GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS A S S O C I A T I O N OF NEW ENGLAND INI e w s l @ t t e r APRIL 1959 The March second meeting of the Association was held at the Waltham Field Station, This was our first try at a morning business meeting and it proved very satisfactory. The Association received a letter from A1 Radko, N. E, Director of the U.S.G.A, Service Section which outlined further tests for the "ripple type sole" shoe. Further publicity on this type shoe locally was quoted by several papers. It is hoped that further releases to or by the papers will clarify the objections expressed by our Association and other interested groups. Our first out-door meeting in May is scheduled for Ludlow. The application for associate membership of John B. Callahan, Superintendent at the Green Meadow Golf Club, Hudson, N, H. was read and will be voted on at the April 6th meeting. The By-laws were acted on in part and will again be acted on at the April business meeting at 10:30 a.m. We are proud that Arthur Anderson and Dr, Eliot Roberts have been asked to serve on the U.S.G.A,, Service Section. The Educational program was featured by a word picture by dealers present on products and prices for the coming season. Highlights seemed to be: Sawtell Brothers - the new Nelson sprinklers and new Royer models. Agrico - Pat Pasqualucci - a new 17-17-17 liquid fertilizer. Grounds Equipment Company - Tony Sperandio - a special in certain models of Jacobsen mowers. Turf Equipment Company Sam Mitchell - a good steam cleaner. Nitro Form - Charles Muurk - Urea Form acceptance by superintendents. The Clapper Company - Dick Finnerty - new Toro greens mower with a new idea in weight distribution. Orville Clapper - the new Greensaire Special and the West Point Aerifier with many other attachments. Gene Cronin an acknowledgement to the progressive superintendent. It seems that all rough and fairway units will be hydraulically operated in a very short time. We would like to congratulate Dr. Eliot Roberts and his staff for the fine Turf Conference at the University of Massachusetts. The program was excellent and attendance was close to ^00, The next meeting of the Association will be held Monday, April 6 at the Waltham Field Station, The business meeting will be at 10:30 a.m. Luncheon will be at 12:30. The Educational program will present an interesting talk by Geoff Cornish. Philip I. Cassidy Business Manager GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS A S S O C I A T I O N OF NEW ENGLAND - 2 Mr, Miller concentrated on disease control and the use of fungicides pointing out that proper course construction was a definite aid in disease control. It was emphasized that since more than one disease organism may be present much of the time it is wiser to make frequent regular applications of fungicides as a preventative rather than infrequent dosages as a curs. The April 13 special meeting, devoted exclusively to consideration of the revised By-Laws, made excellent progress. Starting at Article IV Section 9> Initiation Fees and Dues, the entire proposed new By-Laws were read paragraph by paragraph and individually approved with some minor changes. Before final adoption however, there are two amendments to be considered at the next meeting. First, Article 17 — Section 7, Life Members. The original motion to make a change in the wording of this Article was misunderstood and therefore should be amended to read, "He shall have all the privileges of the Association except to hold office," instead of reading, "He shall have all the privileges of the Association except to vote and to hold office." Second — Article IV, Section 8.— Inactive Members, The date (December 31,1958) was misinterpreted. When this part of the By-Laws was written last summer it was assumed that the revised By-Laws might be voted upon at the December meeting and those effected by Section 8 would be notified at the end of the dues paying year or fiscal year, (December 31, 1958). This date had no bearing on who it effected. Therefore, the amendment to this Section of Article IV is to delete the words and numerals, (as of December 31, 1958), It was voted to act on this matter at a meeting called for 11:00 A.M., May at Ludlow G.C. NEXT MEETING LUDLOW G.C. LUDLttf, MASS. MONDAY, M I Equipment Demonstration Business Meeting 18 Hole Tournament Dinner 10:00 11:00 1:00 5:30 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Don't forget MOTHER on Mother's Day, May 10. Deep in each heart God puts the need Of a love that is tender and strong, The need of one who will understand Each sorrow and share each song. And to us all, He grants one gift Sweeter than any other, To answer this need for tenderness He gives us each A MOTHER. .H. Darling Editor