GEEEHKSEPERS CLUB OF HEW ENGLAND NEWSLETTER February 19^3 The Annual Meeting of the Greenkeepers Club of Hew England was held Monday, January 4th at the Hotel Statler in Boston. The following slate of officers was unanimously elected; Samuel S. Mitchell, President; George Rommell, 1st Vice President; Homer Darling, 2nd Vice President; Paul Wanberg, 3rd Vice President; Philip I. Cassidy, Secretary; John L. Counsell, Treasurer; Howard D. Farrant, Trustee for three years; Thomas F. Burke, Entertainment Committee Chairman; Alex Ohlson, Golf Committee Chairman; Paul F. Hayden and Arthur Anderson, Auditors. President Mitchell has appointed the following committees: Welfare Committee: Paul Wanberg, Chairman; S. Braio, A. Barney. Mass. Inter-Relations Committee: J. Latvis, Chairman; E. Mauro, S. Hannon. R.I. Inter-Relations Committee: 0. Chapman, Chairman; R. Peckham, E. Ohlson. Turf Research Committee: R. A. Mitchell, Chairman; A. Anderson, F. Hammond. Publicity Committee: J. Counsell, Chairman; E. Murphy, H. Darling. Employment Committee: H. Farrant, Chairman; C. Parker, F. Wilson. The February meeting will be held at the Hotel Statler in Boston on Monday, February 1st at 6:30 P.M. There will be a round table discussion. Following are excerpts from a talk by 0. 0. Clapper at the December meeting: "I am glad to state that most of the greenkeepers with whom I have talked are not taking this future situation lying down. They are thinking, talking, planning, and acting to safeguard the operations of their respective clubs. This is encouraging and speaks well for the high type of men into whose hands the future operations of our clubs are placed. The rank and file seem to realize that they have a job to do in 19^3 and are not afraid to tackle it. "So, it seems to me that if we plan, think, work hard, keep our heads clear, our chins up and smile, that we will come through this as we did the depression years and continue to give the members the kind of golf they might expect during these times and thereby render to them the facilities for healthful outdoor recreation so that they may return to their respective desks, benches, or ma,chines better men than when they arrived at the club. U-nless we feel that we can do this, then we should not attempt to keep Golf in the picture during these times. Someone will follow us and do it, and maybe better than we could." SAVE this sheet for a NEWSLETTER folder that will be ready in the near future. Don't forgetI Hotel Stabler, February 1st at 6:30 P.M.