping a set of books. Charge goods, when purchased, directly on file, then yo:1r cus- tomer’s bill is always ready for him, and can be found quickly, on account of the special index. This saves you looking over several leaves of a day book if not posted, when a customer comes in to pay an account and you are busy wait- ing on a prospective buyer. TRADESMAN COMPANY, Grand Rapids Twentieth Year GRAND RAPIDS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1903. Number 1033 Collection Department R. G. DUN & CO. Mich. Trust Building, Grand Rapids Collection delinquent accounts; cheap, efficient, en. ayrence direct demand system. Collections made everywhere—for every trader. | 0. THINK! You do not take any risk RK. MoCRONE, Manager. 25 to 40 per cent. realized by stock- holders in companies not two years old by buying at the ground floor. Our new issues will make the same record. Write or call for information. CURRIE & FORSYTH, 1023 Mich. Trust Bidg., Grand Rapids, Mich. and would like to have it EARN MORE MONEY, write me for an investment O9EROOES HOD EOOOS FEOEODED | IF YOU HAVE MONEY q ¢ 7 ° : that will be guaranteed to earn a certain dividend. Will pay your money back at end of year if you de sire it. Martin V. Barker Battle Creek, Michigan SVESSHEELOESROSSCSFOSO SS be HARA ED ADS *SXTORDAAHRS OAD We Buy and Sell Total Issues of State, County, City, School District, Street Railway and Gas BONDS Correspondence NOBLE, MOSS & COMPANY - BANKERS Trust Building, Solicited, Unior Detroit, Mich, Commercial Ore || man Oke rete rte) Building, Grand Rapids Detroit Opera House Block, Detroit Good but slow. debtors pay upon receipt of our direct de- mand . letters. Send all .other accounts to our offices fot collec- tion. ; + Seeders WHY NOT BUY YOUR FALL LINE OF CLOTHING where you have an opportunity to m a good We he Clothing line for Men, Boys a ake selectior fifteen different lines? everything Childre The William Connor Co. Wholesale Clothing 28-30 South lonia Street Grand Rapids, Mick. u, from the cheapest to the highest grade. IMPORTANT FEATURES. subs t historv ed Page. ? < ' : a oo th é te Dasi wht 3 2. False Economy. wa 3. Doubling Up. if s commer ' 4. Around the State. ents ctly the na la d 5. Grand Rapids Gossip. ; be ones ¢ ic IpO i 2t> X 6. Ice Cream. i ' r 4. Five Efsentials. ound e Grecian Sé yO SI d 8. Editorial. the Mediterranean be e the ‘ 9. Editorial. = ¥~§ KOman maritime accompli ‘. 10, Dry Goods, r ' 12. The Meat Market. > p HOurIS 1 13. Starting a Creamery. its d 14. The New York Market. 15. Disclosed By Death. : 7 16. Clothing. Dasin mS 20. Shoes and Rubbers. enterprisé reat t g nd 21. A Fortune for a Stolen Purse. “a t € rf f tne 22. Hides Tanned by Roentgen Rays. i e : oe 23. Factory Fever. p ~ “d in Civi 1 ind 24. Woman’s World. it nd st S phs 26. Appreciation of Self Is No Crime. i i : euns a t 5 t ns 28. Two Million Dollars. : dens 29. Radio Activity. uggiec pon Su 30. Hardware, ) ; Thes ‘ ver re- 31. Profit in Bank Accounts. ’ ¢ ' : +} 32. Family Peace. fl : 33. Detecting Counterfeit Money. ) ¢ le Unite » s t S 34. The Devil Wagon. al y nat " se shore f 36. The Law of Competition. H a \ \ é is f ha 37. Good Pluck Is Good Luck. a : ' ings 38. Individuality. Ss ( ( S ssing 40. Commercial Travelers. ' Old World kz S S 42. Drugs and Chemicals. s ; 44. Grocery Price Current. i ip : 46. Special Price List. gun that « tion : s th ly w l EXTRAVAGANT ASSUMPTION. typify the natio d The other day when President that it Ss establis up Roos S king to the citizens 1 S in th St c t Phe s zht brag Nor x . 1 sight S \ o ( ic sto OcEe edg ) be h S > l 5 y natt y and easily h- | tin . g Cc } t © 1d S in | Se: h Vv 1 tl senc 1eén I de i t \ I c Uni States is des-|{of t FP: C \ eV S ; } ite ti Pa c ocean. | N é t I t s not b . + vec Pp c stat j | nie ‘ Dae i ¥y ‘ ppro t was i y nar- | ¥? ) S h t ne and place and|ag S g ccasion that called yr tl With | \ i O the ) ste lor 4 is cf | I “te , tre | t n Of ii 1S i VUL ; r 1 ) nit St sc , c oT I + I it . i ( | g 1 Tt t < T ( The } f \ ‘ LT \ Hi ' n d Ly } A $e P ) 5 At | if ‘ | i nam I hemn n Aegean s s to-day | s beg g fr : ; ¢ j te r t ns Ort t 4 i S j y o { measures The ec if | pass t g ery nt of the her and the mu- | Gr f blic is ionship then and there estab-| gy from ocean to yt lished has crystallized into fact what shore to shore tor i" oo work and the fulfillment of its p } “ gun Té ¢ t ih D c S y I oD \ : : f os ¢ l ‘ At ‘ vi \ 1 ' ( i ) reé } DD r ix cS = \7 ota i + ) ) ' j <. i f } i ; ; : T, ¢ 1 f ( y 5 1 ¢ MICHIGAN TRADESMAN FALSE ECONOMY. Too Many Merchants Treading the Dangerous Path. Stores that seem other every cular are so miserably advertised purch asing public is driven iy at times when its patronage is led most i Saw > cl 4 S ag r that I could not | W S passing 2 ny s ced ta with c © who te 7 £ I 1 + lL, - k r together wl i ' C g store It was adorned plate glass of the most j — rt j sll eet danunenus aesigti i i idows were ed with a f good line o S Evid y the manager was g Q earing s to draw t . } ve " +? > St signs beari1 1g the infor- ces Lacy wit wit their ~ » l A ) ‘ ( A 2 1 CHAE SiOr t the ce carrie t I ce windows ot k Store | i sec | | € peop | ; wel it poss inting I fill some mer- bills | their a lot of cards and signs that would windows with “14 Will .. i fourth cl uss | grocery js of their goods. They move in- in 2 twenty miles back/to a fine store building and then from Nobody will deny | knock the whole effect in the head that it lessens the expense of operat-| by forcing a public, that has already the store Nobody will claim | suffered to a nt extent, to gaze mY 1 cost more to place 1 a collection of lettering and sign y designed announcements | painting that would drive a man di "\ i s, but there is nojrect to the next boozerine to offs: e¢ ea th g that saves GCmects ) the work by t ya V thr Ss in ge bills | bracer of Old ¢ w. It is such eco 1 S people away s caused the sheriff to e st é of the cheap- | turn tl y in the door of a ness d bucolic air of the windows.! man’s store, and it seems that there a ire yet those who are treading the a r path syssetigal Raymond H. Merrill we D the w A man jugeli lls and an ad- g! vertisi es not know his € goods There is a lot of ’ ) 4707 3 ispla ‘‘T have just commenced flour and it takes the cake. Send ten barrels more at once.’’ That’s the way to feel about the flour you sell. That's the kind of Flour that Makes business easy and comfortable. Makes profits sure. Try it on yourself. Valley City Customer Says ‘everybody wants.” Grand Rapids, Mich. LILY WHITE Everybody wants it. selling flour to sell. Milling Co., WHEN IN NEED OF VEHICLES OF ANY KIND investigate our line before going elsewhere. “hey are built on the principle that it tter t is Dé Wood’s VEHICLES are Stylish, Strong and Durable CHARGES WITHIN REASON. Write for our illustrated ¢ atalogue and ARTHUR WOOD CARRIAGE CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. have merit than cheapness in price. Price List—A pleasure to send you one, so write. MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 3 DOUBLING UP. Combination Store Plan of Peculiar Character. some years ago, that matters were getting fine point The shoe business overdone in I saw, down to a yas be- town. I mention with me. bit see ing a could ing. I made up my mind something had to be our no future worth done. a long time and this is what I figured out: three other I thought it over men in the same town, one with a grocery stock, one with clothing, hats and caps, and one with dry We secured big, well lighted and modern on the in the town of 1. did man goods, went in with me. a fine, loca- store best corner a joint room, tion and made store We Each ine, not go into had he partnership. control of his own had It was instead of occupying just as before. practically this: separate buildings, we had our stores all in the same big room, divided off according to our needs, but all in one. We shared rent, light, heat, store, help, advertising and other ex- penses, at a large economy in opera- tion. Each other three the of us “pulled” for the passed a customer We got together night went over matters. dry goods man was pushing particular leader, we were told of it and helped the good work along. The same with the rest of us. We took turns in furnishing attractive leaders to get people to coming in bunches. We did not all go into the combin- ation at once. We agreed that to get the best effect out of it we should prolong the public talk and work the idea out long enough. to all the good possible. Therefore, we started with the combination the and the dry rented the the proposed change, one and line. and down every If the any do us of grocery goods store. They after an- and working room, nouncing started in with big business, leaders in both lines, making strong talk on what they could do for their customers in the way of saving on buying stock, which was mostly talk, by-the-way, but of management. it went, and in econ- They made offerings of certain staple goods at slightly cut prices to back the talk. I have noticed that the general ten- dency omy in our town, starts to do largely ignore it and they won’t amount to anything. The excitement will soon die away. They can not hurt us.” It is just that kind of attitude that enables a man to make a strike, some- times. The other merchants did just that. for the new among merchants competitor things, is to to say, ©, when a in in our town They sat still, store to get to be story with the public. 3ut just about the time that this might have happened, along came the clothing man. More exceedingly strong talk about the advantages to the customer of still further concen- trating and combining our business I may say that we industriously paved the way for this by talking over the matter fully with all of our waiting an old big customers who had time to talk or who showed interest in the matter, or even a willingness to hear about it. would an For instance when a lady be buying goods for herself and girls, the would “Now, if just could fit out your boys, would probably dry goods man say, we had clothing we too.” that would be a idea. I would not to to what | Why don’t you do that?” When he sent here, She say, | Les, good have run around get want. the clothing man came in, all or as much of it advisable to have letters to his customers explaining the deal, the and urging them to and see him in that prices as was public know, come in his new place, assur- ing them he could do better by them in and goods than be- fore. Then in, they after the clothing got built a cheap addition as a and then stock easily placed, of consolidation man warehouse, my shoe was and our plan ylete We we was And the pian ing comy works. are mak- money than did indi- Each store draws trade for We do ) separate interests, and more vidually. the others. not explain the tact oi it does not occur to the customer to think of it. He simply comes to buy cloth ing—and the clothing man sends him over to me for shoes, or he comes in to buy shoes, and I get him inter ested in some of the other lines while he is there. The combination made our store clear ahead of anything else in town, in size and attractiveness, put us ahead of the bunch, and we have kept ahead. I not can same good looks to me either that or surrender to who see no reason why we stay ahead. I believe the thing could be worked in a many Other towns. It as if it is the come in man has nerve enough to with a regular department store, in a great many Ours is in cases fact a department store, with separate ownership of the de- partments. I believe this has some advantages over going into a com- pany a It makes own line, of the job. It is hardly necessary to say we a cash business. i al. if do so, but the dividually, and pooling the whole thing. for his end every man hustle his and he is boss of do One cas swers for any one of 11 us sees fit to he will take a farmer’s note, note is made to him in- not Leather Gazette. oo - To Clarify Lime Juice. Lime juice may } > - the store.— to be clarified heating it either alone a small by or mixed, with quantity of egg albumen, in a suitable without stirring, to near the boiling point of water, vessel, un- til the impurities have coagulated and either risen to the top the bottom. It is then clean which sunk to into be com pletely filled and closed (with point- ed corks), so that each cork has to displace a portion of the liquid to be inserted. The bottles are sealed and or filtered bottles, should kept at an even temperature (in a In this way the satisfactorily preserved. oo Prudery is coquetry gone to seed. cellar). be juice may They Save Time Trouble Cash Get our Latest Prices BARLOW BROS, GRAND RAPIDS MICH. —e Than a Candle and many 100 times more light from Brilliant and Halo Gasoline Gas Lamps Guaranteed good for any place. One ™ agent in a town wanted. Big profits. Brilliant Gas Lamp Co, 42 State Street, Chicago [ll i School 19.25 S. Division St. 0 SINE V Lat fadan’® ; EZ ily cc .,. Rates; Best School 100 STUDENTS of this school have accepted per- manent positions during the past four months. Send for lists and catalogue to D. McLACHLAN CO. GRAND RAPIDS. OIGT CREAM FLAKES PRINTING It’s as much a necessity in your business as the goods you sell! Get the right kind—nea up-to-date printing. Company furnishes right prices. t, tasty, Tradesman ; this kind, at Send us your next order—no matter what it is, large or small. careful attention. It will have prompt, TRADESMAN COMPANY 25-27-29-31 North lonia Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. MICHIGAN TRADESMAN Around the State Movements of Merchants. 1X 1 i i { ( t 4 ce a S p 1% Vy C . Je (; S { S r Kr 4 ret \ . VV 8) i f \ = VK? > VW I20 Ss es au Ss res accou se , ne MRros i Ji sing & ent ( . i Ss USI] i . ve ss V- j X wy ‘ oa k Com ( at s s clos- carpet stock nt o scy- Pa a the 1g A 13- t AU wns ba- QD ~ i Ss rancn v a 1 ~ sens! © Has Ne ‘ ti Pe the several 5 3 ~ Ue Ss S- no ng d i > sa nd ri goods, oy - Ss, and A. 5S y T c Ss T G. Vanden- Bros Oo f and Poest 1d—The firms Bosch & Son have s ited and have removed their clothing stocks into their spacious W ters ] new concern will be known as the Main Clothing & The International Broker- as been formed for the pur- and he business has been ler the style c ret 7. Ltd. Clare—Nathan Bicknell, oneer business men, tired from active business an will remove to his Spring Brook farm f 120 acres located at Vernon, interests in cl of his two sons. James S. B i large 1 ‘1 J DiIcKNnell will have charge of the grocery store Bicknell will continue 1 dry goods business. stock of F. Miller, who did inden—The Manufacturing Matters. ao . h ~ 7 s$-1 ~t re L £ bh naw--The capital stock of the Saginaw Sugar Co. has been increas- - i d from $300,000 to $650,000. Exten- sive improvements w be made in f )] int raw isOn's grape crop Grand Haven—The Western Piz / . i Supply Co., which has been recently established at this place, has begur I ture of supplies of differ- s—The leclared a dividend of Clinton C has ¢ is the first divi- Ithough the concern a5 DOCH OF a = rt) 5 Qa rt) co Zoos the last two ye: \drian—The Huron Remedy Co s been organinzed with a capital Lewis T. Lochner, at this place, has been the man of the Huron remedy and is at head of the new organiza- tion Frankfort— & Co suitable ovens Harmon are constructing and add- ing new fi xtures for a bakery in con- with their grocery business. The new department will be in charge nection of James Hutchins, formerly of Grand Rapids. oe Ludington—The Ludington Wood- enware Co. has purchased the old factory site and will plant thereon for the and also butter dishes, rolling pins, and other wooden potato mashers is being pushed on the on Company. This i the Detroit 1 remove its building of which will Holcomb, who a newly-invented blishing a new the He is rprise here under investors. of local Detroit—The Hercules Manufac- ois " i. ica oo . turing oO. has nied articies Of asso- ciation with the County Clerk. Capi- tal stock $30,000, all paid in. The 1 1 metal pol- me 1 m ui - , and cleaners, soaps, marking crayons, brooms and other l The stockholders Frazier, 10; Wil- William All are Henry C. G. Dunbar, fandt, i245 rustee trustee, 500. Detroit. —The Puro Manufactur- No No to the Retailer. introductory prices. of baskets of all kinds | plant | troit as soon as the buildings | be | nanu- | moving his engine and other machin- |} : r Pjercson rhere 3 r have ery om Pierson, where they have | been located for some time past. T ture extracts and baking powder, has suspended business and its affairs are being wound up. j financed The company was 1 i 6 ns local stockholders, who by dropped their investment in the con- poy Ne ia a oe Northwest Cigar Co. has ed its stock company under Manufacturing into a merg business |'the same style. The authorized cap ital stock is $10,000, held as foll A. WS: aares; F. M T. Keegan, Moraske, 64 N. Williams, pach, 423 } 423 Si John M. sia ie Snares, and ©. Diamond Peat- ganized River = -The Three | Fuel Co. with a been or of $120,000, one-hz + one-half common of Mason, holds 3,000 500 shares nre pi ¢ terred and imon; W. P. Rani kin, of Grand Rapids, | holds com- ae 1 in Af ~ 5,000 shares common; M. E | Ludwick holds 500 shares common. —_——~ <> For Gillies’ N. Y. tea, all kinds, grades and prices, Visner, both phones CREDITADVILES COLLECTIONS AND, PEEL oe ; WIDDICOMB BLDG. GRAND RAPIDS, DETROIT OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, DETROIT. Sia Rech AL as ae pat TA ah eee ae TT ® AND COLLECT ALL OTHERS Better Than Beefsteak Bone Gristle Fat Waste Spoilage Loss VEGE-MEATO == Purely vegetable, of delicious flavor, and sold at popular prices—15 and 25c per can. Good profit Send for samples and special The M. B. Martin Co., Ltd. Grand Rapids, Mich. MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 6 Grand Rapids Gossip The Grocery Market. Sugar—The raw sugar market shows a little firmer feeling, although there is no change in price. There are no sugars pressing for sale and better feeling who are inclined hold their stocks for a week or there is a generally among importers, to so, when a much better demand for refined is expected, which will, of course, improve trade in raw sugars. Arbuckle reduced his prices five points and was also followed by Howell and the American a little later, but the last day or two the de- mand h tendency of the market is considera- irmer. With seasonable weath- er from now on a very good trade is anticipated in refined sugars. Goods—The demand for canned goods continues all sections and stocks are becoming very short in- deed met bly I Canned ia Michigan very good from have and now there are but very few left, and what on hand are very firmly held, with packers not making There also contin- ues a very good demand for gallon Peaches demand in some lines. with an excellent stocks are any concessions. been made. There is some difference in regard to prices in the views of buyers and sellers, as buyers are still looking for cheap apples and it is difficult to get them up to the prices asked by sellers. There is a very ac- tive enquiry for strawberries, cher- ries, black raspberries and gooseber- ries of the new packing. There were practically no stocks carried over from last year and as the pack of| small fruits will be very light this season on account of the short these crops, the outlook is for much high- There seems to be an un- ustial demand for gooseberries this er prices. season, which promises to go unsat- isfied as the crop will be exceedingly There is nothing new to re- port yet in the tomato market, prices showing no change and with The market, how- ever, shows a slightly firmer tenden- which may soon result in an ad- expected there the finer season, but in conspicuous by short as stocks very light. Cy; Every one a full pack of this are vance. would be grades of Maryland peas they their a ed they will have to come from Wis- consin. Considerable disappointment is felt regarding this, as last year’s pack of these grades was so light expected the Corn continues to and much was from pack this season. be very firmly held by those who have any to hold, but they are so as increased and the general | : : |}market is i | salmon continue to move out quite satisfactorily, with stocks being rap- idly decreased by the continual con- sumptive demand. New pack Colum- bia River salmon is beginning to come in now and is meeting with an excellent demand. Dried Fruits—There is nothing of particular interest to note in this week’s dried fruit market. Business continues quite satisfactory for this season of the year and the general tendency of prices is upward. Stocks are being quite rapidly reduced and there will be but very little, if any- thing, carried over into next season. There continues a good for the show no Stocks are moderate, but not any larger than it is believed will be necessary to sup- request prunes of all sizes, but although firm, prices change from last week ply the trade the remainder of the season. Raisins are not in quite as active demand as prunes, but are moving out quite satisfactorily, how- ever, with only fair stocks on hand. Apricots are not selling quite as well las a few weeks ago, but there is no | change in price Peaches are exceed- ingly quiet, with practically no de- at all. Currants are moving out quite rapidly at unchanged prices, mand ithe general tendency of the market, apples and a number of sales have | bsence, and if many are pack- | however, is toward higher prices. There is so little trade on figs and dates during the summer, that one hardly thinks of theme at all. There are none being offered for sale as they are all in cold storage for the summer season. There continues | quite a good demand for evaporated apples, but there no change in price. More business could probably is be done by shading the prices some- what, but holders are inclined to be quite firm and decline to do this. in the but the strong statistical position of this ar- ticle continues to be reflected in other markets. Some buyers have just awakened to the fact that stocks are very small and assortments very broken and are coming into the mar- ket to complete their broken assort- ments, and are consequently obliged to pay full prices for all they buy. Rice—The rice situation South remains unchanged, Molasses—Although there is prac- tically no demand at all for molasses, prices are very firmly held, with deal- ers showing no disposition to force the market, in view of the strong sta- tistical position and small spot stocks. Nothing of interest is expected to take place until the opening of the fall season, when higher prices are looked for. of the fish unchanged. Fish—The condition market is practically | There is quite a good demand for much in the minority as to count for | Orders for corn are com- ing ‘in constantly, but they are ob- very little. goods to fill them with. Orders from outside are being constantly receiv- but it impossible secure enough for our own home trade, let outside buyers. The market ed, is to alone for pineapples continues very strong, owing to the exceedingly short pack this year, which is so much smaller | All varieties of | than was expected. +7 i liged to be turned down for lack of | all varieties, but with prices showing no change. Codfish and mackerel are both being very firmly held, due to the fact that stocks are so small. argely Nuts—Trade in nuts continues un- changed, with very little doing in anything but peanuts, which are mov- ing out quite satisfactorily, but with no change in price. Rolled Oats—The rolled oats mar- ket continues firm, with good de- mand. The Produce Market. Bananas—Good shipping $1.25@2.25 per bunch. stock, Zeeswax—Dealers pay 25c for prime yellow stock. 3eet Greens—soc per bu. Beets—zoc per doz. 3utter — Creamery is without change, being sold on the basis of 20c for choice 2ic for fancy. Dairy grades are weak, local hand- 12@13c for packing stock, 13(@14c for choice and 15@16c for fancy. Receipts are heavy. and lers quoting Cabbage—$z2.50 per crate of about 4 dozen. Carrots—i15c per doz. Celery—zoc per bunch. Receipts are increasing in quantity and im- proving in quality. Cherries—The crop is unusually short. Sweet command $4 per bu. and sour fetch $3@3.50 per bu. Cocoanuts—$4 per sack. Cucumbers—35@4oc per home grown. Eggs—Receipts are not large and the quality has been seriously im- paired the hot weather. Local handlers hold candled at 15@16c and case count at 13@14c. Figs—goc per 10 th. box of Califor- nia. doz. for by Green Onions—i1ic per doz. for silver skins. Green Peas—goc@$1 per bu. for home grown. Honey—New to arrive on a basis of 12%c. | Lemons—Californias fetch 3.50 per box and Messinas command $4@4.50 per box. | Lettuce—Leaf, 60c per bu.; head, ‘Soc per bu. Onions—Louisianas in 65 fb. sacks, '$2. Californias in 90 tb. sacks, $2.50; Kentucky, $3.25 per bbl. Oranges—California late Valencias, $4@4.50. Pieplant—$1 per 50 fb. box. white is beginning $3@ Pinegpples—Floridas have ad- |vanced to $3.25 per crate. Cubans are out of market. Potatoes—Old have declined to 50 @6oc per bu. New are steady and in only fair demand at $3.25 per bbl. are about equal Local live Poultry—Receipts the follows demand. dealers for fowls: Spring broilers, 15@16c; yearling chickens, 9@toc; old fowls, 8@9c; white spring ducks, 12@14c; old turkeys, 9@IIc; nester squabs, $1.50@2 per doz.; pig- to as pay eons, 50c per doz. Radishes—China Rose, 1I4c doz.;; Chartiers, 12c; round, 12c. Raspberries—Red are in active de- mand at $1.50 per 12 qt. case. Black are in firm demand at $1.75 per 16 qt. case. Summer Squash—soc@$1 per pack- age, according to size. Tomatoes—S85c per 4 basket crate Turnips—z2oc per doz. Watermelons—20@3o0c for Floridas. Wax Beans—$1@1.25 per bu. Whortleberries—$1.50 per 16 qt. The price is tending downward. The crop is believed to be above the average, both in quality and quan- tity. per case ~~ © ~ tanneries. Pelts are firm and bring good val ues at ready sale. Tallow and greases are lower and dormant and stocks are accumulat ing. Offerings are large in grease and oils, with concesions price to effect sales. Wool is not moving very fast from ideas or held market is without price at present A few buyers ’ 1 c 1 ylem which confronts the . The tanning trade relative prot he proiong- i proior solved, ation of the hemlock bark supply has been i interests are I the have 14 . holders oft Lte., who n Kentucky for the chestnut factory i j ture of oak 1 place in 4 of hemlock ba tory will have a barrels, which will inv ee ment of $200,000 will reduce the bark £ i's Michigan tanneries tan ' which will of the hemlock bark in¢ = State several years : & Heman G. Bariow is spending a fortnight at the cottage of his son-1 law, Arthur C. Denison, at the White Lake resort, where he busies himself assassinating potato bugs and diving for fish. In writing his friends h 1 nsists on calling himself Horace Greeley Barlow in place of his former nomen He is greatly impro -_ oe Lee M. Hutchins, Secreta Treasurer of Hazeltine & Perkins Co., leaves to-morrow for Island night he Drug » ._. Mackinac Sunday days’ trip through G Parry Sound, returning v ault Marie. a Taft, formerly business at L opened a The & furnished the stock i lm G. J. Maruits has purcha boot of Leonard C Heyboer, at 738 East Fulton street ee J. H. Bryan, q the Charlotte is erecting a $5,000 residen drug store Hazeltine Perki 1 snoe stock and druggist, ce opposite +. nart ho Altare the court house square. “ oa The man who possesses ability will find little profit in advertising the fact. PILES CURED DR. WILLARD M. BURLESON Rectal Specialist 103 Monroe Street Grand Rapids, Mich. 6 Must Be i C c Ty t t S tr, the Made. micite i . . F - £ ~ t] C iu ‘ her ic 5 6 a and in ICE CREAM Good Quality c re. alr ise S t A c 4 _ MICHIGAN TRADESMAN consumer 1S made ng water limits. Why it should vary and ice or sherbet. to is governed First, by can be incor- Sec- zing ma of the whipping very sé 1 a / that increase of | n over cream. | ' the i occasionally : se of 80 per cent. the | Ss A vy 6 1+ r | obtain t of arease ream Id be measured and disposed soon after freezing as conve- i i c i ri ( i j v | ry . “. iS 2 tree Part OF) a+ 8 } a ' s been incorpor ed in] g . g collects im the . a chee ok +} S it. when the o, tt . on li , a4 Ty those having the double lid are much to be contaminated with salt in freez- | until the cream is frozen solid. They } clean, cold water not troubled with the For the high class trade there is | Logical Demands of Union Men. in the roof of the mouth so] quite a demand for ice cream bricks; Theo walking delegate of the car- -d by eating ice cream from one to three flavors | yen’s union in a certain Western city from poor cream or from eat- more colors. These are 1.4. made the following demands oo brick shaped tin mould, | the street car companies of that city: rapidity of freezing has ; 1. That the wages of all employes & 2 Danger in Circulars for Wrapping. h ian at Dresden prescribed a snuff for a patient with asthma, ch contained belladonna, hyoscy- amus and datura. he druggist dis-| nership enterprise for their own ben- pensed it in two small boxes, each | efit, at the expense of the stockhold- wrapped in a_ circular advertising | e;. somatose. The patient noticed the —___.-2 .__ | directions for taking the somatose, A boil is not really such a very 1 teaspoonful in milk, three times aj painful affair when it is on the day. Supposing that they applied to | other fellow. he took with the boxes, teaspoonful of the snuff contents of s¢- QUICK MEAL | Gasoline, Wickless Stoves And Steel Ranges ere reciulite Of No Practical Use. | Gas, Bill—What’s the use of tying a tin ip to a dog’s tail? Have a world renowned reputation. Jill—I’m s I never Write for catalogue and discount. 1 dog w tin cup tied to his t , looked as if he llv ha D. E. VANDERVEEN, Jobber me to properly use it. Phone 1350 Grand Rapids, Mich WHEN JOHNSON MAKES THE AWNINGS for your store or office you have the satisfaction of knowing that your awnings are the best that money can buy. They are cut, sewed and finished by skilled hands. We also make Sails, Tents and Carpet Covers. Our prices on FLAGS are the lowest. Estimates carefully furnished. Established 1886, All orders promptly attended to. Try us. JOHN JOHNSON & CO., 360 Gratiot Ave., Detroit, Michigan scninsaietietiteaeliindielorietemrnticaciatiernaehaiuannaiett tenement eal taiaelll iininn reomtanienl ‘“‘WE FOOL THE RAIN”’ trad: Canvas Covers mara Agents Wanted We have the agency for Western Michigan for CARRARA PAINT and wish to appoint a sub agent in every town in this section. Carrara is made from minerals and is in every way superior to white lead. For particulars write paint department. WoRDEN GROCER COMPANY Grand Rapids, Mich. MICHIGAN TRADESMAN FIVE ESSENTIALS. Exactness, Honesty, Politeness, Pa- tience and Perseverance. Any man and every man who has made any money in the grocery busi- when I say in this busi- ness is well deserv- ed. I do not believe that there ‘is another business on the face of the be incurs many details and small aggravating occurrences as the And here is ness will side with me that every dollar made well earned and glo which as retail grocer has to encounter. just where the good assistant come in. A clerk and good poor clerk will create and increase the disagreable details, and a good clerk will share and lessen them. Good clerks, however, are not very often born; they have to be made and educated in the vocation. When a boy of 14 years of age, I was put into the retail grocery busi- men’s and a mule’s work. That is exactly what it meant. I had to do work from 5 a. m. to 9 p. m. and on Sundays, too, excepting two hours in the forenoon, when all stores were |closed, to give everybody a chance to to church. This was the only chance we had to steal a little time. £0 There were five of us. One had to go to church and bring us the text of the sermon, while the other four enjoyed a little game of rolling nine- pins, in some’ out of the way place. We rolled nine-pins because we did not know anything about strikes or walking delegates in those days. The first thing I was taught here was to sweep. It did not mean to take a broom and run through the store with it. It meant to sweep clean. The next thing to make pa- per bags, and to make these as large ble out of as little paper as goods and how to save every nail we extracted. How to handle goods | and how to take care of them and how to do it in the most economical | manner and without losing any un- time. What I learned here | was to be a handle for my lifetime. | { necessary The main object was to sweep clean, | t« leave nothing undisturbed in any cor- | ner and out might be of any piece of nothing which | sweep t ralue whatever. Ajt square had to be picked up before it | fe Not |i got dirty and had to be used. piece of string even a foot long | the should remain in the sweepings; and g ill the other work had to be done | t in like manner. This was teaching exactness, thoroughness and above all economy; and later in life I found just these things the most essential qualities of a good clerk. But how can you teach these qual- paper, if only four inches |s as possil © le; even ness in a city of about 4,000 inhabi- | POSs!Di« the paste had to be] ities to others when yor do not pos- How to keep a good clerk? This tants in Switzerland. I had to work | just so, and not otherwise. One of! sess them yourself? Even if you| question is, in my opinion, ez : for my own boarding and lodging | ™Y superiors told me once that if I | had an employe who possessed these | one way to and pay what would be in our money | WOU d ever try to make sacks again | qualities and his principal does not | that is the right wv about $100 a year. One hundred dol--| with such paste, he would make me | practice them, he will soon abandon | ll he is wo treat hin lars in the old country forty years | €4t 1 He said it was thick enough | them himself and get accustomed to | you d expe to be treate nd ago was a lot of money to pay for| for a cat to sleep on. | the more easy-going qualities of his | it for his futt . re as ¥ the privilege of doing about two Next we learned how to unpack/master. Thus I spent one year. | wn Robert Kellar of Grand Rapids Council No. 131, Executive Commitee and Past Counselors Chas. P. Reynolds Member"Executive Committee Henry Snitsel Member Executive John H. Millar F. 1. Da Committee Member Executive C mimittec Member Exec W. R. Compton Past Counselor John D. Martin John C. Emery John G, Kolb Past Counselor : Past Counselor MICHIGAN TRADESMAN TRADESMAN Joos ‘ EA ST WEDNESDAY - NO NEED TO WORRY. CHIGANTRADESMAN ‘HE BERLIN ACCIDEN GENERAL TRADE REV ro :* Dp yn S ot e ae that 1 a oF . tive mwrne t on + +h » ac t for t est . ) t . 4 Oll Lic his character. MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 9 . f ~ THE GREATEST WONDER. and the dumb speak, the blind see| THE DANISH WEST INDIES. ind in abundance Whatever pertains to the lengthen- and the cripple breaks his crutches The people of the Danish West In- ny other stone 4 ing of human life is a matter of the | *°'°5® his once useless legs and be-| dies are represented as being most ' © an greatest moment to the American. | C°™es another miracle of this mira- over their present situation t i the d j Young or old, rich or poor, the light cle-producing i —all showing 7 prospects. Some of them 5‘ ” bright and alluring and forever lead-|P’#'M’y as fact can show that one|have been over to Puerto Rico re- sajoelepecaen ing him on is the hope of a blissful menaret * - agen ~ > man now-|cently and they brought back to Phe signi rr ‘ie by period away off there somewhere a-lays to think of growing old. their homes very interesting oo een P ren. 4 _ when, his pile made, he will take his about time for the man|complimentary accounts of how er ce cee t fon ease and in the evening of his life me to the aid of these | people in that island are getting alon It is not to b I tt Pi enjoy to the utmost his hard-earned | agencies whose single purpose is a]under American jurisdiction. The ee fathers each every one i competency. With this dream _ to lengthening out of human life? All|comparison does not make the resi- | /4 led and st od a ee i realize he early in life settles down| these are so many means of helping| dents of St. Thomas and time t : mm that to business. The legend of the early | nature to the accomplishment of her] at all satisfied with their s € t : * bird pleases him isa an alarm elnek purpose-—only that. There is, and} The Puerto Ricans shipped over|t d per ¢ becomes a_ valued possession. He| ever has been, any secret about it. | $500,000 worth of coffee to the Unit-) Stone pres nen finds after some lively experien The 1 but one story |ed States between ary and June | actually ty re ; ut nothes shortest possible time to get up and veing t whereas the shipments |W”! / ih ' ' . dress. He knows to a how long ids never time last ar amount- | Proba® a it takes to eat his break and read 21.000. »y are also} 0 — vy the headlines of his paper He gives sugar, tobacco, id : raat himself the shortest time for catch- NI et than ever before try A ing his car, lets no grass grow under | SUC g S¢ cans are taking cour en his feet between car and office and | Comfortable; it—in | upon new enterprises ; ’ from that time until the close of busi-| the most comfortable bed you can|more to the purpose, ve i ness is in a whirl of excitement brok- | $¢t; do not eat twice as much as you in | ; en into only by midday lunch, if that| eed and do not eat food ee ee | can be said to be broken into, which | ‘ or old muscle, oc P includ icul ith whom h.” si a I Omission, 1s: the oO1m- r worry; but he who is in- ot cl the above recipe for a vnat it st : > soon see that it is a t t be the omitted evil. An-| wi Dein that tener which the busi-]s probal t t to-day may 1 \ y into t ae that I ernment is entirely friendly to the Bliss P a eae ea “on ti plan and ready to carry out its part dined with friends he : : ' f ' ' r nt S EN meet them. Ball or play or some- ! a ha a ea ge oO ) 1 act that tHe ownel vastes no time in opening it. He sleeps on time; he / if l A i eats on time; ready at the minute he : a | | + and it has frequently been said that]. —~ ,, 7 W the question comes t vot si ae ' gain there \ sir | 1, deploring alike headache and ferent. Th . er t “brown taste” he longs for “that good liane tel atta eer reer hes t 1 t Sd / ; ih i The reside Janish West old time be it summer or winter, ‘ ss ag _. = singu y the pres | ) S upon external agencie: bik. oie Cates adiscadews tne | ! iong upon this n undane dese pais In all probabilit; ly \ world is becoming educated in this some day they will be a United States | men appeared matter of lengthening life. We know i iisaieaiue 7 i | a good deal more of sanitation than i a co si our fathers did. The microscope and | PLYMOUTH ROCK. in i ae | i 1icrobe are matters of modern tour recently taken by the Lib-| | geet A = rn and through them a Ho he attention accorded} in ‘ i ; g has increased a certain percent.) .46nec the semi-_centennial to some enterprisi atte ee a ‘ Diseases that were once regarded as if Plymouth Rock], _. i , | visitations of Providence we now froma Hs place, petl... .. know Providence to have precious lit- ie aaa hei eackeilclabaei iii tle to do with and we are preventing xhibit it wot eld [ toes é them by suitable measures. The yel-| made to grow into the gums as firm-|a handsome revenue. The as | pearat P | I low fever has lost its terror; con- an enclosure a few |b e been t t ct sumption, its fateful germ having ise it is just as hard to ex-| feet fre i riginal position, is not|pests. The many s ts of ornan been found, has lost its grip upon|tract them as it is to dislodge the| large enough to make the | tal but stagnant gis ter f human lungs; smallpox now comes|genuine molar, made on prem-| tation problem very serious. believed t i t and goes and humanity cares little s tooth graft- tant as it is historically anc \ tuat r g or nothing about it; cancer is begin- eve | surrounded by many tender mosquit ets essity I y ning to “fold up its tent like the|diest height to which the dentist can /|triotic sentiments, houses ’ remed re g~ Arabs and as silently steal away;”|soar, the of false fron g up t ponds to surgery painlessly works its wonders | that ache. g the water sci scnnicattcaietinnitiauansiinneuastinnininaniannmnmmmmymmainsitinll MICHIGAN TRADESMAN Dry Goods Weekly Market Review of the Prin- cipal Staples. Consumpuoon, especialiy tor rent reorder trade. The greatest spring li isclosed they run from rmente garments. ines for 1904 “ing named, though not On those that have 1 5 to I0, about 12% above the prices that ruled This ad- vance certainly cannot be considered and in One or two cases. per cent for this last spring’s goods. excessive in any way, but on the con- tr must be looked upon as quite hould the price of cot moderate and s ton remain even on this present basis, the advance must be considered small matter take a considerable cotton might before it and aS a of fact drop could materially affect the prices now set for next spring’s underwear and make them lower. Considering the advances that have been made in prices and comparing them with the dvances in the cost of manufactur- ing, which includes yarns, trimmings nd labor, it must be evident to the observer that the man- e ft the f they give the s values that they did at this time year ago, but they will not do so Phere is no question that lower grades material w be used, less care will be used in sorting up and it will be at seams and edges are less ved. As all manufactur- doing the same thing, all will fare alike. So far there has noth- novel been 2 very uew of Voy shown to the trade in spring lines; market conditions do not promise to encourage them in any ex- 1 pe ents, so they will stick just as close to bed rock lines as they can. 4 A number of the department stores and a few other stores that are in a position to keep in touch with the ket conditions have already placed for next J fcoods, spring on lower and this would seem that they have sized up the situation pretty carefully and feel they will be on the right side if order now They certainly would not do this unless they felt considerable confidence in it them- situation root of the matter, it would seem as thot selves. In looking over the ind getting at the gh the manufac- turers might have difficulty i in supply- very important demand. It cannot be said yet of course what the 1 voll suppiy will be, for the rapidly chang- *r conditions prevent any accurate prediction in regard to crops, and this will be a most important fac- tor on next spring’s lines There are few if any new develop- in regard to fall underwear. lines that include cotton to any yortion in the make-up ce in aan and ‘ *leeces in particular d important demand especially om the European trade and with no possibi lities of meeting this demand act this American i request for underwear for abroad is reach- made ing a very important proportion, but at a time when it practically be supplied. cannot For the present sum- The bad weather in June prevented large mer season there is little to say. ilers and those who failed to receive their full supplies from the mills are now easy on that ac- count. There are some agents that have small quantities of goods for the present season to be delivered, but not to any important degree. sales by the retai Hosiery—There is little to say in NOBBY STUFF Pee to retail at 25cts is the strong item in a new lot of NECK- WEAR We have to offer. Grand Rapids Dry Goods Co. Grand Rapids, [lich. Exclusively Wholesale HAVE YOUR BOOKS AUDITED Our auditing department is eq — te go over books of any company id draw off an exact statement of affairs. We can arrange with any firm or corpo- ration to audit their accounts periodically. We open install ne books of new com modern j kee ping systems. Statements of business affairs of con panies that are unsatisfactory or are so in volved that they are investigated and eluc result tained Write to us an u — information that MICHIGAN TRUST CO. MICH. GRAND RAPIDS, Retailers Put the price on your goods. SELL THEM. Merchants’ Quick Price and Sign Marker Made and sold by DAVID FORBES ** The Rubber Stamp Man ”’ 34 Canal Street, Grand Rapids, Michigan It helps to Oleomargarine Stamps a specialty. Get our prices when in need of Rubber or Steel Stamps, Stencils, Seals, Checks, Plates, etc. Write for Catalogue. H. M. R. BRAND Asphalt Torpedo Granite Ready Roofing MOST PRACTICAL FOR ALL CLASSES OF BUILDINGS. —- @--—- MANUFACTURED By H. M. Reynolds Roofing Co, Grano Rapios, Micx. Sompanies an d appro ed book- a MICHIGAN TRADESMAN i regard to hosiery to-day, for among Advertising That Doesn’t Pay. OOS SS oe the agents, the Philadelphia strike has What would we say of the manu- 7 been the most important topic of facturer who built a fire under his ) ot Vea er O00 S ne } / i a op conversation. There seems to be lit- | Dover, then went off and allowed the fire to die out, expecting his mill to| ¢ run all day on that one fire? And 4 yet there are advertisers whe make tle of interest, however, found there. We have a good assortment of Challies, Organdies, Dimities and Lawns, ranging in price from 8c to 15c. We are closing these out at T4c. Manufacturers are taking the matter philosophically, because it happens at a time that is very convenient for them. The traveling representatives are going out with the spring lines and taking orders, for it is felt that when the proper time arrives the mills diy wel be run in good shape. : the crop? He would be expected to Carpets—As far as demand is con-|say that “farming doesn’t pay.” And cerned, the carpet manufacturing in-| yet there are advertisers who plant “one time” splurges or take “trial advertisements” and then, because business does not keep them up nights, say “advertising doesn’t pay.” There will be a good demand for these How about the farmer who plants goods for the next four weeks. corn and then sits down to wait for Write us for an assortment, and we will make a good selection for you. — dustry is in a very favorable condi-|the seed of an advertisement and 4 7: tion. Orders show considerable bulk] think their work is done. For such 4 P, S EKE | EE & SONS | / in nearly all the mills and those that] people advertising does not pay and d Wholesale Dry Gente F a ee ‘ ee ee eee Cw VD oe 5S are not affected by any labor disturb- | never will, and money spent in such ances are getting more than their us- | advertising would better be deposit ual share of the business. In three-|ed in the poor box at church. Ad- quarter goods circles, as a rule, every-|vertising is the fire under the busi- ing is yressing as s hlv as eS Fe 0 i bee aod sei ‘ , " " i / ' thing is progressing as smoothly as | ness boiler, which must be tended and WRAPPERS for Summer, WRAPPERS for Winter, in previous seasons, with exceptions] kept hot to clade e the results WRAPPERS for Spring, WRAPPERS for Fall, here and there, due to the difficulty |sought. It is the seed ‘apie which, But some merchants try to do business Without any wrappers at all. in procuring enough stock and yarns.]| properly nurtured -_ nded,_ will 5 ’ eee ee But the merchant who wants “something doing”’ Deliveries of fall goods are being |spring up and bear fruit “some 20, And desires to provide for his trade made on time as a general thing. In] some 60 and ome saints id.” Will make judicious selections ingrains the situation is entirely dif- oe _ From the very best wrappers that’s made ferent from what it is in three quarter Perils of Camphor Hunters. We Py them, you need look no further, i ’ Le iy ate A dispatch from Tokio says that 3 i or experience proves this to be true, goods. As most of the carpet mills | _ ’ “I ee y ep That the “LOWELL” outranks every other * under the ban of the great Philadel- | ©?™PMOT Tennery at “alan, im the 15 And will bring in good dollars to you. phia textile workers’ strike are those land of Formosa, eee ae i : u i ul turning out ingrains, and as fully 80| Ce"tly by 150 of the wild natives, who Our Fali Line of Wrappers, Dressing Sacques and Night per cent. of ingrains turned ia oe killed the Japanese workmen and Robes is now ready and you will do well to see our samples this country are products of the Phil- the policemen who were guarding before placing your order elsewhere. a i . ' ._ | : a. vs hl. adelphia mills, the shutdown puts a| them, says the New York Sun. It i JiPwae a emall| establishme and the : very serious aspect upon the ingrain| ¥4> # small establishment, and the Lowell Manufacturing Co. on ee ete 1. | Victims numbered only eleven T- u ‘ “ market, particularly when the strike " ee ee 87, 89, 91 Campau Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. i . “ . . C c sit = acoedy luctrates the continues on for so long a period as it | 50S, but the trage ly anes oe has to-day. Orders taken the first of perils of the camphor industry in that island. the season, in which no attempt has been made to come to the point of ' ch fulfillment, will be about as good as carried on under conditions so diffi- : i on ee ae ee Ae eat no business at all, when the time cult and dangerous as camphor col Few industries of the world are comes for the mills to resume work | ‘¢cUns and refining in Formosa again. Jobbers must have deliveries of the initial business before a certain coe UES apy fay] than romance about it, and camphor te Abeeieed anie » Ei bees Jou. ~ period or the goods will be of no use | #5 obtained only by braving these dan cere fo lw all the Ww ta’ > ply + . “hi > quarter goods, and the better all-wool | the west, inhabited largely by Chinese F Al ER BOXES ifferent con- ingrains. rice growers. Lee ee ME The men who collect the camphor We manufacture a complete line of Rubbing It In. have to work among these treacher- MADE UP and FOLDING BOXES for Bridget--Miss Gladys is not at]ous natives. The camphor camps home, sor. are scattered for 140 miles north and Cereal Food, Candy, Shoe, Corset and Other Trades Mr. Kallow—Really? Pshaw? That’s| south. The workmen themselves are too bad. well armed, but the natives do not Bridget—Yis, sor; but she said if| hesitate to attack them unless they that’s a box of candy ye’re carryin’}|are in considerable numbers or are GRAND RAPIDS PAPER BOX Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. she hoped ye’d I’ave it. strongly guarded by Japanese police When in the market write us for estimates and samples. Prices reasonable. Prompt, service. FADED/LIGHT TEXT 12 MICHIGAN TRADESMAN | = have sort of catfish or suc -~ . The Meat eee ae " |iroxs are considered the best for] For 38 Years Trade in eee in the Pieces in ket. ; ( ae 00 . Datrach saps a “|| And have a long line of customers (both wholesale and retail) who depend a serous —? J ane on guna v : upon us for their daily supply. Our sales are always at best prices obtainable. C ea f ny a _- ry on He Personal attention is given each and every shipment. We do the best we can pu Oe sapere —2a - cise oe a ek better the quality and packing the better the price. aT re a tong lhe men who furnish frogs in the | tag gali then | ™rket find it a paying business. In| L. O. Snedecor & Son it ikes Of Wisconsin there are hun- | \ ua ns of the jumpers, and EGG RECEIV ERS ee oo 36 Harrison Street, New York ‘i ( : Sa Reference: N. Y. National Exchange Bank City C d Sas { 11 The y : . THE VINKEMULDER COMPANY i iN " Car Lot Receivers and Distributors nto the shallow wa- a . oe at Watermelons, Pineapples, Oranges, Lemons, Cabbage, i | " Southern Onions, New Potatoes Our Weekly Price List is FREE | 14-16 Ottawa Street, Grand Rapids, Michigan ‘ | Ss “a, | When Huckleberries are ripe, remember we can handle your shipments to advantage. LT sep ctnssaaqpgnet SHIP YOUR > ty | No Beef Famine in Sight. €Y] For something more than a month ted up to the time of opening of ——_TO—— so Saeed Gis disses onl R. HIRT, JR... DETROIT, MICH. cn otha hUllU CC and be sure of getting the Highest Market Price. wigan atetcd wc sar|GARDEN SEEDS .e ee ee ee ad doe Sls ee t Many fishermen have]... Jd hy ou shippers f , . iy ecctions, to Ge cect thn All orders filled promptly the day received. Prices as ery S ty HETe | “silo in my section axe all eons” low as any reputable house in the trade ng them bag f the brown | Ph ie ee ee sa eee Sea MiB 2 Aa: oe ca... ll GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ! Flint Glass Display Jars gas -= san Just wl tock of P ci c : Phe c a , ar Sethian i f ul Flint ¢ our jars ar / th a kit ne Se ee €s are very : , ee 7 your jobber or write for Catalogue s The Kneeland Crystal Creamery Co. - " 72 Concord St., Lansing, Mich. .; « n ’ ee a eee For sale by Worden Grocer Co. and , os . : f mon ths e can see . cm | Lemon & Wheeler Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. ! g i think ine ’ K > like a pauc ab netige Este) i ee 5 ' " ‘ TT i 2 Tunny |; supply, and by that time the Norte | “em. +m buying the| western ranges will have begun to | H E Ss Th > Leer send in their summer crop.—Live | =A > said tne ner Man } Stock W< rid | his hand into the) == se» ee Ship COYNE oe 161 So. Water St., Chicago, III. aly i ' wal eet \ tys Sir Thomas Lip- | And Coin will come to you. Car Lots Potatoes, Onions. Apples, Beans, ete. g here are|ton denied himself alm st every} s Oshkosh f: g?| in business matters he was offered a An Indiana frog|cigar by the official. “No, thank | t in his Then | y bu,” said Sir Thomas then Mr.) | ; , eles © cu, a ee Tn any quantity. Weekly quotations and stencils furnished ; eis Laahsber ix Mcdaad & eaeer sacahel on application. taste | cigars.” “What do you smoke?” was | @. D. Crittenden, 98 S. Div. St., Grand Rapids g e Indiat he surprised query. “Bacon,” was | Wholesale Dealer in Butter, Eggs, Fruits and Produce gs cl re s ped up in the] the Both Phones 1300 - MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 13 Proper Steps To Take in Starting a Creamery. Where cows are numerous and a co-operative sentiment prevails, the creamery has been one of the great est benefits that has come to bless the farmers of modern times. The financial results have been so satis- factory in the favored localities that other neighborhoods become enthused and started creameries be- fore the number of cows would war- rant the undertaking. Hence wecon- sider it wise to always preface our remarks on a Z Starting a words of caution. with a few No creamery should be started un- least 400 cows can ery without patrOnage is an expensive luxury. ays bear in mind not a r ic ) y I t 1 producer of lling it, means of hanc with a unsatisfactory a neighborhood doing an creamery business, due to lack of patronage, is an unprofitable investment and great hindrance to dairy develop ment, for the ordinary patron is very liable to pass judgment pronts ) dairy “ 1 . ze O ni eamery When \ 1 oe +} ber t cows dc Vour vi hout the p ot creamery agitat O nad is a VreckKs : e ri I done by 2 cértain class of - 1 proression cTreamerv promoters, who go about enthusing the farmers. Iding and c th w ASS it nousan irs tneir acttial value metho O creamery failures; as dairy industry becomes in those localities and : : ; ; : distast to those who might other wise have become prosperous dairy- men. OL, Si eae tatscticc nyt +} The creamery Statistics or tne + Northwest show that a large propor- tion of the dead creameries were built want oa | aon : c Ay by professional organizers. We re- ] one of those oss ee Sky- Davis & Rankin con- d long since closed ought into existence years aid of a big celebra- tion, a ursion, a banquet and a irm up: most every- yramme except mery agitetor Tun Cee +}, nrst—tnen a a professional yy an organi- rmers. They, good creameries, out the actual creamery with scrupulous itor usu turns out to be a four or five thousand dollar monument to the neighborhood’s gullibility, while the one organized, ult and equipped by a class of stu- dious, painstaking farmers usually turns pride of institution that is the the neighborhood, and will stand as an enduring evidence of prosperity. OWE an We are not antagonistic to the hon- orable creamery supplymen, for the above views are endorsed by the best creamery supply houses of the North- west. and they, with others who have closely observed the development of farmers’ he opinion that conditions are not ripe for a co-operative creamery, successful the a start without the hel farmers’ creamery where farmers are un- able to make of a professional agitator, as a lack of ability to organize and equip indi- ntoac _ > os t . iteS a2 Serious lack of those qualifi- cations which will later be essential in successfully running the creamery. It is much better to have no creamery than an idle one, as it is more ead creamery The harm done dairy industry by an idle simply incalculable. A. W. Trow. - > 2 Business Changes Indiana Merchants. Connersville—The Starr & Mahle 1as been succeeded by Starr-Mount Hardware Co. Recent Among has sold Cynthiana—Jos. L. Blaze ixler, dealer in drugs Pinnell-Barrett the is bought stock Lumber Co. Eaton “— cigars and tobacco, has been suc- ceeded by Geo. P. Walters. Elwood—Geo. 9 Moore has bought out A. J. Baker, dealer in meats Fort Wayne—The Fort Wayne Iron & Steel Co. has been incorpor- rith a capital stock of $175,000 Frankton—T. B. Cripe, dealer in meats, has been succeeded by Harper Hardin has. pur chased the stock of G. W. T. Gard- Armer succeeds Spencer & Co. in the jewelry busi- 1ess es Xushville—Stewart & Schrichte, have sold out to E. Schrichte. -ckard Bros. have ick of J. A. Watson. nallwood & dealers in groceries and notions, have Steele, Warsaw—J. S. Smith succeeds Adams & Smith in the grocery and arrett succeed sift - —~—> 2+. Protecting Pretty Faces. “he bill recently signed by Govern- 1e grocery business. | or Odell, entitled “ 1 act to prevent the unauthorized use of the name or picture of any person for the pur- poses of trade” goes into effect in New York, on September 1. From that date any person, firm or cor- poration that uses for advertising purposes or for the purpose of trade the name, portrait or picture of any ng person without having obtain- consent of such per- adjudged guilty of a ed the written son may be misdemeanor. > 2. = If a customer asks you something about goods and you can not answer his question, study soon as you can. the subject as acca E Butter | always want it. . F. Dudley Owosso, Mich. We are the largest egg dealers in Wr stern Mict re rE can ship us at highest market price Nativnal Bank of Grand Rapids. EGGS We havea handle all the eggs you We refer you to the Fourtl Citizens Phone 2654 We can putation for squ:re dealing. S. ORWANT & SON, cranp rapips. micu. We solici References: Peopk JOHN P. OOSTING & CO. JOBBERS OF Tea, Coffee and Grocers’ Sundries and Country Produce t consignments of Butter, Eggs, Beans, Hay and Straw 100 South Division Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. Savings Bank, Lemon & Wheeler Compa WE HAVE MOVED Our office to our new brick warehouse on Second avenue, Hiltor nue and Grand Rapids & Indiana and Pere Marquette Railroads, between Division St. and Grandville avenue. Grandville avenue cars. SEEDS, BEANS, POTATOES, FRUIT street, Third ave- South street or Reached by either South Division Get off Second avenue in either case, MOSELEY BROS. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Specia shipping us all to gather, References: E. S. Alpaugh & Co. Commission Merchants 16 to 24 Bloomfield St. The receipts of poultry are now running very high. kinds are wanted and bringing good prices. We can assure you of good prices. Gansevoort Bank, R. G. Dun & Co., Bradstreet’s Mercantile Agency, and upon request many shippers in your State who have shipped us Cold Storage and Freezing Rooms 17 to 23 Loew Avenue West Washington Market New York : Poultry, Eggs, Dressed Meats and Provisions, Ities: Fancy goods of all You can make no mistake in the fancy poultry and also fresh laid eggs that you are able for the last quarter of a century. Established 1864 rinting for Produce Dealers nn ee promt MICHIGAN TRADESMAN The New York Market Hamgenge agua oduce Trades. change has taken j | | iquiry 1s rather light. The supply, ires of the Grocery and | e not abundant, is still sufficient | mee irements id t the ‘ S © si m1 Shgnt y i tavor coffee mat t the buyer. Best Western are Q Q1/- ind. firsts 16a n 7 Ss SC S ( S e reporte S scarc $ 3.50 per SO th $ S é R con nd about $2.75 _ o> Proposes to Be Lenient to the Hired Girl. \ Chicago householder has eed 5? 1 < ( the p S Pp Sons NV hh g to stay yng ugh I ng o V think w too t a ¢ we Witt & our 1 V WwW t \ il Quy nl \ I t » was vour i 1 S sence e! With S i : y pay for ther if + ike to wait table ' \ ) into the kitchen rseives » etum es I don get ) to seve clock, and that s \ < "ce tf Oe y i Ss a st mt three =) S 17) A r | can di C i : se sandwic Sometim s Sunday, I like to ~ ten ¢ in. a oO ve, but if you ) g f y, youc have x t ‘ will é \ rive S up \\ ] ty } \ ++ S wi \ S s d Vv" nave sep ( S t 1 floo S} is very ‘ t S s objec le i wa we W t } VA try 5 Dut 1m you | v t Wel ors ] ¢ me t ) W a strik ome be 1 died un t 1¢ 2 W I 1 — G S1¢ witn us | . <-o~<>— i | Answer to “The Grocer’s Dream.” I gray ired groc i t bee so awf | i Avid biwiets ryt s cash, i a ) f c “ And he’d saved z a s fre 2 gx d he t hi g gt s fr morn t t ? ry f is ‘ r kee ate e i Le S StI ange is lan i ) i i eT r ig Se = F t g 2g eries I t k to heav For t us gh this eart } , i If an \ vrote ““Grocer’s Dream” has any- Ye ng to ilw ry ar a swer ready at any future j i i No 1 grocer who up t heaven looks 7 ot to get there if vou keep set of i hooks a t go on forever writing up such rhyme 4 oa k you'd read it as you haven’t g | ¢ time } A. M. BENTLEY ‘ 4 | Saginaw, M ° a te State The habit of thrift is not heredi- tary; it can be acquired. and the Buyers and Shippers of POTATOES in carlots. Write or telephone us. H. ELMER MOSELEY & Co. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Fresh Eggs Suip To LAMSON & CO., BOSTON Ask the Tradesman about us. ELLIOT 0. GROSVENOR Late State Food Commissioner Advisory Counsel to manufacturers and jobbers whose interests are affected by the Food Laws of any state. Corres- pondence invited. 1232 Majestic Building, Detroit, Mich. National Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford. W. Fred McBain, The Leading Agency, Grand Rapids, Mich. GOOD BARGAINS IN BCOND HAH D AUTOMOBILES tires which cost $50. ia new machine. No. 10. Another 1 seat Mobile in good condition exce pt needs painting, at $275. Get our complete list MICHIGAN AUTOMOBILE CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 40 HIGHEST AWARDS In Europe and America Walter Baker & Co, Ltd. The Oldest and Largest Manufacturers of PURE, HIGH GRADE COCOAS AND | CHOCOLATES No Chemicals are used in their manufactures, Their Breakfast Cocoa is absolutely pure, delicious, nutritious, and costs less than one cent a cup. Their Premium No. 1 Chocolate, put up in Blue Wrappers and Yellow Labels, is the best plain chocolate in the market for family use. Their German Sweet Chocolate ts good to eat and good to drink. It is palatable, nutritious, and healthful; a great favorite with children. nyers ‘should ask for and make sure that they get the genuine goods. The above trade-mark is on every package. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Dorchester, Mass. Established 1780. —— Trade-mark. poe : > John &. Doan Company } $ Manufacturers’ Agent For All Kinds of ‘ Fruit Packages ; Find Wholesale Dealer in Fruit and Produce > main Office 127 Louis Street 3 Richaenemenanamaann ur muse, Cort . Fulton and Ferry Sts.,. GRAND RAPIDS. Citizens Phone, 18S1 $ PPP LLL PELL LGA PP Ge Srna DeeirPraingie gy Pugs Patent Steel Wire Bale Ties Ve have the finest line on the market and guarantee our prices to be as low as any one in the United States, quality considered. all those buying wire should write us. : We are also extensive jobbers in Hay and Straw. We are anxious that We want all you have. Let us quote you prices f. 0. b. you city. Smith Young & Co. 1019 Michigan Avenue, Lansing, Mich. References, Dun and Bradstreet and City National Bank, Lansing. samples on application. are manufactured by us and all sold on the same basis, irrespective of size, shape or denomination. TRADESMAN COMPANY, Grand Rapids, Mich. Free MICHIGAN TRADESMAN DISCLOSED BY DEATH. Secret of Twenty Years of Self-Con- demnation. The silent tragedy of a woman’s life closed the other day in a far away little Michigan village. There was a mystery over this woman from l twenty she arrived, What that mystery was no one the day years ago. could tell, or if they could they would not. Since she has died the secret is out, but that can wait upon the story of her life illage she was known a3 She had man of him and no one knew it better In the v Jim Pavey’s wife. made a } 1 than he His adoration of the woman red by the entire community. The village newspaper printed a two column lament over her death. In its sincerity, it forgot to be flam boyant. The local bard, who lives four miles from the village, learned of her loss and contributed an ode to her memory. Full of blemishes, the verses were nevertheless full of feeling for the woman and an undis- puted testimonial to her. No wonder was expressed in the article the woman had consent- ed to cast her lot among these sim- ple people, and live simple life, because the surprise had long since vanishec The stori d followed her urrival in tl her wondrous social gifts subtle something that made her unlike others could not be forgotten \t first it seemed that she was different because her clothes were city made, and her gracious manners were the result of city train- ing. Her bridal array had long since disappeared, however, and her city mannerisms had left her; but she still went em their superior among tl { With ingenuous simplicity much stress was laid upon her wonderful dairy and on the fact that summer resorters always insisted upon going out to see it—and her The woman’s eyes always had a ook of immortal sorrow in them and suffering. ameless was telegraphed to the woman's old revived in home of her death. It some of the older women the mystery of her marriage. The one who remembered it best was the wife of the city’s most prominent physi- cian, who had chaperoned her to the Martha Washington ball on the night that she became engaged. al ° Every one had expected her a rich wine merchant from Cincinnati, he being the most eligible of a long line of suitors of which the young man, fresh from Michigan, S the least. For the Martha Washington ball the merchant had sent her American The That night she wore no flow beauties. youth sent her calla lilies! At 1 o'clock she left the ball room for the veranda on the arm of the wine merchant. At 2:30 she stepped through the window, followed, not by the wine merchant, but by the youth from Michigan. “Am I to wish you happiness, dear child?” asked the physician’s wife, as the girl approached her. “Wish me peace,” she replied. “You are the bride to be of a noble man,” the woman ventured. “Yes,” the girl answered. Pavey!” TOL Mr. The story of the physician’s wife off into ramifications—of the consternation of the hearers and their efforts to be polite to the green young fellow. At day here goes the evening of the of the woman’s death, the phy- sician was told by his wife that the woman they had seen at the Martha dinner, on Washington ball years before had died. “That mystery will evidently never be explained,” the wife ended, reminiscently. The physician’s professional calm for once forsook him. “I know the mystery of it, he said, “and have known it these twenty years. That woman was a kleptomaniac, and,” he added, reverently, “a noble woman. weak points better than most women. She She knew how to fortify her came to me about her case that day of the famous Martha Washington party. “If there was any chance for her to recover, she was going to take the ine merchant She loved him. If not, she was to take the boy and put! herself out of that up there in We there was not anything Michigan that she would when left we had about decided she had better temptation’s way. j agreed and she office have, my go there. Her malady was purely She could taking than she could keep from catching the diph- theria if she was exposed to it. She took things back after stealing them; but when she went to physical not any more keep from things always the take them back, ten to one, she would see something else that she could not Nothing could be done for a sickness of that kind, but she did the resist bravest thing there was for her to ao.” So the secret of twenty years of self-condemnation and restraint came out. -- > ee — Procrastination. Think to-day and act to-morrow. There are firms to-day for whom fame is waiting just around the corner, but they are considering the ques- tion of approaching the corner. Fame has been the corner for them for years, but they have procrastinated, still thinking about it. They have missed {hundreds of opportunities and their waiting around and are and And all this is due to pro- crastination. competitors have stepped in Sscc oped. For Immediate Sale Stock of Dry Goods, Shoes and Grocer ies in the hustling town of population in Central Mich. own has ele works, etc nearly new. Can be $4,000 Wish to engage taken at once lendid opportunity for best ctric ligt Stock in in other | Cash preferred “ABC” Care Michigan Tradesman. WM. BRUMMELER & SONS Makers of Good Tinware Grand Rapids, Mich. Send For Catalogue. WE CALL ATTENTION TO OUR SPLENDID LINE OF LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS oUR OWN MAKE We fully guarantee them Also rememb- our good values in HORSE COLLARS. Cu line of Lap Dusters, Fly Neis, Horse Sheets and Cov- ers is complete. special attention to Mail Orders. We give BROWN & SEHLER Grand Rapids, Mich. IT WILL BE YOUR BEST CUSTOMERS, or some slow dealer’s best ones, that call for HAND SAPOLIO Always supply it and you will keep their good will. HAND SAPOLIO is a special toilet soap—superior to any other in countless ways—delicate enough for the baby’s skin, and capable of removing any stain. Costs the dealer the same as regular SAPOLIO, but should be sold at 10 cents per cake. the Underwear naitinn £ ndition Of Hosiery Market. < ‘ ~ es y the reque and a. , i that +14 (tmat 2 HG aseinthinacctasintnseasid ialties has been so heavy for fall } r afte m - ¢ “4 1 mber of mills have turned 1 to the . ns ¢ their plants g of specialties for the men’s ir trade inn s d » bes £ ot i De ‘ e sO Ss ssful on these garments that ce a doing bus th dé art L \¢ y i cou shipping Ss ) Africa anc S 7 rt is i Co ium } 7 oll a. nen’s sweaters Jers Goo business i garments in com i 3 S pt aot € Wors mercerized ¢ Ha + bf 3 } } € sft-s 1 Wl aet nab . é S The n et ¢ : . An < W it } y 1 st S in attractive effects nove S in men’s goods, selling Sa + ¢ onion rom $27 to $42 a dozen The latest thing mens under- r is knitted open-mesh garment all the elasticity of ribbed S ! l A : n improvement in mesh goods, which without this elasticity. ce : ml : ee White is increasing in popularity yar s hy ek S are s a é Ss a } os i S € IT 3 lerwear marke - —“ 3 s bein T i g é id onot al, 4 co c es which gx ) 18 i tained. \ good 1e of business is be ¢ done Chicago, bott im- ire orders. On im tr rrays he g nd a and ons the pDeing jus Ss 1 oF the f: cks eT Ss ¥ tn ste \ c id is being t for J gher priced lines for I nixed goods >t 0 . A npare ( > &¢ > - A Hard Contract. ~~ fh / ‘ i a oll I do see why you should say i : i (i fh t chauffeur shabbily, y pay tour hundred dollars 1g “But von forget that the poor chap | has to pay all the fines out of that.” TRADESMAN ‘ a ee es a we ee ~~ > That Air of Jauntiness iS 3 y £g {ERICAN (Dp CLOTHING | §SSUED BY AUTHORITY OF S UNITE? See OSMENT S = “ORKERS Ss } Rome’ | AMERICA = { exusreetD * nee th ssc S| Mer Ss ts ar Overce $3.75 to $13.50 To The Trade: W When our representative calls on you look at his line of Fall and Winter Overcoats and Suits— medium and fine goods equal to custom work. M. I. SCHLOSS Manufacturer of Men's and Boys’ Suits and Overcoats 143 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. W < Lf SM MOM MO MO ME MG MO MO» MO Ae Me es MO MP. MO MP Me. MO Mh as SSSSSttSSSeSseseseseeeceed ‘Just as Handy as a Pocket in a Shirt”’ Have you seen the Handy Pocket in the Gladiator shirt? A postal card—one cent— will bring salesman or sam- ples. Clapp Clothing Company Manufacturers of Gladiator Clothing Grand Rapids, Mich. MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 17 New Ideas and Coming Things in Cravats. If the truth must be told the open- ing weeks of the summer season have up to and in many lines of the most popular goods not been expectations, the orders have been so disappoint- ing that manufacturers have not hesitated in cutting the prices. In foulards the practically market was demoralized before made time it salesmen at this restore and to go rds their first trips impossible prices, to been cut. Sccins or away which The truth of the mat- ter is that our domestic printers have even give have thousands of yards of foulards there could have been a market for and now manufac- to the which mean made more than possibly turers are trying get rid of surplus at figures must a very great monetary loss. Whenever the cravat market favors and quickly produced the result is always the follow the great flock of all line up and expect to fortune selling that a fabric which can be cheaply Manufacturers and like a they make a same. leaders, Sces€ LOC yds everyone has got and that everyone can get. This was the case with rumchundas. Salesman after sales- man called upon buyers and urged them to order from them. The buy- ers took their pick and what they did not take clogged the market with the inevitable result that every line which did not possess either great novelty or great quality had to be sacrificed. The result of the dull spring sea- son and the rumchunda slump will have no lasting effect on the market Prices and_ spirits revive quickly when orders come in The warm weather has brought in new business and it is safe to predict that when the closes goods at regular season more prices will have been disposed of than ever before. The country has been prosperous, orders have been big and with good weather the prospects for an early and a good fall business were never better. There trade company, is a movement on foot in the looking to the organization of : or corporation, hich would be vat up capitalized by several The latter shares apiece, cra take it requir- makers. would so many ing about fifteen or twenty houses to all of the stock. The would be a sort clearing silks that did sell regular way and at regular prices. The stockholders would send their bad silks to the company at a discount of 20 to 25 per cent. from the company would make the goods up to be sold at low in big lots only to large exporters and absorb com pany of house for in the not selling regular prices and prices and retailers, Exporters would be favor- everything that could be the silks out the and therefore the mar- ket would be done. The onic it has very jobbers. ed and done to country move of Save still in the but so far as it has gone scheme is embry- Stage, been favorably considered and it that enough have agreed to sign the organization papers to make the report has houses new venture a success so far as capital and backing are concerned. The as it applies to $4.50 goods only, get of manufacturers placed to the the burdens insepa- and the the in idea is novel and radical retailer may some idea straits are have shoulder all extensive when they en- tire and rable the novelties. cost and of from varieties almost constant introduction Manufacturers of washable cravats and hunting stocks were agreeably surprised by the sales that were made in early May. The warm spell brought in telegraphic as well as mail orders and something like the old time activity pervaded the market. The sale of white hunting stocks was unusually good. These are practical- ly the only stock that sells, the fancy effects being out of it. The stocks will be worn as much as they ever have been by golfers, wheelers, au- toists and by men roughing it in the country as well as by riders and driv ers. There is a solid and permanent place in every retailer's shop for stocks. In the washable cravats the 114 inch four-in-hand in the new fan- cy mercerized weaves have sold well, as have the new ties Ascots are very quiet. It was thought that with the rise in popular favor of the wing collar the broad white ascots would sell, but men seem to jump from win ter dress into summer dress, passing entirely over the intermediary stage which calls for goods lighter than those worn in winter, but of the same form and general characteris- tics The improvements made in. bara- theas practically amount to a revo- lution. Painstaking and scientific ex- periments have resulted in the mak- ing of new machinery and loom at- tachments and now the sturdy ba- ratheas are being offered in the most intricate and twisty allover patterns as well as in the geometrical, clean cut units for which this weave is famous. The new fall patterns show very small and closely assembled units, wavy lines in very clean cut floral effects, divided cube patterns, scattered units, and the most intricate general patterns. These are all de- cidedly new and in both treatment and in color show the possibilities versatile to manufacturers of this extremely There the away Last any cravatting. seems be a part from disposition to get idea. of the season ne on leading weave with had a labeled ex- pushed other “arly every house to | which was this cost of the cravat buying pretensions of silks clusive and much to the When in -adership line line was every line. variety is keynote of sue cess moO One we or one novelty can overshadow Retailers must have va they not take up one big line whole line. riety and have it sf the and y can ey of leaders ignore to everything else that is them.—Haberdashe a shown rural ‘Teeth while The advertisement of a titioner reads thus: and cut off Also night school and music prac pulled limbs you wait teach- Chick- money in’. Terms, cash in advance ens and Also, eggs is as good as wood taken—-oak and pine.” [pest (LOTHING Dickey Kersey Coat This cut represents our of which we are large manufacturers ING ORIES H THIN @ WHOLESALE MIANUFACTURERS. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. is MICHIGAN TRADESMAN An Interesting State of Trade Clothing ‘ vs ; + + ‘ . } se ‘< { ie whe s H t to i ] é I — ving T ky A ni , t vertisements s had | steadil € aed C r way ) sults By ur adver public knows the stat Mr. Merchant, be vou > c ig ft what it shall w wh: willy ly, me — 5 eti nc S S b n Vv s b S Tté t IT ~ k’s Ss now A Tus ’ ! \ Sse st S € Syst ines. Tl ilways g 2 7 © er ; { - j Ss ds | cing c S t i s e reg Those w sorting t i, adjectiv i “tis in YI Tr ) Oo S ss palaé Sc + ‘ Z.. 1 > Neig > This i if ent, Sat | S _ vy gor n a S is Rp Deg 2 > ver SO A cs i‘ : . S buying ivertis ge Ss S Ww Sr2, By a $18 ~ mt $10.50; suits were SI6, 320, $ $25 5, 2 r similar ae 2O ible cu i est re irers 1 } ge the rainy é One house ertised rainproofed serge suits at $18. } ag rat t oO sales the aggregate, the seasons sales THE IDEAL 5c CIGAR. Highest in price because of its quality. G. J. JOHNSON CIGAR CO., M’F’RS, Grand Rapids, [lich. MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 19 of suits shows the double-breasted sack to be gaining in popularity ieee —leeeeneninients Novelties in Awnings and Shades. There is nothing more conspicuous about a store front than its and an old, faded or ragged article in this line is a standing notice that you are not up to date. The latest and the plain white awning with let- awnings, awnings are. colored, tering on the top—which, by the way, does not long remain white—is sel- dom seen of late. The latest styles show broad stripes, 4 to 6 inches wide, alternating with a slightly nar- the most popular A rower white stripe, colorings being tan, very natty awning is in shades of tan in broad bands marked off with narrow stripes of red or black. These colorings restful 2 warm-toned sha that ing. Most awnings are of stripe,’ but the best and latest thing is a “drill ” Drill is colored side only, but seen reflect through is satisfactory. the roller considered, points of old rope device. neater in the awning in does red and blue. two and cast is are dow pleas- “awning weave. on one from be- low the stripes the appearance For a store and awning is the only thing to be as it over the has many superiority 1e The roller is much appearance, closes form, away with the wear and chafing caused by the ropes, protects it from dust, and adds materiall of ine entire easier to operate. Most cities have iting the width of ; a more compact when not in y to the durability It is also water, etc., use, fixture. much an ordinance awnings, but wher g and come with- sidewalk. it is possible it is best to have the awnir as wide as it can fall in 614 feet of the In buying correspond best ot an to awnin £ with the makers the roller devices, decide what is needed, and have the work done by a local firm. If your store front has all plate glass windows, or the corners are a narrow metal strip, it will be neces ary to have a light iron pipe de- scending to the walk on each side of the ning not t the door to support frame, but this will ous and ter. The latest things in shades for store windows afford good advertis- ing in that they are atractive will create comment. The novel shade shown is printed to tate cathedral glass, with its colored patterns in leaded frames. The aw ye conspicu- can be removed in the win- and most im 1tmi- u col- ors are not glaring, and the effect is artistic. If something strongly col- ored is desired, a deep-red shade is shown on which any lettering de- sired is left uncolored. The white letters show up strongly in the day- time, and at night when lighted from behind appear luminant. Another dark shade has the letters formed by tiny perforations, and when lighted from behind the name appears in small, sparkling jewels. Popular shades are in light tints, with a vine or foliage stretching diagonally across the foot, leaving space for let- tering below. The upper part of such a shade is in a conventional pan- el of foliage. Many houses have a trade-mark or combination of colors, and the manufacturers can supply these apparermtly woven in the cloth which handsomer than a nted itself, pai are sign. o> > Points on Stock Keeping. The imy keeping the stock properly can hardly be overes- Th 4 matter or timated. constitutes a factor in a business no ions important than the buying and selling, and should be treated with due considera- tion by connected with the selling end of the business. everyone Cleanliness should stamp every ar- ticle from the largest to the most tn- ign which means_ constant when done in a system | in every town. atic ma it entails less work than periodical cleanings Dusty box-lids mean soiled fingers for the clerks, and there is not any- | thing that reflects greater discredit | upon a haberdashe t 1 for a cus- | tome tO receiy m it coll or | any other delicate article with finger | marks on it Novelties should be kept near the | front and given the most promine t | display space, as staple goods will | sell themselves All broken lines and slow selling | goods should be kept in a convenient | " | place where they are easily handled. | If this is done the salesmen are 1ot apt to lose sight of them, and it | will often cause them to show such | urticles that might otherwise be | It is quite gor idea to keep all | f each size of the different stock } umbers of the same grade of goods | ogether, instead of keeping the lot | numbers separately Perhaps, sometimes, this may not present good an appearan but is unquestionably far more con- enient nd every effort should be made to serve the customers as kly as possible. Suppose cus- € shes to inspect the e of 50 cent fancy hose, size 10%. If all of this size is kept together the sales- man is enabled to show the entire line in much less time than by hav g to look through each lot number for the size wanted. The clerks should be required to go ee the stock often so as to fully themselves with the gor not constantly han- lle salesmen know ex- ctly what is in stock, odds and ends will not be so fast in accamulating, s every clerk who is earning his salary will 1ys strive to sell them. It is w to have a certain counter or pl to display goods that have been found necessary to sacrifice in price id let it be known that all goods kept in this certain place are bargain offerings Where this plan is carried out it lal be found a profitable one, as the bargain hunters will eagerly watch for new offerings and the mer- chant will be enabled to dispose of goods that could not be sold to those the latest in fashion Magri in Haberdasher. i lm The boss who lacks the confidence of his name only. who want —Eu- gene L. respect and a boss in men is Ellsworth & Thayer Mnfg. Co. MILWAUKEE, WIS. MANUFACTURERS OF Great Western Fur and Fur Lined Cloth Coats The Good- Fit, Don’t-Rip kind. on application. 8. B. DOWNARD, Generai: Salesman We want agent Catalogue and full particulars DONKER BROS. Manufacturers of DUCK HATS For Men and Boys Also Duck Yacht and Flannel Golf Caps in all colors. White Pig Tams for resort trade; also novelties in Children’s Tams for the millinery trade, in prices to suit. Price List sent on application. 29 and 31 Canal Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. Citizens Telephone 2440. oe ae ;RUGS. * a CARPETS THE SANITARY KIND 1 branch factory at A, i ord ers from the tward should | ere. We have ) ders as we rely ¢ upulous persons of our reputation as makers s’’ to represe (turn them dowr or the f j =f ane os j \ Soo. A book employ us at either Petoskey let mailed on request Petoskey Rug M’f’g. & Carpet Co. Ltd. Petoskey, Mich. j Ng RE ee ee. e™. | The The Ohio Suspender Co. Mansfield, Ohio 7 | Handsome Bool. Free Mackinac Island Traverse City Neahtawanta Omena Northport Petoskey Bay View Wequetonsing Harbor Point Oden hel Rapids a “ Indiana Railway The Kent County Savings Bank Deposits exceed 21, million dollars. 344% interest paid on Savi certifi- cates of deposi t. ngs of Merchants, licited, A. Covode, O’Brien, Lewis Fox, T. Stewart White, J. A. S. Verdier. Jno. (en Y H. Withey, E. Crofton Henr y Idema, Cor, Lyon and Canai Sts., Grand Rapids, Mich. 20 MICHIGAN TRADESMAN Shoes and Rubbers Treatment of the Public by the Hired | Help. P arucie like # ne without ind con- certain Kk, qais is inand Che Eacy Shoe Zo. Zaro, Mich. Makers of Ladies’, Misses’, Childs’ and Little Gent Hdvertised Shoes Write us at once or ask our salesmen about our method of advertising. Jobbers of Men’s and Boys’ Shoes and Hood Rubbers. Announcement E TAKE great pleasure in announcing that we have moved into our new and commodious business home, 131-135 N. Franklin street, corner Tuscola street, where we wil] be more than pleased to have you call upon us when in the city. We now have one of the largest and best equipped Wholesale Shoe and Rubber Houses in Michigan, and have much better facilities for handling our rapidly increasing trade than ever before. Thanking you for past consideration, and soliciting a more liberal portion of yo.r future business, which we hope to merit, we beg to remain Yours very truly, Waldron, Alderton & Melze, Saginaw, Mich. Our ee cel: brated No. Ladies’ $1.50 Shoes are still having the greatest run of any $150 shoe in the market. No 215 is much lhke it with patent leather foxing. If you haven't these two beau- ties send for them at once. Walden Shoe Zo., Grand Rapids, Mich. Western Agents for Hood Rubber Co. We'll Put Our Hard Pan Shoes (Wear Like Iron) up against any shoes—no matter where or by whom they may be made—for wear and absolute satisfaction. Herold = Bertsch Shoe Co. Grand Rapids, Mich. Makers of Shoes. MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 21 A Fortune For a Stolen Purse. “I, George W. Todd, give and be queath all amounting to doll: my moneys, tens of thousands of along irs, with other property, to one Mrs. Pe- ter Jordan, of Brockton, Mass., to the which aS .2c theft of a pocket- (Mrs. the munerative book, of lost on the last night of on October 8, 188 she Jordan) Brockton the opening sentence of strange will of the he George W. Todd, smote him for a theft committed fif To $60 he bequeathed rimit, CONSCIENCE whose teen nake right the ] LOSS I years 20 of about Mrs. Jordan his entire fortune, which he had amounting to $40,000 in bank depos The been hoarding ror years, its money is deposited in Syra cuse, Rochester and Buffalo banks and is awaiting a rightful claimant The announcement of Hermit Todd’s will was the first indication that he was ivthin put honest. Chat he was a miser was well known, ind that he denied himself enough to eat in the effort to swell his bank account was also stated, but it was never known that he resorted to ' £e seorts] |} ¢ } ] thy dc theft until he made this deathbed con- fession. the wife of a grocer at Brockton, Mass., husband omfortable inco she will not be disappointed if s does not secure the money, but she has retained a Brockton attorney to , i ook after her interests. ‘af conciudes: “I was the one who secured the purse | made a statement at thi time that I would make all things good before I would die, and I have doing right taken this the wronged. I wish this understood. Pay my funeral expenses, and all my bank accounts to be forwarded this Mrs. Peter jordan as | as possible, as I am not to live many davs. Send her word of the good luck which c es to her by the loss | 1 ' 1 ? 1 of her pocketbook, and long may she live and enjov same \t present in (nt Hamilton, “Pp. S—Please make no mistake, and I wish the directors of the Roch ester banks to have this notice for- warded to the Buffalo banks, as ! have a large amount invested there lso " W. the most Todd.” remark George Todd was one of ible He commenced coming to this ci about thirty and appearé¢ d J i i us be 7 1 regularity every 1X | | b inl deposits. 1 hy + cnaracters oyracasc knew. ever vert his k book written up and In all that time i be on the fingers of almost said that one could count one hand the 1 words | people € spo The first time appe I ared, thirty ralked from Ham- He ca over his years ago, he the shoulder. ilton, Ontario into bank His and his old clothes } appearance that me with an ax long, unkempt hair and beard gave him such an teller grabbbed the ler 1 revolver and had it ready y for imme- diate action, thinking that Todd was insane Todd did not ie appear to notice this action. laid down his ax and pulled out a large wad of bills, which he He wrote his signature in a crude hand, said he wanted to deposit. but not a worse one than the average backwoodsman. He _ was tall and gaunt and looked many years older than he really was. At the time of last month he said to be 75 or 80 years old It w that cer 1 early was not until after as much was known of bein bank clerk 4 pressed repea once gave his address at Four Corners, Canad Upon s death letters were found in his possession addressed “George W. Todd, Forks Road, Welland county, Canada Upon his last appearance at the bank a few weel igo the paying tell burt D. Rose, asked him where h home He replied tl he had no home He further he was not feeling well and 1 did not think he had long to live With that he went away, and, it was learned, took a train for Hamilton, Ontat the first time in his life that he was ever known to ride on a rail- road train It was,his custom to canvass the CO try selling sucl rticles is are sua y ce ied by 1 pack pe ddler Ches he carried ) a Satchel on 2 wheelbarrow He slept wh night overtook him, in barns, in S and nder trees \ hair cut was foreign to him, and he let nature take care f this He traded his wares ror meals at farmers’ houses It was on one of his trips through the ntry that he sited Brockton Mass., to sell his wares at the fait Irs. Jordan went down town to do some shopping on the last night of the fair. She had a purse containing $60 in the outside pocket of her cloak. The streets were crwded, and it was . easy matte: ir some one to take he purse from the pocket. Mrs. Jor dan missed it and gave the alarm to the police The next day she adver tised the loss in the daily paper and signed her name and address. was how Todd knew whose purse he stolen it is probable that thi was the first and last theft of Todd’s ~ > <> —- ts Two Reasons. Mrs.. Skrapp—It seems to me so ridiculous to refer to a tugboat as Vehe Mr Skrapp— That's so: tugboats do actually accomplish some good in the world Mrs. Skrapp--Yes, and they puff ind blow about it so a Why It as Lucky. Mr. .Flynn—Mrs. Gilligan, I see yez have a h se-shoe over the door: do yez think it’s lucky? Mrs. Gilligan—I do that. That shoe wor on the horse that kicked the top off Gilligan’s head, an’ begorra I got siventy-foive dollars from thein surance company. —__9<——_—_ Cucumber ce makes a cleansing ind refreshing bath for the face. Cut 1 large, spongy cucumber past use for the table in thick slices and thoroughly rub the skin on face, neck and hands ES Good merchandise is the kind that does not come back. a We OCT sh; arty NE REASON people prefer our shoes is Whether its a heavy work shoe or a Goodyear that they are so comfortable. Welt, if it bears our trade mark it goes on easily they Our line makes you custom and fits all over. Another reason is that always wear well. ers who stay customers. RINDGE, KALMBACH, LOGIE @ CO., LTD. Grand Rapids, Michigan ee nermonascenoeenececcsmay 8 Men’s Fine Shoes Are nobby and up-to-date in style. perfect fitting lasts. Men's Shoe trade by adding a line of They are made on Increase your shoes that will bring satisfied customers back to you. Write for prices. F. MAYER BOOT & SHOE CO., Milwaukee, Wis. Our Salesmen Now have samples of shoes for fall with them, among which are some of the best this or any other house has ever put out for the money. = & fF & Geo. fh. Reeder & Co. Grand Rapids, Mich. We have a catalogue—send for it. 22 MICHIGAN TRADESMAN Re ee Re et he ee a eee oe oe 2 ee oe re Rays. {system of operation § to tanners | -ess of tan-| throughout the country under a spe- | : $ 9 ' s ean | cial license and royalty clause. To Retail at 1.50 r tt o6 dea principally tavore how : X-ray ‘ule ge the crouse ot large | If so, order sample dozens cf ha follewing: t \ tablish tanneries no New | i throu t tl N W Dong I Pat e.] V 2 lirect ¢ ympe ent Ti Fair st > $i ‘ ant cturers i w -co W t ongola La Pa ore rethy t T I Stitcl I : 1s He : 7 " No. 7 Ww s Dongola Lace, I itors wer to make the ent Tip, Single Sole ’ . ents which resulted in their on scovery by the chemica N 10 Misses’ Dongola Lace I g y ] r ims | No. Chil D 2 2 I | ent 7 I St I S Cc a i H € . ill segue ls Infants’ Dongola Lace, } g Substantiz t ent Tip, Fair S$ I . i. Hee o nen ml e fl , S€ N Misses’ Don : iin Pa : j t Tin, Pa Stite xX-1 nn ] 1s € Hi _ oa to hv ull 1 e Ne ‘ 's Dongola Lace, F i me iy Fair Stitc I g1 g a . ring te " a eee > 7 > , 1 a lk | Windrow’s Wisdom Hee | Hirth Krause -& Co Grand Rapids Michigan | \ 1 ec oO i q > wi ts rt never | } 11 ( spoil s Oh! when you fish in waters clear, x \ ) 0 S € S i + —~. : dick Wear rubber boots made by Goodyear; ce with himsel Buy Gold Seal boots to fish for trout, _— i And they will keep the water out. a me Pn 1 : ro : You'll find them light and of good make is a And you can then your pleasure take; | blac No aching bones or feet all wet, ee cy 7 oe For Goodyear’s are the best, you bet. e€ i g GOODYEAR RUBBER CO., Milwaukee, Wis. W. W. Wallis, Manager | \ K | ee eo . — ee bbage vi f DRS e | ty at | Housecleaning = | Paes rhe spring house, store and office > - ng cleaning season is now with ay .e aa 28, i all retailers will find a good de- | ; 3 s ‘eRe mand for Brunswick’s Easybright. i ie : RAGS his is acombination cleaner that will Phe a ous CLEANER clean all varnished and painted wood » 7 se CLEANS EVERYTHING. ee ma a. a : . It is a cleaner and polisher superior to i | i ae any and all others now on the market. Te wish j It is cheaper and}will more rk than any and all other cleaners. A en can that © the has | retails for 2< « ts clea » forty yards of cz arpet. All retail merchants will find it to i their ‘ t ita he free samples and a. er aoe RB > A ONNOR & 0. st ) For sale by all jobbers WEST CONGRESS ST. DETROIT. MICH. St he || ae l nen business is like golf FE e how few strokes thev yd + ik NEW SCOTTEN TOBACCO CO. aii the Trust.) MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 23 4 FACTORY FEVER. The dampness will injure your fin- cia ished rc and) I r finished i ished stock and hurt your unfinishe Opportune Advice To Those Afflict- ; ' : E M d By It patts. Dont bay a small site, get e * oe ample ground. One and two story Every town lying contingent to ‘al Ay . . : Patented May 30, 1899. ‘ae ae san buildings with plenty of floor space oe cannes lot of hard-| 4-6 much better than high cramped wood timber at one time or another ‘uarters. The buildings should be ‘ah L i . “ i gets the a factory fe — This placed so as to shift or move the fever is like a boil on a man’s neck;] 4004 ip process of manufacture in it benefits the man, but is all-fired| —...1,- order and as little as possible ' =m kA i « a il ui aS . painful until it breaks. Then it and always forward toward the fin- her ; - sood hing c —_ gentle f us ‘ “i either is a good Ppt r— gentle lishing room. Your capital, of course, a a oe / at? r ane i i reader, ever had a boil? You Can} determines the character of your guess the res So the town as “a9: : . _— en en eee sath se begne buildings, but frame constructions at ste sian ySSeS5 ni a : “ . * to be the proud possessor of a furni-| 6 -<+ are advisable, cheaper and quick- flee : ses ine i 4s aos alread ane aa — cas€S | er What to make is the next ques- | “WRIGHT B05 /Syert ilds e qui 0 ar starts 1 ~ : | builds one, equips one nd ~ tion. Consult the market, see what | In a few instances it is a decided lines are overcrowded and avoid | oe ee iccess, Im Many a iaitiy food paymg 1 ea tn ine an te a : a nh a ‘ them, note the trade papers carefully, | investment, in some a failure. #/ i ene nm clu see where the market is short, con- | rie ( ose ontemplat- " " ‘ " brief, plain talk to those contemplat uth te Ridew inineits tenes sud ing building, to those now building ne ne eS oe er to eee cere bui ‘8 |} try and make a line that will be out 5 i Ca. 3 the firs stages f ae me ae) eu ' : and to those in tt e frst stages OF! of violent competition. Certain lines operation, is at this time opportune. of chairs, say to sell for over $20 per firct c } e cot -moplatins nild- —. - First, to those contemplating build-| qozen, tables in odd des igns, desks, ing. In the outset look well to the} church, school and office furniture first principles of the business. The] and refrigerators of medium price are undation—vour timber If need h: : 1 CABINET Regular No. I size, has 4 rows oundation—your timber. If needs{.4 «pic +3 eae ce SAMPLE SIZE : ’ 1 ' . . at this time greatly in demand and of 30 pockets, each holding 120 Small Ledgers. be, have an expert examine it and] wit continue so for some time to G ; : : : pass on its adaptability for the pur- ae . NCE Warren of the items, takesthe order, charges the goods, gives pass on its at ability for the pur-| come. Get a good designer, not how ustomer a duplicate and keeps the account posted ‘“‘up-t date”’ , i C stor < i licate and ACCP Lit ¢ \ } i i chil OSE Tew ontions on 200.000 “~ 6 1790 } 7 } ‘ + pose \ few options on 2 fee tOl cheap but how good, and be original with every order. Costs less for supplies, eure 500,000 feet ought to be obtained be-|in your goods, them as it on the market, where a =— ite is given with eve e ledge 4 fore even your factory is Started, and ty) oa a) el goods consult costing three cents, rag gre as . h 1 usiness as five he ordir dt 1 : 1 * . 7 — c ica « 1 ds ~ 1t fi t ) 5 eac 1 eEeSIGeES J nave your iwtomer's “ 1 rhase 3} aiways << | risabie sO i Ae - i . e ~ plic allt pa , COStIN c a se ay s a your road man. Setter a fair prokt account 1 one well bound book, made of good wt paper 5 of that you can have your boards up | ang orders than low profits and in five, cheap, flimsy pads made of news print paper. in the air for five or six months be- *S The end is the same, per- Send For Catalogue and Puleen. fore you — ~- n in the thd N.| haps, but make your goods to sell ‘i ee ee a he Simple Account File Co the timber have an interest in the | ¢,1;,., € imp e9 plant. It always proves of mutual i | : : , ' \ i “i Much of the foregoing will apply FREMON I, OHIO. advantage to select your ft per care- , | F - ony p i. ’ to those building and who are just a fullw Buy your opnons ciose “al im a os. de i yperating, and if you are just between by all means include a mill in your : i factory equipment Ravine hard. i" wid ‘ the operating rem- a ” : i r - ’ . - t,- “ . 1 « : hi smber tl are and attention to de- wood boards is only adding to the oc r Ak i 99 at a tails is all tiiportant. Don't Rar- “= cost of ne Taw tOcK. m i wre e : rass vour factory man wit}! ofhice af- Next, your 1 ager or superinten-| ~ 5 et . f its - ; : i a H Ret ; - fairs; hire a book-keeper for him what thous ee lent Before you do one hing tc a oan ene enareDe RIETD Have a system from the start and ad- DR. PRI ES 7 RYABI T a FOOD We ae here to it. If you have no knowledge mossess voursell of the servies Of 2 : - Q ’ . i i" " " f the business, and many failures re The Only Wheat Flake Celery Food Food man Hay Mim a Gecent sal ’ i : : ’ : _4]|sult from men who are not furniture Ce men, who think they know it because ‘ ‘ a the business ~ t f ff ‘rs or SQ ockh Iders an 7 rhy ~~ ' rT ° . y Give ority and Pe on een nd Ready to eat, wholesome, crisp, appetizing, ' ithority attempt to run it on their ae | ! pa Soe s¢. Rave ii i i , delicious. ' vou ( iS—Gont ry and si percede your } \ 1 eport TO o - 1 } I oe One factory of the writ ? é ses t ) } es the 2 Ot fur n } re . . af « cs kn edge 1S te lay faiu be The profit is large wt will pay you to be pre use the president ian, ran . ) t.” You would not le erferé rt : pared to fill orders for Dr. Price’s t} ] J , t if you see an oficer who ys 1: _ ’ y " ne th ' y Tryabita Food ' ' H not a turnit in assuming the ’ hould 1 interested in t} wiant & executive end and running the prac aus hould be interested in the p e i i i o nancially if only for 4 small amoant. | tia! end too, sell your stock and you Price Cereal Food Co., Battle Creek, Mich. The reas wh us Tt tc tales l oe Ie) : ’ co ¢ © grant a. t he 1c rs Ded ible, pr ' id knows t busi tt 232 PIIIGI3 9939 ess or j 1 t employ m1" Hence Io ) t ) nte t 2 feré Tell him how much yo n ; V y i ore the site, the factory, the ¢ ¢ a aa SE Industries Wanted. a © Witt Hi arcs very ~ 7 co , Y 5 ~ 1c ‘ ‘ i - 4 4 r case, get you more for your invest- Pentwater, Oceana county, Michi- of | LEISCHMANN & COS : nent than if vou buy vourself on the] gan, offers free sites z a liberal as : a seas ment than if y I ty yourself on the : fers free sites and a liberal YELLOW LABEL COMPRESSED advice of any traveling man who puts] cash bonus to responsible manufac- in the lowest bid, iys| turing concerns. Both rail and wa- YEAST you se ell not only 1 increases the cheapest. of | ter shipping facilities. Cash ready. t Cs i : a a your profits, but also gives com- one factory of is| *o1 particulars address ¢ president, where the manager is sim- W. B. Hart, Secretary, plete satisfaction to your patrons ply a foreman in fact and to date Pentwater, Mich. factory has cOst 40 per cent. over i al Ht gross original estimated cost. “The| Would Be Glad To Pay. Fleischmann & Co., cobbler to his "so mow the site Miss Frances—Don’t you think " w Get it as near your railroad station as | there should be a tax on bachel Detroit Office, 111 - Larned St. you can, and on level high land if Mr. Mu d—lI’d_ gladly pay Grand Rapids Office, 29 Crescent Ave. possible; beware of flat, low land.|for the privilege of being one. . * : 24 MICHIGAN TRADESMAN ’ W id little, forlorn, neglected child, | own fortunes. They will tell you that | who are bad wives and shiftless man- Woman S or ved, uncared for, left to fight its|}they rose from the ranks by hard]|agers? Every time the girl whose ERRATA | own way through life. There _ is, | work, by having _ responsibilities} mother did the housework while she Picking Out the Right Sort of we nother spectacle, equally|thrown on them from the very cra-|laid in bed and read novels. Who Parents. eserving of our sympathy, that we] dle almost, by self-denial and frugali-|are the incompetent clerks always rt iy behold on our own hearths every|ty and every strenuous virtue, yet] out of a job? The men who as boys hat ot the poor, unfortunate, |there is nothing from which they are| were never required to do anything y ercared-fi overloved, over-in-} so anxious to protect their own chil-} hard, who were permitted to play : ged child of the rich and well-to-| dren as from the very conditions that | baseball for exercise instead of split- S ».» who is being deliberately handi nade fine men and women | ting the kindling, and who never had ly, 1 life by its parents. More-| they are any responsibility thrust upon them. . If, in This may be ideal parental love,| If only rich people spoiled their g but it is fool judgment, and the child | children, and kept every wind from ed as f to-day might well exclaim that if| blowing harshly upon them, there ieaven will protect me from my im-| Might be some excuse made for it, t S t becile and adoring father and mother, | for the rich man might at least jus- : | will protect myself from my other | tify himself by thinking that he could >» was the s Oo mi sire. lenemies. for it aa the iil pa- leave his children a fortune, but the “ | mered is, travelers|rent who is responsible for more} matter becomes tragical when the | Mala n prod- | blig Bes, more no-account,| poer, who can not safeguard their s met with nowhere else] goo ir-nothing, worthless, drunken | Young with even money, indulge in ‘ p ‘ S ( try, and it is certainly |men and women than other causes | this weakness. Yet it is the poor, 5 oo wilox that the peopl ed even more than the rich, who are buff | s steemed the most practical most mistaken idea we have] guilty of this crime. Indeed, there streng the most imbecilely ndlever gotten hold of is that it is the |seems to be a kind of undercurrent He in sr ei province of love to protect us from|oOf sentiment that makes the poor i en. Knowing what | hardships t is not. he highest} mother and father feel they will as ‘ e, knowing holiest mission of love is to|Somehow make up by overindulgence 5 < 9 doing our duty, to|to their children for lack of the se it t 1 we fall, and bind up | things that wealth gives ‘ d then urge us once I know dozens of mothers who < S S 1 fray. This is true of |slave themselves to death over the ; \ g is particularly true of |cooking stove and the sewing ma t t ss t is pt ly as if one] parental love, for that ought to be *, while their daughters live as g s pugilist the 1 by | wise, as well as tender, and the pity | idly as if they were millionaires. The ‘ 9 eclining on silken cush- | of it is t it so seldom looks beyond | mother’s idea is to protect her girls engt 1 tex g him on. chocolate} the moment as long as possible from the hard c es ms he overtender parent is at the| ships of life, and she fails to realize What renders this all the more re-| bottom of every failure in life almost.| that she is warping their characters | b s that uit of | This is a hard saying, but look around by it, and making them selfish and red of the men men we g you cquaintances, and see|lazy. More than that, she is thwart g \ l chitects of their tis not true. Who are the women]|ing the very ends she has in view. Ihey Say It Saves M Y Say aves Oney - - i v u chai we can prove to you that National Cash Registers save money. We have prov_4 this fact to pers. That is why we have sold 330,000 registers. Reac ‘ etters. They will give you an idea of the strength of our proof. Note that every man says thata Nat ves mone} If space permitted, we could print hundreds of other letters like these. Si — Drs Mornes, lowa. Nevapa, Mo. National Cash Register Co. National Cash Register Co. ! I GENTLEMEN: Your machine has stopped a GENTLEMEN: The register has saved me laily sh rtage of from $I to $3. money in more Ways than one. Ek. DD ‘ A. W. WHEELOCcE 5. S. Davis. iy , ! VALLEY City, N. D CHATTANOOGA, TENN. n . , i step Cass eetster Co g it nl ae ee ee GENTLEMEN: The register is the greatest rs an ue Ge ce 1g disput money-saving device ever invented. | Po w ers, et ' R. O. BENNET1 | Wa. McKInnNey. . I Pa . Honry Grove, Texas. g us MARs » Hiris, Mass. Vational Cash Register Co. i Ke GENTLEMEN My register works like a ar : u ly trace where — charm, gives entire satisfaction, and has saved ct dus the inter- me money every day since it has been in the ( house. C ‘ ia « Cur N e. W. Hats & Son. V. F. MatrHews. i S v ‘ P ““, We have a handsome book telling how a ‘‘ National” saves money and increases sales. If th you are not using a National,” you will be interested in this book. Write for it today. 7 National Cash Register Company Mail A Dayton, Ohio MICHIGAN TRADESMAN ” 25 for instead of rendering them attrac- tive, as she thinks, making people have a contempt and abhor- rence of them. Malignity itself could not devise a more unattractive figure of a girl than one who lets her old mother work for her. No man wants such a wife. she is Once upon a time I knew precisely stich a as this, in which the mother was a veritable slave, and so case proud of her daughter’s hands, which white and soft as a lily and beautiful enough for an artist’s mod- were el, that she would not even let the girl peel and slice an orange for her own eating. Finally, there came a thoughtful, after a intelligent, but visits his passion suddenly cooled and suitor, ich, every inch a man, few he came no more. I asked him why. r he mother’s “Because,” said, “one day I saw her hands—hard, -work- knotted, seamed with scars from the cooking stove and pricked with the needle, and then I at Ma- bel’s that | for me. I do not want any girl heart cure her nails while her mother wash- looked and was enovgh with no more than to mani- and conscience es the dishes.” In heroic efforts made to keep from the other families I have known growing boys and girls the fact that there was little money in the exche- The father and mother would the in their own clothes and food in or- 1er quer, make most pinching economies children foolish luxu- “We do der to give the ries like other children had. not want to burden them with the trials of life. They will come soon enough,” said the parents. This is Nothing having sponsibility thrown on one, and the a terrible mistake to make. develops character like re- boy and girl who are admitted into the family council, who have the need of economy explained to them, and the necessity of all working and pulling together, grow up into being the men and women whose shoulders enough to bear but the of the got where are broad and strong their of others. only loads, not own Some the homes, burdens greatest financiers in world their training in such deal table meeting the money to pay the butcher’s bills were ways and means around a for rent or. getting discussed. They learned to be fertile in lient, to be prompt and loyal, take that that is et oe the basis of all expec look ahead and to success. There comes a crucial moment in girl when the life of every boy and they get discouraged and dishearten- ed and ready to throw up whatever they are doing, simply because it is hard and disagreeable. In that mo- ment one’s fate trembles in the bal- ance, and almost without exception it is determined by the kind of par- ents the children have. If they are strong, wise and forceful, they hold the youngsters steady—as a com- mander holds his troops who are on the verge of panic—they instill fresh courage and new grit into the falter- ing little hearts, and the boy and girl go on to success in life. But if the parent is one of the overly-tender she “Come kind, home. Do not do anything that is so hard. Per- says: haps you can get something easy af- ter awhile,” and the young one’s doom is fixed. Half of the divorces would be nip- ped in the bud if the spoiled and dis- contented found out that being married means something wife, who has more perpetual when than love-making, that threatened to go home to mother, that mother, in- knew she stead of saying: “Come to my arms. you poor persecuted angel,” would say: “Go back home and do your duty and behave yourself.” Only a woman with that kind of a mother would never come trotting back to her people. She would have back- bone enough to manage her own af fairs, and her husband, too, if he needed it Half of the worthless young men who are always going from situation to situation would brace up and work f they did not have their mother’s I It guess that every dirty, dis voarding-house to fall back upon. gt ramp some- you see was body's darling who was loved so ten- derly he was not made to behave him- mt self. If one could always keep their nest lings under the shelter of their wing, there would be reason for this exces- sive tenderness, but they can not. Soon the little wings will spread, and whether they fall or rise de- pends upon the strength that is in them. True, the parent can not fight the child’s battle, for in the end each of us grapples alone with our fate, but he can prepare him for it. There are muscles and sinews of the soul no less than the body, and as these are trained and are strong or weak and flabby, so do we win or lose. Dorothy Dix. ~~. 6. How They Buy Their Hats. That between men and women is exempli there are radical differences fied in no more striking manner than in the way in which they buy their headwear. When a woman wants to buy a new hat she enters a shop and makes for the hat department. Ar- she hat—any hat will do—puts it on her head and The merely pushes her belt down riving there, selects a looks in the -mirror. saleswoman an inch and strolls leisurely toward the other The first like the first hat, nor the woman. woman does not second, nor the third, nor the forty-third. She flings each down until there is a goodly pile about her. At this stage the stately saleswoman saunters up and asks in a noncommittal tone ‘Did you want a hat?’ the first woman tries on thre more and then says carelessly was just loking thes« er Have you anything in the way of a perique straw with ingrowing flounces?’ Then she readjusts her own hat, looks at herself complacently and moves along. The saleswoman knows. she for an imposible style just to asks get away. The woman trips to the next shop and another, buys a pair of shoe- strings and goes home. This is on Monday. On Tuesday she starts in again, About to the highest-price shop, begins the shops. Saturday she sails in- usual piling up process, and_ then, with a whoop of delight, finally seizes on the last hat on the wire heads and cries as she hugs it: “Oh! What a love of a hat! That’s exactly what she wore!” She then makes overtures to the saleswoman, and they begin negotia tions for the possession of the deed that will make over this hat—this and none other—to the purchaser. Minor points have to do with retrimming shaping, etc., and finally the hat is hers She And man ste store he man rt off his ot a box, head, takes $3, he wrapped der by under the man’s arm and escorts him to the street. When the man gets home he finds he has purchased 1 white straw hat, whereas he in- tended asking for one of those new speckled black and white fellows. —_—_—_> 2. An editor of a small American pa per recently stated that he had been kissed by one of the most beauti ful married women in the town. He promised to tell her name in the first issue of his paper the next month. In two -weeks the circula- tion of his newspaper doubled. But when he gave the name of his he had to leave town. st ~| however prosperous it stand the evil effects of so much in-| terruption of work and such limita tion of production without suffering severely from it sooner or later. topping they say often inlai be. toi! Etiquette in Mexico. do not attend funerals. iss the hands of their pa- first at a4 purchases the friends kiss on both cheeks leave. when pass- the street. to occu- same so- by their 0 you of as your -w. locality the first other on upon the day and 1 of the gentleman re Seat beside at once 1 as ll Clocks. 1aker, hav belidbaahie craze rf the works all kitchen rkbench Che t nish rks o cis I half e con 4 €) f ordin i] S tis mcs. ve his clocks and the patriotic Ger- vorks for lany, and other kind are hours, min- but the phases of the moon and the day of the month. A — on of the best — Little Gem in a mahogany case of the best work? manship that the old man can turn Peanut Roaster out fetches $150. Others cost from $25 to $40 less. The old cabinetmaker’s customers are shops and private persons. With orders from one or the other he is busy most of the time. He has sev- eral clocks making at once, so that he does not lose time in waiting for stain or glue to dry. A~few familiar patterns are his models, and his new] clocks, when finished and set going, look amazingiy like those of a cen- tury and a half ago. i Confirmation. “I wish to state,” said a_ fresh young lawyer, rising in court, “that the rumor to the effect that John Doe, now under indictment for murder, has attempted to commit suicide has no foundation in fact. I saw him this norning, and he has retained me to defend his life. ention, and the most durable, con “That seems to confirm the rumor,” attractive spring power Roaster ‘ " i within reach of all. Made of iron, said the judge. Let the case pro- | @ steel, German silver, glass, copper and brass. need Ingenious method of dumpin g an reping ceed. roasted Nuts hot. Full description sent on eo

missing ‘ m hy \ ¥CIS> a ner dic 1¢ i isc ¢ i ir the yn As coo d ym in the as jewels d fying marks \ t + MOSsil to T i “ 1? ¢ : Ss t sked t boxes, as i . bh ! ( [. > Q ¢ SOL i iz of his 1 i iif 1g , sion Mr Banks 1. : ‘: a Soe table in plain sight $25, The“ DOTY” Ventilating and Aerating Cream Separator ANTI-WHIRLPOOI BOTTOM REVERSISLE COVES THIS COVER strains the milk and aerates it by striking on a disk below, whereby the milk is spread out into a sheet as thin as tissue paper, as shown in figure. This cover can be reversed on the can, thus avoiding the use of a cloth cover. When the cover is re- versed on the top of the can it gives a scientific process of ventilation for the milk, because is draws the foul air from the milk, instead of blowing it toward the milk. as by other processes, and thereby keeps your cream from drying out. No.0 SS Gatlons, 1to 2 cows............. Bach €s oo No. t fo Gallons, 2to 3 coms............. Each, 5 00 Ne. 2 tS tallest boos... 8... Each, 6 00 Mo 3 22 alone 200 7 coms. ....... 2.2 Each, 7 00 No § 2 Gallons 7 to to Come... Each, 8 00 Write for catalogues and discounts FLETCHER HARDWARE CO. DETROIT, MICH. The Easy Car Pusher Everybody who loads or unloads cars NEEDS one. Price, $5.00 Each. Foster, Stevens & Co. 9224, Rapids, " Buckeye Paint & Varnish Co. Paint, Color and Varnish Makers Mixed Paint, White Lead, Shingle Stains, Wood Fillers Sole Manufacturers CRYSTAL-ROCK FINISH for Interior and Exterior Use Corner 15th and Lucas Streets, Toledo Ohio CLARK-RUTKA-WEAVER CO., Wholesale Agents for Western Michigan RTOS 000 which no less than 300 persons had overlooked. This sum, in a neat packet, lay on a table from 10 o’clock in the morning until 3 o’clock in the afternoon. During those five hours 300 persons by actual count (it was a part of Mr. Banks’ duty to register all passed in a book the names of visitors to the vaults) had the room, and had even in some cases sat at the table. Any could have made off with the with perfect None of however, and it remained Mr. Banks find and return money to its ant duty his through them $25,000 one of safety. them, did so, to owner. for the For this pleas- reward was a pair of suspenders. He ers, and has made a study los- from this surprising of money drawn They study has several conclusions. are: “Women money liable valuables less to lose are and than men iI would rather intrust irreplaceable papers for safe-kee ying to a woman ok than to a man, for my experience has shown me that the average woman iS 25 per cent. more careful than the average man. ‘The young are better guardians of money thain the middle-aged and old. This may be because they are less accustomed to money. At any rate, in four cases out of five it was old rather than young men who lost at the Fidelity Trust Company the money that I found. ‘The self-made are more careless than the aristocrats with their money. The sums I found were, in four cases out of five lost by self-made men.” Mr. goer, has led an exemplary life smoke and he Banks, although not a church He does not Hever was drunk. As for his industry, the fact that he held one position for fifty eight years speaks loudly enough for that. oe >- Aluminum As An Abrasive. It has been discovered in Germany that aluminum is valuable in The structure of a sharpen- ing cutlery metal apparently has the fine stone and possesses a dissolving power. the y fine to 1esion good It moreover develops during whetting process an exceeding metal setting substance, greasy while showing steel obtain such a razor like edge touch, strong adh for The knives in a short time that it whetstone is said that even the best with the result > * - the can not compete Self-confidence is keystone of the arch. The confidence born of maturity and knowledge means clean accomplishment, without the errors and friction which arise from inex- perience. But even the self-confi- dence of inexperience is better than none at all, for it assures against stagnation. The fellow who drifts is sure to drift the wrong way. If a man is Of that fiber that can stand disappointment without being dis- couraged; if, in the face of failure, he keeps. everlastingly at it, with cheerfulness and faith, he will some time But and somewhere pull out on top. must be the ba- Doubting himself, self-confidence his can succeed. sis of belief. no one MICHIGAN TRADESMAN RADIO ACTIVITY. It Will Not Effect An Immediate Revolution. The discovery of the peculiar prop- erties of radium and other by-prod- ucts of pitchblende has started the scientific world searching for other sources of radio-activity. Some scien- tists are apparently temporarily de- ranged on the subject in the exuber ance of their enthusiasm over the possibilities which a plentiful supply of radio-active substances may pro- duce. The Cambridge professor, J. J. Thomson, asumes that if the heat and energy contained in the newly discovered element radium can be utilized, the coal measures will cease to be of value as generators The problem which must be solved to ac- — this result ply of that Perpetual motion is a plentiful sup- Once will be easy. radio-active material. is obtained the rest and will be the »f heat, light ceases and its volume is the philoso- a stone conjointly de- the pe ywwer veloped, as activity of new agent « and never permanently unaffected. It is assumed that nature contains a source of supply on which the hu- man race can draw. Where is it? is the question the leading chemists of the world are, for the _ trying to answer. Two English chemists and two Yale professors are study- ing the waters of the earth, hoping to find it there, on the general prin- ciple, presumably, that inasmuch as water is the greatest solvent in na ture the radio-active principle will be found in it more readily than in any other element. have They over the grown en thusiastic alleged dis the water feet de ep in Connecticut. The covery ot radio drawn New owners activity in trom a well 1,500 Milford, of collieries, oil wells and. electric power plants need not get alarmed over the discovery, for the presence of this radio-activity in the State famous for wooden nutmegs and shoe- only revealed through | pez Oats was the use of the crectroscope after t this marvelous well and d been care The re from a scien standpoint only, as it shows that the earth cortains The that principle in to be of water drawn from had been converted into it ha ted in a holder. steam the gas contained in fully colfec sult obtained is valuable tific water in the some active principle. proof is to be radio yet produced any water contains the sufficient volume any practical value. Until that is in evidence radio-activ ity will continue, as it is now, among the curiosoties of The ters of the oceans contain a definite percentage of but has ever yet invented a process that will make the working of that gold deposit profitable, and it is too much Of a on nature. Wwa- gold, no one vast strain human credulity to that one ever will be discov suppose ered. If we the bowels of f future must rely upon the wa the earth supply of ‘cr m as a source ¢ radio-ac tivity, we may rest assured that the displacement of coal and other sources of energy now being utilized is not by any means in sight. —__-» 2. time you knock a tor you advertise your own Every competi unfitness. 29 oe “Waact na ant ao uilit ng SG ese es Wer We would like to explain to you our Palace Write us about it. Ask for large plan for helping the dealer sell Ranges. colored lithograph. Bements Sons Lansing Michigan. Hardware Use of Machinery in the Potato In- dustry. The time has not been so long past when the growing of potatoes was one of the most tedious processes on ns ete + — tne farm, as near#i the work was done by hand The first duty was to selec i this depended the con- ait 1 of s ] d tion of d climate. thorough ly prepared, and an abundant supply af plant food provided, the most energetic efforts of pi growers will be of no Th mn the farm of a generation ago will well remember the deep. disgust tained for the work of cu the seed potatoes into pieces, tl ig irtered, or ft to the metho was compelled lade 1n a manner to est number of eyes to result was that freq passed both the potato and hr 1b througn 1 of ; i. Saas nanc ground, the crop tivat tubers a The progressive farmer now uses potato cutter, thus saving his hands having his seed potatoes cut in- to suitable sizes or pieces as r as the potatoes can be fed to the cut- ter This cutter is a very simple ntrivance, and seen at work the first 1d of the seed A the notat nieantes rete t p plante ge yn Beat ¢t r d St2etS OF t planter opens the rows, drops ¢ 1 piece seer potato wher it S € pie I wh 1 } —_ 1 ws sired nm tne Ww al more nl rm ; ‘ ly th c z rs the see - e ipply tert sever T *ePSses t } . t operati tT } s work. and he accomnpliches more i WOrkK, and nN accompiusnes more int n could former- aione, ft ly be done in two or three days, with one Or more persons to assist Harvesting the potato crop was al- so a job to be dreaded. Every farm- er knows that to attempt to turn out the potatoes with a plow, facing high ind strong vines, required skill, while tubers never re- the With the present improved potato diggers the many of the were covered from rows harvesting of the potato crop is as as fhat of cutting a crop of| { Nothing is the and potato tops are thrown aside, the the soll, lost; weeds brought to surface } the tubers are nd screened from being | be col- | of the tongs in- | f lack a portion for sting machinery and crop. Harvesting machinery for potatoes saves valuable time and does the work thoroughly. American farmers object to heavy and unwieldy appli- three American potato vester unless on extraordinarily hard neces. Two or horses should serve for an har- round. On light, sandy soils two horses will harvest the crop rapidly, one man being required to han- and throw the potatoes Ic team to the surface. The light and strong | potato diggers, as made by United | ; manufacturers, are intended | to not only do the work well, but to do it in a hurry, as time is money, and labor must be paid for, whether 1e farmer employs some one or does If 1e work himse It was believed that with he intro i duction of the potato cutter, potato assorter, which assorts the tubers af- ter they are harvested, potato planter and potato digger, potatoes would be so great he production of | as to ren- | tub- | ers, but experience demonstrates that | der it unprofitable to grow the there is a greater demand, in all] countries, for potatoes, at the pres- ent time, when the tubers were grown mostly by labor. The United States grows thousands of 1els, yet imports potatoes -rmany, France, the Bermudas, and countries, and the consumption potatoes 1s increasing every year ‘hat is more, the quality of the tub- | is improving, and more potatoes 11 with the aid j of potato machinery they are placed | used because within the reach of more consumers The potato crop of the United | States is annually very large. In Igo! the yield of potatoes was over 2I0,- | 000,000 bushels. In 1895 the produc- | 297,000,000 bushels, yet | . a ; at certain s@asonsiof the year pota- | tion was over eS ere reer eer Te BAKERS’ OVENS All sizes to suit the needs of any grocer. Do your own baking and make the double profit. Hubbard Portable Oven Co. 182 BELDEN AVENUE, CHICAGO Tents, Awnings, Flags, Seat Shades, Umbrellas And Lawn Swings - Le Send for IMlustrated Catalogue CHAS A. COYE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 11 and o Pearl Street e BY 12ALBS. GUARANTEED E WHITER.FINER COVERING BETTER AND TAKING 3 TO4 GALLONS MORE OIL TOTHE 100 POUNDS THAN ANY LEAD ON THE MARKET. .- WARREN PAINT WARREN OHIO. White Seal Lead and Warren Mixed Paints Full Line at Factory Prices manufactuers have placed us a position to handle the goods to the advantage cf all Mich gan custom- ers Prompt shipments and a sav ng of tme and expense. Quality guar- anteed. WE WANT YOU to have the agency for the best line of mixed paints m de. Forest . ity Mixed Paints are made of strictly pure lead, zinc Guaranteed and linseed oil. not to rock UU, Our paints Write and se- cure agency for your town. crack, flake or chalk off S. STANDARD GALLON, are now in demand, Liberal suaply of advert sing matter furnished. The FOREST CITY PAINT & VARNISH CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO toes are imported. Nearly the whole |@ if the potato crop of the United Hl . States is consumed ,at home, very lit- t sent abroad, and some ye tl of potatoes are large | the use of potato imple- | United States could not | S home demand for pota- | toes. The prices obtained are fairly | good, and potatoes pay well, but they could not be now made profitable but | ibor-saving machinery 1 a 1 No Mirrors There. ‘Mrs. Blinker is a good woman.” | “Yes, but she is so careless about | her attire. Why, I dreamed last night that I met her in heaven and she had | her halo tipped clear down over one | ear’? Established 1865 EN i i : ‘ ‘ : ; : MICHIGAN TRADESMAN Profit In Bank Accounts. Not a few persons who have the “bank habit,” but whose balances are never very large, often wonder where the profits to the banks come in from such accounts. They note the uni- form courtesy and consideration al- ways accorded them by the bank’s officers and employes, whether it be when they appear at the counter in person or through their correspond- ence by mail, and they are very sure that the carying of their small ac- counts is acceptable to the bank some- where or somehow; so a natural ques- tion is, why do the banks want such accounts? To such persons an address by Mr Frank Noble delivered not long ago before the Buffalo Chapter of the American Institute of Bank Clerks will prove interesting. He entitled his remarks, “The Profit and Loss of Bank Accounts,’ and these sugges- tions were made as to the _ best methods of ascertaining whether an individual acount is really profitable: \ shrewd banker begins to inquire into the details of his husiness and demands answers to these questions: First, are there individual accounts on the books that are being carried at a loss; and, second, are the arrange- ments with correspondents such that collections are made at a minimum of cost? “Taking the first of these questions this problem immediately presents it- i self:What method shall be used in determining the value of an open ac- count? “IT take it that most of you know of the plan to find the average cost of accounts by dividing the annual ex- pense by the number of accounts and } multiplying this by the per cent. of 1 1 xpense to net dep: which wil give the balance which the account must maintain to be on a paying ba is. As it was manifestly unjust to treat large and small accounts alike. one cashier has ingeniously figured the cost according to the number of ems handled and also according to the size of the balance. The average of the three computations would be the cost of the account “This is indeed a very clever method, and there is much in it to commend it to our earnest considera- tion, not the least of which is the ease with which the result is reached; but that it is as valuable to us as it is it Mew York city, | very much doubt, because the conditions are quite different. There you will find that commercial banks pay interest only in very exceptional cases, and that the exchange charges are much more uniform, so that such a method would be reasonably accurate. Here, although most accounts do not receive interest, nevertheless some fortunate ones get 2, 2! Or 4 per cent., whichever they can squeeze out; then some pay exchange on almost all their out-of-town checks, some pay only the cost, and still others do not pay any exchange. Besides this, one is apt to run across other special concessions which make it imperative that each account be treated separately; this can best be done by a careful analysis, going about the work in a thorough man- ner and bringing to bear everything that will affect the profit or loss upon the account.” —+-_~<> 9 ~ | 00000000 00o00oes $0000000000000000 BUSINESS SYSTEM ESPEGIALLY FOR YOU Sent Teee you want charge, a special for f It YOUR business ithe many frest sent free on request. It is worth its weight in saving suggestions it contains, economical outfits. ' if you will give us tion about the nat will draw up f>-r consisting of car SUNDRIES CASE. Also made with Metal Legs, or with Tennessee Marble Base. Cigar Cases to match. Shipped knocked down. Takes first class freight rate. Grand Rapids Fixtures Co. Bartlett and S. Ionia St., Grand Rapids, Mich. M. B. ALLEN Successor to M. B. Allen Gas Light Co., Makes the best Gasoline Gas Plant on the market to-day. Never has had a fire loss. Three years on the market. Write for further light. Responsible agents wanted in every town to bandle the Allen Light. MICHIGAN TRADESMAN FAMILY PEACE. The Psychic Factors of Marriage and Divorce. s ly S j i S j ‘ -. | | s ly S und out Doubtless, however, whatever the reason, the conclusion be readily accepted by the men S € ing them from the study of ogy, which is said to be very indeed, to understand. The out- this new propaganda will € itche for with great interest, sp ul by the judges, who = are vy weary of the interminable fam } ‘ ] 2. Re eee Bae - ly wrangies, and the divorce lawyers ) get ir living by stirring them o> >> Plows For Service. lo is probably the oldest ic l implements, but it S the me in ( s s : : s ‘ic aepei is Pp 1. of soil to be broken, its te re iI Cc p to be 2g . © reo , \ Al Ss i I 4 ire Ss itt de Ss Ss whnereve at- 5 S ( ‘ r the The firs ests > : i. ( the c t . té un ds the leading p Si us styles low : i) tT } i pu ’ ~ ~ ~ intries I w , / c + Gay. as S e€ past, but i St t h x am " 1€ mode! Vi s spos mn to get rid i e€ ploy 1¢ T ‘ Imp s | P ck alas | ne { @ 1 cultin tor t w in h T ‘ S pl “ The American plow + ‘ 1 y the w ) a. CF lle noe, s w . ver de s é y ry requiring 9 1 ‘ t] 1S now em ie pat i s iy Ame l One _ <> Champion Circulation Liar. Phe champion circulation liar has iis i Sm ta S a o as ¢ ; ‘ . Daw S : We ' 2 A pub aI S < ‘ m ete : s Ss n wi S bers : : S beams t ~ + ‘ +} > se eaee ti ‘ : i s grass, the grains of sand s gers, elephants, lions S ‘ é ire its sub S will hence i iverse s the Tl t eans c¢ rye?’ can beat that can x2 1 big salary. ( S s c : \ al caer ms ~ T€ >> \ m the fn st d s e ve top unds ( bird’s est We do this to have you give them a trial. you use our Duplicate system you will always use it, as it pays for itsel¢ jn forgotten charges alone. For $4.00 We will send you printed and complete 5,000 Bills 5,000 Duplicates 100 Sheets of Carbon Paper 2 Patent Leather Covers We know if once For descriptive circular and special prices on large quanti- ties address A. H. Morrill, Agt. 105 Ottawa Street, Grand Rapids, Michigan Manufactured by Cosby-Wirth Printing Co., St. Paul, Minnesota u i = - a Se eee — / A ~ 7 ~~ ~ a “a - ~~ alla OZ MEYER’S RED SEAL BRAND SARATOGA CHIPS Have a standard reputation for their superior quality over others. inches front and 19 inches deep. Saratoga Chips and Scoo Order ¢ Manufacturer of Meyer's Red Seal Luncheon Cheese A Dainty Delicacy. “ ~ = 7 v Ww Vv ~ oe. ~ MEYER’S Improved Show Case made of metal and takes up counter room of only Size this Saratoga Securely inche out to be cleaned or new on: every case Parties that will Meyer’s Red Seal Brand of increase their sales many times. ready to ship anywhere. Price, filled with ro lbs net Ps 10l4 of glass, 10x20 lhe glass is put in on slides so it can be taken put in SCOOP with with will packe a, case Chips + 4 33 00 me through vour jobber, or write for further particulars. JS. W. MEVER, 127 E. Indiana Street, CHICAGO, Ill. PPE ere The Test That Tells the superiority of Diamond Crystal Salt, the test given the dairy products at the various butter and cheese-makers’ conventions. No better illustrations of the exceedingly high quality of ‘‘‘#e Salt that’s ALL Sa/t’’ could be offered than the rec- ords of these tests. At the last Nation- al Creamery Buttermakers’ Conven- tion, Milwaukee, in October; at the last Michigan Dairymen’'s Convention; at the recent Minnesota Buttermakers’ Convention and the Minnesota Dairy men’s Convention; at the Illinois Dairymen’s Convention, and at the Wisconsin Cheesemakers’ Convention, butter or cheese, salted with Diamond Crystal Salt, was awarded the highest prizes. There’sa good reason for this; and the same good reason that wins prizes for the butter maker, will win trade for the grocer who sells Diamond Crystal Salt—it’s the merit of the salt. For more reasons why you should sell “‘the Salt that’s ALL Salt,’’ write to DIAMOND CRYSTAL SALT COMPARY, St. Ciair, Mich. is Tips For the Detecting of Counter- feit Money. The terfeits in average photographic coun- can be readily detected by persons familiar with money by their bad color as against the perfect prin ing of a good bill counter “touch up” by hand the red ll bill 1111S feiters seal of the upon a with colors and where this work, vith photo- graphic execution and good paper, is well done, the counterfeit is more . quick eye of a money expert [There have been counterfeited o the issues of national bank notes five eight $5, of which seven aré ' . cago. banks; forty-thre SIO, ’ y hg , 1 of which ten are on New York na- ‘ : . » tional banks; sixteen $20, nine yf which seven are on New York tional banks, and nine $100 bills. Of the United States Treasury notes oi 1 ind certif ites there have been coun- f + 1 eS +} + 1 terfeiter mir Si, thirteen $2. seven- + ce »+ +} by tet nT teen $s, twen ee $1ro, thirteen $20. ght $o hree $roo, one $s00 d one $1,000 bills Of the silver cert ites there h \ hee l issued ni corded seve he $1 denom- t rOurteen Of the 32, twenty- 1 _“— ‘ ¢ a a . ( he $5, twenty-one of the $ro, ten of the $20 and one of the $100. [ gold certificates have not been ee a S extens ely counterteited as the silver certificates, and they are mu One Of the most dangerous counterfeits yet - } J put out. e several danger- ous count Or the ceérimicates in the $20. $5 denominations, 1] : . . vhile of t nation there are four d r ingero S = nd of one of these the gang sending OUT tN1Is 18st has vated ive sep rate issues In the or 1al + 1 e } this last cour iterfeit the ard vas n rectly ST ed pnp “ . 7 thus ow I I he co did not discov: S yr until , . ‘ ‘ oated the note; then promptly sent out a second iss vith the word ‘ : ia » spelled co ¢ Tt} p2 S tincarce Count . I nm ¢€xcéeedingh t + +7 + 7 d erous ‘ ! the it ‘ : 4 ' ! ve separ o S may peen snoy% ed tif + ‘hea s ¢ cour \ seven known a or ¢ S poor and re re wv ae ( oht to be Cr the United States : 1 notes the re seve a’ , " enboetas 5 1 Ous ¢ C1ms OF 320 nada two are cal- who cashier A Penny That Returned. Take an ordinary copper. cent Piece, stamp it with a private mark, MICHIGAN TRADESMAN and what put it into circulation, chances that you will ever see are the it again There is one man who says 1e tried the 1 trick and succeeded in a business man in Philadel- who refuses to allow his name used in print about the but he tells the tale to story, many of his friends and he vouches for its truth. Ly found a cent piece, dated 1893, in the restau- rant of the r Hotel. He n 1894, he says, he one Lafayette 1+ pocketed it for luck, and as a memen- to « little dinner scratched Si it just above the feath- I vhile on the cheek he Ided of the hotel. Until 1806 coin, then drew it t et with a handful ot t change and before he realized t the cent piece had gone the mys- terious way of all money. A ye chanced, being of a Ir10OUS ind, to fall into con- versatic with a profes- ional beggar at Broad and Chestnut streets. He upbraided the man for etting s money for nothing On,” sai roar I don’t get so much I’ve got in the ist hou held up a cent niece ' , i the electric light At that m fell upon the oment coin and the business man, to his amazement, caught sight L, letters “H. 1...” on th of the face He e cheek took the coin and examined it more closely Sure 10ough, there were his own initials st above the feathers where he had placed th a half-dozen years be re ging vanished ‘Val a dollar for that coin!” he cried. The beggar grew wary at this ea- oe SS 1 demanded Need- ee th oc he ¢ it also. of ourse, the cent piece has never since left the business man’s tch chain, vhich it now adorns. >> What To Do With a New Idea. If an ori idea Original id COMICS (O you, le t meast it by your estimate f th fforts of your competitor ) t its wort Do not be afraid ( t because it is unlike all the other ideas being carried out in your line business. Its very newness is a big gument in its because t eS att t attention If it has l it, launch it You will S he | ts effective 1eSS, obably, by its being copied by all | thers i el Business Advertisements. You may be ambi to be a lit- but where your business S I 1 you must be a business Tl busi have said them, > 2 a man who never changes his ways of doing business is likely to see the day when he can not afford to even change his clothes. & A, but the proof of the pudding is in the e: getting the original and only Genuine Full ream Caramel on the market. Straub Bros. § Amiotte Traverse City, Mich. S. B. & A. on every wrapper. Beware of TImitations The wrappers on lots of Caramels are just a: 33 Made only by Tn Everybody’s Mouth Honeysuckle Chocolate Chips Packed Tn Pails and Boxes Putnam Factory National Candy Company Grand Rapids, Mich. People don’t seem to } them. enough. al facilities for doing so. Nut Flakes, the Gocd Foo: lace Y Cera Nut Flakes The Good Food know when We are maki ig them Are going to make them faster; providing addition 3 Order from your jobber. National Pure Food Co., Limited Grand Rapids, Mich. aS faSt aS we Ce they have enough of f. Lays Ww 1. i Les rey t lose y stocking Exclusively Retail SEGRSOR OROCLSAESESIE PAGLACAOLEACH OL SRO HHSX oO ROKR wes Wall Papers Newest Designs Picture Frame Mouldings Newest Patterns High Grade Paints and Oils C. L. Harvey & Co. 59 Monroe St., Grand Rapids, Mich. each gee tee repeated BE ta wo wR 34 MICHIGAN TRADESMAN Po i THE DEVIL WAGON. pelled by the rules “ loop ee Tt _ been et that Ga- Gas or Gasoline Mantles at To : hree times and then loop|briel would gamer the whole bunch, Only One Great Good It Can Possi- hee 5 ak et ee es uk on ek. ie 50c on the Dollar ._ . Lasiitl Jiechi Lilien ati ci MOTEL a ius \ cata . bly ae Ki é the small loop was ce finished at 7:30 p. m. The Amer- GLOVER’S WHOLESALE MDSE. CO. \ ‘ Tradesmar A ee Carlow and Athy ‘ c ‘ ill arrived at the wire | MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS ' ans : re of GAS AND GASOLINE SUNDRIES . g plac Then the] y ¢ s joy in Kaiserland. Grand Rapids, Mich son by way of Mo The event is not o yet by any s St { lly, id eans There 1s still to be a hill- i " S] Lve 1ed all mbing test on the Kilorglin-Tralee Things We Sell se - Sé le and the motors will also trip 2 lz tra fa I mong tl ikes of Kil i shed ei a vi t |Iron pipe, brass rod, steam fittings, to ev hing mn Kilore ro |electric fixtures, lead pipe, brass ¢ S 5 ot Ki ey yack to Kilcul wire, steam boilers, gas fixtures, ! b: n rants of Michican wii |Oeeae pepe, Genes tabing, water ‘ i cosh heaters, mantels, nickeled pipe, s s b ; Se ee ue the |brass in sheet, hot air furnaces, s i ~ riangle of | fire place goods. g al Gran Rapids nd Centr ; il aii ig ao Weatherly & Pulte g ii i. aon Grand Rapids, Mich. y+ S } gana A | ) St S le d is ? s 1 e to : or PRICE, $500.00. seme" We can satisfy the most exacting as to price, quality and perfection of machin- Le ery. Will practica'ly demonstrate to buyers that we have the best machine ip adapted to this section and the work required. Discount to the trade. s he SHERWOOD HALL CO., LTD.., u GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. S —_ — = > = 5 If you do, and want one that you KNOW is all right and can be depended on all the time, you want to get the “oe P 99 manufactured by the Incandescent Light and Stove Co., Cincinnati, O. 25,000 plants now in use attest its superiority and popularity over all other systems. We are making an unusually ? generous offer during the next 30 days. Write us about it. If you want a good light it will surely interest you. It isa GREAT OPPORTUNITY. Dixon & Lang, Michigan State Agents, Ft. Wayne, Ind. P. F. Dixon, Indiana State Agent, Ft. Wayne, Ind. = MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 35 not only take an interest but also a/to the acre, while there is also a shotgun. The increase in the popu-/| large yield of small potatoes, for larity of makes such a} which the starch manufacturers pay 1 i. cents a barre Commercial ply of humid fools ho are universally used, each to warn the merchants of Michigan, | year in increasing quantities, for, al- states where soil is very productive, the Tradesman coin of the the farmers value the lime in the fer- realm circul that this article is/|tilizers as a preventive of rot. But written The village grocer is run|for the duty of about 30 cents a down enough in t sewing circles | bushel Maine starch factories and the 1 1 and the farmers’ clubs without being rican markets would be glutted rin down in the street. potatoes from New Brunswick, Understand | have no objection Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Is- to the automobile of the private cit- | land \s it is, a great many potatoes izen, the man who is not out to/;are smuggled across the line from break records or collarbones or! New Brunswick into Aroostook coun- pite of the vigilance of the officers Aroostook potato farmer does He plants trom torty to 100 acres, uses il planters. c vators, and ‘rs, sells his crop often long ce by contract, and conducts lustry generally on a systemat- [any a man, including the and industrious Swede im- William Widgery Thomas, i! ay nity a climb up on a w United States Minister to Sweden, coming. I will decry it | has risen from poverty to compara- aan and if possible! tive affluence thronch the cultivatior gogues and if possibl ve affluence through the cultivation 1e road V1 jogging | of potatoes in Aroostook, the fertile g c piece at | Northern tip of Maine. Where thir- miles an hour it is a/|ty years ago and less were straggling ess vehicle but | s es isolated log huts, lost e 2 - \ t work 1 the p Vi wilderness, are now n’t operat 1 its gas-|s t ght and bustling with st those | prosperous trade and happy in the f 1 +} } 7} re of value to the com- | enjoyment of the conveniences and monwealth to take to the woods. and comforta- Know my value to the State, I am farm houses, hanging to the edge of the timber any city homes. most of the time hnters ZO to I see only one great good that the the women : " devil wagon can work. I am a Re farmer, who ; , , ; ‘ i publican; and at the next general! once urged slow-footed oxen over election to pull off auto! corduroy re now drives fine races it lid Democratic dis- | horses on good, smooth highways; tricts. I think this would be quicker | the banks are full of money earned than the gerrymander and more last-! at home: theaters are in everv town: ing in its effect Douglas Malloch. 1 railroad has been built from Ban- —_<©@~<>— gor, extending more tha 200 miles Big Profits in Growing Potatoes in ,. ,, c, i a ae 1 c= oO tne ot Tohn Ss nk img this véeati ince. 1 as i Main the trolley car 1s to hum in several ? ar wiv A y Ar stock - 11 : “ ° Bangor, Me., July 6—In Aroostock | of the towns. All this chiefly from county, the “garden of Maine,” the/ ithe potato! Were Aroostook to : a drought has not been felt so severe- | choose the State’s flower, probably 1\ as in other sections 1o YT nm has e blossom would be the em- - 7 7 1 1 occasionally fallen there when the/| pic Af rest of the State was dry, and the + > soil, rich deep, ri ns moisture It Was All Right. longer th Le ess ft e helds of And now, dear, said the delight- * ‘tr ] ] + - : ak other sections The c t crops of } wnen May I speak to + 1 i sil Aroostook farms are potatoes, hay f and oats, potatoes being m the You don't ive tO, Wweorgee re lead This ye notwithst ing t plied the sweet young thing, who well, for | had just accepted him. “He told me creage { it you int speak tO me mer vears tO-mignht ned speak to you to-mor- The crop rz es from 3.000,000 to; TrOw 4,000,000 bushel in 1902 there . c . . y isi tho. i i cacre : As She Should. were shipped out of the cor : ie ' in i i JO youthtul m appearance, too! ‘efiy to Bocton. New Work and : : cnieny tO DOStTON, IN@W OTK and “4 1 ’ 1 + 1 - ; wee doesnt look a day over 35. [t Southern markets, about 2,700,000 : i ; / i must embarrass her somewhat when bushels The Southern shipments, : ' oe i , : ig boy calls her grandma going as far as Galveston, are made ; : al | presence of strangers ‘ a :. L in the spring S S he La pn : Not on your life! She takes pride iverag pric rece er ror. the pota- oy 1 ‘ being the youngest looking grand toes shipped out of t uInty 1n 1902 \ i os : i mother anybody ever saw s+ ¢ we « } 1 - ’ was about $1.45 a b : te

+ nade t s Is d ‘ S n? This S : 1 “ + y c t¢ S ~ ~ ~ t i v ent S Se 2 S cl ther to some city. : 1 r|! g is, Wh i { ¢ » bw the tl ’ 1 1 t ex- empty, I I i he \ + 1 i =e rts } aoe ed This stock was shipped aw . me ¢ 2 } oo ¥ + 4 rent 4 C fr ! ce +t} Ss c? ) h + wit j ‘ , - ecec C + 4 e x c » + t } } j a Q Ss DY wagort cat. 1 of nsiste¢ t n’s suits ane t ] S Ss1er 1 g ston S . t o ~ a. rkec 1 , os 1 t Impers S ‘ ~ N e at +} St S at king rts ha > oe t tic t inf’d d The “Shop” in England. by Capit Columbu Q >» y+ } S socks S oN 7 er Hil ( ‘ + 1 I 7 : id cL Tn in r ¢+ + : | Oia c 1 *¢ i . ° Q ot is Rules for long hfe are like guide- boards to a deserted city aol : MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 37 Good Pluck Is Good Luck. Persistency and pluck are the win the two weapons which battle of life. Many a man has lost his grip in the world simply because he has lost his pluck. It is that wealth, which amasses | | | | crowns man with success and brings | honor to well-directed labors and ef- forts. Duty and charge is to be the and, State ma persistency in its battle cry of although it matters not what the hat the y be, or what mark in the j opportu- make his nity, he will world. Well matured and well disciplined talent is sure of a market, provided it exerts itself, 1 expect to be 1 a barking dog is far more useful than li i but it must not cower at home anc sought, for a sleeping lion. The world is always tortured with 1 i waiting to be solved. If man (or exists one) capa- solves these difficulties, he urely be welcomed uni On paper, and the thing js One-half of tl luck right down in the is more valu: shortcqmings upon their want of 1 i luck. Never be a mere imitator in whatever you do. Fight with your own well prepared weapons or not at all. To your own self be true. Get path adily out of the old ruts, and make a for yourself, with your eyes ste fixed on the object to be attained Have your own way to do a thing and do plish Opportunities may it your the best way if you can accom- ’ results by so doing. come to i } a as car ' the ability r is dace men, but tne ability or energy may be wanting until the one them and compels them man seizes purpose. tO Serve nis Longfellow’s words are worthy to be idopted by the vot 1g man who iS anx us ror success He sai Learn to labor ind tO W t You know the crop follows not the day after the seed is sown; it must take time to germinate and rin orth after its kind. Plod onward with your aim steadily in view; pa- tient perseverance is the pric which youth must success. To know cret of and learn is the great se- It is not “genius,” success. g , but perseverance that wins in the long run. Yet the world has gone wild in its pursuit of genius. New ideas are not fruitful instantly. They must have time to root themselves before they appear on the surface. In science, in literature, in discov- ery, in window lecorating in card writ- and almost every de- dressing, i ing, ¢ boys who diffi- culties are the ones who have gained fame and won the prizes +9 ~< The Neit talker is he thoughts agree with our own. partment of active life the have persevered in the face of whose Hardware Price Current Ammunition Caps +. D., full count, per m.. oe Hicks’ Waterproof, perm.. Musket, ( artridges | NO. 22 short, per m..._... ae iO ce Oe OOM No. 32 short, per m | No. 32 long, Der Primers 2 U. M. C., boxes 260, per m...... Nes 2 Winchester, boxes 250, per m. Gun Wads Black edge, Nos. 11 and 12 U. M. Black edge, Nos. 9 and 10, per m. Black edge, No. 7, per m Loaded Shells New Rival—For Shotguns Drs. of oz. of Size No. Powder Shot Shot Gauge 1 120 4 1% 10 10 | 129 4 1 9 10 128 4 1% 8 10 126 4 Lhe 6 10 135 44 1% 5 10 154 4% Ly 4 10 200 3 1 10 2 208 3 1 8 12 236 34 1% 6 12 265 34 13s 5 12 264 4 12 iseak 40 per cent. Paper Shells—Not Loaded No. 10, pasteboard boxes 100, per 100 No. 12, pasteboard boxes 100, per 100 Gunpowder Kegs, 25 lbs., per keg..... et 4g kegs, 12% lbs., per & keg. i¢ kegs, 634 lbs., per 14 keg...... Shot In sacks containing 25 Ibs. Drop, all sizes smaller than B........ Augurs and Bits pti he Jennings hirwtipe a ennings’ imitation. Axes First Quality, S. B. Bronze.. First Quality, D. B. Bronze. . First Quality, S. B.S. Steel. First Quality, D. B. Steel. Barrows eee ee Bolts Butts, Cast Cast Loose Pin, passe Wrought Narrow . ‘Chain fi 4¢ In. 5-16 in. % In. — ok old re... €@e..6e. -_ .. oe .. eu ue... ....., =—_— ... ~ ... 6s Crowbars eae on Socket Firmer . a aa Socket Framing. Socket Corner. - comamenauacacmmerct htt An ims Elbows Com. 4 piece, 6 tn., per — net Corrugated, bas dom. ad oa Adjustable... — .. dis esos Bits Clark’s small, $18; large, $26 .......... vee 1,916: 2.96 50... ae List New American . Nicholson’s. Heller’s Horse Rasps.. a Galvanized eee Nos. 16 to 20; 22 and 24; 25 - 26; 27, List 12 13 14 1 Discount, 70 Gauges Stanley Rule and Level Co.’s.......... Glass Single Strength, by box.. ho se a Double Strength, by box..........__. dis By the Light.. . . dis Mnaes mers Maydole & Co.’s, new list.. Yerkes & Plumb’s Mason’s Solid Cast Steel... Hinges Gate, Clark’s 1, 2, 3. en Slellow Ware or . iin, En aaa ay Spiders.. ‘ " en eas Nails Au Sable . -dis House. Furnishing Goods Stamped Tinware, new list Japanned Tinware ee 60 $ & mh © + oc how hw n IDS enn 1 50 50 $4 00 70 60 % In, 4Xc, 8 oe oO 65 65 65 65 75 1 25 40810 60810 50810 50810 50810 40&10 7 20810 --4 25 c rates a eee 8 ¢ rates Knobs—New List Door, mineral, jap. trimmings....... 75 Door, porcelain, oy trimmings.....,. i) Lanterns Rgular 9 Tubular, a de 58 Galvanized Foun! . ‘ 99 | Pints... Crockery and Glassware STONEWARE Butters Me ee Oe Ge 8. occ... 48 1 to6 gal., oe 6 5 oe. Gkee.......... cz 10 gal. a 66 Meee ONO ......... 5................ 78 15 gal. meat- tubs, each. 1 20 20 gal. meat-tubs, each........... 1 60 25 gal. meat-tubs, oe ee 2 25 co Rel Mment-fubs, each...............- 2 70 i Churns 2 to 6 gal., per s gal eee ee cea 6% ‘aurn Das ers, per eC ' 84 Milkpans % ga. fiat or rd. bot., per doz 48 i gal. tint or rd. bot,, each........... 6 Fine Glazed Milkpans % gal. flat or rd. bot., per doz.... .... 60 1 gal. flat or rd. bot., each.... 68 Stew pans % gal. fireproof, bail, per doz... 85 1 gal. fireproof, bail, per doz......... 1 10 Jags a. es ............,......,... €0 i¢ gal. per doz. ee 45 1 to 5 gal., per gal... ! Lew. 7% Sealing Wax 5 lbs. in package, per Ib ......... Ke 2 LAMP BU RNERS Po eos, ........................... 35 ete. 86 OO 4x ee Oe .. 85 Zoeee............................... 50 CO a 50 MoM. ASON FRU iT JARS With Porcelain Lined ~—_ wees 4 50 per gross Juarts..... “ . 4 75 per gross 2 Gallon 6 60 per gross Fruit Jars Dp yacked | dozen in box LAMP CHIMNEYS—Seconds Per box of 6 doz. Pe OP ce ie ecco , 174 No. 1 Sun Lledo aae 1 96 Se 2 92 Anchor Carton Chimneys Each chimney in corrugated carton. No, 0 Crimp.. eee 1 86 No. 1 Crimp ' 2 (8 No. 2 Crimp.. bee ae 36: First Quality No. 0 Sun, crimp top, wrapped & lab. 1 #1 No. 1 Sun, crimp top, wrapped & lab. 2 18 No. 2 Sun, crimp top, wrapped & lab. 3 08 XXX Flint No. 1 Sun, crimp top, wrapped & lab. 2 75 No. 2 Sun, crimp top, wrapped & lab. 3 75 No. 2 Sun, hinge, wrapped & lab...... 4 00 Pearl Top No. 1 Sun, wrapped and labeled...... 4 60 No. 2 Sun, wrapped and labeled..... 5 30 No. 2 hinge, wrapped and labeled..... 5 10 No. 2 Sun, ‘Smal — for Globe Lampe...... 80) L a Hastie No. 1 Sun, plain bulb, per doz........ 1 00 No 2 Sun, plain maid, per doz........ 1 25 No. 1 Crimp, per CE TT 1 35 No. 2 Crimp, per doz........ oo 1 60 | Sasenten | No. 1 Lime (85¢ doz).. 3 50 No. 2 Lime (75e doz)......... 4 00 | eo. 2 Wink (eee Gon)... 4 60 Electric re, 2 Ldue (yee Geom)... ............ 00 No. 2 Flint (30e doz).. a 4 60 OIL CANS 1 gal. tin cans with spout, < doz. 1 30 i gal. galy. iron with spout, per doz 1 50 2 gal. galv. iron with spout, per doz 2 50 3 gal. galv. tron with spout, per doz.. 3 50 5 gal. galv. fron with spout, per doz.. 4 50 3 gal. galv. iron with faucet, per doz.. 3 75 5 gal. galv. iron with faucet, ies doz.. 5 00 6 gal. Tilting cans.......... .. 7 00 gal. galv. iron Naeeiag.............. 9 00 LANTERNS Ne. © cebulter sido nm............... 75 me, te toe... 25 Levels Stanley Rule and Level Co.’s........ dis vi Mattocks Adze Eye........ -- $17 00..dis £0 Metals—Zine eon ee... 7% on ee 8 Miscellaneous Bird Cages . 40 Pumps, ¢ ‘istern.. 75 | Serews, New Elst 85 Casters, Boe ang fists... 50810810 Dempers, Ameriean ............. 0 50 Molasses Gates Stebbins’ Pattern. . 60810 Enterprise, seif- measuring. cs 30 Pans Pry, Aome...... 60810810 Common, pol "AIR 70& Patent Planished Iron “‘A”’ Wood’s patent planished, Nos. 24 to 27 27 16 80 “B” Wood's patent planished, Nos. 25 to 27 9 3 Broken packages ec per pound extra, Planes oe Foe Ce foes... 40 Seciota Bench.. 50 | Sandusky Tool Co.’ ‘a, ‘fancy... 40 | Bench, first guality.. 4g a Advance over base, on both Steel and Wire. Steel nails, base... 27 Wire nails, base......... ae 2 36 20 to 60 advance.... sase 10 to 16 advance 5 8 advance.. 1C 6 advance.... 2c 4 advance ae Seereeee 45 ore... 7 Fine 3 advance... i 50 | Casing 10 advance. ac, 15 Casse © AGvenes.................... yy Casing 6 advance......... at Finish 10 advance...... 28 Finish 8 advance....... 3t Ponce... 4t Perret Nee... RP Rivets Iron and Tinned..... 50 Copper Rivets and Burs. soeu ee at iiien: Midis | 14x20 IC, Charcoal, Dean......... 7 50} 14x20 1X, Charcoal, Dean........ 9 00} 20x28 IC, Charcoal, Dean... ia 15 00 | 14x20 IC, Charcoal, Allaway Grade... 7 50} 14x 20 1X’ Charcoal, Allaway Grade... 9 00} 20x28 IC, C harcoal, Allaway Grade... 15 00 | 20x28 IX, Charcoal, Allaway Grade... 18 O¢ | Ropes Sisal, ~ th and | heueseii i ke RM Manilla : eee aes aa, 3 Sand Paper List acct. 19, a dis Bt | Sash | Weights Rone Eves certian ........_.......... 36 08 | Sheet Iron | com. smooth, com. | Nos. 10 to 14 ... i $3 6t | moe teee ee. 3 7C | “sree Bw | Nos. 22 to 24... . a oe 3H | Nos. shoe ema tetabley ioe. 7. oe 400 | No. 27... ee ae 4 30 4 10 All Sheets No. 18 and lighter, ‘over 30 Inches | wide, not less than 2 -10 extra. | Shovels and Spades wet Cease, Or ..........._..... 68 06 pocoue Grace, er... .............. 5 50 Solder Moe... .... 1¥ The prices ‘of the many ‘other qualities of sol idee in the market indicated by private brands var according to composition. rei | Steel and Iron........ wcoceane OF—10-6 Tin— Mely n Grade 10x14 IC, Charcoal $10 5¢ 14x20 IC, Charcoal.... 10 50 20x14 IX, Charcoal! ee oe 12 00 Each additional X on this grade, $1.25. Tin—Allaway Grade Peete BA), Ceres... a... 9 % 14x20 IC, Charcoal... 9 of 10x14 1X, Charcoal 10 Bt 4x20 IX, Charcoal 10 &¢ Each additional X on this grade, $1.50 Boller Size Tin Plate 14x56 IX, for No.8 Boilers, ‘ 14x56 IX, for No. 9B ollers, ; per pound.. 16 Traps pee, SO el 75 Onetda © ommunity, Newhouse’s...... 40K10 Onelda Community, Haw) ull & Nor- ees ou a. 65 Mouse, choker per ee . 15 | Mouse, delusion, per doz....... oe ey Wire ee OR 66 Annealed Market. 60 Lone ataclazon ae nasbaicy 50&10 Zuaned Market........... 5OR:10 | ( ee Spr ing Steel. Barbed Fence, Galvanized ............ ’ mernee Meneses, Faleted................ 26 Wire Goods ee pees ieee oe eae ila Screw Eyes........... bee odes dees ee v | el ae seceded ce ok. | Gate Hooks and Eyes...... beeneeue 6 Wrenches Baxter's ae, on. ¥ Oce’s Genuine. ace No. 15 Tubular, dash. No. 1 Tubular, — fountain.. No. 12 Tubular, side lamp.. No. 3 Street lamp, each. LANTERN GLOBES ee ysae z “ No. 0 Tub., cases 1 doz. each, box, 10¢c 45 No. 0 Tub., cases 2 doz. each, box, 15¢ 45 No. 0 Tub., bbls 5 doz. each, per bb! 1 +0 No, 0 Tub., Bull’s eye, cases 1 doz. each 1 2 BEST WHITE COTTON WICKS 2 contains 32 yards in one | piece No. 0, -inch wide, per gross or roll 18 No. 1, %- .-ine h wide, per gross or roll 24 No. 2,1 inch wide, per gross or roll 34 No. 3, 1% inch wide, per gross or roll.. 53 COUPON BOOKS 50 books, any denomination.............. 150 100 books, any denomination... an 2 50 500 books, any denomination . li 50 1,000 books, any denomination \ 20 Ou Above quotations are for either Tradesman, Superior, Economic or Universal grades. Where : 000 books are ordered at a time customers re- specially printed cover without extra Coupon Pass Books Can be made to represent any denomination from $19 down 50 books a. a de ee 1 Bu 500 DOORS ......... ’ eee oe sontes 2 OO 500 books . het iou es eisapascatateus AL oe RT rc is cee wetter use 20 00 “Credit Chee ~ 500, any one denomination......... 2 00 1,000, any one denomination.. scee On 1,000, any one denominaticn.. acca @ = purse / a at a MICHIGAN TRADESMAN INDIVIDUALITY. The Value of the Personal Element 1 ie nm O© their OWnh per real or idealistic form. The compos- groups harmonies of tones pro- me man-made instrument xr God-made voice, but the writer creates out of the maze of his is vivid to the intelligent reader as those that his brother places upon the is not unaccompanied by some brain racking and soul rack- ing, and those who do not exercise can with difficul- 10ughts and feelings the part of the mis-used, as are this w it is misused in this particular the energetic American publisher who 1 1 - nee = . ~ 1akes a book a success, but a suc- cess that is based very. largely on ‘lever personal advertising. It must be this o some Other strange cir cumstance that 1s responsible for the deluge of bad books that are now . sociological move it would seem that night be applied to the I Phe 1 nN sOm¢ some n . } ¢ d to the man who gets out and e. The man who has ne to meet his customers be « se he own books is los- eg tne tO Mmcet tne pco "a } L . nee who DOORS Recessary. | custor me tO see the ft 1 th wv 1 they deal at the door to : : et em and behind the counter + 3 serv«e e7 f need be The 1 » is Stranger to his t ] en f HH t cit s iy excuses tO One! ric S mot time, tOr mstance, Or cise uc Says he has a man, some trusted I ve can look atter this nch of the storekeepimg better than e can himself. He pats himself on } } } } . back because he has his man } 1 + broken ir so John’ knows veryl \ nd it is not necessary the proprietor to e€ women’s babies or This is very we but in time John y we 1 mnt iis head to go into usiness for himself and then you oe kk Ak nenn!) aes \ mG (nat tac pcopic have been trading with John and not with you; : a oo . t ey ye ang not iis ploye t hey know name +} } ee ‘ t they the clerk's per- . tv bette l \ : HOC Giscourage you imto oa ee sc ging individuality in rk, but let your own individuali reside over all I have often sai clerk who is delegated with some responsibility is more helpful } j . / i" the clerk who has none, and at he who shared your responsi- bility would take pride in and work r your success, but if the persiding s the man who owns the store, he clerk will be inspired to greater ffort and the public will not be estranged from the real proprietor ughts mental pictures which are It’s Up To You Mr. Merchant, to make your cracker trade the best paying part of your business by sending us an order for Standard D Crackers They are conceded by all who have used them to be the best in the Write for tull information and list. market. price E. J. Kruce & Co., Detroit, Mich. THE OLDSMOBILE Is built to run and does it. $650 —— | Fixed for stormy weather—Top $25 extra. More Oldsmobiles are being made and sold every | day than any other two makes of autos in the world. | . More Oldsmobiles are owned in Grand Rapids than any other two makes of autos—steam or gas- oline. One Oldsmobile sold in Grand Rapids last | year has a record of over 8,000 miles traveled at | less than $20 expense for repairs. If you have not | read the Oldsmobile catalogue we shall be glad to } send you one. | Wealso handle the Wint@m gasoline touring the Knox waterless gasoline car and a large of Waverly electric vehicles. We also havea v good bargains in secondhand steam and gaso- é€ machines. We want a few more good agents, | and if you think of buying an automobile, or know of any one who is talking of buying, we will be glad to hear from you. | ADAMS & HART 12 West Bridge Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. we 8 HOMQOQQOSDS 11H HOH 12 OOOO @ © >CAN RUBBERS? SCHAEFER’S HANDY BOX HH One dozen in a box. Retails toc. Large profit. Ask your jobber for prices. : MOORE & WYKES 5 Merchandise Brokers GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN ©@o8 Write us for sample. 8 9OOOQOOS 9:.0:0010.O01e ©0OQOQOHOOSS THE PRICE OF A THING IS NUT ALWAYs A CRITERION OF ITS VALUE Z ar ifter year wasting oil from ea rrels ! sloppy meas ] DikT, INCONVENIENCE and WASTE, all the time hug- t s breast the de ng ney thereby, when the fact is he has WASTED ENOUGH OF ia ail those years to ALL BOWSER OIL TANKS ARE EQUIPPED WITH MONEY COMPUTERS DIAL DISCHARGE RE USTERS ANTI-DRIP NOZZLES and DOUBLE BRASS VALVE3 AND MEASURE ACCURATELY GALLONS, HALF GALLONS AND QUARTS AT A STROKE Fifty different styles Catalogue “M”’ >» FF. BOaWsernr &é&cee FORT WAYNE, INDIANA SEOTSOSE 6000S SOS 00000400 00000866 2595-06-06 FO008COE free upon request tore. BOWSER OIL. TANKS is just that part of thé price that insures equent ECONOMY SATISFACTION. It * premium you pay for h grade tank that will 1 to you its cost surely promptly t ing the nt itis placed in your begi 4 remy + o In advertising, the stamp of indi- viduality is most valuable. A score of men could be named, Douglas, Mennen, Wanamaker and others, who have made a success of life through intense personal advertising. The public feels that a man will not stamp his name on an article that he can not commend and guarantee. Personally, as one interested in advertising, I prefer “Brown’s Drug Store” to the “Central Drug Store,” ‘Jones’ Dry Goods Store” to “The City Dry Goods Store,’ a specified title to a general title, | it is better for the man himself. It gives him a greater interest in his own business. It gives him a greatet regard for its reputation. It gives it 1S th 1 pt SO il chi vement It gives him a greater reward because of these things, if he is deserving | + ¢ oe Bae ates Ann . It may be said that this means a greater tax on you, but it is worth it I often long for these men of tremendous energies whom we meet occasionally and when I see clerks who simply want to sonal - re- quirements ol throwing any extra energy into ie lanre . he syle rf wrhic .etr balance of the scale in which their weekly salary is weighed, I long for +} he presence of some of the few men I know whose atmosp! V 1ere iS inspira tional. They are energetic and they imbue others with energy. ersonal element in business is one of the elements most necessary ter the riduality the more distinctiveness in the li to business success. The grea i indi ne in which you are engaged; the more permanence in your suc cess; the more faithfulness on the part of you ide; the more satis- faction in your own we Charles Frederick. il Bulletin end on Which Space Is Free. A good store advertising plan for he Fourth of July or for a circus day or any other occasion when a large crowd of ——* is assembled, is that jlelman of the Regal store,on Derby Day in St. 1 ~ used Dy Manager Gere It consisted of a large box-shaped Bs | f + - nay Fea cel m= Kite twelve teet Square which was floated over the grounds at a height of about 500 feet above the crowd. The kite was constructed of red net work and the store name and price zz. saw, which was done in red The buzz saw, it may be explained, is an object familiar to all patrons of the Regal store from the fact they I have frequently displayed one in the windows of their store to cut out cross sections of the various parts of the shoe. As a means of advertising the kite } can be made very effective. One plan fo]1 7 2 247 are wa > followed elsewhere was to send up a bunch of handbills which could be let fall from the kite by pulling a string after the kite had floated into a good position above the crowd. Once they are gotten into a suita- ble position the wind will scatter them pretty thoroughly and small boys will do the rest, in fact, a show- er of handbills floating down through ’ MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 39 the air has been known to enlist the services of some pretty big boys and girls for the purpose of distribution. It always makes a hit the first time Another scheme which can be used successfully in this way is to distri- bute coupons redeemable at the store or good for a lottery chance or a small discount on purchases. There is one consideration that is worth remembering—sky space does not cost as much as some other kinds of space. It is your meadow, for he taki take as much oo < — Discrimination Against Drinking Em- ployes. Twenty bar-keepers of Chicago ave organized a total abstinence so ciety, and each member will wear little knot of blue ribbon in a button hole of his white vest. This is a new I aG@ it seéms k Strat ( ne yet m my Owners oF S$ ns det ind t thei keepers be sober men The selling of intoxicating liquo s a business and, in order that the business may be a financial success it is necessary that the men engaged i a , in it keep their brains clear, as in any other business. So, after all, oe * 1 1 ia - Ss not so strange that the proprietors t saloons should demand that their clerks” abst from use of Ii Grad all lines of business art ] hat } } demanding that their employes be sober nd many years, the } ce. man whe uses ] quor wi be Out oF —____—_.-0~<»___ Particular As To Petes, A nurse was putting the finishing touch to her charge’s toilet prepara- tory to sending the little girl into the dinitr ig room for dessert. Seeing a speck of dirt on the child’s face, she took the corner of her apron and dampened it in her mouth. The guests were suddenly convulsed by the half-open door a ldish voice: “Tompany ry no tompany, I won’t have my face spit-washed.” — -—~ camercral Travelers af ~ chigaa : as Senior Counselor, to a the probable time he would have to at Every salesman appreciated the yurse, and it was courteous to time de- such above the ed to } iue to fol- 1a low the customs above related? Will the they not learn to appreciate the cour- ou tesy due to commercial salesmen? « The Warwick le Strictly first class. | Rates $2 per day. Central location. man ° Trade of visiting merchants and travel- ( often a whole day in ing men solicited, to n call, and it is not A. B. GARDNER. Manager. is to him to simply send "Lam busy. A little a ary | When in Detr-it, and need a MESSENGER boy = eque 1 Office 47 Washington Ave ee y conve~ F. H. VAUGHN, Proprietor and Manager bot parties Une or the Ex-Clerk Gri Hous hee ae f Chicag used ve a buyer who made it a prac- For a nice, qi — home! ke place nu 4 € M ac : a aris tee d } \ ” L None better at — — a } a Hh a . _ . First-class servic ir re Centra he buyer would ask him Location, GIVE US A TRIAL. his turn, and inform him of | Cor. Fetlien 6 Sivhinn Sie. Grand Rapids, Mich. $e Se SSS SS. ®, “Grocers | A loan of $25 will secure a $50 share of the fully- paid and non-assessable Treasury Stock of th Plymouth Focd Co. Ltd., of Detroit, Mich This is no longer a venture. We have a good trade established and the money from this sale will be used to increase output. - get you interested in selling - roods we will issue to you one, and not to exceed four es ares of this stock upon payment to us therefor at the rate of $25 per share, and with each share we will GIVE you one case of Plymouth Wheat Flakes The Purest of Pure Foods The Healthiest of Health Foods together with an agreement to rebate to you fifty-four cents per case on all of these Flakes bought by you thereafter, until such rebate amounts to the sum paid by you for the stock. Rebate paid July and January, 1, each year. Our puzzle scheme is selling our good. Have you seen it? There is only a limited amount of this stock for sale and itis GOING. Write at once. Plymouth Food Co., Limited Detroit, Michigan + ak pas MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 41 Gripsack Brigade. easant smile, a kind word a W \. Rindge (Rindge, Kalmbac ndly grasp hand falls upon I WY LO td.) { 1 { man |] benediction I ee . 4 S » ~ eae 4 4 4 L i ‘ er ww Fi : i I t i i family rf I The re- ; + e + iy 1+ T + aa A 11, ' ( ) W } ec c ; heer eoing t } 1 to + ve ( ec t VW + t t } l f t t ft] e ¢ Battle ( d ex-| S st weel " : t bok. fe Mat 1 I . L, | : T | { : ( ’ t c ogie & (¢ s g c : 4 \ ~ | :: + + ] ~ lo a - 1 | | . T ’ ( a S ) ne North ( i : . i , “ne > ‘ ~ k \ | | q | < t ¥ ¢ i i | | 7, j 5 i j S vO t t ng orde ears S : V | than he car p expense eee . cm i et : | | Arthur 1] . { Brices. E i Cont 0 t | | etre ht j a ‘ . ' Y : 1° AiRgilt <6. |. Xx 4 r i i r . : \ cs . om % } | T see Pact AT e ot i p ¢ | + , + | i 4 C J 1 Ste J K | en, at + od ( re +} , fn ot re S i j ) g | i Me n . we ce old C ) 1 { I ry " a“ | S s | ss | ~ 1 pean od m. ¥ St | } NT r D AT : ; } { of nd 5s. jesse BD lesse ger, 1S , ro ti : i Ss, W W ] | s tir + mn t . | : } 7 = f ) . c r , A nt j . : . . 1 +1 1 soe Cis ry. i a ‘ ‘ | es. || Exe ; ' t a i } " ' U ( : es y ‘ o | ¢ $ F Sl i ‘ } a ¢ { \ ec 4, ( i 3 loud ft T : & g ' ; |and he 1s es I ( , ‘ brea \ , | i o > \ r ‘of Ne ri ' = } i Ssic ¢ + | | As i S ! di® i : S en : A g j M Ce ell’s ¢ 5 | 1+ . ¢ | ' r - + 4 ‘ ¢ ..: I _ j i } a i : : Si. ' | ) S Bb Y Kr iGs i > y M 1 Tt TE S t | " : ( ¢ oi. wic Ene ois | : va I \ ‘ iT ¢ ‘ no al t 200 1 : ' : ic ._ © ote } 1 | : ed I \ r + A Le { n meg wis € lal i 1 | : i ¢ \ cw ] 5 t i } do rs, Mo lost rf | . aa 4 a t ¥ i - c ’ j he nt roug T L' i j | ' J ' o | £4 e + erie } i o | : ld ly " eee Sor ce oo | | ( S t mela. _ 4 : | ‘ 1 ( T 4 " } i lessenger s f er no} KD } oo. gl r " 11 T + + e + ‘ | ‘i, vas at hand to take B 4 i ! s ir ] t ¢ ¥ : | = a 1 = 13 1S ITIRTIC 1 a ¢ C ce + \ | i ‘ } t g ‘ t ta } ' eiyir < il S¢ yt t 1e hir ‘ r | A { . hes i ' 1 that’s the extent a. | t I ig | T ' ‘ w + ¢ 1 ¢ } S1S Ss i he : r r | + ¢ + 4 1 ‘ 4 | t town = 5+ —— nt te | vm ( 1 S ‘ a “ / +cr ~ t S yé € c t r ne ¢ tis i ' ‘ ‘ ; | ‘ : ) ’ + } i > ) / 9 : i _ + ™ C lc . | ie c £ +} ct + ) t t oe 1 as. Xr ue yr 1 ’ ’ Wi , “9 c a oe Disi-t ( : t £ , ( S S ¢ 1 gE PE GQ yg Gold Dollars for 10C N i +. ¢ . 1 en ! ed ape \ i fe S ye et ¢ ( I Michigan people have secured 355 ‘ ' a - of al, acres of the best dredging nd : in the west, containing over $5,- ooo » in gold. A gold dredge values NE ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee will recover these from the moment ot starting. ficient ground to last * S y | ¢ , ! a iat a t ( s al The Scientific American sth gs, wi ' { ( 5 t t t g 5 Ei estimates the monthly it of a chin he mects on % treets starts \ s’ exist | ’ dredger to be $12,000. We have gigs | Forty Years Ne a ee ee eee ee ee " i ‘ a hee. ww Me t | } We are receiving subscriptions , : : cde / j | from some of the best Michigan 4 t , tne it pay for the dredge. F to get n : sf g h the gnts, snot rth | i rs of this rare oppor- Ps eo ee 4 ‘ o f het- ‘ ae a ot tt t DD o t t | fu hed on appli- ; ter results “ os a" at y | c Seod 14 ‘ ar cue cation to 7 i ; - r r j 4 i + - + ¢ ‘ C + : . 4 at £ i a“ 1 cant ¢ ' + ‘ 1 ’ c | | » the front; act, : | ¥ Pocatello Gold } r YT } + n t ¢ bho ait | by ft ( uncil i the 1 k | e . ess ha eceaael : ie ee sent Dredging Co. ‘ f , ‘ ” 7 Wig ‘ | Peninsular Bank Bldg.,- . S é f + ¢ © e ther r nd | é ) eve ~ | &*s e ’ I r . c - ' . ¢ a el , ae et a a 1 a Detroit, Mich. I v. ( ) S : oe ) é l ck j 4 oN ‘ e reques é s he ac ed as reteree the sports and in the A few local agents wanted, 1is heart aches, then it is fat man’s race and the groceryman’s | - his heart aches, t it is ace a g a a Pe ee 42 MICHIGAN TRADESMAN Drugs--Chemicals Michigan Stzte Board of Pharmacy Term expires Wiser P. Dory. Detroit - - - Dee. 81, 1908 CLARENCE B. STODDARD, Monroe Dec. 31, 1904 JOHN D. Murs, Grand Rapids Dec. 81, 1905 ARTHUR H. WEBBER, Cadillac Dec. 31, 1906 HENRY Heim, Saginaw - - Dec. 31, 1907 President, H=NRY HIM, Saginaw. Secretary, JOHN D. Murr, Grand Rapids. Treasurer, W. P. Dory, Detroit. Examination Sessions. Houghton, Aug. 25 and 26. Mich. State Pharmaceutical Association. President—Lovu G. Moork, Saginaw. Secretary—W.H. BURKE, Detroit Treasurer—C. F. HunER, Port Huron. Next Meeting—Battie Creek, Aug. 18, 19 and 20. Quack Consumption Cures. ——————————— ee net I am € A against ¢ r cic ¢ ~ 5 T€ t ¢ state o ts ] clean t rascals a r ut is gally ssil t s then ! , nm ee el aN : : z C © e + + " re 2 s t st t S ce s N York Cit ] ry L- ! f + k sc . < y S 5 s got by I + < ct * + 1 \ € ft = Ss u - WY \ + c en < iL a c far this t t S t] 3 S ' ‘ ¢ a : , 2 a Ways of Utilizing Rose Leaves. Wit the a. ig f cec th ‘iii n whe abreast of the times is on the alert to gather in every leaf rant harvest. From time he Orientals have util- their choicest sweets ions, and for 1 | their per- 4 rors. Our great grand- mothers were adepts in the prepara- ors and potpourris, but the modern woman has been slow i i their possibilities. Ss now esteemed il for the new or the bride’s outfit. supply, make of the garden each q € w to L \ \ . - oe i€ $s have been spread upon petals upon them. : } ting c h cover, embroid- | er r har ted wit roses. 1S i i ' i. re l r ce ceren onilect frock ¢ | 1 rn e spre yn ! it \\ ‘ of} , be col- | | ¢ . os sf preserve. put it | S ¢ yr € j +} + iG ee be | L . . Add ' Qo « t } Tr) y ‘ pn eee al t 1 S c SS Pp ¢ ney GV de t + . tale me i 2 <-> j S : eines Maa t i twice before they | 1, > I |} acetylene is obtained. Say nothing worth Proprietaries in General Stores. On the question of selling proprie- taries to the general store trade, the N. A. R. D. has not as yet taken rad- ical official action i This is because I yn. iis it for full prices on the present fig t goods and the organ- direct- contrac ization of dealers under a minimum schedule on other goods is a ugh undertaking without additional specifica- is is SO, We are ad 1 iy far the ie) OT tie in x cecurtive the , nevertheless, sale stOres in really a friend of he certainly is not c r to encourage or build up a non- which will men- hi mind, and -mind the proprie- this patent fact 7 common in sm: towns. When the a a. f drugg also be a physic the usual C | Discovery. . , 1, elle i+ ¢ ¢ > re + tine SCIS Tt (O a BCneral Store, then it is s in to ‘ . ‘ the goods re ck by the drugvist T . : I . n correspondence —e ybbinge firm in th + ' + q y + - 4 Sout 1 regard to s« ig the gens + j a“ 3 1 ™ 1 + 1 ¢ it tters show 4 _ x to do the right tee ch a a S this ms competitors . tie +. 7 +. 1? 7 S \ ( ¥ seem willing S¢ ) v to the <« trade S a ' I g f. ye ad gen r sf ey t coulda e « as silv c r tine cutt It cs 3 1 [ g t ] i great s it affects every section The S cutting here at Sey gene st S sé me ——___~>-42—__ The New Process of Making Alcohol. A Ivices rece State De- partment at W: States Consul Frar tl vn 1 ess that | T \ be he synthesis It + + e cost of Sik » Bien ne S mn At this Iuces ntit being sed as tl By the “rane” ‘ recetah] French process no vegetable matter Ss @T d hye arogen then is added to produce by combining water with ethylene alcohol is obtained. While the cost of alcohol by the new process has not yet been reduced much below its cost as produced from vegetable matter, it is predicted with confidence by eminent French chemists that in the near future it may be produced by the new process at a cost of about half that which Germany pays to obtain it from pota- toes. >> — To Detect Tonka in Vanilla Extract. There is no very simple test for detecting this admixture such as can be readily shown over the counter, but the following test is easy (Amer- ican Druggist), and can be performed in about ten or fifteen minutes. It depends on the chemical difference between cumarin and vanillin, the odorous principles of the two beans. e of cumaric in is the ann and on fusion with caustic al- co kali yields acetic and salicylic acids, white vanillin is methyl-protocatechin alde rde, and when treated similarly vields protocatechuic acid. The test is performed by evaporating a smal f the extract to dryness, ing the residue with caustic Transfer the fused mass to hydro- ize with neutra and add a few drops of alu If tonka be present in the extract, the beautiful violet coloration characteristic of salicylic acid will at once become evi- dent -_— >. — The Drug Market. Opium—lIs very firm and has been dvanced Sc per pound in the last \ ek The id van ce is due to a stronger primary rket. Morphine-—_l* unchanoed Is firmer € Has : a i aoe b d, ré cry 1 searce and | Cardan 1 I n fare supply 7 7 ‘ \ L i | cee, ) On ve of wey es for seed. has de d ae Fools lool . fe OOIS |OOK a ( wisdot Wi1S¢ men look behi SCHOOL SUPPLIES Tablets, Pencils, Inks, Papeteries.] Travelers are t h a complete »f sa les ‘ i nak oO mis I 2 r order you se our line. FRED BRU! Wholesale Drugs and Stationer 34 Western Muskegon, Mich. SCHOOL SUPPLIES Wait to see our line before placing orders. Grand Rapids Stationery Co. 29 N. Ionia St., Grand Rapids, Michigan 9 ERIE MENT Saad aise sleet ayer a eo a tapeapiantcetentaiEae . eapamesinyen oa a etn en >» : ssn wa le — agg -orme only i } Biden 4 22 | Linseed, pure raw.. 43 DRUG PRICE CURRENT ome Faw. eR IG) gauueMam- 9g lucene ar. os WHOLESALE R Morbi’ SONY Q: 2 258 2 50 Sinapis, ose @ 00 | Noatatoot mint i ar 59 6s 8... ¥..@. oma eee reer Morphia, Mal........ 25 2 50 ae, oe ts Turpe urpenti Moschus Canton.. 40 @ 41) Advanced—Tu = oe ines Linseed Oil, Oil Wormwood. Myristica, No. 1._... > = 40 Snuft; Bata, DevVo's 2 41 Paints BBL. L Nux — 0.15 —@ 10 | Soda, Boras.......... | Red Venetian....... 2 @8 Mac | Selllze © @ 50/08 Sepia...........-- @ 87 | Soda, tuck? ae 32|Oemve, pemlow Wars. 13 Oe — a mee _.. =e Pepsin Saac, H.&P. © 1 oo | sete et Potaas er 1%@ 2 | Ochre, yellow Ber... 1% 2 @3 Aceticum ...........$ 6@$ 8 Cu Bn 1 80@ 1 85 | Prunus virg......... @ 5o Pic! is Lig. NN. gal. Soda, Bl-Carb 3@ ~=s 5B | Putty, commercial... 2 243 7 yr q . Putty, strictly pure. 2% 2%@3 Benzoicum,German. 70 17 Exechthitos.. . 1 60@ 1 60) Tinctures @ 200 a, Ash 34 4 yo ime ic cae ciao une ; @ | Erigeron .. af 00@ 110 | Aconitum Napellis R 60 oa Lig., quarts. @ 1 00 Soda, Sulphas @ 2} ye aa. 13@ 1B Carbolicum.......... 2@ 2 Gaultherta - 2 30@ 2 40) ‘Aseniines Napells F 50 | Picis Lig., pints. .... @ 85/ Spts. Cologne @ 2 60 vaaeiee Engiish.. 78 an “@ ‘s| Geranium, Q 75 | Aloos 60 | Pil Hydrarg...po. 0 © @ 50 Spts. Ether Co 00@ | 55 | Vermilion, English. ug - Hydrochior. 8@ 10 poapes, ‘Sem. a. OO 8) Aloes and Myrrh. 60 | Piper Nigra...po. 22 @ 18) Spts. M En a. DOL. @ Green, Peninsular... 13@ 1 aoa 19 14| Hodeo io 500 2 00 | Arn oe 50 | Piper Alba... .. po. 35 @ " ~_ Vini Rect. {bbl @ BOM, OO eas oes. 6%™Q@ 7 Dxalicum _ nee @ 1 Junipers a= * eal aie halos aoe 50) Pilx Burgun........ ; @ oi! Spt. Vin! Reet. ogal e | Lead) white......... 8% 7 a an , 2@ 45 Lavendui Sosee es ae 1 18@ 1 25 | Atrope Belladonna... . joa cet. a ae 1 50 | Sots, Vini Root, 6 al @ | Whiting, white Span 90 aon a 1% «= & | LAmonis............ 3 80@ 3 75 | Auranti — Paine vis Ipecac | Strychnia, Crystal. 90@ 1 15 S foo 0@ 1 20 | Mentha Ft rid... .. 5 00@ 5 60, : Se "Trac oe @ 75| Sulphur, Sub 2% 4 White, tris, Amis @1% | Mentha Verid....... . D. Co., i neh Fak, : mo Horne eal 3 tog 3 8 S| ppesimin, bv. m3 Supa ol. RQ og Wale, Para Bog, OS foe sees us 4 00@ 4 50 | 75 | Quassiz............. 8@ 10/| Tamarind seni ' =| Gacianed 1 ie 16d . a Sire. 75@ 3 =i 50 | Quinia, 8. P. & W 25@ 35/| Terebenth Ven ce... - = = Aqua, =e oe paw ce ae 6@ = 8 | Picis Liquida........ 10@ 75 | Quinia, 8. German 25@ 35| Theobrome.......... oameas anita —_ icine 13@ 15) Picis is Liquida, wl.. @ 35 | 75 guint, ee 25@ 35/| Van .-— mas . —— oe “lee : 90 94 | 1 60 | Rubia Tinctorum.. 12@ 14 | Zinel ro No.1 Texp Conch... 11 128 Chioridum.. — ‘ : |< a a Lactis pv Et a - i Olls | Extra Turp.......... 1 tom 1 zs - PSE steicascccss = =—C—6lUl LO 2 8 —f 50 | BBL. GAL. | ae oe oad BME... .--- +-+----+ . 308 1 00 | oe 1 00 | So —e De 14| Whale, winter....... 79 70| No.1 Turp Fura... 1 a Brown 45Q BO 2 75Q 7 00 Columba. 50 Sape'M 10@ on 90 | Extra Tark Damar.. 1 56@ Yellow...........-.-+ 2 80@ 8 00 | Sassarras 80 ee ae 60 | Sapo 3 60 65 | Jap. Dryer,No.1Turp Baccse Sinapis, ess., ounce. @ | Cassia Acutifol Co.. 50 sammnannn sen % 2e a4 | Tia ee... 6 —— nk eccece ” " 6@ 7| Thyme.. ei seteceos on = : f rgot.. ‘a ° © Xanthoxyium -...... %@ 85) theobromas |. 18@ | 20| Ferri Chioridam. ee Balsamum ss | Potassium | —— Rees S — 8 150 1S | Bikes sears ands 4 18 Guisca ammon: Ce ee ° “hot . naa. chromate ......... | f — oe 80 | Bromide ....0.0..5.) 50@ 55 | — 75 Pe rere sne NOI sds cso ce 19 15 | Toaine, cnlovioan 15 | Chlorate. -PO.17@19 16D Wi ing Bo OMNES. ........ 2. HO 38 | Fopelin Bo oo” Sa nae aa ee Rav : 50 esi 18 | Potassa, Bitart, pure 2 30 | Nox Vomica i 50 Euonymus atropurp. 80 | Potass Nitras, opt.. = Nias. i 75 Myrica Cerifera, po. 20 | Potass Nitras.. 6@ 8 | Opti, comphorated.. 50 Prunus Vi oe 12 | Prusstate.. ---» %@ 26) Opi’ deodorized..... 1 Bo lala, gra... 15 | Sulphate po......... 15@ 18 | MAMET nnn nnns on to n n O U n Rad atany. Ulmus...po. 20, gr’d - ™ — 50 Extractam | Aconttum.. oe = Sangulnaria ne ee i : en ae ou oan =. a 4 —s ~— pS Stromonium el & 2 ia cas Haemator, 8 D. box a al Calamus..00...---- 20 40 | Valerian ees fo We are fully keeping up this year am: @ BB eccr cove | Gentiana...... | Verat eride... i Hamatox #t-----. jog 17 | Glvehrrniza "py: 15 16 18| Veratrum Veride... a to our established custom of hav Hzematox, 48......- a Canaden. 3 = ilies h | arene Ferru | rastis Can., po | : . oon oe > 2S f te Prect 15 | Hallebore, Alba, > Po. 12@ 15) ther, Spts. Nit.? F = = ing each season t eC large Oltrate and Quinis.. 2 25 | Inula, po.. 10@ , | Miher, Spts. Nita F 8 st desirable line of HOLIDAY Citrate Soluble i 75 | Ipecac, po........... 2 7@ 2 Ce A — : most esirabile : Ferrocranidum Sci. is iia poe 29 ; “— 8 ; and staple druggists’ sun- Solut. Chloride. ..... 1a “S Sl eer 1 5 GOODS and Staf — W Sulphate, com’l..... lum, po... 2 25| AntimonietPotassT 40@ Sd ; ; » ctate le Sulphate, com 1, by i satan 7g 1 90 | Antipyrin ........... dries shown in the State. € net Rae eee ntifebrin .......... ; 2 -xpense Sulphate, pure...... yi Seiemonpage 79 1 36 Argonti Nitra, oz... @ a have spared no effort or expense Flora | Spigella...... 35@ 38) Arsenicum.......... 10@ : ' a “tive Arn 16@ 18) @ 18 | Balm Gilead Buds. 5@ 50 ssembling the most attractive pom nis 2@ «25 | Serpentaria 85@ 70 Bismuth 8. N.. 20@ 2 30 in asse g hs em' | DOL POMtAlia ......... i ng a .- t “cs - " i. + B0@ 35 1 00@ 1 10/ Calcium Chior., 18.. @ ne " 2 In- Matricaria.<- | Smilax, chicinalis 40 Callum Chior. 46.. @ 18 articles of this class of merc an | Smila ‘ 25 | Cale . “ ' Mh i en Cassia cutis ve “| Sella 0. 35 10@ 12 Cantharides, Hus po 27 dise of both foreign and domestic a ¢ on | r 5, ‘op i i ~ i Om ely oe as | Symplocarpas, ‘i @ 2 Capsici Fructus, po g = manufacture, and we confidently gas, Acie Aix | Valeriana, German 15 261 eee SQ 14 land generous ’ ‘ 20 | rma. a i oul - ane < wand 8 pe te 3@ 3 | unsere. M4 18 | Carmine, No. 4... oo 2 await the approval and g ee | 3 Seesee 2 s+ a | in HM ~ i " > Uva Urs Sa Zingiber j — | Cote Piawe.......... “— s orders of our customers for 1903. | | Coccus . eoece Acacia, +} pe $ ‘| Anisum ....... po. 18 @ 15) Cassia Fructus. @ 3 — =A picked. @ 35) a Ge (graveleons). 13@ 15 | G entraria. . Ss BOOKS Acacia, sifted sorts. © @ 28 | Bird “15 105 | C etna... 60 ia, po.. 45@ 65 Se iw apo Po. iieman ie uibbs @ 1 10 Alcea. ini 9G 1s) Candas gk ta Chloroform sguba| @ 1 ly of ’ 26 | rum, soso . ‘ 9 Ses OS 3 | Canalis Siva oo 6a@ 7g | Ghomdrsi A ae ( We have made a special study of : i 60 | Cydonium 7 | Cin »P. : a aa oe =| Opn Gees. “his re. ee y the book business this season Benzoinum «++. 50@ 55) Dipterix Odora e.. - . eae nacaicaica ps : : i all Gateent, Is... @ 13) Fanugreek, po. — Scun— Q 6 and are prepared to furnish a Catechu, oe een 16 | Lin 4@ 6| @ : ww and holiday editions. Semen a 63 | Lint rd. ....bbi. 4 a 18 | Greta, prep ag 3 J the new anc ay Se 40 | Li eel ait . : are wi eo _ ” @ 00 | Pharlaris Canarian.. : 3 4 — Le eaek ah 2 Dealers placing their orders W ith at | eneene . : . i : 35 | Sinapis Alba........ 3) 10! Casben............. O@ # : el \ ave all Guaiseum 75 | Sinapis Nigra....... 11@ 12) Cupe Sul a 84 8 us for these good will ha Mastic . ‘0 | gene | Ether Sulph.. 78Q 92 ‘leading lines of the country 40 | ; t the leading ere. .... 35 Frumenti, W. D. Co, 2 00@ 2 BO) Emery, al numbers. @ 8 < a 45 | Frumenti, D. F.R.. 2 00@ 2 25| Rmery’ po.. @ 8 to select from = ie et 45 | Prumentl «2. +- a 1 SE rg0 Wiikite sa s © Se : 1] 6 i eris OO Ss Bees Z e@ , > a i mercy Tragacant "1 eee a ee 1 3 Calle er .. 3 ” Our Mr. W. B. Dudley will have |S arum . Gambler .. “ i . : " _. . sneuaen. 28. be oo | Visi Onan: os. 3 28@ § $8) Gelatin, ooper: we 3 this entire line on the road soon i 20; Vin orto 9 ‘ Gelatin, French..... g i! . i ee en - a 25 | Veer Aves.........., 1 25@ 2 00) Glassware, int, box O77 & = and will noti fy you at what points Majorum ....0z. pkg no Sponges 288 than Dox..... 1 13 i | ai onthe Vir.or. pike hala ~~ a... ae ‘t will be on exhibition. 8 —— TT counintan ct nnn ‘ 2 25 Riis ve fee 2 Nmmtai'wo O° Shien wg Tanacetum V 0z. pee 95 | _ carrl 2 O@ 2 75 oe ing BQ Thymus, V ...0z. pkg 25 | velvet extra sheeps’ | meee ties tanks 100 Ningnesta | ae saa seps’ O18) eee Chior Cor.. $ 90 ® p k ; ! 60 | Extra yellow she “a 1 10 Ins Gerben ei: ia) Crenearmape ie an Crib, | Brie azeitine er eeeeunne K.&M.. 18@ 20) Grass sheeps’ — HydrargUnguentum We 60 Carbonate, Jennings 18@ 20) carriage. o> Hydran rum ....... S@ % rn « Hard, for slate use. @ 75| HY : aoa 77 ee eee eee I rug Compan Absinthium . a cei E = 5 = slate use. . @ i 40 comme. ‘Resubi.. |” ile 3 40@ 3 60 yo oni teem 8 00@ 8 25 Syrups Jodoform............ 3 60@ 3 85 _.." a 1 G5 | Acacia ao... @ 60 Lupa, o-oo... sf 60 ; a eae la ‘oe 4 tree peranett M h Auranti Cortex. .... 3 8G 8 28 Zingiber....... 2 60 Se 85Q 75 Grand Rapids, icn. ela 85 Lc r | Garsophyiil.-.. 00 85 Herr! Tod a 2g 50 | Liquor kai oll . F ‘ Officials... 50g 60 | @ 3 ® Chenopadii nooo weve . @ 2 00 | Smilax O — oa a ican sain, bi oO % agg ap gg yy yagi. gygetli, Gitronelia svc! ae aw Sallie Re Maen ee nk S| © hee We —_ MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 4 Jute These quotations are carefully corrected weekly, within six hours of mailing, | eu ft......... i 75 and are intended to be correct att of going to press. Prices, however, are lia- —- ee Zz le to change at any time i country merchants will have their orders filled at | 120 ft. 50 ' “Cotton V ictor Market prices at cate ol purchase 50 ft. ee cee 80 a 95 " e Loree cai ees cee cen pau we 1 10 ADVANCED ‘DECL INED ane ‘Gotton Windsor ape Pearl Barley Scaled Herring 60 ft ine 1 40 - Bs ea ee 1 65 ibe Is Fiber Pai ee 1 85 Cotton Braided» 40 ft. 75 ee 85 ewe a ee 98 Galvanized Wire No. 20, each 100 ft long.... 1 90 No. 19, eac a 100 ciee.... 28 Index to Markets i 2 ee COCOA | L Baker's | y SE. eee 41 By Columns AXLE GREASE Peas / Colonial. 148 i 35 doz. gross Marrowfat es Clie ee. _. are mn 8 Ine... ee ee Ve | Oestor O8............88 7 ine Sifted 1 65 | Huyler eee avo a A Diamond .............- 50 4 Ploms Van Houten, *8.........---- 12 Axie Grease... : 1) Frazer's. i 75 8 els : gs | Van Houten, 48....... ~~ IXL Golden, tin boxes 75 9 Ven Houten, 46............. @ B Pineapple __ | Wan Hoesen, W600... 0... BATH BRICK Grated [oe lee 31 ath Brick : American 75 | Sliced 1 35@2 55} wilbur, 4s. CC Brooms... : aa ish f 85 Pampkin TE 42 Brushes ....-.. ; ee 75 COCOANUT Butter Color ' BROOMS Good 90 | Dunham’s \s.. , 26 © No. 1 Carpet 250 Fancy 1 10] Dunham’s \s and Ns —. oe ., | No. 2 Carpet »o| Gare......... 2 581 Dunham’s XS. .........+.- 27 Candies.. "1 | No.3 ee 2 15 Raspberries Dunham’s %s8....-.-..-.-- 28 Candles. No. 4 Carpet .-1 75 Standard 1 15 | Bulk 1s Canned Goods 1) Par or Gem... ..2 40 R : COCOA SHELLS Catsup. 2 : Whisk a. mn Russian Cienion _ __ | 20 Ib. bags.. a 2% Carbon Olls . 2 ; Whisk Asse .-.--- 375] Less quantity ............ 8 Cheese....-- “ Warehouse a) eck ee ee es -- 7 00) Pount packages ......... 4 Chewing Gum 9 1m. one.... \ cio COFFEE Chicory 2 BRUSHES ii Rio a 2 Scrub Columbia River, talls @1 85 egal dso ee ene 8 Clothes Lines. ....------------ 2 | Sond Back, sin... 75 Columbia River, flats @1 80 Fair ......-.-+-- 222 ee eee eee 9 Cocoa. > | aa “ine . io ‘ Red Alaska @1 30 te Cocoanut g Solid Back, 11 In . 3 Pink Alask om ga 15 Cocoa Shells . 3 ointed Ends.. 85 inK ALASKS 30 : Santos Coffee 8 Stove Sardines ’ MNMIOT. 2 ones na occas cers O Crackers 8 | wo 75 Domestic, 8.. OM | Pair... .. Le sy --, 75 Domestic, ss ... 5 | Choice... _ D _ 2 " 10 ene Mustard imi 13 No, ee ee 79 | California, 4s \ 11@14 i if ue. 8 mi = Peaberry..... on ae Dried Fruits Shoe ( alifornia a 17@24 Maracaibo Fr = a French, 8. ee cy 13 i cai ona Pg 2000 18@28 | Cholce..... AeA 18 Farinac _ | aes oneet _ : ee 2 Shrimps Mexican nea a. (4... i go Standard..... CE TN, shing +aca r op nnn ee 17 > Paper \ : Dnewebath cdl eb Sagat a BUTTER COLOR Falr.. cr Guatemala Fruits .... seen eeee 21] W., B. & Oo, 150 size 1 25 | Good a op | CBMO--.---- er 18 W., R. & Co.'s, 2c size.... 206, Fancy 1 £0) 4 rican 19 G c ANDI ES Strawberries r African’. eerseeeeese oes 17 Gelatine x ‘aaa san Standard. 1 10 oe coed eae 7 ion i 5 Electric Light, 8s al Fancy - 140} 2 G.------ oe ‘= serch ee yious ; Paraiine, i6s.. i ae Tomatoes P. G. ...... each -31 veut PRED, BB. «nnn oe cose cnn on air oC GE@i 00 H Paraffine. 12s. eae i 15 | AraDian.............----. > an . .| Wicking ..... ooo Fancy 1 25 _ Pack . Herbs es mene 2 allons. 825 New York Basis. Hides and Pelts . 1c CANNED GOODS Gall =" | Arbaokie....... ae i Apples CARBON OILS Dilworth Hr b. Standards 80 Barrels Jersey Ind 5 Gallons, standards 2 00G@2 25 Parfection...... @11% | Lion..... - 5 Blaek berries Waier Wes. ........ @11 Me Laughlin’ - »XXXx ! " « Standards gs | D. S. Gasoline. i @i5 McLau aghlin’ s XXXX sold to Jelly ’ se Deodorized Naph yhths. 14% | retailers only. Mail all orders L Baked — 89@1 88 Cylinder. .... . ..29 @34 direct to W. #. McLaughlin & ice Red Kidney 80 go, mugine............. 18 @22 | Co., Chicago. Licorice : Strir sy ei ~ 79 | Black, winter... 8 @10% Extract Lyé | War. 75@ 80 CATSUP Holland, % gross boxes. 90 M Blueberries Columbia pints 4 | Felix 4 gToss...-........... 1 15 at Extracts 5 | Standard r 0 Columbia, 25 % pints 9 | Hummel's foll % gross...... & Meat ae i “| | comma “0 Snider's quarts = | Hummel’s tin % gross ......1 43 oe. c « in Bevek | Trout i Sr » , ne CRACKERS : Mustard i" - : St S National Biscuit Co.’s brands ust Batter N Little Neck, 11D... 1 00@1 25 ree 8 Nuts 11 Little Neck. 2 Ib. 1 50 ou ee 5 Clam Bouillon Ti oo bee eee eens ; Oo Bu 8 pir 1 92 } : Olives 6 kh " a , a Gils | w 7 ' R a 75 gi i. ‘Soda Pr : ao 4 ee a Cherries Gold Medal. @ oe g —— 1 30@1 50 a @i1* | Long Island Wafers..... = — a | err A es Fair Te 110 Brick .........----2++ 11@:1% | Round ” a 8 Provisions. "| eae bof | EBM w.. 22-20 eneeee @1 09] Square 6 rood if. 79 | Squ , 6 R Fancy 1 56 a - na wcae ee oe =: | Faust ieee orenrehnnres Ts " 8 i canton, aa | os | Eexiee Paring..........,... 7 — Oe ne a .---------- 50@75 | Saltine Oyster............. 7 7 Extr aa. ne 79 | om Bae. @20 co Sweet Goods— Boxes Salad Dressing 7 F tr 15 CHEWING GUM | Animals ..... wreveseree 20 Saleratus 7 apa a ii American _ lag Spruce 55 | a eS AA ” 1 Soda 7 . . Beeman’s Pepsin....... ref eau hel lh hla = ~ Prrrtenrcnnestsseen inners Bh nom berries wo Black phy P 55 | Bent’s W ater........ 18 Salt Fish Ce : Largest Gt im Made...... eo | (nnamon Bar.. ws eeee cents 3 Seeds 7 Hominy ~~ 55 | ‘ Loffee Cake, iced een 18 Shoe Blacking 7 Standard 85 SenSen Breath Perfume.. 1 00} ‘ ake. Java ecerecee 10 Snuff a]. _ Lobster _| Sugar Loaf. i 55 | Ce t Macaroons...... 18 Soar 7 Star, 4 2.00 Yucatan........ o5 | Oe 10 eee" ; CHICORY 5 {it 18 Starch p ee lead. i . Sugar 2 1 80 | Red. ...... 222.222 eee eeeeee f ; Cream Crisp.. 10% Syrups e 9 99 | Eagle........ ee 7 | Cubans. ek ee 11K oe 1 80 BIMROK'S ....-0--+-n- +--+ -+ 6 | Currant Frolt............. 10 r 2 a9 | Schener’s............. | Frosted Honey.. a > | Frosted Cr aver 8 8 1 80 CHOCOLATE Pelee cna enemy : s 2 80 | Ginger Gems,! rg or aml 8 Walter Baker & Co.'s. Ginger Snaps, N. B. C. 8% "i ; a 8, I . ° 18Q20 ——S- hao ane 28 | Gladiator. ......... esses 10% : a | fe 7h Oysters geal ie al la 1 am Crackers......... Vinegar ‘ Ib se@, oo | -aracas > | Graham Wafers........... 12 w ( b reg Pasie 28 | — Bapits Tea... .... 18 Washing Powder. g 6 lb Oval. .... 1 0 CLOTHES LINES | Honey Firgers............ 12 Wicking tie Peaches wes Sisal i sont Heney’ 0 rumpets..... * Woodenwars... oo v0@1 CO | 60 ft, 3 thread, extra 1 00} aoe : Wrapping Paper...... , 19, Yellow 1 35@1 8 72 ft, 3 thread, extra...... 1 40 | Jumbles, Honey.... 13 : ce Pears 90 ft. 3 thread. extra...... 170| Lady Fingers....... 12 . " ¥ — wees eee see ; = 60 ft, 6 thread, extra...... 1 29 | Lemon Wa 1 sah cis . 5 cy n ne ae + wile 25 | 7. tt ¢ 4 BES. woe voce cose RN CR ccs cee cc 72,ft, 6 thread, extra...... ---- | Marashmallow.............. 18 Marshmallow Creams..... 18 econ agg Walnuts.... . {ik Biscuit. ... Molasses Bar...........+++ 9 Moss Jelly Bar............ 12% Newton a Oatmeal Cc rackers......... 8 Oatmeal Wafers....... —— Orange Crisp.........-. — = Oranes Gem... .... .0.- see 8 ay Cake. . cae 68 Pilot Bread, S50 7 Pretzelettes, hand made.. 8 Pretzels, hand made...... 8 Seoteh Oookies............ ORE COO... .cc550. |= Sugar Cake........cececers 8 Sagar Biscuit Square...... 8 Sugar Squares............. 8 Oe cick cies dca eons 13 Tutti Frutti 16 Versus Wallets. ..........- 16 Vienna Crimp. ...... coe. 8 DRIED FRUITS Apples ee os Evaporated, 50 Ib. boxes5%@7 California Prunes 100-120 25 Ib. boxes ...... 90-100 25 Ib. boxes ...... @ 80 - 90 25 Ib. boxes ...... @ 70 - 80 25 Ib. boxes ...... @ 60 - 70 25 Ib. boxes ...... @ 50 - 60 25 Ib. @ 40 - 50 25 Ib. boxes .. @ 30 - 40 25 Ib, boxes .. 1¢ cent less in 50 Citron —_————————— 14 @l4% Currants Imported, 1lbpackage 7 @ Rn BK@ ee Lemon American 10 Ib, bx..13 Orange American 10 1b. bx..13 Raisins London Layers 2 Crown. London Layers 3 Crown. Cluster 4 Crown......... Loose Muscatels 2 Crown 7 Loose Muscatels 3 Crown TH Loose Muscatels 4 Crown & L. M., Seeded, 1 Ib..... 9@ 9% L. M., Seeded, & Ib.... 71@ Te Sultanas, “oo ne i 10 Sultanas, package .......... 10% FARINACEOUS GOODS Beans Dried Lima 8 Medium Hand Picked 240 Brown Hotere... 1. «oon. 2 25 Farina 241 1b. oeeness - 1 56 Bulk, per 100 2 50 uae Piss, 0. ooek..... ..... 1 _———__—_—e 5 00 Poari, 00 tb. enck........... 2 co Maccaroni and Vermicelli Domestic, 10 Ib, box......... imported. 25 Th. bex......... 2 56 Pearl ere Ee 20 MIE css deen eco asw cies ate i ese ee Peas Green, Wisconsin, bu....... 1 8 Green, Scotch, bu. ..........1 9 Boe Oe Rolled Oats Rolled Avena, ool... nee ae Steel Cut, 100 Ib. sacks... 1 Peron, Ot... ...-....-.-. 5 76 Monarch, 90 Ib. sacks....... 2 80 Quaker, aoe — ee ee TT ca eee — oo German, sacks. ; German, broken package.. Tapioca Flake, 110 Ib. sacks......... 4X Pearl, 130 Ib. sacks....... 3% Pearl, 241 lb. packages..... 6% Wheat Crasieed, DOGE.............-. Ot 242 BD. packages ............4 & FISHING TACKLE | to 1 pen ....- 6 | 4g to 2 inches. 7 1b 2 eee i eh 3 1s to 2 inches. nee od ll DO i eas ene 15 ee ce nh 30 Cotton Lines a No. 2, 15 feet... 7 no. 5 1 ee....... -.. . _ oo ee 10 ——————————_ee 11 ee, © Pe cee eens eee, DO 0, ee eee [mo 6 6 ieek................. me So. © ee... Linen Lines Smaill.. sie. — = ———————__OOOO 26 EES ocece eee eee Oe Poles Bamboo, 14 ft., per doz.... . 50 Bamboo, 16 ft.. per doz...... 65 | Bamboo, 18 ft., per doz...... 80 ——s er Carcass. ——- oe Forequarters ce 6 @8 ne» 8%@10 pines il @15 8 @i2 8 @9 56 @és& @i - @mogoe * oo Buia. Rhonlders . . Coat terd........... Mutton IE cine Conese: oe Veal OBTOREE vc .c00 coe once GELATINE Knox’s Sparkling......... “2 Knox’s Sparkling,pr gross . = Knox’s Acidulate Knox’s Acidulat’d Pr ~~ 14 4 @ 96 65008 a ¥ ~ + CRTerG. «++... | 75 Plymouth Rock... . cabana 1 20 —— 1 50 Cox’s, 2-qt —— 1 61 Cox’s, 1-qt size...... a GRAIN BAGS Amoskeag, 100in bale .... 15% Amoskeag, less than bale. 15% GRAINS AND FLOUR Wheat Oe 74 Winter Wheat Flour Local Brands Patents to oo Second Patent..........-.. 37 Straight.. io. oo Second Straight... o. om ets cheers cee ye 3 15 Graham . \ 3 30 Buckwheat . 8 00 Rye oo Subject’ ‘fo ‘usual cash dis- count. Flour in bbis., 25e per bbl. ad- ditional. Worden Grocer ae 8 ~~ Quaker 8.. “< Quaker ‘8.. sn. oeue Quaker 4B... . ee Spring Wheat Flour $90 4 oo Clark-Jewell-Wells Co.’s Brand Pillsbury’s Best %s8....... 5 00 Pilisbury’s Best ‘4s....... 4 90 Pilisbury’s Best 48....... 480 Pilisbury’s Best 4s paper. 4 89 ae ‘2 Best ‘«s — 4 30 Lemon & Wheeler Co.'s we Wingold %8..........++.. WEHROIE MB... ooe5o eee ‘ 70 Wine 6.............. 4 60 Judson Grocer Co.’s ee. Ceresota 38. . : - Ceresota 48. . a+. on OCeresota Ks. 470 Worden Grocer Co.'s ‘Brand Laurel 8. tec. Laurel 1gs.. ass oo Laurel 48.. 4 80 Laurel %s and is paper... 4 80 Meal Bolted. . eT Granulated |. —— Feed ona Milistufts St. Car Feed screened . 21 50 No. 1 Corn and eee 91 50 Corn Meal, coarse........ 20 38D Winter Wheat Bran....... 18 50 Winter Wheat Middlings. 20 56 iow Pood. ..............-. 19 00 —_———_—— 18 00 Oats a 42 Corn Core, oof OE, ...-.-... & Hay No. 1 Timothy car lots.... 16 00 No. 1 Timothy ton lots.... 13 06 HERBS INDIGO Madras, 5 lb. boxes . oe 8. F., 2, 3 and 5 Ib. poxes...-.-58 JELLY 5 lb. palls.per doz........ 1 8 Oe Oe... es. eee 37 BO OD. DEI. 0s... cece — = LICORICE Pure. / ae Calabria... ee 23 “ers A a oe Moc ete e cee eee OO LYE Eagle Brand High test powdered lye. Single case lots. | 10e size, 4 doz cans per case 3 50 Quantity deal. $3.90 per case, with 1 case free with every 5 cases or 4 case free with 3 cases. Condensed, 2 €0S....c.cccce.k DB Condensed, 4 doz............2 & MEAT EXTRACTS ; Armour’s, 20Z ............ 4 45 | Armour, 408 ..........0- 8 20 Liebig’s, Chicago, 2 0z.... 2 75 Liebig’s, Chicago, 4 oz.... 5 50 Liebig’s, imported, 20z... 4 55 Liebig’s, imported,40z... 8 50 MOLASSES New ee fae _— _— 0 hoice .. a — 35 a 26 A 22 Half-barrels 2c extra MUSTARD Horse Radish, 1 doz.........1 75 Horse Radish, 2 doz. .. Bayle’s Celary, . doz........ Sing ae ~ ewer ale AO Ted cr ation Les fae ‘ Sendsiaet. Sarees og dina sean ns — i aes ae Sdsscnmente: Oras MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 45 6 METAL POLISH Search Brand. | | Paste, 3 0z. box, perdoz.... 75 Paste, 6 oz. box. per doz.... 1 25 Liquid, 4 0z. bottle, per doz 1 00 Liquid, \% pt. can, ‘per doz. 1 60 Liquid, 1 pt. can, per doz.. 2 50 | Liquid, % gal. can, per doz. 8 50 Liquid, 1 gal. can, per doz.14 00 | LIV E | Bulk, 1 gal. kegs. . . 1 Bulk; Coen MOee........... 85 | — _— OE oc sees 85 meee, 7 Os. .......... 80 Saree ee 2 35 Queen, ee ee 4 50 Queen, 28 oz. 7 00 NO oo one ccc ween 90 Geewor. © Om .......... 2... 1 45 Re Oe acc cece 2 PIPES Chey, 0, 908... ... 70 Olay, _ 7 full count 65 Cob, es PICKLES Medium Barrels, 1,200 count ......... 8 75 Half bbis, 600 count......... 4 88 | Small | Barrels, 2,400 count........ 10 53 | Half bbis, 1,200 count .......5 7 PLAYING CARDS No. 90, Steamboat......... 90 No. 15, Rival, assorted.... 1 20 No. 20, Rover, enameled.. 1 60 | N65. 572, Special acanedeus- 1 75 No. 98, Golf, satin finish 2 00 No. 808, Bicycle . : 2 00 No. 632, Tournam’t Whist. 2 25 POTASH 48 cans in case. nest, | 4 00) Fuame ae Co.%..:........_. 3 00 PROVISIONS Barreled Pork Bes @17 vo ao . G13 bu Clear —- Wis ou Short _— @l7 2 rn... 20 00 | Bean.. @15 75 Family Mess Loin.. 19 50 | a @i8 00 —_ ay Meats Dele... il S P Bellies. _. 11% | Extra shorts......... 10% Smoked Meats Hams, 12ib. average. @ 18 Hams, 14lb. average. @ i3 Hams, 16lb.average. +@ 13 Hams, an average. @ 13 Ham dried beef..... @ 12 Shoulders (N. ¥.cut) 7 Deeen, ear......... 12 @ 13 California hams..... @ 9 Boiled Hams...... @ is Picnic Boiled Hams @ 14% Berlin Ham pr’s’d 84 Mince Hams....... @ 9% Lard Oomeereas,......._.. @ i% 60 lb. Tubs..advance * 80 Ib. Tubs.. advance g 50 Ib. Tins...advance % 20 lb. Pails. .advance % 10 1b. Pails.. advance * 5 lb. Pails.. advance - | ib. Palls..advance i Sausages ae, Liver ... Frankfort ..... rox ... i ee... Headcheese.......... 6% Beef mare Bows... .. Donen... 11 60 Rump, New... @ii ou Pi 44 Dbis., 40 lbs 1 30 es 3 60 1 bbis., Ibs... ‘. 7 75 Tripe mae, oe te... .. .... 70 14 Dbis., 40 lbs... 1 28 % bbis., 80 Ibs...... 2 60 Casings Pork . a 26 Beef rounds... 5 Beef middies........ 12 Beee............ 65 Uncolored Sietesitens ee, Gere .......,... Bil0OK Roils, OGY .......... Uemia Holla, purity........ 14% pene, portty........ 14 Canned Meats rex Corned beef, 2 Ib.... 2 30} Corned beef, 14 Ib.. 17 60 | Roast beef, ooh 2 40) Potted ham, BON ocoe 45 | Potted ham, %s..... 85 Deviled ham, 148.. 45 Deviled ham, \8.. 85 Potted tongue, %s.. ee Vostes tonco* 4 ” RICE Domestic ree ce ia , | ee Pe i, 8% | Carolina -_ a. i treensm Broken . : id. os panto Japan, No. 1............5406 Japan, Me 2... sg @ Java, fancy head........ @ ite ape 7 SALAD DRESSING 9 Fine Cut Scouring | Durkee’s, large, i doz....... - Enoch Morgan’s Sons. ce ep eon 54 | Durkee’s, small, 2 doz.......5 25 Sapolio, gross lots.......... OOP WEOe TR cass ee 33 | Snider’s, large, | doz........2 35 | Sapolio, half gross lots...... 4 ¢0| Hiawatha, 5 Ib. pails........¢ Snider’s, small, 2 doz....... 1 35 | Sapolio, single boxes... 2 25 | Hiawatha, 10 Ib. pails....... 54 SALERATUS a: dame mam ee 22 Packed 60 ibs. in box. SODA POY CAP ....- eee ee cee ee enee 81 | Church’s Arm and Hammer.3 15 | Boxe’ ssvees ss OG | Coe Rose. .. veers ene ces AD ee 3 00 Keos, Engiish.. caseeee 4% | Protection .......... 00.0004 @ Dwight’s Cow...............3 15 SNUFF Sweet Burley................ 42 | ag ebgonpbepeseonreen --2 10 | Scotch, in bladders... : 37 | Tiger ........ ei te eeee wees 38 Wyandotte, 100 ¥s.......... 8 00 | pena ap a ge jars...) = HOS ONO. . 2. occ svetecs cose SAL SODA SPICES OO accuse civ ese cs cuceme | Granulated, bbis............ 85 | Whole Spices Btn ccantincetiress sean conte = | Granulated, 100 lb. cases. Ae 12 oe iV NALA Na nny he oe oo: -s++++ £0 Cassia, China in mais...._ | aoe 2 Lump, 145 Ib. Kegs... eae 816 assia, Batavia, inbund.. 28 Stmndand Maer Lee te 38 SALT Cassia, Saigon, broken... 40 Spear Head, 16 oz......-....41 Diamond Crystal Cassia, Saigon, in rolis.... 55| Shear Head, 807...........48 Table, cases, 243 !b, boxes..1 40 Cloves, Amboyna........... 17 Nobby Twist ae Table, barrels, 100 3 Ib. bags.3 00 | Cloves, Zanzibar........... Sie 38 Table, barrels, 50 6 lb. bags.3 00 | Mace . sae 55 7 Mceacis eae a aan 42 Table, barrels, 407 ib. bags.2 75 | Nutmegs, 75-80.. oe Tee 33 | Butter, barrels, 320 Ib. bulk.2 65 | Nutmegs, 105-10. Se eee Butter, barreis, 20 14ib.bags.2 85 | Nutmegs, 115-20... 35 Pipe _ Heldsick... es Butter, sacks, 28 lbs......... 27 | Pepper, Singapore, bi: 15 | Boot Jack ee Butter, sacks, 56 ibs......... 67 | Pepper, Singepere, white, 38 | Honey Dip Twist pes eae a | Shaker, 242 Ib. Domes. ...... 1 50 | Papper. shot 18| Black Standard oe Pure Ground in Bulk Cadillac i Common — | Allspice 18 JAGINAC ... oe. 100 3 lb. sacks.. -+-1 90) Cassia, Batavia...... 01! 26) ee ee 60 5 Ib. sacks cocseeees-l 80/ Cassia, aa 43 Nickel Twist ae ae Oe ae, Oe 1 70 | Gloves, Zanzibar... 17 Smoking 56 Ib. sacks........ 30 | Ginger, African........ 1.” iy | SWOCE Core........-..:-. +0 34 28 Ib. sacks......... 15| Ginger, Cochin.........7"! 4g Fiat Car. ...............- ++ 37 Warsaw Ginger, Jt Jamaica. 25 wou sites reas 56 Ib. dairy in drill bags..... WO | idee nsec cea ones 65 ll 28 Ib. dairy in drill bags. .... 20 | Mustard -. aS a Pepper, Singapore, black. i7 [XL ee esse a Solar Rock Pepper, Singapore, white. 2) |X L,16oz. — coven BO | 66 Ib. sacks. 28 Cepper, Cayenne.......... 28 Honey Dew ... crete Of | SOIR BIOCK 2... cece cece eveses ee ul i EE 38 Granulated Fine” 75 STARCH Chips. ee | Medium Fine.. 80 Common Gloss Kiln 2 SN 21 “ 38 SALT FISH SIR Peckagoe: Sy Bak Mi Cod 6-lb. packages............. Myrtle Navy ..........-+....40 Large whole....... . @ 5%% | 49 snd B0-ib. boxes... .. anos Yum Yum, 1% 0z.. .39 Smail whole. - @S | Gar ets "3% | Yum Yum) 1 Ib, palls........37 Strips = bricks. 7 @9 » ae Polloe \ Common Corn CO cs oe cass ae oc ; ' @ 8% ot packages oe eee eee ernrroee Hali . ao ee ee Corn Cake, 11b....... a ie iv eC ee ies 4M | Plow Boy, 1% 07............- 39 Ce oa a Plow Boy, 3% Dee ere ae Herring ae x2 | Peerless, 156 0...-....00000.88 Holland white hoops, bbl. 10 50| Half bois. a4 | Alt Brake ae Holland white hoops bbl. 5 50 10 Ib. cans, % doz. ‘in case... 1 €5 | Cant aa oddeeu cau Holland white hoop, keg... @78 | 5 1p. cans, 1 doz. in case... 1 90 Country Club.............323 | Holland white hoop mechs. 85 | 24 ib, cans. 2 doz. in case...1 99 Forex-KXXX.. ... 28 Norwegian tees ee cones evvece Pure Cane 7 Good Indian Peni j — Oe Oe oot wo en cans 3 80 Fair .. i. 16 | Self Binder....... 20-22 — ‘oa i, ee oan... 34 aden fy a Peder aN Ea A at TWINE | Trout SUGAR Seen ee emcee nest No. ie. DORADO 20-2 20 2200 ee ones AP heute hid heh ; BO BOP Oe coc eee cues ce 5 50 ss | Jute, 2ply.. a 12 No.1 40 Ibs. ......0.00000. 2 50 CUb LOA... .- 000. -00r ones 5 65 | Hemp, oe ae No.1 10 Ibs. 79 | Crushed 5 65 Flax, aS No.1 8 lbs. 59 ee eee en oe 5 = Wool, 1 Ib. one au ra 8% Sees wee . 1g so | Coarse Powdered. 5 1c _ VINEGAR — Mess 50 ibs. seseuse. 875, SX&XXX Powdered. . --. 5 20) Malt White Wine, 46 grain.. 8 Mess 19 Ibs. . ee ee ile 1 80 Fine Cremeeed........... 5 05 Malt Whi te Wine, 80 Mess un 1 47 | 2 1b. bags Fine Gran... 5 20 Pure Cider, B. & B. brand. 1} No. 1 a oa 2 15 09 5/b. bags Fine Gran 5 20 Pure Cider, Red Star........11 No.1 60 Ibs. % 00 Mould lo 5 30 Pure Cider, Robinson.......11 Mo) ee 1 65 | Diamond A’. 5 05 | Pure Cider, Silver.......... i No.1 8 Ibs. "2. 1 a5 | Confectioner’s A: 499 WASHING POWDER Whitefish No. 1, Columbia A..°°.... 483) piamond Flake. 2 75 No.1 No.2 Fam - 2, oe Asses eens = | Goad Ensen 1.8 3 100 Ibs........ 775 3 85 | No. 8, Ridgewood A...... 4 85 | Gold Dust, regular..........4 50 eee 3 68 96 | o> > oe A--- 4 80 | Gold Dust, 5¢....... biden an to - ° mpireA.......... 475 | Kirkoline, 244 Ib.... . 3 90 + Gs. neoeee coee ee eH Pearline. _ 275 Fence rs vero > Soapine.. 4 2 bee coe ° 3 776... 3 7! + Bec ceveecens 4 56 Babbitt’s 1 3 50 foo . f ur’ a He. 13.. 4 40 | Nine O clock 3 8B | Cardamon, Malabar......... 1 “00 mae sa 3 80 CALEY on nv eneeneev ee vo Sea ar ‘ela io | Hemp, Hii 21110... °".-"4y s 4 90 | Rub-No-More.....-.-..--..-- 8 75 Mustard, Deimapepeoetenseste Se 4% WICKING Poppy... Seuées caucus aa Mo. 6, per erems.... ..........40 se ze iste cease fe Fs No. 1, per gross.. ong Cuttle Bone...... 26 : No. 7, BT I ooo os co oe se Oe Sun Ns co woue ‘ SHOE BLACKING _ | Sundrled, modium..........26 | No. 8 per promsec.c0.0 222-0 Handy Box, large......... 2 50 | Sundried, fancy.............38 WOODENWA RE Handy Box, small......... 1 25| Regular, medium....... oe Baskets Bixby’s Royal Polish.. 85 | Regular, choice.............g9 | Bushels.. a Miiler’s Crown Polish. . 8 | Regular, fancy.......... "*'"3g | Bushels, wide band. ........ 1 25 | SOAP Basket-fired, medium... 31 item Johnson Soap Co. _—- Basket-fired, choice. . gg | Splint, large..... . -6 00 Silver King. . i . 8 65 i ae Splint, medium ...... 5 00 Basket-fired, fancy..........43 : 7 Calumet Family. oc: or) oe. 2224 aa 4 00 Scotch Family..... ...... 2 85 Sittings. ee eo O11 iow Clothes, IAEOO. 40-6 OO Cuba.. 235 Fannings.. 1914 Willow Clothes, medium... 5 50 Jas. 8. Kirk & Co. brands— seater Willow Clothes, small.......5 00 American Family. - 406 Zutter Boxes Dusky Diamond 50-8 0z__ » 0 a = Adee cased 5 ee, . a a Dusky Diamond 100-6 oz..3 80 eee MOICE « «0s se eeeee 3 | 3 1b. size, 16 in case... 63 Jap Bose... ... : 5 | Pee: — hehe anes woes 40 Bin aoa Sa eam, Savon Imperial.. | Eingsuey, mo ee oe 6/10 1b. size, Gin case......... OO — Howat 8 10 } Pagueer, or ep a a Butter Plates Jome, oval bars.......... 3 10 9 RENO «+++ eevee coe i : , Satinet, oval.. 15 Young Hyson No. 1 Oval, 260 in crate...... 40 White Cloud. ene cron lO ty age EG go | No. 2 Oval, 260 in crate...... 45 Lautz Bros. & Co.'s brands— Re a5 | He 8 Oval, ee — ' pe | Biv deme... 4 00 Oolong No. 5 Oval, 250 in crate,..... Big Master. a 4 00 Formosa, fancy i. _... 42 Churns Snow Boy P*war, 100-picgs 4 00| Amoy, medium.............. 95 | Barrel, 5 gals.,each.........2 40 Marseilles... . 40) Aden Ghia... .. 3g | Barrel, 10 gals., each. 2 5 Acme, 100-%1b bars" 3 70 English Breakfast Barrel, 15 gals., each > 70 (5 box lots, 1 free with 5) Modiiaa,.......... duuneeeuout 20 Clothes Pins Acme, 100-%ib bars single Ce ish uae Wa ..80 | Round head, 5 gross box.... 50 5 DOX Ee. © OF BM enecosnssesss eneses noes 40 | Round head, cartons........ 75 F — & Gamble brands— India Egg Crates near, én: teeees co omen. nee. 28. 82 | Humpty etn a Loetod aoe. 2 = + ee ee No, 1, co oo 2 Ivory, 16 6 75 TOBACCO No. 2 complete i dehesounene 18 | Schultz & Co. brand— Cigars Faucets Dace weeesereees-sasees H. & P. Drug Co.'s brands, | Cork lined, 8in.............. 65 | a. B. Pater brands— | Fortune os bo oeace Mn | OE TO, ON. 4... once cone 75 | Good Cheer .............. 4 00 | Our Manager...... - $5 08 | Cork lined, 191n.......s00000 86 Ola Coun soos Fe SUSOEI Lo ee cece se cccces BOOB COURT. BID. cenrecccssessereee OF LN iO in Sticks Trojan spring _— = Eclfpse patent spring .. 85 No 1 commo 75 No. 2 patent ieaaks hoider.. 35 12 b, cotton mop heads..... 1 25 Ideal No. 7.... 90 Pails 2-hoop Standard.............1 @ 3-hoop Standard............. 1 65 2-wire, Cable.. a 3-wire, Oable.. .1 80 Cedar, all red, ‘brass bound.1 25 Paper, Eureka. wan Fibre ee dia kale’ Hardwood .... ..............2 Conritatccnng CE TRE Banquet. bees ue 1 BO ee TT Traps Mouse, wood, 2 holes........ 2 Mouse, wood, 4 holes........ 45 Mouse, wood, 6 holes.. 70 Mouse, tin, 5 hdies.......... @& tat, wood. \ a 80 Rat, spring... be eeedvcss Te Tubs 20-inch, Standard, No. 1..... 7 00 18-inch, Standard, No. 2.....6 00 16-inch, Standard, No. 3.....5 00 2-inen, Cable, No.1.........7 © 18-inch, Cable, No. 2.........6 30 16-inch, Cable, No. 3......... 5 50 mot vo. .............. ee RO ik ee ee Wash Boards BPO 6 GO... onc cn once Dewey . 1 75 Double Acme.. Lo cae oe Single Acme.. ee Double Peerless. 3 25 Single Peerles 2 50 Northern Que 2 50 oe a .3 00 Good Luck . 275 ROR es tcc e een eee 22 Window Cleaners OE ie tw caer ae 1 65 DR eee ieuuec i 1 85 16 in ee ae ve cn a Wood Bowls OE NE i iiebessccncaae OM eee ee. 6. oie cutee le eee 19 in. Butter. betestornae ao Assorted 13-15-17 1% Assorted 15-17-19 3 00 WRAPPING PAPER Common Straw —_ | ik Fiber Manila, white 3% Fiber Manila, colored... A a 4 Cream Manila. “os Butcher's Manila, 2% Wax Butter, short count. 13 Wax Butter, full count.. 2 Wax Butter, roils...... 15 YEAST CAKE Magic, B GOn....... (oe eens, SOOe. 4. 1....,...5 Sunlight, 1% doz.... BO Yeast Cream, 3 doz..........1 00 Yeast Foam, 3 doz..........1 15 Yeast Foam,1% doz........ £4 FRESH FISH er id Bee er ree oreee ed i Trout ol 11 Black Basa.. i 12 Halibut .. lon 14 Ciscoes or Herring. 5 Bluefish . 1 Live Lobster......... Bolled Lobster........ Cod. eee ae A ARN No. 1 Pickereil......... “ty UN cscs oe 7 Perch.. Smoked ‘Wiis Red Snapper EPBEEEEEHEHEHOESSS, Col River Salmon.. 15 16 Mackerel. ne 2 OYSTERS Cans per Can F. H. Counts Be Extra Selects Selects Perfection Standard Anchors Standards.. HIDES AND PELTS Hides a. @7 Green No. 72..... we Cured No. 1.... a9 Cured No, 2 @ 4 Calfskins,green } No. i @i0 Calfskina,green No. 2 @ *% Calfakins,cured No. 1 @il Calfskins,cured No.2 Z ¥% Steer hides 60 lbs.or over $% Cow hides 60 lbs. or over 8% Pelts Old Wool.... ‘ aaa 25 Bw Shearlings....... 30 10@ g . Choloe, H, P Wool Washed, fine..... Washed, medium. Unwashed, fine. i Tre gh o® wl Oe wen a CONFECTIONS Stick Candy bbis. Standard . Standard H. i Standard Twist. .... UNE FE oie is eau Jumbo, 32 Ib Extra H.H. Boston ( ream. Raat Rom Mixed Candy ge SxS "8 seeee. DOD IE & saa ek. AK oe 2680 Grocers....... @é Competition. @7 eS sk @ 7% CI oes oocc cue. @7% Royal @ 8% RIDDON ...... iT @9 a Leieuasdau es @ 8 (ete @ 3% English Rock........ S93 Kindergarten ....... @? Bon Ton Cream... @ 8% French Cream. Zw? Dandy Pan. . @i0 Han a Made Cre-m mixed .... 114% Premlo:Cream mix 12% Fancy—In Paiis ) F Horehound Dr op 103 Pony Hearts. =“ 15 4 12 12 3 il 10 San Blas Goodies. @12 Lozenges, plain . @3 Lozen ges, printed. . @i0 Champion Chocolate @li Eclipse ¢ hocolates. Biz% Quintette Choc...... @iz2 Champion,Gum Dps @ 8 Moss Drops.. @3 Lemon Sours..... es Im erials. i @9 Ital. Cream Opera. @i2 Ital. Cream Bonbons an iD, pels. ....... @ii Molasses Chews, 15 ee @iz Golden Wafties...... @i12 Fancy—In 5 lb. Boxes Lemon Sours. Cho Peppermint Drops. @és0 Chocolate Drops. @so H. M. Choc. Drops.. Q45 H. M. Choe. Lt. and G35 go G55 ga Im 8. G55 Mo sean @so Cream Bar. G55 Molasses Bar C55 Hand Made Creams, #0 aw Cream Buttons, Pep. and Wi a ieee Qe5 String Roc Ges Wir aeenreen Berries (eo Pop Corn laple Jake, per case. FRUITS Foreign Dried Figs Californias, Fancy @ Cal. pkgs 10} lb. boxes So # E xtr 2 Choice, Turk., 10 lb. ane 6. ah Fancy, Tkrk., 12 lb. DOROB. ooo M. (Hi4 Pulled, 6 lb. boxes. @ Naturals, in bags... @ Dates Fards in 10 |b. boxes Fards in 60 lb, cases, Hallow! ID. cases, Saira, 60 Ib. cases... NUTS Whole Almonds, Tarragona Almonds, Ivica Aimonas, ¢ al lifornia, soft shel Brazils, Filberts Walnuts, Grenobles. Walnuts, soft shelled Oal. No. . Table Nuts, fancy. Pecans, Med. Pecans, Ex. Large. Pecans, Jumbos. Hickory Nuts per bu, Ohio, new Cocoanuts, full SAC) <8 ( hestnuts, per bu Shelled ecan Halves Walnut Halves Filbert Meats.... Alicante Almonds Almonds Peanuts Fancy, H. P., Suns Fancy, H. P., Sune Roasted Choice, H, Spanish Peanuts + ‘ Jordan P,, Jumbo +» Jumbo § * sane oe woes P Eaase e% 4%@ 5% ~~ ao @ se “3 ae * 46 MICHIGAN TRADESMAN SPECIAL PRICE CURRENT AXLE GREASE Mica, tin boxes. i Pe ence sess SS BAKING POWDER JAXON 14 Ib. cans, 4 doz. case...... % Ib. cans, 4 doz. case...... 1 Id. cans, 2 doz. case......1 Royal 10¢ size.... iq ID. cans 1 6 oz. cans. 1 % Ib. cans 2 * Ib. cans 3 1 Ib. cans. 4 3 1b. cans 13 5 Ib. cans. 21 BLUING Arctic, 4 oz. ovals, per gross 4 Arctic, 8 oz. ovals, per gross6 Arctic 16 oz. round per gross 9 BREAKFAST FOOD Narre Crish The Read — Granular COFFEE | RICE Roasted Dwinell-Wright Co.’s Brands. | = 60 | White House, 1 Ib. cans..... White House, 2 Ib. cans..... Excelsior, M. & J 1 Ib. cans go | Excelsior, M. & J. 2 1b. cans a dy Th. M. & J., 1 ib. cans. 35 Royal Jav : : 90 | Royal foun ‘and Mocha...... 50 Java and Mocha Blend.. _. | Boston Combination....... 75 Distributed by Judson Grocer 80'Co., Grand Rapids: National oo | Grocer Co., Detroit and Jack | eon; B. eee & Co., Kal- 50 | amazoo, Symons Bros. & Co., Saginaw ; “Melsel & Goeschel, | Bay City; Fielbach Co., Toledo. 00 CONDENSED MILK 00 4 doz in case. 00 Sutton’s Table Rice, 40 to the bale, 24% pound pockets. ...744 Se, Cases, 24 1 1b. packages.....2 70 Oxford Flakes. Best grade Imported Japan, No. 1 A, per C88. .... 00... 3 £0 3 pound pockets, 33 to the so per case i oe _ dale............0..-..--+--- 6 No. 3C, P er case 3a Cost of packing in cotton _— No, 1 D per case..... 3 60 ets only 4sc more than bulk. No. 2 DD. per case, 3 64 . No. 3 D, per case .......... 1. eee SOAP No. 1 E, per case 3 60 | Dime. TN Fl No 2E, per case 8 69 Peerless Evaporated Cream.4 00 Beaver Soap Co. brands* cere oe > CRACKERS No. 8 F’, per case 8 €0 & J. Kruce & Co.’s baked goods Plymouth Standard Crackers. lue Ribbon Squares. Write for complete price list with interesting discounts. Perfection Biscuit Co.’s brands Wheat Flak ae ) eat Flakes ; oq ONDER, t 4 Case of 36 cartons naw 4 ee: oe oo each carton contains 1412 Se. Sts J 100 cakes, large size.........6 50 4 Se S54 50 cakes, large size.........3 25 TRYABITA esd acs 4 100 cakes, small size.. 3 85 " - 50 cakes, small size......... 1 95 LN e.4 | Peptonized Celery Food, 3 Pe 74 ea ae doz. In case . 4 05 CAR Lana S Es Hulled Corn, per doz........ 5 Perfection Wafers, in bb].06 Grits Florodera Cookies, c'se.2 00 Subject to liberal discount. Case | Single borx.. ove Ie Walsh-DeRoo Co.'s Brand. contains 50 packages. Complete | 5 box lots, delivered ........ 8 05 line of high grade crackers and | 10 box lots, delivered ees 3 00 Cases, 24 2 Ib. packages..... 2 CIGARS G. J. Johnson Cigar Co.'s brand. A I Bo seen on wens 33 00 = or more. pisehuaeseteneus a = Vanilla on CLEANER & POLISHER | ? 0% panel..1 20 2 ox patel Tee A AS ww Oe CLEANER Con. Ge, Per Oee.......... 2 Gueartean, per éon..........2 Galion can, per doz........ Samples and Circulars Free. sweet goods *erfection Bis- cult Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. - Freight allowance made on/| all shipments of 100 Ibs. or more where rate does not exceed 40c der hundred FLAVORING EXTRACTS Place Your Business FOOTE & JENKS’ ona Cash Basis by using «AXON Highest Grade Extracts. Vanilla Lemon 1ozfullm.i120 lozfullm. 80 20z fullm.210 20z full m.1 25 No.8fan’y.3 15 No.8fan’y.1 75 Coupon Books. We will | send you samples 3 Oz er..2 060 402 TABLE SAUCES | LEA & PERRINS’ SAUCE if you ask us. They are | The Original and free i 3 Genuine i 25 eg Worcestershire. | nn i Lea & Perrin’s, pints...... 500; Tradesman Company 7 59 | Lea & Perrin’s, % pints... 2 75 | Halford, large............. 8 75) | Hattora, — 2 35 | Grand Rapids For merchants who mean to follow “The Butler Way’”’ this summer. if you are tired of seeing lazy summer eat up the profits of busy spring, better do some- thing about it and DO IT NOW. If you think you can do what other mer- chants have done in the way of «ridding the year of its drone-days,’’ DO IT NOW. if you mean to do ANYTHING to make trade this July better than it was last July, DO IT NOW. ‘‘Putting off” DO IT NOW. He who puts off until tomorrow what he is the thief of profit as well as of time. knows he ought to do today gets long credit; but he has to pay compound upon compound DO IT NOW. NOW is the time to begin. interest. Tomorrow is one day too late. Time in plenty to get goods- in and start your campaign—none to loaf in DO IT NOW. The problem will not solve itself. This getting ready. summer, as last, will see for you a dull July and a duller August—-unless Unless what ? Unless you make up your mind to adopt “THE BUTLER WAY” and DO IT NOW. Send for booklet J3124 and July catalogue J469. DO IT NOW none to wait. BUTLER BROS. Wholesalers of Everything—By Catalogue Only time enough to act but Randolph Bridge CHICAGO WONT seem OI aise asst sme sigur MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 47 BUSINESS-WANTS DEPARTMENT Advertisements subsequent continuous inserted under this head for two cents insertion. No charge less a word the first insertion and one cent a word fer each th an 25 cents. Cash must accompany all orders. BUSINESS CHANCES, Fe ‘SAL E—92 WINDOWS 12x16, 12 LIGHT; . 1% plain rail, glazed; 8 doors 4x7x1%, 6 pane! U. G. No. 2. Were bought for factory and never used. Willi be sold cheap if taken at once. ae sellin whole orin part F.O. B, Fremont. . E. Hain Co., Fremont, Mich. 523 OR SALE IN INDIANA—DRUG STOCK; only stock in town of about 400 inhabitants. Stock will invoice about $800. Will give a bar- gain. Reasons for selling, have groceries and queensware and need the room that Is now taken up by the drug stock. Six miles from any other drug store. around 1f. A good wheat and stock market. Ail country produce comes to this town. Best s*hool and building in county. Will sell paints, oils and wall paper if wanted. Address No. 5/2, care Michigan Tradesman. 522 F YOU WANT TO TNVEST A LIZITLE money where it will bring you big returns aidress McCormick Mining Co., Box 671, Reno, Nev. 521 } EGISLERED PHAKMACIST, EXPERI- enced, wants situation soon. Address with particulars, No. 520, care Michigan Tradesman. 520 AND LANESBORO ARE towns on the Chicago Great For particulars write Edwin Townsite Dept., Fort Dodge, Ia. 497 I IDDERDALE 4 bright new Western Rallway. B. Magili, Mgr. b* )R SALE—STOCK OF HARDWARE AND farming amps nents; good location for trade; prospects good for new railroad. The survey iscompleted and the graders at work within six miles of us Stock will invoice about $5,000. Population about 600. Store building -4x60, two stories; wareroom, 24x40; implement shed i, 50xi 0. Must have the money; over oe jo not re Reason for selling, wish to re move to Oregon. Address No. 502, « aos Michi- wan Tradesman. 502 Poe SALE—WELL-LOCATED BAKERY, confectionery and grocery stock in thriving rent. Ad 2sman 500 ~ GROCERY Man with este in Southern Mi re vo. 500, care Mi ‘ WASTE D— PARTNER IN i bicycle repair business. capital who wants to invest from $500 to $1,000. | Tradesman. Address No. 499, care Michigan k NO! R Sal E—AN UNOPPOSED PRACTICE an The best of farming country | F YOU ARE IN THE MARKET TO 8UY OR sell a business or other property, consult Fad & Horn, 33 McGraw bullding, Detroit, ch. 514 | Se SALE—DRUG STOCK OF EATON & Foley, St. Ignace, Mich. On account of the death of Mr. Foley the business must be closed up. ©. A. Katon. Executor. 516 —"s SALE—12 MILLION FT. VIR GIN timber. Hardwood, hemlock and white pine, in Gates Co., Wis., 3 miles from railroad. Other timber avail able, if buyer wants more. | Saw mills adjacent, at which timber can be sawed. Also 2,59 acres cut lands, hardwood, clay soll, good water, fine grazing country. Will sell in large or smail tracts. C. FP. Crosby, | Rhinelander, Wis. 512 FO®, SALE-OL LD ES’ nesss; ESTABLISHED 3USI- best town in thumb; house and store ( separate), 4 lots, $2,500 stock of general | merchandise; will stand closest investigation; reduced stock for purpose of sale. If you have $5,000 cash look this over. Address Box 227, Deckerville, Mich. 511 | “3000 SHARES 6 PER CENT. STOCK FOR e sale. The Henderson Lumber Company, | Anthony, W. Va,, incorporated. Capital stock, | $100,000, desire to enlarge their plant and oper- | ations, offer for sale 3,000 shares of their un- | issued stock at par, $10,00 per share. Stock fs non assessable, and will pay 6 per cent. divi- dends per annum. Present value of timber alone, at half current prices, equals entire capi- tal. Reference, Kanawha National Bank, Charleston, W. Va. For particulars address Joseph I.Henderson,Pres. and Treas., Anthony, . Ve. PER CENT. YEARLY ON 510 24 INVEST- fe! ment; 2 per cent. dividends paid every month; no get-rich scheme; honest. legitimate business; write for particulars. The Fife In- vestment Company, San Antonio, Texas. 509 ‘roa NEW TOWN OF LIDDERDALE, Carroll county, on the Omaha, extension of the Chicago Great Western Railway, will be | opened to the public by an auction sale of lots | about the middle of July. For particulars ad- |} dress Edwio B. Magill, Mgr. Townsite Dept., | Fort Dodge, Ia. 495 rPOWN TALK” TELLS ALL ABOUT THE | new towns on the Chicago Great West- ern Railway. For free copy send to Edwin B. | Magill, Mgr. Townsite Dept., fort Dodge, Ia. drug business in a R. R. town of 500 in | Ce ee eee ee ee TTT cos h Northe rn Illinois; will sell at invoite of drugs | ge SALE — BAKERY AND RESTAU- and fixtures, about $1,100. For particulars ad- | rant in manufacturing and resort town of dress Dr. Geo. R. Wrieht, Mineral, I11. 518 | 1,500; portable oven, No. 3 Buck range and holes ‘ALESMEN A COMMISSION BIG | With warming closets, cement floor in bake shop I enough to oe ing men wi th golden tongues and established routes. Address Si ie Line, Box 663, Cincinnati, Onio. 517 PROMINENT MICHIGAN BUSINESS MEN have secured ab enterprise that will pay 1 0 per cent. annual os its. Everything proven. A few more will be admitted. Address 31 Peninsular Bank Bldg, Detroit, Mich. 481 Por SALE—A NEAT, CLEAN AND UP- to-date grocery stock in hustling Northern Michigan town about 3,000. about $1,200. Re2son for selling, do not lise the business. Address No. 480, care Michigan Tradesman. 480 i WvVOVEN STORE BUILDING, FINE residence, general stock of merchandise Lock Box ior sale. 280, Cedar Springs, Mich. 479 Ww :D—LOCATION TO ENGAGE IN general merez ant! le and produce business. Would prefer a small railroad station or small town of one or tw« ) stores north of Grand Rap- ids. Address No. 508, care Michigan Tradesman 508 YHOE STORE FOR SALE IN 10,000 “TOWN. Stock $4,000, doing a $20,000 business. Store established three years. ‘ lean stock, best loca- tion in town. Address Manhattan Shoe Store, Delaware, Ohio 507 SURE ROAD TO PROSPERITY. RARE opportunity awaits Lucky Buyer. We offer for sale the most prosperous little business in Ohio. Stock consists desirable lines of cloth- ing, dry goods, groceries, everything In 18 karat condition. This business will net #2,400 a year if given proper attention. Stock will invoice $6,000; annual sales, $16,000. Have done cash business only. Have hustling town of 1,000 in- habitants. Rich farming and mining country roundabout. Don’t miss this “El Dorado.” Address Andreas & Co., Shanesville, Ohio. 506 ae SALE—STOCK OF DRY GOODS, shoes, furnishings and cloaks in the best town in Northern Michigan; population 2,000; established business eight years; stock will inventory about $4,000; must sell on account of my health. WiIll sell for cash, no trade. Ad- dress Lock Box 87, Gaylord, Mich. 504 V fANTED—TO TRADE SOME VERY DE- sirable realty at the Soo for stock of mer- chandise. The best city in the State. — | N 6 Michigan Tradesman. i a } AL TAN STOCK OF GENERAL ace aiede “ia Northern Michigan. store in town. Suitable for large or small capi- tal. Rent cheap. selling. Address No. 515, care Michigan Trades- man. 515 heart failure for travel- | Stock will invoice | Only | Other business reason for | and kitchen; also spring and city water. Good | chance to do a wholesale business. Oniy bakery and restaurant in city. A good money maker. If you mean business, Address A, care Michi- gan Tradesman 491 } AKERY FUK SALE IN ONE OF THE liveliest towns of 2,000 in Southern Michi- gan; everything new and clean. Address No. $84, care Michigan Tradesman. 484 es SALE—LIGHT MANUFACTURING business. It is now showing an annual profit of about $1,500 per year and is not being pushed. Business can be doubled the first year with a little efforf. Goods are staple and an | excellent line of jobbers now handling them. | Opportunity for a very large business is un- | limited. One man can run the office end of it jnow and have time to oversee shop work. $2,000 will buy it. Good reason for selling. This business is a bargain and will not remain unsold very long. When writing please give bank reference, otherwise no atte ntion will be paid to enquiry. Address No. 452, care Michigan Tradesman. 452 ro SALE, RENT ORK EXCHANGE—FINE three story and basement corner brick block 40x90, furnace, gas, electric lights, stone trim- mings, plate glass windows. Located in live Northern Ohio town of 3,500. Good location for j}dry goods or department store. Will sell on easy terms or take good Western property in exchange, or give long lease and reasonable rent to good tenant. Address Box 81, Independence, lowa. 473 P\OR SALE—#,500 GROCERY STOCK AND market well located in good Northern Illinois mining town of 7,000 population. Annual sales, $50,000. Address No. 472, care Michigan Tradesman. 472 ee SALE—STUCK HARDWARE AND implements in Northern Michigan. Stock invoices about $4,000; sales last year, 320,000; good farming community; village 600 inhabit- ants; only hardware in town; good two-story brick building and warehouse; rent reasonable. Address No. 471, care Michigan Tradesman. 471 F°, SALE—CLEAN STOCK OF DRUGS, wall paper and groceries inventorying $5,500. Can be reduee@d to $4,500. Annual sales, | $20,000, mostly cash. Located in thriving town in center of rich farming country |No cut rate competition. Reason for selling, owner has other business. Will sell 2,000 down and balance on easy terms. Ad- | dress No. 493, care Michigan Tradesman. 493 WILL SELL ANY MINING OR OIL stock on the market cheaper than it can be bcught from any other broker. Write me for |any stock you want. J. R. Griffiths, 48 Sher- j man St., Chicago. 488 I HAVE GOT THE WESTERN FEVER} oe SALE—A SMALL STOCK GROCER- and got it bad. I want to sell my lot 24ionia jes and meat market; store and dwelling street, opposite Union Depot; house and lot at| combined, near Olds Motor Works, Lansin 87 Commerce street; my residence at 219 Living- ston street; ment building at 215 and 217 and, last and If you want anything I have got, you had better get a move on, for I am going to sell out and go bee Edwin Fallas, Citizens Phone 614, Grand apids, Mich. Alexander Bell, 617 St. Joseph street, W. tene- 445 Livingston street; *OR SALE—ON ACCOUNT OF POOR my factory business. K health, a stock of groceries in the best city of 10,000 in the state; doing a good business. Address J. B., care Mict iigan Tradesman. 443 Mich. 494 SALE—GROCERY STORE, INVOICE my factory; also brick double best of all, ae ; ee rr $4,000; best ds and best trade. Seve ,< SALE—-TU CLOSE ESTATE, DRUG | years Chines {> make enn “Mean bust- stock, fixtures and a successful business, | jogs. write quick. Address E. W. Bockman established in 1877. 28,000. Main and Burdic ale b Foe SALE—31,000 GENERAL STOCK AND taken at once. Best location in city of rices. Mary McDonald, cor. Sts., Kalamazoo, Mich. 435 Paducah, Ky. 444 Business Cc hane es continued on next page No cut $2,000 store and residence, all for $2,000 if oe" 2 ONE 7, 99 ‘Ridvass tee THE O — L SALES 327, care Michigan Tradesman. 397 absolutely sell 10 per ce of your stock ina day. For SALE — WELL-SELECTED | farmers’ trade;established at Bay City 1885;two- story frame building, stone foundation, floor cemented ; occupied as a drug dwelling separate, latter chuap, easy terms: og from business. 1345 Johnson St., Bay C ity, Mich 311 SNAP—A £ with order; sample dozen for Write Forbes, 229 Sheriff St., Fe RNITURE taking | located on main street in a good live town of 1,200in Southern Michigan. care Michigan Tradesman. 469 For SALE—HARDWARE, HARNESS AND | district in Northern Michigan. ‘DRUG good prescription and stock, about $2,000; Retail Selling— New Idea System cellar store and sold together or reason, re- Werner Von W althausen, ; Stock and buiiding TON OF FRU IT JAR RUB- bers, 15 cents per gross; cartons free; cash 2icent stamp. Cleveland Ohio. 470) STORE BUILDING AND stock for sale. Splendid chance for under- I am not an undertaker). Centrally Address No. 469, ; implement stock in the best agricultural | Good reason for selling. Address No. 468, care Michigan Trades- C.¢ O'Neill & Co man. 468 | eo ep iL csi EM EEE EE ee i SPEC tSMEN AUCTIONEERS V ERCHANTS, TURN YOUR OLD Ac. | 5? ECIAL SALESMER & AUCTIO EERS i courts into cash; we collect quick; enclose | 408 Star Bldg., 356 Dearborn St., Chicago stampforterms. Merchants’ Collection Agency, We also buy and sell Store Fixtures and take Wapello, Iowa. 424 them on consignment Fans Fore Warm Weather Nothing is ciated on a more —— 10t day than a nhiieaial fan. Espe- cially is this true of coun- try customers who come without provid- ing themselves with this to town necessary adjunct to com- fort. We have a line of these goods fancy shapes and unique designs, nish pr large which we fur- nted and handled as follows 100 $ 3 00 20K 4 50 ¢ c i 3 1. 5 75 40 7 oO 5¢ We can fill orders on two hours’ notice, to fill an order on such short Cradesman Company, Grand Rapids. if necessary, but don't ask us notice if you can avoid it. ahd box FADED/LIGHT TEXT 48 MICHIGAN TRADESMAN , : asa Sata al : | +47 ANTED— CLOTHING SALESMAN TO Port Huron Merchants To Go To} garded as a great expenditure with The Boys Behind the Counter. | Atake orders by sample for the finest, mer- un—John C. Nicholson, of | chant tailoring produced; good oqpertantty to grow into a splendid business and be your own “boss”. Write for fu'l information. E. L. Moon, Gen’! Manager, Station A, Columbus, O. 458 eo. BEST CHANCE YET, IF YOU WANT to step into a well established business ina fine new store and a good thriving town In Northern Michigan. General stock invoices about $3,000. Will sell stock and rent building or i : n . | Willsell allata bargain. I wish to sell on ac- om- | months. position in the drug store Ol John | count of poor health. Write at once to No 416, P. Dolan | care Michigan Tradesman. (OG insu , ae oe s a For SALE—THE WELL-KNOWN GEN “iti ind towt wit 1 view to the . ve tise as ifferences arose re- Charlotte—Ralph Nye succeeds | eral store business of J. A. Shattuck & Co., on aia c ae ee re cn rere , | rs a ee ee -_31:,. | Newberry, Mich. Annual sales, %50,000. Con- I fr an iting, mat 4 report rdit he I s etic. oe mis ae aa a F ~O1LINS | Gitions are favorable to trade and Newberry is ; Saginaw. out adequate returns Alle PP LE rea < S I f a a I + - = 2. a % oOo f t RCT en ‘ ‘ ne a , . ' . . r : | reckoned one of the best towns in the Upper t wiliecn ee ee a with the resuit that im adaimon to : : " : | Peninsula. Reasons for selling, forty years in , / 1 | “. gat ( \W. Avery, pharmacist | the store business and do not care to be buried ‘ fl cg fg ne ie my ae Hema Chatham, Ont., Orchard Lake,|ness they were a source of great an- |" ~ on eer ala aaa Kee SALE—A FIRST-CLASS SHINGLE The | 1 i ha 1 t bay itv to take )OS1 mill, engine 12x16, center crank, ample : . eae . “a ' |. ‘ | boiler room, Perkins machine knot saws, bolter i which could be secured to each | mies for our store in more ways than} "0" ‘e! eonard Pennock has | and cut-off saws, gummer, drag saw, endless log : i : i he al | chain, elevator, all good belts, four good shingle nts 1s $1, with the excep- | one en cine |saws, everything first-class. Address A. R. ht ad ~- ail i. 3 ‘1 3 . oo a i ig Bn . | Morehouse, Big Rapids, Mich. 369 ' ' ' : aici is expected that 200,000 will set- | Fe SALE CHEAP—ALL THE SIDE WALL Manit n the northwest | and cross partition fixtures now in my drug . ol . A t ml ee io. e 2 \ " } store (about 80 feet); also two perfume or tollet i = r ee j increase trade, OUT 4 vec ve e trad- | nrovinces of Canada this year \iat goods cases and a sponge case. Will be ready : nd tl I ] | t oO} oe ~ | tor delivery not later than Oct.1. B.Schrouder, 4 : oO! e immigrants who are now poOur- | 37 Monros St., Grand Rapids, Mich. 457 cat y 3 ni re yun Ing- for SALE—CLEAN, UP-TO-DATE HARD- ie to the members would | tir the n * exnensi ne oe ae . : 2 ; ware implement stock; will invoice : . | 7 : 4 7 r oT. eran “ served im tne ritish | between $4 000 and %,000; yearly sales, $18,000; oht i 11d in it man Op-irather piv nality and barvrait to mn a i. Bak ABGee. wee Oe for selling. Address No. 387, a i id ae aid ati ci ty " | care Michigan Tradesman. Ee bocca f oT iil ii ind returning to England were | QAFES—NEW AND SECOND-HAND FIRE n ne & games Of ja CI e€ and} which re never reageemed, or fOr l...hie Ce and burglar proof safes. Geo. M. Smith Wood | ' co Se | & Brick Building Moving Co., 376 South Ionia cricket, which might be new to many. | stamps to be traded for merchandise | = | St., Grand Rapids 321 ee TT ie? a ee eee a = 9 c weve ec e oO ‘ ons ros u c { i i Ss y 4 I v Le : “a. has ; CL 1 ee eal MISCELLANEOUS Wood said I think t > OF -ers wl} " re rot Ss Oo < La 2 a P sed at the reception | n}: . An : ' ies c €.> eas a (is AR SALESMAN—IN YOUR LOCALITY : ee S SUaEE pS - Sewers ’ . . ' for city and try trade; experience un- g hat 1 é aoe " ‘ oe ‘ soit nufacturing creamery butter. Each | necessary; #0 per month and expenses; sam- oe | r . ce : ' ' 3 : ples free; send for particulars. Pioneer Cigar ri 5] © very mig) i f£resident rgely by t movement, as will thei | STOCK ders——Gi1ibert | Co., Dept. A., Toledo, Ohio 529 _arnsic, tl Saginaw Plat Glass Wtor re co | Met t nd Ge F. Cook, ;\ YANTED—EXPERIENCED SHOE SALES / ’ ce al i i man. Give age. references and salary Ss treatment t them | e thought ; os | os is 1 Met » al vv ra. ar ¢et t Sand | desired. Rosen Bros. uskegon, Mich. 519 f - of the best. Mie. Woodland i .t..:+ | Lake—holds $1,100 stock in tl! ‘1 Cn RKS AND INDOW TRIMMERS i Q ely : ' ciel ta oe ' | earn rapid lettering for card signs, price sionists so desiring would fforts now and there will be ho big | Porato! . | tickets, etc. Our course of instruction by mail - «+ | i teach you thoroughly. Terms very rea 8 ‘ t a S S 2 c is T ( . ar... " lars free. Address : a laa i al Mich. 501 t > THE NEW ERA P ? g i ‘ ‘ “ 1 wants special managers. Here ‘ © co ¢ : r rtunity for the successful fraternal } = = ~ : > c S © « c ar surance man The New Era s S ] ‘ rs in this State in net new cr es fF | ce | = 1,2 Sy | This means money for S i a I | / Eee Eas Rp; ) ition and . i Used Too Much Anise. sl am si emanate jority of \ | i whi ~h “at n he wil = j l proxies. A long and very divers liscussion 1 Bangor correspondent writes as , General Manager, : ‘ , t intain St., General ; Cis [ & ° <2 498 S W t S} } : WANTI EXPERIENCED ~ 10 1, one who is in touch S S > ) ( £ I t S S nd bonds preferred. : . \ + . c > Jos hns MeGr bid.,Detroit, Mich. 492 Fy JOSITIUN WANTED AS CLERK IN A general store. References furnished. Ad- f Krank E. Burton succeeds | dress No. 459, care Michigan Tradesman. 459 Isaac P. Taylor in general trade and WAnNteED—4 YOUNG MAN WHO THOR- la c t ( iry raer tO Ca a _ oughly understands stenography and type- VW | " $ a ok Sk betes ald writing and who has a fair knowledge of office ao : eens ' il veil Gay ' work. Must be well recommended, strictly tem- s | ce ri ‘ 1 < the worms wit it before perate and not afraid of work. Address Stenog- 2 : / , il _ : | mh rapher, care Michigan Tradesman. € a i K t he \ any |] ¢ them on the ! The sh —— ae ———— , ‘ brat 4 ois Ah nic ] rah tl} | INTANS Gils AUCTIONEERS AND TRADERS £ I ' a ind gra t tf iti! be t m ¢ Jut unfortunately tor | \TIMULATE YOUR BUSINESS, AND GET ' 1 7 o , , _—. - ee 4 : ee rid of old stock at the same time. You gin . 2 ma Jacks i¢ tt nise got BUSINESS CHANCES mark the goods, I do the rest. My sales are rsjio1 fot S bh Park . 4 < mn his pocket nd proved 2] S08 SALE—HOCKING VA ivy CHA always a success. Stocks bought, sold or ex- i i i oe Lc ey ' i ee k Begg ae roast f og aed . are changed at a low per cent. I have few open Das Ce } 3 i ‘ il si Fae hae . 1 hi "i 4 : a — ee 7 1S COai tO dates Write now for terms, dates, ete. Honest " ' b Ode A ut » ™ acre. Openet y for minin 1 LAAs Gan Galen a ichi ee A ; {mined because never had shipping facilities ao —_ tloneer and Salesman, care —— si sity aig until now. 1¢ chance to organ! pany | ee , a .. @ votes i he it : it i t very m rt I es t nd | and operate mine whose prospects are just be-| NERRY & WILSON MAKE EXCLU a . : |ginning. Write A.C. Henney,66 West 10th ave , | business of closing out or reducing stocks of i > tOWard wif. JaCKs iJT. | Columbus, Ohio. = | merchandise in any part of the country. With ' >> } ne | wv hes okt 0) - native | YOR SALE—3800 GROCERY STOCK: STOKE | our new ideas and methods we are making suc- Heavy Tax on the Profits. k and dwelling in connection; f: cessful sales and at a profit. Every sale per 7 t eee Never been . ‘ . a ue ‘ r sale or | S gere im t ’ nity | rent; can be had on easy terms. Write Lock |} > f _ s i on Ln ¢ , | Box 281, Ithaca, Mich. 476 | f t tradi Stamps wel! , i ae oy oo i. SALER-SEVEN Of, WELIS: PRO]... f ocr s it Ww nec t t < then : mi duction 500 barrels oil per day; fine pro-j| perty for basis for big stock company; lease per- | ‘ mM ual; wells fowing. A.C. Henney. 66 W. 10th | s f rl -: ce ok ee ; alee Setar Jorn | f Grand Rap ds Awning Com’y street wm xpens ai it dame Sie. Sid se MILL EQUIPPED FOR Saw. | Davis & Rowlson, Propri tors ; oe : . ing lumber, making baskets, berry crates, | oe ae 4 1 of 2 i riend of Albion Pattee and Hiram cider and jelly. The building can be wrecked | m | ei a tty : : '|and moved. Will sell for less than one third a / ngor, and had promised | value. James Balfour, Sparta, Mich. om | ar f iy , j oC $ * ye 4 Ay} | sonal'y conducted. For terms and dates, ad- | dress 1414 Wabash Ave.. Chicago. 317 pete nepainete ee ene: na i to cor before returning home | Wy ABTED—a FACTORY BUILDING AND oe . : cual lot on railroad in Southera Michigan, as a | ; ae t spect for these people | bonus for locating an_ est shed business. | ‘ rs would : a Le os at | ROreable Forge & Engine Factory, Marcellus, | r é ; re ’ ee eee oe ee ee : nan , the dorous oil and | 25 LOTS TO TRADE FOR STOCK OF GOODS | Veo GNO. RAPIDS AWNING CO stamps in aN : ae ' ©) ina good town in Lower Michigan. Must be | WMIMPADI DDI AALR AN - : my ees and insects | clear and worth from #1,500 to $2,000. Address we would su y suey | Lith hit he returned to Illinois wit! 524, care Michigan Tradesman. A24 Y i se of trade. I had con Fc ie Wee | WWANTED—PaRTY WHO CALLS ON | AWNINGS, 3 ir triend i dry goods trade to carry ladies’ muslin | + clu wever, i nd Hi. could certainly have shown | U2detwear_on comm'ssion. Kalamazoo Under- | TENTS and bus ‘ . | : ae ' ae 7 os | Wear Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. 460 | ss very micely without paying | him how to catch Michigan fish, but | QUSINESS HOUSES HANDLING UP-TO-| FLAGS ‘ot s manner. which Te ee oT date kiichen utensils sell Helling’s Pat-| : : . | : I ‘ oo Pot Ca They are wanted in| Horse and Wagon Covers, Seat ; every household. Send for price list; sample, | Ss b as, Etc. ‘ Ss \ a | 20 cents. U. S. Patent Pot Cover Co., 1303 | Shades, Umbrellas, Etc a th |e Alameda, Call. 445 | ae a g 5 nd iPr: i. Burt S$ suc I HAVE SOME CITY REALTY. WILL} Oe a ee as const tly we cut off what I re-| ceeded by H. Gray in general trade trade for stock of general merchandise. | 27 Huron Street, GRAND RAPIDS j > “<> | Address No. 751, care Michigan Tradesman. 751 Si iA EDI nest aware GOLD MEDAL Highest Awar full fl I cious quality, the absolute PURITY of LOWNEY’S COCOA I It is NA TURAL luct; no “treatment” with alkalis or Pan-American Exposition en ind cocoa shells, or coloring matter; CHOICEST Cocoa Beans. A quick g the nutriti 1 seller and a PROFIT maker for dealers. tion with 1 » gro i digestible product of the WALTER M. LOWNEY COMPANY, 447 Commercial St., Boston, Mass. MAPLE /AKE every day Meets you with a smile, MAPLE JAKE everywhere— Eat him all the while. Maple Jake The New Sensation The best seller in the market A few more shares for sale at 25c on the dollar in limited amounts only Grand-Rapids Pure Food Co. Ltd. Grand Rapids, Mich. 1 W 21 HOURS GRAND RAPIDS TO NEW YORK Michigan Central Leave Grand Rapids, - 12:00 noon Arrive New York, - - 10:00 a. m. Through Pullman Cafe Car Serves Meals to Sleeping Car. Detroit a la Carte. For information and reservations apply to W. C. BLAKE, Ticket Agent, Union Station. cea ECC RASS SEES ny A nC Wr) A a Be a Ke Ay { AG and think a moment, Mr. Merchant, what a great amount of time, trouble and money you might save if you put your business on a cash basis by the use of our coupon books. Time saved by doing away with book- keeping. Troublesaved by not having to keep after people who are slow pay. Money saved by having no unpaid accounts. We have thousands of customers who would not do business any other way. We make four kinds of cou- pon books at the same price. We will cheerfully send samples free on appli- cation. Tradesman Company, Grand Rapids > Ss SAIS) AAAS He e Ke CIB PtOoe Oxiord Flakes BEAUTIFUL PACKAGES 3 SIZES CRISP WHEAT FLAKES AT ALL JOBBERS. Retail at roc, 15c and 25c¢ per package. Maintains your profit, Mr. Retailer, buy them. Oxford Pure Food Co., Limited Detrot. Mich.. U.S. A. MILES AT OXFORD, OAKLAND CO.; MICH. .. SANSA et OOCCO4 SS OS OE6666 00000096 66066006 60006606 POOH HSS HOG SDOSS SH OOHOHOSS OHOOOOHS HO 6 HO09F050060006600666600006 066 Flave You Are you tired of 3% or 6% interest? Do you want your money to earn something? Idle If you are, write for “A Messenger from Mexico” to MEXICAN MuTUAL MAHOGANY & RUBBER Co., 762 to 766 Spitzer Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. Money has become known on account of its good qualities. Merchants handle Mica because their customers want the best axle grease they can get for their money. Mica is the best because it is made especially to reduce friction, and friction is the greatest destroyer of axles and axle boxes. It is becoming a common saying that “Only one-half as much Mica is required for satisfactory lubrication as of any other axle grease,” so that Mica is not only the best axle grease on the market but the most eco- nomical as well. Ask your dealer to show you Mica in the new white and blue tin packages. ILLUMINATING AND LUBRICATING OILS PERFECTION OIL IS THE STANDARD THE WORLD OVER HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR EMPTY OARBON AND GASOLINE SARRELS STANDARD OIL co. FSSGESCESTES 4 - HARDWARE DEALERS Who desire to make a good profit should not fail to write at once for our CATALOGUE NO. 174 They will find it an interesting volume that offers plenty of food for thought. A close study of its con‘ents and an unbiased comparison of the prices it quotes will be amply rewarded when THE FACT is recognized that we SAVE YOU MONEY on almost everything in those lines on which the hard- ware dealer makes the largest profit and that sell six days in the week and 52 weeks in a year. Our catalogue contains 340 pages and gives valuable information to close buyers, quoting the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES ON BEST QUALITY GOODS in WICKLESS BLUE FLAME OIL, STOVE. SHELF HARDWARE, GARDEN AND FARMERS’ TOOLS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, OIL STOVES, GASOLINE STOVES, REFRIGERATORS, COOK STOVES, RANGES, OVENS, ETC, ETC. We are agents for the celebrated “INSURANCE” GASOLINE STOVES, and manufacturers of the famous line of “LEONARD CLEAN- ABLE” REFRIGERATORS. H. LEONARD & SONS Grand Rapids, Michigan thay, ites | asc gemnmne A snes ——