The annual Greenkeeper meeting was held January 3rd at the Hotel Statler, Boston, Mass. Vice President Arthur Cody presided in the absence of President Phil Cassidy. Officers and , committee chairmen read their reports, which were approved. It was voted that the by-laws be amended to read as follows: A. The annual membership dues shall be ten ($10.00) dollars, payable in advance. New members shall pay an initiation fee of ten ($10.00) dollars. Section B to be eliminated from the by-laws. A committee consisting of A. J. Sperandio, chairman, Sam Mitchell and Arthur Anderson was appointed, to report on a suitable award to be given to the men who have been members of the Greenkeepers Club for 25 years and are no win good standing. Following are the names of club officers, who were elected to serve for the year: Officers for 1949 President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President 3rd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Trustee for 3 years Entertainment Comm. Ch Auditing Comm Golf Comm. Ch r Philip I. Cassidy Harold G. Mosher Arthur C. Cody George J. Rommel N. J. Sperandio John L. Counsel! Frank H. Wilson Manuel Francis Alfred Edmondson Joseph Dinardi Michael O'Grady Reserve the evening of April six, for at this time Greenkeepers and their wives will attend the club's 25th silver anniversary celebration. The program will consist of dinner, dancing and entertainment. The committee in charge is putting all their effort into making this party a huge success, so let's all plan to be there. For Sale—A real buy: 5000 sq. ft. of Kernwood Velvet Bent Turf, to be delivered in the Spring. This turf was donated through the courtesy of the Mitchell Bros., of which the proceeds will be put into our 25th anniversary celebration fund. If you are interested, contact chairman Harold Farrant, Pine Brook C. C., Weston, Mass. The National Greenkeeping Superintendents Association will hold its 20th turf conference and show February 7th through 11th inclusive, at Los Angeies, California. A fine program is planned for all attending with speakers of recognition and authority, from many parts of the country. We regret the passing of Christian Hansen, retired greenkeeper of the Concord C. C., and also a charter member of the Greenkeeper club of New England. The next regular meeting of the Greenkeepers Club of New England is to be held at the Hotel Statler, Boston, Mass., Monday, Feb. 7, 1949, at 12:45 P.M. sharp. Mr. Walter Meeken of the Consolidated Rendering Co., who is in charge of the Fertilizer Department covering 11 branches in New England and New York State, will be the principal speaker. His subject will be "Fertilizer", particularly the 8-6-4 brand. The dealers are welcome to attend our winter meetings as usual. A. J. SPERANDIO, Editor.