Cjoij^ (Gourde Superintendents dissociation OF NEW ENGLAND NEWSLETTER President — N. J. SPERANDIO Concord Country Club Concord, Mass. Phone EM 9-4723 First Vice-President — JOSEPH BUTLER United Shoe Country Club 3 Ridgewood Terrace Beverly, Mass. Phone WA 2-1263 Second Vice-President — RAYMOND BRIGHAM Rhode Island Country Club Phone CHerry 5-8255 52 North Lake Drive Barrington, R. I. Secretary — WILLIAM A. ASH Allendale Country Club Phone WYman 3-8767 9 Patton Street North Dartmouth, Mass. Treasurer — ARTHUR L. CODY Wollaston Golf Club Phone Supt. Office at club GRanite 2-3535 Home GRanite 2-7913 19 Ardell Street North Quincy, Mass. Trustee — HOWARD FARRANT Pinebrook Country Club Phone OL 3-5296 Wheeler Lane Natick, Mass. Trustee — MARIO FINIZIA Wanamoisett Country Club Phone GEneva 8-4045 50 Holleck Avenue Riverside, R. I. Trustee — MICHAEL O'GRADY Country Club of New Bedford Phone WYman 2-9885 135 Hathaway Road North Dartmouth, Mass. Finance Committee Chairman — PHILIP I. CASSIDY Weston Golf Club Phone HI 4-4127 45 Grosvenor Road Needham 92, Mass. Educational Commitee Chairman — ROBERT GRANT Supernault National Country Club Phone EM 5-5538 Deershorn Road Lancaster, Mass, Golf Committee Chairman — EDWARD J. MURPHY Lexington Country Club Phone WE 3-0286 25 Flagg Street Woburn, Mass. Newsletter Committee Chairman — RICHARD C. BLAKE Mt. Pleasant Country Club Phone CEdar 4-2209 138 Fletcher Street Whitinsville, Mass. Past President — ALBERT L. ALLEN Kernwood Country Club Phone PI 4-7783 Kernwood Country Club Salem, Mass. April 1962 The April meeting was held April 2 at the Waltham Field Station, Waltham, Mass, George Webster former Supt, at Needham C. C, and a Trustee and Director in the Association resigned as a Trustee and Director. His resignation was received with regrets. Mike O'Grady was appointed in his place as Trustee and Director. John Ahearn, Sports Reporter Boston Globe was introduced and spoke regards trying to educate and inform golfers as to why courses are not open at the present time. He said, "He would gladly publish items of interest in his paper," The N.E.G.C.S.A. Club Championship Trophy was presented to Guy Tedesco and the Senior Club Trophy to Joe Durando. Art Cody placed Miami, Florida. 3rd in B-Supt's. Handicap tournament in An application for associate membership was received from William C. Donovan, Supt. Nehoiden Golf Club, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass, Several Supts. Commented on the large amount of snow mold on fairways; many Supts. removed snow and ice from greens this year. Fairways that were sprayed for snow mold prevention came thru well, no snow mold, turf very green and vigorous. It was nice to see Ted Swanson at our last meeting, and to know he's feeling better. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Frank Marane and Mr. & Mrs. Buster Brown on the recent birth of sons. DEALERS PROGRAM Sawtelle Brothers - Ross spokesman - Complete West Point Product line, Electric Jacobsen greensmower, Improved Hydrolic Mowing Units, Cushman Trucksters, Aero thatch. Sam Mitchell - Representing Karandrew Turf Farm Inc., Suffield, Conn., Merion Kentucky Blue grass sod 100% pure and Penncross Bent grass Sod available. John Singleton - Singleton Irrigation Inc. Joe Trapeano - Larchrnont Engineering automatic irrigation systems and leaf blowers. Carter Breed - Representing Chem-Agro Co. - Dyrene Fungicide Grant Tingewell - Ryan Landscaping Equipment Co. Tony Sperandio - Grounds Equipment Co. Dr. Siberly - Agrico fertilizers Fred Heyliger - Hubbard Hall Chem, Go. Dick Mahoney - Slides on Soil-set. Ford tractor Co. Representators - New Ford LCG and Frail mowers. 0. 0. Clapper - The Clapper Co. - Complete Ryan Line Many thanks to the dealers for an interesting and authorative educational program. - Mass. Turf Conference Highlights "Progress is the activity of Today and the assurance of Tomorrow" - Emerson Over 400 in attendance; Prominent turf authorities from many states as Speakers, and many in the audience; Larger student body and more turf technologists to be graduated; Asst. Prof. John Zak and Evangel Bredakis study drifting sands at Provincetown and truro; Don Waddington receives $3000 research grant for study on soil aeration requirements and tolerance of grasses; Doug Hawes student and Editor of Turf Bulletin Mass. T. & L.G 0 A 0 receives Golf Course Supts. Association of America Certificate of Scholarship Award from Sherwood Moore, President G.C.S.A.A., Arthur Anderson Supt. Bra Burn C. C,, Newton, Mass. awarded Honarary membership in Turf Management Club; Guest Speaker Tony Mascaro, President, West Point Products Co, "Growing turfgrass the hard way" illustrated the need for progress and golfers education; Col. Harry Eclcoff Eastern Director, National Golf Foundation, spoke of progress and the below statistics illustrates the assurance of tomorrow. According to the National Golf Foundation, a record number of courses, 409, were opened during 1961, an increase of 48% over the previous high year of 1960. The new courses include 247 of standard length, 76 additions to existing courses and 86 new par-3 courses. The latest Foundation statistics tell of 6,623 courses in the United States, million golfers who play at least 15 rounds annually; $1,556,000,000 invested in land, courses, facilities and furnishings; $138,000,000 spent annually to maintain courses and grounds; and a total of 87,562,000 rounds played during the year. The entire educational program stressed progress, new and better strains of grass, modification of soil for Greens construction and topdressing, soil compaction, water movement through soils, water systems - sources - semi-automatic and fully automatic, Joe Troll, Chairman Conference Planning Committee and all the others who worked so hard planning the conference deserve a lot of credit for a job well done. Anyone wishing to contribute his time and efforts or constructive criticism for the planning of the 1963 turf conference? If so please contact Joe Troll or any Director of N.E.G.C.S.A. Don't forget your golf clubs - May 7 - Let's all turn out and enjoy a game of golf. Next Meeting Concord Country Club, Concord, Mass. Host Supt. Narry Sperandio - May 7, 1962 Equipt. Demonstration 10:00 A. M. - Lunch 12:00 Golf After lunch. All members and guests attending are requested to register and play golf after lunch. Please remember that we are guests of the host Supt. and his club, please dress and act accordingly. Three score cards must be turned in to the golf committee to obtain a handicap. No one will be allowed to play in the Pro-Supt. tournament at Bra-Burn in October, unless he has turned in three cards and has established a handicap. - 1962 Schedule of Meetings June 4 July 9 Aug. 6 Sept. 10 - Ledgemont C. C., Seekonk, Mass. Dedham Polo & Country Club Charles River C. C. Lake Sunapee, N. H. REVIEW OF PRE-EMERGENCE CRABGRASS CONTROL John E. Gallagher, Research and Development Specialist Amchem Products, Inc. Ambler, Pennsylvania Crabgrass (Digitaria sp.) remains a major, annual grass weed problem in turfgrass maintenance. Postemergent treatments have in many instances provided excellent control, but it is the development of pre-emergence herbicides which offer adequate selective control that has greater promise for the solution of this problem. Dr. Ralph Engel's concise definition of what is the optimum..."a single treatment, simple, safe and sure" has not been wholly reached, but today the superintendent has available to him several chemicals which nearly approach that goal. Marketable pre-emergence crabgrass control herbicides must fulfill the requirement of "a single application." The residual (duration of effectiveness) varies but seasonal control is expected with a single application. Most herbicides are easy to apply. Formulated as a liquid or granular, they fit the available application equipment. Several can actually offer sure control to the extent of 85-95%. Safety is the limiting factor. A chemical is judged safe in two ways--safe for the user and safe for the turf-grass. User safety is built in. The Federal Government requires that toxicity levels be established and proper warnings be displayed where needed. Turf-grass safety or tolerance is the weak point--weak only in the sense that no one product has complete tolerance to all grasses. Today's pre-emergence herbicides, within their limits, are effective, and, as such, are useful tools of turf-grass management. The Editor - Dick Blake