Golf Course Superintendents LETTER Association Sponsors and administrators of the Troll-Dickinson Scholarship Fund — Awarded yearly to deserving Turf Management Students. / — NEXT MEETING Monday, August 7,1989 South Shore C.C. Hingham, MA 9:00 am Director's meeting 10:30 am Regular meeting & Educational Session 12:00 noon Lunch 12:30 Golf Club Championship will be played at South Shore—The Tournament was cancelled at Concord C.C. because of rain. Host Superintendent— Neil Loomis Reservations Required (617) 749-8479 Neil has been a superintendent for 12 years. He and his wife Lisa have 2 children, Jessica and Philip. Directions—Rte 3 South (toward Cape Cod) take Nantasket—Rockland exit (Rte 228) left off ramp and follow 228 approx. 4 miles. At this point 228 bends sharply to the right. Go straight across, off 228—3/4 mile into Hingham Center. In Hingham Center take a left (South St.) and follow for 3/4 mile and club will be on left. NEW MEMBERS Welcome & Congratulations to Carl Brooks, Associate Fort Devens G.C. Thomas Piatt, Associate Tara Colonial C.C. PROPOSED NEW MEMBERS James Reinertson, Associate Wayland, C.C. OF NEW ENGLAND, INC. July 1989 Should They Look the Other Way? T h i s month a commentary is in order because this is what it has degenerated to: "There's a fine line between confronting a golf course vandal or trespasser and turning your head and looking the other way. In that situation, you're always being stalked by retribution. Frankly speaking, that guy you face up to can come back at night with an automobile and put you out of business." The speaker was a member of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of New England who suggested that taking a tough line against the incidence of golf course vandalism and trespassing is an invitation to potential disaster. He may be right. Consider the nightmare a golf course superintendent and his assistant experienced this spring at a public course in the Bronx. What has been termed a life-threatening situation occurred when the two were attacked by 16 teenagers who had been chased off the golf course after illegal entry and a physical confrontation with the assistant. Both were beaten with golf clubs, fists and feet. The superintendent suffered multiple contusions and abrasions, his assistant came out of the attack with a broken elbow. It happened in New York. And, yes, it could happen here. In fact, one locallybased superintendent had himself suckerpunched on his home grounds for simply approaching a trespasser with the intent of seeking his identity. Instead, he was hit with a haymaker temporarily dazing him. When he looked up, his attacker had vanished. What makes vandals and trespassers tick? Why are they determined to tear up greens and sneak on the course without legal right to use its facilities? "It's the sign of the times," one superintendent offered. "We're living in a society where the younger generation has a problem with its sense of values. A portion of that generation has no regard for personal property or authority. Those are the people we're dealing with." "That's a joke," another superintendent added. "We're almost to the point where we know we can't do anything about bringing criminal action against these people because of our judicial system. Once you catch someone breaking the law on golf course property and finally get him or her to court, the best you can hope for is a slap on the wrist. It's not worth the effort." Some superintendents actually live in fear of confronting that "certain" person who might go "haywire" after being caught in the act of vandalizing or trespassing, or both. A superintendent, whose course has been a frequent target of these culprits, has decided not to pursue challenging them beyond polite inquiry. "I know that there are gangs around the area who are looking for more trouble than just getting their kicks tearing up a green or smashing a ball washer," he told. "Some of these guys want you to challenge them and set up a physical confrontation. They're just dying for a fight. "Actually, I've come close to getting into it with some guys who had wandered Continued on page 2 page 2 — LOOK THE OTHER WAY Cont.from page 1 r onto the course looking for some 'action'. I could only see a couple of them and when I started toward them, I could hear someone else in the bushes saying, 'let's jump him'. That's all I had to hear. That's as far as I went. I just turned around and got the hell out of there. I don't pretend to be a hero." Apparently, that super's not alone. Others, reporting near-scrapes with vandals and trespassers who suddenly multiply into gangs of 10 or more when the confrontation heat's turned up, carry similar attitudes into the added responsibility of policing the golf course. So, sad to say, there doesn't seem to be any solution to the problem of controlling the growing incidence of vandalism and trespassing. Sad to say, too, the situation seems headed toward a dead end where the golf course superintendent's recourse is to "live with the problem". It goes without saying, then, that recourse is the saddest part of all... saddest while being the sanest. What a revolting development. GERRY FINN 'B dated sympathy to Joseph 'Butler & family on the death of his wife. J7oe is retired from the United Shoe Q.C. (noiu called'Beverly C.C.) and Joe served as tPresident of the gCSWMT, in 1963 & 1964. PRESIDENT Richard Zepp, CGCS 27 F o w l e r Rd. N o r t h b r i d g e MA 0 1 5 3 4 Home Phone 508-234-8490 Office Phone 508-234-2533 Club Affiliation W h i f i n s v i l l e G.C. VICE PRESIDENT Paul M i l l e r , C G C S 1 L e i c e s t e r Rd M a r b l e h e a d M A 01945 Home Phone 617-631-7910 Office Phone 508-369-5704 Club Affiliation N a s h a w t u c C.C SECRETARY The Super Speaks Out Welcome to The Super Speaks Out—a monthly feature which offers the golf course superintendent a forum to express his or her views on topics and issues relating to their profession. This month's question: With vandalism, trespassing and other illegalforays on the golf course on the rise, what has been your experience with them and how do you deal with them? Tom Schofield, Wellesley Country club: "Unfortunately, in some environments the golf course has become a place where you go to raise hell and Wellesley just happens to be one of those places. "Here, vandalism and all the other things that go with it is one of the unpredictables. One year we may get caught up in a rash of incidents, another we're hit with the little things we've come to accept as annoyances. "I can remember golf seasons when the financial loss from theft of equipment and damage to the course ran as high as $9,000. That's a high-water mark, though, but any form of vandalism is costly because of the effect it may have on the golf course superintendent. "We're located in the middle of a risk area since there's a high school and two colleges nearby. In most cases that's the age group we're concerned with in regard to vandalism. "Most clubs look to the superintendent to police the golf course even though everyone who plays it, supposedly goes through the pro shop before starting their rounds. So, we're stuck with keeping trespassers off the course. "In this day and age that can be a testy job. Usually, people who don't belong on the course arrive in numbers, sometimes S t e p h e n A. C h i a v a r o l i . CGCS 100 A i r p o r t Dr. W o r c e s t e r , MA 0 1 6 0 2 Home Phone 508-752-0031 Office Phone 508-791-5373 Club Affiliation Tatnuck C.C. TREASURER Thomas Schofield, CGCS 290 N o r t h Rd S u d b u r y , MA 01776 Home Phone 508-443-3712 Office Phone 617-235-2487 Club Affiliation Wellesley C.C, TRUSTEE in packs. Therefore, you have to be careful about the possibility of physical retaliation when you're literally playing the part of the cop on the beat. "So far, I haven't had any personal experience as far as physical exchanges go. Most of the time the trespassers turn on their heels and leave. Maybe I've been lucky. Regardless, there doesn't seem to be much we as supers can do about the problem other than to keep our cools when confronting trespassers or vandals and hope that sometime they'll grow out of whatever it is that influences that kind of behavior." Norm Mucciarone, Woodland Country Club: "So far so good this season but remember this is early June (time of interview) and graduating parties are right around the corner. "That's when these people (vandals, trespassers) seem to be most active. What do they do? "Well, they pull the regular tricks— steal flags, scratch initials in greens with those big nails on the ends of trap rakes, drive cars over the greens, steal anything that isn't secured and try to get away with sneaking on the course to play. "I make no bones about who they are either. Most of them are students from Harvard, BU and BC. They have a lot of nerve, too. Heck, I've seen them drive into the club parking lot and march to the first tee as if they were paid-up members. They're not hard to recognize. "One of the big drawbacks here is our location, right near Riverside. That's the last stop on the MBTA line and that's the route some of our 'visitors' take when they're in the mood to create some excitement and thrills. We've put up fences around the course and it discourages some of them. However, if they really want to get inside the grounds, they find a way. "In that case, I confront them with a warning that I'll call the police if they don't get out. If that doesn't work, I call Continued on page 3 Kip Tyler, C G C S P.O. B o x 6 7 1 Peabody, MA 01960 Home Phone 508-745-8089 Office Phone 508-532-2236 Club Affiliation Salem C.C. TRUSTEE C h a r l e s T. Passios, C G C S 218 C a m e l b a c k Rd M a r s t o n M i l l s , MA 0 2 6 4 8 Home Phone 508-420-3210 Office Phone 508-775-5116 Club Affiliation Hyannisport Club TRUSTEE Edward L Brearly 189 M a t f i e l d S t . W. B r i d g e w a t e r , M A 0 2 3 7 9 Home Phone 508-584-6568 Office Phone 508-588-8439 Club Affiliation B r o c k t o n C.C. THE SUPER Cont.from page 2 for help. There's no way I'm going to get into a physical hassle over this." Bob Mucciarone, Dedham Polo & Country Club: "I think I've come up with the all-time vandal—the guy who came in here and cut himself a Christmas tree eight years in a row. That's low life stuff. I mean it. "What gets me is that the same guy must be wired into my office. This year I was determined to catch him so I hired a high school kid to watch for him. He did it for three weeks, too, and the guy never showed. Come on, huh? "The regular vandals pull the familiar stuff—like riding over greens and stealing everything in sight. The extremes run from coming right into the club and stealing furniture to stealing the club flag. That's so bad we run the flag up a cable instead of a rope. "Even with all that going on, I've come up with a counter attack—my dog, Abergail. Don't let the name fool you. She's half-Doberman and half-German sheppard and mean as they come-uh, with strangers, of course. When I can let her loose, vandals and trespassers take themselves on a hike out of here. "However, I have to keep her under control so she won't bother our members. She's also getting old and slowing down. Therefore, I have to rely on personal confrontation with the people who get their kicks sneaking on and wrecking the golf course. It's a problem all right—a problem that won't go away." Scott Reynolds, Charles River Country Club: "This (telephone call) is a coincidence. Only two nights ago I really got hit and this time they even left their calling card—'Class of 1989'. "Damage? They ripped out a water cooler, tore up a ball washer and took every yardage marker they get could their hands on. And to top it all off, they snapped a Japanese maple. That loss alone will run between four and five hundred dollars. "Vandalism really is extensive here, probably because we 're really exposed so to speak. Two neighborhood streets run FINANCE Paul J a m r o g CHAIRMAN Box 642, S i l v e r w o o d T e r r a c e S. H a d l e y , M A 0 1 0 7 5 Home Phone 413-538-7567 Office Phone 413-536-4195 Club Affiliation The Orchards G.C. GOLF CHAIRMAN Robert DiRico 185 H e m e n w a y S t . M a r l b o r o , MA 01752 Home Phone 508-485-2605 Office Phone 617-244-0680 Club Affiliation Brae B u r n C.C. EDUCATIONAL through the course, so we're virtually at the mercy of a lot of mixed up people. "I've seen it all, even a six-wheel truck that crashed through trees to get at the greens. There's even evidence that someone's been fooling around with pipe bombs. It's so bad I had to go to court once when there was $9,800 worth of damage to fairways and greens. That was an inconvenience that upset my maintenance schedule and had me running around in circles. "There's really not much we can do about things like that, other than to catch the vandals and hope the courts can make examples of them. As for trespassers, I just try to be diplomatic confronting them. So far it's worked. I'haven't experienced any physical threats. But that's the only thing I can be relieved about. It's crazy." GERRY FINN The annual University of Rhode Island Turfgrass Field Day will be held on Wednesday, August 30, 1989 at the Turfgrass Research Farm Plains Road, Kingston, RI 02881. For information contact: Dr. C.R. Skogley Plant Sciences Department Woodward Hall Kingston, RI 02881 -POSITION OPENINGS- Perry Hollow Golf & Country Club Wolfboro, New Hampshire New 18 hole golf course presently under construction—Cornish & Silva design Contact: Mr. Roland Bernier, Perry Hollow Golf & C.C., RFD 1, Middleton Road, Wolfboro, NH 03894, (603) 569-2387 Assistant Superintendent Charles River C.C. Contact: Scott Reynolds, (617) 244-7741 CHAIRMAN R o n a l d E. M i l e n s k i , C G C S 65 R o c k y P o n d Rd. P r i n c e t o n , MA 01541 Home Phone 508-464-5312 Office Phone 508-779-6911 Club Affiliation The International NEWSLETTER CHAIRMAN Ronald Kirkman 25 G r e e n S t . N e e d h a m . MA 02192 Home Phone 617-444-8412 Office Phone 617-444-5548 Club Affiliation Needham C.C. PAST PRESIDENT David Barber. CGCS 145 D e d h a m S t . C a n t o n , MA 02021 Home Phone 617-828-7266 Office Phone 617-828-6540 Club Affiliation Blue Hill C.C. - Page 3 Tournament Results Willowbend Club - 1st Gross Eastward Ho C.C., Brian Cowan, Doug Bohey, Ray Foster, Bob Hussey 2nd Gross Woods Hole G.C., Tom Flaherty, Larry McDonald, Bill Newton, David Chapman 1st Net Sky Meadow C.C.„ Doug Johnson, Rich Gaisel, Mike Capatino, Gary DiNardo 2nd Net Franklin C.C., Gary Luccini, Richard Armstrong, John Padula, Neico Luccini 3rd Net Thomey Lea C.C., Joe Rybka, John Tosca, John Finnigan, John Blomstrom 4th Net Hatherly C.C., Rich Caughey, John Bellenger, Ken Chisholm, Don Beale 5th Net Needham G.C., Ron Kirkman, Paul Carey, Jim Cotter, Doug Williams 6th Net Woodland C.C., Norm Mucciarone, J. Degnam, P. Ochs, M. Corrigan 7th Net Heritage Hills G.C., Charlie Dickow, Ru Garrity, Brian Clean, Norm Brastow Long Drive Tom Columbo Closest to Pin #2 Steve Murphy Closest to Pin #10 Alex Manoccohi Tournament Results Twin Hill C.C 1st Gross Jack Hassett, Joe Rybka, Norman Mucciarone, Bob Brown 1st Net Paul Jamrog, Bob DiRico, Gary Luccini, Bob Johnston 2nd Net Larry Bunn, Bob Johnston, Leroy Allen, Ron Kirkman Nearest to Pin Mike Cornicelli I n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d in this p u b l i c a t i o n may be used freely, in w h o l e or in part, w i t h o u t special permission as long as the true c o n t e x t is m a i n t a i n e d . We w o u l d appreciate a credit line. Please patronize FRIENDS OF THE ASSOCIATION Agway Inc. Greg Moore Rep. Box 507 Sterling, MA Fertilizer, Seed, Chemicals 800-225-CROP (MA) 617-422-7614 Allen Lawnmower Co., Inc. 197 Main St., Agawam, MA 01001 Professional Turf Equip.-Ransomes/ Bobcat, Salsco, Hustler, Tractors Albert S. McLean, Territory Rep. Eugene S. McLean, Sales Manager Baker Golf Cars 40 Walker Street Swansea, MA 02777 508-379-0092 Sales Rep. Ray Chadwick Sales Rep. Paul Littlejohn Bartlett Tree Experts Tree Maintenance, Fertilization and Consulting 153 Rumford Avenue Newton, MA 02166 Carl DeSimone (617) 969-5990 T h e Bordon Company Maynard, MA Tel: 508-897-2571 Sales Rep. Jack Borden Bulk Limestone Dealer Boston Irrigation Company Dedham, MA John Ramey - Paul Kenyon, 617-461-1560 Robin Hayes, 617-477-4423 Distributor of Irrigation Supplies and Accessories C & J Equipment, Inc. 188 Main Street Wilmington, MA 01887 John Deere Golf & Turf Equipment 508-658-2022 Eric Oman, Bill Kemp, Kevin O'Donnell 'Geoffrey S. Cornish & Brian Silva Golf Course Architects Fiddlers Green, Amherst, MA 01002 Elanco Products Company Stephen C. Dolinak 31 Old Town Trail Narragansett, Rl 02882 401-789-9017 Gold Star Sod Farms, Inc. Sod & Pine Bark Mulch Canterbury, N.H. 603-783-4717 Lexington, MA 617-861-1111 Grasnway Irrigation Company Irrigation, Drainage, Wire Laying P.O. Box 8157 East Lynn, MA 01904 John Murphy 617-595-3010 Steve Murphy 617-598-6917 Hammond & Tilton, Inc. P.O. Box 30, Exit 35W off I95 Fairfield, ME 04937 Tel: (207) 453-7131 John Deere Golf & Turf Equipment -Contact: Gary Hammond The Charles C. Hart Seed Co. Weathersfield. Conn. Bob Kennedy, Rep., Roy Sibley, Rep. Holliston Sand Co. Inc. Lowland Street Holliston, MA 01746 Sand for Topdressing & Bunkers International Golf Const. Co. Antonios Paganis, Rep. 5 Purcell Rd„ Arlington, MA 02174 Golf Course Construction 617-648-2351 or 508-428-3022 "Tom Irwin, Inc. 11 B A St., Burlington, MA Jack Peterson Dennis Friel Phone:617-938-1751 Wayne Ripley Larchmont Eng. & Irrig. Co. Larchmont Lane Lexington, MA 02173 617-862-2550 Country Club Enterprises, Inc. Club Car Golf Cars Carryalls/Utility Cars P.O. Box 400 W. Falmouth, MA 02574 508-563-2284 •Lasco Inc. 20005 Lake Road Rocky River, OH 44116 Ron Tumiski, Rep., Mike Donahue, Rep. 800-825-3726 Chester Drake & Sons, Ins. 222 Walnut Street Framingham, MA 01701 Golf Course Construction 508-875-7929 •Loft's Seed 20 Beck Road Arlington, MA 02174 Victoria Wallace, Rep. wrTHE \ NEWSLETTER RONALD W. KIRKMAN Newsletter Editor KIP TYLER CGCS Associate Editor THOMAS SCHOFIELD CGCS Business Manager GERRY FINN Contributing Editor Tha Magovern Co., Inc. 27 Lawnacre Road Windsor Locks, CT 06096 Tel.: 800-243-7718 or 203-623-2508 Lew Varga, Rep. *D.L. Maher Box 127, Concord Street N. Reading, MA 01864 Mobay Chemical Co. Greg Ellis 67 Primrose Drive Warwick, Rl 02818 R.F. Morse & Sons Inc. W. Wareham, MA 02576 508-295-1553 Larry Anshewitz, Rep. Jack Cronin, Rep. "Nardone Sand & Gravel Co. Inc. 37 Power Road Westford, MA 01886 508-692-8221 Specializing in Topdressing Sand Nor-Am Chemical Co. Wilmington, Delaware David Sylvester, Rep. 203-828-8905 Norfolk Power Equip., Inc. 194 Main Street Norfolk, MA 02056 508-528-3120 Don Reynolds, Rep. Sawtella Bros. 65 Glenn Street Lawrence, MA 01843 508-682-9296 Scotts Pro-Turf Div. Allan Cumps 413-253-5226, Regional Director Rep. Scott Brown 413-245-6038 Rep. Richard Forni 413-534-8896 Stormy Acres Putting green quality sod grown on a fumigated sand base West Haven, Vermont 05743 Kevin Gun, 802-265-3046 Tuckahoe Turf Farms Inc. Exeter, R.I. Litchfield, N.H. West Suffield, CT 800-556-6985 Largest Producer of Penncross in New England Owen Regan •Turf Products Corp. 7 Coppage Drive Worcester, MA 01603 508-791.-2091 T u r f Specialty Inc. 60 Merrimac Street Hooksett, N.H. 03106 Turf & Ornamental Supplies 1-800-228-6656 Ken Turner, Kevin Lyons, Dave Schermerhorn, Ed Wiacek Old Fox Chemical Inc. Philip Wogan Fertilizers-Seeds-Turf-Chemicals Golf Course Architect 66 Valley Street 17 Walker Road E. Providence, R.I. 02914 Topsfield, MA 01983 Partac Golf Course Top Dressing Kelsey Park Great Meadows, N.J. 07838 Jim Kelsey, 1-800-247-2326 P.I.E. Supply Co. Dedicated to sales and service of quality irrigation equipment. (203) 878-0658 John Lensing (401) 246-0864 for your irrigation needs. Read Sand & Gravel, Inc. 171 VFW Drive, Rockland, MA 02370 Top Dressing Loam; Sand, concrete and brick: Stone, crushed, washed, colored; Same day service, Saturday deliveries. John A. Moon, Sales Manager (617) 878-2955 "Contributors to the Troll-Dickinson Scholarship Fund Return to: R O N A L D W. K I R K M A N 25 G R E E N S T R E E T N E E D H A M , MA 02192 FIRST CLASS First Class Mail U.S. POSTAGE PAID Boston, MA Permit No. 52848