"MOST FOLKS ARE ABOUT AS HAPPY AS THEY MAKE UP THEIR MINDS TO BE." (Abe Lincoln) It was cold, wet and disagreeable Monday, May 1—but not the greenkeepers who congregated at the Blue Hill Golf Club for the first G.C. of N.E. outdoor meeting of the season. Your editor, who had driven through a pouring rain all the way, figured there might be five or six brave souls out. Much to his astonishment there were at least 25— all comfortably arranged in grandstand seats, high and dry, observing a close at hand GreenLawn Aerifier Demonstration, The demonstrators of course were in a drizzle. Dick Finerty, with rain drops dripping from his snozzle, didn't look very happy about the whole thing. And Orville Clapper, with a new suit getting wetter by the minute, was apparently muttering to himself, "There must be a better way to earn a dollar." It was an interesting demonstration and it stimulated many questions. For good measure there were also shown and demonstrated several types of hand aerifier tools. The Tubular Tine Fork, Soilaire Dualtine, Dual Delux, Justice Ejector, Greens Doctor, and Single Soilaire. Then the dinner bell rang. It was a scrumptious lunch and cordiality prevailed. Thirty-two were present (32). Unbelievable for a rainy day. That, gentlemen, seems to be the 1950 trend. Rain or shine. See—Listen—Ask. A new viewpoint. A new idea. Another thought. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS THESE MEETINGS. MORE IMPORTANT, YOUR CLUB CAN'T AFFORD TO HAVE YOU MISS ONE (Even though they may not know it). Brief notes on the business meeting: Announcement was made of a recent Directors Meeting that two vacancies on the Board of Directors were filled. A. J. Sperandio, Newsletter business manager ; H. C. Darling Newsletter editor. Harold W. Rethman was voted an associate member. By-Laws to be reviewed by directors and possible changes submitted for discussion. NEXT MEETING AT LUDLOW June 5. Due to inclement weather voted to cancel afternoon tournament. AND what happened. As an anti-climax after most of the party had dispersed, six stalwarts crept or slipped out to the first tee for a battle with nature. Hooker Farrant, Gorgeous Harold, Plumpy Ash, Tiny Phil, Slamming Slicing Sam, and Down the Middle Cody were last seen entering a low rain cloud. No f u r t h e r report. From the ridiculous to the sublime: "Treasurer Jack Counsel] wishes to remind our members that the Constitution and By-Laws state that if dues are not paid by July first, such member shall forfeit the privileges of the club. Jack's address is 9 Cliff Street, Beverly, Mass. Don't pigeonhole this one — Act Now. What about the next meeting? Ah—Ludlow Country Club, Ludlow, Mass., Monday, June 5. Headquarters for good eats, warm welcomes, and long putts. John Dombeck is arranging a bigtime for a large gathering. ALL NEARBY GREENKEEPERS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO MEET WITH US. Numerous demonstrations, including the Mole Drain — Special Features — Many Prizes. Don't pass up this one. Travel directions from Worcester and Eastern points—Going west, take route 9 to route 20, in Palmer turn right at Howard Johnson's, then 1 y 2 miles to Club. H. DARLING, Editor