THE NEWSLETTER Golf Course Superintendents Association Sponsors and administrators of the Troll-Dickinson Scholarship Fund — Awarded yearly to deserving Turf Management Students. OF NEW ENGLAND, INC. November 1988 The Super Speaks Out Bob Grant Calls a Permanent Timeout Welcome to The Super Speaks Out — a monthly feature which offers the golf course superintendent a forum to express his or her views on topics and issues relating to their profession. This month's question: After the ravages of an endless summer of ongoing heat, plus other weather-related adversities, howdoyouplan to set upyour budget to face a possible recurrence of the dastardly summer of19881 Scott Reynolds, Charles River Country Club: "First of all, let me add my two cents to the general feeling that this was the worst bad weather summer I've ever encountered. "Sure, I know I'm one of the younger superintendents and can't relate to some of the other years when Mother Nature took a swipe at the golf course conditioning process. But this was enough for me. "I was a wreck the day after Black Saturday (July 30). I looked around and couldn't believe my eyes. Then, when I talked to some of the other guys around the Boston area, I considered myself very lucky. Some courses really took a licking. "My plans to increase my budget along the lines of having the weapons to combat another rough weather year aren' t that extensive, since I think there's not much we can do to combat the freaky conditions Mother Nature surprised us with in July and August. "However, there will be an increase in my request. Probably a few thousand to Continued on page 2 T e n years ago, the Brae Burn Country Club found a gem that had been sitting there, right under the membership's nose. That was the day club directors tapped Bob Grant on the shoulder and wondered if he could be a Jack and master of all trades. At the time Grant was into his 14th year as golf course superintendent and doing the job up green. Brae Bum sparkled, so did the face Bob brought to the club every morning at six and the little golf kingdom in Newton couldn't have been in better shape and spirits. However, Brae Burn's 40-year general manager up and retired and a series of replacements appeared and disappeared without bringing any sense of stability to the position. Therefore, there was only one person to turn to. "I accepted the job on a temporary basis," Bob recalls. "All they wanted to do was have me get things squared away until they could find a permanent general manager. Really, it was a test case. I didn't know if I could get things back on track. The club directors weren't sure a superintendent could make such a transition." In the end, the transition evolved into nothing more than an extension of Grant's talents. He knew how to manage people and he knew how to manage money. Then, too, he knew how to get along with everyone at any level. Success story? You'd better believe it. B ob first took over as general manager in May with the stipulation that the situation would be reviewed the following October. Needless to say, Grant's had the position ever since and put a personal spit and polish on his performance. Now, come January first and Bob will be leaving Brae Burn. He's retiring after 38 years service to golf and country club life. "Time to think about doing the things I don't have time for now," Grant remarked last month. "I'll be closing in on 64 around the first of the year, the kids are grown up and on their own, so Gladys and I are ready to 'go out on our own'." Gladys is Bob's lovely wife. The kids are sons Doug and Rick and daughter Linda. At one time or another each worked at Brae Bum—from the two boys caddying and mowing to Gladys manning the club switchboard. "It's been a wonderful experience for our family," Bob noted. "We kind of kept together through the club. It's been good to all of us. We had some happy times here." From golf course superintendent to general manager. How do you bridge the gap? "Actually, there's no gap to bridge," Bob explained. "I think the experience I had as a superintendent was the perfect foundation for moving on to general manager. Sure, I missed the outdoor attachment the super's job offers but I got used to it. "The change from field to desk work probably keeps a lot of golf course superintendents from taking another career step Continued on page 2 page 2 BOB GRANT Cont.from p. 1 and becoming a general manager. I can think of several supers who could come in here and do the same kind of job I did the past 10 years." In fact, Grant double-teamed Brae Burn as general manager and super for six years or until Jim O'Kelly, his assistant, was elevated to the superintendent's post. Jim's been in charge of grounds the last four years but he still must answer to Bob. As do all department heads. And that brings up an old issue—whether the oneperson (general manager) concept works better than the three-person (department heads) arrangement. "I've had a lot of time to think about that," Bob told. "I guess as a superintendent, I'd tend to favor the three-person scheme—with the idea that it's not feasible for one supervisor to be versed in the inner workings of three different jobs and responsibilities. "However, from my present viewpoint I can see that the one-person or general manager concept is best for all concerned. I've found that someone has to tie things together. To be frank, there has to be a final word and only one person can have that." Although Bob admits that sometimes he looks out on the golf course with notions to change the way his successor (O'Kelly) does certain things, he knows that's the time to back off. "Hey, I'm only as strong and effective as my department heads," he explained. "And we're very strong at Brae Burn. Jim -NEW MEMBERS- Welcome and Congratulations to: David Elder Tedesco C.C. (assistant) S. Peter Nicolosi Bass Rocks G.C. Essex, Mass. (regular) PRESIDENT Richard Zepp, CGCS 27 F o w l e r Rd. N o r t h b r i d g e , M A 01534 H o m e P h o n e 234-8490 O f f i c e P h o n e 234-2533 Club Affiliation Whitinsville G.C. VICE PRESIDENT Paul M i l l e r , C G C S 1 L e i c e s t e r Rd. M a r b l e h e a d , M A 01945 H o m e P h o n e 631-7910 O f f i c e P h o n e 369-5704 Club Affiliation Nashawtuc C.C. O'Kelly is the example of an outstanding superintendent and Mickey Lane is just the kind of golf pro you'd want working with you. We even have a chef who's been here 10 years. That has to tell you something about the club." And something about its general manager, who, by the way, happens to be a life member of the New England Golf Course Superintendents Association. Bob Grant. He led two career lives. Indeed, he was a first citizen in both of them. Happy trails, Robert. GERRY FINN THE SUPER Cont.from p. 1 have chemicals and other ingredients in reserve just in case we get hit hard again next year. "But I'm reacting according to the amount of damage we had here. The damage was moderate on five fairways and the greens held up pretty well. I think the programs I'm on are relatively sound. If there is any change, I might concentrate on my fairways. Aerate them better. Bob Connolly, Winchester Country Club: "I think this past summer will cause kind of a revolution in the way superintendents approach their responsibilities. "What I'm looking to do is intensify my maintenance program. From now on I'm going to work my turf just like it's an athlete in training. My goal is to make the grass as strong as possible as it faces the stress weather months. It's going to be an all-out effort because the same type of choking conditions could be with us again next year. "One of the things I learned from the big rain and cook-out of grass that followed is that I have to pay more attention to irrigation. I'm going to have to be more careful watering those plants. "Which leads to another concentration area—drainage. SECRETARY S t e p h e n A. C h i a v a r o l i , CGCS 100 A i r p o r t Dr. W o r c e s t e r , M A 01602 Home Phone 752-0031 O f f i c e P h o n e 791-5373 Club Affiliation Tatnuck C.C. TREASURER Thomas Schofield, CGCS 290 N o r t h Rd. S u d b u r y , M A 01776 H o m e P h o n e 443-3712 O f f i c e P h o n e 235-2487 Club Affiliation Wellesley C.C. "Usually, it takes something like the damaging summer we had to point out the need for better drainage. There's also a possibility that I may go to syringing my greens. I don't like to do it but it may have to happen. "All of my plans mean more money for my budget. When you're talking about beefing up the grass, providing better drainage and syringe potential with added labor cost, you're talking budget increase. "I don't see how it can be any other way." Norm Mucciarone, Woodland Country Club: "This one bugged the heck out of me. Some of the damage, the way it happened just didn't jibe with normal reaction to weather like we had. "Regardless, I have to face the fact that measures must be set up and employed to make sure I have at least a fighting chance if Mother Nature gives a repeat performance next summer. "Naturally, my chemical budget will go up. I'm talking in the $15,000 range. I know my directors won't pass out when they hear that figure because some of the other courses around here are thinking $30,000 for chemical increases. "What amazed me was the way this thing hit. It hit low spots, high spots— even places where the grass grows on sidehills. "Therefore, we're going for a lot of remedies. We're going after poa (annua) and see if we can slow down that growth. We're thinking of staying with a mowing plan where we pick up clippings with each cut and we're going heavy into seed. I mean, we need some good, bent grass out there. "So, it goes without saying that my budget will reflect the weather conditions we faced this year. There's no getting around it. If we expect to restore good grooming, we have to pay for it. And a bigger budget's the way to go." GERRY FINN TRUSTEE Kip Tyler P.O. B o x 671 P e a b o d y , MA 01960 H o m e P h o n e 745-8089 Office Phone 532-2236 Club Affiliation S a l e m C.C. TRUSTEE C h a r l e s T . Passios C G C S 218 C a m e l b a c k Rd. M a r s t o n M i l l s , MA 0 2 6 4 8 H o m e P h o n e 420-3210 O f f i c e P h o n e 775-5116 Club Affiliation Hyannisport Club TRUSTEE E d w a r d L. B r e a r l y 189 M a t f i e l d St. W. B r i d g e w a t e r , M A 02379 Home Phone 584-6568 Office Phone 588-8439 Club Affiliation B r o c k t o n C.C. Divot Drift O u r host for the September meeting was Bert Frederick, superintendent of Vesper CC. As usual, the golf course was in superb condition. Bert is now transforming his tees to velvet bent to keep pace with his beautiful velvet bent greens. We understand Bert is now teaching Manny Francis a few things about Velvet. Tournament results— Gross Division Bob Connolly, Winchester C.C. 74 G C S A A International Golf Course Conference & Show February 6-13, 1989 Anaheim Convention Center Anaheim, California f^i rk • Trade Show • Golf Championships o 33 Seminars • Annual Meeting For conference, seminar or exhibitor information, call 8 0 0 / 4 7 2 - 7 8 7 8 or 9 1 3 / 8 4 1 - 2 2 4 0 Qolf Course Superintendents Association of America 1617 St. Andrews Drive Lawrence, KS 6 6 0 4 6 - 9 9 9 0 FINANCE CHAIRMAN D o u g l a s W. J o h n s o n C G C S 50 N e w t o n St. Weston, MA 02193 H o m e P h o n e 894-7377 O f f i c e P h o n e 899-7913 Ciub Affiliation Pine B r o o k C.C. GOLF CHAIRMAN James O'Kelly 201 I n d i a n R o c k Rd. M e r r i m a c k , N.H. 03054 Home Phone 603-429-2453 O f l i c e P h o n e 244-0680 Club Affiliation Brae B u m C.C. Net Division John Hudyka, retired, 73 Mike Nagle, Worcester C.C. 74 Charlie Dickow, Heritage Hills G.C. 74 W. Lacroix - Unknown - 75 Dick Zepp, Whitinsville G.C., 76 Max Mierzwa, Chicopee C.C. 76 Len Blodgett, Kittansett Club 76 In the commercial division, Dave Farina captured first gross with a smooth 83. Dave is affiliated with Country Club Enterprises. In the net division, in at 72 was Steve Butler, LarchmoiH Eng. Dennis Friel, Tom Irwin Co., 73 Larry Anshewitz, R.F. Morse Co., 74 A week later it was on to the witch city where the renown Salem C.C. was our host for the annual Superintendent and Green Chairman Tournament. Kip Tyler, the superintendent also known as the "Witch Doctor" performed no sorcery with the pin placements and tee markers. Gross Mel Wendell & S. Prout, Rhode Island C.C. 70 Duggan & Thompson, Concord C.C. 72 Net D. Barber & G. Rossman, Blue Hill C.C. -59 S. Chiavaroli & R. Mathews, Tatnuck C.C. - 62 R. Arzillo & T. Haggerty, Unicorn G.C. 63 K. Tyler & G. Burke, Salem C.C. - 64 B. Frederick & A. Devincenzi, Vesper C.C. - 64 C. Ryan & P. Schmink, Rockport G.C. 64 Nearest the pin Gary Lucini, Franklin C.C. John Blomstom, Green Chairman Mel Wendell, R.I.C.C. EDUCATIONAL CHAIRMAN R o n a l d E. M i i e n s k i C G C S 65 R o c k y P o n d Rd. P r i n c e t o n , MA 01541 Home Phone 464-5312 Office Phone 779-6911 Club Affiliation I n t e r n a t i o n a i G.C. NEWSLETTER CHAIRMAN Ronald Kirkman 25 G r e e n St. N e e d h a m , MA 02192 H o m e P h o n e 444-8412 O f f i c e P h o n e 444-5548 Club Affiliation N e e d h a m C.C. PAST PRESIDENT David B a r b e r , C G C S 145 D e d h a m St. C a n t o n , MA 02021 H o m e P h o n e 828-7266 O f f i c e P h o n e 828-6540 Club Affiliation Blue Hills C . C . Page 3 —\ Jim O'Kelly, Brae Burn C.C. Most Accurate Drive - Mel Wendell, R.I.C.C. Now we know why Mel Wendell is called the "WIZARD". The Superintendent and Managers annual meeting and golf was held at Blue Hill C.C. My apologies for not having the winners. Maybe we can locate them and put them in the next newsletter. However, anytime we have a meeting such as this we are all winners. -POSITION OPENINGS~ Superintendent Indian Ridge C.C. 18 hole Lovejoy Road Andover, Mass. Send Resume to: Green Chairman Mr. Jim Holbrook Superintendent Walpole C.C. 18 hole Send Resume to: Green Chairman Mr. Robert Powers 11 Arlington Street Boston, Mass. 02116 Superintendent Maynard C.C. - 9 hole Send Resume to: Mr. Len Melanson, President Maynard C.C. Rte 27 - P.O. Box 237 Maynard, Mass. 01754 Tel.; (508)562-3118 Calls accepted day or evening Superintendent Kirkbrae C.C. 18 hole Old River Road Lincoln, Rhode Island 02865 I n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d in this p u b l i c a t i o n m a y u s e d freely, in w h o l e or in part, w i t h o u t special m i s s i o n a s l o n g a s t h e t r u e c o n t e x t is m a i n t a i n e d . would appreciate a credit line. be perWe Please patronize FRIENDS OF THE A S S O C I A T I O N Agway Inc. Greg Moore Rep. Box 507 Sterling, MA Fertilizer, Seed, Chemicals 800-225-CROP (MA) 617-422-7614 Baker Golf Cars 40 Walker Street Swansea, MA 02777 508-379-0092 Sales Rep. Ray Chadwick Sales Rep. George Asermely "The Bordon Company Maynard, MA Tel: 617-897-2571 Sales Rep. Jack Borden Bulk Limestone Dealer Boston Irrigation Company Dedham, MA John Ramey - Paul Kenyon, 617-461-1560 Robin Hayes, 617-477-4423 Distributor of Irrigation Supplies and Accessories C & J Equipment, Inc. 188 Main Street Wilmington, MA 01887 John Deere Golf a Turf Equipment 617-658-2022 Eric Oman, Bill Kemp, Kevin O'Donnell •Geoffrey S. Cornish & Brian Silva Golf Course Architects Fiddlers Green, Amherst, MA 01002 Country Club Enterprises Club Car Golf Cars Tennis & Leisure Equip. P.O. Box 400 W. Falmouth, MA 02574 617-563-2284 Chester Drake & Sons, Ins. 222 Walnut Street Framingham, MA 01701 Golf Course Construction 617-875-7929 Elanco Products Company Stephen C. Dolinak 31 Old Town Trail Narragansett, Ri 02882 401-789-9017 Gold Star Sod Farms, Inc. Sod & Pine Bark Mulch Canterbury, N.H. 603-783-4717 Lexington, MA 617-861-1111 Greenway Irrigation Company Irrigation, Drainage, Wire Laying P.O. Box 8157 East Lynn, MA 01904 John Murphy 595-3010 Steve Murphy 598-6917 Hammond & Tilton, Inc. P.O. Box 30, Exit 35 off I95 Tel: (207) 453-7131 Contact: Gary Hammond The Charles C. Hart Seed Co. Weathersfield. Conn. Bob Kennedy, Rep., Roy Sibley, Rep. Holliston Sand Co. Inc. Lowland Street Holliston, MA 01746 .Sand for Topdressing & Bunkers International Golf Const. Co. Antonios Paganis, Rep. 5 Purcell R d „ Arlington, MA 02174 Golf Course Construction 617-648-2351 or 428-3022 •Torn Irwin, Inc. 11 B A S t . , Burlington, MA Jack Peterson Dennis Friel Phone: 617-938-1751 Wayne Ripley Larchmont Eng. & Irrig. Co. Larch mont Lane Lexington, MA 02173 617-862-2550 "Lasco Inc. 20005 Lake Road Rocky River, O H 44116 Ron Tumiski, Rep., Mike Donahue, Rep. 800-321-5325 •Loft's Seed 20 Beck Road Arlington, MA 02174 Victoria Wallace, Rep. The Magovern Co., Inc. 27 Lawnacre Road Windsor Locks, CT 06096 Tel.: 800-243-7718 or 203-623-2508 •D.L. Maher Box 127, Concord Street N. Reading, MA 01864 Mobay Chemical Co. Greg Ellis 67 Primrose Drive Warwick, Ri 02818 R.F. Morse & Sons Inc. W. Wareham, MA 02576 617-295-1553 Larry Anshewitz, Rep. Jack Cronin, Rep. "Nardone Sand & Gravel Co. Inc. 37 Power Road Westford, MA 01886 617-692-8221 Specializing in Topdressing Sand Nor-Am Chemical Co. Wilmington, Delaware David Sylvester, Rep. 203-828-8905 Norfolk Power Equip., Inc. 194 Main Street Norfolk, MA 02056 617-528-3120 Don Reynolds, Rep. Old Fox Chemical Inc. Fertilizers-Seeds-Turf-Chemicals 66 Valley Street E. Providence, R.I. 02914 Old Fox Golf Course Div. Custom Applications, Spraying, Aeration, Top Dressing, Slice Seeding Full Line of Materials Weymouth, MA 02190 800-462-5990 E.B. Rotondi & Sons, Inc. 224 Forest Street Winchester, MA 01890 617-729-3330 Tennis Courts, Cart paths, Parking lots. Sawtelle Bros. 65 Glenn Street Lawrence, MA 01843 617-682-9296 Scott Associates, Inc. 60 Water Street Clinton, MA 01510 617-365-6341 Pumps-Sales, Service installation, Vertical Turbine Pumps Specialists Scotts Pro-Turf Div. Rep. Ed Wiacek 401-253-4284 Rep. Scott Brown 413-245-6038 Tuckahoe Turf Farms Inc. Exeter, R.I. Litchfield, N.H. West Suffield, CT 800-556-6985 Largest Producer of Penncross in New England Alan Anderson *Turf Products Corp. 7 Coppage Drive Worcester, MA 01602 617-791-2091 •Turf Specialty Inc. 60 Merrimac Street Hooksett, N.H. 03106 Turf a Ornamental Supplies 603-485-7866 (collect) Ken Turner, Kevin Lyons, Dave Schermerhorn Philip Wogan Golf Course Architect 17 Walker Road Topsfield, MA 01983 Partac Golf Course Top Dressing Kelsey Park Great Meadows, N.J. 07838 Jim Kelsey, 1-800-247-2326 Greg Moore, 401-683-9496 "Contributors to the Troll-Dickinson Scholarship Fund THE NEWSLETTER RONALD W. KIRKMAN Newsletter Editor DOUG JOHNSON CGCS Associate Editor THOMAS SCHOFIELD CGCS Business Manager GERRY FINN Contributing Editor Return to: R O N A L D W. K I R K M A N 25 G R E E N S T R E E T N E E D H A M , MA 02192 FIRST CLASS First Class Mail U.S. POSTAGE PAID Boston, MA Permit No. 52848