Greenkeepers Club of JNew NEWSLETTER JUNE — 1948 S&. gs. & mss. ©? The first outdoor meeting of the season was held at the Highland Country Club, Attleboro, Mass. There were sixty-five members present, making it a record attendance for many years. This was also a joint meeting with the Rhode Island Greenkeepers Club. It was well represented by turf men and dealers. Demonstration of the Aerifier, on the greens, by the Clapper Co., proved of great interest. The Aerifier was pulled by a tractor over the green, without damage from either the weight of the tractor, or its wheels. The soil, brought up by the Aerifier, was then left to dry. A steel drag mat was pulled over the green in order to distribute the soil evenly. It was ready for play within an hour. A fine dinner was served by the club and the hospitality was as usual, right up to par. A business meeting was held. President Philip I. Cassidy presided. Routine business was acted upon. Ignace Gill of the Derryfield Country Club, Manchester, N. H., was voted in as a regular member. The applications of Ernest E. Ruby, Portland Country Club, Falmouth Foreside, Maine, and Walter C. Bore, Riverside Golf Course, Portland, Maine, were read and are to be voted upon at the next regular meeting. "Jack Counsel!", we all wish for a speedy recovery from your illness and to see you at the next meeting. Mr. G'Keefe has resigned his position at the Gushing General Hospital, Framingham, Mass., and has accepted the greenkeeper position at Springfield Country Club, West Springfield, Mass. The golf tournament took place in the afternoon, with many entries. Prizes were donated through the generosity of the Highland Country Club. Prize winners were as follows: 1st gross: John Dombek, 77-4-73 Net Prizes- -1st L. Martini, 94-25-69 2nd Sam Mitchell, 96-25-71 3rd Ed. Phinney, 81-10-71 4th A. Anderson, 92-20-72 5th S. Hannon, 94-22-72 6th H. Mosher, 97-24-73 7th P. Cassidy, 88-15-73 8th A. Cody, 80-7-73 Other scores: J. Binardi, 104-30-74; H. Farrant 94-20-74; A. Edmondson, 99-23-76; L. Alien 94-16-78; J. Butler, 94-14-80; B. Hayden, 100-1783; H. Darling, 91-17-74; A. Sperandio, 88-13-75 P. Roby, 101-25-76; R. Thomas, 92-13-79; D Barry, 88-8-80; B. Ash, 104-18-86; M. O'Grady 88-14-74; N. Sperandio, 88-12-76; R. Peckham 87-11-76; J. Latvis, 104-24-80; W. Bore, 98-17-81 Guests—H. Erickson, 77-9-68; B. Carter, 80-1070; R. Brigham, no card. Quoting our treasurer, "Jack" Counsell, "I wish I was a healthy weed, thriving unseen in the rough, instead of a Chlorotic plant, dosed with capsules, pills and stuff." The next meeting will be held on Monday, June 7th, at the Nashua Country Club, Nashua, N. H. Mr. Donald Sweenie of Mattapan will give a demonstration of the new Co2 sprayer at 10 A.M. The golf tournament will follow the demonstration. Luncheon will be served after the golf tournament. A business meeting will end the day's program. Nashua Country Club—-turn right on route 3 before you get into Nashua proper. A. J. SPERANDIO, Editor AL ZIKOURAS, Assistant Editor