2 r i NEWSLETTER | 1956 GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION OF NEW ENGLAND N E X T M E E T I N G A U G U S T 6 at the United Shoe Country Club Beverly, Mass. Take Route 128 . . . Turn off at Exit 13 . . . Elliot Street. Turn right on 62. Follow into Beverly about three miles. Turn left at factory on McKay Street. The course is on McKay Street. Lunch at 12:30 Beer only sold at the club house. This is the first time, we believe, that our Association has visited this club. Joe Butler, the host Superintendent, (his first year here), will be looking for you. T h e Warwick C.C., Warwick, R. I., scene of our July meeting, fulfilled all the nice things which had been said about it. Seclusively and beautifully located on Greenwich and Narragansett Bays it proved to be a very restful sojourn for the boys and girls who took the day off. T h e enjoyable buffet luncheon on the breeze-swept veranda, the excellent condition of the course, including tip-top greens, and finally topped off by a full course shore dinner at Rocky Point were admirable features of the day. In fact, Ye Editor was so intent on enjoying a restful day he failed to obtain the results of the tournament and many other details which should have been secured. Excuse please. "Certainly work is not always required of a man. There is such a thing as a sacred idleness — the cultivation of which is now fearfully neglected." /. McDonald. t> Please Note ANNUAL T U R F CONFERENCE Kingston, Rhode Island Wednesday and Thursday, August 15 and 16 Wednesday Evening — Dinner at Point Judith Country Club Thursday — Tournament at Point Judith This is their 25 th Anniversary. Twenty-five successful, educational, and commendable years in turf work and research. Hearty congratulations and thanks from all the members of our association. "Men of great genius and large heart sow the seeds of a neiv degree of progress in the world, but they bear fruit only after many years." Mazzini. W A N T E D — An editor for this Newsletter who has the leisure moments, the inclination and the stamina to turn out this medium on time during the summer months. Apply at once with quill, ideas, and prepared for action. H. DARLING, Editor