Th Ke : a )/ * NG ae A KGS Ces WOON Ie a COMPANY, PUBLISHERS : NEE LSD) RETAIL Bee , a) eo ae BS SJ he = “/ y ay Tee Owe z PU BLISHED WEEKLY SU ONG SE ae TIRES : AG. = DOOR 5D EOD . S yD 2A = ps = * 2. Ze re ari i a “GRAND. RAPIDS. MAY 1,1895 NO. 606 rr vy orthern Trade supplied at Lowest M et P . We buv on track SPECIFY DAISY BRAND ME ses ACS Ste Pr PHONE /93 and 95 South Division Street, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. For Sale by all Jobbers of Groceries, Hardware and Woodenware. _ THE - IN THE LINE OF i ENBERTHY Heating - Plumbin nan none he = a i Ca I1moQ Q | : £5,000. Peereenny At ros ATIC al Tr pron in | mnder ail cor ~umps, Ws 4 Ur Steam, Hot Water or Hot Air. ee. ee een deal oie “BENGERTHY I INJECTOR co. ‘soma Caracogus. RANCH FacTORY aT WINDSOR, ONT. MICH, Sheet M etal Work NO FIRM IN THE STAT= HAS BETTER FACILITIES OR REPUTATION. OUR WOOD MANTEL GRATE, G4S AND E iL ECTRIC FIXTURE DEPARTMENT Is pronounced the FINEST IN THE COUNTRY, East or West. Absol ute Y & PULTE, cee —cums ‘Tea! : TELFER SPIGE CO. THE ACKNOWLEDGED LEADER ! Our Plan GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. Saves disputes and enables | you to discount your bills. | ~ ° at Saves book « charges and bad | W BK H ) f- I A l | af laf debts EBLE VG BALD CD LEI I ha FS af i Uo Leta nw Tes ta E | , Ce , ar) Sa i ow ty bite Hoh Saves worry and loss of sleep. | MARTIN L. SWEET, Proprietor. theta Mar W Wins cash trade and new| HENRY D. and FRANK H. IRISH, [Vegrs. customers. Steam heat in every room. Electric fire alarms throughout the house. Other IF NOT SATISFACIORY. YOUR MONEY BACK. | improvements and decorations will soon make it the best hotel in Michigan. A.C. McGraw & Co.’s _ Rubber Business “fo Is Big, because - We sell the Best Rubbers, carry the Largest Stock of the Fresh- est Goods, in the Greatest Variety of Styles and at the Best { Terms of any housein the country. Listen to our representa- tive when he calls,and he will convince you that above is true. A. C. McGRAW & CO. RUBBER DEP’T. DETROIT, MICH. Plans witli n will furnist “SK ETCH ES FREE Show Cases, wonder J. So Mabb at ra 7 Sil tent Jalesmar. Store Fixtures, Ete. oo oe BUY WANTED. Beans, Pota toes, If you have any to offer wrihe us stating quantity and lowest price. sample of pe aus you ve to offer, car lots or less. MOS: EL: Ye BOs. and 32 Ottawa “t.. GKAND KAPIPS, MICH. Onions. Send us PHILLIPS’ CASES. Silent Salesman Cigar Case, Send for Circular. J. PHILLIPS & COQ., Detroit, Mich. So.ip Back GRAND RAPIDS — BRUSH GOMP’Y, BRUSHES . Our Goods are sold by all Michigan Jobbing Houses. MANUFACTURER OF DS, MJOB ee OT TT TET, | Sutton & Murphy Co., SPECIAL AND ORDER FURNITURE Factory, 99 A. IONIA ST. Grand Rapids Telephone 738. ROLL CAP Office Fixtures, Store Fixtures, etc. Mm. HAFTENKAMP rtd ee Sheet Cheap: Ss. f ‘AS 1, FOUR TiMES An Lae oo, W.0.HOFSON& C0, out and Goma SIS. WRITE FOR PRICES ON ANY SHOWCASE NEEDED bn ID 55,57, 59, O1 Canal St. GRAND RAPIDS NEW CIGAR SHOWCASE A. ©. Melia Ww & Cy). MOnUICITerS SOS cn Jers Ruer Cond VETHROIT, MICH. Our interests on the road are looked after by the following competent and experienccd salesmen, for whom we bespeak the courtesy and kind + | consideration of the trade: x‘, Ce anip; Kapips Murex, We Pay HIGHEST When Loaded. Correspondence Solicited. F’. E. Chase, 51 Charles St.,| A. S. Cowing, 403 Woodward | Grand Rapids, Mich. | Ave., Kalamazoo, Mich. }E. P. Waldron, St. Johus,|}F J. Doud. Albion, Mich. Mich. E. J. Mattison. 504 Soy. 1\H. C. Liddiard, (eae P. W.) St. george Ind. VanAntwe os ealiac iio, tc. VV. Cab le, New J. H. Fildew, St. Johus, Mich. phia. O: io. ~ GHAS A.MORRILL &Co Importers and Jobbers of °> TEAS< |21 LAKE ST., CHICAGO, ILL. Clay Philadel- MARKET PRICES in SPOT CASH and Measure Bark | ee it + ee es y ad | Ame aK ee) 4 ey Ake oS So - G 3 (Aen ize (3 nae — Sen