IL rNTi X DEMONSTRATION ARE NEW GRASS WE READY REVISED GARDENS FOR OUR JOB? WATER SYSTEM APRIL m AT BLUE MEETING HANDICAP APRIL 1933 LIST HILL NEWSLETTER 2 This N E W S L E T T E R is published monthly by the Greenkeepers Club of New England, and sent f r e e to its members and their Greens' Chairmen. Subscription price ten cents a copy, or a dollar a year. GUY C. W E S T 312 Mt. P l e a s a n t Editor St., F a l l River,. Mass.-- MARSTON BURNETT . Business Mgr. . " W y a n t e n u c k G. -C., G r e a t B a r r i n g - t o n , April, 1932 Vol. 4, No. 2 DEMONSTRATION Charles Mass. GRASS River Country GARDENS Club Three Year Notes on Fertilizer Experiments on South German Mixed Bent Cut Greens Length. by F r a n k H. Wilson The plots are 10 x 10 or 100 square f e e t in area, seeded to South German mixed bent, planted September 16, 1928. The plots are cut greens length. Each plot receives the same amount of nitrogen, one pound per 1000 sq. ft., one tenth of a pound per plot, or one and six-tenths ounces. There are f o u r check plots which receive no fertilizer. There are eleven fertilizer plots, which receive the following fertilizers and amounts: Sewage sludge, 29.09 oz; Poultry manure tankage, 22.8 oz; ammonium sulphate, 8 oz; ammonium sulphate, 4 oz., and compost, 5 lbs; nitrate of soda, 10 oz; urea, 3.48 oz; ammonium phosphate, 14.54 oz; complete fertilizer 6-12-4, 26.6 oz; complete 126-4, 13.3 oz; ammonium sulphate, 8 oz., and lime, 4% lbs; bone meal, 40 oz. These amounts are cut in half f o r the months of July and August. The grasses are judged f o r fineness, thickness, color, freedom f r o m nap, and other qualities affecting value of the grass f o r good turf. They are designated x—excellent, g—good, f — f a i r , p—poor. I have called excellent 80, good 60, fair 40, poor 20. The plots rated in 1929: 12-6-4 complete fertilizer, 77; 6-12-4 complete, 65; poultry manure tankage, 65; ammonium sulphate, 64; activated sludge, 64; nitrate of soda, 58; ammonium phosphate, 52; urea, 43; ammonium sulphate and compost, 40; ammonium sulphate and lime, 40; bone meal, 33; checks, 20. The rating f o r 19-30 was: activated sludge, 80; poultry manure tankage, 72; 6-12-4 complete, 65; 12-6-4 complete, 63; ammonium sulphate, 60; ammonium phosphate, 60; nitrate of soda, 60; ammonium sulphate and compost, 50; urea, 48; ammonium sulphate and lime, 46; bone meal, 40, checks, 20. The rating f o r 1931: activated sludge, 77; poultry manure tankage, 63; ammonium sulphate, 60; ammonium phosphate, 56; urea, 54; 6-12-4 complete, 53; 12-6-4 complete, 53; nitrate of soda, 53; ammonium sulphate and compost, 45; bone meal, 43; ammonium sulphate and lime, 36; checks, 20. The average f o r three years rates as follows: activated sludge, 74; poultry manure tankage, 67; 12-6-4 complete, 64; 6-12-4 complete, 61; ammonium sulphate, 61; nitrate of soda, 57; ammonium phosphate, 56; urea, 48; ammonium sulphate and compost, 45; ammonium sulphate and lime, 45; bone meal, 39; checks, 20. The ratings are taken f r o m a seven months average, the first taken in April, the last in October. Disease has an influence on this rating; weeds and clover are not here taken into account. You will note t h a t bone meal has risen from 33 to 43, and urea f r o m 43 to 54; ammonium sulphate remains fairly steady. Other fertilizers have varied f r o m year to year. The ratings are approximate and should be taken as such. Notes on Turf Grasses for , •. b Greens In rating turf grasses,—the same qualities are taken into consideration as in rating the fertilizer plots. Snow mold, leaf spot, brown-patch, and Winter kill are taken into consideration, but no account is taken of weeds. In the velvet bent group, Kernwood and No. 14276 are very close together, the f o r m e r rating f o r three vears, 77, 79, 60, average, 72; the latter, 64, 80, 78, average, 74. Kernwood is subject to small brown-patch, No. 14276 is not. The other velvet bents r a t e : Velvet (Washington S t a t e ) , 56-57-60; average 58; P. E. I. Velvet, 56, 55, 50, average 54; Peekham's Velvet, 52, 43, 48, average 48; and Highland Velvet, 34, 48, 55, average 46. In the stolon group, Metropolitan ranks first, 70, 69, 41, average 60; Unicorn, 30, 60, 60, average 50; Columbia, 58, 57, 35, average 50; Washington, 57, 52, 25, average 45; Seaside, (from Kittansett) 37, 50, 38, average 38; and Virginia, 30, 27, 30, average 29. The seeded grasses of the medium fine group: Seaside bent, 50, 70, 51, average 57; Colonial (New Zealand), 53, 60, 55, average 56; Colonial (Wash- ^ ^ 3 NEWSLETTER ingtpn), 43, 58, 51, average 51; South German mixed bent, 40, 55, 53, average 49; Colonial (R. I.), 40, 50, 53, average 48; poa annua, 47, 40, 20, average 36; Chewing's fescue, 34, 40, 28, average 34; and Red fescue, 27, 20, 20, average 23. The appended tables show a t a glance how each grass rated f o r the three THREE YEAR NOTES ON Fertilizer o FERTILIZER PLOTS CUT 1929 1930 Activitated sludge Poultry manure tankage Ammo, sulphate and compost Ammo, sulphate Ammo, sulphate and lime Nitrate of soda Urea Ammo, phosphate 6-12-4 12-6-4 Bone meal Checks THREE Grass YEAR 64 65 40 64 40 58 43 52 65 77 33 20 NOTES ON TURF No. 14276 Velvet bent Kernwood Velvet Metropolitan Velvet bent (Washington) Seaside bent Colonial bent (New Zealand) Velvet bent (P. E. I.) Colonial bent (Washington) Unicorn bent Columbia bent South German mixed bent Colonial bent (R. I.) Velvet bent (Peckham) Highland Velvet Washington bent Seaside bent (Kittansett) Native bent Poa annua Chewings fescue Virginia bent Red fescue A CORRECTION The Consolidated Rendering Company of 40 North Market St., Boston, has put out a circular to their salesmen, p a r t of which I shall quote: "New England Putting Special 8-6-2" years. Many of the above grasses ranked 80 at some time during the growing season, but snow mold, brown-patch, and leaf spot reduced this high mark, and the figures given are averages f o r the season. In the appended tables, 80 is excellent; 60, good; 40, f a i r ; and 20, poor. Green "The Massachusetts Department of Agriculture at Amherst in cooperation with the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the various golf clubs, and their allied associations, have f o r some time GREENS LENGTH 1931 Average 80 72 50 60 46 60 48 60 65 63 40 20 GRASSES 1929 64 77 70 56 50 53 56 43 30 58 40 40 52 34 57 37 40 47 34 30 27 77 63 45 60 36 53 54 56 53 53 43 20 FOR GREENS 1930 80 79 41 57 70 60 55 58 60 57 55 50 43 48 52 50 43 40 40 27 20 74 67 45 61 41 57 48 56 61. 64 39 20 1931 78 60 60 60 51 55 50 51 60 35 53 53 48 55 25 43 40 20 28 30 20 been conducting experimental plots at the Charles River Country Club, under the supervision of Mr. Charles Wilson, greenskeeper, the aim of which is to improve their fertilization program, and incidentally the quality of the grass." This statement is incorrect as the plots are conducted by the U. S. Golf Association, Green Section, and the Massachusetts Golf Association, Service Section. "Practically all the mixtures of all the companies have been tried, as well as some of the specialties such as Milor- 4 NEWSLETTER ganite, and the final outcome is that they are convinced a mixed fertilizer is the proper plant food, and that a grade analyzing 8N-6-2 is the proper analysis." This statement again is not correct. No mixture of any company is tried. Milorganite, under that name, is not used, and there is no evidence that an 8-6-2 fertilizer has the proper analysis. "This brand will be made without any filler and will contain Castor Pomace, Cottonseed Meal, Dried Blood, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphosphate, and Muriate of Potash, all of which are recommended by Mr. Wilson as a result of his experiments". Nothing in the plots gives evidence t h a t this combination is the best. The above letter, by the Consolidated Rendering Company, was written without knowledge or sanction on my part, and regardless of my personal feeling regarding the fertilizer, it has no basis of merit on experiments conducted at the Demonstration Turf Garden at the Charles River Country Club. P r a n k H. Wilson, Jr. A R E W E R E A D Y FOR OUR JOB? (Being the rambling thoughts of Greenkeeper as the busy season approaches!) a Now t h a t the wonderful meeting in New York is over, and Spring is nearing, I guess we are ready f o r our job. I, f o r one, learned a lot and was confirmed on what I already was sure of, and I want to make use of it to save every dollar possible. If I can save any more money f o r our course this year than I did last I will have to hustle. Our greens went thru the Winter in good condition, but I always dread the next f e w weeks most, as I always claim t h a t snow on greens not frozen is very bad. While in New York I was told by several greenkeepers that they were worried about greens, f o r the reason t h a t grass was growing during the Winter. I, f o r one, want to see grass grow at any time, and I haven't noticed any bad effect in all my experience growing grass. If snow covers greens a f t e r the ground softens, I am always watching f o r trouble. If the snow stays on more than three days, clean it off to give the green air, or you may have a reseeding job. We are now about through repairing and painting machinery and tools; and every day are going over the course cleaning up to keep ahead of our work. I noticed in the National Greenkeeper that there is more talk of keeping accounts. I always do this to check expense where it should be, but I cannot see why costs should be separated between greens, tees, traps, fairways, etc., as it is all golf course work and expense. One man said budget your expense so as to keep down costs, and know what the costs will be, but ask f o r a thousand dollars more than needed, and save it if you can. Anyone who cannot guess nearer than a thousand dollars, a f t e r looking over his previous year's expense, is trying to fool himself; and if he saves the added amount he asks for, he seems to think he has made a wonderful saving. So f a r as I can see, this is boys' play! One of the main subjects of discussion this year seems to be a cut in salary. Some are cut more than others, of course, but I was thinking if I got a cut I may have to pay my employer to keep me. I hope some of the chairmen don't make a mistake. Unless a chairman uses good judgment, he may lose more by changing greenkeepers than he will save. An up to date greenkeeper, who has his work a t heart, should be given some encouragement, and kept on the same course as long as possible f o r the benefit of all concerned. It takes a long time f o r a new man to break in properly, especially on a large course. A permanent greenkeeper has his troubles, but if he tests his soil each year, he soon finds out the needs of each green, and is surely more beneficial to his course than a new man could possibly be f o r a long time. A set of greens can be ruined in less than a season. I have missed many greenkeepers' meetings simply because of some one of many things t h a t may happen over night. Golf is with us to stay, and it is up to us fellows to show our employers we are worthy of our title. I believe my employer sees the benefit of our meetings to the greenkeeper, and he seems to want me to attend. Of course, this is as it should be, as the benefit comes back to the course. Again, by attending the meetings and enjoying the day with our fellow greenkeepers, we surely are more peppy toward our work. I ani very glad to know that Professor North and his associates at the R. I. State College are to put in additional 5 NEWSLETTER FERTILIZE and Exclusive New England Distributors For: Premier Brand Pulverized Poultry Manure Rams Head Brand Pulverized V. C. Fairway Fertilizer Corona Dry Arsenate of Lead Mowrah Meal and Castor Pomace available for prompt or future shipment. GET OUR P R I C E S The highest grades of Bent Grasses, Fancy Re-cleaned Red Top, Fancy Re-cleaned Kentucky Blue Grass on hand for immediate shipment. with LAN-FER 8-6-2 SPECIAL GOLF COURSE FERTILIZER COMPARE the quality of ingredients, analysis and price of L A N - F E R with other brands before you buy. Don't Starve The Grass You can afford to use LAN-FER. The PRICE is RIGHT. Write Ei3gS3gl 85 STATE ECONOMIZE For Information. M. F. LANSILL Special STREET Fertilizers 86 C H A R L E S Boston, Mass. Newton, RIVER PKY Mass. The Easiest and Most Efficient Method for Aerating Seeding THE BUEL Top Dressing PERFORATOR The only perforator with hinged spikes w h i c h insures perfect penetration. Manufactured J. F. Buel - - By Woburn, Mass. W h e n buying f r o m our advertisers, mention NEWSLETTER! 6 NEWSLETTER experimental plots this year, using formulae of the different greenkeepers under putting green conditions, f o r f u r ther benefit of our courses. I have noticed a t the different meetings t h a t every greenkeeper wants the best 1 course, and I hope we all get it! Let's go, boys, and see what we can do this season to improve at less expense ! Roland F. Robinson, Comstock Park G. C. NEW WATER BLUE SYSTEM HILL AT The Blue Hill Country Club of Canton, Mass., having completed its 18 hole course last Summer, at the same time completed its fairway watering system, the first in New England, although it is very common and necessary in other p a r t s of the country like California and Florida. Fortunately our source of water supply was in the center of the 18 hole course, with nine holes lying South and nine holes lying North. A f o u r inch main was r u n f r o m the pump house North and South. From this pipe two-inch outlets were installed a t the necessary intervals to allow this size of pipe to skirt every fairway, one and one half inch gate valves were installed every eighty f e e t along the fairways, and the water is distributed on the fairways by one and one half inch hose, using any of the large fairway watering units. The key to the layout of the two inch pipe lies in the f a c t t h a t no dead ends were allowed; each pipe is a loop and comes back to the f o u r inch main. This allows water to reach any given outlet coming in both directions to said outlet and saved a good many dollars in piping expense, and also maintains effective pressure at nozzles by cutting down friction losses and velocity of flow of the water. The principal expense of the system, of course, lies in the piping. We used a twenty horsepower motor, directly connected to a two stage centrifugal pump, of rated capacity of 100 gals, per minute against one hundred pounds pressure. The advantage of the centrifugal is that no relief valves, pressure tanks, or standpipe are necessary. The gallons of water pumped adjusts itself to the number of openings in the pipe line. If there are openings enough to drop the pressure to 75 lbs. the number of gal. increases to 150 gals, per minute; if the openings are few the pressure rises to 110 lbs. and the number of gals, pumped drops to 75 gals, per minute or less; the water under these circumstances just churns in the pump. Of course, there must be some outlets open or the pump will heat up f r o m this churning action. The disadvantage of the centrifugal pump lies in the power it consumes which is much larger than a plunger pump of this capacity. But a f t e r careful consideration of the problems of the plunger type we decided t h a t the centrifugal pump was the simplest, cheapest in cost and installation expense and maintenance. We ran a three thousand foot, three No. 6 wire, pole line, carrying 2200 volts to t r a n s f o r m e r s at the pump house, and have plenty of power, supplied by the Edison Electric Illuminating Co. of Boston. The present replacement cost of the watering system would be about $8,000.00. We are very much pleased with the system and the way it operated last year during dry spells. We are going to be able to maintain the turf on our fairways during any kind of a season as a result of this installation. Wm. W. Partridge. The Rhode Island Greenkeepers Association held its F e b r u a r y meeting on the 22nd at the N a r r a g a n s e t t Hotel, Providence. Following a business meeting, Woodworth Bradley of Providence started a discussion on fertilizers. Professor H. F. A. North of the Rhode Island Experiment Station told of recent work which has been done at the Station. The Station now has available leaflets on various subjects—Insects, Fertilizers, Seed Mixtures f o r Lawns, Fungus Diseases, etc., being the recommendations f r o m this Station. These recommendations are especially adapted to lawn owners who are having trouble. The Rhode Island Greenkeepers Association held its March meeting at the Narragansett Hotel, Providence, on the 14th. The Association went on record as being heartily in favor of more f u n d s f o r experimental work on turf at the Rhode Island Experimental Station. It was announced t h a t the annual Field Day f o r greenkeepers at this Station would be held on May 23rd. Greens committee chairmen are especially invited. Exhibits are to be limited to the smaller eruipment this year. \ s HOVEY'S SEED European and Domestic AS Grasses L i V i c E u A II Buckner irrigation System Victory Putting and Fairgreen Fertilizer Humus etc. Company E v e r y t h i n g in C o u r s e Est. Equipment 1834 1 5 0 M I L K ST., B O S T O N , Tel. Hancock MASS. 14,54 - 1 4 5 5 Complete Catalog Mailed On Request / 0 ALWAYS DEPENDABLE O u r a d v e r t i s e r s a i m to p l e a s e Y O U L I T Y 8 NEWSLETTER Clinton K. Bradley spoke of the Winter School f o r Greenkeepers a t Amherst, which he attended this Winter. A discussion period followed. APRIL MEETING The April meeting was held a t Horticultural Hall, Boston, on April 4th. The speaker was Mr. O. J. Noer of the Milwaukee Sewerage Commission. Mr. Noer gave an interesting talk on conditions which he found in travelling around the country this past season, and offered some suggestions f o r assistance. Mr. Noer pointed out t h a t the belt between Washington and St. Louis probably suffered the most, although there was much trouble also around Chicago, and even in Canada. Many greens were absolutely lost. Most of the i n j u r y was similar to t h a t which damaged the East in 1928. No particular strain of grass was immune f r o m trouble; damage to poa annua was severe. The poorer strains of stolons suffered. Solution of troubles is not by getting any one grass or strain. Hot humid weather usually accompanied by heavy rainfall was the usual cause of trouble. Immediate loss of turf was probably due to a variety of things, hence the variety of causes and remedies suggested. The sod web worm did much damage. Two treatm e n t s : lead arsenate spray, or mechanically so as to adhere to leaves; pyrethrum successful but costly. Small and large brown-patch were common, also pythium. Sun scald may result f r o m several different causes. With lack of water leaves collapse. Most sun scald appeared on low lying places in greens. Turf t u r n s brown, usually foul odors; odors usually result of waterlogging of soil, usually green scum appears on surf a c e ; this is algae. Very little can be done in control with insecticides and fungicides; avoid such conditions as f a r as possible. Methods to counteract trouble and bring back greens. There are no methods to work magic. There are very few live roots l e f t in some cases, folly to feed grass until new roots f o r m ; root formation is necessary first. On such areas help surface soil to dry out by forking or some such method; light liming may help. Fertilization should wait until evidences are there t h a t turf is recovering. How to avoid f u t u r e trouble: It is not possible to go through Summer without some trouble as long as golfers demand same conditions. Look f o r t r e a t ments to minimize trouble. Discard poor strains of grass. Have soil with its drainage condition right. Deep soil bordering on sandy loam is good; have good surface drainage and underdrainage if soil doesn't move water down through it rapidly. Heavily contoured greens are not easily maintained. Organic matter is essential constituent of soil. It is possible to get too much humus material; the great water holding capacity may be detrimental. 20-30% of this material plenty. Feeding practices may be overhauled. It is not possible to lay out a definite feeding practice or program. Greens are too often judged by color. High color blades are soft and succulent. Have sturdy turf to go into July and August. Control N. feeding and water. Feed generously in Spring, less in Summer. Feeding is usually part of topdressing; this may overfeed. Add phosphorus and potash required in Spring. Then regulate according to color and growth. Use organics in Spring and Fall, not much during Summer. Use soluble nitrogen in small quantities in Summer. The tendency is to overwater. Watering affects root system and top growth. Greens in shade and in low lying areas usually give most trouble; f o r these get soil in best mechanical condition possible with good drainage; feed and water less than usual. At the business meeting Ray Granger of the Newport (R. I.) Country Club was elected a regular member, and George Rommell of the Greenfield Country Club was elected an associate member. We are sending copies of the recently adopted By-Laws with this issue of the N E W S L E T T E R . Hand your extra copy to your chairman; he should be interested in your Club. We have already sent copies to those green chairmen on our mailing list. Once more we ask t h a t you send us the address of your green chairman, and keep us posted on changes. 9 NEWSLETTER FOR "QUALITY" LAWNS, GOLF and SPORT TURF Golf Course, Estate, Park and Lawn Supplies Woodworth Bradley S e e d s m a n 1 3 6 So. W a t e r St. P r o v . , R. Connecticut CARL H. MATERIALS FINEST GOLF GRASSES S e p a r a t e Vars. or Ver-Best P. G. (7-8-2—62% Complete (6-8-1—70% Organic) Manure Fertilizers Fungicides Soil S p o n g e Humus Worm Conn. N e w Y o r k Office C L I N T O N K. B R A D L E Y 91 W i s n e r A v e . Newburgh, N. Y . Manure Organic) Gen-Purpose Grass (4.8-4—42% West Hartford, Organic) Casta-Poma Grass (5-6-2—65% Office ANDERSON Mixture Manure Grass 5 R o b i n Rd, I. Manure Mr.. Advertiser Organic) Chemicals Insecticides Peat Moss Implements Eradicators F. & N. F a i r w a y M o w e r s F. & N. P u t t i n g G r e e n M o w e r s Locke Power Lawn Mowers Do you wish to get your advertising before those who course equipment and buy supplies golf in New England? The NEWSLETTER goes directly, and is read by, the Greenkeepers and Green Chairmen of New England Clubs. Sefarvc&iZo. 60 CONGRESS STREET Boston, Mass. and Branch Cedar Office Swamp Road G l e n H e a d , L . I., N . Y . Price List Sent On Request. For space and rates in the 1932 NEWSLETTER, Business 330 write:— Manager—Newsletter Walttiam Street W e s t Newton, Mass. NEWSLETTER 10 The officers of the Greenkeepers Club of New England, with their addresses, are as follows: President, James McCormack, 450 William St., Stoneham, Mass. 1st V. Pres., Thomas Fahey, 66 T u f t s St., Arlington, Mass. 2nd V. Pres., Howard F a r r a n t , 132 Russert Rd., West Roxbury, Mass. 3rd V. Pres., James Sullivan, 47 Hammond St., Waltham, Mass. Secretary, Charles W. Parker, 47 Bowker Rd., Waltham, Mass. Treasurer, F r a n k H. Wilson, Jr., Charles River Country Club, Newton Centre, Mass. Trustees, T. W. Swanson, 110 Bedford St., Lexington, Mass. R. Wallace Peckham, Sachuest Golf Club, Newport, R. I. Carlton E. Treat, Woodland Golf Club, Auburndale, Mass. Editor, N E W S L E T T E R , Guy C. West, 312 Mt. Pleasant St., Fall River, Mass. Business Manager, N E W S L E T T E R , Marston Burnett, Wyantenuck Golf Club, Great Barrington, Mass. E n t e r t a i n m e n t Committee, Chairman, Robert A. Mitchell, Kernwood Country Club, Salem, Mass. Golf Committee, Chairman, Clifton E. Sowerby, 2 Stow Rd., Marlboro, Mass., Tel. Marlboro 120-R. Membership Committee, Chairman, John S. Latvis, Tatnuck Country Club, Worcester, Mass. Welfare Committee, Chairman, James C. Sullivan, 47 Hammond St., Waltham, Mass, Employment Committee, Chairman, John Shanahan, 256 Fuller St., West Newton, Mass. Educational and Interrelation Committee, Massachusetts section, T. W. Swanson, Chairman. Rhode Island section, R. Wallace Peckham, Chairman. • REVISED HANDICAP GREENKEEPERS April 1, Arthur E. Anderson Thomas Brennan H. C. Browning M. B u r n e t t E v e r e t t Capello P. Cassidy A. G. Clark John Clinton John L. Counsell R. B. Cottelle LIST OF W. Darling Thomas Fahey Howard F a r r a n t V. Flood Elmer Fuller Tom Galvin Thomas F. Grady Martin Green Ed. Hansen Lawrence Hay Paul F. Hayden James Holden John Latvis James Lawson W. S. Lindsay E. B. Lord Charles Mullaney James McCormack John McDonough Louis Marrato M. D. Maxwell J. J. Fitzgerald Harold A. Mosher T. Murray Wm. J. McBride M. J. O'Grady Alec Ohlsen Thomas O'Leary Charles O'Keefe James O'Malley Joseph Oldfield Charles W. Parker Wm. Patridge R. Peckham G. Pettazoni E. D. Pierce Earle Polhamus R. F. Robinson C. E. Sowerby L. G. Stott Pat. Sullivan James Sullivan Ted Swanson Pat Tameo Carl E. Treat Geo. Volmer Paul Wanberg Guy West F r a n k Wilson C E C L U B O F N. E. . - E H . 20 16 10 10 30 15 15 18 22 20 20 18 24 15 19 25 9 10 15 15 15 5 18 20 20 12 0 18 23 20 10 35 15 5 15 12 30 20 5 22 20 18 9 18 18 15 28 18 27 Thibault 18 - Stephenson 18 1932 20 25 8 30 15 24 15 10 4 30 During a question-box half hour following the Feb. 29th meeting, the question of cutting wages of the men working on various courses was discussed. Several clubs have cut or are cutting wages 5 or 10%, but it is worthy of mention t h a t several clubs are not planning to cut wages at all. 11 NEWSLETTER MY PROBLEM How to make the labor of seven men equal the work done by ten men and two boys is my problem. How well we will succeed remains to be seen. I won't let any weeds, especially crab grass and chickweed, grow on or near the greens, even though I have to feed less or mow less often. Letting rough grow tall will do no permanent damage, although if you have to mow with a cutter bar twice or more, and rake by hand and haul away the hay, I doubt if it is cheaper than keeping down the rough all the time with a reel mower. We expect to mow less width of rough in 1932. Tees can be mowed twice a week instead of three times. Grass may be allowed to grow tall around tees where players do not walk and not interfere with play. We have been generous in the .size of compost piles so can skip this year the starting of new piles. One can neglect traps without serious trouble, but if weeds get in, we will have to pay to remove them next year. Those who have power greens mowers can perhaps better afford to skip mowing every day the first part or all the week, as the power machine will not take any longer probably to cut two days grass, except for stopping to dump clippings. If we must economize, less feeding will mean less grass to cut and will do no harm. Some say there will be less brown-patch to spend time and materials on. Robert A. Mitchell. We are pleased to learn that grass turf plots and experiments have been started at the Iowa State College. The newly formed Iowa Greenkeepers Association is, cooperating with this work which is under the direction of Dr. Vernon T. Stoutemyer. FOR SALE The Kernwood Country Club will have available sometime in May about four thousand square f e e t of mixed bent sod containing a large percentage of velvet bent. Anyone interested should write R. A. Mitchell, % Club, Salem, Mass. IDEAL P O W E R GREENSMOWER LIGHTEST EASIEST IN 'TO WEIGHT OPERATE A N D L O W E S T IN P R I C E We carry a complete line of fully equipped golf equipment service and maintain a station. 1 he Ideal Mower Sales and Service R. E. B r a d l e y , Prop. 273 Boylston Street—Brookline, W h e n w r i t i n g our advertisers, mention Mass, NEWSLETTER! MILORGANITE B 1 1 j§ I y | FERTILIZER We are pleased to announce t h a t starting last fall MILORGANITE contains 20% more organic Nitrogen and this increase in fertilizer value is now coupled with a decrease in the price. It is our belief that MILORGANITE continues to stand above all other materials as an organic fertilizer and certainly more economical to buy. i 1 1 | 1 Is j j g i LWAU K E E j l NIL0R6ANIK „ fIDEALTURF V eRTilizer B 0 i a I 1 § | On April 1st we ordered our tenth solid carload of Milorganite for. the New England District. Eight of these were shipped in March and two are ordered for immediate April shipment. | B ® B B jfj B N e w Prices Are Effective N o w F . O. B. W e s t I Depot 15 ton car, per ton 25 ton car, per ton $26.00 $25.00 Pool cars are now being organized. There may be one for your locality. Write in—giving the tonnage you can use and we will respond quickly. B B | Warehouse $32.00 $30 00 F . O. B. Y o u r H gj B | | Newton 1 to 5 tons, per ton 5 to 10 tons, per ton New England Distributors: B ¡a B NEW ENGLAND TORO COMPANY 1 WEST NEWTON, MASS. ® gj Associates: H B B Philip H. Kylander, E d w a r d L o h r , P r o v i d e n c e , R . I. jg H Hi if Elmwood, Freeman Conn. Nagell, Portland, Maine G u y F . P a t t e r s o n & Co., P i t t s f i e l d , Mass. :: :: sr «Ti ils: ri si ::V:'r:T: :TT: :: :: :: ÌÌ Ì:':: ÌÌ i- ss ;; :s :: ij 5: J: JÌ :: :: :: a.:: st « s&Ji