Greenskeepers Club of New England NEWSLETTER October, 1943 The September meeting of the Club was held at the Brae Burn Country Club, Monday, September 13. After a short business meeting the Club Championship was held. Arthur Cody of Wollaston nosed out Nick Bruno of Norfolk (84-85) for the Championship. Arthur Anderson won the net prize with Homer Darling second. The turn out of members was very good. Some of the members making their first appearance of the season. Henry Mitchell is now a member of the U. S. Army. His address is: Pvt. Henry C. Mitchell #31371952 Medical Detachment, 254 Infantry 63rd Division A. P. 0. 410 Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi The October meeting will be held Monday, October 11th, at the Charles River Country Club. This will be the Annual Greenkeeper Chairman meeting with an 18 hole Scotch Tournament with selected drives, alternate shots using 1/2 of the combined handicaps. Luncheon will be served at 12:00 noon with the tournament immediately following. According to the Treasurer's report the following members are in good standing: John Latvis Arthur Cody Members in Service Michael O'Grady Homer Darling Henry C. Mitchell Howard Farrant Wallace Peckham David Barry E. A. Polhamus Geno Pettazoni Maurice Ryan Alex Ohlson Edward Phinney Francis Tuscher Joseph Oldfield Oscar Chapman Anthony Sperandio Ralph Thomas Theodore Anderson N. J. Sperandio Andrew D. Blake Louis Marrato Albert Zikorus Wm. F. Larner Simeon Braio Charles Okeefe Harry B. Cottelle Eugene Mauro Thomas O'Leary Stephen Hannon Philip Cassidy Nicholas Bruno Albert G. Clark William Partridge John Counsell Joseph Pinardi Arthur Anderson Paul Hayden Franklin Hammond Harold Mosher Paul Wanberg John Clinton Leslie Wildgust Lloyd Stott Valentine Flood Edward Murphy Samuel Mitchell Don't forget the October meeting at Charles River!