KIHWS INVESTIGATIONS H E W E R REGARDING JUNE MEETING GREENKEEPERS' ANNUAL GRASSES WEB WORMS LAWN FIELD DAY DAY PROGRAM ON R, I. GOLF COURSES OUTLINE FOR STUDY OF SEEDS J U N E 1 9 3 3 This N E W S L E T T E R is published monthly by the Greenkeepers Club of New England, and sent f r e e to its members and their Greens' Chairmen. Subscription price ten cents a copy, or a dollar a year. GUY C. W E S T Editor 312 M t . P l e a s a n t St., F a l l R i v e r , Mass. HOWARD D. P A R R A N T Business Mgr. 132 R u s s e r t June, Rd., West Roxbury, Mass. plats for each of three treatments frotenone", "pyrethrum No. 1", and "arsenate of lead 2 pounds". Four subplats were left untreated as check plats. The rotenone is a trade extract of rotenone which is both a stomach and contact poison, not injurious to higher animals. An estimate was made on October 25 of the percent of area damaged. The last column of the table (III) gives the average damage f o r the 4 subplats. Vol. 5, No. 6 1933 WHY WORRY? There are only two reasons to worry, Either you are successful or you are not successful. If you are successful there is nothing to worry about, If you are not successful there are only two things to worry about, Your health is either good or bad. If your health is good there is nothing to worry about, If you are sick there are only two things to worry about. You are going to get well or you are going to die. If you are. going to get well there is nothing to worry about. If you are going to die there are only two things to worry about. You are either going to Heaven or you are not going to Heaven. If you are going to Heaven there is nothing to worry about. If you are going to the other place, you will be so busy shaking hands with old friends, You won't have time to worry. SO, WHY WORRY? •—Anon. INVESTIGATIONS BLUEGRASS REGARDING WEBWORMS IN (TABLE F. CM rt O »5o I •S> r bjo W J £5 P3 < H TH"2 CO '-< TURF a xm by H. P. A. North and G. A. Thompson, Jr. (continued f r o m last issue) bfi aj S 'J1 ^ P r e l i m i n a r y T e s t of A n o t h e r TrasJe Product Another test was begun on October 10 and the data is given in table III. This test was placed on the plat of B. P. I. 14276 velvet bent planted in 1929. The plat lies between the Yorkshire and Kernwood plats used in the te"t describ:d above. There were four sub- III) The test indicates that some control was obtained with all materials tried and t h a t arsenate of lead may be fully as effective as either rotenone or pyrethrum No. 1. ftri 01 ti Ej M 11ft