Greenkeepers Club of Islew England NEWSLETTER APRIL NEWSLETTER The time is drawing near for the big gettogether that will be held at the Mansion Inn, Cochituate, Mass., on route 126, on April 6th. This is the day set for the Greenkeepers Club of New England 25th Anniversary celebration. Guests, charter, honorary members and former members, along with their wives and friends, will attend. As a member you are allowed two guests. Same applies to dealers at a cost of $5.50 per person. Dress is informal. For reservations please notify Howard Farrant, Worcester St., Natick, Mass. The ladies attending will be presented with a lovely corsage. The March meeting was held at the Hotel Bradford, Boston, Mass. The meeting opened with the showing of a new film that Worthington Mower Co. has produced and brought east from the National Convention at Los Angeles, California, by the Sawtelle Bros. Mower Mart, with Mr. Ross Sawtelle narrating. The shots were of their Rough Grass Blitzer and Fairway units in action with their new tractor that have the mowers ahead of the wheels. This proved of great interest to all present. The business meeting was called to order by President P. I. Cassidy. He followed by giving a brief summary of the National Greenkeepers Convention, which he attended at Los Angeles, California. Committee chairmen of the 25th Anniversary and Awards to Charter Members, have completed their plans for the banquet to be held on April 6th. The motion of whether or not to accept dealers as associate club members, was reported 1 Hi by Chairman S. Mitchell. Their view is that the club should continue on the present policy. The application of George Webster, greenkeeper of the Needham Golf Club as associate member, was read and is to be voted on at the next regular meeting. The Turf Conference at the University of Massachusetts was well attended by greenkeepers from New York, New Jersey and the New England area. The program was well balanced. A few of the noted turf men who spoke were, Doctors J. C. Schread, F. V. Grau, 0. J. Noer, J. DeFranee, and Professor L. S. Dickinson. Samples of "Lawn Life", a new fertilizer, were given to the members. It is manufactured by the Agricultural Research Corp., Boston, Mass. The committees appointed by President P. I. Cassidy for 1949 are: Welfare Committee — Samuel S. Mitchell, Theodore Swanson, John Latvis, Turf Research Committee—Homer Darling, Arthur E. Anderson, Robert A. Mitchell. Mass. Inter Relation Committee—Frank H. Wilson, W. McBride, Elmer Fuller. Publicity Committee—Paul F. Hayden, John L. Counsell, Edward M. Murphy. Employment Committee — Howard S. Farrant, Arthur C. Cody, John Dombek. Rhode Island Inter Relations Committee — Pat Tameo, Oscar Chapman, Edward Phinney. President Cassidy is going to get together a quorum, for a very short official business meeting, at this party. A. J. Sperandio, Editor