Qoif Coarse Superintendents sQsdocicitii ion O F N E W E N G L A N D President — N. J. SPERAND10 Concord Country Club Concord, M a s s . Phone EM 9-4723 September 1961 First V i c e - P r e s i d e n t — JOSEPH BUTLER United Shoe Country Club 3 Ridgewood Terrace Beverly, M a s s . Phone WA 2-1263 NEWSLETTER The September meeting was held September 11, 1961 at the United Shoe Country Club, Beverly, Mass. In spite of a record scorcher many Supts. attended to see the new Aqua-Dial water system recently installed at the Shoe and also to see Bob Wiley demonstrate the Aero thatch machines. Second Vice-President — RAYMOND BRIGHAM Rhode Island Country Club Phone CHerry 5-8255 52 North Lake Drive Barrington, R. I. Secretary — W I L L I A M A. ASH Allendale Country Club Phone WYman 3-8767 9 Patton Street North Dartmouth, Mass. The Greens Model Aero thatch sells for $825.00 less weights and $860,00 with weights. The Fairway machine sells for $1595.00. Treasurer — ARTHUR L. CODY Wollaston Golf Club Phone Supt. office at club GRanite 2-3535 Home GRanite 2-7913 19 Ardell Street North Quincy, M a s s , Any member who is not familiar with Aero thatch should read the July 1961 reprint from Park Maintenance. Trustee — GEORGE W E B S T E R Needham Country Club Phone HI 4-1927 25 Green Street Needham, M a s s . The Aqua Dial system at United Shoe was installed by the Singleton Irrigation Systems, Inc., Boston, Mass. and the valves and sprinklers, controls, etc. supplied by the Clapper Company. (The refreshments provided in the field and before lunch were also supplied by the above two Companies and were appreciated by all.) Trustee — MARION FINIZIA Wanamoisett Country Club Phone GEneva 8-4045 50 Holleck Avenue Riverside, R. I. Trustee Below listed are a few comments from the host Supt. Joe Butler. — M I C H A E L O'GRADY Country Club of New Bedford Phone WYman 2-9885 135 Hathaway Road North Dartmouth, M a s s . Finance Committee Chairman P H I L I P I. C A S S I D Y Weston Golf Club Phone HI 4-4127 4 5 Grosvenor Road Needham 92, M a s s . — Educational Committee Chairman ROBERT GRANT Supernault National Country Phone EM 5-5538 Deershorn Road Lancaster, M a s s . — Club Joe is very pleased with his new water system, he said the greens will all be watered Aqua-Dially starting this Fall. Golf Committee Chairman — EDWARD J. MURPHY Lexington Country Club Phone WE 3-0286 25 Flagg Street Woburn, Mass. Newsletter Committee Chairman RICHARD C. BLAKE Mt. Pleasant Country Club Phone CEdar 4-2209 138 Fletcher Street Whitinsville, M a s s . Past President — A L B E R T L. ALLEN Kernwood Country Club Phone PI 4-7783 Kernwood Country Club Salem, Mass. 37 days were required to install the water system - since installation over 2000 labor hours have been saved and the watering program has been more exacting; 71,000 ft. of tubing was installed, 9 colors used; It takes 45 mins. to set out sprinklers and 30 mins. to pick them up, 32 heads in all. Pop ups (1291 and 1281) 29 come on at one time; 404 model pop ups used in tees - 5 tees go on at one time. Joe has 8 men year round and 12 men in the summer. — 12 tennis courts and a 15,000 sq. ft. bowling green. Greens are cut V , tees and aprons than 3/4". and fairways less 6 greens mowers are used, 2 fairway units, one 7 gang and one 5 gang. He has 3 tractors, a 200 G. sprayer is used and a 5 gang rough unit. Basic pay rate is 1.79% per hour plus over time - 2 weeks vacation and Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance, Business Meeting Letter was received and read thanking the membership for gift presented to Dr, Odland. Our association voted to nominate Lawrence Mattel as a director in the national for 1962. Homer Darling is recovering from an operation and has recently returned home. The Commonwealth Country Club is seeking a Supt. January 1962. Please obtain information from the employment committee chairman and uphold the wage scale in the area. The next meeting will be the Pro - Supt. meeting October 16, at the Bra Burn Country Club, Newton, Mass. Only P.G.A, pros and/or members of our association are eligible in this tournament. to participate Arthur Anderson, host Supt. requests that no one tee off before 10:00 A.M. Come prepared for a long walk - you know where the tee markers will be. Arthur has stolons C-l-19 for sale, $5.00 for a full bushel. There will be a short directors meeting in the. afternoon. All directors please plan to attend, a A * The last outdoor meeting & golf for 1961 will be held October 30, 1961 at Clauson's Inn, No, Falmouth, Mass, Take Rte. 28 over the Bourne Bridge, turn left on Rte, 151 and follow signs. Please send return cards if you plan to attend. Buster Brown host Supt. says, "You're welcome to come for the weekend", rates are $5,00 per single and $8.00 double. This will be a joint Rhode Island and New England Association meeting. Let's have a good turn out for the last outdoor meeting of the year. * * Pat Tameo Supt, Metacomet Country Club, Providence, R.I. died Sept. 22, 1961 while a patient at R. I. hospital. Pat will long be remembered as a friend to all and a man of great courage and determination, he carried on his duties as Supt. until the end without complaint. Our heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. Tameo and family. * * * Elmer Fuller, Supt. Highland C.C., Attleboro, Mass. retired Sept. 1 after 41 years of service at the same club - Elmer recalls that the entire course was changed during that period fairways, tees and greens re-bui.lt to lengthen the course and in the old days Elmer recalls it took 5 days to cut fairways with a horse. Elmer now plans to raise dogs and play golf in his spare time and let the "Brown Patch" come and go. Best of luck Elmer in your new sport. The editor - Dick Blake