Michigan Tradesman. Published Weekly. THE TRADESMAN COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. $4 Per Year. VOL. GRAND RAPIDS, MAY 4, 1892. NO. 450 Ree Every Bookkeeper Will Appreciate a Blank Boo’: that Opens Flat. a : a The MULLINS FLAT OPENING SPRING BACK Book, MOSELEY BROS., Made only in Michigan by the sa VHOLESALE mn jad Rapids Book Binding Wo. |PRUITS, SEEDS, BEANS AND PRODUCE, Jz Is the Best in the Market, Write for prices. . * 29-31 Canal St. Grand Rapids, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. occa Absolutely Pure and itis Soluble. . Unlike the Dutch Process No alkalies oi other chemical: or dyes are usec in its manufac: ture. aca ee A description of the chocolate iant, and of the various cocoa anc ok hocolate preparations manufac- ured by Walter Baker & Co., wit 1 sent free to any dealer or .ppiication. u, BAKER & Seaeeea 60., Dorchester, Mass in 1 ~~. >. vt cINGRAVING Portraits, Factories, photo- It pays to illustrate your business. Cuts of Business Blocks, Hotels, Machinery, eic., made order from graphs. THE to TRADESMAN COMPANY, Grund Rapids, Mich. 14 THE MICHIGAN TRADESMAN. Drugs # Medicines. State Board of Pharmacy. One Year—Jacob Jesson, Muskegon. Two Years—James Vernor, Detroit. Three Years—Ottmar Eberbach, Ann Arbor Four Years—George Gundrum, Jonia. Five Years—C. A, Bugbee, Cheboygan. President—Jacob Jesson, Muskegon. Secretary—Jas. Vernor, Detroit. Treasurer—Geo. Gundrum, Ionia. § Meetings for 1892—Star Island (Detroit), Marquette, Aug. 31; Lansing, November 1. Wichigan State Pharmaceutical Asa’n. President—H. G@. Coleman, Kalamazoo. Vice-Presidents—S. E. Parkill, Owosso; L. Ignace; A. S. Parker, Detroit. Secretary—Mr. Parsons, Detroit. Treasurer— Wm. Dupont, Detroit. Executive Committee—F. J. Wurzburg, Grand Re — Frank Inglis and G. W. Stringer, Detroit; C. (_] Webb, Jackson. Next place of meeting—Grand Rapids, Aug. 2,3 and 4. Local Secretary—John D. Muir. July 5; Pauley, St. Grand Rapids Pharmaceutical Society. President, W. R. Jewett, Secretary, Frank H. Escott, Regular Meetings—First Wednesday evening of Marc hb June, September and December. Grand Ra _— Drug Clerks’ —-- resident, F. Kipp; Secretary, W. C. Smith. Detroit Pharmaceutical Seciety- President, F. Rohnert; See re tary, J P. - Rheinfrank. Muskegon Drug Clerks’ Association. President N. Miller; Secretary, A. T. Wheeler. ‘The Story ae Life. Only the same old story, told in a different ttrain: Sometimes a smile of sadness, and then a stab of pain; : Sometimes a flash of sunlight, again the drifting rain. Sometimes it seems to borrow from the crimson rose its hue: ' Sometimes black with thunder, a brilliant hue; then changed to Sometimes as false as Satan, sometimes as Heaven true. Only the same old story But, oh, how the changes ring! Prophet and priest and peasant, soldier and scholar and king; Sometimes the warmest hand clasp leaves in the palm a sting. Sometimes in the hush of even, sometimes in the midday strife, Sometimes with dovelike calmness with passions rife: We dream it, write it story of life. sometimes . live it, this weird, wild a sai The oe in the McKettrick Case. Some the Associated Press sent out the following despatch: INDEPENDENCE City, Ohio, Mareh 30— Palmer M. McKettrick, Cashier of the Spread Eagle National Bank, has gone to parts unknown. Reported deficit in his account $100,000. McKettrick did not superintend a Sunday School. Except for the last few weeks ago, sentence this an- nouncement would have been no more startling than the weather reports, but its paradoxical character excited intense public interest. standpoint, remarkable. Mr. McKettrick lived in a New England town up to year From his youth up he had been conspicuously pious, and at Sabbath school bore away many prizes for excellent deportment. He was a constant and at meetings; and regarded the theater and round dances with unaffected hor- His clothes invariably black badly cut, From a psychological the facts in this case are the 1880. attendant at church ror. and were and for a nectie he never wore anything more frivolous than a black butterfly cravat. In fact, McKet- trick was such a model of decorum, that he could obtain no situation of trust or responsibility. Hehad a natural leaning toward the banking employment the bank; but its not have him, for they had lately trusted implicitly to a deacon, whose silver hair is now kept closely cut t the ations business, and sought at local directors would State’s expense. His recommend- were too abundant, and his repu- tation for vital piety too great. In this awkward position, finding that he had no chance of success at home, well to his native town to seek a fortune in the wide, wide world. He appeared next in the lobby of the hotel at Independence City, dressed in a chain-lightning plaid suit, a vivid purple cravat and a white top hat, adorned with he bade fare- a Bowery weed. Entering the hotel he tossed his gripsack across the counter and took the short cut to the bar-room, where he invited all present to liquor up. The boys cheerfully rallied to honor his proposal, but were struck somewhat aghast when McKettrick poured out for | himself three-fingers of brandy which he sprinkled with cayenne pepper, in order, as he expressed it, to make it take hold. in the course of the afternoon ac- quired such ascendency over his asso- he ciates as to make them receive with ac- | clamations his proposal that at night-fall | they would break the memorial stained- | glass windows in the new Baptist church. When Mr. McKettrick applied for a situ- ation at the bank, the Directors removed their aged cashier and installed the im- petuous iconoclast in his place. man was not to be had every day, and they felt it. There began McKettrick’s life of hideous hypocrisy; when, beneath a mask of worldliness and dissipation, he concealed his rea! nature, and passed on to fortune. On Sunday evenings, to be at meeting, the need of maintain- ing his false position compelled him to play draw poker with the bank directors, and it is but justice to remark that he played exceedingly well. Wine made his head ache and cigars shattered his nervous system, manfully. when he longed but he indulged in them To join in round dances was opposed to all his training and abhorrent to his nature, but at the coffee parties there was no more agile foot than Mce- xettrick’s, no arms more hospitable at the fireman’s ball. It was odious to him to weara purple cravat, and he would often shudder as he hung up his plaid suit at night. But when he thought of the sagacious manner in which he was arranging the bank’s accounts a pleased expression would come over his f he would even smile. The directors were delighted with him. The town rang with praises of his frank, outspoken manners, and his freedom from cant. One evening a belated revel- ler saw a very respectable looking man, dressed in sober black, and with a heavy carpet bag, take the midnight train east. He told his friends that it was McKet- trick, but his friends replied, ‘‘Go to. You have been out with the boys.” But the next morning the bank direc- tors discovered that that institution no longer required the services of a cashier, as the popular Mr. Kettrick had taken all the cash with him to Brazil, which empire has a defective extradition treaty with the United States. Pale-lipped citizens of Independence City ask each other ‘‘Whom can we trust now?” The bank is in the hands of a receiver. es The Drug Market. German quinine is dull and lower. Opi- um and morphine are unchanged. Bu- chu leaves are Powdered ipecac has declined. Chloral hydrate crystals are lower. American saffron has advan- eed. Lycopodium has declined. Nut- megs are lower. Cocoaine face, and low. is lower. Arnica flowers, are lower. _— > Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell | and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on pre scriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten to ld to the good you can possbly derive from them Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of thesystem. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. {= Sold by Druggists, price 75¢ per bottle. Such a} Turpentine has declined A Tonic and A Pieasure: That’s the happy combination found in Hires’ _— Beer You drink it for pleasure, and get physical benefit. A whole- some, refreshing, appetizing, thirst quenching drink. One package makes five cee Don’t be deceived if a dealer, of larger profit, tells you son as good ’’—’tis false. No imi itatic a is as good as the genuine Hirgs’. Ke BOSTON PETTY LEDGER. Yeur account is always posted! Your bill is always made out! Size 844x3%, eal in cloth and leather back and corners. Nickel bill file, indexed, ruled on both sides, 60 lines, being equal toa bill twice as long. 1000 bill heads with Li edger complete See . 00 — =p 4 50 “ “ “ “cc “ ” 5 1 2 Address F, A. GREEN, 132 S. Division St., Grand Rapids, Mich. I prepay express charges when cash accom panies the order. Send for circular. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK Grand Rapids, Mich. D. A. BLopeett, President. S. F. AsprinwA.u, Vice-President. Wma. H. ANDERSON, Cashier. CAPITAL, - - - $300,000. Transacte a genera! banking business. Makea Specialty of Collections. Accounts of Country Merchants Solicited CINSENG ROOT. We pay the highest price forit. Address PECK BRO Wholesale Druggists GRAND RAPIDS Playing Cards WE ARE HEADQUARTERS SEND FOR PRICE LIST, Daniel Lynch, 19 S. Ionia St., Grand Rapids. 17 Years of Development HAVE RESULTED IN THE AUTOGRAPH HEELS ER Which makes, automatically, a fac-simile a cate and triplicate, while making original bills receipts, orders, checks, ete. The original is given to the customer, the duplicate to the cash- ier, and the tri licate is rolled up inside es a record, and can be taken out at any time for ex- amination. It is absolutely incorruptible, al- ways ready, and does not permit dishonesty or It is alike a protection to the cus- merchant. carelessness. tomer, the salesmau and the | These Machines are rented, not sold, and the saving in cost of Each 20,000 bills Pays the Rental. | SUITABLE FOR ANY BUSINESS. | Send for a Full Descriptive Pamphlet Showing Different Styles. CHICAGO Anlographic Register Co, 154 Monroe St., Chicago. W. Vernon Booru, Pres’t. Cuas. P. STEVENS, Sec’y and Gen.;Mgr Hout pay treiwh From Boston and New York on Shoe Dressing when you can buy it of HIRTH & KRAUSE at + Mantlacturers’ Prices. GILT EDGE, GLYCEROLE, RAVEN GLOSS, ALMA, [Large size ]. A Rug with each gross, $22.80. Shee Stool with two gross. An — gross of the above dressing, $22.8 HIRTH & KRAUSE, GRAND RAPIDS. J. L. Strelitsky, ow 19APS Including the following celebrated brands man- ufactured ae the well-known house of Glaser, Frame & Co Vindex, long Havana filler......... $35 Three Medals, long Havana filler 35 Elk’s Choice, Havana filler and binder... 55 La Flor de Alfonso,.. ... a. . 55 La Doncella de Morera, ................- 65 a, DR, FS Uk OR. 6 oo won os cee ae ess 55 eee 60 Sesknesen 6 _ Castellanos & Lopez’s line of Key West gooc All favorite alee of Cheroots kept in stock. 10 So, Ionia 8t., Grand Rapids, THIGAN TRADESM AN. / 15 ! Who lesale Price os oe ae alba morph, 5. W. 1 tO d—Buchu leaves, “ 8.1 2 .1 8C@2 0 : po. ipecac root, cl i in. YY Q. 5 | Seldlitz Mi iloral hydrate, lye | _C.Co. & Sina Mixture. ....- @ 2} Linds ' Ce ate, lycopodium, nutmegs, turpe | flowers. lies tue _.1 M@1 9 » 10@ 12 Cu damon. | ‘&P. D. Co., doz... @1 2 | Sulphur, Sut oS @1 30 Whiti g. white Spam... @i0 Carbonas ........-- a 20 4 Rosmarint. ol BO mic Co Pyrethrum, pv.. Ot el | aS o . White, Paris American on Chloridum .-... a a Rosae, ounce... Bi 00 | Castor ......... ee... 30 | Tamarinds . “Sa 10 iting, Paris Er os ee 2@ 14| Suecini...... eee @6 50 Catechu. | Quinia, S. Pew. 8@ 10], Terebenth Venice.... ba 10 1g. ANILINE. See TL 0@ 45 Cinchona S. Ger 290@ 34} Theobromae i a 30 | Pi ont eer Prepar 1 4¢ Biack.......- . Ae 3 suat OOF Co | Rubia Tincto man....19 @ 30| Vanilla... ; ---.38 @ 43) ° PY Frep Fs d Paint! 20@1 4 ee 2 00@2 25 | Sassafras. =. 20... 3 50@7 00 | Columba ....... . | Saccharum I rum..... 12@ 14 |Zinei Suiph.. ... -9 00@16 0}! alnts ee + 2 gaat aT 80@1 00 | Sinapis, ess, ea 50@ 55|Conium ..... veseeseeesees 5O| Salacin acts PV. @ 28] te ee mi oo wale ie ae 50 | Tighil...........-.. et ., 56 | Sanguis Drac TT 1 75@1 85 | ott \No.1T iorminonigay +7++2 oo | Thyme ....... . «= @ | Digitalis ... rir-+--+--- 50] Sapo, W ow ---- 40@ 50) ce | No. 1 Turp Coach 1 ce a 40@ 50 ee re 50 | M as lL pe i 1 Bt j Extra Turp -oe-l) 10@1 W Cubeae (po 75).- ” Theobromas.......-.-. @ 60} Gentian a Rac ee --- 10@ 12 | hale, winter 7070 Coach An SS i / Juniperus ae ec 15@ 2 eee 2... oe sees ae | @ 15 | Lard. extra......- ji . U No 1 'Turp F PT eee 2 75@3 00 Tenthox a: Laas ses 8@ 10 BIC POTASSIUM. Quaica.... erties 60 € 5 | —, Wal i. -- = 60 | Butra Tank oe 1 Ogi 16 annem — > sa LOE 15@ 18] Zi ramen RE 50 | minupuanes mannii a a ee Dryer ai ae ea : ae 60 | / 3° Turp......... ce 7 i SAMUM, a Bromide.....0000 000. i Hyoscyamus | as a ae | a Peru. .--+--:+- 45@ 50] Chlorate (po. i8)...- 2@ 15 ee 50 | ac ae orate -- W@ by) ® wa cee ese ae a Terabin, Canada ..... 350 20 Cyanide ee errr 16@ 18 | Ferri C foloriess. ... sete aeee sees 4 SS a5 4 Sides 0, aie peda i ia - ! Potassa, Bitart, pure.. 2 80@2 90 | Lobelia............ me ren ; CORTEX. Potassa, Saeee” a: - -2%6@ 30] My a es ue ace. eee Sl ee : & JASSIAE . = aes eee eeeeee sees ass Nitras.......... i, Opil . teseseresees BO — Flava ......------ a i i 9) ae theres ae BRK . uonymus atropurp.... 3p | Sulphate eo 28@ 30} “ De — cu --+ 50 Myrica Cerifera, po..-.----. Tc hUlUhl ll ---- B@ 18 odor....--...-.----..2 0 pees Weatel....-.-------- 2 RADIX. Auranti Cortex. eee eee ae Pag RU on eee 2 a : ata ue oT 9 eee Fe a 14 os oo a Rae a ana . 2%@ 30] Khel. ~ a ed i . s Po (Ground el. 10| Arum, ‘po RM OPM 12@ 15 Cassia Acatifol. cee eee cee Oe iy ExXTRACTUM. Calamus.. : wine asst | @ |. a6 “ Co. ou eae 50 Soma po: ‘ 3 Glycyrrhiza Glabra... UG % Gipauerel (po. 15)... 4 a a lowe ea ee eeu 20 ae * rrhiza, (pv. is) “n “ mt i, + = Haematox, 1 Ib. box.. 11@ i oe. SC oe 2a ea oe Doce c cee eoe 13@ 14)H mn ne @ 35 Vere ee vere ellebore @® 3 eratrum Veride =| ‘6 = ga cn 14@ 15] Inula, =a Ala, PO. --- 1Q MM sess nate 50 pees 16@ 17 Ipecac, on beeen ete 15@ 20 MISCELLANEOUS. FERRUM. Iris plox aa 35@38 .2 30@2 40 | Ather, Spts N | Carbonate Precip...... @ 15 Jalapa, pr... ). - 85@ 40 her, Spts Nit, 3F.. 6@ 2wW i oe and Quinia.... @3 50 — 42@ 45| Alumen .. 4F.. 3@ 32 trate Soluble......-. @ 80 Podophyilum, Po “| a i groun 1. (pe. 24@ 3 Ferrocyanidum Sol.... @ 50 Riel... po...... 15@ 18) 4). n (po. Solut Chloride. ....- @ 15 o> “eat secere veneer “5@1 00} Annatto... veeess SQ 4 WM Sulphate, com’l.:..... 14@ ; oe “@1 7 | Antimoni, po... = * LS AND a. -. =F spige “al nea cA TQ 35 Pcie t 1@ 5 i Sanguinaria, (po 25 48@ 53| Antipyrin eT Potass T. 55a 60 - FLORA. Serpentars. til ).. 3 @ 20| Antifebrin...........-- @i 40 4 Arica eos swe 98] SBEE aicisatioe i se io | Argentt Niiris, ouiids 25 — im Ns X@ 35 imilax, Officinalis, oa '- 50 ‘Arsenicum ..... e @ 60 vu ..--. %@ 30] Seillae, ( - «2 Sian Gilead Bud... os 6 | FOL a... ee smuth S. N.. 55 ( J iia omy ne — Fett. 10@ i2)C ae Chior, 1s, ont — Cassia Acutifol, SO Olt Ryo G 5 yc : ae 26 2 Valerishe, Bik (pot caniniriaee ‘iia, , : > Aix! 35@ ingibe rman... 15@ 20} ¢ na - @1 2 EALEKS a eee, 4S 50 guentuer 3. — 12@ 15 Capsici Fructus, *.. @ 22 D Ps : . ) ae 12 sll we ss i an on be 3 t ie Ge 30 | dnt SEMEN. Conpesbistius, a g 20 : ee Apion , (po. 20). @ 15| Carmine, No. ee 14) 0@ 32 oy Ss 4 i Acacia, 1st picked Bird, 1 Oe eee. 33@ 35 Cera Alba, 8. aa @3 75 : a7 gm ug Eee | Carte a i eee ’ “e CQ os Card :. s@ 12] Goccus .... +--+ B3Q 40 i : a sorts. . g Bs a... -++1 00@1 25 | Casste woo ae . | too, BES, (0). eo 80 | Cannabis ge og. 12 | Centraria.......2.... = ATTRA TRS 0e, Borb, (po. 60)... 50@ 60 . donium vsses SAQA Cetaceum .........-... @ 10 vie f Cape, (po. 20) 12 | Cheno cate eo 75@1 00 Chloroform . uc a Bete Agpemts ‘ ai Socotrl =. of Diptertx Poe : 10@ 2 ene 60@_ 63 Sex the Gebwkemtiot chu, 18, (48, 14 48 Poenioulum........... 2 25@2 35 | Chloral Hyd ‘Crst we oe s TS hacia > @ 1 | Foenusre a. @ 15| Chondrus . veeeeok 201 40 ¥ welt pera nine een 60 Lini — intent 6@ «C8 Cinchonidine, Pew a - 188 WILLA ¢ ie 4s é Assatetide, (po. 35)... 35@ 4 Lint, grd, (bbl. 3 4@4%1, Gawun s 5@ 2 PAR EE ie %; ( —— a So@ 55 | Lobelia %) a 4% | Corks, list, dis. per @ 2 Ra A Gey horse a 9| P ch "| 35@ 40} cont ..-. wu Son evuhenn Ae 2 38 aaiamgnag "” 84%@ 4% BE nooo an 60 Galbanum. ...----- @3 a Sion is, Alb eee ae 6@ = 7 | Crete, ma. @ 50 i en, ee a CO % . 2... si. a STR Guaiacum, (po 30)... @ OO re 11@ 12} « precip... a - 5 " j i Kina, (pa a @ 2B Frumentt, ag age a ek @ . e rf 4 g lena fi : Myrrh, (po, #8) os. OS 00-2 on? 80 | Cadbeat 000.2 832 3 | ares ‘ Se 85 ee rae : Shellac .. os oO 33 Juniperis Cee == eae ena minis 5o *% ' ‘ bleached eee 300 . se ‘6 fe ) sees 3@1 ‘ aie... 10@ 12 Ea RA Tragacanth @ 35|Saacharum N. £...... 1 75@3 50 ulph. . 68@ 7 ae 30@ 75 | Spt. a, 5. 1 75@2 00 | =Mery all numbers.. =" We are Sole ERBA—In ounce packages. Vint oO Perr eee 1 75@6 50 | Erpota. (po.) 65. Ss Peper ot Absinthium ....... ‘ca ee Qo eran ah 1 25@2 00 Ergota, ( po.) STH an bs i ; $ betas «o-o--e0--+ +" os | Vini Alba............. 1 25@2 00| Flake Whito.......-.. 0@ 65 Wei In’ ‘oh? ccc ss “ 2 SPONG ease” “@ 23 ‘3 8 Ib (gal Cat eee rete ennns icles il ES. Gambier..... vee “a sac aft smedy. Mentha spate... i 3 aan eeps’ wool | ead Gelatin, Cooper.-..... @ a. ee sae 23| Nassau sheeps’ woo! 2 ren uM Rue. oo gseecec erro = oe. wool Bl be Aint, wanase ws Save age S| eee ica shinee 2 09 | _ Oy box” ' ar 's Gave im Meck and Offer oS oe Glue, Brown | oe aos et ee, 1 10 ME coco: @ 5 WHIS aa Boel SSion'ticow! latent Mg 58, BRAN Cerna - Saat 60 | Grass shee steesee cesses as | Grane Paradisi........ HD 2 ” Dis SS Carbonate, kai 2@ 22} Tes vadiegsnoaiil Hum os esp 33 a Carbon’ 20@ 25 | Hard a 65 | Hydraag Chior , Mite.” QD . ate, Jennings.. 35@ 36| Yellow oot hee a %5 -——- 2s GINS, WINES oumun. ef, for slate ‘“ @ 80 § ROM eee : ee TT 140 us ox Rubriin @1 ¢0 ™ - Amygdalae, ae aS sYRUPS, « — _Unguentum as Ww : Amydalae, Amarac....8 00@8 : Accacta ... Hydrargyrum . 2 @ sell Liquors for Med Anti congas n 1 751 5 Biagiber orned bee yy? 8. 18 English dozen in case. go | Roast beef, Armour’s.......1 7 Bristol ee go | Potted ham, a ... 2. es | - . Ye 1 00 Domestic . on . tongue, % Ib | BLUING. Gross “ rt i 95 Arctic, o- ovals.. 4 nod + chicken ib... 95 i. * |... 7 _ pints, aa. 10 50 VEGETABLES. _ =. , sifting box... 2% Beans. — 3. ..i£e Hamburgh stringiess.......1 & “ No. 5, “ ... se C French style.....2 25 = toc ...... 4 50 us aos -.......... 1 40 ee, eee... 1 30 sre 1 soaked se. No. 2 Hurl...........--..--- 2 00 | Lewis Boston Baked........ 1 35 O.1 wee ee eee eee eee ee 2 25 | Bay State Baked............ 1 35 oa eaneanena Rage ei Ween tee 135 a. 7 : ParlorGem............... a ee Common Whisk............ oS Sia eae ee Fancy “ ae oo Stee ls 15 3 50 Ce snieiessagictommnenn on we. 150 MOrniee GAY .........00.. 1 10 Stove, No. a Ca i 25 . ' a. _ oe z Cee Hamburgh marrofat ........ a) Rice Root Scrub,2 row.... 85 early June....... Rice Root Scrub, 3row.... 1 25 Hamburgh petit pols... -1 50 , goose............ 150 | Hamburgn petit pois.......2 ‘ ne ee fancy sifted.....1 90 CANDLES eee 65 Hotel, ~ - 10 Harris standard............ 7 Star, Ls Van Camp’ s Marrofat in Paratiine . cee ete 11 Early June...... 1 30 ee... ..- co, Archer’s tii Blossom... i. = French . es NED GOODS. “Mushrooms. ar one ce ee eR ET 16218 jo Pumpkin. ° BO oe ee coerce aee 95 Little Neck, i 1b a oe : ei... Al aes Squash. Clam Chowder. sane analy 9 C sh. Standard, 3 Ib oo Hamburg coe Cove Oysters. Ee 80 Standard, 11 Ib. : / oe ee 1 60 Ib. 1 65 Tomatoes. tema, a. |... 1 00 1 LLL Sete --.----._ 1 60 ona 2 — = oo | emiburg..-.--..--.......... 1 30 ais. See te 2 50 7 Sih... aE Sean Ain REC ec a ee CHOCOLATE—BAKEBR’S. — . —_ eas : = German Sweet... .......... 22 Mustard, 21b 2/2. 127.2 25| Premium... 2. Tomato Sauce, 21b.........2 95 | Pure.... 38 iam Sib... 2 25 Breakfast Cocoa. 4 Salmon. CHEESE. Columbia River, as... .. 1 eee. ....-........ @13 ae... 1 75 | Herkimer @i2% Alaska, 1 ee 1 45 | Riverside @13 See 2 10| Allegan ..... ee @ Sardines. ee ee @19 American 8 a 454y@ 5 | — tees eee 13 soo evees OB 8 | Tinparger 20! gio” Imported ge A pina cs @25 eee oe 7@8 ae ort sees GQ ~aeame E RA 20 | 32 Sago........-..... Gx Trout. | Schweitzer, imported. @30 ee 250| “ domestic... Gis — CATSUP. Apples. | Blue Label Brand. 3 ib. standard........ 85 | Half pint, 25 x as hie ale 2% York State, gallons.... 2 40 | Pint ieee Hamburgh, ‘“ on 50 | Qu art{i doz bottles ......... 3 50 CLOTHES PINS. 5 grogs DOKeS............ ..40 COCOA SHELLS. S5ib bags...... ee ceee @ Lees auentity........... @3% Pound packages........ 6xor COFFEE GREEN, Rio. a | —- rl, ee 20 NR Santos. ee oe ee Le ee... 18 Peaberry -20 Mexican ‘and ( Guat tamala. ——................ = ae 8 Pea .23 Maracaibo. ieee... as... 20 Java. ae... 25 Private Growth....... oe Mandeliling ....... 28 Mocha. — ss... ..tti«itat. 23 —............ ROASTED. To ascertain cost of roasted coffee, add %c. per Ib. for roast- ing and 15 per cent. for shrink- age. PACKAGE, Arbuckle’s Ariosa.. 19.30 McLaughlin’s <<<. 19.30 ere 19 30 Lion, 60 or 100 lb. case.... 19 30 Bunola ... 18.80 Cabinets containing 120 1 Th. packages sold at case price, with additional charge of 90 cents for Cabinet EXTRACT, ee eee 75 ee 16s Hummel" s foil. 1 50 a , 2 50 CHICORY. ae 8 a... 6 CLOTHES LINES. Cott 40 ft.......per doz. 1 25 _ oees....... . 140 ' Oorn.. ' 1 60 . —o...... - 1 %5 - 80 ft. . 1 90 Jute rs... ” 90 ” =o ..... ' 1 00 | ‘Tradesman.’ $ 1, per BupGred........... 260 >. ee 2 50 ce. c et op nec ace. ae + 5 Ue $20, - 5 00 “Superior.” 8 1, per hundred eee eee 2 50 ? : hee mela 3 00 a+ + ee -, * rr 5 00 — a 6 00 “Universal.” : 1, per hundred i oe 83 00 ;: 2 EE ae etl 3 50 Be theese 400 i" " a 810, - 6 4 $20, |. 7 00 Above prices on coupon books are subjectyto the following quantity discounts: oer over. ........ 5 per cent. 500 * ue oO ee eee _ * COUPON PASS BOOKS. {Can be made to represent any denomination from $10 "Siu 20 books Ce ales Se v0 eT a eee 2 00 — 3 00 — * 6 25 ee ee 10 00 100 «(* 17 50 CONDENSED MILE. 4 doz. in case. ae... 7 40 NI rc oes 6 25 Genuine Swiss. ............ 8 00 American Swiss.. ..-..... 7@ CRACKERS. Butter. Seymour ees ............... 6 Seymour XXX, cartoon..... 6% Waste MER ll o. Family a cartoon...... 6% ee ee 5 Salted xxE, cartoon ...... 6% —shllCw!wCU 7% ieee Ci 8 Butter biscuit ... Soda. pees SUk.........-...... 6 Soda, City..... . Th Soda, Duchess - 8% (ayes Wares........ -.,.:. “10 Reception Flakes... ........10 — S. Oyster XXX... i. City Oyster. ae 6 Farina Oyster.. iosec, CREAM TARTAR. Strictly pure. . ec 30 Telfer’s Absolute.......... 35 —-.. .......... iogis DRIED FRUITS. Domestic. APPLES. Sundried, sliced in bbls. 5 : quartered ‘“ 5 Evaporated, 501b. boxes @7 APRICOTS. ‘California in bags......: 8%@10 Evaporated in boxes. ... 10@11 BLACKBERRIES, In boxes. 4% NECTARINES orp. bees... TK 25 Ib. boxes : 2 @9% PEACHES, Peeled, in boxes........ 12 Cal. evap. oe . 8 - in bees ..... @T%* PEARS. California in bags @7 PITTED CHERRIES. Barrels. . 10 50 Ib, boxes - a ee 12 PRUNELLES, Seip. bades............. 11 RASPBERRIES, Pee... C. 15 Sore. Domes. ............. 16 oe ri Foreign. CURRANTS, Patras, in barrels...... @ 3% ' im 56-Dbis...... @ 3% . in less quantity @ 4 PEEL. Citron, Leghorn, => boxes ° Lemon Orange . = oe “a 7 RAISINS. Domestic. London layers, 2 2 crown. i . . is nee... 1 85 Loose ——— pones..... 1 2 lb. bags @5% Foreig n. Ondura, 29 Ib. pene. - 14@ 7% Sultana, 20 ' 11 @i12 Valencia, 30 “ :. 64%@ 6% PRUNES, Bosnia. @ California, '90x100 2 Ib bxs . 80x90 - 8% . 7x80 o 9 - 60x70 ” 9% PN oo eet oct @5% cae a 11% ENVELOPES, XX rag, a. peo. 1. .................. 81 75 Coe ee 1 60 mo. 1,6... 1 65 +6... .. ......,-.., 1 50 XX wood, or No. 1, 6%... Oa La Manilla, white WO rede sce conus 1 00 a 95 Coin, Me Mo. 4.......- 1 00 FARINACEOUS GOODS. Farina, 00 >, Rege............. 3% Hominy. I oc otc a nee cooe 8 00 NE ee oi ee cece 3 50 Lima Beans. Dried... eae Maccaroni and Vermicelli. a 12 Ib. box.. MBPOFGOE 00. ces sescees ‘ioy@1ty Pearl Barle ey. OR isos... @2% weeeeeewee Peas. meen, Bo. s 1 40 Sere per .........- 2. 3 00 Sago. oe ee ae 4 East India...... (cee 5 Wheat. eee 5 FISH--Salt. Bloaters. Tie... 110 Cod. Pome Whole, Grand Bank... 6 @sx Boneless, pees ...... 7%@8 Boneless, strips.. ..... 74@8 Halibut. Pee cc 12 Herring. ON. 18@20 Tolland, — oe 11 00 . Re cunescs 85 Round shore, 3 % bbl... 2 09 \y bbi.. 110 Mackerel, No. t, 4 belie. WD ike........ 11 60 me. 1 ce we e..........- 1 Family, 4 bbls., 100 Ibs.... 5 50 . kits, 10 The 5 Sardines, Muetien, Kegs............. 45 Trout. Bo. 1, 4% bbls, 00lbs.......- 6 50 So. 1, kits, We...........- 90 Whitefish. No. 1, % Dbis.. 100ibe.......-. : 00 No. 1, kits, Pe 110 Family, § % bbls., 100 1bs.... 3 50 cits fo 16... 50 FISH and OYSTERS. F. J. Dettenthaler quotes as follows: FRESH FISH Se ceca ay ene ee 7@8 Trout . oe Halibut. / @15 Ciscoes or Herring... 5 @ 6 eee. me @12 eeekorel....-........ 15 @25 ee... le ee Mo. ft Pickere!......... @8 Ce ee @ 8 Smoked White ....... @7 OYSsTERS—Cans. Fairhaven Counts.... @40 Pr. J. OD. Sercets ....... @35 peeeeae ............_,,. @20 oe. 3. @25 SHELL GOODS. Oysters, per me ...... 1 25@1 56 Clams. oe 75@1 GRAINS and FEEDSTUFFSs WHEAT. No. 1 White (58 Ib. test) 86 No. 1 Red (60 Ib. test) 86 MEAL, pee... 1 20 Ceased. .....-......... 1 40 FLOUR. Straight, in sacks........ 4 50 e es ee 4 60 Fatent “ secks......... 5 50 = = berrom......-. 5 60 Graham “ sacks.... ... 2 20 Rye eas 2 50 MILLSTUFFS. ee... 17 00 Peroeeees.... 5... 15 00 ees... 45... 18 00 eee ree.... ......, 17 50 eee a. 17 00 CORN ae 44 Less than car lots......... -46 OATS. Car tots ..... 83 Less than car lots.. 35 HAY. NoiT imothy , Car lots....13 50 No. 1 ’ ton lots ..14 50 PLAVORING EXTRACTS, Jennings’ D C, Lemon. Vanilla 2 - folding box... @ 1 2 30 it 00 1 50 4 - " -1 50 2 00 6 oz -.2 00 3 00 8 oz ' ..3 00 4 00 GUN POWDER. —_ eee ee ee ey oe 5 50 ie ee... 3 00 HERBS, ee 15 i INDIGO, Madras, Sip, bawes....... 55 S. F., 2, 3 and 5 Ib. boxes. 50 JELLY. Chicago goods......... @3 Mason’ 8, a 20 and 30lbs.. 6 ‘ LICORICE, ie ae eee ees 30 i eS 25 ae 12 LYE, Condensed, 2 doz.. -1 2 ccc cs 2 2% MATCHES. eae eee... .. 04... 12 Anchor parlor...... Shabe cai 170 ee es ee 1 10 Wes Serie. 4.5 2.5. w+e0 MINCE MEAT 8 or 6 doz, in case per doz..1 00 MEASURES. Tin, per dozen. Loe $1 75 lee wale... 5... 1 40 oo, 70 ee cs ous 45 er eine ...... \......-... 40 Wooden, for vinegar, per doz. oe a ees 7 00 Half — 4 75 Quart .. cetes estes a Oe Pint... i 2 2 MOLASSES, Blackstrap. Sugar house. ........ ecee 13% Cuba Baking. (reteaey.......... 16 Porto Rico. co eS 16 Peace ....... oe se 20 New Orleans. Were... 1.5... ae 14 ae 7 extra wood....... 22 Choice ... 27 es 5 One-half barrels, 3c extra OATMEAL. marrow S).....-...-.- @4 25 Half barrels 100... — 25 OILS. The Standard Oil Co. quotes as follows, in barrels, f. 0. b. Grand Rapids: W. W. Headlight, 150 fire test (old test)..... @ 8 Woeter White, ........ @wm% eee... 5. @i7 Gasoline ........ @ 8% Cyreees ....... 2 5 ee ee cote ee. Black, 25 to 30 deg.... @t% ROLLED OATS. Bares 19... ........ @4 25 ait bila @.......... @2 2% PICKLES. Medium. Barrels, 1,200 count........ 4 00 Half barrels, 600 count.... 2 50 Small. Barrels, 2,400 count. 4 50 Half bbls, 1,200 count 2 % PIPES. Clay, a 1 = 7. ~ Toll ecouns.... .... et 1 25 POTASH. 48 cans in case. Deri s .......... ....... 4 00 Tenne Sat Co.'s.......... 22 ROOT BEER Wittems, ........ pordos. 1 & _ -- -- & GOR, Case. 6 00 RICE. Domestic. Carsitaa bead................8 " me ts 5 “ me S........... @4 res 3% Imported. Japan, No Bo aes ee 6 ' mee... ..... 5% Java ss 5 Pee. 2 cl 5 SAUERKRAUDT. Silv er ‘Thread, bbl. _ 4 me SPICES, Whole Sifted. ieee 10 Cassia, China in mats...... 8 _ Batavia in bund....15 ” Saigon in rolls...... 35 Cloves, —— hoes ou as 22 ee ee pose. 13 Mace Batavia.... . Nutmegs, f fancy. oe z : . .65 Pepper, Singapore, b ack.. ae Re whit 95 ” es.. .....-...... 19 Pure Ground in Bulk, OS a 15 Cc ass la, Batavia. . ‘ -20 and Saigon. 25 _ wee 35 Cloves, Amoorvns........... 30 Zanzibar..... 20 Ginger, Teen ce ese, 15 Coenen: ..... 8... 18 " a 20 Woes Pelere..............5 80 Mustard, Eng. and Trieste. .25 eee 27 — 2 a heenasers rae ‘epper, Singapore, blac. Cnet er white. ....30 . Gnennt.. niddaebeos 25 PD i obs deninc tyes oes 000e THE MICHIGAN TRADESMAN. 17 ‘‘Absolute” in Packages. 448 Ys BE i. oy sa. 84 155 loeenn............. & 1 Cores... ............. 84 1 55 Ginger. Jam........... 84 155 . Be 84 155 mee... 84 1 55 Peper ............--.. 84 155 Beme...... oo. ce on SAL SODA. Kegs. on 1% Granulated, boxes.......... 1% SEEDS. Ae... @12% Canary, Smyrna. ...... 3% I ohn cee oes 8 Cardamon, Malabar... 90 Hemp, Kussian....... mivoa Birra .......... 4 Mustard, white....... PODDY ..---- s2.-..5..-. 9 Rape . oe 6 Cuttle bone .......... 30 STARCH. Corn. 20-1b boxes be eee ole 614 ae 6" Gloss : ge ee se ee 50 1b. boxes... 11). a% parem ..... 4g SNUFF. Scotch, in bladders. . oe Maccaboy, a SORA... 35 french Rappee, in Jars..... 43 sODA. ee ce Rees, Beatiek:...............- a SALT. 100 3-Ib. sacks eee . 82 2% 60 5-Ib i 2 =~ 10-Ib. sacks. 1s 14-Ib. . 2% Fy 3-Ib cases. 1 50 56 lb. dairy in linen. bags.. 50 ao. «| drill 18 Warsaw. 56 lb. dairy in drill bags. 35 lb. “ 8 Ashton. 56 lb. dairy in linensacks.. 75 Higgins. 56 lb. dairy in linen sacks ® Solar Rock. ot: Seeks... Cg... 25 Common Fine. Seema ...... 3... 80 Megnpeee ......... 22... 85 SALERATUS. Packed 60 lbs. in box. Cumren es ...: oc. 883 30 eee ................. 3 15 Dwight’s. ee oo Teviere..-. 2.1.00. c. 3 00 SOAP. LAUNDRY. Allen B. Wrisley’s Brands. Old Country, 80 1-Ib........3 20 Good Cheer, 60 £10..........8 White Borax, 100 3{-lb......3 60 Proctor & Gambie. Concord...... 2 Ivory, 10 oc... 1. 6 7 ' So. 4 00 LenOk . .. i _ 3 65 Mottled German. a 15 Towa Cam ....-........... 3 00 SCOURING AND POLISHING. Sapolio, kitchen, 3 doz. . he and, 3 3 doz.. SUGAR. ee @ 5% Cares .............. @ 4% ae ............ @ 4% Granulated... --4.58@ 45g Confectioners’ A..... 4.44@ 4% Soft A. ia @4.31 White Extra C........ @ 4% Extra C. Le eeee @ 4 c.. .................. @3 % Yell @ 354 pon aa bbls. 14¢ adv ‘adv ance SYRUPS. Corn. Ss ._ 2 eet DONE es. 24 Pure Cane. eo 2. 19 oooe ........................ 25 Cieies ...................., oe SWEET GOODS. Ginger Snaps.......... 8 Suger Creams......... 8 Frosted Creams....... 9 Graham Crackers..... 8% Oatmeal Crackers.... 8% TEAS. JaAPAN—Regular. a @i7 ke @20 ae 24 @26 Chelcest. .......-. 2.2 Ga eee 10 @12 SUN CURED. mo... @i7 Goes. oe @2wv Choice.. eon oe ME, vo ov eee cee. 2 @i4 oe... 10 @12 BASKET FIRED. Pale. ............... 18 Cues ....... 1... i Extra choice, wire leaf GUNPOWDER. Common to fair....... 25 @35 Extra fine to finest....50 @65 Choicest fancy........75 @85 OOLONG. @Q26 Common to fair... ...23 @30 IMPERIAL. Common to fair.......23 @26 Superior tofine........ 30 @35 YOUNG HYSON. Common to fair.......18 @%6 Superior to fine.......30 @40 ENGLISH BREAKFAST. van. ..........-.....- 18 @2 ..24 @28 .40 - “ TOBACCOS. Fine Cut. Pails unless otherwise noted Hiawatha .......-..- 60 Sweet Cuba........- : 34 McGinty . hs 24 5 bbis.. 22 Valley city bees 32 Deady dim. .........-- rf Torpedo... ..-. -.-..- 20 ay in drums... 19 Yor Yum ........-.. 26 Plug. Sorg’s Brands. Spearhead ..........-- 37 Joker ......- ee 22 Nobby Twist.....-...--- 38 On wy... 29 Seotten’s Brs aie Byio.....-...-......... 22 Eaweie......... «os 38 Valley City ........... 34 Finzer’s Brands. Old Honesty.......... 4) ooliy Tar............-- 32 Middleton’s Brands. Here Tt is.......«---. 28 eo... .- 31 Jas. G. Butler & Co.’s Brands. Something Good.. 38 Mose Up. .......-....-.... 2-4 26 Octet Sieks....-.......... -. 25 Private Brands. Sweet Maple.......... 30 1, & WW... esos... oes 26 Smoking. OM es en 12% | Colonel’s Choice..........-- 13 were ee. a oo ee 15 roe ce... ........._.... . in Dred Vi Nigger Head.. neeee ee oey Dew... ............ 24 Gorm Hieek........... -28 ol oo ee 24 WHele Bem, coe... ..65--... 28 "PO And JOLY. .....sccresee ‘ Brier Fie... ..--......--. .. 30 Yum Yum. oe Red Clover. Ms ee 3: Simaimege. 40 r |... WASHBOARDS. Singie. Vee .......-........ Saginaw...... ee vee co. Daley... Langtry ...... Defiance... Wilson ...... Saginaw...... tival Peaees i Rec Star...... ae ivy Leat._.............. VINEGAR. CT oO ar. ..... WET MUSTARD. Bulk, pergal ....... ....- Beer mug, 2 doz in case. YEAstT—-( tompressed. ‘Douibie. uous Siforbarrel. 30 1% | Fermentum per doz. cakes.. yer 1b* Fleise ‘han, per doz cakes perlb. HIDES, PELTS and FURS Perkins & Hess pay as fol lows, prices nominal: HIDES Green ........ 3 @4 Part Cured..... @1% ee ae @ 5 ay. ..... 6 SG Kips, green. lle c..8 @s4 ~ Gurea....- ees @5 Calfskins, green......4 @5 cured...... 5 @7 Deacon skins. 10 @30 Yo. 2 hides % off. PELTS Shearlings...... ..10 @25 Lambs eres 50 @1 50 WooL. Weve... ...... 20 @ Unw ashed . 4 10 @20 MISCELLANEODS. TAO .....--.--- 7 no Grease butter 4 1 « Switches ...... =<. See o Ginseng... 2 00@2 59 FURS. Outside prices for No. 1 only. Badger ms 50@1 00 peer... 4... .15 00@25 00 peaver........ . 3 W@7 00 Cc. Ve.............. 2a * Howse... .. 0G Pinner.................4 Gas @ roe voc .............. 1 00@1 50 cooe...... .-3 00@5 00 “ ere. ee, Oo Tw 2 00@3 00 Martin, dark... .....- 1 00@3 00 - pale & yellow 50@1 00 ine Gaie............ 40@1 10 Musurat.......... o 03@ 16 Oppoesim...... ....... 15@ 20 Otter, dark..... 5 00@8 00 Reccoan.......... ._. oo 2 Skunk. coe J 00@1 20 war........ . 1 00@3 00 Beaver castors, “Tb. .2 00@5 DEERSKINS—Per pound Thin and — — gray. Red end Die.........+4- - POULTRY. Local dealers pay as follows for dressed fowls: PAPER & WOODEN WAKE PAPER. ee oe 1% Rockfalls Lei esecas eum pT - Here ware.......-.....-.....- 2% omer... -.... i «