GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION OF NEW ENGLAND NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER, L O S T : A day of diversion and relaxation — the mingling with associates — the exchange of ideas — the clearing of cob-webs. These are but a few of the things the boys lost who did not attend the September 9th meeting at Ludlow. And there was more — much more. There was the heart warming hospitality and generosity shown by the Ludlow Club members — the coffee and doughnuts upon arrival — the buffet supper following the tournament — even the trip over the new Mass. toll road was a pleasant part of the whole. You didn't have to be a good golfer to win a prize at this meeting. Every contestant won a prize, thanks to the Holbrook Bros, and other generous members of the Ludlow Club. It should be mentioned though that Guy Tedesco won first gross, John Dombek, host Supt., second gross, Mike O'Grady 1st net, and Bob Mucciarone 2nd net. John Dombek had the course in excellent condition and it was enjoyed by all. It was a beautiful day — seasoned with sunshine, friendliness, and a relaxing atmosphere. " T r u e enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are ever united ."—Humboldt. At the business meeting Henry Homan, Jr., was voted an associate member and a new application was read from George Stavras, Cape Ann G.C., Essex, Mass. It was learned at this meeting, and with deep regrets, that Bill McBride, a charter member of our organization, was retiring as Supt. at the Nashua N.H. C.C. Bill has long been a conscientious and faithful member of our organization. We are sorry to see you retiring Bill. Since this position will be open at some future date the chairman of the grounds committee has asked that the Newsletter announce that applications for the position are being considered. It is suggested that each applicant submit his education, experience and qualifications to Elie J . Labombarde, Grounds Committee, Nashua C.C., Nashua, N.H. T h e next meeting is the annual Pro-Supt., John Shanahan Memorial Tournament at the Brae Burn C.C. October 7. This is a selected drive alternate shot affair using ]/2 the Supt. established handicap. One member of the team must either be a member of the P.G.A. or a member of T h e Golf Course 1957 Supt. Assoc. of New England. Only those with the above qualifications are permitted to play during this tournament. We'll see you there. T h e last outdoor meeting of the year will take place at the Norfolk Golf Club. October 28. This course is located between Dedham and Norwood on Route 1 just south of Route 128. Shall we see you then? " T h e less you can enjoy, the poorer and scantier yourself; the more you can enjoy, the richer and more vigorous."— Lavater. Don't overlook enjoying the greatest show on earth. T h e Autumn foliage, Curtain now going up. T h e show is less brilliant and gay this year due to Mother Nature's shortage of moisture. So put on your spectacles. O U R CODE OF E T H I C S There have been several requests that our code of ethics be printed again in the Newsletter because it has not yet been published in our bylaws. So, here it is. The Association's Code of Ethics a. In the end that honor and respect may be enjoyed by all Golf Course Superintendents the strict observance of the Code of Ethics is expected. b. A member shall be deetned to have violated the code by: 1. Acting and speaking in a manner which would cause discredit to our profession and organization. 2. Abusing the privilege of playing golf at any of the member clubs by bringing uninvited guests or failing to make his presence known to the home superintendent when visiting a club. 3. Applying for a position without the definite knowledge of its vacancy. 4. Expressing opinions to, or visiting with, Golf Club officials or members in regard to maintenance practices without the express permission and knowledge of the Superintendent of the club in question whether a member of this Association or not. "He who is false to present duty breaks a thread in the loom, and will find the flaw when he may have forgotten the cause." — Henry Ward Beecher. H. DARLING, Editor. embers m