There is no such thing as mass production of independent thought. " To Dartmouth College~ THANKS A MILLION! It was in April, 1922, sixteen years ago, that Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, bought their first TORO machine. That was news, but we couldn't say much about it because they were our first and only College customer that year. But here it is 1938 with sixteen years added to the calendar and during this time Dartmouth has bought a good many thousands of dollars' worth of TORO machinery. Dartmouth college uses two TORO Model B Tractors and 10 Trojan Mowers on their golf course. They also use a TORO Master B Parkmaster with 3 pneumatictired Super Mowers on their Campus. In addition, Dartmouth College uses a TORO Park Special Power Mower with Trailer Mowers and Riding Sulky, all pneumatic mounted, on the Grounds. They are now using their first TORO Pony Power Putting Green Mower. The passing years since April, 1922, have seen almost fifteen hundred other Schools, large and small, follow the lead of Dartmouth College in the selection of TORO Machinery. So to W. M. Gooding, Dartmouth Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, and his efficient staff, we say— "Thanks for starting something that never finished." we hope is S e n d for Our Interesting C a t a l o g 1 ; * New England Toro Co.~ DISTRIBUTORS FOR N E W E N G L A N D 1121 Washington St., West Newton — WESt New. 1658 When writing, mention NEWSLETTER. This N E W S L E T T E R is published monthly by the Greenkeepers Club of New England, and sent f r e e to its members and their Green's Chairmen. Subscription price ten cents a copy, or a dollar a year. GUY C. W E S T Editor In the play-off f o r the John Shanahan Memorial trophy, held on July 21st during heavy rain, Lloyd Stott and George Apple of Meadowbrook won f r o m John Counsell and Tony Manero of Salem. Both teams scored 87 gross, but the f o r m e r team had the larger handicap, thus winning the trophy f o r this year. Rhode I s l a n d C o u n t r y Club W e s t B a r r i n g t o n , R. I. GEORGE J. ROMMELL, JR. Business Mgr. 28 Granville St., D o r c h e s t e r , August, 1938 Mass. Vol. 10, No. 8 The ideas and opinions expressed in the subject matter of this NEWSLETTER are not necessarily those of the Editor or the members of the club as a whole. T h e club c h a m p i o n s h i p will b e p l a y e d at t h e n e x t m e e t i n g , t o b e h e l d o n S e p t e m b e r 12th, at the W i n c h e s t e r Country C l u b , W i n c h e s t e r , Mas«. T h e r e w i l l b e a d e m o n s t r a t i o n o f I d e a l e q u i p m e n t at 11 A . M., l u n c h at n o o n , f o l l o w e d b y t h e t o u r n a m e n t of I S h o l e s . If t h e w e a t h e r is b a d , w h e t h e r o r n o t the championship will be played will be l e f t to the discretion of the Golf Committee. AUGUST MEETING A joint meeting of the club with the R. I. Association was held at the Agawam Hunt Club, East Providence, R. I. on August 1st. There was a demonstration of Jacobson cutting equipment in the morning. Following lunch, an 18hole medal handicap tournament was played, with the following prizes being awarded: 1st net, Guy West, 85-66. 2nd net, Nick Bruno, 82-69. 3rd net, Phil Cassidy, 86-70. 4th net, Howard F a r r a n t , 89-71. 5th net, A1 Barney, 91-73. At the business meeting it was voted to appropriate $300 f r o m the Trustees Fund to initiate turf research work at the Waltham Field Station. The Needham Golf Club has recently started a fairway watering system, using 4" transite pipe, with Buckner valves and heads. A t present a threehole unit is laid out and under construction. The following letter to member clubs f r o m the U. S. G. A. is worthy of reprinting, as many of our readers may not have seen it. I t might be suggested that a copy be posted on the club bulletin board, where it has not been done already. P r o t e c t i o n of P e r s o n s Lightning Against National Bureau of Standards Handbook No. 21, 1937, p. 2. (a) Do not go out of doors or remain out during thunderstorms unless it is necessary. Stay inside of a building where it is dry, preferably away f r o m fireplaces, stoves and other metal objects. (b) If there is any choice of shelter, choose in the following order : 1. Large metal or metal-frame buildings. 2. Dwellings or other buildings which are protected against lightning. 3. Large unprotected buildings. 4. Small unprotected buildings. (c) If remaining out of doors is unavoidable, 1. Keep away f r o m (1) Small sheds and shelters if in an exposed location. (2) Isolated trees. (3) Wire fences. (4) Hilltops and wide open spaces. 2. Seek shelter in (1) A cave. (2) A depression in the ground. (3) A deep valley or canyon. (4) The foot of a steep or overhanging cliff. (5) Dense woods. (6) A grove of trees. Note by United States Golf Associa- tion—It is understood t h a t the elevation of golf clubs or umbrellas above one's normal height is dangerous. NEW JERSEY ASSN. NEWS Recent letters f r o m Kent Bradley give us interesting news of New Jersey Golf Course Supts. Assn. meetings. On July 11th, the Association met at the Twin Brooks C. C. in Plainfield, with demonstrations of the T e r f e r a t o r and the Perfection Mower Sharpener as part of; the program. A talk by Dr. Sprague at this meeting is given elsewhere in this issue. The August meeting was held at the Suburban G. C. in Union. A symposium discussion and report of damage incurred on links in this state was made by William C. Colthart, Board of Governors, Suburban Golf Club; John W. Cannon, Greens Committee Chairman of Twin Brooks Country Club, Plainfield; Doctor H. Sprague, Doctor C. C. Hamilton and T. C. Longnecker, of New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station; Doctor E. E. Eyaul, of United States Soil Conservation Commission; C. E. Treat, of Montclair Golf Club; Walter Totty, of Echo Lake Country Club; Jarvis Badgeley, of Galloping Hill Golf Course; Lewis Weilandt of Princeton Country Club; Thomas Hays of Baltusrol Country Club; John Anderson of Essex County Country Club and M. S. Whaley, Golf Course Supply Salesman. John B. Gill, irrigation engineer, discussed golf course water systems and showed moving pictures of installations. C. K. Bradley of Passaic Co. Golf Course, outlined some studies he has made on irrigation in connection with supplementing rainfall. N . J. T U R F F I E L D NOTES Held July 18 at N. J. Agri. Ex. Sta., cloudy weather, attendance over 300, (240 registered). Between 400-500 test and demonstration plots. No evening program was held this year. Sprague talked on the test plots, T. C. Longnecker discussed the soil experiments dealing largely with lime and other nutrient penetration in various soils there. J. . H. Boyce, graduate student-assistant agronomist explained methods, material and equipment used on the putting green show plots, to those connected other than with golf greenlteeping. New strain of velvet bent developed at N. B., was yet unnamed. Naming contest was held, 141 being submitted by the deadline, mailed and brought in f r o m 6 states, letter V headed more names than any other, there being 36 of this letter. Range, alphabetically, was f r o m "Ace" to "Wonder". Judges were R. F. Arnott, Greens Section, N. J. Golf Assoc., Fred Roth, N. J. Golf Course Supts. Assoc., Percy Plat, N. J. Div. P. G. A. Winning name selected -was Raritan Velvet Bent (Raritan River n e a r b y ) . Prize was to be one pound of the new seed, estimated to contain 10 million seeds. However, three had submitted the same name, so each will get a pound. Only winning contestant present was Oliver A. Deakin, Asst. Landscape Engr. N. J. State Highway Dept. The other two to get their seed when it is harvested are Clyde C. Hamilton, N. J. Sta. Entomologist, and R. A. Jones, Baltusrol C. C., N. J. Second choice of names were "Composit" and "Eureka". The seed presented tested Jan. '38, 99-85 inert 0.9, other crop (grass) seed trace. New strain features are desireable color, texture, vigor, disease and wear resistance, good seed production. Discussions were general turf topics. SPRAGUE SPEAKS (Excerpts of address made before N. J. Golf Course Supts. Assoc. at Twin Brooks C. C., July 11, '38 by Dr. H. B. Sprague, 1ST. J. State Agr. Experiment Sta.) I've had quite interesting conversation with my table mates this evening, on various subjects. Kent feels it would be well to explain why we have no equipment demonstrations at our Turf Field Days. The reason is merely t h a t we have not the space of turf and other facilities to handle this. Other branches of agriculture are able to show f a r m machinery, but as to turf tools, we just can't do it. For instance our waterpressure is only 25 lbs. and comparitive tests of sprinklers could not be made on a fair basis. Another item is the f a c t t h a t our owra program takes up a greater part of the day, at a time convenient f o r those to attend who have to travel some distance. Follow the l o r g r a s s t h a t g r o w s b e s t in this r e g i o n Do you want to get the most value for your seed dollar this f a l l ? Of course, you know that good seed is cheapest in the long run. But Woodruff can give you even more than that. Woodruff, the largest supplier of Colonial Bent, is an expert in the grasses native to this section of New England. Woodruff GRASS SEED DIVISION is intimately familiar with local soils, and is able to give you ^ unusual assistance in developing the best mixture for your S O N S particular land. When you buy from Woodruff you buy more than seed. Enjoy this extra value by ordering from Woodruff. THE CARPENTER LAWN MOWER SHARPENER DON'T HELP H E A T AND DROUGHT KILL YOUR GRASS! During the hot, dry period of Summer—turf grass is holding on by the slenderest kind of roots. Dull Mowers pinch the grass and pull out many of these roots, causing much damage. Keep Your Mowers Extra Sharp at this season and'you will save the grass you have. The Carpenter Lawn Mower Sharpener will enable you economically. Write for details. CARPENTER TOOL COMPANY 4 5 B a k e r St., P r o v i d e n c e , R. I. to do this $1=29? Sounds like a bargain sale!"] Six thousand square feet of real, effective brown patch protection for only $1.29? It sounds like a bargain, and it is! That's how low the cost of Special SEMESAN figures. And it saves money in other ways, too. Costs less in labor because fewer applications are required in severe brown patch weather, and does not damage the spray rig to bring on bills for repairs. Special SEMESAN is a thoroughly proved fungicide containing two organic mercuries for more effective protection. Easily applied in water solution or dry with compost. Order from your supply house. Five lbs., $7.00; 25 lbs., $33.00; 100 lbs., $129.00. Regular S e m e s a n , t h e original brown patch fungicide, a n d N u - G r e e n , t h e preventive which h a s t e n s recovery of infected turf, are also available at t h e following prices: Regular SEMESAN: 5 lbs., $9.90; 25 lbs.. $45.50; 100 lbs., $180.00; 300 lbs., $535.00. N u - G r e e n : 5 lbs., $6.30; 25 lbs.. $29.00; 100 lbs., $115.00; 300 lbs., $338.00. For f r e e T u r f D i s e a s e Pamphlet, write direct to— BAYER - SER/SESAiNl C O M P A N Y , INC* DU PONT BLDG., WILMINGTON, DEL. Personally, I am in favor of demonstrations, and would like to see more of which we had a sample of this afternoon. We at the N. J. Station have high regard for commercial dealers and manufacturers. They render to all an extremely vital service. We are not the least biased or predjudiced, and wish it were possible to have seasonal showings of their wares at some nearby golf course. Three other things my fellow diners and I talked over are in need of general consideration. The first is, What does the profession of greenkeeping yield? From the aesthetic side, we have a healthy occupation outdoors, and diversified so it does not become boresome. A f t e r your day's work is done.,» there is nothing to worry about except turf disease, insect invasion, drainage, drouth and budget appropriation, so you go to bed for sound and untroubled sleep!!! (plenty of laughter from audience.) Other than this mentioned "satisfaction", no one seems to know what the average salary yield is. Generally speaking, I do know it is small compared to other forms of specialization. If separate individuals were each paid for the many services one man—the greenkeeper,. renders a golf club, the total cost would be very large. It would be well if you all got together, made a statictical survey of your incomes and make it known. We agronomists have a pretty fair idea of what our vocation income range is, and if one cannot receive what they desire Fairway . N E W • PROCESS 6-6-4 formula with a humus-forming organic base Purveyors of: —FLORIDA —AGRICO HUMUS FERTILIZERS —GOLF and L A W N —GOLF COURSE —SEMESAN —FLOWER —SKINNER and SEEDS SUPPLIES NU-GREEN SEEDS and BULBS SPRINKLERS 85 State Street—Boston, —Seedsmen here, How value basis Since Mass. 1818 they apply there. I might ask, can any of you place monetary on your services if you have no for comparison? Greenkeeping is a profession that is bound to go ahead. By our living standards, recreation importance is on the increase. Another topic we talked over this evening was the newcomers to replace or carry on the work of present greenkeepers. You in charge of courses today, are certainly more qualified than any, to select the right ones. Agricultural colleges can handle the technical training, but you can only teach the art or practical side of greenkeeping. Boys who come from f a r m houses, we find are the best material for agricultural training at college. Some greenkeepers present claim their foremen (who are virtually prospective greenkeepers) are better versed in golf maintenance than the superintendents themselves were when at the same stage of the vocation. This is a healthy indication, and leads to the profession becoming as honorable as you, yourselves make it. The last subject, deals with the ability of what turf research work we can do for you. Your interest shows that it has value, to your courses, your employers and yourselves. Research appropriations in times like these are the first to be cut, and last to be restored. I believe that relief f u n d s are more important, but research work continues in industry, even during times of retrenchment, so that when the time comes, slack can be quickly taken up. Research is a long and laborious assignment. We are nearing the time when you will want new information quickly, and we will not be able to furnish it. By reduction of funds the well will become dry, the bank will fail. You know the results of turf starvation and neglect when required soil treatments are postponed too long. Reported by Kent Bradley. Write up your Summer troubles for the N e w s l e t t e r ! Let's h a v e y o u r " d o p e " by Sept. 10th. Help us make up a good isaue! Thanks!—(Ed.) "'Pioneers in Soil 'Uests for Seed F A L L ¿Mixtures" N E E D I N G For Greens: Tagged a n d sealed Colonial Bents. P. E. I. Velvet Bent Mixtures, 8 6 % Velvet, 8 % Colonial Bent. (Our own plot of this seed shows no brown patch although we have used n o fungicide.) For F a i r w a y s : Exceptionally p u r e K e n t u c k y Bluegrass; 9 9 . 9 0 % weed f r e e , over 9 9 % pure. E x t r a f a n c y Red T o p ; 9 8 y 2 % pure, 9 0 % g e r m i n a t i o n or b e t t e r . New Crop Chewings F e s c u e ; 98V2°/> pure, 9 0 % germination, in May this year. For Tees: Y a r r o w h a s given good results u n d e r h a r d play. W e have it. For t h e Rough: Use our Sneep Fescue, Canada Bluegrass, or P e r e n n i a l Ryegrass. Our prices on these seeds will be reasonable, t h e quality t h e best. When you a r e r e a d y to order, call or write us. W e a r e always glad to assist you with f r e e soil tests or advice in solving your p a r t i c u l a r t u r f problems. JOHN D. L I O N SEEDSMEN 37 B A R T L E T T ^ S AVENUE Belmont, Mass. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ** QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT L A W N SEED A N D L A W N CARE 1—What is L a w n Grass Seed? Lawn Grass Seed is one or more varieties of grasses capable of mowing to lawn length. I t m a y contain clover. 2 — W l i a t is t h e D i f f e r e n c e B e t w e e n Lawn Grass Seed a n d Grass Seed? All lawn grass seeds a r e grass seeds b u t all grass seeds a r e n o t a d a p t e d to use f o r lawns as practiced. Corn a n d Bamboo belong to t h e grass f a m i l y as do Timothy and Orchard Grass a n d m a n y others b u t a r e n o t a d a p t e d to lawn use. 3—Are T h e r e D i f f e r e n t K i n d s of L a w n Grass Seed Mixtures? Yes indeed. ( a ) — T h e r e a r e low grade, chaffy, low-priced m i x t u r e s usually containing large quantities of t e m p o r a r y varieties and light-weight, low quality perennial varieties. Sometimes contain small quantities of light weight K e n t u c k y Blue Grass. CONSULTANTS TELEPHONE Belmont 2907-J—4346-W ( b ) — T h e r e a r e low-priced, clean mixt u r e s m a d e u p entirely of cheap, quickgrowing b u t t e m p o r a r y varieties, such as R y e Grass, Timothy and Red Top. ( c ) — T h e r e a r e medium-priced, clean m i x t u r e s suitable f o r good lawn t u r f but which contain a reasonable a m o u n t of low-priced, quick-growing varieties which a c t as a n u r s e until t h e slower, b u t perennial varieties establish a good, sound t u r f . (d)—There are Extra Recleaned m i x t u r e s m a d e u p entirely of perennial varieties. These m i x t u r e s a r e usually balanced to produce fine-textured, lasting t u r f . T h e recleaning of these perennial varieties removed t h e lightweight chaffy seeds leaving only clean highg e r m i n a t i n g kernels. This is b y f a r t h e cheapest m i x t u r e to b u y . 4 — W h y Does O n e Lawn Grass Mixture Cost More Than Another? N a t u r e played a trick on us. T h e quick-growing, b u t short lived grasses are less expensive to raise a n d h a r v e s t and to clean, hence t h e y cost less money. Light-weight chaffy grades of t h e p e r m a n e n t varieties a r e either t h e Year Round Utility with the tMtaki A P o w e r L a w n M o w e r — a P o w e r Sweeper — a P o w e r R o l l e r all i n o n e c o n v e r t i b l e c o m b i n a t i o n — t h e I d e a l Caretaker. T h e m o w e r a s s e m b l y e m b o d i e s a d v a n t a g e s f o u n d in n o other mower Full-floating, power-driven cutting unit w i t h 8" reel. Will t r i m close a r o u n d flower beds, d r i v e s , qfc:.; a n d will h a n d l e a w i d e v a r i e t y of m o w i n g c o n d i t i o n s h m a x i m u m efficiency. T h e s w e e p e r a s s e m b l y offers a n efficient m e t h o d of w i n d r o w i n g — l e a v e s in t h e fall; s w e e p i n g d e a d grass a n d d e b r i s f r o m l a w n s in t h e s p r i n g ; s w e e p i n g s n o w f r o m w a l k s , d r i v e w a y s , p l a t f o r m s a n d s k a t i n g r i n k s in t h e w i n t e r . I t t a k e s less t h a n 30 m i n u t e s t o c o n v e r t t h e " C a r e t a k e r " f r o m a p o w e r m o w e r t o a p o w e r s w e e p e r or vice v e r s a — t h e p o w e r u n i t will h a u l l a w n roller, s p i k e r , etc. T r u l y a n i m p l e m e n t of p r a c t i c a l , y e a r - a r o u n d u t i l i t y . W r i t e for c o m p l e t e information and c a t a l o g , or a s k t o have our nearest r e p r e s e n t a t i v e call. IDEAL POWER LAWN M O W E R C O M P A N Y New York Branch: 12 H a r r i s o n St. N e w Rochelle, N . Y . New England Distributor: 436 K a l a m a z o o S t r e e t Lansing, Michigan Ideal M o w e r Sales & Service, Canadian Distributors: Aikenhead Hardware, Ltd. 17 T e m p e r a n c e St., T o r o n t o , O n t . 111 Cypress St., B r o o k l i n e , Mass. cleanings removed by recleaning or a harvest of poor crop seed. Recleaned, high quality seed is the result of selecting only the best crops and then cleaning and recleaning to perfection. This milling also removes the weed seeds. The best seed you can buy is cheapest in the end. 5 — W h a t Constitutes a Really Good Lawn Mixture for Average Soils? A mixture of grasses containing at least 60% of two or more basic or permanent grasses (Kentucky Blue Grass, Colonial Bent or Chewings Fescue) plus a nurse grass (Recleaned Red Top). It should be at least 97% pure and have a germination of at least 88%. Weed content will be at a minimum. 6 — H o w Does a Shady Mixture Differ From a Regular Sunny Mixture? Turf, under trees, grows with a handicap. Dense shade prevents penetration of the life giving ultra-violet rays. Trees prevent the f r e e circulation of air. Tree roots sap as high as 75% of the water and plant nutrients f r o m the soil "and heavy foliage trees act as a watershed in diverting rain under trees. Certain grass varieties p r e f e r cool moist shade f o r growth but also require fertile alkaline soils. Among this group are Rough Blue Grass (Poa trivialis) and Wood Meadow Grass (Poa nemoralis). Fine-Leaved Fescue p r e f e r s shade but is not so particular about the acidity or fertility. Velvet Bent also does well in shade. Other grasses, because of their heavy rootsystem, thrive on poor deficient soils in the shade, on sand or under any adverse conditions. Chewings Fescue (Festuca r u b r a var. fallax) is one of our best, if not the best shade grass. Kentucky Blue Grass will also withstand a considerable amount of high shade. A true Shade Mixture, therefore, will contain liberal quantities of the fescues, some of the poas and a small amount of a good clean nurse to occupy the ground until the slow-growing permanent varieties become established. 7 What is a P o o r Soil Mixture? One may either improve soil to produce the type of turf desired or may choose grass varieties capable of surviving on the existing soils. Such a mixture must contain deep-rooting drought-resisting and low-feeding varieties in abundance if permanent turf is to be had. U n f o r t u n a t e l y the varieties which can withstand these un-natural conditions grow slowly and a nurse is necessary to occupy the area and to protect the slower but permanent varieties until they become established. Chewings Fescue and Canada Blue Grass as well as Colonial Bent will withstand these conditions. Two or more of these varieties should make up at least 60% of the mixture if it is to serve the purpose f o r which it is intended. 8 — W h e n is t h e B e s t T i m e t o M a k e a New Lawn? At the same time t h a t n a t u r e sows her seed—the fall. The success of lawn depends on the proper development of a ^ f ^ deep, vigorous root-system. Early fall seedings afford two ideal growing seasons, fall and spring, before the new turf is subjected to hot trying weather. An early September seeding allows a t least six weeks of growing weather before winter sets in thus permitting good root development. If spring seeding is necessary, it should be accomplished as early as possible to permit a long growing period before hot weather. It is more advisable to sow a quick-growing, temporary mixture in the spring and reseed in the early fall with the permanent mixture. Weeds are less aggressive in the fall and good thick turf is the best weed eliminator known. 9—When Should a Lawn be Fed? Lawn Grasses have the longest growing season of all the vegetable kingdom. They spread or "fill out" during the cool growing weather of spring and fall. For maximum results fertilizer should be applied very early in the spring and again in early September. If two applications per season are impossible, the fall dressing is the more valuable f o r it /tj^ will nourish all fall and again the following spring unless the soil is very sandy when it may be lost through leaching. 1 0 — W h a t Analysis Fertilizer Produces Maximum Healthy Turf? This will vary with the soil. If the area has not been f e d f o r several years, a plant food high in phosphorous should be used. If this is applied in the spring it should be followed by a high nitrogen fertilizer in the fall and each fall t h e r e a f t e r f o r five years when the high phosphate fertilizer should again be used. For regular feeding the Nitrogen (first figure) should equal the sum of the Phosphate (second figure) and Potash (third figure), such as a 10-6-4, 8-6-2, 10-5-5, etc. The source of the "EMERALD V E L V E T B E N T GRASS SEED The Finest of all Velvet Bent Strains For Golf Greens New Crop Now Available Purity—90%, Germination—85%, Inert Other Grasses—0.1% Matter—9%. I n q u i r e of y o u r s e e d dealer, or w r i t e us directly. EMERALD FARM NEWTON _ (Growers of Velvet NEW Bent Grass JERSEY Seed) NEW ENGLAND DISTRIBUTORS OF I I I I I £ V/JAV/ Power Mowers—Gang Mowers—Hand Mowers Tractors and G a n g M o w e r C o m b i n a t i o n s of 3-5-7 Units Rollers—Spikers Sod Cutters—Soil Screens BUCKNER — Fairway — Tee — Green Sprinklers and Valves Milorganite — Netco 8-6-2 Putting Green — Fertilizers FRIEND LEWIS Power Sprayers Tee Equipment — — McCLAIN STANDARD Hand Pressure Outfits Green and Tee Equipment WORCESTER Lawn Mowers — PEERLESS and .CARPENTER Grinders Antube — Arsenate of Lead —• Brown Patch Preventatives Flags —• Poles — Tools — Fertilizer Distributors — Seeders Hose — Markers — Ball Soap — Burners — Sod Cutters —• Towels Grass Seeds — Special Mixtures — Certified Bents New England Toro Co. DISTRIBUTORS FOR N E W E N G L A N D 1121 Washington St., West Newton — WESt New. 1658 nitrogen content should be at least 5 0 % f r o m the organic sources with the balance f r o m chemical or in-organic materials. 11—At What Height Should Be Cut? the Lawn During the spring and fall the lawn m a y be cut at 1 inch to 1 % inches. During hot weather, it should be cut at least 1V2 inches. (This can be best done by placing the mower on a smooth s u r f a c e such as a sidewalk or garage floor. By raising or lowering the roller the bedplate can be set to the desired height.) Clippings may or may not be removed, providing they are not heavy enough to m a t and cause burn. 12 When and Be How Should Watered? a Lawn Thorough soakings with a fine mist or spray is of much more value t h a n f r e quent light waterings. Soak deeply to encourage root-growth. W a t e r at a time of day when the t e m p e r a t u r e of the soil is nearest the t e m p e r a t u r e of the water — l a t e evening or early morning. W a t e r ing during the day does not damage, but scald invariably results immediately a f t e r w a t e r i n g ceases. — T u r f Topics. SOIL WATER (A 1937 Recreation Paper) Conference In greenkeeping one should know a little about soil w a t e r . A soil, in order to f u n c t i o n as a medium f o r plant growth, must contain a certain a m o u n t of water. This moisture promotes the innumerable chemical and biological activities of the soil and acts as a solvent and carrier of nutrients. The amount, character, and control of soil moisture evidently must be reckoned with in any study of soil and plant relationship, whether t h e y are of a practical or a theoretical nature. The productivity of a soil is o f t e n a direct f u n c t i o n of its moisture condition. In order to grow, plants must have a certain a m o u n t of water. This is ref e r r e d to as the w a t e r r e q u i r e m e n t . The expression " w a t e r r e q u i r e m e n t " of a plant r e f e r s to its needs and means the a m o u n t of w a t e r t h a t passes up through it and evaporates f o r every pound of dry material produced. Plants differ in their w a t e r r e q u i r e m e n t s and, f o r the same plant, climate influences this requirement considerably. In addition to this there is a large percentage lost by evaporation f r o m the soil. Some of the f a c t o r s t h a t influence the w a t e r requirements of plants a r e : a. The weather—If the air is hot and dry much more w a t e r is required than when the air is cool and moist. Wind and sunshine may also increase the a m o u n t of w a t e r transpired. b. T h e w a t e r s u p p l y is in t h e soil— When the soil contains a large supply of available water, plants are more lavish with it than when t h e r e is a low supply or when the soil gives up its moisture more slowly, as in the clay loam or silt loam. C. R i c h n e s s of t h e s o i l — W h e n other conditions are the same a plant requires about one-half the a m o u n t of water when growing on a rich soil than 011 a poor soil. d. Manure and fertilizer treatments — T h e use of m a n u r e or organic material and fertilizers on poor soils not only increases the growth b u t may decrease the w a t e r r e q u i r e m e n t s of plants f r o m 30 to 5 0 % . These f a c t o r s should be considered by each greenkeeper when the water is applied to a green or a f a i r w a y . In order to u n d e r s t a n d soil water, it is necessary to know the w a t e r and its relation to the soil. This occurs in t h r e e f o r m s or conditions: a. Gravitational — or f r e e water. W a t e r which, if opportunity be given it, will flow off or be drawn down t h r o u g h the soil and away by gravity. b. Capillary water Water which is held by the soil against gravity a f t e r all f r e e w a t e r is allowed to drain off, b u t which is f r e e to move f r o m soil particle to soil particle. c. Hygroscopic water — Moisture which exists in air-dried soil, or soil in which nlants p e r m a n e n t l y wilt. Usually a small amount of capillary water is present in soils when plants wilt. Of these t h r e e f o r m s of water, capillary w a t e r is the most important, because this is the f o r m which constitutes t h e soil moisture reserve f r o m which crops or plants draw their w a t e r reouirement. In later years, because of this, many experiments have taken place on a new w a t e r i n g system f o r greens and fairways. These experiments consist of pipe r u n under the s u r f a c e of the a r e a to be watered, f r o m which ^ ^ water will be released. The water carried to the plants by capillarity would, theoretically, become more evenly distributed but as yet it has not worked out practically. There are several factors which influence the rise of capillary water. The two most important are: soil texture and compaction. Soil texture means whether the soil particles are close together with little pore space, as in clay, or whether they are f a r apart, as in sand or gravel. Compaction, on the other hand, is whether these particles are close together. This causes better ^ ^ capillarity. To aid capillary water in a soil, careful consideration should be given to the top-soil as to its relation with the sub-soil. A good contact between the two allows the capillary water to be drawn up into the top-soil where the plant feeds. This is one of the important reasons f o r rolling the growing area in the spring. In rolling, one should take care not to do it to too great an extent. Especially is this true in tight, heavy soils such as a clayey soil. In sandy soil the rolling should be more extensive. Water-holding-capacity must also be taken into consideration in the watering and maintaining of the soil. We mean by water-holding-capacity the greatest amount of water t h a t can he retained a f t e r all f r e e water is given a chance to drain out. This water is expressed in percent of perfectly dry soil. The following is a table showing the given water-holding-capacity of diff e r e n t types of soils: A course sand 15% > • A fine sand 22% A light colored silt loam 30 % A black silt loam 45% A well decomposed peat 134% ' A careful consideration of the facts given should aid greatly in determining the maintenance of one's soil. The importance of soil water to the greenkeeper should affect his water application program. If he understands its functions, he will be better able to regulate and control the water applied as well as a f t e r it enters the soil, and adapt it to his particular type of soil. Submitted by William Lord Sydney Golf Club Sydney, N. Y. "It's a cinch to cut the other fellow's budget." WINTER HARDY—ACCLIMATED RHODE ISLAND CREEPING VELVET B E N G R A S S and Fairway T SEED Mixtures of h i g h e s t q u a l i t y f o r lowest price t h a t s e e d of e q u a l q u a l i t y c a n be o f f e r e d . NATURE HAS WRITTEN A PRESCRIPTION for your course. Right h e r e in s o u t h e r n N e w E n g l a n d is t h e n a t u r a l h o m e of t h e e n t i r e f a m i l y of the Bent grasses, the principal member of w h i c h , n a m e l y R. I. B e n t , d e r i v e d its n a m e f r o m this, t h e smallest s t a t e in t h e u n i o n . You c a n g r o w N A T U R E ' S O W N I N S U R A N C E into your turf by using F R E S H , V I A B I J U s e e d w h i c h g r o w s in Y O U R l a t i t u d e in Y O U R c o u n t r y . SAVE for your club: Buy direct f r o m the grower. your seed A . N. P E C K H A M KINGSTON RHODE ISLAND F O R B P R O W A T C N H use PFIZER MERCURIAL MIXTURE 2/3 Calomel, 1/3 Corrosive Sublimate. 81% Mercury content insures greatest effectiveness. Buy now at p r e s e n t low For further particulars CHAS. PFIZER 81 Maiden Lane & New prices. u)iite CO., INC. York City PFIZER MERCURIAL MIXTURE GREENKEEPERS' SUMMER BULLETIN The Spring growing season has been cool with plenty of soil moisture. This has caused an abnormal growth of clover in fairways and to a lesser extent in greens. We have what greenkeepers call a clover year. This cool damp weather has also caused damage to greens turf by Eythium and Pink Spot, two diseases which are not controlled by mercurial sprays and f o r which there is no known satisfactory remedy. In some cases, liming of the greens at the r a t e of 15 lbs. to 1000 sq. f t . of ground limestone is beneficial. Allow ten to f o u r t e e n days to elapse between the use of lime and an application of any fertilizer containing ammonia compounds. Spiking, bef o r e applying lime, encourages quicker penetration. The recent hot muggy weather, with an excessive amount of rainfall and cloudy weather, has made a soft tender growth of grass. This growth is very susceptible to brown patch and scald. In this hot weather of mid-summer, half doses of brown patch materials should be applied. Mercurial burns are o f t e n worse than the brown patch disease. What is meant by scald here, is a condition of the soil where the ground is saturated with water. Until this gravity water drains out of the soil and allows air to penetrate, the plant is unable to take in water. If the top of the green dries out while the roots are in the saturated condition described above, it will be necessary to water lightly to control scald. This should not be confused with wilting, a condition where the soil becomes powder dry, and the grass footmarks^ when walked on, t u r n a bluish color and finally brown if not watered immediately. Troubles f r o m overwatering usually occur in mid-summer. Very often golfers are responsible f o r this practice because of their demand f o r a soft green. It is important to have some sort of a tool to f r e q u e n t l y test the green f o r soil moisture to the depth of six inches. The frequency and quantity of water applied varies with the individual green. OFFICERS' President Secretary Treasurer Chairman Chairman Chairman Chairman There are three kinds of water. F i r s t : The water table where the ground water stands, and which varies in depth f r o m time to time becoming lower during dry periods and rising in periods of heavy rain. Second: Gravity water which is rainfall seeking the water table by force of gravity or running off through drains. Third: Field water or the usef u l water which is held around the soil particles. This last is the only f o r m of water available to plant roots. In watering, sufficient water should be applied to nearly satisfy the field water capacity of the soil. Overwater expels the air f r o m the soil and causes waterlogging. This can occur naturally or artificially. Along with overwatering, another cause of mid-summer turf troubles is over-fertilization. Great care should be exercised during July and August to keep fertilization down to a minimum. This is crab grass season. Hand weed it out as soon as possible before it seeds. In severe cases, it may help to rake the greens before mowing. Persistent weeding will eventually clean the green. The white grub seems to be quite prevalent this year in fairways. The excessive rainfall has helped in growing roots on the grass as f a s t as they are eaten off. However, crows and skunks digging in the fairways in search of grubs do considerable damage. If the i n j u r y is too severe, either shoot the crows and skunks or apply arsenate of lead at the rate of 5 lbs. per 1000 sq. f t . For the grub of the manure beetle and similar small grubs, 2 lbs. per 1000 sq. f t . For sod webworms and cut worms, spray the green at the r a t e of 2 lbs. per 1000 sq. f t . The leaves of the grass should be thoroughly coated with the arsenate of lead spray. Reduced budgets have required ingenuity on the greenkeeper's part to keep up the standard of maintenance and reduce operating costs on the golf course. Close supervision, up to date and efficient methods, discussing of problems with other greenkeepers will help to attain this objective. Service Section Committee, Mass. Golf Assoc. DIRECTORY R. A. Mitchell, Kernwood C. C., Salem, Philip Cassidy, 45 Grosvenor Rd., Needham, F r a n k Wilson, Charles River C. C., Newton Centre, Enter. Comm Sam S. Mitchell, Ponkapoag G. C., Canton, Golf Comm Lloyd G. Stott, Meadow Brook G. C., Reading, Welfare Comm Paul Wanberg, 8 Curtis St., Waltham, Employment Comm Guy Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. West ^^ F U N G O L For Brown Patch and Soil F U N G O L is v e r y v a l u a b l e to Greenkeepers a n d Club M a n a g e r s b e c a u s e of i t s g r e a t c o v e r ing- c a p a c i t y a n d e f f e c t i v e n e s s in t h e p r e v e n t i o n a n d c o n t r o l of Brown Patch and the other f u n g u s turf diseases, a s well a s t h e e r a d i c a t i o n of soil v e r min. F u n g o l is a q u a l i t y p r o duct perfectly adaptable to e v e r y m e t h o d of application. M a y be u s e d w e t o r d r y . SPECIAL Vermin The extra large covering c a p a c i t y of F U N G O L m a k e s i t a most economical fungicide and vermicide. One pound t r e a t s n o t l e s s t h a n 3,500 s q u a r e f e e t . F U N G O L is e q u a l l y e f f e c tive for checking quick outb r e a k s of b o t h l a r g e a n d s m a l l Brown Patch. The high quality of i t s c h e m i c a l i n g r e d i e n t s i n s u r e s i t s d e p e n d a b i l i t y u n d e r all climatic conditions. LITERATURE UPON REQUEST Prices 10 lb. Drum for 35,000 square feet $18.85 25 lb. Drum for 87,000 square feet 44.50 50 lb. Drum for 175,000 square feet 83.50 "The Nitrogen 21 — V E G - Cool Food E For T O N I C Golf Phosphoric Acid Greens" 13 — Potash V E G - E - T O N I C is c o m p l e t e l y s o l u b l e a n d c o n t a i n s n o i n e r t fillers. P r o p e r l y b a l a n c e d in h i g h e s t p e r c e n t a g e s of Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid a n d P o t a s h . I d e a l f o r Golf G r e e n a n d L a w n f e r t i l i z a t i o n i n a n y l o c a l i t y a n d is a b i g e c o n o m y in l a b o r , d r a y a g e , s t o r a g e and time. V E G - E - T O N I C d i s s o l v e s r e a d i l y in w a t e r , will n o t clog pipes, h o s e or n o z z l e s ; is c l e a n a n d o d o r l e s s , a n d e a s i l y applied w i t h sprayer, sprinkling cart, p r o p o r t i o n e d sprinkling c a n , or b e t t e r still, t h e M c C l a i n H y d r o - M i x e r . V E G - E - T O N I C produces finest Greens and L a w n s at l o w e s t e x p e n s e . L e a v e s no r e s i d u e on t h e t u r f . Readily gets down to root s y s t e m s a n d produces quick a n d lasting grass growth. 100-Pound Drums $16.00 Each New England Toro Co. DISTRIBUTORS FOR N E W E N G L A N D 1121 Washington St., West Newton — WESt New. 1658 10 : ; ; Sheriff J a m e s (Jimmie) Wi l i a m s , C h a i r m a n of the Greens. Committee of the Hillcrest C o u n t r y C l u b , scene of the recent K a n s a s C i t y Open C h a m pionship, with Worthington e q u i p m e n t used to keep the course in c h a m p i o n s h i p c o n d i tion. WORTHINGTON EQUIPMENT will groom your course to Championship Condition, too W o r t h i n g t o n O v e r g r e e n s c u t in concentric circles giving you " t r u e r " greens and finer playing surfaces, for your ball always rolls t o w a r d the cup f r o m a n y direction over the same nap or grain. Overgreen cut greens are never alternately " f a s t " or " s l o w " as g r e e n s cut t h e o l d - f a s h i o n e d w a y in strips or ribbons must be. Overgreens pay for t h e m s e l v e s in time, m o n e y a n d manpower saved, for one man with one Overgreen can cut the entire 18 greens in a p p r o x i m a t e l y 4 hours a job that l a k e s f r o m 18 to 22 labor h o u r s by h a n d cutting on the average 18-hole course—which enables you to spend more time without additional labor cost—in raking traps, trimming around bunkers and hazards, weeding greens, grading and seeding and other work, necessary but often neglected, to keep y o u r c o u r s e in c h a m p i o n s h i p shape. W o r t h i n g t o n T r a c t o r s , too, a r e m o n e y • "Zfear out this coupon for handsome, C. M. SAWTELLE. Neiv Eng. Distributor 3 Walker Terrace, Cambridge, Mass. Telephone: Trowbridge 7491 illustrated catalogue with full equipment. money-savi ig li/oitKington M o\pnpany. wer M a i n Office Stroudsburg, Pa. savers. The 7-gang mower will cut m o r e t h a n 7 5 a c r e s in a n 8 - h o u r d a y a n d t h e sickle b a r a t t a c h m e n t will m o w d c w n y o u r tall grass a n d horse w e e d s in a 5 - f o o t s w a t h a t a s t e a d y 5 m i l e s per hour. T h e p o w e r take-off saves you t h e c o s t of e x t r a e q u i p m e n t f o r it r u n s compost mixers, power sprayers, pumps, saws and rotary brushes n o o t h e r golf c o u r s e t r a c t o r h a s all t h e s e f e a t u r e s . i t is i n t e r e s t i n g t o n o t e t h a t 4 4 o u t of t h e 5 6 c o u r s e s in t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , Canada and England, on which the National Open and Amateur Championships have been played, used W o r t h i n g ton equipment and that there are more Worthington Gang Mowers in use throughout the World than all other makes combined. Sales Agencies All Principal Cities details of Worthington time and WORTHINGTON MOWER COMPANY Stroudsburg, Pa., Dept. NL-AU Please ment send at no catalogue on your obligation. Name Address City State equip-