t- Old man weather, who has been quite ornery this spring, was not very kind to the Greenkeepers for their first outdoor meeting at the New Bedford Country Club, May 3. We haven't been rained out many times but this one was surely. It didn't seem to dampen anyone's spirit though. What with the chicken coop handy, the ladies present, and anticipation of the barbecue, the morale ran high. The barbecue went over big too. It was good and the bountiful supply of eats disappeared quickly, which spoke highly of the excellent cuisine at the N.B.C.C. In spite of the inclement weather over one hundred attended this gathering. Mike O'Grady and the officials of the New Bedford Country Club are to be congratulated not only for their hospitality and warm welcome but for a reputation that enticed so many enthusiasts on such a day. zations were represented including our Greenkeepers Club. There were many presentations. Carl DeSuze was the master of ceremonies and Dale Sieling was one of the principal speakers. Ray Koon is a grand guy and always has been a good friend of our Greenkeepers Club. We shall all miss seeing him around and enjoying his friendly and gracious personality. The tournament scheduled for the day was transformed into an indoor affair. Play on the 19th hole was permitted. Select your own par, preferred lies, no out of bounds, and all putts conceded. The prizes awarded were a combination of door prize contributions and host club donations. The winners were so numerous the accuracy of the following list is questionable. They were: John Dombeck, Joe Oldfield, Marty Higgins, Mike Mahoney, Sam Mitchell, Jr., Mrs. Cole, Phil Cassidy, Norman Mucciarone, I. Gilholm, Dorothy Sheehan, Bert Clark, Ted Swanson, John O'Connor, Ed Curran, Mrs. Ed Phinney, Paul O'Leary, Chet Sawtelle, George Rommell, Dave Barry, and others. Apologies to those who have been missed. Some of our old timers are a bit perturbed in the change of the customary date of the GreenkeeperPro-Brae Burn Tournament. This is the one and only Memorial Tournament on our schedule. It is always planned for the first Monday in October at Brae Burn in memory of Brae Burn's John Shanahan, the outstanding greenkeeper of his day who was the chief originator of our organization. In all these years of the Shanahan competition it is high time our organization clarified this date with the pros. It is not too soon to stir the breeze now. At the business meeting John Almonte was voted a membership. Three applications for memberships were announced: William Canter, Acoaxet, C.C., Adamsville, R.I.; Stuart Cornell, Wellesley College C.C.; Charles Hershir, Newberry. "It is better to stir up a question without deciding it, than to decide it without stirring it up." —Joseph Joubert REVERBERATIONS: It was good to hear that our Prexy O'Grady made a noteworthy speech at the Mass. Pro meeting April 6. It made an excellent impression on the Pros. Fine work Mike. The Ray Koon testimonial banquet held April 24 was a gala affair. 700 attended. Twenty-five organi- CORRECTIONS in summer tournament schedule: August 2—Bear Hill. September 13—Manchester C.C. September 27—Greenkeeper-Pro— Brae Burn C.C. October 4—Ludlow C.C. Our next meeting is an important one for you and your Greens-Chairman—Monday, June 7, at the Worcester Country Club. It will be chuck-full of interest for everyone. Your Greens-Chairman is especially invited and if he cannot possibly make it a substitute is suggested. Here are the attractions. Super-Duper Equipment Demonstrations All the latest equipment 10:00 to 12:00 Lunch 12:00 to 1:00 Talk by Dr. Grau (with question period) 1:00 to 1:30 Golf Tournament Chairman-Greenkeeper 2:00 P.M. Chairmans State Handicaps will be used. Also a tournament for unaccompanied Greenkeepers. All Hands look for refreshments on the 10th Tee. H. DARLING, Editor