VOL. 1. e Mi GRAND RAPIDS, MI CHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1883. an |radesman. NO. 14. cast-iron mills. FROM PRINCE TO PAUPER. Retributive Justice or Something Else Works on a Human Life. Washington Correspondence Christian Union. | Ten years ago Bradley Barlow was a, prince among the star route contractors. He | had agents in Washington every winter to look after his interests, and, in spite of losses, | piled up a great fortune. In Vermont he | was looked upon as a money king, and his | fame went out as that of a poor boy who by: marveloas skill had beaten the world and amassed wealth. Five years ago he said’ he had money enough. Perhaps he saw that , the iniquities of the star route ring were to— be investigated. Ile went out of the Dbusi- ness, and in 1881, when Dorsey and the rest were indicted, he snapped his fingers and took refuge behind the statute of limitations. | Before that, in 1878, so great was his popu-' larity in Vermont, that, as an independent : candidate, he was elected to Congress over both regular nominees. He bought the_his- toric John Quincy Adams house, refitted and | furnished it at a great expense. Over a mil- lion dollars in money was invested there. He was president of a bank; {he lived luxur- | iously; men envied him, and pondered in their thoughts the way the momev was .ob-' taind. ‘To-day he is a beggar. Ilis railroad is taken from him, the bahk is wrecked and in a receiver’s hands, his house is deserted, ' his favoite grandson, named after him, is dead by accident, and Barlow himself, at. sixty-five, is broken down in heart and soul. Only the other day I went to the sheriff's | sale where the furniture and carriages of his Washington establishment were sold by the’ sheriff. No great catastrophe did it, but his riches erumbled in his hands. It might have been so in any case, but now it seems as if, retributive justice had done even more than its work. Tar Production. Tar is produced in an entirely different: way from turpentine, says a writer in the. Evening Post, being made from the dead | wood of the long-leaved pine. This dead woodis a peculiar substance; it occurs in the heart of the gigantic pine buried for a' century in the ooze of the swamp, in the blackened trunks felled by the torrents of , fire that sometimes rush through the forests, ; and in the limbs torn from the trees by the | last winter’s ice; it is a concentration about the heart of all the juices of the pine. For: the site of his tar kiln the workman chooses a part of the forest abounding in dead wood, strips the latter of its bark and outer cover- | ing, and cuts the heart into billets of two or, three feet im length. In building his kiln he proceeds much like the northern charcoal | burner in raising his coal pit, except that on the bottom, which is slightly raised, he digs a conduit for the tar to flow out. The fire: is kindled at the top, and the slow combus- | tion forces the tar down to the. bottom, ; whence it Hows out throughthe trench into | the ditch prepared for it on the side of the} kiln. He tells us that a kiln twenty feet in| diameter and twelve feet high will run 100! barrels of tar ia eight or nine days’ burning. | Piteh is tar reduced to one-half its bulk by} evaporation. North Carolina is loosing her! grasp on the naval store industry. Her mag- | nificent forests are fast becoming exhausted, : and the hackler has already begun his on- , slaughts on the virgin ferests of South Caro- } lina, Georgia and Florida. This is shown by the fact that although a few years ago) Charleston and Savannah had no standing as | naval stores ports, the former in 1882, ex- ported 266,848 barrels of these products, and | the latter 297,284; while in 1883, the Charles- ; ton shipments had grown to 355,092) and! those of Savannah to 464,817. e } The Latest Patent Medicine Scheme. The latest advertising dodge is practiced by a medicine company which is doing a big business in some of the villages of Southern Michigan. Its traveling ¢apital consists of a’ showy wagon, some make-believe Indians, and a lot of kettles aud other cooking appar- atus. An eneampment is formed on a sub- urban lot. where the Indians give a sort of circus performance, with aboriginal dances and unintelligible songs. Then, in full view of the great crowd which has gathered, they prepare the medicine. A fire is built, over which is hung a large kettle. Into ihe ket- tle they throw herbs and roots. While the fire burns and the kettle boils they dance around it with incantations, each Indian tak- ing his turn at violently stirring the contents of the kettle. All this is to show the crowd that the medicine is honestly made, and that it eontains no noxious imgredient. When | the mess is. sufficiently stewed they strain and bottle it, after which thay sell it to the happy bystanders at $1 a bottle. As the principle cost is the expense of keeping up the show and traveling from place to place, the profits are large. It is a common thing for the sales to amount to $100 or even $150 on a fair evening. A Swedish Match Factory. At Jonkoping, Sweden, is the oldest and largest match factory in the world. It was established 100 years ago, and there are now to be seen specimens of the matches used at the beginning of the present century, con- sisting of big fagots of wood furnished with a handle and atip to dip jn a bath of sul- phur. The wood from which the present kind of matches is made is taken from the adjacent forests, which are divided into 50 sections. Every vear one section is cut and then replahted with young trees. The trees are hewn into planks in the forest and cut inte slivers in the factory. The boxes are made of the outside of the trees. The fac- tories are on the banks of lakes which are connected with one another by wide canals. Millions of matches are turned out each day. | Some idea of where they all go to may be obtained from the statement that there are | at least 280,000,000 of matches burned each day in the United States, or an average of five matches for each person. The Manufacture of Snuff. It takes fully eighteen months to convert tocaeco into snuff, and it goes through the} inost elaborate preparations before. it is pre- sented to the public. Probably few people are aware that, after the safne fashion as, beer, tobacco is allowed to ferment so as te’ be thoroughly pickled, and is kept in this | condition for at least six months, after: which it is subjected to a steam temperature of 240 degrees. When thoroughly dry it has; to be ground, which is done by means of | ’ Over 400 women and boys, — i Se are engaged i one snuff faetory in Jersey” City. Ss Seconds Grades of Canned Goods. So great has been the demand for copies. of last week’s paper containing the, list of | canned goods Seconds, and so many have re- | quested that it be reprinted, that it has been | deemed advisable to reproduce it, omitting | the preliminary remarks: BALTIMORE SECONDS. The following is a full list of the Seconds | packed at the Baltimore-market, the reliabil- ity of which list is vouched for by the Trade: Carroll County Packing Co. Areher, Allen & Co. Krank Albert. Brown, Tatem & Co, Baker & Brown. Barnes & Connor. J. M. Berry. _ tons are made mostly in Bohemia, and ehild- ' they are almost exclusively manufactured: ‘ and the all-important shirt buttons are receiv- ; procured. manufacturing, however, is that of the Par- Where the Buttons Come From. ‘Phe button trade of New York is estimat- ; ed at from eight to ten million dollars a yeav. At American rates of wages, many of the imported buttens could not be put upon their cards for the price they sell for. Glass but- ren are largely employed at the work, which they do as reatly and quickly as adults. The children get ten cents'a day, men from forty’ to fifty cents, and women a little less. Pearl buttons are imported from Vienna, where ed mostly from Birmingham, England, where the majority of metal buttons are likewise The most extensive of all the isian and Berlin novelties. In one manu- | facturing village near Paris, where there are | from 5,090 to 6,000 inhabitants, all the work- | ing people are enzaged in making the agate H. Byer—Canbridge. H. Brill & Co. C an. sine Ce { button, which, with even thirty per cent. ee wee ee duty added to the eost, sells, when imported Chesapeake. to this country, at 31 cents per great gross. The material alone, it is reported, could not be procured here for double that amount. While our American manufacturers make no attempt, and probably have no desire, to Chester River. J. W. Durham & Co. Dexter & Co. C. R. Dayton & Co. W. H. Elnore & Son. i was considerably, impaired. Dr. Wistar. The item was then approved. Edwards & Perry. Elder, Brewster & Co. | John Fisher & Co. J. Greenwood & Co. | Grittith Packing Co. Samuel Hodges & Co. ; B. Hamburger & Co. John Hall & Co. J. Jones & Co. C. C. Laurence & Co. KE. H. Lyons & Co. Lord & Wallis. L. Lutz. Marsh & Brown. William Maxwell. . II. Martvn & Co. W. H. Myer. Nunley, Hynes & Co. II. Neilson & Co. Ross & Co. Russell’ & Bros. Stewart Bros. John Shepperd. Stanley Bros. & Co. Spencer Wright. R. Seott & Co. Somers, Foote & Co. J. B. Thomas & Co. Tyler & Dolman. Vinton, Baker & Co. J... Williams & Co. ‘RR. Williamson & Co. P. Werner & Co. P. Wheeler & Co. Webster & Co. J. Walker & Co. Winfield & Co. Harry Webster. W. Yqung & Co. York River. MeShowfaith & Co. Fd _ OTHER FICTICIOUS BRANDS. In addition to the above, local jobbers re- | port the following bands as Seconds: Chester Packing Co., pineapples. Lake Ontario, apples and suecotash. Elmore peaches. Boynton peaches. Document peaches. D. W. MeNair. Jos. Platte & Co. Wallace, Heinly & Co. Cook’s Favorite corn. Oswego corn, soaked goods. Liberty corn, * Beaver peas, Reeves & Day. Eureka. M. A. LeBatn. . Tobacco is a Medicine. Dr. Couper Wistar, a leading physician of Philadelphia and one of the inspectors of Moyamensing Prison, gave the Prison Com- mittee of the Common Council some inter- esting facts in connection with the use of to- baceo upon the health of the prisoners. There is an item of $600 in the appropria- tion bill of the eoming year for the prison for the purchase of tobacco. The inspector said that the board some time ago had decid- ed to cut off the supply of that weed, taking the ground that law-breakers were not en- titled to luxuries, and it was found that per- sons who had never used it were being taught to do so—the males to chew, and the fémales to take snuff. The effect upon the prisoners was quickly shown. ‘They began to droop and complain, while their health The tobacco distribution, was then resumed, and it was shown that by its use the health of the pris- ers was 50 per cent. better. ‘For such ail- defective appetite, water-brash, heartburn, dyspepsia, and diseases incident to seden- tary life, tobaceo is a medicine,” concluded ae ee ndence, R. I., for example, sleeve buttons and ‘ five feet long and from seven-eights of an inch to three inches square, according to the .| size of the spool to be produced. | sticks are thoroughly seasoned. : air kiln. ‘is bored through them. ‘little block against sharp knives, shaped by | a pattern, makes the spool,’at the rate of one | per second. A small! boy feeds the spool ma- i chine, simply placing the blocks in a spout and | yards” or “200 yards’? these words do not | supposed to contain so muck thread. This pattern gives the size and shape of the _ the amount of thread that the spool will hold. , per day, and consumes 2,500 cords of birch - annually. From the Dairyman. / ed, both as to tinie and temperature, it be- _ is waxy, when it is easily molded into any | and shows up a rich golden yellow color : judging it. ‘rubbing a little between the finger and Don’t Get in a Rut. The want of originality in some of our business houses is simply unpardonable. | Year in and year out no changes are made in | the arrangement of goods and everything | savors of an old rut into. which some have} fallen and from which they feel unable to; extricate themselves. This is, of course, less | prevalent in the city than in the eountry, | owing to competition, but yet there can be | no excuse offered where competition is not | great. Get to work, show some originality, | if you only change the place of weighing out sugar. Make things attractive by changes | from week to week. In short, keep pace with the times. You will feel better, and | your customers will feel that they are doing | business with a wide-awake man. Times are changing and we change in those times, and why not make things change also. ‘Try | it and see if it will not prove satisfactory. Patents Issued te Michigan Inventors. The following patents have lately been is- | sued to Michigan inventors: Jay Densmore, Niles, machine for re- touching photographer’s negatives, Charles F. Lancaster, Fife Lake, spring seat for vehicles. Charles A. Lee, Saginaw, splint cutting machine. John B. Lemiquix, Muskegon, slab sawing machine. ‘ Robert W. Tavener. West Bay City, nail- ing machine. Myron G. Wood, Chureh’s Corners, cattle staunchion. ‘ James Brooks, Detroit. pill machine. Harry F. Clapp and ©. F. Baker, White Pigeon, ice elevator. ' stock for five mniutes, and then heaved a 8 valuable red lake. compete with European producers employing hand processes, they excel in making bone, composition, brass, ivory and gold buttons by machinery, and are able te export consid- erable quantities of these styles. In Provi- jewelry buttons are largely manvyfactured expressly for exportation. : How Wooden Spools Are Made. ‘The birch is first sawed into sticks four or These They are sawed into short blocks and dried in a hot- At the time they are sawed a hole One whirl of the throwing out the knotty or’ defective stock. The machine is automatic, but cannot do the sorting. The spools revolve rapidly in drums and polish themselves. For some purposes they are died yellow, red or black. They are made in thousands of shapes and sizes. When one sees on a spool of thread ‘100 signify that the thread has been measured, but that the spool has been gauged and is When a silk, linen or cotton firm wants a spool made it sends a pattern to the spool maker. barrel and the head and bevel, and determines One factory turns out 100,000 gross of spools How to Tell Good Butter. Mr- Robert Hall, an Ohio Butter inspect- | or, says that when butter is properly churn- | comes firm with very little working, and_ it is tenacious; but its most desirable state shape, and may be drawn out a consider- able length without breaking. It is styled gilt-edge. It is only in this state that but- ter possesses that rich nutty taste and smell which imparts so high a degree of pleasure in eating it, and which increases its value many fold. I1t is not always necessary,- when it smells sweet, to taste butter in The smooth unctuous feel in thumb expresses at once its rich quality; the nutty smell and rich aroma indicate a similar taste; and the bright golden, glis- tening cream-colored surface shows its height of cleanliness. It may be necessary at times to use a tryer, or use it until you beeome an expert in testing by taste, smell | and rubbing. Didn’t Hit Him. A‘tough old debtor ina town not far from | Grand Rapids entered a grocery the other day, and stood for a Jong time looking at an | exhibition of plug tobacco. The grocer felt | certain that the old man wanted trust, and | he determined to head him off. He there- | fore observed: - | “I have to. sell that tobacco for eash | down.” | “You do, eh?” | “Yes, sir. Tobacco iseash on the nail.” | “How’s sugar?’ “That’s cash.” Tea and coffee ‘ “Cash—all eash. Soap, molasses, candles, | os kerosene, butter, potatoes, flour, rice, hams, | starch—all spot cash.” The old man stood and looked over the | | long sigh, and replied: “Well, Mr. Waters, that don’t hit me worth a eent. IT want to get trusted for three dozen elothes pins!” - He Explained. From the Wall Street News. ‘ A stockholder in a Western narrow-gauge railroad made a call at Headquarters the | other day and remarked to the President: “TI notice the gross receipts for October show a decrease over September.” “Yes, sir.” “Can you explain the matter?” “Certainly, sir. In September we carried a family of seven persons from Dashville to Blacktown and the receipts were swellegl. During October we only got hold of a blind man, two carloads of lumber, and a dozen barrels of salt, and the receipts shrank.” ‘**And what is the outlook?” “Splendid, sir. So far this month we have more than paid for the wood and oil for the locomotive, and if we get a shipment of six hogs, as promised yesterday, I believe we can pay the conductor at least 5 per cent. of his back salary.” At present madder is cultivated in Hol- land only. In 1882 the quantity raised was only 1,200,000 kilos, while before the influ- ence of the discovery of artificial alizarin made itself felt the production was as high as 30,000,000 kilos. Emile Kopp established the manufacture of pseudopurpurin, and it still exists, having its special uses. In calico printing it yields a very fine rose, which stands sunlight but not the action of soap, and in pigment manufacture it is utilized as than he does himself. ‘purposes. Honey is plenty and cheap, never ' cheaper than now. ‘out the mellifluous product and put back the ‘doctor says I need exercise, and how can I ‘get exercise if I don’t go shopping. | growth of the healthy leaf. | ducing spotted leaves which were in no way i distinguishable from the natural ones. , Worse. | ple. . How to Handle a Customer. The customer should be met by the sales- | ’ ‘man in a polite and cheerful manner, and if; intimately acquainted, he should advance and | offer his hand, calling the customer by name. | The courtesies can be extended further ac-: to beat Church.” cording to the nature of the acquaintance: ; but not to take up much of his time, whieh ; the Michigan Plaster Agency had coneluded | yw Politeness must be par-; ticularly observed, and the salesman must ; might be limited. have a fixed character and the established | confidence of those who know him; thus he will acquire an acquaintance with his cus- tomers, that will be of great importance to his success as a salesman. Much depends upon his depertment. He should aim to be} a gentleman everywhere, for a man’s life | goes out beyond the limits of the store. Never misrepresent, your goods; every false- hood wij] come back and weaken your confi- dence. A salesman may play successful tricks, for a time, in a firm that has built up a good reputation, but he will be denounced when the customer finds that he has been de- ceived. Keep in view these fundamental principles and apply them to your customer upon practical judginent of reading and understanding human nature, and they will be appreciated by three-fourths of the trade, and the salesman who adopts these princi- ples as a guide will be sought out and called for. And many wonder why it is that such salesmen‘never lose a customer. Never contradict a customer or tell him} B. Church, manager of the Alabastine Co., | yy; that such an article is just what he wants,| was entirely dependent upon the mills for! yy for he reserves a certain amount of indepen- | calcined plaster, to be used in the manufac) w dence, and doés not care to have a salesman | pretend to know more about his business ation immediately raised the price of the! Peckenger Do not allow any/ raw material from $4.25 to $6.50 per ton, at} 7T ‘one to interrupt you when you have the sale! which latter price Mr. Chureh could not turn | nearly completed, for then is the time, above | out the manufactured product at a_ profit. | all others, to clinch the sale by compressed | He accordingly announced his determination | | to secure a quarry and build a mill of his’ / own, which he did in the remarkably short remarks, in short, teHing sentences. Suspicious *‘Hair Oil.” A youngster on Cass avenue had noticed a | tall black bottle on his father’s dressing table and asked him what it held. “That, my son, is hair oil,’’ answered his father, with a furtive and wandering look, “and it is not at all nice for little boys.” The youthful questioner took a smell of the contents and asked no more information on the subject. He kept up a good deal of thinking, however. Last Sunday the family entertained some friends at dinner, and there was plum pudding with brandy sauce. The small boy had found his opportunity. When he was helped to the pudding he sized it up with large eyes. “Pa,” he said, in a loud, shrill tone, as he} sniffed the sauce afar off, “the hair oil on this puddin’ smells awful good.” Scarcity of Real Beeswax. “Do you know where I ean get some bees- wax?” inquired: a wholesale druggist of a re- porter. The scribe didn’t know. “I want genuine wax suitable for pharmaceutical Honey men now pour comb. Then there is the practice of making artificial comb out of paraffine, which is growing into favor. ‘This saves the bees the labor of making the comb, and they pu in all their time in making honey. They don’t have to go out and roam around, hunt- ing up flowers, either, as the practice is now to feed them on glucose. MATTINGS, ETO. HTC. aS SG and 8 Monroe Street, Grand Rapids, RISING SUN YEAST Michigan. Se ny ne Bh) en | a gens 2 BEST ON THE MARKET. EVERYONE USES IT. Sold by all Wholesale Grocers. a4 nn er & he) = : an oe ae sae : - \ dunks eA . —4 CURRENT QUOTATIONS. Groceries | PLUG nce ° ; Sentinel 17 tb and 28 Cads D & FURNISHED BY LEADING DEALERS a ee ox | MCLUGS (Medicines Chiorat byte, German’ cia ) SIONS. ton ce "| Modoc .... @ doz 0 |Parag¢ Hola Fas Bee 8 th ead. 000000 @As | Chlora ere egeen aa te leae' pids Packing 4 ee ee S| oo nn a a Modoo .... dor eo ragon... dor oS, FASE «2. a Singeee--oene nee @50 Laat ites ss Perkins & Co. quote as follows for | Cc paid do Scherin’s a ; - | quote as gag Packing & Provision Co. t ry S. Dry, No. 2 BLUING. a ie Me ipia' S Gok Bhicid. Be ae Os ‘ write Mheplen cectntions: larger amounts | | plorctecn ’ erusté. d %5 _ DI G Drs, bccn ee P 5 ot Ad la cata... 48 (iain 100 @1 05 | New Heavy Mess Pork.. ‘ ied oe oo FT Edot by ry, HO, 3. poner ttar seen! az. wt Se pie Cream 4 and 8 i cads....... oa : ACIDS. | Gloves oes a 8 @ 5 : Old Heavy Mess Sk ..B bbl $15 50 Gompany quove asfol Liquid, 402,000.00... gene e: ee; a Choice 3 0% pocket pieces......... @34 ieee aa ts eh ee ae em 9 @ 19 | Cochineal ...... ae Ce. 20 @ 2 New t ‘amily Clear Por a Pe oat iH i Androscoggin, 9-4..23 |Pepperell, 10-4......25 | N joo zt. @ | Cook of the WH fe Os aoe 1.040)... a) @ 3 | Copperas (by DBL de)... : |New Extra Clear eigen . 1° 0 Androscoggin, 6- 8-4..21 |Pepperell, 11-4...... 1, Ne (Giiost.. 6 » 59 | Black Spun Roll. we i, Citric HC ves ee esos deere se nee 35 | Corrosive Sublimate........ oe. Go New Boston Clea Pe ore 16 43 ase = cee Be gt 20 Black Spun Roll... ae ‘Muri oo ee | | oes X and XX—9 off i oe |New Standard Clear Po ro Se 16 7 ae - Beauot, 7. ot No. Hur eee ae ene aeesene O20 Witte 06. 06h... cen ep ene ce. 3 @ 5 | Or artar, pure powdered..... 35 @ 49 | Extra B Clear Pork, e: ie 17 00 P it Behe BL No.2 furl oe a im | Red Seal... visite ee OAs | Oxalio ee ie @ ey | ipo sacha , grocer’s, 10 box.. \ 15 | 8. P. Booth’s Clear Pork ra good ...... 622 pee ee oS on | Gent. sk. aan DA: u PS es dee ae 5 Fe ce eee eee ce ee eee ee eee a | apt l ace Caledonia, XX, oz = ECKS. Common Whisk,...................---- ' 85 (ieee ee @A4 leameanete rowaered eae ea Le ‘2 tt | Cudbear, Hee m4 ee | Caledonia, X,0z... Park Mills, No. 90..14 CANNED GOODS. ie o Mun G@ias . @35 | Benzoic, English............. #02 ae | Extn Short clear Backs, 00 = Economy, oz. Me Prosiny, 0 ve : eee > ae ie 20 ryadiyg erg .. 110 eee WAGs one ge es ss oY Benzoic, Ge ean as, wen a 3 | Hpsow Se : epgalh all No.'s...-....- 8 | Extra Tone Cheer Bucks aan cases. . Park Mills, No. 50..10 |Otis Apron... 1 | Apples, 3 20 |Corn, Trophy... 115 | Spring Ao eee: QBS | Tammie. .2. sea [Be tt | Ergo, trea wie | Ene ion Gon ig Sees ! ae fe ea je i ss ae nd? 60 2) [corn Trophy. 13 Nobby Spiin Roll: 2 ca pe a ere ib @ Vi LS pe PR ae sec, } 3 | Extra Short Clear Back ; cases.. 9 anoere ° o- z| Go. OD....... 21 Dae ee, DE ther, sulphuric, U.S. Poo... .... 39 | B, Cases. s Park Mills, No. 60-11 Otis ue 101 a 15 |Peas.... 73@1 25@1 50 ae AMMONIA. si p urte; U.S. Po 2... 69 | ong Clears, heavy, 500 i. Case a2 park Me No.9. os ‘ urn ae 10 gai 2 15 Peas. uel 50 — SMOKING. | Carbonate 222.25 .0. 0.062: gh 19 @ 2 Gelatine, Cooper's. 2.6 cs. 90 { do. Half i. settee $ York, Vou 0 lone. .8 40 (String Bos 5 ime ....... a cimon | Muriate (Powd. 22c) xelatine, French a | Long Clear medium, 500 D Cases....... 84 OSNABURG, : Blackberries 1 10-1 15 |Lewis’ ee eS Peerless 0.0.0. eves cee 24ers | Aqua 16 degtor 3f..............00.- 6 @ 1s | Glassware, flint, 60 off.by box 5€ off ne | “Hale Cases cae 8 Alabama cu, 2 Aas a “palace cs : 40 Pumpkin. ..1 0@1 15 Oia ron oe 20 Aqua 18 deg or 4f....... ST @ 8 | Glug, caninet green, 60 and 10 dis.... | Long Clears light, 500 anda. = on juan hy setae ut — s ener Ti: A 2 Suocotash a 85 abi wo Tom i et eo Ww a Ao BALSAMS. @ 5 | | Glac,white.. Se - @ = Short gears heavy Half Cases....... : 8h eee 734 | Pineapples...... 1 75 . . 110 eker.......... A iis a a tee a ae ee @ db ee | ee ss Lewiston brown a 198 Toledo plaid... 7% es : . Oysters, 2 . ‘ia as a Ce 40 ‘Indig eee, PORE. fc ee 2% @ Ww | 40. zecaran Pt. ey Lane brown... 9 91g/New ‘Tenn, piaid...11_ | Egg Plums ...-. 146 |Gobster eee ee wey | Mimeet Pewdes heat Pa” % @1 0 . FAO es 83, plaid.... 8 |OUtility plaid........ 6% Gages oe Samia. Stars.. 1 Me @26 Co eee Y eae resublimed ae ae a : BLEACHED COTTONS. Pears..........- 135 |Sardines’ Inport, 8 | Navy Clippings ee oe st | Cassia, in mats (Pow'd 200) ee eres 1 | Send oh Tai Avondale, 36..... 814|Greene Lusk’s Apricots. 3 ae s Inport. 13 | Honey Dew...........c...csssseee sees 24 | Cinchona, yel estas. we ages Th | ese fais... ...- 6... -.. an Art. cambries, i111 Greene, G. 44...... § | Tomatoes -1 051 20 Cond: Milk, Eagle. | Gam Be % | Kim, selec. eases: 18 | Lime, chloride, izes 96 12 ie) 8 Saute “ Reet era ce oe io | gampgire ISS | gm! powder Poe en | ARERR a | gE oo ; 3 omen 8 10. | QvomoKon Serre: rs powdered, pure... 2.00. ee a | am Mound Bee eee. 95¢ Ballou, +4 Speer 7% King’ Phillip aio Te Green Rio. - ae Honeted Mex. 18 20 Durham, % 2 De eas 2% Reale Gack a“ — ae a Moses, » beat Dates... 4.25... R4@ iB es Pais, 20 oe Weeks, ...:..2.. as B TE... 2. = =e pick ee 1144!G poe ee un io..10 @18 pe De ee a es 60 *S@lOCE ec eel... 2 pee 4 25 ails, 12 in oon pentane Va Boott, E bese seee 8% Linwood, 4-4....... 9 Roasted ee: _@28 |Ground Mex. @I1%% o . t ae ov | Cubeb, ane Morph sulph., P.& W... Boy : vr sat0KED a : = am ree = Boott, E55. ....... 7 (Lonsdale, 4-4....... 9% 1 R “18%4@18 |Arbuckle’s.......@17; Cho 55 RE URIUTOL votes ak, Canton, il, P. & Gos.” * 0 —CANVASSED OF 1 oott, AGC, 4-4..... 9%|Lonsdale cambric.12 . Hoasted Java25 @35 |_XXXX........... avis Hollay Re ere dl eee Agno gs, oo " Mose, BEBE ee sons : ‘ sed i set pokle min. ae ; : tee coi 4 care Sai ee eG at Hosa CU ail Peo ag eat ae : Moke, Ieeland De #@ tb 10 Hams cured ins sweet pickle medium.. "4344 ; 1% OM ES........ a MO @i6 ‘oun cTRACTS, ard, English. 232202020012. ee : e coe A Fm 1! . foot Inte 4 {GQRPAGE. os stom.__2.10 a ong ER NA RR Oe Lipouee (10 and 25 & boxes, 25c).. on Muster’: Magen ss... i Shoulders cured in sweet (oie a ee 13% aera ee if er enti iN oot Jute .... Ey oa foot Cotton.....2 10 Nation Se ee @26 Yous ice, Oyo pure...... 3744 Nutgalls grocer’s, 10 cans...... a Pate is Ces a WG. a Jabot, 4-4........... 74 |New York Mili, 4-4.11% Paes 026 , bulk (12 and 2 Ib a . ola Fea see lola 29 | CCF oar eee eee cetc cence tees Cabot 4 2 co By New Yorn Weta: c. >, pe oe Ae. as Lox oe Dream ee oy Eerene 1s (25 ib boxes)... engi . oes: No. Paes ae : | Extra Dried Bect ....................... 13 : Domestic, 36.1.1... 4” Pocasset, P.M. C.. 734 ae 7% fe Ge meee ie ne oct a ee 10 | i . y BB sccisas 114|Pride of the W 4 FRUITS. Oe eee O22 ’ 48 ce 5 ao ee a ,4-4.10 |Pocahontas, tt Be Ronee —_— ae 275 SHORES. 2 - Fluid Ext macts—25 oe ti : pepe, nha ae : i eo as Bre ati 1 pocahontas, 4 % Hee aie ee ot 3k pane uid Extracts—25 # cent. off list. ee _ Bch bet eke crs 3 00 \ I CANNED BEEF. Pt sega a4 Slaterville 8.) New alencias see PON. a ee ee 2 Ayal FLOWERS. Qt ch, True Burgundy............. u uibby, McNeil & Libby, 14 tb cans, 14 di Fruit of oom, 7-8,. 8i4| Woodbury At... 9 | Burkey Prunes « 6 @6% iy pre ae ea Bg a ee io 8 eae RS Gi we Sem ades 8 30 Y odbury. et. en ; _ VINEGAR. ona eo, Homan...) ....: : ie la, ipo, kr. &W........ boz o4 Q cans, 1 doz. in case eas 5 30 i: cambria ~r Whitinsyille oa i Citron er . Sab Ear Cider Chamomile, German.............. 2 pie Mixture............. tb 07 18 | Ar mene & Co., 4D cans 27 aes Waeaas 2 a v 400107 |Wamsutta, 4-4...17) oe ee 766 ee 5 : Gus. : teat caved 22 : Sam comp fm {dt aided . TBs cote 614|Williamsville, 36 en Whole C FISH. — va oe = ae Cape (Powd 24¢).......... 18 Te Nitrate, 2 ae oy "9 @ a do. 2 th Compr’d Naat a ee 2 85 1 4 2) whote oe ee ae EAST. Aloes, Socotrine (Powd 60¢)....... y Red Precipitate.. em oe Prices named are lowest ‘at time case 4 50 CORSET JEANS. Horeing a ee ee [eh 54@9 cen iene SU 1%5 ae oven pee 45 See, suction. ee see 3 On aa eons changes. ‘ Reeerin eat, 74\Kearsage.. ....-... gig | Berrins Sealed. esis 3 00@5 15 ieee ee neo is Arabic, pee io | Sal Nitre lang eat oT de ees or aeanemmine : : is Kearse. erring Sealed. 0000000000000) i ational ......... oe ei Niére. mediuni oryat. AUSage........... Anta nat ss enero, te Wiel jHolland 22000 10: 5Q., ae MISCELLANEOUS. . Arabic a aes Bors es 32 a oc eryst. a or Sausage Meat, 50 b eae te 9 1 pipes 614|Pepperell sat,...... g ae 50 | Blacking ........... c------00--000 30, 4 50g - rabic, sifted sorts....... Tae 1 eee ene Bs Sausage. ae He oo e Pepporel st if Seo aaa 8s ee 0, 5 peat ee ve ee anes ee eee SS a ee 8 @ aa Bomele Gaumage.. 2. 2% : ies Orch. Imp..... 6%;|Lawrence sat... .... big ee ree 47% | Bath Brick imported .................. 3S Camphor ..- acoder Nien ee bossa 2 | Rrentore Susage ; aconia ............ %4|Conegosat.......... 8% | Mackerel half bbis No. 1............-- 85 d American............--..-. 65 Catocin. Se ee 4@ 2 | Snuffs, Maccoboy or Scotch... _._. 795 | Frankfort Sausage... 2... 0° A ee ! ast NOL. ' o Burn Ra 2.@ 3 Guaiac, prime ical ig Pte i ate 13 | Soda Ash rby kee oa ee ro Sausage...) eee 8 Albion, solid 514 1G : Wikstens: 26. i.e. Be Not “a9 | Myrrh. Turkish (Powdered 47c)... ee a alae alpen gale. toc : oe a age: cnn Saale 10 ish (Powdered 47c)... Cett. oo... sees eee & Bologna, strai ee Big aio mt. Glouester 8 a ee ee Rg on 4 (5 | Qpium, pure (Powd $5.40).......... 390 Soup, BiCarbonate, DeLand’s.... 44@ 3 Holoria: thik Pa a: Biz Alten oe “ Hamilton mourns “6 Richardson’ s No.2 square ie cee ee 2 70 ase bulk __. ; : ; : ‘ : : : : : : 1a Shellac, Eng ola Bee eS 40 Soap, Gecen ae Oe ng a 14 Head Cheese. s.. Bese as z 1 Allen’s pink......... 6%4|Merri exicy........ 6% | Richardson’sNg.5 do 1 70| Beans, h Meteor) tte se ctee eens @2 i Shellac, native Se Se, : eat Allen’s purple....... 6% Ee Do 6% Richardson’s No.6 do 170 ns, hand picked..............-..-- ee | Cea eee 1 \ing on spin rimae De... ; Rich gee 5 | Lragacanth ........................ 30 s ; dO n half barrels. .......... Americ, ae Manche PE conn snt 6 6% Siotigndsan's ao. 8 go 1 79| Butterine ok 18@20 Gita and _, IRON. @1 10 Beep, peso ee. = In ameter Ei ieee toa tie elt $3 85 Arnold faney......_ ey |Oriental robes 8 ou Richardson's a i ind z . oa Tartar and 10% cans......... 18? | Solution poy tae tkeruues 6 40 | Spirits Nitre, ) eee 26 @ 28 In kits. . seetteeteeeetsteaess 2 Cocheco fancy...... 64 Pacific robes........ 7 ichardson’s No.7 do > 55| Candles, oo eng | Pare, pure crystal as. Ch Eee cree Me 4 oe | Cocheco robes....... 4|Ric mond peer ee 6% | Hichardson’s No.7%4 do... “ 55 males, d1Otel 7... cee ee @16% LEAVES. ee MO | In quarter bares: om erin Soe zt en oe ixg| Ktchardson’s No.7 ees Oe Cees oa Buchu, short (Powd EAVES. . Tartar Emetic....................-. 3 | In quarter Von ee $3 85 conestors = . Si sors ae : ees Parlor No.1... 2. --. sts) 3 80 cnaees fon ee sweet a @27 Sage, Italian, baleeces i peau? 2 12 @ f ; a N.C. Pine, % gal. ee ‘e nae . 65 mee ee 2 00 Eagle Bont os 8 Washi ancy.. 20 gross lots special price. i choice........... 13% @14% Senna, Alex, natur ” ai cae (3 | ss pReSH EAR i soe ington b price. Catsup quarts oe : : een Oia ae pintsin Gn ed a g tee BY ee MOLASSES. ae Cocoanut, canes TE MS pabkaaes, 2 1 20, ene powdered and garbled.. @ Bechewtne nese Oe ae 1 Pi FRESH MEATS oe | Black Strap...... ans f'y. @6 ocoanut, Schepps’ 1 & 1% - » DOWGCTOCG. 2. 8. cet. ow se ee vo ¥ ae ee els eles 8 Ib on John Mohrhard ‘ . ae owe co Sea ein ee. corn. 6 extract C pps’ 1&%m do . @26% Uva Ursi........ 2 Wax, White, 8S. & F. brand Ps ard quotes as follows: Appleton peaeey Indian ea ys | eng 54 ee oe cite oe offee, ee ee as cone eee. 10 Zinc, Sulphate.... - brand........ : 55 | Fresh Beef, sides.... 7. Boar se a B is ian Orchard, 40. 8 488 ’ sug 27@35@45 rowel Maus 0 1 eg W., D. & Co.’s Sour Mash Whisky oe ee i @ 8 Fresh Beef, hind quarters oe ee 6 @ 8 Continental C, 4-3.. 7%{|L eonia B, 7%-4...... 16% | Kerosene W. W.......... , Star Mills, in pbis ee ee 5 1@ Druggists’ Favorite R lisky.2 @2 2% CANDY aE hee Dressed Hogs........ S.: 6. '7 @9 9 0. - yman B, 40-in.. |) do. cal a cg eet 16 do in Sack Ww roe io Ot 50 ‘ ieeeaeanas een” co eagle evamemteas 3 . oe . aan i ol ae rea ia oe. i, gum, Huber 100 humps fete nea 5 50@, : en act Drands.-......3 5.3. : = eT 50 Putnam & Brooks quote as rathocly S. Le st oo a ne : ¢. a sikh P weet Zon sure cn 12 BI GRE 2s ee ee 5 @1 75 i : Ss: nein Oliokena.. 2200.00.00) Ye | 7 Rasbiun Basi ’ Sweet, 8 oz. rounds ooo. 2 |Gamesnes....... : o Se ee 200 @3 50 STICK. Te OO nnn ents ane ll @12% Dwight x G, 30-in. 614 Nashua O, u8.... - tie Capea ee: aun. Bee ees. v5 | Chimneys No. 2 ee 35@40 ee: oe ee 1% @6 50 a 25 TD POKES. 6. ot ce - 1044@11 ligule Sacaace Be oe nee 8 @10 - oa ee : Rasta Q19.0000 FA es a us oe ee Sse o Port Wines Be ee ee 125 @2 00 Gut Loat GO 8: 4 Ln? @l1l% Pork Sausage na es @9 Dwight x8 Aes 6%|Pepperell F, 30in.. 70 Quaker 2 cases, 48 bs ® ae io hie : ne 5 S.......-. 255. seseee ce eees 135 @2 50 40u GQ. 2 @I12% wee @ 9 Derght 22 1. " oie ft en sae case........ 2 35 Ink 2 Sdoceu Hom. x @, Carbonate, Patti MAGNESIA. MIXED. Bese @10 Ew a ar, 4-4.... 7%|Pepperell O, 7-8.... 6% | Imperial bbis : ® case.......... ee ee ® 1, | Carbonate, J eee 3 | Royal’ 200 2 | es epperell 3 sAmppeRAE WMD... cos -neeno go ee Tambhiess wt eee eee e scence OVS 1A; ’ 1 Maw On......... | ee ee oe tees eae. 1014@ | JOAL AD DING . Pgh Seae dig Pepperell Ak gi) Mier ce ee ee gg: GSTS Smo ERB me vee G 7 7, es ah nt eases an ttre Ro | ero... a. ..-- +s + sce. ao " bra, 251 pails... 0... ees es sesso ones OW me, per Dbl. | peer aS - povasset Cre a — pices, Licorice Eg Cae ieee ss Me oud nace OILS. Extra, Soo Be ee ee 2 Ohio White Lime, per bbl follows: ee Seranag Be pe| Biro a ee a | Eye e dope ie feeeeeneraeeneteees 1 sgl? | Amber, 1 SWECE eo eeseeereieieees 6 @ 60 French Cr Cream, 26 0 paiia. 1000200000000 iy Ohio White Time, Gaclois. 110 ingee’s oT ay : , Lmported..:....:..-...-. SE eee 0 a 8 5 on ement pe Door . ae ee 2 “it Dingeo's 2 elas il ee ae 50 Domestic eee ee a ats Bane ey ge ae 210 ees Oe 15 | Akron ont ier yl BBE... ss 1 40 Amoskeag 3s . eee A eee te ee ge 4 25 ince Pies, 1 gross cases, # Pi PAPE ni Mnermre niisasedins serine 28 Lemon Drops IN 5 BOXES. Buffalo Cement, per bbl.............. 1 40 a — : os i Dingee's pints odo So ; 5s Frenen eee om oe eee 75 | Sour mene ee es 14 cs fots. 5... fF perpol. 0 o. . a 40 oa : = a 5 cos | Pe re Bie side ciaieielg ca alo sis Gas 4 a Care wae) s coe = 6 «Re i Soe eee see ica 5@1 2 Bovkshi eo 8 Johnson Manfg oe Granulated SUGARS. Oil Tanks, Star 60 Wie Resa c oa pean, commen cial (Pure 75¢)..... : a Fopnees IPODS. 6-5 i areca pat ee _ - aa ee s, Tohnwom Mai re Granulated ooo go; | Oll Tanks, Patent 60 Danie eee 12 00@ Cees UES seats ee 8% ' HM Chocol me... 17. «| Land plaster Pass ctr 1% Glasgow chic ti uae “inage erent 3 95 Pipes, Imported Clay 3 @ross......... e — ee ea 125 | Gum hocolate, DIFODS!) ooo 20 Land plaster. rae pee sevstetiee ceases 3 75 Giscow cho White Mie Go, ae Powdered Oe... . on Pepper aan Te Deeseeeeeeveceess — wo x emoge commercial (Pure 7c). ee Tingree os ea meester | Eee eek, ver. M...- Ape 0: oT aun royal styles.......9 [White M ap - ie eee et 1.09 | Juniper wed... . Oe end oe ea Gloucester, new |Whi e Mfg Co, fane 8 oe. . Green Bush.................. 1 50@ Juniper berrieg...... 2... .n es. Pe eee oe ee : ’ te Mant’ G7 do. Split prepared.................. ©, SCS. ak. ea. 2 2d 4 Ceaeintcd: oo a ’ nen potandard ......... 3. | Hariston. a Co,. 9% 14 @T% Powder, Keg, DATED... see sees @ 3% | Lavender flowere- French......... 3 40 Ta pie ee i; Anthracite, egg and grate 75 ae Lan ae 8 |Gordon............. g| Yellow 6%@7 do ' 1% Keg... a oe Lave ace garden do .......5. 1 00 Motto ES ee ee | | Anthracite, stove and nut............ #3 COT op aceniie. Posten shee 7% Guyloek, anes 1 Se ee ce oye Bee Soe 7 tenon oe G65. %.. 2. 90 oe Bact sicet cece eeeeeeeneee inate anise ee : ae 0 wore depecns 4| styles’..... ’ ° 2@, ; is DEMED «vans canes cse cess: “o¢ re er 10 COM ooo stones he corrons. |" aba | as Danaaienn) Family +--. em 614 1 90 4 Griganam, red Howe re er 5 | Blossburg or Cumberland ........... 5 00GS 38 in, 7-4. .2 e : seared ME MMR er acon nerste teed nto oe 6% @, , wers, Fr a oz | Hand Made ( as i eka Ma = androgen et ss (popbarey itt.) da. Ratings 200000000007 es BMG Sarwar Setececsecsns> ot |i eee oc ae i ea 2 pater a fos & ae ee 4 Sige 1 Peppermint, white es es: 2 00 Dregonaged Crea 000 0000000000200 TIME TABLES. Pepperell, 9-4...... 95 IP, , oe 24 On Ee ans SaaS a MOO. osemary, French (Flowers $5)... : ee oN oo i Me eee oe 5 40 Measuring Faucet Soo ‘vy neh (Flowers $5)... a wee ee et ee sete sees ee ee es ee eens B slices ie eee BROWN COTTONS. ee Bell's Geran’ ORE Ease - 350 | Tobacco - oeeanliang Pre 8 2 ‘i Sandal Wood, German... -....... 5 00 Winte AlMOMGS...... 2-6-2622 eee eee 2, | Michigan Central—Grand Rapids Divisi acta eae town consons, els Gein ee ie saga Chimney Cleaners # Ba gets 13@ ° ane ood, Turkish Dark...... 8 00 ergreen Berries........... .......... 16 & pl Division. Aveaie i, 44... 74 Lawrence Y, 30.... 7 | Goodrich’s Gnglish Family ...122.2./ "| Flour Sifters @ doz .... ie : on™ aoe Ma a 60 | Oranges, .Floria FRUITS. ; Detroit Express DEPART. ee a i fawrence eat 7 ar igi 00 m Fut Be es 3 oo@ — 2a a 406 | Oranges, # a DOK... 3 50@4 50} Day Mxpress........ 0... cece cece eee ees 6:30 a m Atlantic Pa Pee 6 “Newmarket San oH protk asauee ae peeks 4 ba en ee) @ 5% ee ee 10 @ BR Oranges, Sate ee 0 6 50@i 50} New York Fast Hes ees 12:45 p m Adriatic, 36 5%4|Mystic River, £4... 6% do. jTanen Ove. aes) ‘ashing Crystal, Gillett’s box vl Wormwood, No. 1 (Pure $6.50)... oe ee Oe : ie ee nine Au 10, 98.... 5... i44\Pequot A, 4-4.. 8 Z do. i T Ive .....- 5 | Wicking No. 1 gross.............--.. 50@1 65 | God Liver, fil o. 1(Pure $6. a eae 4 50 Lemons, choi ca bake thr er hee eee, eae i aie ao. a ale ae +10 do No. L@ BtOSs..-.....-..--.--- @A0 oo a = ie Pa gal 1 90 Bananas #@ ee PARC. oo. @5;50| Pacific Express. ARRIVE. a wet ee moat 580 4 do. Golden Bar....... i ° 2 eae HF Cate a Pt boo. ot 400 | Malaga Grapes, @keg......1212.12277 Lat Passenger. ea. 7:10.8 m SRR § | ak Re WP eee 2 ee .H,, P. & Co.'s, 16 pes, @ keg.......... Deuce ns ss A Graniteville, 4-4 a or eagge CC, 4-4.... 6 do. ‘ g Powder, 1776 # ......... Olive, Malag: co | meee vs rand Hapide Rixpre : 7 pone Greig | dk ang a “ss ae @10% Ee Be ee ce : 6 pes, # pol. '6 oo@s 5o| Grand Rapids Express... oo. 4:20 ed, : Gi eve i, nt do Amber. pier te | qo aaa e ». SS 04 Olive, Sublime iisiian a @} Pi Figs Pohang. a Me =. 0088 50 Grand Rapids By fot Fito aan scan 10: :50 pm iacglWacttactt, Bia be | Rebbe ee 300 | Boraxine @ bOX..............000ccc0e hee, (eniseu goctetniret etree ag ess 6 Ge pee eewee 1am | St ee next ot dNew York at 8 . sy ac Tie menmnsccici msec $0 BDOX... reese reser eee 3 5G se, thmsen’s. ............. Oz igs eee 15 ee | as it at 11:40 p. m., and New York at 9 Amoskens ACA. “s a xxxx ee a wa BA Dee 2 4 25 ean ae Se eae ae Ricromate POTASSIUM. ‘e 10 50 lane ie < Eee a o mbirect and pita connection made - . yi IR oo. e ottled BT ee: : it », eryst. and gran, bu I ee ee eerie a6 uth 7 geri At RRR foe eee or Leaner apa cae. = | Rae eo Gg | Setanta ane oop Bete a Ren : : geile OM ci a , | Zounce B. N. Panel @ dozen...........-... DER OY ELE Onan 4s 0+ 7 ipa frebices @ “| avoldir us oon ; ee : Palle BBG, 3 in a “ " seid “i , 3 4 do do do ee 115 Iodide, cryst. and gran. bulk..... 1 30 Daves, Fara 30 He pee @ Dog. ald ?| ‘The ecctt Rapres leaving at 6: Amonkeng oe it Hamilton 4a g8 Ground Shopice ere ns, - ie . ae. do do Althea, cut ROOTS. ’ i as. ee UW @l2 Drawing Room and Pgsrlor ‘Cox P atige ar oi Amoskeag, F....... 10 |Hamilton HH... |” 10 MNamon...........-.--- o. 2 Taper Panel do ee 2 Prime Red, raw reaching that city at n roi ee : 2 3 ; , St. Vincent's 7 i oe Pm. nextday. oe Premium A, 17 Hami ton, H..., ..10 CS ee No. 4 do d Pe es coats Ss year - ee ee : ee nn OP RMT. ee as oO Arrow, Taylor lis 5 5 a = cuits, Gent Premium A, 44." 1 Hamilton’ fanc$.. 10 Gi ingen: een anes 3c a ae Vy pa sms do ro (Powd 18¢) as and 14s... 45 yoney. = ae - go Peg J.T. SCHULTZ, Gen'l Agent. ae ne Cay Sta ooo ee ee eee cence No. 8 Pane : jalamus, peeled... a § Wado | : | ) Metiuon ASA wyenne mi oo 15@35 | No. 8 ane! do Calamus, German white, peeled.. - Fancy HP,. Va do ...............06 ¢ | Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee Omega As 8.0. it | Rapper 48,6 dod... 00007 a vs? ecampane, pay cpred Sees 23 | Almonds, T' NUTS. GOING EAST . 4 Siege ea oa | Abie ee eae ae vanilla. — (Powd ticl...........0...- _ 93 | Almonds, erragona, @2b............. 20 @21 : “Arrives Omega ACA, Ea Ginnamon 4 Woo "5 av a een Be ed 1 50 Oinece African (Pewd l6¢c)........ 13 @ 14 | Brazils ~loaea, . 00 .......... 5). 18 @i9 | tSteamboat Express.... ives. Leaves. Omega SE, 7-8...... J | Pepper, whole..22.0 6.00000 15 16 do do tak 275 (4 nger, Jamaica bleached........ o9 | Pecons, do eS 13 @is_ | tThrough Mail............ 10:10 0:20 a.m Omega SE, 8. B | Bopper whe ee oe do dO sec eeeeetiee 4 00 | Golden Seal (Powd 40c)....... 35 Filberts, Barcel GO... ca. 10 @iz | tEvening Express......... 3220 am 10:20am AR cg 8 0 ono = is peed Cassia See eee o No 2 Taper, Panel . eee ee 5 00 a ee Log 18 Filberts, Sicily ona _ Be eae @l4 ae Express.......... aa 5 ve aoe = 3 Sos [Oiaee : ee 00 Coa »SICUY —— GO wees eee 15 @I16 ixed, with mo : i Cordis Aca i a i Bherueket Seas 2% ia a a i ae round .. ee, a 3 fe Jt MBP, Boece ee Se : 1 a Watnute Gratabids eo . ! on esgorsa Wis 10:00 am SICA [Bhettexet SESW 'ntg | Nutmeesy Nol. eon Cae 7 OW OL ce “Nols as Sans Gaels eae 5 } ie ST. Cordis No B..... a Sheteker 5 sw. eens oe a No.’ Panel po Sa ib 00 ee extra select... i : *). a is Cocoa Nate 100. We belt qeee ning aes Slee: 240 pm 12:55pm vordis No. 3........ 2 | Muzzy Gloss1Bpackage............-. @, | No.0 dodo oo oc 6 oe ee By 1 saseesesses 5 00@ nboat Express... a ie Cordis No.3. i Stock — 2 | Muzzy Gloss 3 package. ....0....... a _,| No. 10 do a t 25 Rhei, from select to choice....... 35, | Hickory Nuts, large @ bu 5 HO@ | *Steamboat E .. 4:45pm 4:55pm . ; beige A... 7 Muzay Gloss 0h boxes FO stern ohn bye JENNINGS’ ee eS 6 00 Rhei, oe ee. > iaplee re 1 00 @1 50 Hickory Nuts, nolan 00 | +tMixed = — 10:00 pm ~ 'm CARPETS AND CARPETINGS eos. _ @ u easure— Wrapped. Rhei, choice cut cubes.....°...... = 00 *NBaigr Sundae oxpis Dall ia - Spring & Compan * Kingsford aie 7 @14) 14 Pint 20 mon. Rhei, choice cut fingers........... Soa OYSTERS. Tinley. Sundae excepted. *Daily. ig ude uotets noe, oe @Bie jounce # dozen...........-.. 1 50 Sarsaparilla, Hond oe "3 =. : TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. _ Kingsford Spb Gloss 6 box....: @9% 4 Bint 4 ac, Wee get c. "9 50 Sarsaparilla, eek poem se. 35 | . Dettenthaler quotes as follows: nes Leper eS a oe , 0 iver Gloss 68 box. wa : ee go OB hes ----o4- a 2 ee, 18 ew York Counts nnections at Owosso for La peas aeuipeas <” | SRMRINDRRIN Fs ee. ORE, | AMIR A DR geet 09 | Sauills, white (Powd 35c) E Og ee bey Detroit for New othereat Roxbury tapes @ oo ee Cay 3% Pint12 do do » 00 | Valerian, English (Powd 30c)...... 10 xtra Selects..... ee ee ; or New York, arriving th Byrnes @ B® | ORWEHO GLOBE ooo Be oie rian, English (Powd 30 Pl ei ce Eublsd @ ols. se codes cen See eee the foll g there at Smith’s extra......... @ % Mirvor GlOG8......5........-.-----+-+-- 4 Vanilla ' Valeria Cy. 22 yrs ern one 2 Mail ‘Drains, bo Smiths ¢ eae: “ ee ee a Gig b Pints iano Maen ioc ca 2 25 n, Vermont neve 28¢). . 20 a ee ee ee 0 West. Cars on Mail Trains, both East and Smith's © Palisade ee eha ne ay @ DP | osttee ..5...-i- SALT. : if Pint 8 - v8 pees oles sane 4 00 | Anise, Italian (Powd —- eime.. Bee eects 1a; _Limited Express has Wagner Slee Higwing, 6. -o. ooo ve eres @ 2% BB ORE ooo erty re 260 | %Pint12 do do ventttt eesti ‘8 00 | Bird, ean cn tain ee 3 1 | XXX Meee rencr nr ctes i6 througtt co Suspe ieee Bridge and Tthetiall Bes Sanford’s Cae a AMink 66 62.5... Ab, 11 ee o Canary, @uvrea....... sok... 4 oe ee Ce per gi lon... a2 a sh Wagner Car and local Si 1 eemenreaeas @ S| Saginaw Pie a ae io Be eta tase ¢ 444@ 5 p PROT oS. : @2 50) has a through Wagne : press ——. Cometic aie @ re : % atih HARDWARE GOODS. pi tad agg oe (Powd 19c).. 11 "@ 2 Standards P PONON o.oo css eens : "5@2 00| Car Detroit to Grad hones local oes a ie Ga | Mimi oie nan : ; i . . : yg FAIS PPO... ce ee re enaee O¢ ee ee oe et ete to iets Satan 00@ 5 Hartford @-ply.................. @1 00 SEEDS. oat he rates at Chicago are as follows: Cardamon, Malabar............... 2 =D cee ron mpoue axe tar eaerennt hulteases. — Taxpy ‘Gent Fs ss. oak ‘Bette / COWES. ccc cccg se oes | ee __ | Anvils—Peter Wright's, 3 Bio... mi a “2 AD | Or pte cae A OS ee @1 00 .Ganary Be > ae Gent 10 per cent. off. Flax. ca LOS tae Bu@ 4 a eee | i : Sanford’s &ply.....00;-:0..000 0005. GI OO Rape aio ss. coe scaete ee eciteteacees i ett Genuine ® B.....-------.-- qm | as. pure end (bl By)...» t{@ {| Perkins & Hess quote as follows: . | oe we ener g [Bape gio gcc cceseenstcesteetcen ail MBH a screen bse en tet @2 een enre powdered............ 8 @ 9 s follows: GOING NORTH lowell. boo ees @ Tig STONEWARE. o eee on Mastard, Wenlte. Meek ib) 4%4@ 5 | Gre ao | 4 : ee _ G Be saws w eation...-ee i. @s ee ea ee i) pcan aes i lee ad: 11 D6 @ 6y| Cincinnati &G- Rapids Ex. o@pm other males oc @ | Mile roa OF | caine gi ih ale Superior i... SIO | WR vant oe ee nd | Eaemepmmeae "EEE ALL WOOL SUPERFLN 2 a fees i on Ul 6% a Pevapte 2 afi} if ry hides and kips....00..00.00..o2... gee hue caly. ES. VE POLISH. Mis do ke a oe 14 | Gait ski PRUE ey ci nah s>- 0 r~sne ie & @ > | Ga Rapids & Cadillac Ac. 7:15am + Other " erotics 2 pix, cha Bo %@ 60 pieioe Sun gross..5 88|Dixon’s gross...... 5 50 % do Abin ceo 54 Florifia sheeps’ dat Sea 225 Deacon skin: Oe aie aS Sinnatl Ex. he WOOL PliiNG eee We awe aii i 5 88 Above @ dozea..-°-" 50 edo ae ee ae (i |Nassau do do) 8 a) ES. acang © Pleo @H0 | Sr Cknae & Cineinnatl Ex. (332 pm - All-wool super, 2- LLIN > eee es : x do aac. 2: 78 | Velvet Extra do an 8 2 Shearling 38 ace inee de Ft. Wayr ebx..10:25 = ADs oo cere wee f 5 SALE iets, Gentatiact @) nae centck. 434 | my : Doe ens m gs or Summer sk 2 yre this eee Penple wns Pag tae . ‘cotton chain. bua 45 yea d’spure @ 5%iCap. Sheat @ 54 Filge= Nicholson Manur e 50. 36 eonk ot Grass do do ek = Nor rms reenact = oc 3 a | aie vie is i : a OMBIN 4.5 2055s. 35 O5°ap dd) tae a : peat D 4 r cent 0 ; 0 cae rm vember and December pelts...... ; a : ag Doster ln cic: i ‘ i Chun ec @ 5% Paante.. @ Bis Hainmers—Maydole 8 10@15 per cent off. oon head, for slate use........... oS es es 60 @1 (0) All trains daily except Sunday. si — 1 chain, cotton’s wool, 2-ply 27%4@ 3214 TEAS. * Horse Shoes Buh dF 60 per cent off. @liow Reef, do 44.......5. ae re Weed Bo s+ ee ennes- 2-5: 30 @R | per urenaianal sang ie ingle cotton chain................ 19 @ 25 | Japan ordinary. Young Hy Home Nail Au as a gig keg. MISCELLANEUS. Goats Co ee ee North—Train. leaving at 4:45 o'clock 3-ply, 4-4 wid HEMPS. Japanfair........ “aa30|Gun Scena. 25@50| cent. off. and 10 per Alcohol, grain (bbl $2.24) # gal Dpyweened. 3) eee 33. «| has Woodruff Sleeping Cars for Petosk y and B, 44 id ide, extra heavy........ 274%@ 39 .| Japan fair to g’d. 30@37|Oolon F350) 35a @0 | Tron—Flat Bar $2 rates Alcohol, wood, 9 per cent re iba | ¥ so _sipbines sloping wit Chal fo si \ MM eek @ ® | Japan fine ce: 33@55@60 Sh : es. Bay Rum, ex. ret. 1 50 WaEhe .. aS , gg | Combined Sleeping and CI or Mackinac imperial, lain, 4- D@ | eapanuee,..----- 40@50|\Congo....... eet No. 24 $3.80 imported, best... .. 2 th We eee es — Se D, 33 inches tmnie @ 1847 Japan dust....... 14@20| goer’ @0 Swede’s bar 5c ® bb. Bay Rum, domestic, H., P. & Co.’s. So. | Muskra yi ee ee 25@ 40 | ale ae ey eee seca i @ Ii | TOBACCO—FINE CUT. Padlocks 30 per cent. off. Bees a eek BD NO: S aoa 10 @15 | South—Train leaving at 4:32 p.m. bas Wood- Nov, 4-4, 54, 4 OLL, CLOTHS, Wide Awake Lead—Pig @ tb..... _ | Alum, ground (Powd 9¢)..... 24@ 34! Muskrat, ee Bey ok TU Slee Ce eae ne on “ois, cromiis, 7 Wide Awa ss heen td 38 i. o pa o Annatto, prime..........-...0- +++ g aa hse See eee a 3@, 4| 3. LEET, Gen’! Pass. Agent. + No.8, “x4 bees @ 31% Hiawatha ...:.......... he, ‘ oo oo oa Bar Pee or a . ; “Asenie,W Rearend oa ® | Stank balPaipa so ioc ie : : : Ad 2 Hee | Mutha Ofer i es Seas eee eerie : Arsenic, white, powdered......... 6°@ % | Skunk, half a 91 00 Chicago & West st Michi an. Bis @ MY | Globe, CELI “0 Rope Manilla @ Lae emmy iad ola Beane, PROM Ma le 269 | Skunk, narrow eo Ca 60@ "0 & js ae ya ttn ease Loam sh. pa enh irae - 0 BISAIS0 DD, 65... sek eececess pe ee bo 10 @ll Beis, © anilla.<.:..5... bee. eevee 700 @9 75 | Skunk, Ee et ed 25@ 35! +Mail....@........-.- Leav es. Arrives, fet a epee, nt * Rose eat. 7 ae “ox o: ismuth sub nitrate... : 9” 9 Red 2. 10@ 15 slay Eeueees cc. 9:35 am 4:00 m feta plat oy a 2 Bvor Crow 200 SIT | saa Weiss precescsseces ctisten SH 94 | Blue Pil (Powd We a 2% | Gray Bere one “11 00@1 15| *Night xpress... ---< ee pm: Wits pm ees DB Os ee ire rce eer é teak Ob. Oe te VitEOL ago ™O | eos ae erent st a . ee a : ; bat «op Si Reamer in Shot uk 3 Ji 4 |B Borex send Siegen iM 2 Wasser, WellaW. fo ee, "a e ‘Daily... “Daily extept $ ‘Sunday. m 6:10am me | Seen as nn RG ast ee aes Me eee eee ee sees s eee tec e eee eee es 4 QO@S Sleeping Cars on all nig ae “hos on om | Ros Gain ee og poldge ge eT ee .4 @1i | Capsicum Oe wee res.. 1 60 ory Re ee ee 6 ona = Through parlor car in charge aight raine: Poms tohand, B finish, 44.. @ 1 | Old ay Ce. ER ae @bT ae ee Machine mr Lic. 6'8 eaickeh Bods, African poy'd J. ~ Door sins, ved aid blue dry 3 So iio = seas - sant = Mand, #4..........25..-. Oe ee te OM |. (MReR Bi cagens apsicum Pods, . 1 s. ong hi m4 “NEWAvGo DIVES ie ae as @. | Seal. et cients a Oe lime jan 4 7” oe ees Tao ed: 6, 4% une No. er do :.. i 18 eee ae BeAy = long Ei ae 30a 3B NEWAYGO ean, p. m. trains. i aie. on otter 2S fs , a BPG @B..-. co 2yse se a eS aba. ’ 1 eee eet 2 00@3 00 Leaves. Ar ee re ae os 2 euteneteee teense ences 4 Above prices are for p > . Miveg. (cc. Rs 3: rrives ts i Te BARB gc gicsciiitecree a ‘Galome!, Ameria ner: HM | prime in proportion. prime skins only —UN-| Bxpress..... ..-.seeeeeseee . bs am 3:20pm a ee ae 17 @ 184! Tallew Repro eee am ‘ 3pm We GW. 6 ees 6@ 64 Se Wace Gen) Puss, doer Le é } oLs, Gen’) Pass. Agent. | ORGOOR «bss eee ie eri ee 2: ~ MICHIGAN TRADESMAN, A MERCANTILE JOURNAL, PUBLISHED EACH WEDNESDAY. E. A. STOWE. Editor and Proprietor. _ OFFICE IN EAGLE BUILDING, 3d ‘FLOOR. | {Entered at the Postoffice at Grand Rapids es: Second-class Matter.| WEDNESDAY, DEC. 26, 1883. AMONG THE TRADE. ; IN THE CITY. M. B. Chureh’s new plaster mill has a ca- pacity of 100 tons of Jand plaster daily. M. C. Russell and wife left Monday for Hopkins Station, where they will ‘remain | until the latter part of the week. Henry Ives, traveling agent for the Plumb | & Lewis Manufacturing Co., leaves early in | January for a three months’ trip Mirough Towa, Kansas and Missouri. W. D. Mansfield, traveling agent for Brad- , ner, Smith & Co., Chicago, is building a handsome cottage residence on Second ave- | nue, in this city, and propeses to remove herein April. He has lived for several | years at Ypsilanti. Wm. R. Utley, for the past four years | identified with Eaton, Lyon & Allen, now recruiting at the Hudson Sanitarum, goes to Chicago January 1 to take the position of buyer for S. A. Maxwell & Co., one of the! leading book and stationery jobbing houses ; of the Garden City. AROUND THE STATE. } Falls & Truax succeed W. E. Hancock in the grocery business at Spring Lake. _ White & Maynard succeed A. B. McBrides | in the grocery business at McBrides. Brock & Halbert, dealers in groceries at! Muskegon, are succeeded by Brock & All-| port. : W. H. Campbell, formerly engaged in the| furniture business at Fennville, has opened | a furniture store at Manton. © | L. W. Schimmel, formerly in the crockery | business at Cincinnati, hag engaged in trade | in the same line at Muskegon. | E. Kroupa, who has operated a grocery } store and meat market at Traverse City, has | sold the business to J. A. Ormbee. | Cadillac Times: Messmore Bros.’ Great | Western Clothing House was opened up! Wednesday, by the assignees, who are sell-} ing off regardless of cost. } An Ionia dealer writes: Owing to the! light holiday trade a good many dealers at | this place have gone into the raffling busi | ness. Some of the more pious call it a gift | enterprise. F. F. Ingram, for many years a prominent | druggist of Ypsilanti, has sold his stock to| Capt. J. N. Wallace, of the firm of Wallace} & Clarke, furniture dealers. The store will be in charge of Fred S. Davis, a young gen- | tleman of experience. Mr. Ingram will prob- | ably travel for a Detroit drug house. { STRAY FACTS. Plainwell has a new cigar factory. The furnace at Newberry went into blast last week. : The Grand Haven Lumber Co. has closed its mills at Ferrysburg. The new Merchants’ National Bank at Muskegon will begin business January 1. L. B. Long & Co. have started business at Manistee, anufacturing sash, doors, blinds, ete. The 27 commercial travelers of Ypsilanti held a pleasant social meeting last Friday evening. ‘ The saw and planing mill of I. F. Tibbits, Ravenna, recently destroyed by fioods, will be rebuilt. Herbert Thomas’ planing mill at Chase, which was burned November 7, is being re-| built, and he will have a new one, larger and | better, running by January 1. . Big Rapids Herald: J. G. Martz contem- | plates the erection of a cracker factorv—a new industry in this city, and one in which his many friends will wish him unbounded success. i i j 2 | Petoskey business men are mnoving vigor- | ously toward rebuilding the public wharf | destroyed by the great storms. It is getting | a little monotonous, however’ to rebuild a! wharf every year. Cadillac Times: Weare informed that J. L. Rice, of the late iirm of Rice & Messmore, , is employed in a bank at Pentwater. IF. H. Messmore went to Chicago last Monday, it is stated, to look up a job. Charlevoix Journal: Old fruit growers, on general principles, predict that the fruit crop of next year will be enormous. They say it has been short for the three years past and it is bound to average itself up. The Diamond Match Co. has 13 camps in operation in Ontomagon county, employing about 500 men. The company intends put- ting in 20,000,000 feet of logs this winter, and has 10,000,000 feet of old logs hung up. The Manistee National Bank has moved into their new quarters in the R, Seymour block, and have an elegant office. This, with the handsome offices of the First Nat- ional, give Manistee two banking buildings | Both | of which any city would be proud. banks pay good dividends. VISITING BUYERS. The following retail dealers have visited the market during the past week and placed orders with the various houses: Stauffer & Salisbury, Hastings. Den Herder & Tanis, Vriesland. G. Bron & Ten Hoor, Forest Grove. B. DeVries, Allendale Center. J. C. Benbow, Cannonsburg. J. D. F. Pierson, Pierson. J.S. Boice, ILastings. Andrew Carlson, Gilbert P. 0. J. E. Rice, Coopersville. FE. J. English, Croton. G. S. Powell & Co., Sand Lake. C. Flanagan, Cadillae. Wm. Black, Cedar Springs. KE. W. Pickett, Wayland. J. L. Handy, Alton. G. B. Niehols, Martin. Walling Bros., Lamont. EK. S. Botsford, Dorr. C. E. Blakeley, Coopersville. J. H. Mores, Moreston. Dr. G. W. Hogg, Martin. G, P. Stark, Cascade. F. Kroupa, Traverse City. J. A. Ormbee, Traverse City. Brock & Allport, Muskegon. A. L. Wolf, of A. L. & M. L. Wolf, Hud- sonville. Dibble Bros., Burnip’s Corners. Jacob Bartz, North Dorr. Mr. Greenwood, of Greenwood & Ball, Grandville. C. O. Bostwick & Son, Cannonsbuig. LATE TRADE CHANGES. Bradstreet’s Mercantile Agency furnishes THE TRADESMAN with the following busi- ness changes, embarrassments, etc., occuring up to the hour of going to press: Albion—W. H. Rodenbach, grocer, sold out to W. H. Sampson. Addison—M. F. Turrell, hardware, sold out. Adamsville—Aaron Deckerhoof, grocer, ' sald out to H. S. Akins. Averill’s Station—Hiram Hamilton, hotel, sold out to M. O. MeFarland. Au Sable—Travis Bros., drugs, sold out to Henry A. Goodale. Avery—H. B. Wilcox, groceries and drugs, sold out. Bangor—Geo. Foster, livery, soid out. Bellaire—S. S. Drake, general store, sold out to John Underwood. Cass City—II. E. Hawes, hotel, sold out to Harry A. Gould. Charlotte—L. Curtiss & Son, hotel, suc- ceeded by Geo. Sherwood. Cheboygan—Wm. Spencer, hotel, assign- ed. Crosswell—W. A. Hale, drugs, sold out to i P. I. Graham. Clarion—VanSaw & McRae, general store, reported assigned; A. J. Bachelder, general store, assigned. Decatur—Rasmussan Bros., carriage mak- i ers, assigned. Detroit—R. T. Merrifield, drugs, closed by creditors. Fremont—T. T. Woods, furniture, sold out out to John’ Cole. Evart—Ide & Bennett, meat market, dis- | solved, Thos. Bennett succeeding. Frankfort—L. Averill & Co., general store, assigned to W. H. Francis. Homer—P. N. Failing, grocer, assigned. Harbor Springs—N. A. Smith, saloon, go- | ing away. Lakeview—Hodgeman & Dygert, grocers, | succeeded by C. M. Northrup. Marlette—Fisher & Siebert, drugs, closed on attachment. Three Rivers—Z. B. Ruggles, wagon mak- er, sold out to Robbins & Smith. White Pigeon—J. M. Stott. furniture, sold out to Wickett & Wiegand. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES. Sarah Rodman, dry goods, Ionia, assets $3,000, liabilities $4,500. Van Lieu & Beard, grocers, sets $1,000, liabilities $1,100. Cadillac, as- Kinney, McGraw & Co., tinners, city, as- | | sets $4.000, liabilities $5,000. WHERE THE BLAME LIES. “Humiliating as the confession necessar- | | ily is,” said the cashier of a prominent local bank, “it is nevertheless a fact that the blame for the late lumber failures rests en- tirely in the banks. We have allowed irre- sponsible parties more credit than was con- sistent with either safety or good judgement, and as a cousequence have paid dearly for the whistle, and have been compelled to suf- fer losses more severe than have ever fallen to the banks here before.” MORE SHOW FOR LEGITIMATE BORROWERS. “Since the banks have been bitten so com- pletely by the insolvent lumbermen,” said a leading grocery jobber, ‘I have noticed that i they are a Jittle more inclined to favor the | jobbing houses and other safe lines of busi- ness. Hetetofore it has been almost impos- | sible for the latter to obtain temporary loans, ' but let a man hang out his shingle as a lum- . ber dealer, and the bankers have met him ‘ on their front steps and voluntered almost | unlimited credit. ‘Times have changed, | however.” | THE OPPENHEIM STOCK. , clothing business at Whitehall offered to re- | ceive bids for the entire stock last week, and | several outside clothing men were present to | take advantage of the occasion. The stock inventoried about $14,000. The Oppenheims bid $7,000 for it and the other bi ‘ drew, claiming that they could not raise The receiver of the Wim. Oppenheim ers with- O. A. Clarks’ shingle mill, on the south) that figure. The receiver rejected the bid side of Clam Lake, was burned last Tuesday | and the stock is now being sold at retail. evening. ‘The mill was lately operated by | Frank Clary, was in runnimg order and was | valued at $2,800 and insured for $1,500. | Clary had lately moved his stock of shingles , from the mill, thereby saving the same from | Work of the Grand Rapids Boom Co, Francis Letellier, secretary and treasurer THE TRADESMAN with the following table, destruction. ta ae He : showing the amount of logs, in feet, handled Muskegon News: 16 News has all; py that corporation during the present year, along claimed that the Muskegon lumber-! together with the individual owners of the men are to-day in a position to be independ- | same: ent of the market to a large extent. They), « ¢ a anes! have shown the Chicago dealers that they | . Ce aa Ro ee 6 aee.aet can hold on to their stock until prices are Michigan Barrel Co.. offered to suit them, and should a lumber | Robinson, Letellier & ne © 3,645,610 2,852,677 inarket be developed here for supplying the! ¢ - heart PO Aes trade south and west, the Muskegon lumber- | Oe Woe es. 7318 men will be in a more independent position) R. W. Butterfield..... ..........--.-.-5: 383,663 than ever. Grand Rapids Chair Co..............---- 299,794 Kent Furniture Co...................--- 106,922 Five small lots... ..........-....-......,, SB BIT wey OE) ORES, = Se | Total :...<- oo isa sae: 21,921,707 | Hazetine, Perkins & Co. have lately fitted a out two new drug stocks and have several. ‘The practice of banks of certifying to the | more in prospect. B. N. Pettingell, who credit of depositors beyond the amount ac: | was burned out by the Rockford fige, has se- tually on deposit is likely to end, so far as! eured a building, and resumed business in National banks are concerned. A paying good shape, all things considered. A. J.| teller of one of the New York National | Halstead has opened a“new drug store at | banks has been indicted for such over-certif- | Muskegon, with promise of a good trade. ication, and if he is proven guilty, he will be | Dr. Clark, of Canuonsburg, has removed to punished under the new law of Congress | this city, and will engage in the drug busi-| which prohibits this sort of thing. No well- ness on Fourth street, about January 10. conducted, reputable banking institution Wm. Van Leeuwen contemplates opening a would need any law to restrain it in this re- Holland drug store on Summit street hill. —_ spect. - of the Grand Rapids Boom Co., furnishes | > { 18c@20e -# gal. ; Celery—Active and firm at 30 doz. Cabbage—Very firm and somewhat scarce at $6@$10 H 100. ‘Fancy heads, 10c. Clover Seed—Firm at $6.50 @ bu. Timothy-—In ample supply at $1.65 @ bu. Sweet Potatoes—Jerseys, Baltimores and Illinois are firm and somewhat searee at’ $5 ' @$5.50 BP bbl. for winter kiln-dried. A . week or ten days will see the end of sweet _ potatoes for this year. Grapes—Catawaba, very scarce at 10c. Cranberries—Cultivated Wisconsin, $9.50 | ; COUNTRY PRODUCE. L | Cider’—Geod quality and selling freely at | | at aN COMMERCIAL PRINTING ——AND—— | @$12 % bbl. Extra fancy, $15. Poultry—In good demand. Spring chick- ‘ens firm at 9@10c # Ib., and old fowls act-| ive at 7@8c. Turkeys were scarce the day | before Christmas at 15. _ Eggs—The holiday season has‘ kept fresh | eggs in active demand and nearly exhausted | | the supply of pickled stock. Fresh readily command 27@28e, while pickled are in good i demand at 23@24e. | Dried Apples—Quarters, 7@8e Ib.; ' evaporated, 14c@15ce. ' Honey—In comb, 16@18c¢ % Ib. | Potatoes—The market is looking up, in i consequence of the giut moving off. One dealer has an offer of 50¢ per bu. for a car- load of Burbanks on track, but if any are shipped without previous notice it in_diffi- cult to realize more than 35e. Small lots are selling at 45@50c. Apples—Winter fruit is firmer, and is sell- ing freely at $3.50 ¥ bbl. Extra fancy, $4. Butter—Very dull but a trifle firmer. Dairy rolis are moving slowly at 20c@2Ic, and packed at 14¢c@20c. Western creamery, 25ce@22ic. Onions—Dull and slow. Sales of choice yellow made at\$1.75@$2 YH bbl., and 65e bu. in sacks. Squash—Hubbard out of market. Buckwheat—New York pateut, $4.25 per 100 tbs, and $8.25 @ bbl. For ten barrel lots, these prices can be shaded to $8. Cheese—Full cream, firm at 14!¢c; shim, active at 9c@11c. Beans—Fair demand and moderate sale at $2.00@$2.25 for handpicked, and 41.25@ $1.75 for medium. Peas—Holland $4.25 @ bu. Pears—California $3.75 ¥ case. 2uta Bagas—Very firm at 45¢ P bu. Beets—In good demand at 75¢e Y bu. Great bargains in hard wood bedroom and center tables. Only $1.25. W. A.’ Berkey, 71 Canal street. D. S. Haugh, of Cody, Ball & Co., says if you want a good chew of plug tobacco, try “Hold Fast.” Incorporated Dec. 10, 1877—Charter in Force for Thirty Years. , _LIST OF OFFICERS: President—JAMES T. PHILLIPS, 44 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. Vice-Presidents—H. H. Hopson, Detroit; JOHN H. McINTYRE, Grand Rapids; THos. J. HAy- woop, Ypsilanti; WM. E. SAUNDERS, East Saginaw; T. J. PAXTON, Monroe. | Secretary and Treasurer—GEORGE W. Hit, 80 | Woodbridge Street, West, Detroit. | Board of Trustees, For One Year—R. W. HAwW- | wey, Chairman, J. F. COOPER E. H. McCurpy, | Detroit; For Two Years—Sam. B. SINCLAIR, | Gro. L. SAMPSON, WM. SAXBY, Detroit. | MEETINGS: ' Annual Meeting— December 28, 1883. MICHIGAN COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS” ASSOCIA’N. | } Eaton, Lyon & Allen, | 49 Lyon Street. } | Having purchased the Eagle Job Printing Establishment, and having added largely to its facilities, we would respectfully announce that we are prepared to execute in first-class style such orders for Book and Job Printing and Blank Book Manufacturing as may be en- trusted to us. Eaton, Lyon & Allen, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS PRINTERS, and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. I keep and sellat wholesale and retail a good assortment.of Bed-room and Parlor Suits, Upholstered, Camp, Rattan, Ofilice, and all kinds of Common Chairs and Rock- | ers; Marble Top, Wood Top, Extension and Breaktast Tables; Fancy Bed and Common ‘Lounges; Common Beds, Bureaus, Mat- | tresses and Springs, Mirrors, Fine Assort- ‘ment of Fancy Office Furniture, Bookeases, | Hal-Trees, etc., ete. Isell very cheap for | eash, and will inake special discount to all kinds of merchants, Send in you orders, or | give me a call when you come to the city to | buy goods. w=. A. BERERNEY, 71 Canal Street, ‘GRAND RAPIDS, - FJ. DETTENTHALER | Successor to H. M. Bliven, OYSTERS | AND CANNED GOODS. MICHIGAN. 54th YEAR OF /Agent for Farren’s Celebrated “ F Brand ; 5 i Raw Oysters. | © DD ey x S | 117 MONROE STREET, } ° : MICH. © LADY'S BOOK, low peice oF A: OO ren va. | Subscriptions will be received at this office | in Clubs with this Paper. TRADESMAN and GODEY’s LADY’s BooK for one year at $2.50. PROSPECTUS FOR 1884. We propose to make it, without exception, the best as well as the cheapest Home and Fashion Magazine in America, and we believe a perusal of the list of attractions to appear each month willbe convincing to every reader: Each Number Wil Contain: A beautiful steel plate accompanied by a story or poem. A finely-executed portrait of one of the eX-presidents of the United States, with a short sketch. Excellent colored fashion plates of the prevailing styles of dresses. Nu- merous illustrations and designs of the latest patterns in fancy work, in colors or black and white. An illustrated household department. An illustration of architectural design. A piece of nicely selected music. A full-sized cut paper pattern. Choice recipes for the household. Besides a rich variety of literary matter coutributed by eminent writers, em- bracing novels, novelettes, stories, poetry, charades, dialogues, art and fashion notes, to- gether with current notes of the day. As this magazine has been before the public for over fifty years, all may be assured that the above will be carried out to the letter. Address all communications to J. H. Haulenbeek & Co., 1006 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Send for Illustrated Circular and Glub Raisers Lists. i THE DRUG STORES FOR SALE. OOO RUG STOCK FOR SALE. The F. D. Caul- kins stock and business at Fife Lake. Address H. B. Fairchild, Grand Rapids, Mich. RUG STOCK FOR SALE at Invoice, about $5,500. The leading store in one of the best towns of the State. Reason, engaged in other business. Will sell on time. Address Hazeltine, Perkins & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Grand Rapids, Mich. A RUG STORE FOR SALE in Grand Rapids, for $2,500 or invoice. Owner has other business. Address Hazeltine, Perkins & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Grand Rapids, Mich. RUG STORE FOR SALE at Otsego, Mich. $2,000. Address Hazeltine, Perkins & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Grand Rapids, M igh. «GRAND RAPIDS, A. A. CRIPPEN, WHOLESALE Hats, Caps and Furs 54 MONROE STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, - MICHIGAN. We carry a Large Stock, and Guarantee Prices as Low as Chicago and Detroit. A. HH. FOw .iE, PAINTER AND DECORATOR, —AND DEALER IN— Artists’ Materials ! FINE WALL PAPERS AND ROOM MOULDINGS, WINDOW SHADES, PAINTS. OILS, AND Glass; Plain and Ornamental 37 IoNIA STREET, SOUTH OF MONROE. 129 and 131 Monroe Street, —WHOLESALE— Prices in No Instances Higher than those Quoted in this Paper. Write us for Special Quotations. Fruit & Produce at Wholesale Choice Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Mince Meat, Maple Syrup, Jellies, Buckwheat Flour, and Foreign and 'Domestic Fruits and Vegetables. Careful Attention Paid to Filling Orders. Blank Book Manufacturing ' Fumuitire Manufactorer | ' - HAZELTINE, PERKINS & C0., AND DEALERS IN LUBRICATING AND CARBON OILS. Manufacturers’ Agents, -—IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF—— ° DRUCCGISTS’ SUNDRIES & BRUSHES, Nos. 42 and 44 Ottawa Street... 89; 91. 93 and 95 Louis St.. GRAND HAPIDS, - MICHIGAN. Agents for STEWART BRUSH CO. and GRAND RAPIDS BRUSH CO. ORANGHS! wve have arranged to handle a large quantity of Florida Oranges this season, and are shipping in E11 Carload Lots direct from the srowers. The crop is Large and EFime,yand is selling at Very Low Prices. : Special Prices for Large Lots.: PUTNAM & BROOKS FX, MUSSELMAN & LOVERDGE, er ee ie PRE WR sth =| = a oh cE i a! a& me ERIDGE. ne \ Less a t ie iH i li SUTRA WHOLESALE GROCERS, 44, 46 and 48 South Division Street, Grand Rapids, Mich. ——WE ARE FACTORY AGENTS FOR—— Nimrod, Acorn, Chief, Crescent & Red Seal Plug Tobacces. Our stock of Teas, Coffees and Syrups is Always GConmleie. ‘ —WE MAKE SPECIAL CLAIM FOR oUR— Tobaccos, Vinegars and Spices ft OUR MOTTO: “SQUARE DEALING BETWEEN MAN AND MAN.” CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WW EOLESATIES HAT & CAP STORE PRICES GUARANTEED AS:‘LOW AS CHICAGO AND NEW YORK! GOOD FUR CAPS, $22.50 PER DOZEN, WOOL HATS, $4.50 AND UPWARDS GENUINE FUR HATS, $13.50 AND UPWARDS. ——LARGE LINE OF — DRUGGISTS i Imported Scotch Caps, PECK BROTHERS, Lumbermen’s Goods, Mackinaw Shirts ce Draw res. ——AGENCY FOR THE—— Pontiac Fulled Mitts, Socks and Boots! EVERY ONE WARRANTED: | ——LARGE LINE OF—— Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods. e¢ DUCK OVERALLS, THREE POCKETS, $3.50 PER DOZEN. | (e- Terms—7 per cent. off in 10 days; 5 per cent. in 30 days: net in 60 days. x CC. Is 30 V XZ. ; 36, 38,40 and 42 CANAL STREET, - - GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN. A.B KNOWLSON, —-WHOLESALE DEALER IN—— AKRON SEWER PIPE, Fire Brick and Clay, Cement, Stucee ! LIME, HAIR, COAL and YFOOD. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED. e M,C, Russell, 48 Ottawa St., G’d Rapids, oe7 ce sm sve eet ses, rate cae some, nr iti holesale Druggists, a,