us m -s速 Greenkeepers Club of New NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 1949 I am a little rushed on time in getting this out as my appendix finally caught up with me. The November meeting of the Greenkeepers Club of New England was held Monday, October 31st at the Winthrop Golf Club. Steve Hannon was our host and for those who attended the weather cleared off beautifully enabling those rabid golfers present to play 18 holes. At about 1:30 p.m., 12 golfers teed off for an 18 hole medal play tournament. If you haven't heard who won, you could never guess! It was none other than our hard working Golf Committee Chairman, Mike O'Grady. Congratulations, Mike! The scores were: 85-16-69 1st net Micheal 0' Grady 77- 6-71 2nd net Arthur Cody tie 82-11-71 Phil Cassidy 74- 2-72 John Dombeck 89-17-72 Homer Darling 83-10-73 Narry Sperandio 85-11-74 Tony Sperandio 94-18-76 Arthur Anderson Stephen Hannon 92-15-77 Sime Braio 109-22-87 After a fine catered dinner, we were privileged to hear Tony Mascaro of the West Point Aerifier Co. Tony did not commercialize his talk but with colored slides showed aeration of existing turf areas by different methods and at different spots around the country. His personal observations of methods and results was of extreme interest and we felt sorry that there were only 25 present to hear this talk. The informal discussion period that followed the talk was, as usual of great interest. At the business meeting which followed, a special committee of Pres. Philip Cassidy, Treasurer John L. Counsell and Secretary, Narry Sperrandio was unanimously appointed to approve and control ail expenditures of the Special Turf Conference Fund. Lucien E. Duval assistant at the Manchester C. C. was voted an associate member. A nominating committee was appointed and will report at the December meeting. The next regular meeting of the Greenkeepers Club of New England will be held on Monday, December 5 at 1 :QG p.m. at the Hotel Bradford in Boston. Carl Bretzlaff, President of the National Greenkeepers Supts. Asso. and Agar M. Brown, National Secretary are expected to be in attendance at this meeting. Let's show them a real turnout. As in the past all dealers are invited to attend all Winter indoor meetings. In the November issue of the Newsletter, we mentioned that Arthur Anderson had done a swell job on installing his fairway watering system. His members at Brea Burn were appreciative of his efforts and presented Arthur with a substantial purse for his hard work. PHILIP CASSIDY