ed ae gegen ER, I RR Ge peer | Michigan Tradesman. Published Weekly. THE TRADESMAN COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. $1 de ae. VOL. 9. GRAND RAPIDS, MAY 18, 1892. NO. 452 TELFER SPICE COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF Spices and Baking Powder, and Jobbers of Teas, Coffees and Grocers’ Sundries. land 3 Pearl Street, GRAND RAPIDS Make No Mistake! Send your order for fine Chocolates. hand— made Creams, Caramels, and Fruit Tablets. Marshmallows, etc., to A. E. BROOKS & CO., Get our special list of Fine Goods. 46 Ottawa St., Gr ie Rapids, Mich THE NEW YORK BISGUIY 60. Ss. A. SEARS, Manager. Cracker Manufacturers, 37, 39 and 41 Kent St., - Grand Rapids. MOSELEY BROS., - WHOLESALE - FRUITS, SEEDS, BEANS AND PRODUGE, 26, 28, 30 & 32 OTTAWA aL, Grand Ranvnids, Micn. Grand Rapids Storage & Transler Go, Lint Winter St. between Shawmut Ave. and W. Fultoz. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. General Warehovsemen and Transfer Agents. COLD STORAGE FOR BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE, FRUITS, AND ALL KINDS OF PERISHABLES. Dealers and Jobbers in Mowers, Binders Twine, Threshers, En- gines, Straw Stackers, Drills, Rakes, Tedders, Cultivators, Plows, Pumps, Carts, Wagons. Buggies, Wind Mills and Machine and Plow repairs, Ete. Telephone No. 945. J. ¥. F. BLAKE, Sup’t. The Green Seal Cigar It is Staple a will fit any Purchaser. Retails for 10 cents, 3 for 25 cents. Send Your Wholesaler an Order. HARVEY & HEYSTEK, JOBBERS IN Wall Pale, Window mats id Hl cure ‘Moticings only Jobbers in Western Michi We as e a spe ae ams ort oa 75 & 77 Monroe St-Warehovse, 81 & 83 sii St, Grand Rapids. MUSKEGON BRANCH — STATES BAKING CO., Successors MUSKEGON CRACKER Co., HARRY FOX, Manager. Crackers, Biscuits # Sweet Goods. MUSKEGON, MICH. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. Every Bookkeeper Will Appreciate a Blank Boo’: that Opens Flat. The MULLINS FLAT OPENING SPRING BACK BOOK, only in Michigan by the AMrand Bipidh Punks Anarding Lor = Ss Ss = Is {the Best in the Market, Write for price 29-31 Canal St., Grand acids, Mich. Ger tee Best! Jennings’ Flavoring Extracts SEE QUOTATIONS. cM RAP Aa CC. 9}North Ionia St., Grand Rapids. WHOLESALE FRUITS AND PRODUCE: Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. cS. S. BROWWN, ———JOBBER OF ——— _ {Foreign and Domestic Fruits and Vegetables, Oranges, Bananas and Karly Vegetables a Specialty. eee for quotations. 24-26 No Division St. BLACK BASS CIGARS NEVER GO BEGGING. FAUDE, IONIA, MICH THE NE PLUS ULTRA OF A NICKEL SMOKE! Made only by a. F. i SAGINAW, MICH., Manufacturers of the Following List of Washboards. SAGINAW MANUFACTURING CO., — j \ ry Urescelt , R ( Gta |DOUBLE | | THE BEST IN THEWORL : b |. eee: }— SACINAW-MANUEACTGRING= COMPANY= = : SAGINAW MICH. Chamrork Solid Zine. | Ivy Leaf Wilson Saginaw Dovble Zine 4 |}eflance Surface. Riv | Wilson Saginaw Single Zine e Defiance Surface, | | Rival The inal ai all supe rion | Washboards, in the class to — sh they belong. Send for cuts and p rice-lis t before « yrder- T S. FREEMAN Agt,Grand Rapids, Mich. STANDARD al C0, GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN. DEALERS IN Tluminating and Lubricating | | } | NAPTHA AND GASOLINES. Office, Hawkins Block. Works, Butterworth Ave. | BULK WORKES AT GRAND RAPIDS, MUSKEGON, MANISTEE, CADILLAC, BIG RAPIDS, GRAND HAVEN, LUDINGTON. ALLEGAN, HOWARD CITY, PETOSKEY, HIGHEST PRIOE PAID FOR KMPTY CARBON & GASOLINE BARRELS, BANANAS Season now Well Opened. Buy Them ot PUTNAM CANDY CO. THE Buy of the Largest Manufacturers in the Country and Save Money aEnCULES, COUPON BOOKS rv-nwivnin nap un wa TaD Stomp before a blast. | Fragments after a blast. 'sTRONEST and SAFEST EXPLOSIVE mown to the Arts. \e POWDER, FUSE, CAPS. Electric Mining Goods, AND ALL ——o FOR STUMP BLASTING, THE GREAT STUMP AND ROCK SALE BY THE ANNIHILATOR, HERCULES POWDER COMPA 40 Prospect Street, Cle nit at j i J. WW. WILLARD, Managere’ Agents for Western Michigan. Write for Prices, eSNG EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN. Send for i ent Nllustrated Catalogue MAILED F Clover and Grass ane Seed Corn, Onion Sets, and Seed Potatoes.