GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION OF NEW ENGLAND Mlenirslit iter October 1959 NEXT MEETING October 5* 1959. At Vineyard Haven, Martha's Vineyard Island, Ladies Invited, Make It An Excursion— A Vacation— An Outing. Time Is Short Read Carefully, Act Quickly Dick Mansfield, host Supt, At Mink Meadows Golf Club Is going all out to make this visit one to long remember. Don't let him Down. Here's the Plan, Pack up with your wife. And start Sunday Afternoon, Drive to Woods Hole, Leave car there. Ferries leave For Vineyard Haven 12*00 Noon, 2$30 P.M. and 4:30 P»M* (Last One), Special Round Trip Rate For 25 People or More ($2,25 each). Preferably all leave on same Ferry 4:30 P,M, Sunday, A ten Unit Motel and Cottage can accommodate 26 people or more. For those unable to leave Sunday take Ferry at Woods Hole Monday A,M, 8:30 which will be in time for the days festivities, A big breakfast is planned for Monday morning followed by a golf tournament at Mink Meadows G, C. 'Than dinner at 2:30, All in time for return Ferry trip 4:30 Monday, Ladies may tour the Island during the tournament. Transportation will be Arranged*. GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION OF NEW ENGLAND Newsletter For those considering Flying, check with North East Air Lines For Schedule. Fill Out and Promptly Send Enclosed Card to Dick Mansfield. questions phone Dick as follows: Home Vineyard Haven Club " » Make This The Big One, If there are any - 1278 90 All Aboard. Toot Toot. Two Meetings In October October 19— The Supt-Pro Tourney At Brae Burn. This is the Annual Shanahan Memorial Scotch Tournament. Selected Drives— Alternate Shots. Each Supt.-Pro Team must be either a member of the P.G.A, or a member of the Golf Course Supts, Assoc, of New England, Tournament Starts at 9:30 A.M. No meeting in November*— But plan on a big Time for the Annual Meeting December 7* Special preparations are underway to make this an outstanding Affair at the Waltham Field Station. The new date for the Annual Meeting under our new By-laws leaves the month of November open to prepare reports, This will alert the President, Treasurer, Secretary, Trustees, Auditors and various. Committees such as the nominating, Finance, Educational, Golf, and Newsletter committees to be prepared with brief reports* Proper ballots should be in readiness for this meeting also, to fulfill the requirements of the new by-laws. More details on this meeting will appear later. The regular September meeting was held, at the Natick Golf Club, September 1^. This was an all day affair with a tournament, equipment display, a short business meeting all topped off with an appetizing chicken barbecue at 5s00 P.M. The whole affair was enjoyable, congenial and constructive, Ernest Wolfgang made an excellent host and had an interesting, well groomed course to present. The members of the Natick Golf Club were very generous and donated many prizes for our tournament* The winners werei 1st 2nd 3rd Tie A-th Tie 5th GUEST DIVISION Roger Hines R, Crockford T. Irwin R* Kirkman J. Rogers F, Murphy S. Paulini M. G. J. B. SUPTS LCW GROSS Wendell 72 Tedesco 76 Sperandio 78 Clark 79 T. N. R. P. R. P. s. SUPTS LOW NET Murphy Sperandio Mucciorone Cassidy Brigham Mitchell Mitchell, Jr, 65 66 67 70 71 73 78 0C ^ GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION OF NEW ENGLAND r