The Higher men climb, the longer their working day. Any young man with a streak of laziness in him may better make up his mind at the beginning that mediocrity will be his lot. Without immense, sustained effort, he will not climb high. And even though fortune or chance were to lift him high, he would not stay there. For to keep at the top is harder almost than to get there. There are no office hours for leaders. —Cardinal Gibbons. OCTOBER This N E W S L E T T E R is published monthly by the Greenkeepers Club of New England, and sent f r e e to its members and their Green's Chairmen. Subscription price ten cents a copy, or a dollar a year. GUY C. W E S T Editor Rhode Island Country Club W e s t B a r r i n g t o n , R . I. GEORGE J. ROMMELL, JR. Business Mgr. 2S G r a n v i l l e October, 1938 St., D o r c h e s t e r , Mass. Vol. 10, No. 10 The ideas and opinions expressed in the subject matter of this NEWSLETTER are not necessarily those of the Editor or the members of the, club as a whole. MORE STORM NEWS Since the last issue, we have heard news concerning storm damage at many New England clubs. Practically all courses near rivers or the shore suffered f r o m flood waters, with the ones near to salt water suffering most f r o m a salt deposit. From news we have received, we can list the following damage: Kittansett, much damage f r o m salt water, buildings, trees down, and debris. Newport, several holes covered by the salt water, rocks f r o m the Ocean Drive, which was washed away, debris and tree damage. Metacomet, three holes covered by the salt water, also a layer of oil f r o m a tank car which was cast up on the course. Also tree damage. Agawam and Wannamoisett, mostly tree damage with some minor damage due to holes made by fallen trees. Fall River, one green and parts of three fairways flooded. Winnepaug Hills, three holes covered with salt water and much debris including whole cottages and much lumber. Misquamicut damage was less due to fresh water pond lessening the salt strength of waters which covered the lower holes, according to a report. Montaup, damage extensive f r o m salt water which covered most of the course. All courses contacted report extensive tree damage. A letter f r o m Franklin Hammond is typical of damage suffered: "At Tyngsboro we also had flood and wind. Two greens and fairways under water and sand. Just a mess to pump out and clear off. The wind hit us hard, between two and three thousand trees down in our outing grove. Two thousand f e e t of private electric line completely wiped out. Our new recreation building, just completed, was buried under the trees but thanks to its rugged construction, no harm came to it. Not even a light of glass broken. "Cleaning up the grove and grounds looks to be more than a Winter's job f o r the whole crew. Two of the holes must be re-designed because of the damage to the tree borders of the fairways. "Vesper was hard hit, both wind and water, and Nashua had considerable flood damage." We would like your story f o r the N E W S L E T T E R . Let us know how you are solving your flood problems. HURRICANE OVER NEW ENGLAND T. E. Ödland Rhode Island State College Hurricanes are usually thought of as more or less f r e q u e n t disastrous visitors to tropical regions with some occasionally reaching our own coast a t Florida. That one should even approach the quiet, peaceful country sides of New England seemed too fantastic to even dream about. A f t e r our dreadful experience on the afternoon and evening of September 21, 1938 we know that we are not in a restricted area when Mother Nature is on a rampage. The hurricane t h a t struck New England with such disastrous effect apparently started out in the usual way f r o m somewhere in the South Atlantic and headed over the customary route towards Florida. For some reason it verred off before reaching there and went northward towards Long Island. It apparently was travelling along a t the r a t e of about 60 to 70 miles an hour. I t was thought that it would lose its momentum long before reaching that f a r north. However, what was l e f t of it would, it was thought, pass to the northeast of land and so have no effect on the New England coast. It had reached Long Island before it was realized t h a t its course would take it over this region. Warning signals were then r u n up at Coast Guard Stations and radio flashes broadcast. We are not used to such warnings here so probably very little attention was paid either to the signals by those t h a t saw them or by those who may have heard the radio warnings. The center of the storm apparently travelled northward somewhere in the vicinity of the Connecticut River about 60 miles west of here (Kingston, R. I.) It continued up into Vermont and New Hampshire. The greatest loss of life occurred in Rhode Island not because the storm was the most severe here but because of the low lying coastline over which the tidal waves washed. The wind velocity in the hurricane itself reached more than a hundred miles an hour in this locality. This force raised tremendous waves which swept the beaches clear of all summer cottages and other buildings t h a t were not on high ground or a considerable distance away f r o m the water. I t was f o r t u n a t e that the summer season had closed and there were relatively f e w summer residents left. A month earlier the casualty list would have gone into the thousands instead of hundreds as now. Along many miles of the South Rhode Island shore there is a narrow strip of land f r o m a quarter to half a mile wide with f a i r sized ponds back of this ranging f r o m a half to a mile in width. Back of this is the mainland. Cottages and small business establishments had been built all along this strip of land along the ocean and Narragansett Bay f r o n t . In some places where the land was higher and wider whole villages had been built. In places this strip was perhaps 25 or 30 f e e t above normal high water and considered perfectly safe. When the hurricane struck it was just a matter of minutes until everything on these narrow strips of land along the shore had been completely washed away. The buildings were smashed and l e f t as a great mass of debris on the land back of the ponds. From 50 to several hundred f e e t of the original strip of land became part of the ocean beach. All of it was leveled off so t h a t nowhere is it more than a f e w feet above high water. There are now beautiful, wide, clean beaches with only now and then some large chunks of concrete to show t h a t there had been some f o r m of human activity there previously. It is difficult to find even approximately where some of the buildings had been. In Providence, at the head of Narragansett Bay, the waves came in with such force t h a t large boats and barges were piled up in some of the main streets. In some places the water was 10 or 12 f e e t deep in the business section. It seems a miracle t h a t more lives were not lost here. The water was 2 or 3 feet higher than it reached in the last big gale which occurred in 1815. In the parts of the State not directly on the water f r o n t , t h e high wind also did tremendous damage to buildings and other property. In nearly every village in southern New England, toppling trees fell on houses and across roads. Power lines and telephone lines were either broken down by falling trees or went down by their own weight. In Kingston perhaps 1-3 to 1-2 of all the fine century old elms went down. In spite of this there was little loss of life excepting at the beaches where the tidal waves swept everything before them. About a week of steady rain just bef o r e the storm struck had swollen the rivers so that a flood was just arriving in the Connecticut valley. This in itself was nearly as bad in places as the one 2 years ago which broke all records. Highway and railway bridges were washed out and whole communities were isolated as in 1936. This added to highways blocked with fallen trees made it almost impossible to get anywhere regardless of urgency. Even here in Kingston, we were without any outside communication f o r several days except by a few main roads that were cleared the next day. Our electric service was partially restored through the main section of the village today—six days a f t e r the storm. Service crews f o r power and telephone lines have been brought in f r o m as f a r away as Ohio and Indiana. Many of these were brought in by airplane. The high wind which struck Kingston shortly a f t e r 3 p. m. lasted f o r more than three hours before it finally began to slacken. It was still of high velocity at 9 o'clock but by t h a t time it could be classed as an ordinary high wind storm. The wind direction was f r o m east to southeast throughout at Kingston. The extent of the storm area was almost as amazing as the severity of it. I t became necessary f o r us to go to Northfield, Mass. on the second day a f t e r the storm. This is a small village in western Massachusetts near the Vermont line. The distance is about 135 miles f r o m Kingston. We travelled nearly 200 miles to get there on account of washed out bridges. It was only through the kindness of various local people along the route who guided us through country roads, through pastures and over temporary trails t h a t we got to our destination at all. It took 8 hours to make the distance and t h a t was making unbelievable good time. Trees and poles were down over the highways all the way. They had been cleared enough to let traffic through. It was the washed out bridges t h a t caused the necessary detours. Northfield is a small village with fine old trees much like Kingston. The extent of damage there was about in the same proportion as here. Fortunately we found that our daughter was not among those who had been injured a t the girl's seminary there. A radio flash gotten through a car set had told about an accident there. Two girls were crushed to death by a falling chimney and a number injured. We had no way of finding out who were among those injured excepting to go there. An excellent spirit has been manifested among all agencies assisting with the care of r e f u g e e s and restoration of property. The State and Local Police, National Guard, Coast Guard, American Legion, the Red Cross, and others have labored tirelessly at the task. Kingston and the State College are gradually getting back to regular routine. Classes will resume on Thursday morning a f t e r one week of recess. The greatest loss to the college was a marine laboratory on Narragansett Bay. There is not even a splinter left to show where it stood. Outside of that it was chiefly campus trees and a f e w minor buildings that show the signs of the storm. The college facilities have been used the past week f o r helping to prepare board f o r about 1500 r e f u g e e s and relief workers. A tree fell on our own house but very little damage resulted excepting f o r a broken cornice and rain gutter. We had a lot at one of the beaches but fortunately no cottage on it. If it is where I believe it is, about half of it remains. The other half is beyond the present high water mark and t h e r e f o r e is now the property of Uncle Sam. It still is a beautiful beach and no doubt the next generation will build some more beautif u l cottages and bathing pavilions there. It is a wonder how quickly even the worst of catastrophies are forgotten. I would not be surprised if I found myself spending my twilight years during the summer months sitting on the porch of a cottage built on what remains of our lot gazing at the tranquil ocean and wondering how it could ever have behaved as it did back in 1938 just before the big war broke out. NEW JERSEY NOTES by Kent Bradley Meeting N . J. G. S. A. October 10, 1938 Yontakah Country Club, Nutley, N. J. Twenty-three members and ten visitors were guests of John Cameron, Superintendent of Yontakah. Cameron is President of the N. J. G. C. S. A. A Kickers' Tournament was held in the afternoon. Speakers of the evening w e r e : H. W. Bradley, President Trenton Country Club; M. A. Tome, Trenton Country Club; J. W. Cannon, Chairman Greens Committee, Twin Brooks Country Club; Harry Gray, Hopewell Valley Country Club; G. C. Turner, President Yontakah; F. Cunningham, Financial Secretary of Yontakah; Dr. M. E. Husted, Chairman of Greens Committee, Yontakah. D r . M . E. H u s t e d Chairman Greens Committee Yontakah Country Club "Two of the Jersey City Water Company's mains 6 f t . in diameter cross the golf property. We tapped f r o m these J ^ ARE YOU S A T I S F I E D WITH YOUR Here's TURF? REAL help for you! Woodruff knows New England soil— has met all the problems it offers in different localities. Woodruff knows what grasses thrive best under particular conditions— knows, also, the most satisfactory methods of caring f o r them. Woodruff continually experiments with New England turf-raising problems— both in the laboratory and on the Proving Grounds. In a word—Woodruff knows New England. And all of this experience is yours f o r the asking. Let Woodruff's unparelleled acquaintance with local conditions help you grow better t u r f . Write today. Specify r w o p c u x * . ¿monagAcus Mea GRASS SEED DIVISION fr-WOOttlBIFF S E H I 2 3 * THE 5ICN OF 6 inch lines. Bond issue of $20,000 was raised in 1934-35 to install an irrigation system and do some course revamping. Water systems cost $1-5,000 f o r 18 holes to tees, greens and fairways. The bonds were $100 each with 3 % interest. They are paid back by a caddy tax with players paying 15 cents a round. In three years we have retired $9000 of the issue including 3 % interest. Our swimming pool bond issue was raised in the same manner and is being paid off by a tax on each one entering the pool. We believe that the improvements, irrigation system and the swimming pool saved the club f r o m closing:. The sprinkler system is especially valuable in a dry spring and fall, and we are able to do seeding and fertilizing with the best of success. It is advisable to get a good irrigation engineer a t the start. The system should be basically right with sufficient pipe sizes put in. We find little difference between the leading makes of valves and sprinkler, one is practically as good as the other, and largely a matter of personal choice." & SONS T O L E D O . OHIO GOOD Dr. SEEDS Hamilton " J a p a n Beetles were ten days late this year due to the weather but are still on the increase. They were affective over a longer period and are spread out this year. Dichlor Ethyl Ether, a solvent, shows possibilities f o r sod web worm and chinch bug control. Apparently it stimulates t u r f , a t least,'the roots to make this. The cost is around 18 cents a pound. One-fourth an ounce solution per square foot is the dosage we are trying." It is with a g r e a t deal of pleasure that we inform our readers t h a t Lester E. Erwin of the Rhode Island State College, well known to greenkeepers f o r his studies with "Pink Patch", received his doctor's degree in Plant Pathology f r o m Iowa State 'College last July. It is of special interest to us that his thesis was on "Pink P a t c h " and covered his work with this plant disease and control measures f o r it. "The ships may come in, but only to those who have sent them out." SUGGESTED TREATMENT OF PUTTING GREENS TO HELP COUNTERACT INJURY CAUSED BY SALT WATER FLOODING Prepared by J. À . D e F r a n c e — R . i. S t a t e College October 8, 1938 1. Remove debris, sand and silt by raking and sweeping. 2. With a steel-tooth rake remove dead grass caused by salt water, and loosen the t u r f . Use your judgment in loosening turf by severe raking. 3. Spike greens thoroughly to help loosen soil and hasten salt leaching. 4. Apply about 10 to 15 pounds hydrated lime per 1000 sq. f t . 5. Apply about 10 pounds superphosphate per 1000 sq. f t . 6. A f t e r grass greens up, a small application of nitrogen in the f o r m of nitrate of soda or sulfate of ammonia at about 2 or 3 pounds per 1000 sq. f t . would help hurry the grass along but does not appear to be absolutely necessary this late in the season. The calcium in the lime will replace some of the sodium in the salt deposit and the superphosphate will help stimulate root growth. 7. Apply quantities of water at intervals—allowing time sufficient to let salt leach through soil before again washing; thus, allowing air to get to the roots and thereby not drowning the turf which will rot the roots. 8. In case some of the greens do not respond to t r e a t m e n t by Spring, it would be advisable to start a small nursery at once. Regarding areas damaged by debris fires: Remove all ashes; plow to depth of 8 inches; lime, if test shows need f o r it; apply 25 pounds of an 8-6-4 or 10-6-4 or some similar complete commercial fertilizer and reseed. At the recent Boston American Christmas Basket Fund exhibition match at the Belmont Country Club, it was reported the following comment was made to the American's representative without solicitation on the p a r t of any of the interested parties, Jimmy Thomson, Lawson Little, Horton Smith and Harry Cooper all declared that "the Belmont Country Club greens were the best they had played on this season, in championship, tournaments or exhibition matches." BELMONT GREENS 6-6-4 formula with a humus-forming organic base mmm 85 State Street—Boston, Mass. —Seedsmen TALKS ON TREES By E. Porter Felt Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories Stamford, Conn. Experience is a costly teacher. Shade tree insects are among the more costly teachers. The developments of this season illust r a t e the possibilities of insect attack on shade trees. The wide spread damage by the forest tent caterpillar to sugar maples in many of the higher areas of New England and New York State, the severe i n j u r y to elms in numerous New England and New York localities by the elm leaf beetle, and the somewhat general defoliation of many different kinds of trees in areas within fifty miles of New York City and in the State of Delaware by the Japanese beetle, all t e s t i f y to what insects can do. Some will recall t h a t the ravages of the Gypsy moth in eastern Massachusetts in the 90's and again in the 1900's forced communities in those areas to protect their shade trees. The same Since 1818 was true in the Hudson Valley and later in portions of New England as these sections became infested with the elm leaf beetle and literally many thousands of highly prized trees were killed by this scourge. The habits of the elm leaf beetle and effective methods of control are well known and yet this season a Mohawk Valley town belatedly authorized the spraying of its trees a f t e r a large proportion of the possible damage had been caused. There is a more general appreciation of the desirability and value of trees than was the case a quarter of a century earlier. Nevertheless, the developments of the past season indicate t h a t many communities still must be shown that insects are really menaces to shade trees. It cannot be t h a t residents are willing to sacrifice these desirable ornaments of our streets. They either ref u s e to face the f a c t s or p r e f e r to take long chances, and all too f r e q u e n t l y lose. It is not difficult to forecast serious damage by such pests. The need of systematic protection of shade trees is becoming increasingly evident. Do unto the insects as ye would not t h a t they do unto you, and do it first. PREPARATION OF COMPOST (Reprinted f r o m The Australian Greenkeeper) Details of the Indore Process Every year the public parks of Britain burn "waste," which could with very little extra labour or cost be converted into tens of thousands of pounds worth of humus (leaf mould) invaluable as manure f o r restoring and maintaining the fertility of the soil concerned or f o r sale to other agencies. There has long been a somewhat dim awareness of the possibilities; unfortunately few people have cared to examine the subject f r o m the practical standpoint or even to discover what has already been achieved by scientific workers. There is widely prevalent a false impression t h a t the cost of production exceeds the actual value of the humus m a n u f a c t u r e d , and this thought has acted as a deterrent to f u r t h e r advance or even to small scale experimentation. Actually, however, there exists a simple and inexpensive method of compost preparation, known as the Indore Process, which has been taken up at many hundreds of plantations in India, Ceylon, Kenya, Central America, A f r i ca, and other parts of the world where cultivators feel themselves bound to replace the high percentage of nutriment which their plants extract f r o m the soil. Cheapness and elasticity are two of the leading characteristics of the Indore Process; another is simplicity. A "humus f a c t o r y " can occupy a small area in any corner of a park or estate, the site being screened f r o m the public gaze and located at a point convenient f o r supervision. According to the amount of humus required the "fact o r y " consists of a number of shallow pits—each about 30 f e e t by 14 f e e t , and 3 f e e t deep—with sloping sides, arranged in three rows with sufficient spaces between the lines of pits f o r the easy passage of loaded carts. At Indore there are 33 such pits, arranged in pairs, with a space 12 f t . wide between each pair. It is often an advantage to have water laid on to enable periodical moistening of the compost to be done by means of a hose pipe. In a recent address, Sir Albert Howard added the following informa- tion: "Mr. E. F. Watson, the Superintendent of the Government Estates in Bengal, who has successfully adopted composting at the Governor's residences in Calcutta, Barraekpore and Darjeeling, has devised a simple method f o r increasing the aeration of the pits f r o m below. Aeration drains, 10 inches by 3 inches, are dug in the floor of the pits. Down the centre of this trench another trench, 6 inches by 5 inches, is cut. Old bricks are then laid, open jomted, is the upper trench. Copious aeration, followed by f u n g u s development, rapidly spreads in the mass lying over these drains to a distance of two feet all around. In all cases where composting is done on a large scale it would probably pay to lay these aerating drains under the whole system of pits and to provide them with the requisite number of aerating chimneys. Mr. Watson has also introduced an ingenious arrangement f o r getting still more oxygen into the mass f r o m the atmosphere. Temporary V-shaped partitions, made of old scrap perforated corrugated sheets, bolted together above and below, "with a bamboo separator at the top, which also serves as a handle, are placed in the heaps, at a distance of 6 f e e t apart, and l e f t till compost has settled, when they are lifted out and used elsewhere." Materials for Making Humus The materials needed f o r the manuf a c t u r e of humus may be classified as follows (closely following Sir Albert Howard's own list) — i. Mixed plant residues All avail- able vegetable matter of every description—such as weeds, green-manure, fallen leaves, the light prunings of bushes and shade trees, trimmings f r o m the roadsides and hedges, straw and chaff, wood shavings, sawdust, waste paper, old gunny-bags, and so forth. All these must be carefully collected and stacked—collection is a normal daily process in our parks everywhere. All hard woody materials—such as lighter prunings and stalks—are first crushed (by placing on service roads) and reduced by traffic to- a condition resembling broken-up straw. All f r e s h green materials, such as weeds and green-manure, must be withered before stacking. Proper mixing of all these dry plant residues is an essential p a r t of the process, and to ensure this they must be stacked alongside the humus f a c t o r y as received, layer by layer—under cover Year Round Utility with the A Power L a w n M o w e r — a Power Sweeper — a Power Roller all i n o n e c o n v e r t i b l e c o m b i n a t i o n — t h e I d e a l Caretaker. T h e m o w e r a s s e m b l y e m b o d i e s a d v a n t a g e s f o u n d in n o other mower Full-floating, power-driven cutting unit w i t h 8" reel. Will t r i m close a r o u n d flower b e d s , d r i v e s , k etc.; a n d will h a n d l e a w i d e v a r i e t y of m o w i n g c o n d i t i o n s rith m a x i m u m efficiency. T h e s w e e p e r a s s e m b l y offers a n efficient m e t h o d of w i n d r o w i n g — l e a v e s in t h e fall; s w e e p i n g d e a d grass a n d d e b r i s f r o m l a w n s in t h e s p r i n g ; s w e e p i n g s n o w f r o m w a l k s , d r i v e w a y s , p l a t f o r m s a n d s k a t i n g r i n k s in t h e w i n t e r . I t t a k e s less t h a n 30 m i n u t e s t o c o n v e r t t h e " C a r e t a k e r " f r o m a p o w e r m o w e r t o a p o w e r s w e e p e r or vice v e r s a — t h e p o w e r u n i t will h a u l l a w n roller, s p i k e r , etc. T r u l y a n i m p l e m e n t of p r a c t i c a l , y e a r - a r o u n d u t i l i t y . W r i t e for complete information and c a t a l o g , or a s k t o h a v e our n e a r e s t r e p r e s e n t a t i v e call. I D E A L P O W E R LAWN M O W E R C O M P A N Y New York Branch: 12 H a r r i s o n S t . N e w Rochelle, N . Y . N e w England Distributor: 436 K a l a m a z o o S t r e e t Lansing, Michigan Ideal M o w e r Sales & Service, Canadian Distributors: Aikenhead Hardware, Ltd. 17 T e m p e r a n c e St., T o r o n t o , O n t . 111 Cypress S t . , B r o o k l i n e , Mas®. during wet w e a t h e r . To ensure even mixture, the stacked m a t e r i a l is removed to the pits f r o m one end of the stack. If these precautions are observed ( t h a t is, proper mixing and w i t h e r i n g ) , the residues reach the pits as a suitable chemical composition and, f u r t h e r m o r e , u n d u e p a c k i n g (which cuts off air supply) in the pits is prevented. Continuous a e r a t i o n is essential f o r t h e rapid production of the best compost. 2. Cattle and horse manure (includ- ing stable l i t t e r ) . This material, as well as the droppings of poultry, has to be collected every m o r n i n g and broken u p b e f o r e being added to the compost pits. Such collection is n o r m a l r o u t i n e w h e r e animals a r e kept and costs n o t h i n g extra. 3. Ashes—All wood ashes from whatever local source should be caref u l l y collected and stored u n d e r cover alongside the h u m u s f a c t o r y . Where wood ashes c a n n o t be obtained, g r o u n d chalk is an effective substitute. 4. Urine Earth—When available, the e a r t h u n d e r cattle and horses should be dug out and r e n e w e d to a depth of 6 inches every t h r e e or f o u r months. This urine e a r t h should t h e n be powdered and stored u n d e r cover alongside the h u m u s f a c t o r y . 5. Water and Air—These two are essential ingredients f o r t h e m a k i n g of h u m u s and f o r the fixation of n i t r o g e n which t a k e s place d u r i n g the latter p a r t of the process. An a r m o u r e d hose-pipe with a nozzle which breaks up t h e s t r e a m is the best m e a n s of applying the water, while an ample supply of air is g u a r a n t e e d by the proper mixing of the plant residues and by the use of shallow pits 3 f e e t deep. Charging the Pits The n e x t step is to charge the pits correctly. This is done by spreading a layer (about 3 inches deep) of mixed plant residues lightly and evenly with a r a k e over a section about 6 f e e t wide of the pit-floor; t h e n sprinkle the layer well with dry powdered u r i n e - e a r t h to which a f e w h a n d f u l s of wood-ashes have been added. Next apply a layer, about 2 inches deep, of broken-up man u r e and stable litter. Moisten the cont e n t s of the pit well with t h e hose, t a k ing care, however, not to use too much w a t e r or to flood the pit. Now continue the charging process section by section until the pit is completely filled. The utility of working section by section lies in t h e f a c t t h a t this method altog e t h e r avoids trampling. Be c a r e f u l to finish off each section of t h e pit with a layer of m a n u r e and litter, followed by a good sprinkling of urine earth, ashes and w a t e r . A f u r t h e r w a t e r i n g m u s t be given in the evening and r e p e a t e d next morning. These t h r e e stages of w a t e r i n g give the m i x t u r e time to absorb sufficient moisture to s t a r t the intense f e r m e n t a t i o n which rapidly establishes itself. Incidentally, it is imp o r t a n t t h a t in the charging process t h e materials should be a r r a n g e d lightly. A n y t h i n g in the n a t u r e of consolidation or t r a m p l i n g which would have the e f f e c t of c u t t i n g off the air supply m u s t be avoided. I t will be noticed t h a t when first charged the level of the contents of the pit will be a f e w inches higher t h a n at the level of the ground, b u t t h a t rapid shrinkage t a k e s place during t h e composting process. The importance of powdered u r i n e e a r t h and ashes or ground chalk as ingredients lies in the f a c t t h a t these materials are needed to f e e d the f u n g i and bacteria which are cultivated during the process and also to check excessive acidity. While sufficient f o r these purposes, t h e y should not be excessive in q u a n t i t y , as otherwise t h e y t e n d to consolidate the heap and cut off the air supply. Experience will show w h a t quantities are necessary. Experience will also reveal how much w a t e r is required. In addition to the t h r e e preliminary w a t e r i n g s a l r e a d y mentioned, the h e a p s have to be w a t e r e d once a week, and f o r the first, second and t h i r d turns, which a r e described below. Moreover, it has to be r e m e m b e r e d t h a t if too little w a t e r is added f e r m e n t a t i o n will cease; if w a t e r i n g is too heavy, on the other hand, t h e r e will be interf e r e n c e with the air supply and the process will t h u s be r e t a r d e d . A t first the plant residues absorb w a t e r slowly— hence the reason f o r the 12-hour intervals between the first t h r e e w a t e r i n g s in the preliminary stage. Later, as f e r m e n t a t i o n progresses, the r a t e of water-absorption is accelerated. The aim should be to m a i n t a i n the heaps moist and mellow ( r a t h e r t h a n w e t ) and the t e m p e r a t u r e high. Turning the Material The m a t e r i a l has to be t u r n e d t h r e e times d u r i n g the process of compost m a n u f a c t u r e — t h e reasons being to ensure u n i f o r m m i x t u r e and decay and to NEW ENGLAND DISTRIBUTORS OF TORO Power Mowers—Gang Mowers—Hand Mowers Tractors and G a n g M o w e r C o m b i n a t i o n s of 3-5-7 U n i t s Rollers—Spikers—Sod Cutters—Soil Screens BUCKNER — Fairway — Tee — Green Sprinklers and Valves Milorganite —- Netco 8-6-2 Putting Green — Fertilizers FRIEND LEWIS Power Sprayers Tee Equipment —— McCLAIN STANDARD Hand Pressure Outfits Green and Tee Equipment WORCESTER Lawn Mowers — PEERLESS and CARPENTER Grinders Antube —• Arsenate of Lead •— Brown Patch Preventatives Flags — Poles —• Tools —- Fertilizer Distributors •— Seeders Hose — Markers — Ball Soap — Burners — Sod Cutters — Towels Grass Seeds •—Special Mixtures — Certified Bents New England Toro Co. DISTRIBUTORS FOR N E W E N G L A N D 1121 Washington St., West Newton furnish the appropriate amount of water and air. The first turn is generally due when the pit is 10 to 14 days old. We now turn the whole contents of a pit f r o m one end at the first turn. Clear about 3 feet wide at one end. Then turn the whole pit towards the exposed end, taking care to turn the outside and exposed layers into the middle. As the contents shrink during fermentation, there will be a vacant space here at the end of the first turn. The second turn is normally due 14 days a f t e r the first turn, that is, roughly a month a f t e r the original charging; the process consists of turning the material again, in the opposite direction, watering it and piling it up loosely along the empty portion of the pit. The third t u r n is when the pits are two months old; the hard crumbling material is removed from the pits, moistened and stacked in rectangular heaps — 10 f t . broad at the base, 9 f t . wide at the top and 3 Vz f t . high—and left there to ripen for a month, when it is ready for removal to the fields. The pit can then be recharged. The changes which take place in the chemical nature of the material may now be described—and they can be ob- — WESt New. 1658 served and tested during the process without resort to chemical or biological analysis. During the first month fungi develop to break down the organic matter, the heaps becoming a mass of white fungoid growth, with the temperature high (a metal rod should be hot to the touch when withdrawn). A f t e r the third week the mass begins to grow darker rapidly and to become crumbly, while there is a slight fall in the temperature. It is at this stage that bacteria begin to take a bigger share in humus manufacture. Moisture and Air Two details to observe are whether fermentation stops and the pits grow cool—if so, the most likely cause is lack of moisture. Secondly, if the heaps begin to smell, flies will be immediately attracted and will lay eggs in them, followed by the development of maggots in great numbers; this is a sign that the air supply has been interfered with, and the remedy is to t u r n the heap without delay and to add manure and ashes. The main causes of inadequate aeration are excessive trampling, the addition of too much urine-earth and ashes at the outset, over-watering, or failure to t u r n the mass at the proper times. Shortage of air is also indicated by the production of ammonia. Individual requirements and experience will reveal the best mode of applying the humus to the land when it is ready f o r use. In its final f o r m it appears as a pulverised mass. Meanwhile, what is certain is t h a t the seeds of weeds are always destroyed by the intense fermentation that occurs during the composting process. In Britain we have sports grounds and parks yielding (in the aggregate) immense quantities of waste products which periodically go up in smoke, whereas by utilization in the f o r m of compost they could go back to the soil f r o m whence they came and would solve many a problem of soil replenishment with practically no extra cost and extremely little additional labour.—Extracted f r o m article in "Parks, Golf Courses and Sports Grounds." Applicants are advised to take the full course in one year, but it is hoped that the possibility of dividing the expense through two years will induce more clubs to pay the full expense of their greenkeeper, or permit more greenkeepers to attend as personal, professional improvement. Though the 1939 course is the 13th, Professor Dickinson is not pessimistic as a number of applications f o r enrollment have already been received. The enrollment is limited in number, and is f o r greenkeepers, their assistants and others who have charge of the maintenance of golf courses. No one is admitted who is not thoroughly familiar with the game of golf or has intimacy with greenkeeping problems. The school is f o r the professional improvement of the individual and not to introduce inexperienced men into the profession. ^Ss. - Courses studied are Botany, Entomology, W a t e r Systems, Drainage, Equipment, Grasses and Turf Culture, Cost Keeping and Analysis, Managerial Problems, Soils and Fertilizers. There is also a daily f o r u m or summary hour. ANNOUNCEMENT The of the 1939 keepers Winter School at Massachusetts the State for Tuition $ 5.00 One Term Only Registration Health Fee $2.50 $1.50 Tuition 10.00 Two Consecutive Terms Registration Health Fee 5.00 1.50 Green- College J a n u a r y 3, 1939—March 12, 1939 Expense The Massachusetts State College Winter School f o r Greenkeepers will open on J a n u a r y 3, 1939 and conclude with the annual Golf Course Maintenance Conference and Exhibition on March 10, 11 and 12. Incidentals, such as stationery, notebook, etc., will not cost over $2.00 and good room and board may be obtained f o r f r o m $10.00 per week up. Special rates are given by the local hotels, and small aprtments are often available. Beginning in 1939, the course will be divided into two terms, the first beginning J a n u a r y 3 through February 3, and the second term F e b r u a r y 6 through March 12. This division is made to give a greater number of greenkeepers a chance to attend the school. A man may attend the first term in 1939 and the second term in 1940 or 1941. The division will not weaken the courses or tend to make the school two five-week courses, as no one will be admitted to the second term who has not passed the first term's work, and no certificate will be granted until the completion of the two terms. No classes are held on Saturday or a f t e r 3.25 on Fridays. On the other week days, eight hours are spent in the laboratory or classroom. F u r t h e r information and application blanks can be obtained by writing to the Director of Short Courses, or to Professor Lawrence S. Dickinson, Massachusetts State College, Amherst, Massachusetts. A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. —Bacon. _ Homer Darling of the Juniper Hill Golf Club, Northboro, Mass. had some fine booklets printed this year, entitled "Follow t h r u — a guide to good Golfing", and distributed them to his players. This seems a fine idea f o r a public course. '"Pioneeis in Soil Tresis for Seed ¿Mixtures" Some excerpts f r o m this booklet are: Follow Thru ^ ^ . . . Golf is an individualistic game. It is a real test of one's honor, temper, and character. What you do on the golf course, how you score your game, and your general attitude, reveals your true self. Don't Cheat. Nobody likes a chiseler. From the very beginning of your golf career count every stroke, including the misses. Everyone p r e f e r s to play with a square shooter and an honorable sportsman. Golf is different f r o m many other sports in that except f o r the most important matches, there is no r e f e r e e or umpire to call your attention to inf r i n g e m e n t s or violations of the rules of this game. Your friends and other players are reluctant to call attention to your mistakes in the rules. For this reason many players are careless about reading or observing rules. There is definite need therefore, f o r more knowledge along this line. •-m- To aid the beginner and others who need it, a f e w rules and general terms most commonly misunderstood are discussed below. Fore. This is the warning or danger signal used in golf. Most beginners know its significance, but it is not out of place to discuss the term here in connection with your protection f r o m a legal as well as a physical danger viewpoint. The careful person, wherever he is, takes no chances in exposing himself or his neighbors to unforeseen accidents. The same should be t r u e on the golf course. Shout the warning signal, "Fore", bef o r e playing whenever anyone may be in danger of being hit by your ball. Someone in your own foursome may thoughtlessly step in range of your shot, or someone in another fairway may unconsciously be in range of your shot. It is safer to give warning bef o r e hitting than to wait until the ball is in the air. Neglect in giving the warning in advance, or in using good judgment, may make you legally liable f o r your actions. T e l e p h o n e us collect or mail us your fall seed order for immediate shipment. Market changed grass and pr'ces Our advice feel reports as yet show on the Redtop. continue is cn your free to Chewings to job to prices Bents, unBlue- Fescue rise. serve turf consult you through problems. us at any So time. J O H N » . L Y ( i \ Seedsmen—Consultants 17 Bartlett Ave.—Belmont, Mass. Tel. Belmont 2907-J, 4346-W FOR SALE We have available 30,000 sq. f t . of prime K e r n w o o d velvet sod, which we are offering at 10 cents a foot, cut, at Tyngsboro. If interested, write FRANKLIN HAMMOND Tyngsboro Country Tyngsboro, Club Mass. Hazards. A hazard is any bunker, water (except casual w a t e r ) , ditch, sand or road. A bunker, is that p a r t of a depression in the ground where the soil is exposed, and usually covered with sand. When a ball lies in or touches a hazard the club shall not touch the ground, nor shall anything be touched or moved, before the player strikes at the ball. (Penalty Two strokes in stroke play, or loss of hole in match play.) WINTER HARDY—ACCLIMATED RHODE ISLAND CREEPING VELVET B E N T GRASS SEED and Fairway Mixtures of h i g h e s t q u a l i t y f o r l o w e s t p r i c e t h a t i ^ e e d of e q u a l q u a l i t y c a n be o f f e r e d . NATURE HAS WRITTEN A PRESCRIPTION for your course. Right h e r e in s o u t h e r n N e w E n g l a n d is t h e n a t u r a l h o m e of t h e e n t i r e f a m i l y of the Bent grasses, the principal member of w h i c h , n a m e l y R. I. B e n t , d e r i v e d its n a m e f r o m this, the smallest s t a t e in t h e u n i o n . You c a n g r o w N A T U R E ' S O W N I N SURANCE! into your turf by using F R E S H , V I A B L E s e e d w h i c h g r o w s in Y O U R l a t i t u d e in Y O U R c o u n t r y . SAVE for your club: B u y your seed direct f r o m the grower. A. N. PECKMAM KINGSTON RHODE Water hazard. If a ball lie or be lost in a recognized water hazard, the player may drop a ball, under penalty of one stroke, behind the hazard, keeping the hazard between him and the hole. P r e f e r r e d Lies. This means that you may place the ball on the grass where a better shot can be made, providing it is not nearer the hole. It applies to the f a i r w a y only, and does not include the rough. It does not mean that a tee should be used. The reason f o r allowing this temporary local rule on any course is f o r your benefit, to save the course under adverse conditions. The foregoing are some of the rules which are more commonly misunderstood, or at first give the most trouble to beginners. A golf rule book should be studied to get a better picture of what the game is all about, just as rules f o r other games are learned before one may know what to do. Strive to learn as much as you can about golf etiquette, golf rules, and the proper conduct of players on a golf course, so that you may be less conspicuous as a beginner. ISLAND USED GOLF BALLS WANTED Highest prices paid. Check mailed within 48 hours a f t e r balls are received. Known to the trade f o r 15 years. Get our prices before selling. EASTERN GOLF CO. 2 4 4 W e s t 4 2 n d S t . — N e w Y o r k , N. Y. "In early New England days young men and women f r e q u e n t l y used the "courting stick," an eight-foot hollow stick, one inch in diameter, which was fitted with mouth and ear pieces f o r secret conversation while sitting on opposite sides of the fireplace in the presence of the family." A use f o r worn steel shafts? bamboo poles or "Facts are not 'stubborn things.' It's the person who won't recognize them that's stubborn." OFFICERS' DIRECTORY President Secretary Treasurer Chairman Chairman Chairman Chairman R. A. Mitchell, Kernwood C. C., Salem, Philip Cassidy, 45 Grosvenor Rd., Needham, P r a n k Wilson, Charles River C. C., Newton Centre, Enter. Coram Sam S. Mitchell, Ponkapoag G. C., Canton, Golf Comm Lloyd G. Stott, Meadow Brook G. C., Reading, Welfare Comm Paul Wanberg, 8 Curtis St., Waltham, Employment Comm Guy N E W S L E T T E R officers, see page two. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. Mass. West oOTOTI LL£ö m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ IP TRADE MARK REG. U . S . PAT. OFFICE NEW ENGLAND R. R. R I D D L E , North Wilbraham, Mass. Tel. ALLAN E. N. Tel. 72-3 Tel. 309 Tel. 61 When Street, writing, mention JR. Worcester, 5-2891 E R N E S T ELFGREN East Mass. 1988 R. J. A L L E N , 1 Brattle PEARSON BROS. NURSERIES Lynnfield Center, Mass. Tel. BANKS 230 Lowell Street, Waltham, Mass. M ^ DISTRIBUTORS: STARKWEATHER Dover, jjg ICillingly, Conn. Tel. Danielson 103-4 NEWSLETTER. Ma Merion Cricket C l u b , o f H a v e r f o r d , P a . , is o n e o f t h e m a n y clubs wbich use W o r t h i n g t o n equipment. W O R T H I N G T O N famous E Q U I P M E N T will save you money now and in the future By installing Worthington grass conditioning equipment now, you can save your club the expense of repairing worn machinery this Winter. Worthington Tractors and Gang Mowers and Worthington Overgreens quickly pay f o r themselves in time saved, operating economy and man-power. 44 out of the 56 courses in the United States, Canada and England, on which the National Open been ment, Gang world and Amateur Championships have played, used Worthington equipand there are more Worthington Mowers in use throughout the than all other makes combined. C. M. SAWTELLE, New Eng. Distributor 3 Walker Terrace, Cambridge, Mass. Telephone: Trowbridge 7491 • c??ear out this coupon for illustrated catalogue and discover hoiv you, too, can profit from equipment in money saved and in increased member satisfaction. HJortKington wower \trmfMny, Main Office Stroudsburg, Pa. Sales Agencies All Principal Cities WORTHINGTON MOWER Stroudsburg, Dept. Please ment send at Name Address City no Pa., catalogue obligation. Worthington COMPANY NL/O on your equip-