The Battle Ground The greenkeepers gathered to face the task, Of excavating Concord's well groomed grass, And like the Minute-Men they fixed their shots, From behind bunkers, trees, and rocks, After the struggle the scars could be seen, But Narry (was thankful he still had his greens, Time is a great healer the turf men say, So Concord may invite them again some day. J. A. C. K. Yes, historic Concord was the scene of another battle. But this time a battle for knowledge by the farmers of turf. It was a grand sight to see that large gathering of greenkeepers around Concord's 15th green, waiting for the equipment demonstration to start, exchanging greetings, swapping ideas, and expressing opinions. Ye editor thought at the time:—where would you find another group of employees more interested in their job, more eager fori facts, more serious about their work? If only the green chairman and club members could witness this enthusiasm and desire for knowledge by their chief turf doctor. What a keen demonstration it (was? Two competitive machines working side by slide. The Soilaire spiking one half of the green and the Aerifier the other half. No better comparison could be asked for. Operate it yourself, observe the results, take your choice. And say, hats off to the sportsmanship and chivalry exhibited by Messrs. Sawtelle and Clapper. It must have been some sort of a record attendance for ta May meeting. 48 were present. Only a few years back 15 to 20 was a top figure for May. That's progress. Narry Sperandiio, our diligent secretary and the genial host for this meeting, should be congratulated for the excellent condition of his course. Everyone agreed it was tops. The luncheon too, was thoroughly enjoyed. At the short business meeting two new members were voted in. Anthony Ciaranci Sr. and Raymond Sheehan. The 18 hole tournament 'which followed was something different and a good mixer idea. A four ball, best ball. Six low scorers were selected as captains and they drew numbers for the players on their teams. It was an interesting tournament and we hope John Dombeck will continue these variations. The winning teams, tied f o r first place and had a remarkable best ball score of 65. They were, team B. Guy Tedesco, Museiarone, Braio, Butler and Dinardi. Team E. John Dombeck, Hall, Ash, Cassidy, and Mitchell. Good team work fellars. WARNING. At the end of this line is July 1. That's the last stop. The end. CLUB DUES were due and payable last January. July 1 is the dead line. After that date the by-laws requires the publishing of all paid up members. Unpaid members will then be conspioious by their absence. Send dues to Jack Counsell, 9 Cliff street, Beverly, Mass. WANTED FOR SALE Exchange Several members have suggested that we run a want ad. column in the Newsletter. Many think it's a good idea. If you have any equipment laying around not being used it might be just what another greenkeeper is looking for. If you need something a want ad. might locate it in a hurry. Let's, give it a try. If there is a, good response to this idea we will run a special column on the reverse side of this Newsletter. The advertising rate 'would be as follows, $1.00 for 25 words or less. 2c a word in excess of 25. To appear in the next issue of the Newsletter send advertising to Homer C. Darling, Northboro, Mass. not later than June 15. The next meeting of the Greenkeepers Club of New England will be held June 2, a t the Wachuset Country Club, Worcester. This is the greens chairman meeting. Special demonstrations at 10:30. Latest types of spraying equipment to be shown. You can't afford to miss these meetings. H. Darling, Editor