WEAN UES SSS RACING Wry EV q \ en OE HD CARIN SNS ee Je SF NCO ee my Ze a a SNS SCV ne (a Cer Vi sey iat DY ATR a a SX CSPUBLISHED WEEKLY © 7(2 aC MIG ES Wa CS SS SLD za: = 4 VOL 11 “GRAND RAPIDS, NOVEMBER 29, 1893. 1s ie Merchants, This AND JOBBERS OF Fruits and Prod uce. A FEW SPECIALTIES AT THIS SEASON ARE: PLORIDA ORANGES. CRANBERRIES, cone GRAPES, SWEET POTATOES, WRITE US. 24 & 26 NORTH DIVISION STREET. CATAWBA GRAPES, We make ‘et GRAND RAPIDS, BRUSH GOMP'Y, MANURACTU R BR SHES G —, RaPIDS, Our Goods are seld bv all Michigan Jobbing Houses. MOSELEY BROS., . JOBBERS OF «. Seeds Beans, Fruits and Produce, If you have any BEANS, APPLES, POTATOES or ONIONS to sell, state. how many and will try and trade with you. 26, 28, 30 and 32 Ottawa Street. FLORIDA ORANGES Are beginning to come forward. We are sole agents in this city for the “STAG” and ‘‘PALM” brands. Nothing but selected fruit goes into boxes so stenciled. DON’T BUY INFERIOR ORANGES WHEN THE BEST ARE SO CHEAP. THE : PUYNAM : GANDY : GO MUSKEGON BAKERY UNITED STATES BAKING Co., CRACKERS, BISCUITS, CAKES. “MUSKEGON BRANCH.” Originators of the Celebrated Cake, HARRY FOX, Manager, MUSKEGON, MICH. Pronounced ? Rapersevrekapeanutwarmer. You bly él | |Tour trade like ‘Gl. ALL GENUINE HARD PAN,SHOES HAVE OUR NAME ON SOLE AND LINING. So h Co Agents for THE BOSTON RUBBER SHOK COMPANY. A. BE. BROOKS & Co., Manufacturing Confectioners, have a specially fine line for the fall trade—now ready RKD-:- STAR -- GOUGH -- DROPS They are the cleanest, purest and best goods in the market. OYSTERS. ANCHOR BRAND Are the best. All orders will receive prompt attention at lowest market price. KF. J. DETTENTHALER. TELFER SPICE COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF Spices and Baking Powder, and Jobbers of Teas, Coffees and Grocers’ Sundries, } and 3 Pearl Street, GRAND RAPIDS MILTON KERNS’ El Puri tano Cigar. THE FINEST vyvervenvevennevenve ve ven vevvenvenveneenenyt IF YOU SUFFER FROM PILES result from neglect to cure {0 Gent Cigar on Earth In any form, do you know what may them? It may result simply in temporary annoyance and discom- fort, or it may be the beginning of serious rectal disease. Many cases of Fissure, Fistula, and Ulceration began in a simple case of —_——_o——_—_— REYNOLDS, R OPPENHEIMER, Tosacco Co.. Detroit. EMON & WHEELER COMPANY IMPORTERS AND Wholesale Grocers” Grand Rapids. STANDARD OIL CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN. DETROIT DEALERS IN Uiluminating and Lubricating —-OTLS-— NAPTHA AND GASOLINES. Office, Hawkins Block. Works, Butterworth Ave BULK WORKS AT GRAND RAPIDS, MUSKEGON, MAWISTEE, CADILLAC, BIG RAPIDS, GRAND HAVEN, LUDINGTON. ALLEGAN, HOWARD CITY, PETOSKEY, HIGHEST PRIOE PAID FOR RMPTY GARBON & GASOLIN” BARRELS Bay City. Grand Rapids. Kast Saginaw. Mich. Piles. At any rate there is no need of suffering the discomfort, and taking the chances of something more serious when you can secure at a trifling cost a perfectly safe, reliable cure. YRAMID PILE GUR has been before the public long enough to thoroughly test its merit and it has long since received the unqualified approval and endorse- ment of physicians and patients alike. Your druggist will tell you that among the hundreds of patent satisfaction than the absolutely medicines on the market none gives better PYRAMID PILE CURE. It is any injurious substance. applications of the guaranteed free from mineral poisons or In mild cases of Piles, one or two remedy are sufficient for and in no case will it fail to give imme- diate relief. AVA AUUAUUUUUAUUAOU AOU AOU AUU AOU LUU LULU ANU AULUUII NEW FURKIGN NUTS Are arriving every week, and prices rule low on all of them excepting Brazils Our mixed nuts in 25 lb, Cases are fine. ORDER NOW. Ihe Putnam Candy Go. Spring & Company, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN a cure, VALd Adda ddd adda ddd gumweme TTT SUITUTTETTETT ed TNTVTUVTATTETTETTYTTY Dress Goods Shawls, Cloaks, Notions, Ribbons, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Woolens, rlannels, Blankets, Ginghams, Prints and Domestic Cottons We invite the attention of the trade to our complete and well assorted stock at lowest market prices. Spring & Company. | BEAT THEM ALL. PACKED BY | | | | THE PUTNAM CANDY CO. L ¢ hi ‘ i = FREE rig NEE Specs —. ——_F a =o Ye ae oa Sid Pr 2 As We 0) The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, The Bradstreet Company, Props. Executive Offices, 279, 281, 283 Broadway, N.Y CHARLES F. CLARK, Pres, Offices in the principal cities of the United States, Canada, the European continent, Australia, and in London, England. Grand Rapids Office, Room 4, Widdieomb Bldg, HENRY ROYCE, Supt. TH : FIRE r INS. 7°