Kit[LtEWtEK "THIS ET A IS A GOOD WAS GOOD A GOOD COUNTRY COUNTRY COUNTRY TODAY. TOMORROW IT." IN THE IT UNLESS —Dan M A Y 19 4 2 PAST, WILL WE BE FAIL Beard N E W ENGLAND DISTRIBUTORS FOR THE RELIABLE A N T CONTROL ANTUBft FOR GOLF GREENS A N D LAWNS MARK NO BUYING RISK: SELECT YOUR PACKING Country Club Size: Twelve BUCKEYE Antubes with Four Dropper attachments. Delivered for $9.25. Use one. If not entirely satisfied return balance and owe nothing. Enough to make 6 0 0 0 drop applications. Bulk Quart P a c k i n g : Complete with Patent Dropper Gun. Both sent delivered for $ 1 0 . 0 0 . Enough to make 10,000 drop applications. —Look For The Blue Packages— EWII GOLF BALL WASHERS Players are going to look longer for lost balls this season. Remember, a C L E A N , S P A R K L I N G , W H I T E B A L L is easier to find. So to keep players movi n g — t o help them reduce ball losses— to help them enjoy the game even under these abnormal times, install Lewis W a s h e r s a t every tee! Lewis W a s h e r s will last for many y e a r s — s o a n investment now will " p a y o f f " in years to come as well as now. LEWIS TEE ENSEMBLE A complete tee unit! Consists of the Lewis W a s h e r , the Lewis W a s t e Container (same streamlined design as the w a s h e r ) , T e e Data P l a t e (to give hole i n f o r m a t i o n ) , Tee Towel and Towel R i n g — a l l mounted upon the Lewis T e e Stake. New England Toro Co. DISTRIBUTORS FOR NEW ENGLAND 1121 Washington St., West Newton — BIGelow 7900 This N E W S L E T T E R is published by the Greenkeepers Club of New England, and sent free to its members and their Green's Chairman. Subscription price one dollar per year. H E N R Y C. M I T C H E L L , Editor 89 Peach Street, Walpole, Mass. EDWARD N. MURPHY, Associate JOHN L. COUNSELL, MAY, Business Manager, 2 Buck Street, Woburn, Mass. Editor, 5 Ellsworth Road, Peabody, Mass. 1942 VOL. 14, N O . The ideas and opinions expressed in the sub)ect matter of this are not necessarily of the club as a -whole. those of the Editor or the members NEWSLETTER CONTENTS Support Y o u r Newsletter Don't Forget April Meeting Joint Meeting T h e Control of J a p a n e s e Beetle Grubs T h e Disease Control W i t h o u t M e r c u r i a l s Centralization of M a n a g e m e n t ADVERTISERS' N e w England Toro Co. Breck's Eastern Golf Co. W a l t h a m A u t o m o t i v e Corp. A m e r i c a n A g r i c u l t u r a l C h e m i c a l Co. 0 . M . Scott a n d Sons Co. C. M . Sawtelle Skinner Sprinklers Associated Seed Growers, Inc. W o r t h i n g t o n M o w e r Co. 4 4 4 4 6 8 8 INDEX 2 5 6 7 7 9 10 1 1 11 12 GREENKEEPERS' CLUB OFFICERS SAMUEL S. MITCHELL, Secretary, P H I L I P I. CASSIDY, FRANK H . WILSON, JR., N, J . SPERANDIO, JOHN L. Treasurer, Chairman COUNSELL, President, Ponkapoag Golf Club, Canton, Mass. Needham Golf Club, Needham, Mass. 543 Dedham Street, Newton Centre, Mass. Entertainment Committee, Marlboro, Mass. Chairman Welfare Committee, Peabody, Mass. Marlboro Country Club, Salem Country Club, Chairman Employment Committee Brae Burn Country Club, West Newton, Mass. ARTHUR ANDERSON, ALEX OHLSON, Chairman Golf Committee, Lexington Country Club, Lexington, Mass. 4 SUPPORT Y O U R NEWSLETTER The golf committee has felt that it was wise to schedule meetings close to Boston this year on account of the tire and gasoline shortage. The benefits of our organization will be more restricted than ever. There are two ways to overcome this restriction. First, by backing the N E W S L E T T E R . Send in a story about that trick you just discovered, or a picture of that gadget you invented. I never saw a golf course tool shed yet without a homemade machine in it. Why not tell us about yours? Last year we had a column called "Free Lifts". It was good while it lasted, but it petered out because of lack of interest and cooperation on your part and mine. We want to print everything new which you learn about disease control, etc., as soon as you learn it. If you can't get to our meetings to talk shop, why not write shop and read shop in the N E W S L E T TER? The second thing to do, whether you can get to our meetings or not, is to get together with your neighboring greenkeepers for a weekly round of golf. If you don't play golf, you can chew the fat over a bottle of soda-pop or what'sin-your-icebox. Then don't forget to jot down anything new or interesting that comes up and tell the rest of us about it in your N E W S L E T T E R . If you have a subject that you want discussed, let us try to help you. Remember, it is your N E W S L E T T E R . It's success or failure depends entirely upon Y O U . Your Editor. D O N ' T F O R G E T to write to the boys in the service: Private Maurice S. Ryan 32 A.R. Service Company Louisiana. Corp. Francis G. Tuscher 67th C. A.A.A. Bat. E. 1st Platoon Patterson, New Jersey. APRIL MEETING Dr. O. J. Noer was the guest speaker at the regular meeting held at the Waltham Field Station, Monday, April 13 th. Dr. Noer gave a fine illustrated talk on turf troubles of 1941. Winterkill or springkill was prevalent from Minnesota to New England and there was considerable damage to turf by the grub of the May and June beetle over the same area. 1941 started with a dryspring followed by a record breaking drought during the summer. Water and fertilizer help to minimize grub damage. Fairway watering should not be stopped completely, it may be reduced depending upon the rainfall. 1942 will provide the greenkeeper with the opportunity to show his value and importance to the golf club. After the business meeting our members went to the Oakley Country Club to attend the joint meeting of the Service Section of the Massachusetts Golf Association and the Greenkeepers Club of New England. JOINT MEETING Mr. A. Oram Fulton, Chairman of the Service Section Committee presided at the joint meeting. Mr. Fulton stated that 1942 will be a serious year and we should get over our pride of the golf course being difficult to play. The golf course should be maintained to conserve golf balls as much as possible. Mr. William O. Blaney representing the Massachusetts Golf Association spoke about the value of golf in the physical fitness program. The greenkeeper will be on the spot in 1942 with many new problems. The golf courses should be kept in first-class shape to keep the golfers interested in coming out. Samuel Mitchell, our prexy, representing the Greenkeepers Club talked about the loyalty of the greenkeeper to his club and the game of golf. The greenkeeper will give his full cooperation to help the golf club overcome the difficult problems of 1942. ^^ Dr. Hugh Baker, president of the Massachusetts State College, gave a serious and inspiring talk. Great changes will take place in the future, barriers based on wealth and education will be broken down. Cooperation is the basis of satisfactory living. Dr. O. J. Noer stated that the war effort takes preference over everything else but golf clubs should follow a sane and sensible program. We have not reached the stage of sheep cutting fairways. Some clubs found out after the World War that it cost more to rehabilitate the golf course than it would have cost to maintain it in reasonable condition. In Canada private clubs have abandoned the service in the main dining room and substituted a snack room. This is no time for reducing salaries, inexperienced labor needs more supervision. Reduce trap raking and mowing of greens, golfers will be more tolerant. The golf course is most important, and will 8 i ^ w o t j i LVFERTILIZERS^T •A. Satisfaction at HarvestTime;^- (i 85 S T A T E - 6 suffer much more permanent damage than the clubhouse if neglected. Jack Counsell In a recent article in a golf magazine, Osborne Scott claims that as a boy he played golf with Indians. It was then called "tipi pishoo or chasing the cats. The equipment was a small piece of wood five inches long and pointed at each end, (the tipi) and a paddle about three feet long. The course was seven holes about 150 yards apart. The tipi was tapped on the end to make it jump into the air and then struck in the direction of the hole. The fewest strokes won the game. According to tradition, one of Lief Erickson's men, a Scotchman, was entertained by the Indians of Nova Scotia and brought back equipment for playing tipi pishoo. And this game developed into golf. - 2 The manufacturers of this 8-6-2 golf green fertilizer have formulated this mixture from special materials which are recognized as having properties to promote extended feeding of grasses throughout the entire season. The organic base is from high grade materials, including Peruvian Guano, supplemented with Mineral Nitrogen in the Nitrate and Ammonia forms to insure a quick response, and the high percentage of organic material is insurance against the danger of burning. This ratio is recognized and recommended by leading turf feeders. It is in our opinion a most desirable mixture for greens which has been used with excellent results by many of our leading greenskeepers. Per Ton $58.00 Delivered Less 10% for Cash S T R E E T K U I S M i a B l S E E D S M E N S I N C E 1818 BOSTON, MASS. BUY UNITED STATES T H E C O N T R O L B E E T L E O F G R U B S J. PETER J A P A N E S E IN T U R F JOHNSON Assistant Entomologist Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station New Haven Since 1916, when the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, was first discovered in New Jersey, or in 25 years, it has multiplied rapidly and spread into all the northeastern states and as far south as Virginia and West Virginia. The beetle was first found in Massachusetts in 1928. Heavy, localized infestations now occur in many sections of the state as well as in other parts of New England. It is known that the adult insect will feed on over 250 species of plants while the larva or grub feeds primarily upon the roots of grass. Uusually the first adults emerge from the soil in late June, but the greatest number are present during July and Auguest. Mating occurs soon after emergence and only a short period elapses before the females enter the ground (preferably turf) to deposit their first eggs. They will return to the surface to resume feeding and later again enter the ground to deposit more eggs. This continues until each has laid from 40 to 60 eggs. The eggs hatch in a week or more and the small grubs, which are about one-eighth of an inch in length, begin to feed at once. Growth is very rapid, and by late August or early September the majority are about one-half an inch or more in length. During Sep- which the grubs are feeding, some time elapses before results are obtained. Howtember they feed vigorously upon the roots of the turf and continue growth until about one inch in length. Feeding continues until cold weather, when the grubs descend to a depth of about four to six inches below the surface to hibernate. In the spring they return to the upper inch of soil to resume feeding, which continues until late May or early June. They then enter into the nonfeeding transitional prepupal and pupal stages, emerging as adults in late June or July. Most of the turf damage becomes evident in September, early October, or the following spring. The grubs can be controlled by applying acid lead arsenate on the surface at the rate of 10 pounds to 1,000 square feet of turf area, using water, dry sand, or friable soil as a carrier. The mixture should contain one pound of lead arsenate to about two gallons of water or, if used dry, enough sand or friable soil to increase the bulk one to 25 times, depending on the distributing apparatus employed. For small areas a watering can or small fertilizer distributing machine is practicable. For large areas a power sprayer or large fertilizer distributor is necessary. Apply the material uniformly and then lightly sprinkle the area at once with water to wash the arsenate off the grass and into the ground. As acid lead arsenate is insoluble in water and does not penetrate immediately to the depths at Highest prices paid C h e c k mailed within 48 hours after balls are received K n o w n to the trade for 15 years Get our prices before selling EASTERN GOLF CO. ^^ ever, the residual effect of acid lead arsenate lasts from three to five years and usually no additional applications are necessary during this time. There is only one brood in a year, all the eggs being laid during the summer, so when the treatment is made in the summer or early fall it will eliminate the risk of possible injury later in the fall or during the following spring. If treatment is long delayed, repairs and reseeding become necessary, adding to the costs of upkeep. COMPLETE SERVICE & PARTS FOR CARS, TRUCKS, TRACTORS & SMALL MOTOR EQUIPMENT Wallham Aufoiiitive Corp. 215 Lexington WALTHAM, Tel. Wal. Street MASS. 2600-2601 SPECIAL PURPOSE FERTILIZERS for Golf Courses Manufactured ONLY by The AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL Co. NORTH WEYMOUTH, MASS. See Your Local Dealer or Write Direct to Us. CENTRALIZATION OF MANAGEMENT Conditions brought about by the war are speeding up the trend toward centralized management. This is not a step forward but, rather, a return to the gutta percha era. I think I am not wrong when I say that the original club manager was a combination golf instructor, club maker, caddy master, steward, and sheep herder—a literal "Jack-of-'Golf'-trades". I believe that there is a legitimate demand for an increasing number of progreenkeeper managers. The right and opportunity to train for this position should be made available to the pro, the greenkeeper, or any other club employee. A system of rating should also be adopted for the protection of the employers. LON MOORE As golf developed, the trades connected with it developed also. The instructor became a pro. The pro hired a caddy master. The clubs were made in factories and the sheep herder was replaced by a greenkeeper. All for the good of the game. As we, of necessity, step back into the past, some thought should be given to the future of the industry. Our f u ture depends upon the cooperation which can be attained now between the different departments of the game. Departmental heads are organized more or less successfully for their own protection and benefit and, of course, for the good of golf. T o say the least, there has been some friction between the different groups. In fact, they have been at each other's throats, on occasion. Now, it seems to me that a neutral organization such as the U.S.G.A. could organize all golf employees into one group. This group could study the needs of the industry with a wider outlook. For instance, some clubs need a manager, others are managed nicely by their own executives. Some can afford individual departmental heads, others cannot. This new organization could analyze the needs of different types of clubs, the success of different types of management and the possibilities of better training and rating of golf club employees. T H E DISEASE C O N T R O L WITHOUT MERCURIALS By C. C. Ass't Professor WERNHAM of Botany in charge turf diseases of (Reprinted from Greenkeepers' Reporter) The war has the greenkeepers on the spot. Mercury is more important in a bomb than on a green. The War Production Board has decreed that after March 31, 1942 mercurials will be banned in the manufacture of turf fungicides. What are we going to do about Dollar Spot, Brown patch, Helminthosporium, Scald and the other troublesome diseases of turf? I believe my research studies at this institution offer a measure of relief to worried turf men. Dollar Spot is the most difficult disease to control. My advice would be to save the mercury on hand for sole use against this disease. Resort to spot treatment if necessary, but don't dilute the dosage. This disease must be stopped as soon as it appears. Weak treatments only delay the issue and increase the expense. I ^ y have not found an effective substitute for mercury in the control of Dollar Spot. Experimental work in the greenhouse and at the Merion Cricket Club has given us two substitute fungicides worthy of further trial. If you are vitally interested drop a line to Joe Valentine at Merion, for without his kindly aid and criticism, this information would not. have been obtained. SPERGON Spergon is the first of these materials in effectiveness against Helminthosporium and Brownpatch1. I have literally poured this material on grass and have observed no ill effects. In addition to its fungicidal value, it seems to have a stimulating effect. Grass is definitely greener where it is used. The basic material in Spergon is an organic compound, tetrachloro-para-benzoquinone. Fortunately for greenkeepers, the material comes in both a " d r y " and "wettable" form. The dry form is suitable for broadcasting in sand or topdressing. We had very fair control using three ounces dry Spergon broadcasted in eight pounds sand at three week intervals. The material was not washed in since the latter treatment adds to the cost of application. The dry Spergon cannot be used in a sprayer. Those greenkeepers who are accustomed to spray their fungicides on must use the wettable Spergon. Six ounces of the wettable per 1000 sq. ft. is equivalent to three ounces of the dry Spergon. This is due to the bulk of the wetting agent. Of course, six ounces of wettable could be broadcast in sand if so desired. Spergon is manufactured by the U. S. Rubber Company, Naugatuck Chemical Division, 1230 Sixth Avenue, New York City. Prices quoted me February 13, 1942 are 25 pounds $46.25; 50 pounds $87.50; 100 pounds $153.00. ZINC OXIDE AND HYDRATED LIME TURF BUILDER FREE . . pound sample of new,imported "Victoria" perennial rye grass —try it at our expense. » » A little goes a long way so its v e r y economical Used with Scotts Golf Course Seed, your budget will accomplish its utmost. Write for prices. O. M. S C O T T a n d SONS CO. 159 SCOTTS SEED Main Street • Marysville, Ohio BEAUTIFUL LAWNS / The second material from the point of view of disease control is a mixture of equal parts of zinc oxide and hydrated lime. I use eight ounces of each per 1000 sq. ft. 12 ounces of each will not cause injury. This is the cheapest material that could be found and is especially worthy of trial with greenkeepers whose clubs are hard pressed for finances. Zinc Oxide sells at 7l/z cents per pound; hydrated lime at about 1 cent per pound. Using 14 pound of each per 1000 sq. ft. would mean a material cost of less than 5 cents per 1000. The material isn't potent enough to stop Dollar Spot but will effectively check Large Brownpatch and Helminthosporium. Zinc oxide must never be used alone. Its solubility is a function of the p H of the soil and this solubility reaches a danger point in soils of p H 6.0 or less. A definite discoloration of the grass occurs unless the lime is added. Our experience leads us to believe that the two substances when used together give the best results. When we mixed zinc with ordinary wheat flour as a sticker the percentage disease control fell off. Fortunately the zinc oxide and hydrated lime can be broadcast with eight pounds of sand or sprayed on with a sprayer. It must be pointed out, however, that unless the sprayer is equipped with a good agitator the zinc oxide will settle out. We made applications with a dry mix every three weeks. Again the material was not watered in. Many companies sell zinc oxide as a by-product. One source qf material is the New Jersey Zinc Sales Company, 160 Front Street, New York City. DUBAY 1205-FF Recently I have had some correspondence with G. F. Miles of Bayer- Semesan, Wilmington, Delaware. Miles has been experimenting with another organic material, Dubay 1205-FF, the active ingredient of which is 50% tetra methyl tljiuram disulfide. According to him, it is just as effective as Special Semesan at the quantity used (16 ounces per 6000 sq. f t . ) in the control of Dollar Spot and Large Brownpatch. The dosage can be doubled in the case of severe attacks, without injury to the turf. Our own experience with this material has been limited to one year's trial against Helminthosporium and Snowmold. Our Snowmold results have not been harvested yet. Against Helminthosporium Dubay 1205-FF was not nearly as effective as the two treatments described above. Dubay 1205-FF can be used in dry or wet form. I am not prepared to say if it is yet in quantity production. There are still many things within New limited allotment of Worthington tractors and fairway mowers for delivery in New England Just received. "First come, First served" Call C. M. SAWTELLE a t KIRkiand 2 0 0 0 or write P. O. Box 42, Cambridge, B, M a s s . the control of the greenkeeper, which will aid in keeping down diseases. Good air and soil drainage are invaluable aids 180 pounds of mercury will finance a lot of tile laying and tree-pruning. Poling the greens as early as possible in the morning and watering in the early morning so that the sun will dry off the grass in the least possible time also aid in disease control. Hold down the nitrogen. All in all the greenkeepers need not stand in fear of losing their grass. N o w is the time to keep cool and apply all the tricks of the trade at your command. Editor's Note : Under normal conditions I T . W e r n h a m would have liked to give these m a t e r i a l s a n o t h e r y e a r ' s trial b u t the J a p s didn't c a r e to wait. SKINNER SYSTEM BR0ADWAY-R0T0-SPRM SPRINKLER F@r Fairways and Greens We Have iiOSSiE 1, Them BARRIE BRG0&L1NE, MASS. LOS^gwood 1 9 4 9 L A W N S I I O X KILLS WEEDS WITHOUT INJURY TO LAWN GRASS RETAIL L A W N S I N O X K I L L S C R A B GRASS, DANDELIONS, PLANTAINS AND M A N Y O T H E R W E E D S without injury to lawn grass. J u s t spray over entire lawn as directed and it will kill off weeds and their seeds with only a temporary browning of the lawn grass. L A W N S I N O X has been thoroughly tested and demonstrated in actual field tests over a period of years and is recommended by leading Agricultural Colleges throughout the United States. No more back-breaking hand weeding; apply L A W N S I N O X with a low pressure sprayer for quick, easy, economical weed control. One pint of L A W N S I N O X treats 1000 square feet of lawn. Manufacturers STANDARD AGRICULTURAL C H E M I C A L S , Inc. Hoboken, N . J . DISTRIBUTORS CONNECTICUT W . W . T h o m p s o n Co., W e s t Hartford Checkerboard Feed Store, Norwich Cadweli & Jones, Hartford L. H. W a r n e r Co., W e s t Haven Cherry Hil! Gardens, W a t e r b u r y MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex Supply Co., Lowell Haverhill Hdwe. & Supply, Haverhill Essex C o u n t y Co-op. Farming Assn., Topsfield Clark Hardware, Greenfield Thompson Hardware, Lowell Checkerboard Feed Store, Springfield Checkerboard Feed Store, Westfield Jos. Breck & Sons, Boston J o h n D. Lyon, Inc., Belmont MAINE Allen Sterling & Lothrop, Portland M a i n e Hardware & Plumbing Supply Co., Portland Wholesale Distributors A S S O C I A T E D SEED G R O W E R S , New Haven, Conn. Inc. RUB 0' I I I GREEN! Here we are with a war on our hands and working mainly for the Government — producing a machine that cuts grass on Airfields faster than any machine ever manufactured. W e believe it's going to revolutionize fairway mowing when this war is over, but — until that happy day, we can only deliver the old reliable Worthington mowing and maintenance machinery when, as and if priorities permit us to make it for you. Anyhow, Golf is our business — war is something we've all got to face and do something about to the very best of our abilities — and golf is something we've all got to keep going during the "duration". SO — anything we can make for you is yours — after Government needs are satisfied. Ask us about your problems — there's no harm in asking! W O R T H I N G T O i H O W E R Worthing!®! Slower C O M P A N Y Company CHESTER M . SAWTELLE - N e w England Distributor Box 4 2 , C a m b r i d g e , B, M a s s a c h u s e t t s - Tel. KIRkland 2 0 0 0 MAIN OFFICE: STRQUOSBURG, Sales A g e n c i e s : All Principal PA. Cities