| Michigan Tradesman. VOL. 7. SEEDS! Write for jobbing prices on Mammoth, Medium, Alsyke and Alfalfa Clover, Timothy, Orchard Grass, Red Blue Top, Grass, Field Peas, Beans, Produce and WOOL. C. Ainsworth 76 So. Diwision St., Grand Rapids. GRAN .D RAPIDS Potatoes, Onions. FOR BARNETT BRO PRICES, WRITE TO Wholesale Dealers, CHICAGO, S. G. KETCHAM, DEALER IN Lime, Nair, Cement BRICK, SEWER PIPE, TILE, ETC., 14 West Bridge St., GRAND RAPIDS, P. O. Voorheis, GENERAL INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT, - - MICH Fine Millinery. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Bought directly from Importers and Manufacturers. Goods the Best Quality and Prices the Lowest. Adams & Co., 90 MONROE ST., TELEPHONE 980. oo oe Sa 41 Widdicomb Building, Grand Rapids.| OPPOSITE THE MORTON HOUSE. H A R lf E Y k H E Y § 7 E K W. C, WILLIAMS. A. SHELEY. ’ A. S. BROOKS. Wholesale Dealers in Wall Picture Paper or Frame Se MN AND Mouldings. aed a a ae line of PAINTS, OILS BRUSHES. Correspondence solicited. 74 & 76 Ottawa St., Grand Rapids, Mich Fehsenfeld & Grammel, (Successors to Steele & Gardner.) Manufacturers of BROOMS Whisks, Toy Brooms, Broom Corn, Broom Handles, and all Kinds of Broom Materials. 10 and 12 Plainfield Ave., Grand Rapids. and CUTS for BOOM EDITIONS aOR PAMPHLETS For the best work, at reasonable prices, address THE TRADESMAN COMPANY, Grand Rapids, Mich, Best and Cheapest Thorough, Practical and Complete. [The West Michigan =| Business University AND nr SCHOOL, cauliedich Mice, 56 Genth: Mevsies G6... GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ' Is the Best Place to obtain a Thorough, Prac tical and Complete Kducation. The Best ACTUAL BUSINESS Department in the ‘tate. The most thorough and practically conducted Short-Hand and Typewriting Department in the West. Do not fail to write for particulars. . E. YEREX, President. | | WILLIAMS, SHELEY & BROOKS Successors to Farrand, Williams & Co., Wholesale Druggists, AT THE OLD STAND. Corner Bates and Larned Streets, Detroit. ALLEN DURFEE. A. D. LEAVENWORTH. Allen Durfee & Co., FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 103 Ottawa St., SEEDS Grand Rapids. If in wantof Clover or Timothy, Orchard, Blue Grass, or Red Top, Kind of Seed, write to the or, in facet, Any send or — Grand Rapids Seed Store, 71 Canal St, GRAND RAPIDS. W.T. LAMOREAUX., WEDNESDAY. MAY 1890. DANIEL DEAN. Mr. Benjamin Dean, on the morning of a day in June, 1887, sat down to the breakfast table with a portentous frown upon his brow. “What has become of the boy si s, Mary ? like the whipping he got last night, but he deserved it, the little hound.’’ “Oh, father, don’t call him He is a good boy—”’ hames. tlesh | thank rod, spoil the child.’ and blood and I have heaven, to do it.”’ “Tl suppose so,”’ He’s my own the right, said the heart-broken baby, on the rocks ? as our own, but he may have parents somewhere, and anyhow, in justice— and you know justice, Mrs. Dean, is my hobby—anyhow, l’ve not the right to give True, him the lesson I gave Dan last night, no matter what he does.’’ ‘“‘What has Daniel done to anger you, father ?”’ “Stolen money from me! A _ good, round sum, too, if you, the mother that bore him, must know. I missed it \es- terday.’’ ‘‘No, no, father; I never will it!’ said the weeping mother. ‘I know my boy better than that. I know his principles. He would die rather than do such a thing!’ “But I caught him in the barn, ing it over, dollar by dollar. pened, he did not see me when I en- tered. After he had counted it over earefully, he placed it in the crown of his hat, under the lining, putting a pin in to keep it safe.”’ Mrs. Dean arose, wiped away the tears, count- As it hap- and, going to the dining-room door, ealled Moses, the man-of-all-work. She | tell them to come without delay.”’ ‘I ean’t find ’em nowheres, missus; I he exclaimed, ‘‘that they are not at the breakfast table at this hour? Plotting and planning more mischief, IT’ll be bound. Isaw them at daybreak out in the wood-shed. grumbling and shaking their heads. I suppose Daniel did not | | Dean household But the loving mother was silenced | \ with: ‘“*Your softness has pretty nearly spoiled that boy: but, as often as you| put nonsense into his head, lve got to| beat it out; that’s all. You think he’s perfect, but I know better—‘spare the mother, the tears running down her | cheeks; *‘but you never punish Harold so severely, and he, too, such a lazy, dreamy boy, that neither likes to study or work.’’ ‘“‘Ah, Mary; that is a horse of another color. Didn’t we pick Harold up a mere when the Sam Price went to pieces | we brought him up | believe | was stern, for the honor of her boy was at stake—her darling, her only child. ‘‘Moses, call the boys to breakfast; | NO. 346 room in the clothes together, crept down stairs He went up to his little loft, gathered his few tied them in a bundle, softly, and made his way to the woods, and thenee to the village. He took Rover along but sent him home again with his master’s letters, after he had been to the post office. Moses had told his mistress shield the boys. Well he were many miles from home he having put them into wagon at six o’clock that their way to the next town, to a neighboring city ! In vain did the breakfast vain did the angry father mother weep. The boys were gone: the was desolate. Even the familiar black face of old Moses was seen no more, he having gone to seek his for- tune elsewhere. One week after that eventful morning, two letters came to Mrs. Dean. The first | came from Daniel, and the fond mother | kissed it and covered the boyish sentences | with tears. It ran thus: | DEAR Morner You believe thought, a lie to knew they by this time, a farmer’s morning, on thence to go wait! In and the seold, Forgive me for running away. in me, but father does not: so 1 as I am fourteen years old. I would eome to the city and get a place in a store. Harold would not let me come alone; so we put the money we have earned in ‘aaa chores to gether, and here we are. Believe me when I say Ldid not take father’s money. By ut I know who did. It was not Harold. You will fine . it va the upper drawer of my bureau, wh re I pu for | safe ke eping afte r the penitent thief ha oie aced itin my hand Harold 1d I expect to go to work to-morrow. I will write soon again Your loving son, DANIEL DEAN, The other letter Mrs. Dean opened in- differently, but soon her attention was arrested; it ran thus: Misses DeENE—I wonder the i Lord di dn’ send lightnin’ to alongs —— ger when he gor and stole money from old Master Dene. 1 ne) stole eny befo’ deaankt, nes, when I seen a little lonesome chicken goin’ my way, I took it up and FOOKC put it under my coat to keep it warm, but never took eny money befo’, and I'll never doit eny mo’. God bless you, Misses Dene: you've bee good to old Mose and so hasthe master. Master he made the tears run out did mo’ than the parson Good-bye. Moses. Mr. Dean went post-haste to the city and hunted up his They gladly went home with him. Secareely a word was spoken on the journey; but ever after, the father’s justice was tempered with mercy. | Dan’l talked to me till |of my old eyes. He eould. boys. Mrs. M. a 2 A Substitute for Jute. About six months ago a young lawyer in Augusta, Ga., began experiments with eotton stalks. The pulp and skin were | removed from the stalks. The fiber was | then placed in a carding machine from which was secured an article of the tena- city and color of jute butt yank. This product he shipped to himself at Paterson, A. KIDDER. | been a-lookin’ for’em all the mornin’,| NJ. where it was woven into a bagging |up stairs, down cellar and out in the | that is said to be less inflamable than jute, barn.’”” And Moses trembled like a leaf, | ang while equally durable, is of less cost. and his face, black as it was, had an] qotton planters are jubilant over the | ashen hue. “I was goin’ to look in the/ discovery, and while they see an article well, but I so seart I darsent.”’ |in view that will help them to boycott ‘“‘What is the matter with you, What has frightened you so ?’’ | Dean. ‘‘T heard master scolding in the dining- room about Master Daniel, and | thought maybe he was a-goin’ to trounce ag’in, marm, ~— I’d rather he’d trounce | me instead, if he would. so. He’s Sa awful good to old Mose, Master Dan has.’’ trembled with emotion. ‘But, Moses, you must find them, their father will be very angry. ‘Take the dinner horn and go out into woods and call them. If they answer, take Rover and go down village and come back across pasture, past the old mill, where often play ball; and mind, Moses, come home without them.’’ | Moses prepared to obey his mistress, | literally. to they | dow t Moses ? | said Mrs. | him | I love that boy | And the negro’s lips | or | the | don’t | the | Brown’ S| jute bagging, they also see market for cotton stalks, always had trouble a profitable which they have to dispose of. Perfection Scaie. The Latest Improved and Best. ‘Does Not t Red ire Down Wei cht. | | Will Soon Save Its Cost on any Counter. | For sale by leading wholesale grocers. Humor in Advertising. From the New York Evening Sun. A serap-book of clippings from the advertising columns of the press reveals a mass of goodly bits of unconscious humor, of which only a few may be quoted here. From such a scrap-book are taken the following specimens: Possibly some of them are not so innocent of humorous intent as their source would wish to imply, but many of them must go as irrefutable evidence that Hibernianisms are not confined to the land which re- joiced in its eminence as the birthplace of Sir Boyle Roche. ‘“‘Eau de Cologne water’ and ‘‘gants de Suede gloves’ are luxuries which we are told may be ours at ‘‘ruinously low prices.’ A Chinese laundryman will ‘‘wash and iron acollar with a cape for 2 cents,’’ and will sell *‘tea and coffee at equally low rates.”’ A safe company wishes a traveling agent, ‘*28x18x8’’—dimensions which are hard to find among men capable of traveling and carrying sample safes about the country with them, and for whom it is therefore considered neces- sary to advertise. Under the general heading of ‘‘Ex- cursions,’’ we are told that ‘$50,000 will buy a long and well-established busi- details of the length of the busi ness not given; the whole conveying the idea that the excursion is likely to be somewhat too extensive and certainly too expensive. “A talented, intelligent young man of many years experience wishes a posi- tion in a saloon as a liquor blender’’— an indication that benevolent Boston has sent us something besides poets and pugilists. A keeper of a boarding-house wishes to renta ‘“‘room to a gentleman, large. airy and square. Another room that needs only a tenant to be perfect is to let in a select neighborhood ‘‘near the Theological Seminary and a minute’s lk from the Grand Opera House,”’ a location well calculated to suit all sorts and conditions of men. Among the ‘rooms to rent’? is also found a companion advertisement to the famous one which announced that ‘“‘two sisters want washing,’’ since a too hasty landlady is responsible for the alluring statement that she has ‘‘a handsome room, with bath for two.’’ It was possibly a printer’s error that was responsible for the naive announce- ment that ‘‘Madam Blank has for rent a room for a single gentleman: beard very moderate.”’ ‘Teeth the true ring of the ness;”’ lled while you wait’ lacks f advertiser’s highes art, but it may be genuine. ‘*Um- brellas provided with new ribs, sticks and covering’ is certainly a good basis for assuming that the umbrella mender is a hopeful person who will ‘‘never say die.”? The landlord who advertises a fiat, ‘‘with all the modern improvements, no children,’’ demonstrates that he does not know what ‘all modern improvements’ are: and may be set down as being fully as cacanedae | as the person who ‘‘an enormously profitable business for a mere song.’’ ‘No bargains at this store,’’ is eandid, but sensational; and one may reasonably distrust the coal dealer who asserts in letters that his ‘‘tons weigh and that his ‘‘coal gives wishes to sell big black 2,000 pounds,”’ out heat.’’ ‘‘Lost—A savage bulldog. The finder will oblige the owner by keeping the log,’’ betrays a philosophical as well as humorous turn of mind, while the person who offers a reward of $25 for a *‘pocket- book of no value’? appears to be an ex- travagant person. ‘‘Misfits bought and sold’’ strikes the reader as a foolish bit of candor on the part of the advertising tailor, and when we read that ‘‘we cannot begin to supply the demand for our $5 pants,’’ one begins to wonder why ‘‘we’’ advertise. A firm on the Bowery wants a *‘putter- on at good wages.’ A facetious young stenographer, ‘‘who dots his i’s and crosses his t’s,’’ and who wants a place in a large business house, is equalled only by the watchman out of employ- ment, to whom object.”’ ( ‘‘wages and sleep are no: “THe, ICHIGAN A physician advertises for an ‘‘office boy who can drive.’? A person who does not give his business wishes to employ a good, steady man who has $200, at $12 a month. An author of ‘standing’? will | ‘“‘write a book, on any subject, for any-| body, for moderate pay.”’ Verily, haustible, and one can find a sufficient number of laughs in the display columns of newspapers and in the back pages of | the magazines to fully justify the famous remark of the eloquent Mrs. Malaprop: “Sweet are the uses of advertising.”’ ome — > <——— sii Fire W orks—Immense line. PutTNAM Canpy Co. Raton, kyon & Go. = JOBBERS OF Fishing ‘Tackle, Base Ballsand Supplies, Croquet, Hammocks, Lawn Tennis, Etc. ~ State Agents for A. J. Reoch & Co.’s Sporting Goods. Send for EATON, LYON & C0., Calalague. 20 & 22 Monroe St., Grand Rapids | Cook & Bergthold, MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASKS. than those of Write for eata- Prices Lower any competitor. logue and prices. 67 Canal St., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK Grand Rapids, Mich. A. J. BOWNE, President. GEo. C. Prercs, Vice President. H. W. Nasu, Cashier CAPITAL, - - - $300,000. Transacts a general banking business. Make a Speciaity of Collections. Ac counts | of Country Merchants Solicited. Level-Headed Business Men Use Coupons and put their on a CASH BASIS. We are the largest manufacturers of Coupons in this country and solicit a/| trial of either our ‘“Superior’’ brands. Grocery Price Current. THE TRADESMAN COMPANY, Grand Rapids. : the supply seems to be inex- | Business | ‘“Tradesman’’ or | Note quotations in | TR ADESMAN-._ Pees & Glassware LAMP BURNERS. No.0 Sun Lael cece ee nee che eee el oe 40 No. 1 oe a 45 No. ik eee eee enue ee eed wien a Tabular ee 75 LAMP CHIMNEYS.—Per box. 6 doz. in box. | No.0 Sun ees ee epee cae 1% | No. 1 Cee es 1 88 | No Oe ee ee cs eee es ee 2 70 Hirst quality. | No. 0 Sun, crimp top Se ee 2 25 ee Seca 2 40 | No.2 * . OF ee ela ess ie ees 3 40 XXX Flint. | No. 0 Sun, crimp top ea pein ee 2 ee 2 80 inae * Bin og Chee cee EL ee 3 86 | Pearl top. | No. ; Sun, wrapped and labeled.........-.+.. 37 | “9 wsercccccsene 47 IN 2 Hinge, e ° eS 470 1. ia : Bast No. 1 Sun, ‘plain bulb, per doz. Sonn Sana | No. 1 crimp, per, Sok. ..4. Lee i | STONEWARE—AKRON. | Butter Crocks, per gal... as 5 | Jugs, % gal., per. doz eee oh i eee eee 7 1 ee ae 90 _ . ee 1 80 Milk Pans, % gal. » per. doz. (glazed 66¢) . 65 ( 90¢) . 7 EDMUND B. DIKRMAN THE GREAT Watch Maker Jeweler, 4k GANA! 8Y,, Grand Rapids - Mich, Something New Bill Snort | | | | We guarantee this cigar the best $35 cigar on the market. Send us trial order, and if not ENTIRELY SATISFACTORY return them. Advertising mat- ter sent with each order. sharlewoix Cigar Mfg 6o., CHARLEVOIX, MICH. HE JAXON GRACKE IS THE BEST IN THE MARKET. SEND A TRIAL ORDER TO JACKSON CRACKER CO., | Jobbers of Candy, Nuts, Cheese and Cigars. JACKSON, MICH. FIT FOR A Gentleman's Table: All goods bearing the name of THURBER, WHYLAND & CO., OR ALEXIS GODILLOT, JR. teEMUS ROLLER MILLS, Remus, Mich., Jan. 20, 1890. Martin’s Middlings Purifier.Co.,,Grand Rapids, Mich. : Gentlemen—The roller mill put; in by you last August has run from twelve to fifteen hours every day since it started and is giving entire satisfaction. Your Purifier and Flour Dresser are dandies. I have used nearly all the best purifiers and bolting machines made, and can say yours discounts them all. Any miller who intends making any change in his mill will save money to use your machines, for They Can Do the Work. Yours truly, D. L. GARLING. Magic Goffee Roaster. The Best_in the World. Having on hand a large stock of No. 1 Roasters—capacity 35 Ibs.—1l will sell them at very low prices. Write for Special Discount. ROBT. S. WEST, 48-50 Long St., CLEVELAND, OHIO. S. A. Morman, WHOLESALE hI M K, AKRON, BUFFALO AND LOUISVILLE CEMENTS, Stucco and Hair, Sewer Pipe, Fire Brick and Clay. Write for prices. 69 CANAL &s&T., GRAND RAPIDS. BEACH’S New York (foffee fooms. 61 Pearl Street. OYSTERS IN ALL STYLES. Steaks, Chops and All Kinds of Order Cooking a Specialty. FRANK M. BEACH, Prop. PETOSKEY, MARBLEHEAD AND OHIO res THE MICHIGAN TRADESMA N. 3 UNCLE SAM & CO. | ennnanaitatin | The Rise of the Greatest Firm the! World Has Ever Known. From the New York Ledger. A great firm, this. Can the world | show a greater? We think not. Look} at its God-given capital. A soil full of | mineral wealth and the rich bases of | agricultural prosperity; great water | courses running from its agriculture and | mineral centers to the sea; fountains of oil spouting up in its midst, and literally | raining riches on large tracts of territory; vast forests of the finest timber in the} world; all the varieties of climate neces- | sary for the production of nearly all the | products of the earth; immense inland seas, affording facilities for a domestic | commerce almost equal to that which | its far extended coast line secures to | it on two great oceans—these are its| resources, or rather a part of them, for | the grand schedule cannot be compressed | into a paragraph. Then look at the firm itself. energetic, enterprising, | shrewd and brave, living under a govern- | ment that gives the largest scope to their | | A people self-reliant, capabilities. True, there has been} trouble in the house at times, but the} firm of Uncle Sam & Co. is a young firm | and a vigorous one, and the old concerns of Europe are fast accepting the idea of its vitality and indomitability. et oo The Condition of Trade. From the New York Shipping List. The business situation shows consider- able improvement and in many respects is much more encouraging than for some time past, about the only unfavorable in- fluences that exist at present, being the feeling of uneasiness that prevails re- specting the results of the present labor agitation, and the set back in the South caused by the damaging floods in the Mississippi valley. Mone- tary affairs are in much better shape, as indicated by the last bank statement and the fact that loanable funds have been in ample supply at comparatively low rates of interest. Wall street reflects a more bullish temper and a considerable ex- pansion in speculative activity. The dis- tributive movement of merchandise has materially quickened in this as well as in neighboring cities; while reports from the West and Northwest indicate a large volume of business with collections fairly prompt, and the crop prospects are said to be excellent in spite of more or less damage to winter wheat. So far as the volume of general business in progress is concerned, bank clearances last week show a large increase compared with the corresponding date last year, the tonnage movement of the trunk line railroads is in excess, and railroad earnings continue to show a large percentage of gain for the past three weeks. The silver ques- tion is still one of the most prominent factors in speculative markets as well as in many departments of legitimate trade, but while the belief prevails that Congress is infavor of passing legislation that will result in absorbing the entire silver pro- duct of this country, there is evidently a lack of harmony as to the coinage and currency features of the proposed meas- ures. There is no objection to legis- lation that will utjlize the silver produc- tion of -the country or increase its value, but there is some danger in making the standard silver dollar a measure of value instead of gold, which would have the effect of driving gold out of the country. The recent advance in silver both here and in London raises that rate of exchange on all eastern re- mittanees, and therefore the cost of all | produce imported from countries east of the Cape of Good Hope is advancing. | The produce markets have been unset-| tled and irregular, the value of wheat having been influenced by more favor- able crop reports and firmer markets abroad, while corn has declined on ac- | count of heavy receipts from the} West. The export movement is falling | off, while imports are increasing, and there is likely to be an excess of imports | this month that is like'y to make an un- favorable trade balance. There has been | no important change in the condition of the iron industry, although there is, in} some localities, a more hopeful feeling in consequence of more inquiry. Produc- tion is still in excess of consumption, | and no substantial improvement can be | looked for until the relations of supply | and demand have become adjusted. There is a more hopeful feeling in the | as the distributive quickened, but sellers anthracite coal trade, |movement has have not been able to obtain any advance | market is de-| pressed by the slow distributive move- | in prices. The coffee ment and the pressure to sell from Brazil, and values are drifting down- ward. Sugar is firmly held and the out- look is favorable for higher prices. The sharp advance in tin last week has been maintained, and copper is firmer under | the influence of a close absorption of the available supply. ——_—_—___—~<>>-o<—_ His Future Assured. Papa—Our boy Johnnie is ten years old to-day. What kind of business do | you think he’ll follow when he gets big, mother ? Mamma—Judging by the new suit of clothes I put on him yesterday morning, | and the fact that he has a hole in the seat, a tear in both knees, four buttons off and the pocket torn out, | should think the hard wear business the most likely. HARDWOOD LUMBER. The furniture factories here pay as follows for dry stock, measured merchantable, mill culls) out: Agh, Bleck, log-run. ..... Ash, White log-run... Basswood, log-run Birch, log-run 14 00@16 00 .-14 00@16 00 13 0O@15 Uv .. 15 00@18 00 PEREINS & HESS DEALERS IN Hides, Furs, Wool & Tallow, NOS. 122 and 124 LOUIS STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN, WE CARRY A STOCK OF CAKE TALLOW FOR MILL USE We Manufacture Everything in the line of Candy Correspondence solic- ited and} prices quot- ed with pleasure. Write us. MOSELEY BROS. ——WHOLESALE—— Fruits, Seeds, Oysters? Produce All kinds of Field Seeds a Specialty. If you are in market to buy or sell Clover Seed, Beans or Potatoes, will b pleased to hear from you. 26, 28, 30 and 32 Ottawa St.. - - GRAND RA: | EDWIN FPALLAS, JOBBER OF Batter, Egos, Fairfield Cheese, Foreign Froits, Mince Meat, Nuts, i> Oyster and Mince Meat Business Running Full Blast. Dairy Butter. Office and Salesroom, No, 9 Ionia St., Grand Rapids. Mic BANANAS! more fruit than can be handled by any other Special Bargain in Choice Let your orders come. We are receiving from two to four carloads of bananas week, which is house at this Hees Remembe1 Birch, Nos. 1 and 2.... 2 OF@24 10 Chery, Oe-tun........ .. .. 30 00@40_ 00 | Cherry, Nos. 1 and 2... . 60 00@65 00 | fmcery Com... wt. 4... @12 00 } Elm, Grey, log ae eee OO Mepie. loevan...._.............. .12 00@13 00 | Maple, soft, log-run. — --.--. 2) Gi@is © Magic, Nos tand?..............- @2 00 Maple, clear, flooring. . ee es @25 00 Maple, white, selected... ------. 20 OO@30 00 Nee Oak, Weran.....-.........-.. 2) OO@22 00 Red Oak, Noa. jane?..... 26 0O@2s 00 Red Oak, 4 sawed, 6 inch and d upw'd 38 00@40 00 Red Oak, i sawed, regular ee 30 0032 00 | Red Oak, No. 1, step plank \ @25 00 | Walnut, log rec. ne @55 00 | Walnut “os land? ......... : @iI 00 | Walnuts, cull .. . . @25 00 | Whitewood, log a \ 20 00@22 00 | White Oak, log-run.... 7 WOI18 00 | White Oak. 4 sawed. Nos. 1 and 2 42 1K@B43 00 | — C COUNTY SAVI’Gs os TROUT, MICH 500,000 TO INVEST IN BONDS Issued by cities, counties, towns and school dis triets of Michigan. Officers: f these municipali BANK ties about to is ue bonds will find it to thelr | advantage to apply to this bank. Blank bonds and blanks for proceedinys supplied without charge. All communications and inquiries wil have prompt attention, January, 1890. S. D. ELWOOD. Treasurer Furniture: Si Nelson, Matter & Co's STYLES: New, Cheap, Medium AND Expensive. Large Variety a nd Prices Low, We Are Headquarters. GRAND RAPIDS FRUIT AND PRODUCE CO, A J. BROWN, Wholesale dealer in Foreign, Tropical and Domestic Fruits and Seeds. Direct Receivers of baliforna (ranges— ee c ee HEADQUARTERS FOR BANANAS. ——_ Messina cai large lots of sudenetn 4 Oranges, we are prepared to make you low prices from fresh ears. 146 and 18 North Division St., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. send for Price List, Issued Weekly HESTER & FOX, Manufacturers’ Agents for saw re CRIST MILL MACHINERY ATED ENGINE WORKS INDIANAPOLIS, IND., U. &. A MANUFACTURERS OF When in want of fend for ar Planers, Matchers, Moulders and all kinds of Wood-Working Machinery, Saws, Belting and Oils. Ané Dodge’s Patent Wood Split Pulley. Large stock kept on hand. Send for Samp’: Pulley and become convinced of their superiority. | Write for Prices, 44, 46 and 48 So. Division St.,. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. AMONG THE TRADE. AROUND THE STATE. Owosso—Keifer & Cramer have opened | a meat market. Hart—-P. P. the tile business. Roberts has engaged Petos ey—Robert Daily has opened a flour an d feed store. Sullivan—Dr. his drug stock to Holton. Lum—G. E. Goodrich has sold his gen- eral stock to Mrs. A. Devall. Muskegon—Estes & Jones will shortly engage in the meat business. Clarendon—F. E. Abrams has sold his general stock to Geo. A. Cook. Detroit—G. T. Swan Swan & Co. in the fruit business. Addison—E. S. Lapham succeeds Wil- cr. succeeds Geo. cox & Lapham in the meat business. Yale—James Cooper has purchased the grocery stock of David E. MeArthur. Cadillaece—A. Anderson Smith in the boot Muskegon—Lankheet Bros. have pur- chased the bakery of C. M. Wagener. Atwood—P. B. Wilkinson has added a stock of groceries to his meat market. Cheboygan—John H. H. H. Kezar in the restaurant business. Saginaw—John H. Kellogg has sold his stock of drugs to E. A. Tomlinson & Co. Marshall—Wm. Martin, general dealer, his Jas. F. Martin. Hager by Henry Logan in the restaurant business. Cadillace—J. A. Smith the stock of clothing of Co. Wolverine iA. succeeds J. and shoe business. Colvin sueceeds is sueceeded by son, Seney—Geo. . is succeeded purchased Dennis & has Ww. will Morris Wertheimer shortly open aclothing and dry goods store. Manton—F. Shelley is succeeded by Leslie Hubbard in the restaurant bus- iness. Saginaw—Tripp & Brooks have pur- chased the grocery stock of B. (Mrs. L.) Turner. Ionia—Geo. M. Kling and Wm. Mar- quette sueceed Jacob Kling in the meat business. Cadil —Perry W. Nicholls is suc- ceeded in the meat business by John Swetland. Ashton—The general store of A. C. Adams has been closed under chattel mertgage. Prairieville—M. J. Goss has sold his general stock to J. Cairns, S. Temple and Geo. Nelson. Kingsley—Mr. Blair has sold his stoek of groceries, and will engage in the con- fectionery business. Muske R. Karling, vith Soderber Donaldson, gon—G. formerly gy & qR& has opened a boot and shoe shop. East Jordan—A flour and feed store has been opened here by the Rifenberg Milling Co., of Charlevoix. Howard City—W. R. Sherwood suc- ceeds Lyman Townsend in the restaurant and confectionery business. Eagle—A. of A. Partlow The Partlow. has retired from the & Cne.. business will be Russel firm hardware dealers. continued by A. Saranac—The stock of drugs of the late F. H. Spencer has been sold to E. 4 Richards, who will consolidate it with his own at the old Spencer stand. Charlotte—l has been purchased by E. J. Patterson & Co., who will continue the business in connection with their jewelry and book | store. in | Peter Beyer has removed | ». F. Webber’s news stand! THE MICHIGAN TRADESMAN. Muskegon—Arthur Boucher and Chas. Bertrand have formed a copartnership to engage in the clothing business, under the style of Boucher, Bertrand & Co. | Cadillace—F. H. Goodman, who has | opened anew boot and shoe store here, | purchased his stock of A. C. McGraw & | Co., Frank E. Chase capturing the order. Muskegon—J. D. Sheridan has pur- chased the interest of his partner, A. C. | Schloss, of Detroit, in the firm of J. D. | Sheridan & Co., clothiers, and will con- | tinue the business. Prairieville—M. general stock to Temple and Geo. Nelson, | tinue the business under Cairnes, Temple & Co. Paw Paw—Dr. J. D. Hamilton, of Mar- tin, has purchased the drug and miscel- & Co., L. Perrigo sold his Stephen who will con- the style of J. Goss has John Cairnes, | laneous stock of L. and will continue + & Co. ness as manufacturing chemists. Manistique—Louis Kerstine, formerly of Escanaba. has purchased the interest John Ewerhardt in the firm of C. W. tailors. Mr. Ewerhardt will remain as manager for the new firm, which will known as Reinwand & Kerstine. Detroit—J. V. Campbell and the estate of David Hamilton, deceased, have formed a special partnership under the name of Campbell, Hamilton & Co., to carry ona general brokerage business in this city. The Hamilton estate is a special partner and contributes $25,000 to the partner- ship stock. Perrigo the business. of teinwand & Co., be MANUFACTURING MATTERS. Saginaw—J. Seligman has sold a tract of pine in Presque Isle county to W. F Whitney for $40,000. Meredith—C. L. bolts expects 5,000,000 cedar shingles. S. Newton & Co., ists, have incorporated under of the Newton Machine Co. Reed City—D. L. Dyer & Co. have abandoned the manufacture of cigars. The plant will be removed to Evart. Clinton—The woolen mills used 426,506 360,380 yards of cloth during the season just ended. Ludington—Louis F. Ward alarge mill at Cheboy- gan and is looking for a mill site there. Detroit—The Hargraves Manufacturing Co. has been incorporated with a capital Mabie is cutting cedar and to manufacture machin- the style Saginaw—E. pounds of wool and made plates erecting stock of $150,000, of which $47,350 is paid in. Evart—The Belanger Tool Co. has been organized to manufacture lumber tools, shingles, ete., by Mark Ardis, W. R. Mopis and Byron G. Colton. Bay City—W. N. McLennan and E. E. Hammond have formed a partnership to conduct a the style of McLennan & Hammond. Vicksburg—L. J. his in the flouring mill to his partners, S. J. Wing and E. Page, who will continue the business. Saginaw—L. D. Sanborn has leased the Patterson it will operated by W. who form- Pincon- yard lumber business, of interest shingle mill, and be G. Cogswell, erly operated a shingle mill at ning. Saginaw—E. R. Ayres has disposed of his interest in the firm of Ayres & Co., genera! merchandise and lumber and will devote his time | to his lumber and planing mill business | | here. ' at Port Austin, : 7 will continue their wholesale busi- contem- | under | |go into blast August 1. Rochester—The business men_ here have raised a bonus of $500 and Scanlan & Son, of Sandusky, Ohio, have rented the Wilcox paper mill, longidle, and will run it full blast. Marquette—Cook Bros. have got out and banked on the railroad near Iron river 25,000,000 feet of logs, which will all be railed to the Payne Lumber Co., at Oshkosh this season. Marquette—The Burtis sawmill, which began cutting last week will manufac- ture 6,000,000 feet of logs for S. G. M. Gates, of Bay City. This stock was cut on the Chocolay River. Alpena—Seven mills are in operation here, and the shipment of lumber from this port last week exceeded 5,000,000 feet. The new Churchill mill, one of the finest on the shore, is doing excellent work. Hancock—M. M. Moralee had 2,000,000 feet of logs hung up on the Otter last year, but this year the quantity of water has been so great that he already has them well toward the mouth, and can rely upon getting them. Beech wood—Godshall & Billman, who | have been operating a shingle mill near | | Morse has disposed | iF. B. Spear, bal dealers | here for some time, are looking around for a suitable place to which to remove it. It seems that they depended for their |supply of timber upon getting certain lands, and, being disappointed, obliged to move. Bay City—P. L. Sherman, proprietor of the stave and heading mill at Lin- wood, recently destroyed by fire, re- building, and a side track connects the new plant, which is a mile and a half north of the old site, with the Michigan Central. The capacity of the new mill will be much greater than the old one. Pequaming—Charles and C. 8, Hetard are hurrying things for their new mill. It will be on the site of the one burned, and will have about three-quarters the capacity of the one destroyed. The new mill will do away with the gang, and will have three band saws. The concern has over 100,000,000 feet of tim- ber tributary to this mill. Marquette—The sawing season on Lake Superior may be said to be fairly opened. Most of the big mills have begun their output. John Funke is pushing his mill at Baraga, sawing some long timber for Hetard & Son’s new mill at Pequaming. In addition to the work now in hand, he says he has enough in view to make it the busiest season he ever had. Marquette — Another step has been taken torevive iron-making here. The Northern Furnace Co. has been organ- ized, with $100,000 capital, to rebuild and operate the plant of the defunct Northern Furnace Co., on the south side of the bay, making the second of the Marquette furnaces to go into blast this season. It will make charcoal iron and The directors are J. M. Longyear, J. M. Wilkinson, J. G. Reynolds and N. M. Kaufman, all of Marquette. The bulk of the stock is taken here. are is Kalamazoo—Chas. B. Eames has filed a bill in chancery, praying for the appoint- ment of a receiver for the Eames Pulley Co. and a dissolution of the copartner- ship now existing between Geo. W. Mil- ler, Horace G. Haines, Geo. S. Foster, Gardner P. Eames and the complainant. Differences in opinion over the manage- ment of the business have precipitated the action. Manistee—The omnipresent and much- talked-of British capitalists have got their eyes on a property in the South, in which some of our Manistee men are in- terested. They have secured an option on the Peters Lumber Co.’s plant at Alco, Ala., and it is thought they will take possession soon. The purchase price is stated to be somewhere in the neighbor- hood of $1,000,000. The plant and tim- ber connected therewith are said to be well worth that figure, and it is hinted that when that price was given there was no idea it would be accepted, or it would have been made larger. Saginaw—The planing mills and fac- tories are busy, and some are running overtime. Thereis a good deal of anxiety among mill men as to the extent of the strikes in all of the large cities and the effect they will have upon building operations. Lumber here, notwithstand- ing the short log crop and predictions of prophets a few months ago, is selling at the same prices as were obtained last spring. If the demand continues good, there will be no complaints on the score of prices, but should business become paralyzed by reason of labor disturb- ances, and building fall off, the result will be adull summer, and stagnation always demoralizes the market. Manistee—R. G. Peters will make a practical test of the capabilities of the pine plains for stock raising, after the the timber has been cut off. He has a large quantity of sheep on a ranch, and expects about 1,000 more at an early date. He has also recently imported abeut a dozen car loads of cows and calves, and will increase the number as fast as possible. He has an experienced Scotch herder to look after this branch of the business, and seems to have no doubt that he will make a success of it. It is to be hoped that it will prove a pay- ing venture, as in this case it will effect- ually solve the problem that has been troubling our mill men for years as to what disposal to make of their land after the pine has been cut off. Mr. Peters has been experimenting with his salt block during the winter, and conceived the idea that by raising the condensers and so giving the vapor farther to travel he would increase the capacity of the block, and the outcome has proved the truth of his theory. Heis now able to turn out about 100 barrels of salt an hour, which is greater capacity than any other block in the country, oe ey iu Fourth of i goods of all kinds. PutNAM CANpy Co. When you want Straight-packed, Sound and Sweet, Solid Fruit, always order the Earl |Fruit Co.’s Flag Brand, Sold by all Jobbers, GRAND RAPIDS GOSSIP. W. J. Hull has removed his grocery stock from 32 West Leonard street to 256 Plainfield avenue. W. A. Wilcox has opened a stationery store at Corunna. Eaton, Lyon & Co. furnished the stock. Johnson & Clark, the Lowell grocers, will shortly open a grocery store on East Bridge street, occupying the vacant store in the Knowlson block. J. E. Feldner is soliciting subscrip- tions for $5,000 worth of stock in a com- pany which will purchase the shirt factory of W. H. Kinsey. S. J. Martin, the Sullivan general dealer, has opened a grocery store at Farwell. The stock was furnished by the Ball-Barnhart-Putman Co. C. A. Hawkins has arranged to open a grocery store at the corner of Third and Fremont streets. The stock is being put up by the Olney & Judson Grocer Co. The Antrim Iron Co. is filling an order for 1,000 carloads of pig iron from the Illinois Steel Co. Two-thirds of the or- der goes to Chicago and the balance to Joliet. L. M. Mills has leased the store at 54 South Ionia street, opposite the Union depot, and will remove his drug stock from Blanchard to this city about the 20th. Wm. M. Clark has sold his shirt fac- tory to the Grand Rapids Custom Shirt Co., which discouraging begins business under the features of a 33.37 chattel mortgage. Walter E. copartnership Bersback $2, 7 Cummings has formed a with Ernest and Otto under the style of Bersback, Cummings & Co., to engage in the sale of crockery and glassware on commission at Chicago. The office of the firm will be at the corner of Lake and State streets. I. M. Clark & Son, H. Leonard & Sons and the Telfer Spice Co. have purchased the $1,400 mortgage on the M. J. Ulrich grocery and crockery stock, recently uttered to Mrs. Ulrich, and have taken possession of the stock and removed it to Grandville avenue, where it being closed out as fast as possible. The claims of the jobbers above mentioned aggre- gate $1,050. Mr. Ulrich still owes about $300 to local creditors and $380 to outside houses, which he is endeavoring to settle by compromise. _ 2

u. 40 inch. Our Level Best..... 6% ic ontine en vialRiv pereaae A E........ 4% 40-in i oem oad &........ en _ E, #-inl® |Sharon B ........... ' W,45-inl1 /|To - of the Heap.... ve H, 48-in12 |Williamsville. ...... 7 | Chapeean...... ..--- 4 |Comet, 40 oo 84 [CohessetaA......-... 74rceruse ~ ...-..- ™ Cee... se 7 |New Market L, 40in. 7% | BLEACHED COTTONS. | Amsburg ... . 7% tien Mils.........- 7 Blackstone in A. i. 8 |Gold oee......... ™% aa 44%4\Green Ticket.. . 8% Cleveland ...... ..- 7 jiGreat Falis.......... 64 ee a oe 74 aaa 6XjJust Out...... 4%@ 5 | Dwight Anchor oe 9 |King Phillip acess 7% shorts. 8%) _..... 7% Edwards. . .... 6 |Lonsdale Gana -10% Reapee..........-... qo jLonsdale.. @ 8% Pareel.... ...,-..- 4 |Middlesex . i... @5 Fruit of the Loom.. oa a Th itchy ..-... ---- 74) Oak View 6 | First Prize. . 6%/Our Own. | Fruitof the Loom K- 8 |Prideof the W est 2 Fairmount. . .- Si oeseee............ 7% Pall Veree........-. SU Sunlignt ............ 4% Geo. Washington... 84|Vinyard...........-- 8% | HALF BLEACHED COTTONS. | Cabot.. ' 74%| Dwight Anchor..... 8% | Perwell....... ....- Ty | U BL E ACHED CANTON FLANNEL, | Tremont ‘N Liuse-- 544| Middlesex No. so | Hamilton nN. - 6% =... DS ee eee 7 . * 2... Middlesex ay ...... 8 C _ 1. . ..:. 128 a “6... ’ No. 2 =... 2 BLEACHED CANTON FLANNEL. ea 744| Middlesex AA...... 11 | eitieeea PT... .. Ss 7 . So... 12 “ 7 a 9 A O..... wee ce ee ee 17% r Ze... 10%} : Bi cece 16 DRESS GOODS. Hamilton oo 8 {Nameless eee ees 20 Se ee 25 + 2 ee 27% GG Cashmere...... 21 | . a Nameless oe eee 16 - ie See ee a a oo | CORSET JEANS. ‘Seeeeern........... 6 |Naumkeagsatteen.. 7% | Brunswick. ... . O| Rockpors........... Gg | PRINTS. | Aten, staple.......- 5%|Merrim’ck shirtings. 4% . o...-.... 5\4| . en furn . 8% : robes........ 5 {Pacific fancy.. 6 Asericen fancy....6 | “~ ronen........- 6% | Americanindigo.... 5%} \Portsmouth robes... 6 | American shirtings. 442|Simpson mourning... 6% | Arnold ig 644| a greys. 6% long ¢ cloth B. 10% " solid black. 6% a C. Big |Washington indigo. 6 “century cloth 7 “ Turkey robes.. 7 “ India robes.... « gold seal. .... 10% 7% plain aT "ky : x oh “« Turkey red. "10% “ Berlin solids. . on © - = i bine...... 614! * Ottoman Tar “ green .... 6%) key red.. 6 | Cocheco fancy...... 6 Martha Washington « -madders... 6 Turkey red %..... 7 | Eddystone fancy... 6 {Martha Washington | Hamilton fancy. 6% Turkey red........ 9% | " staple . | Riv erpoint robes.... 5 | Manchester ancy. 6. *| Windsor Fancy.....- 6% > new era. 6%4| . gold ticket Merrimack D fancy. 6%} indigo blue....... 10% | TICKINGS. Amoskeag AC A. --- 1244} Oe 8 la gg Ce 7%|Pemberton AAA. ce os SMG oon acne os “40% | c Awning. 41 iewirt maver......... 6% | Farmer.. S Pearl River......... 12 | First Prize... 1134) W: arren. ‘oo | COTTON DRILL, | Atlanta, D..... wl en ee ee 1% | Boot. lo — * 7 | | Cc lifton, x i el 10 DEMINS. Amoskeag piece eee cleeerey........ ..-..- 11% om..... 1446 | Lancaster........... 12% / brown .13 Lawrence, 90z. — 13% Retower......... 5. es 11 io. 220. ...3 Everett, blue.. . 12 . No. 250....11% . brown. ....12 . No. 280....10% SATINES. Simpson ek eee 9) limperial........ .... 10% cee ee 18 Black...... +. oo 9% Ss eS 10% Coechco . -10% GINGHAM Glenarven.........- 6% Lancaster, staple... 6% Lancashire.........-. 6% . fancies a Normandie........- ; . Normandie 8% Renfrew Dress. . Wi estbrook Loe eee 8 Toil du Nord.. ie ee 10 Amoskeag eee en eee 6% AvC...... — Peete... - .....- 6% a Se 8%| Windermeer.... ...- wie... ...-.. ... 6%|Cumberland.... .... 3 Warwick.... ...... 8%|Essex.... ......----- 4% CARPET WAR Peerless, white...... 18% Peerless colored. . .21 GRAIN B Amockeag.......-- id AN alley C sind pocees ane 16% Harmony..........- 164%4|Georgia . oe ee... ...-.. me iPeeiee...... .....- -14 American..... .....- 17 THREADS. Clark’s Mile End....45 |Barbour's........--- 88 Coat’, 7. 4F......- © \Marhalls.... .....- 88 Holyoke...........-- R% KNITTING COTTON. White. Colored. White. Cees. 33 Ct ae No. _ os 38 |No. 14. . . ..... 34 : a oe 3 Ng ae 40 ee 44 .-36 41 ' 45 CAMBRICS, ee 2 od egg eases 4% White Star. i ¢|Red Cross. +. oo Kid Glove. 9|Loe ee RE 4% Newmarket..... ai Wood's. a... oe Bawerw..........-.. 4% Brunswick Laue youn 4% RED FLANNEL. Piremian...... --.-. 321%| -.. - 22% Creedmore.......--- STE 7... cnet a nteeee 324% Teipot BER... ..--s 30 OP, Cae e see 35 Nameless ..... 2 iBuckeye:... ........ B2% MIXED FLANNEL. Red & Blue, plaid..40 |GreySRW......--. 17% Union &...... ..---- 22%4| Western W .......-- 18% Windsor.... . eu me © ..........----- 18% 6 oz Western ......- 21 |Flushing XXxX...... 23% Unton-B........ . wee meOMeOUe.... ....... 23% aa FLANNEL, Nameless . 9% a. 9 @10% oo * S10 “ he 12% CANVASS AND PADDING. Slate. Brown. Black.|Slate. Brown. Black. 9% 9% 91413 13 13 10% 10% 1044) 15 15 15 11% 11% 11%4)17 7 17 12% 12% 12% = 20 20 puc Severen, 8 oz.......- og) W ce Point, Soc ....204% Mayland, 8 0z....... 0%) 10 of... .125 Greenwood, "7% oz.. 944|Raven, 100z......... 13% Greenwood, 8 oz. 11s Stark - 15 ““WADDINGS. White, dos......... 25 |Per bale, 40 doz ...87 50 Colored, Gos........ 20 SILESIAS. Slater, Tron Cross... 8 {Pawtucket........ .10% Bed Croms.... 0 |umedie........ 9 . ee ee :.10%| Bedford 10% “Bee an... lValley Clty......... 10% CORSETS. ie et 89 50|/Wonderful.... ...64 7% Schiings.......-- 9 00|\Brighton.. .... 4% SEWING SILK. ern om... 5 85 (Corticelli knitting, wist, doz..42%! per %oz ball ..... 30 50 yd, doz. .42% HOOKS AND EYES—PER GRO No 1 Bk & White.. 2 No 3 BI’k & ‘White. 15 2 20 3 Be 10 No 2-20, M oe m0 iNo ek 6 Oe... * 3—18,S sc oe “ec 125 40 cima TAPE No 2 White & BI’k..12 |No 8 Ww hite & BI’k..20 Cc - r «a 23 “i 6 “ 18 | sé ed “ 26 SAFETY PINS. ic ce cto see eue. 28 ee ees uel ee 36 NEEDLES—PER M. Ih, POE ee on 1 SO0\Steamboat.... ...... 40 ioe s...... .... i @iGeid Byea.......... 150 Morseaire.......... 1 00) TABLE OIL CLOTH. 5—4....22% 6—4...3 26 19% 6—4...2% - se °* 2a P. “STEKETEE prices & SONS, JOBBERS OF Ury Goods and Notions Hamilton, Pacific, | in all the new spring shades. Ten Cases of Westbrook Arlington, in plain, mixtures and stripes; alsoGG Mohairs, Alapaca and Brilliantines. and Sacearappa Ginghams, DRESS GOODS. Jashmere which we offer Cheap. All Good. Styles. 83 Monroe and 10, 12, 14,16 & 18 Fountain Sts, GRAND RAPIDS. THE MICHIGAN TRADESMAN. HAMMERS. ROPES, HARDWARE. Prices Current. Maydole & 602%... oseceeit, 35| Sf M DEN ADA AEBEE nn . s aD aN 25} + A . . one ores eecesece J . These prices are for cash buyers, who ecg = “40810 | SQUARES. dis. — of Good Habits. pay promptly and buy in full packages. | Meson’s Solid ast Steel. -- La = 30¢ list 60 | ee Aa ea ae Za e Office. " “* | Blacksmith’s Solid Cast Steel, Hanc '30¢ 40&10 | TT sioide emai — ae ea “ “. a i M Ds. nl 20 One of the first things that is impressed | ¢) ain oe -_, HINGES. gs eas 7 - upon the youne man entering business is | Giok’s = Clark’s, 1,2,3.......-...-. pany on pope Com. Smooth. Com ah » cA... le is e MLC. .... et, ~ OU | Nos. 1 1 é C the necessity of good habits, such as} Jennings’, genuine.....................-..-- 2 | caso Honk and ‘Strap, to 18 44 14 and a a . = & - 83 10 punctuality, neatness, order, ete. He | Jennings’, imitation ..........-........--.-- 50&10 | “ longer ...... 3% | Nos. 18 to 21 aa oa may never have thought of these things AXES. Serew Hook and Eye, iD net { 4 20 3 30 at school as a part of business success, | First pe = me. tttet tet e ee eee y ae «a a a net [2 oe r eee ee eee c : tere ee eres c ? Hee ce ' ) Zr but he soon hears of them in the office. “ Ee EE 960) | i " Beveeer rice net 7%4| All sheets No. 18 and lighter, over 30 ae Comparatively few persons, however— " BO TE. --.--------2--.. t+ yg ers mr (0) wide not less than 2-10 extra save those specially endowed by nature— BARROWS. dis. | Barn Door Kidder M fg. Co., Wood track 50810 List acct. 19, 86 ane tel giatans fis. 40& : . . : 7 - : } aif ~ 17, OO 8 1X10 succeed in exemplifying the latter until | Raflroad.............2.... 0... ee sere eee eee 8 14 00 | Champion, anti-friction.......... al SASH CORD. : ' they have gone through a long course of | G8T4CD...---.----.-.eeeeeeee ee rte es net 30 00 | Kidder, wood track ........... 40) Silver Lake, White A.......... list 50 discipline. Very frequently their affairs ‘rage — | ie HOLLOW WARE “al i] at et i = aa : ne ee ead ee .. Dk Rename nn tee ns cce nen amar ee ner -- . i 5 for - considerable period are in suc ha oat newt es. r 0 oe 60 | : Drab i... ‘ 55 condition as to merit the term systematic | plow. . aoe Soleo... : 60 | hy White... “ 235 s . . “, L. OL) 7 disorder. Take it in the mere matter of | Sleigh shoe ...... J.....cc-c..cccccccccccc. 70| Gray enameled................ ' en nowre. * . . . 13 SASH WEIG the keeping of their business supplies, | BUCKETS. Stamped Tin Ware...............-new lst 70&10 | Solid Eyes....... ... per ton 825 examining the drawers of a desk, for ex- | Well, plain............--..-. seen eee eee --.0 3 50 Japanned Tin Ware....... ........ at SAWS. dis. ample. Instead of all the bill heads Well, swivel.. co -+++ sereess++ 400) Granite Iron Ware ..........- .. new list 3334410 | and; ne ae Dee gi sare: being in one place there will be a few of en od geet — an ae LEVELS. ifm, | “ Special Steel Dex X Cuts pall ls ae . sls s 4 a ena mat Toone Fim, Geured........ ....-.-....-. 70d Stanley Rule and Level Co.'s 76 | 6 xe 1 Steel Dis : a fi P these necessary articles in each of S€V- | Wrought Narrow, bright aii... 60610 Honubsigelinesay poy : _ = = a. xc -_ —— ‘ 30 eral compartments. By the same token | Wrought Loose Pin.................-- eos OOMaMEN Teta | ee 70&10&10} Cuts, per foot...... | Te postage stamps, blotting pads, letter | Wrought Table...................... iss Cin Seve, Mpeg) 0. 7OK10&10 | TRAPS. aia paper and rubber bands are found almost | Wrought Inside Blind................... aves Hook’s .. . He 70&10&10 | Steel, Game GiE10 Gnas iE . ; Wrougemt Drees... .........-.. Gate Hooks and Eyes... 70&10&10 | Oneida Community, Newhouse’s or everywhere. Each drawer and pigeon- | Blind, Clark’s. KIO KNOBS—New List dis Oneida Comaiaunity, Hawley & Norton’s a hole is in apparent order, but in that} Blind, Parker’s............--..-...-+++-++++: 70&10 | Door, mineral, jap. trimmings 55| Mouse, choker... _ non 180 per doz kind of order that would be observed in | Blind, Shepard's ....-...-.---.--+-++++++++- “0 | Door, porcelain, jap. trimmings 55 | Mouse, delusion $1.50 per doz . ‘ i. sae | BLOCKS Door, porcelain, plated trimmings 55 WIRE lis a company of soldiers if all the different | a ee Al , | Door, porcelwin, trimmings 5| Bright Market wn i uniforms in the service were displayed | OT4inary Tackle, list April 17, °85........-.. 40) Drawer and Shutter, porcelain Annealed Market 70 inste * * a » | CRADLES, LOCKS—DOOR. Coppered Market 6 ——" ee ee ee ee OE dis. 50&02 Salers & — Mfg. Co.'s new list 56 Tinned Market... 6244 mn. B S s i : : Mallory, Wheeler & Co.'s... ' 55| Coppered Spring Stee 5p than disorder of the usual kind, forthe} SS i Branford’s a a 55 wer cea Fence, Clea leel “a latter is so baneful to all appearances | ®t Steel....-.---.-----.-+-. +--+ +--+ +-Per m 5 | Notrwalk's...... vee eee a eee a 55 | “ painted 3 ib P, $ p. . JAP ” Me | E RSE N 8 that an effort is often made to correct it. | piss 1.19 vara perm 5 Adze Bye ..... a 16 90, dis, 60| Au Sable ee aie wee nein . | POLY B-LY once cer cew cer ecnccsvece ri é x 1S. sO 1 SOM TINK) Orderly disorder, on the other hand, 80} Hick’s ©. F..............:0ccceeeee eee 60 | Hunt Bye. .......... eee. $15.00, dis. 60 | Putnam dis, 05 . . . . : 5 7 a ra 7 frequently deceives the victim into be- | ¢ ot eet ie " % BOM S ee “$18.50, dis. = Northwestern .... dis. 10&10 ievi so ee at 2 a eee eee ) 3 48. . WREN H is. lieving that he is orderly that it remains 8 aN RE RET Sperry & Co.’s, Post, handled. 50! Baxter's Adjustable, nie ‘CHES. i d i. unchecked, and accordingly works the — i Be free, Parkers ¢ MILLS. dis. | Coe’s Genuine 50 "re > MEE PE ee oats cen ececeeser eos cseu as ‘ Coffee, Parkers Co.’s ... 40 | Coe’s Patent Agric itt iral. wrou ht, rest greatest harm. Cee eT ay dis, 25 P. S. & W. Mfg. Co.’s Malleables Stas he aed 0. ee —_—— CHISELS. dis. tT oe Ferry & Cl &’s 40 MISCELLANEOUS. dis. How Merchants Prevent Forgeries. | Socket Firmer.................-..--++2--++ 70&10 a _ 5 | Bird Cages . Hi Hi 50 5 = MOLASSES GATES. dis. Pumps, Cistern. — 75 From the Philadelphia Inquirer. | oe eae = Stebbin’s Pattern.... ..... eoae 60&10 | Serews, New List . . l 50 mn : ee la ee € ie ie 60k sters id Plate ee 4 “There, I’ve got it down fine at last, | Socket Slicks ..................-...-- TC ee eee ---- -0&10 | Casters, Bed and Plate... - ++. 50410810 ’ ni : th Enterprise, self measuring. ' 25 | Dampers, American 40 and no mistake,’ and one of Philadel-| Butchers’ Tanged Firmer............ ...... m7 NAILS | Forks, hoes, rakes and all steel goods... 65 phia’s business men laid his pen down | COMBS, dis. | a eels, — ol Lo ae 2 10 hcl "i j 3j i stilw Ct ee | Wire nails, base......... es. ces ON METALS, with a sigh of relief, and hastily blotted Hote oo sf 2 Advance over base: Steel. Wire. PIG TIN his name on a check with a blotter. eer ee. _ .....Beae Base | Pig Large an o. “Got what down ?’’ asked a visitor. A ETE | PEE ae "a6 | pag Rea | a — ‘‘A new wrinkle adopted by merchants | White Crayons, per gross.......... 12@12% dis. 10 | = Oe ee ee ee = 0 | ZINC. : ' eS ie ee 0 20/1 D t 2 OUL and others to prevent their names from eran ae 15 30 | oa. = Pou _ ee . > being forged to checks It’s this way Planished, 14 oz cut to size...... per ones 28 | 56 15 Pt 7 ok asks . 6% , ged to ¢ S. s S way, 14x52, 14x56, 14x60 .......... Pe tae a ata ay oe a hii ah i and after signing my name I turn the | Cold Rolled, 14x56 and 14x60... ..-....... WLM ai. conn en pen up and draw along line through it aa TN III en cean nese : Ee ee Te Sg 50 | Ex i Wiping a ine from right to left, and it looks as if the rr neces ns a Le ie ay tie | ata detenwesecacccascacuncas wsnee 40 65} The prices of the many other qualities of name had been canceled. The peculiar JRILLS. ais. | 4......-- ee Peles 60 90 | solder in the market Indicated by private brands ia ee i ; 2 | Mowses Bit Stocke.............,. 2. a RQ |S .---- eee eee ee we tec ee tense ween 1 60 1 50! vary according to composition. little twirl at the end, where the long line | paper and straight Shank. . ee 50 | 2..-- --.---+- TREE | 2 00 ANTIMONY. of the pen commences, is where the forger | Morse’s Taper Shank. . oe ee i teeeee te ttte tte e teeter el vo # 00 | Cookson..... -per pound 16 of a man’s name gets left. He doesn’t | DRIPPING PANS, x. cece neetneen asin 2 ” tumble to it, so to speak, but the cashiers | Small sizes, ser pound ..... ........... ola ee 1 25] 10x14 1C, Chareoal.. ... : ee of the banks where I do business do, and | Large sizes, per pound................ -.... 6% | Finish Ne 85 1 00} 14x20 IC ‘ a - 6 6) they know instantly whether the signa- ELBOWS. la a Tanne HE ve ; oH par - lh ey 8 = ‘ : - ’ >t wr ee : ‘ ‘ XU 1A, “a0 § 3 ture is genuine or not. You see, also, | Com.4 meee. Gin............ roost _, A190 Clinch 10. CC i | 85 75| Each additional X on this grade, 81.75. this line drawn through the name makes en ties peo ae a 10 9 ce. Chan MEAWAY GRADE, a CN eee ua ‘ UE Lt 1 00] 10x14 IC. Charcoa ca the check look as if it was no good in EXPANSIVE BITS. dis. | Barrell % i 1% 750 teste, | : 6 00 ease it is lost, and the finder will not Clark’s, small, 818; lar e, a oe : PLANES. dis. | 10x14 IX, é‘ a 7 50 present it for collection. It’s a great | Ives’, 1, 818; 2, 824; 3, 80.0... 25 a Cc =" fe feneg @ -* 20 * —_ 7 50 . i : a leben eee... ; Qa) au nal de 81.5 idea, and is being adopted by many busi- oe List. laodoas tel eat... a rte os on this grade $1.50. ness men of the city. Of course, we} Disston’s . ee 60&10 | Bench, first quality................ Qu lax 0) IC, ‘ Worcester 6 00 have to explain it to the bank people, ao American. Dee ee eae eee Se eee ec ee aa Stanley Rule and Ms Co.’s, wood ai ’ . 7 50 « aa PANS, ‘ 12 50 who, — they know it, have no further ee eee ee SO) Wry, Acme..... Podge eee coe... 64 \llaway Grade | 5 25 trouble with us over it. But the de’l o’t | Heller's Horse Rasps. . ae |. 50 | Common, polished. oo. _. dis. 4 we “ 67 is th racticing t i ine RIVETS. dis. x it —s some = — fine, = GALVANIZED I et d 2: % oa, | rom and Tinned........ oe Ai x. & “ a re Kes § 0 do SO, an Nos. 16 to 2; and 24; 2 an bs ae 28 Copper Rivets and Burs.... 50 Ger ate eae een er de i i 2 3 14 i) he gazed proudly at the unsightly line | List 12 1 15 18 PATENT FLANISHED IRON. 14x28 IX 813 drawn through his name at the bottom Discount, 50&10 “A” Wood's patent planished, Nos. 24 to 27 10 20 | 14x31 IX A a oe GAUGES. dis. ““B” Wood’s pat. planished, Nos. 25 to 2 9 20] 14x56 [X, for N t of a check for $7,000 . sit Teeny nh ar or No. 8 sotle re. | per pound 9 ’ i Stanley Rule and Level Co.'s. 50 Broken packs %¢ per pound extra 14x60 TX a per pounc % i 2 Fire Crackers all sizes and prices. PutNAM Canpy Co. FOR SALE, WANTED, ETC. RR III eee Advertisements will be inserted under this head for two cents a word the first insertion and one centa word for each subsequent insertion. No advertise- ment taken for less than 25 cents. Advance payment. BUSINESS CHANCES, OR SALE—A WELL-ESTABLISHED DRUG BUSI- ness in a growing portion of the city, a first-class location. For particulars, address B., care Michigan Tradesman. 23 OR SALE—A COMPLETE STOCK OF GROCERIES, crockery and glassware; good reason for selling; stock will inventory about $1500: must have the cash; good established cash trade; rent for brick store and barn cheap. Address P. O. box 229, Utica, Mich. 24 F°, SALE—A FULL SET OF MACHINERY FOR making patent coiled barrel hoops; machinery good as new; price, $300; also lath machine, which will cut 18,000 per day; Mm. i. Lake, Mich. OR SALE—HAVING DECIDED TO GO OUT OF general merchandise business for good, I offer my stock and trade for sale; arare chanes. Address C. M. Wight. Novi, Mich. I will take one- half in improved real estate in Detroit. 21 JZ,OR SALE — WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OF DRY goods and groceries of about $4,500 in summer resort town of Charlevoix, Mich.; sales $25,000, easily increased; rare bargain to quick purchaser. Address J. L. Hurd, 99 Washington St., Chicago. 17 OR SALE—STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CAKPETS, boots and shoes in town of 1,200 inhabitants in Southern Michigan; new double store; clean, fresh stock of about $8.000; an established paying business; junction two railroads; good reasons for — Address No. 15, care Michigan Tradesman. OR SALE [ED price $50. Carter, Sand 22 E—STOCK OF DRUGS, MEDICINES AND fixtures in town -situated in a thriving farming community, which is also a growing summer resort: ten miles distant from any town containing drug store; a good place to make money on a small capital; reasons for selling, other business. Address — Crystal, Mich. OR SALE—STORE, DRUG STOCK AND. secu including postoffice fixtures, for sale on easy terms, owing to ill health; only drug store inj town, situated in center of fine fruit section, Address Dr. 8. J. Koon, Lisbon, Mich 4 \ ANTED—GROCERY STOCK; MUST BE CHEAP for cash. _ Church & Fenn, ‘Charlotte, Mich. 596 OR SALE—HARDWAR® STOCK, INVENTORING about $4,000, doing a very prosperous business; can reduce the stock to suit purchaser; best of reason en A. L. Paine & Co., Reed City ich. 568 Mic HELP WANTED. ANTED—A GOOD TINNER, GIVE EXPERIENCE and references, Address A. W. Gammer & Co., Box 10, Coloma, Mich. 25 SITUATIONS WANTED. SS BY REGISTERED ASSISTANT pharmacist; best of references furnished. . - Smith, Coopersville, Mich. MISC ELLA NEOUS. W TANTED—TO KNOW THE WHEREABOUTS OF N. 8. Loop, who has lived at Kent City, Elmira and Coldwater. The Tradesman Company, Grand Rapids. _ BOLISH THE PASS BOOK AND SUBSTITUTE THE if Tradesman Coupon, which is now in use by over 5,000 Michigan merchants—all of whom are warm in praise of its effectiveness. Send for sample order, will be sent prepaid on receipt of $1. The Tradesman Company, Grand Rapids. no FREE FOR TWO YEARS TO COMPETENT landlord who will furnish summer resort hotel. A. Stowe, Secretary Traverse Point Association, | Grand | Rapids, Mich. | attend to business on account of sickness; TOR SALE—ONE and feed mill; NKARLY NEW STEAM rOWER good location; owner unable to this valu- able property will be sold very cheap. Address A. 8. | 20 Johnson, Mecosta, Mich. (OMPLETE HISTORY OF THE PATRONS OF IN- dustry, from the inception of the organization; | only a few copies left; sent postpaid] for 10 cents per town in competition with farmers’ alliances, peddlers, and the numerous other nuisances which infest the com-| The selection of salable ' goods to meet the requirements of con-! | copy. Address The Tradesman Company, G’d Rapids a OF TWO KINDS OF COUPONS FOR RE- W tailers will be sent free to any dealer who will write for them to the Sutliff Coupon Pass Book Co., ' Albany, N. Y. 564 The P. of I. Deaiers. The following are the P. of I. dealers who had not cancelled their contracts at last accounts: Ada—L. Burns. Adrian—Powers & Burnham, Anton Webhle, L. T. Lochner, Burleigh Bros, Allendale—Henry Dolman. Almont—Colerick & Martin. Altona—Eli Lyons. Armada—c, J. Cudworth. Assyria—J. W. Abbey. Aurelius—John D. Swart. Bay City—Frank Rosman & Co. Belding—L. S. Roell, Lightstone Bros.. Bellaire—Schoolcraft & Nash. Bellevue—John Evans. Big Rapids—A. V. Young, E. P. Shankweiler & Co., Mrs. Turk, J. K. Sharp, A. Markson. Blissfield—Jas. Gauntlett, Jr. Brice—J. B. Gardner. Burnside—John G. Bruce & Son. Caldwell—C, L. Moses. Capac—H. C. Sigel. Carlton Center—J. N. Covert. Carson City—A. B. Loomis, A. Y. Sessions. Cedar Springs—John Beucus, B. A. Fish, B. ripp. Charlotte — John . Richardson, Daron & mith, J. Andrews, C. P. Lock, F. H. Goodby. Chippew a Lake—G. A. Goodseil. Clam River—Andrew Anderson. Clio—John W. Hurd. Coldwater—J. D, Benjamin. Conklin—Wilson McWilliams. Coral—J. S. Newell & Co. Dorr—Frank Sommer Deerfield—Henry W. ‘Burghardt. Eaton Rapids—Knapp & Rich, & Bro. Evart—Mark Ardis, E. F. Shaw, John C. Devitt. Fenwick—Thompson Bros. Flint—John B. Wilson. Flushing—Sweet Bros. & Clark. Fremont—J. B. Ketchum, W. Harmon. Gladwin—John Graham, J. D. Sanford, Jas. Croskery. Gow Pinas Neilson. Grand Haven—N. J. Braudry & Co. Grand Ledge—Frank 0. Lord. Grand Rapids—Joseph Berles, A. Wilzinski, Brown & Sehler, Houseman, Donnally & Jones, Ed Struensee, Wasson & Lamb, Chas. Petterse h, Morse & Co., Famous Shoe Store, Harvey & Hey. stek, Mrs. E. J. Reynolds, E. Burkhardt. Greenville—Jacobson & Netzorg. Hart—Rhodes & Leonard. Hersey—John Finkbeiner. Hesperia—B. Cohen Howard City—O. J. Knapp, Herold Bros., Pelton. Hubbardston—M. H. Cahalan. Imlay City—Cohn Bros., Porter Megan, lonia—H., Silver, Wm. Wing, E. S. Welch. Jackson—Hall & Rowan. Jenisonville—L. & L. Jenison (mill only). Kalamo—L. R. Cessna. Kent City—M. L. Whitney. Kewadin—A. Anderson Laingsburg—D. Lebar. Lake City—Sam. B. Ardis. Lake Odessa—Christian Colwell & Son, Fred Miller. Lakeview—H. C. Thompson, Bro. Langston—F D. Briggs. Lansing—R. A. Bailey, Etta (Mrs. Israel) Glic- man. Lapeer—C. Tuttle & Son, W. H. Jennings. Lowell—Patrick Kelly. McBain—Sam. B. Ardis. McBride’s—J. McCrae. Mancelona—J. L. Farnham. Manton—A. Curtis, Mrs. E. Liddle. Marshall—W. E Bosley,S. V. R. Lepper & Son. Mecosta—Robert D. Parks, J. Netzorg. Milan—C. C. (Mrs. H. 8S.) Knight, Chas. Gaunt- lett, James Gauntlett, Jr. Millington—Chas. H, Valentine. Monroe Center—Geo. H. Wightman. Morley—Henry Strope. Mt. ote E. Lamb, J. Vermett & Son, F. H. Cowles. Mt. Pleasant—Thos. McNamara. Nashville—H. M. Lee. Newaygo—W. Harmon. New Era—Peter Rankin. North Dorr—John Homrich. Nottawa—Dudley Cutler. Ogden—A. J. Pence. Olivet—F. H. Gage. Onondaga—John Sillik. Orange—Trew & Son. Orono—C,. A. Warren. Potterville—F. D. Lamb & Co. Remus—C. V. Hane. Richmond—Knight & Cudworth, A. W. Reed. Riverdale—J. B. Adams. Rockford—B. A. Fish. Sebewa—P. F. Knapp, John Bradley. Shelbyville—Samuel Wolcott. Shepherd—H. O. Bigelow. Sheridan—M. Gray. Shultz—Fred Otis. Spencer Creek—M. M. Elder. Spring Lake—Geo. Schwab, A. Bitz Springport—Powers & Johnson, Wellington & Hammond. Stanton—Sterling & Co. Stanwood—F. M. Carpenter. Traverse City—John Wilhelm, 8S. D. D. Paine. Vassar—McHose & Gage. Wayland—Pickett Bros. Wheeler—Louise (Mrs. Breckenridge. White Cloud—J. C. Townsend, N. W. Wiley. Whitehall—Geo. Nelson, John Haverkate. Williamston—Thos. Horton. Woodland—Carpenter & Son. Yankee Springs—T. Thurston. oO To Suppress All Associations. From the New York Sun. H. Kositchek /. ee Haller E, All & & Coe. r. Andrew Cc, Darrow, A.) dohmeon, H. C. The starch-making companies of the) country have combined in one vast cor- | poration; and we are told they have or- | feel it at either of these situations. ganized it under the laws of Kentucky. Their purpose has evidently been to form | Te - be raised against it; and how far have succeeded time and experience determine. It seems evident that all the legislation against trusts which has yet been pro- posed, is likely to prove inadequate as a they will means either of stopping their formation | or of putting down those which exist. If the Legislatures of the different | states, or the assembled wisdom of Con- | ‘gress, wish to dissolve and prevent all such combinations, which is comprehensive enough for the purpose, but which has not yet embodied in any legislative formula. Let the Con- stitution of the Union, as well as those of the states, be amended; and then let it | be enacted that there shall be no partner- ships, no corporations, no associations, no industrial, commercial, or mercantile organizations whatever, that every part- nership, corporation, or association shall be dissolved, and that with the sole ex- ception of marriage, every form of in- dustry, business, or social life shall carried on by single individuals only; and then the axe the root of the tree. As soon as such a new law can be fully executed, we shall be able to say that trusts are no more. Of course, all labor unions, farmers’ alliances, and societies for moral, eal, or educational reforms, all churches, will also have to ished and prohibited. It is not possible to have two different sets of principles and two different kinds of legislation, the one applicable to one set of people and the other to another. Equal rights, equal privileges, equal duties, and equal disabilities is the only safe rule. Meanwhile both the road to state so- cialism and the other road which leads back to barbarism, are alike very hard to travel. as well be abol- Good-Bye to the P. of I. The following are some of the merchants who have been under contract with the P. of I., but have found the level profit plan a delusion and a snare: Big Rapids—Verity & Co. Blanchard—L. D. Wait. Bridgeton—Geo. H. Rainouard. Casnovia—John E. Parcell. Cedar Springs—L. A. Gardiner. Central Lake—H. Sissons. Chapin—J. I. Vanderhoof. Chester—B. C. Smith. Clio—Nixon & Hubbell. Coopersville—W. D. Reynolds & Co, Dimondale—Elias Underhill. Dushville—G. 0. Adams. Eaton Rapids—G. W. Webster. Fremont—Boone & Pearson. Grand Ledge—A. J. Halsted & Son. Grand Rapids—F. W. Wurzburg, Van Driele & Kotvis, John Cordes, Huntley Russell. Harvard—Ward Bros. Howard City—Henry Henkel. Kent City—R. McKinnon. Lake Odessa—McCartney Bros. Lowell—Charles McCarty. Maple Rapids—L. S. Aldrich. Marshall—John Fletcher, John Butler, Charles Fletcher. Millbrook—T. O. (or J. W.) Pattison. Millington—Forester & Clough. Minden City—I. Springer & Co., & Son. Nashville—Powers & Stringham. Olivet—F. H. Gage. Otiseo—G. V. Snyder & Co. Ravenna—R, D. Wheeler. Reed City—J. M. Cadzow. Rockford—H. Colby & Co. St. Louis—Mary A. Brice. Sand Lake—C. O. Cain, Frank E. Shattuck, 3rayman & Blanchard. Sparta—Woodin & Van Wickle, Dole & Haynes. 3 ringport—Cortright & Griffin. Stanton—Fairbanks & Co. Sumner—J. B. Tucker. Williamston—Michael Bowerman. F. O. Hetfield o> © —-> The Drug Market. Buchu leaves are searce and higher for leaves of prime quality. Gum opium is | steady. Morphia unchanged. Qui- | nine is alittle less firm, but is unchanged. Nitrate silver has again advanced. The} advance in silver has an advancing tend- | | eney on all East India goods. | advancing under this influence. |}green has advanced 1144 cents. Quick- all mereurials is | silver has advanced and tend higher. Stocks of Tonka beans are to be coneentrated and | prices are asked. higher. Cassia buds have advanced account of scarcity. clined. | said , on Turpentine has de- Milk Shakes and lee Shaves. PUTNAM CANpDy Co. CINSENG ROOT. We pay the highest price forit. Address PEGK BRO e Wholesale Druggi«t GRAND RAPIDS. THE MOST RELIABLE FOOD For Infants and Invalids. Used everywhere, with unqualified§ cooked a Sood, ted I eak cooked food, sui to the weakest es Take no other. Sold b ists. In cans, 35¢. and upw: OOLRICH & Co. on every lal | draw a wagon weighing with its load one | Hopkins University, estimates that poor | one mile on a dirt | unloaded, put | roads, he says that ‘‘a large part of the! be- | sides keeping within the healthful in-} Commercial camphor is manufactured | almost solely in this country directly | from the native wood fibers containing | The wood fiber has heretofore | phor in the wood at the time of ship-| ment, nearly one-half of it evaporates | during its long transportation. Now, distillation of | This plant is composed of | weighs fifty- | It is | the result of several years’ experimenta- | tion of crude camphor in the article of | If this departure should be | Spices are | aris | ys extreme | Grains of Paradise are | Not a medicine, but asteam-; | “THE WEAR IS THE TRUE TEST OF VALUE.”’ We still have in stock the well-known brand ‘Pioneer Prepared Paint. MIXED READY FOR USE. Having sold same to our trade for over ten spect to the economic value in the United | The man- | University | has even gone so far as to provide for | years, we can say it has fulfilled the manufac- | turer’s guarantee. Write for sample card and | prices before making your spring purchases. Hazeltine & Perkins Drug Co., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. SOLE AGENTS POLISHINA 2 FURNITURE WHITE LEAD & COLOR WORKS DETROIT, MANUFACTURERS OF LATEST ARTISTIC SHADES OF FOR Interior AND EXTERIOR _ DECORATION | FJ. WURZBURG, Wholesale Agen GRAND RAPIDS. SUSPENDED |! By His “Better Half,” | uBvyy 19430 Zulssoig eoyus mig BSuiyjes Aq wy UO gsodM] 0} o[vep 94} FUIMOT[V 10g Warranted not to Thicken, Sour or Moid in any Climate. Quality Guaranteed Against Injury | by Freezing. All others worthless after frees ing. See quotation. MARTELL BLACKING | CO., Sole Manufacturers, Chicago, M1. USE IF YOU soxes 2ES -——WRITE TO—— C. W. Johnson & Co, a DRUGGISTS’ PRINTERS, 44 West Larned St., DETROIT, MICH ——FOR CATALOGUE—— THEY CAN SAVE YUU MONEY Do You Observe the Law? If not, send $1 to THE TRADESMAN COMPANY, For their combined ‘LIQUOR & POISON RECORD. 77 a THE MICHIGAN TRADESMAN. 11 i | iiiiieiate Pardes Crise. | | Morphia, SP. & Ww. é 85@3 oe Mixture.....- @ 23 een, boiled .. 65 68 i . oe d | Sin - 4a See aas @ 18|Neat’s Foot, winter em | ; a a : Oe a 2 85@3 10 | a ad i Advanced—Buchu Leaves, Tonka Beans ate Silver. Grains Paradise iL eee | [ agen ee ee a Green, Cassia Buds. Sestak Pecpeames en ee ee) mel ae a ne = ore ewer De | Spirits Turpentine... 13 48 i |M stica, No.1....... i 73 | a @ 3] . a : | Nux Vomica, (po 20) .. @ 10] Snuff, Scote h, De. iy oes @ 35 | nia hg ACIDUM. CON... .0<> <>. 14 00@14 50 TINCTURES. | Re 32@ 35 | Soda Boras, (po. 13). . 12@ 13| Red Venetian..........1% 2@ Aceticum ...... . 8@ 10} Exechthitos........... 9@100|,., i — Saac, H. & P. D. Soda et Potass ‘Part 300 33 | Ochre, yellow Mars... 1% 2@4 Benzoicum German.. 80@1 00 | Etigeron .............. 1 20@1 30 | Aconitum Napellis R....... 60) CO... ....--- @2 00 | Soda Carb............ 1%4@ 2 |, Ber. .....1% 2@3 UE os seseee ones 3 | Gaultheria ...... 2.2... 2 10@2 20 pelts Bevo: | plete Liq Ne, %4 gal Soda, Bi-Carb..... “@ 5 | Putty, commercial...'2% 2443 Casholienn ........... 40@ 45| Geranium, ounce..... Be estes tee eee ce 60| doz ... Gaines, See... A 47 Se Pee... ee ee Pook EEE 50@ 55 | Gossipii, Sem. gal... 50 1 “and myrrh............ 60| Picis Lig., quarts ...... @1 00 | Soda, Sulphas....... 2 ooo —— Cee ee 3@ 5|Hedeoma ........ 1.1 CO@1 7 | Atmica .-....-. eee eee 50 | 4, pints . r @ 70) Spts. Ether Co .... 50@ 55] ..ican. 13@16 ee 1 ao | CURE oll 50@2 00 | Asafcetida............ ...... 50| Pil Hydrarg, (po. 80)... @ 50| “ Myrcia Dom.... @z w | Vermilion, English... 75@ss0 Oxalicum ........++.+: 12@ 14 ren .. Sa 90@2 00 a Belladonna... ..... 60 ead a (po. 22)... @ 18| “ Myrcia tmp... .. @z 50 | /ceGih — insular... 70@7% Phosphorium dil...... 9 | Limonis Ss Maat ah OMSOMT.........,.. .e.ssees GO| Piper Alba, (po g9) .. @ 35| “ Vini Reet. bbl pee aan Gin Salieylicum TY 1 40@1 80 | Mentha Piper........ 2 10@2 2% CT ae a Te eee re a ea Oo @2 15 | white He ai Sulphuricum.... - 14%@ 5| Mentha Verid......... 2 50@2 60 | Sanguinaria................. 50 Plumbi Acet ....... 14@ 15| Less 5e gal., cash ten days. ; Whiting, white Spat . @iv - Wanieeie. |... ...4... 1 40@1 60 | Morrhuae, gal......... 80@1 00 | Barosma ....... ........ "1) 50 | Pulvis Ipecac et opii..1 10@1 20 | Strychnia Crystal ‘@i 10| Whiting, Gilders @9 Tartaricum.........--- 10@ 42 _ oanes......... 1 @ DO a wtttereccsnscens TF IT Do = . 12 Sulphur, Sabe.... <4@ 34 | whiti i ie ia Pe ey 10@2 75 | Capsicum ...... 022... so | _ & P.D. Co.,doz...... @1 25 Re ang eT) gear aris Ene. AMMONIA, Picis Liquida, (gal. =, = i2| Cardamon... ............... 7% Pyrethrum, pv........ 30@ 35| Tamarinds ..... "s@ 10 |, Chiff to Aqua, 16 deg ee | GPCR N@1 82) | CO ga Qe aa 8@ 10) Terebenth Venice..... 23 = Pioneer Pre Or d Paintt 20@1 4 oo 6@ 7 | Rosmarini. ahi | a set se 1 00| Quinia, S.P.&W..... 41@ 46 Theobromae ........ SOG | Swiss Villa Prepared eu ay 11@ 13| Rosae, ounce.......... @6 00 | Catechu.............. 1 ee S. German. 30@ 36) Vanilla... ...........9 0O@I16 00 | Paints...............1 00@1 20 SS 2@ 14 Snechai ean 40@ 45 a LL ee area Tine torum --.. ia@ 14| Zine? Sulph.... Lo a Bu VARNISHES a 9001 00 ‘ EE LG ' gg | Saccharum Lactis pv. @ 2%! . ae oa i ANILINE. nae 3 50@7 00} Columba ............ ....... Si Salaei. 1 S0@2 00 | OILs. | Bl a. sae Sassafras. ...... 50@ 56|Conium........... .s..sse. 5@| Sanguis Drac é | a ae Sinapis, ess, asa @ tp | Cubeba ° anguis Draconis..... 40@ =| Bbl. Gal ie oach Body «eset Oe OO ——— @ 65 Re i tre o = —- oo ia @A 50| Whale, winter........ 70 70 | No. 1 Turp Furn......1 00@1 10 Thyme 22022022 4o@. 50 | Breot 0S 2 ere a) | Euira Turk Damar 1 S51 60 - ome ss a ee eee a Se ‘S is a a 63 c= — saceied : | pa ty ml at = n a Ce @ 15| Linseed, pureraw.... 62 65 | urD. a T0@ Cubeae (po. 1 60....--. 1 QI 5 POTASSIUM. Pte acccaaan tine sennnte and Juniperus .....-.------ s@ 1 Core. oe Bignell po Xunthoxylum ......... 25@ 30] Bichromate ...::: i ae oe = naam Bronids ap | TMA nnn ness ca OO ne Ol ee we 86 Bee oS oone @1 30 Chlorate, — 18)...... 16@ 18 Ferri Chloridum............ 35 a as ee lee oo 2 Tolutan .....-.-------- 40@ 45] potassa, Bitart, pure.. 3@ 33 ~ preg oe Sault iil ee " i. Potassa, Bitart, com.. oS wie. Seat asst ae CORTEX. he ’ ' F coins ¥ 5 one | : . mice, ae Abies, Canadian. .....-..-- 18 oe foo CEE ee 85 | 8, SS - Be i tia a i@ 9 +c r a 11 | Prussiate 25@ 28 Cammiorated........... 50 Cinchona Flava .......-.--- 18 Sulphate re IDG Pe [ weet 4. 2 00 Euonymus atropurp......-. 30 |" Pennine is ic ” ‘ eG CONG... 2... 8. 50 ,’ Myrica Cerifera, po...-.---- 20 RADIX. Quassia . 50 an Sigh yaaa = —* .. .... 20@ 2%] Rhatany - eT 50 ed A aaa ig 2 eT pera an id ee Eevee ............ : 4 0 Cassia Acutifol. . cea 0 — ee Ulmus Po (Ground 12)...... 10 | Arum, po... ..0.2++:-. @ —. @ Pere og 8 we 20% S| Serpenta a Cn EXTRACTUM. Gentiana, (po. 15)..... 10@ 12 en. on ee @ Glyey} rrhiza Glabra... po Cd ab soars (pv. = ae ole. PO ls 3@ 35 ydrastis Canaden, Valerian ... a 50 Haematox, _— tax.. to et wee)... .......... @ 3% | Veratrum Veride.... ace ee = 13@ 14| Hellebore, Ala, po.. | 15@ 20 es valsaiy ea 14@ 15 Inula, Be an 15@ 20 MISCELLANEOUS. . ane nae «71 1 ipecec, oo............. 2 2Q@2 35 1 THe OT caicaaais Iris plox a ~ 2)... woe wo Aither, ii Nit, : - ’ ae = : Jalapa, Pr. | ee a + a oe Carbonate Precip. ....- @ 15|Maranta, Xs. @ 3, | Alumen............... 24@ 3% ° : | Citrate and Quinia.... @3 WD} p ee te ae [ round, \ ' Ch m l a D t ; S ri Citrate Soluble a, @ 80 Podophyllum, sinatra a S %) hy ete eeeeee ai : 4 e 1ca Ss av rugegis Ss un os. eee emaumal... SO) ne” cag. gpd am] Ramat... ------- = Solut Chiloride....--- aM mi « Wee ee sees sesees “asi. ‘et Pots ale ulphate, com’ @ <1 Spices .... - 48@ 53 . ‘ ; 2 i “ pure. ...... @ 7} Sanguinaria, (po 2 @ 20 a 1 35@1 40 _— ~ | Antiicprin ...... @ X a Serpentaria.........._- 40@ 45| Argenti N 2 \ _|Senega .. 45@ 50 genti Nitras, ounce @ 7% s s a Arnica ... ..----+--+++* 14@ 16) Similax, Officinalis, 644... 5@ 7 ‘ : Anthems 20000000020. 30@ 3 N° @ Situeahs Nh '2 ween! d Bll 6 16188 alll § | \ aris b8 MAFIA ....-- --+-- q eilias, (po. 35). ... -.--. 1 IZ) a i hg r oe FOLIA. = clon Feeti- ” Cultus Chlor, Is, (4s ees ka ; . % 12 r Ll oe cake eo @ 35] otis i @ »| Sole Agents{forithe Oelebrated Pioneer Prepared Paints Cassia “Aculifol, Tin Valeriana, Eng. (po. 80) S >| po aaa q nivelly or, 28 German. 15@ 2], Pennant @1 % z tees a a Zingiber a... | oe Capsici Fructus, .. @& uisie eficiadiie, 4s 35@ Pimciher j.......... 2@ 2 i iL ac e = ° . G 7 pane CN 10 12 ae os ae Curate. 6 (po. 20) 15@ 18 We are Sole Proprietors of fre rmine, No. 40....... 7 i @UMMI. a (graveleons).. 15@ 18] Cera Alba, $ Sa E.. a ss WEAT Acacia, 1st picked... @1 v0 | Bird, Beree eee eeee 4@ 6| Cera Flava............ 33@ 35 H R ’ : ne Carul, (po. 1S)......... &@ 12] Coccus 2 9 | C BK OC 0 fn i. @ 80 ye a eae soe = > Pructus........ ° = C ARRH REMEDY ie a Sk | @ 6 rum. ....--++-- C ~) Commer... .......... @ 10 we Cannabis Sativa... .... 34%@ 4/]Cetaceum...... 45 i, Barb, (po. 00)... o mi = ewe... ......-.. 75@1 00] Chloroform ........... woe oo “’ Cape, (po. 20). @ 12 Cc henopodium os a ee squibbs iH @1 © eee PO ty. @ 50 | Dipterix Odorate...... 2 25@2 50 | Chloral Hyd Crst...... 1 50@1 75 : Catechu, 18, (as, 14 \s Foeniculum.. Monae @ 15|Chondrus............. 2a 3 We have in stock and offer a full line of 16). ae : @ 1 —— po. aes ‘ = “ Cinchonidine, PL &W 15@ 2 [fone onan peel AN 25 30 aiMi ......-.-- 0. see eee @ 4! ' German 4@ 10 Lini, grd, (bbl. 4 )... 44@ 4% | Corks, list, di 2 Assafcetida, 30 15 : a aa re oe mee Assutootida, (p6.3)--- 6@ 131 Oheiine ee 8G [Conte @ Whiskies, Brandies, Camphors:.... a 60@ 65 a anarian. == a, | Creasotum ............ @ 50 i . apa : woes ( 7} Creta, (bpL 7) .......- os — cote “. = Sinapis, Alba). 00!) ag ain ae prep... . oe S 5 Cins, V7 ines, Rums. a so@ 954 Nigra........ N@ 12} “ precip........... 8@ 10 Guaiacum, (po. 60)... @ 55 a Gsaueeeree - 5 Kino, (po. 25)....-.--- @ 2 | Frumenti, W., P ~~ 2 o0@2 50 | Crocus ................ 3@ 38 Meatic a gi 00 DPR 1 | oe 00 Coe euiph peed ae oe 24 a. . |... ( PURER RIUREDER eo ee we woe g ye ae aa 5 20).....--. 3 ~ = Juniperis Co. O. T. oT tol 23 aes EE 100 1 Bie eu) 35 Pr, Se 1 75@3 50 | Ether Sulph........... 68@ 70 4 i 5 ee eadicd. 26 | suncharum N, 1 Rage | Bier. ph care. 8S @ Weare Sole Agents in Michigan for W. D. & Co. Tragacanth ........... 30@ %5 Spt. Vini Galli... ; T5@6 50 | op oota ag 2 a HERBA—In ounce packages. rind Oporto ........ 1 25@2 00 jie) Ge... 50@ 55 | aman packages. | Vin Oporto ...--.--- 1 33 | Finke White. me is Henderson County, Hand Made Sour Mash o ns ne a aR 2 ll @ 23 pa rie seecacecceses GES. Gamer 8 @9 i i i Kabel. ene 25| wlorida sheeps’ wool Gelatin, Cooper <2... S Whisky and Druggists’ Favorite ; hee cece ce: ‘ carriage. . se -. 28 25@2 60 rencn........ 40@ 60 Mentha a es = Nassau sheeps’ wool | Glassware flint, 75 per cent. R Whi ke mec! rrtrtt ott" gal carriage .. 2 00 |. by box 62% less ye Ss y- ee ce eee 30 | Velv et extra sheeps’ | Glue, Brown oe 9@ 15 ao Ey Ve ----erterenses SOE wool Carriage. . 1 10| Mite... ..... 2. B@ Thymus, V...........--.---- © | petra yellow sheeps’ | Givceripa ..........-.. 19%@ 25 MAGNESIA. carriage . g5 | Grana Paradisi.... Caicined, Pat... ...... 55@ 60 | Grass sheeps’ wool car | a san “— a0 i ici Caleined, Pat; ..... B® 0 nage gs | Hydraag Chior ‘wie "@ ® | We sell Liquors for Medicinal Purposes only. Carbonst2, K. & M.... 20@ 25| Hard for slate use. % | oT @ | Ww na Carbonate, Jenning5.. 300 36 | Yellow Reef, for slate L — a @1 05 | ‘antee > ie nan 1 Attention to Mail Orders and Guar- ee i 1 40 * Ammoniati. — @1 15 | Sa aii OLEUM. : a | ie Unguentum. 45@ 55 | All orders are Shi d and In faaaken. Duilc. — 130 73 Accacia — 50 eek a. Ae. ad ‘ceive th Ss 2 ne ee 7 ee ae D % , ee ehthyobolla, Am..... 25@1 | * _— dalae, Amarae. ee oes a ee smeared ae : 701 00 | } _ mes — — (eee eae ts OO 3 sa 5, | Auranti Cortex....... @2 50| Ferri Iod........ Te 0 fodine, Wesibi 8 “— > | Bergamili haces eae ess 2 80@3 2° | Auranti Cortes.............. 50 | Lupulin .... SS 8501 00 & Cajiputi weceecccss cess SORE OO} Roel Aram. bee eeu 50 | Lycopodium ....... 55@ 60 | : : s Caryophyilt a Le 201 30 Similax Officinalis.......... 6 | Mee 80@ 85 | Jedar .... 0... sees ees 35@ 5 Co...... Oa ee i | . Chmonegs............ eS wi « ca = eg * Hy 27 | Cinnamonii 1 35@i 40 i ser uaa banked S Bl cae - ggpnereanae .1 35@ 4 Se ae Dee beter et ace yee eae 50 | Liquor Potass Arsinitis 10@ 12 " ne . Sl a i eihe @ = OG... ...-.,+..+..--... Seen, Se (el ie AC... ...... CO et Wee) ee wk. 2m 3 COPRIOR 5.5555. euuud 5001 9D SE Pees Ving... ......0...04. 50 Maneia. oS 2... 45@ 50 GRAND RAP IDS, MICH, GROCERIES. Gripsack Brigade. Bert Wade has gone on the road for j the Cadillac Manufacturing Co., of Cad- illac. Mr. Peck, who has for the last year | been traveling for the John Spry Lumber Co., of Chicago, will hereafter represent the Maxwell Lumber Co. of Muskegon. ‘““‘Windy’’ stories—one about a dog and the other about deaf and dumb butcher. pull of the string brings both stories in- stanter. Eaton, & Co.’s road unintentionally omitted from published a few weeks Leo J. Kymer, Geo. ley and Peter Lubach. Hawkins is telling two new a Lyon s force the roster It includes W. B. Dud- was ago. taynor, Chas. 8S. Robinson is jubilant over a matched driving team, which. he pur- chased on the occasion of his recent visit to Aurora, N. Y. Harry Brown compelled take a back seat. The hotels signed the agreement of the Grip: Medler House, ton, Harbor is now following have recently the Knights of Caro; Kensing- Cleveland House, House, Hotel Port Springs; City; New Thompson Dyer House, Manistee: Imlay Homer; Russell, Bellevue; Pacific House, Huron. > o> == Attachment Sustained. Jacob Cohen, uttered to holding it from dealer, 31, with- until Mareh 17. In making late statements of his condi- stock his wife on January record tion to his creditors, he had neglected to mention the fact that he owed any borrowed his wife money, which led Butzell Bros. and A. Krolik & Co., of Detroit, to instruct their attorney, Peter Doran, to attach the stock, which he succeeded in doing on April 2. Cohen naturally con- tested the attachment. and the heard before Judge Palmer, of the New- it last Thursday The of Cohen as to where ease was aygo Circt Friday. his wife, Court, and and involved and loaned to the husband, was so much at variance that Judge Palmer sustained the attach- ment. Other will now attach the testimony the in the alleged mortgage came where it was kept before loan from it was creditors stock. —_— ¢ —_ Things Not to Be Disliked. It isn’t wise to have strong likes and dislikes, especially when they are only directed against weaknesses. Life is too short, my friend, for you to hate so em- phatically so many things. If you area woman, it will affect your skin and make wrinkles come about your mouth. If you are a man, it will affect your diges- tion. Don’t dislike the woman who is pret- probably tily gowned; she is not of necessity a fool. Don’t dislike the book that is interest- ing; it is not bound to be trash. Don’t dislike the music that is ing; it has a much greater any of Wagner’ operas. Don’t dislike the woman who changes her mind—be thankful that she knows when she has made a mistake. Don’t dislike men who dress are good-mannered; it they are gentlemen. Don’t dislike children; body had to bear with Don’t dislike women who have to earn their own living; there’s not a single one of them who wouldn’t rather have a man doing it for her. Don’t dislike this world and find it un- interesting and tiresome; you may have to go to one where things will be eatch- mission than well and just possible is you once. remember some- more | | market One | is noted. jintense and more distracting, THE perhaps, but even less to be liked. Don’t dislike anything except which is mean, vulgar and wicked. —— —~. «¢ Wool, Hides and Tallow. that MICHIGAN It is supply and demand (with supply | in the lead) on woolen goods that con- trols the wool market. are not eager buyers and come into the when in actual want, what they consider a high price if they find it. Considerable wool has been sold, Manufacturers | paying | but no change of price of consequence | There is no regular market, | but lower prices rule. the White Cloud general a $5,000 mortgage on his | Hides have had a large advance and are held firm, which has had an advanc- ing effect on leather. Dealers would be jubilant if they had any hides, but they have not, and now go out buying, not only meeting the advance, but paying | beyond it. Only one thing checks their | ardor—the scarcity and their inability | to find lots to buy. Heavy hides are | plenty and have not advanced. supplied with dry stock and enough green has been ordered from abroad, which will fill the gap. Tallow is dull, with fair sales. Supply is ample, with light export demand. > - > <—- Owing to the large demand, twine has advanced ‘4¢ a pound. >. — binders Lemons—Good time to buy. PuTNAM CANDY Co. ———~ +9 << VISITING BUYERS. A C Barkley, Crosby John Damstra, Gitchell M W Tucker, Sumner J Homrich, No Dorr Nagler & Beeler, Caledonia L Cook, Bauer Geo P Stark, Cascade W D Struik, Byron Center 8 J Koon, Lisbon Cutler & Lauster, lonia JN Wait, Hudsonville Smith & Bristol, Ada A Wagner, Eastmanville D RStocum, Rockford LT White, Eaton Rapids L Maier, Fisher Station N Bouma, Fisher WmVerMeulen,BeaverDam J W Armstrong, Caledonia F Narregang, Byron Center Calkins & Warne, Van Noord, Charlevoix LM Wolf, Hudsonville E S Botsford, Dorr J Kruisenga, Holland Dr W A Engle, Hartford Alex Denton, Howard City R B McCulloch, Berlin R Neilson, Greenville A PSriver, Burnip’s Cors Eli Runnels, Corning W N Hutchinson, Grant Geo A Sage, Rockford G Ten Hoor, Forest Grove E E Hewitt, Rockford W S Campbell, Hopkins John Gunstra, Lamont Warne & Calkins, E Jordan Walling Bros.. Lamont M Heyboer & Bro., Oakland W H Morris, Evans Den Herder & Tanis, C Suob, Reed City Vriesland AD Farling, Millbrook Smallegan & Pickaard, Gilbert Bros., Trent ForestGrove E Heintzelman, Logan T Armock, Wright Johnson & Clark, Lowell John De Vries, Jamestown John D Noah, Moline A L Power, Kent City 8 C Sibole, Breedsville A Newell, Burnip’s Cors O P Dewitt, St Johns H Thompson, Canada Cors Friedrich Bros.,TraverseCy H Ade, Conklin How to Keep a Store. By Samuel H. Terry. A book of 400 pages written from the experience and observation of | an old merchant. It treats of Selection of Busi ness, Location, Buying, Selling, Credit, Adver tising, Account Keeping, Partnerships, ete. Of | great interest to ev ery one in trade. $1.50. THE TRADESMAN COMPANY, Grand Rapids. We respectfully call your attentino to the fact that we carry the most in complete stock of seeds Western Michigan. Send for our wholesale price and list catalogue before buying This | will soon change, as the market is well | Jamestown | j | Clover, ONION SRYTS, Timothii, Red Top, In fact, everything Ete, in our line at lowest Ete, market values. Brown's Seed Store, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. i TRADESMAN. os The Grocery Market. OYSTERS and FISH, Sugar is a sixpence lower, but the F. J. Dettenthaler quotes as follows: " . , FRESH FISH, market is steady, depending on the fate! r a . : Wreemen........... ...2:... ease pe ceese @%™% |of the McKinley tariff bill. New cheese «“ emered 8 : 1 . ol ee bce g T% is lower and will probably decline 4@ | Taibat. ats ge a week for the next two months. Ciscoes. ..... ee es eo ree o¢ oe a OYSTERS—Cans, = 7 Gillies & Co., New Y at are the | Pairiaven Counte....0...0............, oo OF oe AT IGE ere ca agi al ve Reta SI no @30 lareest scheme spice and tea house inthei#3 bs = _ rs ee ce ee eee 22 | world. Write J. P. Visner, agent, 17 ” Hermitage block, Grand Rapids, for FRESH MEATS. special inducements. Swift and Company quote as follows: Beef, Carcass.... Pelee teseeestue caus OUR Ue ee ee hind quarters......... 7 oe > ‘—; 4 = " PRODUCE MARKET “6 fore “ ee 44@ 4% Apples—Strs Ly lots ee $3.50@%4 per bbl. aoe ee e....:............ @10 Asparagus de per doz. bu. ee @ 8% Beans— Dealers pay $1.40 for unpicked and “ tongues eee 8 @10 | $1.50 for picked, holding at $1.75@$1.85 per bu. Ree 54@ 6 Butter—More plenty. Dairy grades are easy at eee @5 12@14¢e, for acaek Woile create i Gnlletipgg tas @3 | 18@20e. i ee @6 Buckwheat Flour—$1.75 per 100 Ibs. Sausage, blood or head. — @5 Cabbages—Florida and Mobile stock is scarce, “s liver... 3. Lee oeues @5 commanding $4.25 per crate. The cold weather ‘ reer @8 jin the South has delayed the maturing of the a... @ 9% crop very materially. Cheese— New full cream stock commands 10'e, i ... " Cooperage—Pork barrels, $1.25; produce barrels CANDIES, FRUITS and NUTS. 25¢. The Putnam Candy Co. quotes as follows: Cue umbers—#1.2 ) per doz. STICK Dried Apples — Evaporated are held at 10@ : ' if lic and sun dried at 54%@6c. Standard, 25 Ib. boxes. eel oe a 8% Eggs—Dealers now pay 10c and hol latlie Twist, 25 a ee ~. 8% Field Seeds—Clover, mammoth, $3.50 per bu.: Cut Loaf, 25 en ee a naan ey 10 | medium, $3.50. Timothy, $1.50 per MIXED Honey—Very scarce, stray lots of clean comb ee oe 31 being picked up at 14e. Roy al, SS —_. oe : .” Lettuce—i2e per lb. for Grand Rapids grown. Extra her Te nay Mae 10 Maple Sugar —8@10c per Ib., according to |” ’ 900 Ib. ee ee 9% quality. “na : oth tis ' | sage Magle Syrup—75@S83e per gal. French Crem, 3 Ib. anne: a 7 Onions—Green, 2ve per doz. Bermuda, $2 50@ rancy—In 5 lb. boxes. 2.60 per crate. COG POE 12 Parsnips—60e per bu. Sour Drops ...... ee Peas—Green, M per bu. Peppermint rope 14 Pieplant—1.25 per crate of 50 Ibs. nae caepige veya asics, ga eee na EOE 14 Pop Corn—4c per lb. H. M. Chocolate pede So a -18 Potatoes—There appears to be glut in most of Gum Drops.. eee dee ce ree cee eas col. 10 the important markets, east and west. Handlers | Licorice Drops. , 18 are still paying 45¢ in car lots and 50e in a small A. B. Licorice Drops. . eed eda cl 14 way. _ : Lozenges, ae ee 14 Poultry—Spring chickens, 50@75e per pair. mintee ... a Live goods, Sc per lb. The market is weak. Imperials.. eed 14 tadishes—35e per doz bunches. meee ee .15 Strawberries Mississippi RiOCK, op Der 26 Gt. (Cred Bae 13 case. The crop is generally in poor condition, ae 13 owing to the excess of Wet wentier che South. | Caraimele 16@18 Spinach—%5e per bu. Hand Made Creams. oe Tomatoes —Bermuda stock commands $1 per] Plain Creams...... Oo peck (7 gts.) box. Decorated Creams. «ae Turnips—25e per bu. ee 15 Vegetable Oysters—30c per doz. Pars Rie. 22 PROVISIONS. ; Wintergreen Cen 14 The Grand Rapids Packing and Provision Co, rANCY—In bulk, quotes as follows: | Loze need, plain, in paiis........ --11% i | : 2 ee 10% ’ in 2 »Z LELS, s » | ews. mew. 13 a printed, - = oe a | Short cut ... 12 Chocolate Drops, in pails ie Extra clear pig, ‘short cut 14 00 +12 : os Gum Drops, Soe 6% | Extra clear, heavy 14 00 in bbls. BL | Clear, fat back. 14 00 Mo eps aig | Boston clear, short cut. 14.00| at gla a a al a Clear back, short cut 14 00 er hanes tesheesniresenss ones : Standard clear short cut best ee 14 0p | Pour Drops, AD DAUD... .--- nnn geeeeernrne nese is | eines ee . | Imp' erials, in ae. eee! tee ee 11 | SAUSAGE—Fresh and Smoked. in bbls. ' -10 | Pork Sausage 7 | FRUITS. | Ham Sausage... 9 ce > Tongue Sausage . ee eset ca a aaa a S 7 Frankfort Sausage. 8 Florida, a ice .. 2 400 Blood Sausage....... 5 ‘ ‘may fs oe ee @ ‘ logna, straight t ( Bologna, st1 light 5 “ Riverside, fancy.............. @ 4 25 Bologna, thick 5 6 Mounts iin, a @ 400 | Head Cheese. ...... 7 fe Wash. Navals, fancy @ i _anp—Kettle Rendered. | “ Valencias, large.. oo @ bees 7% | Lemons, Messina, choice, Se @3 50 a Ll les 7s | " We ses .-.38 T5@4 00 RN 7% | ? fancy, 200........ 1. @4 00 ig gti a “ i 4 25@4 50 | LARD—Family. | Figs, Smyrna, new, fancy layers......15 @16 Tierces me eS i = - “ —o 6” Clt«(iC 3 @ 14 30 and £ : ‘Tb. Tubs 6 1 eee Th. @ 3 Ib. 20 7 | Dates, eee oe... @ 5 Ib. i bend 6% 4 frails, 50 lb. @ 10 lb. Ps a, Pricer... ...... —_—i * i ard, 10-lb. box. Deka cebu see. cuss @10 | 20 Ib. Pails, 4 in a case. 6%} * OR ec eee a, @ 8 [oer oe... 8. | i) * FPersuan, 661), box... 54@ BEEF IN BARRELS, | NUTS Extra Mess, warranted 200 Ibs.....,. 7 00] Almonds, Tarragona. .................. @16 Extra Mess, Chicago packing...... 7 00 . VOOR. @15 Boneless, rump butts............. \ | a CerPO 4 ...., @i4 SMOKED MEATS—Canvassed or r Plain, Lerten ee @il Hams, average 20 lbs 93, Ww alnuts, Grenoble. i allay @16 ro cite | ie i, alifornia................. " @13 a Ming ae | es OR ee 11 @14 pants oo: eer ieee ee ” yest boneless... .. : . ee 8% | Fancy gt. P. eee 9 Breakfast Bacon, boneless 2 ‘ ** Roasted gos Dried beef, ham pric oe... 9 F ancy, q, P., RO ee @9 Long Clears, heay ..... 6 = momen ............ 10% Briskets, medium. 6 | Choice, H. P., G.... eee eee g 8 ree... - 6% _ a“ = Poets @ 9% ba os hay lad FRUIT NOES EH 8 ee Figs, HEADOUARTERS FOR ORANGES, LEMONS, Uinam Gandy Go, BANANAS, Dates, Nuts, etc. TF Wholonalc Price Current. THE pay ney and wi in —_— _ APPLE BUTT ER, E. J. Mason & Co.’s goods.. 6 AXLE GREASE, Pree se... 8... .. 82 60 eee... i® Paneer. .................. 1 BAKING POWDER, Absolute, 4 Ib. cans, 100s..11 75 i. 50s..10 00 - 7 nS 50s..18 7% Ac me, Mibcane,3doe.... 7% io 8 4 - 1%. * 1° ...3o - os... 20 Our Leader, iglb, ‘cans... 45 “ “in, 90 = Ci: 1 60 Telfer’s, i4 Ib. cans, doz.. 45 -“ 4 1b. _ oe - if Ib. ' sy 13 BATH BRICK, English, 2 doz. in case. 80 Bristol, 2 . 15 American. "2 doz. in c ase 70 BLUING, Dozen Mexican, : oz. i. 30 Oe... 60 _ 16 a 90 BROOMS. oo ene 1% ed eg cae 2 00 No 2c —o,....... 2 25 No.1 ee ee i. oo Pere Geom... 2 %5 Common Whisk....... 90 Fancy " ee 120 a... a. 3 25 Waercnounre........ C 2 7 BUTTERINE Dairy, solid packed.... 12% a" —............ 3 Cc reamery, solid packed. , 18% rolls 14 CANDLES Hotel, 40 lb. boxes..... Star, 40 _ Paraffine . i... ......... CANNED GOoDS—Fish. Clams. 1 Ib. Little Neck... Clam Chowder, 3 lb ( ‘ove Oysters, 2 Ib. stand. 21b _ Lobsters, 1 ~~ pic nic. A eee ' = th. Gier.... ..... Mackerel, in Tomato Sauc 11b. stand.. “ 2 ib. “ . 3 Ib. in Mustard... a. Sib. soused..... Salmon, . = ( ea 652 00 | Al ae ts 2. Suiihiee: Seccue “ “oe e Mustard its . Ree. e.2 85 roto? ze o wR or 08 40@1 . ' MICHTGA N ‘Tk ADES MAN. YOUNG HYSON. Common to fair.......18 @26 Superior to fine.......30 @40 OOLONG, Common to fair... ...25 @30 Superior to fine.......30 @50 Fine to choicest.......55 @65 SODA, ec cee le 54 a “English eee. 1. TOBAccOos—Fine C at. D. Scotten & Co.’s Brands. iawetha .......... 63 Swees Cuba........... 36 Gar Leader........ 35 ToBaccos—Plug. S. W. Venable & Co.’s Brands. Nimrod, xi and 2012. .......37 Reception, 22-5x12,160z...... 36 Wineo, i426, 44 ta @........... 30 Big 5 Center, 3x12, 12 0z......34 Wheel, 5 to a EN Trinket, 3x9, A 25 Jas. G. a & Co.’s Brands, Something Good...... oo Double Pedro.... . 35 Peach Pie.. ee cece 36 Wedding Cake, Bie. oe. “‘Tobaceo”’. .. ee Tomaoco—Shorts, Car Leader......... or TOBACCOS— ieee: Our Leader...... a meee. hi Plow Boy, z: ti eee eae pay Lae 31 1g 18 ox... enue ee 32 VINEGAR. ——...... 6% TE ss PAPER & WOODENWARE PAPER. Curtiss & Co. quote as fol lows: ——. ........ ............... ™ ight Weisht.... . -200 a -180 paraware. ..... |... 8... 2 a_i... 2% Dry Goods............ a: ouee Maia... .... 8 Red Express No. 1 eu de acs 5 ING @. 4... t TWINES. Oe ae oe ee 1. oe Cotton, No.2 3 Sea Island, assorted....... 40 — 5 = eee eee eas ol. 18 ee i7 NS 8 WOODENWARE, Tubs, _ SS 8 00 c Oe as. oe, ' No. ees e, 6 00 Pails, No. : two-hoop.. 1 50 No, 1, three-hoop.... 1 % Clothes ae Ser. bowes.... 55 Bowls, : ine ee 1.00 | edad aaa, 23 ay 15 a 2 00 i a. Ue assorted, 17s and 19s 2 ™ Se, 178 and 19 § Baskets, market. i bushel i with es 1 90 . willow er’ ths, No.1 5 7% a No.2 6 25 : « Nos? o splint No.1 3 50 Y No.2 4 25 : No.3 5 00 GRAINS pam F E E DSTUFFS WHEAT, Wore............ ' 98 Red..... 90 Allfw heat bought on 60 Ib. test. MEAL, MOMPG. 1 2 Cranulated............ 1 30 FLOUR. Straight, in sacks \ 80 . ‘* barrels 9 00 Patent ‘ sacks 5 80 a“ ‘ barrels . (o MILLSTUFFS, ran... ee . 14 00 Derecmines................ 12 00 Beemines ......._....... 15 00 Mixed Feed... L 16 00 COGKAG mieal............... 16 CORN, Small lots... 42 . ee. 38 OATS — oe... 34 Car OT ee eeeu usec ecu. ame RYE, has. 45 BARLEY. “..... 1 Mee. 1 05 HAY Nok... Leu ei cl. . 1 ee 9 00 HIDES, PELTS and FURS. Perkins & Hess pay as fol lows: HIDES. reen .:............... 456 G Part Cured.. 44@ 5 Full 54@ 6 Heavy steers, extra. iey...... Me oo @e Dry ine .. © @e Calfskins, green......3 @6 : cured ...... 5 @ 6% Deacon skins...... uel Ges 4g off for No. * PELTs. Soeeriiee ........... 10 @25 Estimated wool. per 20 @28 oan Washed... .. .- -20@25 Unwashed...... ae --10@18 MISCELLANE se ........... ._.8s @s Grease butter......... 1 @ 2 Swiecnes............. 1%@ 2 Ginseng .2 OOMR FO Above prices are nominal and for immediate delivery only. : SEEDS. | Mited bird............ 44a 6 " q ‘ " , Coreen. 9 The quotations given below are such as are ordinarily offered cash buyers who | Ce eee ee 3% Femee 8 . — : —-— ——————————= | Rape . ee det ee caesis, © CHICORY. GUN POWDER, ee 7 ee Cin‘... 5 25 | fa - Bee 7 2g 2 881 a a ea 7% | Half kegs... 2 88 | Common eee ws i... 80 et Le eam ete HERBS. Solar Rock, 56 lb. sacks. 27 u Te ee 9 28 0c ket ‘t 90 Pound ‘packages @7 Hops. a 14 Wc eck, ae i a COFFEE EXTRACT, . ne es 9 oF Valley City. 85 |p tee J ELLIES. i 100 es as cow ee 22 Felix 1 10| =: J. Mason & Co. 6 Ashton bu. bags ............ 75 “soni a gene ' Chieazo eogds............_. 3% | Higgins “ - 75 } : “ Rio, fair. i @21 / LAMP WICKS er ae = “” good |. 24 @r No. 30 oo Ce 20 prime... O: ‘ail 40 Diamond Crystal, cases....1 50 . eee Orn fancy, washed... @24 No, 2 wets toon ee 50 “ “ 56- aa 50 ' oc......... = oa LICORICE. ‘6s ‘“ ct o a Santos. . 22 @23 ruse... ........ A = — : 10 Mexican & Guatemala 23 @24 Carshria. ....... a. a “ barrel 1 Java, Interior.........24 @26 | Sicily... 18 ee 8 0 Mandhe ling 2% = @30 [ io SALERATUS Peaberry ....... 22 @24 ila a iy E. o- | Church’s, Arm & Hammer. 5% Mechs! cennine. "96 @28 Oncensed, 2 Goz........ 1 20) DetehvaCam 00. 5% To ascertain cost of roasted | __ MATCHES. Taylor's. 222+. BMG coffee, add \%e. per Ib. for roast- | No. 9 sulphur.... ......2 00} DeLand’s C ap Sheag 0) . 54 ing and 15 per cent. for shrink- | Ane hor parlor. 1 70 ’ ee... ....... -5 age. No. 2 home : lO) Oar leader... ........... 5 COFFEES—Package. Export parlor 4 00 SYRUPS. McLaughlin’s XXXX....2 MOLASSES. Corn, Derrels.............. @Q24M Lion ...,. i oaed sack Strap.......... : i * onenhalt barrels. ...@26% “in eabinets Cuba Baking... ' . eae | Pure Sugar, bbl........... 26@35 Ore Forte Rico...... . ....30@35 . half barrel... .28@37 CLOTHES L INES. New Orleans, good... 24@28 TEET G Cotton, 40 = -per doz. 1 25 choice. 30@35 | Ginger ae. ce ie ce ol 50) ; s o.......... ‘ cs 60 ft ‘ ’ om eeu i —— y,.--..-42@45 | Sugar Creams......... 8% aa + oo ne-half barrels, 3¢ extra Frosted Creams....... 8% “ 80 ft i 6 ° 25 : OATMEAL, Graham Crackers..... 8 ri Of " 7 00 Muscatine, Barrels .. -.-5 00} Oatmeal Crackers.... 8 eute GO rt. 10 - Half barrels 2 65 ‘ i . i 16 hoa sao bot SHOE POLISH. CONDENSED MILK. ASES -* 15@* 25 | Jettine, 1 doz. in box...... 0 fagle.... ee oe a _ ROLLED OaTs woe Anglo-Swiss. 6 00@ 7 60} Muscatine, Barrels... @5 00 TEAS. se s : 4 cou PONS. | 7 Half bbls. il a2 65 saran—Regular. couPONS— asiiatgal Cases. Ors OT a 14 $ 1. per hundred. -. 2 5O om, G06 .........1...... is qe 2 3 00] Michigan Test.... _... Oa Chee... a a a 4 00} Water White... 10144 | Choicest .. -.22 @3s : 5 00 : SUN CURED. : PICKLES . en ‘ : rT) Metin... @7 00 | Fair... 2... eee 14 @15 COUPONS— “Tradesman.” i “ % bbl fa GOO 8. 16 @20 1, per hundred - 200) gall bbl... a a) CHOICE 24 @28 Fk renee Ct OR. . 4% | Chatoest........-...-.. - oo 5, oo - 3 ’ i BASKET FIRED. | 10, ts 400} — PIPES. ee @20 | 820, i... oe ae 216. . ke ORGS @% Subject to the following dis- 7 D. full count. ee Onedeee CT @35 ‘ 6 2 > * counts: Cob, No. 3 ne 125) Extrachoice,wireleaf @40 200 or over. 5 per cent, PRESERVES. GUNPOWDER. sane ea ‘ | E. J. Mason & Co.’s goods.. 8 | Common to fair....... 2 @35 i | RICE, Extra fine to finest....50 @65 K ' oe Ce olit na head 6% | Choicest fancy........7%5 @es Kenosha Butter 14 | 5: | Seymour Me / Biz | “ _ a ce site | IMPERIAL. | Butter 51g | No 3 _ oe Common to fair....... 20 @35 ] dl o73 | WO. 3d a a » Ss apy aa. 0 O50 ‘family. i ... 5% | Japan. a uperior to fine 40 @o biscuit .... rua. @ oo | ENGLISH BREAKFAST. Boston..... i eat Fa ee 25 @30 City Soda 7iz | Scotch, in bladders. . fee nates ie 30 @35 Soda. a 7% | Maccaboy, in jars...........35 | Best... oo ctl. BB @6S S. Oyster : 5 | French Rappee, iy Jars... .43 ee Uist... 8 @10 City Oyster, XXX 5M | rid | Pienie b Detroit wo o.’s Brands, a | ' Superior... .. cso. oe CREAM TARTAR. pl is Strict Queen Anne . u a 85 | . imported 4s *{04%@16 . spiced, 4s..... 10 Trout, 3 lb. brook.. : 2 60 CANNED GooDs—Fruits. Apples, gallons, stand. .3 00 Blackberries, stand....... 80 Cherries, — Standard 1 10@1 20 i pitt . Meare 1 15 Egg Plums, stand. 1 15@1 35 Gogeevermes ................ 1 00 Gree... Green Geges,......... 1 15@1 35 Peaches, yellow, stand1 75@1 85 . seconds ...... 1 10@1 45 ' ee. oe Fear...... 1S Pineapples, common. “1 10@1 50 Johnson’s.2 50@2 75 Quinces .. oes. Oe Raspberries, extra...... — re) —........... 1 40 Strawberries .......... 1 15@1 35 Whertlepertes...........- is CANNED VEGETABLES Asparagus, Oyster ah a Beans, Lima, stand.. 80 " Green Linas.... ‘@1 35 ° oe. ......... @ 80 ‘* Stringless, Erie. . . & “ Lewis’ Boston Baked..1 40 Corn, Archer’ Barony... 90 Morn’g Glory. 90 . Early Golden. 90 Poss, french... .. 68 ** «6e@xtra marrofat.. @1 2 Ot OO ec 80 ‘* June, stand.... 1 40 ™ eteed.......1 Gal & ** French, extra fine... .1 50 Mushrooms, extra fine......2 15 Pumpkin, 3 lb. Golden @1 35 Succotash, standard.. gee” 40 Squash . 1. Tomatoes, “Red Coat... ‘@! 1 00 Good Enough @ % ' Ben Har . @1 10 a stand .. el @ % CATSUP. Snider’s, 2 eet peecece ss 1 35 Y WO ec es ee Oe quart 3 50 CHEESE, Fancy Full Cream.... @il1 Good . @10% Part Seimmed,.....,.. 8 @9 Dae Oene.......,...... 19 @20 Edam = @1 00 CHOCOLATE—BAKER’ 8. German Sweet.. ...... 22 [enn eee lia cau 35 Bee 38 Breakfast neon. ....-.... 40 See ce... 37 CHEWING @uM. Rubber, 100 lumps. ee ed 20 eT 30 OO i es ae ly pure Grocers’ i: | German Family i Mottled German 3 00 DRIED FRUITS—Domestic. | Old German 1 ea Apples, sun-dried @° |U_S. Bie Barzain..... -.2 00 evaporated. @10 | Frost, Floater 8% —— . _ @ 19 Cocoa Castile eee aaa ee en egg -5 @6 | Cocoa Castile, Fancy........ 3 36 aie agg 4 l cus Allen B. Wrisley’s 1 rands. Plains ‘ fo | Happy Family, 75. 2 06 Raspberries ‘ : on | - at jountr} 7 BO... eee 3 30 DRIED FRUITS—Prunes | noee Pec foo ce 7 lia : GUA 614 | 1 ’ ‘ous soca oer Bosna ee mae | SAL SODA. ce mii | wees... ec le Bee a 10 @l1 i - California. FRUITS—Peel bl qi ‘anulated, boxes “. 2 ce i ' | SAPOLIO ia | ately anon ce 2 | Kite hen, 3 doz. in box. 2 50 | — Ss | ; 3 « ‘6 > & DRIED FRUITS—Citron. Hand 3 see oa" eee = — @25 | Snider’s Tomato... --2 40] DRIED FRUITS—Currants. lspice spices—Whole. ae Zi , in barrels.... @6 | Allspic : os. 7 = a quantity @ 61 Cassia, China in mats...... 8 ue eee Pade | Batavia in bund 15 , “ai ————e Saigon in rolis......3 mcias.... a : 5 ; ee a @l1% | Cloves, Amboyna... 1. Sultanas...........--..10 @12. |... _,Zauzibar..... ......16 London Layers, Cali | Mace Batavia....... veeees 80 | formia...... . 2 50@3 00! Nutme me, Tancy...... sooo OU London Layers, for'n. ‘ oq _ Hee - me Muscatels, California.1 90@2 25 | |, _ 0. #.- S ae FARINACEOUS GOODS | Pepper, Sir 1gapore, , black -16 garage . ° } ss oF Farina, 100 ib. kegs. Of sie white... 7c Hominy, per bbl.... ..2 OO] _ : “ Macaroni, dom 12 lb box 60} ,, SPICES Ground--In Bulk. ‘“¢ imported. @ 9% | Alispice ...... Stee : Pearl Barley @ 2% | Cassia, Batavia we ceeeee ) Peas, green... @1 00 | mn “and Saigon .25 + ‘split. ; @3 | Y POM 2 Sago, German.. @ 6 | Cloves, Zanalbar ee 26 Tapioca, fi’k or_p’rl. 6@7 | Ginger pr arnt pal Wheat, cracked....... QS | SNOH ometem ess sssce+" RA Vermicelli, import @10 tC Jochin............- . “6 domestic. @60 women .......... 18 FISH—SALT. Mace Batavia... 90 Cod, whole 5 @6 Mustard, E nglish. 22 ee ee » € a e en ae ‘* ’boneless.. CHS Te | : maheete and d Trie..25 Halihnt ..... a. @10% | N un No. 2 C. ae Herring, round, % bbl. 2 99 | Nutmegs, No. 2............. | wibhied. 000 2 7 | Pepper, Singapore, Diack....18 “ Ffolland, bbls.. 12 00 | ie white. .... 30 “ “kegs,new @ %5| ‘ Cayenne......- ao 2 Scaled ...... @ W| SUGARS. Mack, sh’ 8, No. 2, % bbl ” 00 | Cut Loaf.. ' 12 Ib Kit.. 2 oe) Cones ............. . o ~ a = 20) Fewpaerea............. Trout, % bbls. 4 004 25 | Standard Granulated. _ >, } ** 0 Ib. kits 60 = Pine... » 634 | White, No. 1, % bbls..5 “BOGS 7% | Confectioners’ A...... @6.19 | 2 Ib, Rie... . i - White Extra C........ 5% | _ _ 0 Ib. ee... . 1 Bene C............... 55s@ 5% | * Family, ¥ = 2 50 i ec el @ 5% | ” . kit Cele eeap es 50 | Yellowj.. i caee es @ 5% | money. | before ordering. | CODY BGG CASES & FILLERS. EGG FIREWORKS Besides our FINE LINE of CANDY, we are agents for the Best ALL COLORED FIREWORKS, and have many specialties in this line on which you can make some No old chestnuts to work off. Send for catalogue and get our prices {If you want the BEST CANDY put up NET WEIGHT, ask for our goods. A.B BROOKS & CO., BLOCK, 158 EAST FULTON ST,, - GRAND RAPIDS, MICH Having taken the agency for Western and Northern Michigan for the LIMA CASES quantity. and No. 1—30-doz. Cases, complete.... No. 1—Fillers, per set. Parties ordering Fillers have to buy one Case \ w ith every 10 sets of broken cases sold),making 10 sets with Case $1.25 (10 Fillers and 8 Strangers to us will please remit money give good reference. constitute a standard set). orders or FILLERS, we are prepared to offer same to the trade in any Lots of 100. Less than 100, oce oe S5e. doc Gee. 10¢. Fillers (no 3 Dividing Boards with their W. T. LAMOREAUX, 71 Canal St.,Grand Rapids, Mich. - ‘reyou our Lost Trade? Cheap Grease! NO DEALER EVER LOST A CUSTOMER BY SELLING HIM THE FRAZER ALWAYS UNIFORM. KNOWN EVERYWHERE. OFTEN IMITATED. Cood Crease Makes Trade. Let Petroleum and Imitation Genuine RAZE Alone, and Buy the NEVER EQUALLED. NO TALK REQUIRED TO SELL IT. Cheap Crease Kilis Trade. Every Package Bears our Trade Mark. Puiup in Boxes,Cans,Patis, Kegs & Bbis- ab cepeha hice Is ; The Successful Druggist. [CONTINUED FROM TENTH PAGE, THE MICHIGAN TRADESMAN. sicians all crazy. His feelings would be | his wife came to town their first point a turn of a button and off it went. In| BY Splendid and expensive advertising the manufacturers cre him by the arm and said: *“Why, John, 1’ 9n the grocer’s part the goods sell themselves, bring purchas anything like that before.” So would it be with the Ph. G. of 1870. So keep well ANY JOBBER WILL BEGLAD TO FILL YOUR ORDERS, tities—and be ready to give information| ] ‘ . e to your physician in regard to doses and Pa ? a | O l ar best mode of administration. It will be | oo - ° for some remedies that may stand upon "EL PURITANO have known many to pay no attention to |} WHO URGES YOU anilid, paraldehyd, ete. He would think | like those of the deacon whose life had | SS a > @) i L © -_— been spent in the country, but whose | weekly paper told him of the wonders of was the electric railway. There the car his surprise, the deacon exclaimed, | ate a demand, and only ask the trade to keep the goods iz never a you talk like that before. posted in the newer remedies as well as | appreciated, it will increase their con- | ‘ ' ee The Finest 10 Gent Cigar freight charges in cost of goods. Others that either he was drunk or the phy- | TO BEEP of the electric railway. So when he and THE PUBLIC! stood and, the passengers being seated “Well, Pll be d——d!" His wife shook | stock so as to supply the orders sent to them. Without effort “Well, Nancy, he replied, “I never saw | ers to the store, and help sell less known goods. old. Have them in stock—in small quan- | fidence in you, and will more than pay | Know exactly what your goods cost. 1} ON EARTH add so much per cent. This is very mis- leading in an assorted drug order. Sup- \ \ MANUFACTURED BY pose you have come to you an assorted ce oT \ } order of whiting, patent medicines, mor- : DILWURTH BROTHERS, phine, fluid extracts, ete., and reckon |f i PITTSBURGH. SSS eet pepe rrerrrreen preterit your freight by percentage. You will! | add about as much to an ounce of mor- | phine as to a barrel of whiting. The invoice price of one fluid extract is twice that of another, and so by percentage you add twice as much freight to one as the other—when, in fact, it should be equal. To know the exact cost of put- ting in your goods, add to your freight! | bill the cartage at both ends, and to this | ¢ the cost of packing-boxes, and put this amount on the net weight of your goods, | and your starting point will be correct. | Then, if you have a customer who buys | ¢, FROM WATER * FREE Fen, in extra large quantities, or a country Be ise Su M. D. who wants to replenish his saddle- | bags, you will know when to say, thus far shall a reduction = made and no Know not only the cost of such | TRADE SUPPLIED BY I. M. CLARK & SON, Grand Rapids. ~ BRADDOCK, BATEMAN & CO., T. E. BREVOORT, - further. goods as you buy, but also such as you may manufacture—tinetures, ointments, syrups, ete. always calls for an explanation, and| $¢\==mmmm DIRECTIONS a Have a regular selling price for your 6 ' , r ~~ goods, and have the same marked on the s $ contain also the reduction for speci- & a fied gq tities, if any. For instance: Ss S regoric Quinine. 2 5 1 © .Oi! co ..£1.00 © > 4 30 am... ‘i; 30 = S . 1.0011 iple 10 S iS ted n this way yourself and cle is alway € x make the same price. A change in price £ J » S sometimes the change cannot be satisfac- We have cooked the corn in this can torily explained sufficientl;) Should be Thoroughly orny expiained. i Warmed (not cook oan iece = ECONOMY (PERSONAL). of fresh ink (preferable’te wale) V2 I tters little how i Season to suit when on the table. None => t matters little how much money a genuine unless bearing the signature ut oe man may make; if he spends all, he will ee % - 9 never be the successful druggist, as far | as riches are concerned. I do not think that money-getting should be the chief aim in life. I do not! think a person should be stingy, neither do I think it right for a person to spend that which he does not possess, or in his charity give away that which rightfully belongs to another. I do believe to be successful one must follow the advice of ‘Poor Richard,”’ and spend a penny a day less than you earn— a this habit et be learned early in Lime, Cement, life, for it is seldom successfully learned “2g Fire Brick, etc. Unite with a church—or masonic or | Main Office, 54 Pearl St., Sag: Rapids, Mich. other societies if you will—but not for a G. & £ t.. business advertisement. A better ‘‘ad.’’ A. HIMES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in GOAL AND WOOD. C.& W. M. and L. S. & M. S. Rys. 4b. SeIPMEots MADE FROMPILY,—__— is to be at your = of business in bus- and your capacity. The laborer worthy of his hire, but has no right i House and Store Shades Made to Order. These are some of the ways in which at mo nein a tas meee NECTLSON BROS. & CO and cause many with aches and pains to ° e% iness hours, correctly dispensing the best be exorbitant, and unreasonable charges rise up and call you a Successful Drug- 68 MONROE (STREET. of drugs and medicines obtainable, in neat parcels or packages, charging such prices as fairly pay you for your oe will drive your patrons away. gist. Bay City. Detroit. Yard and Warehouse on Line of TIME TABLES. Grand Rapids & Indiana. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Arrive. Leave. Traverse City & Mackinaw.......... 7:10am Traverse City Express..... 9:20am 11:30am Traverse City & Mackinaw... ...3:25 pm 4:10pm ee Ce Cl 9:15 pm ES Oe, Through coaches for Saginaw on 7:10am Pl a 10 Pp m train. GOING SOUTH. Chicineeel Breremm... .............. 7:15am Fort Wayne ee a ook SS ih 12:25pm CE TI oo oss ec co nw 5:30pm 6:00 p m From Mackinaw & pccams City..10:40 p m PO CRI a oon ins occ cnn nccs ene 9:55am Train leaving for Cincinnati at 6p. m. and arriving from Cincinnati at 9:20 p. m., runs daily, Sundays in cluded. Other trains daily except Sunday. Sleeping and Parlor Car Service: North—7:00 a, m. and 4:10 p. m. trains have sleeping and parlor cars for Mackinaw City. South—7:l5a. m. train has chair car and 6 p. m. train Puliman sleeping car for Cincinnati. Muskegon, Grand Rapids & Indiana. ave Arri 5:40 p m. oe Leaving time at Bridge street depot 7 Through tickets and full information can be had by | taro upon A. Almquist, ticket agent at depot, or Geo. W. Munson, Union Ticket Agent, 67 Monroe St., Grand Rapids, Mich. OC. L. Lockwoop, Gen’l Pass. Agent. Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee. GOING WEST. Arrives. Leaves. SORES BBP SOR, ..... 6... e cee ese 12:50 pm 1:00 pm +Through i ons se iors ooo A 4:20pm +Grand Rapids Express. 10:40 pm me ie esk bee -- 6:40am 7:00am Ee 7:30 am GOING EAST. ee i ase 6:50am ¢Through Mail...... ‘ : 10:20 a m +Evening Express.. . 3:35 p m 3:45 pm i ot 10:30 p m 10:55 p m +tDaily, Sundays excepted. *Daily. Detroit Express and Evening Express have parlor cars attached and make direct connections in Detroit for all points East. Morning express and Grand Rapids express have par- lor cars attached. Night express has ae sleeping ear to Detroit, arriving in Detroit at 7:20 a. m. Through railroad tickets and ocean steamship tickets and sleeping car berths secured at D.,G. H.& M ~“ offices, 23 Monroe St., and at the depot. As, CAMPBELL, City Passenger Agent. Jno. W. Loup, Traffic Manager, Detroit. Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern. For Toledo and all points South and East, take the Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan Rail way from Owosso Junction. a connections at above point with trains of D., G. H. & M., and connections at Toledo with ey ae trains for Cleveland, Buffalo, Columbus, Dayton, Cincin- nati, Pittsburg, Creston, Orville and ail promi nent points on connecting lines, A. J. PaisLey, Gen’! Pass. Agent MICHIGAN CENTRAL “* The Niagara Falls Route.’’ DEPART. ARRIVE PORE, oe ec secetases. 6:45am 10:15 pm se cet er meee 6:50am 5:30pm ee isle iceseuay: 11:55am 10:00am *Atlantic & Pacific Express........ 10:45pm 6:00am ow Term Meee. uc. 5:40pm 1:35pm *Daily All cae daily except Sunday. Sleeping cars run on Atlantic and Pacific Express trains to and from Detroit. Parlor cars run on Day Express and Grand Rapid Express to and from Detroit. KFureEp M. Briaeas, Gen’l Agent. 85 Monroe St. G.S HAwkKIns, Ticket Agent, Union Depot. Gro, W. Munson, Union Ticket Office. 67 Monrve St. O. W. RueeiEs.G. P. & T. Agent. hieave LION COFFEE A True SAV anation of : MOCHA, Land Picture Card a With every pound package. For Sale everywhere. Woolson Spice Co,, Toledo, 0. BEFORE BUYING GRATES wet Circular and Testimonials. Sent —— Economical, Sanitary, Cleanly and Art ALDINE FIRE PLACE, GRAND RAPIDS. MGR, Qe By 1a 0) 84 ae Photox aX Sag gi ae eS 3 Pua een haunt WOOD gME ‘Ne FURNITURE asp ° Eales? ae RAPIDS MICH. -— A Mistaken Meaning. “TY see that you advertise your feath- ers cheap ?”? ‘Eee: sir.” “Ill take enough to make two lows.’’ ‘*Four dollars.”’ ‘‘Why, that’s the old price.”’ “T know it.’’ “But you advertise ‘‘Feathers, marked down? we mark all feathers ‘down.’ ’ _—_— Oo The writer was asked the other day how Edam cheeses are given their red color. The coloring matter is called tournesol, the extract of a plant (croton tinctorium), which grows wild in France. The juice of the plants is expressed by a mill, and into this juice hempen cloths are placed until they become saturated. They are then dried in the sun, and ex- posed afterward to the vapors of a solu- tion of lime. This changes them toa violet color. The process is repeated until the cloths are sufficiently strong in color. The cheeses are rubbed with these tournesol cloths, and, after two applications and dryings, appear a beau- tiful red. The coloring matter protects the cheese against insects. It is said that France annually receives from Holland from $38,000 to $76,000 for these tour- nesol cloths. Prof. Flint is authority for the latter statement. pil- 9 Oh, yes, careful | at home, and it is| WANTED. POTATOES, APPLES, DRIED FRUIT, BEANS and all kinds of Produce. If you have any of the above goods to ship, or anything in the Produce line, let us hear from you. Liberal cash advances made when desired. EARL BROS., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 157 South Water St., CHICAGO. Reference: First NATIONAL BANK, Ohicago. MICHIGAN TRADESMAN, Grand Rapids an ye @ (Formerly Shriver, Weatherly & Co.) CONTRACTORS FOR Galuanized Iron Cornice, Plumbing & Heating Work. Dealers in Pumps, Pipes, Etc., Mantels and Grates. Weatherly & Pulte, GRAND RAPIDS. - - MICH, | Established 1780. ] { hide at vit F “LA BELLE CHOCOLATIERE.” W. BAKER & CO.’S ReGisTgreEpD TRADE-MARK. No Chemicals are used in any of Walter Baker & Co.’s Chocolate and Cocoa Prep- arattons. These preparations have stood the test of public ap- proval for more than one hundred years, and are the acknowledged standard of purity and excellence. heglias WY 0 a caer SAMPLE SHEET#PRICES: BARLOW BROS.cRAND RAPIDS.MICH WM.SEARS & CO. Cracker Manufacturers, 37, 39 and 41 Kent St., Grand Rapids. CURTISS & Co., WHOLESALE Paper Warehouse. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THE KEYSTONE BINDERS’ TWINE. Houseman Block, - Grand Rapids, Mich. Fine Frosting Sugar. For Fine Frosting and Pustry this Sugar has no equal, and only has to be used to be appreciated. With it there is no trouble in making Nice, Soft, Smooth frost- ing. No eggs, beating or cooking required; simply mix the sugar with a little water or milk to the proper consistency, flavor to taste and spread upon the cake with a thin knife. You can also use, in place of milk or water, Orange, Lemon or Pineapple juice, or the Syrup from any kind of Canned Fruit or Berries with most excellent results. Sold by all Grocers. Warranted Pure, and manufactured by PUTNAM CANDY CO., Grand Rapids, Mich, o g > GEO. H. REEDER, ne Lycoming Rubbers > & ae — of & © Medium Price Shoes. * 8 Grand Rapids, Mich. Pleasure OR Business Duplex One of the most perfect wagons ever produced, combining strength, durability and cheapness of price. Just the wagon for light delivery, farmer’s run-about, or for pleasure. Send for price list and description. THE BELKNAP WAGON & SLEIGH C0., Grand Rapids. Ionia Pants& Overall Co. E. D. Voorhees, Manager. MANUFACTURERS OF Pants, Overalls, Goats, Jackets, Shirts, kts. Warranted Not to Rip. Fit Guaranteed. Workmanship Perfect. Mr. Voorhees’ long experience in the manufacture of these goods enables him to turn out a line especially adapted to the Michigan trade. Samples and prices sent on application. IONIA, MIOH. THE MICHIGAN TRADESMAN. Short Crop of Fire Crackers. From the New York Sun. The boys will have either to economize on fire crackers next Fourth of July or some of them wil! go without. Accord- ing to close estimates of the stock now in this country, and taking account of all possible arrivals before the Fourth, there will be only 460,000 boxes for the young American patriots. This means a good many crackers, but they will not go around, for the usual June supply amounts to 1,000,000 boxes. This is bad news for the boys, but the insurance men won’t weep. Several causes have contributed to this sudden decrease in the supply. In the first place, they have strikes in China, just as they do here, only somewhat more so. For some time past, the carpenters and furniture makers have been on strike to such an extent that nearly all the busi- ness of the Empire has been seriously affected. The fire eracker makers were not involved in the strike, but so many other interests were incommoded that the proprietors of factories could not ship their goods on time. One importer in this city ordered a great many thousand boxes to be shipped prior to Jan. l. The Chinese merchants were unable to com- ply with the terms, and the result is that, though the goods have been shipped, they started so late that they will not arrive here until after the Fourth. —_—> © > A Thrifty Drug Clerk. From the Allegan Record. On Friday of last week, H. P. Dunnig | received conclusive evidence that he was | being regularly robbed, by his 19-year- old drug clerk, Ernest Woodruff. For | some time, his sales had not seemed to | amount to as much as they ought and | one day, while Ernest was up at the} depot with the express wagon, the boy’s pocket-book was found in the room where he had changed his clothes and its | contents amounted to $354 in cash and | certificates of deposit. As Ernest was | only earning $7 per week, this didn’t | look right and to settle the matter per- | sons were sent in to trade and paid for | goods with marked money. This money | | was not all found in the drawer, and the young man was taken to Pope’s office | when he was confronted by the evidence | and immediately owned up to the steal- | ing. He turned over $334 and afterwards gave back $40 dollars more which he had | used to pay for a The young | man had been living in the highest kind | of style, but does not seem to realize his | crime. His family are highly respected people, and on their account no prosecu- | tion will be made. We are informed | bicycle. that this is the third time he has taken | money from his employers, but never to | such an amount before. —_ . <—- Bank Change at Carson City--Sale of | Elevator. THE TRADESMAN’S respondent writes as follows: Frank L. Fuller, President of the Car- son City Savings Bank, is now in charge of that institution, the directors having accepted the resignation of Cashier Hale. to take effect on the 10th, when the new Cashier, Mark Bailey, will take hold. It that the disagreement be- tween Mr. Hale and thedirectors was due former’s engaging in mercantile business under circumstances deemed inimical to the bestinterests of the Bank. Mr. Hale has made many friends here who will be glad to show their apprecia- tion by giving him their entire cigar and peanut trade. The elevator of the Carson City Ele- vator Co. is advertised to be sold on the 25th at execution sale. Among the pos- sible purchasers are the Patrons of In- dustry, under the leadership of M. J. Miner. City Carson is understood to the a The Central City Soap Co.’s new nov- elty, with a large sale all over the country and is *‘Brush’’ soap, is meeting evidently destined to take a commanding position among the many brands now on the market. a Pineapples good and cheap. Putnam CANDY Co. cor- Bicycles, Tricycles, Velocipedes AND General Sporting Goods Agents for A. G. Spalding & Bro.’s Sporting and Athletic Goods andy American Powder Co.’s Powder. We have on hand a complete line of Columbia. Victor and other cheaper bicycles, also a splen did assortment of Misses’ Tricycles, Children’s Velocipedes and small Safety Bicycles. E. G. Studley, 4 Monroe St, Call and see them or send for large, illustrated cata- GRAND RAPIDS Fd, DAP TENTHALER JOBBER OF Fresh and Salt logue. Lake Fish Playing Cards WE ARE HEADQUARTERS SEND FOR PRICE LIST. Daniel Lynch, 19 So. Ionia St., Grand Rapids. DO YOU NEED AN Engraving of Your Store In advertising business ? if oo, The Tradesman Company is glad tosend samples and quote prices, your A.D. Spangler & Co WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FRUITS ano PRODUCE And General Commission Merchants. EAST SAGINAW, MICH. We buy and sell all kinds of fruit and produce and solicit correspondence with | ‘both buyers and sellers. ce ae ———_Deean Fish Mail orders receive prompt attention. See quotations in another column. GRAND RAPIDS. S. K. BOLLES. E. B. DIKEMAN. S. K. Bolles & Co., 77 CANAL ST... GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. W holesale Cigar Dealers. “1 Wee wr. The “TOSS UP” Cigar is not a competitor against any other 5c brands, but all 10c brands, because it is equal to any 10c cigar on the We still continue to sell our oval or square front show cases with metal corners for aN y gil 4 tale SY fist bd 4 74 $1.50 Per Foot—6 Feet or Over. HEYMAN & CoO., -Barnhart-Putman-Go CIGAR DEPARTMENT, We are Michigan Agents for Carl Upmann, New York, ‘and can confidently recommend the goods of his manufacture as possessing absolute merit and being particularly adapted ‘to the taste of the trade. We are direct importers of Havana cigars, which enables _us to put the goods on the market at half the margin usually charged. Send for our Cigar List.