Greenkeepers Club of New England cKe tAfW ws Letter QG Of fn BE As Vinw / T T \ U/V.J The golf course dealers are cordially invited to attend the winter meetings, February, March, April. "A club is what its members make it." It appears that certain members are neglecting to attend the Greenkeeper monthly meetings. You fail to recognize the educational values derived from these meetings. Invariably you want better working conditions, professional recognition, higher wages. Well it is entirely up to you to attain such. No one is going to do it for you, so attend the monthly meetings, and accept all it has to offer you! The Greenkeeper National Convention is going to be held at the Hotel Book-Cadillac, Detroit, Michigan, February 9 to 13, 1948. The next regular meeting will be held at the Hotel Bradford, Boston, Mass., Monday, January 5, 1948, at 1 P.M. SHARP. The featured speaker will be Mr. Allen H. Wood, Soil Chemist-Agronomist, who has written five books on Horticulture. He is in charge of experimental and testing work for Hytius Co. Mr. Wood is also a Radio lecturer. The title of his subject will be "The other 23 elements." Mr. J. A. Morrison, manager of Convention Bureau of the Boston Chamber of Commerce, will speak on the possibilities of having a G.S.A. National Turf Conference and Show in Boston. Every member is urged to attend this very important meeting. Editor A. J. Sperandio