NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 1950 The Annual Meeting of the Greenkeepers Club of New England was held Monday, January 9th at 1:30 P.M. at the Hotel Bradford in Boston. It seems that we are enjoying bigger and better meetings! The participation of the members present at the meeting brings out increasing points of interest and makes one realize that attendance to all meetings is vital to the welfare of our profession. At the business meeting the following officers were elected for 1950: H. A. Mosher, President Arthur Cody, First Vice-President George Rommell, Second Vice-President Michael O'Grady, Third Vice-President N. J. Sperandio, Secretary John L. Counsell, Treasurer John Latvis, Trustee for 3 years Manuel Francis, Chairman Entertainment Com. Alber Allen, Chairman Golf Committee Anthony J. Sperandio, Auditing Committee Semi Braio Three new members were elected, namely: Regular membership, Greenkeeper Herbert E. Johnson, Potowomut Golf Club; Associate membership, Greenkeeper Sam Swayze, Sankaty Head Golf Club; Associate membership, Greenkeeper Albert Sanders, Juniper Hill Golf Club. The application of Frank Malone, Greenkeeper of the Blue Hill Country Club was read and will be voted on at the next regular meeting. Phil Cassidy, retiring president, pointed out some of the important happenings in the club during 1948 and 1949. Two of the most important of these were: the successful campaign to bring the 1950 National Turf Conference and Show to Boston and the steady increase in membership despite an increase in initiation fee and dues. Treasurer Jack Counsell reported the Club's finances to be in sound shape. President Harold Mosher thanked the members for the honor bestowed on him and pledged himself to the continued success of the Club. President Mosher then turned the meeting over to Phil Cassidy, General chairman of the 19o0 National Turf Conference and Show, who led a review of the coming Conference by introducing different committee chairmen who in turn gave a complete outline of the show as approved up to that time. A complete program is included with this notice and should you wish others please contact Secretary, Narry Sperandio at the Concord Country Club, Concord, Mass. You can easily see from this program why this Conference and Show is expected to be the largest in the 21 years it has been held. Don't delay in sending in your reservation card for a Hotel room as a full house is expected at the Statler. The February meeting of the Greenkeepers Club of N. E. will be held Monday, January 30th at 1:30 P.M. at the Hotel Bradford in Boston. This meeting is being held early to report on the final program and to take care of final plans for entertaining early arrivals. James Morrison, chairman of the Convention Bureau of the Boston Chamber of Commerce will brief us on details of the Conference to be handled by his office. If you want your application endorsed for membership in the National, bring it to this meeting. Have you seen the "new look" dues cards Treasurer Jack Counsell has for 1950? Robert A. Mitchell, Past President and Charter member, who has been active on committees since the founding of the Club, was unanimously elected an honorary member. His sons Sam, Henry and William were also present at this meeting. Editor, PHILIP I. CASSIDY