ab LF fan ey ¢ Wa 7 FL VO: ee Us >; UO SECS GNIS AE ae AO) ER ao carn aS mors 2 Cee P| PS GS A ie) | ». KG € k& A a oF “ 5H Vi Oxsy VW Gk os aX fe 7 \/ cS 3 A Y/ ii OX 5) Eee NSF OT ad NY) CU OIA SS ENA GE Eo NCI 2 ars ye : eS mer 2c a? “i ag Fe LE Re SS a S ee) L oN) np ro we yy) bo Pa y 23 fi ica fale ps ee LY AZ MD ay, “y L NV Lid, bocce - e 3 a AG é eee -G a As (CT ee es eee 2PUBLISHED WEEKLY (Oe SSS TRAD OOS SOOO LEE I KL —_ te ESMAN COMPANY, PUBLISHERS : re Z OW) I 75-9) SSS FOOT SSN ara Twentieth Year GRAND RAPIDS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1903. BUYERS!!! Of course you will attend the BUYERS’ EXCURSION AUGUST 24-29 INCLUSIVE to be given by the GRAND RAPIDS BOARD OF TRADE, from all parts of the Lower-Peninsula, at one and one-third fare. We invite you while in the city to : DUMP YOUR BUNDLES at our office. We are right handy down town and will take good care of them for you. If you are interested we would also like to talk with you on LOOSE LEAF SYSTEMS or any of our other productions. Grand Rapids Lithographing Co. Lithographers, Printers, Binders, Blank Book Manufacturers 8-16 Lyon Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. 4 Gena a >i 9 ee Sig, jin FFM meet) £e sae ; , Mer! A RR pean 4. Mea ; Ae ett. al - 2 Or Bap te 4 a oo : is * ‘ : a . jf , 2 Seg oe Pl ee Pa eae Take advantage of the Buyers’ Excursion which will be run to Grand Rapids from all parts of the Lower Peninsula, Aug. 24 to 29, for one and one- third fare. All our customers visiting this market during the excursion are cordially invited to inspect our new store. Judson Grocer Company Grand Rapids, Mich. If you have money to invest, talk ‘ with us—our suggestions may be of value to you. The number of people ; well satisfied with our services is steadily increasing. Our offices are easy to reach. Edward M. Deane & Company Bankers Offices Michigan Trust Bldg., 2d Floor Grand Rapids, Mich. The Balke Manufacturing Company, Sole Manufacturers of the BALKE Combined Davenport, Pool XYVYY AD Mh FOR THE HOME. There is Nothing [ore Enjoyable for indoor a The great majority of homes are de and in many cases on account of the great We have overcome all obstacles. W Table, with full equipment, at an extrer @ magnificent full length couch, suitabl used tn a moderate sized room, either ame of billiards or pool. $ On account of j lack of room, lete Pool or Billiard 1€ same time giving you use, and adapted to be tir dining room. for $1¢ to $25, and regular tables at $so to $200. rlor, We have a large line of children’s tables Catalogue on application. The Balke Manufacturing Co., 1 West Bridge Street, Grand Rapids MUTILATED PAGE BALLOU BASKETS ARE BEST Tre Love Song OF THE CAT - " \ ty " « | If parti a eta 7 " Yi, A } j W ' a7 rRACTS ATI EN HON. : Fruit Fruit e ¢ o : il merits of A _ ee Ballou Baskets } lavor KE lavor g construction, at same price as for inferior g which your er Just DEMAND Ba I r order direct They are always right. BALLOU BASKET WORKS fl hi C Is th e | Popular Flake Food With the masses. Delicious, palatable, nourishing and eco- nomical. Liberal discounts to the trade. Order through your jobber. Write for free sample and particulars. Globe Food Company, Limited A shining success. No other Flour so 318 Houseman Block, ony both me “a pastry. Grand Rapids, Mich. ‘ Walsh-DeRoo Milling Zo. | Distributors: Judson Grocer Company, Worden Grocer Co., Musselman Bolland, Michigan Grocer Co., Grand Rapids ARCEMIS oc EE, ARETE. 0 ee AT CARTER LEDGER SYSTEM. Gimple =—— Account File A quick and easy method of keeping your accounts. Es- pecially handy for keeping ac count of goods let out on ap- proval, and for petty accounts with which one does not like to encumber the regular ledger. By using this file or ledger for charging accounts, it will save j j } 1 j } | | one-half the time and cost of keeping a set of books. | Charge goods, when |purchased, directly SAMPLE SIZE CABINET Regular No. I size, has 4 rows | P " * € 20 ete oar ; s } y ¢ ~ of 30 pockets, each holding 120 Small Ledgers. on file, then your cus- ems, takesthe order, charges the goods, gives |tomer’s bill is always nd keeps the account posted ‘‘up-to-date’’ Vosts less for supplies, than y other system |ready for him, and gs icate is given withevery order. One ledger i 1 r + | . ng th on as much business as five of the ordinary du- ;can be found quickly, cos . Besides ycu have your customer’s well nd book, made of good writing paper, instead of lon account of the flimsy pads made of news print paper. neal aie § Dhiin . 4 + a Send For Catalogue and Prices. | | ‘ saves you looking over several leaves of a day book if not posted, The Simple Account File Co.., | when a customer comes in to pay an account and you are busy wait- | FREMONT, OHIO. | ing on a prospective buyer. ig -}| TRADESMAN COMPANY, Grand Rapids > S ae, USS , a ! AS Cre

( I € nec auy 61 n I e to give away " 1 / t custon > rs t r 1 ae eee celle. ee a eee MICHIGAN TRADESMAN ? THE AFTERMATH. holiday. The successful picnic is PTHe BRILLIANT Gas or Gasoline Mantles at a nly possible when the merchants and] ®@ e Oc on the Dollar What Muskegon Merchants Say manufacturers, the artisans and : Gives 100 Candle Power Light _ ; 5 About Their Recent Picnic. ce men all join hands |@ At ms Cents a Month GLOVER’S WHOLESALE MDSE. CO. - it Le en ee eee Rehishie. Sake and ; MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS g make some sacri- 3 Satisfactory \ 3 of GAS AND GASOLINE SUNDRIES ole h their neighbors |g iT NEVER FAILS s Grand Rapids, Mich . a ¢ Over 100,000 ir ly u s a S ers day with s ing the ps © years, it : ra store c oo e : | ss pic ugh it] fsmpzuar = | The’s 99 rn - th . a wi — - s ar S aig _ s The Br a ha ° ty ind ‘ t St a a 4: at 6 2 é s $s 1s with | CR@monsenone ne sencucconone Flint Roadster ¢ ge degree “The Touring Car For Two” os Of course] 40 HIGHEST AWARDS | ““'| In Europe and America | years ago at Reed's | : wae Baker & Go, Lid. : cn : : ‘a The Oldest and c T Largest Manufacturers of | cnic. W pe PURE, HIGH GRADE | ee : Full 8 horse power engine s We rally a 0 C 0 A S (proven, not estimated) he G. RR. & 1 More Power—More Comfort— More a S vy r AND Leg Room—More Seat Room—More We G Rapids t\ Style—More Finish and Less Com- 7O8 \ CHOGOLATES plications than any other Run-a-bout. r : ' \\ We want one of our machines run- " - ' t ' s & oa used in | ning in your town right away. And > Trade-mark Their Breakfast Cocoa is we will actually make the price to S I s nutri tious, and costs we oy dt ———— get your business now. ‘Agency goes : < displeased with | gftevbremumm 9d checaate, 4 wp 0 || with sample. We guarantee imme- : ° ienic Grand | Pia colate in the market for family use. diate delivery and pay your traveling Q “ art c \ = er coe Is good to eat issue to prove enettelas Write 7 ’ yi a a c ‘ tt open nn, and : ng i iaaiied - aitic a pic g ds Ve k for and make sure that they get | to-day for confidential prop lo < es d § The above trade-mark is o you mean business. very package. S \ ‘ Cr i Se ibe 4 ° . ; ee aad ee Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Flint Automobile Co. Se oe ae Dorchester, Mass. Flint, Michigan. : ra id i as cn ee Established 1780. vec isk y an Grar I < 1 g Y nember the re- a : TI e, one box S. C. W = “<1 Corl, Knott & Co., Ltd nee! ihe annu i the ’ - r ° gree ge [oS announce their first fall and winter ik g a tn Cc g g the arrange 5 in cant 4 « for them in ge copied more or less ideas o} Millinery Opening : 2 > > Grant I is crs, id s 6 the S ie gam es were t for sfacto d not please the skeg rowd. 7 ittee app pre August 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 yet third r was peressive All ¢ it th hant invited to close for when they will show a complete line of i A lay a vit gre s and \ os it a merchants’ pic Pattern Hats e Not ler a fT ed t ry ot _ 1 = : 1 the picnic was hel Tailor Made and Street Hats S € n -— « imuttee . 0 The Imported Novelties and . ' 8 S Cc y and ar * * ° Mus sa big a General Line of Millinery > S tt wa l ' : : cd 2 geress They said We manufacture a practical line of ready to wear hats i : a eee from $4.50 to $24 per dozen. p { S id call the S s picnic. This idea was . the city was deserted We extend a cordial invitation to our customers, pres- as everybody went . . Michigan. Many new ent and prospective, to avail themselves of the excur- £ 1 or iced nd ll rere ao i i‘ Fe Bs “ sis . . . © ag rs were} sion rates which will prevail from all points in the ] 2 ss ne litte res- this year endeavored to o all lower Peninsula to Grand Rapids the last week in busi s men’s > 18 previous efforts. I remember a year i , h no effects but | ago the r4tl Pid of August, the August. ches it such dat the business men’s picnic at Corl, Knott & Co S g. I claim that a Lake Michigan “Park a prominent : ic su d in our city is | out-of-town newspaper man said to 20, 22, 24 and 26 North Division Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. ® reighted w greater good than a|me: ‘There is only one town in MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 3 Michigan, and that is Muskegon, where a successful picnic is conduct- ed” He said he attended about all the picnics in the State and never did see anything to compare to our out- ing. He thought such picnics were The reason for our successful picnic is due large- ly to the hard and faithful work of the Executive Committee and _ all sub-committees.” only possible in our city. Mr. Riedel in his concluding sen- tences is to be pardoned for express- ing a little home pride, and also for exhibiting a considerable degree of modesty by giving the Executive Committee and sub-committees entire credit for the i While they did faithf work, the hardest and most faithful ] success Of the picnic. hard and worker was Mr. Riedel himse As has been the case with all pre- vious picnics, considerable valuable experience was gained from the pic- nic of 1903. Next year the water mel- on distribution will probably be elim inated. This is not because it has not proven a good feature, but it has been held for two years now and the committee does not like to run the risk of any prominent feature becom- If they do not have the water melon ing stale. distribution next year, they will have something else just as It is likely that the Muskegon Traction & Lighting Co., who oper- ate the local street railway and own Lake Michigan Park, where the pic- such sood nic was held, will not regret a determination for it required the labor of a large force of men for two days to clear the grounds of the bushels of melon rinds which the merry picnickers left behind. There is one thing sure and that is that the coffee feature will be re- The custom of giving out hot coffee, properly brewed, just at the tained. dinner hour, has proven very popular. The picnickers have been permitted to bring pails and carry away almost any reasonable quantity of the coffee. The result was that almost every pic- nic party had a hot drink to accom- pany its cold lunch and the coffee was something the public ciated. really appre- The advertising matter which was distributed at the picnic for the job- bers and manufacturers also pleased the crowd. If any of those who furn- ished the advertising matter or sam- ples were in doubt about the wisdom or value of this feature, particularly the value to them in an advertising way, they will undoubtedly be reas- sured by the statement of Louis Lunsford, a member of the Executive Committee, who said to me in con- versation: “Some time after the distribution was over, I purposely made a tour of the grounds to see whether the sou distributed were I did not find venirs which were appreciated or wasted. a single one anywhere in the grounds, indicating that the picnickers had tak- en all home with them, where I have no doubt they did the contributors a large amount of good.” A significant feature of the picnic this year was its closing feature, a banquet given by the Executive Com- mittee to representatives of the local press and the officials of the Muske- gon Traction & Lighting Co. If the merchants of any town are contem- plating holding a picnic either this year or next, I would advise them if possible to enlist the hearty co-oper- ation of the press of their city. It can be done by treating them fairly, giving them an equal chance at the This enjoyed news, showing no favoritism. year’s picnic in Muskegon the heartiest assistance of the press. How well it was appreciated is evi dent by the remark of Mr. Lunsford: don’t think the success of the pic- nic was due to the Executive Com- entirely; I believe the success They mittee was largely due to the press ” people stirred up. lent tribute was_that “The business men’s picnic advertises Mus- I lam | Smit} rh 2nid- James . SJMith, WoO said: kegon and makes the city better liked by the people here. The best fea ure is that everything is free and alism in it. All there is no commerc! A other holidays are disfigured by the fact re is a desire to geta few shekels out of the outsiders. They were astonished when they were told that nobody was asking for anything The members of the press more har ion consider the ind what they can They recog e the value of the picnic and I feel sure the picnic association will al ys have the co-operation of the press. I hope you will continue the \ . 1 i" on should not hold as successfu a pic- nic as the one which occurs annually n Muskegon, and threatens to make that city fan Frederick. > 2 The Clock Struck One. The head o beloved f the family with the sweetbriar and his favorite d back in the comfortable even- magazine, had settled rocker for a quiet, On the other side of an interven- was the miniature counter- part of himself, the wrinkling of ee ee ght-year-old .forehead indi- i ' 1 ‘ cated that he was mentally wrestling with some perplexing problem. Af- oe venbual 1 ‘4 eas : tel a wihiie he LOOKea toward his and, with + ’ DOY. "Tes, my “Every everything ‘There is nothing, my son, that he can not do a clock that 1 1 strike Jess than one! ‘Now, Johnny, go right upstairs 0 your ma, and don’t stop down 1e when I’m reading.” here tO annoy t went and wondered still. >. How They Bought a Baby. A returned missionary tells the story of a tiny baby girl who was brought to her dispensary in Soo Two young Chinamen were Johnny chow. carrying it, and in a very awkward and embarrassed manner they told her the story. in a straw shanty, its mother dying, and had left $10 brought the have proper care. ywwn good, their ideas of would vithout leaving a sum of money with 1 " the great inventor, They had found it j with her and j where it would Although only baby h . I they taking the baby for its honesty 4 not permit them to do so considered the “right- > No Room for Improvement. “There is one branch of labor,” said “that must always » done by hand.’ be done Dy hand your money, “What is that? queried the re - <4: ’ “ Our financial responsibility is pFter. l 61 380 000-——voul new is safe r cKet pic ing, rep! ed th yreat $1,980,000 ng re ventor, with a ghoulish grin secure and always under your Reed's Lake. They Save Time. Trouble Cash Get our Latest Prices Bt eee At a MICH- | { 01d National Bank 4 Grand Rapids, Mich. “ gl ee ce cal Certificates of Deposit We pay 3 per cent. on certifi- cates of deposit left with us one year. They are payable ON DEMAND. It is not neces- Sary to give us any notice i, your intention to een control. The lest bank in Grand Rapi ONA REEDS LAKE Get our resort be If you come from the north, saving time and money. You Grand “ yourself a little time for a visit to one or more of our resorts. It requires but a few moments to reac h North Park, John Ball Park or yok at No. 38 North take our car at Mill Creek, Grand Rapids Railway Co. A re breakfast VOIGT Cr . CREAL Fox ld k ap Ss, Mi ady. to-eat WO) Co., Lrp, OIGT CREAM FLAKES fosa Aa ae atari Mens 5 Sachsen ee a _an See ibtncaes ae eee 4 MICHIGAN TRADESMAN | ° erection of a new factory A d th St t conduct the farming implement and] Mr. Ainsworth will build a plant that| begun the e i 0 3 4 roun e a e produce business under the style of| will represent an investment of fromjon East Clay avenue. The company | | | ' The elevator will] employs thirty people at the present i rchants. : : Movements of Merchants the hay barn 36x60 | time a ’s furnishing goods |f in dimensions. Saginaw—The Herzog Table Co. H. Harrison,|has been organized with a_ capital this place, is taking | stock of $25,000, held as lle W. ‘ation at Niagara|H. Harrison, 500 shares; J. L. Jack id other Eastern ci- it S 4 | 14 « a a si - j I s—VW \ ghby s is being managed | 1 \\ ¢ his capable daugh- | ° > 5 | T T | : ss i J Ss j + S | . } S @ cs | skegon—Frank Manni1 9 7 S ' ¥ TY | : ty nd Guy Reynolds, of Hart, es purchased the grocery stock at Manufacturing Matters. | : a « rm . ¢ e * Clay avenue and Monroe—The capital stock of the * |} Seventh street and will continue the] Monroe Glass Co. has been increased | | business at tl same location from $30,000 to $80,000. ‘ | 4 } } T 1 ] } | 7 + — eanital rare be a | Belding The D. H. Bricker cloth lenominee—The capital stock of ling stock was s tit R Shoe Co. has been s i i a ml . i n . i s to Mr. Holden, of | increased from $45,000 to $90,000. ster | ' 1 ‘ _ ei ee =_— | { g > i ter sold Dy Dattie Urs capita stock x > r ar A. Fuhr a Batt imber Co. has C u s | ; . ' . ae . mn i stock inventoried $2,080.| been increased trom $20,000 to 960,- ' aie |, S g ed wit Mattav Phe American Fruit . ltal s $2,500 to engage in the| Juice Co. has completed its factory ommercial . 9 siness at this place. Jos g s being « pped with . $ = js ' lt) st } om cr PV a . Ora | oe Ltd. .a y Petrol i iS pl 2 Saginaw I VWaidron, manager! ae a Ke Detroit) $10 Dial annuseana aonnnartan PECaeh, Widdicomb Building, Grand Rapids . | Chesaning [The two grain. eleva-|S0 as er St. Johns and Detroit Opera House Block, Detroit * | operated by W. H Freeland & Co South Boardman—Davis & Don- Good but slow debtors pay ' W Ireland, have been leased so MOGHMGMesee upon receipt of our direct de- | V nd w be operated by a company | mill 16x48 feet, which will be TAee inand letters. Send all other ee C — n as the Chesanm g Grain Co.]as a storeroom for grain i accounts to our offices for collec- " , VV iL. relant be ge ral mana 1usKego!l onyd & Thayer, ; ‘ . ee ¢ " . 1 LSTerem - . i ‘ 7 I I a Tac irers on = yntectionery, hn ive | sin Hillsdal Manh eimer Bros have | — —-—- - oo - ——————— - ——— ———— ae eee ae *“| purchased the grocery stock of S. S. 7 ! ca iruff and will put a 36 foot arch- ' i i |way between the two stores, thus ee i j *~, | continuing the grocery business in ve S * lconnection with their clothing busi- a | shoes Sag & | ne ,ansing 1} h es % ; gaged - : 2 : ne : x | ‘ i i is Vvili i i> Capi-~ ee ee eopie j i s ~~ 4 UN A alt i1it , is i lt} mpat ut Tar om FT vyand : ones |] Derbv Chicago. i i C. A. Mapes and Mary A. Mapes, ‘ | of Lansing Like It ; ’r. Chas. E. Goodwin, for i. ri S s ron «AA. 7 ak an Ss me ) fo # s profes Mr | i " i ‘ites dk eaee | The selling qualities of a food preparation is siness at s| | what interests the dealer. Ifa food sells it pays ' r ' EN pits to handle it. a You can order a supply of .Vege-Meato and ster | rest assured that it will be sold promptly at a good a aay | profit. Send for samples and introductory prices. \ Linswt¢ nd sodfrey, warehouse by fire, has decided to re- i TL agg wale re rh ee Grand Rapids, Mich. nd Ge F. Wilson, of Lowell, | build on the same site and will con- tinue the business in his own name. ip a will ” MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 5 | Grand Ra ids Gossip Green Peppers—$1 per bu. The Grocery Market. vance al prices. Peas are ; ea - pic SS Honey The crop in all sections Sugar—The causes leading up to auiet and ed Stocks in first : Ly : . of the country is the largest ever | the decline of 10 points last Wedries- hands are verv light Pe ; Slepicka & Mack have engaged in | nf ig a I j ; : ; é : : known, except in the Rocky Moun-|day followed by an advance of 1I0 Some 1 s | l j the drug business at Leland. The | : i : 4 : oe i i nen : : oe . _ faim region. The quality is also] points on all grades two davs later|ed in Baltimore, but it has been 4 Hazeltine & Perkins Drug Co. furn- : : ea i : ; ui above the average. Dealers hold|are, of course, difficult of discern-}|ed at prices that are almost pr ) j ished the stock. Lu ; i . ' , i dark at 9@1oc and white clover at|ment. It is reported that the Arbuc- | tive : John Widdicomb Company is | 12@13¢c. kles were cutting 10 points in the Dried ts $ t 4 putting up a storage building and Hegre ifornias, $3.50; Mes-| Eastern market on the quiet and the] ed fruit rrocery trad i warehouse 8ox150 feet at the main sinas, ; Verdillis, $4.75. American Company merely followed]is reported good as far as the jot i plant on Fifth street. The company a ae 60c per bu.; head,|in the open. Others say that it is|bers are concerned Buyer , : ce alan 071 a . 3] nen / e : - . ' 1 is also building a new dry kiln at the | 7c per bu. but a scheme of the big refineries to Hl iia Mie " } , kc : * Charlotte works. Mint—soc per doz. bunches. bear the raw sugar market im N Arthus W. Olds has sold his drug fuskmelons—Rockyfords fromIn-|order to get their material for the] from first hands are taking « y > aanaanmseqeenan ametaneiowe ste stock at 180 Butterworth avenue to ina, $1.50 per crate. Gems from In-| heavy demand at a low price. Still |‘Slowly TT) se purchase ila C. EF. Armstrong, who will continue | diana and Illinois, 60c per basket; | others say it is the outcropping of the |ito think the present prices too hig! the business at the same location Michigan osage, $1.75 per crate ition of the Ameri-| As the California Fruit G i Mr. Olds will engage in the practice Onions—Louisianas in 65 fb. sacks, | can zy Company to get|marks, cured fruit is not an a of veterinary medicine and surgery. | $1.50. Kentucky, $2.50 per bbl. business ae and anyhow.|necessity and it may be that oa oe eae Oranges—California late Valencias,| Again the prospect of a large crop] packers t] l r S. R. Smith, who has for some time “a . ‘ i ga asic th oh ' + $44.50; Mediterranean Sweets, | of beet sugar coming on heir efforts ‘a ‘ yeen en yed in the s cee : i ber I . — ce — qe ne - $3.50@3.75- within the next sixty days shut off the « 1 4 1 . DL Malis. a oopersville, an , | i a i : a wl r t — E aki; Mr Parsley—z25c per doz. bunches. had some effect. About EE ae | 1 ). Smith, cashier fo lin Mac- > i : ; a : : i y A sey rs er for “eta _ “i Peaches—Early Michigans fetch|thing that is sure is that the market]ises to be rather short i j -agh o., Chicago, have purchas- |, : oe i ie : r 4 teens & C — 80; t r P $1 245 Crane’s Yellow command is OF IO points and is in an unsettled I lv likely that the present a ed the drug stock of Sliter & Strong, | ¢, _- i Ty ni ios el ' ui rg log >?! $1.50. Local handlers complainthat]state, with, we should say, fair|will be lowered materially i at 1 e 1 oO . has ( t re’ hy ‘ $2.50. 8@oc: old fowls, 7@8c; white sj 4 - Bananas—Good _ shipping stock, | ducks, 8@oc; old turkeys, 9@IIc; : ‘ ial $1.25(@2.25 per bunch. . . whe a _ . past week Lhe market is nim, now- Neate Trad ue aa 4 $1.25@2.25 | ul nester squabs, $1.50@2 per doz.; ' i A : a" ' ' 1 I c ‘ ewer “nV +1 dvance is predict 4 Beets—6oc per bu. pigeons, soc per doz. ver, i an advat | p i slackberrie Si25 per i Compound syrup is unchanged and | 4, ‘ Blackberries—$1.25 pet so Radishes—China Rose, i12c per cg cy ne ay 4 7 + du Sugar syrup is trm ana tne : ' crat doz.: Chartiers, I2c; round, 12c ' ing Butter--Creamery is without nota- ee : demand 1S fait WLOLaSSES quiet past few ( 4 it " a Simmer Saiash soe per 34) Oey ae b ( alers still holding to bata : icnhangea prircts for futur 1 ( j i i basket. : | an / ne j 19c for and 20c for fancy. Re- Canned Goods—The demand for|terest is noted in t ’ , ue 1 Tomatoes—Home grown in % bu i Cee ceipts da grades show a slight ; ee ie gt : , | tomatoes is light, because jobbers] nut market a . . askets fetch $1. The price will ‘grad ee ‘ falling off and a slightly higher range | ”“ kets fetch $1. The price wil 1C~ | think the situa varrants the be- r VVe, ror } - + + i, scala , 0 ually recede from now on. ae 3 ; , of values is anticipated by the trade.) ““ - ee ee lief that they not in any « t it Dealers meet no difficulty in obtain- Turnips—6oc per bu. have to pay more for tomatoes than] and t! ng 12c for packing stock, 14c for Watermelons—Large shipments of | present prices, and may have to pay | being P choice and 16c for fancy. melons are coming in. Missouri, Il- | less This belief may prove to be] are selling 4 Cabbage—so@6oc per doz. linois and Indiana are now getting|the correct one, and it may not. It Rolled O « i i : Xf € i il Carrots—6oc per bu. into the game and some very fine|depends largely on wi frost|,_. i Caulifower—$1 per doz. fruit is being received. Warm weath-| holds off well or not crop ne Celery—i16c per bunch. er is needed to make the best de-| very late and the pack will be late.}, ' . : ° ; k ~ Cucumbers—1i5c per doz. mand, but the jobbers have had no a Au Egegs—Receipts are not quite so great difficulty in getting rid of their but arrivals are confined al-|stock in spite of the temperature. ris i S most wholly to harvest eggs, in/ Prices are holding well up, ranging S g- . which the: proportion of bad eggs is from 20@22c for 22 th. average ' ' very small. The price has advanced Wax Beans—$r1 per bu nang g ’ . a ° - ~~ o> $20 ( c per doz., being now 16@I17c tor un eg iL ' ‘ 4 i E. J. Darling, district manager ot a ndied and ta(@isc tor case count. i i os j VX" 1 1 | i ‘ : i “| the Force Food Co., Detroit: I am a Egg Plant—Home grown fetches , 1 . / 4 Pe i , only a recent subscriber to your val- :| o1.5@ per COZ. | ‘, ' . 1 ae a : . |uable paper, but already look forward Grapes—The only variety now in . ! ! : 1p | ! i i pall to its weekly visits. Every progres-|, |, i Fe ae ei ca ee market is Delawares from Delaware, | _.- HM UE : ie to the average for the last few weeks. | so sive retailer should be a subscriber, , | ee which command $3 per 8 _ basket 4 in mt It is hard to get y kind of future } as the value of its contents can not +4 | rate ; , corn at prices acceptable to buyers cCrace 1 I 5 als be estimated. Each number is worth | asa soe b ' nd crop looks good, but the price of .> el subscription. . . . n Onions—tic per doz. for a) » the New York crop very bad. Pack- DR. . WILLARD M. BURLESON silver skins. For Gillies’ N. a tea, all kinds,|ers are not willing to book any new wie a oo ani Green Peas—8o0@goc per bu. | grades and prices, Visner, both phones j business, even at a substantial ad- |} 103 Monroe Street rand Rapids, Mich. reen Corn—tI2c per doz. : , he The Maryla e ‘tt naan insert : oe x ine ae Special Features of . Produce Sp 1 Corresponder ‘ k, Aug . . of 5p c + Kip £ y - 5 7 Ss ~~. Cy io ) | S c . 4 4 “Tt © S S Sy S bee | os TI . t \ t New York Market the Grocery and | Trade. nents. Maryland ire worth MICHIGAN TRADESMAN Soc. y, 14@16c, latter for fancy vated, 14@I7c Th e is differe in tl lity of s ym top ¢g s n9 calt Yr r E re t . Fr S e + I . i pork products ee P The Eternal Motherly. standard 3s, spot, A kind didi reanreietaanets-delmmesndabenn . a —— ee . Feelin pnt natandias Stns entonen ae ae ee ee ee a ee One of the Old Man’s Best. -hearted woman saw a small | seated on benches in other day, the one of MR. CLOTHIER! My special advertising m k ne on street park the afterward she st as big as proposition to clothing ee an enthusi- | merchants will interest you. . ti-tobacco worker and never It will increase your sales, too. Let me tell you about it. mpress, es- inds, the mn youthful m s of using tobacco in any form. g herself by the side of the C. B. OWEN, Hudson, [lich. she said k Oh, my oer, > d lurab le Sse" ALABASTINE = and be auti- AL ABASTINE ei * a ” he é Rather think he would,” respond- | ful wall coat is not a cheap, oC he , stuck on with glue, ; - > twentieth century young man, for disease ge d lete information, mention- from his | jing t removing the this paper uth, s is one of his best ci- | prdernd age Rapids, Mich. and 105 Water Street, New York City : > 2 — | 1ine times out of ten a person's ‘ELLIOT O. GROSVENOR business is judged by the advertis- | Late State Food Commissioner ing he does. | Advisory Counsel to manufacturers and -|jobbers whose interests are affected by 'the Food Laws of any state. Corres- QUICK MEAL | pondence invited. |1232 Majestic Building, Detroit, Mich. Gas, Gasoline, Wickless Stoves | Olivet Phone 1350 ae ivet Col le \ ge Michigan WILLARD G. SPERRY, D. D., President A progre ssive Christian Institution of the Liberal 4 lso Music, Pre parati ory and Art Schools, a splendid library; well equipped science laboratories; lormitory for yor ing women; Courses largely elect- D. E. VANDERVEEN, Jobber live; state tea re ce rtificate to graduates wi ith Grand Rapids, Mich Pedagogy; expenses moderate. For catalogue and Rap information address ALBERT L. LEE, Sec-Treas. And Steel Ranges Have a world renowned reputation. Write for catalogue and discount. Baker Mercantile Co. Wholesale Dealers in Jobs in All Kinds of Merchandise 110 South Division Street. Grand Rapids, Mich. Open for business Thursday, Aug. 20, 1903 Tinware, Wali Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, We Glassware, jobs in Clothing, Crockery, Books, Toys, Paper, Fancy Goods, Brushes, Underwear, Etc., Write us in regard to what you can use at a price, or call Watch this space for prices. Something new each here is money in jobs. BAKER MERCANTILE CO. have Candies, Etc. and see us. week. T To the Retail Grocer: , We believe you can make no better invest- ment of a few dollars than by taking advantage of the Buyers’ Excursion rates (Aug. 24-29) and visiting the Grand Rapids jobbers. We invite you to make our office your headquarters while in the city, and hope to see you all. WoRDEN (GROCER COMPANY Cor. Ionia and Fulton Sts., Grand Rapids. See MICHIGAN TRADESMAN ct cacgustscammmenemmmmntnnaincenscamnmunnnttn ttt penen gece Observations of a Gotham Egg Man. I thing the reduction of refrigera- stocks has been a little less tor egg during the past six days’ than during the previous equal period. At this season of the year the fresh goods have first call among most of the and the refrigerators are used only to make up the deficiency in the fresh gathered as compared with actual consumptive needs. Of course as soon as the supply of fresh below consumptive have to go to the re- frigerators and prices for fresh ad- to a parity with the rates at which equal qualities of refrigérator be obtained, or at which dealers are willing to work out their But the pref- so generally for fresh gath- trade gathered falls needs dealers vance 1 eggs can own reserve holding. erence is ered eggs of good quality that, so long as the supply of these is below consumptive they are promptly taken, and the quantity of refrigerator eggs used varies accord- ing to the deficiency in fresh goods. requirements, There are two reasons for a slight the during the past week: first, the supply of fresh has been a little larger, and decrease in use of refrigerators second, a larger proportion of the fresh stock has been of serviceable quality. The cooler weather lately prevailing has reduced the amount of loss on fresh gathered eggs ar- riving so that the same number of cases has had a greater supplying power, and a larger proportion of the receipts has been useful in the better While it has naturally quantity of refrigerator the total supply of fine to fancy fresh has continued be- actual consumptive needs and class of trade the eggs coming out, reduced LOW this has kept values firm. While our market, week before last, consumed 10,000 to 12,000 cases of refrigerator eggs in addition to the fresh arrivals it is probable that the amount of held stock used up during the past six days would not exceed about 8,000 to 10,000 cases. But for this season of year, this is a very satisfactory reduction, and if it should continue at equal rate dur- ing the balance of the month our pre- vious estimate of 50,000 cases reduc- tion in New York refrigergtor hold- ings by September probably Ist will be very closely realized. The refrigerator eggs thus far taken out of local storage are chiefly such as were put away earlier by the deal- ers who have used them. But dealers who were deterred from buy- some ing early by high prices ruling have been buying stock from first hands for immediate use, and the generally more favorable outlook, as outlined last week, has induced some specu- lative demand. There has_ conse- amount of frigerator stock changing hands and values fairly well defined. goods have sold chiefly in a range of 17'4@18%4c—the latter for rather exceptional quality—with most sales at 17@18c. Aprils have sold generally at 18@19c and that would be a full but fair quotation for prime to fancy grades as a selling basis. Many holders of fancy Aprils would not accept these prices, having set quently been a fair re- are now Many their mark at about 19'4@2oc, and we hear of occasional samples of espec- ially favored brands taken for inspec- tion with a view to purchase at those prices. But if any holder wanted to begin selling at this time he could not figure on drawing a bid over 19c, no matter how high the quality, and for average fine brands it would not be easy to find prompt buyers of any considerable quantity above 18%c, at which some speculative buyers could probably be found.—N. Y. Produce Review. lp — American Apples Now Snapped Up Abroad. The Department of Agriculture has continued its shipment of fresh fruit to Europe this season and has just begun to send over early apples from New York, New Jersey and Delaware orchards. The market has proved to and fruit has had no le in competing with the English and French apples. In fact, the ship- ments last year found such ready ac- be good, our ceptance that the first shipments this year were looked for and snapped up The first ly apples came } at once. consignment of Delaware, was sent on the steamship Min- netonka, July 25. trom ear, ane The returns receiv- ed at the Department showed the fol- New exclusive Williams, half boxes, h, carriers, boxes, $2.46; $1.46; lowing prices net at the pier in York, of ocean which is, of course, freight charges: boxes. carriers, 52.50; $1.18; Randol half boxes, strawberries, half boxes, $1.46; Fanny, carriers, boxes, $1.46; Summer carriers, boxes, $2.15; Havioe, carriers, boxes, $1.50; half boxes, 81 cents. These are regarded as very satisfactory prices for orchardists, being somewhat higher than prices realized at home. American The Government will con- tinue the shipments on into the fall until French and after that shipments of winter go forward until the Aus- tralian crop comes into market. i ——— The Life of a Seed. The United States Department of Agriculture is the extreme the English and crops compete with ours, the 1 nl a apples will usual our making experiments the Over a for purpose of determining vitality of seeds. hundred species of plants have been packed in a soil consisting of dry clay enclosed in pots, and buried at varying depths underground—eight sets at a depth of six inches, twelve at a depth of twenty, and a third set of twelve at a depth of three and a half feet. At end of one, two, three, five, seven, ten, fifteen, twen- ty, twenty-five, thirty, forty and fif- ty years a set each depth will be ex- humed and tested. The results of the experiment are likely to be of an extraordinary value to agricultur- ists, both commercially and scientif- ically. the Incidentally, it may be re- that authentic cases on record which prove that certain seeds have the power of sprouting after having been buried for long-periods wert] 4 ” called are of time, reliable tests having shown that twelve out of twenty-one spec- ies have the power of germinating after twenty years. aie sap memmnamaemamaecepeate ts sic Sete ne oe ET Made To Fit And Fit To Wear DO | if some one told you where you could invest your money so it would bring you twice as much as it does now? You would certainly follow the lead given you. Well, that’s just what we are telling you when we say Sell Standard Crackers | They will bring you twice as many customers as you now ] have because they are the best i crackers manufactured and are so well advertised. If you i will send us a trial order we : We want one dealer as an agent in every town will convince you of this. i in Michigan to sell the Great Western Fur and l ned Clo ‘oats catalogue and full pa a meri! E. J. Kruce & Co. Detroit. Mich. Ellsworth & Thayer Mnfg. Co.) Seat tis Chin Count MILWAUKEE, WIS. j B. B. DOWNARD, Genersi Sal | for our advertisement in the next issue An entirely new line, the best out Frank B. Shafer & Co. Northville, Mich. rr Pe cr RN ae ne nthe aap een aren aceite se eatin MICHIGAN TRADESMAN * ious to get rid of it. The flea is not THE ONE THING NEEDFUL. about 25,000. A transcontinental , DESMAN at all a popular bird and yet who- Every once in a while there is a railroad is projected which, if car- CHIGA \. ie ie ne ae sishtaibnees soblien sci ele ty ee ried through, would help wonderful- Sets essen? cial al a ‘are not as they |l¥ to realize the Dominion’s scheme Devoted to the Best Interests of Business Men ought to be with our Northern neigh- | ° a Regia = ‘ Published weekly by the I bor d States is constantly | WOTS OUF arene — itl TRADESMAN COMPANY | sugge to elbow Canada into | ti™s to that point where she is going Grand Rapids I M ee ke out that | t° 5a something to say and have Subscription Price goods Besides belonging to a she, modestly calling heself Ameri- " fistened wy ° euyerety ane One een oan aah i vance. ly of great and famous bankers n—the whole thing, if you please— eis a bright one and the one ere ae a cular Mr. Rothschild is said to|;; the Western hemisphere and that neediul to make ths 2 ene " | the greatest flea expert and col-} po tever exists outside of her boun- is for her to throw off her n _ ti mtinue must t accom. yr in the world. He has these} gary jines is provincial. England has and, purified and redeemed ~ gre ha coy phat et t ountrie j | i cae ahaa that monarchy can claim, Scasuiheniie Grand Rapids Postoffice ‘ h big adopt the republican idea of living ne , ig letti live, of giving the other E. A. STOWE, Eprror. |. f = 3 008 n hance and helping her to WEDNESDAY - - - AUGUST 19, 1903. 3 : a. “i o improve it and better than anything STATE OF MICHIGAN )} iW t suing else putting aside as wrong in prin- Count Kent iy | ciple and wrong in practice the ruin- . ian a sworn, de-| of th us doctrine that might is right and poses says as follows ls that possession irrespective of justice al the off f tl 1, en is ten points of the law. That is r i i N Canada has inherited from Eng- ea i long as she clings to nal ee oa i a puts it into practice 7 C S tl see copbees base sete Geet. Fc ee shic cart {just so long she is going to be an sav 1 Ss i foe ; pty -r relations with the as : ial 4s — rid furt rd ent saith not ir teresting in this connection J DeBoer. Jag Canada is ready to 4 . subscrilt efore me,a st liberal terms with countries \ s c I trade on liberal terms with < \ugus I it is important to note that H B. Faircl I faet trade that gives N C for Kent | ont the bargain every ty, Mich | fish in the same = Scans — : : ae Ten aly ae | waters with her and the quarrel we THE SUICIDE ROUTE. | Indiana has a mew style of divorce [to trade on Eberst terens with coun-| vot into with her was due to the I is of 1 State Railway | law, which it proposes to give a ee _ eT en she was determined to have ' i js ' Grand | me the Spe wee —_ ia — igen 4 oe ayes oe Hints the advantage, if there was any. The I R ~ \ cs | with some interest in other states. “ Ce lf-cent |! be hers every time g et s g t | s sort of a s e er or st to know the : : to go to Indiana, as son see with her is to the South | t It pr want and to want is to reach out and s I livorce, i t i woe r undertakes | i 5 og - rt _ to stop r. fondness for r eR a nt his is all that is necessary. i ern eee 99 er ? ' a Al dot (ok en S S 1 eo ¢ ap a ak aiek Wes es ei i ea cates it on her own possessions no : ; | s. ihe theory 1s eo the eT " T : matte what landmarks show. : | F sii anit a ce wate Can has inherited the same pro- 1s t é I £ i cc und when she ed up the ‘ ( I i | t f x “— nes ie a c a ne ak nd put them down so that s destination by any] oN ee a ee ug pay cn +t ‘ig sie ; vi i a the gold mines in the Far Northwest ie ge jand fi happily forever after. The] : Har re should be 1’s she was but copy- s s ys il sage cre ng t f the family set in 1 ah i | HT rough whose r si uauoual : rere - iY yuth Africa g g ; | en ee _by on ¢ ae a ns - nel asserts that natural s to |} signed by the ° i ae towards union be- S t ; It is s & ' ' riff States and the Do- I : ‘a t it wv oe a language, literature, : t s | ‘ s I st which it a tions, social senti- t st Suic S sig inis t are the same on s nes the | t line. The popula- g s tit ” ' PPY sain a isa gh t , fusing and there will | ' , eae : divide them but a t yt = eee : er em —which is all true 2 ° S S i be| ° ' 16 hina aU . oe ir but these condi- 5. ee re ee ee forever if Canada 9 ted | ' oe — p, but feudalism, her in- < ! g i present rices S ng ‘dinate greed and adopt the Repub- é va , ee een ii tan + it international law is S nter prices. chee Of gene ilaracty + based 1e Golden Rule. : el ! i a a tion. Last ye ee ‘i ' on i I 1 i >| Northwest. pre 1 94,000,000 bt A Kansas farmer, who has_ just : t VE ts ( ne els of wheat, 1 57,000,000 bushels of | this week 1ed harvesting his -a¢}enterprises have been inaugurated in] oats and 35,000,000 bushels of barley.| wheat crop, has decided to ship it i ‘| a h+ | consequence of the cl h : tes place this i 0 New York. His farm con- ae en rt r gures 6,000 acres and his crop i , f ‘ e deg eat land is pu >d 22 bushels per acre. To d in 1are miles. M rt this product to New York " - wn ther argely increasing, 1 hey | 220 cars holding 600 bushels each Most 1 e if the posses- jit. Cotton do so under a higher tariff.| will be required, which would make * sion a flea are particularly anx-jof them ligration last year amounted tola train two miles in length. e MICHIGAN TRADESMAN | PRIMARY EDUCATION. to the capacity of the young teach-|ning at the Ci Much has been said and written . se Janes, aoe _ i perenst ' about the noble conceptions of the ee cee & tenn Set ee tape pipet leaders in what is known as “modern With most of the advanced teach- | “ seg ps ' education,” and which is assumed to|ers there is a marked aversion to the | ioegatiane seize upon the child at least as soon | educational methods which have hith- | . ‘ eae as he is weaned, develop his body |erto developed the great men of the ee Hy 7 into manly or womanly proportions, | world, and a firm conviction that by na pigs and imbue it with the sturdiness of | artful fashioning it is quite possible ee ig! perfect health, watch carefully for|to construct a silk purse out of a a : " the awakening of the embryo intel-|sow’s ear. They conceive tl : ap - se gl ! en f lect which it shall stimulate, develop | desirable end can most oa tay 7 nee a : : i ) and direct unto the keenness of per-|accomplished by contin ee o gnats fect mental vision, while at the same]up of desirable faculties : , 1 na ne time gently encouraging the growth | dormant re ae re es of all the moral virtues and faithfully | undesira which ace Pe os a tu repressing all tendencies to evil, un-|orous ye ee y oe — o sith til the child in his pinafore is ready | teacher’ i oer sm oe 7 for the kindergarten. Here ends the | filled esc! — So. i preliminary work of the deve d au Fain al i je sien father and mother, and that dmonitions to employ ther So ee ; appa) is usually spoken of as “mod S particular true of unive ty in Wa igh : . i coe a a cation” begins. . yn as distinguished from that wel a = aT en erage teacher and tl veragt \t the un omni! Cl H : 1 teacher a th te M | ass, there S » reac | “ discussion iS 4 i oe a i la very limited Pe cts and proce ani that many ; werw wane 4 the primary | _ | eth bic ant games psychologically arranged, ew need not aba 10 fashions him according to her edt uld rec ideal as she would any other raw on 4e possi material. In due time he is turned 3 | bil over to the primary teacher—to her ap- | also raw material—to be re-examined, re | ALL TRAINS TO reinventoried, and then reconstruct- s| The Washington i lines necessarily differing from | that a1 to be inaugurat- f the first process, since indi- ideals will differ, and the ma- is still plastic. And so the of manufacture continues | through school, the neophyte enter- ing each grade as raw material and leaving it as finished product, his s mental nature gradually toughening structure and be- me to spring back | | a t 1 é m all cou t ¢ ng out good d ] Arab sc yvolmaste sits | Vic © . T+ o eld hat 1 ‘ 1 wellelthe 1 lies ee fore adapted to the par- s pupils sit loyes of the Postal Dey ' t ticul: hin who | pract putting them 1 : P of the ve him at the \ they can not strike I second hand, as e result is|t Ss from running Everybody | rather immature 1 they |! vs that t United States S| all founded on a faithful study of Mohamme not be trifled with and that the}1 Emile, and a common if brief expe- lo not com-| United States mail has the right of | rience of a wicked world, bear a gen- ire wasting | } Interfering wit in ordinary | eral resemblance. The teachers way we old lp issenger train is ch less serious |] themselves have been finished off at iplication ta ffense than interfe g with mail the hands of those who have long at homej|train. The most violent trades union | f since themselves ceased to deal with 1e product | mob would hesitate to hold up even | Ps children in the mass and have for es 7 was rays sure of a cor-|a trolley car that has the little sign gotten some and imagined some as|rect result by backing up and begin-|“U. S. Mail” on the front end. A car MICHIGAN TRADESMAN Dry Goods Weekly Market Review o cipal Staples. the Prin- | WRAPPERS for Summer, WRAPPERS for Winte WRAPPERS for — WRAPPERS for I all, But some merchants to do business Without any wrappers at all. But the merchant who wants “ And desires to pr Will make judicious selectic For experience proves this to be true, That the “LOWELL” outranks every other Lowell Manufacturing Co. 87, 89, 91 Campau Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. i nf pt Buyers’ Excursion There will be a rate of one and one-third on all railroads to Grand Rapids, on August 24, 25, 26, 27 28 and 29, with the privilege of returning up to and including Sept. 8. To secure this rate, ask fora buy- 4 ers’ certificate when purchasing your ticket, and present the same to us for further instructions. ie Siekeeee ee a 4 >> — ~~ To ee _— . Vee eeenervyv eee . = SS SPECIAL RATES tO Piya RAPIDS 9 97 OQ on August 24, 2 6. 27.33 ana @ with the ae of returning up to and inclusive of September 8. To secure this rate of one and one-third for round trip purchase a ticket to this city, asking for a buyers’ certificate and present the same to us for further instructions. Grand Rapids Dry Goods Co. Exclusively Wholesale Grand Rapids, Mich. li hands of former. F however, does not seem to bear out | t are 1 {or are€ rood tor trade. A glance at the order books, |i believed, will find the this assertion. There are a large cn | et it ber of wholesale buyers in town, and | many manufacturers from the South season are here looking for fall merchandise. weavers repo The former have really placed a large in nearly all amount of business for spring deliv- de Wilton and ery, and the end is yet some distance]|sels rugs of the carpet sizes off. big request, and productions Carpets—The carpet manufacturing | sold up. Smyrnas of t tr situation continues along ¢ 1 den d. Art sai d that have been experienced ttle est months past The mills th 7 oe not been tied up with labor The Coming American. Hot Water or Steam ties have been enjoying a very busy} What will the American people b ‘*Made to heat period and are to-day well sold up|like in 100 years? onbieon” on their productions for the balance This question has been ' of the season. All the initial business |by Gustav: Michaud, is in the hands of the mill men, 1] Fre I ho has made they report that in this respect the ]investigation of the ct past season has gone far beyond th The Amée of the anti ~4 » 1¢ ns. su rers fry all sec- NY + ry ent * ie + * 1 ee Ms on Buys hy : " ’ rom the f[ + This is our No. 4 Steam Heater embodying the sam a 4 > country urchase iNnjin a great many respects : tion yf the cor ntry purcn . In |i great many respect of our hot water heater, excepting we have added a large steam dome, pro iuch larger quantities than h: een | be: l i n sie = Hh on i" Py be: viding ample steam storage capacity, insuring a steady water line and a usual wi them 11 he arke } } widen or aig : mm the Darker thorough separation of steam from the water, giving dry hot steam to the of the buving being at Sho . ‘ ae / , f the buying be va Shorte radiators and pipes without a “pounding” or “hammering” n¢ if prop- rates which went intc :. witernrtsinc : il ' \ i which went into ui baja E erly installed. These features, together with the fact of being able to get ot ulv Takin ry every ito con rtist 1 } fl July. Taking every rie eg rtisti up steam in 5 minutes from cold water, should commend the Rapid to any sideration 1e nanutact S wl | ¢ 1 es . . : 1 1 ideration, the manu : Hig I ' unprejudiced person desiring an efficient, economical steam heater. have teen alle hie Hate anaiie) dut- | a : ‘ 4 ee C ee ee tenn eer re Every steam heater is equipped with an automatic damper regulator ing the past few months, have ee ' . ‘ : ' ing the p Fev Sea , " safety valve, steam gauge, etc., including full set of fire tools. j their ‘ 1 1 ‘ al oe ee Write for catalogue telling all about these heaters and why they are has been little or no dif \ ind ful enwene 1 amounts A } } \ s season have ple ity oO ) rs head Y +} won y ie e it fairly good prices The Philadel- . its e s J I usted W . e ° ie phia mills in gener idle ee f x cali ' ® owing to the labor there, | dt a d 3 @ but as the backbone of the strike is | if she ’ . Newest Patterns 2 ee poling i 2 ————— " 8 practic: broken, it is believed that | .;.) ¢, | her ; hn jrial t ( I i s a general resumption will ta | ts 1S very d 3 e ° ° " since: alk aaa aaa s High rade Paints and Oils that are in a position to know be | ee : eS that the manufacturers who | The Place for Him. B s their plants up now will find little “I see you didn’t bring your hus S { L Harve & ( Ss hai Se : ae 1 1 ma 4 nh 3 ” . y . 5 yusiness in the field with which iband along The last time he cam« = at nake out a satisfactory season. rocked the boat : : i i make mat earners Syeee le rocked © Exclusively Retail 59 Monroe St., Grand Rapids, Mich. . the initial business has gone to other “Well, he’s safe enough now I © : ands 32 nile noes ders ot i ee iN ei Ua “ hands and only piece-out orders, it} left him home roking the cradle. SHOTS AS BOKS HS RODOAS ASHORE RSAORORC TO LE KE HOES KE RSTO REE soe la eta a ri a la MICHIGAN TRADESMAN Produce Growth and of the Produce Improvemen Trade ‘ies. It had two butter chests or if he does not. The farmer carries | \ Buyers and Shippers of it put the best an independent air and sometimes | e medium and s vs that he can get the accommoda- P O a Oo = S les tion at some other store. It would; jn carlots. Write or telephone us. ’ nd troubl pr I better for all rchants if this kind H. ELMER MOSELEY & CO. t was needed for of trade was put on a cash basis. The GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. days in the only way to put it there is by a dis- b nicely These tinct understanding among the mer- s ind in neighbor- | WE NEED YOUR soa veek a woman who The woman who brings a large F h E ges anda _—e ” but- res ges > cer. as POSSi- | S So she shope fae Prices Will Be Right 5 beat | S she does. Tt L. 0. SNEDECOR & SON ae age agianas rhe re Egg Receivers . i i i i. 36 Harrison Street, New York ° somet net W ch 1 | Reference: N. Y. National Exchange Bank s of course went on the should not, but he does not know pt nd furnished Tn any quantity. Weekly quotations and stencils furnished \ on application. : sitions @. D. Crittenden, 98 S. Div. St., Grand Rapids Wholesale Dealer in Butter, Eggs, Fruits and Produce Both Phones 1300 satisfactory showing THE VINKEMULDER COMPANY it this the merchant pre- Car Lot Receivers and Distributors 7 i the creamery, Watermelons, Pineapples, Oranges, Lemons, Cabbage, the cash. it makes Southern Onions, New Potatoes > a Y DoOStan Our Weekly Price List is FREE ; ig a 14-16 Ottawa Street, Grand Rapids, Michigan : i i i ou When Huckleberries are ripe, remember we can handle your shipments to advantage. Eggs continue to be the same old SHIP YOUR ie : st be dsp the mer Sal, ie dieuacaaree seo ost ss BRT, JR., DETROIT, MICH. oe and be sure of getting the Highest Market Price. ‘dering the pant poor 'N EW CROP TIMOTHY sa ' We shall begin receiving new crop Timothy Seed soon and rl shall be pleased to quote prices. ‘fas been im premot — AL FRED J. BROWN SEED Co. w that his competi GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Flint Glass Display Jars caves And Stands. " . Just what you want f dis; ng your fine ste ck of i preserves, — rit $5 Bi att r and Cheese. They “ increase trade w ani 1 give your ste rc a neat appearance. V on manufacturers i Fl Hi . on oe y | n rel rid, a t i i the « ly kin mn he — and yur prices are very iow “Orde r tri ar jobber or write fo atalogue h and Pr coc ' for — . : ' The Kneeland Crystal Creamery Co. . a : ‘ i 72 Concord St., Lansing, Mich. i ; For sale by Worden Grocer Co. and x ‘ y re crec i C ; A Lemon & Wheeler Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. The | er may i‘. ee a ” —_ lll 65" HERE'S THE © D-AH o whether or not Ship COYNE BROS., 161 So. Water St., Chicago, Il. competitor will give the credit | ana Coin will come to you. Car Lots Potatoes, Onions, Apples, Beans, ete, MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 13 what his competitor is likely to do.| exceed two-thirds, and in many dis- FE ¢ d E . Fill He is willing to take his chances on 'tricts the output will be up to that gg ases an SF ase I ers getting his share of the trade if he of the previous season. In Colusa]|Constantly on hand, a large supply of Egg Cases and Fillers. Sawed whitewood were sure that all dealers would stick the crop is from one and veneer basswood cases. Carload lots, mixed car lots or quantities to suit pur vr sa to the market. That assurance is) thirds of the last crop. chaser. We manufacture every kind of fillers known to the trade, and sell same in given him by the association. regular crop tl mixed cars or lesser quantities to suit purchas2r, Also Excelsior, Nails and Flats Reports from towns having trade 000,000 pounds carried constantly in stock. Prompt shipment and courteous treatment. Warehouses and associations have shown how well last year. Last season at this time | factory on Grand River, Eaton Rapids, Michigan. Address pleased the merchants in tho or om L. J. SMITH & CO., Eaton Rapids, Mich. co places are over the work of the asso- State, the crop of Igo! ciations. The fact that the produce time shipped to the Europea la trade has been Herne on a good basis ket. °° is alone suffici reward for the ef- Ore fort. of 300 carloads of prunes, while this The only criticism levied against | year she will send out 1,000 cars. So the association in this particular is| far the demand is very light on that it tends to keep prices so low prunes, notwithstanding that every that it drives trade away fre the thing points to a brisk demand later la ‘uropean buy ac a 4 o town. That occurs only in I European buyers, as a rule, do cases and where the assoc their purchasing in July, but so far ea of men who do not under his ear \ t quantities have ‘ stand that it is a means toward secur- | been sold. There is at present | always rs a eae want it. ing a kat i stock of prunes in | urope men who supposition is that win it hard think 11 bef € the dealers ever. They of people to of this kind. my But off, because the comp¢ how : ed of men is » do n forget trade wants the stock for holiday 10w bad p: condition rere and purposes. If the commercial pack- tho realize lat any organization; ers are not prepared t ipply the LU e like an individual must be fair in busi- | demand, there will be tl chance of * @ who Hess i it is to fast Rather than ia cz e€ away from their town (|the Eastern markets tl they will hold the margin at a small| great demand in prunes There is W OSsSO, 1C ® gure ( are in a position toa tendency to pass them by and wai .. se de policy is wrong. Tee ge SHH POE aeons ae The association furnishes a better them before purchasing. In _ this opportunity for making any town a 5 Son the nortl better produce market than any indi- tions as well a the o LEMONS AND PEACH ES- vidual can do. Merchants united can quite a quantity of dried prunes t i tall i SEND US YOUR OR iy alin iis Tr} do more for the town than d iged ds trom t grower t use our Ler vere gro nny Italy, and the Peac re now gn ” ’ rt i ; tha + i. of K at, iene nd Ottawa Coun Michig uals. Now and then some one mer- te packe apy nag a aa et ; : ti: : T ~ best fruit for the st ri chant may jar things in his territory The ¢ ste ' ' or county by giving outlandish prices on apric« JOHN P. OOSTING & Co. luce > * Car € stand it 200 per ¢ for produce, but he can not stand it 1,200 per 100 South Division Street, Grand Ra er’ Mich. long. A body of merchants meeting to increa References: Peoples Savings Bank, Lemon & Wheeler Company, Dun’s Commercial Ag once each week can take a survey of 1,500 in ano conditions in towns around them and _ season so regulate their prices as to protect qu the position of their own town suc- early cessfully Irate « John 6. Doan Gompany Outside of thi s the ques- | TOP, 2 Manufat A . tion of shipping returns on 000 carloads is c F it Pp k produce sent the commission houses. | ate. Phis is about ruil ac ages ‘14° 1 - 1 5 4 more than the cron ins at yon Within the past five years the dead- ' han t rop just closed. The Find Wholesale Dealer in Fruit and Produce beat commission man has been well !993-04 mn ‘gins about Oct. 1 Main Office 127 Louis Street wif ed out Occasic : nd continues until earlv the follow- Warehouse, Corner E. Fulton and Ferry Sts., GRAND RAPIDS. riped out. Occasior nt i nt inti early the follow q EGGS de pda tnd dea tnin dntandndandns tr WVyevvwwvyvyvyyevyywvTY a | comes on some concern which in business with the intention of ne eae aes making a temporary in its work before the responsi commission Sstldes! can move on the winter and curing a ee fakir. They do not last long and are a success. Many : : Sa We are the largest egg dealers in Western Michi We have a i becoming less frequent as a pest Pee ee ee eee eat reputation for square dealing. Wecan handle ; gs you ¢ Commercial Bulletin. en direct irom can ship us at highest market price. We refer you to the To irth { ee ul houses. The plan ena the rai National Bank of Grand Rapids. Citizens Phone 2654. ‘ California Prune Crop Smaller Than roads to bring the lemons East at tat Siac, . time when the roads are not sol 9» ORWANT & SON, cranpb RapiDs, mICH. Los Angeles, Cali., Aug. 8—The rus! California prune crop this year will mit t the f juick- SEEDS be about two-thirds of that of 1902, na : -~ TIMOTHY AND CLOVER or 133,000,000 pounds. The crop is the : . 11 kin - very even, as far as size is concern- and all kinds a ed, not showing the same irregularity Not s¢ as usual have FIELD SEEDS in this respect as in the previous left Ireland this year. Many Irish Send us your orders. ; season. The crop last year in San- people are retur1 o the land of M SELEY B S ta Clara county, the banner prune their birth. They have hopes that 1 O RO w2 es ] district in the State, was 130,000,000 conditions will improve there under Jobbers Potatoes, Beans, Seeds, Fruits. a i tl | ic Office and Warehouse znd Avenue and Hilton Street RAND 1 pounds, that of the State being 200,- the operations of the land purchase S RAPIDS, MICHIGAN ; 000,000 pounds. The San Joaquin bill. It is about time that Ireland & ® crop will not be one-half of last ceased to be known as “ the most rintin or ro uce wre | ers p year’s, while that in the North will distressed country.” ; 14 MICHIGAN TRADESMAN PRESENT DAY METHODS. been lenient to a young Advertising Experts Do Not Prac- tice What They Preach. up | ete. ERR, we Things We Sell er. | Iron pipe, brass rod, steam fittings, ‘electric fixtures, lead pipe, brass -|Wire, steam boilers, gas fixtures, |brass pipe, brass tubing, water |heaters, mantels, nickeled pipe, : 'brass in sheet, hot air furnaces, fire place goods. Weatherly & Pulte Grand Rapids, Mich. ~~ Retailers | Put the price on your goods. Merchants’ “io Quick Price and Sign Marker Made and sold by DAVID FORBES ** The Rubber Stamp Man’”’ 34 Canal Street. Grand Rapids, Michigan | Oleomargarine Stamps a specialty. Get Sreé g \T1 a i | x his $30 sheepskin he g A} \ S12 r i | | i } } ce g i | S } i i j ry g s | hina 1 1 a 4 ° | € cascaret advertise- | i our prices when in need of Rubber or Steel Stamps, Stencils, Seals, Checks, Plates, etc. Write for Catalogue. It helps to [It Saves inc. 2 manner that all’ heat A GOOD SELLER THE FAIRGRIEVE PATENT Retails Gas Toaster 332: artic ju, and it eserves your attentix It Saves‘ by toasting evenly and ickly on gas, gasoli r blu ame oil st , directly er flame, and is ready for use as s« s placed o t ased. The only toaster for use hat leaves toast free from Made of best materials, es lie o solder, lasts for vears ASK YOUR JOBBER Fairgrieve Toaster Mfg. Co. A. C. Sisman, Gen’! [igr. 287 Jefferson Avenue. DETROIT, MICH. SAVE THE LEAKS AUTOGRAPHIC STANDARD CASH REGISTERS Does what no other register will It gives vou acomplete statement lay’s } Tre « ] Makes clerks careful Detects carelessness What more do you want? Prices erate Ad STANDARD CASH REGISTER CO. | Nx Factory St., Wabash, Ind. 7 Pace oue H. M. Reynolds Roofing Co., Asphalt Torpedo Granite H, M. R. BRAND Ready Roofing. THE BEST PROCURABLE MANUFA CTUREO 6 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH Write for Samples and Prices RETAIL ee gy Stamps. We their trade | ir i em 1 one repres ore most ] ading a ec- st al€ of Sie 1ey rcl sm 1 ar m Wr f The Union Trading Stamp Co., Head Office, Whitney Bidg., Detroit, Mich a oo eekere Paint & Varnish Co. Paint, Color and Varnish Makers Mixed Paint, White Lead, Shingle Stains, Wood Fillers Sole Manufacturers CRYSTAL-ROCK FINISH for Interior and Exterior Use Corner 15th and Lucas Streets, Toledo Ohio CLARK-RUTKA-WEAVER CO., Wholesale Agents for Western Michigan Good Profit; Quick Sales. THOS. S. BEAUDOIN, Manufacturer i 518-24 18th St,, Detroit, Mich. PREPARED MUSTARD WITH HORSERADISH Just What the People Want. MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 16 { | ee] j 1 n f Automobiles Price $500 We can satisfy the most exacting as to price, quality and ¢ oO! perfection machinery Will practically demonstrate to buyers that we have the best machine adapted to this section and the work required Discount to the trade. Sherwood Hall Co., Limiied Grand Rapids, Mich. ‘our ~Sté‘(”C”~*# ROMOMOMOROROROROCROZORERS WE WANT YOU to have the agency for the best line of mixed paints made. Forest City Mixed Paints are made of strictly pure le nd linseed oil. Guaranteed not to crack, flake or chalk off. Furtit U S. STANDARD GALLON. Our are now in paints demand. Write and se- cure agency for your town. Liberal supply of advertising matter furnished. The FOREST CITY PAINT & VARNISH CO. 1 1s. CLEVELAND, OHIO Establishe is the Season to Buy Flower Pots We wish to remind the Michigan Trade that they can buy the best pot made right here at home. The cuts show the styles we manufacture. We shall be pleased to send any who will inquire. We havea large stock of all saucers, hanging baskets, chains and lawn patronage. Give us atrial order. THE IONIA POTTERY CO., lonia, Michigan vases, and solicit your ments They are the yellowest of|largest selling brand in the world,” t llow. The same success is ob-| when the facts of the case are that by 1s whose advertisements | it is one of the poorest cigars for the re exactly the opposite in style. money to be found anywhere. Ther i ; _ ee It d seem that in the face of c Other SkccesSrat §6aGveriscmen a. ne . hat read iust as bad. This is adver ll the evidence to the effect that it|that read just as bad. This is adver 1 tising as it is. When taught by ma pays to advertise, more merchants = ' nian or ' would look after this part of their | +! different. Expert o Sen FO . 1 1 ae ' the ¢ \ n trut} DUuUSIness more Ciosely ix 6Utne people vv - . i i , d articles in the literary mag- | Shall be the order of zines treating of this subject it e san time an ] | ooks as if they must read the adver- | Statements about the Se ts the try ge to sell pers tt has Once in whi ve hear somebody sid er Tr yt s that only the poorer i say that a cert 1 dvertiser didn’t sses read the advertisements that]do all he claimed he would and _ he ir from day to day. While this ed eas Another man suc ‘ me ‘ ' . 9 1d ¥ much 1 } } } ; } a . On cra $0 MGUcn now eds nm tie ‘ pu ess and } is yet a considerable | advertisements claim things that element that believes it is a sort of }man on earth could back up. We al ign of inferiority to admit of having | know this is true A ce in medi iy | tO an acverriscment ri rn offers to pay $100 to Lm \s t £ 1 if he reads sol case of <¢ that can’t be cured by sos ertisemé ind he wi ‘ his remedv This 1 ve S that e does not, and yet d probably draws business but no ge to say, he always trades at/] vy expects then back it up. If : f f . But t Ss pm bably ont re S ke up to the etter the t 1 who took such great in rt 5 “ b ruptc. I n the cles on advertising ) tit The laim work 1) d n lé ] ter iry public rig ly ‘ l ho. vw tries ta ¢ ct ed to above the $100 It would cost more than — . ] y | ! pres t indications 1dvet met i na what is 1 ( w + » . 1 ng is soon to take a more advan now it ere 1S n emedy that ed position than it now occupies cure y cas S ‘ on why it should no* It is amus { | a 1 news generally COMSICETrEeEd in the | paper 1 nick t the advertise class as 1 rt, agriculture, ‘ t s hing br bsolut nce and other things that are con- uth i w D resting at idered of importance Che spirit of ' ' id w xo to show that Ihe s s in the direction of} ¢] truthful « s cialisr sad as this seems to 1 ca ré S the 1 nt the pt vhose foreheads ' t e not itruthful , de oO al mazing distance tha Vilire nvbod but i 1 ; ' ena ae i it a ri claims I ( i. St Oo thre ‘i eling dollar. Everybody is OT prove ¢ t t it 1S DWE A that | mi If ] S were hiect of advi bbe ' TT ) erest to st me 1 eresting \dvertising 1s one im I realize that the statements mac it things é with ere oe oO Osit to the deas ] t] it S { Se! day ( . o as n ) mot ne ced ) 1 sides but a. oe oO ‘ : s than one ) Ss (SsO-¢ eq ¢ existe hun- | they preach, there wo Vv dreds of experts who tell us that no] big « ge in present rds can be successful unless ymond H. Merrill S ivertis are uightfor- ee a4 There are also| Recent Busmess Change Among mh ea ee Indiana Merchants. » Cut t Util ii all > , 1 Dp mazing ease when writing r ad- Brownstown—Keach Bros have rtisements i they e 4 suc- | sold their hardware st » M. M ssf B kinds of advertising are |} Hamiltor doing the business to-day. We see Cambridge City—]. L. Richey su ¢ day ivertisements headed|ceeds J McCaffrey in the drug vith s n business argains as thes Columbus—John Gysie, retail dea } 1 T ( 1) re ! n boots and shoes, has bee Site . s bewildering led by Edw. McSweeney S f \A + . sy Decatu ( W. Archbol yt th G St price reauctions record n of G. W. Archbold & Son, deal P; y S ner £ m he : is my ; pape a Tae 1. n groceries, died recentl . 1 +o, 4 +e i ¢ ( S na icnh Staten 1tS ’ 1 ‘ ; | Evansville—H« James, deale seen. We all know there is| ' : in OT OK ries 5 sO ] Nis stock to Y 1S bewildering yr | 1 ° ; James & James V ore cs es stores or i f 1 Ir oz A mpbe have ey off but it 1s human na i aoa ) expect a lot ory. | a oO | _ the snnonnce x | : Loe a2hncuncc- | 4 | ts of r stores: | As I Garrett—Chas. Rodem finner, | : . Be ee ¢ a | lI have before me an advertise- | 45 ‘©! nit bland | co ee ne ul ment of a certain brand of cigar.| Indian [he Capitol Lumber} ‘ : ot . at Gee Go ie | \cco to the advertisement this | ©° 1s increased its capital stock | ' i oo. cigar is a “dream, a delight, a sat- | $75,000 ° - . . " 7 1. RD e . . iction, the smooth smoke, and the Lebanon—Jackson Bros. are suc- Sic, BAKERS’ 7. OVENS All sizes to suit the TO 2 Roan needs of any grocer. Do your own baking and make the double profit. Hubbard Portable Oven Co. 182 BELDEN AVENUE, CHICAGO — ae ee MICHIGAN TRADESMAN ? Cx nditions in the Trade. Digest of r j c : “ Cy g chevy 2 | > rcoats g an Clothing! . rent 11 ; ted va . We aim to keep up the standard of our product that has . a ol ce et earned for us the registered title of our label. yroken chec patterns in} rowns “ ‘ 1 1a .cturers ’ Selene Bees: & Lempert. 200. ‘ge — ae Detroit Sample Room No. 17 Kanter Building ob enrink M. J. Rogan, Representative g ilers ac (Mey 3° GOOGGQOWDOOQOQOQOQDOOQOGDOGOODOODOOO g ave i's siege William Connor, President Wm. Alden Smith, Vice-President. usiness af a repared| §& M. C. Huggett, Secretary and Treasurer stponinge v n : A f . c, * - oo. Che William Zonnor Zo. tr d 28 and 30 S. Tonia St., Grand Rapids, Mich. l Those w ® ye patie Wholesale Clothing gage wae ine pe a ea 3 I she S W ( Its great g t recent years induced him to iavanta r Ot © rm the al ‘ pa neficial advantages to retail merchants, having 1¢ gs in two-piece su 2 t! select from, and being the only wholesale READY-MADE CLOTH- ] 2 opportt @ ING estat ffering such advantages. The Rochester houses represented by suits Ww 1 hi : he le S and made Roches at for fine trade. Our New York, Syra @ \ c fl : @ , Bu Baltimore and Chicago houses are leaders for medium stay s g the early part] @ it Visit us and see our FALL AND WINTER LINE. M¢ i ss re closed : Suits and Overcoats $3.25 up. Boys’ and Children’s Suits and Overcoats, $1.00 and up. 2 ) permitted pr i © Our UNION-MADE LINE requires to be seen to be appreciated, prices being such as h “. m1. | @ to meet all clas like. P f ever nd from $2.00 per d air up. Kerseys $14 / S roc Th Te $ il For i liat ry we carry big Mail orders promptly attended g Sé Ss immediat 8 Hours of t » 7:30 a. m. to 6:00 p. m except Saturdays, and then to 1:00 p. m TTNIGSETETCT | @OOQODDQODYHOGHOOGDOHGPGHSEWPOIEHOGHOPOSSOOHSLGSOQOOS ©8 s, sandwiching 1n their | the new stock, and a} iction sales &4 « ttend volved’ i “Just as Handy as y i been | “|| a Pocket in a Shirt” R oeiff ArPOCKCTINa ir 2 inder Vv cely, | rye ae Have you seen the Handy I Pocket in the Gladiator shirt? ' he A postal card—one cent— : ‘ q ae will bring salesman or sam- ey want -d On the ples. 7 Clapp Clothing Compan g rs carri d Manufacturers of Gladiator Clothing ‘ f M- Grand Rapids, Mich. usseas SNE NT ES RHE um oO ~~. * . . < . . . a. . < . . . . 5 7 7 CARKY IN YOUR STOCK SOME OF OUR WELL. : —~ 2 he MADE, UP-TO-DATE, GOOD-FITTING SUITS AND — a on oe OVERCOATS AND INCREASE YOUR CLOTHING edt i nny BUSINESS. GOOD QUALITIES AND LOW PRICES g CI g B bed at 1 usual hour Samples Sent on application. Express prepaid af 2 up the r, Easte ime. In conse- S hour Ot 00d rd M. I. SCHLOSS ET “a res Manufacturer of Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Overcoats ter deep th An 143 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. ai ‘> from Bus-| MHEN JOHNSON MAKES THE AWNING ‘ “WE FOOL THE RAIN” ~~ ye er or rn ~s a = ae ieee, Sores aot ee ee i 1 (trade mark) by skilled : Te also ma ike Sails, Tents and Carpet € r Dus Canvas Covers Our prices on FLAGS are the ywest. E stimates carefully ec ul ow ed. Established 1886. All-orders ceamy ae nded to. Try us. 4 | JOHN JOHNSON & CO., 360 Gratiot Ave., Detroit, Michigan ? MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 17 MADE GARMENTS. cater successfully to this demand.|ruled a year ago. Fleeced underwea er or later aifect | demat Every few months something new]|manufacturers advanced sects prices | whi comes t How They Have Revolutionized the | _ : ' lian ae Trade for children makes its appearance. It | early The scarcity of the yarns The demand for piec Things have changed since father may be a new hose supporter. One]used in underwear and ceed manu-|far less t was a tee ee ees ae ee the big increase in the has had much to do with the ] lines t made in ee home. sales of children’s waists which re-|increase in price. make it i Na a tail at low prices. These waists are The underwear section in every | busines I and less of a factory has worked big a big improvement over any of the |store should be adapted to quick] whe chanees in the dep godds wade The old style garments and there is no|handling and ready display. When|thing merchant who oii ital that this bar to any mother purchasing them. |underwear trade once starts it come mad I change is still working out to great- More attention is being paid to]rapidly and nothing should stand in F ertiag er results is the one who is obtaining | Children’s hose. The trade on child the way of making every possible use| kinds of ready mad the best margins on his dry goods|4ren’s suits of all kinds greatly in-} 0! the opportunity t sales to-day. i creased during the past year. The During the coming year the busi- | mediu Demand for ready-to-wear eoods | acvelopment of this business is seen | M¢5s in ladies’ wear will see a_ big | still in almost every line is increasing rap- in the city stores which now devote | increase in all sections of the co : idly. It is invading the smallest com-|/@™Se€ areas to c lildren’s garments|try. More attention is being paid to} dressm mynities. It is forcing the smallest nd furnishings. This means the]|this branch of manufacture than ever be ; dealer in dry goods to buy some of emancipation of the mothers. No before those lines. The dealer ‘who does | wonder they patronize the children’s The general dealer who is discuss- | d¢ not wait to be forced into this is | ¢¢partments. ing this ssa el at me Dee on > Tr. a the one who has the name of being To suit the mothers in children’s }|t™4t "5 call for petticoats, for in nd the most enterprising. wear is one of the ambitions of many | St" s been better this year thai Children’s lines ready-made wear|a good dry goods merchant. It is last a will see an increas fro1 ’ are growing in importance. This One way to the hearts of women, who now on. Every ~— that vi lb duct Lanegan l trade is easy to get and easy to hold | do most of the buying in the commu- ed on up-to-date lines is paying clos oo 0 if the merchant carries the right : hild department can | #ttention to ladies’ necl ur_and the stock. But it must be up to date and little expense sian rn increasing with sae kept so to make. The] Call for better corsets and the newer 1 , | methods of selling ther lady ‘The point is well made that in no] garments either fit or they do not - other line are the excellent fit and per- | But the mother wants style, serve, on — ee oo fection in other features reached that | and a reasonable price, and the man- advertising. are attained in children’s wear. The|facturers are combining all three One of the most interesting deve reason is that faultless fit is less | nicely. opments in the dry goods trade is difficult to obtain in children’s gar- The dry goods departments in the tendency of some of the leading ments than in those for adults. many general stores are beginning | Stores in some sections f the coun- One of developments of the|to look more like ladies’ and chil-|t™y to cut their piece goods stocks past few years has been the big in-]|dren’s furnishing departments than down to the lowest possible mini crease in this class of trade. Moth-]|anything else. “By the yard” is still }™U™ Some are throwing out the ers are either too busy ‘ r class of dress | Piece goods entirely and confining duties or would. rather ‘s. but so. thor- themselves. exclusively to ready-to work to the factory too nt section work- | W which includes hosiery, in g rments, millinery, neck- weal parasols, umbrellas, corsets su and underwear. in One of the large stores s Ww hat the trade in these de 3 ; are 2% wing more and more particu- much of this stock requires tables | constitutes Over 50 per cent. OF tne lar about the looks of the children. |} and wider shel\ inste the old| total business done by a large num They begin to feel tl if their chil-| plan of reg n shelf with coun ver of dry goods stores to-day and dren look well the community gives|ters in front. e clerks must be] that the merchant who follows it ex- them a longer credit mark than if|up on the sizes and keep close tab|clusively will be making good use of t] cy look care essly are ssed. nN what is in stock and what is out 1 new opportunity This means, O! This does not mean that every|In short, all hands must be in closer | course, throwing out many household child must ishly dressed. But | touch Iry goods stock than] Staples found on the shelves to day in the big in children’s wear|]was necessary ider the old plan and for which there is considerable } lines there is an opportunity to dress Unc hosiery are becom- | call The Ohio Suspender Co.’ children neatly, with little trouble,|ing more and more important on ac- It will be a long time before the Mansfield, Ohio and at comparatively small expense.|count of the greatly increased varie-|dry goods merchant of the North This is one explanation of the rap- | ties The merchant will soon be]west will be following this lead, but idly increasing demand for these]called upon to purchase his under-| the incident is good for illustration ot lines. It explains why manufac- From this dis-| the trend of the dry goods trade, and turers are going to so much pains to rher prices than]|all great movements in the trade ©. Stands the light—it bears critical inspection. It’s all wool and well made, good substantial trimmings, haircloth, linen canvas, every seam stayed—and it’s guaranteed. “A New sme —~- Suit for Every Unsatisfactory one.” We put the union ne. can ns S| — — label on it too—we can sell better finished clothing now for | oe ENTS our old prices. Men's Suits and Overcoats $3.75 to #13 50. 3 RES te) ee Boys’ and Children’s Clothing a full line from lowest to ~~ wh (El highest grade. Every line with a little extra profit to the dealer. Detroit office at 19 Kanter Building has samples salesmen have them, too. And we're all ready to tell you about our Retailers’ Help Department. Sane . MICHIGAN TRADESMAN cies in Little Folks’ |as many of their good customers are]|advise buyers to ‘get the habit’ of]}an almost*endless variety of styles— earables. vet to be heard from. Besides store | concentrating their buying.” total adding, check printing, etc. In hicago trade has not yet developed to any While there is some logic to this}]fact, some of them furnish almost a < s |extent, and the of orders | gentleman’s remarks, and the tenden-| complete book-keeping system and s ‘ < s < the s ic] to be toward concentrat-|all done by simply pressing the keys. ss is Q t > Very ! e yet the other extreme is Book-keeping is not what it used S ig ut the retailer has been|to be, and let us be thankful. Sys sery @ \ | S ge to owned by the manufactur-|tems are now in use that are almost seas s ( Ss ré s reg in Where departments and] automatic. The “short-credit“ sys States, nt t is |stvles selling There has né clothiers are actually in the hands of|tem of accounts is a very convenient ‘ I en -ind of fabrics. a the | the manuf: -r the buyer is handi-|and safe method of keeping books. S g i ryo1 stvles called for in children’s cloth-|C@Pped in many ways, preventing the] It saves much labor and practically sperous and buy ne re the Russian and sailor blouse | TCtaier ffom competing m the open) does away with errors in accounts. * \ yer, it is a lit ishions, with Eton and sailor col-|™@rket as freely as is felt advisable One of the best things which has rs at times. It is likewise true that] peen provided for the merchant is el ul a — are not at al times to ome the coupon book. This takes out of i to tow! BS ee fOr cividing Up ther purchases, 25 ithe credit business the disagreeable - $ 4 Ce a ¥ very well ei a " do this by the] itemized account with all of its dis- s sith ae i a 18g " simply carrying OU) nutes and errors. It puts the burden é cl a such instructions.—Apparel Gazette.| on the customer. He is his sizes ney frock cut a N 5 a t 1 - overcoat is quite popul i idl: ita Por Every Store. book atfer his note has been taken ys, t ml t NOTrtOKk angli, 4.7. dion fu Te . . . or a lump charge entered on his y ma ee in putting fixtures mto a store : oe : sailor effect 1 ¢ f t popular " arg account.—Commercial Bulletin In boys’ suits the double and sin-| there are many things that are used a ’ fhlien ole ste e lead with consid- | equally in the grocery and dry goods “The Dangerous Age of Forty.” : r ' \ ved by the folk, | sides d some things that are apt Charles M. Schwab, as the typical i : ie nie is been shown in various|]to be neglected also, inasmuch as} American who has succeeded in the : oo etna tvles, with both broad and narrow|they are not always considered as]|typical American way, is chiefly val- ce le i wg © ts, features which lend plenty of | necessities by the merchant. uable to his countrymen as an ob- ’ cau me o \ s stock Some of the ngs seem expen-jject lesson in physiology. This : | ’ ne . a ESive, | peraaps first cost, and] means, since his eminence as a finan- ' ’ segs ' of | Hi rT v dealers what appearsto|cier and a philanthropist is of the 4 i a nt aH - be for a desired article,| highest, that the lesson in question r . nd e Cg oe a kn and do not figure up|is one of vital importance to every ' seu gg ce oe ead OER nena wviS* | the saving that the device may effect | business man in the land. S is } f e we e su sastrously to their busi Ee ni ec £ 3 ‘ a . a a € hrst cost as divided among dangerous age of forty” is a r ng < ae i . Te t years which the fixture will last.| phrase used only by physicians. It ‘ ge a [ i oekers sil es aaa «°C vigaledl eve be taken into} means that about each fortieth year, Le ‘ ne baie tics, | Sections come in to New York to ee buying anything|the period varying with the amount rl wae oe be used a number | of strain eacl has undergone, seta ae as quality which] there comes a meridian line which New Yort device last long] marks the end of youth and the be- ; i oer er cree the cost reasonable.| ginning of age. At this point the " as yet ¢ : fixture that no store body ceases in sleep to store up a ' the nun ber us i : along without but]surplus of energy over and above tus siness Ss / Ta lect. the daily need which can be drawn ’ rl a ene > are a number Offupon without injury to the system. ¢ Sy g t . this | kinds shelving offered ready to Any man who after. passing this i " n tly ih den uy i pu ». It is made for all purposes.] point makes the same daily expen- S } successful buyer said: “I know what] The grocery shelving is built up| giture of force as before is destined : . , S nds t ' with the lower part}]to an inevitable premature collapse. - = : » ’ na aos ll by lividing t metal tilting bins ready whose date depends directly upon - nd the |up my orders among Tom, Dick and}for stock. For the dry goods sides|the amount of the overdraft ar-| Harry, but it did not take me long]the lower part is fitted with drawers Ae + Gebolliee ts the bee OF ; : pte ty ae oe ae — he shelv-| 909 it was declared from statistics 7 ; va ne ai : An 1 ' i ; rs : it gah aa. rte that the average life of the pushing oe ea i / ' ' : : et ~" =" | American business man was 43, an wertanty ce ee ee ee oN ee ee eee | indication that the law of tl for b e" 7 r i r ra 7 ' ee bracket tieth year was then claiming its vic ' 7 te 7 ¥ . WE SReee. Fa ey Corer le i i i ee only f iui Ww! be regulated to suit any class] .4,, d men take care to lighten their ie a r d t bargains ” 5 s. The brackets, being small at this period, but also—and p back of nd of the season I am taken care]|take up little of the shelf room there- See necessity—thev ses y I eee I] by nore space for the goods sO arrange matters in the t g. You wil and Cas bund e carriers have been rs immediately preceding, at any " ; ‘i " no io a good eee A me€T- | cost, that they will be in a position | apne . . : o ; oe ye of wage = ectengins eee tO} to lessen the strain when the neces ry full orders, preferring t uses in Ne w York;: for instat ce, | the large city store. But the advan- sity arrives. Mr. Schwab has no de ‘ S \ a, oe age eee eee eee — tages ot these systems are becoming sire to work in opposition to his ; . debasing DY eg rite erie oeeren on et ene ee In every store of any] doctor’s advice, but he is compelled Se ee Se nae carrier systeM1+4 work by his responsibilities. ( ' TT r en ee mee j ee tr oor. nen aeeee oe The Japanese, among their many neal a ripen ' re ere ee weer werent aren rete ee ee eae pur-J excellent proverbs, have this: “Every g that they we not made/ble through concentrated buying? chase. Phis is a nuisance. It takes! nan at 40 is either a physician or a " ' ce aN Ta dr ed aig a y nost successful buy-|the trade when this system is used derstand this may be sure that the get m 9 s rf irgest ¢ Not only that, but the temptation of last word of the proverb describes : sent s s since you have nam-|the clerk to make change out of his eal : \ viths g the know how y I I or to put the cash .in_ his eS S ' a g s S it ¢ te t p where no change is required The latest fad in the way for a : g S ys chases. In other words it is sp done a with when a cash car-]|cure for dyspepsia is bread made of : volum é |cializing in clothing merchandise. |rier is handy to every counter. sea water instead of fresh water. A ‘ s ti | Then the best A cash register is a very useful} Philadelphia baker makes a specialty i of last year, and s by ing use of h}thing. It provides a perfect check on|of this bread, and the dyspeptics & k for banner season, inasmuch]|phrases of a Broadway retailer and]|every purchase. They are made in| who use it declare that it aids them. MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 19 pe lothing Oompa ny and ther a SAMPLE TRUNKS, 2k SS ES eee eet Louis ST. | ie re ea . 20 MICHIGAN TRADESMAN Shoes and Rubbers" oe Plenty of Nature and Art in Shoes. j suppé “7. e Come to Grand Rapids on the Buyers’ Excursion any day from August 24 to 29 inclusive. Grand Rapids, you know, has many points of interest. We want you to make yourself at home with us and incidentally we will show you an up-to-date shoe factory in full swing and operation. It will interest you. Herold=Bertsch Shoe Makers of Shoes Grand Rapids, Michigan Take a Day Off (a. Do You Know What We Carry ? Men’s, Boys’, Youths’, Women’s, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes Lycoming Rubber; (best on earth), Woonsocket Boots, Lumber men’s Socks, Canvas Leggins, Combinations, Leather Tops in all heights, and many other things. Geo. BH. Reeder & Zo., Grand Rapids, Mich. We extend a cordial invitation to all our customers and friends to take advan- tage of the Buyers’ Excursion, August 24 to 29, one and one-third fare from all points in the Lower Peninsula. Make our store your headquarters while here. Che Lacy Shoe Co. Caro, Mich. Makers of Ladies’, Misses’, Childs’ and Little Gents’ Advertised Shoes Write us at once or ask our salesmen about our method of advertising. Jobbers of Men’s and Boys’ Shoes and Hood Rubbers. Announcement E TAKE great pleasure in announcing that we have moved into our new and commodious business home, 131-135 N. Franklin street, corner Tuscola street, where we will be more than pleased to have you call upon us when in the city. We now have one of the largest and best equipped Wholesale Shoe and Rubber Houses in Michigan,and have much better facilities for handling our rapidly increasing trade than ever before. Thanking you for past consideration, and soliciting a more liberal portion of your future business, which we hope to merit, we beg to remain Yours very truly, Waldron, Alderton & Meize, Saginaw, Mich. MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 21 est lad presented himself at the store| gress also had without the note, and asked for ajnings, which w pair of handsome button shoes, of the | contrast with the latest style. day if placed side It was not without some misgiv- 4 al ings that the dealer, who of course knew the family, fitted him out with these: but when the boy proposed to keep them on and wear them home, the retailer refused to permit him, and wrapped up the purchase, and told him they must first be shown to his mother, and get her approval be- fore wearing them. Later in the day the boy returned to the store with the bundle and said his mother wanted the shoes. ex- changed for a pair of heavy balmor- als. As the dealer opened the bundle, the boy’s face wore a broad grin. A pair of shoes was disclosed, badly soiled, the uppers smeared with mud, the soles looked as though they had been tramped in for a month. “Tt's a nice scheme, sonny, but it won't work here. You take these home again, and tell your mother that we don’t ever deal in second 1 goods | less than an hour an excited 1 i. woman rushed into the store with, | . ’ 1 } ig Wo wont exchange these eae The dealer pleasantly explained to her that it was tmpossible as the ol WeT € 1 meer Sa ble Then he opened the bundle and displaye the disreputable things to her aston shed gaz The young scapegrace, after taking home the shoes and being sent back iad surreptitiously put them on and wern them long enough to render an exchange impossible. en bundled them up again, put on his old shoes and returned to the shoe store, confident that he had se- ee ae cured his favorite brand of footwear ; i and he had; but what else he secured 1 2 “<. . : oe oe when pater familias was apprised of the incident is another story and since tne ent san¢ went out, nd lew superseded it, the shoemaker has been obliged to give considerable attention to shoe fasten- ers. Among the various kinds’ of shoes with tops to them, some sort of device was necessary to keep the coverings on the feet and prevent them from slipping at the heel. Considering the length of time that shoes have been worn, the pro eTress i improveme nt in fasteners have 1 pace with those of foot we there are three popu lar sorts of fastenings for shoes, the lace. the button and the congress. Each of these has its devotees, who praise their favorite by the de- preciation of the others. Of course the oldest style of fastener was the ae lace in its primitive form. The evo- ign ‘ i . ution of this method was. gradual, ind moderns will scarcely recognize in the oldest form of the Egyptian 1 1e beginning of the lace shoe. This was, of course, a shoe without any upper, and it is only by tracing it through its successive stages of development that we find its result in the lace shoe of our time. AI- though the lace shoe is the progeni- The earliest s: Wilkinson, the hi pie broad strap, | inder_ the heel and secured over the instep this afterward had a sole attached running the whole length of _ the foot. In this primitive form it was the first tie or lace shoe known. The next step passing over the + 1 » eo ent aesign exce thing firm and s Following this Snoe im 1s prese he chief objec former. troubl ‘ leather for lace 1 1 mme Use OF lacin Shoe Recorder Cl ois skin made for men to become a po having struggle P 2 as other gloves washed tor of fasteners, the button and con- are the better. mitigated by the o 1 But the latter, their crude begin- rould b Se Ct e in absurd the present » by side. indal, according to storian, was to ball was added; and regular Mm ot nue came nt ror Ccrion tt ays he ec aces, | h ad ine has. be use ‘ S5 toe —_— i Ai Chamois Gloves for Men. expensive, as they snd ar tha tO tre One pair may read- yvassed wut at passing between the toes, by which means the sole was secured more itmiy to the foot. [Later a strap finally a network of laces crossed the rity ma th y and wonderf Ci would probably e tience i » most io wore that style t rootwear Chose ncient worthies, howevert were never in the rush of those who had to catch a tram’ and they had ir more time to spend ove mu ss elaborate toilet than that of the 1 yO nt eve en lal I atter operation has been ighte ned by studs. months to gain recognition : 4 gioves the latest ~+ } 2 , 1 7 and they seem likely pular tashion atte 1 far tu r thre (i LOT ty ) ) tii { ; ' oves tv e not affected two or t damage \ most grotesque feature of thes: Cw gloves tO SOme persons will be the fact that they’ are buttoned, not worn flopping about the wrists as has been the fashion with other kinds of gloves for the past two years. The chamois gloves are heavy or light in weight, according to the taste of the wearers, who agree that the heavier 1 a. Id am att Or appar ne 6CVCry rr. t ec CTheban somewhat wr of ft r Iawic ce ucviIccs 1 have been “oe | objection iss of shoe tl button ame e€xtent hree times Take Advantage of the Sec- ond Annual Trade Excursion to Grand Rapids August 24 GRAND RAPIDS. pot to 29 and Come and See Us. You will be interested in seeing how shoes are made. We will take great pleas- ure in explaining the various processes of their manufacture. Our shoes fit better and wear longer than the ordinary kind. A tour through our plant will convince you of this and show you why it pays to sell our make Rindge, Kalmbach, Logie & Co., Limited Grand Rapids, Mich. naan Great Concession to Merchants Oxve and one-third fare from any part of the lower Penin- sula tc Grand Rapids and return August 24 to 29, both inclusive. We extend a cordial invitation to all merchants to visit us at 31 North Ionia Street. It will enable you to see, not only our celebrated 104 and 215 ladies’ $1.50 shoes, but our entire line. Look up your wants and we will do the rest. WALDEN SHOE CO., Grand Rapids, Michigan Waa wa asa laa aa Fy pNAARARAAARARAAARARBAARARAAARARAAARARARARARAREENS Men’s Fine Shoes Are nobby and up-to-date in style. They are made on perfect fitting lasts. Increase your Men’s Shoe trade by adding a line of shoes that will bring satisfied customers back to you. Write for prices. F. MAYER BOOT & SHOE CO., Milwaukee, Wis. MICHIGAN TRADESMAN ] \ ’ : SUCCESSFUL SALESMEN. J. A. Sherrick, Representing Rindge, Kalmbach, Logie & Co., Ltd. rrick attributes his success knowledge of has been |} aA andainhia | named Landolphia | We call special attention to our complete line of Saddlery oe Hardware ded by Tohn |g Quality and prices are right ; \™@ and your orders will be filled cing the ma ctur the day they arrive. id 3 olt is Special attention given to S S t plant ° * on mail orders. Take advantage of the Buyers’ Excursion August 24 to 29, both a inclusive, and make our store >. |{ headquarters while in the city. Brown & Sehler i. oe ae Grand Rapids, Mich. We have good values in Fly Nets and meat iS What is ex- Horse Covers. SN 4 Pay us a Visit You can get a rate of one and one-third for the round trip, from Aug. 24 to Aug. 29 inclusive. We shall be pleased to show you the town including our stock in trade. We extend you a cordial greeting whether you buy or not. Hirth, Krause & Co. Grand Rapids, Mich. PAPER BOXES Cereal Food, Candy, Shoe, Corset and Other Trades When in the market write us for estimates and samples. GRAND RAPIDS PAPER BOX CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. DOGCQOODQODOE..¢ © HDBODOOHOG DODDODODEOHDHODDDDODDOOOGDQDHODOOS FOUP Kinds Of Coupon BOOKS of Rubber Found. | . TRADESMAN COMPANY, Grand Rapids, Mich. We manufacture a complet.e line of MADE UP and FOLDING BOXES for Prices reasonable. Prompt. service. are manufactured by us and all sold on the same basis, irrespective of size, shape or denomination. Free samples on application. MICHIGAN TRADESMAN Inherited Enough Common. Sense From Both Sides. for the Tradesman. Arnold Samuels had of eighteen he made up his mind that it was time to go little parental in- assertion Written When reached the age almost business A the that he guessed “we’d jog along at had a tenden- into sistency with paternal SCHOO! 2 year longer,” cy to keep affairs in statu quo, but the business bee had got into the young man’s bonnet and it buzzed and buzzed until the air in his im mediate neighborhood was. sugges- tive of a hi of swarming bees. That man ast quainted the trouble. The young swarm. During the he had become ac- well, I’m not going was wanted to months with j Six to betray any confidences—but she was a pretty girl, the prettiest in the ley, and that is of country, Mississippi Va quite tract you and in addition to her beauty at ¢€xtensive The acquaintance affection; they became each other’s little and the as sensible ripened into then soon “regular;” the came in had on the same a capital) J: and wanted then god with white the wings silver bow rom and two hunting one day together f hearts strung arrow, one marked with and the other with an A., to know if there was any doubt about Jas as well as in German. meaning yes in Love language When matters reach such a pass in the life of a boy—he isn’t a boy any man—the next natural to and go to work, and when he suggested longer, he’s a thing is for him stop school earnestness of eighteen the reasoning on that much and often that with the 1 he brought into play standard talked-over topic, the leading ques- tion in this instance being, “What use is algebra”—he hated algebra “ever soing to be to a feller, and what good can it ever do him in busi- ness?” Samuels, Sr., listened pa- argument of his much- then tiently to the if-earnest son and with a “Wa-al,” which betrayed his New England origin made another guess,’ this time to the effect that there was going to be time enough to get into business when he had had all the schooling he needed. “Go on and do your best, boy, for another year anyway, and then if it’s business I'll see what can be done; but you want to give me some mighty good reports for that, boy. School is just as much of business as buying and selli and half-hearted work in one is a pretty fair foreshadowing of half-hearted work in another, and that isn’t what we Samuels are noted for. So you buckle down to business for another year and give me a trial balance showing some pretty fair re- sults on the _ right side of the ac- count—especially algebra—and _ I'll promise to do the fair thing, only you remember that what you get, you have got to earn.” That ended it. When pa Samuels said no you might just as well go out and talk to the hills. Young Sam didn’t do that. He went over and talked to Jessie. There was a good deal more fun in it. You—he could put his arm around Jessie and there was a. great comfort in that and when the arm had settled into its place and her head with its sunny har had settled into its on his shoulder, it looked very much as if little practical algebra was sorely needed to settle the unknown _ dis- tance between their lips, for every once in a little while to their Owing miscalculation their mouths bumped : 1 into each Arnold September, other! back to startled So of 1 a schoo! 1n went where he them all from A to izzard by announ the fact that he was going to cha his course and go into the commer cial department, 1€ they didn’t have to have such inane things as x or indulge in any such nonsens« as “bonus-a-um.” He was going in- to business at the end of the year He was ge to start m at the bot tom and wo up. In two years he was going to be taken into the firm of Samuels Company and “when the rest of you fellers are in the middle of your senseless college course, I'll be tly in the business-swim with a house on the vacant lot next to my dad’s with a sweet thing in ham- mocks out under the trees and a lit- tle golden-haired tot toddling about ‘“‘With bib and fixing all complete And I shall be ‘ts dad!”’ old 7 _ ns coicee sone wriicn he sang with considerable the zest, vhich was evidently in : . accord with his own ideas on school “Dad” introduced the subject of conversation by remark- ince, “Mr. Russell tells me that want to change your course, son.’ “I have changed it I looked the ground all over, and for what I want sl ~lndead hat « raioht +4 AU UU i Lile « Lei i L al I con aed t 1 1 Sf we2hn out out business c me A man cant away the best years of sake of a lot of mummert1 practic irithmet and take up a course of reading out side | can do all [| want to do dir me the fall and by the Grst of the year be ready to go into the store Well, for that sort of course | should say it would do very I for the sort of person that t Are those studies going to be enough to keep a young of your active temperament busy It looks very m to me as if with the p tica rithmetic which you've studied eve since vou were { baby and tne sort of bookkeeping you'll get outside of the counting house that you're going to have about all the time you want for the course of your sort of read ing. If you’re reckoning on_ being out of school except when you r cite I shall have to put up a bar there; so as I look at it your falls schooling isn’t going to amount to a row of pins.” “Oh, I can put work enough into busy, if the two studies to keep me that’s that’s all wanted.” “Bat it it was, I would put you into the ap- ple orchard on the tell Pratt to that your money. There’s no doubt about keep- That isn’t it. into the isn't all thats wanted If farm and see you earned A man house of the ing you busy. that comes Samuels Company is going to be something besides a bookkeeper. We Can hire an expert tor that; but we ok at the business Ss a whok ee Cher S where yo yme } nd your i your 1e ma itics ngiis t ae ot , Scott! bov, vou t rite dece Circe! nd sp t correctiv to i YOUr ittie ignorant sou YOU con mon t s 4 lot ms e that } s hett than nything S 4 1 empty, cobweb red apartment . aee ris aries I 4 .. | ¢ ‘ ro % 1 ¢ ik I’: gy ‘ t inte « Vv + + 4> Wi! boy 1 should, ten S iwwreé«@dtéaé«SKz«C a b S med t Oo} n ti u N Se \y yd y é ' tt nas te¢ I I | ; twee ) a i t he ving a the ¢ og ’ re | tr ri V ) t , ns When the come | t yu Dp 1 i business. but I ¢ edu : tT 1 to set 1p [+ thie tle {F vith Jessie I mts th ything I’: ores le. ot not going to 5} tathe ») give ( N to ) ind | do y t sn to sk t S] 17 } +¢] } 1 nes a tfrin SEnsiDie tie yOdY } 1K ime ns nN ) 1s } ' i Dp tr nad 1 T¢ nN ] 1 ' 1oOnod her na neg me a ' irom ( tea it her cl S are ot Now, bo “ t do you ay: Is due ) 11S1T S , nd Tess ¢ o aad t 1 | ng . « ee | ‘ ¢ - T b t { ‘ ) feu 4 1 / i t mea hk’ + cl t + ~ > Oo > - Cie { | . ae t t ¢ iM | Do You iNeed a | Will sell | $25. BICYCLE? We bave too many. you one wholesale ! grade wheels, f 7 oo mode ${O.00O models 50.00 model: f ‘cushion frame) ~ With Coaster Brakes, $4.00 extra. Now’s the chance Write for Catalogue Michigan Automobile Co. Grand Rapids, Mich. Goodyear Walter W. Wallis, Manager. Fruit Jar Rings BULK AND CARTONS Write for Prices. Rubber Co. Milwaukee, Wis. A BUSINESS SYSTEM ESPECIALLY FOR YOU SENT FREE If you will give us a little information about the nature of the work you want the system to cover, we will draw up for you, without charge, a special business system, consist- ing of cards, guides, plans for filing, ready references, etc. It will be especially adapted to YOUR business and will contain the many fresh and bright ideas that have made our work so valuable to office men. No. 10 will be sent free on request. Our new catalogue It is worth its weight in gold for the time saving suggestions it contains, regard- ing accurate methods and economical outfits THE JEPSON SYSTEMS CO.,LTD., Grand Rapids, Michigan 24 MICHIGAN TRADESMAN THE RETAIL GROCER Can Not Make Money Without Some Sort of Co-operation. ( < It S é S i re i \ _ iN ~ _ ( a ~ S V + ) -' © oe < ver S store S x S€ \ S 4 1 general store store anc and service or between some 1a number of small- s where the association idea € to the resc Le 1 Staples is pleasant to the big grocer or the small ne sodas as, “Oe » you get a living profit on the staples. lf you wi a wht about the es y 1s get fair { t on ‘ntire line and pay more atte ~}, > hye thich La scne © DY Which in¢ ' tha; +) pe c © Un n cores re n bette . e , ¢ cK } C t a oo, og ce b o s some money, but ~ rt y Tl ide ’ ste cities l towns go s % the associa- . ’ . 4; J isequentiyv the a a ‘ 1 1 S T rh Si 1 nere S¢ ‘ t! et | cc ) branch } 4 Ww i i Cc sed ‘ 1 i t » I s es or 2 cries wr ller “—% z “ g smaiit 7 ing brought on by ¢ cK Ss W ch ay S cs the ste s oe S1\ ti g r retarie + *y - oo 1; 1 8 € a ais but : rd i pr os ¢ I WW t $ . tl I ’ ive sing sing to cons r S CK ¢ ~ - a { réai ‘ ) as ms g ‘ ket ny vears ago ft _— ) derstood his - build a good tr: re j ci initv is not entirely ¢2 oo 3 ¢ tn s be badly \ t n f the grocer : | o nroft good pr t. g the past W ( ed the ‘ . > 1 BCC she ss t +1 ‘ ul 1 1 nute - PY } nas red the bulk article for the consumer’s favor. its contest with liness is being e gospel of clean talked by the manufacturer to-day with lling € He shows that his goods are cleaner than those in average grocery store dust, grime, or tainting by close contact with other Wit ts cit down all along nd his expense as high higher than ever before, the grocer is in no shape to war 1 his neighbor by cutting prices, e e b g Tc. His best plan is to maintain prices iving margin and work hard trade his territory on 1iCS eve nts are constantly ging the ret grocery business point where a long period of | slas g means disaster to Necess the retail gro- & ass as made the re- era business yield some something which the indi- grocer can Yt accomplish ( Bulletin. inattilinsdtiie al | e 1s ver $100,000,000 in half | S ers, dim es, nickels and s rt about $80,000,000 S ( S $7 5,000,000 one Ss ‘ $45,000,000 in two Ils Still there are lots of consta short of > >a ‘ ' and is worth a doz- Summer School; Summer Rates; Best School 100 STUDENTS of this school have accepted per- manent positions during the past four months. Send for lists and catalogue to D. McLACHLAN CO. 19.25 S. Division St. GRAND RAPIDS. _— Handsome Book Free It tel d all about the most tful places in the including these igan, well-known resorts: Mackinac Island Traverse City Neahtawanta Omena Northport mention this magazine, book, colored ' Petoskey Bay View Wequetonsing Harbor Point Oden Send 2c. to cover postage, nd hie Grand Rapids & indiana Railway (The Fishing Lime) Through sleepi Cincinnati, Louisv be interested in our booklet, ing,’’ mailed free. C. L. LOCKWOOD, Gen’! Passenger Agent, rand Rapids, Mich. paid and by you for the stock. I, each year. you seen it? sale and it is GOING. A loan of $25 will secure a $50 share of the fully- non-assessable Treasury Stock of the Plymouth Food Co., Ltd., of Detroit, Mich. This is no longer a venture. trade established and the money from this sale will be used to increase output. To get you interested in selling our goods we will issue to you one, and not to exceed four shares of this stock upon payment to us therefor at the rate of 25 per share, and with each share we will GIVE you one case of Plymouth Wheat Flakes The Purest of Pure Foods The Healthiest of Health Foods together with an agreement to rebate to you fifty-four cents per case on all of these Flakes bought by you thereafter, until such rebate amounts to the sum paid Rebate paid July and January, Our puzzle scheme is selling our good. There is only a limited amount of this stock for Write at once. Plymouth Food Co., Limited Detroit, Michigan We have a good Have ; MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 25 ; PUSHING FOR TRADE. them up with the intimation that it I should constantly guard the ad- if , was their duty to “give” me an ad-]|vertising columns and give the Teaching the Country Merchant to i S : etl — on : vertisement, or to keep it running]|chants and the public to sheet The Bankin Advertise. ‘ , i sone if they did not think it paid. There}that the space was worth the money Te ee as y i ae : Ha t i I a ee lid opp sscumensessi is a great deal in a little judicious|and that I expected to get it. The e : ir failure e newspaper business cs i y i for failure in the newspaper busine show of independence to arouse keen] business men will then have more uSsSINeSsSS i an yerhaps tre is n yhase A ; , ii ind perhaps there is no phase Of |interest and appreciation. respect for the value of newspaper i | making a small newspaper. which : : ' : — 1] of Merchants, Salesmen and ie = % ; : In the meantime I should discard | Space, will want to use it more and| . we contributes more to either failure or 1 | Individuals solicited. J Sid ds 1 ! lect ,.,|my old rate card and make a price be willing to pay a legitimate and * its success than the neglect or the] .- : hie ial / - a ie 4 ' ' f so many cents, net, per inch, per} '¢@SOnabie rate tor it.—-Newspaper- I er cultivation of the local advertiser. |. i : dom - P Cent. Interest insertion, for three inches or more | ¢OM. This is a subject of interes Ve ( i ee ses panes 2 a . , interest even tO) 6; three months or more. With this cme Paid on pry a Certificates j the successful publisher, for one must Yeaf mutes is Sai 0 it. a , yl . |arrangement a merchant can arrive De err Depee be constantly at work to keep his come dizzy. There : ue ° 1° . i i uickly at an intelligent conception : ; -olumns filled, even after he gets up i : : CEC oe] ee oh t t oe . Plof the cost of a display advertise- |©O7"' ee with the oe " | € en oun a. i SEE in Pao i i 2 ° e to the mark Because the field of phere seat, according to William < umes. of | . B i i ° AC TIL. | a country newspaper is limited, to oe ul a our sensations of dizziness, or verti- | avings ank [ should be careful not to load up : | > make a financial success of his ven- ce . * |go. In deaf mutes this tube is de-| Grand Rapids, Mich. a confiding advertiser with more | ' +4 ~ealts “ it “ i ture. a co must culti- ceske iad Ge oud bi ranged Experiments made. witl " i ce a ery possible | SPace than he could profitably use. hundreds of deaf mute children have||, Deposits Exceed 214 Million Dollars advertisers need to be st ‘ | SOUrCe OF T¢evenide, and ¢€Specia proved the theory to be correct. assisted in their ad- prolific and most. profitable ee ocal advertising PE in lookine over | Wetting plans. They like to be rep- the business interests of the town, T|Tesented among the business an- ge te Cee dale ie cea ata nouncements in the local paper, but eu ie a ee | eae BT often they think they can not afford ing. I should consider it worth while|!t- 1 should show these people atten- to ih te fen cs ee tion and should not put a prohibitive We will send you printed and complete tans existine careful study | from EPrice On) Small space, | in) this) con- 5,000 Bills every point of view. I should first | ection the one-inch card may be 5,000 Duplicates get better acq Oe my old developed into profitable business for 100 Sheets of Carbon Paper < Ee eae on them {all concerned, After getting every 2 Patent Leather Covers oftener, uree th 1 nts to} merchant who could utilize a reason- We do this to have you give them atrial. We know if once change their advertisements every |4@ble sized space, I should have a you use our Duplicate system you will always use it, as it veek, and if they were late in get-|doubie column box head set up pays for itself in forgotten charges alone. For descriptive ting their copy in I’d see that the] Some Reliable Business Concerns circular and special prices on large quanti- fe ee le vere | changed even 10! Progressville.”’ Beneath I should ties address if the foreman did get huffy. If they | #ave set a half dozen inch cards, in- a persisted in neglecting their ae irpenters, upholsterers, A. H. Morrill, Agt. tisements, I should keep right after piano tuners, etc In 105 Ottawa Street, Grand Rapids, Michigan them and perhaps prepare copy for showing proof of these cards it Manufactured by them and submit it. It would please would be easy to close with them all, Cosby-Wirth Printing Co., : ee ae a ee Ae ee oo! them to be relieved of a task difficult }GuoUNs 4 rat ren CONS. A eee St. Paul, Minnesota i / as a a i" i : for most merchants. I should pro-|Don't say any thing about what it vide them clippings of good|costs per year. I know this plan PPEO OGG S EGF ODGOS FF GHEFED DS DEAE O ES DEG HT SS DOH HOO Ge Cea EE ‘a works well from experience. I should adve ements and tici¢ h adver 66 99 ST ca es ee es a a Search tising from the trade journals andj Ce enna ee | eae) with any material along the line of |S ™4U easier to pay than $7.80 at Th +: J : : ’ e Metal Polish th j } ie +] ee Ge os of the year . their business that would furnish sid ft cleansand polishes. Does them with helpful ideas. I should The “want advertisements and] @ not injure the hands, show such an interest in their busi- | paid locals, which are a very profit Liquid, paste or powder ‘i ~ . oo ness and in their advertising that | able urce of revenue, are frequent- Our new bar polish (pow- they would their space sty a ae becom«e i drag fn the der) in the sifter canis a was really of some account and that| publisher's efforts to build up his ad- wonder. Investigate if I was interested in their getting |vertising. This is caused through —_—— Send for free sample Bas Ge FOR CLEANING BRASS,COPPER.TIN,| Send for fre ple. $ Valle é ad ) 1 ney ug to 1CSSNESS ) ut Cali aG wee Column price Ccur- 1 The poi — | Se ea 1 kee a NICKEL AND STEEL. sum pri e ye he point would : 1 pire rn rtisements snouid Keep a nai REMOVES ALL RUST. rent. Order direct or : renewed interest in their advertising | 'Ul Check On (nem. New short-time DIRECTIONS: through your jobber, and to keep on doing it. So the | “want advertisements and Cals APPLY WITH SOFT CLOTH, WIPE OFF McCollom new i talking a -nts| emphasize the value of the advertis WITH DRY SOFT CLOTH OR CHAMOIS : ‘ ‘ BY : j ‘ring : u oldjing columns and encourage mer Se Manufacturing Co. ap] ! ad ‘ cry \ iG wR s I c co ee Me COLLOM MFG.C9 siiciauesen spaces ) f interes my 2 rtisers Lida TIT t t t itl. i aG@ aGVvcrtuis¢ DETROIT MICH am ro mmerce, competitors who were to | me run discredit the paper and : P Detroit, Mich. look upon the advertising of their | the office. i ‘ ivals in business as but [ should never run any advertise expensive diversion. [} ment a week overtime, and if by mis- i. a i . Lace fall rc " 1 1 1 1 should drop in on these fellows who]take it was done I should not charge 66 99 i did not advertise. I should talk about | for it And if careless advertisers : usiness—not mine—and about|forgot to order out an unseasonable Is what thousands 0 ‘Ise but advertising 1 }advertisement I should take it out ’ T Y ABITA \ ‘FOOD iment their goods, any|anyway. This saves the paper's rep- DR. PRICE S R l or the appearance of|utation and adds to the confidence The Only Wheat Flake Celery Food their windows. Should not stay over|the advertiser has in you. ten minutes—perhaps only five. Af- A publisher can not assist in edu- ter a few visits, without appearing | cating his local merchants to adv t< Ready to eat, wholesome, crisp, appetizing, delicious. very anxious for business, I should] tise unless they respect his paper and make some suggestions and say that his business methods. I should have | thought it would pay to try a I yng accounts on. either side : ok a, " - : : 4 ve ! i" bit of advertising and that if it did do not like to pay bits for ad- not pay the advertisements could] vertisin The profit is large—it will.pay you to be pre- pared to fill orders for Dr. Price’s Tryabita Food. g and it is easy to establish be stopped at any time desired with-|the custom of quarterly settlements. out previons notice. [I should not cheapen my space by I should have no hard and. fast] promising to trade out the advertis- + Be contracts with local advertisers for}|ing account, but I should spend my Price Cereal Food Co., Battle Creek, Mich " / “9 ; ° time or space and should not hold|money with my advertisers. FADED/LIGHT TEXT MICHIGAN TRADESMAN Ethics of Powder and Paint. died out—namely, the art of growing|is changed. The eyes of such dolls z hat extent is woman jus Oo rac ly. Time’s ravages are|are always supplied with a counter- o what extent is oman ly. in § ys 3 , ; ied ki ip? but that weight, moving in the interior of the fied in making up? t vin Thi a 1- | stey head, by which the movement is af- his question, put ft ve | ore @ i " a i : a . i al an es fected, and in the invention referred € 7 : a J i “ i : te of locking this weight in i ri 7 he it G } ‘ . -" . vT : ics 1] position is provided. This is heen variousiy nsowere I i\ ) i I : : a don ans of a spring in the n c ot \ ! hack doll’s head and hidden i societv ses | ¢ y me é i nust t < 1 ignomini sly t t n j ; S i. se cosmetics to One principal objects which i a ie ne S the inventor hopes to accomplish 1s i i : ce ne that children will be induced to go i piel l ; i 1 ig bed earlier when they have dis- er ene ess e1 1 I ee covered that the doll has gone to tificialitv is Yt it. S i g Tc vl ‘ x sleep, and likewise those’ children dictun ot ithor wi S1s Ss ercise ‘ ten : i 1 - ' os which are hard to get out of bed in emon cc + c £ make S qa sav yes ¢ S Q : F a \ ee morning may be persuaded by ri it ns one same means oe i i r ——_~»2 e LS Taker One Beer exican | i i i il cc a * \t an agricultural show a pompous I LT 5 ae ' nber of Parliament, who arrived * . 1 anh + + > and 1 a i. w with some a ee ee ee ee eo ais und himself on the outskirts anil a C I X1 >. w C na rly s her complexion luge crowd t to look by a ’ S s ith the eyebrows ing anxious to obtain a_ good nak but nas s sntly marked, himself and some women d A t d Fl _ be acc she uses pencil, but will she stop -ompanied him, and, presum- an ssor @ avors ff ' ' < teen? 6 oon fraid not. She will go ng that he was well known to the ] evelashes. bt he a ei . - m " yesssnes, Sut 7 Is s, he tapped a burly coal)State in your order Jennings ve! s s ones, and probD-] porter on the shoulder and peremp- ed ; , a t ii tii ii ita c i i 4 i uy i “The I s | she puts on such heavy marks |; bordel: DD. C. Extracts, es S up is 2 jt ges the expression of | Make way there!” "l “a se t l | S change is not a) “Garn ! Who are ye pushin’?” was See price Current. ow de 5 ole asi 1b g one lthe unexpected response i shes to be really at-! «fp you know who I am, sir?’ ° ° tl i a Sei s mature | cried the indignant M. P. “Pm a rcp-| Sas 4 SAVORED er Ww nm Ht Ss S | be sur iv de fec A j on ntative f the people!’”’ Nays be listened i the c cd “Yah!” growled the porter; “but Xtrac 0., When youth is | r s ) t fet Ber Chink Ghati wo. the bhnels Hi ae i, r the people themselves! Manufacturers s eayv it NK j re S ont Oo sitet a a ale . y The egotist uses only one I—and . : gi ‘s & ve ee . i Grand Rapids, Mich. kw s r I < + reply S capit \ ] t > id € S vn s won " sine ils en enn — - ppé ce ) yvoutn y S 1 ‘ g a 1 c e rt S : e * ' signi dig -thggliagd eware of Imitations i! s S y e rt git : ae Ce ia Da “Tn s vt 9 rse ok as v ok r oe being ' wi The wrappers on lots of Caramels are just as good as the S. oT me & A, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Insist a i He getting the original and only & i K inv V - - ~ ery : sg sailing Genuine Full Cream Caramel as ss } i nat on the market. Made only by , , | Straub Bros. & Hmiotte 7 a : : 7 Traverse Zity, Mich. ill : 7. S. B. & A. on every wrapper. s t} © a } e St < . 1 . | Suc s ek sic fom an en onl a ee west Every Cake ‘ ». é ping \ I s ses sing Cosmetics, " t ‘ a : ~ 7 * AT? ~ 1c ce a ec cs a ae Ge | non of FLEISCHMANN & CO’S s become scant Dolls Will Stay Asleep. : | i" ul Se YELLOW LABEL COMPRESSED apse see's nts in toys, YEAST you sell not only increases ee ue our profits, but also gives com- > at LvUuUu try aii ’ i. a i Se on { 1 g industry than in any plete satisfaction to your patrons. t _ S fing ) nt in the con- S 1 g } S ioll CC es ul aavensdvoel pests eet amon ba g center. Fleischmann & Co., ; < | Ss o t lade t i “we s the ewes of oie Detroit Office, 111 W. Larned St. mode . but that by| y opened d closed Grand Rapids Office, 29 Crescent Ave. ; a 1 means the least charming, has|Y & y as the sition of the dec MICHIGAN Utility of the Short Skirt. It is a mystery which has long puz- zied the masculine mind why women h ong skirts on the femin- the presenting the prob no ré€ son ' snould not be . ‘ : orn it 18 convenient to walk ir 1 } 1 ' tf does not tax the hand to support it d 1S I gienic 1¢ s undeniab ~ 4 \nd yet, for some reasor vom | Ve ‘OF Ff cn to i is reneral ‘ S 1 ' 1 1 they should I gown t he os 4 ge : vhic sweeps pavement is seen m c Ire F s Hot A | lI be equipped with et [rains, then, are as necessary to all toilets made 1 women to wear t ceremonious affairs as silk hats : : bal deornes ria im th ee women e traveling seas co me nie ‘ sa begins and the port ty fo ts that clear the ground airives + on a skirt that measures 40 ec tt mnt ind a2 +t +¢} b and 42 ( lt w not be near curtailed as the skirt donned the American \ , g obese tro er 5 > DO ~ ¢ue ers Ss short as a wore it from ; 10 4 mcnes of the ground al r nd. but wt nicely 1 the ound, b :s nicely clear the ] + irk +) ind dem no irksSOme wrist } 1 ¢ ms work to keep it from the blemish of the roads oo The shoen S are quite ready See ddie Sheict a Ce hack h.i22. ) the n $10n Of the short holic ay smart and becoming mod- the hosiers are likewise on White ashion, and shoes have gone & indeed, there is, at demand for colored shoe- at present. Even the nut- leather summer 1 jess request than a well- cut, laced-up, serviceable-looking black | | three straps over the ankle to button. -ady demand mong the smart set for biscuit tinted shoes to b rn with ained nuslins and linen frocks at the Ger n vateri places, but the short rt; regarded as it is as a strictly 1 Dp at S to be borne mpany by tl black shoe Boot ( fc, Ss or % taineering 00 e hard wor —_ 2. .__ _ How They Buy Hats. That there are radical differences bet en men and won is €xempn ed in no more striking manner than ri W riving tl t A ‘ ks on 1? . does not like the rst hat, nor the second, nor the third, nor the fortv- ird She ngs each down until the Ss roodly P about her. At this stage the stately saleswoman Saunters up and asks in a noncom- you anything in the way Tl hat?” woman want a first tries on three id then fs carelessly: “] Have of a perique looking these over. ingrowing she readjusts flounces ?” th witn her own hat, at herself complacently and saleswoman an impossible buys a pair 1 nome goes Ss is on Monday. On Tuesday tart : tarts in SHe $s I again, iting other > ps About Saturday she Sars in- to the h ot St priced shop, begins t su <2 p yrocess and then. t whoop of delight, finally S cS Oo the st hat on the wire eat l cries as she hugs it: “Oh! What a é fahat! That’s exact- he woret? She the makes overtures to the saleswomat nd they begin negoti: ns r the possession of the deed t | make over this hat—this 1 rt] to The purchaser Minor 4 s have to do with retrim ; £ sI IN’ id n lly the * IS hers > has purchased it And he s tl lan’s way: The steps tin dly to the rst hat store he sees a ooking sales man rts him do the aisle, takes off his old d whips a straw out b rushes 1€ on ti man’s he id takes eo puts the ert der the man’s arm and es- orts hit to the street. When the man gets me he finds he’s pur- ch sed = h te Straw hat, whe eas he inter ded ask g for one of those peckled black and white fel- lows ——_>4~<.___ There are few commodities about vhick hing new can be said. But lo 1 how to say something Cromwell shoe, or one with new. ot Study the commodity. TRADESMAN 27 7 I ij uy NTT This man is writing for our 1903 catalogue; something has happened in his store th made him think, and when a man gets t once, somethin, generally moves. This time it is that pound and ou that’s going to move; he’s tired of clerks give overweight Tried it himself and found was the not the clerks’ fault. Now he is trying to find out what this Near- weight Detector is we have been talking so much. Suppose you do the same thing. Our logue tells it all_-shows you how to C UE thee Cee too. Do it today, only takes a postal card Ask Dept. K for catalogue. THE COMPUTING SCALE CO., DAYTON, OHIO, MAKERS. THE MONEYWEIGHT SCALE CO., CHICAGO, ILL., DISTRIBUTORS. Dayton Money weight 2s MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 9 - a pathetic one that is rendered|cation at chain lightning speed, our|might have been developed under Woman Ss World | sadde the fact that all so many |can be, too. Acting on this cheerful | proper conditions into worthy intelli- Cn i earn | ois s d boys bring home as the|belief, we cast our children into the | gence Nobody would set a dray De eet See Shee ee eee Oe | price of their fathers’ and mothers’ |same educational mill, without one |horse to race with a thoroughbred Children? x crifices is a college yell, an incura-|thought of the difference in mental]and not expect it to be beaten, but This is the time of the year when | case big head and a tendency | capacity, or mental trend, or the im-|we do not hesitate to enter the dull, uusands of parents all ver the] it e the | folks. A htt possibility of making the most of a| plodding boy, the boy whose mind nd are lying awake at mght t g | wiledge is always dangerous | diamond and a lump of clay by the }|comprehends slowly, in the educa decide the momentous e bb s a boomerang whe same process tional race with the boy whose in vhere they sh: send ¢ C ire r t ive t a the it the results of our efforts at |tellect is keyed up tO COncert pitch t schoo Not witl t reas ( |p ents t ting our children under such jand who can grasp knowledge at a ey give S ques 2 | Still tter what the faults] stupid « litions are disappointing | glance Carmest « isiderat t S itter he i f ed nee ( s€ moO sStirprise table vears are the s s edt é \t this moment there are millions | would hi: ‘ is c I the sc sets its | s ght every happy little girls, with no more jably with a b frac seal upon h : s | being L « ke one wish | « ir music a fish, who are Jof educ S guiding mmpuises s am- | t s G@ girls ‘ e |} torturing pianos for no better reason | have itions his g its ditions st t would b 1 because Maud Smith or the | drops out of the running and into the S Ss Ww 1 s, | s geht be gir s girl is having music lessons |S ugh o teracy t itmos ce | ss : s eds of thousands of good dol-} It takes courage t ve i , sen wisely i ‘ calmly spassi \ ts are being wasted trying to teach | shortcomings. but it Perhaps I ' ‘ vie s cr po see them ; % g to girls who will never make | distilled heroism _ t Ss educ t suc fetix S o it might | Ive 1 equal to a colored Sunday | cold ct that our « + t 1 s g Sé fl ca \ ik S Sspape supplement, because it is | intellig nt. less mitted e is the ir oiis bilities and t s umong girls to dabble at art, | thar people’s ¢ eter i ’ p s pwe >s S , 4 t f the edt dreds of young men who one laid more ve 1 ¢ bett h le S e instead o : b i blessing to the world as rents another it selves. 7 ir eve ( 1 would be de- |g penters or plumbers. are!o study their 5 \ x S that nature ying r as incompe- | points, f only by recognizing the x bt ff rs selves d, a ts ¢ mv t vyers or doctors, or preparing | defects can they hope to remedy ec I stoves ids 2 d ) shaped to its b Ss as preachers, simply be-jthem. Becaus¢ father and mother . g Vs es l ght the bat cause the doting parents can not on’t see that Mary is cross-eyed uy re a I ~ Ss hy their son can not be a pro nad Thick | W eved does not pre co t ge s It is . prejudice s il man if the Robinson's son jvent the general public from behold eT ( 1 ~ y s re pare? | |i Y and commenting upon these vith ¢ bye t e Sa 1 l rt 1 wy the i] mishes It s only when the Pp then . I cp . | just as brigl 1 e b equal [rents have intelligence: é ol t cau ‘ S vl \ ri c ttle eC , c irecog e the le t ties ca in es i S \ ) ses that ‘ i; t one ‘tl Services tne t nd the blindly g Q : s earn to | parents’ bility to reir ; Surgeon, that Mary and Dick are _— elves t 5 sing 1 \ Pp fel s mitations results 1 the |? de . i s tl re ws Se4 : rt g du-|s 2 iny an intellect that! The same thing may be done for We can furnish you with a reliable, inexpensive system that will induce your customers to pay cash tor their purchases. o « We Can Prove It . | This free book tells | how to increase | your cash sales. TRADESMAN, Register, It costs practically nott ( P1IVeE j the nar tit pays for itself in less than a year. this system is explained in a book, which we will send free “a, will fill out and return to us —iwWNnev-savineg ONney-Saving We can We can $10 per day; prove that this system will do what we claim. direct you to one merchant who says that it increased his cash sales to another who testifies to an increase of $300 per month; to another who estimates his increase at 50 per cent.; to a hundred others who say that this system has increased their cash sales. 4 } \ ‘Ask us for the names of these merchants and write to them yourself. Send for Free Descriptive Booklet system is furnished by our National Cash Register Company Dayton, you the names of hundreds of merchants who say handsome, latest improved National ling in the long run. The operation of illustrated to any merchant who F the attached coupon. Ohio monthly payments. Sold on easy ully guaranteed second-hand registers for sale. gg Hea MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 29 child mentally as is done physically in curing defects, but it can never be done by ignoring them It may irying to a parent to feed it slowly. Thrfs nurtured, in stead of being the dunces and ing stock otf their classes, many a boy and girl would grow into intelli gent and educated men and women, There comes a time in every boy’s | reached by the ime, and she br ¢ ( es hen she car life when he rebels at his father’s au- | also knows, perh: hard « e f » tare for - thority and_ scoffs at his mother’s] ence, the need g the break ‘ d oking opinions, and when nothing short of | fast table still hungry, so that the|jured, will 1 e things cozy a guardhouse and a police patrol will] train shall be caught. Therefore, also, liet, thereby earning the gr: tit keep him at home of nights. Then ch to one who stays at ho bet I is the time when he needs the heavy | day n 1 but a little extra self-in- | dreading ded of t t hand of a stranger over him and to|dulgence mean to her, the business |he had be forced to obey rules that do not | woman, a self-de1 vhicl | a ae | / chafe him, because other boys are] makes itself felt, and she will, wl ‘ ' too. The girl, too,|married, make a point of being up oe s ' goin alta this dreadful hobble-|early enough to send the bread-w | ‘ if ; al de-hoy period when she knows it all, | ner off in good time for the train, and ee and wants to do up her hair and have fyet give hi sufficient leisure fo oo ee beaux, and there is no other such |his break t and fo t the sy argument for de eact pat N it me with her as ig her off and sending her away to a good school, where, if she : ys ~ t t ) « nN Vy ft ml ‘ 4 for the slow intellect often has by far{learns nothing else, she at leas : 1 ' TT ini : : ae : : a Ml ‘ " a l a tO i cy ¢ ha ) oo 1 the more retentive grasp. Like Em-|]learns to appreciate her mother and | \ | S ear . 4 cave Cor y . , / : : : g : a ‘ my Lou in the story, they always|the home she left. e i i ef . icessities ne per ne t + 7 1 hit 1 Inuy at ~ . , a I . knew things the day after, but when When all ig said, thou ae i oo i once do know them, they know | question is one that we i a 1 them forever. tle from our individua 1 F ct t t the b In piti case of actual feeble ind while it is true that ) et ria et 1 ee ' ie ’ . . | - c ¢ } + mindedness the sensitiveness that|ably hardly a defect o | tio fF sales, 7 ra ( Pe keeps a father and mother from ac-| mind that could not be er: | memh $2 t ‘ } it i i i til I i | i bil 4 i Vo bw ~ wledging to themselves the | the proper education, we shall go on], ee De eae il ann d’s defect becomes cr il, for | making mistakes about it until the ee i f a \ t ; ther e schools wher trained men|end of time for we shall never bs +] i ‘ t tiles ts ind women knovy how to foster the able to see yur children as they : 1) | ( t S ‘ - = } { H feeblest flicker of inte rence or to perceive when PeESE fin i" ¢ 1 ‘ nh I ) , 1urse it int he light of on not Swans : ( { th the : : people ive no right to let pride \nd that is funny or pathetic S ccomt ving tt vest] : i : pi it t 1 from giving infor--| you look at it Dorothy Dix | : . ’ i ' i : ' S} is ‘ ta bb S to t +] t e ch e benefit of such an ll .. f | ' . ' 2 . is THiV z d pert ps unrust vithou 4 stinda* ‘ a I+ + ‘ cee Business Women as Wives. iat vain iba gig fee g on > ys 2 Omiy | « ey : ' | ? +404 c ~ 4 Is ‘ : t f + + ‘ 3 iu =i f aa song ) SUIKS Of giving way YT hh at their wn dispos t Ge 9 ubhiool for their chil I cE iS the opinion of some that 2 7 | : / / Hiv / | i ‘ } , " . 2] hites > mirctt tCals, pA v " - Cc | T t I t LT tners lt i yom: ngaged j uSiness pursuits dre why, te should not people try ree ged im busine » 1 ‘ a . i. i . UISINESS Vor il ~ I eat . to ) + be ud ¢ }soon becomes unfitted for the duties Te : : to re ze that not every mind will |". sn Hee ae 1 ‘ take the same kind of education? Why | sal ud shat east usu Annas A iin ¢ loes not seem to be borne out by the | She has learned to svmpathize - a facts. There are many good reasons|the tired feeling in the even that | Wit respect to t womet Lil¢ i | Po : i ang , r a a for this |may even preve the sb vis 1] t C lh } i Ff [The business woman has learned|ing to kee; word ar her }|to n g g bus 1 1 the absolute need of punctuality. She to tiie ¢ s ness s st e % to waste time in a colleg vhen tech : : i ( i ac mG h —— ee ‘ i, nit sSCcCnoois, inh wiit h he wou d rev nual ie ed that Sao ' ' : ? ' : " " : ’ ter hy ; 2 , 1 | 1 el in the mysteries of f business people to go by a certain] she w put asi er OW ( fe }1 t s to Sin the romance of electricity, where train in order that the oimce may D¢ aisappo tment a bai _* \ L OtOow mess and interest! ~ 7 h nam- it in life is swap- oy and who becomes a i 1 1 lc SCHROGI needs and desires A +] - int AnotHner point ing in mind in a boy of girl's condition Personally, | am an ar dent advocate of the military schooi for boys and the boarding school for girls. I have seen. thin-chested anaemic little boys come a year or two at a good military school, robust sickly, pickle -faced girls yy a good gymnasium and regular hours into blooming beauties. Moreover, both of these institutions offer salvation to our overindulged and overpetted American children by forcing some kind of obedience from them and demanding’ respect for rules. IT WILL BE YOUR BEST CUSTOMERS, or some slow dealer’s best ones, that call for HAND SAPOLIO Always supply it and you will keep their good will. HAND SAPOLIO is a special toilet soap—superior to any other in countless ways—delicate enough for the baby’s skin, and capable of removing any stain. Costs the dealer the same as regular SAPOLIO, but should be sold at 10 cents per cake. MICHIGAN TRADESMAN LOCAL ORGANIZATION. C. M. Alden’s Address to Michigan Hardware Dealers. i 4 ization, force ve without value. Take ever capacity you wish AC, ‘ ire witnot ranged by Di Dos t t eriess v «a sé dis es € comp: < € S 2 c £ } b e a € \\ e re t i. a} , s iv Vi nN4An ho and who aK Se, asaeaq @ > ae i we s who un n th ) t a te t 14 ns ‘iw shee S say g ~ een : 7 sited ee retit Ss Org Z rubs you Tr) m.1 } ind makes you both ed with your jobber, 1ust be harnessed, <<, to be of | not only makes you all friendly,| Smith asks 65c for a shovel. The but—dare I say it?—brotherly. Yes,| customer says, “I think I can get it and why not brotherly? This feature|at Brown’s for 60c.” Smith holds alone is worth more than all the pal-j| his price and customer goes to Brown try dollars you put in for dues and|and is asked the same. Customer assessments It establishes confi-| bluffs a little about going back } 1 ‘“ r + le each other. ts Brown says, “Well, take N N tores have the same ; GOoc” Smith bears about nrice uny Pa age + +1 ~~ san tar 9. i na 1 ken th - + rl e ? prices, WHICh 15 the OCCasion for 75 fand you EnOw the rest. mere 6 a 25—-Io—-5 per cent. of all the fights.|fght en shovels until they are 1 ai tmeipaanta Samia Our prices on Carvers will interest shrewd buyers. We carry a large variety of High Grade Sets.and Pairs We are distributors for Che Fletcher Knife Zo.’s Celebrated Hand Forged Pocket Knives Every Knife Warranted. QUALITY PRICE FINISH See our salesmen for samples and prices. Fletcher Hardware Co. Detroit, Michigan hi a OOOO arya Sia ra Buyers’ Excursion The Wholesale Merchants’ Association of the Board of Trade will run an excursion to Grand Rapids from all points in the Lower Peninsula, August 24 to 29 inclusive, at one and one-third fare for the round trip. A cordial invitation is hereby extended to our patrons and to all retailers and their families to take advantage of the excursion. Foster, Stevens & Co. $ran4, Rapids, aatleaaan oe a igtasanatpanc da ASSERT Veale iar e ee en hanna MICHIGAN TRADESMAN gone, and no money is made by it. Organization would regulate prices on as many articles as you desire, and on a basis of a living profit. You would be enabled to meet the depart- ment store and_ catalogue house prices without feeling that you were cutting your Own town prices 4. The ledger contains the names of a number of dead-beats. There are people who live on the merchant as much as they can. They run ac counts at the grocery, meat market, tc, and often move, beat their landlord and merchants and _ locate in another section of the town and “do them” there. Organization would head off this practice. Jones would be compelled to pay Brown before trust him. The plumb Smith woul ers in certain localities have this system so perfected that it 1s impos sible to even get a piece of work done on a cash basis unless you set- tle your old account with the com plaining plumber. Ss. The need of education. [ft is a fact that the average man is not up to the standard of his calling. I do his applies to the hard- nore than to others, that the retail hard- needs it very much. No cantile business has so many ad- vantages for intellectual achievements as the hardware. We are brought into contact with every other line of needs, industry by supplying their : hence it is to our advantage, first, to have a thorough knowledge of our own business, especially pertaining to our business methods and to the nature and quality of our goods; sec- ond, to know something about our customers’ occupation, that we may keep in touch with his demands and meet them with satisfaction and in- telligence. Organization can_ be made a means to this end, by talks on topics of interest bearing on any information desired, thus elevating 1 OBESCsVES. tO *r standard of in- telligence tions. As I said before, organize is on and there are organi- zations galore—every line of indus- try is organizing, and with a large majority of them we are indirectly with Of the many organizations in ex- istence there are two with which we, as merchants, are directly brought im contact. These are, first, the cat- 1 : alogue houses, who are combining for of formulating and pusl irough the legislature, schemes for using the postmaster, letter carriers and freight agents to distribute their ad- vertising matter and converting the United States mail service into freight trains. It will be a sorry day for us if they ever succeed in pass- ing the Parcels Post bill. Nothing but constant, determined individual! and concerted effort on our part will Here is needed the co-operation of the manu- facturer, the jobber and the state and local organizations. Much more could be said on this question, but, in- ever block their game. jing you. stead, I refer you to the many dis- cussions in the hardware magazines The other organization to which I refer is the labor union. There is no class of men that need the benefit of honest and intelligent association any more than do the mechanic and other laboring men. Origina the unions were conducted on this basis, and many are to-day, but some are being deceived by misguided walking delegates and are resorting to the boycott, the black-list and such means to gain their point Hence we read in the daily papers reports of uneasiness concerning the | juestion. Strikes are blocking the wheels of progress and the prosperity we have been enjoying seems totter- How to meet this problem and solve it aright is ing on its foundation. the question that we must help an swer. We are passing through an industrial and social evolution bor- dering on revolution. There will be a readjustment in which the work- ing man will have his portion of the prosperity he helped to develop, which is his by right of creation. The mischievous walking delegate may delay this realization, but eventually labor will abolish the agitator and then capital and labor—emp! ethe lants, employe—will walk tog Retail hardware mercl we are not large employers of labor, may think this question does not con cern us, but it may not be many « before we will be obliged to meet our few employes to settle the ques- tion of “more pay or shorter hours,” or both. either. meet this question in a way that will be honorable and _ straightforward, because we are brought in contact They may not deserve Organization will help us to with discussions on various topics along this line, and, instead of being a means to antagonize, organization can be made the means to harmonize employer and employe. Read and study the reports of hardware conventions and you will wonder why you have been without organization in your town and coun- ty. If every city, town and county were locally organized, we could dis- pense with our present organization and in its stead have a state conven tion, consisting of delegates from these local organizations, believe, would be more beneficial to which, I 1 all concerned. I would suggest to 1 our President that this question be put before us for discussion at some convenient time How to organize and stay organ- ized is a problem with some, so I will suggest the following rules to govern you: 1. Be careful how you approach your competitor. If you are a good judge of human nature, you are all right, but if you have any doubt about co-operation call on some one from the State organization to organ ize you 2. If there are only one or two in llage take in the township or a certain district around you. 3. Be liberal in your constitution, that it may not be continually annoy- A good organization will ! | 1 1. an , sta £ 1 o ¢ 1 Lad seldom be obliged to refer to its!of her husband, who had constitution an accident: | eee 1 th ce + ot t 1 4. Lion? } - <« cc. but 1 r ine nn were taxi reruse t¢ t tne eST S ty t Iar 1 Cz t € t pe ) y - i yiankK i is vour dut to ork tor the cause | < j , - & Lil ii » « A @ elericeno the same man 2 . ¥ . ' . i i & ti ime in Siped. He a. is this a > + > ¢ + x . reside! V € r I S His Of-| the VA Mi y Mr ; 1 ‘ ‘ é ‘ nN S > } 1 l, ( er h the Ss id and } res + ttend Y? 1 } pec 2 ) na the I D ne iY uy 1 ° é rvn f S ‘ \ 1 j very n ig i p map I d ‘ fac Hus 1 } f push la cl beloney sag f 1 y at . 1 ' \ ’” pe 8 V ) ) ° widdi Y I S / . 1 ¢ 1 ¢ ae t S 1¢ f ae ba rose I i ip 1lways g D I 1 na ; , 1 i INO eT é€7 aré ) ft ST? + S ~ i pt ¢ ) ¢ 1 ) £ ganizatior Keep vo g Z S yn _ a S TY ( s T SS < f 1 1m i 1 ‘ (sf vers ) ¢ 1! + x e+ + TY kK ; . ' . > oo hill | Ctee $F A ot } In closit | as i ut to pre mt ff e a ‘ . 2 | ve 1 2 iZat 1 Gran IN 7 T 4 i s Last ye 3,000, ds of w LI he - | ‘ ; were COMECTEL ne ' is € I t¢ ed ganized € V r € I t 1 ‘ ‘ L he Massac setts ty resp ed to ft id signed i -— i é r ) KIO) 50,000,000 yo We have the finest line on the market and guarantee our prices to be as low We are anxious that as any one in the United States, quality considered. all those buying wire should write us. We are also extensive jobbers in Hay and Straw. We want all you have. Let us quote you prices f. o. b. you city. Smith Young & Co. 1019 Michigan Avenue, Lansing, Mich. References, Dun and Bradstreet and City National Bank, Lansing. wHITe | cpALLEAD ~ TO 8B and GUARANTEED E WHITER.FINER COVERING BETTER AND TAKING 3 To4 GALLONS MORE OIL TOTHE 100 POUNDS THAN ANY LEAD ON THE MARKET. . NAPRREM WARPENROTRO. anteed. Agency Columbus Varnish Co. of time and expense. White Seal Lead Warren Mixed Paints Full Line at Factory Prices The manufacturers have placed us in a position to handle the goods to the advantage of all Michigan custom- ers. Prompt shipments and a saving Quality guar- ospwonamr 32 MICHIGAN TRADESMAN A BOY’S LAMENT. Has Hard Time and Unburdens Himself of His Woes. Written for the Tradesma T 1 I was talking wv b ther } day s ) x c t \ ys WW < \ Ss ce siz : adisag 2 ‘4 V existe! e xX Ww » _ ~ s\ : ' ae . ri D t £ Ss 4 j +? \ s t \\ S c x vy oC oO S S ‘ \ \ s . e se { t ' Oo ' i \ t > 2 V N S s sometim Ss cy t = 2 i s \ s t way n, S é ' £4 elie \t i \ i Ss Ss ~ ~ c t _ er i .- « ¥ s € \ \ . £ > o> & t a Ss t lec . etim<¢ s J Sit & W cst a ‘ : fray ) t \ K 2 2 \ ) } [ s D I e S SI e ic n c \ c t ~ ! t No. 36 Cigar Case. his is the finest Cigar Case that we have ever made. It is an elegant piece of store furniture and would add greatly to the appearance of any store. Gorner Bartlett and South Ionia Streets, Grand Rapids, Mich. Sellers Sellers of Diamond Crystal Salt de- rive more than just the salt profit from their sales of ‘‘the salt that’s ALL salt.”’ It’s a trade maker—the practical illus- tration of the theory that a satisfied customer is the store’s best advertise- ment. You can bank on its satisfac- tion-giving qualities with the same certainty you can Sold to your dairy a certified check. and farmer trade it yields a double gain—improves the butter you buy and of the butter you sell. increases the prices For dairy use the 14 bushel (14 pound) sack isa very popular size and a convenient one for grocers to handle. Retails for 25 cents. For more salt evidence write to DIAMOND CRYSTAL SALT COMPANY, St. Clair, Mich. sg aang cap TE i eee fe eee Alma Se Hg gagaents. Si Mi in cg 3 MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 33 THE = OF UNIONISM. What Shall Be ‘aed With the Men Left Over? Unions of skilled trades invariably I i Co : . iimuit the } OF apprentices tO jour neymen refuse, when strong enough, to work with non-union men When unions are weak they welcome to their ranks all who have any c to be skilled in the craft. Where the union includes a large majority of the workmen of a snide the invariable 1e initiation tendency is to so raise ficult for new O to scrutinize is for ad- mission, with a view to shutting out . “s . ‘ 4 ny wno Will Chare under the tyran ny of the walking delegate and insist t Ss Stl me € ct iy D 1” tI 1 os man who vish to pe S¢ I T t! T ¢ T t t Te it ¢ qd Le wover to ; f e him on , 1 [ } ( c 1} ra rr ) oO ft tT Those engaged in trade to lin the num he a) new \ , Ss rome nto t by appre ship or otherwise, it + + ne ft } ‘ er 2 ¢ det mine é Da ' on mn tm | Of numo o} xed tly the imiut ] 1 } r } + i D€ itt Dut 1 1 lf rbit rilvy S ney t-y} + 4 T iDly so x Ss ways t ot numbe ) \ ible workme 1 i tti D ow tf t ) A ( } “4 ; 3 re t \ aeman dDeC S€ vould cc € 5 ( wi t vages t Ch — at / it } be Ht a * t ‘ » a} t hod, 1 havine 1 WA € ) It ) vhich w ts S d I le- re +} ¢ +} ‘ 1 rat sero CF t > as | Tri ¢ 1 . 1 } to 1 1f Dris Dus S = 1 be, even ou e may t be 1 ov Ie Lil } - wo oO whe US SS iS Ssiack In np ct oO é en n Suct I I t n ecu © ac thec e ah ‘ a ' se t K I ) e ¢ ( r ery day but 1 1.74 ’ 1st un s the sk ed tr 1e S € ess realiv 2 1 ¢ ti t! € S ) ire in every ‘ bovs who 1k I € ett Wr t the sloven nd mcam tent n wv in the un t bu incompetents cw rh tit union, Dut who are not allowed to have aaah litey Pp re nsibuity LOWer ar- Hith- sometimes, under the law of dem and supply. When _ business brisk and the supply of skilled 1 was inadequate, such men as cc be had were d f the work as they could do. W drawn in for such pz and was nen yuld arts hen business was dull, perhaps some even of the most skilled had to temporari- i ployment, He te : \ il¢ c tl hei 3 tO et rr to foresee what the de man be in future years and pro vid d men to do the work when needed There is co piaint by large employers in some lines’ that. the m be oO ipprentices perm tted to be take n each year is no longer as rge as the umber who drop out é by th 1atural casualties of ‘. ip Bae fa i tic ) ; to t { hic dy for then Unionism owe 7 1 elf to provide workers for A thing demand a ot a aa : 4 at 10 1 Ss £0 LiKE Sure tha the : Ss St ikeiv to succeed in a ‘ t¢ t pportt t t rn ( pport 1 y t aT! . Until the union became the ve | ‘ : a 1. a pression and tyr w, the ‘ 1 S 4 vs bee Oop tO tHe “ i a4 Bee beh . : T T t ti, n ive ¢ IT f ce ents in 2 ey “ } e s OTe y ¢ i» Nov ce me t © +t ic ~k t + 1 + i oo e to take cont of } rT : “ us S } ssumption which S € ) € fF it Y VC the 1 mn ext n the unions S e¢ ‘ to society to ) t t es the gn S S A r can b induced to ve 4 Or} eae prog Sé L it y by progress prog t tk can be fe for the in ( sing numbers of the world’s pop ae Ali i ; ‘ ¢ S t pa at probDien t St Man [i I € \Ca- ‘ ‘ 1 id - the 1 ) to be admitted 1s i. 1: . um to be strictly limited by those al- ready in, and if, as now, there lways be thousands clamoring admittance, with no door open S them to find to do power which fo whatever they 1 1 charged with the responsibility their lives and their happiness. will for to for And it can not evade that responsibility Frank Stowell 2 <> i rave, a large, nice epitaph. ! = SQN aN SY SSN SN COPYRIGHT REGISTERED HA ost healthful antisept grade material a Five thousand boxes sold CELERY GUM CO., LTD., 25-37-39 North Dizision street , Michigan M. B. ALLEN Successor to M. B. Allen Gas Light Ce., Makes the best Gasoline Gas Plant on the market to-day. Never has had a fire loss. Three years on the market. Write for further light. Responsible agents wanted in every town to handle the Allen Light. T MEVER’S RED SEAL BRAND SARATOGA CHIPS Tt Have a standard reputation for their superior quality over others. MEYER’S Improved Show Case } i lh ti ft me A . Fy f y y Saratora ¢ S p+V f : 3 KS eos + y + on —y Manufacturer « J. W. MEVER, Meyer’s Red Seal Luncheon Cheese 127 E. Indiana Street, A Dainty Delicacy. CHICAGO, Il. er q Remember the Buyers’ Excursion August inclusive. We shall be sip to have 1 sample of our Honeysuckle Chocolate Chips. Putnam Factory National Candy Company Grand Rapids, Mich. at mate agar iter 34 MICHIGAN TRADESMAN GOOD INVESTMENT. Its Termination. ‘Brought About by Brains, not Luck. Written for the Tradesmar s € Ss 2 + th: S c 4 v < < S i c \ Ss j N 1 y ss 2 > t * ’ } S sid cc. © ~ S } ; S (31 AY \ S | at i. \ S 4 \ a ig journalist, rf statesman, AS A ‘“‘METAL SURFACE - + r i : ss . ° . nce irs . Said, and i was right, ne iS just always iS Deen \s Horton said, it had been decid i cees son aoe ok 0 el ' | Id home rmont.|@ One dozen in a box. Retails toc. a + pice |@ Large profit. Ask your jobber for told 7 he liked blond | work, and made ne vita m |@ aes @ riy 1f they played tfoot- [his arrangement suited me to a MOORE & WYKES listantly related to ry. | a ae old maid, and I am Merchandise Brokers s, so tl ght GRAND RAPIDS MICHIGAN Write us for sample. he fact that @G@@@QO@DOGe ©OODQOQOQOO!S ©OOQOOQOOS® ‘|THE OLDSMOBILE Is built to run and does it. i ee bit of doing| Horton and I. The house was a $650 = z Hort = 5 ch S¢ me as noth Q g make com ] n S eatic d. Son s s s li r, when ve \ zht g y brar I Sis S gazing int 2 £ S wistf OK that Or; ght e A mks ] have oO ( ated 9 s \ this spring Pd g Ss , MVvic \ Y 1y € I d " ' ‘s sprang up and stood with his; Wealso handle the Winton gasoline touring | piece ) ‘king r 7 ught tO I i i grown, and I wish S ( b tl re to see ADAMS & HART Lunt Nell,” he said quite seriously 12 West Bridge Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. + " + a , 7 ele ’ USING A. HAWTHORN ROOF PAINT " GUARANTEED FOR SIX YEARS One reliable agent wanted for PROTECTOR” THIS PAINT POSITIVELY HAS NO See ee ee should act quickly. ' a THE BEST FOR ' ' Si! . IRON AND TIN ROOFS, hor FANCY IRON FENCES, SMOKESTACKS, IRON PIPES and BOILERS, a IRON BRIDGES, each county. Interested parties ERNEST McLEAN Sole Agent for Michigan STRUCTURAL IRON, Box 95, Grand Rapids, Michigan Soe 6 ETC., ETC. = 20 | WALL CASES, COUNTERS, | SHELVING, j ry | ETC., ETC. Drug Store Fixtures a Specialty ‘ Estimates Furnished on Complete . x Store Fixtures. start Monday to oe ° Geo. S. Smith Fixture Co. 6 97--99 North lonia St. Grand Rapids, Michigan ue ‘ MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 35 * and yet with sock cushions covered with eyes, “I don't vash cases, added two small what in g screens, behind which are mean it, and ~d pillows and rugs, anc “IT won't, Horton,” I answered.|the rest of the accessories necessary “when did I ever laugh at you?” to their enterprise “Never. But I shouldn’t wonder if rHeSe are 2 GUaNTITy OF Stiail tim spades, buile 1 ' } a7 “4 a a 1 d I’m worth | blocks cardt bright wools, : ninety a month now. unt needles, ily colored tissue 5 : i f nanoer ‘ £ wn sconrt . mt " oo ak “Why. that’s etolauch at: | Papers, a fine assortment of beads of , lid . Lt AUB TL al, ’ . +. ' sizes. and yuNncin: mo why shouldn't [ believe yous Tamil 7? | bouncing ball ; a ; : : - rave ‘ani ae + + } o $ sure its fine, but not a bit more than AALCTE UIC pe tl sign, ae a ‘ an ’ T} ee is } ee i Wut Patrons began u i q Chat ah 1 ‘. k em as tO a counter L I ’ my a ~Le Hlorton j 1 i > S is Sall checked “ oo ee . ete ce ca. | a I « rt Vy m ners ready | f n deposited the i Ss ¢) {y ™ Wincti re* f{ntherc InCTIONS, Tathers OURTL 1 - sy 1 VW ilac IOP! took I'll t t $ woine blesome « Bes, to the rk yuise ae i ’ ( shelter; giddy young aunts go- i. i s ; t S - x itl t] steadies”’ t ok S nN } net oa s ( ephews to leave j AA | 7 " : ré d checks for the t . : nr VW if . N . od ny ts want to i | rat y fi ( they take J yhnnie, | ' . i thine it » t S it baby to be A , in ds ee ae 1 fed ie ces aed i : coup ) ne ein Otter teen t ty childre se T'we es y own mney * g the great ers 7 : : | 9 + : rhic | 8 a qT } es aca 7. ong } ok but 1 en 9 1 | 8 as Vas So1 \ id s S t ? c 3 ( is S19 I 9 yA tne a j hives o} a | it Et s s I oe | | Q G r Te ne < Soe \ A i S a g i ; a j ; 4 sl ea ia | g « “Yes,” I said - “No a“ " ul He) € S |} d SI Salil SII i pe I x \ Ss ‘ |. : rT ' : & ' it invest while the stock is still rea Me a If so, we invite you to Inspect Our line sonaDiy low ind with a happy little Lea : cael lan d laugh Horton turned ont the licht xi”? "CSC : - i the hall and left me to my own re. {Sowing two-year-old of the imple- of Diebold fire and burglar proof safes, aa Helen Choate Str a I sai ra _contet tt n a replaci 8 it ; f nap) with a brilliantly-red shovel, which en . > . sc 7 2c ‘ > “Check Your Babies Here?” eo which we consider the best safes made. [wo enterprising Los Angeles |*They are such good children, not - “ j girls who wanted to earn somelone of them whining or crying; I If not convenient to call at our store, money < 1d to have a summer outin be Se cee ee ml oe whe evish or half-sick little ones we shall be pleased to have you ac- thought up a 1en 2) | a2 t] ue J I - it pay I md ti \ ‘ ll br 1 strone chil . ° ‘. a jaa Xe es es wiles cane quaint us with your requirements and been estat d but two weeks. h i | Both of them know ioe we will quote you prices by mail. ibout kindergarten No Such Man. y i nd of < ire so t ger—Strange there haven't ge tent, pitched it Dé s to my advertis at a popular 1 t alon ii in i, ae Pro} wonder. You made Tradesman Company shows. They 8 ‘ad. | The sadea of Pp n the tent b t made i eae oo = a - Grand Rapids, Mich. with festoons of seaweed, 1g y y who isn’t shells. On the sand they spread a| hopeles ly below it feels he’s far heavy rug or two, heaps of pillows above it. 36 MICHIGAN TRADESMAN The Peopl C an 37 oO 1 | e From Whom We Buy.* | who he in every case will nd see where the difficulty box of goods } kL 7 DroKen 15S tr é » vou AAry Gnd him W ] nim re vy to eln rae 6 n tr another jobber of a wholesa 1ess, or yours, often if he could goods are coming in and_ going ale house every hour 118s competitors and 1 Orager as you obber, appre- ms s your favors and would be ed to meet you at his place of o. It would pay you to see the you are buying from once in a then no doubt feel you would keep ai c y letter or order sent the manu eae o Ht o —, “ — «911 er or jobber and answer all on you n t e ege a low rice you ive been ed of cance their op according to contract. Unde _s Buaranty it 8 nOt fignt to can orders. Your duty is to notify So iaednat! for not would find it i much trouble yourself. eer Wieser eS with whom that name it. the firm your order is you have a lower price, Then either placed and they can meet it or cancel, giving you the op- portunity to buy elsewhere. bill once The manufacturer, when a comes due, expects his cash at Or draws on ws at sieht. Do we honor their drafts, or do we feel that they are in too big a hurry for their money? We sometimes forget that the manufacturer only knows most of us by the orders we send him or the cash. ‘he manufacturer buys a new pat ent at a high figure or pays a roy alty on some article to manufacture and as they have the exclusive sale short time price for the for a charge a high Would we not Often the makes a lot of goods through finds it been they goods. do the same if we could? manufacturer tind factory only to they have run imperfect and out after a quantity have sold. Should we be opin Would them a loss? Just too severe in our firm’s goods? etter to give 1ak ce good our remember how small our loss is compared with theirs. Some in talking with a discharged large factory, "Well, 1 got firm.” I asked him and he told me that he years ago, had foreman in a workman who been by the this said to me, even with the old man in what had way run his machine open the last day. Now this no doubt caused a lot of trouble for the manufacturer, who was in no way tto blame. The manufacturer or jobber some- times comes into your town and sells orders direct from factory to con- But would they do it if you on the you sumers. were lookout for the business after it yourself? You no doubt would have been able to have had their help in landing the and goods billed hrough a commission on the I know or if had gone had the you or orde ft sale. In a great many cases have been up-to-date retailer where nice commissions given to the Now, Brother Retailers, I have tried to look at you through the three standpoints named. If no part of this paper applies to you I am glad of it, but if any part does just yourself in the other man’s place put for a few moments and see what you would have done. Having been one of the first mem- be of this Association and having ttended all but one of the annual meetings, [ have found that you ould rather have facts than flattery at an annual meeting, so I have taken the liberty, at the request of your Secretary, of giving you cold facts. —__»9__ A Buffalo an automatic mechanic has invented shiner. All you foot into a penny in the slot quickly The ectricity shoe 1ave to do is to put your the machine, drop and your shoe is and satis- factorily device is operated by el polished. and a com- has undertaken to manufacture Many an Othello will find his occupation gone if the proves a suc- cess. pany and place it upon the market. machine MICHIGAN TRADESMAN Hardware Price Current Ammunition — G. D., full count, per m. . ae 40 Hicks’ Waterproof, per m.. 50 we Deca ce - _. 75 Ely’s Wi rproof, per m.. eee 60 Cartridges No. 22 short, per m.. dees a 2 60 nO, 22 lames, per mi... ....... 3 00 No. 32 short, per m. ' 5 00 me. Ree ee a... 5 75 Primers No. 2 U. M. C., boxes 250, per m...... 1 40 No. 2 Winchester, boxes 250, per m... 1 40 Gun Wads Black edge, Nos. 11 and 12 U. M.C... 60 Black edge, Nos. 9 and 10, per m...... 70 Ginck edge, No. 7, per m.............. 80 Loaded Shells New Rival—For Shotguns Drs. of oz.of Size Per No. Powder Shot Shot Gauge 100 120 4 1% 10 1 $2 90 129 4 1% 9 10 2 90 128 4 1% 8 10 290 126 4 1% 6 10 2 90 135 44 1% 5 10 2 96 154 a4 1% 4 10 8 00 200 3 1 10 12 2 50 208 3 1 8 12 2 50 236 = 1% 6 12 2 65 265 3% 1% 5 12 270 264 3% 1% 4 12 270 Discount 40 per cent. Paper Shells—Not Loaded No. 10, pasteboard boxes 100, per 100. . 72 No. 12, pasteboard boxes 100, per 100... 64 Gunpowder Kegs, 25 lbs., per keg........ one es 490 % kegs, 12% Ibs., per 4% keg.......... 2 0 i¢ kegs, 644 ibe., ‘per RE OE obs cscs 1 69 Shot n sacks ——s 25 Ibs. Drop, all 0 smaller than B........ 1 7% Augurs and Bits amelie 60 Jennings genuine. . eee 25 Jennings’ imitation........ 50 Axes First Quality, 8. B. Bronze............ 6 50 First Quality, D. D> BERMMD. .-..2-00-- 3 00 First a 7 06 First oe... 10 50 Barrows eee . 13 00 Spe ee et De Bolts - ccnttn dE ONT as dle a as os 70 Carriagé, new list ee de he 60 itvewcne a Hd nn cocu os 5o Buckets ee a $4 00 Butts, Cast Cast Loose Pin, figured ............... 70 Wrought ae ............ bd cane 60 Chain 4¢ In. &16 in. % in. % in. en. Se a. | t Venetians, the Portuguese and ef For bec mom bee > : 4 i Or Deing In Dusiness: Are the one ee oe oT you in business for your Health, C lé mS ORR 1- | or for Fun or for the Profit there cle g ( " the | may be in it? Various motives stics oO ” 1 si ¥5 hat ws #6 : Or n | actuate men. The motive be- : [ S l States yun ad a fair bunch of the Sham-| hind the action like “THE to $1,465,38 e those of Eng-| rock | en the shears the | MAN BEHIND THE GUN” nd, t boasted mistress of the]old I id it to ne | is the all important thing. seas niv 5,048,400, or over | side of the cks the | Some people may be in busi- dred million ¢ B. fess, Lis ee the | ness for Health—not many g the ears naugu ig id beg sp people are in it for Fun, though yred Pres very n t there is considerable “funny | \ 1 McKinley March. ! ed. TI g the ; business’ going on. We assume 7 M go2 bz g shing in, but the Irishma that you, like ourselves, are in é United States | still s 1 € t business for A REASONABLE ' S So a t dly f that PROFIT. Our business is to a 0.900¢ 600 per cent iot J 1 Sé é build the peor sad fumee Stee eae al Bowser S passing t the ha yees? The matter,’ gasped the | re tra S nore than all} b enough is the matter. I ’ MEASURE S ) t y MPOrt I pp d Om the VOLE O ' Pf t r | SELF . Se Hi ee gale cd MEASURING 1 < @ & lrishman, “2 yn : ver bizness, it | * fabric vas too long ae ies Oil ank : i ) e il) i t vhat so beg g nd to induce you to buy it, if we can In all seriousness and candor we money | In conclusion let me say, gentle believe that a Bowser Oil Tank will aid you in your business and save to you , ada oO costs money, rfc ha he problems great and a profit that you are now losing. This Tank saves Oi! r | / H # : ; 51 vhich ce t us ) com-| | It saves Labor, and labor costs money, whether you perform it yourself or hire . eT a It saves Time ura or vour clerks’. and Time 1s mot More d polit é t yme| | it done. it saves lime, yours or your clerks, and me 1S money More | t » = me } 4 ] } } 7 ~ 1 rel Te se * : oo 7 HT i. 4 in. | | than this, it is Cleanly, Neat and Handy and reduces your fire risk. It is a 1 i nd the help and| | profit saver and hence a profit earner. Remember we assume that you are in 5 rd é oy J 1 1€1f a ti i - « i | a sl nn A eee a he | | business for PROFIT. “M"’ tells more ‘ieee wees ks A ce pce hes oe | | S. F. BOWSER & CO. j FORT WAYNE, IND. { Ver Am 7 t S if c I } o j or t 1r¢ nad versity Che com Spirit Of con promise ania Concessio! zl ' a : ' ® ® | mercial at ndustrial expansion of |a leading factor in the settlement oft if i ‘ : Hi Hl 8 ‘ . ' our nation is one of the problems of | the disputed questions that vex ou Ol UNI ies cy the hour. We are seeking new mar-| day; they contain the quintessenc: ets al t world. Cuba is al-| of the enterprise, of the a ty and + itt rand 2 hilannine < all th: akes fo nNrogresc +f ' ré loor and Philippines | 0? all that makes for progt r Did you ever stop to think that - ’ : a : os wery ade an 904 ‘ J ) Pe - v ») us a stepping stone into |every trade and business, and the - : ‘ PP! a \ piece yf advertising matter you send t 1 markets China and | 2 ce and € in . ‘ ‘ ae 1 , whether it be a Catalogue, Booklet, hrough the o ee oO é . l- ac scinece ri } ec “aT W West Ci zation | CO commerce lar, Letter Head or Business Card, is an Le c enterpris t con- j Supret y OF our 1 Opportunity to advertise you business ? ; 1S ot ee ee Are you advertising your business rightly ? eo sigh Woman of the Alps. Are you getting the best returns possible _ . ; 1 . ° ° ' ea to de- Somewhere in the French city of ' i . nee : . ‘ Somewhere in the French ci ni for the amount it is costing you as, 4 me the 1 vans ic 4 tele cocoa shot i A AoyUES IS a LIttic COCOd SHOp a. oF tT . ‘ 1. ~ \ : 2 i ' Cyn rr siona the Filipino to be | ¢ Alps which veteran. climbers | then you are losing opportunities. Your print decent and : so that we|may well envy. For years she has ing is generally considered as an index to g send nts ‘ sell | 6,11 1 os . . ‘ ao ' ‘ae a - " mignt id it to €1! |} followed the French Alpine troops your business If it’s right—high grade, oli oe nail — with her basket, marching with them the best—it establishes a feeling of con S an Bent SOCCESHON (0 TIE steed) pea Gat i la mai i ea airtel yn then manoeuvre with her ” fidence. But if it 1S poorly executed the ' oe we ee eC ine stiee as sippert and her basket of feel : . cs 1 . + - - ' Plnge 1S Oven ra Vo yusInNess me 10a ut in the opening Of a néw Market} cocoa as excuse. Within a few days eeling 1s given that your business methods, C ia excu i itnhin a Trew lay and goods manufactured, are apt to be in Orie . no \ /rient. | this wonderful woman has scaled a 4 ™1S-| mountain twenty-five hundred feet line with your printing. 1 tee Bs ‘ . . Li Pigtall- | high, crossed another covered with Is YOUR printing right? Let us see ed fo wers or ( 1s to abandor -* to abandon | snow, ascended another to a height if we cannot improve it +} “~hons lec for he more operat. i | - Le ii i i v it. ' Ht ' r the more Civil-|of twenty-eight hundred metres, iZ st ents of inaty attack, | .i:..1 as . +] , ; »lclimbed with the troops to the top ind tl tidal chiki Ob Sebel 7 Es ce cd Geli tle ik TRADESMAN COMPANY ) iont s€TS, and friaily ie€it tae sil eee aunt m the knives and | ,, giment at the summit of the Fre- an ans ' : : ‘ : ci 25-27-29-31 North lonia Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. jus, a height of twenty-seven hun- I have talked too} dred metres. Soldier after soldier ith profit re-|fell out of the ranks, but the cocoa A @ airal Sas in iong now call the vity furnished.| woman marched on, up the Alps and an Irishman, who,}|down the Alps. a me by the story o 40 MICHIGAN TRADESMAN Commercial Travelers i egg gO “Aches Knights of the arp President, B. D. PALMER, St. Johns; Sec- anxious [to make tl retary, M. S. BRowN, Saginaw; Treasurer, cv H. E. BRADNER, Lansing. United Commercial Travelers of Michigan Grand Counselor, J. C Pane. G —_ Rapids; Grand Secretary, W. F. Tracy, Fil Grand Rapids Council No. 131, U. C. T. “Pretty tougl Senior Counselor, W. B. HoipeNn; Secretary <.;4 Treasurer, E. P. Andrew. My Hardest Customer and How I oe : ‘A i WS Landed Him. Well, Yank, i tv ' iam. c i ; d loor ¥ M Ti. Help! rning. I shouted, and I caught his hand an | e cries of the ev p on the counter | That’s my toughest experience in itec “Peay “Be calm, colonel,” said I. A row- landing a customer. I’ve had some ( I was so boat soon came in sight and I level-} other tough propositions, but I did that I did ed my ver at € d ) 1.—Shoe Retailer A, led t escue wu H >. re cheer- gre ) many be anxiou of é ak- el and S f nxX1 y 7 1 y< ic e? T ’ i 1eets t mie The Ili excited I rOWwnNniInge POWnInNg d xy is an investment ulative dividends. Sa el The Warwick he He was inca yr | Strictly first class. el 2 “rf . Rates $2 per day. Central location. ee mn Trade of visiting merchants and travel- oe Mg aya an Pp ing men solicited. r ee ee A. B. GARDNER, Manager. t ng in S ey ] it i. ial | When in Detrcit, an — +e boy od a « C ) ie EAGIE Maewneies M hoes and the Office 47 Washington Ave. dt ltogether over | F, H. VAUGHN, Proprietor and Manager $ Ex-Clerk Griswold House IT COSTS YOU NOTHING To investigate the following stock: JUPITER GOLD MINING COMPANY CAPITAL, $1,000,000 Shares $1.00 par value; treasury reserve, 400,000 shares. Property all paid for; equipped with a complete 25 stamp mill. A limited amount of stock for sale at 25c a share. WRITE FOR PROSPECTUS J, A. ZAHN, Fiscat AGENT 1319 MAJESTIC BUILDING DETROIT, MICH. Facts in a Nutshell AUAAMA AMA LMA AA 2bk Gk bk Jb bk 2A dk bd bk bk Jd dk JAD MAKE BUSINESS WHY? They Are Scientifically PERFECT 129 Jefferson Avenue 113-115-117 Ontario Street Detroit, Mich. Toledo, Ohio GAMMA AA AMA LAA NA dd Abd LAN bk dd bk bk. Jd bk bd dd a dd WIT YTV TT VTP VTP VET NTT VET ITT NOP TT TET NTP NTP NTT NP TT VO ATP NPAT IPP APPL JAA Ab AA UL AA 6b db A PIrverververververtt? Zill =i ane Oe epeagane sincera, + rage Shots neces i < MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 41 THE TERRIBLE TRAVELER and come away with a disappointed Late State Items. the past five years, to accept one as ae expression. At the banquet I observ- Central Lake—The i book-keeper for Christopher & f eg " I se ~entra sake ne DOOK-Keepet OT -nristopner «OI- The Innocent Victim of Popular.Mis-|_, |. na : il ib gi ) f f [ & Lo ed him closely and I saw without] Liken, Brown & Co., vy tus conception. 4 on 1 a . — ¢ Pie much difficulty that he was extracting |idle for a year, will be converte Allega Irving A. Brown has re- Written for the Tradesman. ene . . : . _ " we very littie enjoyment irom the revels|a nail keg factory. G. n 18 | signed Ss pos m in the hardware [ is \- . £ } fact © o 2s — - 1 i : r : . A tiie . - a Who is = blame for the eact that of his fellows. I felt sure that some res ing a company and plant irtment of the grange store and the American traveling man 1s miS-|terrible calamity had befallen him. | will be put in readiness for next win-| will go to Shelf fs . - es i r l ? judged; but that he is misjudged I| His thoughts were apparently a hun-| ter. builders’ hardy 3 dian k , naw he fact hecos ce . + “ - * e do know. I know the fact because I was absent- Wayland—E. E. Day, who been ‘ u ; know the man. As I am not a can- At last sl a. ae didate for office, I feel I can speak vathetic ng t past thus freely in praise of the commer-/ture and curiosity no longer. I ee eg cial traveler without my motives be- t had befall ae aa : ing impugned. I am not looking for and I found that his house 4 nt h in Har the votes of the drummers of this] wired him that he must see certain] istry Wn country. My remarks are not inspir-| people and that in consequence he Onekama—Horace Kerry and O.|store of R. DeVries ed by any desire to boom myself po- | would be unable to : >. u litically or to get some fat job for|to attend a chil New Paper House. 1 Se ot ck oe as le Ht ee et de ee my friends. f ever se a nice, was going \ recently sold his ot 4 1 * ' + rd + + + , P 2, VAS rE juicy, well-cooked sinecure on the] year-old daugh € l. B. & W. Fa- +, * 1 “94 . . re + AY a4 . 1‘ nh ell t . r political platter I will immediately | of domestic inf ( Cc has or- turn a deaf ear—I have one—to the / ¢ Z iny W will / I have seen 1 , ( Mf ‘ man who wants someone to pass the . kK S fills Paper do many things t were ho ee eae steak. a : Co 3 t 1s an author- | I have known them to pay of t es se ee ad It seems almost | 7 S $50.000, of whi : gages on the old homestead. ¢ is ee i to say again that : ‘ i S n aid im, ; . Mnown them to pass up 2 ¢ traveling men in t eet ; ; < ws : sidetrip to some resort so th: 1K r kindest. I have n ids nal i ( S $4,000 mignt bring a or | Huff ] C ° in thus dragging the timid an: ug : S 1 ee > 000 : = this same resort at some ATeste a a ing commerce . % PECOIGGl. co wee et ena 2,000 : ; 1e es an the calcium glare : G i I ewe. ..... r ae ly as extravagant a ae , I am not looking i TEZOM «we eee ee eee e ee ees ‘ 1 : ¢ “ A . 4 t } ler are ( E am I looking for revenge. I am not Elk Rapids Port s Aer m4 ae fe i 1 " +} wot + t t ne of a revengeful spirit. 2 ex- these people ae | s Ss being - perience I have ever had with re- hem telling Ha Pp distribute ; ' 3 1 + . 1 + im “ sc } + ‘A MT; ; venge, the only time that I have seen they are, I , ee 1 I \. W ° . ' oe t . 7 et el os rf red R-r-r-r-revenge running around Perkins used|],- ce a a First Vice-President—Sol. J. Huf- t PUIULL { illp mics lave UC Es : - - . ? 66 r r ¢ . ‘ loose was when I was looking into sk: EO a ee aaa eae ; the barrel of it. I do not hold any- an ae an S President Hiram thing against the great American ea | ee G commercial traveling public. I have|right. Why, the scoundrel actually], 0 oo oinc in the country Secretary—G F. Tradewe never held anything against any trav-|stopped his coupe one cold, dreary eee Whee Hen Treasurer—Walter C. Hedden " of " 11ie¢gan 0 yn yS1er n¢ ries Hl ‘i " night o eventh avenue, and got a ee a : " I J as e tr ; 7: ’ e e . 1 wient at «¢ and 4 machine f Mvron Ross ee A ind j ° d tend to begin tI , if rs ? . i" i ae t vrapping paper, tw 5, ’ . 7 . “ ’ , ' : aU ' . + + + - r B but he had it all right, so there could a is ‘ co ae : ’ J ae . ’ or ne aa : i have been ae H a ? ' * m Unfortunate]; Fe pete one t Hae 4 yr \ ' 4 ee t people who do aids S wi ; usiness b i ing man as i ee a a4 , al> es =F , _ oe e 5 they never held . - " 41 el ee ’ r rs. 4 ) long and lovingly at a 29 cent jack- He > 2. a a ' tic pot, only to see it wither and fade The Boys Behind the Counter. il : away like the first gray mist of the Muskegon—-Henry Jacobs, for tl cy ry i morning or the last car at night, but past two years phart . 3 t ne ‘ a ‘ : neither have they bunked with him Viae pl ( ta ( i 1 bole os ; 5 t tl I har in the alleged hotels of this country ir position with the { I p - 0 — : and been bunkoed with him by the 1 don't bout advertising b hotel clerk in the morning. It is dif- Sout Arm—T] J [ son, of| keeps the money in circulation. : ferent with me. I have done these East Jordan, succeeds Bert Brabant : things. No one can ever accuse me s nager of C. A. Brabant’s gener- genenenenenssenesenenenees of deserting a friend, not while his 1 store 3 ° money | Marine (¢ C. J. Rapp, » has | 8 ° But to the uninformed and mis-|by paying her passage and actually | been in charge of the Broadway shoe ; ae ae HE i a an ' gg | an gw He who wants a dollar’s worth informed public the commercial trav- | escorted her to her stateroom, while| house since 1f was openea here two|®@ F k dred : : iy , : : “or every hundred cent eler is one who smokes terrific quan-| the old woman’s tears of gratitude] years ago, has his position : e _ " S tities of terrific cigars, looks upon|were streaming down her cheeks!|/to take a positi e la 5 Goes straightway to the Livingston the wine when it is of a crimson hue| Oh! insatiate monster! thus to give|shoe house at * And nevermore repents. 6 and indulges in other forms of deep-|money to penniless negro preachers Sanilac—J. E ster, f t! i$ A cordial welcome meets him there S Soy rallies: , y : “ ae 1 + ' y r v: 5 ~hildr 1? as Lawk « _ j . | e is lan arn i st ng women and childrer past ear clerk at L. ¢ tirling’s | c e dyed SRINRY: " + 3 ee ene oiney ign . * ee et re er |q With best of service, room and fare. @ little children against, particularly Douglas Malloch. drug store, has taken a posit i® He children of from i6 to 26. He may oe cB er, of Fort Hu i$ e be married, but to him his own mar- Owosso Press: Orville Angell, | Bay City—H. E. Leece, of Sagi-| 3 co cc $ : / a ' asl i Fa . : ee E . asc iage relations are a farce and a com-]| formerly of this city, has quit his job] naw, has taken a position with G. W.|@ aia si s edy, There really are people whojas trav« hi i i's + have these impressions of the travel- | Penoyer & is|® = ing man. go on th | Snenonecononcncsoncnencnes I remember sitting beside one of | Graphite im | . “0 these heartless wretches at a banquet | diana as | National Fire Insurance Co. so} } : awe | one night. I had seen him receive a | oT : er | ci of Hartford. : telegram a few minutes before we Don‘t think that advertising does] partment store. i : ‘ i ie entered the banquet hall. I had seen|not affect you because you don’t or Lansing—Miss Clara L. } W. Pred McBain, . i r - . 1 i ie e me . fae H ‘ ”* Y | & him consult 2 Wood’s guide and the|der certain brands of goods~you get|resigned her position with C. D.| ' * oe 1 the g 7Oe Gee eee 1} — a The Leading Agency’ hotel clerk immediately afterward|them anyway. Woodbury, where she has been for | Grand Rapids, Mich. 42 MICHIGAN TRADESMAN Drugs--Chemicals "",!°°220°5 82°°.5%" & *, young man, an’ mornir Michigan State Board of Pharmacy Term expires Wnt P. Dory, Detroit- - ~- Dac. 31, 19038 CLARENCE B. STODDARD, ene Dec, 31, 1904 : : JOHN D. Murr, Grand ds Dec. 81, 1905 Again I went to bed, only to be ARTHUR H. beg eae Ca Mine Dec. 81,196; , nn er HENRY HurM, Dec. 81, 1967 | @roused Dy the bell. President, HaNRY iii [his time a man wanted a porous Secretary, JOHN D. Murr, Grand Rapids. ol A aa 1 Treasurer, W. P. Dory, | Detroit. _—- went out of boss. and a vicious ring of thing to ring a man ' ip for at 2:30 a. m Once more I ‘Examination ation Sessions. ene Le vs is Re calle Houghton, Aug. 25 and 26. trrea to woo the Daimy, DUL jus Mich. State Ph tical A iati as my troubled soul was gliding into ich. te armaceutical Association. ' : i - President—Lou G. Moor, Saginaw. the land of dreams the bell received oo eee petrol. inother pull, and I hastily hurried to Next Meeting—Battle Creek, Aug. 18, 19 and 20.; the store door, to find man who am =| desired to purchase some rubber ! | : y } T - i. itivelyw refuce fone of in Treks of the Night} goods. I most positively refused to Clerk. isell him, and gave him my blessing i ; ° ~ . During the tin Pan-Ameri- | for waking me at that time of a I ng t I can Expos my went to] Che ist disturber of my peac Buffalo to s t sights Vv ?) slumbers was a regular cus- > bi« A > | i . - ‘ \ H : be i ee “ few weeks with relauves. VW they | to y g business man, who . } . woe g fe ce i, Tr slent Hoe ctor d | g be b the window cM ee ” a me oht « con- |S S . = On? Doe, ee ae ; o |many times, with voice like a mega- V AX > ~~ m+ ft - ez night c L , + neede Ts iT y I go p to find that called up many times. almost-always|he wanted a postage stamp. “Must a 1 . ee oe r that yuld tt fir on the 4:15 train: ee \ a i ng t y fifty cents or a dollar .> aohts + es t troub T1cr §S Of bus ness, wer 4 1 show that land will be worth $1oo if it gets there a. f clerks are not necessary incts ai \ t ended it It was ot ght in August I : : : cn nn | o ;| I have not had a night clerk since. t ) > i it UO a iil, i j Y > Ri ii a el i ll cl a |. RK. Perry. > ?— ed ¢t store W + the s | — i She Took the Liniment. . OK Sp g i a , | As we re apout to cl I W r much nee ‘ est st eve ag, stout clock the g ght . . | rushed 1 begged me to } roused me fron a 1 slip- i i ' ' / ; / i. : "i, La terri pain in her stomach. She ) nt Vv slipp S vent | ping t PI it . : : a me very pathetic way that ; , 1 from time to time consulted ; ' number of sicians, and that ss stree Ww P Ss ) ) ‘ a : : . en hac inderstooc 1er the « tions being, teas i iN a ce ¢ I Ss ve s it : st At Casily \ W t 1- | oO _* ap ' s 'S | 3} } ; and I went back to bed. but t tol } r i > i on t t } » 1 cor back again h : es nedies Davs went by i V¢ t t I ct 3 1 2 f r t return; and all memory of ' witt + r Ml oe in ae ti nearly faded away. But before l was cloth Lh cht nye : Sh nd n reENncy 1] I shoe j bts S } ~ + q » 2. 7 si was r door ske MARY } What de want Oor t lure ) _« c the reply + “a i & e < 1¢ was good, s ting t la y y Vv ) s the best she h eve < oe ed t S t, docto a7 7} , & . C Xf T , t I pass tapeworm ter iv I [ Sked ‘ ( ; ’ et est doctor I ever had Mor m th ’ T t ‘ . y< > i . 7 o ¢ va the fart man S B& tO ve tie tact men- portant. Oopen f] “" , t . > ~ y Pe | j ‘ VSp . too pened t i S e : i ui f Of cours Ss was all very delight G e ftoive cints wort ] ' 7 rited |} I Hi ' vited her into the office best fwis Key s der to tears of the poe . . i i¢ t aCaifi dit CHE Particuia®rs is Si¢ Ss r I + ~ . 1 case. To make a long story Ske i f 2 5 a d that che the i " that ne ts t t t Ve e S c} . ee t nent inte and {i ” r S t Vis i } :. with the } I ‘ ers With the mixture Ji cy tf ' ; ml an ’ m1 : » and si The turpentine is ee : i ' t s nthelmintic, and had pit \\ t the hire ect I caucht 2 whit ‘ . : >.> aqaist \ c 7 \T ~ . mi Circulation 1s a very erratic quan- \ rw get 1 whisky ere ae " . “Ky r tity a Quality may be worth . t Sé t to me j + . : re than quantity. sc | —~_ 2 > soe i ‘ : a F Swearing is seldom a_ convincing |: looked | argument, except to trike | does it. the mam who Two Mistakes Which Fortunately Caused No Harm. During my earliest years in the drug business I was located next door to a butcher shop. Through the natural means young folks have of becoming acquainted with near neighbors, I soon became _ intimate with the butcher’s boy. This friend- ship, which often considerable expressed itself in joking, gave me_ the making a it injured no one, believe no which, ile I even to this has caused me to do considera- chance of mistake and wh one knows it, V ble thinking when time has hung a ittle heavi The boy worth ly on my hands in question asked for five of powdered mace one meat as a shelf, side by side, two half-gallon aa one contain- and the other nyrica.” On the instant I reasoned ay to put in spice. On sausage stood “powd. ing whole mace, whole and powdered mace naturally should stand side by side. So I gave the “powd. myrica” to the boy After ten minutes he came asked if I was sure I had had used it and could get no odor from it. I had al- discovered my mistake, and no one but I knew it, so I am afraid I back and given him mace; he ready lied to him outright. He thought h he hadn’t used enough and > . Dp better take five cents’ more, which I hastily gave him out of the proper bottle. 1e had worth Another experience befell me which nately did not involve the pa- which has been a strong argument in favor of caution and the checking of prescriptions. A prescripti¢ yn had rortu ient, and d O1 thle been received by prescription clerk and had been ared and was ready to check. items indicated was ne-half grain of bimeconate of mor- phine. The quantity was to be di- rided inte The writ- ing was poor; the one-half grain sign » twelve powders. was written in figures instead of let- ters; and the mistake made of believing that two grains were called While the checked it was discovered was for instead prescription were only ten powders prepared instead of twelve. The work was checked by the proprietor, a man than the two grains much more experience dispenser, and yet the overlooked! When ready the time the prescription was checked by the man- second ger, who discovered too much gin- ger in the prescription. The dispens- time was getting “worked up” towards a nerv- ous shock. No one had yet discov- ered the grains of bimeconate A third time did the to put up the prescrip- and everything was then check- right. The mixture was handed to the person in waiting, but by the it had been carried to the outside of the store the error in quantity discovered. “Stop! relled the dis- er by this very two phine! dispenser try tion, ed as being all time was get that prescription,” penser. All the previous nervous was as naught in comparison | with the new tension on the dispens- | er’s nerves. The coveted package was secured strain without exciting much curiosity on the part of the messenger. The pow- ders were thrown away and put up for the fourth time. What a relief there was to that dispenser when all was finally made right and the prescription sent” to its destination.—Bulletin of Phar- entirely anew macy. 2 The Drug Seibet. Opium—Is in small demand, but the market is unchanged. Morphine—Is unchanged. Quinine—Is firm at unchanged price. Cocaine—has advanced 50c_ per 0z., On account of increased price for crude Epsom Salts—Has been advanced by manufacturers loc per cwt. _ Menthol—Has competition among holders. declined, owing to Oil Cajiput—Is in small supply and advancing. Linseed Oil—Is firm and advanc- ing, on account of higher price for seed — > +o To prevent possible misunder- standing of your advertisements say just what you mean. —_—__~»2.—___ doubt the advertiser who truth oftenest is believed Beyond tells the oftenest. Holiday Line Will be ready for buyers wishing to take advantage of the Buyers’ Excursion Aug. 24 to 29, 1903 both days inclusive We have displayed in our Sample Rooms 29, 31, 33 N. Ionia street complete lines of the following: Albums, Autographs, Scrap Books, Toilet Cases, Cuff and Collar Boxes, Necktie, Glove and Hand- kerchief Cases, Manicure Sets, Shaving Sets, Work Boxes, Fancy Celluloid Novelties, Dolls, Toys, Games, All Kinds of Books, Diaries, and an endless variety of suitable articles for the holiday trade. We make liberal expense allowance to purchasers. We extend a cordial invita- tion to the trade to make our store head- quarters. Grand Rapids Stationery Co. Grand Rapids, Mich. Pera tgPag th Praga, Oy ie igs engtsnih $, Rehing Pi Bghh ORIENT MAEM ie AN SANE RRO ERC NEO SCHOOL SUPPLIES Tablets, Pencils, Inks, Papeteries. Our Travelers are now out with a complete line of samples. You will make no mis take by holding your order until you see our line. FRED BRUNDAGE Wholesale Drugs and Statione ry 32 and 34 Western ave. Muskegon, Mich. See ny sain Rage i ‘einai Bi ee EIU Be 2: gO IRE PINON # ai bas potted MICHIGAN TRADESMAN e WHOLESALE DRUG PRICE CURRENT Advanced— Cocoaine. Declined— Menthol Acidum xalicum Phosphorium, wees Salicylicum ......... Sulphuricum .,...... II oa nce case, & Targaricum ......... Ammonia Aqua, 16 deg........- Aqua, 20 _— leucdece Oarbonas Lcaees Chioridum. dence eces oe Aniline BOE ns ocse oon = Brown. Bed ...... ‘ WOW... oe vecsce un 2 Baccesrs Cubeb2........ po, 25 Juniperus........-.+- Xanthoxylum ....... Balsamum Copalbde ......--.-+++ yy Glycyrrhiza =. Glycyrrhiza, Homatox, 15 D. box Hizematox, 18........ Hematox, 48..-..-- Haematox, 48.....-- Ferru Sarbonate Preci , per ne Sulphate, ose. ae Flora Anthemis...........- Matricaria........... Folia Baroama...........-- a Tin- Cassia, wie Aix. Salvia officinalis, 4s Acacia, 3d p — — sorts. -0Z. Tan: rhymus, V.. Magnesia Onicined, Fat........ Carbonate, Pat...... Carbonate, K. & M.. ‘arbonate, Jennings Oleum Abeinthiem ......... 4 Amygdalz, Dulc.... Amygdalz, Amare. 8 be ee eee nee 1 Auranti Cortex 2 ne 2 Cajiputi ... Caryophylll......... —, os oeee ue Oitronells Vetnssces es Conium Mac......... os i eee Oe............ @ sas 8 | © ate ... iu ee o@ 70 75 WO cde cece cous i 1 85 Prunus virg......... o@ eo Exechthitos 1 1 60 Tinctures = 2) oe 3 200 1 io | Aconitum Napellis R 60 = “| Geranium, ounce... @ 75 | Aconitum Napellis F = 8@ 10| Gossippli, Sem. svete nO 8 80 12@ 14 po gil od tog 2 00 = @ 15 se la 50 Lavendula .......... 2 00 . - “5 | Limonis ........2.... 1 15@ 1 26 Aura Carter = 10@ 1 20| Mentha Piper....... 3 25@ 3 60 | Auranti Cortex...... - 33@ 40| Mentha Verid....... 5 00@ 5 50 : 50 Morrhue, gal....... 5 00@ 5 25 50 * — bees eee 4 00@ 4 50 78 ee OU ees 73@ 3 00 Ln 6@ 8 Picls Tages... .....- 10@ 12 13@ 15/ Picis Liquida, gal.. @ 235 % 2@ 14) Rioina..-......... eh 44 = smarin’ 1 00 Ros, ounce......... 6 7 00 50 2:2 Ce 40@ 45 | Cinchona ..- = oom * go | Sabine «2.222... 2. 12) Seo. = Go 8 00 | ana geeee noon 2 RB 7 88 | Gabebae oo snn a oe | Sinapis, ess., ounce. @ 65 | Cassia Acutifol...... ’ ‘eit : 1 go | Cassia Acutifol Co... 50 — * im... a a eee... 50 o& sp| Thyme, opi...) @ 1 60 | BEBOP... = ae Theobromas ........ 1@ 20 an = og : ss Re Potassium i a ee = ho 1 18 | ipa da a2 85 Biohromste . aaa 190 15 | Guiaca ammon...... ° 6@ 80 | Bromide «0.02000... i . caine hima 12Q 15 Chiorate...po.i7@19 16@ 18 Iodine, colorless... 15 18 Cyanide 88 MO oe icc orcs mens 60 else . ng ig IER oes cs occ ee 50 Mit... “a. ‘ git Oe to 30 Potassa, Bitart, a 30 Nux Vomica nD 20 Potass Nitras, opt. 7 10 Opi! 15 © | Potass Nitras. . g | OPil.......... 2,-2.0 12 og | Opii, comphorated so 12 | Prussiate.. a ow - 29 26 Opii d rized 1 60 14 | Sulphate "esta 1 18 : ia Panett it) 30 Radix — y a deceit eases ou dues i a ae: 2 ie = os@ 30) Anchusa .......... 1 12 | Serpentaria ......... 6 a ox | Stromonium......... 60 im | Se pe oe 25 | Tolutan . 60 13 14 SMMMIBAED cs score ousnne ye he i 2 is | Gentians .. .... po. i 12 15 WI occ ces ee 0 + Veratrum Veride... to 16 17| Glychrrhiza...py. 15 16@ 18) gioiher 90 | Hydrastis Ganaden. @ 78 | s comme eona ok | Hydrastis Can., po 80 iscellaneo 15 | Heliebore, Alba, + Po. 12@ 15| AMther, Spts.Nit.eF 380 35 2 25| Inula, po.. ip 18 22| Ather, Spts. Nit.4F 34@ 38 75 | Ipecac, po. a ep 2 OO Alomen ............. 48 8 - Jal pet: .po. 35@Q38 = =| | —_ gro’d..po. 7 a o 2 ’ Bees *e 25 ae Peewee wens 3 5 ol Podophyitam, y.. a : * Apri Potass T . 7| Bhel, ee @ 125) An eb a. 3 20 el = 1 35 | aaa nee, 0Z.. 42 16@ 18 Spigelia .. ieee 38 Arsenicum .......... 1 12 22 25 | Sanguinaria...po. 15 @ 18) Balm Gilead pate. 50 08 35 | Serpen a 656@ 70/| Bismuth 8S. N.. . 2 0@ 2 3 | Senega . 75@ 5 | Calcium Chior., eS » | Smilax, officinalis H. @ 40) Calcium Chior., 4a, ‘ @ 10 36@ 40/ Smilax, M........... @ 25/ Calcium Chior., gs... $ 12 | Seillze . -. 35 10@ 12/ Cantharides, ay 80 20@ 25 | Symplocarpus, Feeti- Capsici Fructus, @ 15 = el E @ 25) Capsic! Fructus @ | Valeriana, Eng. po. 30 @ 2 Capelel Wrestes doo @ 1 12@ 2/ Valeriana, German. 15@ 20/ Caryo = _ tS 12@ «14 8@ 10) ae a 14@ 16 | Carm me, ro. @..... 8 00 er 1... 18@ =| om Alba... doe 60 @ 6 fomen > wn cee us aba “3 S $ 45 Anisum . -po. @ 15 Cassia, Fructus...... 35 = | Aptos ( (eravéieons. _ 1.) Cees. ........... 10 | Bird . 6 | Cetaceum.. mn 45 45 65 | Carul...... 10@ 11| Chloroform ... 60 12 14 | Cardamon.. 70@ 90 Chloroform squibbs @ 1 10 = : ortandrum.. ou Ba | oo Hyd Crst.... 1 3@ 1 60 | a | I oie eon on 2 25 60 | Cc donium . 75@ 1 00 | Cinchonidine,P. & W 30 48 = Dinter odtum « = : 2 ee Germ. 3@ 48 | 2. Jocain 5 OF@5 25 13 | Fooniculum..... @ 10/ Corks, — dis. pr. ct. ” 7% 14 | a. oe...... 7a S| Creosotum........... So 16 | Lint . u _£ 6 @ 32 69 | Lint, al, gr. de -bbi.4° 4 @ @ 5 vil bran 1 0@ @ 11 i Phariari Canarian... 6 @ 7 \ @ 8 : i se s&s Bq a5 | Sinapis Alba... 9@ 10| Cudbear. @ u 4 | Sinapis Nigra. . " ng ee as | 8 | Spi ite Serene... 7 10 3 $3| Frumenti, epee rme sal Enea be ar | 7 45 | Frumentl, D. F.R.. 2 00@ 2 25| Rmery, po. s. = | “| Poe ............ 1 25@ 1 50 | BQ w 00 | Juniperis Co. O. T... 1 65@ 2 00} 1 15 alae as -tapsals 3 28 aacharum } 1 2 10} i 9 Spt. Vini Galll....... 1 75@ 6 50 ' | Mai pe |B Saldana See a ini “ ie 1 25@ 2 00) | Glassware, Aint, box 75 & é onges | ss than box..... 0 a Florida sheeps’ wool | Glue, brown. . - @ 39 | _ carriage........... 2 50@ 2 75| Glue, white.. - 15D 2% 22 | Nasesa sheeps’ wool | | Glycerina... 4 me s 95 | carriage.. 2 5O@ 2 75 | Parad 25 Velvet extra. sheeps’ I oo bebe e os ne 55 wool, car . @ 1 50) po Chior Mite @ 1 00 a 3 Eee \‘RaesGciown. S19 ; . ‘ 18@ 20 | Grass sheeps wool, @ 1% Hydrarg Ammoniati 120 18@ 20 aenrieee ‘; “65 @1 00 | | | HydrargUnguentum — ms ard, for slate use. a 3 oovece £0@ 4 75 Yellow Reef, for 75 chthyd lia, Am.. : = : 7 einte use........... eee 50S 80 er @ 1 Toaine, esi. Sas 3 40@ 3 60 tz Panay yraps o* 0 | Seseteem.. ie 8 upulin a) = : . Auranti Cortex. ee 1 oie. as 70 id orcn an | Macts 75 oe | Tee... 0 s+... @ 60 | Li juor Arsen et Hy- oe «6S Perm iod............ 3 50 | 25 80@ 85| Rhei Arom.......... 80 | Liquor taser 10g 12 @ 2 00 —_ Officinalis 50@ 60/ Magnesia, Sulph... 8 = 1 10 | Senega ........ a ae @ w eal, ig siege @ 1% oo Seilie i ® & | Mannia. 8 Funan we ROGGE ...........+. 2 Olen 7 Morphia, 8., P.& W. 2 35@ 2 Morphia, 8.,N.Y. Q. 2 35 2 Morphia, MaL....... 2 35 2 Moschus Canton.... @ Myristica, No. 1..... 38@ Nux Vomica...po. 15 @ oe oa ies 35 Pepsin —— H.&P. es a ap 1 Picis Lig. N.N.% _~ doz. @2 Picis Lig., quarts. @i Picis Liq., p ants a @ Pil Hyd Targ a @ a Nigra.--po @ 5 ng Al “Po. 35 @ Pilx Burgun.. 2 Frum £eck,........ 10@ Pulvis Ipecac et Opli 1 30@ 1 "yo a boxes . >, O6., G66... @ raeeirens, pV Lasees 2B OI oie os wane oo 8@ puinia, 8. P. & W 16D Quinia, 8. German 26@ = a 268 ubia Tinctorum. 12@ Saccharum Lactis py 2@ a 4 WO@ 4 Sanguis Draconis ue Sapo, W. 12 a, 10 Sapo G.. @ | 25 | Seidlitz _ lida AQ = | —— ure raw.. = 40 60 Sinapis aeee @ si eG. 6046 4i 60 Saud, ‘opt. aoe oon @ Noatetont, winter str os 70 60 | Snuff, Maccaboy, De ‘ a Spirits Turpentine.. 57 €2 Voes . 41 40 Snoff, Scotch, DeVo's @ 41} Paints BBL. L 10 | Soda, ‘to Sahni oe 9 ili 37 | 9@ 11/| Red Venetian.. 1% 2 23@ «30 Ochre, yellow Mars. 1% 2 00 | 1% 2 | Ochre, yellow Ber... 1% 2 | S 5 Putty, commercial.. = 2%4@Q3 00 | Soda, Ash.. 3%@ 4) Putty, —s pure. 2% 2%@3 00 | Soda, Sulphas @ 2/| Vermilion, Prime 85 | Spts. Col @260|; - laying Cards Potash “— Provisions...... -- I oe we ces wee cree amen Balad pean. Saleratus.... Bal Sod (ee Waehing Powder.......... Wicking .. Woodenware. Wrapping BO anne cn y Weast Oske...... ....- LACOTICS ....-. 2 esse ween ose I a 1 1 1 1 1 ~~. 8 2 eo ho CO & Ge Ge ro -- © eonvg a ran AAADSD oa QO 0 OD GO GO —4 OO #3 4 83 83 A 8 9 9 0 10 AXLE GREASE doz. gross I 8. ce oe bes on 6 00 Castor Ofl.............60 7 00| - sero ag een 50 425 a, — 75 9 00 IXL ‘Golden, tin boxes 75 9 00 BATH BRICK III ones o00c 2000 aces coos 75} English . & BROOMS | TAO. 1 CREE... 2. oson ce wees oe 2 50 me, S Ole... ............2 a 2 15 ee ee 7 Pe Gee... ...............8 ——— a Fancy Whisk.. 1 2 Warehouse... 2 90 BRUSH ES" Scrub O_o Solid Back, 11 Im .......000. 95 oe eee i) Stove No. 8 os Ls 75 No. 2... 10 No. 1 75 No. 8.. 00 No. 7 30 No. 4 70 8. 20 BUTTER COLOR W., B. & Co.'s, i6e size.... 12 W., RB. & Co.'s, Be size.... 20 CANDLES Bicotric Light, 88............ 12 Electric Light, 16s .12% Paraffine, 6s.. Paraffine, 128 Wicking. CANNED GOODS Apples 3 lb. Standards 80 Gallons, standards... 2 00@2 25 Blackberries Standards 85 ce Baked ion 80@1 38 Red a 80m MN 70 Wax 7T5@ 80 Bl — at es Standard .... 1 20 aan ‘Seen 2 1b. cans, Spiced ee 90 Chane. Little Neck, 1 1b... 1 OOML 25 Little Neck. 2 Ib. 1 50 Clam Bouillon Burnham’s, % pint........ 1 92 Burakan's, peoes.......... 3 60 Burnham’s, quarts........ 72 Cherries Red Standards. 1 30@1 50 White : 1 68 ‘oom Fair ! 16 Good 1 25 Fancy i 1 50 French Peas Sar Meirek Feee............ 22 Extra Fine... 19 cb ke be eel ceed wake 15 Moyen ee ee ce 11 Gooseberries Standard .........+.. 90 BRominy Standard... Leu uee 85 Lobster Star, % Ib.. oo. 2 00 Star, 1 Ib ne 875 Picnic Tallis. 2 40 Mackerel Mustard, = cs 1 80 fustard, 21 2 80 Sou sad,ilb ‘ 1 86 ooeee, 2 ......... 2 88 Tomato, i lb. 1 80 Tomato, 2 Ib... . 2 80 Mushrooms a 18@20 ittoi \ 22@25 Oysters Cove, 1ib.. ie Se wo Cove, 2 1b a. 1 85 Oore, 1 Oenl...... 1 x Peaches Pie .. 90@1 00 Yellow 1 35@1 85 Pears Standard ...... i" Fancy i Peas Marrowfat Early June Early June Sifted... ‘Plums Plums. nat 2 Pineapple Grated .... 1 25@2 75 EH 1 35@2 55 Pumpkin ae 75 Good .. 90 Fancy 1 10 chee le 2 50 Raspberries Standard...... on 1 16 usstan Gutat % Ib. cans.. \ 75 % Ib, Poor oe 7. O......... nr oe Salmon, Columbia River, talls @1 8 Columbia River, fiats @i 80 men Aieeme... ...... @i 30 Pink Alaska. . @ 2 Sardines Domestic, 4s... .. Domestic, \s ....... Domestic, Mustard California, ” 7 California \s.. een, a... Prenck, 6....... nt Shrimps eer... . 1 20@1 40 Succotash — ee 1 40 Fancy 1 50 Strawberries ew i ce 110 Fancy o. 148 ‘Tomatoes a ..........._..... 9E@i 00 — 115 eee 1 25 ee 8 25 CARBON OILS arrels eee... ..... @1uy woe Seee.......... @11 D>. S. Gasenne........- 15 Deodorized Naphtha.. @14% RP ee ween 29 Gu a. 16 @22 nek, Winter......... 8 @10X% — Columbia, 25 pints : Columbia, 25 & pints....... £ Snider's « quarts ce oe ose... ll La Snider’s % pints . oo CHEESE Bee... sc. @11 Amboy . oa Oli Carson ¢ Mty. @il% Elsie... pede cea @i2 Emblem .. a Bil Ge ene cous Qi Gold Medal. oe @ Ideal . oe a toe @i1 Jersey .. Bil* Riverside... Bl rick 11@il\& ee, @i 60 Leiden ec as O17 oc 9@ 9% a. 50@75 @20 CHEWING ‘GUM American Flag Spruce.. 55 Beeman’s Pepsin 80 lack Jac 55 Largest Gua Made.. 60 eee a 55 Sen Sen Breath Perfume.. 1 00 see 55 a 55 CHICORY 5 4 ~7 Schener’s. , CHOCOL ATE. Walter Baker & Co.'s. German Sweet.. -_ = Premium. 31 Vanilla. a eeu, ca Caracas oo a ee... 28 CLOTHES LINES | Sisal 60 ft, 3 thread, extra 1 00 72 ft, 3 thread’ onra.... 1 40 90 ft, 3 thread, extra. 17@ 60 ft, 6 thread, extra...... 1 29 72 ft, 6 thread, extra...... “— 75 90 1 05 1 50 1 00 1 15 13% 3 4 Cotton Windsor 59 1 20 60 1 40 70 1 65 80 1 85 40 85 50 95 80 116 Galvanized Wire No. 20, each 100 ft long.... 1 90 No. 19, each 100 ft long.... 2 10 COCOA ee 38 Sc iciteetescnueencn Oe Colonial, 4s a 35 — Ms.. hie 38 es en en ale 42 a on borne cc cin ae Van Houten, %s............. 12 Van Houten, s.. = Van Houten, a on 40 Van Houten, is...... sss ee og ics cer cece Wilbur, | ae ae cnn we 85 Piper Holdsick... Butter, sacks, 28 ibs......... Pepper, I black. i5 | Boot Jac a Butter, sacks, 56 lbs......... &r | Pepper, Singapore, white. 28 | Honey I aSID Twist ue | Shaker, 24 2 lb. boxes.......1 50 | Pepper, shot........... 18 Black Standard..... Jar-Salt Pure Ground in Bulk | Cadillac . a | One doz. Ball’s Quart Mason 16 | Forge . ft Jars, (3 1b. each)...... = | Nickel Twist. . anna Common Grades 17 ene OO). MOGes.................3 © 15 | Sweet Core.. oe aces Bh 60 5 lb. sacks... 1 s6) Eee Cero... 8. eo ae. 34 26 M9 ID. SRGKS............... 1 95 | Groat Navy.......-....0+++++ 34 oi oes... Oe eg | Warpath .............+....-. 25 20. Sees... 1 18 | + 90, = OR oases oo ae coon = Warsaw | Pepper, Singapore, black. 17 | fe Me danke tdeder cocaae | 66 lb. dairy in drill bags..... 40| Pepper, Singapore, white. 25 1X pg ee 30 | 28 Ib. dairy in drill bags. .... 20 | Pepper, Cayenoe.......... 28 | pve ny Ee Pe enoteentse | Solar Rock ee ~~ Flagman «00000-0000 -38 me. aes... ._........... 28 | STARCH Chi Te ele aauain 32 Common Common Gloss ee 21 Granuiated Piis............ 76) ti. BaOmages............. Duke’s Mixture. . ++ 0-88 Benes Pee 80 | = cae Co. ae a 8 Cameo..... le . SALT FISH + PACKAGOS............. 54 | Myrtle Navy .......-.eeeeees ‘ Cod | 40 and 50-Ib, boxes,....... SAO Yum Yum, 1% 0z.. sere eseses ” Large whole. @6 | Barrels.. 8% | Yum Yum, 1 Ib. pails........ - Neripe or briska..7 @ eo" | Common Corn Gorn Gale, 344 oz. - 2-2. 24 Strips or bricks. . 7 @8 | 201-lb. packages.......... pe aa 22 pan aaa @ 8% 40 1-1b. Dackages........ isotn Plow Boy, 1% 0z..........--- 39 | Strips....... 18 — vee Boy, ce OE ccc aneeaeee = J rn eerless, 344 0Z..........-.-. Couns oe TO ae Peerless, 1% OZ.........++++: 36 | Half bbis..... Medes ote eee 26 Air Brake. . eetccnceces OO ae be a ved 10 lb. cans, % doz. in case.. 1 76 | Cant Hook... vette eee se eeees. 30 Holland white hoop, keg.. ors | 5 Ib. cans, 1 doz. in case. 1 95 | Country Club....... eae | Holland white hoop meh. 2% Ib. —* ge in case...1 95 ee Pag ee leu ane = | Norwegian .. | Fat ure Cane “a — oo ae oe Round 100 Ib: 300 Do cons cone ce cc cece oc wcce ce I ie. SU bios pace wsae one oe Round 50 Iba Dini .7 oi oo ed ee eres eee cesee 20 Silver Foam. weeereeed Sealed .. pie ginae 13% | MN oe cece . 2 ais apprise s 3 a } JOSSOTL, B DL. oo coos cove cc cess i. Trou Sn ml oe, : 749 Cotton, 4 ply........ eee eee ee 20 No, 1 200 Is. .... 0 ewigetaae | 5 gq | Jute, 2 ply ee eee cee 12 No.1 ost eae 2 50 | Crushed 5 so | Hemp, 6 ply.......-.-+---.-. a NO.1 10 IDG, .... 20.00 000 70 | Cubes .. 5 45| Flax, medium........... 20 Dot Siee............... 59 Powdered . hee Wool, 1 Ib. er case 6 Mackerel Coarse Powdered......... 5 25 VINEGAR Mess 100 Ibs. -++-++- 1650 XXX Powdered......... 5 36 | Malt White Wine, 40 grain.. 8 | Mess 50 Ibs. - 875 | Fine Granulated. .... 2.2... 5 20| Malt White Wine, 80 grain..11 — 10 Ibs. - 180/91. pags Fine Gran... .. 5 £5| Pure Cider, B. & B. brand...11 | Mess 8 lbs. - 1 47 | 5 Ib. bags } Fine Gran...... 5 85 | Pure Cider, Red Star........11 No. 1 100 Ibs. .............. 15 00 Mould 2 scsesccecescceeee 5 45) Pure Cldor, Robinson.......11 os > hens 8 00 | Diam nd ct ee 5 20| Pure Cider, Silver........... il veveseeeee 1 65) Confec oner’s A.. 5 05 WASHING POWDER _ 8 1DR ae 135) No, 1, Columbia A.. 5 09| piamond Flake....... 2 75 itefis | No. 2, Windsor A......... ats. se i He.t No.2 Fam No. 9, Riigeweed A...... 5 CO) Gold Dust, regular. rae a 4 50 100 Ibs........ 7 75 3 75| No, 4, Phosnix A......... 495 Gold Dust, 5e.. ae 50 se cnn. e 68 a 20 | No, 5, ee ES 490 Kirkoline, 24 41b.. LL 10 Ibe ha aut a 58 | No. lL. cn eee ie au en 3 75 & tbe... 77 46 | No. ee | 410 SEEDS 6 le | NO cee seidemdn ey oath none TD LO, Bivccecccescecccccousee 470) Haaeing |... wuss oseseere 3 BO Canary, Smyrna.. eeesecccese OE | Ee Me sew os suas os snow ence 4 65 Armour’s.. cele oe DO ee eee aes eet ceceeccc ccs cs, 4 OR Nine O’elock.. ..3 86 Cardamon, Malabar......... OE Te Re - no monn oe oonnenenee 445/ Wisdom. Te ae Cel wee 20s seeeee1O0 | NO. 18.......... Saha di] co a EE 3 50 Hemp, ee... 4 | No. 14.... 445 Rub-No-More.. Se Mixed Bird.. scvcvece & | NO. 16, eicase oT WICKING Mustard, white. 22200022022 8 | No. 16, ee ' 410) No. 0, per gross 25 | POPPY .n-0-. eee -- sd elaaae oe : TEA | No. t, per gross. - 80 eB ansienoeen oe SU | Japan No. 2, per gross. .40 | Cuttle Bone.............. ...25 | Sundried, esmias bee ese 24 No. &. per gross............--55 SHOE BLACKING Sundried, cnoies...........- 3a WOODENWARE Handy Box, large......... 2 GO | Sundries, fancy............. 36 ai eee a Box, small darn 2+ 1 25 = | _ — ghtas Lsdeaeeoas. a ee 110 | Bixby’s y NBs + onc oe eh — ifs oss cae: | Miller’s Crown Folish Le | So Re a | ner wide — en 1 = SOA | iomendeens medium....... 31 | Sonne. ou re = Johnson Soap Co. ‘brands— | Basket-fired, ee a | Sli t. large... ay 5 00 Silver King .++++eee- 8 65 | Basket-fired, fancy.......... 43 Splint’ oo pada a 400 Calumet Ponta — aaa 22@24 ‘low Clothes, lar: oh 8 00 a Te ——_—_<<_ oe 9@11 Willow Clothes, medium... 5 50 7 es oa poeta eos 2 | Peeoee................ 13@i4 Willow Clothes, small....... 5 00 te e og ha ggg Sane Bradley Butter Boxes American Famlly........ 4 0 | Moyune, medium ........... m | on aoe oe anee ” Dusky Diamond 50-8 oz.. 2 80 | Moyune, choice............. 32 | 2 - = gonna = Dusky Diamond 100-6 0z..3 80! Moyune, fancy.............- eS oa - oven tes eye 3 10 | pingsuey, medium.......... = 10 Ib. size, 6 in case......... 60 ‘ perial.. -- 310) Pingsuey, choice...... deueue 38 ; ' a White Russian. - 8 10} Pingsuey, fancy............. 40 Butter Plates Dome, oval bars - 3 10 ¥ H No. 1 Oval, 250 in crate...... 40 Satinet, oval 2 15! onot Te er go | No. 2 Oval, 250 in crate...... 45 White Cloud.. 4 00 F IO goon wesc cecses occ cece | No. 3 Oval, 250 in crate...... 50 Lautz Bros. & Co. s brands— BNCY . oc ccccccccccccvecee cose No. 5 Oval, 250 in crate...... 60 me eee... 4 00 ne ee ae eee... 4 00 | Formosa, fancy.. | Barrel, 5 gals., each.. 2 40 Snow Boy P’wdr, 100-pkgs 4 00 | Amoy, medium.. | areal ie gals.,each........ 2 55 a ic cana O_o 82 Barrel, 15 gals., each........2 70 Acme, 100-%lb bars ..... 3 70 English Breakfast ’ hy ey (5 box lots, 1 free with 5) Modiim........... Dua us clue | Clothes Pins Acme, 100-31b bars single | COON. e204 seseccseeeess80 | Round head, 5 gross box.. 55 OE We 3 20} Fancy...... gees = | Round — cartons........ 75 Proctor & Gamble brands— sf = Srenee py eS 8 10 | Ceylon, choice...... evees coool Humpty Dos BY weeree sense 2 25 Dey, O08 et EE el eseteces il No. 1, complete ..........-.. 39 ee een snone 6 75 TOBACCO No. 2 CE ness sssesee 18] 0. brand— Cigars ie oe et ia denes 8 25 H. & P. Drug Co.'s ——e Cork lined, * eine iene cone S| A. B. Wrisley brands— Fortune Teller............ 86 08 | Cork lined, 9in...... ccsceese 70) Good Cheer.............. 400| Our Manager,............ 88 00 | Cork lined, 1@10....... 2.00 35 se Godar. BID. cece oe csss0s seores oy No. Bicctctedecs ch cons 10 Mop Sticks _—— spring . 9 Eclipse patent spring .. 85 No i common. 75 No. 2 patent brush holder . 8&5 12 bh. cotton mop heads..... 1 26 a 90 Pails 2hocp Heameara, .. 2.6. 60 coe. 1 50 S-hoop Standard... .. 20+. 1 65 BO, Cos oc cecnee enon kt OF Be, Ce oe cee nese 1 80 Cedar, all red, brass bound. 1 25 Paper, Eureka -2 25 ee oe ce scent das ace ne 1.2 70 Toothpicks Oe 2 50 tie, 2 75 oo 1 60 oe a 1 50 Traps Mouse, wood, 2 holes........ 22 Mouse, wood, 4 holes........ 45 Mouse, wood, 6 holes........ 70 Mouse, tin, 5 holes.......... 65 Rat, wood. oN 80 Rat, spring... on eieceas 75 Tubs 20-inch, Standard, No. 1..... 7 0 1%-inch, Standard, No. 2.....6 00 16-inch, Standard, No. 3..... 5 00 20-inch, Cable, No. 1.........7 50 18-inch, Cable, No. 2......... 6 50 16-inch, Cable, 2 No. 3.. --5 50 No. 1 Fibre ee No. 2 vince. . 6 No. 3 Fibre.. Wash Boards BEPONES GOs. 6. ce oe ween cot Dewey . dee os 5 a Double Acme...........-....2 75 Single Acme.. oveee 2 Double Peerless........... 3 25 Single Peerless..............2 50 Northern Queen ............2 #0 eT Good Luck " i Ge 2 25 Window Cleaners eked dy ped ecnons 5 Oe Be ii eee ee i. kee. a a Wood Bowls oe Boe .................8 tT eee 19 in. Butter. sl eda ae Assorted 13-15-17.... ........1 75 | Assorted 15-17-19 ............3 00 WRAPPING PAPER Common BEFAW........+... 1% Fiber Manila, white . Fiber Manila, —. _ - No. 1 Manila. __ «= Crem Mieere............. 3 Butcher’s Manila.......... 2% Wax Butter, short count. 13 Wax Butter, full count. 20 Wax Butter, ee. 3. ose 15 YEAST CAKE meee 8 Oe. ys... 1 15 NI, BOOB. coset tcscence 1 00 SUMTES, 156 GOL... ..4- vccces Yeast Cream, 3 doz......... Yeast Foam, 3 doz.... nei Yeast Foam, 1% doz........ FRESH FISH Per |b ih TE Trout.. else il Black Bass.. TT I oe cert ccwn en @ 14 Ciscoes or on: @ & luefish..... .- U@ 12 Live Lobster.......... Sm & Boiled Lobster........ @ 27 Cod. —. €& endo So 8 No.1 Piokerei bee eee @ 8% ge oe 7 FO i oa wens cone g 7 Smoked White........ 12% Red Snapper......... @ Col River Salmon.. 15 @ 16 Meeeeres.........,.... 19@ 20 OYSTERS Cans per can F. H. Counts.. i. 50 Extra Selects... Selects ..... Perfection Standards... AOOROTE. ...+.- | Standards.. HIDES AND PELTS Hides Groen Ne. l......... @?7 Crees BG. F........4 @8 | Cured No. 1. ‘ Sm 3% Cured No. 2. ‘ @i*% C alfskins,green No.1 @i6 Calfskins,green No.2 @ 8% Calfskins,cured No.1 @10% Calfskins,cured No. 2 @9 Steer hides 60lbs.orover 2% Cow hides 60 Ibs. or over 8% Pelts Ole Woel....... ease ———————— 85 75 | Shearlings..... oe 20G 50) Tallow No, 1...... peece es coos 33 3 Wool Washed, fine........ | Washed, medium... | Unwashed, ee oa. ie @2 @23 ois Jowashed. medinm. 20 @2' CONFECTIONS Stick Candy bbls. palis ; 7 Standard ........ S@ Standard H. H. @7 Standard Twist. g 8 oe ee 9 cases Jumbo, 32 1b......... @ 7} oe @i0% Boston Cream....... @10 Beet Rae* ms Mixed Candy Grocers. eee @é © Competition. ... @7 @™mH Conserve . @7% yal @ 8% A @3 Broken “i Ss Cut Loaf beeen en @ 8% English Hoek a? Kindergarten ....... @? Bon Ton Cream..... @ 8% French Cream....... Sa Dene, Fae.......... @10 Hand Made Creem mixed . 4% PremiofC ream mix 12% Fancy—In Paiis O F Horehound Wiiind 1075 Pony ee ts. 15 Coco Bon I sons. li Fudge Squares..... 12 Peanut Squares — 9 Sugared Peanuts. 11 Salted Peanuts...... 10 Starlight Kisses..... 10 San Goodies.... @12 Lozenges, plain ..... @3 Lozenges, printed... @i0 Champion Chocolate @il Eclipse Chocolates... sien Quintette Choc..... @12 Champion Gum _ @a Moss Drops....... @?s Lemon Sours. 9 Teeetla 9 Ital. Cream Opera. “ 12 Ital. Cream Bonbons 20 Ib. palls. . @ii Molasses Chews, “15 lb. cases. cone @i2 Golden Waffles. ee ‘ @12 Fancy—In 5 lb. Boxes Lemon Sours. en ae Drops. @60 Chocolate Drops. H. M. Choc. Drops.. H. M. Choc. Lt. and Dk. No. 12. : @i 00 Gum Drops.. 3 ©. F. Licorice Drops @so Lozenges, plain..... O55 Lozenges, ee Ga Imperials.. G55 Mottoes . etpes @so Cream Bar.. Due cae G55 Molasses Bar..... S55 Hand Made © reams. 30 GeO Cream = Pep. SOG WE. .c.s0554- Sts String Rock. . @s5 Wintergreen Berries Geo Pop Corn Maple Jake, per case. 3 00 Cracker Jack ' . 3 00 roo Com Haie..............1 © FRUITS Foreign Dried Figs Californias, Fancy.. @ Cal. pkg, 10 lb. boxes @ w Extra Choice, Turk., 1G 1D, DOZOS. 2.0... @ Fancy, Tkrk., 12 lb. Rs boinc boda anes 1g @i4 Pulled, 6 lb. boxes... 3 Naturals, in bags.... Dates Pards in 10 lb. boxes Q &% Furds in 60 ib. cases. G Hallowl.. 5 @5% Ib. cases, ieee cues @ Sairs, 60 Ib. cases,... @ 4% NUTS Whole Almonds, Tarragona @i6é Almonds, Ivica..... iC Almonas, Oalifornia, soft shelled........ 15@16 — ee @il Po on cece none @i2 Walnuts, Grenobles. @i5 Wal —_ = Cal. No. 1, @i6 Table Nuts, fancy.. @13% Pecans, Med.. @10 Pecans, Ex. Large.. @il Pecans, Jumbos..... @i2z Hickory Nuts per bu. ORIG, BOW. 6- soe oe @ Cocoanuts.... g55 Chestnuts, per bu. @ Shelled Spanish Peanuts 644Q@ 7 Pecan Haives...... (GAO Walnut Halves..... O37 Filbert Meats....... @30 Alicante Almonds... 33 Jordan Almonds @s Peanuts Fancy, - P.,Suns.. &4@ 53 Fancy, H B., Suns ted . Har | 7 Choice, H. P., ‘Jumbo Th Choice, H. P., Jumbo Reasted........... 8 @ 8% 46 MICHIGAN TRADESMAN SPECIAL PRICE CURRENT AXLE GREASE Mica, tin boxes.......75 2 Pereeee............ oe 8 BAKING POWDER JAXON 4 Ib. cans, 4 doz. case...... 45 % Ib. cans, 4 d0z: case...... 85 1 Ib. cans, 2 doz. case......1 60 Royal 10esize.... 90 i¢ Ib. cans 1 35 6 oz. cans. 1 90 % lb. cans 2 50 %& Ib. cans 3 75 1 lb. cans. 4 80 3 1b. cans 13 00 a 5 lb. cans. 21 50 BLUING Arctic, 4 0z. ovals, per gross 4 00 Arctic, 8 oz. ovals, per gross6 00 Arctic 16 oz. round per gross9 00 BREAKFAST FOOD Nitrcbrisy The Ready Cockea Granular Food A Delidhtful Cereal Surprise Cases, 24 1 Ib. packages.....2 7 Oxford Flakes. No. 1 A, per case. sea No. 2 B, per case - Be oC por eee......... 3 60 No. 1 D, per case..... . 3 60 No. 2 D, per case, 3 60 De. = , ber case ...._.._.. 3 60 No. 1 E, per case. 3 60 No 2 E, per case 8 69 No. 1 F, per case 3 60 No. 8 F, per case 3 €0 Plymouth Wheat Flakes Case of 36 cartons. . —. each carton contains 14h TRYABITA Peptonized Celery Food, 3 —aos......... Hulled Corn, per ee 9 Grits Walsh-DeRoo Co.'s Brand. Cases, 24 2 lb. packages..... 2 00 CHEWING GUM Gelery Nerve 1 box, 20 packages 50 5 boxes lo carton ae CIGARS G. J. Johnson Cigar Co.'s brand, COFFEE | Roasted Dwinell-Wright Co.’s Bran is. White House, 1 Ib. cans..... White House, 2 lb. cans..... Excelsior, M. & J. 1 lb. cans Excelsior, M. & J. 2 Ib. cans Tip Top, M. & J., 1 Ib. cans. Ee be ee Royal Java and Mocha...... Java and Mocha Blend...... Boston Combination........ Distributed by Judson Grocer Co., Grand Rapids; National Groeer Co., Detroit and Jack son; B. Desenberg & Co., Kal- amazoo, Symons Bros. & Co., Saginaw; Meisel & Goeschel, Bay City; Fielbach Co., Toledo. CONDENSED MILK 4 doz in case. —. Peerless Evaporated Cream. CRACKERS } Ez. J. Kruce & Co.'s baked goods Standard Crackers. Blue Ribbon Squares. Write for complete price lisi with interesting discounts. Perfection Biscuit Co.’s brands ii i ik hl, a 1 b - - oo rcs 3 3 Sete ee F F ze m é oe 2x “eee. Seo - -. awe '.. se * r 2 ey a aa ~. 7 +3= + ~ : ow Le i $+ - —_ roa tm . B58 Perfection Wafers, Florodora C caiman oh c 2 Subject to liberal discount. Case contains 50 packages. Complete line of high grade crackers and sweet goods Perfection Bis- cult Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Freight allowance made on all shipments of 100 lbs or more where rate does not exceed 40c der hundred. FLAVORING EXTRACTS FOOTE & JENKS’ JAXON Highest Grade Extracts, Vanilla Lemon tozfullm.120 lozfullm. 8 20z fullm 210 20zfullm.1 25 No. 8fan’y.3 15 No.8fan’y.1 75 an i sioner ll 20z panel..1 20 20zpanel. 75 3 = aper..2 00 402 taper..1 50 TABLE SAUCES LEA & PERRINS’ SAUCE The Original and Genuine Worcestershire. | Lea & Perrin’s, pints...... 5 00) Lea & Perrin’s, % _— 2 78 | | Halford, large. . oc ee ee 2 28 | RICE Sutton’s Table Rice, 40 to the bale, 24, pound pockets... .744¢ Best grade Imported Japan, 3 pourd pockets, 33 to the Oe es Ss Cost of packing In cotton pock- ets only 4c more than bulk. SOAP | Beaver Soap Co. brands | 100 cakes, large size.........6 50| 50 cakes, large size........ 3 25 | 100 cakes, small size....... 3 85} 50 cakes, small size. -1 95 | i | JAXON| Single box. . ae 5 box lots, delivered........ 3 05 | 10 box lots, delivered ........ 3 60 Place Your Business ona Cash Basis | by using Coupon Books. We will ‘send you samples f youask us. | They are | free. | Tradesman Company Grand Rapids | We Are the Largest Mail Order House in the World--- WHY : v 3ecause we were the pioneers and originators of the wholesale mail order system. Because we have done away with the expen sive plan of employing travelir salesmen and are therefore able to ur sell any other wholesale house in the country. and best Because we issue illustrated wh in the world Because we have « ww of a bt that merchants can re intelligently and satisfactorily from 2 ca gue than th c from a sa ois co ‘iy « erders and work off hi Because we ask but one | rs, matt ma Becaus e supply ron t first of every n tha a cx I € price iist of gest ¢ Of mer cha t € r B s¢ a rg S ar xact s repre Ss te i rcata t Bec “-—<) Dr ner” is always r on t Ss] He is era bore ir is ika His ce is «& d € ser hi rs alit res va > romise are al AVS K t As alog ] BUTLER BROTHERS WHOLESALERS OP EVERYTHING - BY CATALOGUE ONL Randolph Bridge, Chicago Little Gem Peanut Roaster A late invention, ar ag most durable, con venient and attractive rir 1g _ Roaster made. Price within re ac h ‘of all. Made of iron, steel, German si ver, glass, copper and brass. Ingenious methc nping and keeping roasted Nuts he e lescription sent on describes steam, eanut and Coffee v 1 rotary Corn Pop- pers, Roasters ‘ »ppers Combined from $8.75 to $200. Most complete line on the mar- ket. Also Crystal Flake (the celebrated Ice Cream Improver, \% Ib. sample and recipe free), F lav ring Extracts, power and hand Ice Cream Freezers; Ice Cream Cabinets, Ice akers, Porcelain, [Iron and Steel Cans, Tubs, Ice Cream Dishers, Ice Shavers, Milk Shakers, etc., etc. Joaste rs, Kingery Manufacturing Co., 131 E. Pearl Street, Cincinnati, Ohio Here Is a Pointer Investigate our Coupon Book it will cash basis. SYSTEM be for you to change your business from a credit to a and find out how easy This system prevents forgotten charges, poor ac- counts, loss of time and does away with the detail and expense of book-keeping. We manufacture four kinds of coupon books and sell them all on the same basis. We will send you samples and tell you all about the system if you are interested enough to ask us on a postal card. TRADESMAN COMPANY, Grand Rapids Apeks MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 47 GREAT GRAFT. Restaurants Which Appeal to Credulity of Dyspeptics. Anybody who doubts the hold that the health foods have on_ people ought to have a little experience that I had one day last week. the I tell you the world is full of dys- peptics, and every one of them thinks some health food is the greatest thing that ever happened. Philadelphia I have passed an eating joint which of Culture” It is on a small side street and unpretentious place. I struck by it been for the peo- Several times when in bore the name “Physical cafe. seemed an not have been it had not in there at all hours. 1 7 should all if at ' ple I Finally saw going 7 my curiosity went and I went in myself. one da on strike don’t know’ what did to me that I s trick like that I should not have done it—it was too bad. Really, I my should on it. stomach ever have played a There was nothing stylish about the place—it was just an ordinary cheap eating room. The tables were well filled, and they had real lady waiters in black dresses, an appropri- ate costume for the mourning I did for the good dinner I did not get. One of the waiters brought me a card and I studied it. ihere was nothing on it except health foods— no meat at all. There were two soups —bran soup and vegetose soup, if I remember. One of the professional dyspeptics near me was eating soup. I did not order any, for I had water in my glass. Another of the pieces de resistance was vegetable hamburger steak. That and a The brand of but by the will bet a cent it was That is. what I ordered. cup of the way “health coffee.” coffee it tasted I Postum. All the stomach was not given, time I was ordering, my was' kicking to beat the Really, I afraid some- body would hear the poor thing. Af- ter I had gotten as far as the mock steak and the coffee | cided that I simply give band. was tion de- go iach imita would farther and something it meek and humble for all the rest of its life. So I ordec bis hard. Wit I waited for my repast to be brought in, my ston that would make ired a shredded whole wheat cuit, and then braced my- self ile sumptuous I leaned back in my chair and rubbered around. There were probably thirty men in the room and I am not exagger- ating to the slightest degree when |] say that I did not see a single good, ruddy, healthy one among them. I was the only good-looking spec- imen of humanity in the lot. Next to me two men were sitting Both were thin. One had a red nose and the other was pasty-white, with deep, nervous lines graven be- side his upper lip. They were talk- ing. “I am getting so I can eat quite a lot of things,” the pasty-faced one said to the other. “I believe this place is doing me good.” “What do you eat for breakfast?” asked the other one. “Force and milk,” said the first one, proudly. “I like Force better than ‘Rubberello.’. I have tried a lot of them, and somehow Force seems to fill me up better than the rest.” “My case is different,” said the other fellow. “The doctor does not seem to know what ails me. I am a good feeder—I like steaks and mince pies and I had rather die than do without them.” The first man shuddered and clos- his eyes when the other man said “steaks.” “Now with a pasty skin, that the other day. the “I am trying some- for dinner,” said man thing my wife saw advertised It is made of chopped barley or something like did not like it at first, but I used to it. It fills you ’ too.’ . and th rt. I got fruit soon up real quick, Think of put and fried potatoes. that, bucks away laddy rare beefsteaks Think of down to a banquet of chopped fruit Wh dyspeptic’s description do for a catch line for this—-“the food that fills up quick?” Just then broken in you who your sitting and barley! y wouldn’t this poor you my meditations were by the arrival of my “meal” out of a punishment.) “Don’t you sell meat here?” I ed the real lady waitress. "Oh, indeed,” she said primly, think meat is bad for the system, bringing many diseases and com- not usually attributed to it.” manner of a parrot re- upon (I it was own meal. say po- liteness; really ~ ole asSKk- no, “we plaints Exactly in the citing a lesson. “What do meat?” I asked. “Well, we she answered; chef. you ¢at mstead ot lave vegetable meats,” “they are made by our He invented them. Why, most awful dyspeptic you own he was the ever heard of and he could not get any relief from the doctors, so he got up some foods for himself, and they cured him so that now he can eat anything.” “But does he eat ‘anything?’” I asked. “Oh, yes,” she said; “he eats meat or anything he wants.” 3ut where?” I persisted. “Oh, I believe he goes out for his meals,” she said. “And his foods cured so many peo- “that he started we all the the neighborhood.” ple,” she continued, this restaurant, and have dyspeptic trade of “What this? had removed was your chef’s. business ” I asked sawmill,” all doubt of my vegetable ham- to which I then violent protests before “re which I character steak, amid she answered, concerning the burger ed, my unfortunate stomach. As aly steak, turn- more from the choice blend of genu- as I could diagnose it was a nearly ine white pine sawdust, probably im- ported from the chef’s sawmill, and drowned it in to- mato ketchup, and in that way man- aged to get a little down. After it was swallowed I heard my stomach telling it what it thought of it, and I have my suspicions that they came white potatoes. I to blows. I am unable to say definite- ly who licked, but I think it was the steak. Some more fragments of conversa- | tion from the next table floated over. | “Well,” said the red-nosed man, | “I have tried every health food I| have seen advertised. They are about | alike—I don’t see much difference. | They will all fill you up, but they} hi -leave you wanting | leave you I something. nly eat them anyhow | ~ sao} ark + when my stomach goes back on me real food.” Just then a sad-faced irom eating Iriend of the pasty-faced gentleman came by and ? + ~ stopped to chat “WI eating to-d Jim 7 i } seen e ¢ ad stewed prunes and piney woodo (that is what it sounded like) i . ne ie - to-day,” he said, “and a glass of ster- : : ilized milk. Went good, too he dded mg ‘ Th man had one of tl n- est « on the outside, I ever saw. |} it was turned inside out , ‘ I washed down some shredded bis Cuit with a gias Or re vat and isked for my bi t . 1 1 } { marked a doubie aoor so no ot gel good stomach will go there lriacal, such places as neith oathsome meat ni pic Cam ¢Cvcr come, will dra ike 42 magnet. It is a grea boys—appealing to this be we all cherish more or less, that we ave something the matter with us.— Stroller in Grocery W orld. HAVE YOUR BOOKS AUDITED Our auditing department is equipped to go over books of any company and draw off an exact statement of affairs. We car ratior arrange with any firm d& corpo- to audit their accounts periodically. books of new companies and modern and approved book- eeping systems Statements of ess affairs of com- that are un factory or are so in- panies Write to u you special information thz terest to you. MICHIGAN TRUST CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. akin a 2 FROM 4 tT tUGS ° CARPETS THE SANITARY KIND We have established a branch factory at Sault Ste Marie, Mich. All ers from the Up per Penins ila and westward ent to our address there. We ager ts soliciting or« jers as we rely should be have no j. j: fis: fi: \ Petoskey Rug M’f’g. & Carpet ' Tok. nscrupulous persons take ir reputation as makers of te represent beir g in our em down). Write direct to us at ¢ ‘ther Pe etoske y or the Soo. A book let mailed on request. Co. Ltd. Petoskey, Mich. an QQ. gang ag gg yg ggg j j j ‘S j j Tents, ee . -And Lawn Swings == Send for Illustrated Catalogue CHAS. A. COYE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 11 and 9 Pearl Street ment. children Proprietors’ and cl on application. “The Perfect Wheat eae Granulap A Deli¢htful Céreal Surprise The choicest wheat prepared in a scientific way so as to retain and enhance every nutritive ele- Many people cannot eat starchy foods. Crisp is a boon to such and a blessing to all. Theschool need generous nourishment. Nutro-Crisp. A ‘‘benefit’’ coupon in each package. rks’ premium books mailed Nutro-Crisp Food Co., Ltd. St. Joseph, Mich. Food” Food Nutro- Give them ae Seat Shades, Umbrellas MICHIGAN TRADESMAN BUSINESS-WANTS DEPARTMENT Advertisements inserted under this head for two cents subsequent continuous insertion. No charge less a word the first insertion and one than 25 cents. cent a word for each Cash must accompany all orders. BUSINESS CHANCES \ ANTED—TO HEAR FROM SOME TOWN where capital can be raised to establish a permanent industry, for the product of which there will be a constantly Increasing den an 1, August Cramer, Coopersville, Mich 3 | RUG STOCK FOR SALE—NEW STOCK invoices $1,100; 75¢c on the dollar. Only drug store in town of 400 population. Must go south this fall. Address R. G. F ,care Michigan Tradesman 652 WR SALE—GENERAL STUCK, saNVEN- torying about 8,000, consisting of dry goods, groceries and shoes, in a hustling town near Grand Rapids. Splendid opportunity for a le- gitimate business. Speculators not wanted. Address XY. Z., care Michigan Tradesman 651 gt lig ng ECTIONERY,ICE CREAM business in sunny state of Colorado Established on good paying basis, with high reputation finan cla ly and prom] tness and qual ity of go “is. Ill health, must change alt! tude immediately. Books open to parties meaning business. $2,500 invoice Hoffman Bros., Florence, Colo 6 hey KENT—A SINGLI OR DOl BLE store room 80 feet long; a very fine location; building is solid brick. Baughman & Yunker, Gobieviile, Mich. 632 oe SALE—A FIRSTCLASS SITOCK OF clothing, furnishings, mame aps and shoes in Bussey, la A thriving t of one thousand inhabitants. Must be soid ‘oe cash at once One of the best farming countries to be found For further information address Eli Kaufman, Knoxville, lowa. 631 ] RUG STOCK FOR SALE; OTHER BUSI- ness is reason for selling. Charles May- nard, Britton, Mich. 647 _o SALE-—-BAKERY, CONFECTI ONERY, soda water and ice cream busi s,in good manufacturing town of 4,000. Centrally located between three other towns with a total popula tion of about 15,000. Everything new and up- to-date, doing good business. Would prefer to sell business and real estate together it if not convenient to buyer, will sell busi and fixtures separate. My reason for sell is I have a p: tent cor ti us ice cream freezer of my own inve ntion, which n I want to manufacture and put on the market. T he business wil! stand the most rigid examination. For further in Vandergrift, 638 Seeman on, address H. J. Gerner, Pa. QS HINGLI WJ chance. OQ: Mal stique Ry., Schooler Co., in running er, wi ith dry ki'ns ar a com plete camp and logging tfit, With shingle tim ber. Owner will buy cut of mill. Robert King, Lapeer, Mich 634 } OR SALE BUTLHER BUSINESS IN good town 1.400 inhabitants; two miles from three mintr ps employing 7 00 n rs. Wil sell cheap; sales, #25 to $35 dally: rent ct I Reason tor selling, sickness For particulars address J. M. Knox. Box 28. Viola, I 635 _ RENT—TWU FINE UPPER FLOORS, well lighted and accessible by two eleva- tors,above a dry goods store of thirty years standing with a fine established trade etor in business alone and cannot attend to two Mii FOR SALI departments. Rent very low. The estab‘ishe trade of dry goods store would be of great ad vantage to a ready-to-wear department An - a Apply toSol Frankland, Nashville ‘nn 634 For SALE--GROCERY DOIN $18 OO business. Small stock; excellent place for mixed store. L. W. Barr, Kenton, Ohio. 633 oe SAL KE OR EXCHANGE—PORTABLE sawmill, nearly new; thirty horse power boller and engine, mounted on wheels. Wi take lumber of any kind. J. A. Hawley, I esiie, Mich. 646 -. SALE—OLD ESTABLISHED |] ture business. Stock Invoices about #3 ood, clean meee opulation between 5,000 and 6,000; only two stores in town; will sell at dis- count, Ms owner must go away to settle up his father's estate. Address No. 615, care Michi gan Tradesman. 615 = SALE—STOCK GENERAL MERCHAN- dise invoicing $12,000; best agricultural town In Northern Michigan; terms easy; will trade for good real estate in part payment. Address Lower Peninsula, care Michigan Tradesman 643 MS SALE—DRUG STORE IN West Michi gan town of 1,500; d business; invoices about $4,000; owned by shysiclan; reason for selling, practice requires is whole attention; rare opporturity right party. Address No. 641, care Tradesman 641 Foe, SALE—WHITE OAK STUMPAGE. We own and want to sell oak principally Tom Bigbee river, white oak) on 5,000 acres on Alabama. Has never been logged. Oak is fine One mile from station on L. & N. R. R., im mediately on river bank. Address P. B. care City National Bank, | Selma, Ala. | 6's Vy VANTED—HARDWARE STOCK about $2,000 or location for new sto2k in red. Address P.O Box 72, Mariette, Mich. 622 | Mich THRIVING | ing good | for the} Michigan | RUG Oak i show im- | Mich & Co., | WORTH | - | Address No. 595, care Michigan Tradesman. 595 thrifty town or city, Northern Michigan prefer- | “ RENT—A SPLENDID OPENING FOR a first-class dry goods or shoe store; corner building, two-story brick, 25x00 feet, plate glass front; oldest and best business corner in the city; population 5,000; paved streets, electric lights; Carnegie library; r.nt reasonable. Ad- dress Geo. W. Herdman, Jerseyville, Ill. 650 _ oe RESIDENCK, THRKE LOTS, ALL kinds of fruit, new store building, general stock of merchandise for sale. Will consider some real estate in exchange. Lock Box 280, Cedar Springs, Mich. 648 k* WR SALE—VICTOR TALKING MACHINE and 35records Cost %0this year, $35. J. H. Davis, Evart, Mich 639 \ TE WANT A DEALER IN EVERY TOWN in Michigan to haudle our own make of fur coats, g oves and mittens. Send for cata- logues and full particulars, Ellsworth & Thayer Mfg. Co, Milwaukee, Wis 617 3 AKERY AND ICE CREAM FACTORY, for sale September first. Anyone wishing = step into a good paying business for a little money will do well to write John W. Deschaine, Margu ettea, Mich. 616 we SALE—$3,000 STOCK OF CLOTHING, shoes and furnishings. New stock, only started two years in town of 1.200; no other gents’ furnishing storein town. A good open- ing fora hustler. No trades. Address M. W. Wileman, Vermont, Ill 649 ae SALE--STOCK UF GENERAL MER- chandise in Grandville, Mich. Invoices $1,500. Will rent store or sell. M.D. Lynch, :randville, Mich. 610 T° RENT—LAKGE TWO-STORY store and basement with elevator, at Hol land, Michigan. 47 E ast Enq lire at Arend Visscher’s law off ignth St., Holland, Mich Pro SAL E OR TRADE—NEW 40 swing sifter four mill, Khodes, Walton, Ind. 607 Ni Otice TO ALL MERCHANTS. IF YOU A want to boom your trade, close out your entire stock or reduce stock, write the under- signed full particulars, stating amount of stock. Hamilton, Johnston & Co., 306 Main St., Gales- burg, Ill 627 ( ps TRIAL WILL "PROVE HOW | QU ICK and well we fillorders and how much money we can save you. Tradesman Company, Priat- ers, Grand Rapids. ( NE MERCHANT IN EVERY TOWN TO take orders for us; no investment required. We make handsome rugs from old carpets, ele- gant portieres fromt silk scraps. A good side line for any merchan. Metropolitan Rug Works, 54S. Western Ave., Chicago. 603 RE ESTAU RANT, SOUDAF OU NTAIN, CANDY cigars. Fine outfit and business. Good lo- eation for Cheap, account poor health. BRICK located Eighth St fice, 42 East 609 BARREL gas engine. A. B. bakery. , Cly Lock box 306, ¢ e, Ohio. 605 Fors: COMPLETE SET OF DRUG tures, mahoganized ash, recess, glass labeled shop bottles, cot inters. prescription case; n fact, a whole outfit cheap for cash. Address No. 615, care Michigan Tradesman 615 ] »® tUG FI xTU RES FOR SALE AT A BAR- gain—Four 6foot and one 8 foot square front show cases 17 Inches high; 112 oak front drug drawers and cases with pulls and labels one 8 foot painted prescriptii oors in front; one pair Tromner’s No 3 counter scales and one pair Tromner’s No. 12 prescrip- tion scales, both with weights; 184 round shop bottles and labels. P. C. Taylor, Mt. Pleasant, Mich 613 ce SALE—DRUG STORE IN AN EXCEL- lent Indiana town of 1,000; one other drug store; tlnest farming section in the state; only fou ntain in town; daily cash sales,$20. Address K. O., care Mi hig a0 Trad esman. 625 FOR SALE ON ACCOUNT OF POOR health—A clean stock of dry goods, notions, gents® furn ishing goods, shoes, hats and trunks; invoice $6,000; good town; fine grain stock and 18 grass country; good deal to right man. Adare ss No. 620, care e Michigan Tradesman. 620 1) JUBLE YOUR MONEY BY KEEPING surplus eggs until winter. Recipe how to sah them, #1. Reliable and not expensive. Address Lock Box 42, Virginia, Il. 6:4 *R SALE—BAKERY AND HOMEMADE " eanay store in town of 3,000, selling, bad health. L. W. Hovey, Howell, 623 7 SALE — MANUFACTURING BUSI- ness, established 1895, doing a good mail or- der trade in forty states, also good local trade Cleared over $3,000 last year. Will do better every year. Poor health the sole reason for selling. Lauterback, 1062 Monroe St., Chicago 602 STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE. shelying, drawers, counters and cases, soda fountain, stools, etc., all in ood condition. E. E. Calkins, Ann Arbor, 599 AZAAR STOCK FOR SALE CHEAP, IF sold at once Reason, other business | FOR SALE CHEAP—APPLE EVAPORAT- ing machinery in good condition. Address | F. J. Bertschy, Spring Lake, Mich. 590 1 case with glass | Reason for | GENTS—BECOME ACQUAINTED WITH our portraits; reguiar money makers; descriptive circular free. ‘“‘Chess”’ Picture —* 1053 W. Monroe St., , Chicago, Ii. -s SALE OR EXCHANG LL coe wood working plant suitable for manu- facturing. Fine power. Lively town of Central Michigan. Several railroads. Address No. 593, care Michigan Tradesman 593 2 SALE—A GUOD CLEAN STOCK OF hardware in college town of 800; modern brick store; best location; very low rent; well established trade; good reasons for selling; no trades wanted: stock will Inventory about $5,000, Address Lock Box 4, Olivet. Mich. 5x8 WILL TAKE #180 PER FRONT FOUT for lot 34 Ionia street, opposite Union Depot. This is less than any lot between the new Brooks block and Monroe street has sold at within the last ten years. Is there anyone who dare invest in the bast location onthe best wholesale street in this city? Ifso, call Edwin Fallas, Citizens Phone 614 584 _ SALE—AN OLD ESTABLISHED DRY goods business in one of the best towns in Northern Michigan; population about 7,000; cash trade; #10.000 to #12,000 stock; can reduce to $4,000 or $6,000 If desired. Will pay to investl- gate; a grand opportunity for right party; nice, clean, up-to-date stock. Other business inter- ests Lae look efter reason for seliing. Address No. ! . care *higan Tradesman 82 Por — SALE—A FIRST-CLASS. “SHINGLE mill, engine 12x16, center crank, ample boiler room, Perkins machine knot saws, bolter and cut-off saws, au drag saw, endless log chain, elevator, all good belts, four good shingle saws, — st first-class. Address A. R. Morehonse Bie Rapids, Mich. 369 Ko SALE—STOCK OF DRUGS; “REASON, to close an estate; will sell store if party desires to purchase, "address The Farmers’ Bank, Grass Lake. Mich. 643 AFES—NEW AND SECOND-HAND FIRE and burglar proof safes. Geo. M. Smith Wood & Brick Building Moving Co., 376 South Ionia St., Grand Rapids. 321 Kor SALE IN MICHIGAN-~-DRUG STOCK and fixtures located in one of the best resort towns in Southwestern Michigan, tnventorying over 33,000. Owner has to sell on account of health. Address No. 544, care Michigan Trades- man. 544 . SALE—LIGHT MANUFACTURING business. It is now showing an annual profit of about $1,500 per yearand is not being pushed. Business can be doubled the first year with a little efforf. Goods are staple and an excellent line of jobbers now handiing them. Opportunity for a very large business is ua- limited. One man can run the office end of it now and have time to oversee shop work. 2,000 will buy it. Good reason for selling. This business Is a bargain and will not remain unsold very long. When writing please give bank reference, otherwise no attention will be paid to enquiry. Address No. 452, care Michigan Tradesman. 452 STOCK OF SALE -UP-TO-DATE general merchandise, tnvoi cing $12,000, in finest farming community of Northern Indiana. | Will rent building or sell out entirely at bargain. . | Poor health of senior member reason for selling. No agents. Address Box No. 373, Mentone, Ind. 553 | os SALE—STOCK OF HARDWARE AND farming implements; good location for j trade; prospects good for new railroad. The survey is completed and the graders at work within six miles of us. Stock will invoice about $5,000. Population about 600. Store building | 24x60, two stories; wareroom, 24x40; implement shed, 50x50. Must have the money; otherwise donot reply. Reason for selling, wish to re move to Oregon. Address No. 502, care Michi- gan Tradesman. 502 was TED — CLOTHING SALESMAN TO take orders by sample for the finest mer- | chant tailoring produced; grow into a splendid business and your own “boss”. Write for fu'l information. E. L. Moon, Gen’! Manager, Station A, Columbus, QO. 458 OR SALE CHEAP—ALL THE SIDE WALL and cross partition fixtures now in my drug store (about 80 feet); also two perfume or toilet goods cases and a sponge case. Will be ready for delivery not later than Oct.1. B.Schrouder, 37 Monro St., Grand Rapids, Mich. 457 I HAVE SOME CITY REALTY. WILL trade for stock of general merchandise. 751 Address No. 751, care Michigan Tradesman good ee to 4 — COMPETENT DRY GOODS clerk and stockman with some knowledge of window trimming; good salesman; also up- to-date shoe clerk. Address Lock Box 28, — Mich. 644 \ JANTED—POSITION BY REGISTERED pharmacist by Sept.1, twelve years ex- perience both in city and country; single, 25 years old; do not use liquor or tobacco in any form. Address No. 642,care Michigan Trades- man. 642 JANTED—DRUG CLERK. MUST GIVE first-class references. C. P. Utley, Hes- peria, Mich. 626 Ye — IN A DRY GOODS store. Must be a fair window dresser and good salesman. Address No. 566, _" Michigan esman. W ANT A YOUNG MAN WHO THOR oughly idea stenography and ¢ writing and who has a fair nnowiedee of o work. Must be well recommended, strictly conn: perate and not afraid of work. Address Stenog- rapher, care Michigan Tradesman. 62 SALESMAN WANTED _* yee SALESMEN OF experience to handie our premium line of superior selected semi-porcelain crockery, high- class decorations; 20 per cent. commission; on repeating orders from customers after once sold, 10 per cent. commission. Can be handled asasideline. References required. State ex- perience. The Merchants’ Supply Co., East Liverpool, Ohio. ee JANTED—SALESMAN AND LOCAL agents to handle the gas light. seller. brilliant Noontide Nothing like iton the market. Fast Big money for hustlers. Investigate quick. Noontide Gas Light Co., 41-43 on a Detroit, Mich ~wALESMAN WANTED. GOOD, RELIABLE salesman to sell mining stocks in developed mines. Address J. A. Zahn, 1319 Majestic Bulld- ing, Detroit, Mich. 611 W ANTED-—SALESMAN TO SELL AS side line or on commission Dilley Queen Washer. Any territory but Michigan. Address Lyons Washing Machine Company, Lyons, ae ‘Tos ELING MEN— _W E HAV E THE BEST selling side line ever introduced. Light, easily carried, sells at sight. Address Linden- meler Company, 94 Commerce street, Grand 568 Rapids, Mich. AUCTIONEERS AND TRADERS PreRRy & WILSON MAKE EXCLUSIVE business of closing out or reducing stocks of merchandise in any part of the country. With our new ideas and methods we are making suc- cessful sales and at a profit. Every sale per- sonally conducted. For terms and cates, as dress 1414 Wabash Ave., Chicago. ‘*THE O’NEILL SALES” absolutely sell 10 per cent, of your stock ina day. Retail Selling—New Idea System lf you knew that we could clear your store of ali old stuff and any lines you would like to eliminate and get you thou- sands of dollars in cash, would you try our NEW IDEA SALE? If so, write us and we will give you full details and in- formation. C. C. O'Neill & Co. SPECIAL SALESMEN & AUCTIONEERS 408 Star Bidg., 356 Dearborn St., Chicago We also buy and sell Store Fixtures and take them on consignment. MISCELLANEOUS \ TANTED BY RE GISTERE D PHARMA- cist, position at once. Fifteen years’ experience. Best of references. F.W. Hamil- ton, LeRoy, Mich. 629 oo CLERK COMPETENT to run store, registered, in Indiana; good salary; young man 27 to 30 preferred. Address, giving age, experience and references., A. R. Otis, Kendalivilie, Ind. 637 ANTED-—POSITION AS MANAGER OR buyer of clothing and shoe department; five years’ experience; best of references. Ad- j dress Box 239, Coleman, Mich. 614 FOR SALE | Thorne typesetting machine in good order, with or without Crocker & Wheeler motor. Sell cheap for cash or on satisfactory terms. TRADESMAN COMPANY Grand Rapids, Mich. Pan-American Exposition Received Highest Award GOLD MEDAL The full flavor, the delicious quality, the absolute PURITY of LOWNEY’S COCOA distinguish it from all others. Itisa NATURAL product; no “treatment” with alkalis or other chemicals; no adulteration with flour, starch, ground cocoa shells, or coloring matter; nothing but the nutritive and digestible product of the CHOICEST Cocoa Beans. A quick seller and a PROFIT maker for dealers. WALTER M. LOWNEY COMPANY, 447 Commercial St., Boston, Mass. MAPLE JAKE every day Meets you with a smile. MAPLE /JAKE everywhere— Eat him all the while. Maple Jake The New Sensation The best seller in the market A few more shares for sale at 25c on the dollar in limited amounts only Grand Rapids Pure Food Co. Ltd. Grand Rapids, Mich. -. SESH. FE SSHDS EGG FLHSOOSE OFSSOOOHGOGOHOSS FHSS OOSS SOOOSOOSGOSSOOOS SOOO POSH OGL FE GV. OHOOGOSS $9F SOO O0 66600056 0O9FOOOO Are You Looking For a Bargain? % PN Pe aA Pe ig Located 17 miles south of Grand Rapids, 4 miles southeast of Moline, in the center of Leighton Township, Allegan County, in the best farming country, church and school near by. General merchandise stock about $1,000, such as farmers need every Dwelling and store 20x32, wing 16x20, all 20 feet high, cellar under Bank Feed mill and engine day. both with stone wall, washroom and woodshed 10x37, one-story. barn 18x48, with annex 12x47, all on stone wall. room 18x64. Saw mill 20x64. Engine 25 horse (10x12) on a brick bed, one injector, one pump, 42 inch tubular boiler, 40 flues 3 inch 10 feet long, brick arch half front. Good well, 35 bbl. elevated tank, 45 bbl. cistern. Stone feed mill, Kelly duplex cob mill, corn sheller, elevators, automatic section We grind feed two days each week (Wednesdays and Saturdays) 6 to 9 tons grinder, emery wheels for saw gumming, plow point grinding, etc. each day. One 54-inch inserted tooth saw, slab saw, picket saw, log turner (friction drive), sawdust and slab carriers. Citizens telephone pay station in the store. Come and look at this property and see the country around it. Yours respectfully, ELI RUNNELS, Corning, Mich. : : : GROSSES HE SPSOOOCOE PISOSS SS SHSSHGHOD TS EFS EOSESSOGHH SCHSHHHSE SSOHSHHSESESOSOSCOSD PBS eSB PASAT AeAeSES3 DBAS ATS ePESISAISASSSS Pa hifi 5 (SAIS INO and think a moment, Mr. Merchant, what a great amount of time, trouble and money you might save if you put your business on a cash basis by the use of our coupon books. CSSA SASS Time saved by doing away with book- keeping. Trouble saved by not having to keep after people who are siow pay. Money saved by having no unpaid accounts. We have thousands of customers who i NEN would not do business any other way. We make four kinds of cou- pon the price. We will cheerfully books at same send samples free on appli- = cation. RAS Tradesman Company, Grand Rapids Ue Eee VED Leer Bae OOO 99 OS 9900666 O66 00066004 PO9OS OS$OOG9OO6OOOO66 oe : : : ; A Whole Wheat Food Ready to Serve Quality? Ina class by itself MEEISTLALD Oxford Flakes > SaaS Retails at 7c, 10c, 20c Liberal Profit. It’s up to you, Mr. Retailer, to confer a favor on your customers by recom- mending it as the cleanest, purest, daintiest food sold. Compare with other flakes, and you will cheerfully do so. Oxford Pure Food Co., Limited Detroit, Mich., U. S. A. MILLS AT OXFORD, OAKLAND CO., MICH. SLELSESD OLHEO4SD PFOFEOHS SODOOOOO SOO OOOOF 60060006 SOSOOOSS 9GOGOGF6SSFEGOOSS GOHHEO66 HF 6 H956956066 696666066 606660660900 has Decome known on account of its good qualities. Merchants handle Mica because their customers want the best axle grease they can get for their money. Mica is the best because it is made especially to reduce friction, and friction is the greatest destroyer of axles and axle boxes. It is becoming a common saying that “Only one-half as much Mica is required for satisfactory lubrication as of any other axle grease,” so that Mica is not only the best axle grease on the market but the most eco- nomical as well, Ask your dealer to show you Mica in the new white and blue tin packages. ILLUMINATING AND LUBRICATING OILS PERFECTION OIL IS THE STANDARD THE WORLD OVER HIGHEST PRIOB PAID FOR EMPTY OARGOW AND GASOLINE BARRELS siiiiea tee aa OIL CO. i @D an JUD Tit DM $8 VE YSSPSSELUSOSCSCPPSSSSSCSHESSEHVSSSSHESSS WE ARE READY For the holiday season of 1903 with the most extensive and magnificent lines of fine HOLIDAY GOODS ever shown outside of New York. as toilet cases, manicure sets and fast selling novelties. books and an unusual large assortment of toys of every description. Our goods are all new from start to finish as we closed out practically our entire stock last season. eral terms make it possible for you to have the most profitable holiday business ever known. This display embraces the most beautiful creations in the various lines of celluloid goods, such Also brush and comb sets, fancy mirrors, metal novelties, dolls, games, Our low prices and lib- For the convenience of customers we have arranged our goods on special counters and have numb