JULY, 1969 (bourse ^Superintendents OF N E W E N G L A N D , -^AAociation I N C . S p o n s o r s a n d administrators of the Lawrence S. Dickinson Scholarship Fund — A w a r d e d yearly to deserving Turf M a n a g e m e n t Students. SUPER-PRESS O N TAP NEXT MEETING One of the highlights of the New England Golf Course Superintendents Association will come roaring into Minute Man territory July 14 when the second annual super-press tournament is staged at the Concord Country Club. This is, as was stated above, the second such venture. A year ago over 30 teams poured over the Twin Hills Country Club in Longmeadow for the kickoff event. The undertaking was so successful the tourney was hailed as the cream of the superintendents' golfing schedule. Association president Tony Caranci is very enthusiastic about the merits of the tournament, to the extent that he urges the entire NEGCSA membership to make an attempt to take part. The event was originated as further evidence the course superintendent is determined to have a place high in the echelons of the golf world. With the opportunity to form a social as well as business relationship with all the news media, the superintendent should view this participation as one of the basic requirements for allegiance to his profession. Every effort is being made to make the day an enjoyable one. Host super Nazareth (Narry) Sperandio promises a good time for all . . . On one of the section's traditionallytested golf courses. There will be a serious side to the association with members of press, radio and television outlets. Prizes will be set up for leading scores on gross and net basis. Of course, the super prize for a super event will be the Arthur Anderson Trophy which goes to the title-winning tandem. The award is a form of appreciation to one of the association's best-loved and most-respected members. Arthur is expected to make the official presentation at the end of play. So, then, it's on to Concord for a tournament that should be considered a must for all course superintendents. Let's beat that 30-team figure of a year ago and flood Concord with entries. — Gerry Finn Superintendent-Press, July 14, 1969 Concord Country Club, Concord, Mass. 18 Holes, Best Ball — Prizes Galore Registration, Fees and Dinner — $20.00 per Supt. and Guest O l d North Bridge — Concord, Massachusetts Narry Sperandio, Superintendent Concord Country C l u b PROGRAM Golf starting time 10:30 a. m.—1 p. m. Light lunches available. Dinner, roast beef, 6:30 p . m . Program and prizes 8:00 p . m . Narry Sperandio will host the Arthur E. Anderson SuperPress Tourney at the Concord Country Club, Concord, Mass. Narry is spending his 24th year at Concord. Concord's 18 holes provide an adequate test to the golfer. Hilly terrain, water hazards, and heavy woodland describe to the golfer the challenge which he must conquer. The Concord Country Club was organized in October 4, 1895, at which time the initiation fee was $5.00, the annual dues were $10.00. However, today's initiation, fee of $500.00 and annual dues of $350.00 point up the fact of not only how the economy has galloped but also how golf has kept pace, as a sport of increasing interest in New England. The membership limit in 1895 was 125. Today the Club boasts a membership of 350 families with 100 on the waiting list. Narry Sperandio has served as President of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of New England during the years 1961-1962. He has been attending meetings since 1926, and has been an official member since 1935. During this period Narry has served the organization in many and varied capacities. DIRECTIONS TO THE CLUB From 128 to route 2 west until you come to Emerson Hospital sign, take left, Club on your right about 500 yards. ourSe • S u p e r i n t e n d e n t s OPEN LETTER TO CLUB PRESIDENTS A N D GREEN CHAIRMEN The time has come for the New England Golf Course Superintendents Association to make a strong, just stand against insinuations this past year's winter kill is the result of negligence. Nothing is more asinine than such a deduction by certain locker room agronomists and their disciples who feel dedicated to blame the unfortunate situation on someone rather than something. The winter of 1968-69 proved once and for all that superintendents are dealing with a complex, living thing in their attempts to control growth and condition of grasses. To cite them for the ravages of weather is akin to indicting a doctor everytime a patient dies. Even though it may sound like stretching a point, the two professions are much alike. Once and for all country and golf club members are reminded of the fact that the superintendent cannot control the weather — be it plant-bruising wind or plant-choking ice. In most areas of the Northeast the winter proved a dastardly occurrence. It took its toll on most courses. Some are still staggering under its effects. However, in no way can the superintendent rightly accept blame for the consequences, especially those in the highcalibered standing of the New England Association. In the case of escape from winter kill, many factors contribute . . • including strain of grasses, soil condition, pitch of drainage and many others. But in no way was the superintendent involved in fostering or inviting damage. It is in the spirit of fair play that the association take this firm stand against clubhouse and locker room snipers. There can be no way to say it other than to advise headhunters to find themselves another prey. GCSA of N. E. Board of Directors WINTER INJURY Alexander M. Radko U.S.G.A_ Green Section National Research Director Winter strikes again? More, turf injur\^resuj_tecl this winter than was expected. Normally, we invite snow cover to help protect greens over winter, but apparently there was too much, a r d it stayed too long, to form ice which subsequently melted in areas of surface drainage and made greens excessively wet. As a result, grasses in these areas turned various shades of yellow, orange, brown, grey and black. In fact, algae formation was commonplace and this rarely occurs so early in the season. The problem now is to nurse the tender new growth back to its former density and this could be slow. There is life in a good percentage of the injured turf, evident as you peel back the sheath and expose it. However, the soil remains excessively wet and in order to do everything possible it appears that these things are necessary. 1. Aerate to help dry the soil 2. Spike several times over 3. Overseed 4. Fertilize and topdress lightly 5. Syringe several times daily being careful not to overdo it Next fall and early winter, improve drainage in these areas where possible. ^ A s s o c i a t i o n - DEALING WITH THE SCARS GF WINTER By A. Robert Mazur Eastern Agronomist, U.S.G.A. Green Section Throughout the Northeast this year, with the extensive snow cover and the formation of ice sheets, snow mold and ice injury have been quite prevalent. SNOW MOLD Injury from snow mold is most common in those areas where preventative fungicides were not applied before the grass went into the winter. Some of our bentgrass varieties such as Seaside are extremely susceptible to this type of injury and should not be used in the northern areas that have extensive snow mold damage. The application of a mercury fungicide at about the time the leaves begin to fall from the trees with a second application just prior to the first snow fall has proven quite effective against snow mold. ICE INJURY The typical pattern of ice injury follows the low areas where moisture collects as the snow melts. Due to the lack of surface drainage, moisture collects in so-called low pockets. When there is frost in the soil we get very little, if any, percolation of moisture and it freezes on the surface as the temperature drops. The close proximity of ice to the crown tissue of the grass plant as spring approaches can result in death to the plant. Although both the bentgrass and Poa annua on greens are subject to this type of injury, we find that the Poa annua is the most susceptible. By improving the s-urface drainage on greens and tees, much of this type of injury can be avoided. RECOVERY Although the injured areas look quite brown, there is often plenty of life left. The leaf tissue can be browned-off or lost and the plant can still initiate new growth if the crown tissue has not been destroyed. It helps to spike, topdress, overseed, lightly fertilize and syringe these areas to help encourage new growth from the old plants as well as from seed. Where we are dealing with vegetative strains of bentgrass, overseeding can be accomplished with 5 pounds of creeping red fescue per 1000 square feet to provide cover until the bent can take over. The idea of the syringing is to keep the surface % to 1 inch moist and keep the newly initiated growth coming. When the weather warms up and the grasses are actively growing they will fill in over the injured areas in a relatively short period of time. The death-knoll for DDT is beginning to sound. This spring Sweden became the first c o u n t r y in the world to ban the use of DDT and in the United States similar moves are being made in cities and states across the land. At the federal level too, serious e f f o r t s to outlaw DDT and similar persistent pesticides are beginning to stir. The latest c o n f r o n t a t i o n , and perhaps the most significant to date in this country is taking place in Madison, Wisconsin. Focal point of the action in Madison is a hearing being conducted by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources on a petition which could eliminate DDT in that state. The department is responsible for keeping the state's water resources free of pollution, and under state law it can, u p o n petition, restrict or ban the use of any substance it finds to be fouling the water. Last November the resource department was petitioned by two local groups and the Environmental Defense F u n d of Brookhaven, N.Y., to determine whether or not DDT is a pollutant of the state's water resources. The Wisconsin hearings are significant since it is the first time that a proposed state-wide ban has been tested in court. If successful E D F and similar groups are expected to carry the battle to other states. The first E D F witness was Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson, who has sponsored a bill in the Senate to eliminate the use of DDT in the United States. " T h e specific question before us", he said, "is whether the over-all benefits of DDT are offset by the damage it does. I think the evidence is clear that the damage is far greater than the benefit. In only one generation we have contaminated the atmosphere, the sea, the lakes and streams and infiltrated most of the world's creatures. We are literally heading toward environmental disaster." The first scientist called to the witness stand was Dr. Charles F. Wurster, Jr., chairman of E D F ' s Science Advisory Committee and professor of biology at the State University of New York. Wurster described some of his findings on DDT and warned of the infiltration of the chemical t h r o u g h o u t the environments of the world and its damaging effects on a great n u m b e r of non-target organisms. George M. Woodwell, chief ccologist at Brookhaven National Laboratory, says of Wurster, "I think, unquestionably, he knows more about persistent pesticides than a n y b o d y in the world." Directing his c o m m e n t s toward DDT Wurster said, " D D T is much less effective than it once was because insects have become resistant to it, and we have learned m a n y better ways of controlling them. Moreover, we now k n o w that DDT is causing extremely serious damage to non-target organisms, and may not be as harmless to man as once was t h o u g h t . " " T h e advocates of DDT attribute any h a r m f u l side effects to improper or indiscriminate use. But, in fact, there is n o safe application of DDT in the external environment. C o m p a n y propaganda makes DDT sound like baby powder but y o u can't have the controlled, discriminate use of a chemical that is inherently uncontrollable when released o u t d o o r s . " " D D T is carried by runoff waters into streams, rivers, lakes and oceans. It is also carried in large quantities through the air and it comes down in the precipitation of even remote parts of the world. DDT, therefore, cannot possibly be contained at the site of the application. Like atomic explosions. DDT cannot be used in the natural environment w i t h o u t contaminating the earth." (Loune Superintendents —^Mociution OF N E W SPECIAL E N G L A N D EDITION At the hearing.Dr. Wurster outlined f o u r serious disadvantages of DDT: (1) It is what some scientists call a biocide; that is, it has broad biological effects on non-target organisms. It has been f o u n d in almost every living t'hing on earth. Tuna, hundreds of miles out in the ocean, carry DDT and so do animals on r e m o t e land areas. (2) DDT has great persistence; its half life is at least ten years and its potency lasts for as long as f i f t y years. (3) It is highly mobile, though not very soluble in water. It goes easily into a state of suspension in water and will cling to small particles of matter, being then transported by wind, rain and snow. It is estimated that only half the DDT sprayed o n t o an area stays on that area. The rest is carried t h r o u g h o u t the earth. This is why a ban, to be an effective ban, must be absolute. (4) Not all the DDT ingested by animal or man is excreted. The DDT residues which remain in the b o d y are stored in the fat tissue. As one animal feeds u p o n another, it ingests part of this DDT c o n t e n t into its own system. Examples of how this concentration of DDT in living organisms has either killed outright or had sublethal effects on everything f r o m plankton to mammals were given by a n u m b e r of scientists. For example, K e n n e t h Macek, staff biologist of the Department of Interior's fish-pesticide laboratory, reported of research findings that showed, when brook t r o u t were fed low, sublethal doses of DDT, the eggs and f r y they produced had significantly higher mortality rates. Also, the trout were more vulnerable to environmental stress such as changes in water temperature. Macek also cited research which identified DDT residues as the most probable cause of death of a million coho salmon f r y in Michigan hatcheries. A University of Wisconsin wildlife ecologist, Dr. Joseph Hickey, testified on r e p r o d u c t i o n failures attributed to DDT, particularly in birds of prey such as the eagle, osprey and peregrine falcon. Dr. R o b e r t Van den Bosch, professor of E n t o m o l o g y at the University of California, stated that he formerly had recommended DDT for insect control but n o longer approves use of the persistent chemical. Dr. Van den Bosch issued strong warnings a b o u t the dangers of its continued use. And the list goes on. Whatever the o u t c o m e of the Wisconsin hearings, the weight of testimony has already been felt t h r o u g h o u t the state. The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture and the University of Wisconsin E n t o m o l o g y D e p a r t m e n t have formally dropped their approval of DDT for D u t c h Elm disease control and scores of cities have already abandoned DDT in municipal spray programs. Without a d o u b t more will follow. In neighboring Michigan, state agricultural officials decreed a prohibition on DDT and, as of this writing, were seeking the legal means to initiate a complete ban on the sale and use of the chemical. No town should embark on a mosquito control program or authorize the continuance of one without full awareness of how complicated the problem is. Most methods of mosquito control have some drawbacks, many are hazardous as well, and "control" is a long way from extermination. There are two main approaches to controlling mosquitoes — __ the biological and the chemical. Here is a brief summary of some important facts about each. Natural Controls The biological method reduces mosquito populations by changing the habitat of the larvae — no larvae, no mosquitoes. It costs more than using pesticides, gets results more slowly, and takes more thought and skill on the part of the operators. On the other hand, it gives longer lasting control, and is much less damaging to wildlife. Two of the standard biological techniques improve the quality of the whole environment. Sanitation. The commonest mosquito pest is Culex, the house mosquito. Like pigeons and rats, Culex has adapted to living with man. Its eggs infest rain-filled pails and toys left outdoors, house excavations, catch basins that don't drain, blocked-up gutters and downspouts, bird baths and ornamental pools, old tires abandoned in dumps and behind garages, and similar containers that hold a little stagnant water. In warm weather the eggs develop into biting adults in eight or ten days. Eliminating the mess a l ^ eliminates -the mosquitoes. Because Culex are weak flyers and do not migrate, new invasions take place gradually. Water control. Ditching and draining was used by the ancient Greeks and Romans as well as ourselves. Properly placed ditches can drain stagnant woodland pools, prevent red maple swamps from being shallow, mosquito-breeding ponds in the spring, and enable high tides to wash salt-marsh larvae out to sea. Overuse is the danger with ditching and draining. Too zealous a ditching program will cut down on important wildlife habitat and also probably reduce ground-water supplies. Among the more sophisticated water management techniques, a promising newcomer is marsh modification. If the level of water is controlled so that it fluctuates, marshes can sometimes be changed so that wildlife habitat is improved and at the same time ferocious species of mosquitoes are replaced with milder ones. (For further information, write the Division of Entomological Research, Plant Industry Station, Beltsville, Maryland.) Prevention of water pollution. Mosquito larvae thrive in water far too polluted for their most efficient predators, fish. As soon as water is cleaned up enough so that fish can be introduced, the fish take care of the larvae. In western states minnows are now being planted in drainage-ditches; ponds, and other breeding places with excellent results. In the Northeast the recommended species for larvae control are goldfish for ornamental pools and bluegills and bass for anything larger. Zoning to prevent construction on lowlands. This is natural control with a reverse twist: people are kept away from the mosquitoes. In the outer suburbs and country the worst mosquito pest during late spring is Aedes, a fierce biter and strong flyer. Favorite breeding areas for Aedes are lowlands, especially river flood plains, and a large proportion of their victims are the people who live in these low-lying areas which should not have been built upon in the first place. Prohibiting building in Aedes' natural home reduces many mosquito problems. Chemical Controls What makes pesticides questionable is the inevitable timelag between their first widespread use and the development of information about their effects. That they can kill is obvious. But, as with thalidomide and LSD, evidence of exactly what - t h e y kill or damage and of their side effects, both immediate and long range, takes years to gather. And by then a new set of chemicals has come on the market. The menace of D D T and the other persistent hydrocarbons which build up to lethal concentrations in animal populations is now well known. So we are presently in the middle of a new round of pesticides, the organic phosphates. Although they are not persistent, they are as poisonous as ever and it is impossible to predict their ultimate effects. Do they damage the micro-organisms in the soil? How much will they add to the problem of water pollution? How fast will resistant strains of mosquitoes develop? Which beneficial insects do they harm? Do they kill more mosquitoes or more mosquito predators and competitors? It will take decades to find out. It is also worth remembering that the use of chemical poisons usually guarantees that the community will need pesticides year after year. As with predator control in general, killing prey and predators on the mosquitoes favors the mosquitoes in the long run. LARVA Eight pesticides commonly used in mosquito control. (DDT, Dieldrin, Chlordane, and related persistent pesti j cides are omitted from the list beacuse scientists agree that they are a serious ecological hazard.) — generally considered the safest of today's pesticides. It is a short-lived organic phosphate manufactured by American Cyanamid Co., and has been tested on small mammals, birds, and even young rainbow trout all of which survived massive doses without apparent harm. It is effective when used in quantities as small as an ounce or so an acre and seems almost specific for mosquitoes. However, it kills only the larvae. Once the adults are humming, it is too late for Abate. And any community which has an active larvicide program, with repeated sprayings, and still has adult mosquitoes is mismanaging the problem. Permanent mosquito control measures — and this means biological methods — should be investigated. "ABATE" — an organic phosphate which breaks down fast. A concentrated dose kills birds almost on contact: the recommended treatment for mosquito control is hard on bees. A Mosquito's Life To put mosquitoes in their place, they are a minor kind of fly. Nearly 2500 species have been catalogued for the world, about 150 for the United States, and 45 or so for the Northeast of which only half are common. They made their earliest appearance in recorded history about 3000 years ago when the Egyptians wrote about mosquito nets and smudgepots. A few years later philosophers in India were wondering if it was necessary to apply the doctrine of nonviolence to mosquitoes. "BAYTEX" #2 — fairly close to kerosene. When applied very sparingly on larvae-ridden water, it is harmless to birds. Cheap to buy but expensive to apply and easy to apply too generously. FUEL OIL — breaks down fast and is probably safe for warmblooded animals. However, malathion is very detrimental to bees which, of course, are essential in the pollination of flowering plants. MALATHION — a chlorinated hydrocarbon like D D T but with low toxicity to warm-blooded animals and little accumulation in tissues. Lethal to fish. METHOXYCHLOR — a strong contact "natural" insecticide with little persistent quality. Essentially non-toxic to warm-blooded animals. Fish more susceptible. PYRETHRUM — (copper meta arsenate) — an old standby which has had revival in mosquito control. Not very effective. " T O S S I T S " — no one seems to know what is in them, and we might not like it if we did. When manufacturers are vague about specifications, it is often because the chemical ingredients are both potent and subject to change without notice. PARIS G R E E N Like other insects they grow from egg to adult through larval stages. Some mosquito eggs are laid in permanent water, such as ponds and swamps. Some are laid in temporary water, such as tree rot-holes and buckets filled with rain. And some are laid in damp debris and on the ground in low places that will at some time in the future be covered with standing water. Wherever the eggs may be laid, the larvae can exist only in water. The eggs laid in permanent water have no problem. They develop methodically through the larval stages and emerge as biting adults one to several weeks later. But eggs laid in dry habitats don't become larvae until their site has been flooded. Then they race through the larval stages in order to become adults before the temporary water disappears. It has recently been found that these eggs can remain viable for at least three years and probably many more. So naturally we suffer from a bumper crop of the pest in the first year of normal rainfall after a long drought. Male mosquitoes are vegetarians who live on nectar and other plant juices. It is only the female that bites animals, and her bite is actually a sucking operation. With her "drill" she penetrates the skin, injects a fluid which prevents the blood from clotting, and then sucks blood. one minute to drink her fill. It takes her about After the blood meal she retires, like a gorged lion, to sleep it off. She then lays her eggs. While some female mosquitoes can lay eggs while living on plant juices, most need blood before they can lay their first Two final cautions about the use of pesticides: Any town with water pollution problems should be especially cautious about spraying. Pesticides kill the microscopic animals that feed on algae. These plants have population explosions especially in sewage and the runoff from fertilized fields. When they are no longer consumed by animals, they sink to the bottom where they decompose and quickly turn Class C water into Class D or even stinking Class E. batch. In order to keep on producing all require a series of blood meals, rich in protein. Their "hum" is the vibrating of their wings. The average life span is only a month or so, but several species can live through the winter as adults and more lead active spring and autumn lives while passing the summer in a state of torpor. Many can produce nine or ten generations a year. THREE COMMON Aedes sollicitans the salt-marsh mosquito PESTS Aedes vexans the flood-water m o s q u i t o Culex pipiens the house m o s q u i t o Needed: Standards for Evaluating Complaints What constitutes a genuine mosquito nuisance worthy of strong control measures? Town officials know that as a rule the persistent complainers are the most recent arrivals from the city. They have rarely been bitten before; they refuse to move indoors behind screens in the evening; and they don't realize that mosquitoes are as natural a part of country life as the birds, butterflies, and wild flowers, woods, fields, brooks and other amenities that attracted them to the country in the first place. After half a dozen bites the newcomers begin to pressure the local mosquito-control boards into drastic action, and the boards often feel they must oblige with a heavy spraying program. Experts with a wider view, including mosquito-control specialists of more than local standing, are worried by this trend and believe that a standard of nuisance level must be established soon. Eastern equine encephalitis is the other possibility, and we have in fact had two epidemics. The most recent was in 1956 with twelve cases and eight deaths. There has been only one fatality north of southeastern Massachusetts in the history of the disease. An epidemic needs a rare combination of circumstances including a high level of the virus in the bird populations which harbor it and a high level of the right kind of mosquito at the right time. The normal cycle of this encephalitis is from bird to mosquito to bird. Once in a while a mosquito is interrupted while biting an infected bird and goes from the bird to a healthy horse, hence the word equine in the name. The mosquito carrier is thought (not proven) to be Culiseta melanura, and it rarely bites man. Despite the thousands of dollars spent on mosquito control, justified in part as a preventive measure against encephalitis, almost no money is available for a concerted, perennial, and adequately supported program of research on control and treatment of the disease. Where to Go for Further .Information A valuable book on pesticides is PESTICIDES AND THE LIVING LANDSCAPE by Robert L. Rudd (University of Wisconsin Press, 1963). Along the same lines: RESTORING THE QUALITY OF OUR ENVIRONMENT, Report of The Environmental Pollution Panel, President's Advisory Science Committee (The White House, November, 1965). MOSQUITOES O F PUBLIC HEALTH IMPORTANCE AND THEIR CONTROL (Public Health Service Publication No. 772, 40 cents, sold by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C.) contains much useful information but unfortunately also promotes the use of DDT and other persistent pesticides. The University of Massachusetts provides an excellent 8page primer MOSQUITO CONTROL FOR YOUR COM- MUNITY (Special Circular 278) which recommends the education of the public before using pesticides. Our Mosquito-borne Diseases In our part of the world we are lucky: on the whole our mosquitoes are merely nuisances and not carriers of disease. Although we do have a few potential villains, the laws of probability work against them. To spread a disease the same mosquito must first bite an infected person or animal and then a healthy person. If either the disease or the mosquito capable of transmitting it is uncommon, the chances of this occurring are exceedingly remote. Our single species of Anopheles which can spread malaria likes a warmer climate than ours and never becomes abundant here. It gets a late start, and before its population can build up, cool autumn weather ends its activity for the year. Furthermore, it bites pigs and other farm animals in strong preference to people. And even if a member of the species does branch out and sample human blood, it has almost no chance of biting someone with malaria. State and local mosquito-control projects can be tracked down through their respective agriculture, natural resources, public health, or reclamation departments. It is necessary to remember, however, that many of the individuals involved have a vested interest in maintaining and even expanding present programs. In the federal government The National Mosquito Control — Fish and Wildlife Management Coordination Committee has been working for years to find a middle ground where the two sides can get together. For information about the techniques being developed by this committee a community organization (not an individual) can write: Mr. C. H. Schmidt ARS Entomological Research Division Plant Industry Station Beltsville, Maryland New Hampshire Golf Course Superintendents Association, Inc. Editor — John J. Barry, Su.pt. Abenaqui Country Club, Rye, N. HJ JUNE MEETING Host Superintendent, Don Bye, of the Province Lake Country Club in East Wakefield, New Hampshire provided a beautiful setting on a well-groomed course for a very rewarding meeting. The meeting was held in conjunction with the Maine Golf Course Superintendents Association, and gave us an excellent opportunity to become better acquainted with our neighbors. The meeting also served as the first annual tournament between New Hampshire and Maine. New Hampshire proved victorious in its effort. A trophy will be presented to the victor each year. JULY MEETING Our next meeting will be held at Superintendent Ford Leach's Ammonoosoc Golf Club in Lisbon, N. H. on Wednesday, July 9. I know that some of the Superintendents in the southern part of the state are planning to drive up the day before and stay at the Inn which is affiliated with the golf course. Breakfast comes with the rooms — all at a very reasonable rate. As last month's meeting gave us the opportunity to become better acquainted with our neighbors, this meeting could serve as an excellent opportunity for members of our own association to get to know each other better. MEETING SCHEDULE 10:00 — 11:00 10:00 — 11:00 11:00 — 12:00 1 2 : 1 5 — 1:00 1:00— ? Board of Directors Meeting Social Hour Business Meeting Lunch Golf SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE Well, gentlemen here it is. The Scholarship Committee has prepared its format to raise money for the Scholarship Fund, which will help to further the education of deserving students. A goal of $10,000 was set and the money is to be placed in a trust fund. The two main f u n d raising programs to achieve this goal are: 1. Pledges of contributions by our members. 2. A raffle. The raffle will have a rather unique twist in that there will be only 1,000 chances sold at $10.00 a chance. The grand prize will be a Buick Electra 225 with all the extras except air conditioning, or $4,000 in cash. Your cooperation is needed in this endeavor if it is to be successful. NEW MEMBERS There are two new members to be voted on next month. Herman Houschel is owner of the Rockingham Country Club in Newmarket, N. H. and resides on Ash Swamp Road in Newmarket. Herman has made application as a regular member. Ron Gagne of Nashua, N. H. has made application as an inactive member. Ron has taken over the reins previously held by Dr. DeFrance, before his retirement, as a representative of the 0 . M. Scott Company. Don Bye, host superintendent, June M e e t i n g and a lew of the participants. Left to right, Leonard Chase, Treas. N . H., Don Bye, H o s t ; G e o r g e Hauschel, Pres., N . H.; H a r v e y LaM o n t a g n e , V. P., M a i n e ; Lloyd Ruby, Pres., Maine. FOOD FOR THOUGHT 1. Don't come to meetings. 2. If you do come, come late. 3. If the weather doesn't suit you, don't think of coming. 4. If you do attend a meeting, find fault with the work of the officers and members. 5. Never accept an office — it is easier to criticize than to do things. 6. Nevertheless, get sore if you are not appointed on a committee, but if you are, do not attend the committee meetings. 7. If asked by the chairman to give your opinion regarding some important matter, tell him you haven't anything to say. After the meeting is over, tell everyone how things ought to be done. 8. Do nothing more than is absolutely necessary, but when others roll up their sleeves and willingly and UNselfishly use their ability to help matters along, howl that the organization is run by a clique. 9. Hold back your dues as long as possible or don't pay at all. 10. Don't bother about getting new members — "Let George do it." If the shoe fits — wear it Maine Golf Course Superintendents Association Editor — Norman Pease, Purpoodock Club, Cape Elizabeth, Maine JUNE MEETING The Maine Golf Course Superintendents Association wishes to thank the New Hampshire Association for the excellent job they did in setting up the joint meeting. We don't believe they have control of the weather, but the day was about the best we have seen all spring. The speaker from Bartlett Tree was very informative, the food delicious, the golf matches very interesting, and though New Hampshire won, Maine is looking forward to winning the trophy next year. Our thanks go also to the owner of Province Lake, Raymond Benzing for the wonderful food and the use of the facilities, Pro Bob Raymond for handling the golf tournament, and host Supt. Don Bye for asking us to come. The white lady slippers that Don showed some of us were beautiful and we hope he is successful when he transplants them. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held at the Rockland Golf Club in Rockland. The host superintendent will be Harvey LaMontange. Date: July 8, Time: 11:00 A . M . ; Place: Rockland Golf Club; Education: Unknown at this time. Golf in the afternoon for those who want to play. It is our hope that Superintendents in the northern part of the state that we see so seldom, due to the distances they have to travel, will make this meeting being held in their area. It would be nice if Superintendents belonging to the Association would call one or more Superintendents in their area who do not belong, and get them to attend the meeting. Left fo right: Norman Pease, Purpoodock Club, C a p e Elizabeth, Me.; Raymond Benzing, o w n e r of Province Lake; Don Bye, Supf. of Province Lake, Bob Raymond, Pro of Province Lake FUTURE MEETINGS August 5. Purpoodock Club, Cape Elizabeth, Norman Pease, Superintendent. September 9. Abenaki Golf Club, Biddeford Pool. lack Small, Superintendent. (Equipment Field Day) October 7. Natinas Golf Club, Vassalboro, Paul Brown, Superintendent. SHELF-LIFE OF INSECTICIDES The following comments made by Professor Lloyd Adams, Penn. State Extension Entomologist, should prove helpful. 1. There are too many variables to give a specific shelflife for an insecticide. A. Once an insecticide container is opened, deterioration occurs rapidly with many factors involved. B. Sealed containers stored under proper temperature, humidity and not exposed to sunlight may be good for years. C. Half full containers have air that causes oxidation. D. Open containers pick up moisture. E. Insecticides stored in summer and winter may cause volatization under high temperatures and separation, breakdown, or settling out of emulsions if frozen or held at too cool temperatures. F. Aerosols are closed containers and volatization prevents oxidation, but in some cases like DDT aerosols, stored at cool temperature (below 50 degrees) separation may occur. 2. What are some of the signs of insecticide breakdown? A. Caking of wettable powder or dusts. B. Deposits in the bottom of containers of emulsions, or any separation or different color layers, of the liquid. C. Rust spots on containers indicate poor humidity condition in storage or reactions of the contents within t i e container. 3. How to prevent breakdown of insecticides? A. Buy only the amount of insecticide you need for the current season. B. Store unopened container in a moderate to cool temperature not in direct sunlight and in low humidity. Unopened containers stored in this manner are probably all right to use the following season or possibly several years later. C. Opened containers should be resealed and stored as indicated above. Insecticides packaged in bags may be resealed by folding the top several times and holdingshut with spring type clothespins, (unless label directs otherwise) D. Date each insecticide container when you receive it. Read the label to determine if storage instructions are different from those just stated. O F M A N Y THANKS, M A N N Y The letterhead says it all, "Manuel Francis and Son, Ino. . . . Turf Nurseries." After 45 years as physician to the ills of golf courses, Manny Francis has taken down his shingle. At age 65 Manny is striking out on his own in a brand new budding field. "It's only something to do with my hands", he cracks. If I could, I would have stayed one hundred years at Vesper (Country Club). I loved it there. 1 Everyone treated me with respect." That kind of respect, that high-rising sound of his name are only two of Manny's many contributions to his profession. Because Manny was associated s, > finm with course maintenance, the business I \ became better for it. He was that kind of inspiring healer of the soil. To some it might feel as though Manny spent those one hundred years at Vesper, a golf course noted for its spic and span condition and lush life it presented golfers. One of New England's best in that department — Warren Tibbetts -— once revealed that he took out an annual membership at Vesper just to have the opportunity to feel the richness of the Manny Francis touch underfoot. Striking testimony? You said it. Anyway, Vesper did not invent Manny Francis and neither did Manny invent Vesper. He came to this country from Louzon, Portugal in 1923 at the age of 19. He immediately had a falling out with his surroundings. He got a job in a hat factouy and hated it. "I didn't want to be stuck inside N E W E N G L A N D for the rest of my life," he reveals. "My grandfather had been one of the leading agriculturists in the Louzon area and it rubbed off on me. So, I quit hat-making and went where I belonged . . . to the soil." Manny's first job was on a nine-hole course in South Portland, Maine, called Larry Rowe's. He did everything for Larry until he got a call from Amesbury Country Club and in turn from the Haverhill Country Club, the scene of his first 18-hole assignment. In 1947 Vesper recognized his talents and sought them. Manny responded and put a lush green face on the course up until his retirement at the end of the 1968 golf season. Along the great successful way he traveled, Manny left his mark in the form of pertinent discoveries in new plants and unique methods in remedying the sickness of certain plants. Many forms of original equipment he used in his early days later were hailed as "recent" discoveries. That's how far Manny was ahead of his time. More specifically, Manny was the first to use sawdust in top dressing and probably was among the first to initiate a prudent fertilizing system in which nature's helpers were distributed in lesser amounts at greater intervals. He also was a leader in the use of calcium arsenate to rid Po-An from desirable turf. Perhaps his most important contribution, as an aftermath to the wonderful things he did for golf and golfers, was the fact that he gave the course superintendents profession another Manny Francis . . . the younger who works the family magic these days at the Belmont Country Club. So, Manny Francis has meant many things to all of us. What else to say, Manny, than many, many thanks. — Gerry Finn UNDERCOVER JOB Beauty is only skin deep at many of our plush country clubs, according to a recent spot check of golfing establishments around New England. What's the come-on? It's simple. While the country club takes distinct moments of chesty reaction for fire-dripping drapes and knee-deep rugs, it allows maintenance equipment and other course-saving devices to go broke with improper storage. What is happening here is the creation of two faces of the country club. It stops at the pro shop and clubhouse in the way of making an impression and tries to kick the lair of the superintendent and his tools under those natty rugs byforgetting both. In the end the expense often is tripled. It is the law of successful operation to keep good mechanics and good equipment under cover. Even farmers are cognizant of this fact. A well-known Western Massachusetts Club that believes in keeping its equipment under cover. Golf Interior of G o l f C a r t S t o r a g e B u i l d i n g . C a p a c i t y 50 Cai"ts Cart Storage Building I N C . Front view of G o l f C o u r s e Equipment Building Rear and V i e w of Equipment Golf Cart Storage Building They never let a tractor go to bed under a pelting rain or other adverse weather attack. There are several examples of clubs who have seen the light. This has been prompted by the influx of the golf cart. In the process of learning carts must have protection, these same clubs have come to realize all equipment must be cared for or run the risk of being ruined before its time. Club members, then, would do well to make a spot check of their own playground premises. If what you see are shabbybarns, knotholed woodsheds and canvas coverings where modern buildings should be, you had better believe you'll more than pay for it in the end. The cost of constructing proper protection for equipment is far lower than the price to be paid for replacing prematured worn-out vehicles and cutters. The face of the country club can be described only in true manner of assessment with a complete look at the grounds. What's the sense of prettying up the showplace area of your club when everything else is going to hell. It just doesn't make any sense. — Gerry Finn P t e t u e f x z t r o t t i f e FRIENDS O F THE President Alfco Rokeby Co., Inc. Fertilizers and Chemical Specialties P. 0 . Box 267, Marietta, Ohio — A n t h o n y C a r a n c l , Jr. 2 2 Hiliview Drive N o . P r o v i d e n c e , R. I. 0 2 9 0 0 Phone 723-1488 Ciub Affiliation Ledgemont Country Club First Vice-President Secretary — Treasurer — Club Aminos, B r a e Burn C o u n t r y C i u b — Philip C. Beal, Consulting Engineers Irrigation and Recreation Facilities P. 0 . Box 102, Hanover, Mass. 02339 The Charles C. Hart Seed Co. Wethersfield, Conn. — Educational C o m m i t t e e NORMAN MUCCIAPONEj —- F O W A R D J. M U R P H Y 194 O x b o w R o a d Wayland, Mass. 01778 Phone 358-7410 Ciub Affiliation Lexington Country C M tOf A l b a n R o a d Waban, Mass. 02168 Phone 332-3056 Club Affiliation Woodland Country Club Trustee — LUCIEN DUVAL R . F . D . N o . 5. G a u l t R d . Bedford, N . H. 03105 Phone 4 7 2 - 3 4 5 4 Club Affiliation Manchester Country Ciub ROBERT G R A N T 22 Patricia R o a d Sudbury, Mass. 01776 Phone 443-2671 Trustee Baker Tractor Corp., Ford Tractors Harley Davidson Golf Cars Swansea, Mass. THOMAS CURRAN 153 Fisher S t r e e t Walpole, Mass. 02081 Phone 668-7221 Ciub Affiliation The C o u n t r y C l u b R I C H A R D C. BLAKE 2 1 t Sewall S t r e e t Boyiston, M a s s . 0 1 5 0 5 Phone 869-2737 Club Affiliation M t . Pleasant C o u n t r y C l u b S e c o n d Vice-President Astroturf Recreational Surfaces Monsanto Co., R. Spencer Thompson P. O. Box 2130, Springfield, Mass. — Golf ROBERT M U C C I A R O N E 4 6 5 S u m m e r Street Westwood, Massachusetts 02090. Phone 329-9682 Club Affiliation D e d h a m C o u n t r y a n d Polo C i u b Committee Chairman - W A Y N E RIPLEY 2 ( 6 South Street Wrentham, Mass. Phone 384-3142 Club Affiliation Walpole Country Club Newsletter C o m m i t t e e C h a i r m a n PHILIP C A S S 1 D Y 4 5 Grosvenor Road DEAN ROBERTSON 24 Riverview Drive Newbury. Mass. 01950 Phone 462-4540 Club Affiliation C h e s t n u t Hill C o u n t r y C l u b Needham, Mass. 02192 Phone 444-4127 Ciub Affiliation Weston Golf Club Finance C o m m i t t e e Chairman — Past President — L E O N V. S T . P I E R R E 5i Fenwood Road L o n g m e a d o w , M a s ? . Of 1 0 6 Phone 567-5562 Club Affiliation longmeadow Country Club JULIUS AKSTEN 6 M a i n Street Southboro. Mass, 01772 Phone 4 8 5 - 8 8 8 5 Club Affiliation Sf. M a r t ' s G o l f C l u b The Clapper Co. 1121 Washington St. West Newton, Mass. Geoffrey S. Cornish Golf Course Architect Fiddler's Green, Amherst, C. S. Curran T. R. C. Products, Oils and Greases 7 Linden St., Framingham, Mass. Fairway Equipment, Inc. Sales — Service — Rentals 35 Walnut St., Reading, Mass. Farm Bureau Association 158 Lexington St., Waltham, Mass. 02154 Fred Heyliger, Representative Fisk, Alden Ford, Tractor Sales, Inc. Rear 900 Providence Highway Dedham, Mass. 02026 Manuel Francis and Son, Inc. Turf Nurseries 624 Webster St., Marshfield, Mass. Gold Star Sod Farms, Inc. 181 South Ave., Weston, Mass. 02197 NEW ENGLAND, Karandrew Turf Farms, Inc. Sam Mitchell, Sales Representative 18 Old Randolph St., Canton, Mass. The Kenneth Barrie Company Irrigation 375 Centre St., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp. 380 Union St. West Springfield, Mass. 01089 Larchmont Irrigation Co. Larchmont Ln., Lexington, Mass. Bob Lippman, Tuco Products Co. Division of the Upjohn Company Kalamazoo, Michigan Magovern Company, Inc. Lawn Acre Road Windsor Lock, Conn. D. L. Maher Co. Water Supply Contractors P. O. Box 274, Woburn, Mass. Ken Minasian — Scotts Golf Course Division 312 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. 02116 Old Fox Agricultural Sales, Inc. Jerry Spahr 44 Lexington Ave., Magnolia, Mass. Sil Paulini, Inc. 6 Manor Avenue Natick, Mass. 01760 Sawtelle Brothers Jet. Routes 128 and 62 Danvers, Mass. Shepard Sod Company Merion Blue Grass and Pencross Bent 200 Sullivan Ave., So. Windsor, Conn. USS Agri-Chemicals, Inc., A. P. Bonnell Seaboard Distributing Co., Inc. Yarmouth Port, Mass. 02675 Grounds Equipment Co., Inc. 383 Boylston St., Newton Cen., Mass. Philip A. Wogan Golf Course Architect 21 Budleigh Ave., Beverly, Mass. Tom Irwin Co. Bennett Hill Road Rowley, Mass. Yerxa's. Inc, Golf Course Equipment 740 Broadway, S. Portland, Me. Course Superintendents ^Association Or Mass. George E. Cull Terra-Green Soil Conditioner 112 Green St., Abington, Mass. ASSOCIATION Johns-Manville Sales Corp. 150 Causeway St., Boston, Mass. | \ JUL3-'69 /^lUiPMEi; A1- A, r.U I 74 I 7 5 GERRY FINN Contributing Editor L E O N V. ST. P I E R R E Business Manager DEAN ROBERTSON Newsletter C o m m i t t e e C h a i r m a n 24 Riverview D r i v e Newbury, Massachusetts 01950 Phone 4 6 2 - 4 5 4 0 C l u b Affiliation C h e s t n u t Hill C o u n t r y C l u b I